lunaetis · 8 months
@solivcgant asked :
🕯️ @ who is awake ouo
send me 🕯️ to hear my character's inner thoughts about your character. || no longer accepting
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─「アスナ」─  it was easy to overlook someone like him, or at least he wasn't the type to draw attention to himself from the very start. the thought crossed the female's mind one afternoon while they were out walking their dogs together. her hazel hues took in the sight of him attempting to make the STUBBORN SHIBA INU to listen to him. she remembered how he asked for tips on how she trained hers. he was determined, she could see that. it was adorable, actually.
                if one had asked her a few years back, she wouldn't think this would be where THEY arrive at. but, it was a kind of path that she found herself growing fond of. certainly better than the pained look on his face whenever he saw her hurting. the current present they're living in, and him, were what she treasured.
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                often he had a rather negative opinion when it comes to himself, and he placed little to no value to his own well-being. self-confidence issues, she would say, but asuna let out a soft smile at the thought. that was who he was, after all, and they were working on that. her eyes followed the way he attempted to pull the stubborn pup along with him, but being careful enough to not hurt the canine. heh, he was kind, wasn't he ? a SELFLESS MAN pretending to be selfish.
                she smiled adoringly before getting up to her feet and walked over to him.
                " need a hand, eiji-kun ? "
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flovverworks · 1 year
' if you look very closely, ' silkworms and mulberry leaves mere centimeters away from his shining gaze, ' aren't they rather cute? like children, fat and round and always hungry. ' yuyu laughs to himself, the speckling drizzle of it soft and mellifluous. ' there's surely a practitioner out there who can directly communicate with them, and tell each one of their spinning stories. after all, these are no ordinary silkworms. they're highly spiritual, precious gifts given to me by a good friend with a deep love for animals ... i'm confident that you and her would have gotten along well. her presence may be slight, but i'm always reminded of her benevolence, if not her skill. why don't i give you a few brocades, and you can set off into the woods to have something tailored for yourself? tell her it was i who sent for you. she may sigh a little, but despite it, i want to believe she'll be very happy deep down. '
They…don't want to.
They're fine.
But he looks so endearing they push those feelings to the side, and let the admiration for his passion take over. Eyes gazing at the tiny things, trying to view them from the lens of someone like him, who cared for and looked over them. Like any other pet owner loving their partner (there was people who kept bugs after all, they knew that), even if this doubled as his work. He spoke about them in the same way others spoke of their cats, and maybe, in their own bug-like way, they were kind of cute. Not in a way that'd have Akira cooing and gushing or lean close to them, but...in some way.
And lose their gaze on them they do, once he speaks of stories and spirituality. Like magic...is not a comment they'd speak out loud, but there's a nostalgic reminisce to their heartbeat. If these small creatures could tell their story, what would it contain? What would it say? Love, hate, happiness, sadness, friends, family, life, death; what did it all look like, the tale of each of his beloved silkworms.
They want to ask if it's possible if he'll meet such a person one day, if he can tell them all about it, but one amazing thing turns into another. He's too kind. Much, much too kind, and they find themself at a loss for words. They couldn't accept such a gift, something so special, but it's presented as casually as if they're given a cup of tea. There's silkworms. Adored silkworms that are fat and round and always hungry and Akira's so touched they could cry. It's possible it's just any other every-day suggestion, but to Akira it's not.
"I..." they start, collecting their thoughts and looking at the silkworms. If they were to tell their story right now, it'd surely be one of love. Burning brightly and intensely, much more so than the feeling in their own heart, cared for so unconditionally. "I want to go...I would really like to meet her", someone he had confidence they'd get along with, someone he treasured, "and I'm very, very happy, but I can't accept something so precious...instead, next time you go to see her, please call on me. I'd love to accompany you."
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missholoska · 3 years
Would the Winter alarm clock events from Undertale's 5th anniversary happen in Underswap MH? If so, would anything change or would the events be the same?
genuinely bewildered at how you managed to send this at the exact point in time I happened to be reading through those again today, but I can't complain about perfect timing :'D
some things would be a little different, but I'd lean towards keeping most characters' dialogue intact rather than just swapping them to their role equivalents. I thought all of these up on the spot, but:
all of UT Toriel's dialogue works for Orchid, including wanting to knit personalised clothes for her friends and especially the cold hands bit because Neptune is an evil little chaos man when he wants to be
I think I'd keep Napstabot having a smaller section like UT Blooky - they'd enjoy the quiet of winter and I can definitely see them still liking getting buried in a snowbank when they want some peace from their fans (although Sci-Fi wouldn't be pleased when the cold and snow messes up their circuits). they could also talk about how they like making festive/winter-themed music :>
Noodle would still be the host of the winter party, but he'd have been more stressed about setting it up, so Neptune's dialogue would also be very similar to UT Sans going on about being proud of Papyrus.
Neptune still falls asleep at the end of the party and Noodle lets him have a nice dream ;u;
most of Alphys' dialogue would still work aside from Mettaton being her space heater, but Axe would likely get a heater of some sort anyway. she'd still get Mew Mew-themed earmuffs for Sci-Fi, and probably be more into singing with drunk Orchid than UT Alphys was with Toriel ahah
Mettaton's dialogue was a chaotic mess, but the first part could be replaced with Glamour advertising snail-themed ornaments. which may or may not just be actual live snails with pretty decorated shells. then he gives a PSA about how a snail is for life not just for the holidays
Glamour and Maddy the Dummy would still have a dramatic fight about ghost juice. Napstabot can't even taste ghost juice anymore. they're still having a chainsaw fight over the best flavours anyway
Undyne's snow hockey story is perfect as-is and I don't dare change a single thing (aside from slight personality tweaks where needed)
Tem-K would obviously have to replace Flowey, and unfortunately despite how cute it'd be, I can't see Neptune giving her a matching blue scarf/ribbon like UT Papyrus did for Flowey :'''> not until many years post-pacifist when they're on slightly friendlier terms, anyway.
Flowey's part about Toriel's depression in the Ruins would mostly still fit Orchid more than Dandelion, so Tem-K would probably say similar things about her, except in classic Tem-speak.
also I'd keep Chara's habit of efficiently filling water glasses for Charity's characterisation rather than swap it, so Tem-K would imitate some other habit of Fate's as a way of subtly caring for Orchid. not sure what exactly but my first thought is leaving her a Monster Candy, maybe??
I'd add in a small section for Sage where he talks about what he wants this year because the tragic boy deserves that red bike with a golden basket in at least one universe
since Rudy is alive in Swap MH, Asgore's reminiscing about Rudy's life wouldn't apply here. could definitely be replaced with Dandelion talking about getting to know his new friend Rudolph, though :3c
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zangyo · 3 years
@swordrisen​​ said (inbox):
[ teen years ] ❛❛ Your grandparents are so cute ! They must have been happy. ❜❜ A lean of frame , closer to the framed photo ; he must have taken a great deal from his grandfather. Eyes shifting to Kento , she takes a moment to quietly stare ( faintly wondering if perhaps that half warm , half pale hair color was inherited from his grandfather. ) A turn back to the photo , she places her hands before herself ( tightly grasping them before she bows ; a very deep bow , eyes closing. ) She remains within this form for a moment before straightening her back. ❛❛ It's a pleasure to meet you. I am Koto Unkaku , a friend of your grandson. ❜❜ Dialect & modern speak switched , she opts for a very traditional & formal tongue ( in order to show respect. ) ❛❛ Allow me to express my utmost gratitude for you two meeting , which eventually resulted in the birth of Kento. ❜❜ 
Finger tips reach out , tenderly placing 'pon his arm. ❛❛ You see , your grandson is a very precious person. He's diligent , although just between you & me , he's only diligent so the day will get by faster & he can play games. ❜❜ A soft , tender kind of laughter ( finger tips slipping down to grasp his own , holding tight. ) ❛❛ But , he is also a kind person. He has such a big heart that sometimes it makes me wanna cry. He's a little too kind but , don't worry. ❜❜ A soft tug of his palm , grasping it closer to herself. ❛❛ I'll protect him with every last bit of my power. I'm sure there will days we fight & bicker , days he won't want to see me because I said something dumb & days I won't want to see him because he said something stupid too but , I promise you. I'll protect your grandson , so please rest easy. Heartbreakingly , he stuck with this me. ❜❜ 
She pauses , finger tips tightening once again. ❛❛ But , if there comes a day he needs to hear your voices to set him on the right path , please talk to him. If you can't speak , then please push him forward. He'll know , he loves you both , after all. Thank you for listening to my longwinded speech. I'm a bit of a talker sometimes. ❜❜ Another laughter , just as warm & yet , this time , she turns to him after giving another deep bow to the photo. Footfalls forward & bent , she steadies herself 'pon the edges of feet , limbs slipping around his frame. Palm gently stroking at his back , head resting 'pon his shoulder. ❛❛ One day , when everything is over , maybe you should move to Denmark & open a bakery. I think it'd suit you. ❜❜ She can see it already , a place decorated in soft flowers & warm scents , coffee lingering with bread. A place where people would come to laugh & relax. It would be a wonderful dream. ❛❛ Maybe , if it's okay , I'll come & visit. ❜❜ How strange , she's never thought of a future for herself without fighting but , it sounds pleasant now that it's pulled from her tongue ; visiting him in a new land , eating all his food , asking him to show her about ( it sounds warm. )
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     SOMETIMES IT WAS WEIRD that Koto was so interested in the smallest things about Nanami. Hibara was the same, of course. Constantly curious, constantly wanting to learn, but he was used to him doing this. It was Hibara, after all – his partner on missions, the only other first-year in their class. Was that not a given that they would want to learn more about Nanami in that case? Koto, however, despite them both being sorcerers in the same year, was still from one of the sister schools. He had thought that they would bump into one another a few times, work together if necessary, compete in that little competition that their schools liked to prepare for, and then go their separate ways. How wrong Nanami had been. ❝Don’t let my grandmother hear you say that. You’ll make her blush.❞ He had made to continue onwards towards the front door, but he paused when Koto began to speak. Not to him. To his grandfather.
     Brows rose with surprise, mouth partially agape as he stared and listened. The things she said and the touch to his arm, to an extent, made him feel sheepish and slightly flustered; however, he didn’t interrupt her. As embarrassing as it was, it would have been rude for him to say anything in this instance. Out of respect, he held his tongue…for now at least. Nanami had already known that Koto cared about his well-being (and him hers), though to hear it all spoken just solidified that fact. When she was finished, his eyes drifted to his grandfather’s smiling face, Nanami’s expression once more unreadable. ❝He would have liked you.❞ Koto’s liveliness and manners would have had him grinning with amusement as he spoke, accent heavy in his Japanese. The feeling of her head resting upon his shoulder and arms wrapping around him was one he was used to, any discomfort he might have felt a long time ago having someone in his space long since gone.
     ❝Opening a bakery, huh?❞ He trailed off, a slight huff passing his lips as they turned into the slightest smile. ❝You’d like that, I bet. Probably eat everything to the point I’d have to close the shop down.❞ You know, when she mentioned it, it would be nice to do something like that. Places like that made people happy, himself included, and thus with that in mind, it was a good way to live even if one didn't make a lot of money doing it. He had always wanted to travel to Denmark too if only to see what his grandfather’s homeland was like firsthand. The old man had always been happily reminiscing about the sights he had seen, going on about his favorite places and anything else that came to mind that it had all made Nanami's curiosity grow each time. So, maybe sometime in the future, maybe...
     Goodbye for now, Grandpa.
    ❝C’mon. Better head back.❞
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