stormyoceans · 5 months
BABE WAKE U- actually get as much rest as you can sweetie 😌
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corysmiles · 3 years
tiny tommy gets hurt. thats it, thats the prompt. send tweet. ily
Yes angst my beloved thank you anon :]
Little streamer au angst
cw// language, t!Tommy gets hurt (not very graphic)
As a tiny in a world built for humans Tommy was very accustomed to getting hurt. He fell from high shelves, had heavy objects fall on him, and even occasionally got stuck under people’s things.
He just really had hoped nothing bad would happen during the meetup with his friends.
Since he was staying at Wilbur’s apartment he had taken to lying in Wilbur’ clothes that were always strewn around his bedroom.
There was something about it that was so warm and comforting even when Wilbur couldn’t actually be holding the tiny himself.
Particularly, Wilbur’s beanie was Tommy’s favorite. It was incredibly warm and soft and the smell of shampoo made it so he could almost imagine just falling asleep in his brothers hair.
That’s why when Wilbur went out to get a few groceries Tommy curled up inside of one of Wilbur’s beanies to take a nap. He was awoken though to the hat moving and he yelped with a start as he felt a heavy pressure push against him.
He gasped as the weight made it harder and harder to breathe and the once comforting darkness started to become suffocating.
“Wi-Wilbur!” he tried to yell but the weight didn’t shift. Desperately he tried to pry his way out of the beanie until a he was able to see just a little bit of light.
And he almost wished he just stayed in the dark.
Because outside he saw his friend’s hands pulling out laundry detergent from somewhere above him and throwing it into his washing machine, the washing machine that was now much to close for comfort.
Tommy took a deep breath to scream for Wil again but suddenly the weight pushed him back away from the light and he felt himself begin to fall. Clothes piled up on top of the beanie as he was thrown into the laundry machine with everything else.
Tears sprung up in the teens eyes as he pleaded for his brother to help him but the lid of the machine was already closed. And even if it wasn’t there was no way Wilbur could hear him through so much fabric.
“Wil please!” Tommy begged as he struggled against the clothes, “Help me please! Please I-I don’t wanna die Wilbur!”
Then with a cry he heard the machine whir to life and the sound of running water underneath him.
“Fuck fuck fuck no please no,” Tommy cried as the sound of the water got closer and closer to where he was stuck.
Suddenly a ding went off and Tommy snapped up his phone from his pocket.
It was a text from Will.
-“Hey Toms in home where are you :)”
Panicked, Tommy typed as fast as he could even though his hands wouldn’t stop shaking.
-“Please Wil I’m in the laundry machine help me please”
The water was nearly up to his chest by the time he had sent the text and as the water steadily rose he thought for sure he was going to die. He could barely even move as it was...he was going to drown there.
He let himself break down into tears when the water got to his face. He screamed and pleaded for anyone to save him but there was no sign of help.
The tiny took a desperate breath before his face was fully submerged under the water. Despair took over as the boy stopped fighting against the weight around him.
Suddenly blinding light appeared from above and Tommy let out a gasp of air as the weight around him shifted. He vaguely processed that he was being moved but his panicked mind couldn’t focus on anything except that he couldn’t breathe. Then the beanie along with himself surfaced above the water and Tommy sucked in as much air as he could, as more and more weak sobs escaped his body.
“Oh god oh god Toms are you okay? Shit, where are you? Holy shit please be okay,” he heard Wilbur beg though his hearing was so muffled he barely even registered it.
All of a sudden light hit his eyes and he heard his brother gasp. The next thing he knew he was laying down in Wilbur’s hand with the human staring at him with red eyes.
“Oh thank god you’re alive Toms,” Wilbur whispered while a tear fell down his already irritated cheek.
Tommy nodded slowly and silently leaned into Wilbur’s hand for comfort.
“I’m so sorry Tommy,” Wilbur sighed.
The tiny let tears fall as his panic started to subdue and the reality of what had happened hit him.
He had almost died.
He gazed up at his friend and let a large sob wrack his body. The hand underneath him shifted until he was being held close to the human’s chest.
“Shhh Toms,” Wilbur comforted, “It’s okay now I’ve got you you’re safe. You’re safe now.”
Tommy continued to cry into the human’s shirt while a large thumb gently rubbed circles against his back.
“I’ve got you Tommy you’re okay, everything’s okay,” Wilbur cooed while slowly bringing Tommy to his bed so he could wrap him up against his chest, close to his heart
He held the boy like that for hours until eventually the loud sobs were replaced by calm breathing. He knew he’d have to talk to Tommy about it when he woke up but for now he’d keep him safe while he slept; it was the least he could do for his hurt friend.
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solastia · 6 years
Healing Touch
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One Shot
Pairing: Changkyun x Reader 
Word Count: 1,702 (Once again, Solastia fails the drabbles are supposed to be 1k and under challenge) 
Genre & Warnings: Fluff, friends to lovers!au, sick!au (is that an au? I dunno, guess it is now)
Notes: anon request. Hopefully it turned out okay! Why does writing pure fluff make me cringe so much? I’m so embarrassed by the cheese. 
With a ragged groan, you slump to the floor after being sick for the third time today. You’d thought you were just coming down with a mild cold, but after a couple of miserable days, it had grown into a full-blown flu. Or some weird hybrid of the two because you were still stuffed up in addition to the fever and being sick. 
You could hear your phone ringing again, but it was all the way in the bedroom, which might as well have been as torturous a journey as going to Mordor at this point. Someone had been blowing up your phone today, and you suspected your friend and crush Changkyun. You’d canceled your plans with him the other day, not wanting to get him sick, and then proceeded to ignore all calls the following days. Mostly because you could barely muster enough strength to even hold up your phone. As much as you wanted to talk to him, you couldn’t bring yourself to move.
Instead, you used your last bit of strength to pull down a towel to lay your head on and promptly fell into an exhausted sleep right there on the cold bathroom floor. 
“Have you just been sleeping here on the bathroom floor?” a deep voice rumbles near your ear, and you suddenly feel weightless. You open your eyes, so weak that even this was a struggle, and find yourself being carried into the bedroom by Changkyun himself. 
“The floor is nice and cool and has a toilet attached. Don’t judge me,” you moan, cringing at how bad your voice sounds. 
“No judging, just not the best place to find you unconscious. I thought you were dead and I might have panicked a little bit and called everyone before I remembered to check if you were still breathing. Now, it’s my professional opinion that you’ll get better faster if you sleep in a bed.”
“Wow, thank you, Dr. Im,” you mumble into his chest, relishing the close proximity. 
“Sadly, I’m not a doctor, but I look like I could play one on TV, eh?” He chuckles as he practically tosses you into bed. The bounce hurts your entire body, and you weakly squeak in indignation. 
“Don’t take this the wrong way but your bedside manner sucks,” you huff but allow him to help you under the covers. 
“Sorry. I don’t know my own strength sometimes.” You glare at him in disgust as he winks at you.  
“Out. I won’t have this on my deathbed,” you murmur. Changkyun laughs and crawls in next to you, adjusting you so that you were laying on his chest. The two of you were no strangers to cuddling a little bit, but this was incredibly intimate. You cuddle in as close as you can get, relishing the moment. You only wished you could smell him. 
“You shouldn’t even be here. If Kihyun finds out you were around me while I had the flu and you get sick, he’ll kill us both. I canceled the other day, so I wouldn’t get you sick.” 
“Mmm, worth it. Speaking of, samgyetang or porridge?” Changkyun asks as he picks up his phone. 
“Is this a trivia question?”
“No. Gonna ask hyung to make some. I doubt you’ve eaten anything in a while.”
“Mmm, samgyetang. Might as well enjoy my last meal.” 
“Drama queen.” Changkyun chuckles as he makes the text, and you cuddle in closer to his chest. 
“Dramama ramama ramama hey,” you rumble into his chest quietly. 
“Never do that again.” Changkyun groans and you giggle even though it hurts. 
He eventually sets his phone down, and you feel his fingers stroking your hair. You shiver a little and hope he thinks it’s just because of the fever. He pauses and glances down at you. 
“You okay? You need a sweater or something?”
“Don’t stop…” you mumble tiredly, and Changkyun hums gently in question. 
“Your fingers in my hair,” you murmur. “Feels really nice…”
“I bet it would feel even better if your hair had been washed anytime in the last century,” he teases softly. You try to hit his chest, but you’re so weak that it’s barely a tap. You settle for whining and he straight up giggles. The brat. 
Thankfully, he goes back to playing with your hair until you fall back to sleep. 
»An incredible cooling sensation on your face wakes you up, and you crack open your eyes to find Changkyun wiping you with a cloth. 
“Oh, you’re still here,” you say weakly, managing a tired smile. 
“Mmhmm. Can you manage sitting up a little bit? Hyung brought your soup. I was told to make sure you eat it all, especially the ginseng, and drink lots of water. Hoseok hyung even sent you some vitamin C tablets. “ 
You try to scoot up a little on your own but struggle enough that he takes over, propping you up and placing a pillow behind you. He makes you drink a whole half a cup of water before he finally spoons some of the soup, blowing a little on the spoon first. The first bite is heavenly, and you pray that you can keep it down. It’s the first thing you’ve had to eat in two days besides the stale crackers you found in the pantry. 
“Not that I’m ungrateful, I’m just curious why you’re still here. I never pegged you for the nursing type.” You question, thrown off a little by this calm and efficient version of your friend. 
“I’ll answer that if you answer a question for me.” He countered, his voice sounding borderline flirtatious. 
“What?” You ask cautiously, racking your mind for something he would question you about? Did you maybe talk in your sleep? 
“Why is my birthday your door code?” He asks with a smirk. 
You sputter and try to think of an answer that wouldn’t give you away. 
“You see,” he continued. “After knocking for a while without an answer, I tried every number randomly; even took a look at the screws on the door to see how easy it would be to just break in. I punched my birthday in on a whim and low and behold, the lock clicks and grants me entry. Now, what reason could my beautiful friend have to use my birthday as her door code...unless she liked me, maybe.” 
You’re internally panicking as you try to think of an excuse. Anything that wouldn’t make him run away from you or cruelly reject you. In your exhaustion, you’d completely forgotten to question how he’d even gotten into your apartment. 
“I...um...it’s just easy to remember? There’s no meaning. Don’t worry,” you blurt out in a rush, and hope that the blush forming can be written off as fever induced. 
Changkyun sighs wearily. “Ah, you’re going to be difficult. Fine, here. Unlock this for me will you?” He hands you his phone, his grin rife with fondness and amusement. 
You grab it without thinking only to remember that you don’t know his code. Why would you? You send him a dirty look and start entering numbers randomly. 
“Think, Y/N. You know the code very well,” he prompts softly. 
You stare down at the keypad as an idea so preposterous comes to you. Just because you did it for him doesn’t mean he thinks of you enough to do the same, does he? Your fingers tremble as you slowly enter your own birthday.  
With the last number entered, the phone unlocks and sends you to his home screen, which featured a picture of the two of you drunkenly posing from your previous karaoke hangout with the guys. 
“I like you too, stupid,” he winks and accepts the phone you toss at him. 
“Why would you confess to a girl and call her stupid in the same sentence?” You complain, your face blazing. 
“It’s part of my charm.” He grins and sets aside the soup to climb back under the covers with you, cradling you close. 
“So, we need to get you healthy so we can make out. Let’s sleep.” 
“Wow, so romantic. Why do I like you, again?” You mutter against his chest with a contented grin. God, this was really happening. 
“Hah, you just said you liked me. You can’t back out now. You’re stuck with me. Wolves mate for life, you know.” 
“Will you quit calling yourself a wolf?” 
“Only if you say the words.” 
You release a world-weary sigh. “Fine. Changkyun, I like you a lot. I totally want to date you. Please nurse me back to health so we can like, make out and stuff.” 
“That was beautiful. Leave it to me, baby. I got that healing touch.” He says cockily as he threads his fingers into your hair. 
He was greasy, he was a living meme, but now he was yours. And you’ve never been happier. 
“If I wake up and this is some fever dream, I am going to be so mad.” You groan. He laughs and kisses your temple. 
“I’ll be sure to remind you. Sleep. I’ll be here when you wake up, right where I belong.” 
With a smile full of hope, love, and contentment, you do as he says and allow yourself to fall asleep wrapped in his comforting arms. 
And when he became a sick and whiney mess a few days later, you were sure to nurse your new boyfriend back to health in return. 
After all, you guys still had to make out and stuff. 
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haikyuulovercompany · 7 years
Hiii! I'm the anon you gave the name Aika~ and i really love your writing style!! Thank you so much!! If it's not a bother, and if you have time.. I was thinking if maybe you could do a scenario where it's Suga's birthday and Aika gathered the courage to introduce herself to his teammates/friends (who didnt even know suga had a gf already) so they could help with his surprise?
I would have been perfect if I had done this request in Suga’s birthday, but well, I lost my chance. Good to have you back!!! I hope this is what you expected! 
Sugawara Koushi and her hadn’t been dating for long. They had beentogether for only a couple months, but God, didn’t they really love each other?
Since the day Sugawara had caught her singing in an empty classroom hehad been nothing but a dream come true for her. He always insisted that it was fait. Hesaid that he had followed her voice like a trail, and it led him to the girl hewould fall in love with.
“I heard yourvoice, and I had to follow it. I can’t explain why, I just felt like doing it.You hypnotized me.”
Every time he told her that, Aika thought of those ancient tales wherethe mermaids sang to attract foolish sailors to their deathly claws. She obviously wasn’tgoing to hurt him, but it was kind of magical that their own story hadsimilarities with an old tail.
And so, she wanted to do something for him. Something special. Shewanted to make him as happy as he made her. So when she realized his birthdaywas only in a couple of weeks, she knew what she wanted to do. She would throwhim a surprise birthday party. She would make sure to get his favorite food,and to get a cake decorated specifically for him. She made the list ofeverything she needed, and presented it to her mother.
That was the easy part. The difficult one was to get his friends to go. Notbecause they were incredibly mean people, but because Koushi still hadn’tintroduced her to them. They were training almost all the time, and they hadtheir own school, and family life to attend. And the little free time Koushihad, he spent it with her. There hadn’t been a right time for him to introduceher to his team.
But thanks to her plan, she would have to introduce herself, whichwasn’t an easy task.
She knew their faces because she knew who was the Karasuno volleyballteam, and she knew their names because Koushi had mentioned them a gazilliontimes. The only problem was that she didn’t know which name belonged to whom. 
Then, she needed to find a right time to talk to them. At school, Sugawarawas almost all the time with them. She couldn’t approach any of them if he wasthere because she wouldn’t be able to tell them about the surprise party. Therewas problem number two.
And problem number three, she was terribly awkward with new people. Shewas the worst when it came to people. 
She wasted a whole week hunting her boyfriend’s friend all over school.Every time she spotted one of them, they would meet immediately with Sugawara,or she would simple lose all courage in her to walk up to them.
She grew anxious the next Monday. Sugawara’s birthday was that weekend,and she still had a party with no guests. So she putted another plan together.She only needed her boyfriend to be away from the gym for a couple of minutes.Then she would have them all together in one place for her to invite them.
And that was how she had ended up hidden outside the gym where she knewher boyfriend trained every evening. A parade of boyish voices laughing,talking, joking with each other made their way into the installation. Needlessto say, her heart was beating out of her chest, and her stomach hurt. She wasthere. She needed to do it.
She waited a good half an hour to send the message that would throwSugawara out of the gym as if he was a rocket ship launching into space. Or soshe hoped. If he didn’t, well, it would be kind of heart wrecking.
She hit send, and waited. She stared at her phone waiting for the littlecheckmarks to turn blue. Almost ten minutes later, they did. And short afterthat, she heard Sugawara’s voice.
“I’ll be gone for a couple minutes. It won’t be long.” Hurried stepssounded against the wooden floor, and then the door of the gym opened with aloud smack, and hurried steps sounded again. She waited for a minute, and withher own heart in her throat she stepped out of her hideaway. She was nervouslike she had never been, but at least she now knew her boyfriend truly caredabout her.
She knew she didn’t have much time. She went into the gym with no sound.The first to notice her were the only two girls there. They looked to each otherbefore the tallest made her way to Aika. 
“Can we help you?” she asked. Aika swallowed hard, and stiffly nodded.“You can tell me, what is it?” 
A couple of heads turned her way before she could answer.
“Oh, look, another girl!” one voice said. Now everyone was gazing at her.
“She looks familiar,” another voice added.
Suddenly the whole team was heading her way. She took one step backwardsfeeling overwhelmed. A bunch of sweating guys was glaring at her, waiting forher to talk.
“You’re scaring her,” added one of them. “Take a step back. Give herspace.” Every single one of them obeyed with no complain. Almost all of themwere smiling unbothered by her presence. “Are you a third year?” the same guyasked.
She only nodded.
“That’s why you look so familiar to me. I’m Sawamura Daichi. Nice tomeet you.”
“I’m Aika,” she managed to say. So he was the captain of the team, andwho would practically be Sugawara’s best friend. Good to know. “Nice to meetyou, too.”
“Tell us, Aika-san, what brings you here?” Daichi asked. 
She stood quiet trying to find her words. They probably didn’t even knowSugawara already had a girlfriend. She had never asked him about that smalldetail. Her phone vibrated in her pocket. Without answering Daichi, she pickedout her phone. A message from Sugawara shone bright. 
‘Where are you?I’m looking for you like crazy!!’
She panicked, and quickly answered. All eyes still on her, all of themstill confused. 
‘I moved to thelibrary five minutes ago. I can’t find it.’ That would give her more time, butnot much. And she couldn’t keep worrying him like that. 
“I’m… well, I don’t know if you know but, I am…” she stopped andsighted. She had to hurry. She only had to say it, and that was the end of it.“I am Sugawara’s girlfriend, and I—
A sea of screams and questions stopped her mid sentence. If everyone wasalready glaring at her, now they were watching her with eyes wide open, andwith their jaws on the floor.
“Suga-senpai has a girlfriend!?” one practically shouted. “No oneknew!?”
“NO!” another two shouted as well. 
She looked at her phone. 
‘I’m going to thelibrary. Don’t move. We’ll find it.’
She panicked even more.
“Please, hear me out. Please,” she asked, anguish all over her face. Noone listened to her, though. They were all still in shock being as loud as theylungs let them, throwing questions into the air. Her voice was practically afade echo, background noise.
Shimizu picked this up immediately, and softly gasped. She clapped acoupe of times trying to attract everyone’s attention. And for Aika’s surprise,it worked. Those delicate claps had been enough to shut the noisiest guys shehad ever met.
“Aika-san still has something to say,” Shimizu said, and as if they hadpractice it tirelessly, they all turned to her at the same time.
Her phone started to vibrate. He was calling her. ‘Fast, make it fast,’ she thought.
“This weekend is Sugawara’s birthday, and I want to throw him a surpriseparty, okay? But I need everyone’s help. He’s coming back to the gym in no timeso I can’t stay.”
“How do you know where he is?” the bald guy asked.
“I send him a message telling him someone stole my school bag, and he’slooking for it, and looking for me,”Aika admitted as she shook her phone in the air. The bald guy gasped amused.
Her phone was ripped off of her hands. “You don’t have password? Cool,”said Daichi as he pressed the keys of her phone. In no time he returned it.“You already have my phone. Text me, we’ll get that party going. You can counton us.” He finished with a smile. 
“We’ll be there!” a guy with a small blonde highlight confidently toldher. She smiled.
“Thank you so much. It was nice to meet all of you.”
“Thank you for coming, we hadno freaking idea Sugawara had a girlfriend!” the bald guy said. 
“Please don’t tell him I was here. You still don’t know me, okay?”
“OKAY!” all screamed again. She made a little head bow, and got out ofthe gym before they could leave her deaf. 
She kept smiling to herself. That had been somehow easy. She hadexpected a mixture of personalities, and probably they were completelydifferent from one another, but at least they were all nice guys. She had beenscared of meeting them, and it had been a piece of cake.
She only hoped they like her back. It was too soon to tell since theyhad met briefly, but she guessed she would discover if they got along until theweekend. She had a hunch they would.
She returned to her hiding spot, and started to move the bushes whereshe had buried her school bag. One the straps had got stuck with a twistedbranch, and she was doing the worst job possible in getting it out of there.
“Aika! Finally!” She turned around mouth agape dropping her bag. Shethought she had a little more time. Sugawara was strolling towards her. “I toldyou to wait for me in the library,” he said when he was with her. He wasn’tmad, but she could tell he was slightly annoyed.
“I freaked out. Sorry,” she answered trying to think about any goodexcuse. She needed the perfect lie to justify what was she doing outside thevolleyball gym.
“What are you doing here scraping the bushes?”
“Ahm well,” she looked to the bushes, and back to him dumbfounded.
“Is your bag there?” 
The switch in her head snapped, and her brain was on again. She couldfeel the bulb inside shinning. “Yes!” she blurted. “I left the library in ahurry because someone told me they saw a couple of guys throwing a bag to thebushes, so I came.”
“What?” He frowned again. “What kind of douche were those guys.” 
Aika shrugged. “I don’t know, but at least I found it.”
“Let me help you.”
Sugawara walked passed her, and got his arm deep into the bushes. Aikacould see how some branches scratched his arm leaving delicate red lines alonghis white skin. He was unfazed by it. In a second he had her bag with him. 
“We should find out who were the assholes who did this.” Now he wasgenuinely pissed off. Aika shook her head quickly.
“No. No. Forget it. I don’t want to. I’m glad I have my bag with meagain. I only want to leave this incident behind.”
“Are you sure? What if they do it again?” 
“I think it was a random prank. For all we know they might have mistakenmy bag with someone else’s.” She had talked fast. She wanted the lie to beover. She hated to lie to him.
“If you say so,” he finally concluded. “I have to go back to practice. Sendme a message when you get home, please.”
“Of course.”
Sugawara looked around, and once he was sure they were alone, he cuppedher face and gave her a small peck on the lips. He smiled at her, and joggedback to the gym.
Aika almost dropped to the floor. 
That had been so close.
Her house was full with the volleyball team. The same parade of loudlaughs, and loud voices had moved to her living room. Even the same two girlswho had approached her in the gym were there. Now she knew which name belongedto whom. 
They all had done as she had asked. They arrived in time, and the oneswho arrived a little earlier helped her with the decorations as they got toknow each other better. By the time Sugawara arrived to her house to have theirusual movie-night date, all of them received him with a big ‘Surprise.’ 
His face had lightened up, and he was left momentarily speechless. Aikawas bubbling with happiness. She had got what she wanted. Sugawara’s smile wentfrom corner to corner adorning his whole face with genuine joy. She had neverseen a smile so wide, and complete like that one.
She was taking out more beverages from the kitchen when Sugawaraappeared. Just as she had thought, they all drank and ate like an army.
“Hey, what’s up?” she asked him leaving the sodas unattended for asecond. 
“No one really stole your bag, right?”
It took Aika a second to process what he was talking about. She shook her head. “No. I needed you out of thegym for a couple of minutes.”
“I figured.” Sugawara walked up to her, and kissed her forehead. “Thank you.”  
Thank you for the request! I hope you liked it!
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