spaciebabie · 1 year
spinel is so jaspercore
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les8ean · 4 years
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alright so putting this under a cut cause it’s gonna be long fkjdghkdf
The Black Court was one of the first courts on Homeworld, ruled by Black Diamond. So far the gems i have for her court are: Black Diamond, Black Spinel, Midnight Pearl, Selenite, Iris Agate, Silver Aura Quartz, and Black Star Sapphire
Black Diamond was White Diamond’s “sister” (i hc that it’s more common than not for 2 Diamonds to emerge at the same time, and be sorta opposites of each other (see: Blue and Yellow Diamond)). The two ruled in very different ways; while White was very controlling and strict with her gems, refusing to accept any defects, Black put the happiness of her gems first, wanting to see how they would thrive if given freedom, believing that any gem could excel.
But White had resentment for Black. She knew that gems of her court had shown envy for those in Black’s court. She also feared Black, and Black held a fear for her. Each of them had powerful skills, but they were each others antithesis. White had powerful photokinesis, and could use her mind control to take complete control of her gems Black had powerful umbrakinesis, and could use her powers to bring a gems shadow to life, allowing them to be twice as efficient in their job Each feared that the other had the power to destroy them.
White couldn’t stand not having complete control. She couldn’t stand that the gems in her court didn’t see her as the ultimate authority.
So she betrayed Black. She lured Black somewhere private, and poofed her. Unfortunately it wasn’t quite as private as White had hoped. 2 gems saw it.
Selenite, and Black Spinel. Black Spinel retaliated. She was enraged, and attacked White. But what can a Spinel do against a Diamond? White poofed Spinel too, cracking her gem quite badly in the process. The Selenite who saw stayed quiet, hiding in the shadows. She never told anyone what she saw. But she never forgot. She never forgave. Black Diamond and her Spinel were quietly and discretely sent away by White Diamond. White had them sent to an abandoned colony planet millions of lightyears away. She had all connections to the planet shut down. Any warp pads were destroyed. Any records of the planets colonization were deleted. Any gems who had worked on colonizing the planet were rejuvenated. White told all of gem-kind that Black had left Homeworld with only her most trusted gems, and had left to build her own Homeworld, to help expand Homeworld’s reach. White absorbed Black’s court into her own, and continued her now complete rule of Homeworld.
Soon, Black Diamond reformed. She was confused, betrayed, lost. She was angry. Then she noticed Spinel reforming. Her gem was cracked almost to the point of shattering. When she tried to reform, it looked painful. Finally she reformed, kneeling on the ground, head in her hands. When she raised her head, her eyes were filled with static. All Black could do was look on in horror “Spinel...” When Spinel heard her voice, she tried to come towards it. “M- My Diamond? My Diamond I... I can’t see...”
Black Diamond and Black Spinel lived on the abandoned planet for billions of years. At first they tried to find a way to escape. They wandered the planet, testing every warp-pad, checking any ship left behind for a working engine or fuel, searching for some way to get back. Spinel’s crack got worse and worse as time went on, but... she didn’t seem to care. Despite it all, she kept doing her job as a Spinel, always worried more about making Black Diamond happy and making her laugh. She would try to do all the tricks she did back on homeworld, no matter how much it would hurt her gem or make her form suffer.
Black hated it. She hated seeing how much Spinel was hurting. She hated that White would punish Spinel when she’d done nothing to deserve it. After a few thousand years she finally managed to convince Spinel to stop putting herself in danger, and Spinel instead turned to things like jokes and stories. The two bonded greatly while trapped on that planet together, their relationship shifting from just a Diamond and her Spinel, to friends. REAL friends, who confided in each other and relied on each other and cared for each other. Spinel would spend most of her time sitting on Black Diamond’s shoulder as they wandered the planet, and Black would describe the scenery to her in as much detail as she could.
And the longer they stayed on the planet, the scenery began to change. The planet had been colonized, yes, but not completely. It had been abandoned half-way through for lacking certain resources needed to properly incubate gems. So eventually, life began to return to the planet, in places where kindergartens hadn’t been established. Grass, trees, bushes, organisms of all kinds regrew, and they were able to experience the growth of a diverse living biome. Even though Spinel couldn’t see it, she could feel and hear it, and have Black Diamond describe it to her. And they were... happy. Or as happy as they could be, given the situation.
But nothing good lasts. Eventually the crack in Spinel’s gem was becoming too close to shattering her. Black was forced to poof and bubble her, promising that she would find a way off this planet and would heal her, she promised she wouldn’t abandon her or let her shatter.
Black redoubled on her search for a way back. She took apart every piece of gem-tech she came across and took whatever she could find that was useful, and did everything she could to try and build a working ship. But her hope of keeping her promise was fading. Centuries passed and she still couldn’t get the ship to work.
Then Steven’s transmission came through. An old gem message transmitter flickered to life, and Black was welcomed with the face of White Diamond. She was smiling. Black watched as the message played. As White talked about the dismantling of the Diamond Authority (an Authority that now had 3 new Diamonds. 3 new replacements for Black.). She watched as this “Steven Universe” talked about being the “son” of Pink Diamond. She watched as he spoke of “Earth” and his friends there.
And she became enraged. White had betrayed her. Taken everything from her. Cracked her Spinel. Replaced her (not once, but three times). Erased her from history. Destroyed everything she’d worked for. And now she was dismantling the Diamond Authority? The one thing Black had held onto hope of getting back was her Court. Seeing her gems again. Now it was gone. Now she just wanted to make White pay. To make her hurt like Spinel had been hurt. So Black pushed her powers beyond their limit. She connected her own gem’s energy to the ship she’d been building, and powered it with her own energy, needing constant concentration, and the whole time feeling like she was on the verge of dissipating her form. The ship was falling apart in places, and she used her powers for that too, solidifying shadows and using them to hold the ship together. And finally the ship got off the ground. It took her a few years, but she reached Earth, crash-landing in the ocean. She arrived there a few years after the events of SU:F. A lot happened after that. She poofed when she was entering Earth’s atmosphere, which caused the ship to crash. Eventually the tide washed her gem up on the shore, and she was found by a Quartz and taken to the Crystal Gems. She reformed, forced into a smaller form by the size of the room they’d been keeping her gem in, and demanded to be taken to White Diamond. Steven talked her down somewhat, and even healed Spinel, fixing her gem and bringing back her sight. Black and Spinel managed to get away from the Crystal Gems and went to Homeworld to find White. They were overwhelmed by how different everything was. They found White, and Black tried to exact her revenge. She took out all the guards, and even Blue and Yellow Diamond, but Steven arrived before Black could shatter White, and did his usual song and dance and talked her down from it. Black and Spinel fled to the depths of Homeworld, going to Black’s old palace and sulking. Steven talked to them, and convinced them that they didn’t have to forgive White, but they also shouldn’t shatter her, and took them to Little Homeschool so they could find something new to do with their lives. They discovered fusion (fusion hadn’t been discovered at ALL when BD and BS were still on Homeworld, not even same-gem fusion) and were enamored by it, and tried it for themselves, forming Black Star Diopside. Because they’d spent so much time together and had become so close, they had an almost perfect fusion, the only imperfection being that she had 6 fingers rather than 5. A few surviving gems from Black’s original court found her and re-united with her (Midnight Pearl, Silver Aura Quartz, Iris Agate, Selenite, and Black Star Sapphire). And... I haven’t really got much past that point. I think Black probably permanently stayed in that smaller form, since it was more compatible with the size of Earth’s ammenities. She and Spinel couldn’t bring themselves to go back to Homeworld very much because of how much things had changed (plus, Earth reminded them of the planet they’d been exiled on, so full of life). Black did a lot of reading up on the history of gem-kind, and what she’d missed while she was gone (and probably wrote her own book on all the history White had erased about Black and her court. Black and her court’s history came from a time before the first Era, so Black referred to it as Era 0.
aaaaand that’s about it. 3 hours of typing skjhfskhgds. this is what happens when people ask me about my OCs. And i didn’t even get into the other gems in Black’s court! this was just about Black Diamond and Black Spinel! I didn’t write anything about Black’s acceptance of defective and off-colour gems, or how she treated her colony planets, or Midnight Pearl and her relationship with Silver Aura Quartz, or anything like that!!!!
but uh yeah this is probably enough at this point. if you wanna know about the other stuff feel free to send me an ask if fkdjghkdfhgfd
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prospitdaydreamer · 4 years
For u anon <3
HOOOOOOO ok i’m trying to gather all my thoughts
Ok so fair warning, a lot of these stories stem from like... 5th grade and some are revamped to not be as bad, but others I’m STILL working on so... it’s gonna be a littlw rough and they’re all rlly a little WIP (especially since I never finished Naruto.... so like a lot of the characters backstory might clash with the lore. But tbh these character’s entire existence clashes with the lore in the first place so rlly?? W/e i guess)
Ok ok here we go, i’m gonna put it under a readmore so I’m not assaulting everyone’s dash.
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Maku - (This is my most developed oc out of all, mostly because she’s my fave lmao) So, Maku is a runaway from her clan (I don’t have a clan name yet, but it’s gonna do smthn with cats lmao). Maku is the daughter of the head of the clan, so she was raised as a princess and the heir to the throne. However, her parents are not... great :/ They put a lot of responsibility and pressure on her, while her younger sister got to get off shinobi training early and hang with her friends. Despite this, she didn’t hold resentment for her sister and loved her very much, but she grew distant from her parents. Not long before her coronation, she actually ended up running away after having a breakdown from the pressure. She had no plan where to go or any money, but she felt finally free. Until she met Miyuka, who tried to sacrifice her to Jashin. She was able to make a deal that if she let her live, she’d help her find sacrifices. Somehow they became friends through that. They joined the Akatsuki together. I’ll definitely post more about her soon I’m sure!
Her Akatsuki partner is Miyuka, of course.
She got paired with Kakuzu. Their relationship is a very quiet one, but she doesn’t mind. She’s not like Miyuka, who is very touchy-feely. She just wants a relationship built on mutual respect. She treasures the nights where she’s curled up and warm next to him, while he reads whatever book he’s reading.
Special abilities and weapons: She inherited her clan’s kekkei Genkai. She’s able to transform into any species of feline, but the bigger the species, the more chakra it uses. As long as she’s able to maintain the form of the feline, she also gets it’s abilities ( e.g. if she’s a cheetah, she gets speed, lion gets far leaps, etc). Bonus fact: if she had stayed in her clan and became the leader, she would have been granted the ability to summon a catlike creature, much like the Sannin’s animals. However, since she dipped out, her sister got this connection instead. She doesn’t use weapons very often, her claws usually do the trick.
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Miyuka: I don’t have much down about Miyuka, but she was an orphan who was taken in by Jashinists, so of course she grew up to be one too. She met Maku while finding sacrifices and made a deal with her that if she’d help her get sacrifices, she’d be allowed to live. She actually grew fond of Maku because she was always respectful of her religion and practices. It was actually her idea to join the Akatsuki. Much like Hidan, she figured it’s a great opportunity to get sacrifices. She’s definitely hot, but don’t get too close unless you’re into knifeplay ;)
Her Akatsuki partner is Maku, of course.
She’s paired with Hidan, obv. They’re definitely under the impression that Jashin destined them together and they have NO problem showing that off to the world (Much to Kakuzu, Maku, and everyone’s disdain.)
Special abilities and weapons: Before meeting Hidan, she actually hadn’t unlocked her immortality. Hidan helped her unlock it and now they share that ability. Instead of a skeletal form, though, her form is more ghostly. She uses two sickles as her weapons.
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Gashiyo: Gashiyo actually wasn’t technically a shinobi, but her grandfather was and he taught her everything she knows about fighting. She lived on his farm her whole life, and she was very close with one of the cows, Yumi. She grew up with Yumi since she was a little calf. Because of her, Gashiyo grew fond of cows, and they’re her favorite animals. When she was 17, she met a boy who came to work on her grandpa’s farm, and they fell in love. They became attached at the hip, and spent a whole summer together. One fateful night, she awoke to ruckus. When she went outside she found her grandfather dead and Yumi too. Standing over Yumi’s body was the boy she had fallen in love with. Turns out he had been working for a local gang that her grandpa owed money to. She ended up killing him for what he’d done. Ever since, her heart grew cold and she became a very angry person. She joined the Akatsuki, since she had nowhere to go and she needed money. 
Her Akatsuki partner is Koki.
She got paired with Deidara. She found him extremely annoying at first, but he wormed his way into her heart. Because of her past experiences with love, it was very difficult for her to open up to him. She’s pretty waspy, but she’s grown softer since. He even made her a little clay cow (It was very difficult for him to resist the urge to blow it up, but he managed.)
Special abilities and weapons: Her stampede jutsu causes a stampede of bulls made of chakra to charge toward her opponents. She also has brass knuckles with bull horns on them.
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Koki: I honestly don’t have a backstory for her yet. I can tell you what she was like before I revamped her though. She literally just looked like Kisame, but a gorl lol. They were from the same village ig. Also she was a princess too excerpt it made no sense. I just wanted a princess (this was actually before i changed Maku’s story. She wasn’t originally a princess.) character i think. 
BUT i swear she’s waayyyy better now
Her Akatsuki partner is Gashiyo
She was paired with Kisame. If ever she had a weakness, it’s muscles. She saw him with his cloak off and it was OVER. Koki is anything but shy, and i think Kisame appreciated that. She doesn’t just like muscles on her men, she loves them on herself too! They often work out together.
Special abilities and weapons: She’s a puppet master, but her puppets are rather unusual. They’re more like little spider robots she’s infused with her chakra to do her bidding. She’s very fond of them, despite everyone finding them creepy. She usually uses small ones but she has them in all sorts of sizes.
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Shiitake: Shiitake used to be one of Orochimaru’s experiments. Because of this, she has amnesia and doesn;t remember much from before her time with him. She somehow got away and joined the Akatsuki to, hopefully, gain protection from him. In all honesty, she doesn’t really want to be there. Her heart was never one for murder or crime, but she doesn’t really have a choice. She’s very quiet and rarely speaks unless spoken to.
Her Akatsuki partner is Anara.
She’s paired with Itachi. When he found out she used to be one of Orochimaru’s experiments, they bonded over their experiences with him. He told her about how he was targeted to be one of Orochimaru’s bodies. Though they know they don’t have a lot of time together due to Itachi’s sickness, they still try to make the best of the time they have. ANd until then, he promised he wouldn’t let Orochimaru anywhere near her. He felt it’s the least good he could do for someone.
Special abilities and weapons: WIP, i literally have no idea yet. 
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Anara: I actually never came up with a backstory for her until like…. A year ago. Funny enough, her back story was inspired by Spinel’s from Steven Universe ( I kind of even want her to be voiced by Sarah Stiles too, but I suppose that’d be too on the nose! Still, that’s how I hear her voice). Anara never really knew what love was really like, considering her mother never cared for her much. Her mother never wanted to be a mom, but she met a man she really loved and he wanted a family. However, before Anara was born, her father died. Left as a husk from the depression of losing her lover and having a baby she never really wanted, her mom became very cold and distant. She kept her daughter alive, but that was about it. Anara tried very hard to make her mother happy, or really make her feel any emotion at all, but nothing worked. One day, her mother told Anara to stay home, and that she’d be back later. She left, and never came back, silently hoping maybe her daughter would just die. Well, she didn’t die. She eventually came to the realization her mother was never coming back for her, and she left that house and found her way to the nearest town where she was taken into the orphanage. She joined the academy to become a shinobi, but her heart was also in the arts. She performed plays for the other orphans, and loved the attention she received, the attention she craved. When she became older, she was both a shinobi and a theatre performer. Unfortunately, she still never really felt what it was like to be truly loved by someone. One day, she cracked from remembering the trauma of her mother and feeling like she may never receive the love she craved dearly, and ran away from the village, becoming a missing-nin. Tobi found her, and she became enamored with the mysterious masked man. She agreed to join the Akatsuki, hoping that he could fill the void in her heart. A chance to find a place where she belongs, whisked on an adventure by a mysterious masked man who promised to give her all she wanted? What else could a theatre girl want, lmao.
Her Akatsuki partner is Shiitake
She’s paired with Tobi, but it’s not clear if he feels the same or if he’s just using her. Doesn’t really seem to matter to her either way, she’s just happy to feel some sort of love.
Special abilities and weapons: WIP as well, lmao
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Kimako: Kimako isn’t a shinobi, but she is the daughter of one. She’s the only one who has a definite village right now, she’s from Sunagakure. Her story is the one that's probably the dumbest but I have a very strong attachment to it for some reason, so w/e. 
She has no partner.
She’s paired with Sasori. They’ve known eachother since they were little, as she lived close to him and their parents were friends. Her heart broke for him when he found out his parents weren’t coming home. She always had a crush on him, and he was ok with her, since she was always kind to him. When he became a shinobi, she stayed by his side to encourage him. She’d always been proud of him. Before he lost interest in emotions or w/e, he cared for her in his own little way. He even gave her a ring and promised to be hers. Her love for him was very strong, and when he ran away, she vowed to find him, no matter what it took. When she found out he had joined the Akatsuki, she did everything she could to find a way to join and get close to him again. She somehow succeeded, and she pleaded to join, despite having no fighting abilities. She said she’d do anything, and they took pity on her, and found SOME use for her (though i haven’t figured out what that is yet… wip). Once she was accepted and finally reunited with her love, she was devastated to find out he no longer had any feelings for her. All those years, wasted. Not only that, but she now was in debt to the Akatsuki and had to do work for them. Anara did her best to comfort her, so they kind of became friends, so that’s something. DOes Sasori ever regain his feelings? Maybe, maybe not. Guess we’ll have to see ;) Though I do think, for him, she’d agree to become a puppet too. If that was his price or smthn.
Special abilities and weapons: None, just one sad little broken heart.
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Im not too familiar with many of your ocs, but im very interested in knowing more about Alyce! I'm not very good at specific questions either, but is she in the same universe/location as the others?
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Alyce the Rabbit is a pink animatronic bunny who was originally built for the grand reopening of Freddy Fazbear's Pizza.
After issues with shipping, she ended up being placed in Parts and Service with the scrap bots from the old location. A very optimistic bunny, she tries to cheer up the old bots, though her attempts were in vain.
Alyce was built as a companion for the Toy Foxy animatronic, but when specific parts like the suit leg pieces and the detachable "Rosy Red Cheeks" pieces got lost in shipping, Alyce was unfit to perform with her fox friend.
Alyce's programmed emotions are immense joy and immense sadness, with very little in between. She is still programmed with a night mode like the other bots and the nightwatchman should still keep an eye out for her via wearing the mask.
While I designed Alyce, I based her off of the pink Toy Bonnie model in SourceFilmMaker.
The voiceclaim I have for her is a mix of Spinel from Steven Universe and Mabel Pines of Gravity Falls.
I stole that random endoskeleton easter egg from fnaf 2 and that's her bones now.
Her mechanics if she were an in-game character: Starts in Parts and Service staring at the camera with a big "smile", moves to the restrooms peaking from the girls room, runs to the Music Box/Prize Corner area and sits on the box, she then makes her way to the left vent and if Toy Bonnie is in the right vent, both of them will stand in front of your mask and Alyce will take away light privileges for one of the vents. Alyce's jumpscare is running up to "hug" you and initiating the noise.
Alyce as a performer would work as a Kid's Cove friend alongside Mangle. She and Mangle would have had comedy shows, helpful lessons, tips on staying active and healthy, and song days. Unfortunately, with the loss of things like Alyce's legs, cheeks, a ukelele for one of the two, and both animatronics microphones, the performance duo did not end up happening.
I'm sure yall are like "why cant they ask for new leg pieces?"
money is tight, they spent it on these state of the art Advanced Robots.
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upsettlspaghettl · 5 years
Empire City Con 2019
I can say with confidence that this has been the best weekend of my life. People will be so quick to say that the Steven Universe fandom is one of the most toxic fandoms out there, but in all my years of going to conventions, this has been the most welcoming and friendly by far. Now, this could be because it’s a convention based on one singular fandom, as opposed to the mishmash of fandoms that gather at other conventions, but even Bronycon was nowhere near this level of welcoming. Then again, I only got the chance to go to 2 Bronycons so I don’t know if I can say much.
The flight to North Carolina was surprisingly not that bad. I’m very prone to getting lost, but I left 4 hours in advance and I didn’t even need those 4 hours. But this was my first time ever flying somewhere completely alone.
I got the chance to meet Deedee Magno Hall, who signed my Guide to the Crystal Gems. Now it’s my goal to get all the character pages signed. But it’s got all the fusions of season 1, so chances are I won’t ever get the chance to get Sugilite’s page signed. Oh well, a fan can dream, right? Just kind of a bummer because she happens to be my favorite fusion.
She also validated my OC ship with Yellow Pearl which was super cool of her. Deedee is a really sweet person. While waiting in line to meet her I made friends with a kid, and he was fanboying like crazy. Later on we met somebody else, and we all did karaoke together. Then they got to do a group Karaoke with Deedee, which I was unfortunately too nervous to join. She said she would try do one with me but we never got the chance, but either way I’m so grateful. She’s a really kind person and I hope I can meet her again!
My part in the karaoke was still really fun though. Me and my 2 friends were having a hard time figuring out what song to do, and since the instrumentals were live, the people playing only had a limited number of songs they could play. Eventually we agreed on Stronger than you. But the instrumental team couldn’t play that one, so one of my new friends asked everybody to sing along and be inclusive. I got to to do the Peridot rap onstage too! Only me and 1 other person in the audience did that though so it was really scary and I fumbled a lot... but I’m still so happy that I got to because it was just such a good time for everybody.
There was actually a garnet cosplayer who’s act was right before ours and they were still by the karaoke lineup, so one of my friends asked them to come join us. Toward the middle of our act, this same friend spotted a Jasper in the front row, dragged them up on stage, and we had an adorable fake fight scene. I had to hop off stage right before the song ended to hug somebody in the front row who was crying. I was relieved to hear that they were tears of joy. In the end, they invited my group to sit in the front row with them.
Right, and Garnet’s act! They actually sang the original SU opening in German which was super amazing. Toward the end, there was a Pearl cosplayer in her Mr. Greg tuxedo who sang It’s Over isn’t it with Deedee, and a Yellow Pearl cosplayer who did an amazing Yellow Pearl-y take on Do it for her. So yeah the variety of acts was fantastic and the whole thing was just so feel-good all around.
At the very end of the karaoke, after everyone had gotten a chance and we were all just hanging out in the karaoke room, I was given a Spinel promo pin by a Mystery Girl. Not literally a Mystery Girl cosplayer, but somebody who I thought was just... well, somebody. They mentioned having extras from the movie screening in CA, and were handing them out to Spinel cosplayers. Of course I was hopping up and down being super thankful to an awkward degree, like I normally do.
That night, I told my roommates what happened, and they told me just who that Mystery Girl was. None other than Mackenzie Atwood, creator of the Pearl’s Secret Rap Career series. My facial recognition is terrible, so I didn’t realize at the time. I was lucky enough to run into her again the next morning during breakfast in the hotel lobby, so I got to thank her personally in the end.
Speaking of Mystery Girls, there actually was a Mystery Girl cosplayer who was especially awesome. Not even ten minutes after arriving at the convention, I see 2 Spinels who welcome me into their Spinel group. A Mystery Girl cosplayer is with them, and they hand me a pair of shoe squeakers. They look like tiny clear whoopie cushions, and Mystery Girl was handing them out to all the Spinels. I don’t know about everybody else, but mine drew a lot of attention from other con-goers because I was super happy and energetic at this con so I ran everywhere I went. People were always laughing and it made me so happy that I was able to make people smile. I’ll definitely be using them again in my future Spinel cosplays.
One of the people I shared a hotel room with was a Spinel cosplayer on the first day, and they were carrying an amazing Spinel plushie that I remember seeing a photo of on Deviantart, and later showed up for sale on Etsy. It was super expensive and I remember wanting it, but I couldn’t be jealous because I know I was super lucky to even see the thing in real life!
On the second day, I met a sweet little girl who seemed to think I was the real Spinel. She drew me a picture of Baby Spinel, and I gave her my drawing of Baby Spinel which I’d made earlier that day in the quiet room. Later on, one of the convention organizers was holding a game session, and this kid crushed me in a round of Gem Gem Clod... which is Duck Duck Goose, but better. Note to self: playing games that involve running when wearing pink high heeled boots probably isn’t gonna go well!
After some games, we made some meep morps. Somebody started a trend of drawing Lion on the little canvases we were given, but my Lion wasn’t coming out quite right, so after I finished drawing his head I just. put it on one single leg. You’ve heard of Leg Pearl, now get ready for Leg Lion. I was super happy about that too because I made everybody laugh.
Once we ran out of canvases, the organizer offered to take polaroids of some of us, so now me and this adorable little kid had matching photos, which we put in tiny pink frames and put a Spinel gem on each.
oh also! the game organizer had a tattoo on their leg of a bunch of anime characters, mainly the cute “squad mascot” archetype. There was Hawk, Happy, a few other characters, and Keroro! I totally freaked out over Keroro because it’s a relatively obscure series, and it was the first show that really got me into anime! I’ve always loved things like Pokemon and Naruto, but Keroro Gunso was my gateway to the anime community as a whole.
At around noon, I spent a little more time in the room where the games were held, which had some board games of its own, books, and art supplies and overall functioned as just a room to hang out in. There I met a Pink Diamond cosplayer in a pink schoolgirl uniform and an Uravity hat (really cute outfit!), and a goth Spinel cosplayer. The Pink Diamond cosplayer was a great artist and drew a really cute magical girl Steven. These 2 people also taught me what a vsco girl was when they were joking about the fact that Pink Diamond would totally be one. I was super confused but it was really funny after they explained it.
There was a cosplay fashion show much later in the day and I made friends with a Ruby and Sapphire while sitting in line. They were a couple irl and went on stage together and they were adorable! They were also both Hazbin Hotel and Harry Potter fans, so we had a lot to talk about. We kept talking while we waited in line for the Sadie Killer and the Suspects concert too, and a few other people joined us. I’d only just met these people but I really felt surrounded by friends.
Earlier in the day, while I was waiting in line to meet Kinetic Cosplay, I ran into an amazing Sour Cream and Buck Dewey. I got their photo, only to later see them on stage as a part of the real life Sadie Killer and the Suspects. Jenny Pizza was also on stage, but I didn’t see her before that.
While the convention was great, something also happened that scared the hell out of me. At NYCC just last month, I bought some very tiny stickers, one of which was Froppy from BHNA. When I got home and unpacked, it was gone. I thought maybe it fell into the fabric of my backpack, and if it did, there was really no way to retrieve it unless it decided to fall out again. However at the convention... I was at the registration table, decorating my con badge. I pick up my phone, and suddenly the Froppy sticker falls out of nowhere. It looked like it came from the phone, but I can’t imagine where it would have fit and gotten stuck. It kinda just fell out of the void. Either way I’m glad to have it back.
Lets see... I also got some pictures of the real life Mr. Universe van... and later on I ran into the owner of the van in full Mr. Universe gear.
The Garnet cosplayer was Cotton Candy garnet on the second day and I still can’t get over how sweet and nice they were.
There were some family cosplays. On the first day I saw a Yellowtail carrying a baby doll dressed as Onion, and then on the second day the same person was with a Vidalia cosplayer, and an actual child dressed as Onion.
There were also a pair of parents dressed as Connie’s mom and dad, and their kid dressed as Connie.
On the first day there was a Mr. Smiley which was super cool and unexpected, and then on the second day they were Bismuth. There were actually 3 Bismuths in total at the con which was surprising because that wig looks super difficult to make. Anyone who can pull that off is amazing!
The last day only went on until about noon, but my flight didn’t leave until the next day. I didn’t book my hotel room for that night because I wanted extra time in case I got lost on the way to the airport. Turned out there were free shuttles. I ended up in the same shuttle as that Pink Diamond cosplayer and her dad, and she showed me this adorable RPG game app called Wholesome Cats. We took some snapchats together and now I know what I’d look like as a boy...
Since there was a shuttle to the airport, that meant I was super early for my flight. Super early as in, almost 12 hours early. After going through security, I was planning to just sleep at the gate, but my gate number wasn’t on the screen. So I asked an airport employee, and he told me that I wasn’t even supposed to be let through security until the next day, which was when my gate number was supposed to show up... whoops. It wasn’t so bad though, either way I’d just be hanging out at the airport for the night. I decided not to sleep though, just in case. It felt weird late at night, when the airport was more or less completely empty. It was so nice and quiet, and the Starbucks was still open so I had a super yummy dinner of pumpkin bread and cheese danishes.
I think that’s about it? If you wanna see pictures, I’ll be posting them all to a public album on Gnomie Leviton on Facebook, and I’ll also select a special few to post on QueenGnomie on Instagram.
If you add me on FB please tell me your url! I only add people who I've talked to before.
In conclusion!
This was by far my favorite convention I’ve ever been to, because you could literally just go up to someone, start talking, and you’d immediately have an awesome new friend. I’ve never been to a con before where every single person was so approachable. It really felt like everybody there was one big family. I already have a potential roommate for next year, so I really hope to get back on my feet soon so I can go!
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