#swtor rambles
bluemilkandcookies · 1 month
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A joke on SWTOR guild chat led to me losing sleep for this. May I present, Yuungioh!
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cryo-lily · 1 year
Reasons why I maintain the headcanon that Isadola (regardless if it’s the Jedi or Sith Timeline) has an Imperial accent.
Jedi Issie hides hers due to her own experiences growing up, Sith Issie’s changed slightly due to her different experiences growing up.
(Also behold my poor vid editing skills due to only having one program at my disposal)
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tricksterscorvid · 4 days
....if it wasn't clear.. I have fallen back into Star Wars, I have fallen hard haha.. you can hope to see some kinda star wars related (probably au related)...
I also have been playing STWOR as much as I can, I miss playing even though I have beaten all the class stories it's been a good couple years since I played seriously like I am now and I have forgotten.. a lot haha but I may decide to share the many toons I have for the game.
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riachuelowii · 26 days
I am playing through the Sith Inquisitor story class and let me tell you, I'd die for Talos Drellik, no one is allowed to harm this guy. Do NOT touch this archaeology nerd of a man
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cipherr · 2 months
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justiceforc3po · 5 months
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God I love the Sith Inquisitor storyline. Lenore deserves that break, but yeah Khem, I agree. Maybe your Sith broke.
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lanabenikosdoormat · 13 days
hey guys lololol
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So fellas, I’m thinking about hosting an official commanderverse collab. What is the commanderverse? Tossed around by quite a few of us on here, it’s the multiverse wherein everyone’s alliance commanders/outlanders exist and interact with on another.
so.. what if they were actually all interacting? 👀 enter: a very silly mega art collaboration (either drawn by yourself or commissioned)
I’ve participated in several like this, and even hosted one of my own (the blue on the right) and it was a lot of fun! Mostly Im just gauging interest right now, I’d love to start building this around early summer and having it finished by august - to give everyone plenty of breathing room.
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sith-shenanigans · 18 days
okay after seeing everyone’s responses about Jadus my real unpopular agent opinion is that they flubbed Vector’s companion arc fairly hard, and they did it by making the narrative too nice to the nest
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kemendin · 9 months
I have a personal headcanon that traditionally, pureblooded Sith children are raised pretty much gender neutral. When and if a child starts expressing some sort of gender inclination, then that’s how they’re treated, no questions asked.
Purebloods have never really struck me as all that fussed about gender overall. And I think this would bleed out into how they view other species as well, just - not really placing much import on anyone else’s gender either.
Obviously bloodlines are rather important to purebloods, so biological sex is certainly taken into consideration when it comes to continuing a family’s bloodline, but often it’s more a matter of convenience than anything else. And science being what it is in the Star Wars universe, there are certainly ways to get around any biological incompatibilities when it comes to procreation.
I just think that purebloods would rather be placing priority on raising their kids to be powerful and cunning and all those good traits than to be worrying about things like gender and what’s in someone’s pants.
(Also despite what SWTOR says I think pureblood features like types of facial spurs and browstalks and chintacles are just universal and not tied to biological sex, fight me)
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pentacass · 2 days
so when is lana beniko gonna write us a poem huh. look me in the eyes. tell me lana isn't the type to write about her love, her muse. tell me she doesn't have notes filled with random lines about you hidden deep in her files. tell me she didn't pour her agony into words when she lost you for five years. tell me she doesn't gaze at you and recite the most romantic lines that roll so easily off the tip of her tongue. look me in the eyes. tell me.
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ciphernull · 10 months
man it feels like everyone in the swtor community has so much developed for their characters, it's intimidating! all these complex backgrounds and divergent plotlines and i'm over here just like "i made this guy, he's blue and has issues, please love him"
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narrayya · 22 days
Like/reblog/reply to this if you post or even just reblog mass effect, bg3 or swtor or all 3. I desperately wanna find more blogs to follow. 🥺
I post all 3 too, mostly now tho bg3 and mass effect tho planning on getting back into swtor soon!
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hurricanek8art · 6 months
My brother was catching up with Loki and made a comment about Sophia di Martino as a live-action face claim for Lana Beniko this afternoon and now I can't unsee it.
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Like it's not perfect but... huh. Okay. Face claim accepted.
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eorzeashan · 3 months
Long time no swtor thinkpiece, but.
Thinking about Eight in the IA class story and then who he is post-Alliance; going from a bold, daring and casually ambitious wildcard to someone who feels as if he's lost most of his zeal to become rather...listless. Empty. Not to say that he isn't fulfilled by his work in the Alliance (who all make exceptions to have him do anything but murder all day) but he starts picking up more mundane activities like, peeling potatoes for the Alliance cantina, or doing minor tasks that don't involve much thought on his own volition-- a stark change from a man who only cared about his blade and who it fell on. It's like he's been soundly defeated by the circumstances surrounding him.
Then there's the issue of his companions, who only knew him as their cunning leader who stopped at nothing to achieve his goals, even using some of them in the process, who now appears to be an entirely different person. One who quietly fades into the background, instead of being in the thick of it. He's changed.
His skills haven't waned, but his voice is flat, his eyes without gleam, his all consuming desire that drove him to accomplish the impossible by the day naught but simmering ashes by the time they reunite with him in KOTXX. He even apologizes to some, without explanation. This distresses Vector, in particular, who witnessed the worst of his sides way back in the day. "It's not me you should apologize to, Agent." Vector can only quietly say, "I have never held you in ill regard for the choices you've made, anathema as they were to my principles." It's a conversation that peters off, but one that Eight never had, never had soon enough --his firm refusal to rectify or acknowledge that Vector could choose him over his own ideals is one that gnaws at him on the inside for years, on his own belief that people cannot change what they truly believe in, and so there is no point in trying to make amends for what bridges he burns in the pursuit of his own wishes. This, and many other denials, compound over the years into a rather hurtful self-made solitude that follows him long into the Alliance. (A mother will never give up her son. There is no other way. I cannot change my nature as a weapon. Their rejection of me is something I must accept.) A punishment, but for who?
Perhaps he still feels he's failed the last mission Keeper entrusted to him. The one that asked him to become a real, living person, and not just a sword dressed in imperial colors.
Eight spirals during the events of the Eternal Empire. He watches his downfall happen in real time. There's little he does about it. His home is gone, as are the people he fought for--Keeper, Watcher 2, Intelligence--and this new age is only filled with allies he cuts down faster than he can imprint their names into his memory. He's alone in this fight at the behest of others who do choose their ideals over him, who, in the end, turn away in fear and disgust when he bloodies his blade in their name. He makes no effort afterwards to right his image in their minds. He plays the villain, if others will not. For the first time, he tires of killing.
This leaves him alone, an outcast even among friends. Eventually, amongst the ruin their failed Alliance leaves in its wake, someone asks why things turned out this way; his lack of a will in the greater fight comes to light and sets several alarm bells off. Lana reduces his duties on the battlefield. Others, out of shared guilt and a fear of the bloodshed he wreaked on their orders, give him a wide berth to live normally for a while. It's not much and does little to his disillusionment and estrangement with his allies, but...it's a start.
Eight the Assassin turns into just Eight. And Eight the former agent, ex-Cipher, killer extraordinaire who never once dreamed of the stars, turns into someone who quietly watches the sun set on a world he barely recognizes,l but still stays up to see it, potato peeler in hand.
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I love that "idiot spy boyfriend" has become a thing in-universe. But also, bad Theron, don't talk about yourself like that.
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ladyotakukiut · 10 months
my completionist ass on Palia: o noooo this is too much funnnn
my social anxiety on Palia: PEOPLE TALK TO ME???
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