spitblaze · 14 days
If you’re gonna care about prison abolition and justice you are necessarily going to have to care about the people who DID do those crimes and just want to reintegrate and live a normal life without hurting anyone. You're gonna have to be cool with the fact that the guy scanning your groceries might’ve raped someone. You're gonna have to relax about the possibility that your bank teller used to be a career criminal. The person sitting next to you on the bus might’ve committed three different murders, and as long as he's not about to commit a fourth right now, that's not your fuckin' problem. People don't disappear from society after they commit crimes, and most of them really just want to live a normal, stable life instead of going back to that. And the best way to make sure they don't relapse is to ensure they're able to live that peaceful life instead of freaking out because the guy next door used to run a dogfighting ring. You don’t have to be friends with them, you don't even have to like them, but you're gonna need to be okay with them existing in society. Sorry.
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doktorpeace · 5 years
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Get fucked nerds, @spitblaze and I are the best at Home Run Contest. 
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tredlocity · 7 years
Got tagged by @cibokilley
List 10 songs you’ve currently been vibing to and tag 10 people.
Blue Song by Mint Royale
Very Much Money by Open Mike Eagle
Under Pressure by Queen
Aurora Borealis by Lemon Demon
Wonderboy by Tenacious D
Wishes by Beach House
This Year by The Mountain Goats
Glean by They Might Be Giants
Avant Gardener by Courtney Barnett
All-Star by Smash Mouth Ghost of Stephen Foster by Squirrel Nut Zippers
I’ll tag, uh... @genalovestoons, @spitblaze, @ghoulsjw, @charlesoberonn, @hidrihime, @kibasniper, @lemonheadandlollipup
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spitblaze · 3 months
trans woman: well before my egg cracked, [goes into explicit detail about the social and gender alienation she experienced and the background radiation of dysphoria that she did not realize was dysphoria and how it seeped into so much of her life]
some brain genius: well really this is so vague it could apply to anything. have you considered that we should encourage men to be gnc instead of transgender actually
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spitblaze · 2 months
What happens when you win the debate on who's the most oppressed group in the transgender community. What happens then. What could be accomplished by finding the one group that is the single most downtrodden demographic that suffers at the hands of every other community and putting them up on the 'most oppressed' throne with a 'most oppressed' trophy that could not be accomplished if we listened and paid attention to individual and group needs and worked to address them without the need to determine 'who has it worst', or worse, 'who actually belongs to the most oppressed group'.
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spitblaze · 16 days
Like the only thing worse than being exposed to gender traitor rhetoric is other transmascs going 'yeah that's true actually I transitioned to escape misogyny but it didn't work :/' like okay one that disproves a lot of what you’re saying just on the face of it and two that is complete horseshit and I KNOW you know it, you would not have fucking transitioned if you thought the only thing you'd get out of it was not being exposed to misogyny, half the world is women and 99% of them do not feel the need to start T and change their name and their wardrobe and be seen and referred to and recognized as a man just so they can. *checks notes* not get misogynied against
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spitblaze · 4 months
Tumblr fucking sucks ass and I'm not joking. I think I might hate this place actually. I hate the shitty circular queer discourse that ALWAYS assumes malice or disgust and nobody is given the benefit of the doubt and if they do are also presumed guilty, I hate that every single statement needs to be couched in qualifiers and conditions and speaking on One Topic about One Group is not fucking allowed, I hate that this website has built a transphobic surveillance culture around itself, I hate that people will see ONE POST that sucks and spend the next several months publicly ruminating over it and extending the discourse long after it's run its course and assuming the worst about everyone involved, I hate that seven out of ten posts about feminism are made by the terfs who run rampant on this site and have nothing better to do than spew vitriol and hate because they don't care to develop the emotional maturity to see anything from a point of view other than their own, I hate that the moment a transgender person dares to have sexual wants and desires outside of the vanilla ideal you’re a freak and a deviant and a pedophile somehow, I hate that for SO LONG we let depressed anti-recovery teenagers dominate the attitude regarding mental health and self-improvement here and it has had lasting effects TO THIS DAY, I hate that as the internet has gotten meaner and crueller and less accommodating that the place that loves to pat itself on the back for its openness and tolerance has 100000% followed suit, I hate that every single fucking topic is dominated by overconfident white shutins who do not talk to other people irl let alone queer ones, I hate how every interesting and important topic of social justice is co-opted and bastardized into an unrecognizable cudgel that only further enforces the status quo rather than challenging it as they're meant to, I hate how often the gender binary is re-invented and deviations from it are punished, I hate that we love to say shit like 'be cringe be free uwu' but the second a member of the cringe queers du jour makes something twee or says something stupid everyone jumps on the dogpile to talk about how that entire group should be prevented from speaking or making art or associating with REAL queers, I hate that making points about double standards and discrimination always involves using people we should be in solidarity with as a gotcha if not throwing them directly under the bus, I hate that for all the talk about engagement with fandom we have nobody ever decides to actually examine their engagement thereof and how so much of it is still a cesspool to this day, I hate how everyone makes such huge generalizations and expects everyone to agree (guilty but I'm pissed), I hate how people take fucking everything personally (including myself), I hate that people are going to read this and get mad at me because everyone here has worse reading comprehension than the average fifth grader, I hate that people cannot self-express without other people getting indignant because they didn't see themselves in it, I hate that the only other regularly inhabited parts of the internet anymore are fifty times worse about ALL of this, I hate how much of a fucking nightmare for my mental health this has become, I hate that people are probably gonna give me sarcastic or smug 'yeah you should probably just log off king's in the comments or to me personally, I hate how much of this I personally am guilty of, and I especially hate that I'm still fucking here.
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spitblaze · 1 year
'bleh by depicting trans men with big boobs and giving them a big bulge while saying they have a pussy its fetishization you're fetishizing trans mens bodies' UH YEAH I SURE HOPE I AM??? as long as im trapped in this godforasken meat tube i might as well think its a sexy one lmao die
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spitblaze · 1 year
It honestly feels so insane on every side. You get so many people telling transfem nb people that they're just binary trans women waiting for the egg to Crack. And then on the polar opposite, everyone does everything in their power to make any transmasc character Actually A Girl. I hate how people view gender on this website sometimes.
god you're RIGHT and that reminds me NONBINARY PEOPLE ALWAYS GET SHAFTED. SO HARD. you're not nonbinary its just an inbetween thing. its a phase. theres a lot of talk of acceptance but not enough of 'nonbinary people are who they say they are'. im ftm, im a trans man, i will use these binary terms but make no mistake. I do not belong on the binary, and I never will, and it's not an inbetween thing, and also if I have to hear 'trans men are men, trans women are women, and nonbinary people are valid' as if 'valid' even fucking means anything I'm gonna start throwing shit. We're not 'valid'. We're REAL. We are who we say we are. We're not just okay to keep existing we are real and here and thriving and NOT A GODDAMN PUPAL STAGE
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spitblaze · 4 months
I guess Chilchuck has brought us right back to 'adults who are short are child-coded and if you like them you're a pedophile' discourse huh
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spitblaze · 11 months
Can you do a redux of that tier list but with the DLC characters or would that be too much effort?
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spitblaze · 2 years
So is anyone at the top gonna invoke any of those 'checks and balances' I kept hearing about in civics class to keep the supreme court from singlehandedly turning the US into a christofascist theocracy or are they just gonna shrug and ask for more campaign donations so they can continue to wave dinky rainbow flags once a year
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spitblaze · 3 years
Please tell me you don’t deny the Uyghur genocide...
Of course not, you think my Jewish ass is gonna sit here and say ‘I think this is fake’?
Listen. I understand the concern a lot of people have about this being a ploy for White Nations to finally start Big Bad China War they’ve wanted for so long- and to that end, I’m sure there’s a good amount of fabricated news about the situation, especially considering the hugely heightened Asian hate that’s been going around lately. I feel nothing but empathy for Chinese-Americans who have had their lives made measurably worse by the racism regarding the pandemic, the racism regarding China because of things its government does, and the racism generally perpetuated by the US.
That being said, as a Jew who has been learning about the Holocaust since before I could even fully understood the gravity of it, I know a few things about what genocide looks like, what genocide denial looks like, and a few things about what it looks like when a country is trying very hard to justify/deny doing Very Bad Things. And boy, are there red flags going up all over the place. We have evidence, we have testimonial, we have photos, we have records of China re-legalizing ‘re-education centers’ and using the same bullshit ‘War On Terror’ rhetoric the US has been using to do the exact same shit. Unless we get some really, REALLY solid evidence that this is not happening, and is a weird, widespread, elaborate hoax, I’m gonna stay on the side of ‘something bad is happening in China’.
If you try to fight with me about this subject, I WILL BLOCK YOU. I have no patience for genocide denial, and even less for people who will trust the word of the Chinese Government over that of its own citizens and victims.
TL;DR: I’m pretty sure this is happening. I would love to be proven wrong bc god knows that genocide is never a good thing, ever, but unless I get some very solid evidence that this is all a fabrication, I’m inclined to believe victim testimony over social media posts.
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spitblaze · 5 years
I'm sort of confused about the Veggietales thing? When they directly adapt from bible stories it seems like most of them come from the old testament.
1) anon I'm confiscating your ds for a week for saying 'the old testament' in my Good Jewish Inbox and
2) did you never stop to think that like......maybe despite having similar literature that the values that Judaism and Christianity espouse are very, very different. Did you stop to think that the Christian Hedgemony in and of itself might be the problem, that even though a Jewish sunday school teacher could easily pop one of these into a VCR and play it for the class, there's enough different that the Jewish kids in the class KNOW it's not made for them? That the fact people can talk about a show made for Christian Children and say it was a good show with good jokes in a secular sphere without considering that they're talking about something that was decidedly not made to be enjoyed by everyone?
Like jesus dude the joke was 'I, a Jew, should not have to be subjected to people saying this shitty Sunday School Cartoon was actually good' and for some reason none of you can fathom the idea that Christian media can only be uncomfortable if it's problematic, instead of just being very popular, and leaking into the secular sphere, and people acting like a Christian kid's show is secular, when anyone who isn't Christian can tell it isn't, but you can't, because you're like a fish, you don't realize you're wet because you live in water, you don't realize something isn't secular because you grew up in a world where your religion is the one that's about five steps from taking over as a theocracy at any given time.
This was a lot but like. Gentiles Use Your Goddamn Braincells Challenge good lord
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spitblaze · 5 years
I am so so so so tired of the us government kissing Netanyahu's ass. I hate him. I hate things that make it look like the whole jewish population is on his side. I hate the Israeli government, I hate the Israeli military, I hate how people conflate the war crimes of a sovereign nation with the opinions of the global jewish population, I hate being associated with a nation that went back on its initial promise in order to reach a goal that only the ultra-conservative are in favor of.
Fuck the Israeli government.
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spitblaze · 5 years
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