failsighted · 6 years
( @sunnynatured ) Elphelt didn't know much about holiday traditions but she heard about one where under a certain plant, you have to kiss the other person that's standing under it as well. Maybe this will be the start of how she becomes a bride! Spotting the hottie across the room, she didn't hesitate at all with approaching him and leaving a kiss on his cheek. "Merry Christmas!" Was there any mistletoe around? Who knows?
          ★ ▌unprompto — ❛ @sunnynatured.
He was no stranger to being approached by women of various intent, more to gain the favor of the prince than himself, though he wasn’t oblivious to his own social status that might mark him a target among some, as well. It’s a surprise, however, when a woman e can’t claim to know runs up and pressing a quick kiss to his cheek. 
It’s just his cheek, of course, so he has no interest in giving her grief for what some would see as simple Holiday tradition, given the nearby mistletoe that he’d been woefully unaware of when he picked this spot to stand in. 
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“And a Merry Christmas to you, as well, though I’m afraid I didn’t catch your name.”
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