betasuppe · 2 years
(Same anon from yesterday that said Ram was baby.)
I thought they were going to revive him somehow, too! I kept waiting for there to be a moment where they stumble across Ram’s data somewhere and bring him back while looking for Tron after they think he’d died. I feel robbed.
Do you know what we should have gotten? We should have gotten resistance fighters Yori and Ram, fighting against Clu and looking for ways to either get Tron back from under his control, or for Flynn’s location. Or they could already be working with Flynn to keep him in the loop about Clu’s plans! No one can tell me Yori wouldn’t have adored Quorra! Why didn’t we get this!? OR WHAT ABOUT CORRUPTED YORI AS ONE OF THE SIRENS THAT DRESSES SAM IN THE ARMORY?! Double agent Ram with a new name, working in Castor’s bar and helping to keep Flynn and Quorra safe! I have so many people to bite for not giving us any of this.
We were cheated out of Grid Ram and Grid Yori and I am MAD about it!
-Ram anon
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Ram anon, I feel equal parts very glad you must've seen my message before I deleted it for being to rambly, but also part embaressed as hell for doing so in the first place at that! x000000
But yes YES you & I are on the same wavelength! I was so hopeful we'd see copy/transferred versions of Ram & Yori both appear in Uprising or Legacy & it's still such a huge L that they never brought either of these beautiful programs back into the fray 😭😭😭
Like god damn, just imagining them as secret agents working undercover in Flynn's name as two of his closest allies during the fight against the MCP. Why did we not get this, I seriously do not understand!!!! By all means, Tron should've convinced Flynn to rezz Ram back to life & transfer him & Yori over because also????
Tron leaving his beloved behind???? Even if he's a copy or a clone, I don't care!!! Yori meant the world to him & it still kills me that they were otherwise completely forgotten.
But listen, for you & when I get some free time lol, I'm drawing both Grid Ram & Yori hugging the hell out of Rinzler, whether he likes it or not [hint: he doooooo...]. Because this is a hill I've been standing on for years & I will GLADLY join side by side with you in making it our own canon 😤😤😤😤😤
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