hizerain · 2 years
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I love messy desks. I used to be stickler for a clean empty desk but ever since I let that go I have felt amazing. It's cathartic to clean a desk, as it is to clean any space, but I find it useless to strive for this perfectly empty desk. Being surrounded by my thoughts in physical form creates clutter, the right kind of clutter. I am reminded of things, thoughts about homework, theorems, problems keep rolling around in my head instead of being neatly packed away. I receive insights at the strangest moments and I like it. I enjoy the organic development of thoughts and ideas. Perhaps it is not the most efficient, perhaps it isn't the best, but it works for me and it works well.
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anxiousrred · 8 months
* What is STEM?
STEM stands for Science, Technology, Engineering, and Mathematics. STEM plays a vital role in various industries and is fundamental to innovation, research, and development in today's society. STEM is an educational program developed to prepare primary and secondary students for college, graduate study and careers in the fields of science, technology, engineering and mathematics (STEM). In addition to subject-specific learning, STEM aims to foster inquiring minds, logical reasoning and collaboration skills. It represents an interdisciplinary approach to education and problem-solving that integrates these four key fields. STEM education emphasizes critical thinking, creativity, and practical applications of knowledge in these domains. It aims to prepare individuals to thrive in a rapidly advancing technological world by fostering skills such as problem-solving, analytical thinking, and collaboration. STEM plays a vital role in various industries and is fundamental to innovation, research, and development in today's society.
* Why Choose The STEM Strand?
Senior High is a new adventure for any junior high school student. For many high school students, choosing their senior high track is one of the most important decisions they can make, as it can set the course of their life for many years to come.
The Science, Technology, Engineering, and Mathematics (STEM) track is a highly technical track that equips students with the skills necessary for pursuing further studies and professions in medicine, engineering, economics, and more. With STEM careers growing by 24%, one of the advantages of STEM strand in senior high school is that graduates can look forward to illustrious careers that directly contribute to building the economy and helping society.
* What is the Purpose of STEM strand for SeniorHigh students?
The STEM strand is designed to nurture senior high school students’ curiosity, problem solving abilities, and communication skills. With the STEM strand, graduates will:
• Have developed a keener sense of creativity and ingenuity which is essential in coming up with new ideas and innovations.
• Be more inclined to experiment and be more open to risks.
• Be able to apply the knowledge they’ve learned in class in everyday scenarios, most especially in their future courses.
• Have the foundational competencies that will allow them to excel in their chosen courses and, eventually, help them qualify for jobs in the STEM strand.
* What are the possible courses can take if you choose the STEM strand?
1.) Bachelor of Science in Engineering
2.) Bachelor of Science in Computer Science / Data Science
3.) Bachelor of Science in Information Technology / Information Systems
4.) Bachelor of Science in Mathematics / Applied Mathematics
5.) Bachelor of Science in Statistics
6.) Bachelor of Science in Architecture
7.) Bachelor of Science in Health Sciences / Life Sciences
8.) Bachelor of Science in Applied Physics
9.) Bachelor of Science in Food Technology
10.) Bachelor of Science in Biology / Biochemistry / Chemistry
* What are the possible Jobs if you choose STEM strand?
Our senior high school students go on to find relevant STEM strand jobs that match the skills and knowledge they’ve acquired from our curriculum. They will find plenty of opportunities, both in employment and in further studies in higher education. Senior high school graduates have found fulfilling and successful careers in the following jobs in the STEM strand:
• Nurses
• Pilot
• Architect
• Astrophysicist
• Biologist
• Chemist
• Industrial Engineer
• Chemical Engineer
• Dentist
• Nutritionist
• Doctor
• Marine Engineer
* Why is STEM important?
The STEM approach to education fosters creativity and divergent thinking alongside fundamental disciplines. It motivates and inspires young people to generate new technologies and ideas. With a focus on practice and innovation, students get to learn from inquiry-based assignments. STEM education gives an understanding of concepts and encourages knowledge application. To keep it short, its aim can be formulated in two simple actions: explore and experience. Students are free to exercise what they learn and embrace mistakes in a risk-free environment. Project-based learning and problem-solving help learners to form a special mindset. Its core is in flexibility and curiosity, which equips learners to respond to real-world challenges.
SOURCES: https://www.techtarget.com/whatis/definition/STEM-science-technology-engineering-and-mathematics
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prinze252006 · 2 years
"Why did I choose the STEM strand?"
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STEM is an approach to learning and development that integrates the areas of Science, Technology, Engineering, and Mathematics in K12. Of all strands in Senior High School, I have chosen the Stem strand since it gave me the spotlight in deciding on my dream job, which is Nursing. However, this STEM strand is a high expectation for students where time management needs to improve. STEM is well known for its difficulty in doing countless tasks, both minor and major subjects. In short, choosing STEM is highly doubtful for being one of the most challenging strands.
As a STEM student, I struggled with many tasks that I could not handle, particularly time management in school work and family time. Moreover, I am having difficulty taking care of myself due to this problem, and I am aware that it takes time to adjust to cope with it. Being a STEM student is one of the most stressful aspects of my life since many people have high expectations of me, and I am afraid of disappointing myself and others. Many of us STEM students are dealing with this problem. We work hard to complete all our schoolwork on time to exceed their expectations.
Despite all the struggles, the motivation and support from my family serve as a significant reason to continue and not give up. Being a STEM student made me realize that failure is a part of life and does not define us. Additionally, everything happens for a reason, and every struggle deserves perseverance to achieve goals and ambition in life. Throughout the challenges in STEM, I have learned and gained education growth. In choosing STEM, this strand tested what a capable one can aid in by teaching critical life skills, such as Interdisciplinary Skills, Critical Thinking, Soft Skills, and Problem Solving, which STEM is the one that will change my life.
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alvarezven · 8 months
What is STEM?
One of the four strands offered for senior high school in the Philippines is the STEM strand, which stands for science, technology, engineering, and math. In the Philippines, SHS students are able to select their own track. Some people may have already made a decision regarding their college education and future employment. Other students use SHS as a place to research various topics and increase their expertise.
STEM in SHS is an inquiry - and research - based program. It seeks to lay the groundwork for students' future college degrees by exposing them to more difficult mathematical and scientific ideas.
Students gain problem-solving abilities where they may use scientific, technological, mathematical, and engineering concepts through numerous projects and research that is required.
STEM stands for science, technology, engineering, and math. It incorporates these four disciplines and takes an interdisciplinary approach to learning and problem-solving.
SCIENCE: Involves the study of the natural world, which includes environmental science, biology, chemistry, and physics. It is important to comprehend how and why things operate.
TECHNOLOGY: Emphasizes the use of devices, programs, and systems to solve issues and enhance operations. Programming, computer science, and discoveries that spur advancement are all included.
ENGINEERING: Designing, constructing, and maintaining machines, systems, and processes are all part of engineering. Science and math concepts are used by engineers to develop workable solutions.
MATHEMATICS: For analyzing and interpreting data, solving problems, and making predictions, mathematics provides the language and instruments. To comprehend and put scientific principles into practice, that it is essential.
The study of STEM fosters creativity, teamwork, problem-solving, and critical thinking. It prepares people for a variety of occupations in a variety of fields, including robotics, healthcare, software development, environmental science, and more. In addition, it's regarded as crucial for tackling global issues, fostering creativity, and advancing technology.
Why is STEM important?
More and more people are realizing the value of STEM (Science, Technology, Engineering, and Math) education in impacting both the future of education and the global economy. In a world that is continuously evolving, STEM teaches students essential information as well as crucial 21st-century skills like critical thinking, creativity, cooperation, and problem-solving.
However, if STEM education is to truly empower students and prepare them for the challenges that lie ahead, it must go beyond its basic disciplines and include sustainability and environmental education.
Why choose STEM?
The STEM strand aims to develop students' problem-solving, communication, and curiosity skills in senior high school. Graduates with the STEM focus to:
Have improved their imagination and resourcefulness, which are crucial for developing creative ideas and improvements.
Be more willing to take risks and be more experimental.
Be able to use what they have learned in the classroom in real-world situations, especially in their future courses.
What is the advantage of taking the STEM Strand?
Compared to other SHS strands, the STEM strand includes a wide range of subjects. The students are thus exposed to a wide range of concepts and ideas that they can employ in both their current study and future careers.
Ability to solve issues. The STEM strand contains a lot of hands-on courses. In this lesson, teachers show their pupils how to solve a variety of problems logically. When speculating, doing experiments, analyzing data, and coming to conclusions, students must adhere to the correct scientific procedure.
This method of instruction stimulates students' curiosity, encouraging them to experiment and develop original hypotheses and solutions.
Collaboration and communication. Students are provided several chances to collaborate with their peers in an inquiry-based learning approach. They can practice active listening as a result and improve their interpersonal communication. Additionally, they learn how to interact with their classmates with patience and empathy.
In addition, they can focus on their formal presentations. Here, a different channel of contact is opened up. Students can practice public speaking with numerous experiments and projects.
A readiness to change. Students learn how to adapt to change through lessons in the STEM curriculum. As they provide their peers solutions to these problems, they learn how to deal with a variety of obstacles.
Trial-and-error methods are necessary for many lessons. They develop the tenacity and self-assurance necessary to push through challenging assignments and classes as a result of their ongoing exposure to these. They develop their flexibility and resilience as they learn how to overcome these challenges.
Possible Courses and Careers Under STEM Strand:
Senior High School Students that pursue the STEM strand are more inclined towards complex scientific advancements and the future of modern technology.
Many of our STEM students go on to apply for undergraduate programs and explore their preferred specialized fields. Through the courses under the STEM strands, these students continue to grow into the country’s future scientists, engineers, programmers, and trailblazers within their niche. The STEM strand course list can include the following degree programs:
Bachelor of Science in Engineering
Bachelor of Science in Computer Science / Data Science
Bachelor of Science in Information
Technology / Information Systems
Bachelor of Science in Mathematics / Applied Mathematics
Bachelor of Science in Statistics
Bachelor of Science in Architecture
Bachelor of Science in Health Sciences / Life Sciences
Bachelor of Science in Applied Physics
Bachelor of Science in Food Technology
Bachelor of Science in Biology / Biochemistry / Chemistry
Possible Jobs in the STEM Strand. Senior High School Students go on to find relevant STEM strand jobs that match the skills and knowledge they’ve acquired from our curriculum. They will find plenty of opportunities, both in employment and in further studies in higher education. Senior high school graduates have found fulfilling and successful careers in the following jobs in the STEM strand:
Industrial Engineer
Chemical Engineer
Marine Engineer
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shymdart · 8 months
What is STEM
Science, Technology, Engineering and Mathematics is an educational program to prepare secondary learners or Senior High School students that will pursue careers in the field of Science Technology and Engineering. STEM education focuses on educating future generations for successful jobs in science, technology, engineering, and mathematics (STEM). STEM education provides children with skills that expand beyond those required for success in STEM careers, preparing them to enter any industry with valuable skill sets that enable them to achieve their goals. Stem aims to develop Logical Reasoning, Collaboration Skills and Critical Thinking. Science
The first component of STEM is Science, science is an exacting, systematic study that develops and organizes information in the form of verifiable explanations and global forecasts. Technology, Technology, sometimes referred to as the transformation and manipulation of the human environment, is the application of scientific knowledge to the practical goals of human life.The growth of technology, which transforms communication, transportation, healthcare, and other aspects of contemporary life, relies on computer science, information technology, software development, and engineering. Engineering, Engineering is the profession of solving technological issues, increasing efficiency and manufacture, and improving systems by utilizing natural science, mathematics, and the engineering design process Many subfields of modern engineering exist, including the design and improvement of infrastructure, machines, automobiles, electronics, materials, and energy systems. Mathematics, Mathematics is a field of knowledge that covers the subjects of numbers, formulas, and associated structures, shapes and the places in which they exist, and quantities and their variations. Mathematics has significance to the natural sciences, engineering, medicine, finance, computer science, and social sciences. Although mathematics is often used to model phenomena, its essential principles are independent of any scientific experimentation.
The analytical, problem-solving, and critical thinking abilities that STEM education teaches students are applicable to a wide range of vocations. Additionally, it encourages invention and creativity, both of which are crucial for tackling the most important issues facing society. Students that pursue a STEM education have a wide range of options to participate in STEM-related activities. These tasks could involve inventing and testing novel materials, constructing and building robots, writing computer programs, and doing in-depth data analysis.
To summarize, STEM programs are comprehensive multidisciplinary topics that can be learned by students of all ages. STEM fields are powerful forces of invention and development, resulting in cutting-edge technology and developments that improve our daily lives. STEM education is vital because it provides students with numerous benefits, such as establishing programs that allow for deeper learning and teaching them critical skills that will help them thrive in life.
Shyra Marie D. Artillero 11-Perfection
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athearheycelcaballero · 8 months
What is STEM?
STEM refers to a specific academic track or program designed for high school students. STEM stands for Science, Technology, Engineering, and Mathematics. The STEM strand is one of several specialized tracks or strands that students can choose from in their final years of high school. These tracks are designed to help students focus on specific areas of study and prepare them for their future careers or further education. STEM majors attract people from diverse backgrounds with diverse interests, whether or not they plan on entering highly technical fields. Why? STEM courses usually involve experiential learning (EL) opportunities, projects, and lab sessions. During a STEM course, you can also benefit from an assignment or a project that lets you explore and use your existing problem-solving expertise in the real world. Source: https://www.aeccglobal.com.ph/blog/stem-strand-courses-jobs-list?fbclid=IwAR2xGszP3sBT4OxpyBIRZUxF_neAfcUnNQAepjtRpBbuIT0HOicU-9MA9G0
The STEM strand curriculum includes a variety of subjects, such as: ▪ Pre Calculus and Basic Calculus ▪ Chemistry ▪ Physics ▪ Biology ▪ Earth Science ▪ Empowerment Technology ▪ DRR ▪ Research Methods STEM education is important because it prepares students for the jobs of the future. STEM jobs are growing at a faster rate than non-STEM jobs, and they are often high-paying and in-demand. STEM education also helps students develop important skills such as critical thinking, problem-solving, and teamwork.
STEM education and careers are vital for driving innovation, economic growth, and technological advancement in modern society. People with STEM backgrounds often work in a wide range of industries, from healthcare and information technology to aerospace and environmental science. STEM fields are characterized by their emphasis on critical thinking, problem-solving, and the pursuit of knowledge to address real-world challenges. STEM graduates are in high demand in the Philippines, particularly in fields such as Engineering, IT, and Science.
Advantages of Taking STEM in SHS in the Philippines
The STEM strand encompasses many subject matters compared with other SHS strands. Because of this, the students are presented with many concepts and ideas that they can apply to their daily life as well as in their future studies.  Source: https://reedleyschool.edu.ph/blog/overview-of-stem-strand-and-curriculum/
Top STEM Strand Courses & Subjects List
One of the questions that international students often ask is this: What are the courses under STEM strand? Here is a short STEM courses list. But remember, the options to choose from in the academic world are much more. ▪ Computer Science ▪ Biology ▪ Statistics ▪ Biochemistry ▪ Aerospace ▪ Engineering Civil Engineering ▪ Mechanical Engineering Astronomy ▪ Physics ▪ Electrical Engineering Chemistry ▪ Paleontology Source: https://www.aeccglobal.com.ph/blog/stem-strand-courses-jobs-list?fbclid=IwAR2xGszP3sBT4OxpyBIRZUxF_neAfcUnNQAepjtRpBbuIT0HOicU-9MA9G0
In a STEM strand or program in high school, students engage in a range of activities that encompass classroom instruction in subjects like advanced mathematics, science, technology, and engineering, hands-on experiments, mathematical problem-solving, coding and programming, engineering design projects, research projects, team projects, participation in STEM competitions, field trips to STEM-related facilities, and potential internships or work experiences. These activities aim to provide students with both theoretical knowledge and practical skills, foster critical thinking, problem-solving abilities, and teamwork, and expose them to real-world applications of STEM disciplines. Additionally, students receive guidance for exploring STEM career paths, understanding educational opportunities, and gaining a strong foundation for future success in STEM fields.
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Picture: https://pin.it/3V2HV3i Athea Rheycel Caballereo 11 - Eminence
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nicolaustic · 1 year
My Life as a STEM Student
Good day, Everyone!!! I am Nick and I'm a 1st Year Senior High School Student who is studying in the STEM Strand. I'm a 17 year old Filipino kid who loves to watch anime and read blogs like this.
Since it's been my first year as a Senior High Student, I would admit that it is really hard to overcome these different situations but still I'd still be able to solve these problems whether on my own or with my peers/friends.
To be honest, I don't have any favorite subjects but If I am asked what is the easiest subject for me? Hmm, I would say Statistics and Probability. I would choose to study that subject all day rather than studying GenMath and Basic Calculus, those subjects melts my brain cells.
For your information, I'm also the President of my section. Some of them addressed me as "Pangulo", actually I didn't like it but also I won't be mad at them just because of these simple things. I also have my loyal peers like Wendel, Luis, Claire, Mark, Benedict, they are the ones who are always by my side from the start of the class until the dismissal. I used to hang out with them everyday after dismissal at the Food Hall located at SM North Edsa.
That was the brief story of mine about my life as a STEM Student. Again, I am Nick, Thank you.
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essskel · 2 years
doing some important research today #stemstudent
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(ID in alt)
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angelinbesana · 8 months
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The STEM strand is an approach to education that focuses on the hard sciences, develops critical thinking skills, and improves problem-solving abilities. STEM is a curriculum based on the idea of educating students in four specific disciplines called science, technology, engineering and mathematics in an integrated, interdisciplinary approach to learning that provides hands-on and relevant learning experiences for students.
STEM strand in SHS is an inquiry and research-based program. It exposes students to more complex mathematics and science concepts and aims to serve as a foundation for their future college degree. This strand encompasses many subject matters compared with other SHS strands. Because of this, the students are presented with many concepts and ideas that they can apply to their daily life as well as in their future studies.
#STEM #TheSTEMstrand #STEMstudent
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lorybie · 8 months
The fields of science, technology, engineering, and math or STEM, are an acronym for a collection of academic and professional professions. Senior high school students are introduced to sophisticated mathematical and scientific theories and concepts through the STEM strand, laying the groundwork for their college studies. STEM equips people with the abilities they need to prosper and adapt to this rapidly changing world.
The subjects that students who select the STEM strand commonly study include physics, chemistry, biology, mathematics, and technology-related subjects. This strand aims to get students ready for careers and future study in the disciplines of science, technology, engineering, and math. It is a part of a larger initiative to offer specialized educational paths to meet the interests and professional goals of students. It is intended to give students in-depth knowledge and expertise in these subjects, preparing them for upcoming employment in science and technology as well as chances for higher study.
#stemstudent #choosestem
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https://www.h1btransfersusa.com/blog/extended-opt-for-international-stem-students-legal-maintains-us-court/ The US Court of Appeals for the DC Circuit ruled Tuesday to maintain the legality of the Optional Practical Training (OPT) program, including the STEM students extension. #f1visa #f1students #internationalSTEMstudents #OPTemploymentauthorization #OPTprogram #STEMextension #STEMstudents #OPTrule
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hizerain · 2 years
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currently changing my entire identity again, brb
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justanotherstemfem · 2 years
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Day 8 | 100 days of productivity
Started taking catalan and french lessons on Duolingo
Did some Differential equations work
It wasn’t that much of a productive day, but I’m hoping I can maintain my commitment to both languages! 
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prinze252006 · 2 years
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jeslenelifeupdate · 3 years
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Hey angels, it is me right now reviewing for our upcoming exam which is General Physics. Yes, I know this is a very hard subject ‘cause it has a lot of aspects to study. But, we can do it! Padayon Angels :) How about you? What are you doing right now? 
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ianrogel · 4 years
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Media and Information Literacy
Hi I am Ian Rogel I am a Stem Student Of the National University in Fairview And I would like to talk about The Introduction of Media & Information Literacy  Media and technology have become increasingly indispensable in today’s information age. Apart from all the the necessary reading we have to do to obtain needed information, we also have to navigate increasingly complex media and technology platforms. And while life without the Internet, smartphones, TV, and radio may be bearable, it hardly seems like a fun life at all, especially for today’s Gen Z students. Key Point -Our media and information literacy equips us with the necessary skills to better navigate an increasingly tech-savvy world.
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