booperbeanv3 · 2 years
overly emotional drv3 angst rant time. even though the fandom was actual hot garbage and gave me severe mental problems for a solid 8 months i genuinely do believe both characters and concepts could have been so so good
it gen maddens me like a battle royale murder mystery AND social sim is a gret concept and that’s why everyone likes dr in the first place but it’s NEVER been for the lore or even the gore. which is disappointing. bc the most fucked up thing ppl usually remember are the pedobait shills in udg
i dont care about thh or sdr2 even though they have more iconic characters and themes [thh is best in lore and setting ground down, sdr2 has best setting and Nagito Komaeda while drv3 has the best character roundup] [i never watched the anime or read the extra content since nobody but 5 komahina fans care bout them anyway]
maybe this is because of my recent dive into edgy territory but i think going for a more distrust-style approach would’ve been so good. there’s no such thing as “too violent” when your game’s m17 [well i guess you wouldn’t wanna be r18 but i doubt that’d come unless you showed hole]
having a mainstream gore game would’ve been fun... too bad the existing dr fanbase consists of children arguing about whether a flashy male is “gay coded” for saying saying maybe two slang words or if it’s a CRIMINAL OFFENCE to like a guy who said a homophobic slur in japanese [that was corrected in the localisation mind you] because japan finds regressive culture totes hilare
WHAT IS MY POINT. i fucking hate the community i’m shaking everyone to death
i gotta replay the games because actually i sped through the whole fandom without paying a lick of attention. they’re in my steam library but i never touched em. i never finished thh since ch5 annoyed me to hell and back and i never returned. it might annoy me too much though since i believe one of dangan’s MAJOR flaws is that it has too many characters
in sdr2 and v3 if your fave died before ch4 then you are deemed irrelevant forever and only your niche fans will care
and yet still nobody gives a shit about himiko yumeno. such is life
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