tennelleflowers · 1 year
Hey, just here to fuel your Dark Fiagra about Riku being gay and the Light.
In KH2 when Sora and Riku are in the Realm Between the portal to the Dark Margin doesn't open until Sora and Riku have the first part of their "heart to heart". He's literally being vunerable in every way and Sora just shows him patience and understanding. Then the portal opens.
Then on the Margin, Riku opens up once again. I think the reason that Riku wasn't the one to open the Door to Light was because Sora confirmed that he was happy to stay in the dark with Riku.
This part is a stretch but I think, maybe, Riku hearing Sora wistfully reading the letter may have opened the door. Or you know, Maybe it was Kairi. Riku is under the impression that Sora is the Loght because Sora is HIS light, which is why he tells Sora that the door to light was his heart.
Who knows, maybe Soras heart DID open the door, but imo, Kairis letter wasn't romantic. It doesn't even make much sense pertaining to the story.
You're so right. You want to know the funny thing tho? In the character files, there's a short story from Riku's pov about their conversation at the Dark Margin at the end of KH2. It's the same one where Riku says that he used to try to act like Sora's older brother as a kid, but doesn't think of their relationship that way anymore.
To tell you the truth, Sora...I was jealous of you.
As I sat on the dark shore next to Sora, I wondered when I began to feel that way.
Was it when Sora became a Keyblade wielder?
Or was it all the way back when we were children on the islands?
It wouldn’t be strange for me to think I was better than Sora. After all, when you’re a child, a year is a big age difference, so I played the older brother and took Sora around with me everywhere. When did that change?
And then, when it gets to the part where Kairi's letter is supposed to come in, it's just completely omitted???
“I wished I could live life the way you do. Just following my heart.”
“Yeah, well, I’ve got my share of problems, too.” Sora responded, staring at the horizon.
“Like what?” I asked Sora, smiling a bit.
“Like...wanting to be like you.”
“I see.”
That made me a little sad, so I responded with as cheerful a voice as I could manage.
“Well, there is one advantage to being me..something you could never imitate.”
“Really? What is it?”
“Having you for a friend.”
Sora was surprised for a moment. Then, he exhaled a bit.
“Then, I guess...I’m okay the way I am. I’ve got something you could never imitate too.” Sora responded with a smile, and he looked off beyond the horizon, at the moon shining faintly in the sky - at the world where we would meet our end.
We both had our own things that the other couldn’t do. Our hearts, each just like the other, were both filled to the brim with happy feelings at that moment.
I was glad to have been Sora’s friend.
My eyes instinctively narrowed at the sight of the bright sun-like light that appeared right before us.
“The door to light...we’ll go together!”
Sora stood up and offered his hand to me.
I responded and began to walk with Sora.
LIKE? Hello? Look at this thing just directly implying that it was actually Sora and Riku's hearts opening up to each other that opened the Door to Light??? Skipping Kairi's letter entirely??? (why do they keep doing this lol just let Kairi HAVE SOMETHING sakdfljsd)
Now, like I've said before, stuff in the novels/characters files are SECONDARY canon, so it is canon that Kairi's letter in a bottle shows up and Sora reads it, and then the Door to Light appears. But with this added context I wouldn't say it's a reach that the Door to Light opening to them probably has more to do with them than Kairi's letter specifically.
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boxfullaturtles · 10 months
I want to know all the things about your KH AU. Please just tell me things, because I love it.
oh Kingdom Hearts AU, how i have neglected you…. UnU what can I say about KH AU hhhmm (aside from having Raph's ref sheet half done and then getting distracted by a million other things lol) let's see........
Donnie loses his heart at some point. Not because of a Heartless or other enemy, but because he pushes himself too hard and too far.
He does create a Heartless. I don't know what kind of Nobody he leaves behind
The rest of the family do end up finding--and fighting--Donnie's Heartless. How do they know it's Donnie's? Well, aside from Mikey being able to sense Donnie's Heart, buried and smothered in Darkness, there's a certain...Donatello flavor to the way the Heartless looks.
I have not finished designing the Donnie Heartless.
How do they get Donnie back? I dunno. Maybe it involves the piece of his Heart he left with Shelldon.
What's in the half of Donnie's lab that no one ever gets to see? That's a secret. For now.
Casey's Future Leo only had one Keyblade and it wasn't Arc Hope, so Future Leo didn't have portals. In fact, Future Leo's Keyblade didn't seem like it fit him at all. A heavy hitter with a reverse grip didn't really fit his fighting style. But he made it work.
Future Mikey was so powerful that his Keyblade kind of just...floated around him, like an extension of himself. He wielded it kind of like how Sora's Final Form uses Keyblades in KH2.
Casey Junior gets a shock when he sees the present day Keyblades. And an even bigger one when Leo portals. And then the biggest one when Leo gains Synch Blade and dual Keyblades.
I love the design of Before the Fall so damn much. But I don't think it fits Leo very well overall. I think after the Krang, the whole thing is weighing heavily on his Heart and he can't let it go. So while he has a lot more faith in his family (After the Rise), he's struggling with keeping that faith in himself. It's letting doubt and Darkness creep into his Heart and it's going to take some work and character development for him to overcome this. Before the Fall is a little too heavy with Darkness for him.
When Leo DOES find himself in a better place, Before the Fall will change. To what? I haven't decided yet. I just don't think Leo should be forced to carry a burden like that Keyblade. He deserves something better.
April's Keyblade is the only one I haven't figured out a name for yet.
In the silly TMNT AU Competition comic I did, Donnie mentions a "Worlds We Are Banned From" list. This is a real list. They have been forbidden from returning to some worlds for...reasons. The reasons may or may not be because of shit they've done.
Raph and Leo sort of co-lead the group, but Raph still acts as the big brother most of the time, trying to wrangle his siblings into behaving. Except when he's acting out too, and then it's April's job.
April getting a Keyblade was an accident. Donnie accidentally did it when they were little.
What's Draxum doing in this AU? Why did he make the turtles? What are the Foot Clan doing? How does The Shredder work? Fuck if I know. What, you think I planned this or something?
Yes, there is magic that alters their appearance depending on what kind of world they land on. Most of the time, it's like a surface level glamour that only affects the eyes of the inhabitants (this is my headcanon as to why no questions why a duck and a dog are following Sora around 90% of the time, they look human on worlds with humans). There have been a few worlds where they've had to deal with physical transformations. Suffice it to say that those have been an absolute riot for everyone.
And...that's all I got. For now anyway. There is still some stuff I'm working on, but it's sort of taken a back seat to everything else...
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maboroshi-no · 8 days
Hello, thank you for your efforts to share Light Novel 14 and I enjoyed reading your summaries very much. I wanted to know what questions and theories came to you while reading Volume 14? I'd be happy if you could tell them.
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Ok, I'll answer these two asks since they are highly similar.
Answer below.
Questions and theories while I read LN14...? I guess I'll just go in order. Though, I think they will mostly be random questions that came to mind while reading.
Could Cyrus be the reincarnation of Monkey Girl's brother?
When Cyrus mentioned how his dog died right in front of his eyes, it sounded suspiciously similar to the circumstances of Monkey Girl's death. On top of this, Cyrus is not sensitive to Katarina's charm despite their affinities, and they have sibling-like interactions when Katarina acts as his love counselor. So at the beginning of the volume, I thought "Maybe?", but after reading the truth about the dog's death, I guess it was a false lead.
So Sorcier's history is 300 years old...
I was a bit surprised since Sorcier's ancient history doesn't sound so ancient. And they changed the script in the meanwhile (ancient script / current script)
Did all these foreign nobles make such a long trip for a 1-day party...?
Like, it would at least be a 4-day trip for people coming from the neighboring country Sharma. If Cezar wasn't already here, he would have crossed the sea just to attend this party... It makes me wonder if the foreign guests came from afar?
Do capture targets still have a role once their routes end?
Cezar is still around even though his route is over, and now Cyrus's route is also finished. I also wonder if there is a harem route in FL2.
So Alan is sensitive to Mary's charm...
It makes me wonder if I can take it as a strong AlanxMary development.
Why is Geordo so wary of Cezar?
Geordo explains in the extra story that he feels like he would be no match for Cezar if he seriously approached Katarina, but I don't understand why he is specifically wary of Cezar.
So Geordo's polite speech is not natural...
Geordo was pretty casual in his thoughts while he was fighting with Katarina about his fever.
Is it really odd that Sora has a Japanese name?
Haru and Ryou also have Japanese names since they come from Sharma, so it might not be so odd for Sora to be given a Japanese name. Though, I still think it is odd because the important point is not that "Sora" sounds like a Japanese name, but that "Sora" is supposed to mean "sky". Haru and Ryou's names are written in katakana and not kanjis, so I interpret it as "their names sound Japanese" and not "their names have Japanese meanings".
Isn't it odd that Katarina can have FL2 dream without Sophia around?
Sophia is always with Katarina when she wakes up, but not necessarily when she falls asleep. It makes me wonder if the dream starts before Sophia is near Katarina.
Aren't people scared of Sora's dark magic in FL2?
In the current timeline, Larna took Sora in because she was interested in his dark magic, but normally the other directors would frown on someone using dark magic. But in FL2, Sora seemed to get along with the director.
Is Larna's benefactor the original creator of dark magic?
Larna seemed to talk about the person as if their name was mentioned in history. It feels weird if we consider them as someone who was alive like, 10-15 years ago?
Is Tank Top really here for comic relief?
His scenes are so pointless that it makes me wonder if he doesn't have a hidden role, like a spy or someone secretly delivering stuff to people.
Was Sorcier's history written by the FL2's game writer?
It is so detailed that it would be a shame if the content wasn't used in the game.
Why is Nathan so interested in dark magic?
I think he might be related in some way to the original dark magic. I don't think he is part of the organization.
Did Nathan want to avoid Katarina?
When Katarina offered to take him to the Magic Power & Magic Research department, he initially refused and tried going in the opposite direction. But if he really wanted to go somewhere else, was it a smart move to go in the opposite direction in front of Katarina?
Is Nathan really Uncle Stuart?
Because his reaction when Katarina thanked him and when she grabbed his arm was the same as Uncle Stuart in LN13.
What did Maria think during the lunch?
I really wonder what she thought when she saw Katarina relish the food made by another girl.
Will Luigi confront the royal family and the Ministry more seriously at some point?
He really seemed pissed off that they readily sent Katarina to danger.
Is Geordo really okay with "the royals's recommendation"?
I really expected him to react regarding the mission.
Can Haru freely go to Sorcier's parties?
It makes me wonder if Haru has the means to travel to whatever big party is held in Sorcier. And if it isn't so odd to have foreign people at these parties when Katarina is used to parties with only Sorcier people.
What was the point of the super horses and carriages?
Like, I don't think making the trip 1 day and a half instead of 4 days really made such a big difference to the plot.
Why did Maria decide to support Haru?
I wondered if it wasn't because she wanted Cyrus to stop pursuing her. Like, I doubt Maria is oblivious to Cyrus's feelings.
Why did Maria decide to speak to Cyrus on the balcony?
Maria is not particularly close to Cyrus and it wouldn't have been so odd for her to think she could leave things to Haru, who is way closer to Cyrus, and whom she has decided to support. And even leaving Haru aside, she could have thought Katarina would somehow comfort Cyrus since they are best buddies. But Maria still decided to comfort Cyrus herself on the balcony, and she didn't even witness Haru being rejected. I dunno, Maria's action here seems strange to me. It is like she expected Cyrus to open up to her.
Was the child Cyrus saved Uncle Stuart?
I guess there is a high chance the child was Uncle Stuart since the child was a royal and Uncle Stuart reminded Katarina that pets were not allowed in the castle. But I wonder if this connection will have an impact on the plot?
Will we see again the royal lady who killed Cyrus's dog?
It was mentioned several times in the story she should not be here anymore, which sounds unsettling. I also wonder if the mysterious lady in LN6 might not be her.
Why weren't the dragons aggressive?
Dragon 1 seemed to have been conscious enough not to rampage. So I wonder if they hadn't a mind of their own.
Will Katarina be able to summon the dragon she sucked up?
It would make sense since FL!Katarina could summon a dragon.
Is FL!Maria more powerful than the current Maria?
FL!Maria could handle Pochi and a dragon probably by herself, while Maria was about to collapse after defeating one dragon.
What will happen between Raphael and Sarah from now on?
I look forward to the development on that front.
Supposing the grey-eyed man is Marquis Dieke, will something happen between him and Raphael?
I think he was referring to Raphael when he said "that child". But I wonder if they met once before.
What was Haru's role in the plot?
If Haru really was a rival character, she didn't seem to have impacted Cyrus and Maria's relationship. She has nothing to do with Cyrus's change. So I wonder if she really was introduced only to be rejected so sadly :(. Or was she introduced to remind Katarina of her past life with her brothers?
Did Maria not join everyone after the report?
Maria may be in the picture, but there is no mention of her in the scene...
Why did Katarina dream about Cyrus's route only after the events actually happened?
It feels so odd. She has no use for this information except for knowing that Cyrus's route is over.
Who was the person in the last POV scene?
The big question.
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dutchforstrangers · 1 year
Digimon Adventure: 2023 - The newborn chronicles 1/?
Since approx three weeks, I'm head deep into diapers, broken nights and feeding sessions, trying to navigate through life with a newborn. All the while, coming here feels like this could be both my escape from and way of dealing with everything. So I might as well throw in some drabbles about my faves during pregnancy/labor and/or with newborns! Don't expect too much shipping or even shipping at all, just these mofos being newborn parents and not knowing sh*t about all of this.
If you have any suggestions or requests for this series (character(s) and/or prompt/idea), please crawl into my ask box and leave a message (: It's great writing exercise for me after being out of it for so long! I'm taking everything on a scale from everyday domestic fluff to drama with a funny twist and from comedy with a serious touch to dark and heavy angsty emotional rollercoaster.
Episode 1: Taichi & newborn Souta, pt. 1
"Well, just kill me now..."
He said as he exhaled loudly, his hands desperately buried in his hair that seemed wilder than ever before. The bags underneath his eyes in combination with the messy hair and stinky boxers indicating the lack of sleep and showering.
A small piece of Taichi hoped his wife would hear him sigh, wake and come to his rescue. The biggest piece, however, wanted to let her have a peaceful night after all the tough ones she already had and show her he could actually do this by himself.
Thing was he wasn't sure how to.
He reached for his phone on top of the dresser, next to his one week old son. Their eyes met, one set of brown eyes expectingly piercing through his own pair.
"I'm sorry I'm letting you wait, I just... I just need to be sure. So stop looking at me like that."
Taichi's eyes quickly moved from the baby to his phone, scrolling through the names in his contacts.
If he'd call Hikari, or Sora, they would immediately mother and scold him for not knowing "anything". They were an easy skip.
He could call Yamato, but the scenario in his head made him skip his friend faster than lightning.*
Jyou could be useful knowledge-wise, but he'd probably be in a night shift and too busy picking up.
Mimi wasn't an option either, feeling she would leave him with unuseful anecdotes about her traveling life and more questions than answers.
Takeru he felt too awkward to call and Daisuke was simply a hard no.
That left him with one last option. And even though Taichi wasn't sure about that person's knowledge regarding this specific topic, he was sure that he would help him in the best way possible.
Plus, the voice on the other end weirdly soothed him.
With his gaze fixed on his son's overly yellow-brownish body, Taichi started rambling.
"Koushiro, you've got to help me. What do you know about changing diapers and cleaning one week old babies after they covered themselves in their own poop?"
x x x
* The Taichi - Yamato scenario/convo I envisioned:
Y: "Oi, Taichi, why you're calling me in the middle of the night?"
T: "Why are you picking up in the middle of the night?"
Y: "... F*ck you." *hangs up*
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darkskiescure · 1 year
Dark Skies Precure
Possible warnings for this part; derealization and disorientation
Mashiro walked down the street towards the park in the early evening, her hands cupped around her mouth in calling. "Soraaa!" She yelled out, her eyes scanning the street in front of her.
Sora should have been back home two hours ago. She had gone out to the park to get a storybook Mashiro had left by pure accident, a trip that Sora sent herself on immediately without even asking Mashiro if she wanted to come with. The trip should have taken thirty minutes.
"Sora, where are you!?" Just like every time she called before, Mashiro got no response. It should have been expected, yet she was still disappointed.
There was a chance that Sora could have been held up. Maybe she was helping a child who threw a ball into a tree, or maybe she spotted an adult with a popped tire. Maybe several different events where Sora had the chance to help were occurring back to back.
Mashiro couldn't shake an off feeling though. Sora would have tried to let Mashiro know in some way, right? She could've yelled for one of Tsubasa's bird friends to notify the group, or sent some random bystander to the Nijigaoka household, but there was no word.
"Oh, Sora, what happened?" Mashiro wondered aloud. She stopped as she arrived at the park, where three children were playing on the playground. Mashiro walked around the playground structures, noticing her storybook on one of the benches.
So Sora didn't even make it to the park.
The pink haired girl picked the storybook up and turned towards the play sets. Her green eyes scanned the playground in worry, but something caught her eye.
The toy in one of the three childrens' hands.. it was a thick pen, pink with a light blue wing decorating the top. Mashiro ran over.
"Excuse me! Where did you get that?" She called. The children turned and looked at Mashiro with wide eyes, and the girl holding the pen looked down at it. "I found it on the road while coming to the park!" She said, pointing with the pen in the direction she came from. "Why, is it yours?"
Mashiro shook her head. "No, it belongs to my best friend." She said, showing her own pen to the little girl. "It's like friendship bracelets, bit with pens." She explained.
"Ohhh!" The little girl held out her wrist, then grabbed one of her friends' arms, showing off their bracelets. The other child caught on and showed his own bracelet as well. "We have friendship bracelets, they're really important!" She said, then handed the pen to Mashiro. "Tell your friend I'm sorry for taking her pen."
Mashiro laughed in a nervous relief. "Thank you, it means a lot!" She said. She turned away from the playground, walking away from the playground and waving to the three kids. "Have fun playing!"
She faced the street and broke into a run. "Oh, Sora, please, no.." She pleaded as she ran. "You have to be okay, you have to!"
A shine caught Mashiro's eye, and she stopped yet again. "No, no, please," she walked across the street and bent down, picking up Sora's sky pendant. This couldn't be happening. Sora wasn't supposed to lose these, something bad happened. Something must have taken Sora.
Mashiro had no doubt in her mind that the Undergru Empire had something to do with this. Sora wouldn't just drop her pen and pendant like that. Mashiro clutched the items tightly. "Undergru Empire.." she choked out, "..I'll never forgive you."
Meanwhile, Sora stumbled through the pathways of an ever changing, ever shifting maze. Colors seemed to tie-dye the walls with swirling and flashing colors, heavily disorienting the girl.
A headache seemed to be bouncing around in her skull, a throbbing pain she couldn't get rid of. Sora reached for her pen, her hand grasping air. Confusion flooded her mind and she stopped. "What? Where's my pen?" She mumbled. She grabbed for it again, then checked her pockets.
Sora felt really dizzy. Did she leave her pen at home with Mashiro? Was it in her room? "Maybe I dropped it.." Sora mumbled. She turned around, staggering forward and bumping into a wall. The kaleidoscope-type maze was clearly doing morebharm than good.
"I'm so tired.." Sora whispered. A pain came with closing her eyes, but it was a welcome kind, one that only came with the aching for sleep. "No, I have to keep my eyes open. I have to keep going."
Sora grimaced and steadied herself, her unbalanced steps turning into centered stomps.
"Keep going, keep going, keep going!" Sora chanted. Two words went unspoken. For Mashiro. Sora shook her head at tiredness as her eyes closed once again.
Sora wasn't conscious when she hit the floor.
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oveliagirlhaditright · 11 months
Can I be honest?
I really do not care about Missing Link.
I'll admit that the most recent trailer probably made me more interested in it than I ever have been before, but even then I'm just kind of like... ehh.
And this is for a few reasons, I think.
A large one being that it's a mobile game. And I shouldn't have to explain why that's a huge reason as to why that's helping to kill my interest in this game, even though it looks like this game should be a lot better than KHUX and Dark Road, thankfully (but I'm also somewhat reserving judgement on all of that until we get it).
The fact that it's a game like Pokémon Go was also sort of ruining things for me, since I really can't walk well anymore. But according to the trailer and Nomura, it seems like that you don't really have to travel in order to do things in the game. So we'll see how that pans out.
But I guess I'm just getting to the place where some casuals were before, were--in some ways--if it's not about our main cast, I almost feel like I can't be bothered (and I do feel bad about that, in some ways).
I'm somewhat tired, I suppose, of having to play a million different games, in order to understand the next mainline installment. And I know this is just one between III and IV (if you don't count the Re:Mind DLC and Melody of Memory), but it does sort of feel a bit like "same old, same old" to me.
I also just... I don't know. Really feel like we didn't need this part of the timeline filled in? And I would almost prefer if that wasn't happening, so it could be a mystery and we could imagine it for ourselves? I feel like the only reason it's being filled out now is because of the Scala ad Caelum stuff in KHIII. And probably because this next saga is partly going to be saving the people from the KHX saga. But if we didn't get Missing Link, that plot point could have been delivered in another game.
Now we're just going to get more characters introduced, and clutter up the roster even more, and gah!
I know this game is surely to partly tide us over until KHIV, which is definitely nice. But IDK. I, personally, would have rather had one of the plot lines they teased at the end of Re:Mind as a game (Kairi's training with Aqua, Mickey in Scala, the Wayfinder trio in the Realm of Darkness, or Naminé looking for clues about Sora's whereabouts in Roxas and Xion's memories). Or waited a bit more and just gotten KHIV and then the Verum Rex game (both as console games, of course), because you know they have to be making both of these games right now.
I really don't mean to complain. Because I know a lot of time and work has surely gone into this. And it's something. And I'd rather take something over nothing (for the most part. Don't start giving me KH NFTs, Square). But unless something changes, there's nothing about Missing Link so far that's really grabbed me, personally.
And maybe it will. I'm sure it will, eventually. It won't take much to do it. But the fact it's a mobile game will always hurt it. It's weird to say, but I kind of miss the days of the handheld KH games. At least they were better quality. Oy.
Edit: And back to my one point, I feel Missing Link is going to add even more to the KHIV stuff now, when there's already so much it needs to conquer that I have no idea how it's going to do it all. Like, I was thinking that maybe some of the point of Missing Link was to flesh out this new saga... but there's already so much going on here.
Edit 2: However, Missing Link, and all the stuff with the story of Scala ad Caelum, seems to be a story Nomura-san wants to tell. And that is most definitely his right.
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thepaststillhurts · 1 year
A glance over at Kion, "Fraid not, at least that part. But, seems Scar is willing to help show what happened with him, and what he had been hearing..." On cue Kion walked up to them, "Not all stars are always visible. We always see the ones of light, but the reverse exist as well. Stars of Shadow, Dark Stars... Scar was a star out there, dark one though not of his choice. Anyways, he wishes to narrate or speak when the scenes shown of his time as roughly a teen leading up to the confrontation with yourself Dad, fight for the throne." Closing his eyes to focus, thus allowing Scar to speak through him - while Sora uses his key power again, the scene changes to the Outlands. Young Taka-Askari, patrolling alone with a Mark of the Guard. Meeting the strange lion, scarred eye. They spoke to him about wisdom, power, and that the most powerful should be king.
"Despite my facial expression then, I had intended to alert my king brother. What changed that though, well... See for yourself" Scar's voice came.
Indeed, a strange black cobra lunged. The young leader at the time trying to dodge the snake, almost succeeded but the snake still hit target. "Not all what affected me, but that venom is the main thing. Had the scar before, it healed as if I never had it. Until this time." Scar again. "Couldn't think, and I rather... hate being used, tricked like that. So, I roared using the roar in a rage. Lost control of the power, and as you can see that volcano erupted back then too."
Back at Pride Rock now, young Scar reported to Mufasa. Yet Mufasa just tease little brother with the nickname Scar now, and using his paw to push down Scar's head - which he obviously hadn't appreciated, young Mufasa strutting off after that Scar had caught sight of sealed the fates. "And, how and when I really became Scar, was right then. I don't mind the teasing so much, as I had the paw push and the way he strutted then..."
Trying to take to his Lion Guard at the time, who refused to understand Scar's side of things and out of frustration lost control again of the roar, using it on his own Guard and losing the mark and roar thereafter. "Am surprised really, how they let Kion keep his despite some of the things he's done, even as a cub; which should have resulted in the loss of the mark and roar. Thing is, my roar then didn't kill the Guard so rather unfair of the lions of the past to take it away."
The scene now a bit further in time, Scar with a young lion looking much like Simba now except for the dark mane, and still much younger. Both hunting, gazelle or zebra. Out of nowhere, a wildebeest stampede. "While I avoided the majority of that, my son Takashi wasn't... so lucky. He still alive after the herd passed, but barely. As you can see, he died in my paws. This was still some time before you were born, Simba" Scar voice. Genuine upset at the scene. "And thus why I generally dislike wildebeest species" Sometime later when little newborn cub Simba born, and their presentation. And the confrontation between Scar and Mufasa after, "Never would've ate that bird. Just scare him at best. And besides, Zazu can be a bit of an annoyance. Regardless, reason I wasn't at the presentation... Brother forgot I had set my own anniversary settings, that day... was an anniversary of my own son's death, so you see..."
Later scene changes off to somewhere in the grassland plains, wildebeest grazing and a young calf curiously asks mother about the birds being allowed on their backs gaining the response that they're a community, and the birds help get the bugs off of them. The calf chasing after a bird that flies off, unaware of a certain male prowling.
watching from the grass and brooding about his earlier confrontation with his brother, Mufasa. Suddenly, Scar pounced, and Thema's son yelled for his mother. Just in time, Thema arrived and intercepted Scar's attack, knocking him away from her calf. She begged Scar to fight her instead of her son, and he confessed that he was not attacking them out of hunger, but because he had had a bad day and had chosen random "peasants" to have an even worse day.
Before Scar could attack again, Thema gave a call of alarm, and her herd charged toward Scar, jostling and kicking him until he lay, half-trampled, at the edge of a gorge. From his prone position, Scar lamented how he had been beaten by an inferior species and grudgingly acknowledged that even overwhelming numbers could beat power and royalty. As he found his feet, Scar realized that Thema had lingered behind and told her that even the "dumbest of beasts" knew to run from a predator. In answer, Thema proclaimed that she had stayed to see him fall and explained that it was not her herd's numbers that had beaten him, but her love for her community. She then charged at Scar and knocked him into a gorge.
"Might have noticed, that one was far higher up than the one I used on family... But, I hit my head quite hard then... never was the same after that, aware now that likely brain damage resulting in my aggression and such after then. But, now you get to see the nightmare I had..."
Crystalized dreamscape, yet glowing eyes watching unblinkingly from the sky. Scar awaking in the dream,
wandering the landscape, Scar spotted Mufasa on Pride Rock and called out to him. Approaching his brother, Mufasa demanded that Scar address him as the king, but Scar protested that he was supposed to be the king. Outraged, Mufasa attacked Scar and commanded him to bow before him and his son, Simba. Scar questioned where they were, and Mufasa started to walk away, explaining that they were in a "kingdom of woe," a place fit for a "faux king" such as Scar. Though Scar begged Mufasa to stay and asserted that he was destined to rule, Mufasa reminded his brother that it was Simba's destiny to rule and that Scar's destiny was his own.
Meanwhile, two vultures named Kabeer and Krass circled Scar's fallen form and debated whether he was dead or not. Together, they approached his body and found that he was still breathing but in critical condition. The two proceeded to mock him for having been killed by "livestock" and for having lost the throne of Pride Rock to a cub. Just then, Kabeer got an idea and told Krass that, were Scar to become the king, he would desolate the Pride Lands and leave behind enough carcasses for the vultures to feast on.
As a storm moved in overhead, Kabeer pointed out that they could feast on Scar's carcass if he died or take credit for saving him and help him become the king of Pride Rock if he lived. Kabeer worried, however, that they would need something to offer Scar, like muscle and numbers, in order to convince him. As one, Kabeer and Krass suggested recruiting the "bone eaters."
Just then, Rafiki approached and ordered the vultures to get away from Scar. Using his staff, he beat the two until they flew off in a panic. Once Kabeer and Krass had gone, Rafiki knelt beside Scar and commented that the prince's actions had once again brought "dark clouds" upon him.
Later, at Rafiki's tree, Scar awoke in dismay from his vision. As he reared up, roaring, Rafiki cracked a baobab fruit open on his head, and Scar scoffed that he would be justified in mauling Rafiki for having struck a prince. Rafiki simply retorted that, if Scar tried to attack him, he would use the prince's head to open another baobab fruit. Recognizing the baobab fruit as what had been used to anoint Simba, Scar demanded that Rafiki tell him that he was the rightful successor to the throne of Pride Rock and the wisest lion in all the land. Rafiki complimented Scar's cunning but cautioned that his jealousy and hatred "murked the waters" of his soul and that his dark choices overshadowed his potential.
Incited, Scar reminded Rafiki that he had been training his entire life to replace Mufasa, only to get tossed aside, and demanded to know if his legacy should be sacrificed for the sake of tradition. Instead of answering Scar's questions, Rafiki urged him to sit and drink a healing mixture. After settling down, Scar commented that it was not fair, and Rafiki agreed, adding that a cub should enjoy his youth rather than worry about ruling a kingdom. Scar implored Rafiki to help him take over Pride Rock, but Rafiki warned Scar that his jealousy and ego led him to do terrible things. Taking this as Rafiki siding with Mufasa, Scar departed the tree. As he walked away across the Pride Lands, Kabeer and Krass flew overhead and resolved to introduce him to the bone eaters.
"Yes. Rafiki and I were once friends, not unlike how you and him are these days." A side-smirk, voice still Scar's.
While grazing with his herd, Elder confessed to an associate that he sensed a foreboding change in the air. His associate asked if his feelings related to the birth of Simba, the prince heir of Pride Rock, but Elder clarified that he was more worried about the previous heir, Scar, having lost power. He added that Mufasa was the only one who could protect the Pride Lands from Scar's reckless behavior.
Just then, Elder's associate picked up the scent of some nearby lionesses and sounded the alarm. Though the herd fled, the lioness Sofi managed to score a catch, and the huntresses paid tribute to their fallen prey. As they began to eat, the lioness Tish asked the hunting party's leader, Adea, if Mufasa and Sarabi would be joining them, but Adea explained that they were with the main hunting party. Sofi commented that two hunts seemed wasteful and that such a move was not in character for Adea, and she sadly agreed.
At that moment, Scar approached and mocked the lionesses for having performed a ritual for their prey. Adea reminded Scar that they performed the ritual out of respect for their prey as well as tradition and the throne, but he countered that, according to tradition, they should eat last, with the cubs. Though he asserted that the lionesses would eat like queens under his rule, Adea silenced him and chided herself for not having joined the royal hunting party. Scar argued that he was royalty, to which Adea called him a "bitter, selfish scavenger." Enraged, Scar attacked her, and the other lionesses ordered him to stay away from her. After the fight, the three lionesses left Scar to their catch, and Sofi remarked on how fortunate it was that Simba had been born and that Scar would never rule the Pride Lands.
"Well, she did insult me. Why would I not respond to such insults in such a way," head shake a bit.
With the lionesses gone, Kabeer and Krass approached Scar, and Kabeer dismissed the lionesses as "ungrateful females." Scar retorted that the lionesses filled his belly and asked what purpose the vultures served. At this, Kabeer formally introduced himself and Krass, and told Scar that they could help him become king. Suspicious, Scar asked for elaboration, and the vultures implored him to use the "bone eaters" as his secret weapon. Recognizing that the vultures were referring to hyenas, Scar dismissed the idea, but the vultures insisted that they were friends with a hyena and that Scar could fill a vacuum in their clan's leadership.
Intrigued but distrustful, Scar asked the vultures how they would be advantaged by his alliance with the hyenas, and Kabeer claimed that they wanted to see the Pride Lands' rightful heir on the throne. This incited Scar, who demanded the vultures stop patronizing him, and Kabeer quickly backtracked, confessing that they were hoping for extra meat and a seat in the royal court. With this admission, Scar agreed to take their advice and meet the hyenas.
With Kabeer and Krass in the lead, the group traveled to the Elephant Graveyard. Upon realizing where they were, Scar reflected on how he had often come to the Elephant Graveyard as a cub so that he could be alone and commented that the Elephant Graveyard felt more like home than Pride Rock. Suddenly, Kabeer warned Krass and Scar that a large group of hyenas was close by and urged them to take shelter. Scar initially refused but relented when he realized that they could have the element of surprise. From their hiding place, Krass asked Kabeer what he could see, and he replied fearfully that he had spotted the queen of the hyenas.
"Now, sometime after this moment it will appear as if I had first just met the trio you know of Shenzi, Banzai and Ed, yet I knew them before then. While I remember, they may not have due to their age at the time. Pausing here for the moment this time, wish to ask some questions? Next parts will show what happens with the hyenas, me, Zazu, Mufasa, and cub Simba. Will even backtrack a little after to that rock you now all call Broken Rock, it's a clue in of itself."
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"What? Scar? Scar himself?" Simba asked in surprise. His eyes then fixed on the ground, pondering. Was it a good idea at all? He just asked for help from the Great Kings and a dark king was there to reply instead?
Simba was sure that Scar had his own, subjective point of view and everything he was going to say should be treated with reservation (maybe Scar could even have some influence on the keypower?). On the other hand, the king knew there was no options here and he needed to take every opportunity to find any kind of solution.
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"Alright. Go ahead." He spoke with closed eyes first, but opened them when the scene started. He decided not to comment on things, just observe them and let Scar speak on his own.
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Jumping off the skin tone convos yesterday, it looks like Sora has been becoming paler. Like, his tan is KINDA there. But it’s not as prominent as it used to be. I thought it might have been a kh3 thing that might get fixed in future games, but then smash bros Sora came out (which is prob where he looks the palest). And then the trailer for kh4…
I just miss my tan islander boy. Hate how that’s seemingly being stripped away from him.
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why is he so fuckin grey
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nadziejastar · 2 years
I saw your post about Xaldin/Dilan’s chess piece being one of the original in the concept art and I was wondering if you had any thoughts on Vexen/Even having a piece as well. My sister and I have been racking our brains trying to find a reason Even would rejoin the organization, since it seems like his joining was actually part of the original kh3 plot. Whether it was his willful choice or forced re-recruitment by the other true organization 13 members, the replica program didn’t seem to have a purpose anymore, so we’re not sure why he would be needed or even gain from rejoining. I say this having enjoyed Even as a character, and wondering what was up.
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According to the official Square store, these are the chess pieces:
Lights: Sora, Riku, Kairi, Mickey, Terra, Aqua, Ventus
Darknesses: Xehanort, Ansem, Xemnas, Xigbar, Saix, Young Xehanort, Marluxia, Vanitas, Larxene, Demyx, Vexen, Luxord, Xaldin
My theory is that these were the original destined players. But Terra was switched into a Darkness and Lea took his place. This meant Xaldin wasn't needed anymore, and his piece was replaced by gold Terra. Similarly, while Vexen may have been one of the chosen originally, he had a change of heart and was no longer suitable, so Riku Replica took his place. Since RR was created by Vexen, he was represented by Vexen's piece.
I don't think Vexen was ever supposed to be a member in KH3. If they needed him, they would have taken him along with Isa before DDD started. But they didn't. The only reason he joined was because Saix recruited him, but I don't think that was originally planned to happen, either. IMO, Saix was never planned to have a redemption/atonement arc (which is why it was handled so poorly and mostly off-screen). Lea was simply supposed to rescue Isa, which is why he became a wielder in the first place.
Even was probably going to atone by helping Ienzo preparing a Replica body for Roxas/Ventus (the backup plan), since his real body was hidden away in Castle Oblivion. This goal aligned with the Organization's. They wanted Roxas/Ventus to come back because they needed him to complete Vanitas's heart. Even had nothing to gain by joining Xehanort and the Organization didn't need him to join them, either.
I think the only reason Vexen joined was because of Xion. She was never planned to be a Seeker of Darkness. No one even remembered her. But fans wanted her back, so Nomura twisted the story into a pretzel trying to come up with a way to include her. He had no idea how to explain her presence, other than with Vexen's help. But really, there was NO plot reason for why Xion had to be a SoD. Her effect on the story was extremely minimal and she took about five seconds to switch sides. There's no reason they couldn't have just used Demyx.
I think in the original draft of KH3, Roxas and Ventus were the same person. Roxas's heart went back into his original vessel which was in Castle Oblivion. He didn't need a Replica, so it would have been used for Strelitzia instead. The feud between Marluxia and Vexen from CoM would have been resolved. The scene of Namine stepping outside with flower petals blowing, was probably supposed to be Strelitzia. All the original Org. were supposed to get closure in KH3, and their stories weren't supposed to be dragged out into a new arc.
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shi-daisy · 4 years
The Phoenix and the Dragon
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Yet again we've arrived at Ulquihime week! Gotta confess I'm not much of a Christmas person but I do look forward to December for my OTP week. Everyone puts so much love and effort into their entries that it's hard not to be excited. Okay so today's theme is Crossover and I wanted to pick something that wasn't likely to be repeated by someone else, so leave it to my nostalgic mind to go 'What about a Winx Club crossover?' Thus here we are! This little one-shot is based on one of my fave childhood shows and one of the first villain ships I ever had. (Yes, my 10-year-old self hardcore shipped Darkar & Bloom) 😅 Hope you like it! (Spoilers for some aspects of season 2 of Winx Club. I'm taking from the 4kids version of the show and Nickelodeon special btw. And some mild spoilers for the second movie.)
Also for those who do know the winx cast and want to know who is who in the crossover here it is.
Orihime- Bloom
Ulquiorra- Darkar/Avalon
Tatsuki- Stella
Shizuka- Layla
Ichigo- Prince Sky
Isshin- Errendor
Sora- Daphne
Unohana- Faragonda
Okay now that's all set, here's the fic!
Ulquihime Week- Day 1 Crossover
The Phoenix and the Dragon
Orihime awoke in a dimly lit room. She didn't remember much, just going into Professor Schiffer's office and then...'And then he changed and turned into the Phoenix.'
"I can sense you. Just come out of the shadows already." She muttered.
Ulquiorra obliged, no longer looking like a human but in his true form as the Shadow Phoenix.
To her he didn't look much different, his skin was paler but his other features remained the same. He had large dark wings and a tail, along with tear markings.
"I should've known it was you. We get warmed about a Shadow Phoenix and next thing we know a new professor shows up at our school."
He chuckled. "Yes well, that didn't occur to you as we bonded, Ms. Inoue."
She lowered her head in shame. Since Ulquiorra arrived at Alfea he had become her favorite teacher, and even offered to teach her about her home kingdom, Sparx, which had been destroyed when she was just a baby.
"Is that why you brought me here? To taunt me?!"
"No, darling. I have other plans for you. Or should I say us?"
"I'll never collaborate with you!"
"You say that now, but you might change your mind after I explain my plans to you."
She frowned, but at the moment there was nothing she could do. Orihime sighed. "Fine. I suppose I can listen to you for a while."
"I appreciate it. First I must ask you something. What do you know about me, Orihime Inoue? Who do you think I am?"
"Headmistress Retsu told us you were once human. That you came to the underealm to try and find the shadow fire, but that it's power consumed you and that now you're seeking to take over the magic universe.
I also know that you came to our school and posed as a professor until now..."
"The headmistress is a wise woman, studious too since she appears to know my origins well, the one commonly excepted that is."
"What do you mean?"
"Indeed, I was once human, that I came here to study the Shadow Fire, but it's power didn't overtake me. For you see, I willingly submitted to it. I'm the one in control, always have been. And while I do wish to take over the magic dimension it is not for my own gain."
"Why else would you want to take over?"
"I want this dimension to change. I want to tear down the structures that bind its kingdoms. I've wanted that since I was a human.
You see, darling, the structures of this dimension are so very ancient and so very obsolete. The squabbles between kingdoms have led to so much war, to destruction, to sadness... Just look at what happened to Sparx."
"My kingdom was destroyed by the ancient witches. Not by war."
"You're right, but your kingdom had a close ally. An ally that should've saved you from the witches, yet instead bargained to have them take your kingdom and spare them. The king of Eraklyon made said bargain."
Orihime grew dizzy. 'No, no it can't be! Ichigo's father wouldn't do that! This is a lie!"
"You think I'm lying, don't you?"
"Of course you're lying! King Isshin wouldn't do that, neither would Ichigo!"
"Analyze the situation, darling. Eraklyon was your closest ally, and yet they didn't suffer any damage as Sparx was destroyed. Your parents vanished, your brother died saving you, your planet is now an icy wasteland. Yet Eraklyon stands as the richest land in Magix. As for your little prince, he was merely a child when this took place, but I don't doubt he'd keep it a secret from you, he has done so before."
Orihime felt as if her skin was catching fire. She hated to be reminded of that lie, to think back when Ichigo had hidden his royal lineage and engagement to a princess. She'd forgiven him, of course, and they were a couple once again, but deep inside she still distrusted him. And a part of her did think Ulquorra's words were true.
'Maybe that's why his father disapproved of us. Not because I'm a princess of a destroyed kingdom, but because my kingdom's destruction was partly his fault...'
"You see, darling. That's only one example of plenty I can give you. All of these realms need someone truly wise to rule them."
"Even if I believed you, that doesn't mean I'll join you. I don't want to kill anyone."
"Who said anything about killing? There are plenty of ways to dethrone a ruler. That's what I crave to do darling. Imagine it, a dimension without destroyed kingdoms, without arranged marriages, without squabbles for the throne. We'd be the only rulers, the royals would be our regents, they'd have to abide by what we demand."
Ulquiorra's eyes glowed green as he spoke. She had seen him like that before in his humanoid form. His eyes always sparkled as he thought her class about History and asked them to be part of the change.
"Ulquiorra, I think it's wonderful that you're trying to make the universe better, but I fail to see why would want me to join you. I'm no leader."
Orihime felt Ulquiorra's cold hand gently lift her chin. "Orihime, you're the only person I've ever met worthy of wearing such a crown.
The reason I posed as a teacher at Alfea wasn't to further my plans, or to steal the codex but to observe you. In just a few months you made such great progress that I couldn't help but be convinced you were worthy of sharing my crown, of carrying the dragon flame, of ruling over Magix.
You came from Earth yet quickly adapted to this dimension, to its power and its costumes. You're kind, fierce, strong, I couldn't ask for a better queen."
He noticed Orihime's pale skin turn bright red, and her sliver eyes grow misty. "No one's ever really praised me like that. Thank you."
He smirked. "I'll be sure to do so more often in the future then."
With a snap of Ulquiorra's fingers, her bounds disappeared. Orihime stood up, directly facing Ulquiorra.
He took her hands in his and directly stared into her eyes, silver meeting emerald. "Orihime Inoue, will you join me in my quest to bring peace and order to the magic dimension?"
It wasn't easy, she didn't want to leave her friends, her school, or even Ichigo. Even after what she learned it felt wrong to vanish without a word.
'But it must be done. Tatsuki-chan will be free to choose who she marries, Nemu-san won't be forced to follow the path her father wants for her, Shizuka-chan won't have to take the throne of the harmonic nebula...even Ichigo would now be free to make his own choices. This would be for the best.'
With a beautiful smile and newfound determination, Orihime finally responded. "Yes, I will."
"Then it is done, our power is now bound."
She could feel a surge of dark magic taking over, but it wasn't unpleasant. Her characteristic blue fae dress was now black and her fairy wings had turned grey. Orihime also noticed Ulquiorra's form slightly changed, his dark wings now had accents of green and he resembled his humanoid form a little more.
"It's the bond." He told her after noticing her confusion. "Light cannot exist without dark and vice versa. As such my darkness had to take some of your light and your light had to take some of my darkness."
Shadow Fire & Dragon Fire were united at last. Orihime was certain that now she and Ulquiorra would be unstoppable. 'We'll fix everything soon.'
"What shall we do now?"
"Since I've acquired all the pieces of the codex, I was thinking we could go to the Relix dimension. Your parents might've vanished there after the destruction of Sparx."
"My parents...I never thought it'd be possible to reach them."
"It is, my darling. We'll bring them back and then return Sparx to its former glory. After that, we can finally reshape the magic dimension into what it should've been from the beginning."
For the first in a long while, Orihime felt like she was doing things right. It would take her friends some time to forgive her, but she knew in time she would join them again. 'I'm doing this for all of us. For me, and for him.'
She gently kissed Ulquiorra's cheek, he blushed at the gesture. "I was not expecting that."
"I'm still a little miffed at you for pretending to be a professor but if we're to be in harmony as rulers this is a good place to start."
"Then I guess I should do my part too."
Ulquiorra wrapped his arm around her waist and gave her a passionate kiss. Orihime quickly blushed and playfully shoved him as he let go of her.
"Show off."
"Guilty as charged."
"Y'know, I remember seeing paintings back on earth with dragons and phoenixes together as a couple. Do you think that was a prediction?"
"It could be, after all, the most enduring romances are likely to echo through many universes."
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iamoncewas · 5 years
So I looked into Deep Dive, and other stuff, and dear god, what did I get myself into? Tons of things I'm still making sense of, so I apologize if this is disjointed or unclear. Gonna be more, it's just a lot of thangs XP It doesn't exactly change a whole lot per se, but my perspective has shifted greatly, and now I have to look at things differently. It mostly just adds... more levels to what's going on. Pretty sure I killed my own MoM theory XD But I do like where this is going even better.
The scene in Days/KH2 and the scene in Deep Dive aren't the same scene. 1) The conversation is different 2) In KH2/Days, Roxas appears through a dark portal, this doesn't happen in Deep Dive, and 3) again, Roxas doesn't have yellow eyes. The differences and similarities are intentional however.
Before going into yellow-eyed "Sora" in Deep Dive, I have to talk about the other buddy. This is something I had never considered being... a thing, but I'm pretty sure, he's Riku's Nobody.
... I know right? I suppose I should start with logistics and why exactly I think so.
I believe he was created right after Sora defeated Ansem-possessed Riku. There were two hearts in Riku's body until this moment, signified by their overlapping voices. This is when they separated. Riku's body seems to just sink into the ground, and his [extremely bright white] heart vanishes.
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Sora then stabs himself with the Keyblade of Heart that Riku forged, creating Naminé, Roxas, and his Heartless.
Ansem then manifests from a Dark Portal as his physical self, completed by Riku's darkness (since all a Heartless's body is, is the darkness of the heart made physical), and Riku's heart momentarily manifests to prevent him from pursuing Kairi and the others. After they escape, Riku's heart then goes to "a place of darkness where hearts are gathered." And Mickey tells him it was "too late for his body." 
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By this point Riku's body and soul had already become his Nobody, and his heart couldn't return to it, even though his heart had overpowered Ansem's. Riku's heart "won the battle against darkness", so he wasn't taken over permanently by Xehanort like Terra was, which is why Terra never created a Heartless or a Nobody. His heart remained in the Guardian, enslaved by Xehanort, and his body was taken over. His spirit went into Lingering Will.
So then, the nature of Riku's Nobody's birth, and that of Ansem SoD, is unique. Riku and Xehanort's hearts were merged, and Riku's body held both of them simultaneously. After Sora defeated his body, Riku forced Ansem from his heart, succeeding in taking it back, but his body was already occupied. Not by Ansem though, because his body is Riku's darkness made physical, wrapped around Xehanort's heart. [So like Riku asks in his Kingstagram post, he is indeed the reason Ansem looks the way he does.] This is where Terra failed, his heart couldn't overpower Xehanort's. 
This "place of darkness where hearts are gathered" is Kingdom Hearts. The Door to Darkness was the door to Kingdom Hearts. Everything Ansem said about Kingdom Hearts in KH1 was true. He just doesn't understand the other side of it, what it is that creates light in the heart. KH3 immediately references KH1 because it turns out KH1 is like... everything.
Kingdom Hearts is the conglomerate of all hearts, and is therefore connected to all hearts. The darkness in every single heart, is the realm of Kingdom Hearts. "All hearts begin in darkness, and all so end." Truth bro.
The light doesn't come from Kingdom Hearts, the light comes from us and our bonds to the things we cherish.
When the Door to Darkness opens, you can see darkness start flooding from it. But when Sora states his belief that Kingdom Hearts is light, light floods from the door. Not because this was really the Door to Light, but because that light behind the door was created by Sora's belief in the light. His belief in Riku. Their bond.
When Sora believed in the light, and it consumed Ansem, it returned Riku's physical body back to him, like Kairi's belief in Sora returned his body when he became a Shadow ["Consume the darkness, return it to light."]. And like Sora and Kairi, Riku returned to his human form without destroying his Nobody. This is also exactly how Riku got his body back from "Ansem" in KH2. Being bathed in the light of Kingdom Hearts, after protecting the others.
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From Ansem/Riku's KH2 journal entry:
“Riku began calling himself “Ansem”, perhaps as a sign of resolve. He would live in darkness if that’s what it took to wake Sora.”
“He had clad himself in darkness in order to wield it, and had even changed in appearance. But when the real Ansem’s Kingdom Hearts Encoder exploded, Riku returned to his old form. You could say it was a miracle -- worked by a heart no darkness could eclipse.”
Ansem was shocked to see light flood from the DtD, because he was not expecting Sora and Riku's bond to create such light, given what had just happened between them. He knows the darkness in Riku's heart, it's what he's made from. And he knows exactly where it comes from. The desire to possess Sora’s heart, and his fears about telling him so.
Riku admitted on two occasions after this, to feeling like a "nobody." (ie: Like he had no heart, no emotion, no purpose. As if he didn't matter.) First to Xion, and then to Sora and Kairi during the Reunion.
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Castaway - Lost or unclaimed person or thing; Person who is unwanted, not accepted; Thrown away; Abandoned
Out of all the characters, I think Riku's situation embodies most what it means to feel like a nobody. He gave up everything, including his own emotions [his heart], even his form, so that Sora could be happy, which he believes Sora will be, with Kairi. So he hides his own feelings for Sora, resolving instead to keep him safe. "He would live in darkness if that's what it took to wake Sora." Literal and proverbial darkness. [This is why, in the KG after everyone else dies, he reached out his hand, about to comfort Sora physically, but he decided against it. Instead, he protected him. I actually started bawling while writing this, thinking, Of course Riku would have a Nobody.]
Xehanort's heart was within Riku's body when his Nobody was created, like Ventus was within Sora when Roxas was created. So I think he looks exactly like Young Master Xehanort, but his skin, hair, and eyes are the same colour as Riku's. The body and soul he was made from however, are Riku's, and he would therefore identify with Riku. Even though I believe he looks just like YMX. This is why both Terra and Sora have had visions of Riku becoming young Xehanort and vice versa. Not Ansem, YMX specifically.
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In DDD, YMX straight up told Riku that he wanted him as a vessel. So, in the added scene with Xemnas in KH1.5FM, I don't think he was comparing Sora to Roxas. He was comparing him to Riku's Nobody. Whom I believe he fought and attempted to recruit into the Organization, but failed. Sora was later their target as one of Xehanort's vessels, because, like YMX said, they moved down the list. Riku’s Nobody doesn’t have the air of hopelessness that Roxas did when he was created, because he knows that his “heart”, his purpose, is the same as his Somebody’s: protecting Sora.
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In -Another Side, Another Story-, a heart appears around Roxas, seemingly at Riku's whim, creating a barrier between him and the Neoshadows. This is the same heart from his Dark Mode, the Heartless symbol without the X inside. This is the symbol used on his chess piece in KH3, and it's also Way to the Dawn's token. The symbol we most associate with Riku. Granted, you cant see the bottom three points, but you can tell its elongated at the bottom, and therefore must make the symbol. This isn't associated with Roxas, it's associated with Riku, so he must have made it appear.
In Deep Dive, this symbol also appears. In light, of all things. Riku made the symbol appear around Roxas, Sora's Nobody, and he made it appear here too, on... yellow-eyed "Sora".
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"Even in the deepest darkness, a light always shines through." A connection.
Then there's the framing of this shot. The light. There's a similar shot in Yozora. [Almost looks like the bright white light of his heart]
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He also sits at the Dark Margin, the shores of which touch that of the Destiny Islands. Even though hes a Nobody, rejected by the RoD and the RoL, he sits right in the center. Twilight and dawn, the middle road.
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Riku was pretty down to chill at the Dark Margin in KH2 too, and this is where he and Sora saw the door to light.
Gotta stop here though cuz no more room for pics and I neeeeed them XD
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hugee0715 · 5 years
"I'll look back on this and smile because it was life and I decided to live it."
I read that quote on the wall of a trampoline park while standing next to the restroom, totally covered in sweat. I was waiting for my girlfriend to finish after our 1 hour of jumping around ended.
I was standing there, waiting for her. My girlfriend. The girl I mentioned so many times. I was there with her. In Manila.
On the 10th of April I went to the airport for the first time in my life. I had a ticket and a passport in one hand, a suitcase handle in the other. My brother wasn't believing that I was doing this. The sister he used to have would never do this. For fucks sake, she wouldn't even travel 2 hours to spend a weekend at his place for years.
But now, I was going on a 22 hour trip. 12k kilometers, spending 3 weeks in a place I knew almost nothing about.
10 hours later I was in Beijing. I went through all the checkings and I still had about 7 hours of waiting for my next flight. So I went to an information desk to get access to the wifi. I got a code, I logged in, it was all going very smoothly up until I opened Messenger and nothing happened. I guess all my excitement made me forget that I will be in China for 7 hours, where all kinds of social media that I am using in my everyday life is blocked. So I wasn't prepared and I couldn't do anything. No Facebook, no Instagram, not even Chrome and of course the app store wasn't working either. I managed to send out a few quick emails saying that I am safe and sound, but after a few minutes my gmail wasn't working either. I found myself completely cut off.
I tried not to worry, hoping that everyone would just go with everything as planned even though they haven't really heard from me ever since I boarded in Hungary.
So at 8pm local time I got on my flight to Manila, starting to hear more and more people talk in tagalog around me.
1 am came around and we landed. Stepping out, I felt hot and humid air suddenly hitting me, which compared to the cold and dry air of the plane was a bit shocking, especially because I was still wearing two jumpers and jeans.
I walked down the long, carpeted isles, pulling my little carry on case after me, holding the immigration paper I got on the plane tightly. I already filled it out and soon I was standing in a line, waiting for my passport to be stamped. I was prepared to be asked the usual "What's the purpose of your trip?" question, but the guy really did not stop there. He had tons of follow up questions, about who am I visiting, why, where did I meet them, where am I staying, where I'll be going. But in the end, I got my first stamp in my passport and I was one baggage collecting away from leaving the airport.
I made my way out, with my love on the phone, trying to figure out where I needed to go. My heart was beating fast, I was sweaty, struggling with the two suitcases and the phone. She was full of nervs as well, I could hear it in her voice. It was her mum who I spotted first, she was frantically waving at me from the upper level. I stopped, I was scanning around trying to spot her, she was saying she can see me, but even though I was looking, I didn't really see anything around me. It was all just noise and movement, nothing recognizable. When she was only a few meters away, that's why I laid my eyes on her for the first time. Phone against her ear, a big smile. The black turtle neck I love with jeans. It felt so surreal, I didn't even have the opportunity to freak out. I ended the call and waited till she came closer, her mum arriving shortly as well. There wasn't any of the dramatic things you see on the internet. No running and collapsing in each other's arms. To be honest that seems too cliché. As much as I knew this person better than anyone else, it was still the first time we were physically in the same place.
We went to the car where I met the rest of the family, her dad, brother and sister. I was stunned, speechless at first. I saw them so many times, I heard so many stories and now it was reality.
I sat next to the window on the left side, she was in the middle. Our shoulders were touching. I intentionally moved even closer, I wanted to feel as much of her as possible. The warmth, her smell. Driving through dark streets I never thought I'd see. I looked down and her hand was extended, her palm facing up, waiting for mine to grab it. I took it and soon her fingers wrapped tightly around it. A scene at the airport with running and crying and screaming? No, thank you. This was the best welcome I could ever imagine. So much better than any of that could have been.
Days went by fast after that. Soon her graduation came, on the 16th of April. On the day that marked us being together for a year and a half. We went to the Philippine Arena, the biggest indoor one in the world apparently, but you need that when close to 3000 students are graduating. It was long so so long, but seeing her in her toga, with the make up I put on her earlier made me too proud to notice that I was tired untill it ended at around 11 at night. We stopped to eat at a Jollibee again and then I fell asleep on her shoulder on the way home.
Our days together were full of comfort. No feeling of anxiety, no feeling of having to be a certain way. It was natural, we clicked like nothing else. We had our unspoken roles, working together, managing daily tasks. We cooked, cleaned, did our grocery. We were responsible for ourselves. And we loved every second of it.
I also learned many new things about her. She's taller than she claims for example. And also a lot more thoughtful than she ever made herself seem. The little acts of giving me a glass of water whenever she drinks or leaving me mouthwash in the cup after she used it. Getting me just the right amount of food on my plate and always knowing what to get me at places so I would like them. Waiting for me to get ready and helping me choose clothes. Being concerned about me getting burnt. Maybe half of those things are involuntary, but I don't mind that. It might even make it a little better.
She's the reason I never got scared for a single moment while I was there, no matter what places we went to, how late or crowded it was. I got to experience life like a local, all the filipinos might have been looking at me and seeing a tourist, a foreigner, but I wasn't feeling like one. It was home and now I feel homesick for a city I spent 3 weeks in. Coming back to Budapest was devastating, I don't know if I'll ever feel the same way about it. I used to think it's the best city, my happy place and now? It feels foreign. Like it was never really my home.
On the day I left my brother said that he's going to get a completely different sister back after the trip. I shrugged him off, but he was right. There's nothing I feel the same way about. Especially Ileana, my love for her changed tremendously. I used to be in love with the idea of what we would be like. I remember that almost a year ago, on April 16, 2018, I made her a video as a gift for us being together for half a year. I remember talking about how lucky I am in it. Lucky, because I'll get to fall in love with her twice. And I was right, I did fall in love with her once again. The core parts of her were there, her voice, her mind, her ideas and the amazing conversations. But they all got upgraded. They all showed how there's so much more to her than what a video call can show. The angles I've never seen before, all the habits that she has. And it swept my feet right out of under me.
Malls, lemonade, Inasal, basketball, rice, nuggets, AC, sunburn, late night car rides, flamingos, donuts, happiness. Those words will forever be connected to our days in Tandang Sora. Or at least till we can be together again. Because our relationship is not about being on the phone anymore, that's not us. Us is when we are together. And we'll be together again soon, I promise.
"I'll look back on this and smile because it was life and I decided to live it."
That quote from that bathroom still crosses my head multiple times a day. I decided to live when I met Ileana. I decided to live when I realized that I'll have to do things in order to keep her. I decided to live when I left on this trip.
This is life. And I'll keep deciding to live it.
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nadziejastar · 2 years
So, did you react to the KH4-trailer and if so what was your reaction like. Do you think KH4 might have looked very differently if it wasn't just Nomura's desperate attempt at still getting FF Versus XIII from the looks of Quadratum the trailer? Like if he would already have gotten his FF Versus XIII in an alternate universe or something?
I did watch the trailer. My reaction was: Meh. KH3 killed any interest I may have had in the future of the series. And KH4 did nothing to fix that. Missing Link honestly looks better to me. I've always been curious about why Keyblade wielders were almost extinct by the time BBS began. But I wish these kinds of prequels (BBSV2, Missing Link, Dark Road) came out before KH3. There was plenty of time for more side games after KHDDD. And that way, all the lingering mysteries could have been resolved already, instead of endlessly dragging them out.
Nomura was torn between Verum Rex or KH4 for the next title, and discussed it with Yasue. In the end, he decided to prioritize KH4 because it'd be difficult to develop two big console games at the same time, and there were many fans who were worried about Sora.
IMO, KH3 should have been the last mainline KH game and Nomura could have just went on to make Verum Rex, which I'm sure he would have preferred. It certainly would have been the more appropriate Versus XIII remake, instead of KH4.
"Do you think KH4 might have looked very differently if it wasn't just Nomura's desperate attempt at still getting FF Versus XIII from the looks of Quadratum the trailer? Like if he would already have gotten his FF Versus XIII in an alternate universe or something?"
Oh, for sure. I think if it weren't for Versus XIII getting cancelled, KH4 would look nothing like it does now. Here is what the plot is looking like: Sora dies and goes to the afterlife, and lives in a fictional retelling of Versus XIII. Sora is Noctis and Strelitzia is Stella. It's just...so dumb. KH's whole identity as a franchise has been consumed by the ghost of Versus XIII.
— While we're on the topic, is there anything else you've changed in response to fan feedback?
Nomura: Roxas and Xion's return in Kingdom Hearts 3. I was hesitant up until the very end about bringing them back, and even had a story route where they would not return. However, everyone's feelings were so strong that I felt I had no choice to bring them back.
I also saw the fan Q&A for the event. And I got a pretty big kick out of this question. Roxas and Xion's return was a last-minute decision that Nomura was very hesitant about. In the original draft of KH3, he was to not going to revive them, but he felt like he had no choice due to fan expectations. Exactly what I've been saying for years.
— When and how did Isa receive the scar on his face? Also, why is it in the form of the Recusant's Sigil?
Nomura: Good question. There's a story with Lea and Isa and the girl they were trying to rescue. Stay tuned for the future.
This was something I asked, and probably a lot of other people, too. I mainly just wanted to see if Nomura would say anything about his original ideas, like confirmation that Isa was originally going to be a test subject. But Nomura said "stay tuned for the future". Gimme a break. It's technically not too late for Isa to be a test subject, I guess. But after KH3, I am certainly not getting my hopes up. Whatever backstory he receives will probably just put all of the spotlight on that girl, who I couldn't care less about.
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shi-daisy · 5 years
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Ah, the angsty theme. I'll be honest I've never been fond of sad stories, but I'd be lying if I said Ulquihime dosen't have potential for really tragic stories, be it a one shot or a full length fic. Plus they're the only ship I would ever use this song with. Fits so well with them 😢
Special thanks to @vikowolf for letting me use her gif. Go give this talented bean some love!
I hope you all like!
Ulquihime Week- Day 4- Haunting/Touch Starved
"Are you afraid of me, woman?"
She remembered his voice clearly, along with his empty emerald eyes.
Ulquiorra was turning into ash, but he did not despair, instead he reached out for her.
"No, I'm not afraid. I've never been afraid." Orihime tried to hold his hand but his fingers turned to ash under her touch.
"No! Ulquiorra please don't go! Don't die!"
She wanted to run. To heal him, to keep him from falling apart, but her feet didn't move. All she could do was beg him to stay alive.
The result was the same every night, he'd turn to ashes before her eyes and she would wake up screaming his name.
"Ulquiorra!" she called. There was no response, for her apartment was empty.
'Thats right. I'm home...' she remembered. It was getting harder to tell the difference.
'Goddamn it not again!' Orihime felt a headache coming on. She pushed her covers and walked over to the kitchen.
She had run out of medicine, much to her chagrin. The kit was empty save for a bottle of sleeping pills.
'I forgot to go shopping again.' Ever since she got back home she was forgetting things more often than usual. To her luck, both Rangiku and Toshiro had stocked up the fridge before going back to the Soul Society, so she still had some food. Orihime grabbed a box of doughnuts and scarfed them down on the dinning room table.
She glanced at the clock. It read 1 a.m.
'I have school tomorrow, I can't fall asleep in class again! C'mon Inoue get it together!'
Last week she had fallen asleep during class and had the same dream. Not only had it been embarrassing to scream his name upon waking, but this time she'd been crying when she said it, and all her friends saw it.
They all looked concerned and tried to talk to her about it, yet she didn't want them near at all, especially not Ichigo.
"Staying mad at Kurosaki because of me?"
That voice again. She lifted her gaze and saw Ulquiorra sitting across from her.
"Can't you leave me alone for one night?!" she screamed, throwing a glass at him. The glass shattered after hitting the wall.
"Woman, please don't break the utensils. We both know I'm not really here."
"I wish you were."
"Why? Why do you miss me? I was a monster. I took you away from your friends, I kept you locked up and even killed the man you loved. Yet you miss me. It's not logical."
"I know."
"You'd be better off forgetting me."
"No. I refuse to forget you." Tears began streaming down her cheeks. Orihime gripped the edge of her nightgown trying to keep from sobbing. "I know we were never close, or even friends, but I did care for you.
It wasn't clear to me until you were nearing the end. You told me you were curious about us humans. And then I understood.
You wanted emotions, companionship, understanding, a heart...I was willing to give all of that to you. Had you lived."
Talking felt like having glass shoved down her throat, but she continued.
"Instead of welcoming you into my life as a dear friend all I had left of you was a pile of ash and a torn dress!
I should have tried harder to save you! Aizen said my powers rivaled those of the gods, and I yet when I had the chance to use them I froze like an idiot! I should've put myself between you and Kurosaki! I should've tried to escape on my own and come back for you when the war ended! There were so many ways for me to keep you safe. And I did nothing! I'll never forgive myself for letting you die."
Ulquiorra stood up and walked over to her. Then he hugged her, laying his head on her shoulder.
Orihime knew it wasn't real, but she didn't care. It felt real. His touch was cold yet comforting. She leaned into it.
"I could only hold your hand for a few seconds before it turned to ash, still, I could feel it. It was cold, it was gentle, it was electric...I'd give anything to hold you again, properly this time."
"We both know that's not possible, nor is it ideal.
My demise was no one's fault but my own, woman. I was the one who engaged Kurosaki un battle. Had I surrender you to him I would still be alive."
"No. He had forgiven his enemies before. Enemies that wouldn't have hesitated to cut him down if they could. What made you any different?"
"I do not know. Maybe the fact that I tried to kill him twice, or the fact that I took you away."
She scoffed. "Kurosaki dosen't care that much about me. He went to Hueco Mundo to fight Grimmjow, not for me."
"That's a narrow way to look at it. Kurosaki Does care for you, even if he dosen't show it."
"That's not enough for me. It'll never be enough for me, anymore."
She stood up, feeling slightly cold as Ulquiorra let go of her. The clock read 1:30 a.m
'I'm not going to fall asleep at this rate.'
Opening up the fridge again, taking a bottle from the very back. It has half empty, and the scent from it filled the whole apartment.
'Sora wouldn't be too proud seeing me like this.' she winced. 'Then again, we both inherited things from our parents that we didn't want. I wonder how those two lowlives are doing these days...'
The first glass always burned her throat but by the second the sting subsided and she got used to it.
"So now, you're just going to drink away and ignore me?"
Ulquiorra's voice startled her. "You usually don't stay this long. Even in my dreams you fade away after the first touch."
"My apologies. I cannot change the past."
"I know, you're only in my mind after all."
Again he walked over to where she was, this time she was the one who tried to hold him, but her hands went right through him.
Orihime began to cry again, not caring if she was being too loud. Ulquiorra sat beside her, holding her hand.
"Woman, what did you mean before by 'not enough'?"
"Exactly that. Empty gestures and fake concerns are not enough. They should've never been.'"
"Then what would be enough? What do you want?"
"You." she whispered. "I want you. Not your spirit, not in my dreams or in my mind. I want you here in the flesh. I want to hold you, to truly speak with you. To be with you."
"You shouldn't want that. You should move on. Everything's alright now, you're back home with your friends, this is what you should want."
"Well I don't!" she yelled. "I don't want any of this, if I can't have you by my side! It all feels so..."
"Empty." He finished for her.
"Yes. It's all so very empty."
Ulquiorra stayed silent for a moment, then he looked at her. "If that is your final answer, then I just have one last piece of advice."
"What would that be?"
"Go to sleep."
"I can't. You won't be there when I wake-"
He put a finger over her lips to silence her. "Yes. Yes I will. I'll even lay down with you."
Orihime didn't expect him to inch closer towards her and kiss her. His touch wasn't cold anymore, or maybe she was the one radiating warm. It didn't matter, this was what she'd been wanting for weeks now.
"Now please woman, go to sleep."
Orihime nodded, grabbing a couple sleeping pills from the kit and taking them with what was left of the liquor. The effect was immediate, as drowsiness began to take over.
She walked over to her bed, and settled in. Ulquiorra was lying beside her over the covers.
"I need you to promise me you'll be here when I wake up. I'm getting tired of seeing you disappear."
"I'll be here. I promise."
With that in mind she closed her eyes and let sleep take over. Ulquiorra would be there to greet when she woke up.
If she woke up at all.
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iamoncewas · 5 years
Oathkeeper, Oblivion, and the other promise
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Oathkeeper (約束のお守り Yakusoku no Omamori - Oath's Charm) represents a promise (an oath) Sora made to Kairi. Specifically, this one:
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This is why it's token is Kairi's Wayfinder, which are modeled after the paopu fruit and represent basically the same thing: an unbreakable connection.
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It's teeth are fashioned after the kanji for light (光). Oblivion's teeth are fashioned after the kanji for darkness (闇), showing it's meant to be seen as a pair with Oathkeeper. They are meant to have equal symbolic significance, but only Oathkeeper's origin has ever been explained.
Oblivion's Japanese name is Passing Memories (過ぎ去りし思い出 Sugisarishi Omoide). In DDD we see a significant memory related to Riku that Sora doesn't quite remember. As Sora chases the dreams, Riku and Kairi shifting into Terra and Aqua, he hears Riku's voice, the dream dissipates and he sees a light. He then remembers when he and Riku met Aqua when they were children, but there is no audio in the memory, showing that Sora doesn't recall what Aqua told him. Aqua then fades and Sora sees Ansem SoD, who can be seen as the personification of Riku's darkness. We found out in KH3 that possessing Riku's body is the reason Ansem looks the way he does.
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The dreams that come right before waking are the dreams you are most likely to remember.
What Aqua told Sora was very important. And he doesn't remember it. A "passing memory."
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I believe Riku however, does remember this, since he is consistently referencing his promise to Terra. He met them both on the same day, Aqua arriving not long after Riku was bequeathed.
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Oblivion's token is a crown very similar in appearance to the one Sora wears around his neck, except it is black in colour. If Oblivion represents Riku, why is it not the same as, say, Way to the Dawn's token, for example? It is the only keyblade with a token like this. Royal Radiance and Unbound are similar, but not as exact as Oblivion (that's a whole other pile of symbolism I won't get into). And we know exactly where the wayfinder came from, Kairi made it herself from thalassa shells.
So, that black crown, I believe is also a symbol of "an unbreakable connection" like the wayfinder, that Riku actually physically carries with him. He doesn't wear it around his neck however like Sora. In KH1 you get Oblivion from a chest in the Grand Hall in Hollow Bastion, where Sora fought possessed Riku, implying Riku left it there for him. In KH2, Sora gets its after the reunion, implying Riku gave it to him. It wasn't outrightly shown like Sora and Kairi exchanging the Wayfinder has been, however. And Sora clearly doesn't remember it's symbolic significance.
If the black crown is a keyblade token, Sora's necklace is a keyblade token (silver - "grey area" - balance between light and dark, making Oblivion, Oathkeeper and this keyblade a trio. This keyblade would then represent Sora). I assume anything can be a keyblade token, which is why Sora receives one from every world he visits (especially since none of the inhabitants of these worlds even know what keyblades are). They are regular objects, given meaning by the connections they symbolize, given form by Sora's heart and keyblade. Since their combined keyblade contains both a crown and a Hidden Mickey when it's complete, I believe the crown chains are of the same nature as the Kingdom Keys and Braveheart, directly tied to Kingdom Hearts.
Since Oathkeeper is meant to be Oblivion's parallel, I believe Oblivion also represents a promise. Since Sora doesn't remember his "job" that Aqua gave him, I assume the promise was something like "I'll always stay with you." This would conflict with the promise he made to Kairi, "I'll always come back to you" in the event that he would ever have to choose between them.
Which is exactly what happened in KH1. Kairi wanted to leave with Sora, without Riku. This is why Riku got so angry, and fell to darkness. This would have been Sora breaking his promise, a huge betrayal. Sora forgot he ever made it. But Riku didn't, and he was hurt that Sora would forget about him that way.
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Oblivion - the state of being unaware or unconscious of what is happening; the state of being forgotten.
Sora had forgotten how important Riku is to him.
That means that, all this time, Sora has been wearing a REMINDer of this promise, his necklace. This is why the origin of Sora's necklace and Oblivion have never been explained, because its vital to the endgame and will be explained in the DLC. It's everything. The "secret episode" is going to be the secret ending, the game's CLEAR ending, Sora choosing Riku, straight up, no room for debate afterwards. He's already remembered by the end of KH3, we saw him vanish from Kairi's side (even though I think Kairi's in his heart, Sora leaving her side is just a symbolic image) and (attempt to) return home to Riku, which is what everybody was looking at and smiling about. That's why Donald got so excited and tried to run out there before Mickey stopped him. Nomura said he wanted to keep the ending vague, but realized after people's reactions that he left it "too vague". I think what he wanted to be more clear about, was Sora leaving Kairi's side. The result of his choice. But he wants us to be surprised as well.
Aqua also told Sora to keep Riku safe. He also broke this part of his promise and committed and even greater betrayal. In the original timeline, he let Riku die. The MoM is Sora(/Vanitas) attempting to save his life at whatever cost (all for one and one for all), which should be impossible, because you can't change what's already happened, but this is the ending we played through. I imagine Sora saw him die, and the memory of this would also remain within Sora's heart even if he doesn't consciously remember it, a painful memory he's pushed deep into the darkness. The mind may forget, but the heart always remembers. Oblivion also represents this I believe, because of one last definition of it's name: extinction. The passing memory of Riku's death, and the darkness it caused.
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iamoncewas · 5 years
On the colour of Kingdom Hearts.
This is the story of the Keyblade War as told to Kairi by her grandmother.
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In 0.2 Luxu watches Kingdom Hearts appear in the sky after the first Keyblade War. It is the blue Kingdom Hearts, so is incomplete. You can see Starlight, with it’s token intact, which Sora later claims for his own keyblade.
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It appears to be gathering small fragments of light from the remains of the battlefield. This is no doubt what the legend refers to when it says that, the light survived in the hearts of children, and the world was rebuilt with that light. It also states however that this is when the true light vanished into darkness (the true, gold Kingdom Hearts), so it's strange that the Kingdom Hearts that appeared before Luxu is already blue. Since Starlight is there with an intact chain, this is the very same battlefield Sora used the power of Union X after they died. It is therefore, the second timeline that has been influenced by the MoM and the timeline we played through and finished.
Originally, the very first time the world was devoured by shadow, I believe it WAS the gold Kingdom Hearts that vanished and never appeared again, true Kingdom Hearts. This scene is showing the creation of Riku's heart and soul from the light of the fallen wielders. They are the very essence of his being. He was made to ensure nothing like this would ever happen again, to protect the key to Kingdom Hearts. He is the First Light. This is why his instinct to protect is so strong, why he regained his true form in KH2 after shielding the others with his body.
"The world began in darkness, and from the darkness came light. From the light came the people, and the people had hearts."
It turned blue when, from Riku, the True King, the essence of the X-blade became 7 light pieces (the 7 Princesses) and 13 “dark pieces” (Sora/Vanitas). It would have turned gold once again once Riku had realized his destiny with Sora and Kairi. The Heart and both halves of the Key.
So then, why wasn't Kingdom Hearts gold when Luxu saw it in the second timeline if that's the case.
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The interviewer is asking why, after seeing Riku’s sacrifice and dying, going to the Final World, talking to Chirithy and the stars, piecing Sora back together, and passing through the keyhole, we arrived back to the point right before Riku’s sacrifice, Sora then having to watch it a second time (shown from Sora's POV) and die again. After this is when we enter the tunnel, follow the light to Riku, and THEN Sora uses the power of waking to save everyone else. It seems like Nomura didn’t really answer the question at all. But he did.
One of the unvoiced stars in the Final World was Riku. I'd bet my life on it.
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And its not the current Riku, his heart was being ushered down to darkness by the Lich, like everyone else’s. This is the past Riku, and he’s waiting for his Sora in the Final World, the Master of Masters, who isn't dead.
None of the other stars react to Sora this way. Besides Naminé and Nameless Star, none of them even acknowledge Sora's presence. Riku's heart, in a state of sleep (death). He is lamenting never telling Sora how he felt before he died, and is wondering if he hurt him by creating distance between them. Exactly what Sora thought about in Arendelle.
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When the star speaks of “overpowering emotion filling him”, this is his heart being awakened by Sora's presence. And he did in fact tell Sora how he really felt.
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He was saying:
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And Sora's expression. His eyes are unfocused at first because he isn't seeing this with his eyes, he's seeing these things in his mind. Then he blinks, gasps, his eyes focus directly on the light, and his face lights up like I personally have never seen. We saw a glimpse of what he saw, but who knows what else Riku showed him, or told him.
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This is the turning point. This is what changed the future. Dead Riku from the past finally telling the present Sora how he really feels. Contacting Sora in the Final World awakened his heart, and this would not have happened originally, because Riku wasn't dead yet. Sora was revived at the moment before Riku’s sacrifice because that was when the future changed, after talking to the stars. This caused the previous events of the past to be overwritten, “as though they never happened”. This is why Nomura refers to the footage from the ReMind trailer as a “scenario”, instead of as an “episode” like the other parts. A scenario is a hypothesized sequence of events, something that could happen. It will show the first timeline where Riku died, which is now what that version of events is. A hypothetical. It's no longer reality. So it seems in the original timeline, Sora still saw Riku sacrifice himself for him, and still managed to revive everyone, but he did not realize what that sacrifice signified.
When Xehanort summons Kingdom Hearts afterwards, it is once again gold and complete. The first time we have actually seen it as such. It had been blue in our timeline because Riku was dead, his heart was waiting in the Final World, for his Sora, the MoM, and that was etched in time. This is why, when Xehanort summoned the X-blade using Ventus and Vanitas (the timeline we saw it happen anyways), Kingdom Hearts was blue, when by all rights, it should have been gold. This is the very reason people assumed that true Kingdom Hearts was blue in the first place.
Changing the future should be impossible, so Kingdom Hearts never returned to it's true form when Sora went back in time to the age of fairy tales. Kingdom Hearts is complete again because Riku has been resurrected and the key to Kingdom Hearts is no longer lost in darkness, his "sleeping heart put back the way it was."
When Aqua enchanted Kairi’s necklace she told her the light in her would always lead her to the light of another. Someone to keep her safe. Her grandmother told her the same thing. Believe in the light and it will push the shadows away. They were both referring to Riku, the father of Kairi's light. Her light IS Riku's light. Kairi's specific bond with Sora and Riku was not accidental. I believe in the ending she's in Sora's heart, and that was where she was meant to stay, to keep his body from being disintegrated by darkness as he consumes it and turns it to light. And also, in such cases as we saw, both Riku and Sora's deaths, when she kept Sora's body together in the Final World, and he was then able to find and revive Riku through their connection. She effectively makes the both of them fucking immortal. Her allowing Xehanort to make the final blow against her was the sacrifice that allowed Riku to survive. She believed in the light, in Riku, and his light kept her safe. The three of them together are basically an unstoppable force, now that they have all accepted the truth. “That’s the story of the King of Truth.”
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The last part of the known passage from the Lost Page seems to refer to Daybreak Town's bell ringing out when Ava attacked Luxu, signaling the start of the war. However, I believe it refers to a Funeral Toll - the technique of sounding a single bell very slowly, with a significant gap between strikes to commemorate someone who died. The lost page refers to Sora’s chance to change the future, his destiny, the final battle. The commemoration day of Riku's death.
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