briancampbell0706 · 5 months
The Science Behind Lines and Wrinkles on the Human Face ?
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As we gracefully age, our skin undergoes natural changes, and lines and wrinkles become more pronounced. Understanding the science behind lines and wrinkles on the human face is crucial for those seeking effective treatments to address these signs of aging. In the United Kingdom, advanced solutions like Exilis for wrinkles have gained popularity, offering non-invasive and efficient options.
Exilis for Wrinkles: A Cutting-Edge Solution: Exilis is a state-of-the-art technology that utilizes radiofrequency energy to target and stimulate collagen production in the skin. Collagen, a protein responsible for skin elasticity and firmness, tends to diminish with age, leading to the formation of wrinkles. Exilis for under eye wrinkles is particularly popular due to its precision in targeting delicate areas.
Skin Tightening Treatment for a Youthful Glow: Skin tightening treatments play a vital role in addressing the effects of aging. These procedures aim to boost collagen and elastin production, resulting in firmer and more elastic skin. Clinics offering skin treatments in the United Kingdom often provide innovative solutions like Exilis, known for its ability to deliver noticeable skin tightening effects.
Skin Care Laser Clinics: Personalized Consultation for Effective Solutions: Visiting a skin care laser clinic is the first step towards understanding your skin’s unique needs. Reputable clinics, such as those in Berkshire, offer personalized skin consultation to assess your concerns and recommend tailored treatments. These consultations help determine whether Exilis, skin peels, IPL skin rejuvenation, or other advanced treatments are most suitable for your skin type and concerns.
Berkshire Aesthetics: Elevating Your Skin Care Experience: For individuals in the United Kingdom seeking smoother skin and effective anti-aging solutions, Berkshire Aesthetics clinics provide a range of advanced treatments. From laser face treatments to Exilis for wrinkles, these clinics prioritize delivering results while ensuring a comfortable and safe experience.
In conclusion, the science behind lines and wrinkles involves understanding collagen loss and finding innovative solutions like Exilis. Choosing reputable skin care laser clinics in Berkshire ensures access to cutting-edge treatments, leading to a rejuvenated and youthful complexion.
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botoxcliniclondon1 · 27 days
Discovering Skin Rejuvenation in Berkshire and Oxfordshire: Expertise from The Good Skin Club and More
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The desire for flawless and healthy skin causes people to search for many options that include treatment options for skin rejuvenation that are that are available in places like Berkshire and Oxfordshire. Clinics that are considered to be experts like The Good Skin Club, are leading the way with their range of treatments to rejuvenate your skin and skincare solutions.
Skin rejuvenation procedures are created to treat a range of issues, which include the effects of aging, such as sun damage as well as uneven skin tone and problems with texture. Within Berkshire and Oxfordshire clinics that concentrate on treatments for skin, like The Good Skin Club and other highly-regarded establishments, provide a range of non-invasive, minimally invasive treatments that are designed to increase and restore the condition and appearance of your skin.
Good Skin Club, exemplifying its expertise in rejuvenating skin offers treatments such as chemical peels, laser treatments microdermabrasion, and other treatments for the skin. The treatments are targeted to treat particular skin conditions and boost collagen production, enhancing the appearance of the skin and promoting an attractive, youthful appearance.
Berkshire and Oxfordshire clinics are focused on customized treatments for skin and frequently have lengthy consultations before proposing solutions. Consultations allow dermatologists to assess your skin as well as concerns and devise treatments to will meet the patients' needs regarding their skin and needs.
Furthermore, the options for skin care are also available within Berkshire along with Oxfordshire are built on security, together trained professionals who adhere to strict safety protocols throughout the process. Clinics are committed to providing top-quality and safe treatments, ensuring patients get the desirable results with the least risk.
Skin rejuvenation treatments provided by clinics within Berkshire as well as Oxfordshire are often praised with glowing reviews, as well testimonials from satisfied customers, demonstrating their dedication to excellence, the knowledge and the remarkable payoff of treatments for skin care.
Alongside the treatments for clinical use, dermatologists from Berkshire and Oxfordshire might insist on regular skin care routines and home care routines. The suggestions for a customized skincare routine which include the right products and routines for skincare specific to the specific skin type of each individual help maintain healthy skin while prolonging the effectiveness of the treatments at our clinic.
The attraction is that this method of revitalizing your skin is for people who reside in Berkshire and Oxfordshire goes beyond conventional treatments and covers holistic solutions for treating the skin. Organizations such as The Good Skin Club and trusted clinics in these areas provide advice on modifications to your lifestyle, and the importance of sun protection as well as general nutrition methods for complete healthy skin.
At the end of the day, Berkshire and Oxfordshire's skincare landscape, as demonstrated by well-established clinics like The Good Skin Club, offers a range of treatments to rejuvenate your skin and customized solutions for skin care. The areas are focused on professionalism, security and quality. They also aim to provide satisfaction of clients by giving them access to the latest treatments and a complete regimen of skin care. The desire to actually achieve healthy, glowing skin is the reason for the attraction and efficacy of rejuvenation therapies for the skin of Berkshire as well as Oxfordshire.
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hooksea43-blog · 4 years
Cryotag Skin Tag eliminator.
Warts & Moles.
wish To Know a Lot More about Hifu Non
recuperating From a Face Lift.
Industrial Gases.
The physicians Laser clinic.
Carer's allowance.
You need to make sure that your face is still very swollen. The facial lift will not be effective if there is not enough room for the incision to be made. You should rest your face and neck in a sling for at least a few days after the procedure. Most people feel some swelling or bruising immediately following the facelift procedure.
Patients who suffer from severe scars should discuss the option of having their facelift reversed with their doctor. Many surgeons will perform this surgery on patients who do not have obvious signs of recurrence, but those who have a larger area where the scar has formed will often need to have their facelift repeated. If you have an area of your body where you would like to have a facelift, talk to your surgeon about whether you should go ahead with your procedure. or ask your doctor for advice.
If LipoFreeze2U.co.uk’s offering is very visible the plastic surgeon may remove the scar with a laser. However, if you do not have any visible scars then a normal filler may be used. The new skin is stitched onto the scar and stitched to the original skin.
need To Know a Lot More concerning Hifu Non
Is Cryoskin FDA approved?
Is Cryoskin 2.0 FDA approved? No. But we are working on it.
Your diet and stress level will need to be monitored after the facelift. This is because your body is healing and your mind needs to also recover. You should take some pain medication to ease the pain.
recovering From a Facelift.
Industrial Gases.
A patient's skin is then reattached to the bones under the skin and a series of different exercises are performed. The first exercise involves placing the patient's hand above their head and holding it there. They will move their hand from left to right in a slow motion, and this is followed by holding their hand to the back of the skull.
Dr Shirin is a truly kind, straight and really helpful individual.
It's terrific to know that somebody of her proficiency is conveniently accessible to everyone.
Not only is it extremely tastefully done out however also spotlessly tidy.
Her technique and also her treatment has definitely raised my confidence in her work and also in myself and also has enhanced my way of life.
And also I was not disappointed, they were impressive as well as my skin felt impressive as well.
Dr Shirin, her team as well as the Elite Facility are very expert in all elements consisting of the aftercare service.
The plastic surgeon will monitor the progress of the facelift during the first couple of weeks after the procedure. hifu berkshire will check your skin for any redness and swelling and inflammation. He will also check your blood sugar levels and look at your lungs for fluid. These are signs that your body is recovering from the surgery.
The physicians Laser center.
Recovery time is very important. The surgeon will take measurements of your head and hands to see how long it will take to recover and how long you will have to stay in bed. He will advise you on the best way for you to heal. to avoid unnecessary stress during this time.
Has anyone died from cryotherapy?
Cryotherapy is very rarely deadly, but that doesn't make it inherently safe, either. And Ake-Salvacion's death is bringing to light some of its risks.
A facelift, also known as a trichotillomaniaectomy, is an invasive form of plastic surgery that can change the look of your face in a short period of time. There are several different plastic surgery procedures and exercises involved. Before you get the facelift you should decide what you want to accomplish. There are usually two types of facelift: open and closed.
Carer's allocation.
There are several advantages to having your facelastic band reversed, as opposed to having the procedure performed as a full face lift, such as a new angle is created. When a person has their face lifted the face may appear to droop and sag slightly, as the skin can be stretched to a different length and shape. A facelift on the other hand, which is a whole body procedure, will not allow the skin to be pulled apart too far, giving your face a better appearance.
Can you peel off seborrheic keratosis?
If seborrheic keratoses are treated, it's usually for cosmetic reasons. About 90% of the time I freeze them off. The procedure is similar to wart removal, but quicker. They can be scraped (curettage) or shaved off with a special cutting instrument.
The second step involves using a microkeratome to create an illusion of a younger, more plump-looking appearance for the patient's skin. Collagen and elastin mixture is injected into the area to be injected and then a thin layer of skin is taken off and placed over the collagen. Finally, a silicone or plastic filler is applied to make the area look more youthful.
You will be instructed to shave your face every day for at least six days after the facelift surgery. This can be very difficult if your face is very sensitive. After shaving the face you must go back to the surgeon's office and remove the skin that has been removed in the facelift procedure. It may be very painful but it will need to be done.
Does cryotherapy help you sleep?
Exposing your body to extremely cold temperatures in the whole body cryotherapy chamber will help diffuse inflammation and pain in the body, which will make you less restless while you sleep at night. Cryotherapy can also benefit your sleep patterns because it creates positive hormone responses in your body.
The next exercise is to tighten the muscles under the skin. This is achieved by moving the patient's fingers underneath their skin and applying more pressure to their muscles than is normally applied during a regular facelift. Finally, the patient is gently stretched outwards and held in this position.
The final stage of the procedure is to use the elastic band to lift the skin is positioned underneath the skin of the neck. This results in a flatter appearance to the area, which is more attractive to the eye. The skin has also been tightened and smoothed in this process and is now much lighter and thinner. The elastic band is then tightened under the skin and the excess skin is removed to make the face appear more even.
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A skilled cosmetic surgeon can perform a facelift as an outpatient procedure, meaning that patients will return to the doctor's office the day after their procedure. However, it is important that the patient comes in for their next procedure immediately after the first, to prevent scarring from occurring. This procedure also allows them to return to work and other everyday activities much sooner than if they had gone straight to the hospital. This type of procedure is a very safe procedure, which has been proven to have no ill effect on people, so it is not recommended for people who are suffering from diabetes or certain types of cancer.
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Once you are home, you will have to stay in bed for at least a week after the surgery to allow the stitches to heal. This process can take weeks. The best way to get through this process is to follow the doctor's instructions closely.
Can cryotherapy kill viruses?
In cryotherapy, plant pathogens such as viruses, phytoplasmas and bacteria are eradicated from shoot tips by exposing them briefly to liquid nitrogen.
The elastic band used underneath the skin of the neck is not the same type of band that is used on the facial skin of the head; however, the same techniques are used. to stretch out the skin and create a flatter appearance.
Does skin itch after cryotherapy?
During the procedure, you may feel some stinging, burning, or itching sensations. After cryosurgery, the treated area will be swollen, sore, and red. After the skin has been frozen with liquid nitrogen, a blister will form underneath the lesion.
Obagi Blue radiance Skin Peel.
The surgical technique includes a procedure called the 'trapezotomy' which involves removing the facial skin to the area around the eye. This procedure leaves the skin looking smoother and tighter. The other procedure used is called the 'mini-truelift', which involves using micro-keratome or other cutting tools to remove the top skin layers and to make it more visible.
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cptnsantiago · 5 years
right now, i want you here with me
summary: She appears in his dreams every night. Jake dreams of what future they could have had. Their planned cheap honeymoon to the Berkshires, waking up next to his wife every day for the rest of their lives, starting a family. 
read on ao3
The first thing Jake notes in loud consistent beeps, then bright light shining through his eyelids and a harsh pain in his side. He opens his eyes and closes them immediately. It’s too bright and everything is beginning to hurt as he continues to wake up.
Jake feels a hand fall to his knees softly and slowly he peels his eyes open. His own mother’s face comes into focus, and she’s crying. Relief or grief he can’t tell. Victor then comes into view, and he’s holding Camila as she begins to sob loudly.
“Mom?” Jake croaks, “What happened?”
But he doesn’t need her to answer as he squeezes his eyes shut and flashes appear of Amy in her sweats on their wedding day with a nicotine patch on her forehead, and Teddy proposing to her again . He remembers the relief of Teddy announcing there was no bomb after they arrested Dario Moretti. He sees her in her wedding dress, performing his rap vows and her heartfelt words. Then -- loud bangs, building collapsing, fire and finally darkness.
“Amy- Is she okay?” Jake attempts to sit up but pain begins to shoot up his chest and he grimaces.
“Jake…” Karen takes a shaky breath before, “You’ve been in a coma for 3 weeks. Th-there was a bomb, it was smaller so the bomb squad didn’t find it, I guess. A-and they searched the building over and over again but…”
“They found traces of her but they couldn’t find her body…” Karen swallows, “I’m so sorry Jakey…”
Darkness returns quickly.
He doesn’t remember when he wakes up next but he feels nothing but pain. Jake can’t figure out if it’s physical pain or the fact that he’s a widower now. Is he? The bomb went off right as they were about to kiss as husband and wife. They had just gotten married.
Jake can feel his chest tightening and the tears are burning again. His mom is quick to be by his side and she’s asking how he is. He can’t just accept that his wife is gone. “What evidence was at the venue mom?”
“Jake…” Karen sits by him, taking his hand but he pulls away quick.
“What if Dario took her somehow or somebody else?” Jake doesn’t care about the physical pain anymore and he sits up, “I’m a detective I can find her.”
“Jake your squad has been working day and night on it…” Karen explains, “They even looked into Teddy and anyone who knows Dario. But no leads.”
“I haven’t tried yet. One more mind is sometimes all you need to crack a case!” Jake pleads, “Please just ask Holt to bring the case file.”
“They gave it to major crimes and it’s been marked a cold case.” His mom begins to cry quietly as she takes his hand and he begins to shake his head fiercely again.
“This is fucking stupid! They just gave up! This is Amy! How can they just give up?!” Jake is shouting and crying now, and suddenly Holt runs into the room just as Jake is trying to get out of bed. Holt has to push him down to the bed as Karen calls for a nurse. “How can you give up on her Holt? She can’t be gone, she can’t be-”
“I’m sorry Jake.” Holt is crying with him and he’s holding Jake as close as he possibly can without hurting him, “I am so sorry.”
As Amy’s empty casket is lowered into the ground - Jake can say he feels like the world feels like it’s ending. He’s felt like that ever since he woke up. His body healed and yet he was in pain every day. He just knew he would never be truly happy again.
She appears in his dreams every night. Jake dreams of what future they could have had. Their planned cheap honeymoon to the Berkshires, waking up next to his wife every day for the rest of their lives, starting a family.
But Amy is dead. He gets to do none of that with her. Jake is alone.
Amy wakes up alone in a dark hospital room. It’s dark outside as well; and she tries to survey her surroundings but her body is stiff. Her leg is in a cast and she can feel the skin on her bandaged arm burning very slightly. She groans as she turns her head to her right and she spots her boyfriend asleep in the loveseat.
“Teddy…” She croaks, throat.
Teddy responds in an instant and jumps from the couch to the space next to her. “Oh Amy thank God you’re awake.”
“Where am I? What happened?” Amy slowly sits herself up with Teddy’s help. “I don’t remember anything…”
“Uh, we’re in hospital. There was a fire.” Teddy begins, “I was…- Maybe I should get the doctor.”
Teddy stands up but Amy pulls him back down. Injured or not - Amy is strong. “Our house caught on fire. I was out on an errand run and most of the house was on fire when I got home and the firefighters were already there and they... they… You were unconscious and burnt and it was so scary Amy.”
She glances down at their hands and sees the rings on both their left hands. “So we lost our home? Did we have any pets or?”
“No. And no kids yet.” Teddy stands up again, “I need to know… What’s the last thing you remember?”
“Um… well… I was helping Jake with a case against, uh what was his name…” Amy closes her eyes, “Lucas Wint, that’s his name.”
“What year is it Ames?” Teddy asks with a desperate look in his eyes.
“Uhm, March 2014?”
“Oh Amy…” Teddy sighs sadly.
“What year is it?” Amy feels panic rising in her body when he doesn’t respond for a while, “Teddy, you’re scaring me!”
“It’s 2018.” Teddy sighs, “I was so afraid of this happening.”
“It’s 2018…” She takes a deep breath, trying to remain calm, “4 years…”
“I should really get the doctor.”
Amy is alone for a few minutes while Teddy finds their doctor. She begins to try and process everything that she has been told since she woke up. Teddy and her are married, or at least engaged. The ring is beautiful, she didn’t think Teddy would be anything so beautiful and suiting for her. He just didn’t have the eye for that stuff; he’s a brilliant detective but he always struggled with his style choices.
She doesn’t remember anything about the past 4 years but looking at the ring on her finger she can’t help but be pleased that it worked out with Teddy. When the doctor -  a relative of Teddy is seems, Dr. Wells - the information overloads her brain to a point where it’s throbbing and she wants to go back to sleep. Third degree burns, fractured leg in two spots, concussion - and he informs her that her baby is miraculously doing well despite the trauma.
“Baby? Amy’s pregnant?” Teddy sounds as shocked as she feels. He did mention that they didn’t have kids yet - but she’s glad he didn’t know either.
“Yes, congratulations you two. It’s truly a miracle that it survived the accident.” The doctor continues to rattle on about her due date, vitamins, her recovery and how he wants to keep a close eye on her to make sure the baby develops well.
She’s still trying to wrap her head around forgetting 4 years of her life and now she has to think about creating a pregnancy binder. It’s too much for her and she asks to go back to sleep.
When she wakes up again, she feels nauseous. It only gets worse as Teddy fills her in on more information of what she’s missed. It’s the beginning of June, they’ve been married for 3 years, Amy got a job offer in Boston so they had just moved there, and there’s so much more and she’s writing it all down so her head doesn’t explode.
“Where are my parents…?” Amy asks, “They haven’t been here to see me…”
“Oh Amy…” Teddy sighs dramatically, “I’m so sorry you have to go through this again…”
“What? What happened to my parents?”
“Your dad had a heart attack about 10 months ago, and your mom… Well, you know that thing where people die of a broken heart? Yeah, her heart gave out a few months later…” He’s in her space to comfort her now and she gladly accepts it as her head began to throb at this news.
“My parents are dead?” Her voice is quiet and weak, it’s quickly becoming too much for her to handle once again. “Please leave Teddy.”
“Amy I-”
“Teddy! I’ve had enough of this! I just need a moment.” She almost screams, her breath is coming up short. Amy manages to ground herself after a few moments after remembering she’s pregnant and the baby probably needs oxygen.
Their baby that she doesn’t remember discussing in the 3 years of marriage she’s lost. Sure the doctor said that her memory might come back slowly, and that therapy would help her with that. Amy will do anything to get back to normal, but she has to also stay stress free.
She can’t call her mom or dad for help. Her brothers are emotionally stupid as far as she remembers. Teddy is trying his best, but she needs to speak to someone.
Amy doesn’t know why she thinks to call him. They were never super close - becoming decent friends after their bet ended. But were they close enough to call him and tell him how she’s feeling? Does she tell him that she feels like she’s suffocating - that it’s 2018 and she doesn’t remember that she’s married to Teddy and pregnant with his child , that she’s been working in Boston for months and that Donald fucking Trump is president.
She doesn’t have her number on her phone but she worked with him so much that she had to memorise his number. It rings, and rings and rings. But then she’s greeted by an automated voice telling her that the number has been disconnected.
The sadness that envelopes her is inexplicable but there. She doesn’t know how long it’s been since she’s seen him, but she misses him and nothing makes sense.
Jake gets his hands on the case file. For months, he studies over what was left at the scene. Her DNA was everywhere and there was no clear trace of her but not physical evidence that she could have burnt to death. There’s no trace or hints at their apartment. He’s gone over surveillance footage for hours in numerous areas around their wedding venue - he hasn’t slept and barely eats.
He’s required to go back to work after a few months. He’s put on desk duty and is required to go to therapy once a week. The entire squad tries to keep his spirits up as best they can; he loves them for this and he’s lucky to have such a great support behind him. Jake eventually feels like he’s getting to a point where he’s functioning properly and his therapist approves him for field duty.
Jake gets back into cases. He still doesn’t eat much or sleep a lot. Jake shows up to events, like Nikolaj’s birthday and Shaws for Gina’s farewell party. His life begins to go back to normal in a sense - he makes stupid jokes again and he goes out with his friends.
He continues to live in the apartment he shared with Amy - he doesn’t change anything and it feels so empty. On a nightly basis he can’t escape that Amy is gone and he has nightmares about that day at least once a fortnight. He survives just fine.
Amy is in hospital for a few days after she wakes up before they get to go home. Home is a cheap apartment for the time being - they need more time to find a good place where they can raise this kid.
A child. Amy’s still trying to wrap her head around that. She doesn’t remember her marriage with the man she had been dating and now she’s having a kid with him. Before they left they were able to have an ultrasound and got some more information.
November 26th. Heartbeat. 11 weeks. Real baby.
How Amy got through months of not having a period without noticing before the accident is beyond her. Although she had been in a coma for two weeks - she doesn’t understand how this baby survived. It was a miracle as the doctor has told them repeatedly.
Amy insists that they go to pick up binders so she can get a start on her pregnancy binders and Teddy is anxious to get home but he remind him that she’s stuck at home for a while for her recovery so she needs the binders. She creates a little nook for her studies with her binders to the side and laptop in her lap.
Her focus in impenetrable in the few hours she works on the draft of her binder. Teddy spends this time unpacking their new furniture and trying to make it feel like home. Eventually, her head begins to ache so instead she turns on the TV and allows herself to drift off during jeopardy while Teddy begins dinner.
Drift off isn’t exactly was she does. Her eyes are closed and she’s not paying attention to what’s happening around her but instead she’s lost in thought. They live in Boston now - and have for a few months. It’s not a huge deal, and she doesn’t expect her friends to be texting her every day. But the fact that no one from the 99 has contacted her baffles her.
They were friends right? She had been in a horrific accident that stole 4 years of her life but she remembers them yet they aren’t listed in her phone and she hasn’t had an email from them at all. To be fair, her phone was burnt in the fire, so this is a new phone and she can’t contact them herself. Amy needed her old friends now more than ever - but instead she was with her supposed husband in a completely different city with no memory of the more serious years of their relationship. What she needed during this time was familiarity and Boston was not familiar.
“Teddy? I have a question.” The man in question is currently serving up spaghetti and meatballs with a content look on his face - as if this is an ordinary night, which she guesses it is.
“Shoot honey.” Teddy says cheerily as he carries their bowls of pasta to the couch on a tray.
“Why… Did something happen with the 99? Do they not know?” Amy is staring at her food as she asks it, “I feel like it’s odd that they also haven’t contacted me since the accident.”
“Uh well, you all just drifted apart I guess.” Teddy shrugs, “I didn’t know until recently that you had stopped talking regularly with them.”
“Oh… Okay.” Her shoulders slump as she becomes lost in thought again. “What about Jake? He’s so incredibly nosy that I feel like he would find out somehow.”
“You and Jake probably had the bigger loss in terms of falling out of touch.” Teddy begins, looking slightly irritated.  “You two had a huge fight when we were about to move, and you refused to tell me anything about it and you haven’t spoken about it since we moved.”
“And we moved in January?” “Correct.”
“Present Amy really wishes she told you about that fight so I could know why I should be mad.”
“Trust me, same here. I hate that he made you so upset.” Teddy puts down his fork for a moment to squeeze Amy’s hand, “But we’re here now and we have so much more to focus on. We’re having a baby.”
“Right the baby.” Amy nods half heartedly, “But I also feel like regaining my memory is also a high priority.” “Of course it is honey.”
“Because what I remember is us being at the very beginning of our relationship and me even questioning whether we were a good match and now skip four years and we’re married and have a kid on the way. Teddy, that really scares me.”
“I can’t imagine what you’re going through.” Teddy shakes his head, “I can only support you in your choices.”
“Okay I would like to sleep in separate rooms for now, just until I feel less like I’m about to explode from anxiety.” Amy tells him, biting softly on her lip as he eyes drift to his. “And stop calling me honey, it’s creepy when I don’t remember us.”
“Of course, whatever makes you happy, Ames.”
As a joint decision, Amy decides to not go back to work for at least a year. Teddy brought it up out of concern for her safety and wellbeing - she decided that was bullshit. But upon further thought, she concluded that the time before their baby arrived was vital. Amy needed to focus on making sure she was ready for their child with or without her memories. Then a further six months after the baby came for the sake of being with her baby.
The months following her return from hospital are strange. She meets the few friends they had before the accident, and they’re all so excited for the baby. Amy tries really hard to connect with them but she mostly feels uneasy and afraid. They all understand this and tell her to take her time - all so kind yet off to her.
These friends even throw her a gender reveal/baby shower. She’s five and a half months pregnant, physically healthy and she’s made no progress on her memory recovery. She doesn’t want to do this but she knows how excited Teddy is and the past months have been hard on him, so she eventually gives in. Teddy’s mom and his cousins are obsessed with her, making sure Amy has everything she needs and once again she feels completely overwhelmed.
Amy manages to escape to the bathroom for a few minutes and there’s nothing she wants more than to have a cigarette. She takes a few deep breaths and lets her hands run down the curve of her bump. In that moment she can finally feel it kicking, she wants to cry because it’s the most happy she’s felt since waking up. “Thank you mi amor.” She can feel herself calming down as the baby continues to move around, “I know it’s been crazy these past few months, but I’m really excited to meet you and I love you so much.”
Amy lets herself just enjoy the moment for a few minutes before Teddy comes knocking, saying that they’re ready for cake and presents.
It’s a boy. There’s only been one thing she’s been certain of since losing her memory, and it’s that this baby is surely the best thing that will happen in her life despite the circumstances. Amy can hear Teddy going on about how he knew it was going to be a boy because of all her brothers - whom all told her over text they couldn’t make it to their own sister's baby shower.
Amy quickly swallowed her anger down at the thought of her brothers not being there. She’s having a boy . Trying to come up with an image of what their baby will look like is hard; she wishes she could be more excited with Teddy but none of it feels right.
She can’t put a reason to why it all feels so off. Her memories tell her what doubts she was feeling about Teddy, but apparently she worked those out. Surely, she concludes, that these feelings are purely due to her losing her memory. But her gut is telling her otherwise. Maybe hormones were affecting her instincts? Was that even possible? How was she supposed to figure it out when she had so much more to figure out before her baby comes?
Amy begins to spiral again and god let her have a shame cigarette. She talks about it a lot in therapy, it’s her safe space for her to spiral and for someone to understand to an extent. Her therapist tells her to trust her instinct because they’re likely right. But it hurts her brain every time she begins to try and understand.
During her whole pregnancy, Amy barely dreams. She doesn’t dream too often from what she can remember. This changes in the last few weeks of her pregnancy. It starts off with her riding on a cloud with Jake and Rosa - and Teddy is behind them on a dark cloud full of thunder and lightning. Another time, she’s shaking Holt’s hand who is congratulating her on becoming sergeant.
This particular night, the day of her due date, is perhaps the strangest of her dreams. The scenes in front of her fade in and out, and they don’t make much sense. She’s sitting at a restaurant across from Jake and they’re talking to these strangers.
“He makes me laugh. ” “And y’know… There’s really no one else’s opinion I care about more than hers. ”
The look in his eyes seems so genuine that she needs to know more, but the scene changes and they’re kissing in a small hallway. Her body tenses and she hesitates before she leans into it before he rips away and she realises they’re undercover.
“Oh, hey, we were just looking for a place to uh… ” “Boink .” “Yep. Boink. That’s my preferred term for it as well. ”
“Amy and I kissed. ” “WHAT?! TELL ME EVERYTHING. ”
She’s suddenly in a park, Jake standing by a tree with his hands in his pockets when she spots a sketchy asian man watching them. It’s happening again - she’s pressing him against the tree and her lips are pressed against his. His hands fall to her waist and they feel so warm against her that she has to remind herself that it wasn’t real.
It isn’t real.
“So, a lot of change around here, huh? ”
They’re kissing again, and it feels so right. Her dreams were beginning to make more sense than her real life - but this was Jake she was kissing, so it definitely wasn’t right. Jake was an immature, goofy, lazy but smart cop. He definitely wasn’t right for her.
Amy is woken up by a sharp pain in her stomach, growing stronger for a moment before it quickly disappears. Her brain is still foggy from the dream she just had but there is no doubt that it was a contraction.
It felt real and familiar - but there was no way, right? Amy was with Teddy, and had been consistently for over 4 years. There’s no time to dwell on it when her brain clears up and she realises her baby is coming today.
She checks the time as she rolls herself out of bed - 3:48am - and waddles herself to the main bedroom where Teddy is sleeping and wakes him up softly. “Teddy, good morning, the baby’s coming!” Amy is poking him awkwardly.
“What Ames?” Teddy groans, slowly opening his eyes.
“I had a contraction and it was only the first contraction but I’m already super scared and not ready for this.” Amy is sitting next to him now as he sits up, “Will you stay up with me?”
“I’m going to need a lot of coffee but of course I’ll stay up.” Teddy says quietly, his hand covering hers.
“Are you excited?” Amy asks, hands drifting over her large stomach, “Ready to meet little Leo?”
“Why did you chose that name again?” Teddy chuckles, “It’s better than anything I could think of, but I’m still curious.”
“I had a really odd dream about the ninja turtles and it kind of stuck.” Amy shrugs.
“That adorable. I love you.” Teddy pauses for a moment before looking back up at her, “Can I kiss you?”
Teddy brings her in for a soft kiss after she nods, remaining silent. It feels fine, nothing life changing and it doesn’t trigger anything. It brings back the dream she just had - it felt so much more real than the kiss she and Teddy shared.
Could it be a memory?
She watches as Teddy gets out of bed to make coffee and Amy remains on his bed, lost in thought. From what Teddy said, they have been together for four years - but there was also a chance this happened behind his back. But neither of them were like that, she refused to believe she would cheat or that Jake would cross that line with how his father was.
She doesn’t know how long she’s spiralling but her thoughts are interrupted when another contraction hits her. Amy remembers the breathing techniques from her binder and gets through it with minimum whining. When she looks up again, Teddy is standing in the doorway staring at her, jaw slack and holding a mug in his hands. “How was it?” He remains where he is and takes a sip of coffee.
“It hurt, so…” Amy mumbles with a weak smile, “Could you get me some water? I feel so heavy and walking to the kitchen is a real struggle.”
“Oh right, sure.” Teddy is very clearly frazzled as he shuffles out of the doorway and comes back with water a few moments later.
“This is happening, Teddy.”
It’s fourteen hours later at 6:14PM on November 26, 2018 when Leo Santiago is born. Right on time, he’s definitely a Santiago child. Amy had kicked Teddy out an hour earlier because he was making her uncomfortable for reasons too complicated to go into while having a contraction every 3 minutes. Amy’s nurse was better support than Teddy had been anyway - he had been awkward and quiet.
The moment she had been cleaned up, Teddy was back in the room. He rushed to her side and looked down at the baby. “I’m so sorry I was so weird Amy I should have been in here for you.”
“Teddy, don’t worry about it. Just look at… our son.” Amy strokes Leo’s chubby cheek with the back of her finger and her heart feels so light. Despite everything that happened, with her accident and not remembering her husband while pregnant. She shakes it off when she looks at Leo again.
“He’s gorgeous, honey.” Teddy whispers, “Can I hold him?”
“Of course.” He bends down and scoops Leo up into his arms. Leo begins to whimper as if he’s uncomfortable, and it slowly becomes louder before Teddy returns him to Amy’s arms.
“I think maybe he’s hungry.” Amy nods at his suggestion, happy to have Leo back in her arms.
She’s silent as she prepares to feed Leo, and it’s such a natural instinct and it’s the most normal she’s felt in months. The dream comes back to the forefront of her mind and she looks up at Teddy with guilt. “I have to tell you something…”
“Yes Ames?” He’s smiling softly at the two of them, and she can’t do it to him. It can’t be real, and there’s no reason to cause a problem between the two of them now.
“I love you.” His smile only grows in size as he leans down to kiss her chastely, then kissing Leo’s head.
“I love you both too. So much.”
They get to go home a few days later, and Amy and Teddy fall into a great rhythm. Amy barely sleeps, but it’s normal and she loves to spend time watching her son. Teddy gets a month off as paternity leave and it really helps them to grow closer and helps them bond as a small family.
Leo is an angel baby, who quickly falls into a Santiago style schedule. He looks almost identical to how Amy looked as a baby, except his hair has soft curls in it and the shape of his lips is different to hers.
Amy can’t help but notice how Teddy is struggling to bond with Leo, like he’s holding a complete strangers baby. He’s been nervous to be a father, she knows he’s tried to hide it - but even with no memory of their relationship he is very easy to read. She knows he’s trying though.
Leo has been the only thing keeping her from drowning in her overwhelmed feelings. Since he’s arrived she’s been happier than she’s felt in a long time.
Amy is happy.
Jake is depressed.
They’re a week into the new year and he feels like he’s dragging himself from place to place. He had been doing well until December came around and he had to face the holidays without Amy by his side. He rang in the new year in their apartment, multiple empty beer bottles on the coffee table in front of him and one in hand - and he tried not to think about her. He really tired, but then he thought about his friends who were spending the holidays with their own families.
Jake went back to work the next day while most of their squad took it off. He mostly just sits at his desk, reading case files over and over to make sense of them. Detective work doesn’t bring him the same joy it used to - he keeps staring at what used to be Amy’s desk. If he was able to distract himself with a case, it was usually to easy. The criminals in Brooklyn had become predictable to him.
It’s not until Holt assigns him a missing persons case that he truly becomes invested in his work again. Jake is told to study the case file now because the missing persons husband was coming in for questioning as an obvious suspect to their disappearance.
He’s instantly hooked onto every word the file says. Johanna Rapley, 29, married, missing for 24 hours. Kindergarten teacher, no children. Been with her husband for 6 years. Phone, wallet and keys left in their apartment with no signs of struggle or anything that would connote a robbery.
It takes him less than a minute to start comparing. Amy Santiago, 35, married (technically?), missing for almost 8 months. Police sergeant, no children. Been with her husband (technically?) for 3 years.
Whether it’s easy or not, Jake knows he will be obsessed with this case because he can relate . Amy was declared deceased long ago and as far as everyone knows, he’s dropped the case. But on a rare, more sad night, he will pour over it and convince himself that she’s not dead - just missing. He knows that the longer a person has been missing, the more likely they are to be dead. His gut tells him otherwise, but he’s beginning to not trust it because he knows that logically, Amy is gone.
Nick, Johanna’s husband, comes in and he is very clearly stressed about being there. Their new Captain’s assistant takes the man to the interrogation room and he allows him to stew for a minute or so as Jake gathers himself.
“Nicholas Rapley, how are you today?” Jake huffs, dropping himself into the seat across from him and opening the file.
“My wife is missing, so not great.” He crosses his arms, a very defensive stance.
“You might know that in missing persons cases like these, the husband is always usually the main suspect.”
“Yeah I’ve seen cop shows. But I guarantee I have no clue what happened. The last time I saw Jo was before I left for work.” There’s an honesty in his eyes that Jake wants to believe him, but he’s a cop and he has to keep his mind open. “You need to believe me. I love her more than anything.”
“You can love someone and something in you snaps that makes you do something to hurt those you love.”
“Well I didn’t. I’m so afraid of never seeing her again; I want to hear her laugh again, to bake while she’s dancing in our kitchen covered in flour. I’m scared.” Distress is radiating off Nick, and he takes a quick glance at Jake’s hand, before continuing. “You’re married. You can understand that right?”
Jake is tense as he looks down at his left hand, where his wedding band remains. “Yes. I understand.”
He puts his entire soul into finding this man’s wife. It takes him until the beginning of March, whoever had done this took careful steps.
But finally Jake tracks down his perp, an ex boyfriend who has been reported but not convicted for sexual assault in the past. He’s picked up by police officers over in Boston, and it’s a long trip to pick him up but he needs it. This case is important and he needs to complete it himself.
The drive up is quiet, and it reminds him of the time he and Amy had to transfer a perp back to the 99. This trip would be infinity times better if she were there with him, they could have made it a nice little vacation - he had never been to Boston. There was no time for it now, no need for it. He didn’t want to see Boston if Amy wasn’t with him.
Jake isn’t expecting much from this trip at all, so when he arrives at the precinct the last thing expects is to be greeted by Captain Teddy Wells. He immediately doesn’t want to be there; he wants to take Max Soleo and get back home to Brooklyn. But Teddy is just as shocked to see him, and for a moment they’re just staring at each other.
“Hello Jake, uh, how are you?” Teddy stands up and walks around to shake his hand.
“Hey, yeah I’m okay.” Jake accepts his hand awkwardly, “I heard about your promotion to Captain here. Congrats.”
“Yeah thanks.” Teddy looks down at his feet for a moment, “How have things been? Since…?”
“Things are fine. We don’t need to talk about it.” Jake is completely tense with his arms crossed, “I’m glad things are going well for you.”
“Thanks man! I actually just had a baby a few months ago.” He picks up a photo from his desk, which shows a chubby smiling baby. “He looks exactly like his mom though, but I love him.”
Jake is too upset to actually look at the picture properly, he spots dark curly hair and brown eyes but he looks away. Why does Teddy get to find someone and have a baby with them and be happy ? Jake has had the only person who was truly important to him in his life taken away from him and he believes he’ll never be happy again and here Teddy is babbling on about his kid (Leo, he catches, good name) and how he laughed for the first time this week.
“That’s great Teddy. I’m sorry but I’m on a tight schedule so if we could get back to business.” Jake feels dizzy as Teddy begin to talk fast about the transfer of the prisoner and he just needs to get out quick before he loses his mind.
The rest of the case is a blur. As always, his brain takes this new information and shoves it deep down - his focus on the case more intense and obsessive than ever. He takes the perp back to Brooklyn, interrogates him with a new fire in him, finds Nick’s wife’s mangled body in a river, breaks the news to him. He fills the paper work in record time, and has it on Captain Holt’s desk before his shift is done. After Holt thanks him, Jake wipes his hands against his pants.
“What do you need, Peralta?” He looks up from the laptop on his desk with a curious glance, “Are you doing okay?”
“No.” Jake huffs, “I’m quitting the NYPD.”
“Would you like to repeat yourself?” Holt closes his laptop, his focus completely on him.
“I’ve been thinking about it for a while. I’m not happy in this job anymore, and this last case was too much for me.” Jake runs his hand through his fluffy curls, “I’ve thought through it.”
“Why don’t you just transfer? That seems far more responsible than just quitting.” Holt says, full of emotion in his own bland way. “It’s going to get easier, Jake.”
“Everyone keeps telling me that but it’s been almost a year and it hasn’t.” Jake shouts, “I can’t do this job anymore, she’s everywhere .
“What are you going to do? What is your plan?” Holt is leaning forward, almost looking desperate, “At least if you stay here you will have something to do.”
“I’m not sure, but I’ve made up my mind. ” Holt stands as Jake removes his badge and gun and places them quietly on the desk in front of him. Jake allows Holt to wrap him in a tight hug as he lets the tears fall. “I’m sorry.”
“We’re here for you, always.”
Jake has been haunting Amy since that dream. She had convinced herself that it was a weird pregnancy dream, but months later the same dream appears.
It leaves her confused and anxious when she's awoken by Leo for his perfectly scheduled second feed of the night. What is worse is that after he's been fed - he begins to smile up at her.
Leo is an extremely happy baby - he will smile at any stranger that he makes contact with and it's fairly easy to make him laugh. His joy is a positive influence to everybody that meets him and he's only 6 months old.
This all freaks her out because when he smiles up at Amy - she feels this odd pang of familiarity. It was a smile that gave off the same warmth that she felt when Jake smiled at her in her dream.
And Leo bares zero resemblance to Teddy.
She never thought too much into it - that maybe Leo was just her twin. The fact that this dream has occurred twice is making her truly wonder if it's actually a memory. That could be so vital into finding out more about the 4 years she lost.
But if it were a memory - what would that mean for her and Teddy? They had just decided on their 5 year plan - after Leo turns one they were going to find a house to grow their family in, and once they settled and Leo was a bit older they were going to begin trying for another baby. Hopefully by the time their new baby would arrive she will have passed her lieutenants exam.
If she had cheated on him, possibly even had an affair that landed her pregnant - what would that do to them? Was this the ‘fight’ that estranged her and Jake? Did Teddy lie to her and say that he didn't know what the fight was about? Amy can feel her temples begin to throb with the familiar headache of when she tries to deal with her lost memories.
Her fingers idly stroke Leo's soft curls as she tries to bring herself down from her spiral. Amy isn't sure when Teddy appears in the doorway but she is certain he witnessed her entire freakout from the look on his face.
"What's wrong, honey?" Teddy kneels in front of her and tightly grasps her free hand.
"I need to ask you something." Amy breathes deeply before continuing. "Did Jake and I have an affair?"
"Excuse me?" Teddy's eyes almost pop out of his head, and she can feel the guilt about to swallow her whole.
"I had this dream, and this was back when I was still pregnant. Jake and I were on an undercover mission and we kissed a few times, and then again in the evidence lockup…For realz." Amy looks down at Leo again, her fingers moving from his hair to his soft cheeks. "I wouldn't think much of it but it felt so real and at the time it was the only thing that made sense in my life."
"That sounds like crazy pregnancy dreams, Ames. You would tell me if you kissed Jake, even for work." Teddy shakes his head and stands up, "Why would a silly dream lead you to believe that?"
"Like I said ever since the accident, that dream is the only thing that made sense to me. Plus you said he and I had a huge fight, what if us having an affair was the cause of said fight?" Amy looks up at Teddy before looking at Leo again. "And… Everytime Leo smiles, it reminds me of Jake…"
She trails off, her eyes still trained on Leo as an excuse not to look at Teddy and his reaction. "Do you know how fucking ridiculous you sound right now!?" Teddy has gone from 0 to 100 in a matter of seconds and is full blown yelling. "Leo is my son!"
Amy stands up from her nursing couch and places Leo back in his crib before dragging him out into the hallway. "If we're going to fight at least have the common decency to not to do it in front of a baby." Amy growls, "Look, I don't have any idea of what I am talking about. I have no clue of the past 4 years and I am just so confused ! Teddy I'm trying to understand."
"And you came to the conclusion that you had an affair with Jake and that I'm not the father of our baby?"
"Teddy, I-"
"Amy I've had enough. I'm sorry you're confused and still scared, but that kid is mine ." His hands grip onto her shoulders tighter than necessary, "I love you and I have complete faith that you just had a crazy pregnancy dream and have never cheated."
"I feel so stupid - I just want to remember and be at peace with that part of my life."
"I can't even begin to imagine how you feel." Amy buries herself into his arms. "But this is a low blow, because I know us and I know you wouldn't do that to us ."
"I'm sorry for considering that Leo is anything but your son. I just got freaked out and made strange links, I knew they were insane." Amy pulls back to make sure he knows how much she means it, "We can't pretend everything is perfect but I love you so much Teddy."
"Don't worry about it. It's you and me forever."
Living without her memories becomes easier as time passes. It doesn't come up in conversation everyday anymore, only on occasion when someone asks her about it. Amy has her life with Teddy and Leo to move on with - she can't be stuck in the past with Leo growing so quickly.
Leo is six and a half months old when Amy goes back to work. It was an important part of moving on with her life, going back to feeling normal. She had to transfer to a new precinct as her old one wasn’t able to wait for her - and it would be great to have her space from Teddy. Working with her partner sounds like a pain, especially when a higher rank than herself.
It’s weird; Amy is now the sergeant of the detective squad, and all she can pick out are the similarities between her new coworkers and her old friend. Det. Simpson and Det. Louis are as imcompetent as Hitchcock and Scully however they aren’t lactose intolerant so they don’t fart as much. Det. Ravis loves food almost as much as Amy remembers Charles loving it, but she doesn’t like dogs at all . Det. Lani is almost a mix of Gina and Rosa - but he’s a dude, and significantly less threatening in every way possible.
Det. Cowen is the only one Amy can’t place with anyone she knew in her old squad. Cowen is a shy and quiet girl when she first meets her, but she seems very focused. During the day Amy discovers that she’s the joker; it’s in a very subtle way but she makes everyone around her laugh. Amy wants to say she reminds her of Jake, but she remembers him as exuberant and wanting to make a fool of himself at any given time - but there’s something about Cowen that seems almost sad in everything she does.
She later discovers that this energy is for a reason. Their captain informs Amy that months earlier, Det. Cowen had lost her long time girlfriend to cancer. She can’t explain with it resonates so deeply with her but losing a loved one is painful and imagining losing her parents over again makes her own heart ache.
It’s her priority to make sure her first case assigned is with Cowen - there’s a part of Amy that is pulled towards her, like she’s important for her.
They click right away; it’s light hearted and fun working with Christina. She doesn’t take note right away of the way her goofiness reminds her of someone back where her heart remains. Christina shares her anguish of losing her girlfriend, and Amy opens up about her memory loss and the accident. It’s the most normal she feels when she doesn’t have Leo by her side, and it’s a great feeling to have again.
Her need to return to New York dwindles away as she becomes closer with her squad and as her son grows; she truly feels like everything is right in her world.
May 15th rolls around too quickly for Jake’s liking.
He’s gotten into a routine of sorts; he stays up until 3 in the morning, sleeps until 11 then rushes to go wait on stupid tables for 12 hours. On his nights off he spends alone and it’s not always sad - and sometimes even his mom will come over and watch Die Hard.
He is okay.
A month into his new routine, Rosa and Charles tried to convince him to come back to his old job - that he will be happy again. He tells them how he needs this, he needs something different to simply forget. They don’t find out about his increasing drink intakes for another month and when they do he pushes them away for good. The less reminder of Amy, the better.
Jake is doing just fine.
They continue to try to help him, but he doesn’t answer their calls anymore because he just wants to forget. His friends’ constant pity and help is as if they’re screaming ‘ AMY IS DEAD ’ into his ear.
Now it’s been exactly a year since it happened.
And he still misses her; it feels as if she’s the sun and he hasn’t felt warmth since the sun went down. Jake’s mind still betrays him some nights and tries to convince himself that Amy is alive; and his gut in those moments goes crazy but he learnt to stop listening to it.
Amy is dead.
And what if she isn’t?
Jake can’t be surprised that the anniversary of the incident is one of the what if days. “Jake stop it. Stop it, stop it, stop it, stop it, stop it-”
He’s dug the heels of his hands into his eyes, forcing the images of the day away from his mind. Flashes of her white dress, flowers, her smile, and the sounds of an explosion and building collapsing. Amy - bleeding - “Stop it, stop it, stop it!”
Jake’s breath is coming up short and he doesn’t notice the door open or his old boss until he’s on the floor with him. He’s had anxiety attacks before, and frequently since the accident but he’s never felt more like he’s dying than in this moment. He can’t hear a word that Holt is saying to him - he doesn’t care to hear it. Jake just wants to hear Amy’s voice again.
It’s a while before he’s able to breathe properly again, but he doesn’t try to stop the tears. He knows Holt is trying to talk to him again but his grief is so intense that it’s blocking out the noise. It feels just as raw a year later, the pain so overwhelming like he’s falling down a never ending hole.
It’s because she’s not dead .
He covers his ears as if it could shut his inner thoughts up. “Jake, you know it’s not possible. Even if she had lost her memory we would have heard from her through her family, or she would have shown up somewhere.” Holt tells him sadly; he wasn’t aware he was saying any of this out loud.
“My heart and gut try to tell me she’s alive a lot. I know it’s not really possible after a year, but it always comes back.” Jake whines, trying to control his breathing again. “I want it to fuck off, I want to feel okay again.”
“I want to help anyway I can so-”
“Don’t say it.” Jake growls. There’s only so many times he can hear ‘it will get easier’ or ‘you will be happy again’ without his head exploding.
“I wasn’t going to.” Holt adjusts himself so that they’re facing each other now, “Things are different now. The loss of Amy is something that will affect you forever. But you know she would want you to be happy - this isn’t what she would want.”
“Get out.” Jake stands up, “You started off on the right note but then you think you can decide what Amy would want. Get out.”
“Okay, I respect you decision. We love and miss you dearly, Jake. See you next week.”
With that he’s alone again. Until Holt comes back for his weekly check up.
For Leo’s first birthday, they decide to make a trip down to New York. It was conveniently the same time as the annual NY Cop Con and they figure it would be nice to take him to the place they fell in love even if he won’t remember it later.
At the first sight of the city, Amy feels an intense warmth of home in her chest. She was home. Leo begins to wake up at this time as well and begins babbling to himself and she begins teaching him all about her old home in Brooklyn.
“I hope we’ll actually have time to go to Brooklyn.” Teddy tells her, “We have a jam packed weekend.”
“We talked about this, Teddy, we have to make time. It could help with my memories.” Amy frowns deeply, “Everyone I know has suggested me coming back here, and we’re finally here you have to give me a chance.”
“If we have time.” Teddy looks almost angry, like she had said the worst thing possible to him.
The silence is tense for a few more minutes before he takes her hand in his and smiles at her softly. They spend most of the ride like that and his anger dissipates on his face but she can still feel it in how tightly he is holding her hand. Amy is used to his tight grip by now, and she understands his need to hold her so aggressively since she almost died.
Once they arrived at their hotel and Leo is down for the night, Amy allows herself to relax on the balcony with Teddy.
“Boston is a wonderful city, but nothing will ever beat a New York skyline.” Amy sighs happily, “It’s such a beautiful view.”
“Not as beautiful as you.” Teddy laughs along with her softly, kissing her forehead.
“Don’t be so cheesy.” Amy blushes, leaning into his side more.
“I love you, Amy. No matter what.” Teddy mumbles, “I want you to always know that.”
She turns around, confused but happy as her hand rests on his cheek leaning up to kiss him. “I love you Teddy. No matter what.”
Amy feels particularly uneasy when Teddy leaves her to go hang out with his old precinct for the rest of the day. Leo is refusing to stay in his stroller so he’s slowing her down significantly as she walks from stall to stall, holding his hand. She can feel a familiar headache growing in her head, and she just needs Leo to be quiet so she can see the new tech and go back to their hotel so she can rest .
She is entranced by a new display of bomb suits, she doesn’t notice the magnetising effect it has on her and she definitely doesn’t hear the man explaining what was new about them.
There’s a flash of Teddy in a bomb suit and Jake next to her in a neat tuxedo. Amy feels the room begin to spin around her before she falls to the ground and she can hear Leo start screaming before everything goes dark.
“Thank you for doing this. I love you”
“Noice... smort…
I love you too.”
Her eyes open for another moment and Rosa’s concerned expression appears in her vision before she blacks out again.
“Look, you can’t be afraid to be successful, you’re too good for that.”
“I love you.”
“Amy Santiago will you… Marry me?”
The images flash through her head so quickly, yet she remembers every detail of it all. The final memory she know will haunt her for the rest of her life.
Jake lying just feet from her with blood streaming steadily from a wound on his head and a large piece of rubble crushing his rib cage. Amy reaches for him but pain in her shoulder stops her from reaching fully. “Jake, I love you.” Amy whispers, a single tear mixing with the dirt on her face.
“We’re going to be okay, Amy.” Jake gasps in pain as he reaches the rest of the way to hold her hand, “I love you Amy.”
It’s not long before they see a fireman running into the building, moving to take the larger pieces of rubble off Jake’s chest. “Take her, get Amy. Get her first.” Jake wheezes, squeezing Amy’s hand.
“Sir, you are likely severely injured. We have more men searching and we will have her out in no time.” The man begins to pick up Jake, and he groans loudly in pain, continuing to beg the man to take Amy and not him.
“I love you, it’s okay.” Amy tries to reassure him as he begins to cry weakly. “We’re going to be okay.”
Jake finally concedes, letting the fireman take him away. It’s not a minute later when Teddy comes into her fading vision. “Amy I’m getting you out of here.” Teddy wastes no time in carefully lifting her off the ground.
“Jake…” She can see Teddy’s mouth moving and he’s talking to keep her awake but she’s fading so quickly. The last thing she sees before complete darkness is fire, and Teddy carrying her out of the wrong exit.
When she comes back to, Leo is giggling and slapping her arm. “Mamamamama!” He’s squealing when she opens her eyes, the lights overwhelming her senses.
“Hey Leo baby.” Amy grins softly before examining her surroundings, realising she was still in the Cop Con venue laid out on a couch in a separate room.
“You’re dead.” Amy jumps at the sound of Rosa’s shaky voice, “There was no substantial evidence of you possibly dying but we couldn’t find you so they pronounced you dead .”
Amy sits up slowly, her head throbbing intensely. She looks to her old friend who looks completely on the verge of breaking down, and Amy’s own heart breaks for her. They embrace tightly; she can hear Rosa begin to cry quietly and Amy can’t help herself either, especially after Leo attempts to join but gets frustrated when there’s no room for him.
“He…” Rosa stares at the boy as she separates herself, “Jake?”
“Yeah, there’s no doubt about that now.” Amy laughs, “I’ve spent the last year thinking I had an affair with Jake; it’s been a weird year.”
“What happened? If you’re feeling up to tell me.” Rosa hesitates, looking between Leo and Amy.
“Teddy happened.” Amy shrugs, “When I woke up… He told me there was a fire, to explain the burns and a broken leg, lucky for him that I lost my memory.”
“The bastard .” Rosa growls, “You’ve been gone for a year and a half when you should have been home here. Where is Teddy?”
“He said he was going out with his old precinct.” Amy takes Leo into her arms as she speaks so he doesn’t hurt himself, “Um, Rosa, is Jake here?”
“No.” Rosa cringes, a sad look in her eyes, “Jake quit 9 months ago. He kind of pushed us away.”
Amy finds herself beginning to cry again as Rosa tells her about the grief he went through since he woke up. Her husband , quit his dream job, because he couldn’t cope with the reminders of her. “We need to find him.” Amy says desperately, “I need to see him.”
“Amy, before I do that we need to call for backup so we can arrest Teddy.”
“But Jake-”
“Come on, I’m going to take you back to mine and Gina’s place and we can figure it out from there.” Rosa offers to help Amy as she stands, “We have to move quick. Teddy has held you unknowingly captive for over a year, we have no idea what he’ll do if you go missing.”
Rosa looks over at Amy every once in a while on the cab ride home, likely still completely shocked that she has believed Amy was dead for a year and a half. It’s hard for her to process as well, her family was actually alive and her friends didn’t forget her; most importantly her best friend didn’t hate her and just thought she was dead like the rest of them.
When they arrive at Rosa’s apartment, she asks her to remain in the front area while she explains everything to Gina. She hears their general chatter, then silence followed by glass shattering on the ground and footsteps rushing towards Amy.
Gina freezes when she spots Amy, jaw dropping slowly as her eyes move between Amy and Leo. For a few moments she examines them quietly before finally whispering, “When was he born?”
“November 26.” Amy replies quietly.
“A s-sagittarius.” Gina croaks, opening her arms as she walks towards Amy, “He will probably fight with Iggy a lot but it’s nothing we can’t work through.”
Amy laughs as Gina wraps her in a tight hug. “Hi Gina.”
Gina starts to cry as well, which she honestly doesn’t expect. “I can’t believe it. This is like some fever dream.” Gina laughs brokenly, “I missed you, Arnie.”
“I missed that awful nickname.” Amy agrees as they seperate. Leo yawns in that moment and rests his head against Amy’s shoulder. “Is there somewhere I can put him down for a nap?”
When Amy exits their guest bedroom, Leo happily sleeping in the makeshift cot made of pillows, Rosa is on the phone with who she assumes is backup.
“She’s calling back up then going to get her gear and head off.” Gina confirms, “Now I know you will probably want to find Jake, but we need to stay safe here until Teddy is in custody, don’t want to risk anything.” “I understand obviously.” Amy nods fiercely as her mind races. “I don’t know what I’m going to say. How do you approach someone who thinks you have been dead for a year and a half?”
“Jake never gave up on you.” Gina says quietly, “Holt told us he said that his always gut told him that you were alive, but he convinced himself it was his brain trying to trick him.”
“I had the same feeling, about the one memory that came back before Leo was born. Both myself and Teddy tried to convince me it was my pregnancy brain but it always came back up.” Amy shakes her head, “I feel so angry that this happened. Surely we’ve been through enough.”
“I think the universe is now legally obligated to leave you two alone now.”
Amy is caught up with the entire year and a half in their squad while the mission to arrest Teddy is underway; Holt became commissioner, Gina left the 99 to chase her dreams and Terry finally passed his Lieutenants exam were a few of the highlights. When the door opens suddenly, Amy jumps to her feet not knowing what to expect but relaxes when she feels Charles crash into her and immediately sobbing.
“Hey Boyle, how are you?” Amy chuckles, patting his back lightly. When she looks up again, Holt is standing there; emotion for once very evident in his features. Boyle lets her go and she rushes to her mentor crushing him too in a long hug.
“It’s good to see you alive and well, Amy.” He has to clear his throat to compose himself before continuing. “Jake is still located at the apartment you shared. I’m afraid it’s a mess last time I was there, but he’s there nonetheless.”
The drive to her apartment is the strangest feeling. Amy leaves Leo with Gina and Rosa, and Holt fills him in on the arrest of Teddy; he apparently gave in easy once he saw her squad walking into the bar he was situated - drunk out of his mind. She doesn’t care to listen so much because all she can focus on is Jake.
Holt offers to come up with her, to maybe ease Jake into the news, but she insists on going alone. Amy needs to see Jake with absolutely no distractions around them - so she can hug and kiss him, so they can cry together if needed. So they can be together .
Amy stands outside the front door for way too long making sure she can breathe properly. She finally knocks. Words escape her as soon as she saw his face, cheeks sunken in slightly and hair wilder than she can imagine. The tiredness on his face screams at her, like he knows nothing else but that.
He closes his eyes for a split second before opening them again and smiling, “Am I dead ?”
“Wh-what?” Amy stummers quietly, eyebrows cinching together.
“I must be dead, and you’re here to take me home. To the afterlife or whatever.” Jake’s chin quivers as tears begin streaming down his face, “I missed you so much, Ames.”
“Neither of us are dead, Jake.” Amy says, “It’s such a long story Jake, but I was never dead.”
Amy is ready for when Jake falls forward in shock. The extra muscle built from carrying a 1 year old around kicks in, helping her to drag Jake to the couch to lay down. It’s easy to remember where everything is, and she has a damp towel and cup of water ready for him quickly.
The closer she looks at him, the more she sees Leo. His skin complexion, nose, eye and hair colour are identical to hers, but everything else she sees is Jake. She begins to cry out of anger at everything Teddy had done to them, and how this would affect their lives forever.
“Is it really you, Amy? I don’t want this to be another dream. I can’t handle another dream like this.” Jake begins to cry in earnest as soon as he opens his eyes again.
“You’re awake, this isn’t a dream, I’m here.” Amy cries softly alongside him, her hand above his heart. “The nightmare is over.”
“Kiss me.” Jake hiccups, “Dream Amy never kisses me.”
Amy does so with no hesitation, warmth fills her entire soul as their lips finally meet. She’s home.
Once they part, he jumps off the couch and pulls her in for the tightest hug of them all. “I knew you were alive! You’re really alive!” He’s shouting so joyfully, and she can see the light returning to his eyes. “Amy, god, I love you so much. I missed you.”
He’s kissing her again; her face, nose, lips, jaw. Amy can’t help the purely happy giggles that escape her mouth before she kisses him again - the joy too difficult to express with words in that moment - and it doesn’t take long for it to escalate to a point where they need to move. There’s no need for explanations in that moment, only time for the two of them.
Reality comes crashing down on their reunion bubble when she sees that Rosa has called her twice in the past half hour. “Ames, what’s up?” Jake sits up to rest his head on her shoulder as she reads the few texts sent.
“There’s one thing I do need to tell you now.” Amy straightens herself and turns to face him.
“What is it?” Jake looks mildly concerned, but the happiness still mostly radiates off him.
“We have a kid.” Amy keeps her eye contact and her voice calm, “His name is Leo, and he was born November 26, 2018. It was a miracle he survived the ordeal, but he did and he’s the most perfect baby.”
“Leo.” Jake tests out it for himself, a smile growing quickly, “You massive nerd. You named him after a ninja turtle.”
“I literally had a dream about the ninja turtles and even if I didn’t remember it at the time, it was definitely your influence.” Amy laughs, “Rosa says he won’t go back to sleep. He needs me.”
“I would love to come… And meet him, y’know.” Jake says eagerly, before retreating shyfully and shrugging, “I should probably apologise to everyone for my behaviour as well.”
“You don’t need to apologise, they understand.” Amy assures him, “You’re feelings were completely valid.”
“I love you.” Jake sighs, leaning over to kiss her once more.
“I love you too. Now get some clothes on, our son needs us.”
Amy tells him all about Leo on the drive back to Rosa’s. He’s apparently a very happy baby, smiles at everyone - even when he’s cranky he will laugh for the sake of laughing.
He’s almost certain that Leo is the same baby Teddy had been bragging about months earlier, especially since learning the whole story. If Jake hadn’t been feeling so extremely exuberant about seeing Amy again, he would have definitely gone to where Teddy was being held and punch him a few times. One day he’ll tell Amy about those dark days, but he was about to meet his son, so it definitely wasn’t the right time.
Leo is screaming when they enter Rosa’s apartment hands held tightly. She’s the first to let go so she can rush to take Leo out of Gina’s grasp. Jake watches as Amy is quickly able to cool down the cries of the small child, and not a few moments later she has him giggling as she had told him. His heart fills with a newfound love he thought in his darkest days that he would never experience again.
But he is. His family standing right in front of him, and he almost feels like it’s a dream again before Amy beacons him closer and he takes in every feature, so he can never possibly forget this moment. “Hey Leo.” Jake laughs awkwardly, “Cool name. Um, I’m your dad. You can’t really understand what I’m saying but I don’t think that matters right now.”
Leo lets out a small giggle at his awkwardness, and Jake can’t help the enormous grin that appears on his face. Amy’s smile is just as bright, and she offers to hand him over. Jake feels awkward still when holding him, but Amy assures him that he’s doing fine and Leo seems comfortable enough.
Completely entranced by Leo, he doesn’t notice Rosa and Gina leave the room, and Amy is staring at him with utmost adoration. She then starts mentioning scrapbooking and catching up with family photos so they can really make up for lost time.
It’s not long before she cuddles up to his side, and both Leo and Amy fall asleep on him. He decides in the moment before he falls asleep, that if this were a dream, it was the best one yet.
It’s no trouble to delay Leo’s birthday plans. The next morning they spend together as a family, and Amy goes over his first year in photos and videos. It’s their chance to catch up more before they have to go back to reality.
Reality being telling her parents that she’s alive and has a baby. Dealing with the emotions of their grief over again, and having to explain how Teddy accomplished such a feat -
Overnight they had gotten a full signed confession. How he had planted the bomb, and taken Amy out in the midst of the chaos. Teddy’s plan of staying in New York for the months she recovered and to establish a sense of innocence. His deleting all their personal information online and having multiple burner phones to feign contact with her brothers as to not seem overly suspicious. He’d also explained how lucky he was that she had forgotten her relationship with Jake and that his plan relied heavily on any sort of memory loss.
- It was a lot for all the people in her life to take in, but they got through it. Christmas doesn’t help them settle as easy as they would want, but Jake becomes accustomed with his father duties and Amy settles back into New York. Their jobs at the 99 were still available for them to start in the next year - all they had to do was be ready.  
They deal with legal matters; Amy giving her full side to the story. Reliving it is painful now with her real memories and her real husband by her side. But Jake is there, and he’s supportive as ever.
By the new year, they were finally ready to celebrate their sons first birthday. Leo won’t remember this day at all, but they make a big deal out of it anyway. If her whole family, including Leo’s father, had to miss out on his first year then she would make it a big damn party.
Her entire family and their work family manage to fit into a cheap rental since it was too cold to host in a park. Even Christine drives down from Boston to celebrate Leo, and watching her with Jake truly emphasises the similarities between them.
Everyone knows the celebration is bigger than Leo - there’s tears and speeches and children’s games. There’s gifts for Leo then gifts for both Jake and Amy. It’s the wedding reception they never got mixed with Leo’s first birthday. The photos with the blue and yellow streamers and balloons in the background of a smiling family are the ones that are engraved in their memories forever - hung in their homes and sitting on their desks.
No one speaks of the grief they experienced, only of the joy the future holds for their family.
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foodismyluv · 2 years
Purchasing Meat and Game
Trotter- Pig Feet
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For the meat and game blog I decided to go to Speducci Mercatto, an award-winning curated salumi, cheeses, artisan cuts of meats spot own by Chef Gabriele Paganelli (Chef at George Brown College), located in North York.
I decided to buy Pig feet( but chef gave it to me for free) because it brings back memories from back home. while I was there, Chef Paganelli explained to me that he sources his Berkshire pork from a Mennonite farm in Ontario but he owns his own wild boar farm where care for animals is first and foremost, resulting in a genuinely flavorful product.
I chose pig feet because it’s the less desirable parts of a pig usually were eaten by poor people because they were the parts of the pig that more affluent people would not touch. When I visited  Speducci Mercatto I didn't see it in the meat case, when I asked the butcher told me they kept them in the back because customers did not find it pleasing to look at. 
In Ghana, West Africa where I was born and raised, pig feet is a delicacy in different dishes, and was enjoyed by royals, affluent and poor people alike.
Pig feet are low in fat and very high in protein particularly collagen in tendons and skin. 
 Bring your pig fit to a boil then simmer for 45 minutes to 1hr to soften the skin and muscle. You can also braise pig feet by cooking at low temperatures and slow in a rich sauce. Pig feet can be sous-vide, cooked in a pressure cooker, each of these methods gives the tougher part of the meat time to break down the muscle and connective tissue.
Whole Pig Feet, after cuts 
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Marinade for Pig Feet
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Recipe for pig feet light soup
4 pig feet each  cut into 4                               Side dish(fufu)
1 whole shallot                                                green plantain
2 tomatoes
2 clove of garlic
4g of fresh ginger
i whole onion
2 scotch bonnet
1tbs star anise
2tbs of salt
2tbs of tomato paste
1cup of white mushroom cut into 1/4
6 okra cut into 2 pieces
wash pig feet, add 2L of water to it in a pot and boil for 30 minutes to bring to the surface all the impurities. pour out the water and add 100ml of water to pork then add your blended marinade ( ginger, onion, pepper, star anise, shallot, garlic, and salt) to the pot. cover and let it simmer for 40minute or until skin is soft water has been reduced to 1/4 of a cup, add tomato paste stir, and cover for 7 minutes, then add star anise, onion, tomatoes, shallot, ginger, garlic, and pepper, cover, and simmer for 15 minutes. take out all vegetables and put in a blender add 1cup of water blend till smooth and strain into soup. cover and simmer for 7 minutes then add cooked okra and fresh mushroom. Turn off fire and let steam cook mushroom. season with salt.
Plantain Fufu for your sides
Peel half green plantain add 1/2 cup of water in a blender. puree till smooth, pour into microwavable dish, cover, and cook for 7 minutes. make into a ball and you are ready to add your soup.
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since chef gave me the pig feet for free, i checked online to see how much it was sold for. price per pound is $2.19 and average cost per package is $4.16, it has 2 per pack.
Dailo is an Asian restaurant located in downtown Toronto, on their menu they have Sweet and Sour Pork Hog( The hock is the first joint of the pig's leg - the bit up from the trotter) for $14 a plate. if they payed $4.16 for 1 package that has two and cut it up to pieces they are making $ 5 in return minus the sides.
I will definitely put pork feet on my menu but I will make sure to remove some of the bones out to make it easier for customers that are not use to eating that part of the pig. overall I really love this meal since I have not cooked it for many years.
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We know that our liquid peels are fantastic for exfoliating our skin and bringing it back to lofe. Well it does just that for tattoos too. Look at these results 😍 (at Newbury, Berkshire) https://www.instagram.com/p/CKZVy1lguQq/?igshid=1olrxotzoantg
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imbaclinic-blog · 5 years
An average person spends a considerable amount of money, time, and energy in shaving, waxing, plucking, bleaching, or otherwise to get rid of unwanted hair. Considering this, it is to no surprise that laser hair removal treatment has become one of the most popular aesthetic services.
Laser hair removal is an ideal solution if you have had your share of waxing, or are tired of spending so much money on razors, or it has simply become a chore for you to get your hair removed. Laser hair removal treatment has helped a lot of people to get rid of unwanted facial or body hair.
However, there are a few things you should know before you go for laser hair removal treatment-
Works best on dark hair: Dark hair contains a higher concentration of pigments. Therefore, dark hair is better in absorbing the broader spectrum of light energy that the laser delivers. This is the reason that laser hair removal works best on dark hair. 
Don’t forget to shave: Active hair growth follicles are the target for laser hair removal. This means it works effectively if there’s a little bit of hair in the follicle. Therefore, if you want the treatment area to be as smooth and hair-free as possible, you need to skip waxing and plucking and go for shaving.
Immediate results: You can expect to see immediate results. Also, aside from the fact that the hair in the areas of treatment is finer and sparser, but the remaining hair grows more slowly.
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Requires multiple sessions: Although significant result can be seen in the first session, you need to undergo multiple treatments to achieve complete results. Permanent results appear after three or six laser hair removal treatments, where each session is spaced between four to six weeks apart for maximum results.
Avoid heat generating processes: Gym, saunas, hot showers, and other heat-generating processes in the body should be avoided after the treatment for a minimum of 24 hours. In addition to this, sun exposure should be avoided before and after the treatment as much as possible.
Can trigger more hair growth: The particular type of hair can be triggered and stimulated to grow longer and thicker. Therefore, it’s best to consult your dermatologist before going for laser hair removal.
Switch up the beauty regime: Avoid scrubs, glycolic acid, and retinol creams for 2 days before and after the treatment. It is also recommended to avoid chemical peels and fake tan 2 weeks prior to and after the treatment.
Don’t pluck, dye or wax the hair: Plucking, waxing, and bleaching or dyeing hinders the process. In order to be hairless throughout the process, go for shaving instead.
Works on all skin tones: Laser hair removal is customizable and favorable to all. No matter your gender or skin type and tone, laser treatment can be used by both men and women to get rid of unwanted hair. 
Has multiple benefits: Besides clearer, smoother skin and permanent hair reduction, laser hair removal likewise flaunts benefits including diminishing ingrown hair and less skin irritation. This is on the grounds that the treatment urges hair to grow straight.
Gives the best result during winter: By the time winter arrives, your skin returns to its normal tone and skin color. Performing laser hair removal on tanned skin can cause permanent discoloration. This is the reason laser hair removal gives the best result during winters.
MBA Clinics will be more than happy to be the one to provide you with its laser hair removal service. If you are ready to dump chores like waxing, plucking, or shaving, give us a call in our Berkshire, England office, or book yourself an appointment today online!
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botoxcliniclondon1 · 3 months
Discover the Path to Radiant Skin with Skin Rejuvenation Treatments in Berkshire at The Good Skin Club
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In their quest for radiant, youthful skin, there's a treatment that is promising to take away the appearance of the years, perk up texture, and take it up a notch. Berkshire, in one of the beautiful counties of South East England, is now coming up as a hub for advanced skincare solutions, and most particularly, The Good Skin Club is epitomized by being the prime destination place in rejuvenation treatments. The approach is personalized to ensure that all their clients get the best results, through a blend of industry-leading technology and expert care. Introducing some of their offerings at The Good Skin Club, where they unveil a whole new world of skin trans-formative treatments.
A Spectrum of Advanced Skin Rejuvenation Treatments
The Good Skin Club leads the aesthetic innovation with a full range of facial rejuvenation treatments meant to meet every concern of the skin. Being capabilities designed and provided individual treatments to span the very latest in technology related to skincare, this is provided by a facility that is based in Berkshire.
Laser Skin Resurfacing
Laser Skin Resurfacing is an advanced skin resurfacing treatment that dives even deeper into the skin at the deepest layer of the skin to intensify the production of collagen, thus manifesting smooth, firmer, and younger skin. It provides a non-invasive solution for rejuvenating the skin and is best to remove wrinkles, fine lines, and age spots.
Chemical Peels
Another major modality in the rejuvenation of the skin is chemical peeling. It involves controlled destruction of the damaged outer layers of the skin using an application of a solution of the chemical. This reveals the softer, smoother skin below, hence effective for problems such as acne scars, hyperpigmentation, and changing skin texture.
Microneedling is a minimally invasive cosmetic procedure, thus creating small puncture wounds at the skin's surface to incite innate healing properties within the body, therefore producing collagen. This method helps reduce scars, wrinkles, and large pores, thus helping the texture and overall look of the skin improve.
LED Light Therapy
In LED light therapy, the skin is exposed to some wavelengths of light that have the capability to penetrate tissue, bring about healing of the wound, reduce inflammation, and stimulate collagen production of the skin. This is a treatment action on all kinds of skin and can even contribute to very diversifying imperfections, such as acne, rosacea, or any sign of aging.
Hydrafacial is a wholly patented procedure that cleanses, extracts, exfoliates, and hydrates with the help of the super serums containing peptides, hyaluronic acid, and antioxidant protection. It very well works in helping improve skin health and is customized to fit every kind of skin. This soft and very effective treatment results in the skin becoming clearer, more hydrated, and radiant.
Why Choose The Good Skin Club for Your Skin Rejuvenation Journey? The Good Skin Club is unique in a way that it offers skin rejuvenation treatment solutions that are planned meticulously to the exact requirements of the skin of individual clients. All this, backed up by an extremely dedicated team of highly skilled professionals, ensures that every client receives the best care in an inviting, comfortable environment.
So, when you choose The Good Skin Club for your skin rejuvenating treatments in Berkshire, what you will essentially have done is invested in the look of your skin and yourself holistically, considering your own well-being in the process.
Its whole service offerings are meant to add not just beauty to your skin but to add on that confidence level and promote some sense of inner well-being.
Schedule Your Consultation Today The road to even better, younger-looking skin starts with a bespoke consult at The Good Skin Club. In the consultation, experienced practitioners will assess your skin condition. They will consider the aesthetic purposes you pursue and work out a treatment plan that will specifically refer to your case. To find out more about the skin rejuvenation treatments available in Berkshire and book your consultation, visit our website here at :
The Good Skin Club: Your skin radiates the beauty of your natural self.
Conclusion Designed to be perfect for helping to attain the perfect complexion, The Good Skin Club is a premier location for cutting-edge skin rejuvenation treatments with a diverse clientele in Berkshire. That is, all focused on patient-centered care, cutting-edge technology, and a holistic approach to skincare: all this in a bid for you to have and be able to keep the beautiful, young skin you desire. Visit The Good Skin Club today and get on your path toward revitalized and rejuvenated skin.
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hooksea43-blog · 4 years
Cryopen Basingstoke Cryotherapy reading Cryopen Skin Treatments Newbury.
Cryo Consoles.
See how The New Cryopen works.
We'll aid You locate The treatment That's Right For You.
Aircast Cryo Cuff Ic colder Hot Cold treatment Compression ice Pack Cryotherapy.
What Are The benefits Of The Cryopen therapy?
What Is a Cars And Truck Facelift?
While the majority of can return to their day to day tasks quickly, some can experience some sensitivity. Nevertheless, if you follow the security and aftercare guidelines, you can anticipate the optimum results. Water packs as well as light moisturiser can be applied to the treatment location to treat any type of blisters, redness and also discomfort. SPF is additionally recommended to be used daily after the treatment to shield the skin. Additionally, you should keep in mind to consume lots of water, around 2 litres a day, to guarantee the skin stays hydrated, as well as avoid taking in any kind of high levels of caffeine or alcohol directly after the therapy.
For exactly how to do away with cellulite on upper legs as well as exactly how to remove cellulite on legs ensure you are exercising your reduced body as high as feasible - also if it's just for 20 minutes a few times a week. Exercising frequently will assist to enhance your blood flow and burn fat - both things that will aid to eliminate cellulite. hifu berkshire is composed of almost 60% water and without it our skin can end up being weak, thinner and also shrivelled.
See exactly How The New Cryopen functions.
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We'll aid You find The treatment That's Right For You.
Several of these include caffeine, vitamins and minerals to help fat failure. After exercise, your metabolism and your blood circulation are promoted. Applying cellulite items after exercise will cause better absorbtion into the blood, helping the activation of cellulite-fighting components. ' Cellulite treatments that consist of massage therapy, base their strategies and also theories on the principle that vigorous massage aids to raise blood circulation, decreasing too much quantities of liquid in areas that contain cellulite. While cellulite influences people of all dimensions since everybody has fat cells, 'it's even more usual in ladies than males since the coarse bands of their connective cells don't go across over as much to supply assistance under the skin. " Whilst connective cells can be deteriorated by hormonal agents, lack of exercise and muscular tissue tone and also bad circulation, it is not because of weight problems or toxic substances, it's just typical fat in the body."
targets fat by making use of high-intensity ultrasound energy creating thermal coagulation to fat cells.
Overall Body Care uses advanced Skin Tightening up treatment for the face and also body using High Intensity Concentrated Ultrasound.
As aesthetic medicine has actually advanced, ultrasound has actually proven to be an exceptional tool for numerous medical treatments.
The energy produced penetrates below the skin surface as well as creates mobile friction within cells.
All skin consultations will be done by phone to evaluate your suitability.
An usual adverse effects of ageing hangs, sagging skin, triggered by the exhaustion of collagen as well as elastin in the dermis.
Cellulite occurs more often in ladies than in men, as women's skin collagen is organized in parallel rows, like columns. This pattern provides itself to the compartmentalization of fat, which makes cellulite visible. This produces only very tiny compartments and doesn't permit dimpling of the skin. There are 2 primary reasons for cellulite which create the orange peel result most females find so distressing. As you deal with your everyday life, the skin steps and also breathes, therefore do the connective cells. ' These several fat herniations result in an orange peel-like look on the skin surface.
Aircast Cryo Cuff Ic colder Hot Cold treatment Compression ice Pack Cryotherapy.
How do they fix a prolapse?
Sacrohysteropexy is used to fixed prolapse of the uterus. These operations are done with cuts in the abdomen. They can also be done laparoscopically. Vaginal mesh repairs prolapse by putting mesh under the vaginal skin to help lift sagging organs into place.
Running, swimming and vigorous strolling are the most effective kind of workouts for increasing blood flow and also loosening up the fat cells from those tough to budge locations. Body wrapping entails a process of enveloping parts of the body with bed linens permeated with a variety of substances such as organic removes, algae, algae, and mud. The skin is cleaned or rubbed equally with any one of these products and after that covered in bed linens. The body shaping effect is the outcome of the combined activity of sweat as well as compression, which brings about a decrease of body dimensions.
How do I relax my perineal muscles?
The 1 minute – seated – pelvic floor down training exercise 1. Uncross your knees and place your feet apart on the floor. 2. Let your lower jaw hang loose and your teeth separate. 3. Let the belly relax and take your breath down to expand your waist. 4. Let the belly muscles hang loose and let the buttocks spread wide. More items
This fat after that shows up as skin dimpling and also nodularity, usually upon the legs, pelvic area, thighs, abdominal area, arms, hips, butts as well as knees. Many individuals refer to cellulite as having the look of either orange peel or home cheese, neither of which are complimentary terms. Cellulite is fat that sits simply below the surface area of the skin which develops a bumpy as well as uneven structure to the skin. This problem mostly influences ladies, and also unfortunately makes several feel extremely uncomfortable concerning their look.
This technology triggers deep home heating of the fat cells, their surrounding connective cells as well as the underlying dermal collagen fibres. Diet plan, workout and also enhanced water consumption can assist increase collagen as well as lower cellulite. There are also countless surgical as well as professional treatments that can assist. The amount of cellulite you have, and also exactly how obvious it is, can be down to genes, body fat portion, age, and even the density of your skin. With time, this connective tissue ends up being less supple as well as flexible. This can create a raised pull on the skin whilst raising fat shops push exterior.
This result is primarily due to the loss of fluids and also is just short-lived. These covers are usually beneficial for leisure, in addition to softening the skin, but they do not minimize cellulite. It occurs since a a great deal of females' s fat cells are located in pockets within the connective cells of the skin. With time, a develop of liquids and fat, in addition to a decrease in blood supply, can trigger the pockets to bulge and press versus the connective cells, developing the outside 'orange peel' impact on the skin. By incorporating Multi-Polar Radio Frequency, VariPulse Modern Technology as well as Pulsed Magnetic Fields, Venus Tradition generates heat energy that deeply permeates the skin as well as heats up cells evenly.
This process dissolves the fat into acids which are carried by the blood to the liver, which are eventually discarded by the body normally. This therapy has shown to be extremely effective in the treatment of Cellulite. 3D Shockwave, is the most up to date treatment designed to take on cellulite by increasing fat removal and tightening up the skin. This improves the skin's texture, supplying noticeable outcomes that you must start to notice after 3 to 4 sessions. Nonetheless, optimal outcomes ought to show up after one month, with 8-10 therapies advised for longer-lasting results. The bottom line is that there is no cellulite therapy that will free you completely of your dimply skin. There's no basic service or miracle product, yet there are means you can aim to reduce its look and improve your body self-confidence.
What Are The conveniences Of The Cryopen therapy?
One of our highly experienced specialists will perform the treatment by moving a hand-held device throughout the therapy location. Then, ultrasound modern technology from the device is utilized to penetrate the epidermis of the skin. It heats it approximately approximately 45 degrees, which triggers the collagen fibres in the skin to contract, and additionally to generate brand-new collagen as well as elastin. This procedure causes the skin to instantly tighten up, resulting in a stronger look. This therapy can also be made use of on the face to help battle indications of ageing, yet when used for cellulite it is really efficient for treating the abdominal area, thighs, upper arms and also back.
Cellulite is often hereditary, so it's most likely your family members will be suffering from the very same trouble. Also, it is said that 95% of ladies have a sort of cellulite somewhere on their body as well as article pregnancy can bring on uneven skin too, so felt confident, you're in good company and also also slim people aren't immune to cellulite. Creams and gels create the mass of cellulite treatments that are marketed. Many of these consist of active ingredients that have been shown to promote metabolism of fat in lab experiments, yet none have actually been medically proven to have a significant or long-term result in researches on clients. We believe that healthy skin actually goes to the heart of looking great and also feeling terrific and we're passionate regarding healthy and balanced skin and its rejuvenation. We believe that you ought to have the ability to securely boost your appearance to look fresh and also natural whilst remaining true to yourself and also to that end we've looked for the absolute best treatments to supply to our clients. People can respond in a different way to the treatment depending upon their skin kind.
How can you tell if your bladder has dropped?
Symptoms of a Prolapsed Bladder Tissue protruding from the vagina (The tissue may be tender and may bleed.) Difficulty urinating. A feeling that the bladder is not empty immediately after urinating (incomplete voiding) Stress incontinence (urine leakage during sneezing, coughing, or exertion)
This assists to reduce the fat cells that create cellulite enhancing blood flow as well as stimulating the growth of brand-new collagen as well as elastin, improving the total structure of skin. " By cleansing and cleansing not only the skin, however the entire body, and developing a sensation of deep leisure, you're extra able to remove a build-up of toxic substances. And all of us understand that much less toxins amounts to less cellulite." Read on to uncover the specialist treatments that detox, tone and also tighten up orange-peel vulnerable skin. It is a risk-free as well as non-invasive therapy designed to tighten up the skin on the face as well as body. This makes it the perfect treatment for those seeking to boost the appearance of cellulite by smoothing the skin. Phosphatidylcholine, deoxycholic acid & benzylalcohol is infused into the subcutaneous fatty tissue utilizing a needle. The option weakens the membrane layer of the cells which results in the release of natural enzymes.
While exercise can not remove cellulite entirely, firming the muscular tissues beneath will help smooth the skin's appearance, states star individual trainer, Dalton Wong. Some researches reveal caffeine can make cellulite worse, because of its impacts on blood flow and obtaining oxygen and nutrients to skin tissue. The first reason of cellulite is connected to the connective tissue in between the skin and also fat compressing. The bodies fascial links, called septae, are made of elastin as well as collagen, these connective tissues work a bit like columns, holding up the 'ceiling' that is your skin.
How do you stop a prolapse from getting worse?
How to Reduce the Risk of your Prolapse Getting Worse 1. Exercising your Pelvic Floor. 2. Using 'The Knack' Exercise Technique. 3. Using a Support Pessary. 4. Exercising your Whole Body. 5. Choosing Pelvic Floor Safe Exercises. 6. Managing your Bowels. 7. Manging Coughing. 8. Managing Allergies. More items•
The tights supply all-day cellulite decrease, improved skin hydration and dampness, overhauled blood circulation and boosted collagen manufacturing. The Vellashape cellulite treatment uses Vela modern technology, which utilizes a combination of infrared light and also radio-frequency energy with a vacuum cleaner.
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When skin is dried cellulite is most likely to show, consuming plenty of water can boost skin elasticity which will certainly help to minimize cellulite. Hormonal agents are believed to be just one of the biggest factors to the sources of cellulite, specifically in ladies. As women age their all-natural level of estrogen starts to fall as well as with the start of menopause, blood flow to the connective cells can also lower. Much less blood circulation indicates much less oxygen is being supplied to cells to generate collagen, reducing regeneration and also repair service. As the connective cells are weakened, fat comes to be a lot more noticeable via them. Alongside massage, the normal use a cellulite therapy cream can help improve the appearance of dimpled skin.
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5 classic signs that tell if a man is virgin! 1. 01/7Male virginity. Gone are the days when female virginity meant everything. 2. 02/7Five signs. 3. 03/7​Quick orgasm. 4. 04/7​May bleed. 5. 05/7​Clueless in bed. 6. 06/7Does not know what foreplay is. 7. 07/7Awkward.
It is usually suggested that you allow minutes for the complete treatment time. Cellulite on the body whilst likewise enhancing firmness and also lifting the skin. The therapy can be used as a stand alone therapy or, as part of a continuous fat decrease program with us to increase your results.
the Length Of Time Is The treatment?
We carried out a prospective study on a small number of females with cellulite to see if this might be substantiated. If you consume plenty of vitamins as well as a well balanced diet regimen-- it is obvious! discover the best hifu datchet from within by consuming foods that are reduced in salt. Salt absorbs water in the body, which leads to bloated tissue. NIVEA Q10 Firming + Goodbye Cellulite Product visibly improves the firmness of skin and also minimizes the look of cellulite in 10 days. Enriched with 100% Skin Similar Coenzyme Q10 and also Lotus Extract the serum leaves skin sensation immediately energised.
Unfortunately, we are not ready to expose any type of magic remedies or cellulite treatments due to the fact that there aren't any type of. There isn't a fast repair to do away with cellulite however there are products that can lower or reduce its look. Cellulite forms in locations with the least circulation so straightforward workouts such as vigorous walking, swimming as well as running need to be done daily to assist increase blood flow in the whole body. Lately several firms have created compression hosiery asserting to lower the appearance of cellulite. Among the most recent items are 'Silver Wave' stockings, made by Solidea, which claim to decrease cellulite utilizing 'patented micro-massage ridge technology'.
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salutethepig · 7 years
No fidget-ing at the back; or the Huntingdon (fitchett) Pie
Why am I writing about a mere pie you may ask? OK, for any number of good reasons (foremost of which of course is: “it’s a PIE, stupid, what’s not to like?”) but really there are two main ones:
It’s a great traditional dish made with pork & apple that’s been produced in and around Huntingdon and dates back hundreds of years &
It used to be made with bacon taken from the Huntingdon Black Hog, now sadly extinct. A local pig, dear to my heart, especially as it was so similar to my beloved Berkshires.
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It’s such an important specimen (the pie that is, obviously; sadly the pig isn’t with us anymore) of the history of the food in this country, that the very wonderful Slow Food UK movement have added it to their Ark of Taste programme as a prime example of one of now nearly 100 or so English products, felt to be under threat of either disappearing completely or being changed beyond recognition (i.e. read “cheapened”).
The Berkshire (along with the British Lop, Gloucester Old Spot, Tamworth and other rare pig breeds) is also in there, right next to our regional cheeses, ancient fruits, endangered sheep and traditional fish, all coming under a heading we could and should call “best of British“.  Do you see a theme emerging here?
So, back to the Fidget (“fitchett” is an alternative spelling, as one suggestion for the derivation of the name is that it was originally ‘fitched’ or five-sided in shape; however, reading Stefan’s Florilegium also suggests the origin could indeed be fitchett, a slang word for ‘apple’), whilst local Cambs. food historian Alison Sloan said:
“One of the most popular theories is that it was named because the ingredients move around, or fidget, while it is cooking, but there are almost half a dozen other ideas.”
However you choose to pronounce this beauty, with pork and apples cooked inside a golden-brown short crust pie, what’s not to like about it? And along with onions and cider, that’s the basis for this deceptively simple dish.
[NOTE: some recipes also throw in potato — but that’s some horrible aberration ‘straight outta Shropshire’, so will be ignored here and henceforth by all right thinking people].
Sloan went on to say:
“We were quite late in using potatoes as our staple food in Cambridgeshire, and relied a lot on wheat and pastry. Therefore, pies were very popular – especially as there were a lot of apple orchards. Another local favourite was eel pie. People would not have eaten a lot of meat, so fish was very important. Eels would have been caught in the ditches around the Fens, along with herring.”
Back in 2007, a Grauniad journalist ¹ tried to find a Huntingdon Fidget Pie he could sample whilst on a family visit to the town; with a singular lack of success. Things haven’t improved any in the 10 years since then. Still no one is offering them in the town. Not one place.
These majestic pies — that were once produced here and all over the Midlands and described memorably as “meals on wheels for working men” ¹ — are the hyper-local equivalent of (amongst others) the bulging Cornish pasty…
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…or those packed hot pies coming from Lancashire…
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..but unlike these other two, you’re hard pressed to find them being made anywhere now, even (especially!) in their home-town — and that’s a crying shame.
So, to redress this balance I intend making these regularly. And with Berkshire bacon as I can’t get the pork from a genuine Huntingdon Hog. There are a number of recipes floating around the web now but this is the one I’m slowly fine-tuning. This will probably serve four (small) people. Although I’m not sure that’s the correct numbers — “your mileage may vary” — so you may want to scale up the numbers below …
The loud — and increasingly self-parodying — Gordon Ramsay’s recipe is pretty much word for word, exactly the same as mine, so I’m not linking to it. I’m not saying “disgusting, typical bullying plagiarism” here. Not exactly, but…
The Hairy Bikers (for whom I have a warm place in my heart, alongside the Two Fat Ladies & Keith Floyd), unfortunately use potato, so in this instance, their recipe in turn is sent back to the depths of Hades. Although I may try their use of a small touch of nutmeg at some point.
No, THIS one is canonical. Art least for the moment.
100 g (4 oz) unsalted butter, cubed
250 g (9 oz) plain strong flour
1tsp fresh thyme
1tsp brown sugar
salt and milled pepper
225 g (8 oz) back bacon, rind off, roughly chopped
1 medium onion, skinned and roughly chopped
225 g (8 oz) mixed cooking & eating apples, peeled, cored, roughly chopped
15 ml (1 tbsp) chopped fresh parsley
150 ml (1/4 pint) dry cider
1tsp corn flour
1 large egg yolk, beaten, for the glaze.
We’ll start off with the pastry:  sift 225 g (8 oz) of the flour and a pinch of salt into a bowl and add the thyme. Rub the butter in gently, until the mixture looks like breadcrumbs, then add just sufficient cold water to mix to take it to a firm dough. Ball up the dough, knead lightly then cover the bowl in clingfilm and put it in the fridge for 30 minutes.
Meanwhile, cook off the bacon and onions in a little pork fat until the former starts to crisp and the latter to go translucent. Combine the two, tossing in the corn-flour. In the pan juices left finally brown off the apples and then decant all three items into a 568 ml (1 pint) pie dish. Add the parsley & brown sugar and season to taste with salt & ground pepper.
Take the remaining flour and slowly add the cider, a little at a time, until it’s a runny paste; pour this into the pie dish.
Roll out the pastry until it’s approx. the depth of a £1 coin. Cut off a thin strip long enough to go around the rim of the pie dish. Moisten the dish rim with water and place this strip onto the rim, pressing down lightly all the way round.
Roll out the pastry again until it’s a circle approx. 1/2″ wider than the dish diameter
Now moisten the strip of pastry, place the pastry circle on top and press firmly to seal. Knock up and flute the edge using a fork.
Make a diagonal cross in the centre almost to the very edge of the dish and fold the pastry back to reveal the filling. Chill it all in the fridge again for 30 minutes.
Take out and brush the pastry all over with the egg. Bake at 190ºC (375°F) gas Mark 5, for about 45 minutes or until the pastry is deep golden and the filling is cooked.
And this is the result. Well, one of them. In this version from today, I’ve used diced pork loin rather than bacon, to ring the changes and experiment. Hey, no carping criticisms eh? My town, my recipe(s), MY frickin’ pie.
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It’s perfect straight from the oven along with a green vegetable — I’d suggest a purple sprouting broccoli or some curly kale or you can let it chill and then match it with a salad & a sharp pickle.
† interestingly, there’s a Fitchett mentioned in connection with the eponymous town of Huntingdon, VA. Nothing to do with pigs or pies but still, one of those nuggets of useless information (in this case about Cherrystone oysters),  that you’ll thank me for one day. You’r …
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Doran S. Callahan Collection, Eastern Shore Public Library Accomac, Va. 1900
Fort, Matthew. “Start fidgeting”. The Guardian, 17 November 2007
No fidget-ing at the back; or the Huntingdon (fitchett) Pie was originally published on Salute The Pig
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briancampbell0706 · 6 months
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