soul-of-the-sanada · 1 year
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I absolutely love his little text bubble after I buy avatar pieces.
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gunraekae · 7 months
a day in the mansion for you
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Santa Rosalia by Roberto Ferri
>ikemen vampire
>mansion residents x reader
>a/n: for context, i'm the sort who enjoys seeing the casual interactions between the residents and the mc, so these are some hcs on what I imagine a day looks like for you. i sorta placed this as being in the first week mc arrives, before anything too serious happens, but you can interpret this whichever way you choose!
also apologies, i wasn't able to write for every single suitor as i haven't played most of their routes yet! I'll do a follow-up post when i finally finish them :))
Restrains Jean when he attacks you in the middle of the night
Comte enlists him to guard you and show you around Paris with Vincent, being the one that you trust the most in the beginning
Accompanies you and Isaac to the école, to help you be more at ease in the town
Part of your morning rounds: you wake him up
Part of your evening rounds: you talk about each other’s days, has dinner with you if you haven’t
After asking Sebastian to fetch him Rouge, he prevents you from escaping (sorta does a reverse psychology thing)
Rightfully blaming himself for your dislike, he charms you with his intelligence through the lounge games; he wins a conversation with you and apologises on your date
When you encounter him on your town visit, the two of you are caught with a mysterious case that employs the two of you in your mystery solving adventures. 
Part of coffee addicts: your best customer, kisses you for every cup of coffee you bless him with
Part of breakfast gang: either there because he didn’t sleep or there because he slept too early
Spooked by the first night in the mansion, you lock yourself in your room until lunch, only to realize that Leonardo had stood guard outside your door the whole night
Remains quite protective, he calls himself your companion; finds you cooped up in the library and takes you with him on town visits
Part of coffee addicts: will come later, but will always be there
Part of your afternoon rounds: he magically finds you when you’re sad and will find some random event to cheer you up with
Starving and not in control, he unknowingly attacks you on your first night and incites you to escape
Overwhelmed, self-conscious, and wary, you spend much of the first week’s evenings in the library. To your shock, Jean is also there, learning how to write. Believing that it may be best for the two of you to reconcile, you teach him how to write. 
Helps you as much as possible with your chores, especially if it’s reaching high places or something that requires strength. 
Joins the residents in meals because of you
Listens to Mozart’s pieces with you
Part of your morning rounds: you have to remind him to eat
Sympathetic to your predicament, he comforts you and shows you around Paris with Napoleon, being one of the few that you feel safe around
Invites you to a picnic with Theo
Enjoys your singing in the gardens while he paints and will frequent the outside the more you do it
Part of coffee addicts: might experiment with different roasts and enjoys it, but will like his coffee as black as possible
Part of breakfast gang: really only there to join Theo in the morning
Like a good sugar daddy, he takes you shopping and constantly spoils you. On the second day, he takes you to the town
Will ask for tea on the daily and constantly checks in on you; a most protective father figure, he keeps the residents in check
You’re his automatic partner any time he has to attend a social event (and of course he takes you shopping before). You’re his rumoured partner, and Comte does not quell those rumours he keeps them up. 
Part of your afternoon rounds: you have tea with him
After cooping yourself up in your room, Dazai is the second you confide your troubles to. He’s always attuned to your emotions and understands your mental health struggles; always ready to lend an ear (because he’d rather everyone be happy before himself ahh) He’s almost invasive with how aware he is of you
Another frequent player in the lounge games, he doesn’t play seriously and is only really there to bring everyone’s mood up; don’t include gambling though, because he gets sorta crazy
Part of breakfast gang: horrible sleep schedule has him join the morning
Part of your afternoon rounds: any time you have errands in the garden, he’ll join you 
Partly due to his brother, and partly out of his own heart, he enlists you as an apprentice and they get to know the town
To bridge the gap between you and Arthur, he invites you to the lounge after dinner to play games
Teaches you the ropes of living in Paris: warns you, keeps you aware of current events, probably even helps you with your finances
Part of coffee addicts: likes your experimental sweet lattes
Part of breakfast gang: always present in the morning because he has to
Cooped up in his room as well, Sebastian asks you to deliver his food to his room, believing him the most harmless. Isaac awkwardly welcomes you in his own way, accompanying you and Napoleon to their école
Also a frequenter of the lounge games, he attempts to impress you and win a date against Arthur
Part of breakfast gang: has to be there for his job, but enjoys whatever you make
Part of your evening rounds: sometimes he’ll be outside with his telescope, observing the stars. Once you felt comfortable, he asked you to join him
Most intimidated by him, Sebastian forces you to deliver lunch to him. He’s cold, fussy, but would rather spend time with you than anyone else. Whenever he needs feedback or an audience for a piece, he’ll ask you first along with Jean. 
You’re his automatic partner any time he has a performance, partly because you comfort him in carriage rides, partly because he just wants you around
Part of coffee addicts: crawls to get coffee from you
Part of your evening rounds: you have to remind him to sleep
Part of your breakfast gang: organized routine but also terrible sleep schedule
You met him after he gave you and Vincent tickets for one of his upcoming plays. When he approached the two of you, he gave such good banter and was so amicable, you swear it almost sounded practiced (haha)
He’ll sometimes join the residents for dinner. He’s begun to join a lot more often because having you around made Arthur and Theo much less hostile. After dinner, he makes a practice of talking to you in private, endlessly charming, but oddly invasive—like he’s studying you
Any time he has a new play, you're the first to get invited to watch it. Sometimes, if he's particularly frustrated or uninspired, he'll ask you to come to rehearsals with him.
You and Vincent sometimes visit him in his villa to make sure he's not writing himself to death.
A sweet florist you met in town while you were miserable in the first week. He gave you a flower to cheer you up and was the epitome of charming, so charming in fact, that you accidentally revealed you lived in the mansion. Once you’ve revealed that fact, he began seeing you every time you were alone in town (for no ulterior motive at all)
General HCs for All!
Writes you letters daily/weekly; a habit picked up after the first night and seeing how spooked you were
Help you and Sebastian as much as they can; they can obviously clean up for themselves and even cook when they feel inclined
More residents have meals together than ever before; your presence sort of unites them and they’re super grateful for that
You’ve achieved the point where every resident is together during dinner
Birthdays, special occasions, and achievements are celebrated because you organize them for everyone
Since Halloween is your favourite holiday, the residents make an effort to dress up for it
Valentine’s Day is a bit of a mess, with you making a gift for every resident
White Day was used by the residents to give you their gifts, and it’s overwhelming, to say the least
They’re huge gossips, so any and every update on you is spread like wildfire to everyone. Good luck having an off-day
Dazai is the first to notice, being the most emotionally intelligent
Leonardo is the quickest one to take action, quite literally scooping you from whatever you’re doing to cheer you up
Napoleon is also another quick one to constantly check in on you and look for you if you come home too late
Sebastian usually keeps track of who you’re with or where you are if you guys are separated
Buys you random presents, usually connected to something between the two of you, but also sometimes follows current trends
Isaac buys you a hairclip he thinks looks darling on you
Dazai buys you a notebook to use as a diary, especially after noticing your journal’s almost full (and no he totally doesn’t peek in your writing)
Jean will always find something in town to bring to you in your night lessons
Comte… do I even need to say anything
Supports you in anything you pursue (I believe the canon says that you’re starting out as a writer, so I’mma use that)
You keep notes of your every day in your diary, sort of like a vlog and a lot of the snoopy residents read it. Eventually they suggest that you publish some of it
Being a huge fan of literature, the authors organize a writer’s night where you come up with a prompt and they share how they’d write it
If you ever end up writing something, they’re the first to hear and are your biggest fans
You’re a frequent guest teacher in Napoleon’s and Isaac’s école
You always thought you weren’t good with kids, but seeing how much the children like you reassured you
Napoleon teases you on how much you say you dislike children but secretly enjoys the time with them
Isaac is extremely grateful for how much you like organizing his lesson plans
if you've made it this far, thank you so much for reading! i hope you have a wonderful day and leave a like/reblog <3
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chirp-a-chirp · 5 months
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Arthur: Let’s play a word association game. Sugar.
MC: Daddy!
Arthur: Big.
MC: Daddy!
Arthur: *Smirks* Who’s your—
MC: Daddy!
Arthur: I can now conclude you love Le Comte.
MC: What gave me away?!
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sweetlittleneptune · 2 years
Things MC has definitely said at some point
" Thou should shut the fuck up if thou dost not wish to catch mine own hands" (to Will)
"Be gone, whore!" (to Arthur while she does a cross with her fingers)
"You know, the only reason I'm not killing you is because it'd make Vincent sad, and people would murder me if I made Vincent sad" (to Theo)
"Comte... are you familiar with the term 'sugar daddy'...?" (to Comte)
"You know, sometimes the answer is to not be a little bitch" (to Mozart)
"There's a famous phrase from my time, it's: 'more espresso less depresso', you should try that" (to Dazai)
"You're too hot to have only green flag, so what is it?" (to Leonardo)
"Stop smiling, I'm trying to stay mad" (to Vincent)
"I don't believe in science, it's way to complicated" (to Isaac to annoy him)
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shookspearewrites · 2 years
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Hiya there anon my petal, thank you so so much for your request and your kindness - y’all compliments / comments are always so lovely to receive! I love the Comte/MC/Leonardo dynamic, I really do, I think that they are just the perfect trio 
- JJ x
Le Comte de Saint Germain / Leonardo Da Vinci:
They’re a little competitive with each other but my god they make an incredible team of lovers, they know how to work together to make their lover feel like an absolute goddess. The two of them really of make the perfect pair of boyfriends for their MC, Leonardo is rough around the edges and ruggedly handsome while le Comte is refined and has a sort of timeless beauty about him. A perfect gentlemen and a bold rogue all to herself - What girl could ask for more?
Together they’re the perfect balance of spontaneous and responsible, too. While le Comte would always arrange exquisite dinners and dances to take MC to, Leonardo gets into the habit of just sweeping her off of her feet in the middle of the day and whisking her off to do whatever they fancy in the moment. Of course, they’ll arrange dates for the three of them together too, though le Comte is always the one to do it (unless it’s his birthday, in which case Leonardo and MC will no doubt plan something wonderful for their sugar daddy boyfriend).
The only thing Leonardo and le Comte ever seriously disagree on in their relationship is turning MC: Comte is all for it, wanting to keep MC by their sides for as long as possible but Leonardo, well he has his reservations about it. I think if his MC really wanted it, Leonardo would eventually give in but only on the condition that it be le Comte turn her, not him.
If MC ever falls ill, her boyfriends will be so doting and take the world’s best care of her that they can. Leonardo will carry her to le Comte’s room where he’ll insist she rest for the day in his bed so he can keep an eye on her. Comte will completely abandon his paperwork to sit by her side and stroke her hair, often asking Sebas to bring her fresh tea, fruit and whatever else she could need. While Leonardo will let MC cuddle up to his chest - and probably keep falling asleep - and act as the perfect boyfriend/ hot water bottle combo.
If she doesn’t speak it already, Comte will insist that he teaches MC French, sitting close by her side at his desk whilst she takes notes and encouraging her with kind compliments and softly stroking her back as she sounds out new words, “You’re learning so quickly, ma Cherie, bien fait.” 
When Leonardo finds out that le Comte has been tutoring MC in French 1 on 1, he’ll instantly start teaching her Italian though, his teaching methods are a little different. He’ll have MC sat on his lap facing him, pressing meaningful kisses to different places he can reach to teach her the words - one word she’ll never forget is “Le labbra” since Leonardo just can’t bring himself to stop kissing her lips, smirking when she blushes that beautiful shade of pink over and over again.
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I recently redownload Ikemen Vampire, and as a Historical nerd I gotta wonder if there's some type of code of ethics against trying to Rizz up Anime Boy versions of controversial historical figures.......
(But it's been so long since I've played idk who to pick first..... )
As a multi-gen Sherlock fan Arthur Conan Doyle has a special place in my heart but also Comte is a golden Sugar Daddy lol! I SURE AS HELL AINT PLAYING WITH MOZART I HADNT HAVING TO LEARN HIS SHIT FOR PIANO LESSONS GROWING UP 😤🤨🫠
Osamu Dazai is another famous author and Vincent ofc is an Artist™ but courting an antag sounds super angsty and fun 😋🥴🩷
Gahhhh! Someone help me choose lol, otherwise I'll just default to Arthur again and become unbearable to my S/O's CUZ I WILL UNIRONICALLY TURN MY PLAYFUL FLIRTING UP BY 11
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misty-moth · 6 months
arthur 12, 18, 23 for the character ask game 💕💞
Arthuuur (♡ヮ♡) thank you for the ask 🥹
12: A headcanon I have for him:
“I only like my coffee black.” I think that will change in due time.
Now don’t get me wrong, I think he loves it and it’s his favorite in the story. And maybe it always will be. But this man is living in the 1900s where he’s only dealt with the possible additions of cream and sugar. I also opt for plain black coffee when those are my only options 🤷‍♀️ (he’s also getting the fanciest coffee, courtesy of daddy Comte’s wallet)
But he also loves fudge, which hints at a sweet-tooth. I can see him loving creamer once better flavors start popping up, and different types of spices and brewing styles.
My guess? He’ll grow very fond of dark chocolate mochas that aren’t too sweet. Maybe pistachio, too… Just enough sweetness to keep the coffee flavor at the forefront.
18: A relationship they have in canon with another character that you admire.
Arthur and Newt’s relationship makes my heart smile. I know Arthur is a lil shit to Newt, but I feel like Newt needs it. Arthur reads people like a book, and has stopped teasing in its tracks in some routes when he notices true discomfort. He also knows how to deal with a contrarian.
And I think Arthur is so much happier having a friend who’s a bit… purer, I guess? Idk if that’s the right term, but all of their conversations are light and fluffy. Arthur is wary of purity, and yet Newt snuck his way in. Vincent would bring that kind of friendship, too, but angel man has a guard dog 😭
23: Favorite picture of this character:
Cheesin’ Arthur 😭😭😭
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Look at him! Look at him! I’ve been losing my mind over this pic from the moment I saw it. The cute aggression is unreal (Honorable mention to hotdog Newt for being my favorite cg before this)
Ask game post
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leonscape · 1 year
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sugar daddy hideyoshi 😻
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hideyoshi 🤝 comte
the burning urge to spoil mc by buying whatever she looks at
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cloudcountry · 10 months
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Hey auburn!! Mind giving me some comments on each path? Btw if I choose one can I always go back and play another route?
napoleon is kind of the face of ikevamp,,,, hes like malleus in a way. hes the obvious pick for yoru first route (except you should totally be DIFFERENT or not idk do what feels right!!) hes nice C:
mozart is fucking gorgeous but hes such a DICK. he gets better in his route though yk? the prickly but soft kind ^^
leonardo is so dad coded in that hes weird and falls asleep all the time. i dont really know much about him ^^;
arthur (affectionately called doyle by me nd dove because we hate him <3) is weird NEXT!!
I WOULD FIGHT THE UNIVERSE FOR VINCENT VAN GOGH. he is an ANGEL. we do NOT deserve this man and if anyone hurts him i would start a RIOT. if he hugged me all of my problems would be solved and i would never complain again.
theo calls you dog <3 what a man!! hes pretty gruff and idk much about him either LMAO
DAZAI IS SO WEIRD??? AND I MEAN THAT IN A NICE WAY.,.,,. BUT ALSO A ??????? WAY???? he enters the mansion through windows and his route is super angsty
isaac is my babygirl and the only one that matters. i love him. i wish to hold him tenderly and kiss him every morning and night. im gonna put a ring on that finger just you watch. he's a bumbling fool of a nerd and i adore him. he doesnt know how to emotion </3
i dont know anything about jean oopsie
comte is nice C: hes a sugar daddy
sebastian is funny bc he ends up getting really attached to the mc and at the end of isaac's route he straight up tries to bribe them to stay WHICH MIGHT NOT MAKE SENSE NOW BUT YK ITLL MAKE SENSE LATER.
vlad has a fox named marshmallow nd likes strawberries nd likes to garden. hes also an antagonist for some reason.
faust scares me but yk henry adores him so im sure hes lovely!!
CHARLES IS SO FUCKING CUTE I WANT TO HUG HIM SO BAD. PLEASE. HES LIKE A LITTLE PUPPY DOG. his route is getting released on august 19th if youre curious!!
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aquagirl1978 · 2 years
For the character game! Comte... you're so graceful and mature, and I feel like he would appreciate that and want to spoil you as much as he could!
Awww....thank you! I constantly yell at MC at the beginning of everyone's route - why is she wanting to leave the mansion with Comte being so kind and generous and sugar daddy. I do think he's a bit too nice for me and once he saw my black heart, he'd run far away.
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Ikevamp - Romantic Rivalry Part 2 - Napoleon
Seriouslyyyyyyyyyy, this man drives me crazy!!!!!!!!
I'm so excited after reading just the premium that I'll write my comments about this event story now hhahaha.
I'll try to do the sweet end too. If I manage to unlock it, I'll update this post later.
Edit: I finished sweet today. Fuck yeah :)
You know those story events you needed but you were not aware of it? THAT'S WHAT HAPPENED TO ME TODAY!
How on earth I have never thought how cool it would be to participate in a couple contest with Napoleon? PLSSS, THIS SHOULD BE FUCKING CANON!!!!!!!!!
Our sugar daddy Comte entered MC and Napoleon in a couple contest. Apparently, these contests are kinda trendy in Paris now.
Obviously, MC was excited to test their affinity in a couple contest. And Napoleon, as the perfect ikemen he is, said he'd gladly join if that's what his girlfriend wanted. 🥰🥰🥰🥰🥰
So, before the contest day, MC asked for the residents's help because she had no idea what they'll have to do. Sebastian then decided to test MC and Napoleon for the big day. OMG that was so much funnnnnn.
The game was simple: you had to write on a paper what your partner would answer. If both write the same answer, they score a point.
And Sebastian called Theo and Vincent to challenge MC and Napoleon hahahahaha. You already know who won, right? LMAO
MC and Napoleon lost and Sebastian decided to punish the losing team. They'd have to do Sebastian's grocery shopping.
So MC and Napoleon went to town to buy whatever Sebastian needed. And then again, Napoleon showed why it's impossible to not love him.
MC was supposed to wait for him while he went somewhere to solve something. But she thought she should just go ahead and buy all the products. When Napoleon saw her carrying all those bags, he immediately told her she should have waited for him and he took all the bags so she wouldn't have to carry heavy stuff. WHAT A GENTLEMAN😍
I don't know how much time passed, but it was the day of the contest and MC and Napoleon were already waiting for the organizers to call their names. While they were waiting their turn, MC said she was nervous and then she mentioned that Japanese 'method' of drawing the kanji for 'person' in your hand. When you do that and then 'eat' the kanji, that supposedly would help you feel less anxious.
When she was drawing the kanji in her hand, Napoleon 'ate' the kanji for her. But the way he did it was so fucking sexy. Please. He even licked MC's hand HAHAHA. I would have had a hard time focusing on the contest after that LOL
So, it was their turn and the contest game was simple, but not easy imo. The men would be blindfolded and then the ladies would have to touch their shoulders, all in the same way. The goal was to guess right which of the ladies was their girlfriend.
Napoleon, as cocky as always, looked at MC and said she didn't have to worry cuz he was sure he'd find her. And he was not lying hahaha. He got it right quickly, and as all the other men couldn't guess as fast as him, they won. YAYYY. I KNEW MY NAPOLEON COULD DO IT <3
After the contest, they were heading to the mansion. They started talking inside the carriage and MC said she wanted to thank him somehow for what he did today. She was so happy and proud he got it right. Then, Napoleon asked for a reward. A kiss. He pointed to his cheeks, but you know how clever he is.
When MC was going to kiss his cheek, he turned his face to obviously get a kiss on his lips. I KNEW HE WAS GOING TO DO THAT HAHAHA. AFTER LOVING THIS MF FOR YEARS I GUESS I LEARNED ONE THING OR TWO ABOUT HIM XD
Then, they got home to have lots of fun, but to know what happened, you need to buy the epilogue. Unfortunately, I didn't read all the juicy content cuz I'm saving dias for the election =/. I hope there is a rerun of this event so I can get another chance of buying this one.
But, tbh, I loved this story event with Napoleon. I usually like most of his story events, but this particular one was so much fun! It just gave me so many ideas of other couple contests they could join.
And Napoleon's personality is so fucking wholesome. Every time I play his event stories I get super happy cuz it's more content with my man, but, at the same time, I get frustrated that I don't have more Napoleon's routes to read hahahahha.
Thankfully, his bday is coming and I'll buy his set to read more exclusive stories. I would also love if cybird release another CD drama. I miss his voice so fucking much.
After Napoleon said MC's name, he immediately took off the blindfold. He was happy to confirm he got it right. But the organizers of the contest didn't want him to take off the blindfold so soon. But as he guessed super fast, they were not prepared for a situation like this one.
So they decided to give MC and Napoleon a prize as well for winning the game. But I suppose the biggest prize was for someone else who followed all the rules.
The next thing we see is Napoleon and MC chatting in his room at the mansion. MC was thrilled he got it right. She was so proud of him and so happy that he knows her so well. He asked if she would be able find him too. MC said she would recognize his hands for sure.
On the next day, they were in town again. MC was waiting for Napoleon. He was on one of his errands. While she was waiting for him, some people recognized her from the couple contest and started to congratulate her for their performance.
Suddenly, she sees a bunch of women surrounding Napoleon. He sees annoyed with the situation but says nothing. When he notices MC from afar, he calls her name and runs toward her.
He grabs her hand and they start running to get away from those girls.
MC asked how he knew she was in that exact location. He said he just wished she was there. When he looked again, there she was.
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Random thoughts about the mansion's sugar daddy
@namine-somebodies-nobody ,@mansions-maiden ,@ikemenlibrary
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Bro, in Shakespeare’s route, u get to have tea with Comte at some point, and I just can’t. I wanna have tea with that classy af man, even if I get a nose bleed because of how charming he is.
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thedollarstoresatan · 4 years
a random thing I just thought of: yandere! Comte has the potential of being more yandere than Kenshin
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malewifecentral · 3 years
I just noped out after the first chapter and picked Isaac
Because realistically I wouldn't talk to a person who shoved me against the wall and made me this uncomfortable
In fact I think I'd avoid them like the plague... too bad Napoleon likes him
honestly I don’t really like Jean or Napoleon that much? honestly I think Napoleon is a bit overrated lol
rjxjejzj laughs in simping for comte
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ravenarld · 4 years
wait...was there always been a big fencing room in Comte's mansion or did he built it for Jean and Napoleon (Well Jean arrived before Napoleon but anyways)?
if he built it for his kids residents, then
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