99griffon · 7 months
My art from the SWTOR art exchange! Life Day and Valentines!
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The first one, sadly, didn't have their socials in Discord, but they went by Spiritknife on there!
The second one was for the lovely @anchanted-one
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captainmortuem · 1 year
Would you like a character who uses their privilege to fight for the rights of the downtrodden and oppressed? Who uses their position of power within a system of government to actively oppose said system of government that thrives on a superiority complex and stepping on the backs of its citizens to further heighten the elite in power?
Boy-o, have I got the character for you.
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justiceforc3po · 1 year
Heavy Trooper Storyline spoilers in the art beneath the cut! Do not proceed if you haven't finished mission A-77 (or do, but i highly reccomend you don't)
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So....that decision, huh. I genuinely had to log off and think about it before i made that decision - in the end I did choose to save the rest of the prisoners. My trooper was...not ok after this one. I love thinking about how much Chapter 3 specifically impacted her- being so targeted by General Rakton was bad enough alone, but going to A-77 to help Jaxo who was a very good friend to her at that time and then having to kill her....definitely broke something inside her.
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urwendii · 1 year
OC game
tagged by @crysdrawsthings THANK YOU you just made my evening with this omg !!! I have a LOT of bg OCs but these ones are the one with actual fleshed out stories:
under the cut because i wrote a lot as usual
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Favorite OC | Dumbest (Affectionate) OC | OC I would be best friends with:
-> [Original Story] LUKAN. L U K A N. listen sorry, Aryn knows why, we talk abt him a lot. Luk, he's just the best, he's that dumb part of me that likes to tinker with everything and gets electrocuted because why checking if the power is still on when you can solder that component right away? he's a Prince in a fantasy world, but he has ADHD with the Hyper streak at 200%, he loves to make things but most of his inventions would end up blowing up at some point, he's totally clueless about some social situations, he is helplessly in love with Cyra but goes about it in the utterly wrong way and def has a kink in getting rejected / sassed away.
He's the type to get distracted mid-battle because Would you look at this great invention in the enemy's new catapult system!! while his poor soldiers are holding on for dear life trying to defend their Prince.
he's meme material but he's the very best and has his moments.
Newest OC:
-> [Tolkien] AMARËA !!!!! i love Amarëa she's my new Maia blorbo and I love her. Bit spoilerish but I think by now everyone interested in reading All The Fire Bright have read the Reveal so... She's Arien's daughter (andmairon's). Sung into being, and just about as annoying as a child of these two can be. Jk. she's a child. Children are of course delightful :) She however has the annoying tendency to revert to her spirit form - a ball of fire when upset. children amiright...Ossë is her favourite uncle but no one is surprised. She had a child crush on Finrod before the exile of the Noldor. I like irony as you can see. Thats a difficult conversation she will have with her dad later :)
Oldest OC:
-> [SWTOR] That would be Althia I think. She was my 1st Marauder with a terrible past (like most of my OCs ngl), young babey Jedi who got kidnapped by a Sith and raised in the academy on Korriban and ended up being the Emperor's Wrath (while still being light side because take that!)
Now I miss swtor...
Meanest OC
-> [Tolkien] I don't really have mean OCs as per say, just really sassy ones but maybe the rudest would be Aramírë, one of Aulë's Maiar. She's featured in PYL as one of the few Maiar joining Ossë in trying to bring Mairon back before he does something stupid (again). She's bold and confident and doesn't take shit from wannabe-emo-dark-lord sulking away on Númenor.
-> [SWTOR] edit: Actually my meanest OC would be Marha. She was my Jedi Knight. Jedi with a complicated relation with the Republic, was Fallen at some point, ends up as the Alliance Commander against Zakuul. Aurea's Twin sister although they grew up separately when Marha and her mother fled the invasion of their native planet by Zakuul. (Altathea - a planet of the largest community of Miraluka in this region of the galaxy.) Hates the Emperor with her whole being. Mostly a neutral Jedi, have seen too much war to be unaffected and doesn't hesitate to make the tough calls. Definitely has a cold demeanor but captivity + possession + forced leadership after second captivity by your first jailor's son will do that to you.
Softest OC:
-> [SWTOR] Aurea. my Miraluka babe, part of Zakuul's Force army and Thexan's betrothed (well before Arcann rudely nuks him) She's the softest, and goes through SO MUCH emotional horrors. She's gorgeous though and a skilled Force healer. Has an unbreakable tight bond with her Scion teammate, Elhaan. Might end up in an ot3 with him and Thexan at some point.
Most Aloof/Standoffish OC | Smartest OC:
-> [Original Story] Cyra. Lukan's L.I. My autistic child <3. About the smartest person in the room at all time. She loves books more than she loves people, hates wearing shoes and loud noises, emotions are ...complicated and there are so many of them to try to guess in others. She's of dragon kin and wears some recognisable features as such. Will bite you with poisonous fangs if you try to kiss her. Princess of The Old Times(tm), has a huge memory and will weaponise it against you. Cursed. Secretly lonely.
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tony-starkinator · 14 days
Dada toy stwor
Of course buddy. Let's go.
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qm-cia · 4 months
character ai to jest jakas wgl symolacjaXDDD stwor,ylam tam jedna osobe i zachowuje sie identycznje
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rainofaugustsith · 2 years
It's been a year
It has been about a year since I tucked Viri and my other characters into their favorite strongholds in SWTOR and turned off the lights.
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I don't miss the lack of content. I don't miss the devs' obvious contempt for most of the playerbase. I don't miss the playerbase that was so toxic. I don't miss the bugs. I don't miss the "story" that was inconsistent, sad and to quote Eddie Izzard, "collapsing on itself like a flan in a cupboard." I don't miss the nasty little group of misogynistic, lesbophobic "fans" who tried so desperately to get the only wlw main character excised from the story and shrilly screamed like Veruca Salt when said wlw character had a line or dared to appear on screen. Definitely don't miss them.
But I put a lot of time and money and effort into SWTOR, and letting that all go - has been a lesson in letting things go for me. I worked on getting as many achievements and datacrons with Viri as I could, and getting the strongholds and such. I'm still very proud that I soloed several things that aren't easy to solo, such as the Fleet datacrons and the Seeker Droid finale. I'm proud that I made it through the Macrobinoculars speeder jumping puzzle, since those were the bane of my existence. I'm proud that the speeder I wanted came up in the Uprising I wanted.
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I've always said that Viri in FFXIV - who goes by Rigel in my stories for sake of not confusing things- is who Viri is in that universe. And frankly if you've been through Shadowbringers, it's entirely plausible for me to even think Viri - STWOR and Viri - FFXIV coexist, given shards of souls and such.
I think FFXIV is a far superior game. In FFXIV you get the distinct feeling that the devs genuinely give a fuck about the playerbase, that they actually play the game (Yoshi apparently is a black mage…respect, man. Respect for getting that to 90), and that when problems arise, they try to solve them. Even though there is some unavoidable group content like the trials, they do seem to go out of their way to make it as painless as they can.
Story wise, in FFXIV Viri can be who she wants to be, without the backdrop of a story that doesn't know what the hell it's doing anymore and a very rigid, black and white THIS SIDE BAD!! THIS SIDE GOOD!! mentality coming in from every angle. She's in a far more nuanced, far larger, far more interesting place with a lot more to do. And while I originally was like "oh Lord, don't give me medieval dragons and elves, ugh," she's very ironically running around with a dragon familiar now and considers the medieval-styled city populated by elves to be home (also the Crystarium).
Romance wise, I also think that FFXIV does things better even though they have no official romances. They certainly leave a lot of open doors, but they also structure things in such a way that characters can plausibly never walk through those doors. Your character has dinner or a heartfelt talk with an NPC? Hey, that could be romance or could be two platonic friends, and both work. They set up things like All Hallows Eve where players can do photo shoots with NPCs they like. And it's more or less accepted that everyone in FFXIV's lands could have fluid orientations and fancy your female or male player character. They are incredibly LGBT+ inclusive and have non binary characters that use they/them pronouns too. It's better here, I think.
Having said that…I miss running around with Lana and Viri. Not doing anything in particular, just running around with them. I was able to finish The Eternal Wrath but it's been rough trying to write about them since then.
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impulsivemuses · 18 days
Hey I know I haven’t done anything IC wise these last couple of days but I’ve been so busy replaying STWOR again and found my love for how much I missed the old republic franchise which I’ll be adding two muses from the old republic first will be Slash Avi’chez, a smuggler pirate who is a Sith species who ran from his Sith Trials to republic space who wants to make a name for the biggest pirate leader in the galaxy,
And Olviden who is a Nautolan who just wants to feel like he’s doing the right thing. He’s a Sith with a big heart. An inquisitor who plans to take up the dark council seat and earn his influence by being reasonable and tactical.
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1234567ttttttttttt · 2 months
Naukowcy odkryli prehistoryczną strukturę, której ludzie nie mogli stwor...
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tricksterscorvid · 4 months
....if it wasn't clear.. I have fallen back into Star Wars, I have fallen hard haha.. you can hope to see some kinda star wars related (probably au related)...
I also have been playing STWOR as much as I can, I miss playing even though I have beaten all the class stories it's been a good couple years since I played seriously like I am now and I have forgotten.. a lot haha but I may decide to share the many toons I have for the game.
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eabevella · 2 years
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First thing I saw logging into Dromund Kaas... just another normal day of the DK gen chat.
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purplemeow12345 · 5 years
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Kylo and Rey 
that’s all I have to remember from this movie
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noktoraspali · 4 years
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Some Nusj outfits
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deepseacritter · 4 years
OC Interview: Jast Drocan
I may have been tagged, I don’t remember.
Tagging @sleepswithvillains @outcastcommander @chaoticspacelesbians @starlightjedi and anyone else who might not have done this (or who has and wants to write up another one)
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Name ? “Drocan, Jast...ah, sorry. It’s a habit. It’s Jast.”  
Are you single ? “Wait is everything going to be personal? And this was cleared with Intelligence? How...” He pauses, pinching the bridge of his nose as he takes a deep breath. “No, I am not single.”
Are you happy ? “Overall? As a person? Or as in right now am I happy...because right now, at this moment, I’d say not quite.” He shakes his head, muttering something along the lines of “Unbelievable. How did this get approved....”
Are you angry ? “Angry, no. I’m just a little confused as to why you’re interviewing me...ok not important right now.”
Are your parents still married ? “My father died when I was a few days old. My mother remarried before I turned one, and she’s been with my step-father ever since. I’m sure you know that, it was a bit of a scandal back then.”
Birth Place ? “Corellia, but Dromund Kaas has been home since I was a child. My step-father moved us all here when I was three.”
Hair Color ?  “Uh...dark grey. But it’s not from age, that’s just how it’s always been.” Jast runs a hand through the cut lines of his hair. “It does match me, you know?”
Eye Color ? “Officially it’s listed as green. They’ve been described to me as light mint, which sounds nicer.” He looks like he wants to say more, but stops himself.
Birthday ? “Month 9, day 13. That’s the part that matters I suppose.”
Mood ? “Right now? Suspicious, to be honest. What’s with all the incredibly personal questions?”
Gender ? “I’d ask if you’re joking, but you don’t look like it. And I’m really hoping it’s a standard question and not because I’m Cathar...” He scoffs when told it’s standard, and asked again. “Fine. Male.”
Summer or winter ? “Winter. Summer is too hot and humid. Does nothing for my hair. Or fur.” 
Morning or afternoon ? “Ugh, afternoon. Mornings are awful and meant for sleep.”
EIGHT THINGS ABOUT YOUR LOVE LIFE? “Wait, wait...what? You’re serious...”
Are you in love ? He stares straight ahead for a good 30 seconds, as if trying to decide to answer the question. A couple deep breaths later. “Yes.”
Do you believe in love at first sight ? “I didn’t before, but I do now.” 
Who ended your last relationship ? “It was a mutual break, and I’m not sure you could call it an actual relationship.”
Have you ever broken someone’s heart ? “Not that I know of. Perhaps. Things happen on the job, during missions. Or they did, they don’t anymore.” That last part is said quickly, and Jast looks slightly flustered. 
Are you afraid of commitments ? “Afraid, no. Just cautious. You have to be, especially with my job.”
Have you hugged someone within the last week ? “Of course. Every day.”
Have you ever had a secret admirer ? “Me? Ha! No. That was the least likely thing to happen to me on this planet.”
Have you ever broken your own heart ? “I’m sure as a child I did, over toys and whatnot. I make it a point to not do that now.”
Love or Lust ? “Primarily love, but lust can play a part too. A good balance of both seems to work just fine. And I just said that out loud...excellent.”
Lemonade or iced tea ?  “How did you come up with the order of these questions? I’m trying to figure it out, and it just...doesn’t make sense. Ugh, fine. Iced tea.”
Cats or Dogs ? “Cats I suppose. Less needy.”
A few best friends or many regular friends ? “Many regular friends build a better network, you never know who might be helpful when you need it.”
Wild night out or romantic night in ? “Romantic night in. Quiet. Intimate. No one to bother you. No one watching what you’re doing.”
Day or night ? “Night. Definitely night. Usually I’m done with work by then, so the pressure is just off. Night is less stressful.”
Been caught sneaking out ? “Sure, that’s pretty much standard for kids on Dromund Kaas.”
Fallen down/up the stairs ? “You don’t have proof, it never happened. But yes, I have. Both. Does it count if I’ve been pushed? Because that happens at a surprisingly frequent rate for agents.”
Wanted something/someone so badly it hurt? “Yes...but it was more of me thinking that I could never be with that person that hurt.”
Wanted to disappear? “I’m an agent. That’s part of my job. That’s...what I’m trained to do.”
Smile or eyes ? “Eyes. Definitely eyes. Eyes you can get lost in...” He shakes his head quickly. “Smiles are nice too though.”
Shorter or Taller ? “Ok, that’s vague. Do you mean do I prefer to be with someone shorter or taller than me? I guess shorter, but I’ve found that height doesn’t really mean much.”
Intelligence or Attraction ? “Why do the two have to be separated? What if you’re attracted to someone who is intelligent? What if that’s something you need in a partner? It’s not possible to choose.”
Hook-up or Relationship ? “For a long time I didn’t believe being in a relationship was possible. An agent’s job is perfectly designed for hook-ups. But that gets old, and it’s nice to be with one person who I can trust.”
Do you and your family get along ? “Yes, although they never quite approved of my career choice. I just didn’t want to get into business and trading like my father. Yes, I mean step-father. He’s been my father for pretty much my whole life, so he’s my father.” 
Would you say you have a “messed up life” ?  “Quite the opposite. Until I went into training for intelligence. That...well, I’m sure you’ve heard stories.”
Have you ever ran away from home ? “No.” He scoffs at the question. “Where exactly on Domund Kaas would I run to? I stick out too much.”
Have you ever gotten kicked out ? “Of where? Cantinas? Plenty of times.” *pause* “Oh, from home. No, never. That would never have happened in my family.”
Do you secretly hate one of your friends ? “Well they wouldn’t be a friend then, would they. Now work colleague, that’s a different story. But for my safety I won’t go into that.”
Do you consider all of your friends good friends ? “I don’t have many friends that I’d consider close. The close friends are good friends.”
Who is your best friend ? “I have two. Tavi...I’ve worked with him for a while now. He’s been there for me when I needed it most, and he’s talked me out of a lot of bad situations and decisions.” He stops, as if he answered the question. When prompted for the second person, there’s a long pause. “Ralka.” Jast does not offer another other information.
Who knows everything about you ? “Ralka. Although I’m sure Imperial Intelligence would say they know everything. Still, there’s a few things they don’t know...and I’d prefer to keep it that way.”
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katyakiryu · 4 years
Of Storms and Shadows, Part 2
Rycei had once loved the smell of Dromund Kaas. He'd played in the street puddles as a child, long after his brothers had taken their first steps on the sands of Korriban.
Now the scent of the rain made him want to vomit. He wanted to be away from this planet, not on it. He sighed and sat back in the taxi. Whatever they needed him for, it was important. As Rycei grew closer to the citadel, his stomach twisted. This was the most dangerous place to be after his brother had exiled him.
Hopefully it would be just a quick mission and he'd be back in some backwater far from this place. Kaliyo asked at several points what the hell was wrong with him. Rycei responded with faux charm and claimed she was distracting him.
The mission assigned was simple enough; infiltrate the Order of Revan that had established itself in the jungle of Dromund Kaas, find their leader and report back to Intelligence.
He was happy enough with it. It kept Rycei far from the central city, and he was much more at home with liars and cultists, even if some of them were force users. Anything to do remotely with the force, he kept far from. When your brothers were both high ranking Sith, you were expected to be the same. But no, he'd been the only forceless child in his family. Even Lysandra had been powerful enough to shake the penthouse before she'd died.
The agent shook his head and held tighter to the speeder. Thinking about his younger sister, the bright light who had never had a chance to shine, made him automatically start drawing into himself. She was dead, and he was a coward.
He could still see the cruel, twisted smile of her murderer, and the words that that sadistic mouth had uttered.
"Run, little Rycei. Scurry into the shadows, where force-blind grunts like you deserve to cower."
"Hey, agent," Kaliyo called, placing her hands on her hips and glaring at him. Rain poured off her black coat, causing it to shine despite Dromund Kaas's dark jungles. Rycei dismounted from the speeder and once again donned the cunning, charming mask that he was desperately struggling to keep from cracking.
Xieonos knew that Rycei had been on Hutta. There were lingering whispers of his presence there; whispers of a young man with clear blue eyes and dark hair. Only they insisted that his brother was some kind of pirate that had left the planet a week prior. The Sith lord fumed as he stalked back onto his ship. Where the stars had Rycei vanished to? He ground his teeth before noticing that an incoming message was waiting on the holoterminal.
Xieonos pulled himself together, channeling that seething, deadly fury into sheer power as he answered the call. "What?"
The simple word rang with disgust as Harkun, the ruthless overseer who'd once trained him on Korriban, appeared.
"My lord. I am certain that you are quite occupied with business on the dark council-"
"Then why, Harkun, are you contacting me?"
The man gulped, his tattoo writhing as his face briefly flashed with discomfort. "There is a group of acolytes here. Both extremely powerful and arrogant as you once were. I thought they might be useful to you."
Xieonos was about to decline when the harsh rebuttal stilled on his lips. He peered from the shadows of his hood. A new apprentice would be a great asset to finding his traitor brother.
"Prepare for my arrival," he growled before ending the holocall."
These cultists were mad, Rycei thought to himself as he took careful steps toward the altar. Thunder cracked outside, sending vibrations through his boots.
"That's freaky," Kaliyo commented, staring up at the massive statue of Revan. Rycei agreed. The Jedi turned Sith was being worshipped by these madmen. The entire cave felt horredously wrong, and he couldn't wait to escape.
He stepped before the statue, only for violet fire to spring up, crackling and trapping him against the statue. Rycei choked as smoke rapidly filled his lungs, hearing Kaliyo yell for him as a figure emerged from the flames. He could have sworn it looked like Revan, that it was Revan. The agent's hand flew toward his vibroknife, but the smoke overwhelmed him and he collapsed onto the hard cave floor.
Deep inside him, something opened one, massive eye, and began to stir.
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roorreer · 5 years
Ah to be a star wars citizen. A completely normal space life until some punkass sith comes and murders you and your entire crew
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