#SKZ Hyunjin Smut
baby-yongbok · 6 months
Cam Star
Camboy!Hyunjin x Camgirl!Reader
♡ Genre - Smut ♡ Word Count - 10k ✧ Masterlist ✧
♡ Summary - You haven’t seen Hyunjin since the CamStar convention but he’s been on your mind and you’ve been on his. Today’s the day of your collaboration with him, a spicy show for hundreds to watch but the cam is the last thing on your mind.
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♡ A/N: I started this as soon as I saw that gif of Hyunjin on live. I wrote this based on one of the many thoughts that gif brought me but it took me FOREVER to complete this. I'm glad that I can at least post it on his birthday! This is the longest fic I've written on this account and I'm proud of it. I hope that you enjoy! 💕+ reader is depicted as chubby/plus size and is a POC ♡ MDNI
♡ Warnings: Use of marijuana and alcohol, Foot worship/play, unprotected piv, exhibitionism? - That should be all, let me know if I missed any!
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You’ve had a month to prepare for tonight's plans. Everything around you is perfect, your sheets are soft and clean. Your set is lit to perfection and the new matching co-ords that you're sporting for tonight's show were picked out carefully by you and your best friend, Felix, who happens to be a close friend of tonight's guest. You’ve confided in your friend for weeks about your guest's preferences to try and calm your nerves but he didn’t tell you anything that you didn’t already know. 
You would think that maintaining a spot as one of the top five creators on CamStar for two years would make you feel more like a seasoned professional but that couldn’t be further from the truth. Every time that you think about the fact that you’re about to collaborate with Hyunjin, one of the top three male creators on the site, you want to scream and kick your feet like a flustered school girl. Hyunjin is the epitome of beauty, that might sound a bit extreme but it’s true. He’s captivating and shameless with what he does, always begging the chat to let him cum and making such intense and sexy eye contact with the lens that you feel like you’re right there with him. You’ve gotten off to his cams more times than you’d ever admit to him and according to Felix his friend has done the same to yours.  
The mirror would be sick of seeing you if it were a person because here you are standing in front of it for the hundredth time tonight brushing off your short shorts and pulling up your tube top. The deep golden yellow fabric is nearly see through against you and you can’t help but to think that maybe you should change. Maybe this is too much? I mean yeah you’re about to be naked on camera for others across the internet to see and you’re more than comfortable in this outfit but what if Hyunjin doesn’t like it? Felix said that he thinks that his friend will go speechless when he sees you but what if he’s wrong? What if - oh fuck, he’s here.
The echo of the doorbell through your living room leaves you frozen for a second too long before you break into a soft jog over to your front door. You slide across the hardwood with your fuzzy pineapple print socks and take a deep breath as you twist the knob. There he is. Your eyes meet his for a second and you both smile as you take each other in. He’s chosen his usual laid back attire for tonight's show as you expected. His oversized Hilfiger t-shirt and black cargo sweats don't surprise you one bit but you seemed to have caught him a bit off guard with your choice of threads tonight.
“Hey, you’re early.” Hyunjin stares at you, wide eyed and silent for a second too long before he’s clearing his throat and lifting his gaze from your bare thighs to your eyes.  
“Yeah, I uh - roads were clearer than I thought.” You step aside, inviting him in and you can feel the nervous pit in your stomach deepen as he brushes past you. 
“I told you they would be.” Once he slips his shoes off and drops his bag at the door the two of you stand in awkward silence as you steal glances and open and close your mouths for what feels like an eternity. 
“It’s uh- good to see you.” He leans in for a hug, wrapping his arms around your waist and you follow his lead, lacing your arms around his neck as you sigh.
“We’re being such losers right now.” The vibration of his chuckle as he pulls away brings a smile to your face.
“Can you blame me? I haven’t seen you in what? Five months? Maybe six.” You hum, making your way over to your couch and plopping down onto the soft cherry red cushion. 
“Six months, yeah. I mean, we’ve kinda kept in touch since the convention.”
“Commenting on instagram photos and retweeting posts do not count as keeping in touch and you know it.” A blush creeps across your cheeks as he sits next to you, elbows resting on his knees and that damned smirk on his lips. It’s the same one that he uses during his livestreams, the same one that you’ve cum to over and over again. 
“Yeah I know, I know.” You cross your legs underneath you, turning towards him. “You dyed your hair?”
“Yeah, wanted to do something different. I haven’t gone live with it yet so tonight will be the debut for this look.”
“I’m honored that you’ve chosen to debut it with me.” Your fingers rake through his soft locks as you take in the new cut.
“Of course, Princess.” The fact that you aren’t gasping for air right now and appear to be keeping your cool is actually magic. Pure witchcraft, honestly. How can someone make a pet name sound so good? “I need to get used to calling you that so I don’t say your name on cam.”
Your blush deepens as you stare down at his lap. Right, you forgot that you go by Princess when you’re on cam. He’s only calling you that cause that’s what you go by, gosh are you that down bad already? 
“I don’t have to change much, Jinnie.” You sing his name a bit and he smiles at the sound of it. 
“You’re lucky that I go by my name or else you’d have to moan something outlandish like Your Majesty or something.” You fall into a laughing fit, falling onto his shoulder dramatically for support. “Maybe I’ll have you call me that since you seem to enjoy it so much.”
His laugh mirrors yours as he watches you, your head resting on his shoulder with your eyes shut and your mouth hung open as you try to catch your breath. He’s never heard a prettier laugh in his life, he swears it. “Please do not make me call you that I won’t be able to keep a straight face.”
“You already won’t be able to do that though.” He grins as your laughing dies down and you take a final deep breath. Your previous laughter has started to turn into something else entirely. You can feel the heat start to surround the two of you but you’re not even on set or in front of the camera yet. This is what happened last time that you and Hyunjin were together. Everyone at the convention swore that you two had undeniable chemistry. 
“I would say that you’ll have to get used to moaning Princess but something tells me that you already have experience with that.” His eyebrows raise as he leans back into your couch.
“What gives you that idea?”
“Word on the street is that you watch my shows.” There goes that smirk again. He lets his head fall back against the back of your couch as he sighs a bit. 
“Is that right?” He lifts his head, inspecting your matching smirk as he licks over his bottom lip. “Well what if I told you that I heard that you are a big fan of my shows too.”
Your blush is back as you tongue your cheek. Damn Felix and his big mouth! Why would he tell him that? Just play it cool. “Where did you get that information?”
“From the same street that you got your information.” The eye contact that the two of you hold is strong and hot like a steady flame. You watch as his eyes trail from your lips and down the curve of your neck for just a second before rushing back up to meet your gaze but instead of his honey pupils meeting yours he’s met with the view of your own lustful gaze trailing down the slope of his toned arm. 
You’ve done other collabs with people that you're close to and some that you’ve only spoken to for a couple of hours at a convention so you can confidently say that you have never felt as titillated as you do with Hyunjin right now. To be fair, you didn’t have a crush on any of those other people. 
You may not talk to Hyunjin as much as you desire to but you’ve watched every single one of his cams and SFW Q & A’s as well as his YouTube vlogs that you only just found out about days after you asked him to collab with you. He’s mentioned his art to you before but it wasn’t until you came across his channel that you saw just how good he is with a brush or almost any other medium. That mixed with being able to enjoy his everyday lifestyle content and his breathtaking dance covers has made you feel closer to him than you felt before. Though you do find it kind of embarrassing that you’ve gotten close to him through a screen instead of real life.
 Little do you know that Hyunjin is no better than you when it comes to consuming an unspeakable amount of your content. Every single cam that you’ve ever done has been viewed by him at least once and he’s not ashamed to say that he’s even paid to view the premium content.
 He found out about your lifestyle and mental health blog around the same time that you found out about his YouTube channel and he proceeded to scroll all the way down to your first post and back up again. He watched each and every one of your advice videos on the site and has read every word that you’ve ever written and posted. He found himself falling in love with the way that your mind works. He loves the way that you look at life and how you’re able to transform your feelings into breath-taking statements. He nearly forgot about your cams when he found your site. 
“So you think that I’m used to moaning your name?” His question pulls your attention back up to his gaze. 
“Maybe you moan it in your free time.” You shrug with a wink, turning away from him quickly but luckily you don’t miss the smile and blush that he tries to hide from you. 
“I could say the same for you.” He grumbles under his breath as he lets his head fall back against the couch again. You both sit silently, trying your best not to smile like an idiot in front of the other. “Did you pre-game?”
“Uh no not yet, didn’t know if you wanted to join.” You stand, raising your arms to stretch a bit and shamelessly giving him the perfect view of your ass in your shorts. “I know it’s not really your thing.”
“Mm.” He must be enjoying the view. “I’m your guest, I follow your vibe. I don’t mind joining you.”
You hum, making your way over to the black box on your TV stand. “You smoke?”
“Yeah, casually, mostly just with Felix or at parties and shit like that.” 
“I didn’t know. Do you have a favorite strain? I have just about everything.” He falls into silent thought as you take your seat next to him, setting the box in your arms on the table and starting to set up.
“Purple Runtz, I think. I smoked that one before a cam once and I felt ten times more sensitive.” He sits up, leaning forward to watch as you open your box which basically serves as a mini dispensary. Your interest in weed goes way beyond just getting high for the fuck of it. It’s been the best remedy for your anxiety since you tried it but then again you don’t owe anyone an explanation on why you always have a blunt rolled and ready. 
“Ou, I love that one, I think I have some of that. My favorite is Apollo 11, it makes me feel so relaxed and fucking brainless. My anxiety evaporates as soon as I hit it.”
“Are you anxious tonight?” You don’t look over at him. You simply grin as you continue to search for your favorite pipe. You actually aren’t too nervous about tonight's show, something about having Hyunjin here is grounding.
“Not really but I still wanna take a hit or two.” He nods, reaching for the pipe that you laid out on your coffee table. 
“How the hell did you get your pipe so clean?” You giggle as you finally find the strains you both mentioned earlier and take a bit out for the both of you.
“That’s a secret, your majesty.” You erupt into your second fit of laughter for the night when you look over and get a glimpse of the most wicked side eye you’ve ever seen. 
“Fuck you.”
“You will soon.” You pick out your favorite grinder and close your box. “Want anything else?”
“Got any soju?” You pause, turning around slowly to face him with a raised brow.
“You want to get cross faded?” 
“Not really, I don’t drink much just up to the first line of a solo cup. That’s more of my thing than smoking, really.” He shrugs, placing your pipe back down onto the table.
“I mean, if you think that you can handle it. I do want you to remember the night, you know?” 
“I’m not a teenager, I can handle it. I’ve done it before and it’s not like I’m smoking an entire blunt by myself.” You proceed grinding the buds as he stands from your couch. 
“Your kitchen is…” He walks towards the archway of your living room and mumbles a small ‘there’ when he spots the dark kitchen right across the narrow hallway.
“Soju is on the top shelf of the cabinet next to the fridge.” You call out as you start to fill the bowl of your purple glass pipe. 
“So high up for such a little person.” He calls back as you hear the cabinet close.
“Solo cups are on top of the fridge and fuck off tall person.” You can hear the faint echo of his chuckle as he fixes his drink. You take the couple of seconds that you’re waiting for him as an opportunity to light the bowl and take the first hit. 
“A yellow solo? Really? You know that the red solo cups are the sexy ones.” You stifle a chuckle in a desperate attempt not to choke on the smoke in your lungs. He brings the cup to his lips quickly before taking the pipe that you're offering him.
“Sexy?” You question following your exhale. “What makes the red ones sexy?”
“The sense of mystery.” He mumbles as he exhales over his shoulder. “I just never see the yellow ones.” You hum, taking the pipe back and peaking into his cup.
“Hyunjin, that’s way more than just the bottom of the cup.” The corner of his mouth twitches as he offers you the cup.
“That’s because I got just a bit more to share with you.” 
“I didn’t say that I wanted any.” You tease.
“True, you don’t have to have any. Just thought of you since I came to your house and started drinking your liquor.” You set your pipe down and take the cup from Hyunjin’s hand silently before turning to him completely and holding your pinky out. 
“I’ll have some but I just need us to promise something first.” He turns to face you completely, glancing down at your finger with a faint grin. “I get high before almost every cam and I know that you’re aware of that but I’ve never really done it with anyone else. Well, not on cam. I just want us to be comfortable.”
He holds his pinky out to you, wrapping it around yours without question. “I promise that I’ll be fine and that I’m more than okay with everything that will happen tonight. If I’m uncomfortable I’ll tell you, you’ll do the same, right? I only want to make you feel good, nothing else.” 
“I promise that I’ll be fine too. I’ll tell you everything. I’ll communicate so much that you’ll want me to shut up.” The two of you had already discussed your limits beforehand and you’ve both done your research on the other person - whether it be for business or personal benefits varies - but you feel yourself relax further now that you’ve heard him say that he’ll be fine. Pinky promises are like a contract after all. 
“Impossible, I could never want such a thing.” You let go of his finger and he follows, a grin on both of your faces as he reaches for his cup but you beat him to it. “We’re sharing the bowl and the drink anyway, It’ll literally just be the tip of the iceberg.” He’s right, this isn’t enough to fuck you guys up, not with the tolerance that you have. It’s just enough to make you both melt and feel loose enough to drop your masks a little faster.
“You know what we should do?” He takes the cup as you pass it to him, drinking from the same spot on the cusp that you just did. Did he mean to do that? Was that like an indirect kiss? Or are you really that down bad for him already? Fuck, get a grip. “We should start a bit early, maybe just sit and talk to set the mood?”
“You can’t smoke on cam though.” He takes another sip as you finish your second hit. 
“Let’s start after the bowl then. We can share the drink and just chill? Get a feel of everything and vibe check the chat.” He hums, choking a bit on his inhale but recovering pretty quickly, he must do this more frequently than you thought. He clears his throat taking a sip of soju to substitute one burn for another. 
“That’s fine with me, Princess.”
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“You never told me if I look okay.” The two of you finished smoking maybe fifteen minutes ago and decided to move to your office to start getting comfortable on set. 
“That’s because I didn’t trust myself to say something that didn’t sound lame.” Hyunjin makes himself comfortable on your sofa bed, yellow solo cup in hand while he pushes his hair out of his face.
“That was then, what about now?”
“Now I can confidently say that you look absolutely breath-taking.” The soft sound of R&B music playing across the room fills in the silence after his answer. Your content giggling and smiling while you set up your camera and adjust your laptop is enough feedback for him.  “What’s the second cam for?”
“Oh, collabs aren’t available in my archive to try and encourage more people to watch them. So if anyone misses this they’re assed out but I do like to record collabs for myself to watch back later.” 
“Yeah? Gonna get off to me fucking you later?” The weed and soju are definitely doing their job for him. His playful and teasing nature has been on full display since the two of you finished smoking. Your mask is dropped too so you have no problem matching his energy.
“Maybe, better put on an unforgettable show.” He tongues his cheek, eyeing your glossed lips. He can’t wait to smear that red tint across your cheeks, he’ll definitely give you an unforgettable show. You settle next to him, draping your bare legs over his clothed lap.
“You’ve seen my cams.” His eyes meet yours slowly. “So you know that I will.”
“Then let’s do this.” You lean forward to hit ‘Go Live’ but Hyunjin stops you before you can press it. 
“Hold on, I wanted to do something first.” He takes your hand gently as he leans forward to sit the yellow cup on the table in front of the both of you. You hum, staring at him with pinched brows but when he pushes your hair from your face and runs his thumb over your cheek bone you can’t help but to let go of the tension in your face. 
“I don’t really want our first kiss to be on cam, if you don’t mind.” A grin creeps up on you as he searches your eyes, leaning in so closely that you can feel his breath tickling your lips. 
 “Can I kiss you?” You answer him by leaning in and pressing your lips against his. He sighs into you as his lips move against yours. Soft, gentle and only for you. His other hand finds your waist and he pulls you closer to him until your racing heart is nearly against his own. You let out a soft moan as you feel his tongue trace the seam of your mouth. Once he hears that sweet sound he knows that he has to pull away or else the two of you will never turn that camera on and he’ll keep every inch of you to himself. You notice his reluctance as he pulls away but the look in his eyes once they flutter open and meet yours makes you forget about everything except the feeling of him against you. 
“You’re smiling.” You turn away at his comment trying to hide your face from him but he turns your head back, a matching smile on his lips. 
“You kissed me, of course I’m smiling.”
“Does that mean that you like me?” You turn away from him, groaning playfully as you avoid his gaze. 
“Are you ready now? Or are you going to keep flirting with me?” His chuckle brings back the smile that you’re fighting to get rid of and it excites the butterflies in your stomach all over again. Luckily for you Hyunjin is just as down bad as you are, his stomach is doing somersaults right now and he swears that his heart is beating out of his chest. 
“I’m ready.”
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The chat went from being chill with just about ninety people watching to absolutely overflowing as soon as your usual air time hit. You’re used to having a large audience but the number on your screen is nearly more than double what it usually is thanks to your special guest. 
Jinnie! You dyed your hair. They look so hot together omg I’d do anything to be between the two of them right now Can he handle our Princess?
You and Hyunjin skim through the buzzing chat, responding to the comments that catch your eye. 
“So many comments about my hair. I just did it because I wanted to impress you all, did it work?” He winks at the camera, his signature smirk on his lips as he brings the cup up to take a sip. He tilts the cup towards you once he sips from it but you bring your hand up to play in his hair instead. 
“It’s so soft, like, you all would not believe it. I really like the black on him, don’t you?” His eyes meet yours as he licks his lips. 
“Are you impressed?” It’s your turn to smirk as you take the cup from him, brushing your fingertips over the back of his hand in the process.
“Let’s save the reviews for after the show.” You offer a quick wink as you sip from the cup. He tongues his cheek as he focuses back on the chat but his hands are only focused on you.
His fingers are having a field day as they trace sensitive circles and lines into your calves and thighs. He kneads at the flesh softly as he makes conversation with the viewers that he recognizes, but you can’t seem to focus on chat right now. Not when your crushes' big hands are massaging every inch of exposed skin he can reach.
Hyunjin notices that you’re a bit spaced out, so he asks you a question to help you refocus. The conversation kind of turns into an impromptu story time that consists of you and Hyunjin telling the viewers and each other about the other collabs that you’ve done. The further that you get into the show, the closer you and Hyunjin get. You’ve gone from just having your calves draped over his lap to moving closer and putting your arm over his shoulder. That has led you to how you are right now, his arm around your waist with your legs draped over his lap and your head on his shoulder. Your breath is tickling that sweet spot on his neck, and he’s trying desperately to focus on the timbre of your laugh instead of how eager he is to touch you. You’re laughing about something that probably isn’t that funny - thanks to the weed - when Hyunjin reads a comment out loud. 
“Looks like you got a tip and a request.” He leans a bit closer to the screen, pushing his hair out of his face and licking his lips as he reads the request to you. “Your socks are cute but I want to see your pretty toes.”
“Mm would you take them off for me, Jinnie?” He sighs at the way that you make his name sound so sweet yet sexy at the same time. He’s already rock hard in his sweats from how close you are to him, he can’t possibly handle your pretty voice saying his name like that too
“Ask me again.” Actually, he can take it. He’ll definitely explode later but right now he wants to take all that he can get. “You sounded so sweet the first time I just need to hear it again.”
“What if I'm not sweet this time?” 
“Indulge me, Princess.” A mindless giggle escapes you as you lean in and run your fingers through his hair. You stop right when your lips brush the shell of his ear and whisper. 
“Will you please take them off for me…” You suck in a slow breath and Hyunjin’s eyes flutter shut for just a second. “Your majesty .” His eyes squeeze shut and he folds forward in a fit of laughter that you quickly reciprocate.
“You’re so fucking stupid.” He sits up, trying to catch his breath the best he can so that he can fulfill your request.
“Then you should have no problem fucking me dumb.” You fake a pout at him through your laughter.
 “Come here.” You bend your knees, bringing your feet to his lap to give him better access. Your laughter quickly dies down when you get a feel of his hard cock under the soles of your feet. It would be a shame not to help him with that. As Hyunjin removes one of your socks you press the ball of your naked foot against his clothed shaft lightly, just enough for a delicious hiss to escape him. 
He moves to remove your other sock and you repeat your previous actions, pressing against his hard cock with the other foot and then following with both. Hyunjin's hands run over the tops of your feet as he watches you massage his dick over his pants. It’s too subtle for your mic to catch but you can hear his breathing start to pick up as you work against him. “Pretty.”  He mumbles, his voice thick with desire. You grin at him lazily, the effects of both strains of weed is starting to hit you a bit harder now that the heat between you and Hyunjin is starting to pick up. 
“You think my toes are pretty?”  He nods, his eyes darkened with lust. One of his hands runs up your calf, his grip gentle but firm. You arch your back, pushing your hips forward and inviting him closer while he leans in, bringing one of your feet up to his mouth with a feather light grip on your ankle and pressing a soft kiss to the top of your foot. A shiver runs down your spine as you watch him. 
“So pretty.” His voice is barely above a whisper, just loud enough for your mic to pick up but quiet enough to know that he’s talking to you and only you. It’s like he’s forgotten about the chat and if he is to be completely honest, he did, just for a moment. The feeling of your foot pressed against his dick is so intoxicating, how could he not? “Can I suck them?”
“I’ve never done that before.” The wide nervous smile and breathy chuckle that follows your confession leaves Hyunjin smiling too. He presses another kiss to the top of your foot, this time it’s sloppier and it sends another chill down your spine, are you into this?
“Do you want to try it?” You’ve never felt shy when doing a cam before. Not even when you first started, so why are you covering your eyes and giggling like a drunk teenager at the mention of having your toes sucked? “Aren’t these feet just too pretty, chat? Shouldn’t they be worshiped appropriately?”
I’d give anything to be Princess right now Such pretty feet need to be praised
Hyunjin’s question received more than a few comments back and nearly double the amount of tips but truthfully, you were already sold the minute that he asked to do it. Who in their right mind would say no to having those beautiful blushed lips on them? 
“I’ll try it.” Your bright eyes meet Hyunjin’s for just a second as he silently asks for confirmation. You nod your head, a goofy smile on your face as you lean back on your palms. He presses soft sloppy kisses to the top of your foot, adding more pressure and tongue as he trails down. His eyes stay on yours when he kisses your pinky toe, adding so much tongue that he’s practically licking it into his mouth. Your smile drops as he does the same to the next toe, you watch with parted lips and bated breath as he sucks on the digit, swirling his tongue over your purple pedicure and effectively making you gush between your thighs.
“Why the fuck does that feel so good?” Your question comes out as more of a quivering moan than you meant for it to but you’re way too entranced in this pleasure to give a fuck about how you sound. 
He smirks, his eyes twinkling with a soft desire to unravel you further. “Because I'm good at it.” His lips and tongue leave a trail of wet heat as he continues, his slow and deliberate movements build you up perfectly. 
Something tells you that this is going to be a good show. 
You can't help but let out a sharp gasp as his lips close around your big toe. Why is that one ten times more sensitive? “Oh fuck.” Your eyes flutter shut and you throw your head back with your lips parted in a euphoric smile. You puff out a small sigh of relief followed by a mindless giggle as he continues to lavish attention on your toes. “This is my new favorite thing.”
“Having your toes sucked?” He plants a sloppy kiss on the top of your foot as he lowers it back to his lap. “Or having me suck them?” He moves his hands to your thighs and parts your legs he sinks the tips of his fingers into your thigh as he pulls you forward into his lap. You gasp at the sudden shift, trying your best to stifle a giggle.
“You can answer that when it’s just you and me if you want.” His hands move to grab at the curve of your ass and you smile down at him, we can’t let him have all of the fun can we? 
The moan that escapes Hyunjin when you wrap your hand around his throat and pull his face towards yours is enough to make your ego explode. It’s only now that he’s so close to you that you can see how his eyes have a faint red tint from the weed, they’re droopy and have the tiniest fucked out glaze to them as they stare back into yours. 
“You sure are talking a lot for someone who needs me on their cock.” You swirl your hips against him, pressing your soaked core against the tent in his pants. You can’t help to resent the clothes keeping you away from each other, you much rather be grinding on his bare length right now. “Shouldn’t you be begging for me instead?”
"Make me beg for it." His words huff out in a shaky breath, his large hands swiftly and mindlessly gripping your plush hips as you grind against him slowly. 
"Show me how much you want it." He attempts to lean forward and catch your lips with his but you dodge him a bit before he can reach you. “Use your words, baby.”
The second that you call him baby Hyunjin swears that he could melt in your hands. He’s no stranger to the sweet name but hearing it fall from your lips makes every other time someone has called him that feel bitter. “You’re gonna drive me crazy.”
You halt all movement and he whines in protest. He attempts to buck up into you but you press down to stop him. “Let me hear you beg for me.”
 “Please let me kiss you, let me taste you.” His pleading voice is barely above a whisper. He takes a deep breath and closes his eyes, his pounding heart is all that he hears as he awaits your response. Your hand slides up the back of his neck, lacing through his raven locks and pulling lightly. “Please, I need you.”
“You sound so pretty.”  You lean in and kiss him, smiling against him as he cups your face with both hands and deepens the kiss. His lips move over yours with a hunger that you’ve never experienced before.
 His rhythm is gentle yet desperate like he’s savoring the taste of you. Your hands run over his strong shoulders and trail down to explore each curve of his bicep. You brush your fingers over the muscles, moaning when you feel them flex beneath your fingertips, the simple reaction prompts you to grind into him a bit harder earning a pleased groan to vibrate through him. Your hands are caressing the smooth skin of his forearms when his tongue swipes across the seam of your mouth and you promptly grant him access.
 Your hands fall to rest on his chest, balling the fabric of his shirt into a fist and your brain blanks out, there’s not a single thought going through that pretty head once the taste of him floods your tongue. He tastes more like Soju than he does weed and there’s a hint of mint from the gum that he was chewing beforehand.
“Chat…” Hyunjin pulls back, his eyes stay on you while he talks to the audience that you completely forgot about. Forgetting that you’re live with hundreds of people watching seems to be a running theme tonight. “You think I should take her top off?” His eyes trail down the curve of your neck until they reach the hem of your strapless top that’s leaving very little to the imagination.
“It’s so tiny how the fuck does it stay on?” You laugh a bit harder than intended at his question causing your top to slip down a bit. “Oh, fuck can you do me a favor? Bounce in my lap, I wanna see your top fall down.”
“You want me to bounce in your lap?” You coo with a sweet yet teasing tone. “Like this?” You bounce lightly, grinding down on his pulsing erection each time you come down.
“Shit, baby, please.” You continue to bounce in his lap lightly, feeling your top slip down little by little. 
“Is this how you want me to ride you, Jinnie?” You bat your lashes at him, his hands find a home on your waist, digging his fingers into the flesh. 
“Such a fucking tease.” The smile on his face quickly dissolves once your top finally gives way, you continue to grind against him slowly as he takes in the sight. “ Gosh, you’re gorgeous.” 
One of his hands slides up the curve of your waist and cups at your bare breast, kneading the mound slowly while pinching and twirling your nipple. It doesn’t take long for his other hand to follow suit. “Shit, they’re sensitive.” You moan at the contact, whining a bit when he pinches harder.
“Yeah? Can you cum from this, Princess? Gonna soak my lap from getting your nipples pinched?” You whimper, arousal flooding your - already ruined - shorts as you arch into his touch. “ Her shorts should come off next, shouldn’t they, chat?”
“Nuh uh, Your shirt is next.” 
“Can’t wait to get me naked, huh?” He reluctantly moves his hands to the hem of his shirt, pulling it off in one swift motion and revealing his beautifully built body to you. Hyunjin doesn’t usually get completely naked for his cams, eighty percent of the time he’ll keep his shirt on or just pull down his jeans enough to free his cock but he agreed to do it with you when the two of you were talking about your limits. “Happy?”
“Very.” You mindlessly run your hand over his chest, taking in every bit of him. You’re interrupted by the warm feeling of his hands snaking up your thighs and messing with the hem of your shorts. He taps your outer thigh twice, his bottom lip is pulled between his teeth as he waits for you to follow his silent command. “Can't wait to get me naked, huh?”
You mimic his previous statement and he offers a dark and airy chuckle in return. The banter between you two is not helping how hard he is right now. He’s always liked that about you, he likes that you always have something to say back. “Damn right.” 
You hook your thumbs into the waistband of your shorts, keeping steady eye contact with Hyunjin as you remove them. He moans at the sight of you bare before him, the previous petting your thighs has turned into him digging into the soft flesh in an attempt to control himself. “No panties, Princess?”
“They’d just get ruined.” You grab at the hem of his sweats, fumbling with the drawstring and trying to not make your desperation too obvious. Once you undo the bow he helps you pull his pants off of his hips only to find him bare underneath. “No underwear, Jinnie?” He smiles, chuckling a bit with a shrug.
“You’d just rip them off of me anyway.” You laugh loud, hitting his arm and throwing his sweats to the side. 
“I would not!” Hyunjin follows up with a joke that you only half laugh at, you’re way too busy taking in the sight of his dripping cock resting against his toned abdomen, how is this man even real? Hyunjin catches on shortly after, taking a chance to enjoy the flawless view of you.
His cock jumps once his eyes land on your glistening core, wet and ready for him to ruin, he has half a mind to just turn off the camera and carry you to your bedroom where he can enjoy you without the prying eyes of your viewers who you both forgot about the second that you got undressed, or maybe it was sometime before that, when was the last time that you looked at the chat? A familiar text tone pulls you out of your thoughts and hurls you back into reality. This is a cam show. 
You don’t even need to look at your phone to know who texted you. You’ve got Felix’s text tone memorized. He attends every one of your shows and watches the chat to make sure that no one gets out of hand and you do the same for him when he goes live. Tonight he’s accompanied by Hyunjin’s stream mod and roommate Changbin.
 You assume that Felix texted you to tell you just what you were thinking a second ago, you need to look at the chat. You force your attention over to your laptop screen, trying your best to focus on the comments and tips flooding in left and right. 
“Jin is distracting me from the chat.” You tease, leaning in to read some comments.
They are in their own world Princess is going to ruin him I want him to look at at me like that
“You’re distracting me too.” He pulls you towards him by your hips so that you're straddling him with his cock pressed against your core. “Are you guys enjoying the show so far?” He asks after you send him a playful glare.
The chat lights up with comments and requests. Hyunjin knows that he should pick a request to entertain the audience. He knows that some people want to see him do specific things to you and you to him but he can’t help but to feel a bit selfish right now. He’s been dreaming about being this close to you for weeks. He doesn’t want to spend his time doing things that others request. He wants to savor you. 
“I know I’m enjoying it.” You turn your attention back to Hyunjin, your eyes run over his features, taking in his soft lips and his shining droopy eye. He licks over his bottom lip as he looks you over too. Your eyes are barely drooping despite being high, your lips are kiss bitten and barely glossed but the red tint is still visible and it’s smudged onto your cheek ever so slightly. Just what he wanted.
“I’m sorry…” Hyunjin mumbles as he switches focus between your lips and your lust glazed eyes. “I’m sorry, I can’t pay attention to chat right now.” His lips are on yours in an instant, punctuating his sentence with a heated kiss. You gasp at the sudden impact, your heart racing as your tongue tangles with his. Hyunjin pulls away for just a second, his breath hot against your skin as he whispers, “Can I fuck you now, baby? Can I fuck you like nobody’s watching.”
“You wanna play with me, Jinnie?” You whisper back as your arms wind around his neck.
“Until you break.” He dives back in, moving one of his hands to cradle the back of your head as he tastes you. You pull him closer until your chest is flush with his and you can feel the vibration of your shared moans rattling between you. You reach between your bodies with whatever space is left, lifting yourself up just enough to position him without breaking the kiss. He groans once he feels the head of his cock brush against your dripping slit, he breaks the kiss and leans back to take in the sight of his cock stretching your cunt. “That cunt is so fucking sloppy.” His eyes roll back as you sink down on him and he drinks in every second of your cunt swallowing each thick inch of his throbbing length. 
“O-oh, fuck.” He closes the gap between the two of you again with his hands on your hips to help guide you down. He leans his forehead against yours, gazing into your eyes as he fills you to the brim. Once you take him to the hilt you pause to catch your breath but Hyunjin has other plans. You cry out when you feel the tip of his dick kiss your cervix just right. The stretch of him is unlike anything - or anyone - you’ve ever felt before. 
“Tiny fucking cunt taking my cock so well. ‘S fucking made for me isn’t it, Princess? This cunt was made for me to fuck.” You move in tandem, timing when to swirl your hips so that he feels impossibly deep. You know that Hyunjin is the type to talk dirty during sex, you’ve watched enough of his cams to imagine what he might be like. You’re usually no different but the way that he feels inside of you is so dizzying that you might not be able to keep up with him tonight. The sweet buzz of the weed and soju makes everything feel like it could have you floating at any second. Even just trying to remember his name or your own for that matter is a full time job that your brain keeps clocking out of.
“J-just for you baby… god, this pussy is yours just please don’t stop.” Your fucked out eyes stare into his as you start to take more control, the sound of your skin colliding echoes as you bounce in his lap. His hands stay on your hips, periodically squeezing the flesh when you clench around him just right. Sweet whines and chants of ‘ah ah ah’ fall from your lips but you become muted when Hyunjin sucks your bottom lip into his mouth and lightly bites it. He plants broken kisses as you arch into his hand tracing the length of your spine. He had to get you to be quiet, if you keep moaning like that this show won’t last very long. 
“You know I could have you however I want, right?” He groans as he practically melts beneath you. “I could pick you up and ruin this pretty cunt but I want you to use me. I want you to use my cock in front of all of them.” His hands fall from your back and settle on your ass. The soft flesh in his hands has him holding on for dear life. What the hell are you doing to him? He’s never felt this good before. He needs you off of him now or else he’s going to explode.
 “Fuck, baby.” He lands a firm smack that draws a whimper from you. “Come here, show that pretty ass to the camera.” He lifts you up mid stroke and turns you around, your ass and dripping hole on display for more than a hundred people to see. The thought of it makes you bite your lip as Hyunjin reaches over you to jiggle your ass for the camera, leaving a bruising slap on either cheek as he pleases.
“Beautiful isn’t she?” He spreads your cheeks and leans over with puckered lips. Letting a stream of spit fall from between them and onto your asshole. He watches as it runs down and mixes with the sticky arousal of your pussy then drips down to pool on the sofa. A curse escapes him when he brings a finger up to tease your tight hole, rimming it gently then trailing down to tease your fluttering pussy. 
“Jin.” A mindless whimper escapes you and Hyunjin hums a  moan in response. He wants nothing more than to taste you, he’d make you cum while he plays with both of your holes but he wants to take his time with that. He can’t give you rushed head, you deserve better than that so he’ll settle for sinking his finger into your pussy with his thumb rubbing at your pretty puckered hole. “Oh my god.”
“Think I should add another finger chat?” Tips flood in as soon as the question leaves his mouth. You wiggle your ass at the camera earning a chuckle and a light ass slap from Hyunjin. “My eager princess, want another?” You nod, drawing out an excited hum that promptly fades into a moan once his middle finger slips into you. He fucks into you, pressing against your walls and sending a jolt of pleasure through your body. His other hand trails up your back and you arch for him, pushing your ass into his hand. Your moans echo through the room like a porn site on loud speaker.  
“Jinnie I'm gonna - gonna -” He slaps your ass, sending you into a broken moan. 
“Go ahead and make a mess for me, baby.” You’re coming undone before you can process it. He fucks you through it, massaging your sweet spot and drawing out your climax. You collapse onto his lap, eyes closed as you try to catch your breath. “I’m the luckiest guy alive.” A smug smirk pulls at Hyunjin’s lips as he repeats the comment that he was able to catch before it went zooming by in the messy chat.
 Your eyes flutter open with the intention of looking up at him and throwing a smart remark his way but his throbbing cock resting against his stomach is too close for you not to pay attention to. Hyunjin is running his fingers through your hair as he’s still trying to read the chat. He’s so engrossed in that that he only half notices when you move closer to his cock, sliding it into your mouth with a content hum
“Oh baby, oh fuck” His hand rests on the back of your head, instinctively guiding you as you take all of him and allow his tip to abuse the back of your throat. He marvels at the stretch of your pretty lips around him, taking every single inch of him until his tip makes your throat bulge and your mouth water. “Please don’t stop, don’t stop.” He pants above you, his eyes are glued to your watering ones as you blink up at him and bat your thick lashes. You swallow around him with each bob of your head and use your free hand to pay attention to his balls. You massage them gently, covering them with the spit that dribbles down from the hilt of Hyunjin's cock.
“You have no idea how good you are at that. You have no fucking clue, do you? I’d give you anything, I’d do anything just to feel this pretty mouth on me all of the time. Holy shit, Princess.” You choke around him when he pushes your head down a bit, holding you there for a second to indulge in the way your throat squeezes him. A tear rolls down your cheek and Hyunjin wipes it away with his thumb. He brings the finger up to his mouth and sucks it clean, keeping his eyes on yours as he swirls his tongue around the digit. You whimper around him and he throws his head back at the sensation. “You’re gonna make me nut if you don’t stop. I don’t wanna bust in your mouth, I wanna fill your pussy.”
He makes a fist around your ponytail when you don’t stop, pulling your head back with a grunt. “Don’t fucking listen.” You offer him a messy smile, sticking your tongue out in an attempt to catch his dick in your mouth again. He takes the base of his dick between his fingers and slaps the tip on your tongue. “Filthy girl, so pretty. Look at me, Mhmm keep those eyes on me, fuck you’re unbelievable.” He groans, pushing into your mouth and moving his hips in slow circles. You gag slightly as he pushes deep, his grip around your ponytail tightening as he fucks your face. 
“You’re gonna drive me insane.” He pulls your head back again, a single string of spit keeps the two of you connected but it’s broken when he turns your head to the camera. “You liked being dirty for me in front of them? You see how many people are watching you suck my cock.” Arousal gushes between your thighs and you press them together as the intoxicating feeling of embarrassment creeps up and paints a blush over your cheeks.
“I love it.” You hum and he smiles down at you sliding his thumb into your mouth “You’re a dream.” You smile around his finger, swirling your tongue around the tip then releasing it with a faint pop.
 “Wanna lay down for me? Let me fuck you dumb?” You’re pulling yourself into position before he even finishes the question. The sudden urgency in your actions earns you a faint chuckle and a quick kiss to your forehead as you get comfortable. He gets up on his knees and slots himself between your legs. You bring them up to rest on his shoulders and he plants sloppy kisses along your calf while he strokes himself against your entrance, teasing your clit with his tip. 
“How ya feeling, Princess. You got a bit quiet on me earlier.” 
“I’m literally seeing stars.” Your loud laughs echo through the room and rumble through the mic in front of you. “I’m good, just on cloud nine.”
“Am I your favorite collab?” The answer is yes but you’ll never admit that to him, especially not while you’re live. Truthfully this barely even feels like a collab. It just feels like you and your boyfriend fucking in front of a camera. Wait, boyfriend…? What are you even thinking? Are you catching more feelings for him right now? Ugh, okay, you gotta sort that out later. 
“Are you trying to get me in trouble?” You lightly push his chest with your foot before resting it back over his shoulder. He chuckles and kisses the inside of your ankle. “Just fuck me.” 
“My pleasure, this is what we’re gonna do. I’m gonna slip into this pussy nice and slow.” He runs his pointer finger between your slick folds and your back slightly arches off of the mattress. “Then you’re gonna cross your ankles over my chest and I'm gonna hold them.”
“Is this supposed to be some type of forbidden position?” He rolls his eyes, laughing at you as you smile up at him. “It’s gonna make that tiny cunt of yours feel even tighter.” 
You take a shaky breath in as he starts sinking into you. It feels like there can’t possibly be enough air in your lungs. They’re burning but you willfully ignore it. “Oh, come on baby, this messy cunt takes me so well.” His voice is thick with aroused exasperation as he fills you. He halts his movement for a second to allow you to adjust. “Breathe for me.”
You suck in a slow breath but that’s all in vain when he starts rocking into you. “Hyunjin” Your eyes roll back as you moan his name repeatedly. It’s amazing how perfect he feels, like he was made specifically to be inside of you.
 “Cross your legs, baby.” You do as you’re told, moving slowly as you adjust to his languid strokes “That’s it.” His gentle pace only lasts another second or two before he starts getting more reckless. He brings his hand up to his mouth and bites on his bent finger while your mouth hangs open in a silent scream. 
“Oh what the fuck, Jin. What the fuck.” The moan that escapes you is desperate and nearly has a primal ring to it. The pressure on your clit for your legs being crossed mixed with him feeling as deep as he does is a recipe to blinding orgasm. 
“You’re so fucking - Oh my god, you’re the only person I ever wanna fuck. This cunt is mine, can it be mine Princess?” He settles into an unrelenting tempo, he grips your thighs with both hands to steady himself while his desperation sets in. “Tell me it’s mine please, please please.”
“Y-yours, all yours, fuck me like I’m all yours.” A deep groan rumbles through him, That’s exactly what he wanted to hear. He wants to be yours and he wants you to be his. He wants to be the only one who gets to feel like this. The only one who makes you cream on their cock. You look so pretty, you sound so pretty, fuck you’re so pretty. 
You turn your face towards the camera so that they can get a better look at you, eyes crossed and drooling onto the sofa.
“My brainless baby is drooling?” A broken moan interrupts him.  “My cock really got you fucking dumb, huh?” 
“I wan’ your cum, Jinnie, please. Need it. Need it inside.”
“You want it? Baby’s gonna milk my cock, huh? Gonna make me creampie that cunt. Shit - I’m close.” You clench around him and he swears that he can feel his soul leaving his body. He pushes all the way in, hitting spots that you could never reach alone. Your orgasm comes into sight when he hits your cervix just right. “You gonna take it, baby? Gonna take all my - fuck, I’m gonna cum.”
 “Don’t.” He groans, slowing down a bit but you whimper in protest. “Keep fucking me like that, p-please please. Deep like that, you’re so deep like that, fuck - please.”
“Pri-princess, I can’t - fuck, I can’t”  He whines and buries himself deep into you, hips stuttering as he gets closer and closer to losing control. 
“Don’t you d-dare cum, Jinnie. Don’t.” You press your thighs together in a desperate attempt at reigning in your orgasm. The pleasure build inside you, slowly creeping up your spine before it hits you all at once. Your body tenses as shockwaves rush over you and your walls spasm and contract around him.
“Holy shit, baby I can’t fucking take it.” His movements become erratic as he tries to help you ride out your high but the feeling of you flooding his cock throws him over the edge. His orgasm hits him like a freight train and he throws his head back and practically screams above you. He bites his lip in a desperate attempt to quiet himself but his efforts are not enough to keep his moans of euphoria at bay.
 He empties himself inside of you until his seed is spilling out in a helpless attempt to escape your plugged pussy. You uncross your legs from his chest and let them plop against the sofa once he releases his death grip on your thighs. With the lack of support Hyunjin falls forward but he catches himself before he collapses on top of you, his hips shake as he comes down from his high. Sweat drips down and runs along the valley of your breasts as he hovers above you and tries to catch his breath. You stay still, your body still trembling as the aftershocks of pleasure course through you. You stay like that until he finally pulls himself out and collapses next to you. 
Only your labored breaths can be heard throughout the room as you try to fill your lungs but that’s easily drowned out by the sounds of your hammering heart pulsing in your ears when you feel Hyunjin move next to you. 
He’s holding your hand.
His fingers intertwine with yours, giving you a light squeeze and you smile at the gesture, the butterflies in your stomach erupt into a clumsy swarm as the two of you lie in silence for a while longer.. 
“So.” Hyunjin breaths out, propping himself up onto his elbow so that he can look down at you. “Are you impressed?” You push him down with a laugh and roll over on top of him.
“I am impressed.” You lean down and catch his smiling lips in a slow and soft kiss. You both sigh into it, his hands tracing up your sides as yours run down his chest. You break the kiss with a smile and whisper. “Your majesty.”
“If you’re the Princess what does that make me?” Hyunjin teases with a smile and you stare down at him with a surprised blush. You attempt to hide your face in his neck and roll off of him but he pulls you in for another kiss before you can make your escape. The two of you melt into the exchange, getting so lost in each other that you don’t hear Felix’s text tone going off. Actually, you haven’t heard it go off for the past ten minutes that he’s been texting you. Changbin has been texting Hyunjin for the same amount of time if not a bit longer but the two of you have been so deep in your own world. Right now nothing and no one but the two of you exist. You’re both completely and totally enamored with each other and you have no problem with everyone knowing that…Except no one will know that. Why?
Because the livestream disconnected twenty minutes ago.
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Thank you reading! Please like and share, it makes my day!
ASLO, please follow my back-up acct. @minniee-verse ❣️
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linos-luna · 10 months
Can you do most likely to be babied as they suck your boobs please?
Oh goodie! It’s definitely Chan, Hyunjin, Han, and Felix!
Babied ❣️
MDNI !!! Smut ahead!
(No specific order)
At first Chan would be a little thrown off but plays along at first. But if your sitting on his lap, riding him as he sucks on your perky nipples, he will fall apart and eventually submit to you.
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Bouncing on his cock had Chan losing himself to lust. He’s been so needy all day and couldn’t wait for you to come and please him.
At first he was just holding your hips but eventually you took his hair and pulled him towards your chest where he instantly latched on. After a minute of sucking on your soft skin, you began to lightly moan your hips, making the man groan a bit.
“Aw, is my baby needy? Does he like sucking on my boobs?” You say almost teasingly.
“Ohh pobrecito (poor baby or poor little cute boy)”
Chan was blushing, saying nothing as he was lightly embarrassed but also moaned when you moved your hips again.
You held his head in a gently embrace as he sucked on your nipple. Something about the way you gently held him made him feel so at ease and he loved it.
This boy loves to be praised! So if he’s sucking on your boobs while you give praise and stoke his hair he will become putty in your hands. He’ll even whine if you pull away from and shamelessly beg for your boobs again.
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After sucking him off —and making him cum like 3 times— you finally let him play with your breasts. He was exhausted and practically laid on top of you as he kissed and groped you.
You were stroking his hair as he harshly sucked on your nipple.
“What a pretty boy you are, Jinnie.” You said while moving some hair from his face. “Just my cute baby huh?”
Hyunjin’s heart was racing as you started showering him with praise. He couldn’t help moving his hips a little to get some friction.
“Who’s my sweet baby boy?” You ask while pulling his head up, separating his mouth from your spit covered breast.
“Ah—!” He whined, trying to get back to it. “Mommy I—”
Now it wasn’t very often that he called you mommy but you knew that when he did, he was definitely drunk on sex.
“Jinnie, Who’s my sweet baby boy?” You repeated as he looked like he was going to cry.
“Me! I’m baby boy!” He quickly babbled. “Mommy- Im baby boy! I want! Want—!”
He couldn’t seem to string together a coherent sentence and you thought it was adorable so you let go of him, only for him to go right back to harshly sucking on your soft skin.
You continued to stroke his hair until he practically fell asleep.
He says he doesn’t like it but secretly he does. There’s just something so satisfying and nurturing about it. He loves the feeling as you gingerly touch him and say words of praise, telling him he’s a good baby boy and all… and then he’ll deny it again later
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Han let out an annoyed whine as you teased him, calling him a silly baby and all.
“Noona… ‘m not a baby-…” he muttered against your skin before continuing to suck on your nipple and pinching the other.
“Oh really?” You teased. “And yet you’re sucking on me like one.”
He groaned a bit as you stroked his length over his boxers. You were actually surprised they were still on, considering how wet they were.
“Agh- noona-!” He squeaked as you lightly held on to his length over the material and started moving a bit. You could feel his body getting more tense as you moved your hand and his soft moans against your breast.
“Aw my poor baby~” you teased. “Just like noona touching you as you suck on her boobs? You want more baby? Does my baby boy want more?”
Han was having a hard time thinking straight as you pumped your hand faster. You could feel his constant breathy moans over you skin and his cock was hard and twitched.
“Cum for me, baby.” You said while your hand was in his hair. “I want my dumb baby to cum in his boxers, can you do that?”
He released with a high pitched more, only panting against your chest as he tried recovering.
“Again… again…” he gasped while face pressed against your chest. “Baby boy…: baby boy wants more…”
He’s very shameless about it. He loves when you baby him. That’s all he wants after a stressful day. You find it so cute when he desperately whimpers as if begging you to do it.
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After a quite stressful day, Felix would go right up to you and tug at your shirt. You knew what he wanted and could tell he was exhausted so you removed your shirt and bra before sitting on the bed, back leaning against the headboard.
“Mommy pleeease~” he was Impatient and whined as he got on all fours in front of you.
“What a greedy baby you are are, Lixie.” You added as he pulled his own shirt off and got close.
He didn’t even use his hands, instead just going in, littering kisses on the soft flesh before sucking harshly.
“Looks like my sweet boy is needy, huh?”
“Baby! Im baby boy…” he added while still attached to your skin. You giggled and stocked his hair as he whined and whimpered.
“My mistake.” You teased. “You’re mommy’s sweet baby boy.”
He was content with that as you held onto him, a hug that was more like a hold. It made him relax and you could feel the exhaustion he had. So you stayed put. Letting suck on your breasts while holding him gingerly and giving small kisses on his head.
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hans-wh0re · 2 months
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A.N: this is a drabble that m thinking of expanding as a fic
"Fuck, that's it baby..." Hyunjin rasped out in a low, filthy growl that made you shudder. His scorching gaze raked over your lewd display through the phone's lens - spine in a debauched arch, mouth fallen slack with blissed-out moans as you eagerly speared yourself on his thick length again and again.
The harsh smacking of skin on skin reverberated through the room in tandem with your desperate, cloying whimpers. Each time you ground your asscheeks flush against his pelvis, Hyunjin's cock would split you apart with that soul-shattering *stretch* that had stars bursting behind your screwed-shut eyelids.
"Nnghh...that slutty little cunt just can't get enough, huh?" he rasped out, voice gone rough with lust. "Taking my cock like you were made for it."
Hyunjin shifted positions then, grabbing a fistful of your sweat-damp locks to wrench your head back at a punishing angle. You gurgled out a pitchy whine past your spit-slick lips as he brought the phone up unbearably close, the lens zeroing in on your ruined, slack-jawed expression with sadistic focus.
"Look at you..." he sneered in dark gratification, studying your glazed, vacant features. "Such a desperate cum-hungry slut. Is this what you wanted? To be my personal fuck-puppet while i records just how much of a messy little whore you are?"
Despite his cruel vitriol, you could only keen out a shuddering, mewling whimper of bliss. Lost in a hedonistic vortex of sensation, you mindlessly shoved your hips back to impale yourself in one long, shuddering grind on the punishing density of his cock.
Hyunjin hissed out a harsh breath through gritted teeth at the feeling of your abused, sloppy hole fluttering and clenching around him in spasming milks. That iron-hard length somehow managed to split you open even wider as he surged in with a vicious snap of his hips. Thick ropes of your essence immediately started to dribble free in vulgar gouts, trickling down over your puffy folds to soak the bedsheets beneath you both.
"That's right you little whore..." he growled, nostrils flaring. Using his grip in your hair, Hyunjin pulled your face up and forced you to meet the camera's gaze while he treated you like a twisted little pocket pussy.
"Give the people what they want. Drool all over yourself while i utterly ruins this messy fuckhole..."
He punctuated the threat with a series of harsh, pounding jackhammer thrusts that instantly punched a shrill, gurgling wail past your swollen lips. Drool collected obscenely at the corners of your mouth as your eyes rolled back in delirious rapture - you were completely gone, nerves thrumming from the onslaught of sensation.
Everything became a spiraling vortex of feral rutting, filthy squalor, and erotic bliss. Hyunjin's physique glistened with a sweat-sheened sheen as he plowed into your squelching, convulsing cunt with relentless, animalistic fervor. The room filled with a cacophony of your pitchy howls, his rough grunts, and the lewd wet sounds of your essence being messily reamed.
The camera (and subsequently Hyunjin's burning stare) didn't miss a single degrading second - greedily capturing every graphic detail of your debauched defilement. And still you craved more, grinding back to meet his brutal thrusts with wanton keening whines.
Stars exploded across your vision as Hyunjin buried himself in one last cruel, obliterating grind that had you choking out a ragged, open-mouthed sob. He held you there impaled on the swollen, pulsating crest of his cock as rich, viscous ropes of seed immediately began pumping into your abused, fluttering hole.
"That's it, sweetheart...fucking milk me..." he snarled against the sweaty nape of your neck, voice utterly guttural with possession. "Take every fucking drop like the filthy cumdump you are..."
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hanjisung-enjoyer · 10 months
aphrodisiacs; hhj
tags: hwang hyunjin x afab!reader, pre-established relationship, sex chocolate, messy unprotected sex, oral (f. rec), dry humping, dirty talk, squirting, (attempted) humor, aftercare, i want their relationship
you were convinced it was fake. when you and your boyfriend visited a sex shop out of pure boredom and found the chocolate bar, you had doubts that it would actually work. you weren’t sure what drove you to actually purchase the candy, but soon enough you found yourself sitting at home next to hyunjin with the candy in your lap.
“apparently dark chocolate increases your sex drive?” hyunjin broke the silence as the two of you stared at the bar, observing its label.
“yeah, but like, what else is in it?” you examined the packaging but every word sounded foreign to you. “what if we get sick or something?”
“i doubt that,” hyunjin hummed as he searched for reviews of the product. “if anything it’s just normal chocolate. but, actually… people are saying it works pretty good.” his eyes were squinted, brows furrowed as he read through comments.
you were still suspicious as you tore open the wrapping, but still broke off half of the bar and handed the other piece to hyunjin. you were breaking off a square when the sudden sound of chewing filled your ears. you looked back up at hyunjin and found him holding his part of the chocolate with a shark-like bite taken out of the whole half. “are you crazy??”
“what?” he questioned through a full mouth.
“hyunjin, you shouldn’t be eating normal chocolate like that, nevermind drugged chocolate.” your palm hid your face as you sighed out.
“it’s not drugs. it’s sex chocolate. it’s different,” he said matter-of-factly with an accusing glare towards you. you decided to pick your battles on this one, choosing to respond with another deep sigh. he finished his half of the bar and got up, stretching his arms up. “i’m gonna shower. let’s see if this thing really works when i’m done, hmm?” he leaned down to press a kiss on your forehead, a suggestive smirk playing on his lips. you shoved him away playfully but smiled back at him, dismissing him to his shower.
it’d been about a half hour after the two of you had eaten the chocolate, you steadily finishing off your half while hyunjin showered. you laid in your bed after changing into a sleep shirt and small shorts. the water turned off, finally, and your ears perked up to a faint sound from your shared bathroom.
“babe?” you called out, but you didn’t get a response. another few minutes went by until the bathroom door swung open, hyunjin’s lower body wrapped in a towel.
hyunjin definitely seemed off, his eyes focusing down to his feet as he approached you on your bed. he sat next to you and you just stared, concerned. “it works.” his voice was barely a whisper.
“the chocolate, it works.” you noticed the red flush on his cheeks, obscured by his long hair covering his face until he pushed it back with his fingers; his long, slender fingers weaving down his wet locks of hair. your eyes then landed on his toned torso, milky white skin glistening from the wetness of his shower. down a little lower was his groin area that sported a delicious tent underneath the towel.
you don’t know when your mind started to feel so cloudy, but all you did know was that the sight of your boyfriend next to you was not helping in the least.
“i’m so hard it hurts,” hyunjin admitted in a whimper, refusing to make eye contact with you. “… do you feel anything?”
you opened your mouth to reply, but your eyes were fixed on his plump pink lips, parted slightly as he breathed out. he finally looked at you after you didn’t respond, catching your intense stare in the act. you barely even noticed how his cock twitched at the sight of you, distracted and unable to form words by the sight of him.
you only broke out of your trance once hyunjin leaned closer to you, staring up at him with big doe eyes and pink cheeks. “do you feel anything?” he repeated under his breath, now taking his turn to flicker his gaze down to your lips.
you only slightly nodded your head before he captured your lips in his. while hyunjin typically enjoyed slow, romantic make-out sessions that led to intimate sex, it was apparent early on that this wouldn’t be your typical routine. it took little time before the kiss became intense, his tongue licking into your mouth like you were his last meal. he palmed at your waist, picking you up to shift you onto his lap. his hands lowered to your hips and you arched your back at the touch. his breathing turned to airy moans as you rolled your hips against him, his hands supporting your movements to grind you down. you felt his cock throb underneath the towel.
hyunjin let out a small whine and tugged at the waistband of your shorts. you pulled away slowly, your eyes heavy under a haze of lust. “off,” hyunjin whimpered desperately. you obeyed, raising off his hips to pull the fabric down your legs. hyunjins mouth gaped open as he stared at your panties, causing you to look down to where he was fixed.
you were drenched. your arousal soaked the thin fabric of your white panties, outlining the shape of your pussy as it stuck to the cloth. small dribbles of your wetness dripped down your inner thigh, falling where the towel laid over hyunjins cock.
hyunjin nearly pounced at you, quickly turning you both over so that you were pinned underneath him. he lowered himself down your legs, lapping your juices clean off your thighs, leaving hickies and love bites in its place. you couldn’t stop the moans that escaped your mouth when you looked down at him, a feral look in his eyes once he began to lick your pussy over your underwear. you swore he was about to lick a hole into your panties before he finally ripped them off your legs.
your thighs clenched around his head as he ate you out with a fervor you’ve never seen from him. “hyune- oh my god-“ you panted, high pitched whines leaving your throat. hyunjin’s towel had been long discarded, leaving his pretty dick on display. his hips rut against the mattress, red tip leaking precum. you felt your high approaching embarrassingly quick.
your mouth fell open in a choked sob once his fingers circled your clit, his tongue still desperately fucking into your hole. the stimulation was getting to be too much, but when he swapped his fingers to thrust inside you while his tongue licked around your sensitive slit, your orgasm slammed into you like a truck. you all but screamed out as he continued finger-fucking you through your high, his pace barely slowing as he breathed out hot moans into your heat. once you smacked at the top of his head, signaling the oversensitivity, he chuckled out breathlessly and laid on top of you.
“.. so good, so good.” his mouth found yours once again, resuming your intense make-out as his hands shimmied up your sleep shirt. he was insatiable, wet cock twitching against your leg but focused entirely on your pleasure.
“hyune, put it in,” you pleaded in between moans as his fingers found your nipple. he rolled the bud in between two fingers, chuckling softly at your helpless response.
“put what in?” he smirked against your lips, pulling away to observe your fucked-out expression. ironic, since he didn’t look all that there, either.
“don’t tease!” you groaned, rolling your eyes as you attempted to roll your hips up impatiently. hyunjin grabbed your hips and pushed them down into the bed, where he positioned his cock between your spread lega. you let out another groan as he opted for sliding his cock between your folds. of course it felt good, but you needed more. “hyunjinnnn!”
“you have to tell me what you want, baby,” he dipped his head in between the crease of your neck and began to suck on the skin. “what do you need from me?”
“i need your cock,” you breathed out, voice low and humiliated. hyunjin raised an eyebrow, an amused grin playing on his lips. he continued to roll against your slit, your wetness coating his shaft. “pleasepleaseplease, baby i need you inside me, i need you to fill me up or i’m-!”
hyunjin cut you off by thrusting into you in one quick motion, bottoming out immediately. a deep groan vibrated the skin of your neck as you moaned out loud. hyunjin gave you a moment to adjust to the sudden intrusion before he set a quick pace off the bat. “f-u-uckkk…” hyunjin grunted out between each thrust, pulling away from you to sit up with his head leaned back. his eyes were squeezed shut and his jaw fell slack as allowed himself to fall deeply into his heightened senses, falling so deeply into the feeling of you.
hyunjin was a beautiful sight in general, but there was something intoxicating about the way he looked while he fucked you. especially now, under the influence of the aphrodisiac, he looked simply in utter bliss. a red flush had spread from his cheeks and down his chest. his skin was still damp from the shower, but now it was hot with sweat that built up from the intense pace he rutted into you at. his lips were swollen red from kissing you so fervently.
he was just stunning, especially when he looked so messy and fucked out like this.
“you feel so good,” hyunjin growled out, his breath broken and punctuated by each thrust into your heat. you were completely speechless at this point, mind blank of nothing but hyunjin and his cock. “so good, you feel so… hnng, fuck.”
you’ve never came more than once in such little time before, but you surely felt the familiar knot forming in your core as hyunjin lost himself above you. your cunt throbbed around his length, warning him of your approaching orgasm that you couldn’t get the words out to do. hyunjin took quick notice and pulled out, leaving you crying at the empty feeling.
before you could protest he quickly maneuvered you onto your stomach, pulling your ass up to level with his dick as he leaned back on his knees. he swiftly re-entered your warmth and slammed into you at a nearly inhumane pace. you didn’t realize you were drooling until you took note of the pillow underneath your cheek, damp with your saliva.
two of hyunjin’s slim fingers travelled down between your legs and circled your clit, slipping you completely into a submissive space as you bordered the edge of an orgasm. the front of his body pressed against the back of yours as his thrusts became shallow and messy.
“‘m gonna cum, baby, ‘m gonna fill you up so good,” he slurred out, pressing wet open-mouthed kisses upon your shoulder blades. “.. fuck, keep clenching like that, cum with me, ohhh my fuck-“
the desperation in your boyfriends words, the way his hot breath tickled your skin as he panted against your body paired with the speed hyunjin rubbed your clit was what tipped you over the edge. your voice broke out in a cry and your vision went fuzzy, body convulsing underneath him. you felt your legs shake and an unfamiliar wetness spray your thighs and stomach, sending hyunjin into an equally intense orgasm.
hyunjin moaned out filthy words of praise and soft ohhhs as his hot cum painted your insides, his cock throbbing until he was absolutely milked dry. he rutted into you slowly until the both of rode out your highs, leaving you both panting, wet messes.
it took a while before either of you spoke, but hyunjin was the first to do so. “… that chocolate worked better than i thought it would,” he laughed. he pulled out cautiously, leaning back to observe the way your mixed fluids leaked out of your spent hole.
“what just happened?” you sighed, your face falling into your palms. hyunjin giggled, causing you to laugh with him. he moved you on to your back, smiling and kissing your forehead before cuddling up next to you. “what are you so giddy for?”
“i didn’t know you could squirt.” the grin on his lips only widened as you shoved his shoulder playfully.
“i didn’t either!” you whined, hiding your face in his shoulder.
“we should go back to that shop.” he wrapped both of his arms around you and held you tight.
“what you should do is take another shower, you feel disgusting.”
“come with me for round two?”
“you’re funny.”
a/n: i cant believe the seungmin drabble i posted yesterday got 100+ notes!!! thank u guys sm🤍🤍 i tried my best with this one but i got frustrated bc i lost a good chunk of what i wrote towards the end and then rushed the rest but i hope it’s still okay:) thanks for reading!!!
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hwajin · 5 months
#! — [ never enough ] hwang hyunjin
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— fem!chubby!reader // nsfw // not per se a bathtub hyunjin fic but this is very wet and messy and carnal and there's hints of cannibalism if you squint and it's all very romantic and horny and ygm (also not proofread at all <3)
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"I love you."
Against heavy breathing and the repetitive drops of rain against grey aspahlt and wettened flowers by the windowsill Hyunjin's voice sounded quiet and undisturbing, taking form in the room between you, hushed, hastened words against your lips. You mewled in reponse - couldn't do much more, for Hyunjin's mouth took liberties with yours again, swallowing you whole, not giving you as much a second to recompose. Not that you needed one - you let him drown you in himself, gave your body up to him.
And your body, was, almost, his - it seemed that way, at least, for outsiders would surely be unable to tell the two apart, tangled in each other so tightly you were only limbs on limbs, melted into one, morphed into the same. Hyunjin's hands groped on your figure, squeezing your every bit closer to himself, his palms heavy and firm on your curves, the full dip in your waist and the plum in your hips, the whole mounds of your breasts. His hands were everywhere, at once, hungry, always hungry for more. He pulled you closer, pulled you further into him by your bottom, hands full of flesh before he squeezed at it, making you whine out in unison, your breath hitched in your throat.
"Love... love your body."
The words were spoken against your neck, their volume swallowed by your skin, the kisses Hyunjin planted onto your sensitivity right after. Deep kisses, sore kisses - he bit without knowing he was biting you, always needing you closer, always something so carnal within him when your body was in close proximity. When your body was as near to his own as it was now - your arms caging him in, sweat-laced palms upon his back, by the small of his neck, playing with his outgrown, messy hair, on the skin of his shoulders, firm and flexed. He saw only you, smelled only you, a view and scent so rich and deep only aquired after hours upon hours of desire, of loving the other with a vigour bordering on animalism. And he loved it. Hyunjin loved the way you tasted when he kissed and nibbled on your neck, salty and musky and entirely you, loved the way your breath never seemed to slow in the depths of your lungs, your chest, which he journeyed down to, always rising and falling, in anticipation, in exhaustion, in contentment. He loved, after looking up at you from beneath his lashes, eyes glassy and full of adoration, full of you, the way your hair fell a mess, how your pupils blew out in pleasure, how you bit your swollen lip with every kiss and bite Hyunjin planted onto your skin. Your sensitive nipples, perked up and hard, wet from his tongues' ministrations, eliciting a whine when Hyunjin blowed on them, softly. He loved the way your body reacted to him - sounds escaping your pretty lips, your fingers finding his hair, squeezing at the tiniest bit of pleasure, your muscles spamsing where he touched. He could spend hours within you, and never grow tired.
"So pretty."
And with every of his word, you grew a puddle in his hands. Hands which never ceased to dote on you, hands which gave an oath to praise, hands which promised to never stop showing love, showing his hearts' desires. His fingers dipped into your body, so deep into the full flesh of your thighs as if it was feathered pillows, as if there was no end to the depth at all. His mouth swallowed you as it went, down from your chest to the plum of your stomach, biting there, too, softly, teeth grazing your skin in a matter so delicate you couldn't help but fall further victim to Hyunjin's antics. Warm kisses placed atop forming bruises right after, and your lover pulled your body ever closer to his own, arms wrapped around your legs in hints of thirsty posession. You were almost painfully close to him, his face hovering over the heat of your sex so very near that the distance was barely measurable in inches, yet it was never enough him, never enough for you. No lack of distance would ever be lack enough, no amount of closeness would ever be the right one - both of you would always hunger for more, thirst to drown further in the depths of the other.
Your thighs had never had the chance to heal the love bites Hyunjin had left there days upon days ago before he planted new ones onto them already, though you couldn't complain. You liked it; you enjoyed seeing the faint, old marks, so different in color to the new, blooming ones. Purple and red and blue, you enjoyed seeing Hyunjin's love painted all across your body as though flowers, soft petals of the softest plants whenever you caught a glimpse of yourself in the mirror each morning. You enjoyed, too, how much he enjoyed it - you shivered under his tantalising gaze whenever he eyed his artwork the next day, flames burning up within his eyes and igniting your body within.
You mewled out, a whine cutting through the dimmed room as Hyunjin's mouth found itself on your sex, suddenly, without as much a warning. You were sensitive, and you tasted like him - it hadn't been two minutes since his release had filled you up, had mixed with your own. You sighed out, and Hyunjin moaned into your heat - it was erotic, purely, the way you smelled and tasted and looked, the way your combined cum lingered on his tongue. Sweet, salty, so carnally you, so carnally him. It was the base in everything the both of you were - and he lapped it up, let his tongue graze upon your slit, flat and heavy; though didn't dare to swallow. He looked up at you - lost in bliss, eyes closed, hands searching for his own. He got up, mouth full of you and him, body so close to your own as he moved to hover over your figure. Your eyes prowled open, a sultry look within, half-hooded, glassy. Your breast, full and heavy, spilled out your body as Hyunjin's hand found home on your face, fingers grazing your jaw, softly, his thumb playing with your lower lip, bitten, swollen, scarlet red. Your face was fleshly beneath his touch, your body pressed against his own the same, spilling all around him, dipping and curving into waves deeper than he'd thought he'd ever fall - he would never get enough of you.
It didn't require Hyunjin words - though he was incapable of them, anyways - nor much movement, altogether for you to understand, for you to obey. His hand, sweat-laced and warm, only had to snuck around your chin, squeezing at your jaw, barely any pressure - and your mouth slacked open, tongue lapping out, ready for aything Hyunjin would give you. Looking at him with eyes hungry, curious, chest heaving in agitation underneath his hold - and he let the perly mixture trickle down, past his lips, letting the liquid curve over the plush of his mouth and down into yours. Drop after the drop, and when the sweetness met with the taste buds of your tongue, red and ready, you couldn't contain the moan which left the depths of your throat. It wasn't the taste alone, a mixture of you and Hyunjin, everything you were - it was the way he looked at you. Hand yet on your jaw, never forceful, always soft but with a fervor so great it made you shiver in his hold. His eyes those of a siren but blown out, pupils wide, scared to miss a single movement of yours. He was barely blinking, held you captive in his gaze. His hair was wet, raven around his face, falling in messes into his eyes, though it didn't bother him. And you arched your back into everything that was him, couldn't not, when he gave you everything he was. When his arms and hands, wrapped and snuck around you, longed to hold you against him forever, when his eyes, dark and deep and salvating waters, promised you to never let you go. When his body, pressed against your own, hungered for your flesh, when his heart, beating against your own in its' confines, beat only for you. When his lips, messy and perly and white and scarlet red, found your own ones now, as messy as his, as perly and white and scarlet red, as sweet and salty and tasting of you and him, when he kissed you with a fire so bright it blinded everything that wasn't him.
You arched your back into him, wanting to be closer, needing to be nearer. You felt his hands ravel all across your body, roaming, searching, pulling and groping - never enough. His fingers found the warmth of your sex, wet as ever and hot, fluttering and hungry, playing upon your clit in movements so messy, so careless they ought to be useless, though it never was with him. Your body was a synergy to his, burning when he ignited it, and your thighs spasmed around his waist, albeit his messy fingers, his movements uncontrolled. It was his mouth which captivated you, his wet and sloppy kisses which drove you further to the edge, so close you dared to fall, if Hyunjin gave you the last push - and then he bit your lower lip, sighed out in unfettered pleasure, in crystallined satisfation, pulled you closer with a strong arm, breathed your name against your lips and increased the speed of his fingers against your heat - and you were a victim to the fall he set you off to. You fell without the ground beneath you, fell into waters that were him, and he let you. Kissed you feverishly, kissed you deeply, bruised you further.
And none of you would ever get enough of it.
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@es-kay-zee @jeyelleohe @angelwonie @yvniek4ng @ppiri-bahng @bintificreads @svintsandghosts @llunapastell @sensitiveandhungry @minniesvenus @junebug032 @noellllslut @wolfennracha @unexceptional-h @like-a-diamondinthesky @katsukis1wife @binniesbang
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romancefranaticstay · 5 months
⋆.ೃ࿔*:・Ship on sea ⋆.ೃ࿔*:・
Captain!Hyunjin x Siren!fem!reader
Category: angst, fluff, smut
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'Hoist the sails, loose the nets.'
"Root everyone."
"Let go of the nets."
"Ah, we've got one, Captain!"
That's all you can remember. You got captured by pirates, the worst kind of people. You were unconscious in the net, you had human legs again, you were naked. Your long wet hair covered your body, luckily too.
You woke up in one room. How can you describe the room? It was average, wooden walls, there were some candles on a desk. You saw a few cards and some goods. Lots of papers, two doors that lead to other rooms apparently.
You were sitting in a bathtub, with cold water that felt good. You looked around in a bit of surprise. You could still hear the sailors' words in your ears.
You saw a man come in. His eyes were dark, it scared you. You panicked and tried to crawl out of the bathtub, but unfortunately you couldn't.
"Ahh, you're finally awake again, hmm."
he came to you and he lifted you chin with his index finger.
"Looks healthy enough to sell."
'Excuse me? To sell?! I am not an object.'
'In my opinion, yes. A strange kind of quick-witted person.'
"I have legs too."
“I've seen that before, little girl. I have eyes here.'
he pointed his finger at his eyes.
"Can I get out of the bathtub?"
"So you can run away, back into the water?"
"I'm not going to do that."
"As if I trust a being like you."
'I'm a person too.'
"Not in my eyes." so he left.
------------------------------------------------------------------------------ You were still in the bathtub, quietly playing with the water. Suddenly the door opened again. He had a plate in his hands with some delicious food. He went to his desk and started eating.
'That looks delicious.'
you said.
'Could I have a piece too?'
"You can't let me starve, who would want to buy me."
'You think I didn't think of that? You won't get food until tomorrow.'
"Why not today?"
"Because I said so, little girl."
"Stop calling me a little girl."
He paused and continued eating. You couldn't look at it, so you dived under the water. You observed your tail. It was beautiful, to be honest.
'What is your name?'
he didn't answer.
"Can I at least know your name?"
"Because it's strange to be in the same room with someone, without any information."
“Hyunjin…nice name.”
he nodded. He stood up from his chair. You leaned against the bathtub.
"Where are you going?"
'I'm going to sleep.' '
'Goodnight then.'
So he left again without saying a word.
You pretended to be sleeping, but actually you couldn't close your eyes for 2 hours. You heard a door creak and some footsteps. You felt eyes on you. You used your senses to maybe know who it was. You smelled a certain scent and felt a certain atmosphere... it felt like... Hyunjin.
You opened your eyes and looked straight into his eyes. He stood there leaning against the door frame. Just staring you up and down. He didn't say anything, nothing came out of his mouth. His pyjama was a long fleece blouse with a long fleece pants. After three minutes he just went back into his bedroom.
You thought he was scary, even though he looked very attractive. His look gave you chills. You wanted to flee, to leave.
The next morning, you woke up on a bed. You were laying under a blanket. You don't know how you came here, but it was at least better now when you had legs. You looked under the blanket and saw you had a dark blue dress on. It was beautifull. You stood up from the bed and looked around in the bedroom.
The bed you were in was not too small, but not too big either. It was in the corner of the room. This definitely wasn't the captain's room, or at least you hoped so... You started walking around the room. You had to get used to your legs. You hopped around a bit so your muscles could move a bit. It had been a long time since you used your legs. You were surprised that you still knew how to stand up.
The door opened again and the captain named Hyunjin entered. There was a table in the room where you sat. He had a plate of food in his hands.
you cautiously approached. It was hardtack and salt beef. It looked quite tasty.
'Thank you.'
you muttered. You sat at the table and began to eat quietly, not daring to look up at the captain. He just stood leaning against the door. He watched you eat everything. He also looked at your legs, it was strange that you first had a tail and now two beautiful shiny legs. It was fantastically impressive.
You looked to your right where he was standing. You looked him up and down. You had never really looked at him properly. He didn't look too unfriendly, he had long black hair, thick lips, he was also tall and muscular, but that's probably normal.
"What's your name, little girl."
You looked at your plate and didn't answer. He came closer and grabbed your chin.
"Answer the captain."
you said softly.
“Y/N, okay.”
He sat across from you at the table. His hands were together and he looked at you. His eyes seemed darker than ever. You kept looking at your plate.
"You're a strange creature."
'You too.'
He clicked with his tongue his inner jaw. The silence was a bit awkward.
He got up again and left again. You thought he was finally leaving for a while, but he came back in with his plate of food. He sat across from you again and started to eat. You watched his actions. It was quiet, you could hear the sounds of the sea. The ship moved a little, but the sea was quiet this time of year.
The two of you grew a little closer together, you always ate lunch together. You two talked sometimes. It was very quiet. You'll be sold in just 1 day. The captain had forgotten that, and he still didn't know. The captain became close to you. He came and sat with you, you talked about the ocean. He asked many things, all of which you had seen. It was nice to finally have someone with the same passion. He couldn't stay away from you, until today...
The ship sailed on the shore. The captain was still asleep. You were sleeping in the room next door, suddenly some sailors came to get you out of bed. They put a cloth over your mouth.
'Healthy enough to sell.'
You tried to stop them, you moved and tried to escape from their grasp. You pushed things over but they finally got you out of the ship. They grabbed your arms and dragged you away. Your anger swirled, you had sharp teeth, you bit the cloth from your mouth. They didn't notice yet because you were pretty quiet.
Before they know it you bit their hands, blood pouring from their bodies. You were still wearing the dark blue dress. The captain heard shouting and immediately went to your room, you weren't there. He ran outside to the deck and looked where the shouting was coming from. He saw the bloody hands of his crew members.
He saw you running to the beach, clutching the dress tightly to you. You ran deep into the water and finally dived into the water itself. No no no no, you couldn't leave, you couldn't leave him. Hyunjin took off some of his clothes and jumped into the water.
You no longer swim that fast because you were already used to your legs. You heard some water splashing. You turned around and saw Hyunjin swimming towards you. It was too dangerous here in the Ocean for a human like him. You swam far out into the sea, but you still saw the ship.
he tried to shout.
“Y/N, wait, please.”
you stopped and turned around. He tried to keep his head above water, but he was so tired. You saw him sink a little underwater. You immediately swam over to him and grabbed him in an embrace. You kept his head above water as you swam to a nearby shore. This one was a little further than the normal one, it was not really accessible.
You laid him down and started knocking water out of his body. You started mouth to mouth breathing. You made sure you scooped up enough air. His eyes opened again and he gasped. You were still giving him life support. He straightened his back and started coughing. You looked at his chest, which was heaving.
he said softly. His fingers slid over your cheeks.
"Don't leave me alone, please."
"You wanted to sell me."
'They came in without my permission. I would never sell you after the time I had with you.'
'The time?'
“I feel alive with you Y/N.”
You grabbed his face and pressed your lips against his. Your tongue slid through his mouth. Your hands interwined.
"Let's go back, okay?"
he put a piece of hair behind your ears.
Hyunjin carried you to his bed and laid you down. He trampled the members who took you. They were given community service for the coming months. They also came to you personally. Of course you forgave them, also because you bit them.
You lay on the bed and waited for Hyunjin to come back. He came in and locked the door. He sat on the bed next to you. He played with your hair. He started kissing your face softly. You took his hand and brought it under your dress. His fingers started rubbing your clit. He watched you react.
He lifted your dress and he attached his mouth to your clit. He devoured it, like a hungry man. Your back arched and you grabbed the sheet. He pinned your thighs on the bed, because they were a bit shaking. You came without a warning and he licked everything up.
You pulled his pants a little down so you could get his member out. You stroked it softly and brought it against your lips. You started licking the tip, your tongue slid over his length. Twirling around. You heard his whimpers above you. You saw some precum coming out.
Hyunjin positioned himself by your entrance. His face was already sweaty. He slid in with ease. He tore the dress loose so he could have access to your boobs. He nibbled on your nipples, with one hand he kneaded one of your breasts. You grabbed his chin and brought him back in for a kiss. You tasted each other.
His rhythm started to speed up. He pushed into you. He wanted you now, he wanted to feel everything about you. He grabbed your ankles with both hands and spread your legs wide. He pumped into you fast. He sucked your neck and licked everything he could reach. You threw your head back on the pillow.
'You are so Beautiful.'
he whispered in your ear. He started biting your earlobe. He let go of your ankles, but your legs remained open. He took one of your hands and placed it on the lower part of your stomach. You felt him pumping into you. You felt him all the way in it.
Hyunjin could already feel his orgasm coming. You felt drops of sweat falling on your body. He started to push into you more.
"Hyunjin, I am about to cum."
you said softly with your eyes closed. Hyunjin grabbed your chin so you looked at him as you came. You came moaning out his name, because of that he also came. You stared at each other for a while, just admiring each other.
Your hands went around his neck and you pulled him to you. Your arms surrounded his stomach. You were so small compared to him. You clung to him. His arms went to your waist. You fell asleep in this position with him.
It was night and you opened your eyes. You looked to your right and saw Hyunjin sleeping. You stood up and put your dark blue dress back on. You went outside to the deck. You walked around there a bit. You went to the edge and leaned your arms. You looked at the waves of the sea. You missed that cold water. You missed your hair being wet. You heard some creaking of planks.
you heard someone whisper in your ears.
“I miss the water Hyunjin.”
his hands surrounded your waist.
'I know.'
he whispered in your ears.
“But I can’t leave my ship Y/N.”
you looked at each other. Your look changed.
"We'll find a way."
you said
. "Let's go back inside, okay?"
“Okay, babe.”
You kissed his cheek. You were back in bed with him. His warmth felt good, maybe even better than the cold water.
Days passed and you felt homesick. You wanted to jump into the water, you couldn't help it. It was your siren instinct. You tried life on board, but it didn't work out. Every day you saw the beautiful waves, you saw fish and sea animals swimming. You wanted to swim with them, you wanted to go back to your family, to your friends,... You were on deck at night again. This looked like you were standing on the edge.
“Y/N, what are you doing?”
“I can't hold on anymore, I want to get in the water, Hyunjin.”
"We have a bathtub?"
"That's not the same."
“What do you want to say,Y/N.”
"I'm a Siren, I live in water, Hyunjin."
There was a silence between you.
'I understand.'
“I'll never forget you Hyunjin. I love you so much, I don't know if I can leave you. I want you to come with me, but you can't.'
He came closer to you and kissed you softly.
“I love you Y/N, I'm never going to find love again. I will never make love to anyone else but you again.'
He had a chain around his neck, he took it off. He brought the chain to your neck and put it on for you.
"So you don't forget me."
"We'll see each other again, I promise."
"I'm not going to let you go if I see you one more time."
You kissed him on the cheeks and turned around. You looked back again and then jumped into the water. Hyunjin watched as your legs turned back into a tail. You disappeared into the water. Tears rolled down his cheeks. His tears dripped into the water.
“I love you Y/N.”
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maaaaaatryoshka0325 · 4 months
8:00 PM:
Warnings: smut, Gang member Hyunjin
Song Hyunjin is singing: “The Death of Peace of Mind” by Bad Omens. (Highly recommend)
You shouldn’t be doing this- not with him. But the way his tongue was leaving wet circles and trails down your neck and chest was making your mind go haywire, and the feeling of him thrusting into you was making you go crazy.
Hyunjin was holding you up, your legs wrapped around his waist as he was bouncing you up and down on his length. Your hands were tangled in his long black hair as his face was buried into the crook of your neck, sucking dark marks into your skin.
He pushed your back up against the wall, using the wall to help support you as he thrusted harder into your soaked heat. Your eyes met his as he titled his head to the side, his dragon tattoo that started at the back of his ear and went down to his neck visible for a moment before his soft, plump lips met yours.
You were starting to drown in his scent and his presence once again. The man you had broken up with to protect yourself, a man capable of murder, was driving you mad with his touch once again.
You heard Hyunjin bump the radio behind him, which had his phone connected to it. A song began to play lowly as he continued to bounced you up and down on his length, your juices dripping down his legs as his dick slammed into your gspot, making your cries get louder.
“I miss the way you say my name.” He sang, one hand leaving under your ass to tangle itself in your hair.
“The way you bend.” He sang, tugging your hair backwards, making you cry out as the tension made your heat tighten. “The way you break.”
His lips met yours in another messy kiss as his hand remained in your hair, his length pummeling your sweet spot.
“You’re making up running down your face.” He breathed the song into your skin, picking up the pace. “The way you fuck, the way you taste.”
You saw stars as he buried himself balls deep into you and moved your body up the wall with his hips, your nails digging into his shoulders. You let out a small gasp as he pulled out and instantly put you on your knees, rubbing his length and finishing on your face.
He rubbed his thumb into your mouth, making you taste him as he smirked.
“It wasn’t hard to realize, love’s the death of peace of mind.”
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lix-ables · 1 year
⌗ rich boy things – hyunjin + car sex .
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🥡 smut includes, fem!reader, dry humping, hand jobs (while he’s on the phone with his father), mentions of ruined orgasms (because he absolutely loves teasing the shit out of you), lovesick + pussy drunk hyunjin, etc etc. word count: 971. (MINORS DNI.)
💌 note: its been a while but hihi, im back!! i was initially going to post something else??? but this has been in my drafts since april
©lix-ables 2022. consider leaving comments and feedbacks !! happy reading ‹33
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hyunjin was annoyingly pretty and he knew it, so sneaking around on the campus way past your curfew can be excused, right? 
here you were in his car’s passenger seat with your hand wrapped around his dick while he was on an important call. how did you know that? because he told you it was his father, and still your fingers played with the tip, your palm resting under your chin as you watch him shut his eyes. 
his other hand moves to wrap around the wrist that was currently busy, and he turns to look at you. “yes dad, i understand,” he sighs and replies. “no im not out racing. i’m with the boys. panting? have you thought maybe it's your hearing?” hyunjin clears his throat and shifts in his seat, making your hand fall on his thigh. but that gave you even more of a reason to stroke him instead of just touching him. a little teasing wouldn’t hurt no one. your thumb rubs circles on his tip before wrapping your whole hand around it, earning a small grunt from him.
“listen i need to go. they need my help with something. yes, i’ll call you tomorrow.” 
“you like what you see don’t you, darlin’?” hyunjin’s voice stops you from your task, and makes you look at him. he stares at you, smiling before setting his phone in his jacket pocket.
his hand finds your bare thigh and you curse yourself for wearing pj shorts while it was cold outside. “i thought i told you the call was important,” he mumbles, his fingers snaking all the way up to the hem of your shirt and tugging it toward him. “i want this off,” he nods at your shorts, and you bite your lip in frustration. “i thought we were here to talk,” a whimper leaves your throat when he pulls you to him. “we’re talking. this is good communication, don’t you think?” you let him pull you onto his lap, and you struggle out of your shorts in the process. “i was getting ready for bed, it’s way past curfew what if someone –” hyunjin presses a kiss to your lips, his hands wrapped around your waist and it just dawns to you, that his dick is still out, and is now between the two of you. “no one is going to come here, and you know that,” he smiles again, his finger twirling around a strand of hair that wasn’t held together by the band. 
you hum in response, the chill breeze making goosebumps form on your bare skin and you grind against hyunjin’s dick. you’re probably going to have to buy new underwear but fuck it. “this again? and you said you wanted to talk,” he smirks, tugging on the strand of hair in his hand, and his fingers find your shirt, pulling it up so he has more access. your hand wraps around his wrist when you feel him move your underwear aside, and he clicks his tongue. “baby, let me in hmmm? it’s not fair that only you get to do the teasing. it works both ways. besides, no one’s around so i could probably edge you say, four to five times? i’m sure you can take it yeah? because i sure as hell want to see that tight and pretty pussy of yours clenching around my fingers when i don’t let you come.” hyunjin tilts his head to look at you, he shifts the material a bit more before resting two fingers to your clit, and pinches it a little. your thighs shudder at the feeling and he leans back against the seat. “you’d beg me to let you come, but you won’t. you like it too much hmm?”
you nod and his hand reaches down and finds the adjustment lever at the side and moves the seat back a bit more, so there is space for both of you. “when i didn’t see you in class today, i thought something had happened,” he mumbles as he moves his free hand to stroke his dick, bringing it closer to your entrance. “i missed you today, doll.” hyunjin’s fingers work on rubbing random patterns to your clit and you feel yourself getting even wetter than you were ten minutes ago. 
“you were supposed to come pick me up, idiot,” you lean forward close to his ear and press a small kiss to his neck. your hands hold onto his shoulders, your nails digging into the leather jacket that he was wearing before going back to grind against his dick. 
“just the tip, i swear,” he rests his head at the crook of your neck, his free hand now holding you close to him as you move faster against him. you’re breathing faster now and your fingers come to rub your clit, applying more friction. “baby, let me –” hyunjin swears, his hand shivering and you turn your head to the window – it’s drizzling. the sound of rain muffling out your moans and hyunjin’s swears as he manages to guide your hips toward him, his tip close to your pussy, before entering just a little. “that’s it baby, fuck.” 
his hands rest at your lower back, his fingers slowly pulling up your shirt from the back as you ride against him. you’re mumbling something about having a real talk after this, but all hyunjin can hear is your whines and whimpers as he pulls himself out just to replace his dick with his fingers. 
“you’re coming on my tongue and my dick once we get to your room,” he grunts, feeling your walls clench around his fingers. “not yet, darlin’. hold it for me.” with his fingers now buried inside you, and your body grinding up against his palm, hyunjin meant what he said. teasing works both ways.
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taglist: @hwajin @starlostseungmin @chrisbahng @niinjo @chvnnie @lixhues @joonszn @cherryhanji @blueberry-chan @dnadoublefelixx @ethereallino @stuckwithaphobiaa @chewryy @bangchanbabygirlx @zizis-world12 @aimeexx @whatudowhennooneseesyou @nightlychans @americanokisses @katieraven @comet-falls @hwan-g @svintsandghosts @idek-at-this-point-lol @es-kay-zee @writerracha @bbujiikseu @lethallyprotected @lino-jagiyaa
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baby-yongbok · 8 months
A Ride & A Show
Uber Driver!Hyunjin x Fem!Reader
✧Genre - Smut ✧Warnings: Unprotected piv (Wrap it up ya'll) ✧ Masterlist ✧
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Uber Driver Hyunjin that was just about to stop driving for the night but decided to accept your ride anyway, one more ride couldn’t hurt.
Uber Driver Hyunjin who can’t stop staring at you as you approach his car, when you open the door and lean in asking if you’ve got the right car his eyes couldn’t help but to wander from your pretty brown orbs to your full breast. He knows that you saw him staring and he can’t find it in himself to feel sorry about it. 
Uber Driver Hyunjin who doesn’t even attempt to start small talk with you in fear that he’ll make a fool out of himself. He just offers you a water bottle and turns up the radio, glancing into the rear view mirror every now and then and catching your alluring gaze. 
Uber Driver Hyunjin who takes in every bit of your outfit in the reflection of the mirror when he stops at a red light. You look up right when his gaze lingers on the hem of your skirt as it rides up your thigh. His breath catches in his throat when you uncross your legs, your eyes stay on his until the green light catches his attention.
Uber Driver Hyunjin who’s knuckles turn ghost white as he grips the steering wheel, glancing between the semi-busy road and the way that your fingers are inching up your thighs, slowly revealing yourself to him. He nearly hits the car in front of him when his eyes catch on the glistening of your bare cunt.
Uber Driver Hyunjin who thanks the Gods that his dash cam is on when you start whimpering in the backseat, he can barely believe his eyes or ears when you run your fingers over your slick folds. Strained moans and whimpers filling the small space around the two of you and going straight to his cock. 
Uber Driver Hyunjin who turns the music down almost all the way to hear your pretty sounds, he couldn’t give less of a fuck about keeping an eye on traffic as he adjusts the rearview mirror to get the perfect view of you as you dip your fingers into your leaking pussy. Your moans grow louder and more confident once he stops at another light. This time he turns in his seat, he’s desperate to get a closer look at your drooling cunt as it makes a mess on his seats.
Uber Driver Hyunjin who curses under his breath as you kick your shoes off and prop your leg up on the seat, displaying yourself to him. You look so pretty that he can’t help but to moan at the sight.
Uber Driver Hyunjin who sighs and reluctantly unlocks the doors when you reach your destination, hoping that you wont get out. You don't. 
Uber Driver Hyunjin who ends the ride and sits in silence, watching as you continue to fuck yourself. He palms his hard cock through his jeans, hissing and whispering praises as your legs shake against the leather of his backseat. 
Uber Driver Hyunjin who nearly loses his mind when he hears you moan his name. He popped the button of his jeans at the sound of it and hurried to lower his zipper when you whimpered for him, asking - no, begging - him to touch you. 
Uber driver Hyunjin who doesn’t waste a second before he’s reaching into the backseat, the tips of his fingers brushing over your soaked cunt cautiously. He knows that he shouldn’t touch you, he knows that this isn’t part of his job but when he brushes over your clit and your breath catches in your throat so beautifully, a desperate cry escaping you, he climbs into the backseat without a second thought. 
Uber Driver Hyunjin who fucks you dumb on his fingers as soon as he gets his hands on you. Your nimble fingers try their best to stroke his cock at the same pace but the way that he’s brushing against your g-spot leaves you with your head kicked back as you moan into the air, your fucked out eyes still never leave his. 
Uber Driver Hyunjin who couldn’t go another second not having your lips on his. He kisses you hungrily, sucking your tongue and swallowing your moans before kneeling as far as he can to taste your other lips. As soon as his tongue laps over your swollen cunt you’re both groaning into the hot air. He laps at you desperately, cleaning you up then spitting your mess back onto your sloppy folds and watching it run down before fucking it back into you. 
Uber Driver Hyunjin who swears that he could cry once you sink down onto his cock. The stretch of him is enough to have you seeing stars and your tight warmth makes every nerve in his body burn. You wanted to ride him but you only get to move once before he’s grabbing you, fucking up into your cunt and using you like a fleshlight. 
Uber Driver Hyunjin who couldn’t give less of a fuck about how his car rocks and how fogged up his windows are while he’s double parked outside of your building. The way that your walls flutter around him is enough to have him forgetting his own name. When you tell him that you’re cumming he fucks you faster - rougher - just to hear you scream his name for him. 
Uber Driver Hyunjin who empties his balls deep inside of you only minutes after you come undone around his thick cock. He fucks his cum into you, hissing at the overstimulation but you feel too good to let go of. He needs more. He wants more. 
Uber Driver Hyunjin who kisses you sloppily, tongue exploring every inch of your mouth and running over your jaw line as you both come down from your earth shattering high. Faint chuckles are exchanged in the process. That’s the first time he sees you smile and now he knows he’s locked in.
Uber Driver Hyunjin who helps clean you up, slipping your shoes back on and fixing your skirt before he tucks his cock away. 
Uber Driver Hyunjin who you left a 5 star review for and get to see again this Saturday night. 
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Note: Please drive safely and don't try to seduce your uber drivers (😭)
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linos-luna · 5 months
Can you give various kinks to each skz member?
Sounds good! Sorry for super late response! 😭
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Skz Kinks Headcannons ❣️
Warnings: 18+ SMUT, MDNI
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DDLG (Soft dom and Hard dom)
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I know… typical. But! It’s so true! For the most part he’s the soft daddy that’s loves to praise and spoil you. He loves when you call him daddy. You’re his babygirl. But he is fairly strict… if you break rules he will be rough. Hard dom will come out and you will be punished. He’s merciless when giving punishment! So don’t break the rules…
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Spanking and Pet Play
Are you surprised? You shouldn’t be. Minho LOVES spanking you. Sometimes hard and sometimes playfully. The sense of power he gets from bending you over and spanking you turns him on so much. He also likes squeezing your thighs a bit for fun. Minho also loves to make you his sweet kitty. You’ll wear cat ears and a collar. You’re expected to wear a cute skirt and crawl. He loves it so much. You better do it… or else….
Degradation and humiliation
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God, he loves it so much! Call him dirty, call him a slut. It doesn’t matter what you call him. Humiliate him by putting him in compromising positions and slap him around like a toy. Tell him you just wanna use him like a toy. Heck, objectify him. He will love it
Hair pulling and Praise Kink
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This boy will be putty in your hands if you call him a pretty boy. It’s his favorite praise. He loves when you praise him! He also has a thing for hair pulling. He gets so aroused when you pull his hair. He’s not exactly sure why and it embarrassed him at first but he’s accepted it. Pull it, tease him, and call him pretty boy. He loves it!
Pet Play (Puppy Play?)
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At first he was embarrassed to admit it. But eventually he didn’t care. If he’s good , Han will get on his knees for you and willingly wear his collar. When bad, you punish him and make him beg for forgiveness by licking your shoe. You’ll deny his orgasms and pleasure yourself in front of him to teach him. Lowkey he may have a pain kink. He loves when you punish him. Spanking, slapping, anything! He loves it!
Mommy Kink
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He just wants to be good for mommy. Felix is pretty compliant and obedient. He loves sucking your breasts and twisting your nipples— kinda hurts tho 😭. He wants to be your perfect babyboy. Heck, he loves being spoiled. But sometimes he can be a little bratty. Maybe he does it on purpose? Maybe he likes being punished? Who knows? Even the smallest touches from you will get him aroused.
Dacryphilia… with a slight tinge of sadist
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Seungmin seems so sweet and quiet but that’s just a front. Sexually, He loves bringing you to tears. Whether it’s rough fucking or harsh spanking. He’ll do anything to make you cry. Don’t worry, he won’t do so without your consent. — he’s not that crazy— There’s always a safe word. Although… he may like a little more than just your crying…
Sensory stuff? — specifically being blindfolded
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Jeongin loves when you blindfold him. It gets his heart going and excited. With his vision blocked, every touch feels sensitive and he’s so vulnerable to you. He’ll whimper and moan, maybe even cry a little as you touch him. Suck him off when he’s blindfolded and he’ll go crazy. but be gentle with him. He just wants to be your good babyboy after all.
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multiwreckedmess · 1 year
Two Princes (An Unexpected Part 2)
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Pairing: Prince!Hyunjin x fem!servant!Reader x Prince!Felix Genre: Royalty AU Smut WC: 5.5k Summary: The Princes are a dream too good to be true. The previous encounter feels like a mere hallucination. They are determined to prove you wrong.   TW/CW: Power imbalance. SoftDom!Hyunjin, SoftDom!Felix, unprotected penetration, non-explicit consent, reader is called “darling” “doll” “toy”, hyunlix is called “sir”, oral sex, throat fucking, gagging mentioned, lots of body fluids, creampie/cum in mouth. Hyunjin has a name kink ig? Felix and Hyunjin aren’t related but are close like brothers so if that gives you the ick heads up. Written mostly in a fugue state with no editing because HAPPY 5-STAR DAY
As usual, this is fiction not a resource manual for how to do literally anything in life. This does not represent ANYONE real or fictional. It’s a fantasy AU FFS if you cannot figure that out I cannot help you. Also not proofread sorry...
Part 1 idk that it matters though. But people see to like it!
 Eyes shut to prolong your feeling of floaty weightlessness you roll over, surprised to find more mattress instead of the edge of the bed. Sandwiched between cool cotton sheets your fingers run over the fabric, softer than you remember but not unfamiliar, it’s fabric you’ve felt too many times to count as you practiced folding immaculate corners. There’s even more light here than in your small single room on the ground floor that has to fight for the occasional beam.   Gripping the thin fabric of your chamise with the luxurious cotton bedspread you bolt upright, eyelids flying open and heart pounding. The room is full of light linen fabrics in preparation for summer, bouncing the sun off of the walls brilliantly. Your maid’s uniform sticks out, dark stiff cloth neatly hung over the back of a small wooden chair nearby. Window open to the spring breeze, the smell of the castle garden flowers wafts past. It’s not your room, it’s not even near your side of the castle, you’re not even sure you’ve seen this room. It’s too quiet and lovely for you to feel comfortable in, years of conditioning rousing your aching body from the sheets to hurriedly don your uniform.  Unfussed about fully lacing your bodice you scurry out of the door, still making the effort to close it quietly, muscle memory hindering your quick escape. Heels barely touching the tiles, your feet propel you forward, down the side stairs to the cool darkness of the ground level, your home level. It’s easier and more familiar for you to navigate this, both the people and the corridors.
 A little sore and a little confused you’ve never felt more relieved to crash unseen into the kitchen, yanking a bundle of herbs from the pantry. You knew how to prepare the remedy, the ‘backup plan’ that had passed through the eons of people before you. Choking back the bitter concoction in your room alone you sighed. A small price to pay for a moment in a dream. It barely felt real. None of your interactions with the Princes ever did. Memories tossed in a haze of fairy dust thickly layered over your senses. What seemed so real and physical even a day prior was faded and yellowed and distant already.
 Never to happen again for sure.  You were a birthday present.  An experience for the men.  Nothing more.  Don’t delude yourself.
 From bundled in your covers, much rougher than you’d slept in the night before, to busying yourself with daily chores, you tried your best to forget. Yet you couldn’t help thinking giddily of the possessive way their eyes watched you, their tongues talked about you. Worth of winning, of dominating. A good subject, the best really that they could hope for. Their prized gift.
 It was easy to slip back into the natural rhythm of the castle. The council only convened on a monthly basis and without their direct request, few women were asked to care for either prince, mostly needing hands for meals and daily exercises, nothing that particularly required you. They were independent and easy to avoid without drawing much attention. Free agents at least within the walls of the fortress.
 It’s humid and sticky. It finally feels like summer is nearing after a cool spring. You don’t expect anyone of importance to see you, hair pulled up and away into ‘work mode’ straggling strands flying every which way. Cheeks hot from exertion you knead your fresh-from-the-icebox pie crust. Flour billowing up around your elbows as you slam the dough into the smooth marble counter. Finally seeing fit to press it flat and roll it out to cut into thin strips and carefully lattice the top of your strawberry rhubarb pie.
 “I’ve been simply craving a slice of pie,” a deep rumble purrs in your ear as you weave the delicate strips between each other. “-and I do love strawberries.”  You bump up against him as you scramble to curtsy, “Your Royal Highness, Prince Felix. What-why-you- forgive me but this is the servers quarters-”  “This is my castle,” he retorts, “nothing is off limits that is within my sight or grasp.”  You nod your head in a half bow, “correct sir, of course but- why? Your eyes shouldn’t be soiled by this!”  He smirks, eyes flitting to a stack of freshly washed strawberries, waiting to be pitted and sliced. “I wanted a snack,” he explains cooly, arm brushing passed yours to grab the fattest, ripest strawberry on the top of the pile, “and there were none left in the auxiliary kitchen so I thought I’d find my very favorite sweet.” Pouty lips wrapping around the plump fruit he bites down, red juices tinting his mouth a pinkish hue. Eyes closing slowly like a pleased cat, Felix moans. You struggle to keep your composure as a telltale throb courses to your cunt. Slowly his lids flutter open, hand turning the strawberry to you, eyes locked on your face. “It’s perfect. Won’t you try a bite?”  “Sir I couldn’t, really, they are meant for-” the firm flesh of the fruit bumps against your lower lip, finishing your sentence for you.  “Darling, you’re going to refuse a treat from your future king? That’s not the good girl I know.”  A bead of juice slides over your lips, traveling down your chin. Felix watches with pride as you slowly accept his offer, hesitantly opening your mouth, waiting for him to place the berry further on your tongue. When he doesn’t move you gingerly crane your neck forward to take the other half of the berry and bite down. An explosion of acidic sweetness plays over your tongue. It is as he said, a perfect berry, the dictionary definition of a strawberry, tangy and fresh. It’s difficult to control your eyes, momentarily rolling back in your head in delight.  “Delicious,” Felix watches you savor the experience, feasting on your reaction, arms caging you in as you chew. “I’m still a little hungry though,” his thumb swipes the trail of red from the corner of your mouth as you swallow, “aren’t you?” The wet pad playing over your lips you open and accept him in, tongue twirling around him sucking the juice off gently. Felix shudders, hips pressing forward and pinning yours to the counter. Your entire nervous system pulses, tingling waves traveling out to your fingertips, an alarm jolting through you. He leans in, eyelids half lowered, like he’s going to kiss you. Instead he stops, firmly pressing his damp thumb to your cheek and brushing flour off you before pulling away completely.  You can’t contain the gasp, the obvious release of tension from your body, the way you bit your lip to try to control your expression.  “Cute,” he coos, turning heel to the door. “Mother always said not to fill up on sweets though. Too much sugar will spoil the meal.”
 Sweaty, dirty, skirt hitched and legs unstockinged, the hot mid morning sun beats down on you as you plod through the large kitchen garden. Far less aesthetic than the gardens outside of the window you’d woke up by after that fateful day but far more useful. Flowers here won’t turn into beautiful bouquets or pressed ornaments to be put on display. They’ll turn into sustenance or medicine or be plucked to prolong the herb’s fragrance.  “Were I not who I am, I think I’d rather like the country life.” You hear a voice float your way.  “Says the one standing on the outside,” you retort without thinking or looking up. “Country life is easy when you’re not the one elbow deep in-” bent over, yanking a shallot free of the earth you are interrupted by hands at your waist and thighs meeting your backside. Yelping you whip around ready to smack the assailant who dares handle you in such a rough manner but as your head turns and eyes meet you find yourself diverting the energy into a curtsy. “Your Royal Highness, Prince Hyunjin, I’m so sorry I-I would’ve never- if I’d known- why are you-? Why didn’t you-? I’m not decent!” You stammer helplessly, eyes down, quickly working to let your skirts down to preserve what little appearance you hoped to have in front of your lord.  “Darling, I’ve seen you far less decent and will see you far less decent again, if you’ll have me.”  A lump catches in your throat, brain melting in the heat of the sun or the heat of his gaze. “I thought- I assumed it was just- I was just-”  Hyunjin smiles and laughs, brushing back the small hairs stuck to your brow. It’s a kind laugh, a knowing laugh. “Now now, our mothers taught us better than that. Never waste wine, words or women, that was the little idiom.” He looks at you with such sincerity, eyes crinkling into half moons, beads of sweat forming on his own brow as the sun rises higher. As you stand silent in the middle of the garden surrounded by freshly unfurled leaves it feels private and intimate. Slowly his arms mimic the growing beanstalks beside you, wrapping around at your waist casually.  “Sir I’m dripping sweat and caked in dirt you really shouldn’t-”  “What if I like that about you? The sweat and the dirt. What if I want my woman to be sweaty and dirty?” He cocks his eyebrow with a smirk.  It’s hard to contain your eye roll even as your heart flutters, “then that is your choice sir but-”  “You can call me my name. We aren’t in earshot of anyone, you can just say it.”  “Sir I-”  “I want you to say my name.”  You sigh, shooting him a pleading glance as you untangle yourself from his arms, “sir please my training dictates-”  “I can either say please or I can order you but I want to hear you say my name so you will.”  “Prince Hyunjin,” you say hesitantly, hoping that it will be enough to satisfy him.  He shakes his head, “just the last part. Just my name.”  “Hyunjin,” you breathe out. Though it’s a silly superstition but it feels like a bolt of lightening might strike you at any time, your body tensing in preparation for the hit. Even the slight brush of his fingertips to the side of your arms has your shoulder flinching in response.  “It sounds so sweet coming from you, darling, but I rather hear you scream it.” He says with a twinkle in his eye, hand wandering to your ass to cup it. It’s easier this time, “Hyunjin,” falling exasperated from your lips. “Not here.”  With a chuckle he steps closer, impossibly closer. The sun is hot and so is he, both sending rays of heat from their bodies to set you aflame. He smells like earth and musk. “It’s my castle. If we want to right here, we can. And if anyone says anything malicious about it I can have them beheaded.”  Your eyes bulging, you gasp. Normally you’d assume he was joking but his face is so neutral, so matter-of-fact, that there has to be at least some truth to his words. The proximity to power scares and excites you.  “But- my brother might hear about it and he’d be so disappointed to miss out on the fun! I don’t think I could bare his sorrowful stare.” And so Hyunjin leaves you, stunned in the middle of the kitchen garden, only half the leeks for dinner gathered in your basket and the afternoon sun high in the sky.
 “You’ve been requested for duty in the throne room again,” the matron eyes you up and down. Logically you know, her judgemental gaze is simply routine, scrutinizing your preparedness to undertake the job. It was a part of your work you were accustomed to. Fastidiously managing every aspect of the staff was her job, any emotion had been removed long before you were born. “Be sure to tidy yourself.” She’s brusque with words and actions alike, hurriedly closing your door behind her.  “The princes wouldn’t care if you marched in there only in your chamise, they seemed to make that quite clear,” you snickered to yourself, the matron’s final word to “tidy” still fresh in your ear. You weren’t shocked to be called back, neither was she. You were well trained in her eyes, a star pupil of hers, of course the princes would see the value in your quiet servitude. However you knew that your aptitude at sitting in a corner and refilling goblets wasn’t the reason they were asking for you and that was enough to make your stomach flutter. The tension of anticipation building and surging through you, an energy, infectiously radiated from your aura. How would you manage to keep yourself in check for however long the council would be today
 High arched windows, velvet curtains swapped recently for billowing linens, light flooded the great hall. Even your corner, your darling little corner, was brighter than you remembered. The twin glittering thrones posed domineering at the head of the long table, lined with similarly lush chairs although none as impressive. Memories of your previous foray into the belly of the castle appear in flashes as you blink. The cool air kissing your skin before their warm hands had time to. The prickle of tension passing up your spine as they admired you.  You shake yourself, you have to stay focused. You can’t get your hopes up. You were a gift, a toy, an experience for the Princes and you should be happy enough with that. No matter how they were raised or their stations in life, they were men after all. The matron had always warned you, in love and politics all men were knaves not knights. Besides what good would swooning do when work had to be done? Play your part, the stalwart help, rather than expose the small stuttering maid you feel like in their presence.  It isn’t long before advisors and guests alike trickle into the room, some mingling while standing, others immediately settling into their seats. A good mixture of familiar faces and new. The hum of voices busys your mind as you wait for someone to have want for something.  When the princes enter it feels like the oxygen is sucked from the room. The older advisors don’t seem to notice, happily continuing their side conversations. The guests notice. You notice. Instead of heading to their thrones they join the fray around the table, quiet confident smiles and assured strides carry them. Hyunjin seems more at ease, leaning to the side casually as Felix maintains his near military posture. They almost blend into the group, were it not for their beauty. Their hair is even longer since you last saw it, flowing almost past their chin, pieces neatly tucked behind their ears. Were they yours to have and hold you’d braid pieces back from their face, maybe weave flowers or ribbons through. You catch yourself. It wasn’t your place to consider how they managed any part of their appearance. It was your place to monitor the food and drink and get additional assistance as required.  A clanging of a fork to a glass jolts you up and onto your feet. Hyunjin’s glass is aloft, casually stretched in front of him, focused on you.  “Before we officially begin,” his voice fills the hall, ringing clearly off the walls, “I’d like to welcome our Miss. Would you please come to the head of the table for me darling?”  You nearly choke as all eyes turn to you. There are no other people near you, there is no excuse to hide behind. An order is an order and you find your legs moving stiffly below you, stepping almost mechanically as they bring you to the head of the table.  Felix’s hand swoops behind you, the warmth of his palm spreading through the layers of bodice, corset, and chamise, easily maneuvering you between the princes with a gentle pressure against your spine. Hyunjins hand lines up just above Felix’s, like a guard on either side.  “As she passed her trial run with flying colors, we’ve requested she become a permanent fixture as a part of these meetings,” Hyunjin beams as the party claps. Arms pressed to you, they keep your standing as your legs waiver. “Please say hello. We insist.”  You clear your throat, “I’m honored too much by your graces. I look forward to fulfilling my duties to the utmost,” your voice breaks awkwardly, embarrassed heat creeping up the back of your neck.  “We look forward to using all of your services.” Felix announces, the polite clapping of the attendees carefully covers his cheeky swat at your behind. Hyunjin gently squeezes your hip with a reassuring nod. It feels like home, even just for a second.
 Meetings and side conversations and boring court business seems to last forever. Normally you’d see at least some attrition from the advisors and guests but today each one appears to be firmly cemented to their seat. Your spine grows tired, eyes drooping with fatigue. It would be one thing if they needed you as they did the last meeting, running around with pitchers of various drinks to suit all tastes but today no one seems to want for anything. Somehow the absence of work is more tiring than the work itself. Your time is spent finding small ways to keep yourself alert, tapping your toes, staring at the bright sun, even busying yourself by changing out the many pitchers to their cooler cellar kept counterparts.  Even with the intense conversations and work happening it’s impossible to miss the prince’s apologetic glances as you pass the table once more, topping off glasses of both water and wine.  “Please,” Hyunjin claps his hands together, “no more. My brother is getting a headache and I fear I should shortly follow if this goes much longer. As I see it, there are no more pressing agenda items for this month, the rest may follow at our next meeting. Thank you all.” Hyunjin looks over his joined hands, locking eyes with you as he sits. He knows the staff’s rules, carefully watching you as you wait on your stool.
 Your eyes move between the princes, sensing the game of cat and mouse has already begun without your being aware. The thought enters your mind- at least this time you caught on before you were half dressed.  “Come, darling.” Felix’s command rings in the empty hall, shaking you all the way down to your core. “We’d like some of your assistance.”  Your pulse quickens, stepping lightly off the stool. Ears buzzing and oversensitive your footsteps sound like the marching of foot soldiers even as you pass lightly on the marble floor. It mirrors your heartbeat, wild in your chest and sinking low into your gut.  “Your royal highnesses, what do you desire?” You curtsy low in front of them. Meeting their gaze from beneath your brows at the apex of the bow. They look briefly at each other and smile.  “You.” Felix states plainly. The blatentness of it chokes you, air catching between your lungs and throat.   “I heard my brother paid you a visit,” Hyunjin begins. “He left hungry.”  “That’s funny as I heard a similar rumor about you Hyunjin,” Felix’s eyes stay locked on you. “visiting her in the garden but…you left empty handed.”  Your eyes flit downwards, embarrassed. “I’m sorry sirs, I’ll-I- if you are left wanting than the burden is on me.”  Wordlessly they rise from their thrones and meet you on the ground before their thrones.  “Are we really so burdensome to you?” Despite being only a pair their presence surrounds you, slowly circling on opposite sides like sharks.  “No that’s not what I - you- sirs- I-my words- it has been a long day for all of us and really-” you mutter, flustered. Head still tilted down Hyunjin takes the chance to plant a kiss on the back of your neck, lips working their way from your spine to the juncture between of your shoulder and side of your neck. Slowly his arms wrap around your waist, hands caressing up the front of your bodice. There’s no tugging, no hurry to remove the rough fabric under his fingertips. Instead he treats it like the most luxurious silk, breath fanning hotly as he groans.  “You’re right, we did you wrong today. Should’ve ended those pesky formalities much sooner. You must be so tired.” Hyunjin murmurs empathetically, the tones buzzing against your skin.Your body shivers, spine straightening with your head collapsing back on his shoulder. The slight suction of his mouth as he nips and sucks along his path has you head back on his shoulder, gasping for air.  “We must’ve mistaken a tired mind for disinterest, isn’t that right darling?” Felix presses himself to your front, sandwiching you between their warm frames. “Or did a cat catch your tongue?” He laughs and his licks from your collarbone up the column of your throat. If it weren’t for their pressure you’d have collapsed to the floor between them as your legs turn to jelly.
 The princes feel the additional weight immediately.  “Move?”  “Mhm.”  “Garden room.”  “Perfect.”  Their casual communication to each other is a far crying from the flowering sentences they court you with. Brisk, short, economical with their words. The dialogue of two men who need none to understand each other. Felix breaks from you, his hand still curled over yours, tugging the mass of you and Hyunjin forward through the room to a small door you hadn’t remembered ever spotting. Whisking you down the corridor you barely remember the area before you pop out the other side into the room you’d woken up in after your last foray. The sun casting a reddish orange over, particles of dust float in the air, the bed shoddily made, unlike those you tended to. Less like the image of opulence you’d originally made it to be, more of a sanctuary from daily castle life.
 They assume their roles naturally, Felix left to undress you, like last time, as Hyunjin undresses himself. Felix’s hands are sure of their path, unlacing your bodice, unpinning the waist of your skirts, popping open the confines of your corset, each action a smooth steady motion. Goosebumps coat your newly exposed skin as he peels off layers at a time. He peppers the areas with warm kisses as he tosses the fabric to the floor at the side of the bed, dark fabrics sitting like piles of fallen leaves. With the smallest of pushes Felix presses your back to the mattress, pulling your legs up against his torso to shimmy your loosened skirts and bloomers the rest of the way off your body.
 Head sliding sideways Hyunjin reappears in your line of sight. Lit by the streams of the setting sun his body line is thin and muscular, elegant as ever. Even as he slowly strokes his already aroused member he looks beautiful. Lips parted slightly and eyes locked with yours, his thighs meet the foot of the bed and hault him just barely within your fingertips reach. Eyes unable to tear themselves from him, you feel your thighs press into Felix’s shoulders as he pulls your pelvis to the edge of the bed. Chest tensing, eyes blown wide, you gasp as his lips tickle your inner thigh. For a moment your eyes cross as Hyunjin laughs, a series of three short airy hums.  “Focus on me, darling,” he purrs, “you know how much I love to see your pretty expressions.”  With a breathy “yes, sir,” you nod shortly as he approaches you, knees cushioned by the billowing fabrics of the bed. Hungry for him you drop your jaw and let your tongue loll, an open invitation he readily takes. Supporting at the back of your neck, he coos as you swirl your tongue around the head of his cock, barely pursing your lips as you kiss your way down. Hyunjin shudders when you finally wrap yourself fully around him and you preen. Seeing the Prince in such a vulnerable state so suddenly grows the fire in your belly, motivates you to go further, screwing your eyes open to watch him as you struggle to take the full length into your throat, tears burning and blurring your vision.  “Do you trust your future king?” Hyunjins long fingers trace your throat.  Slurping you nod.  “If it’s too much tap my thigh twice, if it’s urgent, pinch. I don’t care if it hurts me, you have my permission.” Carefully he lays your head down, placing his thighs on either side of your head. As he takes your mouth you feel him bump against a resistance in your throat. Trying your best to force past it, you find the position puts you at his complete mercy, trapped between him and Felix. You gag softly as he attempts a second push. “Slowly darling, breathe through your nose. Trust me.” Delicate strokes of his fingers down the column of your throat calm you. With a full breath in through your nose he pops past the barrier with a hiss, nearly immediately retreating fully, strands of spit still connecting the two of you. With tender touches he swipes the mess from your jaw, “you did so well darling. See how easy it is when you trust me?”  “Yes sir,” you pant.  Palm pressed to the side of your neck he fucks your throat, watching the swell of your neck as he fills you, whining with each flex of your muscle eager to gulp him down. “Just like that, keep breathing darling. Breath calms-fuck- just a little more.”  Pacing your breathing is a difficult task with Felix taking every opportunity to distract you. His breath is so warm on your inner thighs as he teases you, lips just barely brushing over your slit as he passes from leg to leg as if one would get jealous of the other if lingered on for too long. Finally he sees you’re wound up enough to settle at your mound. Tongue dipping between your folds and tracing you slowly, the warms of his mouth meshes with the heat of your sex. Hands tangling into the sheets as you try to ground yourself as he hones in on your clit. Flicking and swirling his taut muscle around it you hardly notice the almost inaudible whines that escape your open mouth. His hands grasp your thighs to him as your hips kick upwards, still speared between the two of them.
 As you feel Hyunjins thighs tense below your palms he withdraws with a groan. “He’s doing a good job right? Your Prince is treating you well?” Hyunjin goads. “Tell him, tell him how good he is.”  “Sir, so good,” you croak, barely able to crane over your body to look down at the source of pleasure.  “Which sir?” Hyunjin smirks, “we’re both your sir. So tell me who.”  “Prince Felix, sir,” you stutter and catch on his name. Your fingers desperately want to scramble and tug on the mop of blonde hair between your legs. Groaning, you gather the sheets into your fists to satiate your need. “It feels so good. God you feel so good.” Endorphins flood your body, bursting from your center out to your fingertips like white hot fire. Your whines reach a fever pitch, warbling as your body shakes. “Sir, Felix, sir,” panic rises in your throat as another wave quickly hits. Your abs tense and brace down, the walls of your sex clenching and pulsing around nothing. His hand joins his mouth, fingers short and small but strong to make up for it, quickly fucking into you as tears prick the corners of your eyes. The world spins around you, spiraling into intense pleasure. A wash of relief passes over you, in you, through you, sensitizing you. You gulp air down, lungs hiccupping it back in small bursts as you tremble and twist and cry, senses lost to the world.  “Enough, we don’t want to break her,” Hyunjin pulls Felix back from you by his mane of hair, his mouth and jaw glisten with a mess of spit and your juices.  Felix pants and snarls like a man possessed, “wanted to see how many she could take.” Shaking himself of Hyunjin, he runs his hands along your legs, still vibrating with exhaustion.  “Wanted to spoil our present. Otherwise how will she know how sweet she tastes?”  “Go show her then,” Hyunjin clambers between your thighs, practically forcing Felix from his post. Cock in hand he teases your hole, gathering the mess to lubricate himself. He fills you with one steady thrust, stretching out to accommodate him with a groan. You moan as his hips push harder into the backs of your thighs, the head of his cock stirring your guts.  Looking up at Felix dreamily he seems like the son of Apollo rather than a son of a man, shining back at you as fiercely as the sun. “You missed this didn’t you doll?” He leans down lips to yours, catching your reply before you manage to voice it, stealing a messy kiss as you moan. You taste more him than yourself, the tanin of the red wine still clinging to his tongue, as juicy and ripe as the heat of the august sun had baked the grapes that made it.  “Yes sir,” you manage to groan, open mouth pressed to his shoulder as Hyunjin leans his whole body weight forward into your thighs.  “Good. Maybe next time you won’t steal yourself so selfishly from us.” Hyunjin hisses as his hips pull back, pulling a groan from you as well. Your hands scramble indecisively, the need to grab him and fill yourself once again fighting your training to treat each man with white gloves. You can hear Felix chuckle at your side, pitch starting low and climbing slightly. He’s finally fully undressed himself, each groove of his musculature seemingly cut from glass, his undertones contrasting with Hyunjin’s, both luminescent in the low light. Laid bare like this their different lineages could not be more clear despite their joint upbringing.  “You want to be ours, right?” Felix sweeps some of the collected strands of hair from your brow. “We won’t play with a toy that doesn’t want to be played with.”  “Sir- I want- I want-��� your reply emerges in quick gasps as Hyunjin’s hips roll into you over and over, driving you back into the center of the mattress.  “You want? Hyune- are you not fucking her hard enough? She wants.” Felix smirks at the elder.  Hyunjin grunts and withdraws from you, clearly annoyed by Felix’s goading.  Grabbing your hips he shoves you onto your side and then stomach, his grip leaving indents in your soft flesh. You scramble to accommodate his wordless directions, pushing your knees below you as he pulls your ass up, presenting to him lewdly. Hasty and animalistic he pushes back into you easily, new angle and new sense of fullness. Wobbling with each thrust you try to prop your chest up and away from the bed, arms knocking out from under you, defeated.  Back arched fully up you gasp into the mattress, wailing and moaning muffled in the down, drool soaking into the sheets.  “Who is fucking you dumb?”  “Sir, Prince Hyunjin sir.” You yelp against the damp fabric.  “What is my name?”   A wail escapes your mouth instead of a name.  Hyunjin leans over, hips still pistoning against you. With a shaky growl he commands you,“say my name.”  It’s like a dam in you breaks fully, flooding the air with words and his member with your arousal. “Hyunjin! Hyunjin,” you scream without care for formalities, over and over until his name becomes a sound rather than a proper noun.  “Hold her up for me.” You vaguely hear Felix ask Hyunjin before a tug at your arms pulls you up. Tension keeping you jutting outward with your back bowed, your shoulder joints burn as he silences you with his cock, lodged between your lips. No coaxing, no slow pace, just a man chasing a means to an end. He’s thicker than you remember, mouth straining to accommodate him comfortably as the spongy head of his cock hits your barrier, briefly popping past it as Hyunjin bounces you forward. Completely at their mercy, you feel like you’re floating between them, pinging back at forth, never left wanting for long. Your tongue can feel the seizing of Felix’s impending climax as he stuffs himself down your throat, a whimper catching in his throat as he unloads before stumbling backwards as spit and cum burble and overflow from your lips. Hyunjin follows closely, collapsing forward and warmth rushes to fill your core.  This must be the ecstasy of death, you think, every fiber of your being reverberating uncontrollably beneath your lover as he sucks small kisses possessively into the nape of your neck. You aren’t sure if the heartbeat you feel thudding is yours or his.  “She’ll stay here.”  “With us?”  “With us.”
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Part three eventually. I have an outline its just everything in between. Probably not for a while though ya’ll i’m sorry. I’m going to have a few Ateez centric pieces out because June is theeeee month for comebacks.
In the meantime my sorta updated masterlist is here
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𝐭𝐡𝐞 𝐬𝐨𝐮𝐧𝐝 𝐨𝐟 𝐲𝐨𝐮𝐫 𝐧𝐚𝐦𝐞
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pairing: hyunjin x fem!reader (afab)
genre: dark academia college au. nonidol!hyunjin. enemies to lovers // academic rivals. angst. reader pov. smut - MDNI, 18+ only.
content & warnings: explicit & strong language. mild thematic elements. kindaa toxic relationship between hyunjin and reader since they're enemies in uni. ANGST!! reader comes from a poor background and hyunjin is the uni dean's prodigy son. smut warnings below cut!!
word count: 10.6k (enjoy you filthy animals 😈)
summary: ever since you started studying at korean national university of arts in seoul, hwang hyunjin, the other top student of the school and the dean's son, has been an absolute thorn in your ass. although, it turns out that not all thorns are necessarily bad.
18+ warnings: dom!hyunjin x sub!reader. unprotected sex (wrap it before you tap it, friends). fingering. dirty thoughts/fantasies are mentioned. degradation (whore, slut, bitch, etc). pet names (baby girl, sweetheart, doll face, etc). LOTS of hair pulling. BIG ownership/possession kink. breeding kink!!!. overstimulation. orgasm control. nipple/breast play. lots of dirty talk. subspace. loud sex. manhandling. humiliation kink. exhibitionism (fucking in a public library).
a/n: first of all, i'd just like to give a BIG shoutout to my dear friend @ahactress, for giving me the initial prompt to this about a month ago haha- without your help, I wouldn't be here right now honey!! 🤭💙 also, i'm sending all my love to my beautiful bestie @h0p3l3ssromantic, for encouraging me with her pretty words and her endless love... girl, you RULE and ilysm!!! 😫❤️ I don't know if it's public knowledge around these parts, but my dms on all my sns platforms are ALWAYS open for ya'll to spew your ramblings about my work haha - hmu on twt babes, I'm always down to chat~ ✨
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ᴅᴏ ɴᴏᴛ ʀᴇᴘᴏsᴛ ᴛᴏ ᴏᴛʜᴇʀ sɪᴛᴇs (ᴛʜɪs ɪɴᴄʟᴜᴅᴇs ᴛʀᴀɴsʟᴀᴛɪᴏɴs). do not copy, spin-off, or write inspired work based off of this fanfic without full permission to do so. ©ʙʟᴏssᴏᴍᴡʀɪᴛᴇsᴛʜɪɴɢs ⤐ ᴀʟʟ ʀɪɢʜᴛs ʀᴇsᴇʀᴠᴇᴅ
  The moment you saw the dark, heavy clouds swirling low in the sky as you walked to your Survey of Humanities class, you knew that the day was going to be a shitty one. Already, you had woken up with a raging headache from the all-nighter you had pulled the day before to finish all of your homework for the following week. 
 Besides, it was a Monday too, and you fucking hated Mondays. 
 For one thing, the start of the new week always meant being bombarded with loads of assignments from the four classes you were taking. Being a junior with a Liberal Arts major was not as easy as everyone thought it was — and you constantly felt like you could never catch up on all of the homework. 
 With two formal art classes, one on charcoal drawings and the other on watercolor techniques, and then two upperclassman Humanities classes, your schedule was packed with studying time. Sometimes, it was hard to even eat during the day, since you were so busy with your schoolwork. 
 But there was no way around it, no excuses that could be made. 
 You either continued to stay at the top of your classes, as one of the best students in your grade for your graduation year, or you didn’t. 
 Your mother didn’t sacrifice everything she had for you to fail so horribly at university. 
 So you were okay with the stress and deadlines. Because you wanted to make both her and yourself proud. 
 And yeah, maybe you also wanted to prove to your classmates that you could do it. 
 You especially wanted to brag about your success to a certain man… 
 Hwang Hyunjin. 
 He was slated to graduate in your same year and was studying Technical Art. And holy shit— was he an insufferable ass. Unfortunately, since the two of you shared such close majors, you had found yourself in one too many classes with him during your time at the Korean National University of Arts in Seoul. It also didn’t help that he was coined as one of the #1 students in the entire school, and did everything in his power to make everyone aware of this fact. 
 Especially you. 
 If he earned just two points more than you on an exam in the same class that you were taking together, he’d nonchalantly wave the white paper in front of you after the exam period, taunting you with his sly tongue and that cruel grin of his. 
 Most of the time, you managed to ignore his wicked teasing, sticking to yourself and your small group of study buddies. But on the rare occasion that he did get under your skin, you’d snap irrevocably and usually land yourself in the Dean’s office. 
 But of course, Hyunjin was also there because — news flash — he was the son of the fucking Dean of the university. 
 Usually, the meetings after your blowups were casual and spoken in soft voices, with Dean Hwang recounting the school’s long integrity policy to you, which you had already memorized in the back of your head after your third visit to his office. The entire time the Dean reminded you of how your ‘behavior was uncalled for in the situation,’ Hyunjin would be standing in the corner of his father’s office, arms folded across his chest and canting his head to the side as he studied you with a pleased little devilish sneer on his face. 
 After every single one of the meetings, he’d always try to catch up to you outside of his father’s office. This usually landed in you cursing him out under your breath and telling him to fuck off before you retreated into the shadows of one of the many hallways. 
 And as it just so happened, your Survey of Humanities class also had a certain raven-haired man constantly sitting in the farthest seat from the front of the lecture hall. 
 It was almost comical how good-looking he was, coupled with his genius brain. Because as much as you wanted to deny it, you couldn’t ignore the fact that he was incredibly smart… in both the arts and all other forms of academics. He aced every single quiz and exam he was given, got 100s on every technical art research essay he wrote, and was involved in practically every club there was on campus. 
 The girls of your grade fawned all over him, and even the freshmen were weak to his looks whenever he’d pass them in the hallway. He looked right out of an early 2000s fashion magazine, with his model-like physic, long, shaggy black hair that perfectly framed his face and curled at the nape of his neck, not to mention the expensive designer clothes he was always seen in. 
 You had never seen him dress like the other guys of his same age — had never seen him clad in a pair of baggy grey sweatpants and a worn oversized graphic tee. Instead, he rolled up to the curb of the university in his cherry red 2023 Rolls Royce, dressed to the nines in fitted coats, light-washed designer jeans, and crisp white button-downs. 
 Hwang Hyunjin had been the school’s ultimate heartthrob for as long as you could remember, and you had heard rumors of the kind of things he did with his lovers — taking his girlfriends out to expensive restaurants in the heart of the city, before bringing them back to his luxurious apartment and fucking them late into the night. Usually, you tended to ignore the dating and sex part of your arch nemeses' life, and instead just focused on beating him at his own game of academics. 
 And during that early Friday morning in the middle of October, as you strolled through the doors of the lecture hall and your eyes scanned over the students already seated, you caught sight of him.
 Dressed in a casual, brown turtleneck and dark-washed jeans, he looked like he had just walked straight out of an autumn edition of GQ Men. He was seated in his usual place, legs crossed and hands busy scribbling away notes on his iPad. As you floated beside him and towards your seat at the very back of the hall, you caught the scent of him — a mix of earthy musk and dark roasted coffee beans. 
 He didn’t pay you the time of day as you flitted past him and took out your notebooks once you were seated down. Thankfully, he seemed to be choosing the route of ignoring you for the day, much to your relief. 
 Soon, the professor strode into the lecture hall and began the class. For a while, he droned on about the midterm that all of the students had taken the week before, and how he was impressed with the class’ results. “Although, two students in particular outshined everyone else,” he began, his eyes scanning the lecture hall until they landed on Hyunjin seated just two rows before you. “Hyunjin, excellent work — it’s quite rare that I see a student score a 100 on the midterm,” then his focus was floating upward and landing on you. “Y/N, you’re short essay for the midterm was superb, and your choice of art analysis was a very unique one for sure.” 
 Just as the professor was focusing back on the rest of the course material, you could sense someone’s gaze trained on you. Staring forward, you caught a glimpse of him shooting you a snarky grin. You glared daggers into his skull, just wishing that he’d get shot in the foot and keel over in pain at that moment. 
 He always liked to gloat when he got a higher score than you on the tests, and you both knew that he had done better on the test overall — since the professor only mentioned his 100 and not yours. But apparently, your midterm essay was a hell of a lot better than his. 
 Sticking out your tongue at him playfully, you rolled your eyes before folding your arms across your chest and turning your attention back on the slides that the professor was ticking through. Hyunjin got under your skin so much he sometimes felt like a fucking disease — burrowed so deeply inside your veins, it was almost impossible to cut out the hatred. 
 “For this week’s assignment, you guys will be paired up into groups of two to create a joint presentation on the topic of ‘The Descent into Madness,’” As soon as you heard the professor mention splitting the class into groups, you felt your heart leap inside your chest. You only hoped that you wouldn’t be paired up with him. “Using your textbooks as a guideline, I want all of you to choose one specific piece of art from any period you want and conduct deep research into the mad aspects of it — dive into as much detail about the formal elements as you’d like, but make sure to follow the grading rubric and cite all academic sources. I’ve posted the list of paired groups on the bulletin board up here near the projector, so make sure to check it before you leave class today.” 
 You tuned out all other information the professor gave about the week’s assignment, too focused on seeing who you were paired with. As soon as he dismissed class, you were shooting up from your seat and hoisting your heavy tote bag across your shoulder. 
 Flitting down the stairway, you made it to the bulletin board before all of the other students did. They were idling around because no one gave two shits about who they were paired with. No one except for you. 
 “Please, please, please—” You prayed in a whispered tone under your breath as your eyes scanned the matched columns of students. When you came upon your name and saw who was next to it, it felt like the ground at your feet had opened right up and sucked you in entirely. “Fuck my life.” Heart dropping into the pit of your stomach, your palm squeezed a little tighter around the strap of your bag. 
 “Oh shit— looks like the professor decided to give you a fighting chance by pairing you up with the best student in the entire school.” You heard Hyunjin’s silky voice say from somewhere behind you. 
 Swinging around on your heels, you caught a glimpse of his sardonic, wide smirk, as his eyes scanned the look of sheer anger on your face. Giving a dry, humorless chuckle, he shoved his hands into his pockets and canted his head to the side in a quizzical kind of way. 
 “We’re only going to ace this project because of me— and let’s be clear here, I’m the better writer out of the two of us.” You said in a low voice, pointing an accusing finger at him in utter disgust. You could feel your brows pulling together from the rage that was building up inside of you. And all from the thought of being forced to work with him. 
 “Yeah, but I’m the better test taker.” 
 “Fuck you.” 
 Hyunjin chuckled wickedly, the tip of his blush pink tongue coming out and wetting a corner of his plush bottom lip. “Oh honey, I’m sure you wish you could.” 
 Already, you could tell that he was egging you on. Trying to get your goad so that you’d explode and be dragged to the Dean’s office. So that he could stare down at you with that same smug look on his face as his precious little daddy rattled off the university’s code of conduct. 
 Well fuck that bullshit. 
 Seeing too much red, you decided to excuse yourself from the equation before you said something horrible that got you sent into the Dean’s office again or even worse — kicked from the class. 
 “I’ll see you on Monday night at ten in the library,” you said in finality, squinting your eyes up at him and just wishing you could wring your hands around his perfect little neck. “Don’t be late.” 
 “I don’t take orders from you, sweetheart.” 
 “For now you sure fucking do.” 
 Then you were turning around and pushing out of the lecture hall, practically running down the corridor as fast as you could, heart pounding in your chest because… what the hell were you going to do? 
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 That entire weekend leading up to the Monday night that you planned to spend with Hyunjin, you just about lost your mind over the worry of it all. Would he continue to be an asshole to you the entire time? Would he work well with you and compromise on things? How would everything go? 
 You were so stressed about the entire thing that you practically drove your roommate Felix insane with annoyance. Late Sunday morning, when you were making circles around your living room couch as you stressed about everything, he finally burst out in a loud outcry. 
  “Y/N! You seriously need to take a chill pill, you’re going to run holes right into the fucking carpet!” He said in an exasperated tone, muting the show that he was watching on the large flatscreen TV. 
 Peering up at him with wide, guilty eyes, you offered him a meek smile. “I’m sorry, Lix— it’s just… you know how much I hate Hyunjin and I—” 
 Felix rolled his eyes at you, completely fed up with your bullshit at that moment. “Yes, yes, I know. You’ve told me about a million times at this point. But like… don’t let it get to you, yeah? Just go out there and do your very best,” his eyes flitted back to the TV as he un-muted his show. “I mean… how bad could working with Hwang Hyunjin really be? Besides you, he’s one of the top students in the entire school.” 
 But he didn’t know Hyunjin like you did. 
 No one did. 
 They didn’t see the cruel side to him, the mean side. 
 They didn’t hear the words he’d mumble to you with venom after a big test or the taunting he’d throw your way if you one-upped him in some way. 
 Others didn’t see the dark looks he’d give you after classes or the way he’d practically talk behind your back each time you passed him in the hallway — whispering to his groupies and making all the guys chuckle heartily. 
 So yeah, working with him was a pretty fucking big deal. 
 Nonetheless, you took Felix’s advice and tried to relax as much as you could before the start of the new week. You studied the material that you wanted to research for the project, deciding to focus on Hamlet’s Ophelia for your analysis. 
 And if Hyunjin didn’t want to go with that character, well… too bad.
 By the time Monday night rolled around, you felt more prepared than ever before and stepped into the Library’s main doors with settled ease. The university’s library was your favorite place on campus and had been the location for many of your long night study sessions over your time in school. With its dark gothic architecture outside and its sweeping gables, it was a true sight to behold. Not to mention the cozy atmosphere of the interior — all of the cozy nooks and crannies of the place, filled with warm candlelight and large chandeliers and settees made everything feel so mysterious and relaxing. 
 You strode through the isles filled with books, noticing how it was almost empty of any other student. That’s why you liked coming to the place late at night because it was relatively devoid of life and incredibly quiet. And you liked the quiet — it made it easy for you to focus on your studies. Finally, you stumbled upon a spacious table tucked into the very corner of one part of the place on the upper floor, with a large bay window just in front of the wooden table. 
 With a glance outside the pane, you noticed how the darkening sky had opened up to reveal a sheet of heavy rain — it pelted down on the few students that were passing by the outside of the library on the sidewalk there, as they ran for cover. Methodically, you brought out your supplies — booting up your laptop and positioning your notebook and pens just so. 
 Checking your phone, the screen flashed that it was fifteen minutes past ten o’clock already. Was he not even planning on showing up? Was he going to completely bail on you and instead take you down by sabotaging the entire thing? 
As you sat down in one of the cushiony, velvet-lined chairs, your mind began to race with all of the possibilities of what Hyunjin might be stewing up to take you down. 
 Then, almost like your thoughts had summoned him, you heard footsteps at your back and turned to see Hyunjin rounding the corner of the tall bookshelves that were lined on either side of your chosen table. With one glance at him, you noticed the soaked-through fabric of his tan coat and the way his dark hair curled around the nape of his neck with moisture. He must’ve gotten caught in the rain and that’s why he was late. 
 “I thought you were going to bail on me entirely.” 
 Giving you a swarthy look, he plopped down into the seat just across from you and threw his heavy book bag atop the table. “Good evening to you as well.” He grumbled, slipping off his coat and showcasing the wetness hidden just underneath there. His light, cream-colored button-down was almost sheer from the rainwater… highlighting his muscular shoulder blades and the tips of his pecks. 
 “Didn’t you know it was supposed to rain heavily tonight?” 
 Not even paying you another glance, he focused on pulling out his supplies. “I’m not the fucking weatherman, I don’t regularly check up on shit like that.” 
 “Well, you should— maybe you wouldn’t ruin so many of your precious, rich boy clothes if you did.” 
 At that, his hands stopped moving and he stared up at you with slitted eyes. Giving your own choice of outfit a long once over, the corner of his mouth ticked up. “Well damn— are you jealous or something?” You weren’t particularly dressed up, opting for a comfortable pair of black sweatpants and a warm violet turtleneck top.
 “Let’s just focus on getting to work.” You shot back, hands typing away at your computer keyboard. “Did you figure out a piece you want to analyze?” 
 “Yeah, Hamlet’s Ophelia.” 
 His words were silky and smooth against your ears, but his answer is what got you shooting your gaze up to his again. Mouth dropping open a little bit in surprise, you cleared your throat from the sudden quietness between you. “Oh— uhm, I was thinking the same,” you began, opening up the Word document that you had already started working on that past weekend. “It would probably be a good idea to study Hamlet’s character too since he's the catalyst of her problems.” 
 “No, he isn’t. She already had them to begin with — he just heightened their outcome.” 
 You were so taken aback by his comment, that it took a few seconds for your brain to process everything. But when it finally clicked, you were gaping up at him in astonishment. “I’m sorry, what? You’re going to blame her for the fact that Hamlet was the sole cause of it all?” Your voice was steadily rising, as you began to get irritated by his suggestion. 
 Hyunjin shrugged nonchalantly, as he scribbled down a few things in his notebook. “I mean, yeah. She already had a history of mental disorders, her death was bound to happen anyway.” He matched your tone, words growing louder and ringing out across the small expanse of the library that the two of you were in. 
 “I seriously cannot believe you right now.” You began, shaking your head in anger as you tried to focus on your bright computer screen again. But his argument just rubbed you the wrong way entirely, and you found yourself speaking up again. “I didn’t realize how much of a fucking misogynist you were. But oh, wait— it’s perfectly clear now if the way you treat me is anything to go off of.”
 “I’m not a misogynist, Y/N.” The way his tone curled around the sound of your name did something funny to the depths of your soul. He had never called your name outright like that, never addressed you head-on. And it was both weird and oddly satisfying. “All I’m saying is that her descent into madness was pretty warranted since she was in an already heightened state of emotions.” 
 You gave him a deep glare, tilting your head to the side in annoyance. “Just say you hate women, it’s okay, Hyunjin. I won’t bug you about it.” 
 “Like hell, you won’t.” He mumbled under his breath, long fingers typing out something on his computer. 
 And that was enough to completely set you off. 
 There were no other students around, no professors to tell you off, and no Deans to harp on you about correct student conduct. 
 “Seriously, what the hell is your problem?! You’re so fucking annoying and a total piece of shit. I honestly have no idea how you’re at the top of the school when all you do is belittle others!” This time, you were shouting outright. Throwing him an ominous glare and shutting your computer with a resounding thud. 
 Hyunjin leaned back in his seat, lengthy arms folded across his chest as the rain pelted against the misty window just at his back. “Oh, and like you’re any better? You always love to shove your accomplishments in everyone else’s faces— you ever stop to think how that makes others feel?” He was yelling now too, stroking a hand through his long locks that were steadily dripping with tiny droplets of rainwater. 
 Shaking your head in disappointment, you took in a resounding deep breath. “I knew this was a bad idea. I knew you’d be an asshole the entire time and I knew we wouldn’t get any work done,” as you said the words, you were already gathering up your things, shoving them into your bag, and leveling him with a cold stare. “So let’s just forget it - this - okay? Just… work on it by yourself and then we can compile our info together the day of and—” 
 “Sit down, Y/N.” 
 The way his command slipped out from between his lips in a low, gravelly voice shook something loose deep within your very being. For a moment, you almost felt compelled to listen to him. Like under a mystical enchantment, your limbs wanted to move on their own accord and seat yourself down again. But the rational part of your brain overtook all other thoughts as you stood your ground and hovered just next to the table. 
 “You can’t tell me what to do. You’re not your daddy— you don’t have the authority of the Dean.” 
 For the last few moments, he hadn’t been looking at you, eyes instead trained on his computer still. Almost like, the entire ordeal didn’t bother him that much. Like you were a minor inconvenience to him in the grand scheme of his rich, privileged life. 
 But all at once, he was tipping his head towards the high rafters of the library’s ceiling, stare catching with yours. The stormy look you saw there, dancing around in his brown irises, forced your heart to leap in the pit of your throat. 
 “Don’t make me say it again.” 
 “I’m never going to listen to you, so tough luck, fucker.”
 Taking in a deep breath, his entire body shuddering with the motion, he held your gaze and motioned with a tilt of his head to the seat in front of him that you had just gotten up from. “Sit. Down.” 
 And like a single crack suddenly appearing in a delicate vase, your mind was losing all conscious thought and you were moving without any other thought. His seething, low tone overtook your entire system, his focus on you sending a shock of shivers up the length of your spine again and again, unrelenting. 
 “What?” You asked, noticing the surprised expression on his face from the way that you had fucking listened to him once, seated in your chair again. “I was tired of hearing your stupid demands.” 
 Hyunjin flipped through a few pieces of paper in his notebook before he pushed it your way. “Give that a look over, it’s the notes I took on Ophelia over the weekend.” The idea of him studying for the project just like you had done forced your mind to run rampant with all kinds of thoughts. Like, was he also stressing out about the meeting like you had been doing?
 “I already told you— we’re not working together.” 
 “For Christ’s sake, just give it up!” Hyunjin exclaimed in a loud voice, throwing his hands up into the air in mock defeat. “You act like this is the deciding project of our grade— it’s a fucking weekly assignment. All we have to do is our best, which will be pretty damn good if we’re both working on it.” 
 “So then you admit that I’m a good student.” You raised an eyebrow his way, fingers slowly taking ahold of his notebook and playing with the edges of the paper.
 Taking in a deep sigh, he pointed at the notebook in front of you. “Just focus— okay? I want to get as much work done as possible tonight.” 
 “Fine, but don’t blame me if we get a bad grade because we rush it.” You said, finally raising the white flag of surrender and taking in the contents of his notebook. The notes were detailed and insanely good, highlighting certain formal aspects of Ophelia’s character and the overarching themes of her madness. “Wow— this is… really good.” You said in a quiet voice, almost hoping that he wouldn’t hear it. 
 Rummaging through your nearby bag, you pulled out a pink highlighter to take some notes, and your chosen lollipop for the night, mango flavored. You liked to reward yourself with a fun treat of candy whenever you did late-night studying sessions since the sugar kept your energy levels high and helped to keep you focused. Ever since you were a little girl, you seemed to concentrate better when your mind wasn’t entirely on the content you were studying. 
 “I mean, I’m not coined as one of the school’s top students for nothing,” Hyunjin remarked in a sarcastic tone. You chose to ignore his comment and instead focus on his neat handwriting and the way his words fit in perfectly to the columns of the notebook paper. 
 Everything about him was perfect — from his looks to his academic success to his damn handwriting. Hell, what wasn’t he good at? 
 For one thing, being a nice fucking person. 
 And he seemingly couldn’t grasp the idea of how not to be an asshole to people he didn’t like.
 Unfortunately, you were categorized in his list of people that he hated. 
 As you flipped to the next page in his notebook, your tongue swirled around the lollipop in your mouth. The sugary sweetness of the artificial mango flavor coated your tongue deliciously, and it awakened all of your senses in the best way possible. The minutes seemed to tick by, as you began to make notes based on Hyunjin’s research from his notebook, turning away from the paper and typing into the Word document that you had started for the project.
 Faintly, in the back of your mind, you could hear Hyunjin’s soft inhales and exhales, as he focused on his research. All else was quiet in the library, what with it being completely void of life on a Monday at eleven at night. You could distinctly pick out the sounds of rainfall pitter-pattering just outside the large window behind Hyunjin’s seat, as the night drew on in a heavy mist of dew and moisture. 
 “Why do you hate me so much?” 
 Hyunjin’s words were faint and broke you out of your daze of thought. You had been frantically writing down some of your critiques about Ophelia as a character, and your head shot up from your computer to catch a glimpse of him staring back at you. 
 You didn’t know how long he had been like that, sitting back in his chair, long, raven hair a wavy mess around his face and eyes a little bleary from a mixture of sheer exhaustion and that… darkness that you could never quite pinpoint. You had only ever seen him direct such swarthy looks at you, and that fact disheartened you a lot.
 “I think the real question you should be asking is what’s not to hate about you.” You deadpanned, giving him a deep frown as you poked your lollipop into the corner of one of your cheeks, tucking it away for the moment. 
 Folding his arms across his chest in that abrasive way that he always did around you, he tilted his head to the side with a raised eyebrow. “Okay, spill the tea.” 
 Taking in a deep breath to stave off your rising nerves and irritation with the man before you, you carded a few fingers through your hair. “To start with, you’re a complete and total asshole.” 
 “I think we’ve already touched on this point by now.” 
 His retort left you to stare daggers into his eyes, wishing someone would just come up behind him and slit his throat because you sure did want to at that moment. But you also supposed that the Dean of the university wouldn’t take a liking to you murdering his son. 
 “Secondly, you’re always stuck up and hard-headed and annoying and… and immature.” 
 Hyunjin blew out a deep, long whisper. “Damn, spare my ego some, will ya?” 
 But you weren’t planning on stopping anytime soon. He had started the engine of the train, and now you were rolling down the tracks of sheer rising anger and all of the pent-up rage that you had felt towards him for the past three years. “And you’re right okay? I am fucking jealous. I’m so jealous of you that I can’t breathe sometimes— you haven’t had to work a day in your life for your position, yet I’ve had to scrape by on my hands and knees, clawing— begging at life to grant me just one fucking break.” You weren't even yelling. Instead, the words just come out hushed and all too grave. 
 Like, if anyone else but him heard them, you’d crumble into a pile of ash and disintegrate into thin air, never to be seen again. Because it was fucking embarrassing, to be so affected by him still, even after all of these years. 
 He stayed silent, watching as you flayed your hands around in the air in your exasperation. You were fed up with your life and the hold that he had over it. You were finally at your breaking point and you had had enough. 
 And you think that at that moment, he had also seen and acknowledged that, staying silent to let all of the words spew out of you like an erupting volcano that had been bound to blow from the very start. 
 “But you? You get everything handed to you on a pretty, silver platter because your daddy is wealthy and you're drop-dead gorgeous and practically have the brain of a neuroscientist. Meanwhile, I was raised by a poor single mother in the slums of Seoul and the only way I got into this university in the first place is because I busted my ass throughout middle and high school to earn the top student’s place,” you pointed a finger between the two of you. Almost like, the tip of it was sharp enough, you could cut right through him. Blade tearing through sinew and flesh and bones. “And then you dare to come around these parts, acting like you own everything, trying to put me in my place. When in reality, you’re the one that needs to be put in your place. Someone needs to knock you down a few pegs, and I’ve always thought… why not me?” 
 For a moment, nothing else happens after that. 
 And irrationally, you’re suddenly afraid of him. 
 Of what he might do — what he might say and to whom — with this newfound information about you. 
 Hardly anyone at school knew about your personal life and struggles. You tended to stay to yourself and instead focus on your studies instead of going out to late-night parties or hitting up the local clubs. And you were an extremely private person, to begin with. You saw no point in pouring out your life's sob story to people you would never see again after four years. 
 But all at once, you wondered if Hwang Hyunjin was a dangerous man. 
 If he was someone who would use your personal information against you. 
 And if the last three years were anything to go off of, you wouldn’t put it past him. 
 “Fuck— I shouldn’t have said all of that,” you grumbled, jamming your fingers into your eye sockets and scrubbing at your lids. “Just… forget all of this, yeah? Forget I said anything.” Then you were standing up from your seat for the second time that night, heart leaping in the pit of your chest as you once again gathered your things into your bag. “It’s late anyways. I should head home and keep studying for my other classes. We can meet up some other time for this, it’s not due til, what… Sunday? That gives us plenty of—”
 “Y/N.” Just like before, the sound of your name on his tongue caused you to pause entirely, limbs halting their movement of shoving your computer into your bag. “Just— shut up, yeah?” His voice came out softer than you expected it would, forcing a shiver down the length of your spine. 
 “Don’t call me that.” 
 “Don’t call you what?” 
 “Why, because it makes you feel things?” He asked in a gravelly voice. You were avoiding even looking at him at that moment, hands a little shaky as you anxiously started to suck on your lollipop again, rolling it around in the corner of your cheek. “What are you so afraid of?” 
 “You, okay?! It’s always been you!” Your outburst was a lot louder than you expected it to be, ringing across the space between you and echoing in the far distance of the library’s upper-level floor. 
 A beat of silence lapsed between the two of you, and you trained your gaze on a corner of the room, studying the small dust bunny that stood there, completely still and lifeless. In that moment, you could relate to it quite a bit. Lost and confused. Wanting to move away, but not being able to for some weird reason. 
 Hyunjin’s old wooden settee creaked in the silence, as he shifted in his position. “To be honest, I’m scared of you too.” And just like that, your head was snapping his way and your eyes were widening in surprise. “For one, I’m scared of that stupid thing.” With his dark eyes, he motioned towards your mouth. To the lollipop that you were dutifully sucking on, in and out, in and out. You stopped altogether when you realized why he had been so quiet during your studying session. He hadn’t been studying — he had been focusing on you, on the candy in your mouth. Feeling self-conscious about it, you took it out of your mouth and laid it down on the table. “And I’m scared of how you make me feel— crazed out of my mind, all of the time. Like a sick fucking plague, you inhabit my everything… from the moment I wake to the moment I ease, you’re all I can think about, all I can dream about. And I hate it so fucking much that it kills me a little bit more every single day.” 
 “Hyunjin, I—”
 His eyes nearly rolled into the back of his skull, head tipping back in delight as his lips parted just slightly. “Yes— fuck, say it again.” 
 “Say… what?” 
 “You know.” 
 Heart leaping wildly in your throat, and broken butterflies waning in the depths of your stomach, your mouth was moving on its own accord. “Hyunjin.” 
 Like a trigger being pulled back from a gun and flitting the weapon into action, the bullet was shot across the distance between the two of you. And the bullet was your words — you calling out his name. 
 In an instant, he was a flurry of motion before you. All designer clothes soaked from rainwater and long, wavy hair that still had droplets of water at the tips. He was a flash of milky skin hidden underneath a sheer, wet button-down. The faint, waning moonlight shining through the window pane cast an ominous, angelic-like halo around his tall, built frame. 
 And by the time you could breathe again, he had you exactly where he wanted you. Pinned up against the nearest tall bookshelf that reached up into the height of the library's ceiling. One strong hand pinning your two hands against the wood above your head, while the other was positioned just unearth your chin, holding your jaw bone and stroking the flesh there with a gentle thumb. 
 “Now tell me you feel nothing at all, tell me you fucking hate me with your entire being, that you’ll always hate me, and that you think I’m a deprived cunt who needs to be murdered ruthlessly in front of everyone I love.” His words were hushed, their meaning brutal. His face was so close to yours, that you could feel the warmth of his breath as he spoke. Leaning into you, he drove his middle a little closer to the part of your legs. 
 Breath catching painfully between your windpipes and the lump in your throat, you stared up at him with blurry vision. Your attention was growing fuzzy at the edges, as you could do nothing more but hone in on… him. Subconsciously, you could feel the mango sweetness of your lollipop coating your tongue again and again as you swallowed. 
 “I—I hate you so fucking much, Hwang Hyunjin.” 
 He pressed into you a little further, breathing in your scent and closing his eyes as his head tipped close to one part of your neck. Mouth hovering over the shell of your ear, he whispered, “Say it again, sweetheart, with a little more passion this time.” 
 “I… I hate you so much, I can’t function with the thought of you existing in the same lifetime as me.” 
 You felt him moving against you then, hand moving away from your jaw and coming around one of your hips, fingers digging into the soft fabric of your black sweatpants. “You don’t have to be afraid of me, sweetheart…” He started, mouth hovering over that space just behind your ear, warm breath fanning against your exposed gooseflesh there. “I won’t hurt you— it was never my intention in the first place. It was… just a fun game to me, to toy around with you. But I never wanted to actually fucking hurt you.” 
 You could feel your mind and heart racing in tandem, going a mile a minute, as you took in all of his words. Because what, the actual fuck? What was he saying? And why was he saying it? And why did you feel yourself crumbling from it all, your resolve breaking down into dust and getting whisked away to the future of Neverland? 
 “I never meant to make you cry,” He said slowly, pulling away from your face just a tiny bit to gauge your reaction to his confession. You gaped up at him, completely speechless in your unadulterated wonder. “Sure, I wanted to make you cry— but not in the cruel kind of way… not in the way that most people would like to do.”
 His insinuation, his innuendo there, jumbled something around deep inside of your spirit. And you could practically feel your knees buckling underneath you from the reality of it all. From the fact that he was never truly set out to cause you permanent damage. And so far, he hadn’t. All he had done was make an ass out of himself and be a continual thorn in your side. But he wasn’t necessarily entirely cruel, and you never truly suspected that he’d do something catastrophically damaging. 
 “But all you have to do is tell me— tell me you never thought about me or dreamed about me or wondered about me, and I’ll be gone forever. You’ll never hear, or see me again. It’ll be like I never existed in the first place and I—”
 “I can’t fathom a life without you in it,” you suddenly blurted out, already feeling the hint of crimson blooming beneath your cheeks and at the tip of your nose. You peered up at him, staring into those depthless, chocolate-brown eyes, reading the dancing emotions there. “Sure, I might despise your guts at times, but… I also think you’re a pretty amazing guy. And… I have to admit that sometimes, I do think about you when I’m alone, at night, and laying in my bed.” 
 His hand clutched a little tighter at your hip then, his fingers intertwining with yours and continuing to hoist your arms up and above your head. “Oh yeah? What do you imagine when you think about me so late into the night?” He rasped out, the sound of his voice grating against your ears and sending flames to burst across the entirety of your veins. 
 “Your face, mostly— how your lips would feel and how you’d taste and what you’d sound like if—”
 After that, you didn’t even get the chance to finish your sentence. 
 He was honing in on you like a vulture to its prey, moving with such swiftness — like a phantom in the night, like a monster hidden underneath the bed, like a selkie in the depths of the ocean. 
 As it turns you, your dreams about him were accurate. 
 Because his plush lips did feel like pure heaven. 
 They pushed against yours, his mouth fitting atop yours like something that was carved into the universe — something that was almost meant to be. He was devouring you whole — heart and mind and soul and body. 
 And with each press of his silky lips, you fell down the hole of darkness and heat just a little bit more. Then the tip of his tongue was poking out and tracing the line of your mouth and you fell into him, fingers clawing at his that still had your arms held up high above your head, desperately searching for purchase as your legs threatened to give out underneath you. 
 When his tongue plowed into the small part between your lips, you let out a breathless moan. The kind that had been hidden deep, buried, and un-satiated for so fucking long. By the time he was tasting you, his hands had released your arms and you were scrambling for something to hold. Desperately, in your haste of arousal and temptation, you were clutching at the cool, wet fabric of his cream-colored button-down, holding on for dear life as his hands tightened around your waist and hoisted you up against the bookshelf further. 
 Your spine crammed into the wooden shelves there, as you wrapped your legs around his torso, yanking him closer with each passioned kiss that he gave you. Again and again, he drew those same, sinful sounds out of you. Just like all of the times before, he was playing a sick kind of game with you. But this time, it wasn’t all that bad. This time, you were quite enjoying yourself. 
 As your parted legs held his hips close to your frame, you could feel the hardness there, in the center of him. Just aching to be released. And suddenly, you came to terms with the fact that the wetness between your legs was rapidly growing with each kiss that he gave you. 
 He sucked on your lips like they were his lifeline — and you wondered, in that moment, how he’d treat the rest of you — how much attention he’d offer the rest of your body. 
 “J-Jin, I—” The shortened nickname slipped out between your lips when the two of you parted to catch your breaths. And when you noticed his swollen mouth, you were almost positive that yours looked just as bad, if not worse. 
 “What, baby doll?” He hummed, mouth moving away from yours entirely and coming close to the line of your jaw. You blushed wildly at the pet name, liking the way it sounded in his silky voice. He moved aside the thick fabric of your violet-colored knit turtleneck with his nose, lips attaching to the skin of your neck and suckling like a vampire drunken on the crimson of his lover. “What is it that you need right now?” 
 Your hands were scrambling for him, finding purchase in his dark roots and pulling just a tad bit there. The abuse to his scalp made him hiss out, warm breath painting across the heated flesh of the column of your neck brilliantly. “N—Need you t—to—” But your words were cut short by the way one of his hands was moving away from your waist, traveling under the hemline of your sweater, a long, nimble finger dancing across your belly button and rising to the center of your stomach. 
 “You need me, hmm?” He mused lowly, mouth having journeyed down to the skin closest to your clavicle, leaving violet-hued marks that would surely survive into the next few days. “Need me to fuck you, right? Need me to take you so irrevocably well right here and right now… can’t wait any longer, yeah?” As he spoke the words into existence, his naughty hand was already finding its way toward the lace of your bralette, skirting across its edges. Then, a single finger dipped underneath the elastic there, skirting up the length of your breast until it was resting against your pebbled nub. “Such a naughty little thing… who knew that the university’s prodigy just needed a good fucking, huh? That all she wanted was to get fucked open against the library bookshelves.” 
 You were gasping out in pure bliss, fingers digging in a little harder into his long wisps of hair as his hands began to explore your chest. Brushing, twisting, pulling. Then doing it all over again with the other mound. “Y—Yeah,” you managed to spit out, trembling underneath him, legs wounding tighter around his waist, bringing him ever closer. “Can you do that… fuck me? I need it so bad right now, I can’t handle it if you just leave me like this…” You were practically begging out the words, so desperate in your pleas that you were almost certain your groveling was boosting his already inflated ego. 
 “I only fuck good girls. Girls who don’t call me an asshole and don’t say they hate me.” 
 At that, your eyes were tearing open in a mix of surprise and despair. But the way that his hand didn’t stop touching your breasts, still playing with them, told you everything you needed to know at that moment. 
 You wiggled your hips slowly, grinding into the hardness between his dark-washed jeans. “Stop touching me then— stop kissing me and stop looking at me,” you began, taunting him with your movements and the way that you spoke in a velvety tone, all soft and delicate and innocent. When what the two of you were doing was anything but innocent. “But you can’t, right? Can’t get the thought of me out of your head— of what this pussy would feel like clenched around your cock, squeezing you for dear life as you fuck into me for the hundredth time in a single day—” 
 He was cutting off your words with his quick hands, shedding off your sweater and bralette in one go. Then he was bending down slowly, hands coming up to cup your chest. He stared up at you from his crouched position, watching the feelings rove across your face as he blew hot hair against one of your nipples. 
 “Just fucking shut up already bitch,” he said in a low grumble, as his hand came over your tit, mouth melding onto the warm skin there effortlessly. His other hand was busy playing with your neglected breast, squeezing there a little bit harder when his teeth grazed one of your nipples, tongue lapping at the bud. “You’re only to speak when spoken to, you understand me?” He asked, pulling away from your breast and making a crude, wet sucking noise as he did so.
 Glaring down at him through lust-filled eyes, you sneered his way. “You don’t get to tell me what to do, asshole.” Hands gripping onto his hair a little bit, you pushed his face closer to your chest as he began to work on your other breast, leaving a ring of wetness as he went. “And don’t call me bitch.”
 You could feel him smirk against your skin, his low chuckle vibrating against your gooseflesh and sending ripples of energy to course through your veins. “Mhm— why not? Your pussy sure seems to love the name.” He mused sadistically, completely unlatching from your breast, hands finding their way back at your hips. 
 “What are you even talk—”
 But he didn’t leave any more room for questions, one hand ripping away from your waist and covering your covered centre. “This, right here,” he said in a low whisper, fingers cupping your warmth there, and you could practically feel the essence dripping out of you, just behind your thin panties and sweatpants. “Bet you’ll get even more soaked when I call you it again.”
 “You know nothing about me.” The words came out garbled and wobbly, as he maneuvered your sweatpants down and off of your legs entirely. “Y—You don’t know my body.” 
 He threw you a sardonic kind of smile, leaning into the side of you, lips caressing the shell of your ear as he spoke in soft tones. “Yeah, but I’ve done a hell of a lot of observing over the years…” At his words, you could feel his hand nearing your middle again, and you involuntarily parted your legs in want. 
 When his fingers came in contact with the lace of your panties, you had to pull out your biggest bout of self-control to hold in the moan that wanted to escape from you. His movements were expert level, as he pushed the fabric off to the side, running a single finger up your lips, feeling for that small spot at the very top. Circling his thumb around there, his other fingers worked at your entrance, and before you knew it, he was pressing two long digits into you. 
 “F—Fuck—“ You groaned at the feeling of it all, falling into him and clawing at his shoulders that were still covered in that damp button-up shirt. “Hyunjin.” You were moaning out his name before you even realized it, hips jutting up slowly against his hand, your head getting thrown back as his fingers searched and found that warm, gooey spot deep inside of you. 
 “See? I know exactly what the fuck I’m doing,” he muttered, lips coming around the side of your neck and suckling violet marks into the skin there. “So be a good bitch and shut up for me, yeah? Take it like a good girl— like the good whore that I know you are.” 
 You couldn’t even protest against him using the name again, because, in all honesty, you did like it. It felt dirty and wrong but so very fucking right at the same time. It caused your walls to spasm against the three fingers he had stuck inside of you, as he pumped in and out with a rabid kind of pace. The sound of his movements forced shivers down the length of your spine, as his thumb pressed into your clit a little more. 
 “Y—You gotta fuck me now, Jin—” You mumbled, already reaching the edge of orgasm from the way that he was steadily working you up with his hand alone. Half of his fingers were buried deep inside of you and the others were desperately clutching at your hip bone to bring you closer to him. The sounds he was pulling from you, both wetness and moans of pleasure, were other-worldly. “N—Need to feel your cock inside of me, right fucking now.” 
 In your daze of lust, you found yourself clasping at the buttons of his shirt, quickly undoing them and sliding his damp shirt off of his frame. What lay underneath was a chiseled chest — a muscular abdomen, biceps that rippled with each breath he took, and a dark trail that led towards his dick. You ran your fingers down the milky expanse of his chest, marveling at how soft and chiseled everything felt. 
 Sighing out quietly, you stared up at him with pleading eyes. “You’re so fucking hot… always knew you would be.” That made Hyunjin smirk with satisfaction, as he tipped into you for a breathless kiss. 
 While his lips captured your own, you could feel his hands working at your panties, sliding them off your legs and leaving you completely bare. Then you heard the clanking noise of a belt coming undone, as he unmistakably rid himself of his pants and boxers. 
 Then he was parting from your mouth, focus turned down to where the centers of your bodies met together. Your mouth fell open at the sight of… him. All seven-and-a-half inches, long shaft curving upward in arousal and precum leaking out of the pretty red tip. A single vein ran down the side, bulging from his unchecked want.
 “Need you to be nice and loud for me, yeah?” He growled in that low tone of his, as he guided himself near your entrance. “Let the entire school know who you belong to— scream my name, bitch, and tell everyone who fucking owns you.” 
 His words jumbled around inside of your mind, making you feel lightheaded as he slowly began to slide into you. You widened your legs a little bit for him, wrapping them around his waist as he quickly bottomed out. The stretch was only slight and left you hissing with relief when he was fit into you at the hilt.
 Without any warning, he was sliding out almost completely, before thrusting back in, hitting into you so roughly, that your spine jammed into the wooden bookshelf at your back. And just like that, he was setting a hellish pace. One that was sure to make you crumble before him — fall apart at the seams. 
 “Mhm— fuck!” You screamed out in a guttural voice, throwing your head back against the bookshelf desperately as his hips snapped against yours feverishly. You were gripping onto his shoulders so hard, running your nails down his back, that you were sure you’d leave red marks later. “Holy shit- feels so good!”
 One of Hyunjin’s hands traveled away from your waist, long, nimble fingers digging into your scalp, yanking at the hair there. “Louder, bitch— take it all like the filthy slut that you are.” He shouted, voice coming out raspy as he pounded into you roughly. 
 In the very back of your mind, you distinctly heard the pitter-patter of rainfall against the nearby windowpane mixing in with the sounds of the two of you  — skin slapping against skin and wetness squelching. It was straight out of a porno and made your head swim with so many dirty thoughts. Breath catching in the center of your throat, you found your lips opening up and releasing a blood-curdling cry of pleasure. 
 Your noises of ecstasy seemed to compel Hyunjin forward with drive, as he rutted into you in a manic kind of way, thumb tracing figure-eight symbols into your inflamed clit. Almost like, if he didn’t get it out of his system, he’d never be able to live afterward — wouldn’t be able to breathe or think or speak. The tip of him hit up into that warm spot inside of you, and you clenched a little harder around this throbbing cock every time he teased you right there. 
 “Fuck— I can’t… I’m gonna…” You groaned out loudly. Your eyes flittered into the back of your skull from the way that he pulled at your hair at the same time that he fucked up into you. 
 Hyunjin grunted out lowly, hips snapping against yours with each thrust. “J—Just a little farther, doll face…” From the way that his domineering tone was slipping away, you could tell that he was also creeping near the edge of release. 
 You could feel the slip and slide between your legs, your essence coating every surface of your inner thighs and making everything feel silky and smooth. The intensity of his movements slowed down somewhat, the frenzy of his rocking leveling out as he chased your guys’ highs. 
 “Yes… right there!” You mewled out breathlessly just as the tip of him hit so far into you, that entire galaxies were cast against the expanse of your closed eyes. Your cheeks felt like they were on fire — the flush creeping down the column of your purple-marked neck and into the depths of your soul as he continued to circle your bundle of nerves. 
 Walls clenching around his cock that was buried deep inside of your warmth, you could feel the moment Hyunjin found that blissful space of his release. “I’m gonna come— fuck—” He rasped out, his voice on the quiet side as he lost all semblance of control. 
Hips stuttering against yours, he made to pull out of you completely. But you found yourself shaking your head, eyes shooting open, and giving him a serious frown. “N—No… want you to… come inside…” Your head was empty of all thoughts, as you could do nothing more but focus on the way that he felt so close to you - so far deep inside. 
 At that, Hyunjin was offering you a tiny, satisfied grin. Then he was seizing up inside of you, cock stretching against your walls as he met his high. It overtook his entire system, overruling all other obstacles and forcing his head backward in pure, orgasmic bliss. The prettiest sounds fell from his plump, crimson, kiss-swollen lips, as he let himself slip down the cliff with ease. 
 The feeling of his release painting your walls in warm whiteness caused your entire body to convulse with pleasure, as you finally found your high. It was unlike anything you had ever experienced before… perfect and whole and so fucking hot. Bursts of rose and topaz and turquoise splashed across the inner workings of your mind, as your insides fluttered around Hyunjin’s cock that fit perfectly between your legs. 
 “Holy shit, that was…” You said breathlessly after you had begun to come down from your high. Cracking your eyes open you noticed the darkness still there in Hyunjin’s gaze, and the way that his eyes slit shut with want. The sound of the rain outside lulled your mind into a perfect state of peaceful limbo. “What?” You asked, raising an eyebrow his way in question. “What is it?” 
 He shrugged slowly, eyes coming away from your connected middles and locking with yours. “Nothing, just… I can’t fucking believe you just let me cum inside of you— with no protection.” 
 You could feel his cock softening inside of you, and finally, your legs stopped shaking around his waist. “Why? You don’t like the idea of that?” Beginning to pull away from him, you tried to yank as far away from his cock as you could. “If you didn’t like it, you should’ve—”
 Hyunjin’s mouth was coming onto you in the next beat, capturing your lips up into a heated kiss, stealing the labored breath right from your lungs and sucking on your puffy bottom lip. “Just shut the fuck up, alright. I fucking loved it… it was so hot— you’re so hot. Makes me wanna come in you every single day.” You could feel him move between your legs then, as he began to fuck his seed back into your aching walls. In the back of your mind, you could feel his hand lazily working at you, pushing a single digit back into your entrance between his cock, thrusting in the cum that was splattered across your thighs.  
 Groaning out softly at his words, you placed your hands on his bare chest and pushed a little bit so that you could get a look at his face again. It was filled with so much lust and want and adoration, the sight of it all almost overwhelmed you entirely. “Well, I suppose I could allow that…” Your voice trailed off, as you dragged a single finger up the center of his chest and towards the sharp line of his jaw. “If it’s with you— then yeah, you can fuck me raw every day.” 
 Hyunjin let out a low noise, which sounded like a mix between a moan and a cry for help. “But we can’t, baby doll— it wouldn’t be smart and I’d never want to put you in any kind of uncomfortable position.” 
 You found yourself shrugging off his concerns nonchalantly, as you drove your hips a little forward, meeting his shallow strokes. You loved the feeling there, of wetness and silky essence. “Yeah, but… the good thing is, at least we’d know who the father is.” 
 At that, he was flashing you a wicked smirk, pearly white glinting against puffy, red lips. His tiny smile was the last thing you saw before he was tipping into you and fitting his mouth around yours again. “Oh, you devilish little minx… I think I’ll keep you for a very long time.” 
 In the back of your mind, you could feel him moving against you, cock already stiffening again just from your words and insinuations alone. But at that moment, you weren’t too worried about what he planned to do with you for the rest of the night. Because right then, all you wanted to focus on was his face, and the way he let you ring your arms around his neck, pulling at the hair at his nape as he pressed kiss after impassioned kiss to your mouth. 
 It turns out that your roommate Felix had been right after all. In the end, working with Hwang Hyunjin hadn’t been that horrible. 
 It had been quite… nice. 
 Despite all of the bickering and shouting. 
 After a while, the rough bumps and edges of your rocky relationship seemed to mellow out between the tall bookshelves of the library. And before you knew it- he had you completely bending at his will — practically groveling at his feet for his love, attention, and care. 
 In the end, you supposed that that’s what you had always wanted from each other, and that’s why you had been so horrible to one another. If you couldn’t garner each other’s attention with regular conversations and friendship, the next best thing was to be rivals in your academics and throw insults at every opportunity you were offered. 
 But the thing about trying to hate Hwang Hyunjin — trying to hate such a smart, caring, passionate man — is that eventually, one’s willpower always breaks down, and they’re left in a pile of mess and limbs as they search out his affection. 
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𝐌𝐲 𝐉𝐨𝐥𝐥𝐲 𝐒𝐚𝐢𝐥𝐨𝐫 𝐁𝐨𝐥𝐝
18+ | For Mature Audiences Only
Pairing: Siren Hyunjin X AFAB Reader Genre: smut, pirate/siren AU, slight yandere themes !!WARNINGS!! yandere themes, cream pie, making out, doing it from the back, facefucking/intense blowjobs, fingering, cunnilingus, degradation/slight dumbifcation, DOM HYUNJIN, SUB READER, reader gets super fucked out. I think that's all, but I'm bad at warnings. Also, there is slight control over the mind, but everything is consensual! Word Count: 7,222 Requested: Yes! Author's Note: I used several references while writing this including Pirates of the Caribbean, H2O Just Add Water (literally only the moonpool/grotto area, that's what the scene is based on), and the faces I envision the sirens having is basically the vampire faces in "The Vampire Diaries." I also watched One Piece while writing this. Avatar (James Cameron) also inspired the mermaid/siren sex biology. (When they use their hair to touch and that's sex, yeah I did something like that). Reader is a pirate that basically only uses pirate slang around her crew, besides that she talks normal. I figured the pirate slang would get annoying to y'all, so I kept it own. I hope you like it! I'll be transparent, this fic is the only one I've ever questioned and been tempted to re-write a few times. I'd love to write something like this again, but I do need to practice. Synopsis: You're a pirate captain that's looking for sirens and mermaids, but what happens when you attack the enemies, and a beautiful siren takes you away for himself? Check out my Stray Kids Masterlist Support me by buying me a coffee ☕️
EDIT AFTER POSTING: Y'all be making me blush and shit with your feedback. I'm giggling and kicking my feet <3<3<3
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For hundreds of years people have roamed the oceans. From sailors on ships to the deadliest pirates of the seven seas, the treacherous waters have taken many lives, not only to the water itself, but the unknown dangers of what lies beneath its surface.    
Stories of many kinds have stumbled their way out of survivors and drunken deadbeats. What they saw at sea or what they heard from someone else, anything was plausible in this kind of world. If it came from someone’s mouth, it was bound to be true in one or another. No one can ever be careful enough, so it was better to take everything as truth. Even the most ridiculous sounding claims shouldn’t have been taken lightly. 
You were the captain of a large pirate ship named The Corruption. You weren’t the most feared pirate known to man, but you were certainly amongst them. You were the only pirate willing to tread where others never came back from. You had faced the Kraken, not killing it, for your adventure only called to find where it rested to avoid crossing near the area at all costs. You faced several other sea monsters, whether they were larger than three ships or nearly as small as a minnow. In this place, the unknown were considered monsters until proven friendly. You and your crew were one of the reasons the unknown creatures were given names in the first place. 
People often wondered about the name of your ship, The Corruption. As far as anyone knew, you weren’t one looking for a good or quick fuck like anyone else when drunk, stressed, or just plain horny. Anyone who would have ever heard your name knew you were one of the bravest captains in the known lands, but they also knew you weren’t one to hurt. 
You were known for finding creatures but never hurting them. You never forced your crew to walk the plank or make a sacrifice. You were feared for confidence and bravery, not unjust corruption like other pirates. The name of the ship didn’t make sense. How could you, a captain so understanding, sail a ship with an unfit name? Everyone wondered. But you knew. Only you. Only you had the actual mindset to understand why it would be given such a name, and it was simple: Those who sail on it are corrupted by the wonders, those who sail on it live to tell the tales, and thus are corrupted by the truthfulness filled in the sea. They were not killed, they survived intentionally, as long as the captain had any say in it. 
Though there was no reason to fear you, people were still terrified because you were willing to explore what others wouldn’t dare go near. You didn’t take shit from anyone. Your very presence, the kind that was filled with confidence, your willingness to look anyone in the eye, and you could get anyone to tell the truth. You could read a lie from nautical miles away. 
This next voyage of yours was not the most dangerous, but somehow it scared the crew and anyone new willing to sign up. You were on the search for something that was only legend. Nothing proven, no one alive to tell the tale, and it was strictly based on sightings, no real interactions. For years there had been narratives of half fish, half humans swimming by ships quickly, like they were doing their best to not be seen. Oftentimes the quick glimpses made were described as beautiful women, long hair flowing down their backs and breasts out with no cover. The Englishmen called them “mermaids.” 
You wanted to see them for yourself. It was what you did: searched for the tales, or in this case tails, to prove they were real, and if they’re dangerous and how to avoid them. But you questioned why they were so afraid of beautiful maidens that swam along beside them. 
Annoyed by everyone’s lack of commitment, you rounded up your crew and anyone else interested in the voyage. 
“What the hell is wrong with this lily-livered crew? You wanna sail, especially on my ship, you’re gonna get the hell on and go. What happened to me swashbucklers?! You have faced the kraken and you’re all scared to go hunt for half fish half humans? Now, all hands hoay!” 
Your crew didn’t move, barely budged actually, they just blinked at you. Until one man stepped forward and spoke up. 
“Captain, we don’t mean to seem like landlubbers, but rumor has it these mermaids ain’t that friendly. Says they sing with perfect pitch and harmony to lure anyone to their deaths, then snack on them like we’re a hearty meal. We ain’t wanna die to the hands of lust, ya hear?”
In disbelief by such words and rumors you had to understand it was important to be cautious. This wasn’t the type of journey you could just set sail for, it seemed there were more obstacles. You had to come up with more of a plan than a simple aboard ship and sail off. 
“If these ‘maids are so dangerous then why is it they swim by our ships without going in for a snack, aye?”
Another mate spoke up to answer your question. 
“Captain, it’s been said that they could be related but they ain’t the same creature, savvy? Rumors been calling the ones who sing ‘Sirens’ instead of mermaids. They look the same, but they await on shores singing to lure them whereas mermaids are friendly, helpful fellows.”
“Ya sound like you’re three sheets to the wind. Where’d you hear this scuttlebutt?”
“Came from an old seadog, Captain Rattles, Captain.” 
You thought for a moment. Captain Rattles was one hell of a source, to be honest. He sailed the seas for decades, every warning he ever came about ended up to be true. Never once had he lied to crews and captains. He was a pirate to behold, really. 
“Fine. I’m gonna have a meeting with Rattles to figure out a plan. Then all of you are boarding my ship, or else you’re gonna find yourselves lovers with the hempen halter. Savvy?” 
“Aye aye, Captain!”
And the mates scurried off while you made your way to the old tavern where Rattles always seemed to be. It was time to figure out what you were gonna do with the ole hearties. It was annoying to you though. They were willing to die by a giant octopus and not a pretty girl. Typical pirates looking down on women. 
Later that night you found yourself seated next to Rattles with a notebook to take notes on anything he had to say. 
“I remember encountering them for the first time. We heard a beloved voice and heard it coming from a distance. We saw a mermaid. She turned on her back and swam while her mouth opened. The song came from her. We were all entranced. We followed through a fog until her song became a screech. Her face contorted, and her teeth became sharp fangs. The fog dissipated. Then there was a colony of them. They looked so peaceful in the water, until they all did the same thing. They began to attack. It didn’t help that the ship was smaller. I barely escaped. Only me and two others got out. Everyone else was ripped apart in front of us or dragged into the water where the carnage was hidden. We aren’t sure if there were survivors. We aren’t sure if sirens and mermaids are different or if one makes the other. There are so many things we don’t know, but no one should trust a half fish, half human. It’s not safe. We need someone to figure it out. We need you to figure it out.” 
“I know. I want to. My crew is scared.”
“Come on, Captain. Let’s figure this out.”
“Aye aye, Captain.”
That night over drinks the both of you came up with a plan. You and the crew needed to wear cloth in your ears to prevent the sound of songs from working. You needed to stack on weapons, ready to attack back. You all needed to pretend that the song was working. The plan was to sail east off the island. That’s where they accidentally found the cove they named “Libido’s Lounge.” It was noted that there weren’t just women, there were men as well. Even those who didn’t fancy men still fell under the spell, and vice versa.  
A few weeks passed by while you gathered the supplies you all needed for the voyage. It was dangerous, and those who began to board knew that. Even you, the bravest of adventurers, were slightly trembling as you boarded last. You weren’t sure why you were so nervous, but you had a gut feeling this was not going to end well. You wanted to cancel it because you’ve never had a gut feeling like this before, but it was too late. You had to go through with it. 
“Anchors aweigh! Better get your sea legs in quick because we’re in for a ride!”
“Aye aye, Captain!”
The escapade took a few weeks. The bad feeling in your stomach grew worse. Some days you could barely walk, the anxiety crumbling you. Your head had shooting pains that grew worse the closer The Corruption got to Libido’s Lounge. The crew noticed, but they refused to say anything. It's never good to doubt the captain, especially when they’re in this position of danger with no one else to lead them out. 
Dark grew over the horizon as the sun hid itself. The ship continued to sail onwards until a crew member looked over the deck and saw a beautiful face emerge from the water. She smiled at him, and he smiled at her fondly. The way her face was beautifully carved made him feel butterflies, and it wasn’t just the fact that he’d been living off of rum for a while. A crew member next to him noticed his gaze followed towards the girl. He quickly ran towards you to alert you that you’d reached the cove. 
“Alert the crew to get the cloth in their ears, now. Get Barbins over there out of that trance or he’s gonna be feeding the fishes.”
“Aye aye, Captain.”
Without a second to lose he began to round up the crew one by one to let them know the plan needed to go into full effect now. They plugged their ears with cloth. 
“Hey, Barbins.” The man whispered. 
Irritated, he turned to face him. 
“What is it?”
“Cloth, now. Captain said so. Or you’re gonna be dinner for them.” 
“Gyah, whatever!”
He stuffed his ears quickly before facing the pretty girl again. She smiled, and he smiled back. You noticed this. She began to swim away, and you quickly alerted the crew to follow her. You grabbed a hold of the wheel and spun it to change direction. Through the mist you blindly followed the girl. 
“Oi! Be ready for anything. The second her face turns ugly, start attacking!”
The mist cleared and water grew shallower. There was a clearing filled with the most beautiful faces ever seen. You glared at them as they opened their mouths and began to sing. Through the cloth, all of you could hear the song, but you were hoping it stopped the hypnotic way it enchanted the ears. They all stared at the ship while they harmonized their song. But you couldn’t see any men. Your father had told you there would be men, but there were none here. They were all beautiful girls, you could admit to that. You saw the attraction, and you understood the danger of their beauty. 
You looked to see Barbins jumping off the ship. You were stunned. What was he doing? 
“Man overboard! Start the attack, now!” 
WIth a yell the men began to shoot at the water, and the creatures became angry. Soon they lunged at the ship, managing to grab hold of the crew and dragging them down to the depths. There were way more of them than you had crew, and you knew there’d be more to come. 
Honestly, you lost your depth. Your stomach grew more knots as you watched the bloodshed. There was going to be no survivors by the look of it. Your head felt full and heavy. Your vision became blurry. Your legs felt weak. The epitome of this dreadful feeling somehow worsened when you got to the clearing, and it hurts even more now, like the source of it is getting closer. 
You began to back away from the wheel when you felt yourself hit the back of someone’s chest. You wanted to turn around, but you couldn’t move. Two arms arose to your ears on both sides of your head and pulled the cloth out of them. Then one arm wrapped around your throat and put you in a chokehold while lips quietly sung in your ear. 
“Dead men tell no tales.
Ugly men raid our seas
So we tear their sails
And hear their begging pleas.” 
A mate saw you in danger, so he began to run towards you. The figure who grasped you hissed at him while his eyes shriveled, veins protruded, and fangs threatened. The mate didn’t back down, so the stranger put you down and lunged at him. He quickly sank his fangs into his shoulder and tore a bite right through him. The mate cried before he was pushed overboard. 
You tried to flee in the distraction, but you weren’t fast enough. Furious at your attempt to escape he continued to sing as he stalked towards you. 
“Dead men tell no tales,
But you my sweet 
Are beautiful as my scales
You’ll stick around as my treat.”
He grabbed you by your arm and pulled you toward the ship’s main deck. You were confused by the man’s ability to walk if he seemed to be the same creature as the ones in the water. Your head hurt too much to fully wrap the idea in your brain. Another mate tried to go for the enemy, but he was knocked to the ground. 
“W-what is g-g-going on?” You tried to speak, but you only stuttered the words. 
“My name is Hyunjin, and you attacked my kind. That does not go without punishment.”
He pushed you overboard into the water before diving in right behind you. You swam to the surface as best as you could until you were pulled underwater by Hyunjin. His legs were gone, and they were replaced with an abstract tail. It was a warm brown color with hints of crimson red and golden yellow. Though he was a being that belonged to the sea, his tale resembled fire with its colors and extension fins like that of a betta fish. The colors felt inviting. 
He placed a kiss on your lips which then gave you the ability to breathe without worry. You tried to fight against him, but once he began to sing with his beautiful voice you were lost again. You stared blankly at him as he took your hand and swam away with you, leaving the war to finish itself without guidance. 
Hyunjin swam towards a vacant grotto where he laid your body on a rocky surface. The grotto was his secret hideaway. The only life around it were the fishes and the plants that danced in the water. Hyunjin kept his tail in the water while he laid his arms on the rock staring at your unconscious body. He couldn’t help himself. There was something about you that captivated his attention. Your breathing was calm, you felt lost. You couldn’t think proper thoughts, and you were lost in a void where there was everything and nothing at the same time. 
He wasn’t sure what it was. There was something about the way you lead your ship through the mist, thinking you were being strategic, but he stalked behind the ship the entire time. He grabbed onto the side of the ship, beginning to climb his way onto it and watching the scenes unfold. He noticed you were teetering while you ordered your crew around. He could tell you weren’t entirely there. There was a feeling in his stomach that made him want to help. He felt compelled to aid you. He wasn’t sure if it was your bravery for willingly going where every man fears or if it was because you were the most beautiful face he had ever seen. Even though he was and lived amongst a species that matched the beauty of gods on earth, no one looked as beautiful as you. 
He was supposed to be the one who lured people into his trap. That was what being a siren was about. He wouldn’t sing so beautifully if it wasn’t for that. Even before he was trapped in this cursed body, women would swoon over his artwork. Every woman would look at him lustfully, some of them were quite attractive, but no one was ever able to catch his eye. So, why are you, some pirate trying to kill off his kind, making him feel ways he has never felt before? That wasn’t fair. That defeated the point of all of this! 
He found himself caressing your head softly, staring at the way the water soaked clothes clung to your body accentuating every nook and cranny of it. His body tingled in ways it hadn’t in awhile. Excitement filled his face while he watched you breathe steadily. There was something about the way you were under his spell, under his control, that turned his brain to goo. His mouth began to water, his face felt hot, and his head started to ache at the uncontrollable feeling of wanting to touch you and make you scream his name, but instead of begging for mercy to live you’re begging to have him touch you more and more. The thought alone made him groan. 
You began to wake up from your hypnotic state, stirring slightly, eyes blurry, blinking back to reality only to be met with the high ceilings of a cave and an uncomfortable pain in your back from lying on dirt. Human nature made you want to bolt upright and run, but your pirate nature wanted you to remain calm, find a plan, and escape danger without causing a disaster. You laid there, eyes open, trying to avoid the small sounds of splashing water and the glaring gaze of your captor’s eyes digging into the side of your head attempting to read your thoughts. 
“I know you’re awake, Captain.” He taunts you with your title. “For the Captain of a ship, you’re certainly pretty inferior and weak right now.”
You grunt at his comment, starting to haul yourself up to find a way out of this mess. As you stand, you’re immediately stopped when a blissful tone reaches your ears, and once again, you don’t have control over your own body. You can feel it. You can feel yourself wanting to resist but being unable. Hyunjin speaks.
“Ah ah ah, darling. Lay back down. We are not finished here. I told you that you’d be punished.”
His words made chills sprint across your spine. Your cold, goosebumped covered body felt warm from nothing, and you felt yourself melt back to the ground. You turned your head towards his, and he lifted himself out of the water and hovered over you when his tail became two long, clothed legs. He looked at you too, and you daringly stared into his eyes. Within them you saw lust and desire, nothing more and nothing less. Well, there was something more, but you couldn’t decipher it. 
Hyunjin bent down and crouched next to you, cupping your cheek and gently caressing his thumb over reddening skin. He stared into your eyes, reading them, finding your scrambled thoughts. 
“You need to be good and listen to me. I can’t keep making you listen to me by using my voice, but if you make me, then I will. Am I understood, Captain? Nod your head if you understand, pretty girl.” 
You nodded your head. You did understand, but the nodding of your head was not on your own free will. His touch made you burn more. There was something about his over looming presence that made you feel small. One thing you always hated was the belittling you dealt with when it came to being a woman in a pirate’s life. Always trying to act above you when you know damn well it’s for their own ego. However, Hyunjin was alluring to you, equally as much as you were to him. There was something about his confidence and dominance that made you horny instead of angry. Maybe it was because it wasn’t his ego talking, it was just who he was. He knew he was in control here, and that’s why he didn’t feel nervous around you. The other men who made comments towards you always ended up being the weakest. Not Hyunjin though, nothing about him seemed submissive. 
The horrible feeling in your stomach never subsided. It grew even more in the position you laid in, and you started to wonder if the wetness in your panties is more than the wetted undergarments from being dragged through the sea like a monster’s prey. Maybe the horrible feeling in your stomach was just your gut feeling telling you to get dicked, and there was something about the nearing presence that made the feeling grow. 
Sirens, you think to yourself, are lust filled devils that overwhelm one’s desires when they approach them. Their songs do not force falsified love into someone, but overpowers their primal desires more than they can bear, weakening them, and taking them as food. But why do they want to hurt us, and the sighted mermaids want to help us?
Hyunjin sang another tune, but it made the hypnotic effect wear off, almost like an anecdote. You didn’t move, too afraid for your body to not be your own anymore. 
“Tell me, Captain, do you want me?” He asked boldly. 
You looked him deep in his eyes. You wanted to deny it, you really did, but just as they claimed, he was as beautiful as they came, more than likely the most perfect one, even beating the gods’ beauty. You wanted him in many ways, and he wanted you all the same. Like the bold pirate you were, you spoke up. 
“Yes, I do. Do you want me?”
“Yes, surprisingly I do.” He wasn’t lying. You knew it, you could read lies, and even if it was in his powers to be able to lie without getting caught, this seemed too desiring to him. His breathing was barely steady at the start. He was struggling to hold back. 
He moved to plant himself between your legs and then moved his hand to your neck and applied pressure to the sides of it carefully, taking away some air, but not a lot. You gasped, trying to take back all the air he cut off but failed. 
“It actually pisses me off how much I want you. Do you know what I’m supposed to do with invasive pests like you?” He leans in closer. 
“I’m supposed to rip you apart, limb from limb, and drag you down in the deep to eat you…”
He comes closer, grip tightening, his mouth right to yours, hovering above it just barely. 
“But something in me, something about you, makes me want to rip you apart for my own sake, and I want to hear you cry my name while I do.”
He releases your neck and puts his lips to yours. As he makes contact, you kiss back. He isn’t sweet with it, you aren’t either. His kiss is rough, teeth hooking onto your bottom lip and tongue prodding its way into your mouth while he uses one hand to hold himself up and the other to roughly massage your breast while he rolls his hips between your legs to give your clit the smallest bit of tension. He rolls over with a rhythm, enough to make you let out small, pleading whimpers. He smiled, hearing you fall apart on nothing when he’s just begun. 
He moves, and he begins to peel off the damp clothes from your body. You want to shiver, you want to be cold when your entire naked body is exposed to the elements, but it only burns. You can barely think, and it’s no longer the lack of air’s fault or Hyunjin’s songs. It’s just how horny you are for this angelically handsome devil. He takes off the rags that hide him as well. The sight of his slightly toned chest and thin stomach fills you with more desire than before. Then he removes his pants, and that makes your pussy throb the most. 
He leans back down to you, except he faces your core, and leans in for a meal. The spit from his tongue meeting your untouched folds makes you shudder, and you grab his hair and pull him closer on instinct. His tongue licks in and out of your vagina and messily makes his way to your clit where he sucks on it and nips on it slightly. Your sensitivity is so intense that you feel yourself leak a bit more over his face. He continues his assault on your clit while his hand makes his way to tease around your hole before entering one finger, and a few thrusts later adding a second. 
“Hyunjin, fuck-” You moan while he continues his actions. He takes his mouth off of your clit for a moment to say, “Good girl.” You gush at the nickname and turn your head to the side to hide from how excitedly the praise made you feel. 
The knot in your stomach was ready to be untied. Your quiet whimpers and moans got louder and increased, which signaled him to pick up the pace a little faster. 
“Whenever you’re ready. Just sail with the wind, Captain.” 
As soon as he said that, you released onto him and rode out your high as he calmed his movements before pulling away. Your eyes felt heavy, your body felt relaxed, but you didn’t want to stop there. Hyunjin didn’t either. You fell limply onto your back when Hyunjin moved himself from you. 
“Hey, there, pirate, we aren’t done with this voyage of ours yet.”
Looking down at you, he bent down and picked you up by your hips, moving you to sit in front of a rock on your knees. The rock was at your eye level. Hyunjin sat on top of the rock. He slightly flinched at the coolness of the rock against his ass, but he warmed up to it quickly. He spread his legs, leaving his dick out, and the perfect space for you to crawl in and suck him off. You stared at his long, hard dick while it waited for attention. 
“Hey, princess,” Hyunjin snapped his fingers in front of your face. “Get to it.”
You crawled to him on your knees, head bowing down in embarrassment, but Hyunjin grabbed the roots of your head and pulled you close to his dick. “Open.” And you did. You opened your mouth wide and took him in while he kept his hold on your roots for physical control. You bobbed your head up and down, moving your hand up to grab what you couldn’t reach, but Hyunjin stopped you. 
“You’re a Captain, aren’t you? Using your mouth to bark orders all day? Not to mention how much you unhinged your jaw to take me. If your pretty mouth can do those things, then you can suck my whole cock without taking a shortcut with your hands.” He pushed your head all the way on his cock, making you gag, but he ignored it. He kept this up, barely letting you breathe. All he did was assault your throat with each thrust making him groan at your warm, wet walls that felt like heaven’s touch. You could feel your throat become sore, but you honestly didn’t want to stop him. There was something about the way he sounded and his control over you that made you want to please him forever. 
Not long later, his groaning increased and became louder. He was going to cum soon, and you could tell when he pushed your head into cock faster. 
“Fuck!” He moaned when he felt cum spurt from his tip. He calmed his pushing, but he made you keep your mouth around his cock until he was fully finished, then he withdrew himself and forced you to swallow all of it. 
Drool was falling down your chin, your jaw and throat hurt, your scalp was slightly burning, but your eyes were glazed over, wanting even more of him. You felt like you were floating, the pain in your body making your pussy wetter. Even though you felt like Hyunjin was controlling your body with the way he used you like a toy, a new melody filled in your ears making the ache in your body reside. Each tune he sang seemed to do a different thing, but each of them were helpful in the situation you found yourself in. This tune didn’t put you in his control, but it rather settled you to be comfortable for what he was going to do next. 
Hyunjin stood up and looked down at you while you remained on your knees. He brought his hand underneath your chin and forced you to look into his eyes. 
“Tell me your name.” He spoke. His tone was stern. It wasn’t like the way he spoke before, this was a hard command. You weren’t sure why he was so stern about your name and not the intense oral sex you performed on him moments ago.  
“It’s Syrena.” You lie. 
Hyunjin grips your chin tighter and glares daggers at you. 
“You’re lying. Tell me your name.” 
Hyunjin pushed your head to the side harshly before bending down and grabbing you by the base of your neck and forcing you to look at him again. This time he’s much closer. He’s more intimidating this way, and you feel your stomach jump. 
“Lie to me again, and see what happens. Tell me your name or I will leave you here to die.”
“My name is Y/N. Captain Y/N.” 
“Now was that so hard, Y/N?” You glared at him, tempted to rip out of his grasp and kill him on the spot, but you didn't. You stayed put because your sinful temptations were getting the best of you. 
“Captain, Y/N.” You corrected him. Even though he’s been calling you pet names since you got there, now you were starting to grow tired of his taunting and teasing. You let him have his fun, but now you wanted your respect back. However, you were basically willing to do anything for him to fuck you at this point, but you didn’t want to admit that. 
“No, no, no,” He paused, lifting you by your hips again and sitting himself back on the rock. “You are no captain to me.” He sat you slightly on his lap, grabbing his dick and teasing your clit. Your arms were wrapped around his neck to keep you up. The feeling made you whine loudly. He smirked, slowly pushing his head into your soaked cunt until his long length was fully inside you. Your head fell back, and your mouth opened without control as you let out of the loudest moan you could muster. He used his hand to bring you back to face him and look into his piercing gaze again. Your mouth stayed open, moaning with each small thrust he gave as he pushed himself into you, but keeping most of his dick inside you. 
“You are just a pathetic, cock-hungry, submissive, girl.” He said between his small thrusts. 
“H-h-hyunjin, please.” You plead. He gives an evil smile and lets go of your neck making it fall back again. He stood up, holding onto you, bringing you off of his cock almost entirely before harshly thrusting himself back inside. You couldn’t control your reaction, even if you tried. You screamed in pleasure, the noises echoing off the grotto’s walls. He continued to plow into you, but it was enough to ensure it was pleasurable for the both of you and not just his own selfishness. 
“Hyunjin! I can’t- Fuck!” You moaned. 
“Yes, you can. Fucking take it.” He growled, fucking into you harder. 
“Ah- I can’t, please!” The pleasure was insane, impossible to describe. Then, again, there was another new melody that rang through your brain, and you felt like you were floating. You were able to take whatever he gave you without worry, but the pleasure somehow doubled. Your eyes were oceans with the way the tears spilled from them each moment he didn’t stop. But everything was bliss. Everything was perfect. You felt more relaxed and calm than you ever had before. 
Hyunjin switched the positions you were in, lying your stomach against the rock, and your ass in the hair where he entered you from behind and held onto you by your head fucking into you even deeper. 
“My little pirate taking the cock of her enemy.” You wanted to correct him, tell him that your intention was to learn about them, not to hurt them, but that thought left your mind as soon as you had it. You couldn’t think. You were almost brain dead, only being able to feel everything he was giving you and more. 
“I’m gonna cum soon!” You managed to choke out. 
“Fuck, baby, me too.” He groaned back. 
“Ah, Hyunjin, please, I can’t hold it.” 
“Just a little bit. I’ll tell you when you can cum.” His stern voice was back, there was no choice whether you did or didn’t on your own terms. 
He moved out of you for a brief moment and turned you around to face him. Quickly and carefully he picked you up and thrusted his cock into you. You shoved your face into his neck, kissing and sucking and biting him to bare the orgasm building inside you. 
“Can I please-”
As soon as you released, Hyunjin did too, fucking his cum into you while you moaned. He found your lips and kissed you while slowly walking towards the moonpool of water and allowed himself to fall in with you while you kissed him lustfully and passionately, and he did the same. 
In the water, you were lost, eyes open, but not having control. Hyunjin’s presence was not absent from you, but you still felt sexual pleasure. You weren’t sure how. 
Hyunjin was in front of you, facing you, and smirking. You looked at him, confused as to how you weren’t sinking without him holding you and without swimming. Then you realized you couldn’t feel your legs. You looked down, and your legs were replaced with a shining mermaid’s tale and extensions of a betta fish, just like Hyunjin’s, right in front of you. You noticed one betta fin of yours and his were connected. That was where the pleasure was located. 
You wanted to scream and cry. Hyunjin could tell, so he came closer to you. He held your face in his hands again, stroked your cheeks gently, and leaned in to kiss you. You happily kissed back. Within the midst of your kiss, your tails intertwined with the other, and you felt like you were floating again, but this time it wasn’t Hyunjin’s range of melodies, it was a tone that felt like love. You felt whole and safe. You didn’t freak out about the mermaid tale that now lined your body. 
Hyunjin moved away from your lips, grabbed your hand, and swam you towards the surface of the water. After breaking the surface, you began to speak, but he stopped you. “Don’t freak out. You will be fine.” 
The second his tail was entirely out of the water, he had legs again, and he helped you out of the water where the same thing happened to you. Hyunjin grabbed you again, and held you into his lap bridal style while leaning against a rock. He looked at you, and you looked at him. 
“Humans can’t have sex with mermaids or sirens without turning into one of us. It was a curse put on both humans and merfolk such as ourselves years ago when a human and a mermaid fell in love. However, a jealous sea witch grew envious of their relationship, and put a curse on mermaids that they’d become lust filled demons that killed humans that came near, and anytime a human had sex with one, their curse was to become them too.”
You looked at him dumbfounded. 
“What the fuck?” is the only thing you can muster. 
Hyunjin laughed and explained more in depth. 
“I wasn’t always like this. I was a human too. In fact I was a painter whom all the ladies fell in love over. I adored it. I adored their attention. One day, while I painted by the seaside, I heard a beautiful noise come from the water. I discovered a boy peeking out of the water. He extended his arm to me, I gave him my hand, and he pulled me in. Then, things escalated, and now I’m like this.”
“But I still don’t understand the mermaids and sirens thing. And why’d you have to do this to me? What the hell.” You felt a lot of emotions, but you weren’t as mad at being a siren than you thought you’d be. Depending on the conditions, being part fish could help yourself as a pirate captain.
“I barely understand myself, but I’ll try to explain more. It used to only be mermaids. That was it. Mermaids are beautiful creatures that swim in the sea and have beautiful voices that can do all sorts of things like lure people in and make them feel better. However, mermaids were never inherently evil. Their songs were meant to lure people in for good things, like steering life away from dangerous areas. However, the sea witch’s jealousy got the best of her. She wanted to be the one the human fell in love with, but instead it was someone else. Blinded by rage, she cursed any mermaid who dared fall into the lust trap. Oftentimes mermaids are used to resemble purity because of this, and they distract themselves from carelessly falling into anything that can change that. The sirens curse, it wasn’t just motivated sex, it was killing anyone who tried because the lust was so strong. When the mermaid was first turned into this monster, she kissed his neck, but began to rip it apart. The sexual desires began to settle after the fact, like killing someone brought down the hunger. No one has been able to find an alternative. As for me turning you… I couldn’t help myself. Ever since I saw you there was something about you I needed. It ached, in ways I couldn’t explain, and I knew you felt it too.”
You stared blankly at him in disbelief. Then you spoke up. 
“We weren’t coming to hurt you. My pirate ship is more of a learning experience. We discover things in the sea and tell others about it. We don’t harm anything, we just teach ourselves. Granted we know how to defend ourselves in an attack, but we came to study the mermaids, and we ended up in a killing trap. Now all of my men are dead.” Your voice turned cold by the end, just remembering the bloodshed of the battle you were ripped from for no reason. 
“But you began to attack, don’t deny that.” 
“It was self defense. We knew you were going to do something.” 
“I don’t doubt that. Even though I haven’t always been a siren, I can’t sit back and watch my newkind get slaughtered. I will defend them, and now you will too. You’ll learn to.” 
“Hyunjin, I didn’t want any of this.”
“But you were so beautiful, I had to have you. You’re mine; you belong to me. If you didn’t, you wouldn’t be so off balance when I’m around, just like a bit ago when you lost everything the second I was completely near you. I hadn’t even started singing.”
He was right. You knew it too. He was the reason you felt off. He was the reason you were off balance and off guard and off everything. Now he’s the reason you’re part fish. 
“You can go back to being a pirate captain, if you so please, but I am so deeply infatuated with you, I couldn’t bear you to go. I don’t ever want you to leave me, Y/N.”
It was the way he stared deeply into your eyes that made you melt. There was no convincing melody of his to convince you to stay, though you must’ve had that too now if you were one of them. But his eyes, his pleading, and the slight fear you had of him kept you put on his lap. 
“Come, my treasure, explore the ocean with me.” He said, standing you up, and bringing you to the water, jumping in with you, grabbing your hand, and swimming off. 
Your tail made you swim as a pace that was hard to comprehend. You were out of the grotto and near the island you sailed off of in minutes rather than the days of voyage you spent. Hyunjin showed you all about the water, pointing out friends and foe, things to eat, ways to improve your life as a merfolk. 
Down in the water, the two of you faced the other where your betta fins touched, bringing you closer into a kiss. The two of you chased each other around, creating tiny waves in the water as you playfully messed around. 
Resurfacing from the water and staring at Hyunjin, he sang, 
“My heart is pierced by Cupid.
I disdain all glittering gold.
There is nothing can console me,
But my jolly sailor bold.” 
You smiled, happy to hear this song that he sang often. He sang it about you.
But little did you know, that song is the only reason you stayed with him.
Hyunjin found you perfect, so beautiful that he couldn’t let you go. He knew you would've left the second you had the chance, but he can’t let someone he’s besotted by go, so he’ll do what he can to keep you around a little longer. I mean, he did tell you that bullshit story about sirens and mermaids. Had he been turned into a siren by a boy with a freckled covered face? Yes. Was that witchy nonsense true? Of course not. But if you believed him, who cared? He turned you into a siren on his own, so he could keep you around forever. He was going to have you no matter what.
You are his treasure, not any of the pirates, his.
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straytown · 1 year
I know I've been dead for a minute but summers here 😏 And what better way to start off than giving a list of the kinks I think Skz has
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Chan: Cuckholding and Bondage
I firmly believe that with a set of rules, Chan loves watching you being fucked by other men. He just loves showing off his baby and how good she is at pleasing him. But when you guys are alone he likes to tie you down.
- "Does my baby like being full of Changbins cock?"
- Will spank you to make you use manners
- "Say thank you to Hyunjin for letting you cum"
- "Jeongins been waiting for you baby, give him attention too"
- "Such a good girl, they should thank you for taking them so well"
- Will tease you about your inability to touch him or yourself
- "You wanna touch me, baby?"
- "Maybe I should leave you here all wet, let one of the boys walk in and see you all desperate for my cock"
Minho: Pain Kink
In the midst of an argument you'd hit him. You'd feel sorry but he'd later explain that he liked it. He just loves the sting it leaves afterwards. So after a bit of discussion you try it out and he loves it.
- Loves getting his hair pulled
- Likes to irritate you to get what he wants
- Wants to be put on his knees so you can punish him
- "Fuck- do it again"
- Likes the idea of being at the mercy of his s/o
Changbin: Size Kink
Whether you're bigger or he is, he has a size kink. Loves worshipping you if you're taller, and loves being praised if you're smaller.
- "Am I too big for you, baby?"
- Loves seeing the tears roll down your face when he first enters you
- Will look up at you in adoration when you ride him
- "Fuck, baby, you're so beautiful like that"
Hyunjin: Choking and Impact Play
I personally think Hyunjin loves being choked and degraded. So that and the combination of impact play would send him into a frenzy.
- Like Minho, irritates you on purpose to get what he wants
- Will thank you for pleasing him
- "Thank you, mommy"
- Loves it even more when you deny him of an organism, will beg for it
- "Fuck, fuck- please mommy? I'll be good"
- If you're roleplaying as a teacher/professor, discipline him with a ruler
Jisung: Masochism and Mommy Kink
Jisung is both embarrassed of and likes the fact that he gets horny so easily, and that you're willing to please him. He'd most likely act out in public to try to get you to humiliate him.
- Will whisper "mommy" in your ear to let you know he's horny
- Gets off from being a pervert
- "And what if I tell your friends how much of a moaning bitch are for me"
- Can only whimper in response
- Likes humping you
- Has a fantasy of you pleasing him in front of his friends
Felix: Consent and Mirror Kink
Felix just loves the idea of knowing that his partner not only wants his touch, but feels good being touched by him. He'd loved to set you in front of the mirror and point out all the places he wants to touch- with your permission.
- "Fuck- can I touch you?"
- "Look at yourself, you look so beautiful my love"
- Will either look at you or physically ask if he can take your clothes off
- Talks a lot about his feelings, whispers in your ear what he wants and if you're ok with it
- "I'm so hard right now, baby. Can I touch you later? Please?"
- He especially loves when he's given consent to give you head. Will thank you before eating you out
- "Thank you, baby. I'll make you feel so good"
- Such a sweetheart 🥲
Seungmin: Dominance
He was jokingly being bossy with you. All day, he would give orders and you would respond with a firm "yes sir". For some reason the dent in his pants grew when he imagined you as helpless and under his control.
- Loves to be called sir or master
- Will buy you a choker/leash with his name on it
- "Yes sir", "Thank you sir"
- "Look at you, crying on my cock"
Jeongin: Mommy Kink and Leg/Thigh Kink
There are a few momny kinks in here but I FIRMLY believe Jeongin only dates older women. He likes when they take control and make the first move. So the combination of a powerful woman in fish nets or thigh high stockings or BOTH... might just kill him.
- "Fuck- noona"
- Looks at you with adoration
- Likes to rub/moisturize your newly shaven legs
- Loves placing is head between your thighs
- "Can you sit on my face, noona? Just once??"
i got a few more things coming up :)
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seospicybin · 2 years
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Chapters: Part II / Epilogue
Hyunjin x reader. (s,a)
Synopsis: Knowing that your life will end soon, you choose to have your desired death by making a pact with the devil with a red hair, Hyunjin. (16,7k words)
Author's note: This was supposed to be a Halloween fic but it seems like New Year is the perfect time to release it. It's about renewal and awakening but with a little bit of chaos in it.
Warning: Mentions sulcidal thoughts and may be triggering. Reader discretion is advised!
Which one is worse: Living or dying first?
You asked yourself as you stood there rethinking all of your decisions that led to this.
A gust of wind blowing your white dress, cold and harsh, like a slap in the face.
You let out a heavy sigh, the steam of your breath formed a curl of white smoke against the dark of the night.
You looked down, down below from the top of the building where everything seemed so small and people looked like specks of dust, looked down beyond your quivering feet, so high you couldn't even see the bottom, the concrete that would welcome you when you plunge to your death.
Was it a good decision? You asked yourself.
Death is easy.
A stab to the heart, a drop of poison, a cardiac arrest, a hypoxia.
Life is hard.
You wake up to another day of a mundane, dull life, work, home, sleep, eat, sigh and do it all over again the next day. Life is pain itself and everybody dies at the end.
You either die now or later, what makes the difference?
All you need was one jump then it's all over.
Death is that easy.
You took a shaky breath, whether it was from the cold or the fear creeping from the inside, a survival instinct in you that told you to get off the ledge and into the safe side.
You carefully put your leg up and are ready to leap, your mind went blank.
You screamed at the vast night sky because the silence got too deafening then like your brain betrayed you, shut you down before you make the worst mistake of your life, you got off the ledge.
You almost slipped and fell off the top of the building just like how you planned, but you found a hand that grabbed yours. Slender fingers decorated with metal rings, pale and hot to the touch, wrapped around your waist, holding you from falling, from death.
He helped you get off the ledge by lifting you by the waist then put you down gently, away from the edge of the building.
"You're hot," you said.
"It's not the first time I heard that," he said with a teeth-baring grin.
You shook your head, "I mean, you're literally hot," you corrected yourself, it was like he had spent hours by the fire and absorbed all of the heat.
He didn't reply but shoved his hands into the pocket of his dress pants.
"How ironic!" He suddenly said.
"An angel," he said, pointing to you who was dressed in an angel costume with its halo headband, "and a devil," he said, placing his hand on his chest to present himself, "met on a rooftop of a building,"
Your eyes were blurry with tears that made you realize that you were crying, cheeks wet and flushed from the cold.
"An angel about to fall but the devil helps her get off the ledge," he finished.
Did he see everything?
You roughly wiped your tears to see him better.
He was wearing a three-piece suit as black as the night, long hair, slicked back, red like hellfire. He has a small face, pale white skin, and small but smoldering eyes, then the lips, red and plump, like a cherry.
He looked at you with his head slightly tilted to the side, observing you like you were an object that intrigued his mind.
And if he weren't blinking, you would have mistaken him as a statue, a perfectly carved marble statue more beautiful than David by Michelangelo.
"Why don't I buy you some drinks and you can tell me how you got here?" He offered, one corner of his mouth raised higher than the other, forming a sinister smile.
You hugged yourself, either your body was seeking warmth or trying to comfort yourself, considering his offer like solving a math problem.
And he took a step closer, held out his hand at you.
You were slightly shivering from the cold, you started to get a runny nose and the invitation suddenly got so tempting, knowing that his hand would offer you some warmth.
You nodded and let him lead you back inside.
He didn't take you back to the Halloween party your company was having, he took you somewhere else, an empty lounge bar that you didn't know even existed in the building.
He welcomed you to sit on one of the stools that face the counter then he stood, took his suit jacket off in an elegant manner, folded it then placed it on the next stool next to you.
He smiled when he caught you watching him rolling the sleeves of his shirt up to his elbows without blinking, he spared you from being embarrassed by hurriedly going behind the counter.
He put his hands on the counter and leaned forward at you, "what do you want to drink?" He asked you with eyes pierced right into yours.
"Anything," you answered. You couldn't decide when it felt like all the knowledge in your brain suddenly vanished when he looked at you dead in the eyes like that.
He squinted his eyes as he thought of something to make for you.
"I think I know the perfect drink for you," he said then went on to grab everything.
It was so riveting, seeing him gathering all the ingredients and pouring them one by one into a shaker: ice, red liquid, red-colored syrup, and vodka, finished it with a spritz of lemon.
He started shaking all the mixture together, shaking your thoughts away then hurriedly clearing your throat.
"Are you working here?" You asked.
He cracked a mystifying laugh at you but not answering your question.
He placed a glass on top of the counter and then poured the cocktails into it, seamlessly without spilling a drop.
For the garnish, he put raspberries in a stick into the glass then presented it to you, and slid the glass right in front of you.
The red cocktail sparkling in the dim light, you lifted it close enough to take a sniff of the sweet-smelling drink.
You glanced up at him and he bat his eyelash at you, giving you permission to drink.
You took a careful sip, it was a bit sour, a bit bitter but it was sweet in the end.
You have to admit that he has a prowess for bartending.
"This is good!" You praised him as he cleaned up the counter.
"What it's called?"
"A love potion," he playfully answered.
You blinked a few times, thinking you misheard him.
He laughed, "it's just a raspberry martini!"
He picked up a cherry from a bowl, stuck his tongue just enough to put it on it, bite the stem between his teeth then pulled it out.
"Do you like it?" He asked.
Once again, you got caught ogling over him doing such a mundane thing as eating a cherry.
"I like it," you said, whether he asked about the drink or the scene that just happened in front of you.
He poured himself a drink, a whiskey and you could feel the alcohol burnt your tongue as he filled the glass half full, then added an ice cube.
He went to sit next to you, took a sip of his drink once he was seated then placed the glass on the counter, the ice made a clinking sound inside the glass as he moves.
You clank your drinks together then took sips of your drinks at the same time and it was getting sweeter the more you drink your cocktail.
"If you don't mind me asking, how did you get there?" He asked, licking his lower lip that made it even more luscious, inviting you to get a taste.
"I don't know. Desperation, I guess," you answered with low giggles. It baffled you that you got to act like that around a stranger you met barely an hour ago.
"Why would a beautiful girl like you be that desperate?" He asked with eyes that secretly assessed you like you were a Rubik's cube that needs to be solved.
"I'm dying," you shortly replied as you stared deep into your drink.
"Figuratively?" He asked.
You laughed but skipped on answering.
"You must think I'm dramatic," you said, you weren't even going to try to shoot your shot. You have no chance with him, there's no use in trying.
"No," he strongly denied yet his voice remained low and calm.
"There's nothing dramatic in letting yourself deep in your feelings," he added.
You looked at him or braved yourself to do so, for a few seconds before looking away.
"I just want it to end," you said.
It surprised you that the words fell out of your mouth like that, you blamed it on the drink but you saw that he only put a shot of vodka in it. There was no way you let loose like this without being drunk first.
"I just want to end my life my way," you said to him, correcting your first statement.
"I'm conflicted because if I do it, my parents will get sad," you explained, "but I don't want to wait for my life to end either. I want to end it my way, at a time that I decided for myself," you said with sadness in your eyes.
"It's my life after all. I get to decide how and when to end my life, right?"
He hummed, trying to catch on to what you were trying to say and gently nodding.
He propped a hand under his chin with his index finger touching his lower lip, looking into your eyes as if he was searching for something in them.
He slightly parted his mouth open and licked his lower lip, making it wetter and redder than before.
"How about you sell your soul to me?"
You burst out laughing, he said it as if he really is a devil with a smirk plastered on his face.
"Yeah, sure!" You played along with him, stirring your cocktail with the stick.
"And in return, you get to have your desired death," he offered a deal.
You ate the raspberries and chewed on them, "that's actually... a nice deal," you said to him.
"I know, right?" He exclaimed, then took a small sip of his drink, "but you have to give me three reasons why I should approve the deal."
"You want me to appeal?"
He nodded.
"Well, first, I don't want to make my parents sad. If I end myself, I can imagine how devastated they would be and I believe they'd blame themselves for it. I don't want that," you explained.
"Second, my life..." you heavily sighed as it summed up how fed up you were with your life, "I feel like there's nothing I can do with my life anymore, it is stagnant like that, it can't go further than this,"
"Or maybe, you haven't looked thoroughly enough," he commented.
"I don't intend to find out anyway," you meekly said, you hurriedly drank your cocktail and let the alcohol burn down the cries trying to escape your throat.
He stayed quiet but intently listened to you, tracing the rim of his glass with his index finger.
"And the third?"
"I told you," you beamed with a foolish smile, this time you were convinced you got a bit drunk.
"You're dying?"
You nodded then finished your drink with one long gulp.
"Figuratively?" He asked for confirmation.
You shook your head, "sadly, no," you said.
You folded your hands on the counter and rested your chin on it, "that's why I don't want to wait for my end to come," you said to him.
He sighed then tilted his head upward, looking up at the ceiling, "And they say life is beautiful?" He sneered at the vast emptiness of the bar.
You let a scornful laugh with eyes drooping lower with each passing second.
"Are those enough to appeal to you?" You asked.
He finished his drink and gasped once he gulped down all of his drink, "I'll think about it," he said.
You snickered, amused that he treated this as if it was real and that he seriously considering it.
"Yeah, take your time," you joked to him with a sleepy smile, and after that nothing.
A day in your life always went like this.
You woke up at 5:30 am, did your laundry then cook breakfast, showered then dressed up for work.
You went out and listened to your neighbor arguing about the trash bags again for the umpteenth time as you passed their door. You bought a cup of coffee and got on a bus to work, on a good day, someone would offer you to sit on their seat but that rarely happens.
You worked as a columnist for a newspaper but mostly, to write a review of children's books and or an event of people who paid the newspaper to write about it, who wanted it to be publicly known.
Your boss never took you seriously, that's why he only gave you jobs that other people won't take and also because you would accept everything he gave you.
"Let me guess, a reunion?" Kim asked, a co-worker who sits next to your desk.
"Close. It's an anniversary of a nursing home," you answered, "one of our executives is one of their biggest donators.”
"Well, of course! You'd better make his name big and bold in the article," she sneered.
"Noted!" You beamed in response.
The little delight in an office like this is to talk about lame things that would make you feel better about your life at least for a few seconds before you descend into the pit again.
You swiveled your chair in her direction, "did you perhaps see me leaving the Halloween party?"
She pursed her lips while tugging a pen between her teeth, "I think the last time I saw you was when you said you needed to get some fresh air," she answered.
You recalled everything you did that night, including the part where you went to the rooftop and almost plunge to your death but that didn't happen. You remembered someone stopped you, took you inside to have a drink then from there, it was a big blank.
You didn't know how you get home that night and woke up in a sweat, your Halloween costume stuck to your skin and your shoes neatly placed on the threshold.
"But I can't remember that night either. Someone from the printing got me on a taxi home," she grimaced.
"Oh yeah, I got a little drunk as well," you said despite your memory of last night was still blurry to you.
"I better get started on my article," then swiveled your chair back, pushed to your desk, and started working.
On the afternoon, you went to the pantry to make your fourth cup of coffee of the day. You waited for the machine to finish while looking out the window.
"Can you make me a cup too?" Someone asked from behind you.
You turned around to find Minho. Your friend since the first year of college, the one who asked you to intern at the newspaper together and got the jobs at the same time, the sole reason why you were still here and the one you've been secretly in love with, your first love and the only person you ever fall in love with, staring at you with a smile on his face.
"A black coffee for Minho. On it!" You said to him.
He walked up to you and helped you get a clean mug from the top cabinet.
His hand brushed yours as he handed the mug to you.
You carefully poured the hot coffee into his mug and ripped a pack of brown sugar to add to it.
"Exactly how I like it!" He exclaimed to you with a satisfied smile.
You walked out of the pantry together while carrying your mugs in your hands, catching up with each other since he worked in a different department with you.
"I didn't see you much at the Halloween party," he said.
You swallowed, "I left early," you quickly answered.
"Why? I think I looked for you all night," he said.
He exaggerated it but you took it that he was being nice to you like he always does to you, "I didn't feel well," you lied, but not entirely.
"It's going to get cold, you better start wearing warm clothes," he softly spoke with a hand on your shoulder.
"Sure, I will," you said.
Someone called for him from across the room and he excused himself and squeezed your shoulder before leaving you.
You followed where he was going, knowing well that what was going to happen next would agonize you.
He came to her girlfriend, stood next to her while she talked to him about something, putting all of his attention on her with a smile on his face.
"Is that for me?" She asked him, pointing to the mug of coffee in his hand.
He considered it for a second and handed it to her, "You can have it!"
And there you were, could only look at someone else having what you wanted the most, his love.
It was your fault. You want all that is not yours. You want someone who doesn't want you back. This was all your fault.
You walked back to your desk and plopped down your chair, took a haste sip of your coffee, and let it burn your tongue as a way to avert the stinging pain you felt inside with a physical one.
"I'm going home!" Your co-worker announced once the clock strike 5 o'clock.
"See you tomorrow!" She said to you then gathered all of her things from her desk.
"See you!" You said back before she exited the office.
You dragged yourself to put your things back into your bag and waited for that one saddest part of your day.
You waited and waited, then there he was, Minho glanced at you with a smile on his face, "hey, aren't you going home?"
"In a bit," you answered and forced a smile for him.
His girlfriend came to his side in a matter of seconds and held his hand, it was like she has a radar that would tell her whenever he got too close to you.
"Let's have dinner next time!" He said and he had said it more than dozens of times already but never did.
But still, the intention alone was enough for you, "Bye Minho!" You said to him.
"Bye!" He said to you then left with her girlfriend.
There was nothing that excites you anymore for the rest of the day, but to mourn your life in your tiny apartment.
You saw your mother's shoes on the threshold and knew right away that she came to your apartment unannounced like she always does.
"Mom, you came without telling me again," you told her because just like all mothers do, she likes being nosy and digging through your things.
She was squatting down in front of your fridge, then sighed, "You know what makes me really sad? When I found your fridge empty like this," she said with an edge to her voice.
"What did you expect, mom? I rarely cook," you told her.
"I'd rather have leftovers and expired food in your fridge than just these," she said as she took out all the empty water bottles.
You sighed because talking back to her would only lead to an endless argument so you refrained and tossed your bag on the empty chair.
"Come! Have dinner with me!" She ordered.
You reluctantly sat on the chair and let her serve you food, obeying her like this so she would go on her way faster and leave you alone for the rest of the night.
She asked the same questions, about life, work, friends, and everything that you have no interest in anymore, which is life in general.
"How's dad?" You finally asked, to stop her from asking more about your life.
"Enjoying his retirement like always," she answered.
Your parents were on the verge of giving up the idea of having children when they had you.
Your mom was in her late 30s when she had you, she almost died when she gave birth to you and that made you precious to them. You are their only child, the one that gave them a chance and the joy to be a parent, their only hope to continue their bloodline and carry their genes and soon to be their biggest disappointment.
She left after giving you a series of scolds, ruffling your hair like she always does since you were little and hugging you, then finally leaving you alone in your own private space.
You sat by the small balcony, hugging your knees while looking out the window, wrapping yourself in a blanket because of the cold gust of winter wind even though spring is around the corner.
You fell asleep on your bedroom floor and woke up to the excruciating migraine that always comes so suddenly, without warning.
You crawled to the bedside table and hoisted yourself to get on the bed, pulled open the drawer to take out the medicine.
You rummaged inside the drawer in the dark, shaking up the last of the pills onto your palm and shoved it down your throat, swallowed it down with a few gulps of water.
You sighed into the void of your bedroom and the walls echoed it back to you.
"You have to start your treatment immediately!" Your doctor insisted.
"Immediately!" He pressured you, completely annoyed with your nonchalant attitude about your own health.
He was the only one who cared about your well-being, even more than you do to yourself.
"I just need pills for the migraines," you told him in a calm manner.
He hissed and sighed through his gritted teeth.
"Do you have any idea how severe your condition is? You are dying! You'll die soon if you don't receive any treatment," he hopelessly reminded you of your grim future.
"I know that really well," you said to him.
Then again, your attitude only pissed him off more.
"Please, let me assist you. Let me help you, it's a shot in the dark but it's worth a try," he said to you, begging with all of his heart. He must have a lot of pity for you, an old man like him feeling sad for a young girl like you, to suffer such an illness instead of him who already bagged so many life experiences.
Aside from the fact that he's taken the Hippocratic oath, he probably thinks of you like his own daughter.
"Doctor, I don't want to receive any treatment. I just want pills for my migraines," you said again, sternly this time.
He reluctantly took his notepad and scribbled something on it, roughly ripped the paper before handing it to you.
"Please reconsider it before it's too late," he said to you.
"I will," you said despite your decision being final.
"Thank you!" You muttered to him at the end.
It started with the constant migraines and pounding headaches, then when it got too unbearable, you got it checked at the hospital.
When you think life can't be more bountiful, it came with a surprise gift: A tumor on your brain.
To put it simply, you were dying, you lived on numbered days and you have roughly 3 months or less to live according to what the doctor said.
You never had any suicidal thoughts before that, but then again, depression is one of the side effects of dying. Because a surprise gift wrapped in the prettiest bow,
You had informed the office that you'd be coming late and once you arrived, you got called to the editor's office because you didn't highlight the amount of donation the executive made to the nursing home and had to redo the whole article. You took one pill before started working, clenching your fists as you began typing on your keyboard, and just breathe.
As usual, you waited for the saddest part of your day to pass, holding his girlfriend's hand like she would fly away if he didn't, fingers intertwined, so tight.
"Hey, have a good evening!" He said to you.
At least he didn't promise the dinner again which made you quietly wish it came true one day.
"You too!" You said back to him with a thin smile.
You popped another pill even though the migraine had slowly diminished, or maybe you took it because you thought it would also lessen the intangible pain inside you.
You spent the night by the balcony again, sitting down by the sill, wrapped in a blanket looking at the half-moon shining so bright above the city.
It was at a time like this you always thought of death.
The question mainly focused on 'when'? When is the good time to die? Now? Tomorrow? Two days again? By the weekend? At the end of the month?
There was always something stopping you, either your brain offering you logical options, to call the hospital and seek treatment but most of the time, it was just the reminder that you need to take care of a few things before the one final, last breath.
It didn't make you sad at all, the more you thought about it the lighter you got like you were stripping away a layer of fear of yourself.
Accepting reality is easier than keep avoiding it.
You got up in the middle of the night feeling nauseous, immediately ran to the bathroom, then vomited into the toilet bowl. Tears, sweat, and hair stuck to your face, you flushed the toilet, collapsing on the bathroom floor after. Curled up on the tiled floor of the bathroom, suffering from the pain that you have to deal with until you eventually die.
After a moment of trying to gain your consciousness, you heard footsteps approaching your way through the vibration on the floor.
Your vision blurred with tears and you could make out the shape of a dark figure looming in the doorway of your bathroom, tall with a hint of red.
You were in no condition to either fight or fight, you barely had any strength to take a stand.
The figure approached you then you felt the warmth of his hand, cupping your cheek.
"You suffer so much," the figure said.
He ran his fingers down your face and forced you to close both of your eyes, it was a simple touch yet it worked to send you into a painless, dreamless sleep.
You made a cup of coffee the second you arrived at the office.
You could feel nauseous from last night lingering inside you and felt another cup of coffee would help. You felt a hand resting on the small of your back and quickly turned on your heel to see who it is, "oh Minho, good morning!" You said, half surprised to see him so early in the office like this.
"You came early!" He said to you.
If he paid attention to you just a little, he would know that you always come early, at the same time every morning.
"Yeah," you half-heartedly answered.
"Which is perfect!" He exclaimed, then leaned against the counter to face you, "I need your help," he said.
"What is it?"
"I have an article and I have to turn it in this afternoon. Can you help me edit it?" He asked as he ripped two packs of creamers with his teeth, then poured it into your coffee.
He stirred it with a spoon while you were holding the mug in your hand, he licked the spoon once he was done then tossed it onto the sink.
"Please?" He asked.
It became a habit of yours, to always submit to his wishes whether you intended to or not.
"Of course!" You said.
You huddled close together in front of his computer, editing the article together and mashing ideas together. He couldn't deny that the two of you made a great team, especially when it comes to writing, it has been like that since college.
"It reminds me of our college years," he said to you.
You turned your head a smiled at him, suddenly aware of the proximity that you hurriedly swiveled your chair to the other way.
"Yes," you sheepishly replied.
"Let me treat you to lunch today!" He said.
"No, it's okay, it's nothing," you kindly refused, holding up your hands at him.
He grabbed your hands and put them down on your lap, "just wait by your desk, I'll pick you up later!" he said with a smile.
Kim invited you for lunch like she always does but you refused since you waited for Minho to pick you up just as he promised.
But he didn't come, even after Kim came back from her lunch and gave you a puzzling look.
"I'm not that hungry," you lied to her and assured her that you felt like skipping lunch.
You got ready for leaving the office, shoving everything into your bag, and didn't even wait for the saddest part of your day to pass like you usually do.
You went home and slept the day away, when you woke up in the dark of your home, you found someone sitting on the balcony that you used to sit on.
You scrambled to turn on the light and found him.
The guy with the hellfire hair and luscious lips, eating an apple.
"I hope you don't mind me taking an apple from your fridge," he said to you.
You roughly pinched the bridge of your nose then rubbed the corner of your eyes, "How do you get in here?" You asked.
"Through the window," he answered.
"But uh... I-" your head was still drowsy.
"I don't think I have apples in the house," you tried again.
He softly sighed, "You should check your fridge because you have a whole box of it," he said.
He got off the balcony and entered your room, standing at the end of your bed looking at you, "I wanted to talk to you yesterday but you didn't look good," he said.
"Talk about what?" You scooted to the edge of the bed, then stopped, your head was spinning and your hands were shaking.
"You shouldn't have skipped lunch and dinner altogether," he said to you.
You limped to exit your bedroom and trudged your way to the kitchen, opened the fridge with all of your strength, finding a whole box of apples inside just like he said.
"Mom..." You sighed with your head still stuck inside the fridge.
He fitted himself in the small space and took two apples, "here, you have one and I have another," he said, handing one to you.
He didn't hesitate to take a bite of the apple and it made a delicious crunching sound that strangely evoke your appetite.
You caved in and took a bite, the sweet juice started to fill your mouth, satisfying your hunger and thirst at once.
He leaned against the kitchen counter, across from you, and looked at you as you stood there chewing on your apple.
"I've been thinking about it," he said.
"About the deal."
"What deal?"
"That you want to sell your soul to me and in return I give you your desired death," he replied.
And it all came back rushing through your head like a bursting dam. He was the guy from that night, the one who helped you get off the ledge, who made you that sweet cocktail, and probably the one who took you home, that's why he knew your address.
You gasped and almost threw the apple away, "you're the guy from that night," you exclaimed at him.
"Glad you remember!" He said to you with an unimpressed look.
"The devil," you recalled.
"In the flesh," he finished your sentence.
"Except that you aren't real," you said.
His eyebrows furrowed in confusion but he decided to move on "anyway, I brought the contract," he said, pulling out something from behind him, a piece of paper, worn and torn at the seam.
"I wrote down everything in the contract and you can read all of it," he paused to walk up to you then stopped just a step away from you, handing the paper to you.
"Just take your time, no need to rush to sign it and I'll be back before midnight," he said.
You took the paper from him and it smelled exactly like you imagined, a page of an old book.
"B–but how?" You asked in pure confusion.
You exhaled a long breath to calm your erratic breathing, "how do I know that this is all real?"
He soft chuckled while rubbing his chin with his knuckle, "just learn the contract paper," he said then took another bite of his apple before throwing the core into the trash bin.
He walked back to your bedroom and you were late to follow him, you caught the last of him getting out of your window to the balcony. But once you looked outside, there was no sight of him or the red of his hair anywhere.
It was like he just vanished into the night.
What kind of dream did you have last night?
But the details of your dream were too real to be considered just a dream, the apples were indeed there in the fridge, and the contract paper was on the dining table.
You were reading it when Kim all of sudden asked about it.
"Nothing, it's just a flyer," you waved her off and shoved the paper back into your bag.
The dullness of work suffocated you once again and to top that, Minho's girlfriend celebrated her birthday in the office and invited everyone to have something from the table full of a variety of food she ordered.
If Kim wasn't forcing you to have a slice of cake, you wouldn't have been here and eating the cake in silence, forcing it down your throat with your eyes uneasily looking at her, and then at Minho who stood so close like they were joined at the hip.
She sauntered in your direction and you quickly stuffed your mouth with the cake to avoid answering whatever she was going to ask.
"Seems like you really enjoyed the cake," Minho's girlfriend said.
You nodded with a mouth full of food, "yes, it's delicious," you shortly replied.
She smiled then brushed her hair to the back, intentionally showing something flashy on her hand, a diamond ring.
You knew she was baiting you to ask her the question but you didn't want to give her the satisfaction. You and Kim exchanged a glance, you guessed she noticed it too then looked in two different directions, to anywhere but her hand.
"Minho gave me the best birthday present," she blurted out when none of you asked about it.
You nodded but not saying anything.
"I didn't mean for anyone to know but I think good news should be shared, right?"
You stuffed more cake into your mouth and repeatedly noted, you really didn't want to know anything about that ring.
"We got engaged last night!" She announced, pitching her voice a bit louder for everyone around her to hear.
And suddenly, you had a hard time swallowing your food and it just stuck there in your esophagus.
People started making a ruckus then followed by congratulations from here and there.
You weren't sad or mad at all, you were just a little shaken inside. You forced yourself to swallow it all down inside you, whether it was the food or the bitter, harsh truth that you had to stop this masochistic infatuation.
Everyone's first love is meant to fail anyway.
Minho came to her side a moment later, looking unamused that the news was out. It baffled you how his eyes searched for yours first and not his girlfriend. You looked at each other but nothing came out from both of you.
Minho must be terribly stupid if he didn't know that you have feelings for him. It had been years and all these things you did out of devotion for him were too obvious to be missed.
You believed he knew but he decided to stay oblivious about it.
You got a little disappointed, at him and yourself, disappointed at him for leaving you hanging like this, and at yourself, for not having the courage just to say those three words to him.
"Congratulations!" You said to him, smiling even though you were close to tears.
"Thank you!" He meekly said.
You hated your heart so much for wanting what is not yours, for wanting what is not right, for wanting someone who doesn't want you back, for wanting him.
Your nausea returns when you were in the elevator heading down to the lobby. You felt the queasiness bubbling inside, you quickly covered your mouth and breathed through your nose, calming yourself with eyes uneasily looking at the floor number going down with each level.
You broke into a run when the elevator doors slid open, flung to the nearest bathroom, and pushed any door of the stall to find the one that was available.
You vomited everything out into the toilet bowl which got you retching and gasping for air at once.
"Hey, are you okay?" Kim asked.
You didn't know she was following you until she stood by the door clutching your bag in her hands.
"You dropped your bag," she said, one hand keeping the door of your stall open.
You took a tissue and roughly wiped your mouth with it, "Can you please get me my pills from inside my bag?" You begged.
"Sure, sure!" She fumbled to unzip your bag and shoved her hand inside to take out your medicine.
"Give me two," you said to her, holding out your palm at her.
She complied, shook the container until two pills rolled out then handed them to you.
You dry swallowed them and closed your eyes with your back resting against the partition.
"I have water," she offered, pulling out bottled water from her bag.
She uncapped the bottle before giving it to you.
"Thanks!" You muttered.
"Are you sick?" She asked.
You let out a long shaky breath, "I have this..." you paused to take another sip of water, "acute migraine," you lied.
She checked your body temperature but you seemed fine to her except for how you looked, "you look so pale," she sadly said.
"I just took my meds. I'll be okay," you assured her.
She helped you get up from the floor, smoothing down your skirt and fixing your coat, "you should get a taxi home!"
"Yeah, that's a good idea," you told her since there was no use in refusing her kind suggestion.
You sat on the couch waiting for the red-haired whatever man to really come just as he promised last night.
You sat cross-legged and read the contract paper over and over again, still wondering why you played along with him.
"I believe you have read the contract one too many times," he said, appearing out of nowhere behind you.
He walked so gracefully like a model down a fashion runway, poised and cool, his all-black attire supported the whole model's off-duty look.
"How do I know that you're the real devil?" You asked him, never the type to dillydally, especially when it comes to making a deal that involves your life.
"Isn't it obvious enough?" He asked with arms outstretched.
"Or are you hoping that I have horns and red-skinned, scary eyes and claws? Like that?"
You shrugged, "sort of."
He laughed, "my job is to tempt you human and you expect me to do that while looking like a scary creature out of a fantasy book?"
You pursed your lips and shrugged again, "well, that makes sense now," you said, settling the issue with an agreement.
You unfolded the contract paper and pointed to one of the points, "it said that you'll be with me every day. What's that mean?"
"What it literally means. I'll be with you every day, not for the whole 24 hours, of course. I have stuff to do," he said.
"What? Bartending?"
He scoffed.
"That's just ridiculous, I'm not going anywhere," you protested.
"I'm protecting my asset here because what if you had a change of heart?" He sat on the single sofa across from you, crossing his legs and propping a hand under his chin.
"I promise you, I will not," you assured him.
He softly rubbed his lips with his index finger, "are you sure it's not because your unrequited love just got engaged?"
That caught you off guard, "how do you know?"
"I told you, I keep an eye on my asset," he said, now spreading his legs open and propping his elbows on his knees.
You got quiet because you didn’t expect him to know this much about your life.
"So, it's not because of him?"
"No," you strongly denied.
"Let's not take a haste decision," he suggested.
You shook your head, "I think we should sign the contract!” You persisted, took a pen and placed your sign on the bottom corner of the paper.
He laughed when you slid the paper and pen at him, then said, "your turn!"
He burst out laughing, "and you think when you made a pact with the devil signing a paper would do it?"
You glared at him and hissed in irritation, "why didn't you-"
He took the paper and burned it on his palm, turning the paper into ash and smoke.
Your eyes widened in slight shock, it was like a magic trick, except that he wasn't using any trick and no equipment.
"Impressed?" He asked with an eyebrow raised.
You cleared your throat and acted coy about it, "no, but you’ll make a great birthday magician," you told him despite what he just pulled off scared you a little but you tried not to get intimidated by him and repressed it by acting nonchalantly.
He stared deep into your eyes as if he tried to look into your head and see what you were thinking. He didn't look away as he pulled out something from the inner pocket of his black suit jacket.
A locket with a thin gold chain and the pendant isn't bigger than your thumb. He hung it around his hand and showed it to you.
He put it inside his palm after you stared at it long enough.
"Before we make a pact, you haven't decided on your death yet," he reminded you.
"I promise you your desired death, but the how and when, you haven't told me yet," he clicked his tongue repeatedly, "you have to be specific when making a pact with the devil," he said while squinting his eyes at you.
"Oh?" You exclaimed. He was right, you were rushing everything and you weren't aware of who you are dealing with.
"I want to die peacefully," you said.
"Like drowning?"
"How is that peaceful?" You asked in disbelief.
"Well, it's in the water and it's quiet. Peaceful!"
You winced, "I want to go..." you raked your brain for the right word to say, "quietly."
He scrunched his nose, thinking of an idea.
"I want to die in my sleep," you offered yours before he gave you other strange ways to die.
"Okay, I can do that," he said.
"Next question: when?" He asked, leaning forward at you in curiosity.
"Soon," you shortly replied.
"How soon?"
"Soon enough."
"Too soon," you snarked.
"A week from now?"
"One month from now?"
"Too long," you said.
He rolled his eyes in a rather dramatic way and came up with a suggestion real quick, "13 days, that's my final offer!"
You thought it over, two weeks. Would you be able to get your affairs in order in two weeks? It was kind of ideal, it wasn't soon nor late, it was right.
He got up from the sofa and you unconsciously followed him, getting up from the couch as well. You both took a step closer and stood facing each other in the small living room of your apartment.
"Give me your hand!" He ordered.
You complied and held out your hand at him.
He took a breath to finally grab your hand, wrapping his hand around you and you did the same.
"Are you sure you want to sell your soul to me?" He asked, sounding all business and serious.
You swallowed air then cleared your throat before answering, "yes."
"And in return, you want a peaceful death?"
"13 days from now?"
"Yes," you undoubtedly replied.
A fire alight, setting both your clasped hands in a blazing fire but surprisingly, you didn't feel hot or in pain, it was warm, like your hand wrapped in mittens.
"Oh fuck!" You cursed under your breath, it shocked you but weirdly, you didn't try to take your hand away from him. Your eyes flicked to his face, his eyes turned into shades lighter than the usual dark eyes, gleaming like the eyes of a tiger in the dark.
"In a matter of 13 days, your soul will be mine," he said with eyes that looked right into you, so deep like he talked right into your soul that soon will be his.
You couldn't lie but felt a little frightened inside, you could feel beads of cold sweat form on your back and probably seep into your shirt.
"Congratulations, your life is officially cursed and you'll burn in hell forever!" He said with a smile that was the opposite of what he said to you. Then the fire went off, he let go of his hand to take out the locket again and opened it to reveal what looked like a clock but strangely, there was no number on it, just the needles.
"Places your thumb on it!" He ordered.
He gently led your thumb to the little needle in the center of the locket and pressed your thumb on it.
You yelped when your fingerpad made a contact with it, you pulled your hand away out of reflex to see that you had pricked your finger on the needle of the small clock inside the locket.
The drop of blood started filling the locket, crimson-colored liquid spread inside like a blooming flower then magically, the clock started ticking. The clock ran backward and that was when you realized that it was counting down the time to your death.
"13 days!" He said to you, opening your hand to place the locket on your palm.
You stared at the clock that counted down the time that led to your death.
Tick, tick, tick.
You had been wasting a full 60 seconds just staring at it in a mix of wonder and fear, you have a lot to say yet you were so speechless. You quickly shut the locket and put the chain around your neck, then you felt it, the weight of the pact you just made with the devil.
He helped you by fixing the hair caught in your necklace, "I brought just the right drink for the occasion!" He announced.
He poured wine into your mug in such elegance and didn't spill a drop by quickly spinning the bottle, then wiped it with a napkin.
You clank your mugs together since you don't have any wine glasses in the apartment.
"To cursed life!" He said as you both made a toast.
"To cursed life!" You repeated his words in a low, hesitated voice.
He sipped his wine and made it look like he sipped ambrosia in a goblet instead of wine in a mug.
"Having a second thought?" He asked, catching you holding the locket resting on your chest.
You quickly shook your head, "no."
"What are you going to do on your last few days in the mortal world?" He asked, tracing the rim of his mug with his index finger.
"Get my affairs in order," you replied, clasping your hands around your mug like you were seeking warmth from it.
"You need help?" He asked.
You awkwardly laughed, "what can you do?"
"I can do a little mischief here and there," he said, his finger flying to his lips, playing with the plump of his lower lip.
"That would be against my plan of 'going quietly'," you reminded him.
"What's with 'going quietly'? Why not 'go with a bang'?" He suggested, making a gesture of explosion above his head.
"I just..." you paused because you didn't know the answer. Why you should go quietly?
"I think it's easier that way," you replied with an answer that you weren't confident in.
He nodded and didn't ask further about it. He took another sip and let the silence hang in the air between you and him.
You looked at him, in his usual attire of black outfit and red hair slicked back, pale skin with eyes back to their intense black color.
And you wondered how he ended up here?
"What should I call you?" You suddenly asked him.
"You can call me baby, darling, love," he listed all the pet names he liked to be called with.
"I don't like to be called cutie, but for you, I'll allow it," he finished with a wide smile that made him look more human than he was supposed to be.
You rolled your eyes at him and inaudibly sighed.
"Hyunjin," he quickly said.
"You can call me Hyunjin," he said again while taking another sip of his wine.
You nodded, and that was enough information for the day. That he really is the devil, named Hyunjin and you just made a pact with him. Your eyes shot at the locket and at the reminder of it, you heard the sounds of the seconds being deducted from your life.
Tick, tick, tick.
"That's a nice necklace!" Kim beamed the moment she noticed the necklace dangling around your neck.
"Oh, this?" You asked her.
"Is it vintage?"
"Uh..." you stalled to find an answer, "yes, I bought it online," you lied.
"That's so nice!" She praised.
"Text me the online shop cause I want one,"
You stifled a nod, "yes, I will," you lied again.
At this point, you didn't care about all the lies you tell people, you are going to burn in hell for eternity anyway.
You were coming back from lunch with Kim when you met Minho in the lobby, he looked like he was waiting for you from the way he got up from his seat the moment he saw you coming through the entrance.
"Hey, want to have coffee together?" He asked you.
Kim realized that he didn't ask for her to be present there and excused herself to go back to the office.
"Okay," you replied.
You had been sitting facing each other and the cups of iced coffee dripping wet from the condensation, you waited for him to say something with your hands clasped under the table.
"What is it, Minho?" You asked him because he kept quiet the whole time you sat there.
"You have something to say to me?"
It seemed like he was unable to decide what he wants to talk about first, you guessed he wanted to talk about yesterday.
"I wasn't planning on proposing to her," he blurted out.
You looked at him rather wide-eyed, didn't expect him to say it like that.
"I was planning on gift her a ring. Not proposing to her," he explained.
"But her parents were present and she got ecstatic the moment she saw it," he paused to catch a breath, "I couldn't just say that I didn't mean to propose to her, she looked so happy. I-"
"Minho, I'm not asking," you reminded him.
His face gradually turned sour, "I just thought that maybe I need to explain-"
"Whatever you do or did or done with your girlfriend is none of my business," you quickly told him, settling the matter before he pried more than you allowed him to.
Your words seemed to surprise him and he was quiet for a while, "I don't want things to change between us," he said.
You badly wanted to ask him what exactly you two have. What you are to him? And what he takes you for?
"What are you talking about? We'll always be good friends," you remarked with a sweet smile.
A smile bloomed on his face, "yeah, of course, we'll always be good friends, right?"
You nodded even though he clearly drew the invisible line that you shouldn't cross.
He took a long sip of his coffee and gasped in satisfaction, "I'm writing a special article," he said.
He nodded, "yes, it's for the spring special-themed article," he replied.
You stirred your iced coffee with the straw, making the ice cubes clink against the glass.
"That's great, Minho!" You complimented him without looking at him.
"Can you help me with it?" He asked.
"I like it when we work together," he added.
You stirred and stirred, watched as the coffee made a swirl inside your glass.
You stopped stirring when the coffee was about to slosh out of the glass, "sure, I'd love to," you said.
There you go, making the same mistake over and over again, despite knowing that you would only get pain in return.
You were brushing your teeth when you saw his reflection in the bathroom mirror.
You got startled that you spat onto the sink, "coming back from whispering evil deeds into people?" You sneered at him then washed your mouth with running water.
He folded his hands and leaned against the door of your bathroom, "yes, and I should've told you to throw your iced coffee at him," he sneered back.
You got quiet, he wasn't only spying on your life but also knew what happened between you and the people around you.
You got on your bed and covered your body up to your chest with the duvet.
"That's it for the day?" He asked you.
"I'm going quietly," you reminded him with your back facing him.
He softly chuckled, "Goodnight!"
You didn't reply but the lingering silence got you curious if he was still there watching you sleep. You turned on your bed but he was already gone.
You haven't gotten to your desk yet when you got called to the editor's office, papers flying in your direction the moment you got in.
"You called this a piece of writing?" He asked you, the veins on his neck popped and strained in rage.
You opened your mouth to speak but he cut off you again with his shout, "do it all over again!"
You picked up the paper from the floor and took it with you back to the desk, you saw that this wasn't even your writing, it was someone else's but he had done it a handful of times, which means he wanted you to fix the writing and rewrite it again.
"Why does he always blame you for the mistakes others did?" Kim nagged with her head snapped at the editor's office.
You shrugged.
"Why didn't you say something?" She said with exasperation.
"You know it's useless," you responded while stacking the paper by its order.
She heavily sighed but didn't say anything back because she also knew that the editor is a really stubborn piece of work.
You spaced out while clutching your locket on your chest, feeling the ticking with every breath you took.
You could feel every second without needing to open the locket.
Tick, tick, tick.
"I knew that you'll be here," Minho said as he found you waiting for the coffee machine done making the coffee.
You turned on your heels, "yes, hi," you nervously answered.
"Have you got your coffee yet? I want to show you something," he said.
You nodded and collected your mug filled with freshly made coffee, "yes."
He took you to his desk and showed you the article he was writing for the spring-themed article, you scanned the words but the lines kept slipping off your mind, unable to focus.
"Yes, it's good," you said to him.
"Are you sure?"
"Uhm..." you hummed in confusion, your hand flew to your temple but nothing came to mind.
"I'm sorry, I can't seem to focus," you gave up trying and apologized.
He smiled at you, "it's okay, we can work on it some other time," he assured you.
You smiled back at him and took your mug with you, "sorry," you muttered.
"Let's have lunch together!" He suggested again, stopping you on your track.
"I can't. I have a doctor's appointment," you told him and it felt good on rejecting him without having to lie.
"Oh? Okay," he replied.
You didn't have a doctor's appointment but the doctor kept on calling you to come to the hospital, probably his last endeavor to convince you to get treatment.
And you were right, "I have thought it over like you asked and my decision is final, I will not get treatments," you sternly told him.
He sighed in defeat, pulled his drawer open, and placed a brochure right in front of you.
"Will you at least consider coming to this?" He asked.
You could tell that the brochure was a support group for cancer patients and survivors. It was a hard pass but to put an ease on the doctor's mind, you smiled and said, "maybe I will," you answered.
You were reading a children's book for you to review when he came, reading the title of the book out loud, "Chase the end of the rainbow," he recited, then chuckled.
"There is literally nothing at the end of the rainbow," he sneered then plopped down on the single sofa.
"It's just rain and puddles," he added then put his long legs on the coffee table.
You lowered the book enough to look at him, "did you make anyone cry today?" You playfully asked.
"I broke the ice cream machine again," he bragged, "I think yes, a few people cried."
"How fun!" You exclaimed with fake enthusiasm then flipped the page of the book.
He watched you reading the book, then got curious about it, he sat next to you and leaned so close to you so he could read it too.
You could smell the faint of his natural scent, of something strong, a bit musk and smokey. You turned your head just enough to see him, the side profile of his perfectly sculpted face and its facial features that complement each other.
He is so beautiful, it didn't make sense to you.
You shut the book and gave it to him, "you can read it," you said to him then went to your bedroom.
"Goodnight!" He shouted to you before you shut your bedroom door.
"Hey, you haven't sent me the name of the shop for that beautiful necklace," Kim said as she placed a cup of iced coffee on your desk.
You faked an apologetic look, "I'm sorry, I forgot," you muttered.
"Thanks for the coffee!" You added and took a sip.
Kim leaned at your computer screen to read the article you were writing and read it loud enough for both of you, she sighed when she came to the end of the paragraph.
"Sometimes I wonder why you're stuck here with me," she mumbled with a hand on her waist.
"You're literally wasting your talent here," she said with a hand on your shoulder.
You could only smile at her but you were sure that a new job wouldn't make a difference anyway. The tumor would still be there in your brain and you still be as miserable as you were here so what's the point?
You were waiting for the elevator to arrive when Minho took your hand and grinned when you looked at him.
"Have lunch with me!" He said while shaking your hand.
You turned your head at Kim, "I'm going with Kim," you said.
Minho looked at her, "mind if I borrow her for today?" He sweetly asked.
Kim uneasily glanced at you and caught the signals you threw at her with your eyes, but she said the opposite thing, "sure."
Minho always looked more relaxed when her girlfriend isn't around, she was having a meeting outside of the office and that was also why he bravely took you out for a lunch.
"You don't like it?" He asked.
"I'm not that hungry," you replied. You've been eating your food little by little. It comes as no surprise that losing your appetite is also a side effect of dying.
He looked at you with his head slightly tipped to the side, "you look a little pale," he said.
You took a sip of water, "I've been having trouble sleeping," you said but didn't tell him it was because of the migraine that kept you awake.
He reached for your face and pressed the back of his hand, checking your temperature, "you're a bit warm," he said.
You put his hand away from your face and gently put it down on the table, "I'm okay. I'm alright," you assured him.
He doubted you but nodded, continued eating his food, and shifted the conversation elsewhere.
"Remember the second year of college? That time we got on the back of the pick-up truck with the stage props, it was raining and we were both sick with flu the next day," he was talking with a smile on his face like the memory was so vivid to him.
Yes, those days were the happiest because it was so much simpler back then. It was just you and him stressing over college and nothing else. There was little responsibility, no articles to write, there was no girlfriend who keeps him on a leash and you didn't know that there was a tumor growing in your brain.
"You were sick but you insisted on taking care of me," he suddenly got all serious.
You gripped the fork in your hand tighter because why did he take you on an unwanted trip down memory lane? Shouldn't he know that those memories would only be nothing more than just memories? Soon he'd be forgetting all about it as he makes new ones with his dear fiancé.
"I'm finished," you said, putting down your cutlery and sliding the plate aside.
"I'll take care of the bill!" You announced because you needed to be as far away as possible from him.
He grabbed you by the elbow, "I'll do it!"
"No, you finish your meal! I have to go to the restroom anyway," you said with a thin smile and put his hand away.
On the way back to the office, Minho talked about the article he was writing but your mind was elsewhere, drifting here and there.
"So, what do you think?" Minho asked.
He cracked a laugh, "you weren't listening," he meekly said.
You shoved your hands into your coat pockets, "I'm sorry."
"Have a lot in your head?"
Aside from the tumor? You asked in your head.
"Not really," you answered.
He pushed the door open and held it open for you.
"Shouldn't you have a lot in your head?" You asked back.
He scanned his ID card before entering the building, "what do you mean?"
"You know with the engagement and everything," you casually said.
You didn't mean to but he was the one who started talking about those days when in reality, those days are over and he should be worrying about the accidental engagement.
Minho got quiet but strangely, you didn't feel bad at all. The sound of the elevator dinging open saved Minho from the question and you both got into the elevator.
Right before the doors slid shut, you caught a red-haired man smiling at you from afar, so sinister like a Chesire cat.
Out of reflex, you clutched the locket on your necklace and felt the needles counting down the seconds of your life.
Tick, tick, tick.
"You have 11... uh no wait, 10 days more to live and your plan is to finish your favorite TV series," Hyunjin said as he plopped down on the sofa next to you and took a handful of popcorn from the bowl.
"Did you happen to whisper any evil things into my ear?"
His eyebrows knitted together, "where?"
"At the office."
"A little after lunch."
He shook his head, "not sure," he vaguely answered and filled his mouth full of popcorn.
You looked at him and observed him, trying to figure him out.
He grabbed your chin, then turned your head to face the TV.
"If you're the devil that means you've been to hell?" You asked out of the blue.
"You make it sound like going to hell is a hospital visit," he said and slumped on the sofa.
"I came from hell."
"You were born there?"
He shrugged and took another handful of popcorn.
"Is it really that hot?" You asked out of pure curiosity and did everyone a favor for asking it.
"You'll find out soon," he shortly replied.
You pouted but despite the disappointing answers, your curiosity remained the same.
"Do you mingle with humans?"
He leered at you, "mingle?"
"You know, have a relationship with human..." your words trailed off, again, this was out of pure curiosity.
"Like us?" he pointed to both you and him.
You snorted, "what we have is a business deal."
"Like you and Minho then?" He teased.
You grimaced, "pfft... I hope not."
He chuckled and tugged a popcorn between his teeth, "why are you so curious?"
You put the bowl of popcorn onto his lap so hard sending some of it falling onto the floor, "You know everything about my life but I don't know anything about you and I'm going to die in 10 days, so please, entertain this dying lady," you complained.
He gently placed a hand on your elbow and it felt hot but bearable, "no need to be that hopeless," he playfully said.
You glared at him.
"The answer is yes," he finally admitted.
That intrigued you, so he did mingle with humans and your focus next was to figure out what kind of relationship he's into.
You nodded.
"I don't think there are that many differences in how I have sex with how humans have sex," he casually said.
"Oh?" His answer took you aback.
"Oh!" You said again when it finally registered to you. So, it was all just physical to him. You didn't know why you expect more in the first place?
"What? You think I want to be romantically involved with the mortals?" He asked with a condescending smirk.
The way he said 'mortals' made it sound like humans are pathetic creatures just like how humans think of worms.
"Who knows?" You said with a shrug but deep down, you wished that he got karma for saying that.
He sighed and took the remote, replaying the episode from the beginning.
"Hey, I was watching that!" You said and tried to snatch the remote back from him.
"Be honest, you didn't watch any of it because you kept asking me questions," he said and hid the remote behind his back.
"How mature of you!" You sneered.
He stuck his tongue out at you in response.
You shook your head in disbelief that this entity sitting next to you is the devil and he came from hell.
You've been busy trying to finish an article since this afternoon and it seemed like you have to work overtime.
As soon as you finished and submitted it, your editor gave you another one to rewrite.
When you came back to your desk, Minho was there sitting on your desk and playing with your stress ball.
"Why are you here?" You asked and you didn't mean to be brash. It was just that everyone in the office already left and you were stuck there to pick up after someone's mess
If Minho wanted to remember the good old days with you, he should know that this wasn't the right time for it.
"I saw that your bag and coat are still here," he answered and got off your desk.
"I'm busy. I have to finish another article today," you simply said and hoping that he'd just leave you alone.
"Do you need help?"
"I'll handle it myself," you refused with a thin smile.
"Sure. I'm sure you can handle it well," he said but he seemed rather disappointed by the answer.
He smacked his lips together then he put a small paper bag on your desk, "this is for you!"
He slid the paper bag until it was right in front of you, "you said you have trouble sleeping so I bought you some chamomile tea and I think there are other kinds of tea too inside—"
He always does this, putting you on a pedestal, raising your hope and when you thought you stacked your hope high enough to reach him, he knocked it all down.
Over and over and over again and the end is always the same, he left you alone to pick up the pieces.
"You don't like it?" He asked since you got really quiet.
"I like it, thanks. But just stop," you replied and pushed the paper bag back to him.
"I bought it for you," he said and pushed it back to you.
You looked at him right in the eyes, "no. I want you to stop doing anything nice!" You enunciated every word so he heard you loud and clear.
He looked rather confused by what you said and cracked a laugh, "Why?"
"I just need you to stop being nice to me unless you're going to be with me," you dared to hold eye contact with him.
He cracked another laugh, probably thinking you were playing with him.
"You think I'm being funny?"
His laugh died down and his face turned serious.
"See? You can't keep being nice to me and I can't keep pretending that this is something that it's not!" You told him.
Since half of it already spilled out of your mouth, the rest would have to come out as well.
"We've been friends for years. You know me, you know who I am," your voice quivering because it hurts letting these words out of your chest, "you either want to be with me or not."
Minho opened his mouth to speak but close it again, when he managed to say something, he was stammering, "we're friends and I don't want to make it complicated—"
How dare he said all that when he's the one who had been playing with your feelings and made things complicated!
"Bullshit!" You cut him off midsentence, "it's just bullshit!"
It seemed like you just spat acid at him that he stood there with his feet nailed to the floor.
"Where is this coming from?" He probably couldn't believe that his friend who's always said yes to everything he said holding this much anger inside of her.
"From the place I've been hiding from you for about three years," it was painful to admit how miserable you were pining for him for the last three years.
"Three years because I haven't wanted to seem demanding and I haven't wanted to seem needy or pathetic or… whatever!"
The tears rolled down your cheeks and you wiped them with your knuckle, "so, I haven't asked you."
You stared into his eyes again, wide and surprised at your confession.
"But I..." the tears caught in your throat the more you tried to fight them, "I have to. I mean..."
Despite having an inkling of what his answer would be, you gave him another chance by asking him the only question he needed to answer once and for all.
"Do you want to be with me?"
From the silence that Minho let it went on too long, you knew what the answer is. It was exactly like you had predicted and he didn't need to say it out loud, you knew.
Tears streamed down your face and you looked down at your lap, hiding your sadness from him.
You quickly recovered, wiping your wet cheeks with the back of your hand, and looked at him again.
At that moment, you decided that it was time to put an end to this.
"I can't do this anymore, Minho."
You left him and went someplace to cry by yourself, consoled yourself with the fact that you can start letting him go. Years of loving him only brought you tears and pain.
Minho left the paper bag on your desk and you shoved it inside your drawer and started working on the second article before it got really late.
"Before you go home, can you do another one?" Your editor asked as you've just submitted the article.
"I'm afraid I can't do that, sir!"
His forehead creased, unamused by your answer, "what are you talking about?"
As you worked by yourself at your desk while crying from breaking up with someone who's not even your boyfriend, Kim's words replayed in the back of your head. She spoke the truth that day, that you've been wasting your talent here and no one even had an ounce of respect for you in there.
And you came to a decision to, "I quit," you said and handed him the freshly printed resignation letter.
"Thank you for these past..." you paused to think of a word to describe your experience of working in this office and none came to mind except negative words.
"...wonderful years, sir!" You decided to end it with a nice note because you weren't the same with them but you didn't wait for his approval.
You let out a big sigh when you got out of his office, packed your things, and left.
You used to think that losing a job is a frightening thing but after you did it, it wasn't that bad at all. The world is still spinning and the sky isn't falling down on you. If anything, you have fewer things to worry about.
You sat on the balcony with a blanket wrapped around you, looking out at the view and the night sky.
Funny that you missed having Hyunjin around when all he does is annoy you.
This empty space only made you think of what happened that day, with you and Minho, and how things ended.
Maybe you were selfish for wanting him but he has no right to toy with your feelings, maybe you did ruin years of friendship but it felt so right.
Yet you were crying as you curled up on the bed and the tears seeped into your pillow.
A part of you was glad that Hyunjin wasn't there. You could imagine him making fun of you for looking so miserable on your last days on earth.
You forgot that you're unemployed, you woke up, showered, and cooked breakfast then when it hits you that you didn't have to go to work, you have no idea what to do next.
You might be dying but how could you forget being a normal person?
You ended up watching TV and ate the endless supply of tangerines your mom secretly put in your fridge. You napped and ordered lunch, watched some more TV, read some news on the internet, ate some more tangerines, and tried to cook yourself dinner.
You gave up when you couldn't find anything in your fridge. Your mom is right, it was an alarming thing to see an empty fridge.
"How do you like your unemployment?" Hyunjin appeared when you closed the fridge.
You sighed and took your phone, scrolling down the list of restaurants to order your dinner. "Fantastic!" You replied but with a deadpan.
He leaned on the kitchen island and looked at your phone screen, "Let's have some meat for dinner!"
You tipped your phone and got it out of his sight, continued scrolling.
When the food came, you spread them on the table in the living room and sat on the floor. You treated yourself to a big dinner since it was your first day of unemployment. From the amount of food you ordered, they put in three pairs of chopsticks and Hyunjin successfully secured a pair.
"You can't finish all this food by yourself," he said with squinted eyes then tore open the paper wrapper with his teeth.
You ignored him and started opening the lids, sending the mouth-watering smell wafting around the room. You slapped Hyunjin's hand as he went straight for the sliced meat.
You hissed, reminding him who had the right to eat it first since you bought it and doing so with a smirk on your face while he waited for you to finish, tugging the end of the chopsticks between his teeth.
"Can I have it now?" He asked.
Something about him reminded you of that naughty kid you knew in kindergarten, who liked to scare you by holding a caterpillar close to your face with a stick. He's annoying but in the most childish way and that was strange when you remembered that he came from hell.
"You were so cool yesterday," he said with a mouth full of rice but managed to put on a proud grin at you.
You continued eating but listened intently to what he said with stuffed cheeks.
"Breaking up with Minho," he continued.
"Oh wait, is it called breaking up even though you're not dating?"
You stabbed a piece of omelet with your chopsticks and ate it in one bite.
"I think you're the coolest when you..." he put down his chopstick and demonstrated how you slammed the resignation letter on your boss's desk.
"That's so badass!" He added in awe.
You couldn't remember the last time someone complimented you and how nice it feels, you didn't want to show him that so you suppressed your laugh by stuffing your mouth with more food.
"But winter isn't really a good time to quit your job you know," he continued, "I heard you spend more money during the winter because of gas, electricity..."
You blocked his chopsticks from taking more food and put them away, glaring at him.
He grinned at you with apologetic eyes, "I mean... why don't you get another job?"
"Why should I?" You simply asked.
He shrugged, "you have that thing called what... ambition or something like that."
"I'm not that ambitious," you said and it was true, you have enough from living day to day.
"If a painter dreams of having their paintings hung in the Louvre then a writer like you must have dreamed of seeing your writing somewhere, right?" He asked again.
It took you back to when you were in college and thinking of getting a job as a writer. You did the internship intending to fill in your resume and what happened years after that, let's say you were foolish enough for following a man and not your dream. You do have one and it is to write for the Daily K newspaper.
"I do," you answered.
He pointed his chopsticks at you, "Why don't you try to apply for a job there?"
You took a sip of water and thought why do you bother trying, it's a shot in the dark.
"I only have to live for a few more days anyway," you answered with a shrug.
"That's the point! You only have a few more days to live so you have nothing to lose, right?" He was talking but his eyes were looking at the last piece of meat and he knew that you noticed.
When you thought about it again then yes, you have nothing to lose. You can apply for a job and whether you got accepted or not, it wouldn't hurt since you'll be leaving the world forever.
You pushed the plate with the last piece of meat at him.
A smile rose on his face with his eyes formed two crescent moons.
How long was it since the last time you updated your resume? It was a long time ago that you couldn't remember it and you've been staring at your laptop screen, didn't know what to do with it.
"Shouldn't you be like... write something about yourself?" Hyunjin said, lying on the sofa and flicking the channels on the TV while you sat on the carpeted floor.
"Yeah sure, my bleak life story would make them hire me," you sneered and propped a hand under your chin, still trying to come up with something to write.
"Maybe all you need is a shot of courage!" Hyunjin said.
You looked over your shoulder but he was no longer on the sofa, he was there in the kitchen holding a bottle of tequila at you.
"No thanks!" You turned down his idea straight away and looked back at your laptop, still having no idea what to write. "Where did you find it though?"
He uncapped the bottle, "it was hidden under the sink," he said and poured himself a shot of tequila.
Ah, you remembered that's where you hide your alcohol just in case your mom is coming unannounced and doing an inspection around your place.
He hissed after taking a shot and looked at you, "you sure you don't want it?"
"To relax the nerves?" He persuaded you once more and shook the bottle at you, his red hair looking like a swaying flame under the fluorescent light.
It was really tempting and you really did need a shot of courage, "I can't do this sober anyway," you finally caved in.
Hyunjin brought the bottle and two shot glasses to the living room with a grin on his face. He initiated a toast, raising his shot glass in the air, and said, "To cursed life!"
You clank your drink with his and meekly repeated his words, "To cursed life!"
You were too confident in yourself and could handle the alcohol well since you had a big dinner earlier. Somehow, your brain worked after a few shots and your fingers started typing nonstop. When you were done, you read it out loud to Hyunjin and asked for his opinions.
"Booooooring!" He booed, stacking his hands together and putting his chin on top.
"You should write it how you would write an article for them," he said, his plush lips red and puckered.
"Can you even get drunk?"
He closed his eyes, then grinned, "No."
You scoffed and started writing again while Hyunjin refilled both of your glasses with more alcohol. He really is the goddamn devil that you couldn't keep track of how many shots you have taken. It was blurry from there, your fingers didn't feel like they were typing but you saw how the page slowly filled with words.
You remembered reading it to him after and he laughed. You didn't know what was so funny about all this but you laughed to the point that you almost spit your drink. You both huddled in front of your laptop together and drank more tequila straight from the bottle in turns.
"This is it!" He said.
"I don't know. This sounds... so..."
"Out of this world?"
You laughed.
"Send it!"
You moved the cursor to the send button.
Hyunjin brought his mouth close to your ear, "hit the send button!"
You shivered, "oh, the devil's whisper!"
"Hit it!" He said right into your ear, a little louder.
You pushed him away while giggling and covered your ears, "okay, okay!"
You squinted your eyes with your finger only an inch away from clicking, sending in your resume through an email.
When you opened your eyes, there was a pop-up notification that the email has been sent.
"Oh fuck!" You sighed and lay yourself down on the carpeted floor.
Hyunjin lay there next to you, "see? It's not that hard!"
You stared at the ceiling with your eyes started drooping, "I'm so tired."
"You should go to bed it's cold in here," Hyunjin nudged your shoulder with his.
But it felt comfortable and you could barely keep your eyes open anymore.
"I'm sleepy," you whined.
"It's cold!" He grumbled.
Without opening your eyes, you grabbed his arm and held it close. His body heat was enough to keep you warm.
"It's warm now," you slurred and started to slowly drift into sleep.
You woke up with a cold sweat and fumble to get off the bed, then reality hits you like a bucket of cold water.
"Fuck, I keep forgetting that I'm unemployed," you groaned and went back to sleep.
You woke up after a few more hours of sleep and ordered lunch right away. Ignoring the mess from last night, an empty bottle of tequila, the dirty dishes on the table, and your laptop died from running out of battery.
Your head was pounding but you knew that it was not the usual migraine, it was the hangover.
You took a shower next, trying to get rid of the alcohol stinks, and washed the hangover away.
You felt a little better in the afternoon but your stomach still felt a little sick. You opened the fridge to only groan at how empty it was except for the bottles of water and a half box of tangerines.
You rummaged through the box of your office stuff and found the paper bag Minho gave to you that day. There were boxes of different kinds of teas inside with the name of the tea and what it's good for written on each box.
Putting your pride aside and making yourself a cup of chamomile tea, the smell of it instantly relaxed you.
"Make a cup for me too!" Hyunjin said, lying on the sofa with his hands under his head.
"Make one yourself!" You said and took a small sip of your tea.
"I feel like dying here!" He whined while lying sideways on the sofa like he was posing for a photoshoot.
"No offense," he quickly added at the end of the sentence.
You took another sip and felt better already, or you suggested to your brain that it was working on you.
"None taken!" You plainly answered.
He got up from the sofa and stretched out his long arms, his red hair messy on the back, "what's for dinner?"
That reminded you to start looking at restaurant menus, went to your bedroom to get your phone, and saw two missed calls from Kim.
You were about to hit a call back when the doorbell rang.
"Is that the food?" Hyunjin asked from the living room.
You got out of the bedroom while holding your phone, "I haven't ordered yet," you answered.
You came to the door and opened it, got stunned at the person behind it.
He was the last person you wanted to see but there he was, standing in front of you, Minho.
"Can I come in?" He asked with a smile.
You let him in because it's basic etiquette, you wanted to be polite, nothing more than that.
Hyunjin was already gone when you got back inside but Minho saw the paper bag he gave you on the kitchen island.
"You were having tea?" He asked.
You didn't want to give him the satisfaction that you cherished the things he gifted for you but it was too late to hide it. You decided to play coy, "you want one?"
"Yes, please!"
You went behind the kitchen island and made him a cup of tea, doing it to ignore looking him in the eyes because you knew what those eyes can do to you.
You kept doing it when you served the steaming hot cup of tea to him.
"Thank you," he muttered but didn't take a seat on the chair.
You stood there next to the dining table, suddenly feeling like you were the one visiting his house and not the other way around.
"You are eventually going to look at me, aren't you?" He asked.
So he noticed that you've been trying to avoid them, you took a deep breath to finally look him in the eyes. There was a part of you that was glad of seeing him again and you hated yourself for it.
"I came here because I had to see you," he began, taking out the hands that has been deep inside his jeans pockets.
"Had to," he emphasized.
And that part has taken a bigger part of you the longer you stared into his eyes.
"I just don't understand this," you said.
You put your hand on the table for support as you felt like you were about to crumble down all over again.
"I mean... I was right there for years, remember?"
Even the soothing smell of the tea didn't work on relaxing you anymore.
"'This was a mistake' that's what you said to me once, that we weren't right for each other."
He looked a bit perplexed, lost in your words. "Well, I don't remember that," he innocently said.
Unlike you, he wouldn't remember saying that but you remembered how and when he said it, how those three words stuck with you ever since.
He took a step closer and placed a hand on yours, "I just know that I hated when you're gone."
He held your gaze before continuing to talk, "I kept looking at your desk at work and it was driving me crazy that I wasn't hearing from you."
He puts his forehead on yours and sighed in relief as he has just found a haven, "I don't want to lose you."
You were on the verge of plunging into another heartbreak but at the same time, couldn't say no to the thrill, "Oh... Minho," you said so hopelessly. And you hated yourself for letting him get to you, holding you by your neck, and winning your heart all over again.
"Come here," he held your face in your hands and leaned in, putting his lips on you, tearing down your guard like it was nothing but a mere warning sign.
Here you were, letting him take you to your bed and kiss all of your doubts away.
The shape of his body fits you perfectly as he lay there next to you and held you close, if this was a mistake then why it feels so right?
You pulled away to catch a breath and looked at him again to confirm that you weren't imagining it.
"I'm taking a long break at the end of the year," he said.
His hand splayed on your back with his thumb teasing the hem of your t-shirt, "I was thinking we can go on a trip together," he came up with the plan out of the blue.
"Somewhere warm with good food. Somewhere where I can see you wearing that red swimsuit I gave you," he added and pecked your lips. He once gave you a pair of swimsuits on your birthday since you planned on taking a summer vacation but the trip was canceled because your father got sick.
"What do you think?" He asked.
The invite came too suddenly and the end of the year was a month away, you only have a week in your life but sure, a trip with him, anywhere it is would be nice.
"It sounds great," you replied.
He puts a strand of hair away from your face before placing a gentle kiss.
"Do you mean that? I mean, are you free to do that?" You asked because you still couldn't process this, him coming and he made out with you on your bed, then asking you to come on a trip with him.
"Well, I came here to see you. I'm here now," he said and pecked your lips again.
You got a little uneasy from his vague answer and jerked your head back, "that didn't exactly answer my question."
You propped your elbow against the mattress and put a space between you and him, "does this mean you're not engaged anymore? I mean, you come here to tell me that, right?"
Minho sighed with his eyes closed and placed a hand on your shoulder, "I wish you could just accept knowing how confused I am about all this."
You shrugged his hand off your shoulder, "so you are still engaged?"
He took a second, "yes, but—"
"Oh my God!" You groaned and couldn't be faster to get off the bed, you stumbled to stand on your feet.
Minho fumbled to get up as well and sat on the edge of the bed.
"You were right about us... this was a mistake," you meekly said.
"You didn't mean that," he refused to believe you said that.
You raked your hair and tried to gather your thoughts, "I'm about three years late in telling you this but Minho, you broke my heart so many times."
You held yourself back from snapping at him by taking a deep breath, "and you acted like somehow it was my fault, my misunderstanding, and I was too in love with you to ever be mad at you. So I just punished myself for years!"
"No, I didn't—"
You didn't want to give him a chance to interrupt you so you kept going, "then you came here and told me that you don't want to lose me whilst you're still engaged to someone," you spat the fact right at his face.
It had been like that for years but that was the first time that everything became clear to you.
"It's over, Minho," you said.
He grabbed your hands and opened his mouth to speak.
You shook your head and let go of his hands, "I'm done being in love with you."
You went out of the bedroom and took his coat from the sofa, then walked to the threshold knowing that he'll follow you there.
"What's going into you?" Minho asked and it was his usual card trick that is playing the victim again.
"A realization that I've got a life to start living and you're not going to be in it, that's what got into me," you answered, handed him his coat, and opened the door for him.
He took a long, hard look at you with eyes that always work to soften your edges but it seemed like the magic has worn off.
You showed his way out with your hand and stared at him with hatred in your eyes.
There was an intense staring contest happening for a while until he reluctantly took his coat and stepped out of the door, turning around to see you for one last time.
Before he could say anything, you got ahead of him and said, "Goodbye!"
You shut the door right in his face, walked back to the living room, and lay down on the sofa. You planted your face into a cushion then screamed at the top of your lungs. You kept doing it until you ran out of breath and your throat burned dry.
"Fucking asshole," you cursed when you got up from the sofa, then started pacing around the house trying to burn the rage inside you.
"Shit! Fucking asshole! What a fucking jerk! Fuck! Argh!!!" You took the cushion and started squeezing it until it turned misshapen.
"Maybe you should make a new cup of tea!" Hyunjin said from the kitchen, leaning against the counter and sipping his tea.
"That goddamn tea!" You grumbled through your gritted teeth and shoved the tea back into the paper bag, throwing the whole thing into the trash bin.
"You can have mine then!" He offered.
You couldn't stay still, you kept pacing around with your hands balled into fists and ready to throw a punch if you have to, "argh... I have to—"
You have so much rage inside you but didn't know how to let it out, "I want to break things and scream and punch something without worrying my neighbors."
"Or maybe sit down and have a glass of water," Hyunjin suggested but doing it so calmly because he enjoyed the sight.
"I swear if I don't get it out, I'm going to fucking explode," you angrily told him with clenched jaws.
You got your coat and headed out of the door, walking aimlessly while carrying your rage inside your chest.
You ended up in a batting cage, you just wanted to tire yourself out with physical stuff and hope the rage would die down eventually.
You don't know how to play baseball but you kept batting the ball so hard and loud that it made a ringing sound and when the pitching machine stopped.
You turned at Hyunjin, "again!" You said, signaling him to put the coin into the machine.
You kept playing until there was no energy left in you and your palms were blistering from gripping the bat so hard and shaking since you didn't have dinner yet.
"Here!" Hyunjin said, handing you cold cans of beer.
You took them and held them in your hands to soothe the blisters, sighing at how good they felt.
Hyunjin opened a can for himself and started drinking, "feel better now?"
The exhaustion did work to make you forget that you were mad but it was still there, you could feel it in the pit of your stomach.
You opened a can in your hands and took a long gulp, gasping when you swallowed it all down.
"You know, he's the first and the only person I have had sex with," you blurted out.
You stared at the night sky and there was no stars or moon, only the vast darkness.
"And that's when he said it..."
You turned at Hyunjin and his red hair looking like cotton candy under the bright neon lights.
"This was a mistake," you enunciated the words one by one with a feeling like someone squeezed your heart dry when you said it.
"Since then I kept asking myself. Was it the sex? Was I not attractive enough? Was it my body? Was it me?" you rubbed your temple and sniffled, either from the cold or you were about to cry.
"A girl like me just couldn't forget such words," you said and took a small sip of your beer, you wiped the drop that escaped the corner of your mouth.
"I told him about it earlier and he said he couldn't remember saying that to me," you said in disbelief with creases on your forehead.
Tears just rolled down your cheeks like a bursting dam and you couldn't fight them but let them flood.
"How could I love such a man for three goddamn years?" You croaked and rested your forehead on Hyunjin's shoulder, closing your eyes and crying.
“I’m so fucking stupid,” you cursed yourself with a lot of regrets woven in your words.
Hyunjin put his arm around you and pulled you closer, letting you bury your head in his chest, helping you hide your sadness from the world. He kept quiet and calmly drank his beer, listening to your crying while sitting together on a bench outside a convenience store.
Your tears seeped into his clothes but in return, you felt the warmth of his embrace.
He let out a long sigh and said, "Amare et sapere vix deo conceditur."
He spoke Latin like he was a native and it sounded so beautiful coming out of his mouth, not to mention his gorgeous lips that are as red as his hair.
"Even God finds it hard to love and be wise at the same time," he translated it.
It was surprising that it was coming from him, the last person you ever wanted to hear words of comfort from yet here he was, resting his head against yours and kept shielding you from the cold, the heartbreak, and the world. 
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3:05 AM
Warnings: smut
Your eyes were half closed as you stared at yourself in the dance practice room mirror, your body covered in hickies and love bites as Hyunjin’s length was still buried up to the hilt inside of you. His lips were now assaulting your back, since your chest, neck, and stomach were already covered.
It’s the wee hours of the morning, the sun not even up. He had been going non stop since the members left earlier the evening before, now he held under your knees as you sat on his lap and was slowly thrusting. You watched him enter you slowly, his entire length burying itself inside of you before it pulled all the way out to the head and back in again.
“I love you, Y/N,” He whispered. “You’re so fucked out, all for me.”
His thrusts sped up and you moaned as you looked at your battered heat, your arousal soaking his length even more every time he pushed in. You weren’t sure how much more you could take of this, pressing your back closer to his body.
“I hope you don’t think we’ll be done soon.” He chuckled darkly into your ear, thrusting up particularly hard and making you gasp. “We still have awhile until the sun comes up.”
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