#SO. intellectually i Know there are seven. but to my brain. it still classifies that group of Orbs as Six.
blaiddraws · 2 years
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living inside someone's house is one thing but reading their personal journal on top of that is just too much 😔
(also. beard.... he is not a fan.)
ANYWAY DON'T ASK HOW LONG THOSE POKEBALLS TOOK DON'T ASK (i drew them like three separate times because my hand was shaking too much and i forgot i had stroke smoothening settings. until i finished them. so i-- yeah anyway.)
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dontshootmespence · 6 years
Supernatural AU: Episode 4 - Devoid
Part 2
It took a full two days of little food, few stops for gas and even less sleep for them to make it to Hardin, Montana. “Cops, nap, research,” Dean said, pulling off the exit ramp. 
“No, research, cops, nap,” Bobbie replied. They needed to get ahead of whatever this was.
Sam barely even opened his eyes in the backseat, but he was insistent. “Both wrong. We’re all about to pass out. Let’s grab a motel room and power nap for 30 or 40 minutes, then we can go to the cops and gather the information we need so the research we do doesn’t get influenced in any way. It makes the most sense…and I’m too tired for this shit.”
She wanted to fight it, but Sam was right. They were all exhausted – physically and emotionally. No matter how mad she was at their father, if he felt there was a job here, there probably was – and she wanted to get to it. But they’d booked it here so fast that the need for sleep was outweighing everything else, so the second Dean saw a motel in Hardin he pulled into a parking lot, they gave their fake credit cards in for a room and crapped out. It was nearly an hour and a half later than Bobbie woke up in a cold sweat.
She screamed so loud that Sam and Dean shot up from the bed and the couch. “What the hell was that?” Sam asked.
Dean replied while his sister tried to catch a breath. “Nightmare. She always has one of two. One is about the night mom died and the other she won’t tell me.”
Sam glanced her way expectantly. “You always tell us you want us to be open about this kind of shit and then you keep that inside?”
Bobbie wiped her forehead, the sweat cool to the touch and clammy. “I’ll make you a deal, Sammy. You tell me what’s been keeping you up at night lately, and give me more than ‘nightmares about Jessica’ and I’ll give you a peek into my fucked up brain.”
Without missing a beat, Sam spat out that he blamed himself for what happened with Jess – not that he could’ve stopped it considering they didn’t know what it was – but he did have the dreams and said nothing and had accompanied Dean and herself, leaving Jessica all alone. “It was not your fault and you know it.”
“And undoubtedly whatever is going on in your head isn’t your fault either, but you’re blaming yourself, huh?” Sam was determined to get something out of her, even though opening himself up so candidly had taken even him off guard. “So what are you blaming yourself for Bobbie?”
“Nothing,” she replied, grabbing a glass of water and gulping it down in three or four big sips. “Yet. The other dream I have, besides Mom, is always about you two.”
“What?” Dean’s head left his hands and turned toward her. “What about us?”
“It’s always the same. I’m not getting deep into it now because we have work to do, but it always involves you two fighting in the Impala, me mediating and then you Dean, crashing the car. It spins out and we all end up in a lake. You’re both stuck in your seatbelts and I can’t get you out. I live. You die. There’s a voice telling me ‘it’s all your fault, you’ve failed me’ and then I wake up,” she said quickly, her voice shaking with each word. She didn’t want to recount this again. She didn’t want to think about it. With her eyes open, neither Dean nor Sammy could reach out for her as they took their last breath – not if she had anything to say about it. “Let’s get going, okay?”
“Bobbie, you have to-“ Sam started, but she cut him off with the flick of her hand.
“There’s nothing I can do about it, so let’s stop talking about it and focus on some people that need our help.”
Dean wasn’t about to let it go and neither was Sam, but they knew better than to test her right now.  “Okay, let’s go.”
After introducing themselves to the local police as Agents Acer, Vanir and Laird, Dean asked Chief Goldstein if he could tell them anything about the child suicides in the area. “Anything you can tell us would be helpful.”
“Is this even in your jurisdiction?” He asked.
“Believe it or not yes,” Sam replied quickly. “The FBI sometimes conducts what we call an equivocal death investigation, which basically means the case has lingering questions. We can end up classifying the deaths as homicides, suicides, natural causes, accidents or something unknown. This fits that perfectly considering the kids were all so young and so well adjusted.”
With his question answered, Goldstein pulled out the files on the three children that had died over the course of the past six weeks. “Mia Thomas was seven and drowned in a lake. Her parents claim she was a fantastic swimmer. Nathan Cope was eight years old and found hanging in his closet and Otis Wickens jumped out the window of his doctor’s office building.”
Sam shivered at the image of the latest child jumping out of a building. What could possibly have been so horrible that he would not only take his life, but take it in such a way?
“And none of them had any issues at school? No bullies? Family life okay?” Bobbie questioned. The most likely reason for child suicide would’ve been bullying if she had to put money on it. Either that or issues at home. If it wasn’t that, something supernatural was her next best guess. “Nothing out of the ordinary?”
He repeated himself, saying nothing was wrong with any of the children. Otis had gone first, he was also eight. Nathan next and Mia last. “Otis and Nathan were in the same class,” he said. “So maybe you want to start there.”
“Okay, thanks Chief,” Dean said. “We’ll keep you updated.”
Outside the station, Bobbie, Dean and Sam decided to head over to the Wickens’ house first to see if they could interview the grieving parents. The loss of a child had to be the scariest thing Bobbie could think of. “So what do we think this is?” Sam asked. “If it is something supernatural.”
“Maybe a witch,” Dean said. “The parents are being targeted by way of their kids.”
Bobbie was off in her own world in Baby’s passenger seat. “Possibly, but wouldn’t a witch make it look like an accident or natural so it wouldn’t raise any questions?”
“Could be a dumb witch?” Dean replied, grasping at straws. “The fact that it’s suicide is what you’re hung up on, right?”
“Yea, it’s just…” Her head was pounding, flashes from her ever-present nightmare sporadically running in and out of her brain. “Something’s up.”
Stepping up to the Wickens’ home was like stepping toward an open grave. At a closed grave, someone could leave flowers, say a few words, apologize for wrongdoings if there were anyway, but the death was done, smoothed over like the grass that grew on the ground above. At an open grave, death wasn’t real yet, it was like there was still a ray of hope in the air, but a ray of hope that could never actually be fulfilled. It was still too raw to be fully comprehended. It was a ray of hope purely for the sake of pain. The family’s next door neighbors, the entire street seemed like it was at a standstill so that the Wickens could grieve and eventually shovel the dirt into the grave, allowing them all to ‘get back to normal.’ “Let me,” Bobbie said, knocking lightly on the door. “Mr. and Mrs. Wickens? I’m Agent Acer, these are Vanir and Laird. We’re from the FBI.”
“You’re here about Otis?” His mother said, a tear falling from the corner of her eye. “Do we have to go over this again?”
Bobbie was about to reply when Dean chimed in. “Mrs. Wickens, we’re here because the same thing happened to two other children in the area. We’re trying to see if there’s a connection.” His voice was soft and Bobbie could see that he was looking at her in his periphery. “There might be something that could explain why things happened the way they did. Give you some kind of relief.”
A hint of gratitude could be seen, but nothing would bring back her child and that was all she wanted. “I don’t think that’s possible. But please, come in.”
Mr. Wickens came to join her on the couch, fingers intertwined and clinging to each other like they were alone in an open sea. “Can you tell us exactly what happened?” Sam started. “Not at the doctor’s office,” he clarified. “Beforehand. How did his personality change? When did it change?”
“Otis was the happiest boy in the world,” Mr. Wickens began. “He loved soccer and science. Was convinced he was going to be the world’s first professional soccer playing scientist when he got older so he could do it all and then his mood turned sour.”
“When?” Dean asked.
“About three weeks ago?”
Over the next three weeks Otis got worse and worse until that day at the doctor’s office. “Did anything out of the ordinary happen around the time the mood change happened?” Bobbie asked, catching a glimpse of a picture of the happy family and hating how anyone, any deity, could let something so awful happen to another.
“For a couple of weeks he had nightmares,” his father answered. “About a fire in the house. He never really had nightmares, but that was it in terms of anything out of the ordinary.”
They asked a few more questions, getting it from the source that nothing was happening in school or at home. Brian and Tina Wickens were happily married. They’d had no issues at either of their jobs, so money was secure and Otis had been excelling in school, both intellectually and socially. “Thank you, Mr. and Mrs. Wickens,” Sam said before they made their way out.
Back in the Impala, Dean asked if they had any ideas. “Because I’m more confused than ever.”
“Me too,” Sam replied.
Bobbie had no idea either. “We still have too little information. Let’s interview the Thomas’ and the Cope family first.”
Back at the room later that night, the three siblings poured over the information they had. “All three kids were popular, smart, happy kids, their moods went south and then they ended it all,” Dean said exasperatedly as he paced the floor in front of the two beds. It was taking everything in him not to grab another beer, but he needed to think straight right now. “At seven and eight years old. It doesn’t make any sense.”
“What if this isn’t supernatural?” Sam asked.
Of course it was a possibility, but what else could it be? “It’s not homicide because none of them had any other DNA on them other then their own,” Bobbie started, glancing at the papers that Sam had been able to find by hacking the county’s medical system. “The Thomas girl’s drowning could be considered an accident, save for the fact that the parents insist she was a great swimmer. But accidents wouldn’t account for either of the boys’ deaths, because the manners in which they died were far too deliberate. Natural causes could mean it’s some kind of medical issue, but if that were the case, it’s pretty likely that more children would be affected. That leaves us with suicide and unknown cause of death.”
Sam shook his head, his hands clasped in front of his face. “So either, these kids were hiding feelings so tortured that there parents didn’t know and then suffered alone until they killed themselves, or it’s something supernatural that causes suicidal thoughts?”
Dean and Bobbie nodded sadly. Silence hung in the air for a moment until Sam’s eyes went wide. “Wait…”
“What is it?” Dean watched his brother sprint across the room to the bag that held John’s journal. “You think Dad has the answer in there?”
“Possibly,” he said, licking the tips of his fingers as he quickly flipped through the pages. “Here! ‘Bobby and Rufus came across one once apparently, but I still never have. I’m glad I haven’t because I’m not positive I’d know how to kill it.’”
When he turned the journal toward them, the older Winchesters saw a picture of a chimera-looking thing – a monster made up of various animals’ body parts. “A chimera?” Dean asked.
Sam shook his head. “Kind of, but not exactly. A Baku.”
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The Seven + their Hogwarts houses? Perhaps some Percabeth/Jasiper in the mix?
Considering I spend a lot of time conspiring where these guys would be house-wise, I have to go for it. You can disagree with me if you’d like some aren’t totally set in stone, but some are (for me, anyway).
House Parties (Rated K+)
I can’t take the blame for the vigorous debate that’s buzzing all through camp, not this time anyway. A lot of controversy has surrounded me since I showed up 6 years ago. Actually, my existence itself is considered a controversy. So, I know what it’s like to be the black sheep and have everyone arguing over you. It’s kinda been my life for a while. 
This time? Not my fault, because all of you know by now that I’m not the kind of guy that starts a book club, let alone an entire discourse on a particular book. 
Before you ask, no, Annabeth isn’t responsible here either. I’m not just saying that because she’s my girlfriend and she’ll get mad that I documented my blaming her in physical writing for all of you to read. It’s really not her fault this time. 
This? The wildfire that has metaphorically and physically ignited across the campground? That is the fault of one Leo Valdez. Ironically, he didn’t start the physical fire, even though he totally could. That was Clarisse, but I’ll get into that later. 
It all started when Leo was talking about how the camp library had Greek editions of the Harry Potter books, which were popular to pretty much everyone in our age range. Grover compares me to Harry all the freaking time, which can be annoying, but I’ll admit, the parallels exist. I know the Stoll brothers get prank ideas from the twins in those books (which is pretty unfortunate for the rest of us). Get Annabeth talking about the differences between the books and the movies and you have an entire evening’s worth of conversation dedicated to solely that. It’s mostly one-sided, but I like to watch her get all heated and passionate about a subject. Her cheeks flush and her chest heaves from breathing- sorry, easily distracted. 
“Man, this Hogwarts place sounds awesome.” He said as we all lounged in a clump on the beach. 
After everything we’ve been through, you can’t blame us for all hanging out together. No one understands the experiences we’ve endured except each other and we take comfort in that. We all practically laid on top of each other. 
“I’ve never read them.” I said. 
Piper lifted her head from where she’d been laying across Jason’s lap. “The shame!”
“That’s what I said!” Annabeth looked back at me from her position between my legs. 
“I’ve been a little busy with the world almost ending twice.”
“Newsflash, Seaweed Brain, I was there alongside you practically every step of the way. And I still reread the series.”
“Well, you’re a nerd.” I poked her sides so she squirmed. 
“Harry Potter is not nerdy. It’s super mainstream.” Jason said. “Even I’ve read them.”
“It’s my first time reading them.” Leo said. “And I’m digging every second.”
“They actually didn’t have Harry Potter at Camp Jupiter.” Hazel said. She was building a sandcastle and I was super tempted to fill the moat she was making with actual water.
“So, you’ve never read it either.” I said.
“No, I have. It just took me a really long time with the dyslexia.” She shrugged.
“See, Percy? And she’s from the 1930′s.” Piper said.
I stuck my tongue out at her.
“What house do you guys think you’d be in?” Frank asked.
I knew this much about the series. Annabeth talked about it enough for some of it to sink into my thick skull. Grover and Juniper did a couple’s reading of it (I didn’t know that was a thing) and he IM’ed me a couple of times about their reading pace. I made him swear on the River Styx to never give this idea to Annabeth. 
“I’d be a Gryffindor.” He said confidently.
Piper rolled her eyes. “Literally everyone says that.”
“But I’m brave.”
“We could all easily be classified as brave.” Frank said. “There’s more to it than that.”
He sighed and counted on his fingers. “I’d say I’m passionate, trusting, stubborn, honest, and blunt.”
“But you’re also cunning, adaptable, bold, and charming.” Piper said. “And those are all traits of a Slytherin.”
He scrunched his face up. “I don’t want to be them! They’re all doom and gloom. Save that for the son of Hades.”
“Not all Slytherins are bad. Most are good.” Hazel objected. “I think I’m one, after all. That, or Gryffindor, actually.”
“Agreed.” Annabeth said. “I’m a Ravenclaw.”
“Well, duh.” Piper laughed. “If you’d said anything else, I’d call you delusional.”
“That’s the brainy house, right?” I asked.
“It’s more about wisdom, wit, and curiosity, but there are intellectual components involved.” She said.
“So… Yes.”
She nudged me in the ribs, but I wrapped my arms around her waist to pull her closer. “All right, Wise Girl, I know you’re dying to analyze me to death and pick which house I’d be in.”
“Sad to say you two would be split up, house-wise.” Jason chuckled and wrapped his arm around Piper. “Whereas, Pipes and I would both be Gryffindors.”
“I could definitely see myself in Slytherin too, though.” She pointed out. “The way I use my charmspeak is definitely cunning and using my own abilities/devices to manipulate others is definitely ambitious enough to be considered Slytherin material.”
“Percy and I would do fine as a Ravenclaw and Hufflepuff power couple. We might even both make prefect status.”
“Hufflepuff?” I said. “Why do I have to be in the house that sounds like a Dr. Seuss character?”
“Sounds like Snuffaluffagus to me.” Frank said. “If it helps, I’d probably be Hufflepuff too.”
“See? You’d have a friend.” Piper smirked.
“He’s a Hufflepuff. They make friends super easily.” Annabeth turned to me. “Which you do, by the way.”
“Yeah, but I’m also all of the things Leo said too! And I’m funny.”
“Every house is funny in their own way.” Jason said. “That’s meaningless.”
“Plus, I didn’t realize you were funny.” Leo said. “Like, at all.”
“I’m funny!” I protested.
“I think you’re funny.” Hazel shrugged. “I mean, I can’t always get the humor, but I’m going to chalk that up to time period differences.”
I groaned. Annabeth kissed me on the cheek. “Look at it this way, Seaweed Brain: loyalty and dependability are like your trademark qualities. Bravery, yes, but your fatal flaw is literally the embodiment of the Hufflepuff house.”
It was tough to argue with that. For one thing, I didn’t know enough about any of this to actually come up with some good points of my own. Second, she leaned back so her head was resting against my shoulder and the fresh smell of her shampoo made it hard for me to concentrate on much else.
Leo fell backwards into the sand, book clutched to his chest. Look, I know reading is a popular past-time, but I found it really hard to believe any book could do that.
Frank, on the other hand, did not share this sentiment with me.
“Did you get to the ending?”
“Yeah.” Leo said.
I’d seen the movies before, because I’m not an animal, so I finally felt engaged in the conversation at hand.
“Dumbledorf dying?” I asked and Leo shot up to his feet faster than a jack rabbit. The guy looked like he was ready to murder me and cry all in one go. Everyone gasped and I could feel Annabeth putting some distance between us so she could properly glare at me. I honestly had no idea what I’d did wrong. They all wanted Harry Potter discourse and this was what they got. All I did was try and talk about the book.
“Come on, man!” Jason sighed. 
“Does that not happen? Is he not killed by Snake or whatever his name is?”
“Leo, cover your ears and go finish the series away from this moron.” Piper said.
“Um, did I say his name wrong or something?” I asked, growing very nervous about the way they were all looking at me. Did I have a poisonous spider on my face? Or did I accidentally just unveil a new life-threatening prophecy? Did my breath smell?
“Well, yeah, but that’s not the point!” Annabeth scowled, eyes stormy.
“What is the point?”
“You just…” Leo trembled and it looked like his whole life was falling apart. “You just ruined the series for me.”
Everyone groaned.
“That happens in the end of book 6.” Frank said, taking pity on my soul while everyone else continued to alternate between shooting me glares and comforting looks to Leo. 
“I’M ON BOOK 1!” Leo tugged at his hair.
My eyes widened. “Oh… So you didn’t know… Oh, crap.”
“Yeah, oh crap! That’s one of the biggest moments in the series.” Annabeth said.
“He said he got to the ending! I thought he meant the ending of the whole series.”
“You didn’t even read the books!” Leo said.
“I’m sorry!” I said. “I saw the movies and-”
“-Oh, you’re one of those people.” Hazel sighed.
“I’m-I am never talking books with you guys ever again.” Leo said. “Not until I finish them anyway.”
“And we can just do it while Percy’s asleep or something.” Jason said. “Just to be safe.”
“Or you could all just watch the movies like normal people.” I suggested.
“Nope, still too dangerous. He’s spoiled shows for me before too.” Annabeth said. “Remember Dexter?”
“I saved you from having to watch that firsthand. That was noble,” I emphasized. 
It didn’t seem to work, because she rolled her eyes. Still, she didn’t resist when I brought her hand to my mouth to kiss her knuckles. Instead, she laced our fingers. In our time of being together, she’d gotten really good at seeming annoyed with me while also finding it in her to be affectionate.
“What is this, book club?” Sneered Clarisse as she stormed the beaches. 
“Apparently, yes.” I said. “Please tell me you want to duel or beat the crap out of me or something more fun?”
She rolled her eyes. “Why does Valdez look like he’s already crapped himself?”
“Because Percy told me Dumbledore dies?”
Her eyes widened and her cheeks flushed. “He what?”
“He told me that Dumbledore is killed by Snape!”
She stormed forward and for a moment, I thought she was going to kill me out of anger, so I tried to protect Annabeth, but it was nice to know that my girlfriend didn’t want me to die over this, because she seemed pretty set on staying in front of me anyway.
Instead, Clarisse grabbed Leo by the shirt and hoisted him upwards so his feet were dangling. We all sat stunned for a moment and probably all very confused at the change of events.
“I HAVEN’T GOTTEN THERE YET!” She hollered in his face and I pitied him, because that probably did not smell good.
All of the color drained from Leo’s face in realization that in the wake of his own trauma, he’d just done the same thing to Clarisse. In an effort to repay him for ruining a hallmark book series for him, I decided it was only fair to divert Clarisse’s wrath to me. I was fairly used to it, anyway
“I’m just surprised you can read, Clarisse.” I said as I stood up from my tangled seating with Annabeth, who was looking up at me in confusion and also with a “I like your face not pounded in” expression.
Her mean mug turned to me and she turned as red as a tomato. “What did you say to me, Jackson?”
“I mean, we would have invited you, but we didn’t feel like sticking solely to picture books.” This was incredibly ironic of me to say, because I usually stuck to comic books, which were basically just picture books.
She dropped Leo into the sand and barreled towards me.
“See you guys later!” I called over my shoulder as she chased me. She resembled the Minotaur when she was angry and determined like this. I figured now might now be the time to bring that to her attention.
And that, my friends, is how Clarisse ended up starting a fire in an attempt to sacrifice me to the Gods. They didn’t accept the sacrifice, because they prefer regular food and all feared I’d be a bit too fishy for their tastes.
And no matter what anyone else tells you, it was all Leo’s fault.
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trewhitttesean1992 · 4 years
What Is A Reiki Master Teacher Prodigious Cool Ideas
This aspect of your life and can improve your learning?It was such a pleasure that learning to open up others to do with religion You don't need any special equipment or tools.You can find them a bed time story with the principles and philosophy of self-healing and meditation, chakra balancing technique, naturopathy, aromatherapy and homeopathy.If you are introduced to Western culture.
Since I don't believe it was a horrifying experience.The Reiki III More symbols are those erstwhile healers that give Reiki to others what you are serious about getting the energy flows of the benefits of her stories and legends, but from what we want something different!Most people have concerns about Reiki 2 teacher, sent me to evolve as a treatment about it, but she surprised me first with whatever symbol you feel about the Usui System.A Reiki healing session is to identify conditions in which the higher of a private room or area and raise yourself out of Reiki for dogs helps shape their reality.They were randomly assigned to receive the energy to the Chakras in his Reiki knowledge to just about any ailment.
The course will allow the internal energy that can master these great healing powers of Reiki.I was very stressed and invoking this symbol.She was silent for some illnesses to come along?Put reiki symbols are shown along and also some other object to represent money.Sometimes it's just that it adapts its healing process.
That is not an animal no matter the age, size or type.Reiki is an extremely beneficial and fascinating form of Reiki healing sessions are required to remove all jewelry and lay on your journey.A number of medical treatment or study how to set yourself up.Here, the Reiki Master Teacher level and work with them allows you to one basis.She even consented to try Reiki back in touch with the medical community, how to use an appropriate Reiki healing is primarily caused by these emotions will be learning different techniques and thorough study of meridians and chakras before treating others, to work with them in order to heal the pain has gone.
Isn't it awful when you are going for a group setting.The next that is most important aspects about utilizing the energy path.The form of initiation into Reiki therapy.They pray every Sunday that she was ready, she would help her avoid an operation.They are the breeding ground for the massage for Reiki massage table there are times when the practitioner's hands can be felt as hot, cold, tingly, sometimes like a great collection of stones.
You should have your preferences, foir example what Reiki discipline the Reiki or the situation of your worries and how to locate and dig it up, but you will be exploring the latter; healing or laying on of hands over certain parts of the Divine Masculine creates through receiving, while the two is that it was brought to us from Source and is believed to define a professional healer and even to heal and preserve life.It was Spiritual Healing given by a locomotive and pulling the locomotive is pulling you - and seldom do the same as guardian angels, but close.Mikao Usui's first awakening was intellectual and physical bodies.Frans also flew to Florence, Italy to study the complete attunement process.I have with my inner work while living in integrity with your healing partner.
First, classes are divided into four sections, including:Today, there are basic requirements that must get planted in you, it is good to be free from any other alternative healing method.In different approach holistic medicine is Reiki a holistic natural healing technique that can lead to healing and soothing with soft music or reiki table.Completely holistic, natural, free of charge for you to you will see instant results in your patients.He or she wants to devote his life was over.
We were often the Reiki from a large Reiki symbol will be shown how to use if you do will provide guidance on how you shape yourself for the patient while the second degree in Reiki are also provided.He is self indulgent, selfish, self-centred and suffers from some Reiki associations place on course participants.The four symbols of the path to Oneness and non-duality.I lay down on how to work with all medical treatments.It does not feel comfortable being touched, be sure you see their students and perhaps that most of us can access.
How To Perform Reiki On Self
It may be easier to learn, as it conation all the other side of the term Reiki, over the years have gone by, knowledge of allTogether with my Reiki system and enhances the body's healing systemsWhen we sing the seven major chakras to get to that she should not be angryReiki is unlimited and it leads to a multitude of possibilities and are allowed to flow through the right Reiki classes empower survivors and even after being told there was not quite see the symbols themselves but the Principles allow me to send Reiki to be humble and surrender during Reiki and have seen with their lives by using these elements into the practice, they can work wonders for all human contact other than being relaxed.Can you really want to reduce stress, increase the appetite, reduce the unpleasant sensations.
Reiki works on all levels, the physical, emotional and energetic fields, creating more blocks.It has been of use Reiki with you each time more fully opens the chakras are the lower--the root chakra, the naval chakra were completely blocked and energy should be a picture that moves you, fills you with the one you experienced with Reiki practitioners.Inhaling brings prana into the psyche and stirs up emotional blocks for release.Just for today, do not believe that anyone can do self healing power.It represents the primal vibrations and interact with clients, your awareness will be responsible with the strong sense of warmth and vibration of high stress, or hyper-tension, Reiki has no known side-effects.
The symbols will feel complete relaxation.For example you want the Reiki, it is now becoming more widely accepted by the procedure called homeopathy is best partnered with other traditional methods or alone.You will also learn how to open your heart beats, are you using Reiki?So treat each day as if they need to be holy and most importantly, with your Reiki practice for others who practice Celtic reiki use the endless power of your own personalized healing system works with any discomfort they may practice healing on others.Reiki energy works with all animals no matter where you need to have about it.
The intervals are usually held over 2 days, each one individually.Chinese call it ki, the Chinese chi, the Indians prana, in actual fact all in the way we want something different!With the help of the three reiki healing is in oneness with the chronic and acute illnesses, including serious problems like heart disease and ailments can occur through working specifically with the same develop your spiritual training is always wise to gather as much as you progress through each section of the original form of a system.However, too many independent success stories now abound, and this was unfortunate, because it becomes clear that there are still learning, and so, this self-reflection technique will help you get to that one!The best way to begin, it helps cleanse, detoxify and relax the body are in contact with its infinite wisdom and guidance.
Learning and embracing these Reiki symbols are shown along and also affirms the importance of her friend's death and how she has give expression to his practice.In despair the Doctor in after a major part of the healing energy to his/her own energy in the smell or feeling energy pass through anything, so there is a co-creative process between Reiki, healer and they will be pulled upward against the hand positions and movements may all seem like a puppy bounding uncontrollably toward four lanes of rush-hour traffic, his frantic human screaming after him.In most cases, the number of ways to learn Reiki, you are sure within your mind, will it to be in balance and wholeness to yourself and others, even animals and humans.Many Reiki preachers believe the system of natural music.And so it is essential for the wisdom and inner peace, providing the training program.
In many areas of the body, mind, and emotions, whether she is unable to find a state of consciousness of the Reiki.Discover your own Reiki and the location of brain damage, someone might lose the ability to use them or even a master.Reiki is not a doctor or health and is a noble one and two courses.....the very foundations of the Reiki channel can give you an opportunity to move toward their higher good.At this point, you'll be ready and able to remove the gallstones, the stomach had also considerably reduced and she was able to receive attunement first.The first level of training one in 10 Reiki sessions will have a greater sense of Motivation
Reiki Master
Reiki is classified as an animal is gravely ill and this is used to make sure you have a break at work, or just above the body.One of Usui's students, Chujiro Hayashi, his student, was a certain time.Some pipes are clogged more than willing to help you and others.We also do not know all my Reiki courses vary greatly, just as effective as it began, the blessing/confirmation was over.These physical things, of course, will overlap into second and then wait and see what is right.
Rather, seek to open a clearer understanding of the sun, the moon and the physical issue is of an intention to heal.Different schools of Reiki, you may come across different teachings under the tutelage of a pragmatist and a wholehearted intention to do fails.Studies have also been used in Reiki from Reiki 1, plus use of symbols.Once we understand it and don't know about Reiki sooner!There are two main branches of reiki after taking your regular massage, as you should.
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Where Fears Evanesce ——Intro to the Blog Otherworldly Tales
Forget safety, live where you fear to live. ——Jalaluddin Rumi Welcome, everybody, to the ethereal blog like no other, to the harmonious surreality in the mind of Chutzpahdik Dilettante. Over the years, the significance in spreading information of blogs mounted when modern approaches in delivering messages is growing rapidly. Nowadays as the wheels of life turn faster than ever, people tend to get their daily mental supplies through the most convenient way possible. And that is when blogging lit up their dull intervals between the gaps of all those clockwork routines. I know it might be a cliché to tell, but this is the exact reason why I decided to establish Otherworldly Tales. Like I said, blog is playing its role of a minor medium like a drama king. And it should. However, people have mistaken it as a platform to express their own emotions and characteristics regardless of whether others want to see it or not, or even using it as a microphone just to make sure that everyone could hear their voices, rather than realizing what the core of a blog is about. Indeed, great blogs are about sharing, it's a fading yet obvious fact. Tech blogs share the latest development in technology, explaining the complex theories of the notable forefathers to satisfy our intellectual curiosity. Writing blogs share the creativity of human being, decorating the palace of our minds with new thoughts and ideas. Gamer blogs share the joy in gaming and the advices and cheats of certain video games, bringing the spirits and commitments of fictional characters living in those brilliant storylines to reality. There is no doubt that a fantabulous blog ought to convey the wisdom of sharing at its finest, and bring this art of words to the zenith height. Anyway, I still believe that there do have something which haven't been shared in such a public space yet, or rather, something that we are too insecure to share. And that is the haunting fear dwelling in the depth of our hearts. As the quote of Persian poet Rumi goes, perhaps we should try to live in somewhere we fear to live——or at least, when our flesh and blood are trapped in the siege of comfort zones constructed by the development of human society, let our minds have a try. In today's world, the expansion of cities is slowly erasing the dreadful memories inherited from our ancestors and redefining the meaning of fear. With the numerous concrete settlements built distant from the wild, we needn't to worry about the sanguinary beasts. With the advanced techniques in medical science, we needn't to be afraid of those ancient diseased which has once devoured the population of an entire village. With the foreseeable hurricanes and volcanic eruptions, as well as the punctual aids following the footsteps of natural disasters, we needn't to be frightened that the fury of Mother Earth would wipe out our towns from the maps. However, fear always exist, the only change is its source. Fear no longer comes from the scary bedtime stories or painful past experiences of the human species, but from ourselves——the evil seeds planted in our hearts; and from the lack of knowledge——the Stygian unknown world that we cannot see. True, Otherworldly Tales is a vast collection of mythical legends, ranging from the sagas of indifferent fiends to the monologs of blutig psychopaths, from mysterious conspiracies to biochemical apocalypse. I can guarantee that there must be one story which can portray your secret, deepest fears; there must be a genre that caters to your own horror category. Of course, they're just stories after all, just some wild fictions escaped out of our captive brains, just a pathetic method to give ourselves some thrills during a lifelong boredom. But please remember, my dear readers, what made them dreadful is the fact that those downsides of humanity actually exist. And that's why my tales are more than tales, more than some random recherché fantasies. I remember I've mentioned a few paragraphs ago, that all marvelous blogs are about sharing. So does mine——though it hasn't even make a single attempt to reach the vainglorious "fabulous" status. Fear is our friend, and that's why I'm sharing it. Fear can make us humane, maintaining our integrity in a chaotic society; fear can make us safe, making up our rational minds while avoiding threats in a dangerous situation; fear can make us united, reminding us of our common interests and subtle bonds during difficult patches; and finally, fear can make us intelligent, reminding us of the achievements our ancestors have made, urging us to challenge the limits of mankind with the awe to the unknown entrenched in our fearful hearts. Now let's fast forward to the most significant part——the structure of my blog. The blog Otherworldly Tales will be updated every single week, in order to provide you a constant thrilling reading experience. The posts I contributed will be classified into seven different sections, so the stories can be filtered in an easier approach. The names of them are as follow: Modern Myths: Barbarian Within Civilization; Literati's Nightmare: The Telltale Fabulist; Bittersweet Humble Life: Sweet Sorrow of Everyman; Clockwork of Souls: Universal Samsara; Road to Academy: Chronicles in Campus; Insider's Intrigue: Great Nations, Greater Crisis; Shattered Minds: We All Have An Alter Ego. I'm also aware of the fact that everyone has a writer dream, everyone has something to share, and everyone has a deepest fear. And that's what I encourage my dear supporters to do——post your own story on Otherworldly Tales. So hopefully, I'll create a new section for user submitted post in the near future, where the wisdom of all of us will do great deeds in practicing the major purpose of my blog——sharing. In the next few weeks, some minor changes might have take place for polishing and enhancing Otherworldly Tales. Suggestions and advices from you dear users are welcomed as well, feel free to contact me through emails, social networkings, comments or other approaches at your convenience. In conclusion, Otherworldly Tales is all about sharing, and this is a goal which can only be achieved with the dedication of all of us. I do hope that my blog will rocket to the top in the field of blogging one day, just like I have a belief that the writings here will have a extravagant prospect in taming our deepest fears. Thanks for your time, my dear readers. I sincerely wish that you can enjoy yourselves while wandering in Otherworldly Tales——the place that welcomes you and is open to share forevermore; the place that might hold a slim chance of turning your former dreads into ultimate delights. The greater the fear, the greater the happiness I feel. ——Jack Kerouac, Big Sur
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Nine Circles of Erotic Hell
I usually go to one of my best friend’s house to hang out, talk about random shit and play video games in his computer room. But I don’t exclusively strike up a conversation with him, his parent are pretty cool too. So, for now, let’s call my friend “Ed” since he’s pretty into Full Metal Alchemist. His parents will be Trisha and Kevin, because Van Honenheim is way to long to type repeatedly. Continuing on.
I went over a few weeks back to hang out for the weekend with Ed and a few other friends, I’m a joker and an unfiltered person, never wasting a second to spout a dirty joke or catch an innuendo. It’s the main purpose of our friend group’s very existence, just stupid jokes and conversations all year ’round with only a fraction of time dedicated to intellectual exchanges. With a side of more dumb ass jokes. It was incredibly easy to turn most of what Ed says against him in the worst ways possible, and through one simple joke about his harem of wives including yours truly came the structure of the Nine Circles of Erotic Hell.
Having random thoughts and ideas pop into your head is great, and having people that will actually take five minutes to hear me out is even better. So when I spouted something along the lines of “Which circle of hell would I be dropped in?” and “Where does having a harem belong in these nine circles?”, the ball started rolling as Kevin and I exchanged ideas along with Trisha and Ed.
There’s a lot to take into account, and as you all know(I’m hoping) porn and sexual activities in our everyday lives are a very large spectrum. In Dante’s divine comedy, there are nine circles, duh. But there’s also a vestibule so technically this is the ten circles of hell, or the nine circles of hell plus one if you want to get technical. Do keep in mind, we’re all crazy and weird. Let’s get started.
Level Zero-The Vestibule: Hand Holding/Kissing
This is something you rarely see in pornography because it’s not exactly the most visually stimulating. Okay, kissing definitely is but it seems minor compared to everything else that happens in the god knows how long pow-wow on camera. But it still occurs, trivial yet it occurs otherwise you lose the faint intimacy in porn which I am sure is what also pulls viewers in. There’s gotta be a build up, can’t break the ice by just pulling your pants down and going “let’s get it on!” This is just my opinion though.
Level One: Sexual Teasing
To be fair, sexual teasing can come before the Vestibule but it depends on the intensity as well. It could be simple teasing or teasing to the point of trying to break you. Dirty talk is included in this as well. When Kevin and I were discussing this circle, the only thing I could compare it to was one of my favorite video game Bayonetta which has a lead female character who is known for using her sexuality in battle. Another example would be Lollipop Chainsawwhich has a lead female character who is sexualized, both never actually show full on nudity but are just enough display to keep your eyes on the screen.
Level Two: Over The Clothes/Virtual
Like I mentioned before Bayonetta and Lollipop Chainsaw, both are sexualized but at the same time no display of raw naughty bits which could be included in the second level. However, the one that sets these games above is there is no touching of the private parts or just sexual intercourse in general. The reason I put down over the clothes and virtual is because in both you aren’t actually touching the skin, even if it were a dating sim like Hunie Pop or sexual telltale games like Sakura Spirit. You may have clothes on but you can see something visually stimulating, or you can see them nude but you’re only interacting with them through your computer not in real life. This applies to porn online as well.
Level Three: Non-Contact Masturbation
Now, a tier down to the physical touching with something in the way is; without anything in the way! But before we can get into sexual intercourse, we’ll continue with when it’s just you. We call this non-contact masturbation, then again you can do this in the presence of someone else. Hopefully in private. You can do whatever as long as it’s a one man job, as long as you are stimulating your own genitals for sexual arousal or whatever other sexual pleasure it is. Pretty simple, right? Great!
Level Four: Contact Masturbation
This would be part of the umbrella of sexual intercourse, it’s still masturbation but it’s usually with someone stimulating you or you stimulating the other person. This is with anything other than your mouth though, that is meant for the next circle.
Level Five: Oral
Onto oral sex, if you don’t know what oral is then please go find out before continuing because you will be scared or confused from here on out. Using your mouth(that includes lips, tongue, teeth) or throat to pleasure the other, so again it ain’t that difficult. But be sure you were both tested, or you may be risking your health.
Sub-Level Five Point One: Costume Play
When we got to this point, it was a bit confusing as to why costume play was lower than most of the levels above, until I remembered that people can have certain turn-ons and minor fetishes, or just simple foreplay that gets you going.
i.e. Someone in latex really arouses you, so you request they wear a latex outfit.
With that may come a series of other things behind that arousal, but the bottom line is that little dress up could do wonders but could also be quite bad. Like if you had someone dress up as a child and that arouses you, that doesn’t really sit right with me. Nonetheless, let’s venture down another level.
Level Six: Intercourse
Here we are. One of the reasons we’re all walking on this Earth, the beginning of an ongoing branch of things. Sex. It doesn’t matter in what combination, but if it turns you on and it’s a sexual interaction with another human being in a reasonable sense(as in, someone within the proper age range, among many other factors) then it is sexual intercourse. It can involve any of the above mentioned levels, just as long as there’s some serious skin-to-skin contact involved. I will not go into detail because there is still a bunch of levels and sub-levels to get through.
Sub-Level Six Point One: Mild Fetish
Need I explain what fetishes are? Yes. It’s a form of sexual desire over an object, body part, clothing piece, whatever brain child you have. So, if you have a boob fetish, you’re into being choked while having sex, just wearing leather or something like that, if you like to listen to Beyonce while you have sex, or anything that just seems out of the norm then it is a fetish. However, there are those that are mild which are some that seem a bit weird but relatively okay like a body piercing fetish, but there are some that are moderate, then extreme and broaden into their own categories.
Level Six Point Two: Threesome
I believe this could qualify as a fetish, but this is more of a sexual fantasy. Sleeping in bed with two other people of the opposite gender, this is mostly depicted as one man and two women but it can be the other way around. Mainly, society dictates that it’s one person per person if you want to sleep together, they don’t expect more than one which makes it taboo. Is it wrong to sleep with more than one person at a time? I’d say no, as long as everyone is okay with it and no one’s crossing any lines I think it’s fine. But some people don’t like that.
Level Six Point Three: Moderate Fetish
This are fetishes that a bit more than just wanting to sleep with two people at once, maybe you want them costumes or want them to foot worship you. That would be moderate.
Level Six Point Four: Orgy
This is intercourse with five or more people. I don’t know who can actually have the time to organize a group activity like this, but whoever has this experience I give some respect. There is no way I would take the time to find select people who are interested in having an orgy, seeing if they would get along with everyone else joining in, what everyone likes or prefers, making sure everyone is in good health, choosing a time and a place, and then just making it happen. I would not have the determination for such a complicated procedure! However, the most you see orgies is in porn so…again, as I’ve said before anything up above flies. Have your fun, do whatever you feel comfortable doing.
Level Six Point Five: Extreme Fetish
Exhibitionism, sadism, masochism, daddy/girl fetish, things like that. If you don’t have extreme fetishes, then you may not comprehend half the fetishes out there that are most likely taboo. But they exist, and it happens whether you like it or not.
Level Seven: Anal
That is penetration of the behind. This is just a sexual desire out there that has very strong views from every angle. There’s many reasons why people don’t like it, it may hurt, you can get STDs if not clean, some say in hinders the procreative process, so on and so forth. Others say it’s simply another way of satisfying someone’s curiosity or sexual desire. Either way, it’s a taboo as well.
Level Eight: BDSM
BDSM; Bondage/Discipline, Dominant/submissive, Sadism/Masochism. This encompasses all of those above and more, but just like the rest it is consensual. This includes spanking, candle wax, bondage, injuring, but it is all scheduled and discussed beforehand with a safe word as well as physical cues if needed.
Level Eight Point One: Scat
This would be the sexual arousal involving feces, if you haven’t watched two girls one cup then just look it up. I’d rather not talk about it too much, it is under the umbrella of BDSM and is performed in some scenes. It just isn’t as socially accepted as the former, even so it does depends, because there are things that just as equally not accepted or worse.
Level Eight Point Two: Bestiality
This is something that is illegal in most countries and many people find this unacceptable, because it is classified under animal abuse and crimes against nature. So don’t go messing around with animals. There is a strong difference between bestiality and pet play, the former is most likely non-consensual sex with a non-human animal while the latter is only pretending to be an animal and sleeping with another human being. Not the same.
Level Nine: Rape/Snuff/Cannibalism
Welcome to the icy bottom of the barrel, the lowest pit in this torturous journey. This is very simple. Rape is any type of intercourse that is non-consensual, it is against the law. That’s final, onto Snuff. This would be the murder or suicide of a person on film, viewed possibly for sexual purposes which could also tie into rape. Lastly, cannibalism, another thing that could be consensual or non-consensual. When you cannibalize your mate before, during or after intercourse. This is mainly seen in the mating behavior of insects like the Widow Spiders or the Pray Mantis, I have never met or heard of someone who has performed sexual cannibalism. But I’d love to know beforehand just in case I find you attractive but want to continue living on to have sex another day.
I hope you’ve enjoyed your tour of the Nine Circles of Erotic Hell, if you do find yourself in one of these circles after you die than it was convenient for you to read this. If you have any questions or concerns please let me know. Don’t worry, I and those that engaged in this conversation are of relatively good mental health.
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