lee-minhoe · 2 years
hi love! thanks so much i’ll definitely remember that <3
my bias is chris! i’ve been a fan since debut and it’s pretty much just always been him? i’m normal about literally everything but that man, i feel high key insane sometimes ashdjfk. i see yours is min!! completely understandable, he is everything <3. i saw you saying you love him and cats and same !!! him and his cats in his latest vlog? healing. (also not cat related but did you see the puppy interview? it was so cute my god)
do you have any fave albums/songs? - 🌻
oh btw i’m the ss from the one bee and tsu have organized! (i’m not sure what the name is sorry!!)
CHRIS!!! aw hes such a cutie!!! also yo i totally feel you lol i am high key high key insane about lino lmao my moots can def vouch for that 😂😂😂 i am not normal about that man. HIS LATEST VLOG??? ugh that was everything, just him having a fun time solo camping and enjoying his own company, cooking some delicious food (love me a man who can cook), reading (LOVE ME A MAN WHO READS FOR FUN), staring into the camera with his freakin boba eyes ajfhaskf yeah im totallyyyyy fine it's okay. him with his cats makes me so soft, the way he hugs soonie and feeds them and pets them 🥺 also yes the puppy interview was so cute omg! especially chan HAHA he practically forgot it was an interview 😂 my heart couldnt handle all the cuteness
oh you've been a fan since debut?? you've seen how far they've come 🥺 i am actually a baby stay because i just got into them recently around 2 months ago but let me tell you, it was a very fast descent LOL. the heart likes what it likes i guess haha i dont know what makes some groups just a normal level for me and other groups at an ult level for me, but skz definitely stole my heart hehe and their music is so good too!! i love their music
speaking of music, my fav albums would probably be noeasy and oddinary, and i also like the miroh album, the in life album. i love maniac tbh, and i especially love watching lino dance the choreo especially in the 2nd chorus (i have watched too many lino fancams...). levanter is a fav as well, and all in!! I LOVE ALL IN. especially 201129 lino 🫠 how about you??
and thank you for clarifying which santa you are lol i changed the tags :)
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hearttoshu · 7 years
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I made @bloatedboo a moodboard.
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btschooseafic · 3 years
Hey you, what’s your dream?
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Pairing: platonic!oc x ot7
Details: manager!oc, predebut/idolverse, partial BTS World!verse
Summary: Aviva is worried about Soonyoung. They learn something new about Yoongi.
Warnings: This is a fictional story based on real events. The characters presented here are not the same as their real life counterparts. (TW: drinking and vomiting mention) [Masterlist]
Interlude 2: Crossroads Pt. 1
STAR - Jessi
“Road to success but my vision foggy
Thought the rain would never stop”
January 2012
Soonyoung’s birthday was on the first. She threw herself a big party that Aviva tried her best to be engaged in, though she felt more in her element giving Soonyoung painkillers and birthday cake the next morning.
However, as the new year continued, Soonyoung was out more and more partying. She had always been social, but Aviva was worried about the impact it would have on her training.
And then Aviva woke up one night to find Soonyoung throwing up over the toilet. She held back Soonyoung’s hair silently. She made Soonyoung a cup of tea, and tentatively brought up her concerns.
“So what?” Soonyoung said, as they sat on the bathroom floor together. “It’s not like they’re ever planning on debuting me. They have all these younger, prettier female trainees at the affiliate companies now.”
“First of all, even if they’re pretty, doesn’t mean you’re not,” Aviva told her. “Second of all, have you talked to them? Talk to Chief Youngjin or Bang-PDnim.”
Soonyoung shook her head, closing her eyes slightly.
“I don’t care.”
Aviva frowned. “How can you not care? It’s always been your dream.”
Soonyoung sighed. “Maybe I’m just growing up and realizing most people don’t get to fulfill their childhood dreams. I feel like I’m struggling against the tide, Avi. And you know I’ve never been good at swimming.”
“Then I’m getting you floaties,” Aviva muttered determinedly. Soonyoung laughed.
“Keep the floaties for yourself, darling. You know there isn’t room for two people on that piece of wood.”
Aviva groaned. “Fuck the Titantic, you know I hate that movie. We’re getting through this together. You’ll see.”
A few days later, Soonyoung called Aviva late in the night, sobbing, confused, saying she wasn’t sure where she was. Because the two of them had agreed to give each other their tracking details as soon as the technology came out, Aviva was able to catch a cab and get to where Soonyoung was.
“We’ve got to get you sobered up a bit,” Aviva thought. “Have you drank any water? Ate anything tonight?” Soonyoung shrugged. Aviva looked around and spotted a late night hole in the wall restaurant. She dragged Soonyoung inside and ordered her some hot food and tea. It was a cramped space, with one of the only two tables taken already.
It took Aviva a minute to recognize the person sitting at the table, hugging a motorcycle helmet against his chest as he glared at the textbook on the table in front of him.
She blinked. “Yoongi-ssi?”
He looked up. “…Bom-ssi, what’s up?”
“Um… I’m trying to get Soonie to sober up,” she answered honestly. Yoongi glanced over at the other table, where Aviva had propped Soonyoung up.
“Yo~” Soonyoung waved wobbly.
“Wait…” Yoongi smiled at her. “You’re Queen, right?”
Aviva looked at her. “Isn’t that your username on some gaming sites?”
Soonyoung grinned a little sheepishly.
“I was thinking of using it as my stage name…” She squinted suspiciously at Yoongi. “But I haven’t told anybody yet—how’d you know?”
“Some of your beats were open on the computer in the studio when I went there one time,” he told her. “It was good stuff, so I kind of asked around about who did it…” He rubbed the back of his neck, and then smiled at her again. “Anyway, I really liked it.”
Soonyoung’s brow furrowed. “You’re l-lying.”
Yoongi shrugged. “Believe what you want. I don’t sugar-coat things.”
“Don’t you?” Soonyoung wondered. “I thought your stage name was Suga.”
He rolled his eyes. “That’s got to do with basketball, it’s not… anyway, you should be careful—if management catches you out drinking…” He glanced at Aviva.
Aviva held her hands up. “I’m not going to tell anyone.”
“And she won’t tell anyone you’re working a part time job against the rules either!” Soonyoung said confidently. “Cause she’s the sweetest person there is, sweeter than sugar.” Soonyoung tried to wrap her arms around Aviva and snuggle her. Aviva made a face.
“You smell. Eat your food, please.”
Soonyoung gave her a small salute.
“…What part time job?” Yoongi said after a minute.
“Aren’t you working here?” Soonyoung said, her voice a little muffled by the food in her mouth. Yoongi shook his head. Soonyoung scoffed. “Then why are you holding a motorcycle helmet with this restaurant’s name on it?” Yoongi froze.
“Yoongi-yah?” The man at the register called out. “Are these your friends? I said you could sit here and study, but I don’t want you bothering customers.”
“He’s not bothering us,” Aviva said, bowing slightly.
“Eh, I’m done anyway,” Soonyoung said, swallowing her last bite of food and washing it down with the tea. “Come on, Avi.” She dragged her outside.
“Wait.” Yoongi came after them. He pointed at Soonyoung. “You’re scarily observant for a drunk person.”
“Gotta be,” Soonyoung told him. “Can’t be a small drunk Asian girl in the middle of the night in Queens if you don’t got your wits about you.”
“Part of that problem would be solved if you didn’t go out drinking so late,” Aviva thought. Soonyoung shrugged.
“I’d still be small and Asian. Nice that doesn’t matter as much here, but now apparently I’ve got an accent and I’m too tan?” She grunted. “Something’s always gotta be going against me, I guess. I’m so tired of this shit, Avi.”
“I know.” Aviva hugged her.
“And you!” Soonyoung pointed at Yoongi. “You’ve got a part time job, you’re in idol training, and you’re studying for your college exams? When do you fucking sleep?”
“Yah, I don’t want to hear that from you,” Yoongi muttered. “I just wanted… promise me neither of you will say anything about this job?”
“I already said we fucking wouldn’t,” Soonyoung reminded him.
Yoongi looked at Aviva.
“We won’t,” she assured him. Yoongi studied her for a moment and then nodded.
“Where do you live?” He asked. Soonyoung squinted at him.
“I can and will beat you up if you start acting creepy.”
He laughed. “I believe that. I just meant I’d drive you back since it’s so late.”
“Three people on a motorcycle?” Aviva said confusedly.
“No.” Yoongi shot her an amused look. “I have access to the delivery van also.”
Aviva hesitated. “I don’t want to get you in trouble with your boss.”
“Should be fine as long as I get it back on time. Take it or leave it.”
“…Okay.” Aviva dipped her head. “Thank you, Yoongi-ssi.” Soonyoung fell asleep on Aviva’s shoulder as Yoongi drove them back. Aviva brushed her hair out of her face, frowning. “I should get my driver’s license… see if I can start saving up for a car. If she’s going to keep going out this late, I’ll need a more reliable way to pick her up.”
“Are you saying I’m not reliable?” Yoongi said lightly. Aviva just sighed.
  The next morning Aviva was thinking of sending Namjoon a text when her phone buzzed. She stared down at it. She had Yoongi's number, but the last time he texted was several months ago, to let her know that Hoseok's phone had died and he would be running late to practice.
This morning Yoongi had texted her the name of a driver's ed place, with a discount for a referral.
'thanks!' she texted him back immediately. 'for everything.'
'don't mention it'
Aviva followed up with a text to Namjoon that Yoongi could probably use a little extra support with his studying.
‘I’ll take care of it,’ he told her. Later, Aviva received a text from Hoseok telling her that they’d secretly made lunch for Yoongi. He’d included a picture of the boys crowding around Yoongi, who was rolling his eyes, but also smiling.
Aviva had almost fallen asleep on the couch when she sat up with a start at the sound of the key in the lock. The door opened carefully, Soonyoung nearly tiptoeing. When she saw Aviva, she smiled.
“Hey, sweetie, what are you doing up?” She cooed, slipping off her shoes and then coming to cuddle against her on the couch.
“Waiting for you, duh,” Aviva said, yawning and rubbing at her eyes. “Did you have fun on your night off?”
“Yeah. You would’ve hated it though.” She nuzzled against her neck.
“I can imagine,” Aviva said, squirming at the strong scent of alcohol on her friend’s breath.
“Anyway, I finally did what you suggested. I talked to Chief Youngjin and Bang-PDnim, and ba ba bum!” Soonyoung threw her arms out wide. “Bit Hit has agreed to train me as a producer!”
“What?” Aviva was suddenly wide-awake. “What, but Soon—what about becoming an idol?”
“Well, I’ve been thinking about it,” Soonyoung said, tapping her nose. “I’ve been thinking about what it is I really wanted from being an idol. I’ve decided that it’s the music that’s the most important thing to me. Preforming would be fun, but I can do just as good working behind the stage as I could on it.” She tilted her head. “Maybe better, even. Anyway, I noticed the production department’s all guys at the moment and that grossed me out so I decided I’d like to even the playing field a little.”
“Well…” Aviva curled more comfortably around her. “If you’re sure.”
“I’m sure,” Soonyoung said. “And you? Are you happy in the management department, darling? You know I’ve always loved your voice, and you’re not half bad with computers either.”
Aviva laughed. “You’re biased, Soon. My voice is fine for singing in the shower, not for stages and albums. Anyway… I like it in management. There’s some real talent in the trainees, and I want to help see it to fruition.” She frowned. “I’m a bit disappointed I won’t get to manage you like I’ve always imagined, but of course I know you’ll be great at whatever you do, and I respect your choice.”
Soonyoung smiled fondly at her. “You’re too good, Viva. We’re all gonna do great, you’ll see.”
Meanwhile, the rest of the Bangtan lineup was still unsettled. Aviva was busier than ever helping out with the auditions.
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moneymingyu · 4 years
Like in The Movies
summary: in which hoshi watches way too many romance movies and has too many friends who like to watch him suffer.
word count: 2.7k words
pairing: nonidol!hoshi x reader
genre: fluff, comedy
a/n: not very proof read bc i’m super exhausted and my eyes are barely opened atm.
master list
Hoshi has always had this romanticized version of himself playing in the back of his mind.
The cool dude next to the jukebox with a leather jacket who flips a coin then plays the soundtrack to his life. The guy who you spill coffee all over in a Seattle coffee shop then exchange numbers as a form of an apology. The best friend you ask to fake date before realizing he’s been the one for you since day one. The enemy to lover, the boy next door, the childhood best friend you reunite with after years of separation. He partly blames it on all of the movies he watched growing up. A guilty pleasure of his has always been romance movies that he’d watch deep into the night when everything was still and calm. His favorites were the kinds that had him struggling to keep his hiccup at bay, the kinds that made him cry so hard that he’d wake up the next day with swollen eyes and a headache.
“Aren’t you tired of these movies?” Jihoon, his long time best friend and roommate, would ask.
“Never,” Hoshi would reply, unashamed.
He’s seen them all. The Notebook, More Than Blue, The Names of Love, Love Actually. Hoshi can quote them line by line with the same blocking. His friends think it’s impressive but Jihoon is tired of walking into the kitchen at 2AM just to see a Broadway musical in place.
So you’d think that somebody who is basically a book smart Romeo would have a better dating history but...Not Hoshi.
Look. It’s not Hoshi’s fault he’s so awkward. He didn’t ask for the lonely life! The lonely life chose him! So what if romance movies are the only way that he can feel butterflies in his stomach. Whose business is it other than his own?
“Hey Hosh! Remember that time freshman year your crush asked you to the spring fling and you responded by doing a tiger growl at them?”
“Oh my god, I almost forgot about that!” Jun covers his face, bursting into giggles at Jihoon’s trip down memory lane. “He got called a furry for the rest of the year!”
“Oh yeah? And who sat and ate lunch with said furry for the rest of the year?” Hoshi crosses his arms. “Till the day, you’re still eating lunch with the said furry!” A few head turn their way, giving the table an incredulous look. Hoshi sinks in his chair, silently wishing that the floor open and swallow him hole.
“Well maybe that’s because said furry is paying today,” Wonwoo smirks, swiping a fry from Hoshi’s plate.
“Aw, not you too!” Hoshi pouts. “Wonwoo, I put all my faith into you and this is what I get? Slander like a salamander?”
“I’m sorry, what?” Jun (who, in Hoshi’s opinion, has said way more questionable things) asks with raised eyebrows.
“Nevermind. It sounded better in my head.” Hoshi sighs, pressing his fingers to his temples.
“C’mon Hoshi,” Wonwoo leans his head on his shoulder. “You know I was kidding. I would sit with you even if you were a real furry.”
“Can we stop talking about furries?!”
“Yo. What do you got against furries? We don’t kink shame around here.”
“Jun, if you say one more thing, I’m going to do an eagle screech right here.”
“That’s not really helping with the furry situation,” Jun mumbles under his breath.
Hoshi decides right then and there that he needs to invest in new friends for the sake of his sanity.
“I’m sure somebody likes you, Soon!” Seungkwan offers. “What about the dance studio? Lots of potential there,” he shimmies his shoulders while Dokyeom nudged him from the other side of the couch.
These are his people, he thinks as they watch My Sassy Girl for the tenth time this week.
“He’s right! You’re always a ball of confidence there! Why not try to pick somebody up? Oh!” Dokyeom looks like a lightbulb has gone off inside his head. “What about the receptionist? They’re cute! I heard they’re single too and with Valentine’s Day coming up-“
“Dokyeom! Don’t talk about the V word!”
“The other V-word!”
“VALENTINES DAY!” Seungkwan smacks his hand over his mouth like the saying had seared his tongue.
“Oh my god, Valentine’s Day is coming up!” Hoshi whines, pulling his knees up to his chest and burying his face in them. “I’m going to be alone again!”
“Hey! You always spend Valentine’s Day with us!” Dokyeom frowns.
“We’re going to be alone again!” he moans out.
Seungkwan scoffs. “Speak for yourself. I have a date.”
This causes Soonyoung’s head to snap up. “Huh? A date?” Seungkwan nods, crossing his arms and turning his nose up. “Ah, c’mon! Who is it! You know you wanna tell us!”
“I would tell you if I knew who it was,” Seungkwan sighs, falling back into the couch. “Vernon and Dino set me up on a blind date. Wait? Should I ask them to set you up on one too? You know, Dino’s really good at using Tinder. He made me a profile and then swiped with matches for me and now I’m going on a blind date! Wait, should me and Dokyeom make you one? Quick Dokyeom, what would be the anthem to Hoshi’s life?”
Hoshi gawks at how quick his friends are to move. Seungkwan already has the dating app open while Dokyeom searches up the Les Misérable soundtrack. “Can you guys not?” Hoshi frowns.
But it’s too late. His words are unheard as Dokyeom starts to belt out the words to “Do You Hear the People Sing?” all while Seungkwan is editing pictures of Hoshi for his profile picture.
Hoshi decides right then and there that he needs to invest in new friends for the sake of his sanity.
“Thanks for inviting me out, Joshua! I needed some new shoes.”
Joshua is one of the sanest people Hoshi knows. Hoshi thinks it’s because he’s from LA and the people from LA in all the movies he’s watched are super carefree and accepting.
“Don’t mention it,” Joshua smiles while shoving his feet into a pair of slides. “Jeonghan broke my slides yesterday while taking out the trash and tried to pin it on Kkuma. Seungcheol then lectured us for two hours about how we shouldn’t blame things on his daughter then made Jeonghan transfer me the money.”
“Isn’t Kkuma a dog?..” Hoshi smiles from the bench across from him.
“You know Cheol,” Joshua chuckles. “Actually, I also invited you out because I have to ask you a favor! You can object, of course, and I won’t be mad.” Hoshi nods, signaling the older to go on. “Well, actually...The three of us are going away for the weekend. And we usually ask Mingyu and Myungho to watch Kkuma when we’re gone but Myungho has this giant art exhibition and Mingyu’s working double shifts at his bakery so-“ he shrugs. “I think you know where I’m going with this. Could you dog sit Kkuma for us? I’m sure Jihoon will be fine with it. But if you have plans for the Valentine’s Day weekend-“
“No!” Hoshi sighs in relief. “Please give me Kkuma. I’m begging at this point!” Joshua laughs, nodding his head. “You really saved my ass, hyung. The guys are trying to set me up on a blind date but I checked out Seungkwan’s phone while he was in the bathroom and none of them were my type.”
“Consider it a deal,” Joshua smiles, reaching across and ruffling his hair. “Knew I could count on you, Soonie.” Hoshi smiles. He’s so glad to have a friend like Joshua. He really keeps his sanity in tact.
Hoshi decides right then and there that he needs to invest new friends for the sake of his sanity.
Kkuma has been barking nonstop all night, whining and crying and even peed in Hoshi’s brand new pair of shoes.
Hoshi doesn’t even know why Kkuma hates him so much but the dog’s antics are enough to have Jihoon packing up and telling him he’ll be back Monday afternoon before leaving to Jun and Wonwoo’s apartment. To make matters worse, Joshua told Hoshi that their trip was technology free so that they could “become spiritually woke.” So any hopes of calling for advice is hopeless.
Hoshi doesn’t understand why Kkuma hates him. He’s a very likeable guy, in his opinion. Bobpul (Mingyu’s dog) would never treat him like this.
“Kkuma, please!” he whines. “I’m standing up a date for this! Please spare me some mercy!” he cries out. The dog jumps up and barks repeatedly. He rubs his eyes over his face. “I don’t understand how something so tiny can make so much noise!”
He rubs his temples. “Okay. If I were Seungcheol, what would I do? Think like Seungcheol. What would Seungcheol do?” Hoshi pouts his lips, puffs out his chest and lowers his voice. “Yah! Kim Mingyu! Watch where you’re walking!” he imitates him from the thousands of times the group has hung out.
He holds the position for a couple of seconds before deflating. “I can’t even hear myself think!” he groans over the barking. “You haven’t even slept yet! Aren’t you tired?” Suddenly an idea pops into his mind.
“I know! Let’s go to the park! Maybe that’ll tire you out! Would you like that? Let’s go!” And they’re off within ten minutes.
It’s a nice day out, thankfully. Warm but not too hot. And though Kkuma is jumping with joy to be at the park, Hoshi thinks he’d rather be at home listening to the dog’s endless whining when he sees the grassy area is packed with couples having a picnic.
He can’t hate, honestly. Picnics are cliché and Hoshi is all for clichés. But it does remind him that today is Valentine’s day and he’s the only one here without somebody to hold hands with.
“Kkuma, you’ll be my Valentine. Right?” he asks as he unclips her leash. But sadly, the dog has other plans as she runs off to play with another dog.
He sighs, plopping down in the grass and picking at the blades. He can’t believe that Kkuma ditched him. After Hoshi bought a new frisbee just for them to play with! He’s deeply offended and will not let Seungcheol live it down when he comes back.
He gives up trying to braid the grass and leans back on his hands, watching the other couples and making up stories about them in their head. He guesses how they met, what their plans are for the day and almost plays it out like a movie in his head.
He’s contemplating becoming a director but then decides that’s too hard and decides maybe he should try writing fanfiction on Archive of Our Own. He’s already picking out his favorite ships from Monsta X when he suddenly hears a shriek from behind him.
“Oh no!” the person whines. “I can’t believe I stepped in dog-“
“Shit!” Hoshi pops up as he sees Kkuma standing at the sidewalk. He sees the disgruntled look on your face then looks down at Kkmua, who looks the happiest she’s been since Hoshi got her. “Hi!” he says rather worriedly. “I’m so sorry! This is my fault! I wasn’t watching Kkuma and to be honest, this dog kind of hates me but here!” He shoves a packet of tissues he had in his back pocket into your hands. “You can have these! Wait I think I have wet wipes in my bag. Just give me a second and,” he drops to his knees, fumbling with his backpack, “Kkuma is just a baby but I promise she’s not usually like this! She’s so well behaved but I think she has some kind of hidden agenda against me because her dad took me out to eat pork belly the other week. Oh! Here they are! Here, do you want me to wipe it off for you? I don’t mind! It’s my fault and plus, I’ve been picking up Kkuma’s dog poop all day. For somebody so small, she sure does poop a lot! And-“ Hoshi suddenly freezes, a heat rising up from the back of his neck onto his cheeks and into his ears.
Seriously?! he thinks. You seriously went on a rant about dog poop! Just when I thought I had some hope in you, Soonyoung, you prove me wrong again! You’re gonna die alone! You hear me? ALONE!
Hoshi slowly brings himself up from his kneeling position. “I mean...” he awkwardly laughs. And to his surprise, you laugh back. But not in a mocking way like people usually do. You seem genuinely amused by his rant.
“Hey, it’s fine. I’m over it,” you giggle. “I just have to be dramatic about it first.” Hoshi nods slowly, too scared to say anything else. “My names YN.”
“Soonyoung,” he bows slightly. “But my friends call me Hoshi.”
“Oh! Like tiger gaze?” you ask, making claws at him for emphasis.
“Oh! Uh! Exactly, actually!” he grins.
You nod. “I think I’ve heard of you actually,” you explain. “My friend works at Seventeen Dance Company and he’s always talking about his funny friend Hoshi.”
“Oh? Who’s your friend? I must know them!”
“It’s Minghao,” you reply. “I was actually on my way to his art exhibition.” Hoshi nods his head, understanding. “Were you not going to go?”
“Myungho doesn’t like when our friend group goes to his art exhibitions. We got fired after Mingyu had one too many drinks and started to strip talking about some ‘life imitates art’ while standing next to a bust.” His face flushes an even deeper red. “I’m sorry! I don’t know when to shut up sometimes. I’m not good at this.”
You shrug, “I’m having fun.”
“Really?” Hoshi gasps.
You nod. “Yeah. Now c’mon, give me those wet wipes. You’re gonna come with me to Hao’s event. He told me I can bring a plus one and the venue is pet friendly!”
“And that’d how I met YN!” Hoshi grins at the round table of his friends.
“I can’t believe romance movie enthusiast met the person of his dreams over dog poop,” Jeonghan scoffs. “I’m taking full credit for this relationship, by the way. I call best man at the wedding.”
“What? Why do you get credit?!” Seungkwan rebuttals.
“Because the weekend get away was my idea,” he smirks.
“Yeah well Kkuma is my dog so I should be the best man!” Seungcheol argues.
“Hold up. If it weren’t for me and Seungkwan making Hoshi a tinder, who knows what would’ve happened this weekend while he was avoiding us,” Dokyeom points outs out, crossing his arms.
“But Vernon and I were the ones who taught Seungkwan how to even use tinder!” Dino retorts.
Jun scoffs, “You guys wouldn’t even know what tinder was if it weren’t for me and Wonwoo.”
“But I’m his roommate so I get automatic best man rights,” Jihoon says.
“Yeah but YN is my friend and she was heading to my exhibition so by default, I’m going to be the best man because I didn’t even kick Hoshi out when he showed up.”
“Yeah, still offended,” Mingyu rolls his eyes. “How many times do I have to say sorry until you accept my apology?!”
“Until I’m not known as the artist who had a quote unquote ‘model’ take his clothes off in the middle of my show so that I could prove that life can imitate art!”
Hoshi shakes his head and laughs as the argument wages on with you tucked under his chin.
“Are they always like that?” you whisper, looking up at him through your lashes.
“Yeah but...I don’t think I’d trade them for the world,” Hoshi replies, smiling.
It’s right then and there that Hoshi decides that he has all the friends that he needs and for the sake of his sanity, he will have to keep them. They did, after all, lead them to you.
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hyunnie · 4 years
yo so minho scratched sooni (dori??) hella hard and she (he?) looked like they were living the life so i tried it on my dog and he bit me
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staytheb · 5 years
Pairing: SKZ’s Chan x OC [Yeon] Genre: college!au, slice of life, slight fluff Word Count: 5,693 Summary: Yeon was peacefully watching a movie at home until her brother disrupted her. Then she finds herself going to the movies with her siblings and her brother’s friends. What can she do though?
Warning: siblings playful fight. some curse words. i think that’s it.
yo, hey! i’m sorry that it’s another SKZ story, but hey it is what it is. lol and if you haven’t watched Detective Pikachu, then please do! it’s so cute. i didn’t put any spoilers in here if you haven’t watched it yet. lol but yeah, that’s about it and so happy reading and kthxbai, Admin Lia~
revised 9.13.20
"Yeon. Can you leave and go hang out somewhere else?" Minho asked his step-sister while standing in front of the TV blocking her view.
She swerved her head to look around him while speaking and not paying her step-brother any attention.
"No. I was here first. You're blocking my view of Xiao Nai and Bei Weiwei who are about to actually meet in real life."
Minho stepped into her line of sight and blocked her view once again.
"Can't you be like Seul and watch it in your room or something?"
"No. Why can't you go into your room and do whatever it is that you wanna do in there?"
Yeon paused the film and finally glanced up at Minho awaiting his response.
"I can't. I have friends over and it'll be too cramped." Minho answered.
"That's not my fault." Yeon replied indifferently while hugging her large stuffed rabbit that she was partially lying upon and continued to watch her movie. "Besides, the parents told us that we weren't supposed to have anyone over."
"Yeah, they're not here and I can do whatever I want." Minho remarked just as he tugged her plush doll out from under her and began to softly hit her with it. "Move so that I can have the living room, Yeon."
"Ugh, fuckin' Minho. No and stop it. You're so annoying."
She blocked the attacks while standing up to get even with him. Minho slightly feared for his life as he knew that Yeon doesn't hold back even if the other person was the opposite gender, but continued to attack his sister until the two tumbled to the ground and Yeon was now the one softly hitting her brother with the stuffed toy.
"You little shit. I took care of your cats for free and this is the appreciation I get?"
Yeon gave her brother one final little hit before standing up while huffing and letting the rabbit drop on top of him.
"Little asshole. Next time ask someone else to take care of them and I hope they charge you a lot."
Once Yeon had gotten all of that out of her system and looked in a random direction to not stare at Minho's body, her eyes met with a familiar face among the seven other people standing there. Yeon quickly averted her gaze out of embarrassment because she didn't know that he was friends with her brother.
"Fuck my life." She mumbled to herself before glaring down at Minho who had turned on his side while petting the stuffed rabbit to cast her a slight smirk.
"Why didn't you say that they were already here, you jerk."
Yeon lightly kicked Minho's thigh as he just laughed at her not responding back.
"I'ma eat all of your strawberry ice cream and tell Dad that it was you who broke his bookshelf and not Doongie."
"Ah, wait, Yeon. Please don't eat my ic-" Minho called out, but Yeon rushed off not letting him finish his sentence.
"Um, you good?" Seul asked her sister upon Yeon entering her bedroom without a knock.
"Minho's friends are here." Yeon informed her, but not answering her sister's question.
"He knows that Dad told us not to have anyone over, right?"
"He does, but he doesn't care."
"Well, that's Minho for you. Lucky for him since the parents will be gone for the week. Anyways, is that why you're in here now? Because you think his friends are cute." Seul teased as Yeon rolled her eyes and sat on Seul's desk chair as the younger female was occupying her own bed.
"Not even." Yeon denied. "I just embarrassed myself a while ago."
Seul laughed.
"What did you do?"
"I beat up Minho with Maki while his friends were quietly watching it all go down."
Seul laughed louder. Yeon wasn't amused and rolled her eyes until her sister's laughing died down.
"It's not that funny."
"That's pretty funny because that's so you."
"Shut up, but the dumb part is that I know one of them."
"Oh?" Seul let out in surprised. "Who? Do I know him?"
"Bang Chan."
Seul perked up upon hearing the name with a teasing look.
"Ohh, the one with that Australian accent, right?"
"Yes." Yeon confirmed while narrowing her eyes cautiously upon noticing her sister's expression. "What about it?"
"I have a classmate that has an Australian accent, too. I wonder if they're related."
"Oh okay. Same accent must mean they're related."
"You never know since I hardly come across other people with another accent." Seul stated before returning back to the previous top. "This is the same Bang Chan that made you a playlist when y'all first met so that you can listen to something while studying and even to sleep better, right?" Seul cooed playfully afterwards while Yeon rolled her eyes soon afterwards with a bored look.
"Yes, but that doesn't mean anything."
"Yeah, sure. It's been like what? Four years that y'all met?"
"Yes and I wasn't aware he Chan knew Minho. Then again, I never met any of Minho's friends. Also Chan and I only hung out at school, but it's weird because Minho attends the same one. Even you go there."
"Yeah, but I don't hang out with you at school either."
"Anyways, Yeon," Seul dismissed the current topic an went back to the previous one, "You can't hide in here forever. I have to run errands in a bit."
"What errands?"
"I need to get supplies for an assignment for one of my classes. It's due by the end of this week."
"Wow. Always last minute with you."
"Yeah, of course. You know how I roll. Anyways, do you wanna come with me then?"
"No." Yeon quickly declined with a disgusted look. "I hate shopping with you."
"Oh, c'mon. I hate going to places by myself."
"You're seriously just picking up stuff. It's different."
"Yeah, but I'll probably need help carrying the stuff."
"Nah. That's your fault. Should buy yourself one of those wagon things."
"You were supposed to get that for me for Christmas."
"Oh, right. I'll get it for you later."
"Mmhmm. I've been waiting for like two years now."
"You'll get it when you get it. Why not ask Minho's friends to help you out?"
"No. That's weird. I don't know them. Anyways, you wanna come or not?"
When Yeon and Seul were ready to leave the duo had walked out into the living room towards the door. Since Seul had walked out first, she happened to noticed one of Minho's friends who also spotted her before a goofy expression appeared on his face. The said male quickly rose from his spot on the floor before quickly making his way towards Seul. The rest of the boys curiously watched their friend stand up and headed towards the female duo. Seul with a small smirk pulled Yeon in front of her which resulted in the male to envelop the older sister instead within his embrace as his eyes had closed upon contact.
"Seul! I've missed you." He cooed with affection as Yeon silently freaked out and tried to squirm out of his hold upon the unexpected skinship from the random male.
"Sorry, but you got the wrong person." Yeon told him a second later causing the male to open his eyes and stared wide-eyed at Yeon apologetically.
"I'm so sorry."
Hyunjin instantly released Yeon causing her to stumble away from him before catching her balance and steadying herself a moment later. Hyunjin then faced the right person and pouted at her with sad eyes.
"That was not funny, Seul."
"Don't be such a baby." Seul said with a laugh. "You'll live, Hyunjin."
"You guys know each other?" Minho asked directing the question at his friend and little sister causing the two to turned their attention towards Minho.
"I'm her boyfriend." Hyunjin answered proudly with a large smile while Seul replied with a small smile and nonchalant tone. "He's a classmate."
Hyunjin's jaw dropped in disbelief as he faced his girlfriend.
"Did you just say I was your classmate and not your boyfriend?"
"Yeah. Technically, you are also my classmate." Seul stated indifferently before gesturing at a few of Minho's friends. "So is Felix, Seungmin, Jisung, and Jeongin."
"Hi, Seul!" The four greeted her happily while coming over to the female to give her hugs like they usually would do upon greeting each other.
"Hey, hey, that's my girlfriend. No touchy. Back away." Hyunjin huffed as he pushed his friends away with a playful smack once they got done hugging Seul and had move back to settling themselves in the living room again. "When did y'all become friends without me knowing?"
"Honestly, I didn't even know that y'all were friends. It's kinda weird now that I see all of you gathered in my home."
"You're telling me." Minho commented with a disgusted look.
Yeon shot Minho a look.
"Well, we wouldn't have to if you just didn't invite anyone over."
"Well, technically, I didn't, but now that I think about it you need friends, anyways."
"Wow, what a jerk. I have friends and it's weird if I become friends with your friends, too."
"My friends are a whole lot better than yours."
"You keep it up, Minho, I'ma tell Mom that it was you who made all the photo frames cracked and that it wasn't Soonie and Dori."
"Fine, Yeon, but I thought I could deal with one of them knowing my sister, but now five more of them knowing the other sister. Bleh. It's too much."
"You'll live. You have nine lives, anyways."
Seul brushed him off with a chuckle.
"Psh, I wish. Since when were you dating my friend, Seul?"
"I didn't know he was your friend. Actually, I've never met any of your friends until now."
"Yeah. I didn't know that this Seul was the sister you were talking about, Minho, that was the same Seul who was my girlfriend." Hyunjin commented as he clung onto Seul with a happy expression.
"Anyways," Seul interjected while letting her boyfriend hold her for a bit before directing her attention onto her brother, "Yeon and I are gonna go shopping right now and so we'll be back later."
"Oh, then buy me food." Minho tells them nonchalantly.
"Buy your own food." Yeon retorts with a narrow look at her brother. "Seul needs to buy school supplies and that's why I'm accompanying her since she hates going to places by herself."
"Oh. Is it for Mr. Heo's class?" Felix pipes from his spot. "I'll come, too, since I gotta buy stuff for his class, too."
"Go buy yourself." Hyunjin rejected the idea. "I'll go with Seul instead."
"Okay, cool. Go to the store with your boyfriend, Seul." Yeon stated with a smile. "I don't need to go now."
"Then you buy the food, Yeon." Minho repeated with a smirk. "You're the oldest and Dad left his card with you."
Yeon walked towards Minho while pulling out her father's credit card from one of her pockets and handed it to Minho.
"Just call delivery. I'll be busy."
"Doing what?"
"Watching Detective Pikachu."
"By yourself?" Minho asked with a judging expression.
Yeon cast him a 'duh' face.
"Yeah, obviously."
"Ohh, let's all go watch a movie together!" Jeongin exclaimed with a bright smile.
"I agree with Jeongin. Let's go watch a movie together." Jisung agreed with excited eyes. "We can finally watch Endgame."
"Hold up, Jisung,"  Seungmin interjected himself into the conversation, "I thought we were supposed to play games and hangout here?"
"We can do that another time, Woojin." A third person spoke wearing all black. "Let's all go watch Endgame since we're all free right now."
"Changbin's right." Felix said with a nod. "We can play games after watching Endgame."
"Ohh, yeah, I agree to what Felix says." Hyunjin inputted right after. "Let's do that instead."
"I'm going shopping, not to the movies." Seul stated giving her boyfriend a slightly annoyed look. "You can do that with your friends without me."
"We can go supplies shopping after the movies" He reasoned with a gentle smile.
Seul shrugged not minding it either way now that she thought about it.
"Sure, I guess."
"I'm pretty sure that Yeon said she wanted to watch Detective Pikachu and not Endgame." Chan reasoned giving them a curious look. "I don't think she wants to watch what we want to watch."
Everyone turned to face Yeon who at that moment had just turned to look over her shoulder to make sure that no one had noticed that she was trying to leave the place. She let out an embarrassed laugh upon being caught while catching the eye of Chan who shot her an amused smile who's been quiet this whole time.
"What?" She asked feeling like she had missed out on something.
"So what do you say, Yeon?" Chan asked her all of a sudden.
"Say to what?" She questioned now all confused upon not paying attention to their conversation earlier.
Chan smiled as he repeated the two options.
"I know that you want to see Detective Pikachu, but the other boys minus your brother wants to watch Endgame. So which one do you say to?"
"Hello. How may I help you?" The staff asked Yeon upon going up to the window at the cinemas although she glanced to her right upon seeing Chan standing there right beside her as well.
She ignored him and paid her attention onto the worker.
"Uh yeah, hi. Can I have eight tickets for Avengers: Endgame and two tickets for Detective Pikachu, please?"
The staff clarified the information before confirming the correct amount of tickets for said movies. Yeon handed her card towards the staff, but she also saw that Chan had also offered his as well. The staff looked between the two wondering which one to take. Yeon reached out her other hand to gently push Chan's arm away.
"This one, please." Yeon moved her card forward, but Chan did the same thing after getting his arm pushed away.
"Actually, this one instead please."
"Just choose whichever one." Yeon said in hopes that the staff would take her card in the end.
The staff didn't as Chan's card was taken instead to pay for the tickets. She shot him a look.
"Why did you do that?"
"My treat." He answered with a smile while taking back his card once the transaction went through.
Before Yeon could countered his reply, the staff spoke again.
"Here you go. Please enjoy the movie."
"Thank you and will do." Chan thanked the worker while taking the tickets.
He walked back to the group of nine as Yeon followed behind a bit reluctantly.
"So Yeon's watching Detective Pikachu and I'm assuming the other person watching it with her is you, Seul, right?"
Chan asked upon handing one of the two tickets for Detective Pikachu to Seul.
"Yup, that's me." Seul confirmed as she took the ticket from Chan. "Thank you."
"You're not gonna watch Endgame with me?" Hyunjin said to Seul with a pout.
"Nope," Seul shook her head with a smile, "But have fun with just the nine of you."
"Okay, but next time let's just come back when it's just the two of us."
"Sure, Hyunjin."
"Alright, lovebirds. Continue this another time when we're not here." Seungmin interjected a bit disgusted by his friend's lovey-dovey behavior with his girlfriend.
"I think it's cute to see Hyunjin like this." Chan commented with a dad-like smile.
"Okay, snacks time!" Changbin exclaimed happily as he rushed to the concession stand first with everyone else in tow.
Yeon told the group to order whatever they wanted and that she'll pay at the end when it was her turn. She even informed the other people behind them that they were a large group and to go to the other registers when they were free. After doing so, Yeon stood off to the side to hear everyone's order while memorizing all the items so that nothing was forgotten and everything ordered was there and be properly paid for.
Once everything was confirmed with everyone else getting a drink of their own while also sharing several of the snacks among them, Yeon finally stepped up to the cashier and put in her own order. It wasn't until a moment later when she realized that it was already paid for when a card and receipt was handed towards her as she hadn't had the chance to give her own card as payment. She stared at the items with a puzzled look before seeing a hand reach out to pluck them from the worker. Yeon looked over to see Chan smiling at her like earlier.
"When did you give them your card?" Yeon whispered to him while standing off to the side to await her drink and popcorn.
"Way before you went up just now and right after Jeongin." Chan replied with another smile.
"Chan, that was like six people ago." Yeon deadpanned with a frown.
"Cheer up, Yeon. It's fine. Remember, I told you it was my treat."
"But you already paid for the tickets, Chan. I don't get why you're treating in the first place."
"It's fine. C'mon, let's go catch up with the others."
Chan took her things with another smile while motioning his head to their large group who were waiting for them. Once again, Yeon reluctantly trailed after him with a sigh while becoming antsy with him already paying twice for their large group. Chan handed Yeon her items when she finally caught up to them.
"Okay. Since Detective Pikachu ends earlier than Endgame, we'll text you once it's over and meet up somewhere." Minho informed his sisters. "Sounds good?"
"Yeah." The sister's agreed with a nod and thumbs up.
"Okay. See ya later. Enjoy your movie!”
The two groups bid one another goodbye while parting different ways.
"Aww, Pikachu is so cute with his little hat and what not." Seul commented once she and Yeon left the show room. "That was a cute movie."
"I know right. He was seriously adorable." Yeon agreed with a chuckle. "I kinda expected what was gonna happen earlier in the movie because I read the synopsis of the game it was based on, but it was still unexpected at the end. So still good for a live adaptation of it. They did good."
"Yeah, they sure did. By the way, do you know what that one Pokemon was near the end. The pink one?"
"The pink one? Oh the big pink and fluffy one, right?"
"Ahh, no, but I'll look it up later for you.'
"Okay, because I don't remember seeing that one and it was kinda cute. Reminded me of Jiggly Puff or that one that hangs out with Nurse Joy."
"It was cute and fluffy, but doesn't look like a Chansey or Blissey."
The duo stopped walking and stayed off to the side while looking about the mall. The pair wondered what they should do while waiting for the boys.
"So, what do you wanna do next?" Yeon asked her sister.
Seul shrugged before answering. "I dunno. Wanna get ice cream?"
"So, does Chan like you?" Seul asked Yeon once the duo settled at a table after ordering their ice cream.
Yeon almost choked on her ice cream, but recovered shortly afterwards.
"Why do you say that?"
"Because he paid for our tickets and food."
"What does that have to do with him liking me?"
"Because you didn't pay even though you wanted to."
"You saw?"
Seul then cast her sister a mischievous smile.
"I think he really likes you. I just feel it in my jellies."
Yeon rolled her eyes at the mention of the phrase, but a small smile graced her lips upon hearing it.
"Oh, I'll take that as a sign that you like him."
"What sign?"
"You just smiled."
"I was smiling about the jellies part."
"Yeah, sure. Anyways, do you like him?"
"And if I do?"
"Nothing." Seul said with a shrug. "It just make sense."
Yeon rolled her eyes and directed the conversation elsewhere.
"So, your little boyfriend is a friend of Minho’s. How do you feel about that?"
"It is what it is, but it is a little weird."
"I don't blame you. Anyways, let's go buy you your school supplies so that we can leave once the boys are done with their movie."
Yeon and Seul had just stepped out of the store they were in to be bombarded by a worrying Minho and Hyunjin coming up to them upon having spotted the female pair. Well, Hyunjin worrying more about Seul than Yeon.
"Yah! I've been calling and messaging you like crazy. Why didn't you check your phone?" Hyunjin asked with an exasperated tone directed at Seul.
"Oh, my bad. It was in my bag. I forgot to take it off silent mode." Seul answered with a neutral tone not feeling bad whatsoever.
"At least you could've text us where you guys were gonna be." Minho reasoned as Yeon replied him with a weird look. "You could've tracked Seul's location since you both have iPhones."
"I did when I remembered that."
"Okay, there you go. We're fine."
Yeon then reached into her back pocket, pulled out her father's card, and offered it to Minho. Minho took it with a puzzled look.
"Why are you giving me this?"
"Use it or whatever. I'm going home."
"I'm tired."
"Oh, then feed my cats when you get home."
"Feed your own cats."
"I'm not going home, but you are."
"Only because I was originally only suppose to come help Seul with her school stuff." Yeon reasoned with an annoyed tone. "Also because I don't wanna do anything else now that I finally got the chance to watch Detective Pikachu. Basically, my day out is over now."
"I'll be nice, please."
"Fine. Just because I'm nice and a good sister."
"Thank you, Yeon." Minho thanked her sincerely and she dismissed him indifferently.
"Yeah, yeah. You're welcome."
"Oh, since you're going back home then, Yeon, can you take these back for me?" Seul asked while handing her sister all of her shopping bags.
"Hyunjin wants to go on a date now."
Yeon cast Hyunjin an amused look.
Hyunjin nodded with a shy look.
"If you don't mind?"
"Why would I? Go on your little date then."
Yeon took Seul's stuff within her grasps as Hyunjin happily dragged Seul away somewhere, but not before thanking Yeon.
"Thank you so much, Yeon! I owe you one!"
Yeon just wave them off not really caring if Hyunjin did owe her one or not. The rest of the group watched the pair until their figures disappeared from sight.
"He's so in love and it's disgusting." Jeongin commented with a slight shiver.
Felix placed an arm around Jeongin with a nod.
"That it is, but I feel sorry for Seul though since she has to deal with him majority of the time now."
"True, but at least we now don't have to deal with his affectionate ass." Jisung agreed with a relieved grin.
"Anyways," Yeon interjected as all the males' attention turned towards her, "Y'all have fun and make sure that Minho doesn't lose the card or his ass won't be able to care for his cats ever again. Okay, later!"
Yeon cast them one last smile with a small wave before swiftly turning around and walking away from the group of eight with a slight bounce to her steps. Yeon was casually humming to herself until she felt and heard another presence behind her. She rolled her eyes, but didn't turn back already knowing who it was.
"Y'know, you're just making it even more obvious, Bang Chan."
She heard Chan chuckled from behind her before he matched her pace and was now walking alongside her.
"Making what obvious?" Chan asked curiously while glancing over at her every now and then.
"How much you wanna bother me now that we're outside school."
"Is that so?"
"Mmhmm. First you paid for the tickets and then you paid for the snacks." She reminded him.
"I don't see how that's relevant though."
"It just is. Anyways, don't forget I remember how much you wanted to hangout outside of school, but couldn't."
"Because you always came up with an excuse on why we couldn't."
"Those weren't excuses." She shot him a slight glare before facing forward again. "They were legitimate reasons."
"Oh yeah, I'm sure they were." He agreed with a sarcastic and playful tone.
"They were." Yeon persisted casting him a look, but turning away shortly afterwards while mumbling to herself. "Jerk."
Chan laughed having caught the word, but didn't say anything as the pair excited the mall and were on their way to the metro station.
"So how was Detective Pikachu?" Chan asked Yeon a moment later.
"Good. It was a good movie. He reminded me of you." Yeon casually voiced out without thinking much of it.
Chan let out a disbelief laugh.
"Really? How?"
"Y'all are both cute one minute and then weird the next. Also, you're both clingy in a certain type of way that isn't openly obvious."
"So what you're saying is that you think I'm cute, weird, and clingy?"
"Wow, Yeon. I didn't know you saw me like that."
"There's a lot of things you don't know about me."
"I do know that you really enjoy the playlist I made for you on Spotify."
"Because you have good taste in music and it's versatile."
"Oh, thank you, Yeon." Chan thanked her as he wasn't expecting her to compliment him like that since he just wanted to tease her for fun.
"You're welcome. Thanks for making me one. It has helped a lot."
Chan suddenly turned shy, but still thanked Yeon while trying to brush if off.
"Ahh, thanks, but it's not a big deal. Glad that it helped out."
The two grew quiet as they went about the metro station to find the right line to get them home and stepping into the right subway compartment. The two sat side by side one another before Yeon shot Chan a slightly annoyed look.
"So are you gonna accompany all the way home before you head back to the others?"
"Hmm, nope."
"Oh, then what are you gonna do after?"
"Chill with you until the others get back. Maybe we can watch a movie and relax."
"Oh?" Yeon let out with a suggestive tone until Chan slightly panicked with a chuckle and tried to explain himself.
"Ah, no, Yeon. I didn't mean it like that."
"Then how was it supposed to be meant, Chan?"
"Just chill and probably listen to music or watch a movie or whatever you feel like doing since it's your place. We can play games, too. Just those type of things."
Yeon laughed at Chan's flustered appearance as he explained himself before her laughter died down and she tiredly replied back to him.
"Anyways, Chan, I really don't wanna do anything with you or the others when they get back. I'm going to sleep when I get home."
"Aww, it's not even six yet and you're already retiring for the day?"
"Shut up, Bang Chan. I can do whatever I want. You're not my mom."
Yeon jerked her head away from him to lean it against the window like a child. Chan chuckled at her behavior before pulling his earbuds from his pockets and placing one airpod into his ear and the other in Yeon's ear. She jerked away from the item and looked at Chan weirdly before noticing what it was.
"Ahh, sorry, Chan, but I can't wear those. They don't fit in my ears properly." Yeon explained to him with an apologetic look. "They always pop out for some reason."
"Is that an excuse or an actual reason, Yeon?" Chan asked with an amused tone.
"It's a real reason." Yeon pouted without realizing it. "That's why I don't wear earbuds or something similar, but headphones instead."
"I don't think I believe you."
"I don't care if you do or not."
"C'mon, Yeon. It's a long ride and there's a new song I want you to listen to."
"Can't you just add it to the playlist?"
"Yes, but music always helps every situation and needs to be share constantly."
Chan still held out the other piece for her to take and Yeon let out a sigh before taking it in her left hand after moving the other bags to her right one.
"Fine, whatever you say, Chan."
Chan smiled giddily as he scrolled through his phone to find a song while Yeon placed the airpod into her ear, but kept her hand by her ear to hold the small item in place. She didn't want it to fall out along the ride and lose something that wasn't hers. The music softly started to fill into her left ear as Yeon's attention was drawn to the view passing by outside. She wanted to avoid looking at Chan since she felt like her face would reveal her shy demeanor upon being in their current position.
Chan fiddle with his phone some more before contently putting it away and glanced at Yeon a second later. He realized that she wasn't making up an excuse and was actually holding the airpod against her ear with her hand. As Yeon watched the view outside, Chan also glanced out the window to gaze at the now darkening view, but his eyes lingered every so often to admire Yeon beside him with a soft smile gracing his lips.
"Stop looking at me like that." Yeon mumbled only for Chan to hear upon noticing his gaze on her due to the reflection of the windows.
"Like what?" Chan mused not being phased about having been caught.
"Like you're admiring me or whatever."
Yeon tried to keep her tone neutral, but deep down inside she was becoming fluster by his constant stares and soft smiles. She still couldn't face him properly and only watched his reflection talk to her.
"What if I am?" Chan admitted still with the amused tone to his voice.
"Can we like not do this while riding the metro? It's weird."
"No, Yeon. It's easier because you can't run away."
Yeon swiftly faced him with a confused look.
"Run away from what? And don't tell me about it having to do something with my feelings for you, too, and all that lovey-dovey stuff."
"I didn't have to. You just did."
Yeon was about to deny it, but realized she did and closed her mouth. She decided to say something else to Chan instead before turning her gaze away from him.
"Shut up."
Chan laughed before speaking again when his laughter died down.
"So do you wanna watch a movie just the two of us next time?"
"Like in as a date?" Yeon asked for confirmation while turning her attention on to Chan.
"Yeah, like a date." Chan clarified.
"Why not?"
"Because then you'll pay again and I won't be able to do so."
"Okay then, how about this. We alternate every time we go out."
"You really just want an excuse to hang out with me don't you?"
"Mmhmm, but it's not really an excuse if we start dating because I don't need an excuse to see my girlfriend."
Yeon elbowed him away as her hands were unable to slap at him. Chan laughed as he nudged her playfully.
"I know that made your heart jumped a little despite how you reacted."
"Shut up, Bang Chan, and just let me suffer in peace."
"Why suffer alone when we can do it together, Yeon?"
"Because I don't think you'll live to see another."
"I'll take my chances."
"Ugh. I wished I never sat next to you on the first day we met."
"Oh why not? I only passed that class because you shared your notes with me."
"You passed just like everyone else in that class because I was the only one who actually took notes for it that made sense for y'all to comprehend and shared it."
"To which I'm totally grateful for, Yeon."
"Whatever. Don't talk to me until we get home."
"Aww, but I thought we were just growing closer to one another just now."
"I can't handle you right now."
"That's just mean, Yeon."
"I'm gonna move to another spot and let you suffer by yourself if you don't stop."
"Okay, okay."
Chan relented with a defeated laugh as Yeon glared at him, but it softened into a playful glare a moment later upon seeing Chan's smiling face.
"Fine, Chan. We can have a movie date this weekend." Yeon said already giving in to the male.
"At a theater or one of our places?"
"Wherever as long as no one else tags along."
"Okay. An actual movie theater where I'll pay it is then."
"I didn't mention about you paying, Chan."
"I know, Yeon." Chan said with a smug look as Yeon just shook her head knowing she wasn't going to win with this whole thing.
"Okay, yeah, sure, fine, whatever, Chan. You win."
Chan laughed upon hearing her response before speaking.
"It was never about winning, Yeon. It was just about you acknowledging me."
Yeon didn't respond with a shake of her head in disbelief of what Chan had just said, but with a slight smirk and on impulse she quickly hooked their arms together before the airpod in her ear could fall out. Placing her left hand against her ear again, Yeon faced the window to stare at the scenery once more with a soft smile upon her lips.
As for Chan, his heart thudded against his chest at Yeon's sudden skinship before glancing at her. He saw how shy she looked after doing so, but didn't say anything. Instead a slow smile crept onto his face as he once again quietly admired her profile and the view of the night sky as it passed on by.
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