rainysflowers · 1 year
OC Fic - Mountain Deathcamas
Day 5 - "Beauty equals goodness."
Summary: Beauty equals goodness. This shrine maiden proves that in spades. Until she doesn't.
Beauty equals goodness, this much was true. It’s all that anyone can think as they stand there, watching tears roll down their red shrine-maiden’s cheeks, shivering in terror as she begs the princess and her bodyguard and their wandering friend and her companion not to kill her.
Archive Warnings: No Archive Warnings Apply Category: Gen Chapters: 1/1 Word Count: 832
Note: Hi I'm hijacking the Slayers Artober 2023 tag for point two seconds to show off my sweet bby Slayers Puruse OCs oh yeah oh yeah. Hope that that's okay, sorry if its not I can untag it, I just saw the prompt and my brain went, "That is SOOOO Anticlea." and i got carried away :P Might use the whole list, I have ideas and writing more about my Pursue group and my Overthrown party would be sooo fun ^^
Ao3 Link/Full Story under the cut :) It would help me out if u checked out the Ao3 link but dw either way ^^
Beauty equals goodness.
It was a statement that each and every member that traveled in Alidor’s party knew perfectly well, because they had the literal embodiment of the saying right there with them.
Anticlea had always been beautiful, no matter where in life she was. 
She had been beautiful from the moment she was born up until the moment that she’d joined the group on their quest to find the prince of the green kingdom a sweetheart to be his co-ruler. Whilst she looked up at the black-haired man with squinted crimson eyes just barely holding back tears and shining in the light of the setting sun, hands clasped together as if she was in one of the prayers that she must have known well, lips moving rapidly as she spilled out all sorts of desires to come along, she stayed beautiful.
She stayed beautiful through all of it, all of the hardships and pitfalls and breakups and get-togethers that the posse had eventually come to surpass. How she did it, no one could tell.
But what they did know, anyone and everyone out there in the world knew, was that the shrine maiden had that special something that made one simply have to stop and stare.
Perhaps it was her long, black hair that poured over her shoulders and down her back in tight coils, cherry colored eyes filled with a zest for life that matched her loose and airy outfit to a tee. Or maybe it was her small eyebrows and her ever-so-slightly rounded face that did the trick, fixing her with an adorably worried expression whenever her lips weren’t folded softly into excitement. The way she shot innocent glances over her shoulder and spoke loudly like no one had ever told her that she had to quiet down. How she seemed amazed by every little thing in the world around her, loving it all with no end.
It all had a way of making her stand out from the rest, even in a party mostly composed of non-men.
Against the knight Psyche, with her two-toned eyes, her messy hair, and brash attitude, Anticlea seemed put together, albeit naive.
Against the priest Uriel, with their fair skin, empty lavender eyes, and floaty smile, Anticlea seemed inviting and vivacious.
And so, beauty really did equal goodness.
Even when it was late at night and the pair of white magic users stayed up far longer than anyone else, sitting on a log in front of the fire, discussing holy topics and new dance routines that they could duet with one another. Behind them, their long shadows cast outwards into the forest, the light from the fire licking at their skin. Uriel mentioned something or other about a magical performance that they’d managed to bear witness to once, and it sent Anticlea into a giggling fit, her long eyelashes fluttering over her cheek. In the back of their mind, the priest cannot help but feel a twinge of guilt, though it’s through no fault of their own. Things happen, they supposed, even to humans that might not traditionally deserve it.
Even when the group’s quest had led them to the heart of the sprawling desert and in front of the door to a dragon woman’s house. She froze the moment that she opened the door, a palpable sense of complete and utter horror rushing through her deep blue eyes as they widened, a long shiver rolling slowly up her spine and down her arms. The kind of thing that she hadn’t felt in years. It hadn’t fully occurred to her what that truly meant, not until the festival that night, where she sat sipping on tea at a table alone, watching the pair of white magic users dancing on stage, rounding one another with wide smiles and blushing from exhaustion. That feeling was back, far worse than before, and finally something in the antique jar collector’s mind clicked into place.
Even when the sun sat high in the sky and the party was stuck in an ambush, staring forwards helplessly at the heroes of years ago surrounding Anticlea, weapons and magical appendages pointing directly at her. She’s biting her lip, face contorted into a silent sob, hands held up in the air as a weak sign of surrender.
Beauty equals goodness, this much was true.
It’s all that anyone can think as they stand there, watching tears roll down their red shrine-maiden’s cheeks, shivering in terror as she begs the princess and her bodyguard and their wandering friend and her companion not to kill her.
Because beauty equals goodness, and she was beautiful, inside and out, and there was no way in Hell or on Earth that she was not good.
Being good was all she had.
It was her life, it always had been.
She couldn’t hold one of the seven pieces of the demon lord inside of her because she was patient and kind and innocent and beautiful and good.
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callmehere-iwillappear · 11 months
quick update
so i . AM still working on cmh however i am super stuck and accidentally had another idea for a new long fic that is now consuming my thoughts oops. so uh. i'm taking a break from cmh TEMPORARILY I PROMISE
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Good evening mothers and fuckers of the jury.
Under the cut will be my explanation for my sudden disappearance and the future of tai and this blog v
So my hiatus was a little out of nowhere. I apologise for that. My mental health has been in the toilet as of late, and S.A.D isn't helping. I left the server abruptly and went quiet kinda.
I have a bad self des habit of comparing myself to others. Like. Like a lot. In many aspects. Now obviously i know this isn't a good thing to do but when your brain spits things out at you it's hard to ignore. Now of course this isn't anyones fault! Comparing myself to others is SOLEY a me problem.
So i left the server and went on hiatus and distanced myself from Tai. Drawing him felt more like a chore and that i had to keep up with the tag and people in it. But i know now that it's entirely impossible for me to do that. Between college classes, trying to sell comms and other personal issues. Also i shouldnt have to do that lol-
So what now?
Well, my tai inspo has been coming back slowly, but i can't promise too much. I doubt there will be consistent posting, but i think i will post some tai arts and interactions again. I want Tai to be something fun for me, not something i feel like i have to keep up with others on. I don't think i'll join many events as trying to keep track of them has been stressing me the fuck out.
Long story short: Posts less often, less attention to events and more focus on what Tai should be. A fun little oc to mess with.
I'm sorry for any concern i may have raised from suddenly vanishing, and thank you for the interest in tai
Tldr; Spent too much time stressing over something that should be fun. Not doing that anymore. Posting less often and less consistently. Wont participate in many events. Focusing more on Tai being a fun little free time thing instead of trying to keep up with constant changes and such. Also i'm alive
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shhh-no-ones-home · 4 years
blood pact izzy stradlin x reader x axl rose
Yes this is based off the tik Tok and yes I absolutely love the idea of 'boys in skirts on skateboards'🥺
evidently im super good at fusion fics so heres another one lol, it kind of hints at a relationship with axl but its not legit, just friends type situation. also she kinda edited but if i missed anything, sorry lol
the drawing i did as inspo can be found here
Song: black sheep by metric
tag list: @cynic-spirit @satans-arse @slashscowboyboots
i walked through the door behind axl, closing it behind me as he fell into the couch.
"sure make yourself at home."
izzy said sarcastically, poking his head out of the kitchen. i waved, smiling at him as he waved back. i heard the fridge door close before he made his way into the living room.
"ax said you wanted to hang out today?"
i asked, looking to him for answers. when axl arrived at my house he hurried me to get ready, not really explaining why we were heading to izzys place.
"uh yeah i guess, i mentioned i was going skating if he wanted to join."
we both looked over at him, his arm over his face as he lounged, almost falling asleep.
"well that makes more sense as to why he made me bring my board."
i said, scratching the back of my neck. izzy looked at me quizzically.
"i didnt know you skated."
i laughed a little bit.
"yeah i enjoy it from time to time. its nice to get out and shred or whatever."
i joked. he smiled at me.
"are you wearing that?"
he asked, nodding to my ripped jeans and oversize black t-shirt. i shrugged.
"well the only other thing i have with me is a skirt i left in my purse from last time i spent the night at axl's. i didnt end up changing into it."
i laughed nervously, realizing how awkward that sounded.
he said, nodding.
"want something else to wear? i dont mind, im pretty comfortable with pretty girls wearing my clothes."
he smirked at me.
"thats okay iz, you dont have to do that. im sure this will be fine. if anything else i could just wear the skirt. ya know, kick your ass while looking femme as hell."
i laughed and he sent me a look.
"you think you can skate better than me?"
i crossed my arms over my chest, leaning back on my heel.
"in a skirt or in general?"
he scoffed at me.
he said half offended and i laughed.
"hell yeah both."
i torted back and he looked a little mad id dare denounce his skill, dipping his hand into his shorts pocket and plucking his pack of cigarettes out.
"we gonna test that theory?"
he piped back putting one between his lips and lighting it.
"you two done yet?"
axl said.
"this isnt a pissing contest, youre both pretty."
i looked over at him as he sat up.
"i could skate circles around you, no problem."
izzy said at me. i laughed
"Okay, I have a challenge for you then, Mr secure."
I said, dropping my arms. He looked at me with a Stern look, puffing smoke out his nose.
"Hit me with your best shot babes."
I smirked at him before stuffing my hand into my bag and pulling the blue plaid skirt out.
"Boys. In skirts. On skateboards."
I said firmly. He drew his brows together.
"You think I won't?"
He asked, challenging me back. I pushed it towards him and he looked at it for a second, hesitating.
"What's wrong iz? Scared someone's gonna think you're less of a man?"
He made a 'psh' sound with his mouth before snatching it from me.
"Absolutely not."
i sent him a wicked smile.
"great, then i guess youd better go change. we have a skate park to get to."
he glared at me before walking off to the bathroom. i saw axl sit fully up out of the corner of my eye.
"you really making him do that?"
he asked and i nodded.
"if hes so good then it shouldnt be a problem."
he emerged a second later, the skirt sitting low on his hips and part of his ripped tank top tucked into it.
"lets do this."
i heard snickers from the guys at the park as we skated to the far side, the ramps resembling an abandoned pool. izzy seemed a little stern as axl walked beside us.
"still not worried?"
i asked, looking to him.
"of course not."
he said flatly, stopping and kicking his board up.
"you asked me to skate in a skirt, i have nothing to worry about."
he looked to me for a second before smiling and pushing off the edge. i watched as he dipped down into the valley of concrete, the skirt flowing in the wind he created. axl laughed a little to himself.
"do you know how many times duff has tried to get him to wear a skirt? too bad hes not here."
i laughed and shook my head, holding my board up with my foot.
"maybe he should tag along next time."
i said, smirking at him before taking off myself. i watched the other skaters around me as i rode across the concrete, smiling at the feeling of the wind in my hair.
"having fun yet?"
izzy asked as he passed me.
"you know it. its much more fun seeing that thought."
i said pointing to his skirt as he rode up the wall and came back down.
"well im glad youre enjoying yourself."
he said right as i turned, barreling straight into him. the both of us hit the ground at the same time, our legs tangled together as our boards rolled in opposite directions.
i said harshly as he unwove himself from me. my leg was stinging and i was starting to regret not bringing my knee pads.
"oh shit."
he said, kneeling over me. i watched him intently as he pushed my pant leg up, seeing red. i hissed as the air hit the cuts and scrapes across my shin.
"is everything alright?"
axl called, concern lacing his voice. i looked at him and gave him a thumbs-up
"yeah its no big deal."
i called back and izzy looked at me like i was crazy.
"this is more than just a scratch y/n, we should really go get this cleaned up and bandaged."
i shook my head, watching my leg turn redder.
"its fine iz."
there was blood running down my leg but it was nothing i wasnt used to by now. i shifted to stand up, him grabbing my hands to help me. i groaned as i put my weight on it, blood rushing to the surface.
"see, thats not fine. come on, lets get you back to my place and we can come back later."
i sighed, feeling the warm liquid make its way slowly down to my ankle.
""so much for a day at the skate park."
i said a little disappointing, picking up my board that had rolled back to me. izzy did the same before wrapping his free arm around my waist and helping me walk.
"theres always tomorrow."
he said and i smiled.
"you wearing the skirt then too?"
i said slyly and he sent me a testing look.
"dont push it."
i laughed as we made our way back up to where axl was still standing, a worried look on his face.
"you said it was fine!"
he practically yelled, looking over the wound. i shrugged against izzy as he still held me to him.
"it is, but iz suggested we go back home and clean it up."
axl nodded.
"yeah i think i can agree with that. come on."
he said a little protective, standing on the other side of me to help me limp back to the car.
"thanks guys."
i said as izzy packed our boards into the back. he closed it and crossed his arms at me.
"maybe the skirt wasnt a good idea, im too distracting now."
he joked, twisting his hips to make it twirl around him. i laughed, looking at axl who seemed amused and annoyed.
"worth it."
i said, lifting my foot of the ground to relieve the pressure on my leg. izzy smiled widely at me.
"im glad to hear that, now lets go fix you up."
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imfemalewarrior · 5 years
Hi i've been following your blog for awhile and I really love the warrior inspiration but i was wondering if you could reel back the anti-weight loss message? I totally agree that society puts too much pressure on being tiny and most women dont need to lose weight and are healthy but where I work at the hospital we have a lot of bariatric patients who are 500+lbs and are so big their weight is crushing them. When they're put on a weight loss program we like to give them sources (cont)
(Cont) of inspiration and fitness goals to help keep them motivated and I’d like to recomend your blog but I’m worried about them reading how often you say weight loss isnt a goal and shouldnt be the end result. I understand if you dont this is your blog and I dont want to offend you by trying to dictate whats on it. Either way im a huge fan of your message and your content and will keep following you. Again sorry if this is really rude. 
I’m gonna preface this by saying I added a cut, and I’m very passionate, not angry, under said cut. And all my questions are genuine, not trying to be sassy here, because the questions I am asking are based on my own journey to a fitness lifestyle (which I am currently writing a book about how to do). I’m also asking them because I have very little info to go off of here.  I also really think you should DM me because I can discuss this in more detail/more specific to your situation, and how my blog can help these patients. 
Your patients either:
1) Don’t know about things like HAES/body positivity/body inclusivity and will find out about it because it’s everywhere at this point
2) Already know about it
You aren’t “protecting” them and their motivation by not telling them about blogs like mine that try to tell people how to lead a sustainable fitness lifestyle (with an emphasis on Martial Arts, yes I’m biased). Your patients aren’t stupid, especially if they are already seeking treatment in the hospital. So, why not use resources like HAES/body positivity/my blog/body inclusivity to help motivate them? (We also did this video on motivation). 
What I’m saying is, I think my blog would help your patients more than you realize, as I have a lot of questions on here from beginners I have answered in the past, and I talk about more than anti-weightloss as you have seen. 
Some things on my blog that might help your patients: 
I talk about how to overcome/ignore the voice in your head telling you that you look awful when you are exercising. I talk about how you can Start exercising (search beginner on my blog). 
That being said, I’m not a doctor so this post will be coming from the heart/my personal experience with my journey to leading a fitness lifestyle based on HAES and body inclusivity. Some of this stuff I had independently come up with and found out about HAES later, and that HAES teaches a lot of the same things. 
What kind of inspo and fitness goals are you giving these patients? 
I’m genuinely asking this question because when I search “Martial Arts Women” to try and inspire my followers I get a bunch of pictures of thin, usually white, Women. Same if you Google ballerina (but you do get some diversity in body types when you Google weightlifting Women). It isn’t very inspiring for Women that don’t have that body type (me included) if you don’t see anyone that looks like you doing the activities you would like to do. It’s why I ask my followers to submit pictures to my blog, so we can get a diversity of body types doing everything (search the submission tag, I also just reblogged a ton of them so check those out). 
What long term and immediate goals are you giving these patients? What incremental goals are you giving these patients? 
This takes a page from Marie Kondo; she recommends visualizing what you want to get out of tidying up. The same goes for developing a fitness lifestyle. You need to know what you want your lifestyle to look like with fitness thrown into the mix. Mine were something like: be healthier, be stronger, actually stick with exercise (a problem for me because I get bored if there are too many sets/reps-so Martial Arts and dance is perfect for me), cook enough food at home that I would eat that over the week and feel satisfied so I would stop buying food when I was too hungry to function during the day. I also want to be the most dangerous thing walking down the street (this will be a lifetime of dedicating myself to Martial Arts). 
These are long term goals, some of which are easier to attain than others, some require developing habits, and these habits need to be incorporated into my lifestyle. To do this I need incremental goals, and I talk about those on my blog as well; I very specifically talk about the importance of accepting that you won’t be able to do everything right away, and how you need to start small (low reps and sets, or maybe an easier version of a push ups such as a wall push up to learn proper form and build strength to do things properly/safely). So how are you working with your patients so they can figure out what they want out of this, how are you helping them develop manageable goals, and how are you helping them make lifestyle changes? 
Do you give them a target weight, or do you work with them to figure out what they want their “end” result to be? I say “end” because fitness a lifelong journey and a lifestyle that needs to be sustainable. Things like exercise that gets you moving in a way that works for the individual doing the moving (does not cause pain, is enjoyable for the person, the person can do the movement or an easier version of the movement), things like cooking for yourself (this lets you control what goes into the food you eat to a greater extent than eating pre-packaged meals). 
I haven’t even mentioned other things beyond people’s control such as genetics (were you aware that if you have an ancestor that went through a food scarce period you gain weight more easily and have an even harder time losing it?), medical conditions such as PCOS that make it harder/impossible to lose weight, medication that causes weight gain, and illness that causes weight gain (such as hypothyroidism). 
I’m genuinely asking these questions, because I don’t know how you are currently motivating your patients or if you are already doing some of the stuff I mentioned here. The only info I have is contained within the ask you sent me, so my response is based on that. 
FemaleWarrior, She/They 
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