#✩. CLARIFY ❝ — ignis
When did the idgihyde students defend idia? I genuinely don’t remember anything about this
[Referencing this post!]
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I didn’t remember myself at first, but the original asker (@asteampvnk) clarified for me! dbjssvkskww And what do you know, it’s from a New Year’s event… which I typically fast forward through the dialogue for since I find them largely uninteresting and not rich with lore 💀 so yeah, it totally slipped my mind!
More specifically, the occurrence being referred to takes place in 2022 (JP) Sam’s New Year Sale event. Each dorm gets a day where they come in and try their luck at pulling a highly coveted ticket (that can be traded for any item at the Mystery Shop) from Sam’s popular Mystery Bags.
On Ignihyde’s day, Idia buys the last Mystery Bag available and this causes the other students waiting in line to get aggressive. The mobs (an Octavinelle and Diasomnia one) try to forcibly take the last Mystery Bag from him, but the Ignihyde students notice that Idia and his brother are in trouble and the Igni mobs have dialogue along the lines of, “Let’s help the dorm leader and Ortho!”
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alextydaisuda123 · 2 months
ok ok hear me out
Hell Tower Echo
go wild with that idea pls
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🥲 *sigh* Oh my...GOD😂. I don’t know who gave me this request, but... let me clarify, I’m not the author of Hell Tower, but since I am the author of Echo Tower, then... I myself became interested in what Echo would look like in this AU. I will explain why Echo is this way and not another. Well, first of all, I replaced the TV head with Peppino’s halo, which would fit, but the halo reflects demonic horns. I had the option of giving him a tail, but I decided to give him half-black wings instead. Peppino's appearance is focused on what it was like BEFORE the destruction of the tower, and AFTER it remained that way. Well, now hands. While Noise and Fake Peppino's arms weren't a problem, Fruit of Knowledge and Ignis's arms were a problem, which is why I wanted to detach the arms from the body and make them float next to the body. But I decided to give a little explanation of why they are still attached to the body. About the Fruit of Knowledge, his hand is both from the fruit and intertwined with the snake’s tail (for I remember that the Fruit is only a shell, and the real owner of the body is the snake), so that the snake has at least something to grab or own. But Ignis's hand...uh...let's assume that Peppino has become impervious to lava (magic?). I also decided to add a feature that all the devilish personalities want to take over Peppino’s body (this can be seen from the black spots from them hands), but to prevent this from happening, he will have to control all his emotions and mental state. But the question is, is there an explanation or reason for such a merger? I don't know. Honestly. Could this be Peppino's accidental punishment? Or...fall? Again, I am not the author of the AU, I just came up with it based on my thoughts. And I hope that @alice-the-demon will not be angry with me. And honestly, I wouldn’t mind getting her opinion, and maybe seeing her version of this Echo. So if the author has the desire to do this, I will be damn glad of it. And we’ll find out whether our Echoes are very different or not.
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tildeathiwillwrite · 3 months
Tag Game: OC Picrew
Thanks to @illarian-rambling for the tag!
Rules: Use this picrew and show off your oc (s)
I'm gonna do this with the Trials of the Six crew (sans Krivyn because I've never found a good picrew to depict a suit of armor. Pretty sure the vision I have in my head wouldn't properly translate to a picrew anyway).
Gently tagging @fourwingedwriter @phoenixradiant @rivenantiqnerd @thethistlegirlwrites @theeccentricraven
@aalinaaaaaa and open tag! :D
Long post incoming:
Hiel Fillius
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Mage from the Permafrost with the ability to control ice. Amnesiac. Bilingual. Good sense of direction. Quiet and reserved personality, but incredibly observant. His eyes turn blue while using his powers, and his body temperature drops.
Jarsali Fortus
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Ilunian Mage with the ability to alter the weather and summon lightning. Generally has a sunny and light-hearted demeanor. Sibling relationship with Korfel. Multilingual. Fights with a quarterstaff, and would rather be hit with it than express negative emotions to another human being. Eldest daughter syndrome. Her hair flows in an invisible wind when she uses her powers, and it becomes difficult to breathe.
Korfel Domin
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Mage from Tya with the ability to control earth and stone and sense vibrations. The responsible and stern leader of the group. Sibling relationship with Jarsali. Fights with a scimitar. Monolingual, but passable in some other languages. No perceptible change when he uses his powers, but he becomes lightheaded.
Raiann Ignis
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Mage from Mareln who can control fire. Handy when she was a smithy, not so much in Tyan towns with thatched roofs. Exile. Friends with Aquilar and Elya. Bilingual, passable in a third. Fights with obsidian daggers. Her eyes glow orange when she uses her powers, and her body temperature rises.
Aquilar Puer-Maris
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Mage from Tectuem with the ability to control water. Former helmsman on a privateer ship. Prefers to fight using his powers. Multilingual. Friends with Raiann and Elya. No perceptible change when using his powers, but he becomes thirsty.
No picrew, but I'll describe him anyway. He wears sleek armor composed of black metal with electric blue accents. Upon closer inspection, the armor appears to be made of hundreds of small scale-like pieces that fit together and move in a way that shouldn't be possible for any known metals on Rymn. His helmet is much the same, with dark tempered glass over the eyes, nearly indistinguishable from the rest of the face plate. The accents line the armor almost like uniform, geometric veins, and all lines meet at a circle in the center, which appears to be composed of colored glass set into the metal. The armor doesn't cover his elbows, knees or the palms of his hands. His elbows and knees have pads to protect them, and his hands are covered with a dark, thin material.
Never clarifies where he hails from. Claims that his ability is to create portals across short distances. Multilingual. Acquainted with Za'ret somehow, seems to harbor a unique hatred. Fights hand-to-hand, with his armor giving him a distinct advantage. Decisive and a planner. Very expressive. Never seen without his armor.
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Alchemist who claims to be from Sala, a tiny country south of Mareln. Group healer and served as ship's doctor with Aquilar. Friends with Aquilar and Raiann. Multilingual. Faint greenish stripes on her skin, mostly hidden underneath her clothing. Never without her necklace. Skilled at deception.
General Za'ret
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Esteemed general of the Tyan army, particularly interested in invading the Permafrost. Sadistic. Employs Enitan, and is acquainted with Elya and Krivyn somehow. His necklace is similar to Elya's but it is instead a greenish blue color, tucked under his shirt. Multilingual. Murderer. Seeks something on Rymn and is willing to do anything to gain it.
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Ilunian assassin employed by Za'ret. Bilingual. Never without the short dagger on her right hip. Potentially from the same fleet as Jarsali. Well-versed in the amount of punishment the human body can withstand. Familiar with drugs and poisons. Her hands are figuratively stained with blood. Prefers to fight hand-to-hand.
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quietbluejay · 13 days
Solar War 2
I'm here for Layak stalking Abaddon, this is beautiful
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layak pulls a "we're not so different" and needles abaddon about killing the loyalist sons of horus at isstvan iii
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and layak pulls a batman lmao on the one hand, he's an incredibly irritating coworker on the other hand, i think it would be funny to stick these two in the pear wiggler together, and i think canon will give me what I want there i'm really hoping the people reading this are familiar with that meme otherwise I sound like a lunatic Boreas is dying one of Sigismund's comrades in his fight
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yeah he's kind of…haunted by that
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Mersadie is kind of grim, lol
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depressing lol but she's had a bleak seven years
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honestly i kinda…want to drop this book this is just…it's like trying to bite a windshield there isn't anything in here that really compels me to see what happens next
does my bestie andromeda show up more search says no boo!!!!
ok im giving it another shot Mersadie's subplot is at least somewhat gripping and now, over to the Emperor and Malcador there's a planetary conjunction and the time is at the turning of the year which has significance but like, the winter solstice is when things start getting lighter
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also i can't believe there's been so much about wolves and winter in a book where I'm pretty sure Russ never shows up
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IGNIS HES HERE and Menkaura is slowly transforming into what we see him as in the Ahriman series
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okay i guess i am a bit curious as to where this is going and also how French writes pre-Rubric Ahriman man Mersadie is picking up a whole group I'm really hoping the kids survive this I thought they were dead for sure
i…what what
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are you serious
So just…lock them all in a room???
I'm going to leave bite marks on every stone in your walls
things are not going so well on earth
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FINALLY we're getting a human face on things (got to see this guy's nightmare of his undead mother) ah time for malcador to go hard men doing hard things (loken's mad at him)
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he's going after Mersadie
aah Forrix POV even Space Marrines get fatigued after a while hm
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ominous forrix also really doesn't think highly of the EC and the NL which is especially funny for the NL
man, no matter what, French always writes Ahriman as a sad wet beast, a poor little meow meow i mean okay i guess McNeill did it too this bit was a little funny to me
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like Ahriman of all people thinking something is ridiculously pretentious ah tension between the WB and the TS
there have been some shreds of what could have been an actually good book buried in here I'm sorry I haven't really been doing a detailed breakdown lol
that one review was right (about a different John French novel, lol) "John French takes an overly verbose axe to anything resembling a cohesive plot in this book."
I'm not sure how I'd fix this one aside from getting rid of half the descriptions lol I know 40k as a setting is about armies and not individuals but this is a book I swear a good chunk of this stuff read a lot like it was taken from campaign fluff not sure that's the correct term I finally got around to reading most of the TGS fluff and it clarified a lot of things for me in terms of wtf Thorpe was doing and why his writing was so weird in Ghost Warrior
hm I think I'd cut all the stuff that happens on Terra, it belongs in a different book or do it as a short story
I'm not sure about the Mersadie subplot tbh but honestly I think that one deserved to be a novella it's one of the best parts of this book ah Mersadie and Loken are reunited!
French, seeing my aggravation, immediately decided to attack my weak points
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that's what this book is trying to be about, isn't it it's not doing a great job but the parts that hit, do it well ah classic ahriman
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yeah this whole thing has been a word bearers teamup which has been…interesting, for ahriman, lol
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Mersadie accomplished something!
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oh yeah she also has a lot of flashbacks and at this point I'm wondering if it's not just the trauma oh ok the memories didn't actually happen yeah I'm worrying about something spooky
visual representation of the traitor command centre before the battle
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hah it's actually really funny, I was reading about this recently and thinking about it w.r.t. to what Haley was trying to pull off with Wolfsbane
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so the traitor forces were only doing all this to get this planetary alignment
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you know things have finally been picking up …starting at the 70% mark
im also sitting on my hands to not quote TS Eliot's Four Quartets, I know I overquote it agh I'm weak, I give in
Garlic and sapphires in the mud Clot the bedded axle-tree. The trilling wire in the blood Sings below inveterate scars Appeasing long forgotten wars. The dance along the artery The circulation of the lymph Are figured in the drift of stars Ascend to summer in the tree We move above the moving tree In light upon the figured leaf And hear upon the sodden floor Below, the boarhound and the boar Pursue their pattern as before But reconciled among the stars.
At the still point of the turning world. Neither flesh nor fleshless; Neither from nor towards; at the still point, there the dance is, But neither arrest nor movement. And do not call it fixity, Where past and future are gathered. Neither movement from nor towards, Neither ascent nor decline. Except for the point, the still point, There would be no dance, and there is only the dance. I can only say, there we have been: but I cannot say where. And I cannot say, how long, for that is to place it in time. The inner freedom from the practical desire, The release from action and suffering, release from the inner And the outer compulsion, yet surrounded By a grace of sense, a white light still and moving, Erhebung without motion, concentration Without elimination, both a new world And the old made explicit, understood In the completion of its partial ecstasy, The resolution of its partial horror. Yet the enchainment of past and future Woven in the weakness of the changing body, Protects mankind from heaven and damnation Which flesh cannot endure.
back to book
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(i thought dorn had lighter eyes lol)
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anyways i guess i should actually finish Flight of the Eisenstein at some point it can't be more tedious than 75% of this book ugh samus is here ah so that's the twist in the mersadie plot
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i know she's being controlled or possessed or something but that's a fun image so the "keeler" in the visions was…Samus I think
so back on the vengeful spirit maloghurst did a sorcery to turn Mersadie into a sleeper agent uh huh [press x to doubt] Mersadie left right before Isstvan III!!!!! unless this is trying to tell me that idk Erebus was secretly tutoring Mal in dark magic, something that makes absolutely zero sense in the time frame we're looking at i can't believe it yeah okay some of the elements in here are fun horror stuff but I can't focus on that because I'm too irritated to quote that one reviewer "Samus is here and I wish he wasn't"
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space-blue · 1 year
Wouldn't it be funny to have a fantasy universe in which there's many races, elvish, dwarvish, etc etc. But instead of having things like in Skyrim where you can be a human from one faction or a human from another faction and what do you know, that one lives in the north so it's sturdier but also not so good at magic or whatever...
You'd run into two humans and they'd quickly clarify that no, A is human, but B is Ignish (made up the word on the spot).
Ah, so, from Igni-something?
No, Ignish and human just aren't the same thing. Clearly, an Ignish can't be mistaken for a human!
And no matter how hard you try, you can never make a single difference. They look the exact same, they have the exact same stats. MAYBE the Ignish are a little taller overall.
And you can never guess correctly and start being on pins and needles when around humanoids because fuck knows if it ain't an Ignish, and they don't like being mistaken, and you're the only person who can't seem to tell them apart!
They would have socio-cultural differences, but not any more than a Brit and a French and *nobody will let you try a dissection!*
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tenebriism · 4 months
how many glasses of vintage tenebraen wine would it take for Ignis to make a move on Noct [has notebook ready to record for later >:3c]
How Many Shots Meme - [ ACCEPTING ] ;;
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Oh, the SWIFTNESS at which his ears go crimson, borderline steaming. He can't even make eye contact, let alone answer the question. Yet, by some UNFAIR force of nature... it seems he hasn't a choice.
" ... taking into consideration the... alcohol content level of that particular wine... likely, 3. " He feels he should CLARIFY, though, in the event his words are taken in error. " Not... because I... there is not lack of DESIRE, I merely... it is WRONG for many a reason, and... I would like to make certain I FORGET whatever mortifying mistakes I make. "
@fracturcdlight ;;
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toku-explained · 3 months
The Dark King defeated?
New Generation Stars: Ignis and Ediom express how important hearts and pride is in this work. To demonstrate they showcase how UPG, the Victorians, and the android Mana came together to stop VictLugiel, and how Mana was willing to risk a permanent end for her friends. They then show her how Xio, X and the Cyber Kaiju united to defeat Greeza. They follow up by reminding her of her own achievement, how STORAGE came together to defeat Destrudos. Yuka's resolves allows the STORAGE Hyper Key to complete, and she discards her existing plan. With her new resolve, she asks to forget what she's learned, hoping to start the project again uninfluenced to create a Sevengar for peace. Ignis and Ediom accept. Yuka awakens, missing days of memories, but strangely fulfilled. Placing the strange STORAGE Hyper Key with the SAA unit display, she takes a moment to prepare herself. A mysterious cube Ignis brought sits on her desk.
(I'm not going to touch the preview special next week)
Gotchard: Platinum Gotchard blocks the attack using X-Rex and X-Fortress. Germain gloats his intent to consume NijiGon, which will allow him to create new Chemies to make all humanity Malgams. Majade SunUnicon creates a chance for Gotchard to smash the Golem using InPhoenix, then hit Germain as SteamHopper, prompting the villain to flee. Spanner, struggling against Clotho, manages to use the black flames, Gigist offers to train him to use it properly, Spanner refuses, Gigist suggests killing Germain will show his resolve. When he leaves with Clotho, Lachesis grabs Spanner but can't speak. NijiGon ran away due to Spanner's words, resolving not to return until he finds something he can do, and spots a girl practice dancing, and speaks to her. Her name is Mai, and she's in an idol group with her friends Hina and Koyomi, but she now plans to quit, feeling no future in it for her, as there are better dancers, and so she's resolved not to go an event today. When NijiGon questions if that's her true wish she storms off. The others meet Hotaro and Rinne, and they hear from two deliverymen that NijiGon helped them earlier, they follow his trail while Minato wipes memories. Gaelijah predicts Germain will claim the fragment, he in turn asks Atropos if he wants her to kill the alchemists or the reverse. Spanner considers Gigist's words. The kids arrive at where Mai's unit, IRISE+GIRLS, was due to perform, arriving just before Hina and Koyomi take the stage and have to announce Mai's left them, when NijiGon decides to take her place, enhancing a song that's confusing in universe, Kajiki happens to be there and taken away when he tries to investigate, and as the crowd cheers, Mai watches from the entrance. Hotaro rushes into the dressing room the reclaim NijiGon, and Mai returns, NijiGon having helped her realise her dream again, and the girls of course take her back, allowing IRISE+GIRLS an encore performance. Leaving them to it, the alchemists, joined by Spanner, confront Germaine, all 3 Riders engaging him. With NijiGon having found his goal in supporting others, they summon Gotchar Brothers of SteamHopper, AntWrestler and LightningJungle, and after a bit of overpowering the villain, the Gotchar Brothers assist a Rider Triple Kick. Atropos arrives, thanks Rinne for fulfilling their promises, then forces the cube into him, and Greyon is revived from inside Germaine, she smirks at Rinne as they leave.
Boonboomger: The team are served drinks by Genba at a bar Taiya owns, when Homura and ByunD enter. Taiya tells them Bundario isn't interested in seeing them, and a stand off occurs, ByunD clarifies he's the one who wants to see BoonBoom. Monitoring from the garage, BoonBoom tells Saibu he doesn't want to see ByunD, or rather can't. Dekotread and Itashar work out, only to hear Yarucar scream, having awoken to Cannonborg making a modification to him in the name of completing their work, then leaves to work more on the Reflect Sword. Itashar morosely creates a Treadmill Kurumajin. Homura breaks the stalemate, and ByunD reveals he and BoonBoom were racers on the same team in the Big Bang Grand Prix. BoonBoom clarifies to Saibu they were still rivals, but the fact he got his unsuccessful prototype working isn't the reason he won't meet ByunD. Turns out Boonboomgers was their team name. Alerted to the Kurumajin, the others go to confront it as it forcefully trains people, allowing Taiya to continue talking. The battle progresses, as it emerges Boonboom won one race, the one for the right to name the team, but never again. ByunD is upset Bundario left without saying anything after losing his license, having even heard rumour he died. Taiya goes to help the others, telling a cynical Sakito he does it because he wants to. The battle progresses, but Sakito decides to offer his services to the Boonboomgers, insisting on a free first service, and defeats the Kurumajin. Yarucar suddenly lets off a Highway beam, catalysing the released Gyasoline into a Kutimaju without the Highway chase, the result of Cannonborg's modification. Boonboomger Robo forms, and BunViolet and ByunD decide to go as well, ByunD becomes ByoonByoom Mach, and overtakes Boonboomger Robo. He gets trapped on the infinite treadmill, losing a tire, but when the Kurumaju loses projectiles leaps at him. BoonBoom decides to swap his tires, and ByoonByoon Mach Robo forms, finishing the Kurumajin with a giant version of the Boonboom Controller. ByunD tells Sakito he's okay leaving, Bundario's help told him what he ended. Sakito looks at a racer trading card, before telling ByunD he'd rather leave than chase his own past, before suddenly being called by Cannonborg. At the garage, Chassiro runs in having found info on Sakito's ten years in space.
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lunarlegend · 5 months
okay actual real talk about the doujinshi experience i'm having so far (as i read more of them, currently on a Gladnis anthology), i have never read yaoi before and as an ace person i'm really not interested in most of the smut (i just skim it or skip it altogether), so what stands out to me is that yeah a lot of the things people complain about in yaoi are absolutely true lol
Ignis is almost constantly portrayed as the 'girl' instead of being another guy (they're gay men! they're both men!!) and acts really OOC half the time because of it (getting insecure about Gladio flirting with women and wanting to 'please' him? are you serious?? lol) and it's really, really annoying
in canon, Gladio is the one Ignis can be MOST honest with, and is most comfortable being vulnerable around, while Gladio has so much respect for Ignis...and it's super obvious that they see each other as equals and that's what i love about their dynamic. but not so in the world of yaoi lol, where Ignis is always automatically the bottom (to clarify--not that it's disrespectful or bad to be a bottom, but that it's bad Ignis is considered one by default due to stereotypes) and blushing like a shy schoolgirl in front of Gladio the whole time. 🙄
the Brotherhood ones are by FAR the worst though, Ignis looks like this in the anime:
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but people draw him like this:
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and it's. not appealing, lol
like i guess i was naive but i feel like it's so hard to find good representation of my ship
i don't want to see them fuck, i just want stories where they act like themselves, please!!
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sansloii · 6 months
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Though she usually didn't make it a habit to keep track of the guests that arrived — as there were usually too many for her to feasibly keep track of — but… for this festival, she tried to. It was limited to the immediate party invitees and that much was manageable. She wouldn't be able to greet them right as they arrived, but keeping track of who arrived and when was easy enough with enough eyes ( and an added request to Luvalon's castle staff to tell her when invitees arrived ). Exulan, as expected, arrived early — at least King Roderick did, as his sons were in Meriburn. She expected, likewise, to hear that those from Navka found their way safely, that the Seelie joined the other arrivals on the shores of Vasir, that the delegation from Ibissia soon followed, and so on and so forth.
A name she hadn't been expecting to hear… is Arcadis. It's not the very last kingdom she'd been expecting ( and said kingdom, she hoped, wouldn't just arrive unannounced ) but she knows that the small and often overlooked kingdom did not have an invitation sent from her — not one signed by her either. If that was the case, she would've warned Roderick; given the history between the two nations, it's only fair that he at least be given the choice as to whether or not he wished to be in attendance here or join his sons…
Brecaea's laws against should prevent either delegation from causing unnecesary conflict… but her intent had never been to rely on them explicitly. Othwerwise, what would be the point of disinviting Vanystea — a nation whose presence would hinge on them being restricted by such a law…
…Is nothing ever easy?
“…Come with me.” she mumbles to Ignis, painted lips twisted onto a forwn as her brows knit together. “I wish to ask the Brecaean monarchs a couple questions before it gets impossible to.”
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“…And then I have to go speak with Roderick.” This, she says more to herself, if anything. “Gods, I can't imagine how upset he must be…”
— and only after that was clarified could she fully turn her attention to the festivities. They'd likely be in full swing before she herself even got a chance to enjoy them today… She could only hope that this hiccup didn't set the tone for the entire festival.
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The Concierge's Day Off - Dinner... (Part 31)
It's a little past five in the afternoon now. The time when most leave work for the day and find their way to the nearest bar or pub for their nightly drinks. You don't expect a monster bar to be any different, and true to form more monsters file in while you wait for Sans to be done with his call.
The skeleton had wandered outside. Privacy, you imagine.
In the meantime, you slowly polish off your drink, intrigued by the way it stays at the same temperature despite the passage of time.
"Magic," comes Grillby's crackling voice.
You look up through your lashes at the fire monster as he approaches the table, a drink and a card reader balanced on a tray in his hand. The other monsters seem to clock his path to your booth but soon turn their heads. They don't want to get involved; you've noticed that unless they were ordering a drink, none of them wanted to interact with Grillby more than necessary.
By the hungry grin on his face and the card reader, you can guess why.
"Don't look so suspicious," he croons at you, placing the tray on the table. "Want another drink?"
That he came prepared with a card reader tells you that he's sure that you'll pay for it. Or that he's hoping you will, anyway. Or that he's confident he can bully you into buying one.
Alas, your professionalism has more than one use.
"No thank you, Mister Ignis," you say, tipping your drink at him. There's still a few fingers of it left.
The flaming bartender tuts at you. "A fresh drink wouldn't hurt," he says, leaning over the table. "Or I could...fill you up."
What is it with these men and flirting?
You spare him an empty, droll stare. "I will, once again, decline. Thank you, Mister Ignis."
But of course Grillby wouldn't make a very good businessman if he wasn't also very pushy. "Mm, very well. I will say I'm surprised that you haven't finished your drink yet. Doesn't it taste like your favourite thing?"
Oh, you're going to regret asking him to clarify. You're sure it's going to be something lewd again. But in the end, you don't need to, because Grillby offers the information all on his own.
"I see that look on your face," he croons, his eyes slanting in a suggestive look. "Why, it's Sans' co--"
A heavy hand lands on Grillby's shoulder, ivory and stark against the fur and black fabric of the fire monster's suit. "What did I say 'bout minding yer own business?"
Grillby is unperturbed. "See if I try to be a wingman for you again, Sans."
"Being mah wingman implies I haven't gotten any," Sans sneers, pushing Grillby out of the way so he can slide back into the booth.
With the way Grillby looks at Sans, you can tell the fire monster is deeply doubting what the skeleton is claiming. And to be fair, Sans indeed hasn't 'gotten any'. He's come close. The words remain locked behind your internal filter.
Still, the bartender doesn't take the matter any further and just shrugs, taking his tray with him as he goes.
"he botherin' ya, sweetheart?" Sans rumbles in askance as he knocks back the shot of whiskey. His cigar had burned down quite a bit since he last attended to it, and he taps the ashes off idly.
You look at his fingers as they bring the cigar to his mouth. "No." It's not like you can't handle Grillby. He would have been deterred if you weren't interested in buying anything.
A deep inhale is followed by a soft chuckle at your response. For a while, neither you nor Sans say anything. Basking in the relative silence. Him enjoying his cigar, the scent of cherry and woodsmoke lingering in the air. You people-watching, your nearly finished drink cradled in your gloved fingers.
The bar is slowly filling with patrons - a group of white-furred dog monsters gambling in the corner, a rabbit monster at the bar who already looked far into her cups, and a few more. They don't seem to pay you much attention beyond the cursory look. Now, anyway.
All of them had stared strongly when they first walked in. All of them averted their eyes when you met theirs. All of them further turning away from you when Sans rejoined you at the table.
You watch them from where you are ensconced in the booth. Not entirely out of sight, but not out in the open either. It serves your purpose, the Manager's purpose, while alleviating your paranoia. Perhaps it would not hurt to wander around a little before you return to the Hotel...
"ya might be tempted ta stay so we all know yer here," Sans begins lowly, his cigar a mere stump between his teeth. "but the regulars 'ave seen ya. better ta move on."
You look at him out of the corner of your eye. "Dinner?"
Sans stubs out his cigar in the ashtray, swapping it for the bottle of mustard which he squirts right into his mouth. "yeah," he purrs, chasing it with the rest of the whiskey he was given. "i know a good place. italian alright?"
Hmm...you know of a few Italian restaurants in this area, all of them under the Monster Family's thumb, but only one of them is used as a front. If that's the one he's talking about, you remember it from days long past. A sweet old human couple owned it before they got too old; with no apprentices or successors to take over, they sold it to the monsters after the Ascension. You understand the standards are still up there - good enough to attract humans who dared to wander the monster neighbourhood.
You have nothing to lose. You doubt they'd try attacking you.
"Do they only serve monster food?" It's not like you can't eat it, or that it wouldn't be healthy or nutritious for you. But from past experience, it never made you full like human food would - something about magic dissipating before it fills your stomach.
Sans saves you the trouble of working past that discomfort. "nah, they do human food too. more people comin' by, see."
Yes, you'd heard that too. You nod. "Very well, then."
The skeleton monster grins at you, lifting your gloved hand to his mouth so he can press a nuzzle to the back of it. "you'll like it, sweetheart." And without another word, he slides out of the booth and extends a hand to you.
You shoot him a glance and get out without the help of his hand, though you incline your head as a silent thanks. Sans doesn't seem to be too bothered and he just walks out, waving a hand over his shoulder at the regulars and at Grillby, who calls out a goodbye to you.
A perfunctory nod is your version of a goodbye, and though you say nothing to the 'regulars', you do meet each of their gazes before you go. Your dead gaze seems to creep most of them out rather than enrage them, as it would most other mobsters who had a hair-trigger. Good, something else to note.
Once you venture outside into the bitter cold, Sans stuffs his hands into his pockets and tips his head for you to follow him. "ain't far, but it's a cold night."
The icy fog that escapes your lips when you breathe out is indication enough. You hum in reply, "Indeed."
Luckily, the restaurant in question isn't too far. Just down the street. And from the outside, you didn't think much had changed from when you'd last seen it. With a quaint storefront, it could pass for a homely restaurant in the streets of Italy. The smell wafting from it is quite authentic too.
Your first impression is good. Your second is that of surprise.
Because lo and behold, there is a familiar, towering figure just visible in the kitchen, slaving over a stove and an oven. This was definitely not covered in any of your intelligence reports.
"I didn't expect Mister Papyrus to have another job," you murmur to Sans, looking up at him through your lashes.
Then again, this is supposed to be a front for the Family.
Sans just shrugs and opens the door to let you in first. "boss likes to stay busy. not like we've got shit goin' on all the time." There is no maitre'd here, but there is a waitress, a bunny monster, who gives Sans a menu and retreats out of sight. "plus, he likes cookin'."
"I see," is your only response. Indeed, Papyrus looks less high-strung and more relaxed where he is in the kitchen. Even if he is barking out the occasional order to the rest of his kitchen.
It doesn't take you long to find an open table. For it being around dinner time, it wasn't a bustling crowd - a few tables were full, about half were empty. All were occupied by monsters, leaving you the only human. Like the regulars at the bar, all of them were staring at you. Some of them hostile, even with Sans placing his hand on the small of your back to guide you. At least it's made better by you getting the seat that has your back to the wall and Sans' to the kitchen, allowing the both of you to have a good view of the restaurant and the pavement outside.
You're not bothered by their staring, hostile or otherwise. That's why you're here, after all. So long as it doesn't stop them from serving you, anyway.
"What is your recommendation, Mister Sans?" you ask genially, lifting the menu up so you can see it. Like most traditional Italian restaurants, they had the usual fare - not too much variety, but that usually means that what they made, they made very well.
"lasagna," Sans shoots back immediately, not even looking at the menu. "not the 'chef's special lasagna'. ain't for the faint of heart."
You don't think that's a euphamism for spiciness.
Sans grins at your expression, lounging in his seat and loosening his shirt and tie. "boss used ta think lasagna had glass in it. took a while but i finally got him ta tweak his recipe. he still likes to fuck with people though."
Ah, hence the 'Chef Special Lasagna'. You nod. "I see. Lasagna it is." You don't want to see if it's edible glass or not.
Orders placed and a bottle of water supplied, you settle in to wait for your meal. Sans, for his part, seems content to just sit there and look at you. His crimson eye lights are soft, a little fuzzy around the edges. His posture, too, tells you that he is not treating you as an enemy or a possible enemy. A friend, maybe, if he's so willing to show you where his Family bases their operations out of.
"Why are you taking me out to dinner?" you ask quietly. Soft music floats through the restaurant's speakers; combined with the noises from the kitchen and the general chatter from the other tables, your words almost get lost in the low drone of background sounds.
Sans meets your dead eyes, a soft crimson blush spreading over his cheekbones. He looks away, scratches at his cheek, and grumbles, "'cuz i wanna."
A slow blink. A tilt of your head. "Why are you so invested in me?" You can think of many reasons why; currying favour with the Manager, gaining a reputation as being close to the Hotel, obtaining intelligence on the operations of the Hotel, worming a way to the Manager's ear. All that and more.
And yet Sans has yet to pry into your business. Other than flirting and trying to get into your bed, he hasn't tried to leverage the connection between you to benefit his Family. Other than to secure the initial meeting with the Manager, but that could have been done by the King making an appointment with the Manager anyway.
All of it is confusing you, but not in a bad way. Not at all. It leaves a slight warmth in your belly; an alien feeling but again, not a bad feeling. You have been a weapon, a tool, for your masters for so long that it is beyond your comprehension as to why anyone would bother taking this any further than they need to.
Your neutral expression must have cracked, or Sans must have seen something in your eyes, your body language, because his eternal grin softens and he leans on the table towards you. "ain't everythin' 'bout the family, or 'bout business. sometimes it's jus' pleasure." He takes his hat off then, hanging it on the corner of the chair next to him. "sometimes it's jus' 'bout bein' selfish."
You think you know. It's selfish to want to continue this with Sans. It's selfish to want to keep this connection free of business dealings. It's selfish to want to keep this connection to yourself; just for you.
Blinking slowly, you consider your words. You cannot, will not, betray the Manager for him. Will never leave the Manager for him. But everything less than that...maybe it would be okay for you to be selfish.
"I can relate," is all you say in the end. Because what else can you say. In public, nevertheless. So as your plates come out, smelling like tomato and cheese and warmth, you ruminate on what Sans says.
And Sans, likewise, ruminates on what you say.
And through it all, the Manager's words ring true in your mind.
You only have so much to give...make sure it's worth it.
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Weekly Story Snippet #4
Right in the middle of KH OC Week, here comes the next snippet from my current story-in-progress "Return to Eos". For anyone just here, this story follows the "Modern" Velcia in a journey to Eos (FFXV) set very shortly after KH3. In today's chapter, Velcia finds she needs to travel to a nearby forest to find ingredients to brew some special potions to help prepare for the journey to battle against the Heartless Adamantoise. Ignis accompanies her, and helps her to gather resources.
Velcia couldn't help but giggle at the sight of Ignis holding one of the truffles quite close to his face, inspecting it closely and nodding to himself in approval. He glanced over at her for a moment. "Something wrong?"
"Not at all," Velcia replied. "I just find it so fun that, even though our passions are so different, they still seem to have quite a bit in common."
Ignis raised an eyebrow, and he looked at her somewhat more deliberately now. "Passions?"
"I'm sorry, I meant with my potion-making and your passion for cooking," she clarified.
Ignis' face scrunched up momentarily, as if caught quite off guard, but he recovered and replied in a somewhat lower voice. "Truth be told, Miss Velcia, I have very little passion for the act of cooking itself."
"No! Surely you must?" Velcia gasped.
"It's true. I initially invested myself in learning to cook solely for the sake of being better able to serve my King. It wasn't until much later, after making a meal for Prompto, that I came to find any joy in it. That was more a satisfaction in having brought happiness to people through my cooking, rather than enjoying the cooking process itself," Ignis explained.
"But you seem so…" she trailed off, still somewhat stunned in disbelief.
"Enthusiastic? Yes indeed. I've learned to greatly enjoy sharing my food with others and have, after much practice, come to take great pride in my work. I always look forward to sharing and serving," Ignis told her.
Velcia shook her head slowly. "I would never have suspected!"
Ignis cracked a smile. "Well, it is not something I tend to discuss. Mum's the word, as they say. As long as I can serve my King to the utmost of my abilities, I am satisfied with my endeavors."
"I see…!" Velcia said, quite thrown-off by this revelation.
Truth be told, I was surprised as well to learn Ignis' little secret here - a detail revealed by the game's director in an interview. It's the sort of thing that feels like it accentuates some really interesting depths to his character, and so was the sort of detail I really wanted to make sure to include at some point! If you would like to read more of this chapter or this story, it can be found here: Archive of Our Own - Chapter 9 Fanfiction.net - Chapter 9
Thanks again for stopping by! Make sure to check out @khoc-week and see what other cool things have been created and shared by others!
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savage-rhi · 2 years
Immortal Shield Chapter 45: Final Acts
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Tagging: @seradyn​
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The rest of the summit went accordingly. More negotiations were produced as were national goals. Countries made their pacts and solidified relations. Though he was active and obliging, Ardyn had mentally checked out long after learning of his betrothal. He had a single mission in mind once everybody was dismissed from the conference hall: confront Noctis.
Almost two years ago, when the king made his proposition to Ardyn to ensure Caelan would be safe, it was a guarantee that no matter the strife they’d come out together in the end. He felt foolish believing in such a fallacy. Ardyn had been deluded yet again by someone he shared blood with. The treachery of his late brother Somnus held no bounds. It followed his own descendants to their poor choices.
Gods, he hadn’t felt this much anger toward Noctis in ages. Ardyn understood how years ago, it was idiotic for him to take out his grievances on a person who played no role in his sad affairs, but now the current king of Insomnia made it personal. He wouldn’t show mercy to the boy just because they had settled old scores and aided the other. That much Ardyn was sure of.
Out in the grand hall, Ardyn went through the motions with his counsel. He verified meeting times and what was to be expected when they’d travel back to Niflheim. He was quick to update his phone schedule with new work orders and people he intended to meet. Every so often, he’d glance over to the king and his posse. Ardyn felt disgusted, watching everyone pat themselves on the back for a job well done throwing him under a bus. Caelan might as well have joined him too in that gruesome fate. They both had been through so much together, only to be permanently dangled at one another like carrots to a horse to keep the beast in line.
“I believe everything is in order,” Ardyn interrupted the conversation among the Niflheim council, no longer having patience. “There is a personal matter I must discuss with the king in private. If you don't mind, I’d appreciate it if half of you could seek an audience with the representatives of Tenebrae. Please get them to clarify the new trade deals they are seeking from us. For the other half, I’d like you to report everything from the summit back to Gralea. Make sure we have our own set of documentation about what has transpired, so we can verify it with the official accounts.”
“Right away,” A councilwoman bowed her head. She wasted no time in gathering up three of the council members and ventured deep into the citadel to find the Tenebrae reps. The others that remained were somewhat beside themselves but went along with Ardyn’s requests. They could sense an uneasy vibe coming off of their leader.
“Are you sure you don’t want us to accompany you, excellency?” The head council member asked. “Given the tension we all felt today, do you think it would be wise to leave you alone with the king?”
“I’m positive nothing unbecoming will happen to yours truly,” Ardyn shook his head, all the while reassuring his supporters. “I can handle this on my own. This won’t take long. I’ll be sure to report for departure.”
The last of the council members bowed their heads respectfully and took their leave. As soon as the Niflheim council was out of sight and mind, Ardyn wasted no time marching up to Noctis and his retainers.
“Excuse me,” Ardyn smiled. Doing his part to keep up with formality. “Would it trouble the king to have a private discussion?”
“Perfect timing! I was just getting ready to seek you out.” Noctis smiled. He handed off documents to Ignis, then addressed his retainers one by one. “Ignis, make sure these are processed ASAP. We don’t need Accordo getting on our case again for late paperwork. Prompto, please check in with Luna and see if she needs help with the kids. Gladio, head for the ward district.”
“Right away!” The three men said in unison. None of them wasted time to venture off to complete their tasks.
Prompto stopped in his tracks to quickly address Ardyn with a proper bow. Gladio sighed and begrudgingly performed the same mannerism. He hated how Prompto was like a boy scout when it came to formalities. Gladio didn’t stick around to talk, immediately heading off to where he was assigned by Noctis.
“Congrats on the election! We’ll have to catch up later!” Prompto sheepishly exclaimed then took his leave. As much as he wanted to stay and chat, Prompto was well aware that Luna had her hands full. The son of the king and queen had just turned two and was quite a firecracker. Nevertheless, Prompto enjoyed being able to help with his best friend's children.
“I’ll ensure these documents are situated with care, your majesty.” Ignis said with confidence. He turned his head to face where he assumed Ardyn was and gave another bow.
“Niflheim will be in good hands under your leadership. Despite our past, I wish you well with your endeavors. You should be proud, excellency.”
Neither Noctis nor Ardyn had the heart to correct Ignis for looking the opposite way. The two men had an unspoken understanding as they side-eyed each other. Ardyn quietly tip toed to where Ignis was staring, clearing his throat.
“You have my gratitude,” Ardyn replied. He watched Ignis give a final bow and then departed from the grand hall, leaving Noctis and Ardyn by themselves. As soon as Ignis was not in his peripheral, Ardyn’s gaze fell upon the Lucian king. He made a fist, feeling his anger slowly starting to return as Noctis sighed.
“I don’t know about you, but today was taxing,” Noctis said tiredly. He rubbed the back of his head, scratching at a spot on his scalp that had been irritating him for a while. “I never thought the Tenebrae Ambassador was going to get to the point regarding chocobo’s being a nuisance to farmers.”
“I couldn’t agree more.” It was hard hiding his bitterness, but Ardyn managed to keep it at bay for the time being. “Whoever chose the old fool to be a spokesperson should be shot.”
Noctis snorted, trying to suppress a laugh. “That might be a bit much, but I don’t doubt everybody in that room has thought of it at least once.”
Ardyn let out an amused huff. As much as he found Noctis’s quips humorous, he wasn’t going to fall prey to comedy.
“May we cut to the chase?” Ardyn offered. “You said you were going to seek me out. What for?”
“I wanted to check in, regarding the betrothal. I know that was--upsetting, to put it mildly.”
“Oh, you don’t know the half of it!” Before Noctis could register what had occurred, Ardyn had punched the king square in the face. His knuckles met the middle of Noctis’s nose. The king stumbled back, his hand gripped the side his face while he hissed under his breath.
“Damn!” Noctis exclaimed. “What the hell was that for!?”
“That won’t be the only thing you scream out when I’m through with you!” Ardyn wasted no time in grabbing Noctis by the collar of his attire. He hoisted the king up off his feet, lifting Noctis into the air.
“You know my history! You know what I’ve been through, and how much I lost, and now you expect me to throw away Cahl for some--some stranger?! You fed me to the wolves to save your own hide for some ridiculous policy! I should’ve known you were a scheming two-faced traitor like your forefathers!”
“Ardyn, let me explain!” Noctis pleaded.
“N-no!” Ardyn growled. “I gave you one too many chances! I put my trust in you with that godforsaken plan! I haven’t seen or spoken to Cahl in almost two years because of you! Do you have any idea how long I’ve suffered!? None of you idiots would relay my messages to her, and none of you kept me informed about her well-being! I had to learn through random channels! For all I know, she’s withering away in some cell! I’ve waited long enough! Now you’re going to tell me where I can find Cahl or so help me I’ll--!”
“I made arrangements for both of you to see each other today!” Noctis interrupted as he yelled aloud. He glared straight down at Ardyn, gritting his teeth from the pressure being put upon his neck from Ardyn’s grasp. He could see there was hesitation in Ardyn’s cold stare, a reluctance to pursue any further.
“What are you talking about?” Ardyn hissed. His voice was still raised. “Don’t play games with me, boy!”
“If you put me down, I’ll explain myself.” Noctis swallowed, he could taste blood in the back of his throat. He didn’t believe Ardyn broke his nose, but he had damaged it quite extensively.
“I know you’re angry with me. I can’t blame you. I haven’t been forthcoming, but I’m asking you to give me grace. C’mon, neither of us can afford to cause a scene! I know this wouldn’t put you in a good light with the public. I don’t want your image tainted because we had an altercation. What do you say?”
Ardyn hated to admit it, but Noctis had him second guessing his own righteous anger. His eyes searched those of his grand nephews, face tensing before Ardyn relented. He carefully placed Noctis down, not before giving the king a shove for the sake of distance. Ardyn looked away, hearing Noctis’s heavy breathing while the king composed himself.
“Let’s take this outside,” Noctis sniffled. He rubbed the outer part of his nose with the sleeve of his shirt, then gestured with his head. “We can walk the top grounds while we have our discussion. The air would do well clearing both our heads.”
“Just shut up and lead, highness.” Ardyn muttered.
The spring air of Lucis carried a sweet aroma that traveled through the gentle winds. The change in atmosphere from the grand hall to the outside world settled the nerves of both Ardyn and Noctis. They were silent as they made their way across the bridge and to the citadel’s right tower. Along the way, a few palace workers made their curtseys. Some were visibly shaken at the state of Noctis’s face but no one commented for it was none of their business.
When Ardyn and Noctis reached the top grounds, the former was impressed with the scenery. A terrace garden graced his eyes, filled with different red and orange flowers. Some Ardyn didn’t recognize at first glance. A few fountains were strategically placed among saplings growing in large containers. If he didn’t know better, Ardyn would’ve thought they were in the gardens, and not at the top of the citadel where the king and queens personal housing was located.
“I’m not sure much of the greenery can endure at this elevation for long.” Ardyn quipped. He couldn’t help himself.
Noctis scoffed, shaking his head. “I didn’t take you for a gardener.”
“I was a healer. Gardening and maintaining the sick isn’t much different.” Ardyn shrugged. “The old masters from my youth told me, that if I couldn’t keep the most basic of plants alive, I stood no chance curing people.”
“I think that’s a concept that should be brought back to the medical field.” Noctis said as a matter of fact. He motioned with his right hand for Ardyn to follow him towards a pergola. The shaded walkway led to a path that encircled the entirety of the citadel’s right tower. They walked side by side, keeping distance but remaining close. There was an unspoken agreement between the two to keep things civil that could be read in their body language. This being his home, Noctis began to feel more at ease.
“Luna has the green thumb between the two of us,” Noctis began. There was still much tension between Ardyn and himself. He decided some light conversation would open the floor. “She came up with an initiative to bring life back into this place. Both my father and grandfather were minimalists. They didn’t do much with the gardens nor decorum. I’m far too busy, so Luna took the mantle of maintenance.”
“How noble of her.” Ardyn mused. He didn’t say it aloud, but Ardyn appreciated the little glimpse into Noctis’s personal life. It helped him reconcile with the bitterness he had felt not long ago. “How has your queen been of late?
“Luna’s doing well. She’s going to be making a pilgrimage soon, in honor of her ancestors. Tenebrae will be hosting her. It’ll just be me and the kids for a few weeks. I’m looking forward to spending time with them.” Noctis smiled. His gaze drifted on to the purple flowers that were drifting off the cross beams above them. He sighed, rubbing the back of his neck.
“The betrothal was Luna’s idea, by the way.” Noctis admitted. He looked over, seeing Ardyn’s shock. “I’m not supposed to tell you, but I have the results for who you will be marrying.”
“You’ve got to be kidding me…” Ardyn sighed, rubbing his neck in the same fashion as Noctis did prior. The king couldn’t help but see the similarity and made a face, feeling a chill go down his spine at the mannerism in which they had in common. It was spot on.
“So, who is it then?” Ardyn said aloud. “What poor soul did you all decide to bind to me?”
Noctis raised a brow. “I thought it was obvious?”
“I’m afraid I get rather dense when I’m frustrated to no end. You’re going to have to spell it out for me.” Ardyn sighed. He pinched the bridge of his nose. When they came to the end of the pergola path, Noctis guided Ardyn over to a gazebo that overlooked the city. Both the men went for a pair of seats to rest, sitting across from each other.
“Well,” Noctis breathed out. “She comes from a long line of family that served as crownsguard to Lucis. Her father stained the family’s reputation, but she more than makes up for it. She’s something of a champion among imperials, which will continue to help you score points with your constituents. Recently, she was absolved of some rather nasty accusations. I’m sure you can look past it, and see that she’s a good match. Of course there’s the part where you two traveled together for months. Plus last I checked, she was your shield.”
Ardyn’s face slowly started to change. Going from confused and bewildered, to suddenly feeling as if a train had ran him over without a second thought. He felt his heart beating thunderously in his chest. A cold sweat began to trickle down his neck. His breathing became irregular, stirring a bit of a panic within himself. Then came the elation. The wave of euphoria that couldn’t be matched by the rush of blood he felt to his chest.
“Cahl?” Ardyn’s voice was meek. Probably the softest any living person had ever heard. Noctis couldn’t help but stifle a laugh, unprepared for the reaction. Nonetheless, the king nodded. His smile grew into a grin.
“This isn’t a cruel joke, right?” Ardyn was quick to assume the worst.
“No, no it’s not.” Noctis reassured. “Caelan Zamfir is your betrothed. You both are to be wed a week before your coronation as emperor, in five months time. Lucis will be footing the bill for the wedding as a courtesy.”
Ardyn blinked several times. His hands rummaged over his face, carding through his hair and drifting to the back of his neck. He repeated these motions several times in vain to calm himself. He felt a plethora of emotions hit him at once. Anxiousness, exhilaration, and fear were the primary three. He was thankful Noctis stopped talking for a time, giving him plenty of room to breathe and calm his racing thoughts.
“I don’t understand,” Ardyn shook his head. He turned his neck, looking toward the cityscape. Insomnia’s endless towers offered him something to fixate on while he continued to ease his mind. “How did this all come to pass?”
“Are you upset with the outcome?” Noctis couldn’t help but ask.
“No!” Ardyn exclaimed. He observed Noctis jump, and quickly motioned with his hands he didn’t mean anything threatening. Ardyn then settled his hands onto the arms of his chair, his fingertips gently tapped on the surface.
“Can you enlighten me as to what happened behind the scenes?”
Noctis leaned forward some in his chair and let out a deep breath. Unfolding everything was not an easy task for him, considering how hard he had to work to make sure things aligned. Nevertheless, Noctis knew he owed Ardyn an explanation. Not just for the outcome, but why certain conditions had to be met for Caelan to come out on top.
“Let me preface by saying, this wasn’t the original plan the guys and I had in mind.” Noctis clarified before he continued.
“I didn’t anticipate Cae’s trial would take long. Two months at most from what I gathered. When the guard began to uncover Julian Zamfir’s slaughter--and the gravesites began to pile up--I had no choice but to keep her in custody, and extend the trial period. Given the sensitivity of what came to light, I couldn’t afford to let Cae interact with you. Not just for her protection, but yours. There were a number of people that wanted the Homicida to perish without seeing the evidence.” Noctis paused for a moment and got up from his seat. He ventured to a cooler that was nearby that Ardyn didn’t realize had been there the whole time. The king opened the top, and brought out a few drinks, passing one to Ardyn before sitting back down.
“Around that time, Camelia had a heart to heart with me about my crownsguard failing to contain you in Altissa. She didn’t outright say it, but she deduced your stunt was theatrics. That you intended to set Cae free and not kill her. She tried to get me to admit we played a role, but I held my ground. Said you went rogue. She backed off after that.” Noctis furrowed his brows, recalling unpleasant memories from that conversation. He didn’t like lying to Camelia, but he went to the grind on that one to keep the reputation of his friends and country intact.
“What gave me away?” Ardyn’s concern was present in his tone. He watched Noctis shrug then make a face.
“Apparently, you looked at Cae in a certain light. Camelia said she knew everything you said about not having relations with your shield was a farce after that.”
“Can’t say I didn’t try.” Ardyn let out of a puff of air and rolled his eyes.
“You’re not exactly subtle with your affections.” Noctis pointed out. He uncapped his soda, and took a swig.
“Anyway, to keep up appearances that you intended to kill Caelan, I decided to keep you both in the dark. That meant limiting my own contact with you as well. Camelia launched her own private investigation into what happened. I didn’t want to risk her finding out the true nature of our interference. Gladio caught some of her troopers intercepting messages sent to Cae--which we put an end too--but if they happened to be yours, well--I’m sure you could imagine what would’ve occurred. If Camelia didn't push things, and the threats to Cae weren't severe, I thought the guys would be able to smuggle her over to Niflheim. Once both your trials passed.”
Ardyn hummed in thought. His neutral gaze went to the bottle cap of his drink before he unscrewed it and tossed the metal piece elsewhere. Not catching the brief glare Noctis gave for the act.
“I must admit that was wise of you,” Ardyn admitted. He took a sip, finding the taste too sweet for his liking then plopped the bottle beside the left chair leg. “I’ve wanted to snap your neck for it all, but I understand now that your hands were tied. I apologize for my earlier indiscretion.”
Noctis made a face. “I’m gonna ignore you just said that.”
“By all means. Whatever helps you sleep at night, highness.” Ardyn teased. His brows knitted into a worried look, focusing back to the overall conversation. “So…this doesn’t explain the betrothal piece. How did you get me scooped up into that?”
“I’m getting there,” Noctis motioned with his right hand for Ardyn not to jump several steps ahead. The king collected his thoughts, then proceeded after taking another drink of his beverage. “Tenebrae sprung the betrothal during a private meet while the elections at Niflheim were taking place. I didn’t think much of it, until I was informed you were involved in the elections. I honestly didn’t believe you’d get chosen, so it was of no consequence to me until lo and behold, here you are.”
Ardyn smirked briefly at the final remark. There was much he wanted to comment on, but held back. He could tell there was more to the story, and allowed Noctis to continue on with it.
“I didn’t know what to do. It was a few weeks before Cae’s trial, and I was at a loss. Luna in her hour of wisdom, brought to my attention the ward law. She suggested I select Cae to be betrothed to you through that. While I negotiated with the jury to remove the death penalty, I planted the idea among them. They didn’t have to take my advice, but I succeeded.”
“I seem to be missing something,” Ardyn interrupted. “How does Cahl being a ward help with this?”
“I forgot, you didn’t have such things back in your time.” Noctis cleared his throat. He felt a bit foolish for the assumption. “A ward under Lucis means someone who has been convicted of a high crime, but they are not worthy of imprisonment due to a series of special circumstances. Cae hit most of the checkmarks. As a ward, if I the king summon her to perform duties on behalf of the kingdom, she’s legally bound to my command. Some tasks I can give to a ward include being conscripted for war, to act as backup crownsguard, and I can marry them off for political alliances.”
Ardyn was quiet for a long while after Noctis finished. Mixed feelings dwelled in his heart. He didn’t appreciate how Caelan was essentially reduced to a political tool, an end to justify the means. Logically he understood Noctis played the best hand he had available. Though Ardyn wasn’t comfortable having someone be forced into an arrangement such as marriage, he considered himself and Caelan both lucky. At least if she still harbored feelings for him. He didn’t feel ready for that conversation.
“What about the tension surrounding Accordo?” Ardyn piped up, deciding to distract himself from his contemplations. “I doubt Madam Secretary was fond of the idea given mine and Cahl’s transgressions.”
“Don’t even worry about it,” Noctis shrugged nonchalantly. “The prime courts of Tenebrae, Lucis and Accordo voted on the matter since it’s part of the peace treaty terms. You’ll come to find everyone is meticulous with global policies than before. Everything is combed through and everything gets a vote where needed. It was a landslide win Caelan be betrothed to you. Even if Camelia convinced her courts to vote against it, Tenebrae and Lucis have the numbers.”
Ardyn tilted his head, raising a brow suspiciously at Noctis’s remarks. “I fail to see how people voted in favor of this union given that I allegedly tried to kill Cahl.”
“Well, you don’t exactly have a stellar reputation among most,” Noctis said honestly. He finished off the rest of his soda, tossing the empty bottle into a bin nearby from his seat. “Many think forcing you into marrying someone you ‘despise’ is a reasonable punishment for your past, considering they can’t lay a finger on you. Everyone assumes both you and Cae are going into this blind.”
“Oh woe is me,” Ardyn said sarcastically. He and Noctis both chuckled from the remark. Ardyn deeply sighed, letting everything fall into place before he asked what was considered the most important question.
“Does Cahl know what’s to be done with her?”
Noctis shook his head. “No, I thought it would be best if you broke it to her.”
“That’s rather cruel of you, highness.” Ardyn said bluntly. “To place a burden like that on myself. You’ve already thrown so much upon me.”
“Consider it payback for when you played a hand in arranging Luna and I to get hitched.” Noctis snorted. The mockery in his tone he could tell struck a nerve in Ardyn, and he watched while his ancestor looked puzzled by the statement.
“I thought you were ecstatic with your betrothal?”
“Oh, don’t get me wrong I'm thankful.” Noctis nodded. “But initially, you can only imagine how scared I was. And stressed. So it’s only fair you eat shit too.”
Ardyn laughed, shaking his head in disbelief. “I guess I do deserve it…”
“I think we covered all our bases. I won’t keep you waiting anymore.” Noctis said as he got up from his seat, watching as Ardyn followed suit. He motioned with his hand to the bridge where they had come from, then pulled out his phone to check if he had received a text from Gladio.
“I sent for Cae to meet you here at the palace gardens,” Noctis said as he texted back to his retainer. “Gladio picked her up. She hasn’t been notified of your arrival, so I hope it’s a good surprise. You’ll both have privacy. No one will be going in or out of the garden for the next few hours.”
“I owe you a great deal, Noct.” Ardyn murmured. There was a sincere gratitude in his eyes that Ardyn himself didn’t think he was capable of expressing. Ardyn didn’t like being in debt to others, but in this case he made an exception. He was happy to have been wrong about Noctis. The boy did have a heart after all.
“You saved my family and me,” Noctis said earnestly. “It’s only fair you get a loved one back.”
Noctis gave a nod in acknowledgement to Ardyn. There was still much trauma both he and his ancestor needed to unpack from years ago, but the king was beginning to see light at the end of a dark tunnel. This circumstance provided an opportunity to mend the last of their grievances with each other. If anything, Noctis looked forward to the future more than ever. The potential of working alongside his former adversary may signal a new age. One where his descendants would never have to face the Astrals and their endless tribulations.
"Safe travels back home." Noctis bowed.
“Until the next meet then,” Ardyn bowed, finishing up his pleasantries. He wasted no time sprinting off, not wanting to keep Caelan waiting any longer. It didn’t matter if he had his fears and doubts, Ardyn needed to see her again.
He stopped in his tracks, turning around to face Noctis as the king smiled and hollered.
“Walk tall, you got this!”
Ardyn rolled his eyes, shaking his head and shouted back.
“You just had to say it!” He could hear Noctis laugh, then watched as the king motioned for him to get a move on. Ardyn went back to running. He smiled genuinely for the first time in almost two years.
Caelan was sitting by a fountain, situated underneath a large tree. The parterre of the palace gardens was lush. The gentle sound of plants carding their leaves against one another could be heard accompanied by whistling tunes of birds. There were flowers and greenery as far as the eye could see. Most of the flowers were shades of white and blue, matching the king and queens representative colors.
Caelan hadn’t seen anything quite like this. She was so taken that she forgot to ask Gladio why she had been brought to such a place. Then again, Caelan had her doubts she would’ve been able to ask anything given how quickly he departed. She assumed he was busy, and didn’t have time to linger. All Caelan knew was that she was waiting to meet a representative. Whatever that entailed, Caelan hoped it wasn’t anything too serious. She braced herself for the possibility that the king would ask her to go back to being a crownsguard. That was the only logical explanation she came up with.
While listening to the water and admiring more of the scenery, a figure began to take shape in Caelan’s peripheral. She did a double take before settling her eyes on a familiar face. Caelan froze. Her heart leapt into the back of her throat while her eyes widened. She slowly began to rise from her seat, never once taking her sight off the man that drew closer. Her chest began to rise and fall with haste.
Ardyn came to a halt when he stood about ten feet from Caelan. He felt time for the briefest of seconds pause. Every nerve in his body fired off, wanting to rush and embrace Caelan with all the might he could conjure. Alas, Ardyn allowed himself to admire her. His eyes traveled over her body, remembering what it was like to lay beside her while they camped. How it felt getting to know every curve and crevice when they made love. How enrapturing it was to hold her hand and talk to her. He was overwhelmed in the best of ways.
“Time hasn’t cast its spell on you.” Ardyn said quietly. He watched as Caelan chuckled, shaking her head in doubt. Her eyes were watering up.
“You have a beard now!” Caelan pointed out, watching Ardyn grin as he shyly looked down at his feet.
“Yes, your doing I’m afraid.” Ardyn said as he looked up at her. He bit the inside of his bottom lip. “You told me long ago I should change things up so people didn’t get spooked at recognizing the Adagium. I dare admit you’re right. It’s worked in my favor.”
Caelan laughed. She couldn’t believe he remembered that conversation when the two went to help Florens. She took a few steps forward, pointing out his hair.
“The small braids and the half up ponytail my doing as well?”
“Guilty as charged.” Ardyn smirked.
“And…glasses?” Caelan raised a brow, not expecting to see those on his person.
“Oh, these!” Ardyn had the item hanging from the collar of his overshirt. He gently plucked them off, glancing over the black frame before tucking them into the pocket of his large black coat.
“They’re my reading glasses. I can’t see text well up close.”
“The perks of being mortal and flawed.” Caelan said sarcastically, giving a sigh. She smiled while Ardyn laughed at her comment.
“I assure you, I’ve been enjoying my mortality and all it's wonders.” Ardyn said as a matter of fact. Once their chuckles died down, he rubbed the side of his neck. There were a million different ways he could approach Caelan, and indecision was nipping at the back of his mind. He could tell it was the same case for her, both unsure where they stood with the other.
“You look so official,” Caelan broke the silence, wiping away at her eyes. She sniffled then cleared her throat. “I take it you’ve built a nice life for yourself?”
Ardyn let out a nervous laugh, scratching some of the scruff of his beard. “You can say that. I’m--well, I’m the emperor of Niflheim.”
“What?!” Caelan exclaimed.
“Hmm hmm.” Ardyn nodded. There was a playful glimmer in his eyes while he watched Caelan’s jaw drop. She was near speechless.
“Well,” Ardyn sighed while he adjusted the collar of his shirt. “After the imperials voted not to behead me, I was sentenced to serving the empire. I started off as a consultant. I’ll spare you the politics. From there I made some gambles that paid off that ended up putting me on the ballot. So here I am!”
Caelan was surprised at how well Ardyn was able to condense something so profound into a few sentences or less. It was a talent most couldn’t come by, even with practice. She had missed that about him. He could either be straightforward or longwinded, and no one would know what they'd get.
“How long do you serve for?”
“Five years as emperor. Another, if I’m re-elected. Once I step down as emperor, I’ll serve the rest of my life as Niflheim’s chief adviser. The weight of responsibility and being mortal seemed a just punishment for my wrongdoings. I can’t outlive everyone I don’t tolerate in politics so unfortunately, I can’t weasel my way out into a different career.”
Ardyn chuckled as did Caelan. He felt goosebumps travel up his spine. Hearing her laugh again at his less than humorous remarks felt like breathing for the first time. That first gasp of breath powerful enough to solidify his place in the world.
“I’m afraid I don’t know much about your predicament for I was kept blind.” Ardyn said as he furrowed his brows. “We’re you treated well during my absence?”
Caelan nodded. She felt some relief come over her, hearing Ardyn was kept in the dark much like herself. She wondered if Ardyn knew the reason for why they couldn’t keep in touch during the separation, and why of all times they were allowed to finally reunite.
“I stayed in a decent part of the keep,” Caelan began. By now, Ardyn and her were walking side by side through the garden. Both still minded each other’s space. “I didn’t get to go outside a lot, but Prompto and the guys made sure I was comfortable. I’m a ward now. I live in a small district not far from the palace with others like me. It’s nice. Not exactly a dream come true, but I’ve been managing.”
“Cahl,” Ardyn cleared his throat.
“I don’t mean to be too forward but,” Ardyn stopped walking as did Caelan. He faced her, staring deeply into her eyes. “I need to hold you. May I do so?”
Caelan didn’t say a word and initiated the contact. Her arms quickly snaked around his shoulders, hands clasping into place while she felt Ardyn hug her by the waist. Neither of them cared how tight their grips were, nor the fact they were losing breath. Sighs of relief left them as their bodies swayed against the other. Old and new scents began to familiarize themselves as did touch.
Caelan felt a few stray tears cascade down her eyes while she lifted her head up. Her face having been buried in Ardyn’s neck for a time. She blinked while looking around the gardens, trying to keep herself from flying away though she was tethered to him.
“Why,” Caelan whispered. Her fingers gently carded through Ardyn’s red locks. “Why are you here?”
As soon as she said the words, Ardyn adjusted. He swallowed while his cerulean eyes trailed over Caelan’s face.
“I’ve come to take you home with me,” Ardyn murmured. “To Niflheim.”
“What do you mean?” Caelan was confused, watching as Ardyn’s confidence began to wane.
“Well, it’s up to you…I mean, in a manner of speaking.”
“You’re being cryptic.” Caelan teased.
“My apologies,” Ardyn chuckled. “I’m a little nervous. I haven’t done this in a long, long time.”
“Talking to me?” Caelan quipped.
“Well, there’s that.”
They both laughed. Once their antics died down, Caelan’s hands remained on Ardyn’s shoulders. Ardyn’s hands rested at the small of Caelan’s back, his fingers trembled against her clothes.
“You’re a ward of Lucis,” Ardyn cleared his throat. “I’m sure you’re aware of where you stand in the grand scheme of things.”
Caelan nodded. “I’m basically a glorified servant with a title.”
“You’re no such thing in my eyes,” Ardyn’s tone held a warning. He made it clear he wasn’t going to tolerate hearing such proclamations. The dominance of it made Caelan let out a breath she wasn’t aware of holding back.
“Myself and the world leaders wrapped up a summit today. We discussed peace terms between Niflheim and Lucis. Cahl, they--well everyone voted the best path to peace is marriage. I’m to be engaged.”
“Oh,” Caelan bit the inside of her cheek and slowly parted her body away from Ardyn’s.  
Ardyn could feel his own life leaving from his eyes while Caelan began to retreat. His body inclined forward, trying in vain to get back what was lost.
“If you’re here to tell me goodbye for good, please make it quick. I can’t--”
“Cahl, let me finish.” Ardyn reached out and gently grabbed Caelan’s right hand. His fingers squeezed around hers. “I’m to be engaged as are you.”
For Caelan, the importance of Ardyn’s words didn’t register right away. They repeated in mind as she settled her breathing. It felt scary in ways, reacting to basic impulses without a second thought. That was something she loved about Ardyn. How he easily pulled the devil out of her. While she calmed down, feeling his thumb tread against her flesh delicately, Caelan’s eyes widened. The epiphany hit her and she was paralyzed.
“Wait,” Caelan breathed out, turning her head to look at Ardyn. “Us?”
Ardyn slowly nodded, offering a small smile as consolation.
“How in--”
“You’re a ward. The king can do whatever he pleases with them. Including marry them off for political alliances. So…you’ve been selected to marry me. For a peace treaty.”
Whatever grit Caelan had left in her dissipated. The dam had broke, and she was crying heavily. Barely a noise left her shaking form while Ardyn let go of her hand, and rubbed his eyes. To Caelan, he looked as if he had shot her and was just now registering the impact of his actions.
“Every step I’ve taken to get me here, was so I could have enough power to free you.” Ardyn pleaded, trying to alleviate the sudden responsibility he had thrown onto her.
“I wish there could’ve been an alternative. I don’t like how this is forced, and I’m sorry this burden falls to you. Just because you and I have been betrothed, doesn’t mean we have to adhere to marriage. I know a lot can happen in a year. I hold no expectation that you to still love me as you once did. And if you harbor feelings for someone else--I can find a way to ensure your happiness.”
Ardyn watched on helplessly while Caelan quietly sobbed into her palms. He wanted to bundle her up into his arms and comfort her. It conflicted with his desire to give Caelan space and the possibility she might not yearn for his touch ever again.
“You’re an idiot,” Caelan murmured. She looked up from her hands, seeing the inquisitive and mildly offended look Ardyn gave and laughed. “What the hell would I do as empress?”
Ardyn tried to suppress a smile, but it couldn’t be helped. He understood then why Caelan had rightfully called him a fool.
“Whatever you want!” Ardyn motioned his arms out for emphasis before they fell to his sides. “Rule at my side. Remain my shield. Go to school like you wanted. Explore Niflheim on your own. Stay at home and do nothing. I don’t care what you do.”
Feeling alright with approaching Caelan again, Ardyn ventured to her side. He carefully cupped the right of her cheek. His thumb wiped away at Caelan's tears while he smiled at her warmly.
“What matters is that you and I are together. I’ll take whatever amount of yourself you’ll allow me to have. I’m yours.”
Caelan took in a deep breath, exhaling slowly while she nodded against his palm. Her head leaned more into Ardyn's touch.
“Are you fine with this arrangement?”
“Ask me.” Caelan teased. Her smile grew so big she could feel her cheeks burning.
Ardyn chuckled. He gulped without meaning to, and stared in between her lips and eyes. Not wanting to miss a single micro expression.
“Will you marry me, Cahl?”
“Yes. Yiisu isa tamdents nyemi.”
“Good,” He sighed. “Casuuway aMdents tanteel ot maatsua ji a aakeyuth tome.”
Ardyn’s words drifted away, taken back by Caelan’s insistent kissing to his mouth. His lips shuddered against hers, shocked at the intensity and warmth that overcame his senses. Tremors fired off in his arms. He felt as if his body had been swept into a tide, and the waves kept crashing against him; never once letting him savor air. He was in utter bliss as was she. Her fingers carded through his hair, remembering where Ardyn liked to be tugged. His hands clasped on either side of Caelan’s neck while his fingertips slinked up to her face, holding her still while he ravaged her. This kiss had a little bit of everything that made up the sum of their relationship: passion, admiration and, reverence. All was known and ever would be.
Neither could remain in the ocean of their fervor. They both came up to the surface, gasping for air while sharing breath. With a mischievous smile, Ardyn gestured with his head to Caelan. Before she could ask what he was alluding to, he had grabbed her by the hand and escorted her quickly out of the gardens.
“Ardyn, where are we going?” Caelan made a face, suppressing a bout of laughter while he stopped briefly upon reaching the exit. She watched Ardyn use a free hand to text on his phone, quickly shoving the device back into his pocket after the message had been relayed.
“I’m taking you to Niflheim! I said you were coming home with me. I messaged for the airship to be ready for our arrival.”
“Wait,” Caelan grabbed a hold of Ardyn’s shoulder, stopping him from pursuing yet again. “I’m not permitted to leave Insomnia. In our case, probably not until the king gives me away when we are married.”
“So?” Ardyn raised a brow. He smirked, watching Caelan avert her gaze. She couldn’t withstand grinning even if the Astrals blessed her with resilience.
“Since when do you and I follow the rules?” Ardyn brought Caelan’s hand to his mouth, gently kissing the top of her knuckles. His eyes swam with devotion as he murmured.
“We make our own rules. We’ve done our time and played our parts. You’re coming home with me. Today.”
“What about the king--”
“Fuck the king!” Ardyn waved off her fears. Their laughter intermingled and their feet carried them to the airship awaiting them outside the palace gates. Nothing could touch either of them, for they finally had everything that had been taken.
All was well for the immortal and the shield.
Yiisu isa tamdents nyemi= Yes is my answer
Casuuway aMdents tanteel ot maatsua ji a aakeyuth tome=Because I've wanted to marry you for a long time now
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disabilityshowdown · 2 years
has anyone submitted any final fantasy characters yet 👉👈
also! is round 0 only for characters who are headcanoned to be disabled or is it also like a 'everyone who didnt get enough votes' type of thing
sorry if that was clarified already !!
ignis has one vote, but i think that's it so far?
and yeah, round 0 is just for headcanons and other stuff that may need clarifying or just sits in a gray zone, it's gonna be a pretty short round because most of the weird ones have been clarified at some point over this week, but i think we still have like 6 characters i wanna get a group opinion on?
(i would love to include every character who was submitted but alas there's over 500 different characters here so i gotta draw the line somewhere)
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royalbratprince · 1 month
@sunderedoldfriends liked for a thing!
"Uh, hey. Sorry, I--" Right, right, probably better not to introduce himself as royalty, he was trying to do the whole. Under the radar thing. Supposedly. Not like anyone had recognized him anyway, but...
"I'm new here?" Damn, shouldn't have turned that into a question. "Around, I mean." Clarifying nothing and not being very convincing on top of that-- "Is anyone hiring hunters? For, you know. Problem critters or monsters or whatever. Daemons, even. Maybe."
Definitely better to let Ignis handle things like that when he wasn't completely confident in... anything he was doing. Lesson learned.
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stonecoldmeme · 11 months
"I don't mind. Just sometimes I think about how much sex we had that wasn't about love, and so..." Gladio sighed. "It's better, now. A lot better. It feels better in every way, when there's love there. And if we stopped or slowed down, we would probably combust, but... I forget- Sometimes, I forget you love me." He lets it hang in the air a moment, maybe longer than he should without clarifying, but does he have to? "It's... I know, I know. We're getting married. You said yes. I just mean, I associate it. If it's the only time we can be completely vulnerable, then... You understand, right?"
Ignis' gaze landed for a moment on the floor. They'd both made mistakes in their relationship, particularly before either of them would have called it a relationship, and while the sex was good and intense, it wasn't... fulfilling. It wasn't life-affirming in the way it had become. But as he listened more--
It seemed there was another mistake made. A dire one. It wasn't that they didn't know love was present, and the words weren't completely foreign to either one of them, but it wasn't enough. Another important aspect taken for granted for too long.
Clearing his throat softly, swallowing the ache and ignoring the fact that his eyes had started to burn ever so slightly, he shifted so that they could look at each other comfortably. "I understand. But I understand too that I'd be remiss if I didn't correct something vital." It was so silly to take Gladio's face between his hands, soft pressure on his cheeks doing little to keep him in place, but it did assure that attention was focused.
"I love you. I love knowing that I can be vulnerable with you, even if I-- Don't tend to display that often. I love making you laugh and watching you get excited... yes, in all possible ways. I love you, Gladiolus, and I ought to say as much more often."
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forging an unbreakable bond, chapter 2/3
Title: forging an unbreakable bond Fandom: Final Fantasy XV Word count chapter 2: 1400 Summary: Ignis is the first one to be connected to Noctis. Gladio and Prompto follow years later. A prequel to pieces of a whole (previously titled three times they could feel each other, which is still the series' name)
Read chapter 2 below the cut, or on AO3 here.
“Nervous?” Ignis asks the night before Gladio officially gets sworn into the Crownsguard as Noct’s Shield. Not that he hasn’t been Noct’s Shield before that, but now he’ll finally gain access to the Prince’s Armiger.
“Nah,” Gladio says casually. When that just earns him a raised eyebrow, he grins and admits, “Alright, maybe a little. Can you blame me, though?”
Ignis smiles at him and takes a sip of his drink. Since Gladio found out earlier that day that he passed his Crownsguard exam, Ignis is treating him to a night out.
“No, of course not. It’s a special occasion, I’d say it’s natural.”
“Yeah,” Gladio says, draining the rest of his beer. “Hey, what’s it feel like?”
Ignis isn’t due for his Crownsguard exams for another year, but once it’s his turn, it’ll be a purely formal thing. After all, he’s been hooked up to Noct’s Armiger since they were children. Gladio used to be a little jealous when he was younger - as Noct’s Shield, he was supposed to be first .
Now that he’s older, and closer to both Noct and Iggy, he doesn’t really mind anymore. Really, he can’t think of anyone more deserving of being the first member of Noct’s retinue than Ignis, even if it’s not yet official.
Gladio doesn’t need to specify what he’s asking about - the connection to the Royal Armiger is always the most discussed topic among the new Crownsguard members, and everyone’s eager to know what it feels like.
“It feels… hm, it’s hard to describe. I hardly remember a time without it,” Ignis says, touching his fingers to his chin in thought. “The connection to the Armiger feels vast, powerful, even though I can wield but a fraction of its true strength. The magic feels almost alive, and once I learnt how to control it, it was as though it became a part of my own body, my own self.”
Gladio knows that Ignis has always been gifted when it came to magic. Once he’d been connected to the Armiger, he’d been put into magic lessons with Noct, and apparently, he’d taken to it as if he had been born with it. Unsurprising, considering Ignis rarely doesn’t excel at something.
If he’s honest with himself, he’s a little worried about what his own proficiency with magic will be like. His specialties lie in protection and brute force. He can’t imagine being particularly good at magic, but luckily, not all members of Noct’s retinue have to be.
“And you can feel Noct, yeah?”
“I can. It’s certainly the most notable part of the Armiger connection, and also my favourite. Noct is simply… always there. I can always feel his presence, no matter how far away he physically is.”
Damn. That does sound nice, Gladio thinks. People wouldn’t guess it, but he’s kind of sentimental, and the thought of that sort of constant companionship makes him feel all warm inside.
“And you?” he asks.
Ignis blinks at him as he takes another sip. “Me?”
“Am I gonna be able to feel you, too?” Gladio clarifies. After all, they’re gonna be sharing the same connection.
“I… haven’t considered that,” Ignis admits. “I cannot say for certain, after all, there’s never been another person before.”
Gladio shrugs. “Well, guess we’re gonna find out tomorrow.”
He wouldn’t mind if he could feel Iggy too. It’s a nice thought, the three of them, always connected no matter the distance.
Noct is clearly nervous. Gladio can almost see him vibrating out of his seat with nervous excitement as he watches his father perform the ritual for each of the new Crownsguards.
Gladio would be lying if he said his own nerves weren’t acting up, but it’s all excitement. He’s been the Prince’s Shield from the day Noct was born, and he’s here to stay. Getting permanently connected to him in a magic ritual is just another obvious step. No big deal.
He catches Noct stealing glances at him and flashes him a grin, hoping to reassure him. Noct offers a shaky smile in return, but it’s clear he’d rather just get it over with.
Lost in his own thoughts, Gladio watches the rest of the Crownsguard pledging their loyalties to the King until it’s finally his turn.
He catches Noct’s eye as he walks up to the crystal on steady legs and gives him a small nod.
The corner of Noct’s lip twitches upwards ever-so-slightly, but where just moments ago, there was a nervous, shaky teen, there now stands a proper Prince who holds Gladio’s gaze without a hint of uncertainty.
Gladio kneels before him and starts reciting his oath, the oath he’s practiced so many times he could recall it in his sleep.
“I, Gladiolus Amicitia, Son of Clarus and Orchis Amicitia, Shield to Prince Noctis Lucis Caelum, hereby pledge my undying loyalty to the Crown of Lucis. And vow to provide my arms in times of war, my art in times of peace, and my service in times of need. I promise to defend my liege against all that desire him harm with word, deed and force. From this day forward, as long as I draw breath, I am bound to you, Prince Noctis, and you alone.”
Noct was nervous about messing up his part of the oath, Gladio knows from Ignis. But as he stands before Gladio, looking down at him with pride, his voice doesn’t waver as he delivers his reply to Gladio’s pledge.
“Let all here bear witness, that I, Noctis Lucis Caelum, son of Regis and Aulea Lucis Caelum, and 114th heir to the Lucian throne, hear and accept your oath of loyalty, given in good faith. In turn, I vow to defend and support you and yours, with word, deed and force. Those that keep and hold this oath true will be rewarded with my favour. Those that forget this oath and break faith shall be repaid with my judgement and dreadful wrath. Now, arise, Gladiolus Amicitia, so that our bond may be forged.”
Gladio stands, blinking rapidly to combat the sudden wetness in his eyes. Looking at Noct now, looking every part like the Prince he is, Gladio has never been so proud of him.
Simultaneously, they reach out and touch the crystal together, and when Gladio’s hand makes contact with the smooth stone, it’s as if he were touching something alive.
It’s brimming with magic beneath his fingers, and he feels its power flowing through him. The sensation is incredible and nearly takes his breath away, but there’s something else rapidly spreading through his body and filling every part of him.
Noct, he realises. It’s exactly like Ignis described, and more. For all the sappy books with flowery language Gladio reads, he’d struggle to express the sensation to anyone who hasn’t felt it for themselves.
Noct can feel him too, from the way he finally smiles at him, eyes glistening suspiciously.
Once Gladio pulls his hand back and breaks contact with the crystal, the flow of magic becomes less intense until it fades to the background, still there, but not as overwhelming. Noct, however, is a presence that doesn’t change, and Gladio is stupidly glad for it - now that he knows the sensation of feeling Noct so close within him, he couldn’t bear it if it were dulled.
And finally, he notices another presence, one that rivals Noct’s in intensity. It feels different; where Noct is calm and steady, the other presence feels warm and sheltering, and it only takes him a fraction of a second to figure out that this must be Ignis.
Once he realises this, he can’t really hold back the tears anymore, the wetness rolling down his cheeks for all to see. Let them see, he thinks. He’s always worn his heart on his sleeve, and he can’t bring himself to feel shame for this.
“Aw, Gladio, c’mon,” Noct complains in a whisper as they pass each other, both making their way back to their designated positions, but Gladio can see him blink tears out of his own eyes.
King Regis speaks again to finish the ceremony, but Gladio doesn’t hear a word of it.
His focus lies entirely on the presence of the two people he is now forever bound to, and he knows with absolute certainty that he would lay down his life for either of them in a heartbeat.
Read the entire fic on AO3 here.
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