#star wars rambles
peppermint-whiskers · 3 years
Has anyone noticed like,,, how poised Fox is? Like
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Hi yes, Commander Fox s t r u t s
Get it, king uwu
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comrade-shrimp · 3 years
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Maul hard 2 draw
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dilpickledd · 2 years
Thinking about this OC twin brother I’m making for Padme and than I was like LOL what if I made him a Jedi….. Or I shouldn’t that probably doesn’t make sense and is too cliche or something and than I was like NO THIS IS MY SELF INSERT OC I’LL DO WHATEVER I WANT WITH HIM ASFJKADFJKLADF
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sassysnowperson · 4 years
O and Z, for the fandom asks?
O - Choose a song at random, which OTP does it remind you of
Okay, so Pandora on shuffle lead me to Dessa's Half of You. To me, that’s very much a song about young love that’s left its mark, and you‘re not sure if it’s a good or a bad one. I’m incapable of choosing one OTP, so here’s a few I could see it working with, for different beats of the song:
Luke/Wedge: In a world where they came together as baby pilots and separated once Luke’s Jedi Powers really kicked him down a different road, I could see Wedge wondering, What if I could cure me of you? Am I so sure which pill I'd choose? 
Han/Lando: We all agree they looked like mostly-friendly exes in ESB, right? That are maybe not so ex? So I could absolutely hear: We should be a settled argument / But I can't do that / I can't remove the screws of my own youth / Can't just pull out all the fuses and start new 
And, lastly, and probably the winner for me with this song, Han/Qi’ra. Qi’ra’s life was pretty seriously messed up by Han, there was still a lot of love, but ultimately she picks power and security. Still, I could hear her saying: I get this feeling / When I'm far away from home / That I don't know / The girl I'd be if we'd / Left well enough alone
Z - Just ramble about something fan-related, go go go
What is the state of literacy in the Star Wars universe? There are so few books! Are they all in the datapads that we see characters holding? It seems like so much is visually projected images and voice...do people ever...Space Text? Write a Space Thank You Card? Jot anguished pre-teen thoughts down in a Space Journal?
And that’s not even taking into account the overwhelming number of child soldiers and people who grew up on death planets! Can Cassian read? Can Jyn? Can Luke?
Hot new Star Wars Take - Hi my name is Luke I’m 19, and I NEVER LEARNED HOW TO READ.
(Yes, I *know* he can pretty clearly read his nav computer. Please consider him attending the Rebellion’s Adult Education classes because his Death Planet’s educational system mostly covered “Here is how you pay Jabba’s taxes” and “here is how you don’t die from a womp rat bite”)
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beepsnwhirrs · 5 years
God, do you ever just think about how fucking stupid the jedi and the sith are? How long is it going to take everyone to figure out that they need balance of light AND dark within themselves to have balance in the galaxy. It isn’t that hard of a concept??? You don’t neeeeed to be part of either extremist religion to use the force. Anyway I was thinking about this in the shower and it was pissing me off. I realize it would defeat the whole purpose of ya know. The ‘war’ part of Star Wars and there wouldn’t be much of a story left, but ep 9?? Can we somehow make this happen at the end? The grand lesson learned at the end of all the conflict? It would only make sense.
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kalak · 2 years
Vader with Luke:
Vader without Luke:
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I mean.... he's clearly going very easy on his one and only son who must not be killed the enemy jedi, meanwhile Luke's fighting for his life
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alloverthegaf · 2 years
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Was surprised that Rahul Kohli wasn't openly fangirling about this until I remembered Mark Hamill's involved in the next Mike Flanagan series. So Rahul's probably already gotten to do his fangirling in person.
Anyway love to see this.
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hornykylo · 2 years
Luke just chillin out, living That Farm Life, and getting a good night's sleep. While Leia is being kidnapped over and over, talking back to Obi Wan, and subsequently helping to save people from Darth Vader is very on brand for these siblings
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dreamicus · 2 years
Revenge of the Sith is so fucked up. You have the day-night cycle on Coruscant representing Anakin's fall to the dark, him standing in the shadows as Obi-Wan leaves the planet, the scene with him in the Council Chambers where the sun is setting, it's finally dark when he swears allegiance to Palpatine, the purge on Coruscant at night, on Utapau you have Cody with what's undoubtedly meant to be a setting sun on his armor, and the 501st is blue like the city's night, Obi-Wan goes back to Coruscant and the sun has risen again as the realisation of what has happened dawns, and it's night when he battles Anakin on Mustafar, the only time we see him at night in that movie, and Anakin's eyes went from blue to yellow which is the color progression of dawn AND dusk and it's like how the Republic and Jedi order died with the dawn of the Empire and on Tatooine, twin suns rise as Luke is brought there and Obi-Wan turns away from them as Beru and Owen face the light and hhUUEGHH
Suns in Star Wars man. Suns in Star Wars.
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lokilaufeys · 2 years
in a massive L for the horny community, they just revealed through a figure that paz actually looks like jon favreau
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tarisilmarwen · 2 years
Another thing I’m loving is the re-emphasis on the fact that the Dark Side, for most people, is misery and pain.
Wallowing in your own and then turning it outwards and inflicting it on others.  Because if I’m not happy you sure as hell aren’t allowed to be happy!  The need to drag down someone else in the Light, twist them, corrupt them, make them as miserable and angry as you are because at least then you’re not alone, except you ARE alone because the Dark Side poisons every positive relationship you could ever have and makes you incapable of relating to people in a normal fashion, makes you obsessed, makes you cling to, makes you attached to the idea of this person and how they can make you feel.  Makes you selfish to the point where you don’t even care and you’ve lost your empathy.
It’s a downward spiral of abuse and a cycle of revenge and loathing yourself and desperately searching for any kind of self-worth to define yourself by and scrabbling after more and more power because if you just have a little bit more, it might make things all better.
The Dark Side is empty misery and it will not satisfy.
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comrade-shrimp · 3 years
Talking to @peachypizzicato and I joked about making a self ship blog for me and Maul
I thought ab it more and here’s how I think it would go
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lievecomeneve · 3 years
grogu sending SOS’s through the force: [please send help] [my dad and i need help] [if there's jedi listening] [my dad is very caring] [he's fighting imperials] [but he can't keep holding them off] [even if he could totally kick their ass] [he's been protecting me so much] [he's afraid of nothing] [he's also very strong] [won the super darksword] [from evil gideon] [with a stick] [so strong] [so brave] [took out a sand dragon] [on his own] [he's a real warrior] [big armor] [tough] [so badass] [big hard armor] [but he's lonely] [lonely warrior dad] [also single] [did i mention big armor?] [please jedi] [dad needs you]
luke, grabbing the tightest Gucci pants he owns: I'm on my way
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spectralarrovv · 2 years
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fuck canon we ball, fulcrum trio my beloved
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blackkatmagic · 4 years
I love the idea that Luke is just fuckoff powerful in the Force but he doesn’t even know, because he has no idea there even are limits. So like, he tosses people around without even lifting a finger, uses Jedi mind-tricks just by speaking, projects himself halfway across the known universe just to fuck with his nephew, and it’s all stuff Jedi in the Republic would have considered utterly impossible but Luke never even learned that much so for him it’s just another Tuesday.
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its-kinda-snowy · 2 years
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June 13: The Mand'alor and the Prince of Naboo
ok I love this prompt so much. I like to imagine this scenario happens when they both see each other on a regular basis when Luke trains Grogu. But Din has to leave on Mand'alor business and Luke's like 'Oh what coincidence I also have to leave for Jedi stuff :)'
And of course it turns out they are both going to the same event, 'an old republic remembrance day or whatever' as Han puts it. And Din notices Luke's there and is all, 'oh hey Luke! I didn't know you'd be here funny how that works out haha.'
However, Luke, being the little sneak he is, goes, 'it's an honor to meet you Mand'alor.' And Din, who is way too repressed to deal with this rn, does not know what to do with himself
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