chaoticclaybomber · 1 year
@baddestdangerboy liked for a starter
The first thing Deidara had done upon waking up and being carted off to some supposed new lodgings was to ditch the Akatsuki cloak and slip out the window to the street below. He needed info and he needed it fast.
The last thing he remembers is his chakra gathering, condensing, that thrill of the coming destruction because of his art, his masterpiece, and the regret that he wouldn't be a witness of its majesty. That damn Uchiha should have been grateful to see such a sight.
And now here he was, wells of chakra feeling oddly sluggish and unresponsive, weapons replaced with shitty little wooden training kunai, skin itching with the sure knowledge that he was dead, vaporized, but somehow here in this place he'd never even heard of. Either everyone he'd ever met had been missing something huge, or he'd somehow stumbled into some very weird space-time jutsu shit.
This clean cut district he'd been housed in was not anywhere near what he needed. But a red-light district was the perfect place to go snooping. Just because he was an explosives expert doesn't mean he didn't remember every lesson he'd had drilled into his head about blending in and slipping into a city he wasn't familiar with. It didn't take him long to parse a map and even less time to have a few options. Cotes sounds like something closer to a familiar environment at least.
Seems he's not the only person snooping around either, given the grappling hook attached to the roof of one of the buildings. He should leave it alone and do his own snooping. But when has should ever stopped him from doing something?
Deidara scrambles up the building with a mix of chakra and straight climbing, then peers down at the young man at the end of the rope, peering into windows with a camera raised to his face. The blond grins and tugs at the rope.
"Whatcha doing, un?"
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magnusmodig · 10 months
𝐓𝐇𝐎𝐑 𝐑𝐀𝐓𝐇𝐄𝐑 𝐃𝐄𝐒𝐏𝐄𝐑𝐀𝐓𝐄𝐋𝐘 𝐑𝐄𝐐𝐔𝐈𝐑𝐄𝐃 𝐀 𝐃𝐑𝐈𝐍𝐊. though he supposed more than that: what he truly required was food , first and foremost. ( too long now had cosmic sovereign cared far too little over a matter so TRITE , and so it seemed in some ways such failing was ... catching up to him. )
after some small amount of time wandering the seaside province , thor finally decided to make do with what precious little he had while the sun still lit the sky.
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❝  — good sir i do hail you, ❞ thor called , lifting a hand as he made for the nearest gentleman he could spot. a rather rugged looking fellow. though that oft met a learned one. ( it wasn't as though he had his jane to steer him astray . ) ❝  this form requires sustenance. yet i have very little idea of where to procure this planet's provisions. might you know? ❞
@brokeassgoing / starter call !
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magiccuco · 10 months
How does this work? ٠ ࣪⭑ @brokeassgoing
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Cold. Snowy. Frosty. It reminded Cucumber of the crystal kingdom, only there was a significant lack of crystals to be seen anywhere. He was all bundled up in his coat and scarf ( Miss Byleth made sure he was wrapped up ) on his way to do some exploring.
The gondola trip was pretty nice, even though the height of it made him nervous. It was funny seeing the skaters down below going around in circles, some of them even doing tricks and everything!
He reached downtown with little issues, and walking around the streets he observed these Hearths Rising traditions. Lights, wreaths, gifts, and toys are everywhere. He didn't have anything like this back home... hm. Home.
He'd found himself a little spot tucked away from the crowds. Huddled in his jacket, Cucumber couldn't help but watch the adults and kids ( his age ) walking together and having fun on the holiday. One in particular reminded him of his sister. He knew she would be having a blast here. She'd be dragging him everywhere trying to explore everything all at the same time, and he'd just follow along; he was just happy to see her smile.
Cucumber wasn't sure what to do. He wasn't a kid exactly, but in this world, maybe he wished he was ( or rather, knew how to be. )
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nakamopapina · 2 years
headcanons for where alexander flora and isabelle were in badou
My headcanon for the girls, is that Flora lives with Isabelle, and Lulu, and that they live outside of Celesteville, far enough that you would need (or it's recommended) to air travel.
This is based off of the fact that Lulu had to travel by air to visit her cousin, Uncle, and Grandparents. And that Celeste, Periwinkle, and Pom had to travel by air to visit them, later in season one. I personally like to think somewhere close to the Mountains, or a different part of the Jungle.
As for Alexander, since there's no info about him in his adult life, This gave more freedom to imagine where he is. My headcanon for him is that he still lives in Celesteville, just doesn't live at the Palace anymore. I also think he would visit his parents and nephew sort of frequently. (At least once a month)
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sayonaradumbass · 8 months
when it gets hard || sentence starters.- no longer accepting!
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It wasn't often that he trusted anyone older than him as Ash was often harmed by adults in his life. But something about this guy seemed like he legitimately just wanted to help out. But deep inside there was still that doubt. He'd just met the guy and he was already offering Ash a place to catch his breath? Suspicious. "And why is a stranger like you determined to help someone like me?"
He's seen, and heard, plenty about the Lynx. It is, all of it, troubling. Badou tries to shove back the sympathy, the pity, in his chest, at someone so young-- no, no. He'd been young once, too. What use is it to feel sorry for this young man's youth now? That isn't helpful.
Maybe he's just being selfish.
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The info broker shrugs, lights a cigarette.
"I wouldn't say determined-- you can tell me to fuck off and it'd be no big deal. I just figured you wouldn't mind eyes not on you for once."
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rebornologist · 7 months
♡ Heine & Badou vs. Your Jacket Thievery ✧
lil snippet bc I was thinking about the boys.. an indulgent af reader-insert, that's probably ooc. I need to reread the manga so bad plz enjoy and consider reading d: b&c if you haven't xoxo ♡
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Heine would not have noticed had you not smelled overwhelmingly like him, despite coming right out of the shower. Your hair was wet from bathing and you had a towel draped over your head, but you seem to have gotten some of your laundry mixed up, or so he hoped.
“Hey.. what’s up with the shirt?” he grumbles as he eyes you up and down.
“Oh, this? I.. think.. it’s yours, sorry. I must have grabbed it by accident before going into the bathroom,” you admit, folding over at the hip to wrap the towel around your hair before righting yourself again. Heine looks away, clearly feeling a little awkward.
“...whatever, wash it before you give it back,” his pale eyebrows knit together and he frowns slightly as he pauses, “or.. actually, just keep it.”
"Uh..wha-?" you turned, and he was gone, with the door drifting closed behind him. You make a mental note to thank him the next time you see him.
୨୧ ⁺ ₊
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Badou willingly gave you his coat. He stopped by your work to drop off some "documents", and left it with you to ensure that you’d stay dry in case it rained on your way home.
“Sky’s even greyer than usual today..” he muses, lighting a cigarette as he contemplates the chance of rain.
“Your jacket smells like smoke,” you grumble, mildly turned away by that fact. Normally you’d love sharing clothes with him.. but this one, he must have had for a while, for it bore all of his.. quintessence.
“All of me smells like smoke, babe.” the redhead points out matter-of-factly, turning to help you shrug the parka over your shoulder. “Sorry about that..” he takes a step back, fighting a smile, “looks good on you, though.”
He blinks as you pluck the cigarette from between his teeth and lean in to press a little kiss to his lips, giving him the taste of something else he’s addicted to.
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whiskeysmulti · 2 months
"Stop pushing me away. I'm not going anywhere, asshole. And as soon as you get that through that thick skull of yours, the better." From Badou, to Ash
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some angst idk y’all i like crying- no longer accepting!
Ash hadn't intended to shut Badou out, he'd actually thought the guy had been really helpful. However, Ash had a tendency to take his leadership duties a little too seriously and often shouldered a majority of the burden to spare the others having to suffer through it. His past record served as a harsh reminder that there were very few he could genuinely trust in his life, but those who did gain his trust had proven themselves worthy and Ash would be as loyal to them as they had always been to him. However, he still had his walls and they'd always be there. But now he was realizing, it was okay to let some people in, and Badou was one of those people.
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"Sorry, letting my guard down ain't the easiest thing to do."
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salfxsher · 2 years
@baddestdangerboy​  🤷‍♂️
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The memory was distant; and nearly faded. Almost muddled by how many times he’s appeared and disappeared from Spirale. However, Sal had never been the type to forget a positive interaction with a stranger. Those kinds of memories always stuck with him; and he kept them close to his heart in times of hardship.
Who knows how long ago it had been, but Sal remembered asking this guy to record him skateboarding, and... he did it. It was just a ...nice interaction. They had a laugh or two. Then they went their separate ways. 
“Hey, I remember you.”
Although, who was to say that Badou would remember him? They hadn’t even exchanged names at the time.
“Oh, sorry. I mean, uh. ...It’s been awhile, but you recorded me skateboarding once. I’m glad to see you’re still kicking.”
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baddestdangerboy · 2 years
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Hey I’m Liz (she/her), I’m in my 30s, and I’ve been constipated for 2 weeks. 
I’ve been around for a long time about 11 years? both here and citta and a couple of places before. Usually as Badou, but not always! But it’s usually Badou I’m so sorry....
I’m an instructional aide for an adult ed program, it’s okay, the students are really nice and good people. I complain about my job as easily as I breathe so don’t ask me about my job. Indeed dot com please help me.
I love to write obvs, but I love to write fanfics too, and I’m trying to challenge myself to write longer stuff lately. I love video games, and manga, and make up too! I’m not particularly good at any of this but I have some fun. I like the colors red and blue, and my favorite food is pasta, just pasta.  I have 1 cat who is my son, and 1 dog who is an actual demon from hell. 
Oh, I love plotting AND winging it very much, so feel free to just jump into my ims and tell me you want to throw Badou into a toilet. I’d be happy to.
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brokeassgoing · 8 months
20 + 41!
20. mannnn I think-- as a person, there's Doug, who was a cop back when he was a kid...Badou's definitely sus of cops and all their work, and thinks Doug is nosy, but he knows he's a good person. Wouldn't say he hates his work though? And I think in the opposite-- MAN IDK I think anyone who does shady biz like he does, they're all pretty crappy...sleazy, but he has to admire their work-- or go along with it cause that's the way his world works. sorry I don't know if I answered that efficiently!!!
41. he would deny it, but he picked up a lot of....habits (not just smoking) from his big brother? multiple times in canon people who knew his brother mention that Badou gets chased by thugs like he did and is broke like he was-- and though he keeps denying his philosophy of 'going out in one big party, going for broke' isn't like his brother's, he's living that way. He's putting all his eggs in one basket: revenge. I don't think he has many plans for 'after' that...but that's just me.
also his sense of dress: tacky
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starmaginoubi · 3 years
Spirale City. This place that was full of modern and fantastical things. It almost felt like a dream, if it wasn’t for the fact that the cold wind blowing in her face keep her in a state of wakefulness. Riku had the worn out broom strapped to her back while walking through the streets of Golden Ward, looking at all the different attractions and constant activity spouting all over the place.
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“This place is freaking huge! and this is barely one part of the city?! This is insane...” It was a good thing that stamina was the best part of her, otherwise she would be laying somewhere dead tired. “I have to conserve my mana too if I want to be able to fly around the place. Only being able to do so for 30 minutes feels like a bad challenge to me.”
She sighed while continuing to wander around, eyes halfway closed as if in a daze before her face collided with someone’s back.
“Bwuh-? Ah, sorry about that!”
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ascarletflame · 4 years
[To: Badou] [From: Grimm]
[txt] hi badou guess what [txt] i found out the grimmchild might actually be on this island, but [txt] THE STARS TOOK HIM AWAY FROM HIS BABYSITTER WHO IS ALSO ACTUALLY ON THIS ISLAND [txt] LIKE WHAT HE’S SOME SORT OF OBJECT [txt] actually what they took was the summoning charm but considering how cut off this realm is i assume he must be here too [txt] do you know why i have claws badou? [txt] it’s for raking child stealers specifically what else would i use them for [txt] HOW DO I FILE A COMPLAINT
The sound of Grimm typing walls is an angry, angry clacking of claw against screen. Unfortunately for the recipient, he’s the only one he could really think of to vent to, considering that Magilou absolutely does not want to hear about this.
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starter for @baddestdangerboy​
He was someone Raven had seldom interacted with, now that he thought about it. That didn’t mean he wasn’t a familiar face; someone he saw around the island all of his previous stays. It was comforting, in a sense.
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“... You’re still stuck here, then?” ... Only after speaking does he realize there’s a chance this man doesn’t recognize him, in return. Gods, he hopes he isn’t about to embarrass himself.
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nakamopapina · 1 year
I have these drawings of Pompadour and Cornelius, through some times of domestic life. (This was also a little bit of anatomy practice)
This is part 1. The explanations of these drawings are kind of long, sorry.
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The ‘Best Mom’ shirt is a running gag amongst my IRL friend group, on how Cornelius is the Best Mom in Adventures of Badou. (Because the other moms don’t really do that much/aren’t really present, in the show!)
The right bottom corner picture is nothing tragic, it’s just a relative of Cornelius’ (A great nephew) pushing the wrong buttons. Cornelius is experiencing the ‘I am so pissed, I’m crying’ type of anger, and Pompadour is comforting him.
(Everybody’s probably got that ONE relative that purposely goes out of their way, to piss someone off! That it’ll make the relative in question want to punch a hole through the wall! This drawing is supposed to be one of those times).
Explanations of the other pics below:
Middle right, Cornelius is attempting to kill a bug, with a slipper. Pompadour is borderline freaking out.
(The baby proof locks on the cabinet, are for their younger bio relatives, e.g. cousins, siblings’ great grandchildren, and for their own great grandchildren (Badou, and Lulu), and Arthur)
Top right, Pompadour checking on Cornelius, after he had a pretty rough day. (Not gonna say what, and you can’t make me!) I wanna draw him getting comfort every now and then!
Top left, Pompadour and Cornelius sleeping, and cuddling. They’re sleeping in a bit.
Middle left, Cornelius showing up home, with some groceries. Pompadour is giving him an affectionate welcome. He ‘borrowed’ Cornelius’ cardigan.
Bottom left, they’re cuddling under a tree, during a picnic. While watching the others doing various activities (they’re both old men, cut them a little slack)
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ultimorals · 3 years
THE ISLAND MAY AS WELL BE a hotbed for foolish behavior, he's come to notice. not simply reckless spirits with abilities beyond imagination, on top of the general unruly activity that always seems to plague the underbellies of cities of this magnitude. just because it happens to be summer break, does not mean that the youth should ABANDON their studies! or so he insists to anyone who would listen. he's wired, pulled tight, not quite anxious but ready to deliver his own brand of justice any given moment.
a water balloon flies past him the MOMENT mind begins to wander too much. tense, fingers weave into the fabric of his uniform, as eyes scan the crowd of children at play. whomever threw it is certainly doing an impeccable job at keeping to themselves. instead, there's a shift of his posture, a quick about face towards where the balloon landed. mouth slackens - oh, of course the ginger recipient of such a childish crime would himself look like he's caused trouble in his day. but, the young student is nothing if not KIND, holding his towel out to the stranger. ❝here. children can be so shameful sometimes. honestly … ❞
@baddestdangerboy liked for a starter / SPIRALEFES - TOO POOL FOR SCHOOL: THE REMIX
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heclingmuzik · 4 years
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It started off as a hum from her. She didn’t think she’d get so many audience from animals, but it happened. From humming, she decided to give them a good show and bust out in a full song. The place where Faunas and other creatures liked to hang out was a really nice spot to just...relax. For Ismael it was soothing and to sing around these beautiful creatures adds on to that. 
When she finishes singing, her eyes open and---Let’s say she wasn’t expecting a human being other than animals to have been listening. Damn.
“Uhhhhhh, ‘Sup?”
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