cyrrenereads · 5 months
Shan You Mu Xi, Ch. 99 - Records of the Legal Reform
This was his first day in office at the Eastern Palace. Read the translations for the rest of the chapter here on Chickengege.org
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pancakeis · 1 year
《如影》 Like Shadow - Luo Xuan’s character song translation
Translation: keishi, first posted on Twitter @ _keikaku
罗宣:恨,一辈子恨你,恨你不好么?这证明不会忘了你。 Luo Xuan: Hate you, hate you for the rest of my life, isn't that a good thing? That means I can't forget you.
[Verse 1]
霜雪落花覆灭几个春秋 Frost, snow and falling petals vanish with the passing seasons 我亦未曾愈合旧事伤口 My wound of the past hasn’t yet closed 怎敢将余恨收 How dare I take back the never ending hatred 却还恋恋不舍往日温柔 And even dwell in the tenderness of the old days 莫非岁月不肯许人长久 Could it be that, the passing time will not grant human eternity 来不及挥手登上下一叶轻舟 Arriving late, you wave your hand and board the next raft 赤霞满江流 映入你清澈眼眸 The dusky sky cast a blood-red light over the water, reflected in your bright clear eyes 辞别沧海锦绣 辗转红尘邂逅 Bidding farewell to the beautiful Canghai, flitting through the mortal realm, only to chance upon you again 掷罢浮生换得与你并肩走 Casting away my short, floating life, to walk with you side by side 但如影的守候 Just to guard you like a shadow  欲语还休缠心头 All the words I wish to say are bottled in the heart 终于尽数封喉 And sealed away in the end
追逝水 挽长风 分飞南北西东 To chase the flowing water, to pull at a stormy wind, to drift worlds away from each other 山雨一程不识又相逢 Not knowing if we'll meet again on this turbulent journey 恨未满 爱未休 赠你一场惊梦 Hatred isn't yet filled, love hasn't yet stopped. I bestow this nightmare onto you 何处灰烟一笑赴苍穹 Where the smokes and fires rise up to heaven with a smile
项余:从前在烈火中取一件东西,不知天高地厚,烧伤了双手。 这就是所谓的‘火中取粟’罢。取对我来说, 很重要的一件东西。 Xiang Yu: Back then, I tried to retrieve something back from a raging fire. Full of arrogance and self-overestimation, both of my hands were burnt. It was a risky effort that ended in vain. But to me, that thing was very important.
[Verse 2]
是否最初悟透就能白首 Had I understood it since the beginning, would I have lived till my hair grew white? 可怜这造化懵懂惯把人捉弄 What a pity, fate doesn’t know better than playing tricks on humans 我执怨恩仇 才得已将年岁偷 For vengeance, I’ve been living on stolen time 以你眉眼依旧 合衬我心悠悠 Drawing on your familiar eyes to sate my heart’s longing 舍却安稳博得常伴你左右 Giving up a peaceful life to earn your company 可如影的守候 Only to wait like a shadow 将隐未隐的情柔 Hiding away the tenderness that’s not yet hidden 如何不咎不朽 How could I not blame eternity
追逝水 挽长风 分飞南北西东 To chase the flowing water, to pull back a stormy wind, to drift worlds away from each other 山雨一程不识又相逢 Not knowing if we'll meet again on this turbulent journey 恨未满 爱未休 似梦还醒还疯 Hatred isn't yet filled, love hasn't yet stopped. Like a dream, crazy but sobering 何处灰烟一笑赴苍穹 Where the smokes and fires rise up to heaven with a smile 天长久 地长久 徒叹人易夭寿 Heaven is eternal, earth is eternal. One can only lament, humans' lives are so easily cut short 顷刻缤纷便化作乌有 A moment of brilliance, then vanish into nothing 顷刻缤纷便化作乌有 A moment of brilliance, then vanish into nothing
罗宣:于我一生中,所余无几光阴,得以与故人再相聚,此生了无遗憾。 Luo Xuan: In this life of mine, there isn't much time left. To be able to reunite with my old friend, then this life has been spent without regrets.
Song only version:
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lamolinastreetart · 1 year
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'Tanker' by French Matthieu Pommier (@matthieu_pommier) for MuraLi 2023 in Livorno, Italy #matthieupommier #lamolinastreetart | photo via artist mysl.nl/SyMx
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Oblique. (presso Bologna, Italy) https://www.instagram.com/p/CqGF6N-syMx/?igshid=NGJjMDIxMWI=
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the-dr-of-peppers · 7 years
what i like about symx sombra shipping is how people think it actually makes sense when its pretty clear symmetra would probably kill her on sight
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itsalekcei1 · 5 years
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hillcountrytimes · 7 years
Arga Investment Management LP Cut By $26.60 Million Its Weatherford Intl Plc (WFT) Position; Synthesis Energy Systems Has 1 Sentiment
Arga Investment Management Lp decreased Weatherford Intl Plc (WFT) stake by 64.77% reported in 2017Q2 SEC filing. Arga Investment Management Lp sold 8.87 million shares as Weatherford Intl Plc (WFT)’s stock declined 8.25%. The Arga Investment Management Lp holds 4.82M shares with $18.66M value, down from 13.69M last quarter. Weatherford Intl Plc now has $3.47B valuation. The stock increased 5.91% or $0.19 during the last trading session, reaching $3.49. About 27.14 million shares traded or 22.91% up from the average. Weatherford International plc (NYSE:WFT) has risen 2.15% since December 1, 2016 and is uptrending. It has underperformed by 14.55% the S&P500.
Synthesis Energy Systems, Inc., an energy and gasification technology company, together with its subsidiaries, provides proprietary gasification technology systems and solutions to the energy and chemical industries worldwide. The company has market cap of $33.27 million. The firm offers U-GAS fluidized bed gasification technology that produces synthesis gas from various energy resources, including coal, biomass, municipal wastes, refuse derived fuels, and petroleum coke. It currently has negative earnings. The Company’s synthesis gas can be converted into a range of energy and chemical products, such as industrial fuel gas, substitute natural gas, electricity, hydrogen, ammonia, and methanol.
Analysts await Weatherford International plc (NYSE:WFT) to report earnings on February, 7. They expect $-0.20 earnings per share, up 37.50% or $0.12 from last year’s $-0.32 per share. After $-0.22 actual earnings per share reported by Weatherford International plc for the previous quarter, Wall Street now forecasts -9.09% EPS growth.
Among 31 analysts covering Weatherford International Ltd. (NYSE:WFT), 24 have Buy rating, 1 Sell and 6 Hold. Therefore 77% are positive. Weatherford International Ltd. had 99 analyst reports since July 24, 2015 according to SRatingsIntel. The stock has “Buy” rating by Loop Capital on Friday, February 3. The stock of Weatherford International plc (NYSE:WFT) has “Neutral” rating given on Monday, October 5 by Citigroup. Citigroup maintained Weatherford International plc (NYSE:WFT) on Thursday, May 19 with “Buy” rating. The stock of Weatherford International plc (NYSE:WFT) earned “Outperform” rating by Bernstein on Friday, November 3. The rating was upgraded by Piper Jaffray on Friday, June 3 to “Overweight”. RBC Capital Markets maintained the shares of WFT in report on Friday, October 6 with “Buy” rating. The firm has “Outperform” rating given on Tuesday, December 13 by Cowen & Co. The stock has “Hold” rating by Jefferies on Friday, July 7. The stock of Weatherford International plc (NYSE:WFT) has “Buy” rating given on Wednesday, November 1 by BMO Capital Markets. The rating was maintained by Cowen & Co with “Outperform” on Friday, February 5.
Arga Investment Management Lp increased Bp Plc (NYSE:BP) stake by 69,996 shares to 2.66 million valued at $92.05M in 2017Q2. It also upped Eog Res Inc (NYSE:EOG) stake by 11,100 shares and now owns 20,500 shares. Ralph Lauren Corp (NYSE:RL) was raised too.
Investors sentiment decreased to 1.11 in 2017 Q2. Its down 0.63, from 1.74 in 2017Q1. It dropped, as 59 investors sold WFT shares while 88 reduced holdings. 57 funds opened positions while 106 raised stakes. 1.09 billion shares or 1.61% more from 1.07 billion shares in 2017Q1 were reported. 835,402 were accumulated by Rhumbline Advisers. Group One Trading Lp holds 557,479 shares. Highbridge Cap Mgmt Ltd Liability has 0.12% invested in Weatherford International plc (NYSE:WFT) for 2.05 million shares. Benin Mngmt Corporation owns 16,100 shares. 17,955 were accumulated by Prelude Mgmt Llc. Putnam Investments Ltd Liability Co reported 0% in Weatherford International plc (NYSE:WFT). California Public Employees Retirement Systems reported 3.06 million shares. Clearbridge Investments Ltd holds 0.49% in Weatherford International plc (NYSE:WFT) or 128.19M shares. Caisse De Depot Et Placement Du Quebec, Quebec – Canada-based fund reported 703,500 shares. Cap Research Global Investors holds 35.83M shares. Reliance Tru Of Delaware accumulated 263,259 shares. Stevens Management Lp stated it has 74,380 shares or 0.01% of all its holdings. Bnp Paribas Arbitrage Sa accumulated 1.37 million shares or 0.02% of the stock. Levin Capital Strategies Limited Partnership has 10,000 shares for 0% of their portfolio. Qs Invsts Limited Liability has 0% invested in Weatherford International plc (NYSE:WFT).
The stock decreased 2.31% or $0.009 during the last trading session, reaching $0.38. About 615,515 shares traded or 209.32% up from the average. Synthesis Energy Systems, Inc. (SYMX) has declined 19.00% since December 1, 2016 and is downtrending. It has underperformed by 35.70% the S&P500.
The post Arga Investment Management LP Cut By $26.60 Million Its Weatherford Intl Plc (WFT) Position; Synthesis Energy Systems Has 1 Sentiment appeared first on Stock Market News | HillCountryTimes | Get it Today.
from Stock Market News | HillCountryTimes | Get it Today https://www.hillcountrytimes.com/2017/12/01/arga-investment-management-lp-cut-by-26-60-million-its-weatherford-intl-plc-wft-position-synthesis-energy-systems-has-1-sentiment/
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johndavisxc · 7 years
Synthesis Energy Systems, Inc. (NASDAQ:SYMX) (NASDAQ:SES) to Change Ticker Symbol to "SES" on Monday, December 4, 2017
HOUSTON - December 1, 2017 (Investorideas.com Newswire) Synthesis Energy Systems, Inc. (SES) (NASDAQ:SYMX) (NASDAQ:SES), a global leader in the clean and efficient production of low-cost synthesis gas for high value energy and chemical products, today announced a reminder of its ticker symbol change from "SYMX" to "SES," as previously announced on November 30, 2017. from Investorideas.com renewable energy and green newswire http://www.investorideas.com/news/2017/renewable-energy/12011NASDAQSES.asp
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russurban · 7 years
View Reactions and React to News Headlines surrounding $SYMX at SpeculatingStocks.
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cyrrenereads · 18 days
Shan You Mu Xi, Ch. 111 - The Silver Mask
“Of those who are in the know, one of them is dead and only two of them are still alive. Now with you, there will soon be three…”
Read the translations for the rest of the chapter here on Chickengege.org
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speculatingstocks · 7 years
Customized research for $SYMX vs. $AETI!
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Synthesis Energy Systems NASDAQ $SYMX Correlation Histogram
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johndavisxc · 7 years
Clean Energy Stock News: Synthesis Energy Systems (NASDAQ: $SYMX) Announces China Joint Venture Partner, Suzhou THVOW Technology Company
HOUSTON - April 12, 2017 (Investorideas.com Newswire) Synthesis Energy Systems, Inc. (SES) (NASDAQ:SYMX), the global leader in economic and sustainable high performance clean energy gasification technology, today announced that its Tianwo-SES Clean Energy Technologies Co., Ltd. (Tianwo-SES) joint venture partner, Suzhou THVOW Technology Co., Ltd. (THVOW) (Shenzhen listing code:002564), reported that the Aluminum Corporation of China's largest of three SES Gasification Technology (SGT) alumina energy-saving, emission reduction upgrade projects has completed its initial start-up. from Investorideas.com renewable energy and green newswire http://www.investorideas.com/news/2017/renewable-energy/04121SYMX.asp
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cyrrenereads · 3 months
Shan You Mu Xi, Ch. 105 - Execution by Chariot Splitting
Ye Cong scanned the crowd. He wanted to know: just how many people in his court sided with Jiang Heng, even though that brat wasn’t even here?
Read the translations for the rest of the chapter here on Chickengege.org
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queakenstein · 11 years
One time my favorite singer called me.
It was on my 13th birthday or shortly before it, actually... I had just attended my first real concert which was the Dream Theater/Megadeth Tour where Symphony X was also playing.
I was absolutely pumped...
Alas, Symphony X (top 3 of my favorite bands) could not attend due to Mike Lepond being unable to play. I believe that was the cause at least...
I still got to see Dream Theater play for a full hour and then the first song Megadeth played which I can't even remember what song that was because my brain was fried from DT.
I was bummed though. I had not seen Symphony X play... or heard my favorite singer live. I was so bummed, in fact, that my father emailed Russell Allen and asked him if he could call me or something.
Here's the kicker. We missed it.
Dad didn't believe that Russell would actually do it so we let it go to voice mail only to check it a few hours later.
I remember having to listen to it over and over and over before it sank in. He apologized on behalf of the band for missing my first concert, wished me a happy birthday, and told me that he loved me. Yes, he said he loved me which was very sweet. He then proceeded to sing Happy Birthday while several voices in the back jumped in that I like to believe were the rest of the band but were probably other people.
But, yeah.
It was awesome.
I'll tell the story about how Russell Allen walked my grandmother to an ambulance after she passed out at one of their shows another time.
I'm not even shitting you on that. My grandmother loves this man more than I do and that's really, fucking hard.
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speculatingstocks · 8 years
Customized research for $SYMX vs. $AETI!
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