x-galactic-star-x · 1 year
idk why
but i have this hunch about Cayde that he dont care what kind of body you have
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he still gonna worship your body like its a gift from the gods
but for real tho
i bet my hecking soul this MAN will literally hold you close to him and will nevwr let go, cause ur trapped in his arms now. thats your fate!
his hands roam around your body and smoothly complimwnts you, like you are a freshly made ramen.
no joke
ur human?
gods he love squishing you! your soft body so warm against his metalic frame and he just wanna burry his face in ur chest, wichever gender u are he dont care he will cherrish your backside too. just watch as his finger squeese your body ever so slightly and watch the pressure does to your squisht self, like a stress toy, plus if he will 100% squish your face, ur his little squishy burbr now ♥️♥️
ur awoken?
this man will look at your eyes and just stare at them lovingly fr, he still lov the squishy parts, but now he can look at your skin, the pale like skin is just so beautiful and the litrle glowy parts that sometimes just glaze over your skin? damn.
he could stare at you all day ans his hand would play with your hair, and roam around your neck watching where the little lights goes 🩵🩵
ur Exo?
this guy is literally an exo he knows whats going on, but damn for he will wprship your body as much as any fleshy being!
he would 100% tinker with any joints and part hw k ow prpbbably sensitive to exos, and he would enjoy seeing you react to it~
exos might not have any jiggle but damn if he dont wanna be crushed by anything thats on you, you can crush him anytime thats fine by him just let his fingwrs wander 🩶🩶
Cayde wouldnt care if ur plush sized or not he will cuddle the hwck out of you
just tought i should share 🍜
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aseplant · 6 months
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citrusitonit · 8 months
sighh am squisht
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masuchu · 2 years
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i feel like im gonna crumple like a paper towel dat got squisht
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memorydatas · 3 years
i love the gamecube bios it terrified me as a kid
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dragonairstim · 5 years
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sims plumbob stimboard
for @milkbrands
dont delete caption ★ sources under cut
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wow! more characters? its likelier than you think. I drew saffiya and all of the saraf family. the saraf’s have long been the experts on all things magical, and sell everything from potion ingredients to manuscripts and all things in between. saffiya is a young(ish) adult who chose to go to community college and then continue running the family store as the mercantile lifestyle is rough on her older parents. she’s still got a lot to learn about magical goods, but she’s working on getting some touches of modern in there. they sell chips! wowwwwww
the saraf family has a special trait of a third eye passed through the matriarch line. staff has it, her mom has it, and her younger sister padma has it. when all three eyes are open, ya see the future. but every possible future at once. gives people a migraine so normal you keep only two eyes open. saff ops to wear an eyepatch over her right eye, while her mother keeps her eyes shut at all times, only opening an eye when she’s feeling particularly strong (negative) emotions. padma developed her third eye later into her childhood. she was in the wrong body for a while, and it didn’t begin developing until she came to terms with who she really is. her third eye is still a little weak and has poor vision, but as she matures it will grow stronger. it’s always squinty so she doesn’t need to cover it. padma has an identical twin in parvis. they are best friends and do everything together. also padma really likes lemons and has a lemon shirt and lemon purse.
still not sure how I feel about these drawings but I’m glad I’m making them. it’s fun to have these characters I’ve been wanting to see and visualize in like. real life. In the comic saff will be a shop keep you can visit in the day for magical goods and just another cool npc who might offer side quests at night. Maman can give you hints for the game if you are stuck, but it comes at a price. Padma and parvis are part of Tate’s and Bash’s friend group.
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Inkjournal 26 - First person to do
Summary: The Mage rebellion had reached the Circle of Mage at Ansburg. Moses Hawke and his loved ones hope for a miracle in their darkest hour. Instead, they get what might be one of Avery Hawke’s more ridiculous plans. Hey, whatever works. Word count: 1707 ---
Well, they were fucked.
Moses Hawke grit his teeth as he peered over the broken remains of a wall. A line in the sand had been dug out with fireballs and broken bodies from both sides, marking mage and Templar halves of what had once been the Circle of Magi at Ansburg. Theirs had been the most recent of Circles to turn, prompted by news from Hasmal. Rebellion had turned into an alright battle between former jailers and prisoners, and he was stuck right in the middle of it.
That was kind of his job as a healer, after all.
Off to the side, he could see Fenris breathing hard as he rested from his latest charge. Anders was doing his best to patch him up with their limited resources; the young apprentices of Ansburg had taken quite a hit when the first wall had come down. With the food they had left that wasn't destroyed, they had maybe a few days.
Reports said the Templars had two weeks.
“Serah, are we going to die?” There was a young mage near his side, just past her Harrowing. She was gripping her staff so hard that her knuckles were white under the grime that came from fighting. There was a slash across her face, but other than that she would make it if nothing else happened.
That's what this got him: fighting next to children who shouldn't have been anywhere near here.
Honestly, Moses had never been one for reassurance. He was more of the heavy lifting, blood magic using, support kind of guy. Words were low on the list of things he excelled at, or even was passingly decent in. And yet, she needed it.
So, he reached out and patted her head. “Not if we have anything to say.”
His words were soon tested as up ahead, one of the Templar makeshift siege machines launched a boulder towards what remained of the tower. It sent down a wave of debris and rocks, every bit large enough to kill. There wasn't enough time to move, and all he could do was watch.
Luckily, the mage next to him was much better at barrier spells. She grunted as she threw up a wall over the two of them and another nearby. The rocks bounced off the shimmering green field, and landed heavily on the side. His savior grinned, but sweat was dripping down her brow. She had maybe one or two good barriers left in her before they were all gone.
Just like most of the mages who were strong enough to fight. They were running on empty.
“Where is Avery?” Fenris, now able to walk, had made it over just as a wave of energy passed over their defenses. His lyrium brands were glowing in response, but he kept going as if it didn't trouble him. He was probably in incredible pain, knowing him as Moses did, but he was ignoring it. “She disappeared a half hour ago saying something about an idea.”
With all the chaos unfolding in front of them, he realized that he hadn't seen his older sister for at least an hour, well before the siege machines made it to their battle. She was a little on the short side, but that wouldn't account for it. Unless she was on the front lines somewhere carving up the enemy, she was just gone.
“Don't think she's dead.” Moses glanced around, trying to spot some sign of her. “She's up to something.”
What, though, was beyond him. Avery Hawke was a wily one, had been ever since she had used her own destroyed arm to distract the Arishok. Whatever she was coming up with to give them an edge would be so out of left field he would need to look to the right to see it at all.
And hopefully she did it soon; he was running out of energy to heal.
There was a lull in battle as the Templars reloaded their machines and sought their dead or dying. There would be foot soldiers next, some of whom would be able to negate the mages' barriers. Without those, all that protected them were walls that were rapidly coming down around their ears.
It was going to be the last stand, and they knew it.
A real tension fell over the mage camp as they waited for what they could all sense was coming. There was always a hum in the air before a Templar released their abilities; right then, it was almost maddening. At least five, maybe more.
Next to Moses, the young mage quivered and took a half step back. He nudged her behind him, eyes towards where the first wave would break through. If it came down to it, they'd have to go through him first.
“Don't move.”
“I-I won't.”
The end of his staff glowed, but then without warning the air changed rapidly; the humming had stopped, and instead it was if a great wind had settled over the field. Instead of clashing swords, there was screaming from the enemy side, and a rush of heat that accompanied the scent of melting metal and cooking meat.
Had one of their own slipped behind Templar lines?
“What the hell?!” Anders' voice carried over the assembled group as he pointed to the sky. Moses looked up as well, for once having to crane his neck in order to see. At first, all he saw was sooty clouds and carrion crows, but then it moved between the clouds and dropped down.
“Maker's breath.” The young mage gripped onto his robe. “It's a dragon!”
Indeed it was. An actual dragon, claws dripping in blood, was flying across the Templar lines. It rained down fire from its maw, occasionally scooping down to pick up individual soldiers to drop them to their death. Even Templar swords could do little against dragon hide.
It was on their side.
“You have got to be kidding me.” Moses squinted as he got a better look at the dragon. Something about its oily, black and purple scales was oddly familiar. The giveaway, however, was a slash of dark purple across its muzzle, right where a nose would have been on another animal.
It had fucking kaddis on. Someone had applied kaddis to a bloody dragon.
After it had launched its attack, the large beast landed in a clear spot of courtyard. It made no attempt to bite at the mages who had gathered around it, but instead lowered its head. That close, the saddle that had been strapped to it was clearly visible, and maybe a little worn by battle.
“Well, I'm glad that worked.”
Avery hopped down from the saddle onto the ground, then patted the dragon on the nose. It leaned into her touch, eyes closing. Its tail even curled, much like a content house cat that had found a warm patch of sun to sleep in. For now, it was taking a nap.
The small woman turned to the stunned mages. “I think we got most of them. Squishy can't do sustained fire yet, but that was pretty good, right?”
Of course it was Squishy. Moses shook his head as he approached his older sister. Up close, it was definitely the dragon he remembered her having hatched what seemed like ages ago from a jewel-like egg they had found on the Wounded Coast. Of course, the high dragon had been tiny then, barely the size of a puppy. Now... well, she was one big girl.
Seeing her brother, Avery gave another wave. “Sorry it took me so long. I had some trouble getting the saddle on one-handed.”
“Where were you keeping her?” He would have remembered a large shadow flying over. “And feeding her, for that matter.”
It better not have been his sheep. Squishy had a taste for mutton, after all.
Seeing his face, the warrior shook her head. “She's been eating Templar roasted in the half armor, don't worry. We've been working on what's safe to eat.”
Squishy let out a small roar as if to confirm it, one of her large eyes opening right at Moses before closing again. By now, it was clear that there wasn't much of an opposition left to deal with as the air cleared and the familiar hum lessened until it was gone. In the span of a few moments, the dragon and her rider had decimated the field.
“That's got to be the first time someone's ever used a dragon in a battle like that.” One of the mages was muttering to his fellow while they began to treat the wounded. “You'd have to be insane to try taming one.”
Insane, or just a really dumb reaver; sometimes, Avery could be considered both. No doubt news of what had happened would soon spread to other cities and towns. If they faced any more opposition, they would probably be leery of a dragon attack.
That was just what they needed, of course. A little fear would do them well.
Moses still shook his head as he turned to his sister. “When do you think she'll be able to fly?”
They had messages to get to other towers, after all. A horse might have been too slow, but the dragon had proved herself an able flier. It all depended on what her rider said, that and her own metabolism. Breathing fire took a lot of energy after all.
Avery shared a long look with Squishy before she said anything. Maybe it was a trick of the light, but he swore her eyes narrowed to reptilian-style slits as she patted her partner on the side. Or, maybe it had; reavers were strange creatures.
“We can go after she eats.”
And then the dragon was off to the feast she had created, leaving both of the Hawkes behind. The chance given to them meant they could move vulnerable mages out and heal those that were injured. It was just what they needed, if a bit unusual.
Hey, no one had expected the circles to rebel either. Maybe it was only natural that they had dragon cavalry on their side.
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smokingbomber · 7 years
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okay i definitely didn’t post demande getting PWNT. :V
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sclfmastery · 4 years
Anon you're absolutely right that Simm!Master and Dhawan!Master have a chronic case of Squisht Baby Face BUT have you considered,,, Delgado!Master had the cheekbones of a gOD. That is all. Koschei had cheekbones at one time but lost them under tragic circumstances and they never returned
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LMAO. I mean, the clouds parted for a while with Missy. 
But I gotta admit???? AS a fellow squishy face I...I kind of ....am so happy that the Uber Badass is also a squishy face right now..... UvU; 
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dwyeristhicc · 5 years
Any headcanons for Chrom?
-Loves eating sundaes. He's a very spoiled prince.-He might have defined muscles, but his gust is squisht and gropable.-Robin gives him tummy kisses all the time. He gets very flustered.-Gaius and him start hanging out because of their shared passion for sweets-Is a quantity over quality when it comes to food.-*Beer belly intensifies*
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lindaeastman · 5 years
usually the coming home train is the old one with the squisht red seats and the footrest and this is the same damn one i took yesterday grr i dont like this train the seats are so hard
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turing-tested · 6 years
dont get me wrong im not a fan of my Own Personal Titty but i cant relate to trans dude characters who can just pack those puppies down and go. making the decision to go tittyless for me involves waking up an hour earlier than normal. it involves energy and logistics. depressed boy characters who always have the energy to bind just isnt Relatable to me so forgive me if i go the full mile and enjoy that good Boy Tit content. in this ted talk i will discuss how dirk strider who is sad depression trans poster child who has never seen a person until his 16th birthday doesn't even conceptualize his titty as something to be Squisht until he meets someone in the meat space. further more
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I hate it that they nerfed Lucio's ultimate. He could lose it if he uses it!!! That pisses me off because I could have saved my teammates so many times!! Ugh. The frustration. Imma cry while playing his songs... but his wall ride is sick as hell!
All ults should have a counter, be it by being blocked or interupted. That said all support ults are extremely powerful, but in a way different from normal DPS, as I’m sure you know. Meaning that a lot of people will be watching for them.
So being able to interupt or disrupt them is key to winning a team fight that they initiated with the ult to be begin with. 
Lucio can be hacked, stunned, killed or have his ult blocked by a shield. But so can Moira.
Zen’s ult can be blocked by a shield or completely ruined if say the team was splashed by a gernade, a Lucio’s boop can also have the zen launched in the air a bit allowing for a quick burst of damage to a squisht who is now out of it’s range. One can also charge the zen away from their team (if the zen didn’t intially body block to save a team mate.)
Ana’s ult is dependant on the player selected, the team focus, and how good their hp stays.
Brigitte can be hacked, and like with zen charged away from her team. 
Mercy can be stunned, and killed on start up, though her’s a little more tricky considering you do have to shoot her down (though with the movement speed reduced, and about 2-3 auto lock abilities for ults it’s not terrible hard).
That said Lucio is still such an amazing and viable character! One just has to look out for more things now! Either way I do wish you the best in your future games!
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rhirhim · 7 years
so i’m really drubk rn but in really want to bite kyungsoo’s ass
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