chilned · 1 year
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Aquí otro au llamado storyshift-shift
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t4tpumpkinduo · 3 months
i'm so sorey to be a hater but i rlly dislike the would yr fave catch kira blog. the votes are so biased man it's impossible for every single one of your blorbos to be winning AND to catch onto the mechanisms of the notebook 😭 vote w yr NOGGIN and not your HEART‼️‼️‼️
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scifellsecretsanta · 2 years
SSS 2022 Interest Post!
hey folks, i know it's pretty early, but I was wondering if there was enough interest in the scifell secret santa to run it this year! I'm also open to suggestions for any changes you may want!
As a reminder, this event can include any medium, including writing, art, videos, ect. The work submitted also does not have to be strictly scifell related, it's much more about celebrating the little community we have.
I really love running this event, even if it's stressful, and it was very sad that it didn't work out last year.
Please like, reblog, or comment on this post if you'd be interested in it this year!
This isn't a definite "yes i'll do it," just an interest check, so don't worry if you say you can and then something comes up.
I'll be leaving this post up for about a week or two to see where we are at this year.
Thanks for reading!
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kysuguru · 10 months
first name basis. i think. — geto suguru x fem!reader
synopsis : shoko and utahime encourage you to say geto’s first name. you feel as if your heart is in your throat.
includes / cw : nothing
all mine masterlist
a / n : geto drabble for my “all mine” series while i try to answer a certain solo mission ask
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“Try saying his name!” Shoko pushes.
“Geto-san.” you say easily. Shoko groans.
“No! His given name! Say it! It’ll be good practice won’t it?”
Having no social cues whatsoever, you’re ignorant to her and Utahime’s mischievous stunt.
When you quirk a brow, unsure, Utahime is quick to reassure you. “Don’t worry! It really is just practice. You and that bastard are close right? He might let you say his first name.” By the end of her sentence, her lips are curled into a sly grin (you’re so used to her calling Suguru and satoru degrading names that it doesn’t even phase you anymore). She really is getting a kick out of this.
“Saying Geto-san’s given name? T-That is a really big privilege, I can’t even begin to imagine-”
Shoko and Utahime share a glance.
“Well think of it hypothetically then!” Shoko said, as her and Utahime decided to ignore how low you thought of yourself in Suguru’s perspective — if only you knew.
Just as your tongue moves to spell his name, footsteps approach.
All of you turn to see a familiar serene smile. It’s Suguru approaching with a bag in his hand, the sun hitting him at the perfect angle — as if it was created to shine on him. You stare unabashedly.
“Welcome back, Geto-san!” You exclaim happily, eyes bright. his eyes crinkle and his dimples show. You’re stunned into stillness. I love when he smiles like that… Geto-san is really handsome.
“This is the perfect opportunity! Practice it on him!” Utahime pushes you forward and Shoko starts to think that her counterpart is enjoying this a bit too much.
Before you can gather what’s happening, you stumble. Suguru is quick to grab your arm and stand you upright.
“Careful there.” His voice is soft, and you’re hyper aware of the harsh beating in your chest. So close. Is all you can think.
“What is it you need to practice?” He asks, eyes flitting between you three girls. You sweat. You occasionally forgot how good Suguru’s hearing was. Suddenly the ground has more details than it did a few moments ago.
“Oh nothing much, just saying your name is all.”
Suguru’s brows knit.
“I’m confused. She says my name all of the time?”
“Suguru? or Geto?” Shoko asks. Utahime and her have matching sly grins and Suguru briefly wonders if the dread he feels is familiar to the both of them when him and Satoru mess around.
“C’mon, [Name]! Say it!” Utahime drags out her words in anticipation. Both Shoko and Suguru have concluded that she has a sadistic side, if your obvious fluster was anything to go by.
You look up, and meet his gaze. You’re so focused on his dark murky eyes that you miss the small flush of pink that flits across his cheeks at your intense stare.
“Welcome back, Sss….” You blink, furrowing your brows close together as your expression contorts. “Sugu…”
Suguru waits in anticipation, pupils wide and focused on only you. If you were any bit aware of his gaze outside of your dilemma, it would be almost overwhelming.
“W-Welcome back, Geto-san!” You settle with, breaking eye contact immediately as your cheeks deflate from the amount of air they were holding.
Suguru faintly catches the two in the back groan and share an exasperated look before he’s reaching to scratch the back of his neck. “You said that already.” he replies, voice sheepish.
Mission failed.
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my taglist is meant for the main story only sorry… it seems like a lot of work for there to be a tag list on my drabbles… sigh
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sy-on-boy · 5 months
Anya + unraveling the mystery of the Desmond family (and Damian being different)
When Melinda debuted, I wrote a post about how she was potentially a character against the Forgers because Anya hadn't met her (we gain insight into characters via our deus ex machina Anya meeting them and reading their minds). Anya has met her now and the narrative has established that she genuinely cares for Damian (even if she's still a mysterious character).
After a long time, Demetrius is finally here. He's still mysterious, but not antagonistic to his brother and still cares for him. Like I said in a previous post, Demetrius subverts what I said above because Anya cannot read him fully even if she's met him. But regardless, Demetrius is here, we've seen him, all four Desmonds have finally debuted. And in my mind, I can vaguely connect them to the Forger-Briar extended family:
Anya - Damian: The kids aiming for stella stars and seeking parental approval. Attached to their dogs. Occasionally heroic (dodgeball, handkerchief, bus hijacking), but ultimately silly kids dragged into "adult" political matters (Anya with more awareness than Damian).
Loid - Donovan: Standing in for WISE vs war, one of the central conflicts. They are fathers and authority figures. Loid, faking a job as a psychiatrist, seeks to understand people (as a fake job, but he also does this as a spy). Donovan famously declared that people would never truly sympathize with each other. A good, attentive father and a neglectful father.
Yor - Melinda: The mothers, the narrative kind of puts them in the background compared to their husbands, but we know they have plot behind them. Yor's job as an assassin is unknown to her family (sans Anya). Melinda has struggles of her own when it comes to parenting her kids / being married to Donovan.
Demetrius - Yuri: Bit of a stretch, but they're both characterized as genius brothers and on the side compared to the main father-mother-child trios. Yuri works for the SSS, in direct opposition to Loid. Demetrius is a middle schooler?? He’s a child so he’s probably not that involved in the main plot, and if he is, it’s not willingly / he was brought up that way. They're both younger (and less experienced) compared to the adults- Demetrius is still a child and Yuri is 20. Yuri's affection for Yor is overflowing and the Briar siblings are very supportive of each other. In contrast, Demetrius is passive and apathetic, but not uncaring.
Anya has met everyone except for Donovan. Anya thinks both Melinda and Demetrius are weird. And Anya thinks of Donovan as the evil super boss. To her, the Desmonds are "weird". "All of Sy-on boy's relatives are such weirdos" - not sure if it's just the translation, but this line seems to imply Anya thinks Damian is exempt to the weirdness of his family. After all, unlike Demetrius, she can read Damian's thoughts normally. And unlike Melinda (and Yuri, and Fiona), she usually doesn't get bombarded with an overwhelming wave of intense thoughts when she reads Damian's mind.
And that brings us to the next point - Damian's time in Eden and the positive influences he receives (away from his family). Damian and Anya are better friends now. E&E's loyalty and affection for him have been established countless times. Becky congratulates Damian this chapter. Despite Damian thinking people suck up to him to get close to his father, he has a group of friends who do care about him (including Becky who doesn't suck up to him). Outside of what we see from Anya's pov, Damian has teachers and his dorm mother (Jeeves too) who care for him. Damian isn't alone.
Damian is shown to be disconnected from his family for whatever reason. His parents didn't come to his orientation. Damian says he doesn't see his parents often. Melinda cares for Damian but isn't allowed to see him often / afraid to be seen with him (?). Damian has called Demetrius before but this is the first time we see him meet Demetrius in person. And we all know about Damian's goal of impressing his father. Damian seems to believe Demetrius and Donovan when close when they were younger (when Demetrius was slightly older than Damian’s age), but Damian receives no such attention. Despite this, Damian still manages to have a fairly happy school life with his friends and supportive adult figures.
I think Damian's growing friendship with Anya and the recent complete reveal of the Desmond family will push Anya into thinking Damian is not like his weird family. If anything, Damian is more like Anya and her associates. Post bus-hijacking, Damian from Anya's POV is seen as more likeable / sympathetic, even more so now that we know about his mother and brother.
Anya is a child who is exposed to some of the darkness in Melinda / Demetrius' heads (trauma from being close to Donovan?), and she doesn't really understand them. Melinda / Demetrius seem off to outsiders (we saw Yor’s reaction, Becky thinks Demetrius is creepy) but it’s only Anya who’s capable of reading their minds and knowing how weird their thoughts are. But Anya has a much better understanding of Damian, the youngest Desmond, who is a kid like her with understandable motivations (getting stars, impressing his dad) similar to Anya's own motivations.
Interesting to note that Demetrius, while at Eden, seems rather lonely and disconnected even within his peer group. When he walks down the stairs, the panel frames it as him being alone, while Damian has four friends with him. When Damian and Anya get their stars, their classmates are shown to be smiling / impressed. When Demetrius gets his stars, we see two of his peers sweatdropping, almost looking wary, while a blushing girl has her hands to her mouth. The story doesn't show Demetrius' peers celebrating his success. It feels like Demetrius' peers are used to him getting good grades but still in awe of how good he is, but... they're not really close to him. Demetrius is not social and says he doesn't understand people, and maybe he doesn't interact much with his peers.
This chapter also reveals Demetrius is not in regular contact with Donovan anymore, contrary to what Damian believed. So Demetrius seems removed from the Desmond family sphere, but also isn't super integrated into the Eden sphere (in contrast to his 6yo brother and his friends). We can believe Demetrius isn’t close to Donovan because he is annoyed (and triggered?) by the mere mention of his father. Clearly Donovan has done something scarring to both Melinda and Demetrius and their thoughts look weird to Anya. Damian, despite craving for his father's attention and being stressed about it, is still relatively unaffected.
From now on, I think we'll slowly get more information about the Desmonds while Damian remains separated from them in the narrative. Damian is introduced as a vital part of Plan B due to his connection with his father, but even Damian himself admits there's not much of a connection. Plan B is working (sort of) because Damianya are friends, but that doesn't mean it's easier for Anya to meet Donovan. I think the narrative has been pushing Damian away from being a plot device for Plan B to being Anya's genuine friend and a victim of the Desmond parenting. At this point, Damian is not really useful to the main plot and there's not much mystery to this 6yo child.
Damian still thinks of himself as a scion of the Desmonds and he’s desperately trying to get his father’s attention. But his dad doesn’t really care, his mom loves him but doesn’t want him to be near Donovan, his brother is similar and also seemingly doesn’t want anything to do with Donovan. Meanwhile, the story establishes him as a boy with a crush on Anya, a boy with friends who will readily sacrifice themselves for him, a boy who’s willing to protect his classmates. All around Damain, his peers, associates, and the story itself has long been defining Damian as someone outside of being the Desmond family. But Damian naturally holds onto it.
Damian isn’t mysterious to Anya because she can read him. Okay, she still thinks he’s a brat sometimes, but that’s Damain being Damian, not Damian being a Desmond. But everyone else in the family is mysterious and it makes Anya feel at least vaguely uncomfortable.
The Desmonds are probably connected to Project Apple, and with the recent hints of Anya’s backstory, we might get some of that. But Damian is framed as almost completely separate to whatever went on, while Melinda and Demetrius are portrayed as victims of Donovan, mysterious and a bit weird but still sympathetic.
And that’s why I think it’s coming together— hints of Anya’s backstory, Damianya becoming better friends, the Desmonds all here. We’ve scratched the surface off and we’re hopefully going to see more.
(Also, just a thought: if Damian indeed goes through a “dark arc” and becomes more like the rest of his family, Anya will know because she can read his mind. She will be able to tell if Damian’s thoughts also start being “weird”. But they are better friends now which could be a lead up to her helping Damian deal with the pressure and struggle.)
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whalesforhands · 9 months
instant ramen and friendship (satosugu x reader)
warnings: first year!SSS, satosugu ‘flirting’, gege if u hear me pls let me have my satosugu fluff, avid believer that gojo never ate any ‘instant’ food until geto
“I don’t eat peasant food.” Gojo Satoru’s crossing his arms as he stares at the pot of instant ramen Suguru and yourself were cooking.
“Then don’t eat.” Geto Suguru’s cold reply to the petulant classmate of his, stirring the contents within the boiling pot as you stood beside him, trying to fry the eggs as inconspicuously as you possibly can, nervously trying to tiptoe further away from the duo’s teetering on almost flirtatious argument.
You peek over your shoulder only to see Gojo’s impertinent stare stuck on the back of Geto’s head, eyes narrowed in irritation with brows furrowed deep, shoulders hunching in as he tapped his foot against the ground.
You have to admit, their relationship… Has been improving lately.
From that moment the duo had come back from their mission together, Geto’s arm slung over Gojo’s shoulders whilst clutching his bandaged torso, effectively using the Six Eyes user as a crutch, hobbling to his side whenever his injury seemed to worsen slightly.
Or when Gojo would go and bother him by strutting into his room, demanding another ride on his flying cursed spirits or to show him around a peculiar area nearby.
“When you said you’d treat me for saving your life, this isn’t what I thought I’d be getting.”
“Oh, well.” He turns to look the sorcerer in the eye. “I’m so sorry, revered one. We’re just students on a measly allowance without the funds for an ultra high class luxury experience.”He ends with a roll of his eyes, huffing and tucking a strand of his free neck-length hair back.
“Ah, (last name)-san. Could you help me chop the green onions afterwards—.” You pause in your administrations with the knife, green onion already being halfway diced before you nearly nick yourself.
“Ah, I’m sorry. Please be careful.” His hand is immediately over yours, causing a restless shiver to go up your spine as you stiffen.
“It’ll be bad if you get hurt, won’t it?” Suguru is flashing you a sweet smile, one of care and concern for your well-being as you nod.
You stiffly waddle to the side as he leaves to go get more garlic seasoning, shaking your head to snap out of it.
You eyes surreptitiously take this chance to watch Gojo again, his body language… Somehow more telling than his ice cold, holier-than-thou attitude that hides an intrigued, hungry teenaged boy.
The way his eyes flicker to the boiling pot, to the fried eggs, the slight twitch of his nose as he takes another whiff of the air.
To even the way his feet seemed to nudge him forward ever so slightly, uncertain steps that didn’t know what to do. …does he want to help?
“Gojo-san.” You take a hesitant gulp, steeling your nerves for a prickly reply. “Is there anything you want to put in?”
Geto takes off the steaming lid, revealing the gorgeously placed in a neat manner, practically shining with promise of a gastronomical experience.
“And there you go. My special recipe.” Your eyes are lighting up at the sight, the aroma of the food doing little to sate your overpowering hunger as you watch.
“Pfft. I’ve seen it before. It’s just noodles in artificial—“
“That’s where you’re wrong, you pompous elite.” He has a proud smirk on his face. “This one’s got my special stock addition, green onions, spam, fried eggs and cheese.” A hand is proudly placed upon his hip as he closes his eyes, pleased and gratified at the result of his cooking prowess.
(Even if it was only instant ramen.)
Gojo narrows his eyes in suspicion. “There is no possible way something instant coul-“
“Just shut up and eat.”
Surprisingly, he listens. He picks his chopsticks up, muttering a quiet thanks for the food before taking a tentative slurp of his noodles, pausing in place as the broth seeped into his tongue and exploded in the most perfect, most wondrous blend of flavour in his mouth.
His eyes widen in pleasant surprise, oceanic eyes flickering between the steaming bowl of ramen and back to your two awaiting gazes.
He inhales his portion, akin to a wild beast that had been starved of prey for at least a year with the pace he was going at, you could even see how many gulps he took of the broth when he picked the rather sizeable bowl up to swallow it all down.
(It was less than 5. And Suguru made a rather large portion after noticing how much he and Satoru could eat combined.)
(“A-are you okay? You shouldn’t—“
“Let him choke, (last name)-san.”)
He gingerly places the bowl down, licking his lips to savour the remnants of the food.
“I want more.”
“Oh? Looks like someone’s missing a magic word.” Geto feints a pout, narrowed eyes with playful malice directed towards the spoilt teenager.
“…please.” Gojo’s averting his gaze, looking to the side as a noticeable blush is seen across his face.
“How unfortunate, that was the last pack.”
You are the only one who thinks their banter is flirtatious.
“Oiii, I’m back.” Ieiri calls out, kicking her loafers off as she tiredly drags herself into the common living area.
“Do you all want to grab a bite?” She’s staring at her phone as she continues in. “You can be invited too, rich boy.”
You pop out from the corner. “Ieiri…” You look frightened and stressed, a loud crash coming from the kitchen just as you flinch.
Another loud bang sounds out as you jump, the clash of pots and utensils sounding out as you practically block her passage into the warzone.
“Please do not step inside…”
“…you okay with crepes?”
Gojo bought a carton full of that particular ramen brand after he squeezed it out of Geto. He asks you to help him with the stove when Suguru refuses to.
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sannieworldeu · 1 year
Midnight Kisses & Cuddles - C. San (One Shot)
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Genre: Fluff
Pairing: Choi San X Fem! Reader
Word Counts: 664!!!
Warning: Arm pinning, neck kisses and nothing more than 18+. 
a/n: I didn’t really go back and revised it so I apologize if there are any grammar and punctuation errors.
Waking up to see your face being buried in his chest is the best feeling ever. Just then you realize that it is 2 in the morning and now you can’t go back to sleep. Which San, offers to help a little bit. 
The first thing you see when you wake up to a sound is your face being buried into your boyfriend’s chest. 
You got up midway to check what time it was, 2:05 am. 
Last night you were trying to clean the entire house before he came back but you felt very tired afterwards and didn’t wait for him since he sometimes doesn't even come home until the next morning. 
You wondered, when did he come back because  you knocked out somewhere between 10 or 11 pm you couldn’t even remember. 
You kept blinking and thinking about stuff that is keeping you up for a good 2 minutes in the dark. 
“Baby,” his voice immediately caught your attention, which caused you to turn back to look at him. His eyes were still closed. 
“Why are you awake at this time?” He asked with a deep raspy voice. 
You hate waking up during these times, you know damn well that the next day you’ll feel even more tired. 
“I don’t know, my eyes just opened. Why are you awake?” You asked him the same question laying back down to get buried by his chest again. 
He sighs, “How can I sleep when you’re awake? Huh? Come closer baby.” He laid his left arm for you to sleep on and wrapped it around your neck to hug your waist with his right arms. “This feels so much better” you can feel him smiling on top of your head. Looking up, curious to see his reaction, his eyes slowly open. 
“San..” you quietly say his name.
“Hmhh?” There it goes again, his smiles appeared. This time even bigger which shows the dimple of his cheek. 
“Our heartbeat, I can feel it syncing.” 
He started to chuckle and brush your hair through his fingers, “Well people say that when couples are close together they’re heartbeat and breathing begins to sync with each other. Like you and me.” 
“Pfft, so romantic….” 
“Tut! sss” His tongue clicked as his eyebrow furrows and looked at you. “Be quiet..go back to sleep.” He knew you hate hearing romantic and cringy words but he loves it. He loves seeing your reactions every time. 
“I can’t…now I’m fully awake.” 
You complained and started moving around. 
“Stop moving.” He said. 
“I can’t just fall back asleep.” 
“Stop. Stop it.” 
“Tut! Stop moving!” 
You are now under his chest, face is buried in between the right side of your neck, wrists are being pinned by both of his as you can feel his breath getting heavier. 
“San-ah…what are you doing?” you lowered your tone, getting tickled by his breath whilst your body flinched at his unexpected actions. He pecked on your neck and smirked. “Let me kiss you to sleep then baby.” 
“But, aren’t you tired?” 
“Well what do you think? You don’t know how much I miss you not being able to see you for the whole day feels like a month.” 
You blinked and stared at him for a few seconds. 
How did you get such a fine ass man like this? 
You've always thought that you will be single forever and just accept it and raise a cat by yourself. But you are now being accompanied by the sweetest, kindest, nicest, loveliest guy. And out of all people he happens to be your boyfriend. 
“I wanted to do this early in the morning but I can’t wait. Don’t blame yourself. I made you wake up on purpose for this moment hehe.” 
You raised your eyebrow and gasped. “You!..please continue what you are doing.” You softly smile back at him and again he starts brushing and grazing through your hair strands. “That’s right, sleep tight and dream of me.” 
He slowly kisses your eyes, nose, lip and everywhere on your face until you fall asleep. A little smile appears on your face when you start dreaming of something. 
“Cute,” San whispers while patting your head. Carefully he lay down and cuddled you. 
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hippolotamus · 4 months
Sentence Sunday 🪩
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Tagged by @daffi-990 @tizniz @theotherbuckley @diazsdimples @disasterbuckdiaz @monsterrae1 @indestructibleheart for some combination of Inspiration Saturday/Seven Sentence Sunday (tagging you back for SSS if you haven't already) Be sure to check out their moodboards and snippets. I am excited for all of your works! 😘
I wanted to put together a moodboard for the mirrorball fic, but it's not quite there yet. So, sans moodboard, have this bit of Buck talking with Ali and Chim. Prev snippet here.
“Looks like Romeo’s back,” Ali sing songs in Buck’s ear as she passes his station on the way to her own.   “Oh, yeah?” He aims for nonchalant but knows he’s failed miserably by the smirk on her face.  Ali sits in front of her mirror, picks up a wide-tooth comb, and runs it through her short, espresso strands. The color is a recent switch from her previous summery blond and he’ll admit it suits her. “God, Buck, I swear if you had a tail it would be wagging so hard right now.” To be fair, he’s been more than a little mopey for the last two weeks since his stranger high-tailed it out of the club and didn’t come back. It left Buck in a strange mood. He’s been out of sorts, like a teetering Jenga tower. One seemingly insignificant piece displaced and he’s scrambling for balance again.  “Just to make sure,” Buck tries again to sound unaffected, though he’s not sure why. He already feels the eager, needy tone clinging to his words. “You’re not, uh, fucking with me… right? He’s really there?” She angles her body towards him, all traces of teasing replaced by an almost sisterly affection. “I know how much this has been eating you up. I promise he’s there, Buck.” 
Buck sticks to the hallways, circumventing the main club as he makes his way to the booth. Chim’s eyes widen as he takes in Buck swiftly approaching. “Buck,” he hisses. “What the hell are you doing here? You’re on in less than ten.” “I need to switch my music for tonight.” Buck ignores the face journey he knows Chim is currently going through. He’s seen it plenty of times, mostly because of his – as Chim calls it – ‘boneheaded piss poor planning’. It's not exactly wrong. “I swear to god, Buckley. One of these days-” “I’m gonna give you a heart attack,” Buck finishes for him. “You’re gonna do it though.” It’s not a question. Chim has never once failed him, no matter how much he obviously wanted to.  Chim scrubs a hand down his face, breathing out a world weary sigh. “Tell me what to queue up before I change my mind.”
no pressure tagging (if you wanna) @thewolvesof1998 @loserdiaz @wildlife4life @buckaroosheart @eddiebabygirldiaz @spotsandsocks @wikiangela @fortheloveofbuddie @steadfastsaturnsrings @elvensorceress @honestlydarkprincess @spaceprincessem @shortsighted-owl @stereopticons @apothecarose @barbiediaz @buddierights @chaosandwolves @eowon @giddyupbuck @heartshapedvows @hoodie-buck @jesuisici33 @ladydorian05 @lemonzestywrites LOML @lizzie-bennetdarcy @rmd-writes @statueinthestone @singlethread @the-likesofus @theplaceyoustillrememberdreaming @vanillahigh00 @watchyourbuck @welcometololaland @your-catfish-friend and anyone else who wants to share 💖
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bteezxyewriter12 · 6 months
Audience/ 1
Pairing- Jongho x Named Reader
Word count- 2.1k
Includes- Quickie, blow job, cock riding, noona kink, multiple orgasms, members teasing Jongho, fluff
Tag List- @mingtina @jaxxmine @yeosayang @delightfulmoonbanana @tannie13 @y00nzin0 @marsstarxhwa
@yeosxxx @seokwoosmole @jjongsbebe @wisejudgedragonhairdo @meowmeowminnie @woo-stars @borntowalkaway @usagionthered @san-realblkwife @seonghwasstar @jejeyeppeo @soulseobi05 @kpop-bambi @prayerofthehaim @realisticnotes @pinkies-things @insomniacatiny @stephy-nicole13
Gif Credit- not sure who but there's a JH in the corner, if anyone knows who this is, let me know and I'll tag the owner
Masterlists- check out for more fics
📝Masterlists 📝ATEEZ Masterlist 📝Jongho Masterlist
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Jongho POV
I hurriedly change into the performance outfit so I can get back and spend time with my girlfriend before I have to perform
She's my first girlfriend ever, one of the makeup artists for ATEEZ and I'm completely in love with her
Have been even before we got together
I was so fucking painfully shy that she had to ask me out
I know normally guys don't like that but I was relieved and I really didn't care who asked who out as long as I was able to be with her
I love her so much and she's everything
As soon as I get back into the dressing room, my girlfriend catches my eye then beelines for me
She takes my hand and drags me behind her
"Uh jagi?"
"Shush baby. Just come with me", she says
Getting me in an empty room, she locks it and pushes me against the arm chair, undoing my belt
She's horny
And suddenly so am I but she always has that effect on me
"I hate when they put you all in black baby."
She does?
I thought she liked me all in black
"You do?"
"Yes, when you're performing", she answers, pulling my pants and boxers down, then pushing me back until I'm sitting on the arm chair
"You're so fucking hot and I just want you so much. It's like they do it on purpose to turn me on"
Oh my god, I can't believe this is really happening to me
Usually it's one of the other guys being dragged for sex before a performance
But now it's me
I'm completely shocked and so excited
I get so turned on when she kneels down in front of me
She licks up my length, making me shiver
"It's so unfair"
She takes my head in her mouth, sucking softly, pleasure running through me
"Fuck noona", I groan watching her
She moves away making me whine
"Then on top of everything, they put your hair like that"
Yeah I know she likes my hair styled back
It's her favorite
And I'll do it for her like this anytime
She goes back on me, sucking harder than before, taking more of me in her mouth
"Yeah, good baby girl, suck faster", I moan
She listens, her mouth working hard
Moving down, she gets me all in and I feel myself slide into her throat
Fuck yes, I love when she does this
Her tongue runs all over me
"God noona, your mouth is the best"
She actually smirks around my cock and goddamn it it's so hot
She moves back up my length, then slides down fast, my cock hitting her throat
She keeps moving that way over and over, pleasure blasting me
I'm gonna cum but I don't want to
I want to fuck her first
"Nnnn...noona sss....stop", I choke out
She does and moves off me, looking at me confused
"Wanna fuck you", I get out
She stands up nodding
Taking her hand I pull her to me, then move my hands under her skirt
I peel her panties off her, then tell her, "Get on noona"
She smirks, straddling me and immediately taking me inside her
She bottoms me out quickly and both of us moan loudly
"Nice and tight baby girl", I whimper, "And so wet"
Her hands go to my shirt, unbuttoning it
"Wanna see my baby boy's body", she whispers
Getting the last button open, she pushes the shirt open, her hands instantly running up and down my chest and stomach
"I love when you touch me noona", I tell her
I do
Her hands are small and they feel so good running all over
I especially love when she runs her fingers up and down my back
That's the best and sends so many shivers down my spine
It feels so good when I'm fucking her
"Take your shirt off", I ask
She pulls her shirt up and over her head, her see through bra in my face
It needs to come off too
I nod at her bra and she unclasps it, throwing next to her shirt
I love when she undresses herself for me
I love doing it too but there's just something about her stripping for me that gets me off
Putting my hands under her skirt, I gently run my fingers on her thighs
"Bounce noona"
She slowly starts sliding up and down my shaft, her soft moans getting louder the faster she moves
She keeps going, getting a good pace going, her cunt squeezing me as she moves, pleasure all over me
"Good girl. Riding me so well", I whisper
My eyes move up her body slowly, watching her boobs bounce for a little
Then I keep moving my eyes up to her beautiful face
She's watching me watch her, biting her bottom lip
God, she's like sex in human form
And she's mine
She leans on my abs that she loves touching and kissing and licking, fucking herself right on my head, rubbing into her spot
Her cunt is like a waterfall, so fucking wet and I'm glad she took my pants off
"Jonghie", she whines, circling her hips, legs shaking around my waist
"C'mon noona", I whisper, holding her skirt up, watching her pussy ride me, "Cum for me and I'll fuck you into another orgasm"
"Fuck, fuck, baby fuck", she whines, pulsing around my cock so hard as she cums, "Jonghie"
"Yes baby", I moan, the pleasure increasing so much
Fuck, her orgasms are the ultimate pleasure for me
Incredible and the way her cunt works my cock is perfect, the way she creams my cock amazing
As she orgasms, I hold her hips hard and thrusts up right into her spot
She screams in pleasure, her hands gripping my wrists
I bring her down while I thrust meeting her moves, making me slam into her cunt hard, slamming into her soot
She lets me keep moving her as I thrust
It's ok, I can fuck her just fine this way
I can't tear my eyes from her, her head leaning back, moans spilling from her mouth, sweat rolling down her body
She's ethereal
Her cunt is so tight, pulsing between the sharp clenches, driving me crazy, keeping me in bliss
I want her orgasm
"One more noona. Cum on me", I moan, "You want to. I can feel it"
She's pulsing on my cock so hard, right there
I thrust up again and she yells loudly, shaking on me, going crazy on my cock
"Jongho! Yes Jongho!", she cries
"Fuck baby!", I yell too, slamming her down on me and coming deep in her, pure pleasure running through me, "Joanne, baby girl"
She always makes me cum so fucking good
She rocks on me, prolonging my orgasm and I love it
"Fuck noona", I whimper, closing my eyes
"Oh my god, Jongho got some!"
My eyes snap open, immediately looking at the door
Wooyoung and San are standing there smirking, with Seonghwa, Yeosang, Hongjoong and Yunho looking at us with their mouth dropped
I immediately grab her arms, pulling her against me and wrapping my arms around me to keep her against me
They're not seeing my girlfriend's body
Not a change in hell
Yunho, Yeosang and Hongjoong turn and walk away
"Look at you, getting fucked before a performance", San laughs
"I knew you had it in you!", Wooyoung teases
"He has such a noona kink. He even calls her that during sex", Seonghwa says gleefully
"Get the fuck out!", I snarl
"You guys were so loud, we already knew what you were doing", Seonghwa informs me
Everyone knows?
"Jesus", she whispers, against my neck
"The youngest finally fucked in public where anyone can walk in. Congratulations, welcome to the club"
"Shut the fuck up!", I yell
They need to stop teasing us in front of her
"Get the fuck out now"
"Sure. Hurry up, we're going on in fifteen minutes. And it looks like you need a stylist to fix you"
"Fuck you", I shout
I'm so fucking angry
Why do they have to be such jerks?
Why do they have to try and embarrass me?
Like I said, she's my first girlfriend and they've teased me nonstop for the seven months we've been together
The only one who doesn't is Yeosang and that's because she's his best friend
But he doesn't tell the guys to cut it out though
It's just so fucking irritating
I get maybe making fun of me the first month or so
But not constantly for the whole time I've been with her
She sits up slightly, looking down at me, softly running her fingers in my hair, "Don't let them get to you baby"
"They're just so fucking annoying", I say frustratedly
"I know baby but don't pay attention to them. They're just upset they're not getting any"
I crack a smile at that
She always knows what to say to make me feel better
I sit up, keeping her in my lap, my arms around her waist, "I just...I don't want them to embarrass you"
"Please baby, I know they're idiots. Nothing they say bothers me"
I wish I could be like her but they bother me
They know what buttons to push
"I...I don't want to be embarrassed either, jagi", I tell her, "Not because I want to be with you. I...I also don't want you to think I'm always angry or that I can't take teasing or I'm stuck up. I don't...want you to think badly of me"
She shakes her head, "I don't baby. I know you Jongho, I know how you are, I know that the teasing is getting to be too much. I know you're not always angry, I know you're not stuck up. And I know you can take jokes and slight teasing. But not relentless teasing"
"Are you sure?", I ask
I'm so scared of doing anything that will cause me to lose her and sometimes it makes me insecure
Her hand lifts my face to hers, a small smile on her face, "I'm sure. I know you're a great guy baby. I know how sweet you are, how funny, how caring, how kind. I know how you'll do anything for those dummies even when they're assholes. I wouldn't be with you if you weren't an amazing man. I know you are and it's why I love you."
My breath hitches as I gaze at her, "You love me?"
She smiles, "Caught that huh?"
I nod, my heart pounding, "Is it true?"
She nods, "Yeah Jonghie. I actually love you so much. It was so easy to fall in love with you and I have since close to the beginning of our relationship. I just didn't know how to tell you"
"I love you Jo. So much", I confess, watching her smile widen
I nod, "I...I actually uh...well...I fell for you before you asked me out"
"I know what you mean Jonghie. I had feelings for you when we got together and it changed to love really fast"
I smile at her, pulling her to me, kissing her sweet lips
Her arms wrap around my neck, kissing me back
I'm literally on cloud nine
When the kiss ends, she leans her forehead against mine, "Let's get dressed baby and show them that the stupid shit they say doesn't affect us"
I nod, feeling better about the whole situation
She kisses me quickly, then both of us quickly get our clothes back on
She looks at me, tilting her head, "You look fine baby. Maybe your hair just needs a little fixing but you don't need all the stylists fixing you like they said"
I nod, glad that I don't look like a mess and they were just exaggerating
Taking her hand, we walk back to the dressing room
"Well look who decided to come back", San teases immediately
I stiffen but then I feel her hand squeezing mine and when I look at her she just smiles
"Took you long enough to get back here", Seonghwa laughs
"Think they went for round two?", Wooyoung adds
"Don't be fucking jealous just because you're not getting any", I snap, Seonghwa, Wooyoung and San's eyes widening
"I'm not-", Wooyoung starts
"Yeah you are. It's why you're running your big mouths", I continue, hearing her giggle next to me, "Mind your own business and go get laid"
They're mouths drop, staring at me in disbelief while Yeosang laughs next to them
I tug her hand, leading her to a hair stylist so I can get my hair fixed
"Why are you laughing?", San snaps at Yeosang
"Because he put you three in your place", Yeosang answers, "You guys finally pushed him too far and he snapped
I'm glad at least someone recognizes their shit
"You're amazing baby", she says, leaning down and kissing my cheek
"Thanks jagi", I smile, holding our hands up and kissing the back of hers
After the stylists fixes my hair, her and I sit on one of the couches, cuddling until it's time for us to perform
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atths--twice · 8 months
Rediscovering the Thrill
What may have happened while they were staying at The Falls when Mulder left the bedroom telling Scully that the thrill was gone.
Fictober day 4 prompt 9: I wouldn't do that if I were you.
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The thrill is gone. 
The words Mulder had said when he left the room kept repeating in her ears as she straightened up while she waited for her face mask to dry. 
The thrill is gone. 
How could it be gone when it had never even started? At least not in the way he was implying. Not how Rob would mean it if he was speaking to Laura. 
She knew he was teasing her, acting the part of a hurt husband, but still… 
Picking up his shoes, she placed them on a shelf in the closet. Seeing his sweatshirt had been left on the bed, she sighed as she snatched it up to hang it in the closet.
The thrill is gone. 
Is that what he wants? she wondered, placing the sweatshirt on the hanger. A thrill? Something that isn’t who we are? Does he want to be someone else? For me to be someone else? Or is it our thrill that’s gone? 
“Hey, Scully,” Mulder said, poking his head around the corner. 
“Jesus Christ, Mulder,” she said, dropping his sweatshirt and looking at him in exasperation. 
“Sorry,” he said, tapping his fingers against the doorjamb. “Didn’t mean to scare you.” 
“Yeah, well,” she huffed, picking up the sweatshirt and hanging it with a bit more force than was needed. “Did you need something?”
“It’s still early,” he said rather sheepishly and she raised her eyebrows, waiting. “I know I won’t be sleeping anytime soon. You wanna watch a movie or something?” 
She stared at him, crossing her arms and drawing in a breath. 
“You don’t have to, but-” 
“No, I…” she said with a quick nod. “I will.” 
“I mean I don’t know what’s on, but…” 
“It’s still early,” she finished and he nodded, tapping his fingers on the doorjamb again. “Maybe we could see what’s inside that gigantic basket Pat gave us.” He grinned and she attempted to smile back, but her skin felt tight. She touched her face and nodded. “You go open it, I’ll wash this off and join you.”
“You got it, Mrs. Petrie.” 
“Shut up,” she said, pushing him out of her way as she walked to the bathroom. She heard him laughing as he left the room and she smiled slightly. 
Ten minutes later, she walked into the kitchen to find the contents of the entire basket laid on the counter as Mulder looked at it dubiously. 
“Nothing good?” she asked and he sighed. 
“I don’t know. It’s all so… frou frou-y.”
“Frou frou?” she teased. 
“Yeah. They’re not brands I recognize. Look at this one, what’s that name? I can’t make it out. Solare’s? Sss… Salane’s? I can’t tell.” 
“They’re crackers,” she said, looking at the box and then at him. “Take them, the salami, and that cheese and I’ll grab a knife and a plate.” 
“The wine too, or no?” he asked and she shook her head with a slight frown. 
“No, the wine at dinner made me feel… I don’t know. I don’t want any. But you go ahead if you want.” 
“Nah. It’s not exactly my first choice, especially this one from… Zairess? Seriously, what is this? Where did Pat get these things?” 
“Probably some hoity toity shop somewhere. Gotta keep up with those appearances, right?” she asked as she opened cupboards and drawers searching for what she needed. 
“I would hate to live in a place like this,” he said and she snorted. “No shit,” she said, rolling her eyes. Shaking her head, she finally found what she was looking for and grabbed a large plate and a sharp knife. 
“But you wouldn’t mind it.” 
“Living somewhere where neighbors help each other out? That’s not so bad.” 
“But dinners at their house? Tuna casserole dinners, Scully? ZZ Top wine?” He gestured to the bottle he had put back into the basket and she laughed. “From the finest little shop in San Diego, but still…” His eyes widened and he stepped backward out of the kitchen as she followed. 
“At least the tuna was dolphin safe,” she deadpanned and he grunted. 
“Not as safe in my stomach. It definitely did not agree with me.” 
“Proper food can have that effect on a body used to only eating takeout and microwave dinners.” 
“Are you knocking my frozen meatloaf meals, Scully? How can you when it’s made for hungry men like me?” 
She laughed again as they sat down on the couch and she set the plate and knife on the coffee table. He added the salami and cheese, opening the box of crackers and then the bag inside. Placing some on the plate, he picked one up and took a bite, chewing thoughtfully. 
“Not terrible,” he stated, chewing again. “But definitely dry. I’ll go get us some water.” 
“Hmm,” she hummed with a nod as she opened the salami and began slicing pieces of it and laying them beside the crackers. 
Mulder came back and snatched a piece as he set the glasses of ice water on the coffee table. 
“Hmm. That’s good. Zany Tony makes a good salami.” 
Scully laughed as she opened the cheese and started slicing it. 
“Who makes this cheese?”
“It said Wandering Willows Farm on the package.” 
“The fuck it did,” he laughed, reaching for the wrapper and looking at it. “Tira’s Cheese. Tira.” He looked at her and shook his head as he dropped it back onto the coffee table. “Your name was better.” 
“If I ever decide to throw all this away,” she said, waving the knife to indicate the room at large. “I’ll become a cheese maker and call it Wandering Willows, just for you.” 
“It’s a solid plan. People do love cheese.” He tried to take a slice, but she stopped him by blocking his hand. 
“I have a sharp knife in my hand. I wouldn’t do that if I were you.” 
“But, Scullyyyy,” he whined. “Tuna casserole.” She shook her head and snorted out a laugh. “With white wine, need I remind you.” 
“No,” she said with a shiver. “You don’t need to remind me. I think Tira’s vineyard made that wine too.” 
“Ha!” he exclaimed, bumping her with his shoulder and laughing quietly. “Cheese and wine. You’ll have some stiff competition at ol’ Wandering Willows.” 
“I can take her,” she said, finishing with the cheese and setting the knife down. 
Picking up two slices of cheese, she handed him one. They nodded as they tried it, watching each other as they chewed. 
“It’s… cheese,” he stated and she nodded in agreement. “It’s not bad.” 
“But it’s not great.” 
“Better than tuna casserole.” 
“Hell yes it is,” she said, reaching for another piece as well as a cracker and a piece of salami. “Let’s see how all three are together.” 
He prepared a cracker for himself and they nodded once again as they took a bite. 
“Oh, that’s good. Much better as a combo,” he said, shoving the rest of it into his mouth. 
“Yeah,” she agreed. “Much better.” 
“Does it need mustard? I think there’s a jar of Zoreli’s in that basket. Or Tortoroni’s Tangy Mustard.” 
“Is it Zoreli’s and Sons? Because I really prefer that brand over just Zoreli’s.” 
He laughed as he began stacking the salami and cheese onto another cracker and she smiled as she did the same. 
“Wandering Willows will have to speak to the Zoreli’s about an exclusive deal to work with them.” 
“It’s in the bag. One of my employees is sleeping with the boss of the Zoreli family. They made an offer they couldn’t refuse,” she said in her best Brando voice and he choked on his cracker when he started laughing. 
He reached for his glass of water, choking and sputtering, as she thumped him on his back and chuckled softly. 
“Scully,” he said in a strained voice after he had taken a few large drinks, shaking his head and coughing as he laughed again. 
“You want into the Willows… you’re then in until you die.” 
“Or you’re given a pair of cement shoes,” he said with another cough. 
“Meh…” she said with a shrug. “You gotta protect the family.” 
“I never knew the cheese/wine/mustard business had such a dark side.” 
“Why do you think you don’t recognize the brands we’re eating tonight? The others…” She ran her thumb slowly across her throat and his eyes widened. “We don’t play at the Willows.” 
He smiled slowly, shaking his head as he stared at her. She smiled back and then looked at the television. 
“Are we still going to watch a movie?” 
“Yeah,” he said, smiling as he set his glass down and reached for the remote. “Yeah, we are.” 
He flipped through the channels until he landed on something, glancing at her for her approval. She nodded, not really caring what they watched. He set the remote down and made up another cracker to eat. 
They watched the movie in near silence, eating their snack and drinking their water. 
But every once in a while, he glanced at her and shook his head as he laughed through his nose. She smiled and shrugged, an entire conversation being spoken without saying a word. 
What do you think now, Mulder? she thought, looking at him out of the corner of her eye. Is our thrill still gone? Do you-?
“Is being bedfellows the only way into a place of employment at Wandering Willows?” he asked, pulling her from her thoughts. 
“Not always,” she said, carefully considering her words. “All options for employment are taken into consideration.” 
“So if it’s beneficial to the farm…” 
“Or if the person is just really good looking…” she said with a shrug and he smiled. 
“And they own a mustard farm…” 
“Or a fruit farm. We’re always looking to expand. And if we can lock down jellies… well…” She sucked air in through her teeth and he threw his head back as he laughed. 
Yeah, she thought with a smile. The thrill is definitely still there.
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muninnhuginn · 7 months
I do think it's pretty neat how sometimes anya's powers are displayed in a less typical way. as in, usually they're shown to the audience as voices and occasionally as images, right? and that's a pretty obvious way to conceptualise it (as well as explain why she struggles so much with twilight who's off operating on five different threads at any one moment).
but occasionally, you'll get instances where we know anya's using her powers due to visual/audio cues, but we don't hear the voices/see any images. the most obvious instances are around yuri, though I think it also happens with franky too at some point.
and her powers being presented sans voices/images serve a few purposes. with yuri most of the time, it means we as the audience end up inferring yuri's thoughts from knowledge of his dynamic with yor and anya's own reactions (aka, some variation of "blegh") rather than having them brought to the forefront *in relation to anya*. as in, we take in that anya's being subject to yuri's fairly obsessive thoughts, but we're not being forced to actively address that as we are in other cases (melinda being the obvious one). it's almost a self-censorship deal so that the audience can take it less seriously. endo knows that anya being in a scene with yuri means that she *will* be picking up his vibes, but it really doesn't need to be the focus, because yikes. so if you read most yuri-yor interactions where anya is present she's just off in the background hiccoughing or similar.
one of the other purposes is just that sometimes the audience has seen all the context and lead up behind why a character is acting as they are and so doesn't really need a worded explanation of a character's thought process at that time (if anything, it could jar the scene). so, say the latest anime episode (28 as of me writing this) we have yuri coming to the forgers' household after arresting a man who was kinda scummy but also doing things *for his family*. this is something that clearly does weigh on yuri to some extent given his whole motivation is yor, but having him put that in words would seem both clunky and to be frank, would remove ambiguity that adds to the scene. so, in this case, having seen the rest of the episode, the audience then seeing anya (who isn't a fan of yuri) patting yuri in sympathy signals that this whole deal has affected him more than he lets on to his colleagues at the SSS. a little extra nudge on top of the fact he shows up at the forgers' household in the first place.
(and the final instance that comes to mind when the way anya's powers are displayed is different than the usual 'thoughts' would be the end of the [redacted] arc. she sees visual static and it's clear that twilight himself doesn't fully recall what he was dreaming now he's awoken. but again, this presentation shows the audience that anya hasn't actually read the whole flashback from twilight. the [redacted] arc is grim and tbh way past the level that anya can even conceptualise at present. she still sees the spy and assassin deal largely as a game at this point and, for now, it needs to remain that way.)
not really going anywhere specific with this, but yeah, I just find it interesting from both an in-universe and out-of-universe perspective (mainly the latter, admittedly) how anya's powers are presented to the audience.
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matherofdragons · 1 year
Spy x Family Musical
The musical was amazingly well done. From the set to the performance!
I saw 15.03.2023 13:00 musical starring: Hiroki Suzuki; Mirei Sasaki; Miharu Izawa and Tsubasa Takizawa as Loid, Yor, Anya and Yuri.
>Loid's reason to become a spy
>Operation Strix
>Adoption of Anya
>Mentioning the labs
>Anya getting kidnapped
>Anya getting rescued
>Anya passing the exam
>Yor talking about being unmarried
>Yor's call to Yuri and Garden
>Princess Lorraine or whatever
>Meeting Yor
>Party with Yor
>Moving in
>Going to the ooting
>Yuri and SSS appear
>We got an SSS song
>Act ends right before the big exam
Act 2
>Sylvia song
>Meeting Sylvia to talk about Anya's achievements, the tag was mentioned
>Eden interview
>The Baldie
>Cow fight
>Henderson had a song about Elegance
>The Interview itself
>BONDMAN appearance. Like real Bondoman and Princess Honey
>Yuri visits
>The kiss
>Then Fiona visits
>Then it shifted to the castle episode where Yor and Loid fought against one another
Actual Review
The Hall:
The hall was enormous, and my seat had a good view of the stage. It was very comfortable and it didn't feel as if you were sitting for a few hours because you were too focused on the musical itself. The hall was of course full of people raging from young to old. I even supported a small Anya cosplayer. She was "tots adorbs".
The Musical:
This was my first time going to a musical and I was excited. It was separated into two acts and the transitions were very organic.
The Set:
The set was amazing. From rotating buildings to actual screens that contributed to the set. The screens were used to introduce characters, and to show us the infamous animal scene from the beloved source material. They were also used to show us the spy dialogue between Loid and Fiona and to introduce Sylvia. Special mention goes to the one screen that popped up a few times with the face of Donovan Desmond. (He looked like an Italian Mafia Boss.)
ACT 1:
Act 1 started with the instruction of the Handler and Loid. I was instantly mesmerized by Handler's voice. Not only was it similar to the anime voice actress but also it was so melodic. Hander's voice stuck in my head. It was that good. After that, we got the song of Twilight. I would like to mention that we got the infamous rumble chair from the manga and small [Redacted]. Some of the chairs from the covers do appear in the musical like Yor's Red chair. It was a small detail but it really struck me how much they incorporated it into the musical. Suzuki-san played his Loid role so well that I thought it was Loid. And his singing voice was great. He has a rich and deep voice.
Here is where I want I want to talk about how they presented their inner thoughts. They used the lighting to paint a soft dark bluish light to the others and point the white projector to the one who was having an inner thought. Sometimes characters would even do weird actions that we perceive as things in their head.
After we were introduced to Loid we were shown how Operation Strixxx came into action. The iconic “You need to find a child in a few days” line was included. Unlike in the manga, the whole talk about Operation Strixxx was between Sylvia and Loid.
The scenes flowed really nicely into one another. After that, we had a song about how Anya and Loid met one another. Anya’s actress was adorable. She captivated the character well in speech and mannerisms. She was neutral on the stage.
When Anya got kidnapped I liked how Loid’s disguise was played by another actor but we saw Loid next to him which indicated we saw his brain process too.
Also, a cute moment happened when Anya was singing about herself, about things she liked and disliked and then she said: And my favourite thing…chichi. It was so cute I could melt.
It was interesting that Eden got its song performed by Sylvia and Henderson. Their voices matched well. 95% was just singing and dancing and it was glorious.
After Anya’s successful exam, we sadly didn’t see Kento Kinouchi become a Female Franky but we saw how Franky was becoming a good uncle. When Loid went to get the stolen papers about the single females after he left Franky kicked the chair in annoyance and it was one of the funniest things I have seen. Kento brought the character to life. Goated performance.
One of the cutest scenes in this arc was Loid passing out after seeing that Anya passed and instead of laying on the ground, we saw him laying on the sofa as the scene moved flawlessly to the mailman coming and realizing Anya has no mama.
Yor appeared before the meeting of course. Kudos to the actresses playing the Horrible trio, this is the 3rd dimension where I don’t like those characters (actresses did great). There was a nice scene of Yor calling Yuri and we saw him striking his head out of the window (RED CHAIR APPEARANCE).
Yor meeting Anya and Loid was magical. The singing, the lil gremlin pulling the strings, the background music. I loved it.
They managed to combine the fighting scene with the party well. I like that we even got to see the car, even though it blinded me.
The proposal was perfect too. I like how the Hermes Bag Yor has made an appearance and after the party, Loid took Yor’s coat and then carried her bag. Precious.
The “ooting” scenes were so well made too. You could feel Loid’s desperation in his voice. Granny came to the rescue tho when she called them a “Wonderful family”.
After that, we had a wonderful song about the SSS. While they were singing about protecting their county, Yuri was singing about the fact that his sister didn’t tell him about her marriage. The song was kino tho.
Act 1 ends before the big interview.
ACT 2:
Act 2 started with a Sylvia song. I stan. Her voice is amazing and we need more Handler songs. We were introduced to the scene with Sylvia’s new jacket and Loid telling her about Anya’a achievements. The execution was on par with the anime.
The highlight of this act was the Eden Interview. I loved Henderson’s performance. It was truly elegant. And yes they did change clothes in 5 seconds it is possible. The interview was following the anime and it was really satisfying to see prof. Henderson punch the “swine” in real life. I wish I could rewind and see it again. Anya’s answers were really cute and the whole theatre was politely laughing (this is Japan after all). Another cool thing was that after we saw Yor thoughts about killing someone so Anya can move up on the Eden waiting list.
Did I mention how surprised I was when I saw the cow on stage? The cow deserves better honesty. I want to compliment Yor’s actress (or the double) for performing gymnastic tricks for us. We were as surprised as Loid.
Yuri coming to the Folgers was another peak event. I loved the whole scene. Especially Yuri calling Loid “LOTTIIEEEEE”. How dare Lottie and Yor try to kiss!? Unforgivable! It was hilarious when Yor was saying: “I forgot to tell you” and “I must have forgotten that I forgot” or something like this, Loid dropped not 1 but 2 plates. The shocked expression of Loid was worth spending money on the musical.
After that, we saw the real MVP of the show, no not Franky, but Bondman. Yeah, Bondman came out of the tiny screen for us. He managed to save Princess Honey.
Coincidently after Yuri fiasco, we were introduced to Fiona. It is the same as in the manga but it was funny to see the following convo:
>You should conceal your emotions
>So I should have a poker face all the time
>That’s not what I meant
Fiona’s actress was wonderful. I loved her performance. Fiona singing about how much she loves Loid was a bit weird. “Senpai SUKIIIIIIII” appeared and it was executed perfectly. The scene with Anya saying how much she loves Yor was adorable.
The act’s ending was shifted to the castle episode. Franky being an instigator was amazing especially when he tried to talk like Anya. We got to see a really neat fight between Yorticia and Loid. Evil Franky was precious.
The musical ended with the grand final performance, a song mirroring the opening one about “Phase 2” (Phase 2 of Operation Strixxx that is). Everyone joined it and it was so good. Kudos to all singers, back performers and the orchestra. They all did an amazing job. The whole musical was one of a kind. It was amazing and I had really good time.
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jaub · 2 years
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Half-Baked AU - Sunny Side Squad
What is the Half-Baked AU? Basically a multiverse where 'almost' everyone is stupid af Yeah, that's about it.. _____ Meet the strange half-baked simpletons, aka the Star Sans, aka the Sunny Side Squad(SSS) They aim to do good... buuut they aren't very "good" at it.. They tend to actually make trouble wherever they go and are quite annoying _____
Accidentally pompous leader who has no social skills
He was spoiled by his home village and now thinks he's f**king royalty
Tends to offend people without realizing it
Takes in damaged or troubled monsters because he wants to be charitable to "peasants"
He is actually fairly nice, but it comes off as patronizing and overbearing
Basically a grade B a**hole, but it's not his fault he was raised that way and he actually does "try" to be kind
The only monster Shine thinks is on his level is Moon
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He just wanted to relax in his anti-void, but ended up caring for an amnesiac dumba** instead
Line is only in the group to protect Artsy from getting killed
He lets Artsy draw on his face and choose his clothes for him to make him happy
The lines on his face used to be purple, but Artsy drew over them
The only one who tries to keep the squad out of trouble and use common sense
Keeps Artsy on a harness so he doesn't wonder off and manages his vials for him
Simpleminded jolly bean who is literally the dumbest in the squad
He likes colorful things and his favorite color is green
Has no memory whatsoever and would legit forget how existing works if not for Line
Isn't allowed to use his own vials for himself
Gets distracted easily
Will wander away and get hopelessly lost if not monitored
Tends to almost get killed every time he's not with Line
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True to his name, he's a poisonous lil'skele who's kinda nuts
Got bit on his skull by a venomous lamia and now he is not so right in the head
The blue plasma leaking from his skull and mouth is highly poisonous. If anyone touches the stuff they're probably as good as dead
He likes to bite people like the little snake he is
Cyanide is the most dangerous of the group and Moon is always telling Shine that he should euthanize him
He's a good bean really, the accident just messed him up mentally
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Shine found an unsupervised Artsy feeding this poor monster with his paint vials and now said monster is... well, loopy
Has almost zero coordination and tends to be dizzy all the time
Only eats colorful sweet foods, like fruitloops or cupcakes
He doesn't see properly and colors look screwed up and warped for him
Has small moments of lucidity where he is actually fairly intelligent
The stuff in his jacket fluff is actually sprinkles. They fall out sometimes and leave trails
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Dream!Sans | JokuBlog Error!Sans | TheCrayonQueen Ink!Sans | Comyet Swap!Sans | p0pcornpr1nce Lust!Sans | NSFWShamecave Half-Baked AU | Me
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eternal-echoes · 2 years
Twilight has himself disguised as one of Donovan Desmond’s bodyguards to extract more information about the war he’s planning.
The Shopkeeper has assigned Thorn Princess to assassinate Donovan Desmond for planning to start a war.
Thorn Princess assassinates 3 of the bodyguards. Her stabby thing grazes the fourth bodyguard’s cheek taking the mask off with it as it pierces against the wall, revealing Loid’s face.
Thorn Princess: Loid-san!?
Twilight: Yoru-san?
Thorn Princess: um… uhh…. I’m here to give Mr. Donovan Desmond a massage! My massage technique just made these bodyguards fall asleep. Hahaha!
*Donovan Desmond curled up in the corner like a scared little child*
Twilight: I’m here to extract information about the war he’s plotting so we can stop it.
*sounds of SSS guards coming*
*Thorn Princess escapes*
Twilight: Wait! We can talk about this like a married couple!
*Twilight runs after Yor*
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enstarriedownbad · 1 year
♥ Himeru x Fem!Reader fanfiction ♥
Unmasking our flawless facades
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Chapter 2: Reimei visit (2/3)
Characters in this chapter: - Sazanami Jun (Eden) - Tomoe Hiyori (Eden)
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Read Chapter 1 here!
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-- Location: Reimei hallways --
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Jun : "So here is a photo gallery of some graduates who succeeded in the idol industry."
You look at the pictures, no familiar faces in sight.
Jun - "Wait I haven't been there for a while, it looks like they added new ones. Maybe next year I'll get to see Ohii-san or Kaze-" he stops.
He suddenly looks very sad and nostalgic.
You - "Are you okay Jun?"
Jun - "... Yes I'm alright. Sorry I just thought of someone. I- I owe them a lot."
You - "Don't be sorry, it's fine. You can tell me about it if that can lift a weight off your chest, too."
Jun - "Thank you."
Jun continues to make you visit the academy. You pass by some big training rooms on the higher floors and get a glimpse of the inside.
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Then the two of you go down to get to another room. This one looks much smaller.
-- Location : uninhabited dorm --
Jun - "Remember those spacious rooms we passed by?"
You - "Hm?"
Jun - "Well back before the Reimei revolution, the Special Students actually had those rooms as their personal separate bedrooms. They monopolized them all. And all that while us Non-Special students had to share a room like the one we're in now."
You - "How was that allowed?"
Jun - "Well back then it was somehow 《normal》, or tolerable. But the thing is that we were at least 4 or 5 per room and still had to chaperone and cook meals every day for those arrogant bastards."
You - "Hold up. You guys had to share a small room while the SSs had a private training room each? And on top of that you had to cook those meals??", you ask concerned. "How was this legal? This looks like abuse."
Jun - "I know right. I kept wondering what the police was doing. Now that I think about it, they probably got paid a lot of money from the higher-ups so that they never get involved..."
You - "So how did you guys train without a training room?"
Jun - "Most of us didn't."
You - "《Most of us》 ?"
Jun once has again this bittersweet smile on his face.
Jun - "Well, a very kind senpai, my very first friend here, lent us his room so we could use it whenever we wanted. He was a very popular SS among all, teachers included. Yet he chose to live in here with us, in this very dorm. Everyone went crazy when learning that", he says with such a sad face.
You - "He sounds like an amazing person! Is he the same senpai to who you owe a lot?"
Jun - "Yea..."
You recall when you accompanied Trickstar and Eden in their training this summer. Didn't Jun say something about a revolution happening thanks to one man?
Jun - "I miss him."
You - "I know you don't want to talk about it now but once you are ready I'll listen to you closely", you tell him with empathy.
Jun - "Oh don't worry it's not like it's all buckled up inside me. I already told Ohii-san about him actually, telling him his stories and life lessons, to Ohii-san's displeasure at times haha", he says as he glimpses a smile.
You - "So the two never met? Hiyori-senpai (// however you call him) is a 3rd year and joined Reimei as a 2nd year. So, I assume he's graduated?"
Jun - "No, he hasn't... Actually, I can tell you that he's being hospitalized as we are speaking, that's why they never met."
You - "Oh. I'm so sorry to hear that. I shouldn't have asked."
Jun - "It's fine."
You check on your watch. It's already time for Jun's training.
You - "I think it's time for us to go where Hiyori-senpai is waiting for you," you awkwardly say.
Jun - "Okay, follow me!"
-- Location: Reimei corridor --
-- Time: Around 4 pm --
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You see Hiyori in the distance. He looks lost in thoughts. Jun notices that aswell.
Jun - "Hey ohii-san!", he says nicely.
Hiyori breaks free from his thoughts and smiles at the sound of Jun's voice.
Hiyori - "Good morning Jun-kun, long time no see, Y/N-chan(// whichever honorifics or nickname you like the most)," he greets politely.
You - "Good morning, Hiyori-senpai."
Hiyori - "What brings you here on our Open House day? Do you want to leave the Yumenosaki Academy?", he asks playfully.
You - "You're right. I may transfer again. Jun was helping me visit the school actually."
Hiyori - "Good. As you may have already seen, our school is way more spacious and classy than your current one. And stealing not only the only producer from Yumenosaki but also the one who made Trickstar win the SS would be << ii-Hiyori >>", he jokes.
The three of you laugh.
Jun - "Wait why are you in your uniform as well Ohii-san? I didn't know you were a representative of the school today."
Hiyori - "Well the school wanted to show off as many Special Students as possible, so this is why I am here."
You - "Hum is the SS/Non-SS segregation still going on?", you ask concerned.
The two of them look at each other.
Hiyori - "Well yes. But it will only apply to idol students next year, don't worry", he cheers you up.
Jun - "Y/N, I just remembered that some teachers are giving a presentation about the new courses in about 15 minutes. Sorry, I can't accompany you there since I have training right now though. Try to follow the signs."
Hiyori - "Let's meet again in 2 hours if you want. I'll treat you two to dinner."
You - "Sure!"
You wave goodbye to both of them and proceed to look for the signs. As you walk, you can still hear Hiyori and Jun's voices.
Hiyori - "Jun-kun," he says with a serious tone, "I heard that Kazehaya Tatsumi left the hospital."
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← previous chapter ♥ next →
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Author note :
I had to adjust the time period so that it fits the Japanese back-to-school period, sorry about that!
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Holy sss.... the DRAMA, the AGONY, the SCENES!!!
I would drabble so much about this, but I have to cut is short for now
LOVE the questions Sun and Moon ask from themself♡ The soft Chica scene♡ The fluff after the angst!
... I did not expected that Moon would figure out so soon what he really did. Poor baby :((
Loved the angst, loved the fluff the good balance is there♡ Thank you for this wonderful chapter♡
You're welcome! Glad you liked it!
Sun and Moon are indeed talking to each other in this chapter. I might do it a bit differently than others would. Their thoughts are intermingled. And it's just context and feelings they have to work off of for now.
Moon might be a baby, but he isn't stupid. His track record has shown him to be very clever, just tends to drop things if it's not his business. Example: Vanessa Texting herself is weird, but technically isn't breaking the rules by doing so.... it just means Moon can tease her about it.
If Moon counted all the employees that went inside the breakroom, and there was the same number of intruders, sans Vanessa, then he already knows what the conclusion is... and is in a state of denial.
Cause afterall, he was just following the protocol that his Dad told them to trust.
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