loosescrewslefty · 2 years
I have been obsessed with interested in comparing the different heights between the characters for a while now, using Eda's mugshot from Once Upon a Swap and screencaps of the characters standing next to Eda for the sake of comparison. And now I am crying heavily, because Hunter has had a MAJOR growth spurt in the months he spent on Earth (which I hoped would be the case. growth hormones are released in teens while they are sleeping, and Hunter has had a very poor sleep schedule before this point, so it makes sense that he'd shoot right up once he was in a more stable household)
Prior to the time skip, Hunter was around 6'0/6'1
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But post time skip has him right under Eda's 6'5, when we use Luz as a point of comparison.
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For those who are curious, Willow stands at 5'0
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which means that the gap we see in the promo pic is legitimately their new height difference (as I secretly hoped it would be) and not just a difference in their footing.
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So have fun with that, fellow Huntlow stans. <3
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