#Saeran is literally just emo as hell
average-boy-of-dirt · 5 years
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aaaaaaa this is my little fanart for @marshmallowprotection - it’s Lila and Saeran on a little walk in the woods because why not? lololol Saeran’s being a lil tsundere~
Lila just wants some time in the woods with her big bad mafia boyfriend
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vandergelic-blog · 7 years
RFA + minor trio react to MC being a total party animal or just really hyper loool
Aww my first HC request. >\
Party Animal/Hyper MC
•This poor boy, you wore him out so much.
•You would always plop yourself in his lap during his LOL matches and flash a smirk at him, while he grunted trying to push you off so he could focus.
“Let’s go out honey~” You would say.
“But we went out last night, and the night before that!” He whined.
So you simply crossed your arms over your chest and huffed. “I’ll just go by myself then..”
Before you could storm off, he had grabbed your wrist and let out a groan. “Fine, we can go out. But let’s not stay too long, please? I have class tomorrow.”
He would literally do anything to make you happy, he’s too pure. Just make sure you give him all the cuddles he needs when you guys get home late that night~
•Loved how active and outgoing you were. It was a trait she admired about you and something she wished she had.
•I feel like she’d be able to keep up for a little while, not being able to say no to spending time with you.
•But would eventually burn out and explain there are nights where she simply can’t do it. She feels terrible about it but it’s the honest truth.
•So instead of going out into public, y'all just stay home and get turnt to broadway music lol. That was enough for the both of you as long as you were with each other.
Despite his hectic rehearsal schedule, Zen loved to go out! It gave him a chance to flaunt his looks when he wasn’t on stage.
Sometimes if you guys were out at a nightclub, you guys were the life of the party.
Just the ultimate couple tbh.
But there are times where he would rather just stay in with you.
Sometimes you guys would throw your own parties in your guy’s apartment with just you two. Playing Just Dance, doing karaoke, and stuffing your face with food.
You guys would even create your own little musicals.
He also loves to go out on a private date with just you and him, because the paparazzi can be too much sometimes. 
You two just always have fun together, whether you’re out in public or at home. He loves your energy.                                                                         
This CEO isn’t much of a partier, but he loves to travel with you. 
Questioned your sanity at first. “How is she always so..energetic?”
Nevertheless, there would be some clubs he would go to you with, but would much rather enjoy the nightlife with you only.
Most of the time you would take him to fun “commoner” activities..like rollerskating, or a carnival!
He grew to actually really like rollerskating? I feel like he would be a pro at it, and just be gliding across the rink like it was nobody’s business lmao.
Oh, and when you introduced him to cat cafe’s.. his mind was blown and his heart was full.
“I must open one up in Elizabeth’s name.. it could have rollerskating as well. I could develop rollerskates for cats so they could do it with the guests.”
This guy loves you and loves exploring and trying new things out with you!!
This guy honestly loved to party as much as you did, when he wasn’t being a distant little shit.
Just like Zen, you two would be the center of attention I feel like. You both were just obnoxious and hyperactive.
Y’all usually caused a scene wherever you went because of your shenanigans. 
Once you guys got kicked out of Walmart for doing the floor is lava challenge and Seven jumped into the thing that holds all the bouncy balls sending them flying everywhere, while you jumped onto a stack on packaged toilet paper making the whole thing topple down.
Seriously guys what the fuck is wrong with you we can never take you anywhere without causing a mESS
The last party he went to he was fucking brainwashed.
This little guy would be so anxious oh GOD, please be gentle and go easy on him please.
Sometimes your hyper-ness would get on his nerves and he would give you one of his ~death~ glares in hopes to get you to stop. 
But you don’t and you just keep on rambling and being a weirdo.
How did I fall for someone like this she’s just like my brother if not even worse why do i do this to myself-
At the parties you did get him to go to, he would just sit in the corner with a dead face like the emo child he is.
A drink in one hand, a cigarette in the other as he watches you bust out ridiculous dance moves in front of him in an attempt to lighten his mood, but all you got was an exasperated sigh.
When he’s had enough he would say “Let’s go.” in a blunt voice and if you refused he would pick you up and throw you over his shoulder and exit the building, ignoring all your complaints. 
To be honest, he would much rather just cuddle with you and talk about random shit.
He enjoys private intimate moments with you where everything is just calm because his life has been so hectic from day 1. 
He thought you were adorable and loved how full of life you were.
He would much rather just be in your arms or vice versa.
He would never admit that tho.
little btich
When you said that you liked to go out..he didn’t know you meant..nightclubs and wild parties. 
I really don’t think you guys would ever go out and party like that!! Maybe once in awhile but definitely not frequently.
And you would be perfectly fine with that because this guy is the love of your life alright.
Instead of going out, you guys would like to bicycle together! (THIS IS IF HE COULD SEE OK OMG IMAGINE V TRYING TO RIDE A BIKE IF HE WAS BLINDJKS)
You guys would bike around the park or to the zoo or whatever!
Have little picnics with each other beneath a cherry blossom tree and feed the geese in the lakes. Despite the sign that says DON’T FEED THE GEESE.
Would take many pictures of you and the scenery. 
You would also do mini photoshoots of him!! He always says he likes to capture art BUT YET HAS NEVER TAKEN A SINGLE PICTURE OF HIMSELF WTF
This dude loves to spend every second of his days with you, would often take you on his trips~
This guy wasn’t going out to no damn party where there would be drunk people, sweat and vomit everywhere ok. 
Only time he would go out is to get discounted cleaning supplies from Walgreens-
“Wait, what?”
“what is that wha t”
So you take him to a nice bowling hangout
Uh MC why do I have to change my shoes???? they don’t go with my leopard print. im not taking off my gloves either its not happening
omg shut up and just do it vanderbaby
he’s scoffing as he puts on the shoes, upset that it’s ruining his ~style~ 
“So..I have to slide this ball at the pins and knock them down?”
“Can I pretend the pins are Seven?”
After telling him yes he’s literally chucking the ball down the damn aisle
keeps his cool tho, pretends like it’s not even his fault, makes up excuses
“it’s rigged, they slicked the alley with some type of liquid so that’s why my balls keep missing.”
“did u just say… my balls”
“god MC shut up you act like you’re the best but honestly you suck just as much as i d-”
Gets super competitive suddenly, and eventually once he gets the hang of it he beats your ass then pretends like he wasn’t even phased
like no he wasn’t even trying man it was just natural, he didn’t become a special agent for nothing
like he would subtly rub his win in your face and console you like you were ACTUALLY upset 
“it’s okay maybe next time honestly i wasn’t expecting to win im just as shocked as you, ya know”
god vanderwood just shut up and take me home
anyways he doesn’t mind going out with you, he enjoys it actually but he wont admit that to you either 
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serensama · 8 years
To Date #6
*Also in my universe V is always around. Always. Because… it’s V.
 -       What do you mean he had to take MC out on a date?
-       Weren’t they already a couple? Why did they need to go out and prove it to the world?
-       He chose MC, she chose him = end of story
-       End of story + ice cream = super happy ending?
-       NO?
-       NO
-       Damn it.
-       Gathering what little pride he had, he dragged himself to his brother’s room where he and Yoosung were raiding in LOLOL, Saeyoung laughing maniacally and Yoosung swearing like a drunken sailor
-       “Yo! Baby brother what can I do for you? Wha-Yoosung! What the hell?! We’re on the same team!”
        “It was friendly fire”
        “You came up and decapitated me”
        “… But I did it as nicely as possible”
-       Saeran rolled his eyes and went to walk back out, not understanding why he thought it was a good idea to come to them for advice in the first place.
-       Saeyoung quit the game much to the horror of Yoosung and the rest of his group to chase after his brother. Yoosung begrudgingly apologised to the guild saying something important had come up and that they’d be back later.
-       “Forget it,” Saeran barked to a hovering Saeyoung, “-it’s not important! I just came in to see you guys.”
-       Saeyoung knew he was lying because he refused to meet his eyes.
-       Then Yoosung started in on “Come on let us help!” and between the two of them Saeran couldn’t get a word in edgewise before he screamed out “FINE! WHAT DO I DO FOR MY FIRST DATE WITH MC?”
-       Yoosung and Saeyoung suddenly grew hearts within their eyes as they rubbed their cheeks together and clasped hands
        “Oh my baby has grown up”
        “Shut up”
        “Hyung Saeran has become a man”
        “…Like you’re one to talk”
        “Do you know where babies come from?”
        “I don’t.”
        “That’s no surprise Yoosung”
        “Wait…  so, no one is going to tell me!?”
-       Sitting down the boys try to tell Saeran how most girls like to go out to eat and perhaps watch a movie or a show… seeing as MC was from the same social circles as Jumin and V she probably enjoyed 5 star restaurants and operas… fancy things fit for a Princess… and she was his Princess right?
-       Growling as he skimmed his hand over his face he allowed the boys to tell him where the best restaurants in town were, what he should wear and how he should act: i.e.… be everything that wasn’t him. He didn’t do polite conversation. He barely did conversation. Grunts. Grunts and psychotic laughter was kind of his thing.
-       MC liked it anyways.
-       He called her and asked her out which surprised her to no end, feeling like an idiot he ended up snarling, “Well didja wanna go or not?” which resulted in her chuckling and agreeing. Of course, she would love to go out with him!
-       Borrowing one of his brother’s babies (“If there’s so much as one scratch or one suspect stain in her leather Saeran!!!”) he sped off to pick up MC.
-       She was already waiting on the street looking ridiculously ravishing in a light pink dress that matched his hair… did she wear that to match him? That would be… really sweet actually
-       Leaning over to give him a kiss on the cheek and wiping off the lipstick that marked him (not that he minded) MC happily greeted her boyfriend
-       It took a minute before she really saw the effort he went to. Hair quaffed to perfection (thanks to Zen rushing over to make sure he wasn’t going to attack MC during the date- who was then horrified to see the state of his hair as he was about to step out the door), his dark blue suit courtesy of Jumin who had one of his tailors bring something suitable for the date… not one buckle in sight, not one choker…
-       It wasn’t that she didn’t like the new look, MC thought he looked incredibly dapper and handsome… but she always thought that about him no matter what he wore, still, she smiled and tried to ease his obvious discomfort by saying how amazing he looked.
-       Some tension leaving his countenance Saeran drove off to get to the most exclusive restaurant that needed MONTHS to get a booking- though thanks to V they got one at the last minute (he provided the photography that graced their walls as décor, he always got a seat whenever he wanted).
-       He may or may not have accidentally threatened the valet driver instead of tipping him… old habits die hard
-       Offering his arm to MC who looked utterly shocked at his showing of manners he didn’t know whether to be offended or amused (definitely… amused, he wasn’t always the most courteous of people and often came off as brusque even to the woman he loved).
-       Sitting down he looked around at the place. It was pretty- he guessed. The place looked nice, the staff looked nice, the food looked nice… god even the air smelt nice.
-       He hated it.
-       He was ridiculously uncomfortable there. People bowing and calling him “Sir”, people pulling out chairs for him like he was an idiot… people looking at him knowing that he didn’t belong in a place like this with a girl like MC. Like he was trash… he’d felt that way all his life he didn’t need to be reminded of it in a place where he was paying for everything.
-       The waiter handed them the menu and Saeran opened up the menu and saw that it was all in French… because of course it was… and inwardly groaned.
-       The waiter came back and started speaking with MC who gave her order succinctly and then realised that Saeran may have had no idea what he was looking at… with a hand over her mouth denoting her shame she asked if needed a few more minutes to choose…
-       “We have the menu in Korean if that would assist you… Sir”
-       Bitch. No, you didn’t.
-       Squinting his cerulean eyes at the arrogant penguin order taker, Saeran proceeded to order his entire meal and the proper accompanying wine in fluent French. Saeyoung wasn’t the only Choi with a penchant for learning languages.
-       Blushing before bowing, the waiter left the two to their own devices.
-       MC could see that Saeran was putting on a front for her sake, (not that he had to she loved him for being him- not what he thought she wanted him to be)… she just didn’t want to waste all the effort he had obviously gone through for her sake.
-       Their meal came along and it was the tiniest effing thing he had ever seen in his life. Like seriously. He was paying $100 for a piece of meat that was half the size of his palm. What the hell was wrong with rich people?
-       As they were about to order dessert he overheard a couple to the far right of them making snooty comments about him and how far had MC fallen to be with someone like him- and oooooh god normally he’d let them have it, but it was their first date and everyone explicitly told him to be on his best behaviour and not embarrass MC by getting into any fights…
-       “Who the hell do you think you are? Do you know him? Do you know what he means to me? Do you even know who I am apart from what my bank account says? You all disgust me!” MC spat her face contorted with rage.
-       She was making a scene; the entire restaurant was paralysed and shocked.
-       “Come on Saeran, let’s leave this shit hole, their steak was over cooked anyways and the clientele here leave much to be desired for.”
-       His mouth was a little dry from drooling at how hot his girlfriend was when she defended him.
-       Wiping his mouth with his napkin before folding it neatly on the table, he sat up and offered his arm to her again. As they turned to leave, just before they stepped off the dining floor, he flipped them all off from behind him and yelled out, “Later jackasses!”
-       He finally tipped the valet driver, the only nice person in the restaurant.
-       MC was silent throughout the car ride home, her anger palpable. Saeran was disappointed that it couldn’t be like the dates she was used to; he’d have to try harder next time… maybe if he dyed his hair back to its normal red he wouldn’t look like such a punk…
-       About ¾ of the way home MC perked up and slapped at his arm for him to pull over.
-       It was just a typical run of the mill 24-hour diner where they served the greasiest food perfect after a night on the town… or after an overpriced meal that left them starving.
-       They ran into the diner and it was dive, the leather of the booths torn and patched up with duct tape, the floor tiles were streaked with sneaker marks and chipped and the décor so mismatched and hideous he didn’t know what their theme was.
-       He loved it.
-       Even if it was a shonky looking place it was clean and it was busy so it mustn’t be a terrible place to eat.
-       Sliding (squeaking) along the last empty booth in the corner the regulars of the diner looked at MC as if she was the outsider but she didn’t seem to notice or care, her eyes only focused on Saeran. She was doing this for him, he might not know everything about dating or wines or suits but he knew MC- she was a good person and this was her way of salvaging their date.
-       They laughed and poked fun at their disaster of an evening, mimicking the confounded expressions of the people as MC insulted them causing them to burst out in breathless laughter- the others in the diner smiling at the cute couple… they were so dressed up surely they came from a Prom or something?
-       When Saeran’s order of a chocolate sundae came out along with MC’s giant order of fries, they both sat and ate in silence- Saeran not protesting whenever MC would dip her salty fries into his sweet dessert.
-       Really… why did he even bother asking those idiots in the first place? He knew MC better than anyone… and they had already chosen each other… the first date was just an excuse for ice cream.
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