masterblooky · 6 months
Do you guys think the reason Scar always got tasks that made him a villain and prevented him from teaming up with people was because Grian let him reroll when he failed and then got others to help him complete his hard task?
Like a prove your worth situation or something. Prove you can succeed without the help of others as you were meant to.
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eelektrossfan · 2 months
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Happy 15 year anniversary to FMAB I definitely knew that was today
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deepsix-art · 12 days
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busy summer. less art time. wips im not going to finish
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dxoxrlinq · 8 months
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casually posts the 90s yaoi couple of the undertale multiverse idk (plus mashed potato)
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crowlipso · 10 months
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Seb: "So..there's this girl"
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hubrisity · 2 years
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When you leave the gc but nobody notices
sorry my demons !!!!
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I have the distinct feeling that lute would pull you around by the horns of your mask
"She does, and it's the cutest thing ever.. Lute's the only person I let manhandle me and shit.⚡"
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Why did I add the ooc tags last 💀
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meepercat · 6 months
how ironic is it that the one dude roier hunted the most in purgatory (bbh) is the one dude who's actually reached out to Roier the most and asked him if he's okay after the event
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kesia-stupid-arts · 1 year
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“Abigail always protected me.”
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7-omen-7 · 2 years
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they’re at it again
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angelwowings · 26 days
This fandom lowkey a dumpster fire dawg
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chaoticillness · 7 months
A Memory of the Sunset
»»————- 🎞 ————-««
Featuring: Kaedehara Kazuha x gn!reader (can be interpreted as romantic or platonic)
Warnings: mention of blood
Director’s Cut: i abused the enter key so hard on this one. a weird, slightly angsty kind-of character study that i started writing a year ago and restarted today while procrastinating. proofreader said “makes me cry 10/10” so i’m doing my job right. enjoy!
»»————- 🎞 ————-««
You were eight when the man with the white hair appeared in your window for the first time.
He was a little kid then too, no younger than you judging by the looks of him. Groggily rousing yourself from the clutches of your comforter, you wobbled over to the windowsill and asked,
“How’d you get up? That’s high.”
He said, 
“That’s a secret.”
You were thirteen when he started appearing every night. Looking back, you wonder if he was lonely. Yeah, your parents would tell you stranger danger and all that, but he just felt safe. Someone to talk to when nobody else was there. Deep down, you both knew neither of you would judge the other.
As the leaves changed, you started riding a bike to the forest down your street. He had told you that he liked the leaves when their colors started to darken, as they fell in preparation for the wrath of Winter. When you asked him why, he murmured something passingly about the wind being stronger and left it at that. He never told you much about where he came from. You figured maybe he and his parents were estranged, what with all the sneaking out. 
On a brutally cold Saturday, you saw him peek his head out from behind a tree in the forest. He glanced left and right, and finally landed on you. 
“Why are you here? You’re not supposed to be here. And what’s with the puffer jacket?”
“Uh, I was taking a walk…”
“Well, it doesn’t matter that much,” he replied, “You’re here now.” A pause, and he adds, “Kazuha.” 
“Huh?” you question.
“My name-“ he backtracks. “I realized that I’d never told you.”
You’d never heard of any… Kazuha in your neighborhood, but you didn’t question it. Maybe you were naive, or maybe you had an inkling of what he really was. Rolling over memories in your mind, you wonder why he stayed that long with you back then, and never anyone else.
• • • • •
The fire escape in your first apartment was faulty. It was temperamental and it damn well never worked when it needed to, but it was his favorite, so you kept it. He liked to sit there with you and watch the purple sunsets over the bustle and brass of the street under. Talk about anything, everything. Except his family. He knew yours, every cousin and every grandparent, but when you tried asking him on that fire escape his face crumpled. Squeezing your hand, he murmured, “It’s a long story.”
You never asked him again.
Kazuha never seemed to have any milestones, or commitments, or anything at all. He was there, and then he was gone. But he was always there for yours, whether it was your high school graduation or your cousin’s wedding. The boy had carved a place out for himself in the muscle fibers of your heart, slithering through your bloodstream, an essential element of your functioning. 
And then he was gone.
• • • • •
Some people are just born to wander, leaving their fingerprints on everything they touch, a sign they were there. That they loved and they lost and they lived.
And some people are born to be left behind by the wanderers, to be the canvas for those fingerprints, a sign that they were there too. 
The sunset is beautiful tonight.
»»————- 🎞 ————-««
A/N: fun fact! when i first started writing this, it was intended to be a Peter Pan-esque AU inspired by Devil by the Window by TXT, but i left it sitting in my notes app until now and it turned into this weird word vomit about loss. what can i say? inspiration strikes when it wants. <- (me pretending i write more than once every six months)
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trentsmyfave · 9 months
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liibility · 2 months
hello i‘m back from the dead!!!! please ignore all the military mistakes and the fact that your name is mug (im drinking tea)
cw blood? veryyyyyy slight allusion to nsfw i promise its barely there
A light breeze blew dust across the empty compound, sprays of blood and bodies dotting the shadowy area. König could feel his own blood slowly seeping into the leg of his pants where a knife had been stabbed a few times. It didn‘t matter much, though: the wound would heal soon enough by itself. More importantly—
"Mug, how copy?" He needed to make sure you were okay and heading to the extract point. Exfil would be there in three; all that was left to do now was get to the building where they‘d all be picked up.
A minute passed as he waited for your answer, but there was nothing; not even the slightest bit of static from your end.
"Mug, are you there?"
You were probably already there, he rationalized. Or maybe your radio had been broken after you‘d split up to empty the area you‘d been assigned to.
He couldn’t help the sinking feeling in his chest. Even if he wanted to ignore it, he already knew the reason you weren‘t responding.
He could see the building where you were supposed to already be from where he was, and he quickened his pace. Faint lights lit the way and König was grateful for them, even if they were mostly unnecessary. Another chilly wind gusted past as a cloud covered the moon, dimming the area significantly.
He stopped in his tracks and stiffened as something else floated along on the wind — something familiar. Blood.
Your blood.
Intense, unshakeable bloodlust bore down on him; he was unable to stop the way his limbs carried him forward. Cotton filled his brain, a muffling fuzziness robbing him of the ability to focus on anything else.
König didn‘t need his radio or the bad lighting anymore; the worryingly strong scent of blood told him exactly where you were.
Slowly, his steps sped up until he was practically running to the dark shape on the ground. Your heartbeat was weaker than normal, but it still resonated like a gong echoing in his head; sound bouncing endlessly against the hollow walls of his skull. Static came from his radio, but all of his senses were laser-focused on you and you only.
Somewhere in the back of his mind, he knew you needed immediate medical attention. Obviously you were severely wounded, judging by the amount of blood on your gear and the ground
He knew that, and yet…
Looming over your prone form, his vision tunnelled onto the place where blood stained your uniform the most.
Distantly he heard the helicopter as it touched down, whipping up dust that flew into his eyes. He could care less about some dust right now, because someone had rushed out and grabbed you, hoisting your unconscious form over their shoulder. Doggedly, he followed where they took you into the helicopter, unblinking eyes still fixed on you. Your blood might as well have been running through his own veins; he could feel it, not as something he only could dream of, but tangible. In the flesh. Real.
It was on him, somewhere. Where was it? Where was it?
A pressure was on his arm, guiding him towards the helicopter. He gritted his teeth, fighting down the urge to snap this man‘s neck. Even as his teeth cut deep into his lips, it was all he could do to tamp down the bloodlust he felt. At this point, he wasn‘t even sure who it was directed at.
He felt too heavy to even think anymore, and he was grateful for that. It was bad enough to have to constantly be tasting your blood in the air without his mind telling him what he should do.
The heli took off, and he let his mind mercifully shut down.
König was so thirsty, he felt like he was going to die.
He couldn‘t shake your scent off of him. It stuck in his head, his nose, his mouth, and made him feel like he was going insane— moreso than he already was.
After the check-up he’d been forced to have with one of the nurses, and even after he‘d showered for a long time, it wasn‘t leaving. You‘d never even been remotely close to his quarters, so why did it smell like you‘d plastered yourself all over his wall?
He was sweating again, even though he felt like a shriveled and dry husk; his eyes darted around his cramped room frantically, wishing that, even if he knew he would never forgive himself, he could—
His gear.
His gloves had you— your blood was all over them.
Shit. Shit. Shit.
The sane part of his mind willed his hands to stop from reaching towards his dirty, bloodied gear.
But it was like his hand had a mind of its own, and there was absolutely no stopping the way he brought it to his mouth.
He might be the most pathetic person on earth, but the moment his tongue touched that tiny stain of blood, he knew he was ruined forever. Nothing would ever come close to the taste of you. There were no words in any language to properly describe how that minuscule amount of blood made him feel. His body suddenly thrummed with energy despite having just been out for hours. For the first time in a long time, his mind felt clear. He was a drowning man who‘d just surfaced and gotten a breath of air—
Only to go straight back under, deeper than before.
What would it taste like from the source?
There was no use pretending he didn‘t like that idea. He could feel his boxers getting tight, even after what he‘d done in the shower.
König was slipping.
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jetblackfeeling · 2 years
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previews of drawings i did for the 2022 @stevetonydarkfests​ rbb
pls heed the warnings
accompanying fics for caught up on your hook (avengers prime v1): Deep In the Woods by dirigibleplumbing (you made your bed) now lie in it by hollyandvice
accompanying fics for into our secret place (kidnapped tony): And It All Comes Back to You by betheflame (un)becoming his by deervsheadlights
thank you so much to all the writers who claimed my art i had a total blast reading all of them and to the mods for this cool event that made me try new things.
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transgender-louie · 10 months
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me when i do that whole inspiration thingey
ref sheet for me and for you because im posting it . dont ask why the front facing olimar is slightly smaller he was not intended to be as such . dies
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