#SORRY i just need to talk and jabber on sometimes. 'Choosing your fights' and all. i won't hold your grudge for your fights
seithr · 1 year
i went to lunch with my dad today and with regards to pride month starting it came up in conversation
today's revelations
my mom knew i was "a homosexual" already based on a different time I brought it up in the past but I assumed was forgotten
so her blowing up on me a few weeks ago for coming out AGAIN was needless drama and exaggerration and screaming
—that has left me with a fear response to certain words and clothing and locations now.
My Dad: Yeah she'd called me about "I don't want MY child being a homosexual" not long after your trip to her gay friend's wedding which I thought was really hypocritical of her to say.
...before this trip I'd argued with her about her hidden partner, where she said, quote "don't i deserve to be happy? don't i deserve happiness with someone?"
anyways my dad is now inviting me to pride.
0 notes
zne-theartist · 7 years
Valentine’s Day Reunion
Link on AO3 | Boku no Hero Academia | Bakugou Katsuki x Kirishima Eijirou Summary:  Bakugou and Kirishima are on their way to a UA reunion and some punks decide to pick on Kirishima. Tags: Aged-Up, Valentine’s Day, Bakugou’s expletives
My Bakushima Valentine was @angel-shindo ! I hope you enjoy this! (I had to post early as I won’t be able to tomorrow but it is Valentine’s Day somewhere already!) I went with Romance and visibly protective Bakugou. I hope you like it! Thanks @bakushima-gift-exchange for hosting this event!
“Do we really have to go?” A pouty blonde grumbled as he fixed up his tie.
“Yes, yes we do.” The redhead slid over to help the blonde fix up his tie, smiling up at him. “Come on Katsuki, we’re going to be seeing all of our friends again.” Bakugou scoffed, eyes turning to the side.
“They still like you better.”
“That’s cause I’m not a grump when going to social gatherings.” Kirishima patted his chest, smoothing out the dark red shirt beneath the black tie and suit jacket. “Come on, we’ve got to get going.”
“We can be fashionably late.”
“They’ll already think that mister drama king.” Bakugou huffed again, but he grabbed up his wallet which he stuffed in his pocket, and his car keys. Kirishima put his own wallet in his pocket and grabbed up their apartment keys before he ruffled off Bakugou’s hair, fingers grazing over the high fade undercut before his wild blonde hair stood a mess. “You look good.” Bakugou’s eyes shifted to Kirishima, popping against the dark eyeliner around his eyes.
“You look divine.” Bakugou’s arm scooped around Kirishima’s waist and kissed him, the redhead’s lips turning a faded red as he took half his lipstick off. “Going to put your hair down or up?”
“Was thinking about a bun,” Bakugou’s hand slid up to touch Kirishima’s long red hair, well past his shoulders. He pushed the strands behind his ear.
“Let me help.” Bakugou took up a hair tie and grabbed a brush off their bedroom dresser, beginning to brush his hair higher and higher as he gathered it all together. Slowly he worked Kirishima’s hair through the hair tie then grabbed some bobby pins to make sure every stray hair was in place. “Perfect.”
“You’re the best.” He smiled back at him and Bakugou gave him another peck on the lips.
“Alright, since you look so good I guess we can go.”
“Oh is that so?” Kirishima laughed and Bakugou smacked his ass.
“Yeah, now move it, we’ve got to catch the train.” They left their apartment and headed to the train station not too far from them. Once the train came they hopped on and chose a seat to sit together, Bakugou holding Kirishima’s hand in his lap.
They had grown as friends while going through UA, and by the end of their first year had become best friends, close and in tune with each other perfectly. Who knows when they truly started dating, truly started caring for each other in a deeper sense of friends, it just came to be. But, they had made it officially known in their last year at UA, much to the happiness of their friends. Now, they were young men at the prime age of twenty-five where they were pro-heroes, living together, saving people, living their life happily. And, they were married.
Kirishima squeezed Bakugou’s hand as he stared at their hands, his wedding ring on his left hand, shining bright in Bakugou’s grip. Bakugou shut his eyes, relaxed and letting Kirishima lean his head against his shoulder, head propped up against his. They were both tired but committed. They were on their way to UA because their class was having a Valentine’s Day Anniversary party. Sure, it wasn’t any historical age since they graduated, but it had been ten years since they started UA training to be heroes and that was how UA did their reunions. Ten years since they had officially crossed paths.
“Isn’t that Lord Explosion Murder and Red Riot?” They could hear whispers from a group of high school kids, most likely on their way home from school or the arcade.
“Aren’t they married?”
“Why would Explosion Murder marry someone like Red Riot?” Bakugou frowned as soon as the words left the kid’s mouth, but he kept his eyes shut, better at controlling himself than in his younger days.
“What’cha mean?”
“All he can do is harden his skin like really? He’s like a rock that knows kung-fu.”
“Seriously! He’s absolutely worthless. Other than being used as a shield what else can he do? He slows down every hero he works with. He’s bringing down Explosion Murder too!” The guys were laughing with their leading man jabbering away, talking down on Kirishima even though he was right there, honestly within ear shot, and honestly a little loud like he wanted the pro-hero to hear.
Kirishima kept his eyes down, squeezing Bakugou’s hand who squeezed his hand back tightly in return.
“Honestly only thing he’s good at is being held up and used as a shield for the real heroes.” Their laughter raised, filling the train car. Kirishima just took slow breaths, trying not to let the juveniles’ words get to him. Despite being older, he still had his self-esteem issues. He was better because of Bakugou helping him through it all, but he was still conscious, especially when it came to his quirk. He had trained extremely hard to get where he was now and to be a useful partner for Bakugou.
“Hey, assholes.” Bakugou’s one eye slid open, leveling a glare at the kids and catching their attention with his loud gruff voice. Kirishima squeezed his hand.
“Bakugou…” He didn’t want his lover to cause a public scene.
“Watch your fucking mouths. This guy is the best hero there fucking is. He’s saved me multiple times, and if it wasn’t for him I wouldn’t be alive today, time and time again.” Bakugou’s free hand was on his lap, upturned and cackling. “If it wasn’t for him I would’ve blown your shitty ass off the goddamn train. So watch your punk ass mouth before I actually move.”
The kids were definitely shut up now.
“Katsuki.” Kirishima whispered, kissing his shoulder, giving his hand another squeeze, unable to keep the smile from his lips. Bakugou standing up for him like this… It was one of the few times he ever got to witness. He knew people talked about them, would talk about rumors and such, and knew Bakugou the type to not stay quiet, but he was never there to witness it. He only witnessed it when Bakugou was pulling him out of his own dark thoughts.
“Like I’m gonna let some punk ass wannabe assholes call you anything but a godsend.” Bakugou huffed, resettling his head against Kirishima’s. “Y’know that if you weren’t here I would definitely fight them.”
“Katsuki they’re kids.”
“Still need to learn some fucking manners.”
“Like you were any better.”
“I was an asshole but never spoke like that about heroes and people’s quirks.” Kirishima hummed. That was true, and Bakugou had improved greatly since their time in UA. He had grown up, grown into an even better man. Kirishima loved that he had owned up to being an asshole, especially to Deku, and had changed himself. “You told me when I was an ass and I owned up to it. These punks won’t change if someone doesn’t beat their ass.” Kirishima laughed.
“Katsuki, really.” His free hand patted their entwined hands. Bakugou simply huffed, but he relaxed.
Thirty minutes later and they had reached the train station closest to UA. They exited and held hands as they made their way to the school. Of course reporters were waiting outside the school, no doubt to get a glimpse of the UA graduates, now heroes, returning. It would be a hot spot of heroes. And of course they were stopped as they tried to make it through the gates.
“Red Riot! Lord Murder Explosion!”
The chants surrounded them, some fans even mingled through the crowd of cameras and paparazzi. They were flushed with a few reporters, thankfully respectful of distance. It was almost like a red carpet event.
“How does it feel to be back at UA after only a few years?” Kirishima smiled charmingly.
“It honestly doesn’t feel like it’s been that long.” Kirishima laughed.
“We’ll just be shoving our achievements in each other’s faces like we’re fifteen years old again.” Bakugou commented with a scoff, to which Kirishima laughed.
“How has married life been with juggling the ever full hero work?” Another question rolled onto them.
“Easy.” Bakugou stated. “Eijirou’s my partner. I couldn’t even choose or ask for a better one. We work together then get to go home and relax together. It’s hard being a hero but we get to work through it together. Any issues we have we can always spar it out.” Kirishima smiled up at Bakugou, knowing he was giving the most lovey-dovey look ever but he couldn’t help it.
“Katsuki isn’t wrong. For us it’s rather easy. Taking on villains, saving people, then coming home to just have our time together. We balance it really well and I think that’s just the type of people we are.” Kirishima looked at the reporter and the cameras. “I know not everyone has it easy, and we still go through tough times sometimes, but we work it out and that’s the important part.”
They were bombarded with a few more questions about their recent fights before they heard their names being called.
“Bakugou. Kirishima.” Todoroki came down to them, hands in his suit pockets.
“Todoroki,” Kirishima smiled and Bakugou nodded. “Nice to see you.”
“Same to you both. Shall we head in? They’ll be starting soon.” They both agreed and turned to the reporters.
“Excuse us, it’s time we go inside.” Kirishima bowed politely and they then headed with Todoroki past the front gates and into UA towards the gymnasium which had been changed into a reception area, tables around for the meal they’d be eating, and a dance floor for the inevitable band that would be playing for them (no doubt Present Mic’s doing.) “It’s good to see you Todoroki, you’re looking good with your hair slicked back.”
“Your hair looks rather good long.” Todoroki nodded. “I’m sorry I couldn’t come for your Christmas party.”
“No problem.” Kirishima waved his hand, grinning. “We know you were busy.”
“Yeah, and it’s been busy with work too.” Bakugou spoke up finally in their light chatter as they mingled.
“Kirishima! Kaachan!” Deku’s voice rang out as he came over waving. He was chock full of scars and he was all smiles, hair still wild but longer. “Great to see you two again!”
“You too.” Kirishima smiled.
“We were just talking about the Christmas party.” Todoroki brought up.
“Ah, sorry again I was only able to come for a few hours.”
“It’s fine.” Bakugou said. “You were in between shifts. We’ve all been there.” Deku nodded, smiling. They all chatted lightly, but of course, there were more faces to be seen and they parted to greet more classmates. It wasn’t just their Class 1-A but all the students from their class were there.
After mingling All Might was there to deliver a speech, welcoming them back. Everybody was smiling, glad to see old friends and classmates again. Then they all sat down at the tables and were served dinner. There was more chatter and after about a courtesy hour to eat Present Mic and his band took to the stage and it became a party. They mainly stayed seated for a good part, chatting with Kendou and Monoma – Monoma and Bakugou trying to one up each other still with their achievements, but it was friendly banter.
“Come on,” Bakugou finally stood as a slow song came on, holding out his hand. “Let’s dance. I know your sappy ass wants to dance to slow songs.”
“Don’t lie, you like it too.” Kirishima smiled, taking his lover’s hand and letting him lead him onto the dance floor, throwing an apology over his shoulder to Kendou. Bakugou slid his arms around his waist once they found a spot, Kirishima’s arms around his neck, and they danced slowly from side to side, eyes locked as they took each other in.
“I love you.” Bakugou said, pressing their foreheads together.
“I love you too.”
“I love you so much. And I’m lucky, that I got to meet you here ten years ago. That I got the annoying wouldn’t-leave-me-the-hell-alone redheaded puppy clinging to me that wormed his way into my heart.”
“You needed me Katsuki.”
“Yes I did. You showed me everything. Y’know, my mom knew we were gonna stay together as soon as I brought you home to study that first time.”
“Really? This is the first of me hearing this.” Kirishima smiled.
“Yeah, she knew as soon as you walked through the door, smiling brightly behind me, that you were the one.”
“Aww.” Kirishima rubbed their noses against each other in a little eskimo kiss.
“She pulled me aside after you left and said I couldn’t let you go.” His arms squeezed around his waist, pulling Kirishima flush against him, their bodies still moving together. “I think I even knew I couldn’t let you go… but there were times I thought you’d run, that you had slipped through my grasp because I said something I didn’t mean to say when I was too emotional, but you came right back every time.”
“Your ever faithful love struck puppy.” Kirishima smiled. “You were so rough back then, but I could see you trying so hard. You just needed my hand.”
“Yes I did.” Bakugou looked down seriously at Kirishima. “And like I vowed, I will never let your hand go. I’ll always be here, to hold you up just like you have me.”
“Katsuki… you’ll start saying your vows all over again at this point.” Kirishima laughed. By this point they had stopped dancing, just holding each other in place. His hands slid down to feel the stubble on his jaw, smiling softly at him. “Being back here does bring back memories. I’m glad too, that I reached out to you. There was just something pulling me to you.”
“My rugged good looks?” Bakugou joked and Kirishima laughed rather loudly, getting some attention from people around them but then they ignored them for their own dance partners.
“Not totally wrong. You were such a handsome teenager.” He smiled, patting his cheeks. “Whatever pulled us together cannot break and I know we’ll get through every obstacle that comes our way like we have been doing now. I love you Katsuki.”
“I love you Eijirou…” Bakugou leaned down, capturing his lips in a slow kiss, squeezing him gently to him. After they kissed his hugged him, forehead against his shoulder. “I can’t wait to get home so I can really show you how much I appreciate you.”
“Well, maybe we can dip out early. But, you did promise me a dance, so that’s first.” Bakugou smiled against his shoulder before he straightened up, taking up his hand in his, hand on his waist, taking up a true formal dance position. He was going to give Kirishima the best dance ever.
“As you wish.”
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