#Sad Nobori gets kisses from his little brother
bellafragolina · 2 years
You know i am a sucker for thiiis!!!ñ forgive meee!!! Warden Ingo with a bebe?! UnU cute father Bebe moments because you know i want this man to be a dad 😭💕💖✨️
I think we all love papa ingo, but your delightful au and the idea of Ingo parenting a child <3
But instead of just ONE child, why not three?
Reader is referred to as “Appa” here to stay gender neautral
It’s morning. Early, early morning, and you’re cold. Your personal heater has left the bed, so with a pout, you peek your eyes open in search of the man, ready to drag him back to bed.
Ingo is sat on the floor, illuminated by soft sunlight. His legs are crossed, he’s shirtless, bent forward as he coos and hushes the babe cradled in his hands. You can’t tell which of the three babies it is from your angle.
“Kudari,” Ingo hums, his low whisper answering your question, “Appa is still sleeping. Papa’s here, Papa will cuddle you.”
Kudari, as you now know, whines in protest. Ingo shushes his son some more, rocking him some more and bringing the baby closer. From the nearby cribs, you hear another cry, loud and echoing through the hut. Nobori is awake now too.
Ingo looks towards the crib, poised to go handle his loud son, but you’re already standing. He jolts as your hand brushes his warm shoulder, but doesn’t say anything, still rocking the whimpering Kudari in his arms.
Nobori blinks up at you with sad, silver eyes. He reaches with pudgy arms, knocking Keiko as he goes. She sleeps on, uncaring of her brothers agony to have woken up without parents nearby.
You carry Nobori over to where Ingo sits, and the babe calms once in the presence of his brother and father. Ingo looks at you with soft eyes, cradling Kudari in one arm, the other reaching for you. His fingers, rough and calloused from climbing mountains and handling Pokémon, brush so softly against Nobori’s furrowed brow, easily relaxing the baby.
“I love them.” Ingo murmurs. He pulls back, and lifts Kudari up, pressing a firm kiss to his head. Kudari makes a babble of noises, all seemingly curious instead of sad this time. “All of them.” He bows and kisses Nobori’s head next, making the baby furrow again. You both just chuckle. “Keiko, Nobori, Kudari, they’re all perfect.”
“Of course they are.” You tease, bringing Nobori up for your own kiss to his cheek. He pushes at your face, confused. “You made them.”
Ingo flushes brightly. “Not alone.” He leans forward, kissing your forehead before resting his head against yours. You both admire your squirming sons, listening to them and Keiko breathe in the soft morning. “You helped so much. I love you.”
“I love you too.” You whisper, with a kiss to his nose. “We all do.”
And with that, all three babies start to cry, hungry. Ingo jolts, carefully pressing Kudari into your free arm while he races to get his poor baby girl.
You just laugh, carrying your boys back to the bed while Ingo comforts Keiko and grabs the milk kept in the ice box.
It’s funny, watching him bounce around as he holds three bottles. He constantly has to give his daughter kisses else she wails, and her cries hurt him so, you know it. Still, he manages to return to the bed with all everything, Keiko included, not being dropped in his fatherly panic.
The five of you lie down, you and Ingo warming the bottles as your babies whine and cling to one another as they always have. Ingo kisses each of their heads, watching your coax them into eating with tired, dopey eyes.
Your stroke his hair. There’s time to sleep in a little today.
He’s a good boy! A wonderful father <3
Hope you enjoy!
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belltrigger · 2 years
Just a short little fic I made for @glassesblu because of a bad day at work. (○´・д・)ノ~(>_<。) It's light, fluffy, and hopefully it makes your day a little bit better.
Title: Tickles for Nobori-nii-san Word count: 1,200
The door to their apartment opened, shut with a soft click, and then he heard silence.
Normally, when Nobori returned home after Kudari, he announced his arrival with a boisterous call of "I'm home!" eager to hear Kudari's return call of 'Welcome back!' It was, of course, reversed when Kudari was the one coming home later. Either way, they always made sure to be loud enough that they could hear each other anywhere in their apartment. It was a joyful reminder that they were together again, being forced separate for work or a solo shopping trip.
Curious, Kudari turned his head slightly, calling out "Welcome home, Nobori-nii-san?" He turned the usual confident exclamation into a question, with Archeops making a quizzical chirp alongside him. Normally, he and his brother would work the same days, even if their shifts didn't completely line up. But, yesterday Kudari had a fever, and it hadn't broken until this morning, long after his shift would have started. To make up for it, he spent the day caring for their pokémon and had delivery timed for around when his brother would get home.
Silence still, outside of the rustling of a coat being taken off. He heard a heavy sigh moments before his dejected older brother came into sight. His shoulders, usually strong enough to carry the world, were lowered. He'd taken off his cap at the door, running a hand through his hair. Eyes shut, he looked like he hadn't slept for a week, despite only last night having been affected by Kudari's illness. And even then, Nobori had looked alright this morning.
"Nii-san?" he tried again, as his twin rounded the couch. Nobori's frown was deep, an actual frown compared to how his mouth normally rested. In response, the corners of his mouth dipped some as well, worry evident in his eyes. It had been a long time since he had seen his brother look so defeated.
Without a word, Nobori flopped onto the couch, draped over his lap. It looked quite uncomfortable, and Nobori turned to face the back cushions, legs pulled up. Not allowing his brother to be uncomfortable after what was clearly a rough day, he shuffled towards one end. Archeops climbed up to perch on the back, and once his adjustments were finished, Nobori's head rested in his lap. Placing one hand over Nobori's eyes, he used his other hand to caress through his hair.
"I am sorry, Kudari, to make you-"
"Shhh, don't apologize." Nobori brought his hand up to touch his wrist in gratitude. He knew what Nobori was trying to say, anyway. His silly brother always felt the need to apologize for anything he thought inconvenienced someone, no matter how much he needed it. Nobori thought himself a burden for things he would never judge anyone else for. In this case, he was probably apologizing for making Kudari fuss over him after just being sick. "I'm here for you."
Nobori stayed quiet for a while after that, and he filled the empty air with gently humming a few of Nobori's favorite songs. Keeping his hand over Nobori's eyes, he caressed and massaged any pressure points to relieve his twin's tension. Slowly, slowly, he coaxed the stress to leave his beloved older brother's frame, and he felt him relax.
Smiling, he ducked down to press a soft kiss to Nobori's lips, comforted by the gentle upturn of his brother's mouth. Eager to make that smile wider, he peppered a few more kisses there, before moving to press more to his brother's forehead and temples. He blew a puff of air into Nobori's bangs, followed by a peck to the exposed skin. A nuzzle pulled a chuckle from Nobori, who blindly reached up to caress his cheek with the hand closest to him.
"Kudari," Nobori said, his sigh of contentment now. "I'm home."
"It's a bit late for that, Nii-san, but welcome home," he chuckled, still not moving his hand from Nobori's eyes. Tickling behind his brother's right ear, he laughed harder as Nobori squirmed in surprise, a bubble of laughter and startled sounds mixing together.
"Ku-Kudari! No! S-Stop!" his brother all but squawked, and he finally removed his hand from its place so he could spread the tickles out to parts not yet desensitized. Nobori rolled in place on the couch, trying to get out of his twin's grasp to avoid the tickles. But he loved winning more than (almost) anything else, and his prize was his big brother's joy, vocalized in laughs and gasped pleas to stop tickling him.
"What's the password?" Leaning in, he mercilessly continued, Nobori having tried to sit up as another attempt to escape him. But too bad! He anticipated the exact movement of his brother, pressing a kiss to his cheek as a consolation prize, even as he continued.
Laughing through tears, Nobori gasped out his best guess, "Kudari is an angel!"
Pausing momentarily, he gave Nobori a touched expression, cheeks dusting with pink. "Aw! Nii-san! You're so sweet!" A beat, and then he leaned forward, catching Nobori in a particularly sensitive part. "But wrong!"
"Ack!" Nobori almost toppled off the couch in his attempt to avoid the onslaught, but Kudari tugged him back into his arms to blow at the skin behind his ear. "Kudari is the best!"
"Wrong again! But I am the best, so I will stop." Nobori clung to him, trying to get his laughter under control. He nuzzled his older brother, giving him a squeeze. "The password was 'Kudari has the best big brother.'"
Finally calming himself enough to speak more evenly, Nobori stayed in his arms. "That's a very long password to ask of someone who is being tickled." He pressed a kiss to Kudari's jaw, returning the squeeze just as tightly. His day still seemed to weigh on his mind, but at least he didn't look like he was about to cry anymore. HIs brother was strong, someone he looked up to above anyone else in the world, and to see him look as defeated as before hurt.
"But true!" He kissed all over Nobori's cheeks and forehead, before his brother tilted his head and pulled him down for a real kiss. Gently, he let his brother take control of their kiss, setting the pace to slow and sweet. Face cradled in Nobori's hands, his older brother's thumbs caressed his cheeks, fingertips brushing his neck.
Once they finally parted from the kiss, Nobori put their foreheads together, staring deep into his eyes. "I love you, Kudari. Thank you." When Nobori smiled at him, his heart soared and he nodded, their foreheads rubbing against each other.
"I love you too, Nobori!" In the end, Nobori didn't tell him what had caused him so much grief that day, but when he returned to work the next day, he made sure to lighten his brother's load at every opportunity. He jumped in whenever the depot agents brought work to his brother, and encouraged Nobori to join him on the Multi Trains instead of running their separate lines.
If he found out who had made his brother so sad, they would regret it.
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