#STILL dont really know who miruko is but this is very cute
peritusabsurdus · 4 years
bnha soccer au
(yes im still on this aHA)
okay so really i have no time to be drawing anything rn THO I REALLY WANNA but you just gotta bear w me here and imagine because it’s GLORIOUS
below the cut is like,,, all the hc’s and positions and lil things
LOV and the Pro Heroes
the LOV
Dabi is on defense, along with shigaraki and spinner
which leaves Toga,Twice and Compress on offense
Kurogiri is goalie (a really good one, too? Like in their soccer league he is The Best goalie because there’s no quirks in this AU but i feel like if there were he’d obviously be very good at goalie-ing)
All For One was their coach,,, then legal shit went down,,, now ujiko took over kinda though it’s a co-op thing with kurogiri almost
basically that’s kinda what the League is known for? a whole bunch of legal stuff from all for one and also rumors of cheating probably because they’re just Like That aha
their uniforms i think im gonna model after juventus because of the colors and stuff (kinda like how i modeled hawks’ fit after MC)
Dabi is a soccer prodigy (because of endeavor,,, YES i am adding todoroki drama) but he’s completely distanced himself from his father and family,,, it’s a whole big thing
Toga is pulling a harvey elliot and battling Hawks for “youngest soccer player ever”
obvi hawks still holds that title, even though he won it a few years prior to when toga joined the League
the beef between the League and the Heroes is basically just a publicity stunt,,, but also the teams are literally just assholes to each other like All The Time, (even during games,,,, yall can just GUESS how many fouls and penalties and red cards get pulled on ALL players like,,,, kids,,, cmon)
uhhh thats all i have for the league As Of Now
the Pro Heroes
hawks as goalie of course
miruko, edgeshot and kamui woods the team’s offense
endeavor, best jeanist, ryukyu are all defense
(yes i know there is no order for this team or any canon correlation for their ranks,,, i am totally just using the pros i like and that are the most plot relevant??? idk i can’t have todoroki drama without endeavor so)
All Might is the team’s coach,, he used to play but then he retired because of medical issues (too many destroyed ankles and dislocated knees amirite ladies????)
like i said before,,, hawks holds the record for youngest player ever (he joined when he was like 16) and broke rumi’s record aha
they’re best friends (rumi and hawks) because i said so and also hawks needs more friends
the Heroes team does this little internship thing like the Timbers do and have kids join smaller leagues and practices and stuff with them (so like Class 1-A is still apart of this AU i honestly think its cool legit teams do this stuff)
i already designed hawks’ uniform as Goalie but i think the rest of the Heroes’ uniforms are still gonna be modeled after manchester city because i know little to no other famous teams other than State teams and the Famous European Ones
this is all i have for these teams and players specifically rn,,, there’s more but i have to organize my thoughts better
miscellaneous ig?
hawks and dabi meet on the field when dabi knees hawks in the stomach when he dives for the ball (we love meet-cutes, don’t we?)
a red card is pulled on dabi obviously because goalies are like the major No-No’s for soccer but hawks still holds a grudge because dabi didn’t apologize like the meanie he is ;(
i still have to figure out specifics and shit for their different soccer Leagues and also world cups ig (like,,,, since they’re all in the same country with some pretty skilled players on Both Teams,,, i can’t imagine the chaos that would ensue if they had to *shivers* work together)
also the todoroki drama??? basically the same as canon (endeavor pushes dabi too hard to be a good player,,, dabi resents him,,, shoto gets pushed into the spotlight,,, tw abuse,,, dabi just disconnects from the todorokis,,, he tries to take endeavor’s spotlight out of spite and also when he does he gets famous enough to reveal the shitty person he is,,, yknow,, the usual,,,)
its a fun au overall and i rlly like to draw them,,, i have to get on that,,,
dabihawks is a thing and will be a thing but ig i still have to figure out how??? maybe when the world cup comes around and they’re forced onto the same team ahahahhaha
OR hawks could be traded onto the LOV for money and publicity reasons,,,
i dont know much about how all this works??? just teams and leagues and also how to play soccer (i dont even play lmao)
mkay folks,,, that’s all for today,,,, tomorrow? who knows,, might be more,,, (don’t hold me to that I have such little time for anything i-)
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feeling-uncomfy · 4 years
This chapter is kinda full of chaos and cussing, not much abuse is mentioned, mainly fluff :D
Aziawa watched the two kids colour together in silence. That silence didnt last long. Though, it never did.
Aziawa heard two voices yelling growing louder, and Tokoyami seemed to be trying to block it out. Midoryia, Uraraka and Iida were at the front door, leaving. Aziawa called them over.
"I want you three to take Tokoyami to the city with you." Logically he knew this was a bad idea, but he didnt want the kid freaking out. "And Eri, please." The trio nodded.
With those three gone, Aziawa could yell at whoever was arguing outside.
"Jeeze, Deku. I didnt think the crowd would be this big!" Uraraka kept a grip on Eri's hand as they made their way to a soba store. "Well, obviously it would be busy. It's rush hour, after all." Iida informed them, holding Tokoyami's hand tight.
Tokoyami wasnt having a good time, neither was Eri. Midoryia noticed. "Let's turn around, I'm sure Todoroki won't–" someone knocked into Iida, and the whole group was sent tumbling.
"Eri! Are you alright?" Uraraka was fussing over Eri. "Midoryia!" Iida pointed into the crowd. Midoryia noticed why, and panicked. "Uraraka, stay here with Eri. We're going to find Tokoyami." Uraraka called for them as the pair disappeared into the crowd again.
Tokoyami was shoved left and right, trying not to be stamped on. He saw red shoes, and ran. He hugged the leg as tight as he could, terrified.
"What the fuck are you–?!" Tokoyami looked up. A man in a hoodie stood looking down at him, light blue hair visible beneath the hood. "Uh, get off."
Tokoyami looked back at the crowd. "Sorry mister..." Tokoyami stepped back and was almost trampled. The man grabbed his arm with four fingers before he had a chance to think.
"Hey! Watch it fucker." He looked down at the kid, realising what he had done. Tokoyami was frozen, clearly afraid. The man sighed.
"Fucking hell... come on, kid." He stared leading him away, towards an alley. Tokoyami looked up at him, confused. "Where are we going?" The man looked at him.
"We're going home."
Aziawa's phone rang mid rant. "Hold that thought." It was Midoryia? That was never good. Aziawa sighed. "What is it, problem-child?" Midoryia started mumbling quickly.
All Aziawa got was 'sorry' and 'we tried to look' before he interrupted and asked him to slow down. "We lost Tokoyami. It was super crowded and someone hit into us and he just—" Aziawa cut him off.
"You did what?! Midoryia, you said you were going to a soba store, how did you lose him?" Hawks's head snapped up. "Wait, what?" Aziawa ignored him.
"Iida's still searching, but we swear he just vanished– oh! Iida, have you found him?" Midoryia spoke to his classmates. Aziawa grit his teeth. "Dont move. I'm on my way." He hung up and turned to Hawks and Miruko
Hawks and Miruko stared back. "We have a problem. Hawks, you come with me. Miruko, you stay here and wait for the problem-children to come back." He turned away and started walking out the door, Hawks hot on his heels.
Tokoyami stared at the two fingers he was clutching. "For the last time, Kurogiri, I didnt steal the child. He found me." A large purple mist stood in front of the pair. It shook its head. "Tomura, that's not an excuse–" something ran past him, and Toga was in front of Tokoyami.
"Awww!! Tomu, you didnt tell us you had a kid! He's so cute!" She giggled, and Tokoyami hid behind Shigaraki, who told her to fuck off. She pouted and stalked off.
"I'm with Kurogiri, I dont think it's a good idea to have a kid around a bunch of villains..." Spinner was on the couch, glancing at Tokoyami. Shigaraki sighed. "He's not staying. He's just gonna hang around for the night, and we'll give him back tomorrow. Easy." The group didnt look very sure.
"But why would you give him up?" Twice was leaning over the bar. "We can use him as ransom!!" He slapped a hand over his mouth."No!! We shouldn't do that!" Shigaraki sighed, though it wasnt a bad idea.
Mr. Compress squatted in front of them. "Well, kiddo, what do you wanna do?" Tokoyami stared at him. He shrugged. Mr. Compress took off his mask. "Hold on... I know you!" Shigaraki cocked his head.
"That's the kid from UA! The one with that powerful shadow quirk." Tokoyami looked confused. "I don't have my quirk yet." Mr. Compress looked confused.
"He's under some sort of de-aging quirk. I think." Shigaraki explained and Mr. Compress nodded. Shigaraki stepped away from Tokoyami. "Go make friends. Or don't, I don't care." He walked off, leaving Tokoyami inbthe centre of the room.
The others had dispersed, leaving him to his own devices after Kurogiri fed him. He walked up to Spinner. "Uh, hey kid. What's up?" Tokoyami sat next to him on the couch. He pointed at his head. "You have an animal type quirk too." Spinner shrugged. "Yup, though my actual quirk isnt really cool."
Tokoyami tilted his head. "I think you're quirk is cool." Spinner glanced sideways at him. "I think you look cool." Spinner could've cried. Mr. Compress draped his coat over the couch, joining them.
After a while, everyone had gotten used to the extra person in the bar. Someone opened the door with a bang.
"The number two is pissed. Apparently someone took his kid, and–" he stopped, staring at Tokoyami on the couch.
"What the fuck is that?"
And the league shows up!! The next chp should be up by tomorrow or around then, but in the mean time enjoy!!
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