#but i will hold mine for what youve said and done to me for ten years.
seithr · 1 year
i went to lunch with my dad today and with regards to pride month starting it came up in conversation
today's revelations
my mom knew i was "a homosexual" already based on a different time I brought it up in the past but I assumed was forgotten
so her blowing up on me a few weeks ago for coming out AGAIN was needless drama and exaggerration and screaming
—that has left me with a fear response to certain words and clothing and locations now.
My Dad: Yeah she'd called me about "I don't want MY child being a homosexual" not long after your trip to her gay friend's wedding which I thought was really hypocritical of her to say.
...before this trip I'd argued with her about her hidden partner, where she said, quote "don't i deserve to be happy? don't i deserve happiness with someone?"
anyways my dad is now inviting me to pride.
0 notes
secret-engima · 5 years
Wait; Nox-Ask, because goddammit E, you got me in love with this; If you haven't already covered this, how did Dave meet N&D?(Nox & Ardyn) And if it doesn't spoil anything or whatever for the rest of the one shots: could we get a snippet/HCs for how they met. /OR/ how A got D to come with him to find(?) N??? Also Cid is terrifying. I live for this shit oh my god, see what yoUVE DONE E
oliverslewty said: Oh f u c k. I knOW HOW THEY MET; I DIDN'T MEAN THAT—UGH. I meant from like—Dave's POV?? For these human disasters.
Me: I gotcha *laughs*. And I STILL REGRET NOTHING. JOIN ME IN MY MADNESS. (also I do have your TF asks and I want to do them but *slams buttons angrily on mental dashboard* TF MUSES NO WORKY RN-). Anyway-
-Dave is having a normal day. Up at dawn, on the road as soon as there was enough light to make it (mostly) safe. He had Hunts to complete and Tipsters to check on and Hunters to keep in line. A busy day, but a normal, ordinary one.
-Until suddenly it isn’t.
-Until suddenly there’s a- an animal in the road, leaping onto the hood of his truck in a blur of silver-blue fur and some kind of red electricity attack that makes Dave instinctively slam on the breaks, both out of fear of hitting the animal and out of fear of his truck being damaged by whatever defensive attack that was. Cursing past the heartbeat in his throat, Dave lets himself breathe for a minute before climbing out of the truck to look for the animal and check on any damage his vehicle might had sustained.
-There’s nothing. No animal, no trace of fur or blood to indicate one and ever been there, no damage to his truck despite the fact he was SURE the animal had been releasing some kind of defensive attack at his truck as it leaped.
-Had he ... had he imagined it? It certainly hadn’t looked like any animal he’d seen in this area before, and he’d travelled this area since he was just a boy.
-Dave leans his hands on the hood for a moment, trying to get his heart rate to settle and wondering what was in his coffee this morning.
-A flicker of movement, another glimpse of silver-blue fur that makes him turn to stare out into the wilderness beyond the road and-
-There were people out there. Dave stiffens, stares in surprise because- those were two people, staggering along a few yards away from the road, leaning on each other and very plainly limping. Even from here he can tell that they are disoriented, probably hurt.
-Mystery animal forgotten for the moment, Dave marches out to the limping figures.
-One of them is a boy, he realizes as he gets close enough to call a greeting and watches both figures startle and almost fall over in the process. The other is a man, not that old, but old enough to be the boy’s father perhaps. The closer he gets, the more Dave’s stomach drops, because these two look like they’ve just been through a nightmare. Their clothes are torn and ratty, their cheeks are too-hollow to be healthy, like they haven’t eaten in very long time. The boy (Astrals he can’t be more than 13 at that size) is dressed in what ... might have been a very nice tux at one point, but the suit was clearly sized for an adult, hanging off his frame in a way that still failed to disguise the deep slashes in it that ... Dave hopes were not actually from swords like they looked to be (and even though it was black fabric, Dave knew the stiffness and stains that came from blood, far too much blood).
-”Y’all need help.” Dave says firmly. The two blink at him, wobbling on their feet, identical blue eyes wide and pupils dilated like they were either woozy from blood loss or half-way drugged (or maybe both, there are a lot of messed up people in the world, and if these two were nobles or rich folk, then they’re having just escaped a kidnapping was not out of the question).
-Dave reaches out to steady them, the older one flinches and snarls, something dangerous physically rippling in the air, wild-eyed as any animal caught in a trap. Dave stops, takes a half-step back and holds up his hands in placation, “Easy...”
-The boy squints at him, lists against the adult with a shiver, like he was cold despite the temperature, ”D...Dave...?”
-Dave blinks, sets aside the conundrum of how the boy knows his name for later, gently coaxes the two over to his truck, helps them in and makes peace with the fact that his plans for the day are completely overturned as he turns the truck around and drives back to the nearest town with a clinic.
-The two are barely coherent for the trip, skittish and huddling so close together they’re practically sharing the same seat. He manages to get maybe ten words out of the elder and four out of the boy by the time they arrive in town (more of an outpost really), and none of those are their names. They end up going to the hotel instead of the clinic, because the moment they spotted it, both boy and man start shivering and bristling in a way that Dave can swear he feels down to his bones, and there is a look in the man’s eyes that promises a bloody fight the moment a doctor comes near them.
-They get more than a few concerned looks as Dave helps them wobble up the stairs. They look around the room like they aren’t sure it’s real, and when Dave gently asks if they want to shower while he calls room service, the boy starts shivering like he’s going to fall apart and cries very softly.
-Dave lets them have their privacy in the bathroom, but keeps an ear out for if one or both falls over or calls for help.
-They are ... more coherent when they emerge, but no less dazed and skittish. They stare at the food Dave ordered like its foreign, and Dave inwardly congratulates himself on ordering soft things and soups when they finally start to nibble, expressions as dazedly wondering as the Hunter trio he once helped rescue after they had been trapped in a daemon-infested mine for two weeks. No longer certain of reality or safety until food was in their bellies and the lights were bright and steadily on.
-Dave gently asks for their names and what happened to them, the boy huddles under the man’s arm and whispers, “Uncle?”
-The man, who is apparently the boy’s uncle, shakily introduces himself as Ardyn. He calls the boy something that might be Noct or might be Nox, and Dave assumes it’s Nox because that seems the more likely of the two to be a name. Neither offer last names. Neither explain why they were stumbling out in the wilderness in bloody, ragged clothes (and far oversized in the case of the boy). The uncle hesitantly mentions daemons, and being caught out at night, but that doesn’t explain their half-starved forms, or why the boy is wearing his uncle’s ruined suit (if that is his uncle’s, his uncle seems to go for a ... very different clothing style).
-Dave knows he should be more worried. Should has more questions. But looking at the two of them, pale and skittish and so very, very confused, like soldiers come back from a warfront who don’t believe the peace and calm around them is real ... he can’t. He can’t push them.
-So he helps them instead. He pays for the room for the week, gently answers their questions and doesn’t comment on the strangeness of them (what is the date, who is the current king, is there a Niflheim presence nearby). He sticks around for several days, watching them worriedly, helping them calm down from whatever experience led them out into the wilderness that day. He buys the boy new clothes, still too big, but all he could find in the small general store that had no reason to stock anything but Hunter garb (why stock it when Lestallum was only an hour or two away and had plenty of children’s and civilian fashions?).
-Eventually he has to return to his job, and Ardyn, far more settled if still absentminded, promises that they will be alright, thanks him almost shyly for the help while Nox quietly presses a battered bracelet into Dave’s hands “for protection and thanks”.
-Dave thinks he spots the little silver-blue animal lurking in the shadows near the two as he drives away. He wonders what kind of people Ardyn and Nox were to warrant their own little guardian spirit.
-He wonders what happened to them that was so bad the little guardian spirit watching from the shadows could not protect them from it.
-He prays for their sakes that trouble never comes back. Which proves fruitless later, because it doesn’t take more than a month or two to realize that Ardyn and Nox go out looking for trouble more than trouble finding them.
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gumnut-logic · 6 years
Gentle Rain (Part Nineteen)
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Title: Gentle Rain
Warm Rain Series
Part One | Part Two | Part Three | Part Four | Part Five | Part Six | Part Seven | Part Eight | Part Nine | Part Ten | Part Eleven | Part Twelve | Part Thirteen | Part Fourteen | Part Fifteen | Part Sixteen | Part Seventeen | Part Eighteen | Part Nineteen
Author: Gumnut
1 – 4 Mar 2019
Fandom: Thunderbirds Are Go 2015/ Thunderbirds TOS
Rating: Teen
Summary: Sometimes it is so gentle, you don’t realise it is happening.
Word count: 3000
Spoilers & warnings: Virgil/Kayo, Scott/OC, Gordon/Penelope, spoilers for Warm Rain up to this point in the timeline.
Timeline: Six months after ‘The Proposal’, almost a sequel.
Author’s note: For @scribbles97 And here we are, the last chapter. There will be an Epilogue full of important stuff, I’ve started it. Also, those of you who follow me on Tumblr will have already read the first Tale of Gentle Rain – I kinda jumped the gun and didn’t want to officially publish it until I had finished this fic…which is pretty close now. So, there is more to come. Thank you ever so much to @scribbles97 who has helped me through this entire fic. Also thanks to @i-am-chidorixblossom and @the-lady-razorsharp who have also answered my frantic calls at various points in time – this fic was a nerve-wracker and I can be really insecure at times :D I would also like to give a massive thanks to all of you who have cheered me along the way. Your comments and feedback have kept me going. It makes it so much more purposeful to write if I know what I’m writing is being read and super bonus if it is being enjoyed. Thank you so, so much ::hugs you all madly::
Disclaimer: Mine? You’ve got to be kidding. Money? Don’t have any, don’t bother.
Waking in hospital was not her favourite. She had done it many times in her thirty years and none of those events had been pleasant.
She could smell the hospital around her.
A frown. Vague memories of faces, words, it seemed like dreams, all leading back to that man from International Rescue.
A pair of blue eyes.
Scott Tracy.
She woke with his name on her lips.
And he was the first thing she saw.
“Em?” His voice was soft, tentative, and the hope in his face so strong.
“Hey, yourself.” That smile of his still turned her insides to jelly. “How are you feeling?”
How was she feeling? A quick physical check and she found herself surprisingly good. “Good. I’m good.”
His smile widened.
A snuffled snort echoed through the room. She frowned. “What?”
Scott stepped back and she came eye to eye with Kayo sitting on a couch in the corner. The smirk on her face was amusing, particularly considering the man asleep in her lap. Virgil was snoring softly, curled up rather awkwardly on the too small sofa, still in his uniform. His baldric and toolkit were draped over the back of one of the chairs.
“Is he okay?”
Scott’s smile was reassuring. “He’s fine. Just tired. Stubborn idiot refused to go home.”
He frowned and she realised that he, too, was still in his uniform. “You don’t remember?”
Remember? A blink. “You caught me.”
“Yes, I did. But you were injured.”
Injured? Her brain didn’t seem to be functioning at full capacity. “How?”
His brow furrowed immediately. “You had a laceration on your leg. You lost a lot of blood.”
“I did?” She reached down and peered under the covers. Her left stump was swathed in bandages. Another frown and she forced her mind to think.
Scott speaking to her calmly, but firmly. Strapping her in. She had flown in a Thunderbird. Thunderbird One. Thunder was right. It had roared. So, so fast.
Then the hospital. Perth Hospital. Again.
Scott holding her. Her blood on his hands.
Worried blue eyes.
She shook herself. She must be on something. She was foggy.
“The bridge? The people?”
“We saved as many as we could.”
Virgil snorted again.
She frowned at the man as Kayo stroked his hair. A glance at Scott. “Why are you here?”
His eyes widened and his expression closed suddenly and considering their recent history she realised exactly how that might have sounded.
A blink. “No, you idiot. I’m talking about the broken arm, leg and ribs, not to mention the hole in your side that was stitched up a few weeks before Christmas.”
“Uh.” Now he looked uncomfortable, almost like a young boy who had just discovered he was in trouble.
Her foggy mind still wasn’t registering properly, but it still managed to calculate recovery times. She rubbed her eyes. “And what about Virgil? You know, the man who recently died.” In the corner of her eye she saw Kayo tense.
“It was necessary.” His stance straightened. “Besides, we had backup.”
“I noticed. But that didn’t seem to exclude either of you from the rescue.”
“There wasn’t time-“
“Exactly! You haven’t given either of yourselves enough time!”
Those blue eyes flared. “And what exactly did you expect me to do? Sit back while you fell off a bridge?”
And there it was, the blatant self-sacrifice that was going to kill these men. “You had back up! Let them do their job. Stop risking yourself.”
“I couldn’t leave you there.” It was quiet, but the words were firm.
She stared at him. “Your health is worth the risk, Scott.”
“Yours isn’t.” He glared at her. “I will not risk you.”
“Me? What about the other hundred or so people?”
His lips shut closed and he didn’t answer. Blue simply stared at her.
Her eyes widened. “You didn’t...”
“How could I not?” And suddenly he was so much closer.
“Oh, for goodness sake, kiss her already!” There was a thump and a groan, and they both looked up to see Virgil rolling off the couch. The man was obviously stiff as a board. “Have at it, I’m getting coffee.” And without a glance at them, he stumbled from the room, dragging Kayo with him. Kayo did grin back at both of them, however, her eyes sparkling.
Em frowned. “Are you sure he’s okay?”
Scott smiled. Oh god, that smile. “I thought you’d be familiar with Virgil Sans Coffee by now.” But he was leaning in and that smile touched her lips. As always, he was warm, his energy burning, reaching out and drawing her in. A brush of his tongue on hers and he released her. She didn’t want to let him go.
His smile became hesitant. “I believe I owe you an explanation.”
“Regarding your habit of flashing hot and cold?” God, honestly, she only wanted him to kiss her again. His hot was so hot. Screw it. “I’ve just had a major traumatic incident. I’m injured, and I’m pretty sure I’m high on pain meds. Can we save it for later? I’d really just like to you to kiss me again.”
His grin was as gorgeous as his smile, and god, when he wrapped his arms around her and took her lips with his, all the cares in the world could wait until later.
Em was only in the hospital for a few days, but in that time, she managed to have every Tracy march through her door plus Kayo and her uncle.
Uncle Crispin arrived with Sally Tracy along with Alan. Alan was looking a little green around the gills and the description he gave Kayo of what her uncle and his grandmother had been doing on the plane was enough to turn Em a little green in sympathy.
There were some things that you just didn’t want to know about the generations above you.
Uncle Crispin gave her the third degree on what had happened. This was quickly followed by him cornering Scott the moment he walked through her door on the way back from a meeting with the GDF.
“And what are your intentions with my niece, Tracy?”
“Uncle Crispin!”
It was hard to tell who was more offended, Mrs Tracy or Em.
But Scott didn’t back down. He took a step towards her uncle and looked him in the eye. And he could. Not having seen Scott standing to his full height, Em hadn’t realised he was that tall. Though slimmer in youth, he could match every one of her uncle’s many inches. Wow. “And what are your intentions with my Grandmother?”
“Scott!” Okay, Mrs Tracy was the more offended.
Em glared at the both of them. “If you two gentlemen do not stop alpha strutting in my hospital room, I will ask both of you to leave.”
Scott’s response was immediate, probably feeling like he was already on probation and didn’t want to blow it. He backed down, but she didn’t fail to notice that he stepped immediately to her side. She rolled her eyes at that.
Uncle Crispin glared at him, but also backed off, stepping back beside Mrs Tracy.
“Now, Uncle Crispin, this is my business. While I appreciate your protectiveness, I find it rather ironic that you are attempting to protect me from the grandson of your paramour, and the leader of International Rescue, an organisation you greatly admire. You have a model Thunderbird and figurines, for crying out loud.” She turned to Scott, whose eyes were bugging out a little at her last statement. “And you, give your grandmother a break. Uncle Crispin is a great guy, I can promise you that. Stop snarling at him.”
Neither man commented, merely exchanging wary glances. God, men!
The tableau was interrupted by Virgil waltzing in with a get-well balloon tied to a blue teddy bear. Every face in the room turned to him. He stopped in his tracks and blinked. “Did I interrupt something?”
Em couldn’t help but smile. “No, nothing of importance.”
His eyes darted back and forth between his eldest brother, Uncle Crispin, Em and Kayo. “Okay, good, because Scott bought you a get-well bear.” He strode up and plonked it on the edge of her bed.
“I did?”
Kayo elbowed her brother. “Yes, you did, because that is what good boyfriends do when their girlfriends are in the hospital.”
There was a silence for a moment and Em stared at Virgil. The engineer smiled at her.
“Yes. Yes, I did and I do.” Scott said the words, but looked a little stunned.
Em bit her lip, but couldn’t help grinning at his expression. She picked up the bear. It had blue eyes and a perpetual smile. Reaching out a hand, she snagged Scott’s and pulled him towards her. “Thank you, Scott. It was a very kind thought.” And she was grinning up at him.
He rolled his eyes. “You’re welcome.”
“Can I give you a thank you kiss?”
She couldn’t help but grin at the grin that immediately split his face. He bent down and, oh, oh, thank you. Thank you, indeed.
The bear was dropped to the bed covers and one hand was in his hair, the other on his shoulder feeling the flex of muscle through his shirt.
“My god, I’m surrounded by a bunch of lovebirds. Okay, that’s it, I’m making a point of being somewhere else for some time. Em, get better soon. Enjoy...my brother.”
Scott broke off their kiss just in time for her to see Alan shudder. Mrs Tracy grabbed the youngest before he could escape and said something quietly to him Em couldn’t hear before kissing his cheek. Alan rolled his eyes and stomped out of the room.
Em had a grip on Scott’s shirt and didn’t want to let go. Virgil was grinning ear to ear. Kayo had a smirk on her face. Mrs Tracy was smiling. Uncle Crispin, surprisingly, wasn’t glaring, but was thoughtful instead.
Scott was staring down at her in amazement.
She grinned. “Can I say thank you again?”
Virgil cracked up laughing.
Escaping from hospital did not equate to escaping from the Tracys. Kayo, despite being heavily involved into the investigation surrounding the bridge bombing, found the time to accompany her back to her apartment. Virgil had declared her hoverscoot deceased and promptly acquired her a new one. Her protest at the cost was met with a flat-eyed stare, and yeah, billionaires, money no object, yada-yada-yada.
It was a relief to slip back into a hoverscoot. The hoverchair from the hospital was just clunky and cumbersome.
While Virgil packed the car, she took the opportunity to sit down with Kayo for a moment in her own loungeroom. “I want to thank you for everything you’ve done for me. I can’t believe...” And she ran out of words.
“Em...” Kayo held up her hand. “Trust me, we are equal on all scores.” Virgil stuck his head in the door and grabbed two more of the small bags she had hastily packed and disappeared again. Kayo smiled just a little, her voice quiet as she stared after him. “We’re equal.”
“If there is ever anything I can do for either of you. Just ask.” She reached out and grabbed the woman’s hand. “Please.” She tried her best to covey how much it all meant to her.
Kayo turned to her and tilted her head a little. “If you do the same.” A small smile. “I hear rumour that is what friends do.”
Em couldn’t help but grin just a little. She felt like a teenager swapping friendship bracelets. The thought was just ridiculous.
But it meant so much more.
“Oh, I’ve got something for you.” Kayo reached into her pocket. “You should keep this on you at all times until Brains can set you up with something a little less conspicuous.” The security officer handed her the IR comm she had worn in New Zealand.
Em stared at it. “Are you sure?”
Kayo arched an eyebrow. “I’m sure.”
Em held it in her hands, the embossed IR logo catching the light. “That is something I’ve been meaning to ask. I left this behind in Wellington. How did you know I was on the bridge?”
“I planted a tracker in your hoverscoot.” There was no apology in Kayo’s expression.
Em stared at her. “What?”
“You became an IR concern. I needed to know where you were.”
“We are primarily a rescue organisation. However, our technologies are advanced and there are people out there who will do anything to get their hands on them. You know this, it has already affected your life drastically.”
“You think they might use me to get to you?”
Kayo shrugged. “Maybe. Possibly. There are a range of vulnerabilities in the equation. The tracker was to protect you and IR. In this case, we knew you were on the bridge and could act accordingly.”
“Is that what happened? Were they after me?” Her heart stuttered at the thought. To be honest, she had already considered some of the dangers involved. It was obvious. She had lost her family to a man who had wanted what the Tracys had.
Something flashed in Kayo’s eyes.
“No, a group has claimed responsibility. Lunatics. Don’t worry. Penelope and I are working on it. We’ll find them.” And Kayo stopped there, obviously unwilling to reveal anymore.
Her apartment door opened again and Virgil walked back in. “Anything else? I think I’ve about covered my rehab for today.”
Em mentally shook herself and smiled.
The stop at her apartment was exactly that, just a stop. She needed assistance and the doctors had only released her with the reassurance that she would have company.
So, bags packed and loaded, Kayo flew her back to Tracy Island, and she found herself in the same room she had spent Christmas. Cecil arrived to attend to her every need. The man was a like a clone of Gordon Tracy, though taller and skinnier. A ray of sunshine who never stopped smiling.
Scott bounced back and forth from the island every day, horribly busy, both with the GDF and the Thunderchick squads. Then a tsunami in Japan took every hand IR had available.
All the brothers came back from that pale and dead-eyed.
She caught him before he could escape to his room.
Even though she was prepared for it, it still hurt when he brushed her off. “Em, I’m tired. It’s been a long day. You should be resting.” His natural reflex was to lock it all up and process it alone, the same way he had when Virgil collapsed.
She hadn’t missed Virgil beelining to Kayo. Hadn’t missed her wrapping her arms around him, his head dropping to her shoulder in pure exhaustion. Her leading him away to their quarters.
Scott had glanced at them while removing his baldric and dumping it on the couch before throwing himself down beside it.
She steeled herself. “I’m fine. It is you who needs the rest.”
He looked up at her and the exhaustion and pain in his eyes broke her heart. Reaching out, she ‘scooted forward, dropping the ‘scoot directly onto the couch and took him into her arms, lying his head on her chest.
He resisted at first, his muscles tense, and she was forced to wonder how long it had been since this man had been comforted. She knew a good percentage of his history, had seen the care he doled out to his family, but who cared for the carer? Virgil, most certainly, but he would ever be younger.
Em would ever be older.
She pulled him tighter, running her fingers through his hair, and slowly his arms crept around her and returned the embrace. He didn’t fully relax, no doubt that would take time, but his breathing evened out and he rested his weight on her.
“I love you.” The words came out unbidden. She didn’t mean to say it, but it was said.
His reaction was immediate. He sat up, pulling away a little and staring at her.
Em felt the blood drain from her face. “I’m sorry, I-“
And he was kissing her, his strength pulling her close. His tongue begged entry and she let him in, as he crushed her against him. His cologne was overlaid with sweat and dirt, he desperately needed a shower and a shave, but he was in her arms and loving her in his own way.
She didn’t expect the words, not yet. If there was one thing she had learnt over the last few months, it was that Scott Tracy had a large family, but ultimately, he had been alone for a long time. As alone as she had been.
It was going to take time.
The kiss broke off, his breathing heavy, eyes glistening in the evening light. “Em...”
She reached up and placed a finger across his lips. “You don’t have to say anything.” He kissed her finger, his breath hot on her skin. “I will only ask you for one thing.”
His eyes widened in an expression very similar to the last time she had made such a demand of him.
“Ping me. Come to me. Seek me out.” Her fingers drifted into his hair and she leant forward to kiss his forehead. “I’m here. You are not alone. You don’t have to say anything, I won’t force you to talk, I promise. Just be...with me.”
It was all she could ask.
He stared at her for a moment, words bouncing about his eyes, but none finding his mouth. Eventually he drew her into his embrace, a soft kiss to her jaw, her cheek and her lips. There was no smile, no charm, no Commander of International Rescue, no big brother.
Just Scott Tracy.
He dropped his head to her shoulder, exhaustion in every line of his body. Em stroked his hair and just held on.
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Ghost of you, 15/?
Volume: 1.
Number of parts: 15/?.
Pairings: Human!Nine x Rose; Human!Ten x Jack; Clara Oswald x Olivia Baxter (OC).
Synopsis: "She felt it, it was time to speak about the weight on her shoulders. Something she had never done before."
A/N: I've started writing this fiction last year after I had a particularly weird dream (as usual) and after I wrote the prologue, I've put it aside to work on other stuff. I've gone back to it not so long ago and decided that it would be the fiction I would post next, after not posting anything for a while. I must have watched I am legend and Game of thrones way too much to come out with something like this but I hope you will like it. I am not a scientist, nor did I have a particular knowledge of sciences. I do my researches on the internet like everyone to make sure everything is as close to the reality as possible. I have a literature degree only. Writing is what I do and it makes me explore next fields, and learn new things.
“'Cause I'd rather feel your pain than nothing at all.” - Three Doors Down.
Amy woke up slowly. She was wrapped into a cocoon of warmth and well-being. She didn’t remember when was the last time she had felt so well. She stretched her body. She was taking all her time. She didn’t want to lose this precious well-being she hadn’t felt in ages. There was someone lay by her side. She rolled on her side and cuddled into the warm body beside her. She heard a smile and someone wrapped an arm around her. She must be dreaming but that dream was pleasurable. She liked it. She lazily wrapped her arm around that person. She didn’t know what she had expected but certainly not to be so close to a woman. This surprised her beyond words and she reluctantly rolled away from the unknown person she liked cuddling into. She couldn’t let herself go that way. The other woman reacted by trying to soothe her but Amy was too sleepy to be calmed down so easily. She needed to clear her mind first. Moaning, she pushed the hand away and rubbed her eyes. She stretched her body and looked around her. She wasn’t in her office but she wasn’t in her house either. It was a room she didn’t know. Had she done it again? Had she drunk until she had a blackout and been brought home by some stranger? There were pictures on the wall facing the bed. Pictures of a couple. Great, the woman she was with was married. She would have to deal with another cheated husband. She knew well that she didn’t have any control on herself when she was drunk. It was only a way to mute her pain. She was doing this when it was too strong, when it was suffocating her. She focused on the pictures on the wall. She wanted to see what the man she would have to face in the near future – because fate always made sure she faced them – looked like and the last pieces of the puzzle clicked together. It was Maxence Spitz. She remembered how she had ended up here. She had watched Rose work with Maxence for a while and the scientist had taken her into the private parts of the lab. They had had a quick lunch and they had settled down here. After a quick shower, they had lain down in bed and, reassured that she wasn’t alone for once, Amy had fallen asleep rather quickly. How much time had she slept? Had Rose watched her while she was asleep or had she slept too? It felt weird to be here, in this bed, with the wife of the man supposed to be her boss at the moment. But it was the start of a friendship. “How long have I slept?” A certain time according to her croaked voice and the feeling of being rested. She hadn’t felt this way in a very long time. It was before… “I’d say eight solid hours.” “Eight hours?” “You needed that sleep.” “And you?” “A couple hours.” Amy looked up at Rose. She was sat against a pile of pillows, glasses on her head and a book on her lap. She was reading and marking pages by folding their upper corner. Probably a book about her current researches. She looked as exhausted as before though. “You don’t look like someone who’s slept.” “Never said it was a good sleep.” “Do you have nightmares?” “I’m not the only one.” Rose looked away from her book to stare at Amy. Those whiskey eyes were clear on the meaning of those words. Somewhen during the night she had dreamt of this event and she must have screamed and cried and struggled against the sheets. “Sorry.” “Don’t be. I know what it is.” If there was something nice about Rose, it was that she wasn’t asking questions. She was giving her the time to consider the eventuality and if she wasn’t talking, she wouldn’t insist. She would wait until she was ready. “We all have our demons. You know mine already.” “But you don’t know mine.” “You’re not forced to talk to me.” “You’ve been comforting me, that’s the least I can do. You’re also the only one to care about me here.” Her voice was sad when she evoked this lack of friends in her surroundings. Rose was the first one to ever hold a hand out to her in this place and it felt amazing to have someone like her so close to her. Somehow, it felt easier to make friends in such a situation. She hesitantly snuggled closer to her new friend. “In my hometown, I’m known to sleep with married women,” she chuckled. “It only happened once but you know how people are.” “We all do mistakes.” “When my pain was suffocating me, I was going to a pub and drinking until I couldn’t feel it anymore. Once, I was taken home by a woman and I woke up in her bed. Only to be caught by her husband a couple hours later.” Amy fell silent after this admission. She was waiting for the judgement to come. People always judged a woman that was sleeping with someone married or that was having relations with another woman. But Rose didn’t say a thing. Instead, she pointed to a picture on the wall. A younger version of her and Maxence together in a park. Maxence had his arms around Rose and he was smiling brightly. Rose was just as happy on this picture. “This was the day we admitted our feelings to each other. It was one month after I broke up with Liv.” “You mean…” “Olivia Baxter, our doctor. We’ve known each other since forever. I’m totally bi. Not gonna judge you on this one.” “We didn’t…” “No.” Amy was relieved to know this at least. A friend that wasn’t judging her and that hadn’t let her make another mistake. Finally someone open minded. “Not enough alcohol in this building for us to be drunk. And I’m faithful.” “I used to be,” sadly murmured the therapist. She sat up and stared at the wall before her. She felt it, it was time to speak about the weight on her shoulders. Something she had never done before but Rose was offering her the trust and friendship she needed. It was all new but she knew deep down that she could say anything to this woman. She would listen and never judge. Hopefully. As a way to prove it, Rose took her hand and gently squeezed it. “The virus was already out when it happened. It wasn’t as bad as it is now. We could go out and have fun. And that’s what we did, my husband and son and I. There was a fair in our little town and we’ve spent the day there. It was a long and amazing day. My little boy, my William…” Her voice trailed off and she stopped speaking for a couple minutes. The anxiety was strangling her again. Rose didn’t say anything, she just stroked her hand with her thumb. A way to reassure her, to tell her that she wasn’t alone. After all, she was going through a loss too and she knew what it was. There was nothing to say at the moment. She could only listen. “We let him eat too much sugar and he was sick. I was driving so Bob, my husband, could deal with our son. He was blaming me for buying so much candy floss and so many sweets and I was trying to argue that our son’s happiness was the only thing that mattered. Every kid experiences sickness because of sweets at one point. But this argument signed our end. It distracted us.” She closed her eyes as the memories flew into her mind. She could see herself driving, her husband turned to watch William who was complaining about a belly ache. Two parents arguing and a sick child. She was looking for a place to stop the car so they could get out and breathe some fresh air to make the nausea disappear. And this man came out of nowhere. She brutally steered to avoid him and she lost the control of the car. No matter how hard she was trying to get the control back, the car kept sliding on the road and her husband was yelling at her and it was disturbing her. What had to happen happened. The car left the road and collided with a tree. The shock was so violent and so sudden that the airbags didn’t work. Her head bumped against the steering wheel and she thought it was over for her. “When I woke up, I was in the ICU. They waited until I was transferred to the light cares unit before telling me the truth. They haven’t suffered, they say. The collision killed them both instantly.” This was the last straw. Amy burst into tears and Rose wrapped her arms around her. She hugged her tight and rubbed her back while she cried all the pain that was still hurting her heart.
Zachary was worried. He had watched Maxence working and entering all the formula he had written on the wall on his personal space. Zachary had transferred the data to Tegan for him to approve of them. He would have to talk with Rose to be sure this was exact and to use those formula for their researches. But that wasn’t the reason why Zachary was so worried. After he was done, Maxence had cleaned the walls and instead of pacing around his cage, he had lain down and closed his eyes as if he was gonna sleep. At first, Zachary had thought he was doing it out of habit – a habit from when he was human – or because he was simply bored and wanted to look at the ceiling like he was often doing. Allegro was watching a movie in his cell. There was nothing to worry about for him. However, for Maxence, things were getting complicated. His brain seemed to have switched to a standby mode. A sort of sleep that wasn’t really sleep. He was just lying there with his eyes closed. Zachary was keeping an eye on his vital signs. His brain activity had reduced to the minimum, to the very minimum. If Zach didn’t have the other information under his eyes, he would think that the man was dead or about to be. Maybe he was dying. Zachary wasn’t very qualified on this field but he was clever enough to understand that something was wrong. The vital signs weren’t good at all. He entered an alert on their interactive group work. Someone needed to come and do a check up on him. Just to be sure that the fake cure given to him wasn’t having any effect on him anymore. Just a precaution not to lose him all of a sudden. Tegan was busy with the hacker and the maker of this fake cure at the moment and he wouldn’t be able to come before he was done. Rose had gone with Amy a little moment ago and they hadn’t come back yet. Jack and Clara were checking new formulas with Martha. Liv was probably getting some rest somewhere. All the qualified people of this team were busy elsewhere. Zachary hoped they would see the alert before anything happened to Maxence. That could be really bad. Allegro, on the other hand, was perfectly fine. All the effects of the ultraviolet were gone since they had turned off the lights and he hadn’t had any other fit of anger. Another check up was supposed to be done on him. If he was getting three negatives in a row, he would be able to come out of this place. It would be a relief but he wasn’t putting his hopes too high. He was bored in this cage but he was also very safe. Zachary was often chatting with him whenever he was having a small break. “Any good zombie movies to recommend to me?” It was just yesterday. Allegro was in a quite good mood and he wanted to joke. A zombie movie really was the easiest of jokes in the current times. That was why Allegro had asked for this. “What makes you think I’m a fan of zombie movies?” “You’re quite young. Young people love scaring themselves with those sorts of movies.” “Sorry to disappoint you, I’m prefer comedies and anime series. I love a good documentary too.” “Still a kid inside.” “What’s the point of growing up if you can’t be childish at times?” “I like your philosophy but I unfortunately have seen too many horrors to find my innocence again.” Just like Jack, Allegro had been a soldier before. When his contract with the army was over, he hadn’t renewed it. Instead, he had started looking for small jobs that were less stressful and that didn’t require traveling that much. That’s how he had ended up being a security member of this lab. Not a bad job during the good times. “You’re locked in there for a while, why not bringing back all those memories from your childhood? I’m sure the cartoons you used to watch are still available.” “How old do you think I am?” Zachary chuckled. He knew how old Allegro was. He was gonna turn forty soon. On normal times, some of his colleagues would have organised a small surprise party. Just to celebrate this special day. This lab could be such a perfect place sometimes. “Old enough to listen to those songs no one knows on Jazz FM.” “I like this radio. It’s relaxing.” “More a fan of Beethoven, me.” “That is surprising.” “I like rock music. I wish I could have gone to a Maiden concert. I guess it’s a dream that will never come true though.” “You can’t know. They maybe will find a cure that will save this world.” “It will take a while before people start trusting other people again to gather into public places.” “There’s this band I really like. A French band. It’s quite special but it’s really good. Ever heard of Indochine?” “If that’s not about this part of the world, then, I don’t what it is.” “It inspired the name. Listen to it. It’s really nice.” That’s how Zach had ended up on YouTube to listen to that French band while Allegro was taking a nap. Old school, bit weird, but very good. He really liked the music. Some of their songs were bringing energy and good vibes. It certainly was appreciated. “Are you watching one of those cartoons again?” joked Allegro. “Nope.” “That seems entertaining.” “It is. That’s the band you’ve told me about. I don’t understand half the lyrics but their music is nice.” “You can’t understand them. There isn’t any sense to their lyrics most of the time.” “Not sure about it.” “That’s not what’s causing you to be so anxious though.” “No. I’m keeping an eye on Maxence’s vital signs and they haven’t been good for a couple hours. I’ve entered an alert but no one has seen it yet.” “Is this that bad?” “If there wasn’t this information on my screen, I’d thought he’s dead. He hasn’t moved in hours.” “And no one had come? That’s weird.” “They’re all busy. T is on the hacker case. Rose is with the therapist. Jack and Clara and Martha are busy with some new formulas. I have no idea where Liv can be. And there’s nothing…” He was interrupted in his explanation by the striding sound and the red alert on his screens. Maxence sat up straight suddenly, gasping for air. He tapped the wall for someone to help him. Zach was powerless but thankfully, he saw Liv, fully dressed into a hazmat suit, running straight to his cage. She had seen the alert, he thought with relief. Maxence was coughing now. He still couldn’t breathe. He fell down the bed, on his hands and knees. Liv tried to talk to him but he wasn’t listening. All he wanted was air. She placed an oxygen mask on his face. He greedily breathed in that pure air finally reaching his lungs. “Breathe slowly, Maxence. Very slowly.” He wasn’t listening. He was too focused on taking as much air as he could. He was feeling better now that he could breathe again. He looked up at Liv and saw the sadness and fear in her eyes. She pressed her fingers on his ear briefly and pulled them back. The tip of her gloves was covered with a crimson sticky fluid. Blood. He touched his face, his ears, his nose, his mouth and his fingers were covered with the same blood. It wasn’t good. It wasn’t good at all. “We’re gonna have to make you go through another scan.” She had seen his latest results and they were bad. Jack had created an alert about it earlier this week. Zachary’s had made an echo to this alert and was telling them that the situation was getting worse. Maxence was fighting the virus and it was slowly killing him. Liv cupped his cheek. “You have to stop fighting. I know you don’t want to, but you have to. It’s important. You’re dying, Maxence.” Dying. The word echoed in his mind. Wasn’t he already dying? Wasn’t he dead since the moment he had been infected? He wanted to get better and he needed to be himself to find that cure. He couldn’t be himself if he stopped fighting. Rose wanted him to fight. So he had to keep fighting. Whatever it caused him. “I’m serious, Max. You might not hold on until we find that cure if you don’t let the virus win.” He shook his head and put the mask back on his face. Liv was amazed to see how aware he was of his surroundings. She knew it was because he was fighting but it was still a shock to see it. “Rose will understand. Nightwalkers don’t die from the virus unless they get involved in fights. You can’t be both. You’ll get back to your real self, but not now.” He pushed the mask away once again. His breathing was much better. He didn’t need it anymore. He gave it back to Liv. She would probably have to destroy it now. She wouldn’t use it on someone healthy. Or she would keep it for him if he was having another fit. “You can let go. It’s okay.” He didn’t want to. He refused to. He didn’t want to abandon his friends, his team. He wanted to help them as much as he could. Even if he had to die for this. He shook his head and Liv took her hand away from his face. “I’ll always be there to save you like you’ve saved me if you keep fighting. I won’t let you die.” He was surprised by the sudden change of speech from the young woman. What was making her change her mind so quickly? There must be a reason for that. “You never gave up when I was in troubles,” she murmured. “So I’m never gonna give up until you’re better.” Next thing he knew, she was hugging him tight. The plastic of the suit creaked. It was rather unpleasant to feel this against his skin but it was the first time he was given a hug in forever. So he hugged her back. It wasn’t the same as hugging Rose but it was okay. He liked it. Finally someone wasn’t afraid of the nightwalker him.
Tegan quickly walked to the public workspace where Camden and Donna were working. Camden had asked for him to come because they had found a clue for the patient zero. Even if it was good news, he wasn’t pleased to be interrupted in his rest. He had sorted things out with Colin and made him lock away in an empty area of the lab with guards to be sure he wouldn’t run away. It was also for him to be fed and taken care of if there was any problem. This was a solved case. While he was resting after Liv healed him, there had been this alert from Zachary that was causing him to be anxious. So anxious that he was on the edge of panicking. That was why Liv had insisted on him resting. She would check on Maxence and keep him updated. His head was pounding and his face was painful. Colin had quite a punch and doing nothing to protect himself had been a clever but dangerous move. He was paying for it but that pain was highly satisfying knowing the result. He had remained on the couch of his office for a moment before another mail came. A mail from Camden requiring his presence immediately. He had sighed and made his way there. He couldn’t refuse any clue when it was for a cure that would save Maxence. “I hope that’s not a deadlock. I’m not in the mood for fake hopes.” Speaking was hurting because it was using too many muscles that were bruised and sensitive but he couldn’t avoid this conversation. It was too crucial. Donna opened her eyes wide when she saw his face and Camden raised an interrogative eyebrow. This place was rather interesting in the end. The interactions between the scientists seemed to be highly charged. More than in a usual lockdown situation. There were personal matters interfering. It was fascinating. “What has happened to you?” “Bad moves while training.” “I’ve studied biology. This is not an accident.” “Whatever. This is not what brings me here, right?” “Jack and Clara will tell you I’m a very curious man.” “He is,” confirmed Donna. “And I never give up until I have my answers.” “That’s also true,” sighed the red-haired woman. “Well, look for all the answers you want and give me what I’ve come for.” Tegan sat down on the chair facing Camden and pushed the cardboard boxes that were in front of him. He folded his arms on his chest. He wanted to go back to his couch with an ice pack and an aspirin. But he was as curious as Camden and wanted his answers. “As a scientist, you must know what the Xeroderma Pigmentosum is.” “Yes. An extremely rare disease that makes every patient unable to bear the UV lights.” “And did you know there were researches to find a cure?” “Just like every cancer on Earth, there always has been researches for Xeroderma Pigmentosum. Get straight to the point.” Camden gathered a couple of papers that were scattered in front of him and pushed them toward Tegan. The neurologist took them. He didn’t understand where Camden was going but it was because his pain was distracting him. “We’ve found out that the most important researches were done by someone called Myrtle Appleton. Here, in England.” “However,” continued Donna, “she was sacked from the lab she was working in because she was using unconventional methods. It was a couple days before the virus hit the world officially.” “But she didn’t stop her researches. She has done them clandestinely.” “So, you’re telling me that this Myrtle Appleton was running experiences secretly and that one of these experiences might have gone wrong and provoked this whole mess?” “Yes.” Tegan put the documents down. He hadn’t even read them. His mind was focused on something else, something that didn’t please him at all. He jumped to his feet and left the workspace. He made his way to the empty part of the building where Colin was locked. Their paths kept crossing and Tegan really, really hated it…
To be continued...
Ghost of you © | 2017 - 2018 | Tous droits réservés.
In the next chapter:
Colin was outrageously relaxed for someone who had been sacked and locked away. Tegan was resisting the envy of throwing him out of the lab and letting him see how he would survive out there. It was a chance that it hadn’t done it yet since Colin was gonna be really useful if he accepted to speak. Tegan wouldn’t get inside his prison. It would be playing Colin’s game. He would just do what he had to do by staying outside. One black eye was enough for him. He observed Colin. The scientist was laid on the desk of the room and watching the ceiling. He had a smirk on his face. He didn’t seem bothered at all by the whole situation. He was annoyed to have been caught but he was living it quite well. And this was infuriating Tegan. How could this mad scientist be so happy with himself when he almost killed a man?
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