#SNJ Writing Commissions
subukunojess · 5 years
SNJ’s Writing Commissions Summer 2019
This is my first time doing this, let alone having a PayPal. I want to try opening up writing commissions not only to earn cash for myself and to help out my mom, but also to get some experience both career and writing-wise. Plus my mom always said that I should be paid for writing online. Since this is my first time, this might be a little similar to other writing commissions and things might change later on depending on how things go. Without further ado, here we go.
$1 per 100 words generally applies Drabbles- $5 for 500+ words below 1,000 One Shot Stories- $10 per 1000 words, $5 every 500 words Two Shots- Double the price for double the work (Ex. You paid me $20 for 2000 words, you have to pay me another $20 for the second part)
- Archive Of Our Own - Writing Tumblr Tags One and Two - Ask me directly for specific examples
- I would prefer contacting me directly through Discord if possible. If not, there are other alternatives. - I have accounts on:   - AO3   - FanFiction (PM)   - Tumblr (DM)   - DeviantArt (Notes)
Rules and Payment
- Here is the process: 1) You contact me with what you would like and we will both discuss it in detail such as the specifics, what type, the length, etc. 2) I will give you ONE sample paragraph and/or dialogue before we proceed so that we are both on the same page and that it's the type of story you are looking for. 3) You pay me via PayPal in any currency and upfront please! The email associated with my PayPal is [email protected] 4) I will begin immediately or as soon as I can depending on real life circumstances. 5) In order to provide my best work for you, I will take my time with my writing. I have a life outside of my computer and I am a full-time college student at the moment. There will be delays in my work, so please do not rush me. Generally, I will allow myself at least one month (or two depending on the commission) to write the commission. If there are any delays, I will contact you. 6) Once completed, I will post my commission in all four of my creative accounts unless you specify that I only do it in one. 
- Things to note: 1) I have the right to decline any commission if it's uncomfortable for me. Usually, I am an open person. However due to personal reasons, there are things I really cannot do. Please do not pressure me into doing something I do not wish to do. Other than that, please ask me if it's okay and we can discuss. 2) Please respect my time, limits, prices, and myself as a person. I value myself as a writer who wants to earn my craft. 3) As of right now until I could get this commissions to work for me, you would have to pay for the word range. This is going to be the first time I will do a story based on word count. Normally, I will let the story unfold itself, then when it is completed, I will count the words. However, I want to work on word limits. This is one of the reasons in advance that I was to discuss the commission in full detail in order to determine what type of work it is. For you, the customer, I will do my best to get to the word limit you request. For example, if you paid me $20 for a 2,000 word story, I will do my best to get within that range. I won't be a stickler if let's say I wrote 1,999 words or 2,015 and be like "You owe me 15 cents!" 4) If anything should arise, I will contact you. You can also check with me to learn of any progress, but please do not pester me. 5) Since this is my first time for commissions, I cannot do private ones yet. However, you have the option of posting the commission anonymously (ie. Permission to post it, but do not include your username). 6) No refunds for work. Another reason why I want to discuss what you want and what I can do in advance to payment. If there is anything important for the commission or if I have any questions regarding it, that is the chance that we could discuss your commission directly. Ultimately, I will start and finish the work I was asked to create. If there's anything wrong that I didn't catch once I post the commission, please let me know and I'll do my best to alter or rewrite the content.
Now for the fun part, What I have to offer!
Types of Stories:
- Canon: Canon characters from different franchises/fandoms. (If I'm not familiar/not too familiar with it, please provide information and I will decide whether I can do that fandom or not.) - OC content: Please provide plenty of information so I can write them as in character as possible. I will let you know if I don't have enough information or if the character doesn't fit for me - Improvised: This is usually for made up scenarios such as G/T and other items of the like. I (and possibly you as well) make up a character(s) for the provided scenario.
Some Fandoms I Can Write For:
Nightmare Before Christmas
Little Shop of Horrors
The Guy Who Didn’t Like Musicals
OK KO: Let's Be Heroes
Bendy And The Ink Machine
Victor and Valentino
Gravity Falls
(Just ask for a fandom and I will let you know where I stand on it!)
Will Do/Won't Do (In General):
Will Do: - Fluff, angst, adventure, romance, horror, slice of life, any genre. Ask if unsure! - Anthros, Gijinkas, Ferals, Humans, Monsters, etc. - Crossovers (Please ask me and we will discuss if it's the right fit for me) - Dark topics and themes (Death, abuse, blood, gore, violence. Please ask first). - Giant/Tiny content - If you know me or if you are curious, please ask me for certain themes
Won't Do: - Rape - Incest - NSFW sexual content (I will allow flirting and hints, but nothing past that!) - Underage NSFW content
The list will be added on later. Ultimately, please just ask me and I will tell you if I can do it or not.
I will open three slots for now to get started. Depending on how things go, I might open up more slots:
1) 2) 3)
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