#oh my god Saeran’s face looks so pretty
natasha-in-space · 6 months
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"A... cake?" Natasha's expression was the epitome of confusion as she blinked repeatedly at the shiny plate placed on her desk, with a slice of what seemed to be a fresh-prepared cake resting on top of it. When Saeran suddenly disappeared for hours on end, she was not expecting to see this once he came back. What kind of trick was this exactly...?
Though, her boss's proud and puffed up appearance indicated that he was more than pleased with himself. Who knows why. Either way, she could only guess that it was going to be at her expense. As it usually was.
Saeran snickered, moving the plate closer to his perplexed assistant. While he usually hated that dumb, doe-eyed look on her face, making her feel all stupid was exactly what he was hoping for right now. He marveled at the opportunity to rob her of any sense of control. At least, that's how he viewed this whole exchange. "Don't give me that look. I know you're probably desperate to take a bite. Trust me, it's just as delicious as it looks. Strawberries are your favorite, are they not?"
Natasha's nose scrunched up slightly as her thoughts raced to make sense of this entire predicament. What was happening? Did they even have time on their hands for... whatever this was? She's pretty sure they had a deadline approaching just hours away... Then again, Saeran's methods were far different from Ray's carefully organized work flow. And he probably wouldn't appreciate her criticizing his work ethic.
She opened her mouth to say something, only to be interrupted by an insufferable groan as Saeran grabbed the plate back into his hand and separated a rather generous piece of cake with a fork, quickly thrusting it to her mouth. When she didn't respond right away, he raised a brow and pushed the sweet treat against her lips, but not going any further than that. She could smell the sweet vanilla mixed in with the strawberry, definitely making her mouth water a little. It sure looked and smelled tasty.
"Go ahead, then. Open wide. You did such a good job with your studies yesterday, I would be a terrible boss not to praise my little pet for being good."
...Alright, now she's sure this is a trick. He wasn't being very subtle about it.
She was unsure if Saeran just didn't want to put in the effort needed for a believable performance or if he really believed this would work on her. Either way, it's not like she was about to call him out on that. As far as she could see, he was in a good mood for once, and she would rather keep it that way. Whatever it may have in store for her.
So, Natasha sighed and leaned in to take the fork into her mouth. Only to have it snatched away from her in an instant. She just watched as Saeran put the piece of cake into his own mouth and exploded in a fit of roaring laughter that bounced off the bare walls of the Intelligence room. He laughed so hard, he even put an arm over his stomach, an action that probably wasn't fully conscious as his body shook in response to the waves of amusement he seemed to find in this whole exchange. She's pretty sure she never saw him laugh this hard before, especially over something so... to be completely frank, rather stupid.
Throughout it all, Natasha remained silent, feeling both puzzled and intrigued. Saeran sure was a mystery. She's pretty sure that the laughter was genuine. Did he seriously find it this funny? It was almost kind of... cute. In a very peculiar way. She was starting to understand why he looked so proud and energized when he entered. Did he plan this whole thing in advance? Now if that isn't excessive, she doesn't know what is.
It appeared that Saeran would have a good time playing pranks. Though, he probably didn't know about that activity in the first place. And she wasn't about to tell him. Who knows what kind of things she would have to deal with if she does.
"Oh, you should've seen your face! God- You looked so dumb!" Saeran cackled and started to bang his hand against the table a little. Natasha found it hard to suppress her own laughter when she saw the unusual sight, having to bite her lip to prevent anything from slipping. Saeran looked so proud of himself, that she is sure he was blissfully unaware of just how silly this all looked from the outside perspective. If he did, he wouldn't be acting this way in the first place.
"You got me, boss... How could you do this?" She found herself playing along, even though she couldn't control the light smile on her face as her eyes kept following the hacker. There was some amusement to be found in this strange situation. One she wouldn't voice outloud, but would indulge in nonetheless.
Saeran seemed totally oblivious to the 'victim' of his prank having a good time. After a bout of laughter, he released a final loud 'Ha!' before settling down and crossing his arms over his chest cockily. He leaned his hip against the desk in a way that radiated arrogance.
"You must be a real airhead if you think I would ever bake a cake just for you! This should be a nice lesson for you, assistant. Be grateful I am willing to give you such a heads-on approach."
Natasha blinked. Stumped.
Did he...
Did Saeran make this cake? To perform this 'prank' on her? Is that why he was gone for hours? Was he out there, baking a whole entire cake, just for a joke?
"...You are something else boss" She murmured after a brief pause, shaking her head slightly.
"I sure am."
He was unaware of what she meant by that, wasn't he? By the looks of his confident smirk, he thought she was impressed by him or something. And, in a way, she was.
Just not in the way he would be pleased with, probably.
Still, in spite of it all, it was... nice to see this more silly and lighthearted side of Saeran. Even if it was in such a bizarre manner. She didn't mind being the cause of his laughter occasionally. Maybe she'll put up with some silly pranks in the future.
...And, his smile appeared somewhat cute for a brief moment when he was consumed by his own enjoyment and didn't care about appearing intimidating. A small glimpse into the human side of him that he seemed so set on denying. She kind of wished to see that more often.
Turns out, Saeran is a very talented baker.
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jinjinranran · 1 year
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Byeol x Yoosung 💚
Bi Yoosung is canon /j no but what else could I hc him as, with his big ass crush on Saeran 😭 and I believe it wasn't the only one - tho I think most of the times he'd be oblivious and confuse his boy crushes with simple admiration, because he likes girls after all! But boy. Sweetie. My dude. You're fruity and it shows.
With Byeol being nonbinary, Yoosung's a bit confused at first. He doesn't live under a rock, he heard about nonbinary genders, just hasn't really done any research about the topic. He has no problem with accepting them in any way regardless if he fully gets it or not. He just needs some explanations and learning to do so he could understand their identity better.
Other characters: 💛 💜 🧡 💗 ❤️ 💚 💙 🤍 🤎
Byeol's story under the cut:
💚 Eunbyeol Kim (Byeol) ♡ she/they/he ♡ 20 yo ♡ nonbinary, pansexual
Byeol likes both feminine and masculine clothes and interests, but has always been praised only for presenting feminine ("You're such a pretty lady!", "you look like a little princess in this dress" "you look much prettier with some makeup on") and it felt wrong so she started to resent these and dress as androgynously as possible, rejecting everything that was considered feminine.
Dislikes how feminine their face and body is, always admired androgynous people, and wishes breasts were an accessory you can put on and off depending on the outfit. Related those feelings to just wishing to look good in both male and female cosplays, only much later realized there is a deeper reason for that.
Bought her first binder for cosplay purposes and oh boy the happiness it brought!!
Generally wearing masculine outfits always brought that little, unexplainable spark of excitement.
Once when gaming someone referred to her as "he" and it felt cool so she never corrected them. Now goes by mostly he/they online and she/they irl (but honestly is fine with any).
As a teenager started to be more active online, and finding lgbt communities, she discovered the existence of nonbinary genders and started to put the pieces if her life together. Rotated between different identities (demigirl, demiboy, genderfluid, agender, etc.) but at the end decided to just stick to nonbinary as it felt the most comfortable.
Cut their hair at the end of high school, out of impulse and spite for her family pushing the idea that a woman must have long hair. It felt so freeing, even tho she ended up looking like a disaster lol
Their family is conservative and not very accepting to anything outside of the "norm" so they're not out to anyone except one of her older sisters who does everything to support them, even if she didn't fully understand at first.
While doesn't mind she/her pronouns, other gendered words (like miss, sister, girlfriend etc.) makes her uncomfortable so prefers to use gender-neutral alternatives when possible.
Definitely prefer to be referred using their shortened name - Byeol - since it's gender neutral, than the feminine full name - Eunbyeol.
Now - after learning that the way they're presenting nor interests do not invalidate their identity - embraces their feminine features (still thanks gods for the invention of a binder but doesn't always feel the need to wear), actually likes wearing makeup and dresses sometimes, loves to play with fashion and mix both feminine and masculine pieces of clothing, and is obsessed with accessories.
Regarding the romantic/sexual attraction, he has 0 experience, but never put much importance to it, "if I fall in love then I fall in love, the only thing that matters if we get along well".
Since they're going to the same college as Yoosung, they saw him in the halls, a few days into 1st semester, and immediately got a big ass crush on him. Felt way too shy to approach him though, and everytime they ran into each other, only managed to mumble something incomprehensible (and that was very new and out of character for her, and also very embarassing). Later, slowly they started bonding over the same interests, though Yoosung was very oblivious of Byeol's feelings towards him. Until many months later when she confessed to him - or in his route, when he realized that the party coordinator he fell in love with is actually his college and gaming friend. 💚
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average-boy-of-dirt · 5 years
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aaaaaaa this is my little fanart for @marshmallowprotection - it’s Lila and Saeran on a little walk in the woods because why not? lololol Saeran’s being a lil tsundere~
Lila just wants some time in the woods with her big bad mafia boyfriend
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Omg I tried my best to avoid spoilers, cause due to time zones the birthday cg would appear a bit later for me, but ahhhh! To be honest I got a bit disappointed the first time I saw it on Twitter (accidentally), but I just scrolled down without really looking at it, since I wanted to see it for myself when it first appeared. I think I got disappointment mostly cause I got spoiled and not bc of the cg itself lol
And... Looking at it today... Oh my god I am so in love with it (╥﹏╥) Seeing the brothers together, looking so sincerely happy and content to share their birthday with each other is just- aaaughhh I low-key teared up the longer I looked at it 😭 And Vanderwood... Oh boy - Vandy!!! Vandy on a cg!!! And they're with the twins!!! Celebrating their birthday!!! This is so precious!!!! The thing is, in my au with my mc, Vanderwood is pretty much a part of a family, although they won't admit it out loud lmao
Seeing them like that made me imagine my mc calling them over to prepare this small and cozy party for the twins, since they did so much for all of them over the years. Just imagine the grin on Saeyoung's face. It's his birthday, so Vanderwood won't grumble this time. They're glad to see him so happy and with his family. And mc taking the picture... Oh, my heart. The implications that Vanderwood is part of the family and that they belong together... (´;︵;`) We don't know anything about their family (at least I don't remember much), but I doubt it's something good, judging by their dialogue in V's AE. I know it's about the twins, but thinking about them finally feeling like they're really HOME... Well, it made me go all sentimental.
Thank you Cheritz's
I am practically vibrating with excitement and inspiration now
I tried to avoid them for as long as I could as well! But, hey, some people don't tag their spoilers and we can't control that. It's okay! You've got the boys now and they're so happy. I think being able to see them happy and bright is worth it, even if the circumstances that you saw them weren't the way you wanted. The twins are popular and the fans rush to look at them anytime we see them. I want to kiss my boy Saeran so badly, so I get it.
The thing that made me the happiest was the fact that they both can share a birthday cake. I know that's a little silly, but considering their trauma with that it just feels pretty nice to see nobody using a treat as means to torture them. Saeran getting cake after not being able to have one… Saeyoung being able to see his brother shine brightly and get whatever he wants to eat?
You know even though this is a split cake, Saeran had to affirm that Saeyoung needed space on it. It can’t be all about Saeran. It’s a birthday for the two of them. They share. That’s growth. Saeyoung cries about it and that’s the part that’ll get you. They're smiling but we know that getting to this point was filled with tears and struggle. My boys are free! Our boys are free! They don't have to live in fear and shame anymore! They get cake and a family! Crying!
Happy for Vanderwood, too. I think most of us believe that they stick around even though they say that they won't. They've been through too much with our favorite redhead to ever stray too far away. They just have a very rough way of showing it. There are so many things about it that make me cry that Tumblr would never let me get away with writing something that long! Cries!
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juminsmysticmc · 3 years
Heyo hope your having a lovely Evening/Afternoon/Morning, I was wondering if you could write RFA+ Saeran and V reacting to there child walking in on them while doing it with Mc. I really do love all your stuff and keep up the amazing work
RFA+ Minor Duo who’s children walk in while they are having sex with Mc ( Smut, NSFW ) 
Mention of Sex, Orgasm, smutty talk 
Hello, that’s pretty nice, ahaha XD thank god it never happened to me, I think I would ever be able to look into my parents eyes but I am curious, did this happen to you guys? Tell me your opinion to this HC, I am interested what you think about it! Have a nice day!!
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The sex between you and Jumin was amazing.
He knew how to make you happy and you, to be honest, knew how to make him feel good too.
Both of you could have an intimate moment anywhere and anytime.
While Jaehee is outside working, while his father is talking to the chef at the restaurant you’re at, well, you both were rather brave.
But something you never tried was having sex during the day while your five years old son was in the room next to you.
,,What if he walks in?’’ you asked Jumin as he kissed your neck and began to massage the skin between your tights, making you moan.
,,He won’t, we will hear him… just don’t be so loud,’’ he whispered with a raspy voice as he now arrived at your panties.
,,Ah~ wait, let’s close the door…’’ you whined, but Jumin didn’t give you a chance.
Your husband lightly pushed you against his desk, making his stuff fall on the floor as he pulled down your clothes.
Your wet pussy was now naked in front of him as he kissed your vulva and stroked your belly.
,,I’m sure he wants a little sibling too…’’ Jumin said and kissed your clit, making you whine a bit louder.
Jumin grabbed your hips and put his nose on your clit as he licked your pussy, putting his tongue into you and feeling your walls.
You whined and moaned even louder, gasping for air.
You could feel him smirk against your lips and felt that you would soon give up below his touch, when suddenly, a voice came out of the direction of the door.
,,WHO IS MAKING MY MOM CRY?!’’ your five years old son screamed, making you shriek and Jumin look up to his son.
His first instinct was to hide your naked skin and so he laid his body on you, making you accidentally moan again.
,,DADDY!!’’ your son began to cry, thinking that his father would squeeze his mother.
He was indeed a mama’s boy.
You quickly pulled up your pants without your son seeing anything and lightly pushed Jumin away, approaching your son.
You took him in your arms as you moved him up and down, patting his back.
,,Mommy was having pains on her knee and so Daddy had to look there. Mommy is just a cry baby, but Daddy wasn’t hurting Mommy, yeah? Don’t cry, my baby, don’t cry…’’ you whispered and exited the room, leaving Jumin back kind of embarrassed and with a boner.
Both of you were kind of horny that night and just couldn’t stop the mood from turning sexy.
,,I haven’t touched that beautiful body of yours in a long time already,’’ Zen whispered as you felt his penis growing.
You put your hand below the blanket and began to stroke him, making him groan.
,,Me neither. I missed you,’’ you confessed, kissing his soft lips.
The romantic kiss turned out to be a kiss filled with lust and after a few moments, your tongues were dancing/ He was sucking at your lips and teasing you, making you moan against his lips.
His penis twitched at your sounds and soon Zen put his hand over yours, rubbing his hard member.
,,Me too....’’ you whined and finally smiled when Zen slipped his hand between your legs, feeling the hot dampness.
,,I love you…’’ he confessed again. He moves his body and positioned himself over you, his legs supporting his body while you still rubbed his member.
He was supporting himself with his left arm and used his free hand to stroke your soft cheek, kissing your nose.
,,Mhhhhmmm…’’ you giggled and opened your mouth slightly, wanting him to insert his tongue again.
Zen kissed you deeply again until he noticed that his chest was brushing against your nipples, making them grow hard.
He smirked as he pulled your shirt up and began to nibble at them.
,,UGH!’’ you groaned and pushed your upper body to him when he lightly bit your erect nipple.
Both of you were enjoying the foreplay when suddenly a little ,,Mommy’’ came from behind the both of you.
Zen immediately let his body fall on his left while you quickly covered up your breasts.
,,Taeyeon is scared,’’ your ten years old daughter said, holding your little daughter by her hand.
,,But you’re… busy. Come with me, Taeyeon~ah,’’ she said, turning around immediately.
,,Ahhh, I wanna have Mommy and Daddy, Unnie!’’ she whined.
Your heart was still racing. You quickly fixed your clothes and jumped up.
,,Ji Woo!’’ you called your older daughter.
,,Mommy and Daddy weren’t busy!’’ you whined and took your daughters hand. 
Zen looked at your back as you walked off and laid back in his bed, putting his hands over his face.
,,Aish…’’ he whined.
,,I don’t know if I’m embarrassed or sad…!’’ he kept whining, waiting for your return.  
,,It’s nap time…’’ you mumbled as you stroked your husband’s chest, making him shiver.
Yoosung looked at you with his cute puppy eyes.
You knew that he was unsure if this would be a good idea.
But there was no going back by now. You were already on his lap and you could feel that Yoosung was horny too. His member was erect and you could feel it.
His hands wandered down to your ass and massaged it as you moaned. Only he could hear you since you tried to keep it low.
,,I missed you,’’ you mumbled as you began to ride him over his pants, making his pre cum get alll over his pants with a wet spot.
You loved to know that Yoosung was horny for you and it made you so proud… so you didn’t stop teasing him.
Your lips touched his as you went to nibble on his earlobe, making him groan. He was a bit louder than you, which was something that made you laugh.
You were still riding your husband when he managed to get access to your breasts and lick at them, nibbling at your nipples and playing with them.
He inhaled your scent and kissed the same spot he was nibbling just a few seconds ago.
,,You’re so beautiful… I love you so much…’’ he smiled and kissed your lips.
While you were rubbing your panties, he opened his jeans. You were still on his lap, doing movements as if you were riding when he put up his hard member.
Your hand left your wet pussy and started rubbing him, making him cry out as you suddenly touched him.
His member was twitching below your touch.
You smiled, you loved to see it, how it reacted to you.
Yoosung put up your dress and rubbed your clit, slowly fingering you.
Your movements went quicker and your groans were filled with lust.
Yoosung lightly shook his dick a few times against your vulva before he entered your pussy, making you feel full and loved.
,,Ride me, Mc… ride me…’’ he begged you and hugged you tightly.
,,Ohi, ohi, ahh, mhhh…’’ you whined, riding him with all your passion.
,,Oh, I’m so close,’’ you gasped and kissed him, your tongue deep into his.
,,Let’s cum together. I can feel it. It feels so good….’’ he groaned and finally squirted his cum into your cunt, making you full.
His dick twitched a few times while your sex felt like it was pulsing.
However, he was still horny, and you still wanted more.
He slowly put you up, your legs now spread as he kissed your cunt and put a finger into you.
You were just about to put your head on his when suddenly you heard the door.
,,Mommy, Hyung and I are hungry,’’ your younger son said. Yoosung immediately pulled out and before you could think of something else, you let your body fall on his lap.
You looked back and smiled, ,,Mommy will cook in a few seconds. Wait in the kitchen for me,’’ you said, your voice trembling from your last orgasm.
,,Are you playing horse with Daddy?’’ your older son asked you as he also joined.
You nodded. ,,Yes, but now Mommy will cook. Wait in the kitchen for me,’’ you said and slowly went down again as you heard your sons running towards the kitchen.
,,I knew, that this was a bad idea,’’ Yoosung whined as he turned as red as a tomato.
You and Jaehee decided four years ago to adopt a boy and the little boy gave you everything: happiness, love, affection, something to do, and love.
But it also gave you a busy schedule.
Between kindergarten and the coffee shop, both of you had to stay prepared 24/7 for the case that someone would come to check on you guys to see if you were taking good care of your son.
Of course, it was good that they took care of it, but that way having some romantic time between the both of you was impossible.
That’s why both of you decided that tonight would be the day. You and Jaehee had planned everything.
Your son was in his bed, sleeping, and both of you were in your rooms.
The lights were dimmed, the atmosphere was hot, and both of you were wet and filled with passion for each other’s touch.
You stroked her breast and watched her nipples get erect; the little almost pink part of her body.
You smirked when you saw that both nipples were erect and looked up to her.
Jaehee blushed and bit on her lips as she waited for it, but you loved to tease her.
You stroked her vulva and observed her as she opened her mouth in an ,,o’’ and moaned.
,,Don’t tease me…’’ she whined and looked back at you, licking her lips.
You wet your lips and entangled her right nipple with your mouth, licking and flicking it with your tongue inside your mouth.  
Your left hand supported her big tit as your right one played with her body.
,,Ah, oh my God, mhhhmm…’’ Jaehee moaned as you sucked at it a bit stronger, moving her left nipple as if it was a screw.
,,Mc, let me… you too…’’ Jaehee gasped, making you stop. You opened your mouth and laid back, opening your legs for her. ,,Okay, here you are,’’ you smirked.
Jaehee was also excited. Her heart didn’t stop ricing.
With her head, she slowly went down, kissing your vulva and your lips, kissing each before she split them apart with her both fingers in order to see your clit.
,,So wet here,’’ she laughed and put her lips on it, making you go up with your hips.
,,I missed it…’’ she confessed and took a first lick, making you moan and twitch.
Then she began to suck at your clit, her hands were just about to go up when you moaned again.
At that exact moment, the door was opened.
Jaehee jumped up with her head and looked with a horrified look on her face to the door.
You turned your head around. Your cheeks were still red when you saw your son with tears in his eyes.
,,What are you doing? Mommy, are you in pain?’’ he asked you.
,,Mom, will Mommy die…?’’ he asked Jaehee.
You immediately put on your bra and went to him, hugging him in your arms while you tried to calm him.
,,Mommy was in pain but it’s better now. Mom helped me, see? I’m here. I had a… pimple there, you know? But don’t tell anybody, it’s embarrassing,’’ you said.
He nodded and scratched his head.
,,Will you come with me to make me fall asleep again?’’ he asked you.
You nodded and took him, looking back to a deep red Jaehee who also had her clothes on by now.  
,,The girls are at school, Saeran is sleeping in his room, do we have enough time for a quickie?’’ Saeyoung asked you.
You looked to your red haired husband, who like always - was horny as if he never had sex before.
But there was no need to lie. You wanted him just as bad as he wanted to feel you.
,,Let’s go to our room,’’ you said and was about to leave when he held you at your arm.
,,You look sexy while you prepare lunch… I need you here and now,’’ he groaned and kissed you, pushing you on the table.
The table your family used to eat.
His own spot to be honest.
Saeyoung pulled you up and let you sit on the table, his lips never leaving your lips as your tongues were dancing with each other.
You moaned against him, making his body vibrate.
Saeyoung quickly pulled your pants and panties down and slipped his hand between your legs.
You pulled your head back and left a warm spot on his lips as you moaned.
The sudden touch made you high, high for his touch.
He smiled as his fingers made circling movements with your clit.
,,Inside, make me cum on your place…’’ you smiled smuttily.
Saeyoung smirked and didn’t think about it twice before he slipped his hands deeper, entering your pussy.
He made a movement that made you cry out all of a sudden - your G-Spot.
,,Come here, kitty,’’ he laughed and kept making the same movement, his finger rubbing you and making your walls get tighter.
,,Saeyoung, ahhh!’’ you cummed.
Saeyoung smiled as his hard dick was pressing against his pants.
He kissed you one last time before he put his finger in your mouth, opening his jeans with one hand.
However, maybe luckily, he never achieved what he wanted to do.
It took seconds for your oldest twin daughter to open the front door using the Arabic word Saeyoung installed.
With a horrified face, you watched as your girls, both fifteen since they were twins, came in and saw you.
At first they were shocked, but then they suddenly both began to laugh, shaking their heads.
,,I hope we get a new table after that! You look so weird!’’ your youngest said and ran into her room, closing her door behind both of them.
,,I- oh my god,’’ Saeyoung coughed and looked at you.
,,Our room now and later you can get a new table for real!’’ you hissed and went down off the table, cleaning your mess before you entered your room.
Your husband was already embarrassed enough to ask you for sex, so this experience was making everything worse.
You noticed the whole day that something seemed to be wrong and in the evening, you finally made him tell you.
,,I… I… it won’t go away,’’ he whined.
,,What won’t go away?’’ you asked him with a concerned face.
He finally looked up to you, deep into your eyes and opened his mouth. ,,My boner,’’ he whispered and looked down again.
You began to laugh and looked at him. ,,Really? Saeran, you could have just told me!’’ you kept laughing and finally went on your knees.
Slowly, you opened his pants and pulled him down. Your hand was now around his shaft.
You moved your hand up and down as you observed his hard dick.
Poor him, you thought.
He was in pain the whole day…
,,Mhmm….ah..mhm…’’ he gasped.
You smiled as you saw the pre cum and finally put your mouth around his dick.
At first you took only the tip between your lips, your tongue flicked his penis as you slowly put in more and more, going deeper and deeper.
You gagged as a reaction, but began to chuckle right away.
Suddenly Saeran groaned up and came, squirting all his semen into your mouth.
,,Sorry,’’ he gasped when he saw what he did.
,,No problem…’’ you smiled and looked up, wiping off his cum from your mouth.
,,Can you… actually, you made me wet,’’ you chuckled and went up, going three steps back.
,,Y-yes!’’ he answered and bowed over you, kissing you.
Both of you finally went below the blankets and hugged each other before Saeran massaged your insides with his fingers.
,,Ah, mhh…’’ you moaned and kissed him again.
Suddenly you felt his, once again, hard dick against your leg.
He slowly moved his hips up and down and finally entered you, making you hold your breath because of the sudden thick feeling in your pussy.  
Saeran was about to massage your breast when someone called both of you. Of course it was none other than your daughter.
,,Are you cuddling? Can I cuddle too?’’ she mumbled and almost climbed on your shared bed.
,,Wait!’’ you called.
,,I suddenly want hot chocolate! You too?’’ you asked her, making her clap with her hands and run to the kitchen, giving you enough time to put on your clothes again.
Years went by and by now Lucy was 15.
She was a lovely girl and a brave big sister who always defended her 3 year old brother.
As her mother, you were more than proud of her.
The same was for Jihyun. He too was proud of her and happy that both of you adopted her back then.
,,Mommy, I’m going out with Noona!’’ your son said and already left, closing the door.
,,Where are they going?’’ you asked Jihyun who smiled at the now closed door.
While he was thinking about his children, he suddenly felt something on his pants.
Looking at you he noticed that you were slowly blushing.
,,You’re making the first step and are already embarrassed?’’ he asked you and laughed.
His hands softly pushed you down on the couch while he wildly kissed your lips, your hands still between his hands.
Jihyun went with his hands and lips part for part on your body, kissing every inch of skin you had and finally pulling down your underwear.
,,Lick me,’’ you groaned and looked down to him.
He smirked against your entrance and put his tongue in.
When you began to like it, his movements stopped, an action that made you whine as fresh air suddenly hit your pussy.
But Jihyun knew what he was doing and so he turned you around, making you groan as you knew what he was about to do.
His right hand explored your pussy, massaging your lips, stroking your vulva and clit.
He also shortly entered your pussy, your entrance, and made you clench against his touch.
But everything changed when his left hand slowly went to your ass.
First one finger, to make you adjust to this one thing you both did for the first time.
Then he added a second finger, and when you began to just be the moaning mess he wanted you to become he used a third one and his tongue, sending electrical shocks up to you.
,,WE ARE BACK!’’ your son called, making you gasp.
You didn’t dare to look. Not with this flushed face in that position.
Jihyun was also so shocked that his fingers were left in your insides.
,,We-Fuck!’’ Lucy said, opening her eyes widely and turning around.
She quickly got her brother and turned him around, making it impossible for him to understand what exactly his Noona saw.
,,Can’t you guys do these kinds of things at night in your own room? Like normal adults?’’ she asked you, kind of judging you..
,,What were they doing, Noona?’’ the little innocent boy asked her older sister. She looked down at him and smiled kindly, just like always. ,,They were trying to give us a lil sister or a lil brother by hugging each other tightly. Let’s go out again!’’ she said and managed to go out.
,,I hope they give us a sis!’’ your son blabbered.
,,This was- oh my god,’’ you laughed and looked at Jihyun who quickly let go of you.
,,Let’s get changed,’’ he mumbled and disappeared into his room, hoping that he would manage to calm down...
08.05.2021// 00:45 MEST
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kira-fluff · 3 years
Hellonio👉 I heard headcannon requests are open, and I was hoping to ask for *cough* sell my soul for *cough* the RFA + Saeran with a huge history and science nerd MC. Pretty please with honey Buddha chips on top?
a/n: when I say this request is fine, when I say this request is SCRUMPDIDLYUMPCIOUS!! thank you T-T it’s beautiful // since you specified Saeran but left three other characters unspecified, please send another request if you’d like a part 2 with the rest of the characters! 
MC who is a History and Science Nerd
Saeyoung is the Blueprint for being a nerd 
like come on he tries to flirt with you in binary code
I think he’d still tease you though 
little things like “oh wow my little nerd~” 
you have to remind him sometimes how big of a dork he is 
pokes your cheeks when you’re reading something 
instead of paying attention to him haha 
literally will pout 
if you ignore him too much 
still, seven is the type to get into your passions too 
seeing the way your eyes light up
he is intrigued and ends up loving it just as much as you do 
tries to make REALLY bad science puns 
I just imagine each time he’d tease you he couldn’t hold back the big smile he makes 
when he sees you look a little pouty 
if you don’t include him when you watch history documentaries he will be very very petty 
might ignore you until you say, “well, do you want to watch to?” 
when you were studying for your chemistry exam
instead of being helpful 
seven whispers dirty jokes in your ear 
all science-related of course 
oh gosh he LOVES messing with you so much 
will steal your little journals recording plant growth and read them out loud 
he’d hold it over his head when you try to grab it 
“ssSTOP!! SEV STOP!!” 
little mischievous giggles 
oh gosh he loves you so much. 
watching you talk about the subjects you love – it’s his favorite thing 
when your eyes light up and you have this big, geeky smile on your face 
he’s not good enough with his words to express it to you 
the way his heart rate speeds up 
and oh 
when you realize you’ve been talking non-stop 
and you blush profusely 
apologizing, saying you didn’t realize you were talking so long 
he shakes his head, “no, I like it. I like it when you talk about the things you love. tell me more.” 
now you’re blushing for a different reason.. how did you end up so lucky?
literally so supportive 
hypes you up while you’re studying 
makes you little flashcards ;-; 
loves you so much 
will genuinely give you lil kisses (they’re shy) when you tell him all about your favorite wars because ?? 
p l a n t s 
he has so many plants 
shows you all of them 
has names for each one
and his beautiful flowers
will read with you plant care books and scientific experiments about them
honestly will spend looooong nights just staying up and talking with you 
like can you just IMAGINE 
staying up til 5am… talking about everything and nothing 
accidentally falling asleep together on the couch 
he loves how you smell, and subconsciously hugs you closer 
you wake up 
and in a moment of boldness 
you wake up and exhales 
and hugs you a little tighter 
he’s a (sort of failing) university student 
to be honest you will use each others strengths if you are in classes with him 
you lowkey carry him with all the assignments and studying you help him with 
but he really admires you 
he’s not really the type to seek things out for the sake of curiousity 
sure, gaming is different
but when it comes to subject matters and non-fiction it all flies past him 
he’s no dummy, it’s just hard for him to apply himself to something he doesn’t even really care about 
so meeting someone so refreshingly different from him is so, so nice 
not to mention you’re so incredibly sweet and kind 
you’re so patient with him 
and when you lean in to help him understand the concept more.. 
he can’t get enough of it 
he thinks it’s so cute how you’re so passionate and geek out occasionally 
you inspire him to succeed 
because you can do anything
and yoosung thinks that if you cheer him on, he’s able to do anything too 
oddly enough, he might even find a certain area of what you love to be really interesting, too
but honestly you kind of lose him when you get into astrophysics 
like are you even speaking korean anymore 
he can’t keep up with you 
when you talk about things he can’t really wrap his mind around 
but he could listen to you all day 
he would also probably want to tell you a lot about his own hobbies 
it’s very sweet how you both can love what the other loves – simply because you or he loves it 
honestly Jumin is incredibly smart 
like he knows so much about almost everything 
so he eats up all the conversations you have about historical events or the sciences 
he’d hold his palm over his mouth, resting his chin on his palm simultaneously 
trying not to laugh 
because he looked at his watch 
and you’d been gushing about a new scientific breakthrough for the last ten minutes 
he’d avoid eye contact with you in that moment because he might lose all control 
and say it out loud 
I love it when you talk like that.
resisting you might be the only thing Jumin isn’t good at 
buys you ANYTHING remotely close to the subjects you like
if he ever sees something in a store, he’d immediately buy it on impulse 
“Y/n would like this..” 
God if you weren’t already dating it’d be beyond obvious that he’s so smitten with you 
He’d just give you it casually, saying, “I found something for you..” 
He’d pay any price just to see your eyes sparkle and a big smile light up your face 
He’s so patient, so even if you stay up late doing research or reading, he’d stay up 
and listen to you if you’d read to him 
or do some of his own reading 
can you imagine Jumin reading one of your little books during his free time? 
like oh my gosh 
he has a habit of getting really into your passions 
he’s certain anything you are passionate about is worth learning more about 
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its alright, i totally get it 😂
YEAH IKR?? omg... not the way that—
omg omg okay wow i got hit with THOUGHTS
he absolutely is willing to try pretty much anything that he knows makes you happy — what if his MC listened to/watched ASMR to help her relax/go to sleep. and he sees this one day (early on, i'd imagine), asks about it, and ofc listens wholeheartedly as the MC explains (probably a bit nervous about telling him lol). and he's just like "huh interesting — im glad you have something to help u destress" and all
and then later down the line, somehow MC is prompted to tell him that his voice is really soothing (maybe even mentioning back when ray either sang that lullaby or did the pat thing, whatever that MC had requested), and half-jokingly says that if he did asmr, she would be set for life lmao
"Like, even if we didn't know each other like this, and you had a normal life all this time, and I came across your channel? i'd watch and rewatch you till the end of time" XD
potential bonus: "I don't even watch male asmrists but you'd be an absolute exception"
lololol i feel like saeran would be so damn flattered and caught off guard — and he gets an idea, but doesnt mention it to her
and from there, he'd be doing so much research (out of his MC's sight), reading articles and watching various videos of all the different types, from youtubers of different sizes/popularity... and he'd check which ones his MC is subbed to, and spend extra time studying those — and he'd pay extra close attention in everyday situations to any indications or mentions of what sounds his MC can't handle or doesnt like, and the ones she seems to like or be okay with (i imagine the former would be easier to identify lmao)
next thing she knows, like a few weeks later, saeran comes to her and is like "...so, i did a thing—"
...anyways my brain ran wild there sjdvajsgjab
honestly — if he did something like that for me? I'd so freaking flustered before even playing the video or audio omg (*ノ▽ノ)
shvdjsjs MY FRIEND DOES THAT TO ME IN FRENCH— im not completely fluent yet so its a bit of a different story, shes more just pushing my abilities (which i appreciate) but omg xDD she goes off in french and im sitting there with my slow brain — and then she like sees my lost face and teasingly shakes her head with a disappointed look 💀💀
OH MY GOD I LOVE EVERYTHING ABOUT THAT! YES PLS!!! And I mean, it's not like he's a stranger to tech stuff. Sure it would be something new but I'm pretty, sure he'd figure out quickly how to set up the microphone, how to sound proof the area he records in (probably with blankets and what not) which settings are best for what sounds, which microphones would be best for the triggers the mc enjoys most... Holy shit that's a big brain rot now 😂
At least your friend does it on purpose. My mom doesn't notice until I ask her to tell me again in a language I'll actually understand more than 3 words in xD
But then there were also instances this summer where I caught her completely off guard xDD
As a little background story: in our village there's a market once a week. And when we went there, we got caught in the rain and got completely soaked. But for some reason my mom was more soaked than me when we made it home. So she jokingly told her bf (who only speaks Greek) that I must've evaded the raindrops. I just stared at her and went "stop talking shit about me! I didn't evade anything!"
My mom just stood there like "🧍🏼‍♀️ how tf did you understand all of that?!" 😂
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an act of kindness, ch. 16.5
pairing: unknown/reader notes: [16.5/16.5]. part one, part two, part three, part four, part five, part six, part seven, part eight, part nine, part ten, part eleven., part twelve, part thirteen, part fourteen, part fifteen, part sixteen, ao3 link. the theme for the epilogue :)
“You really think we’re ready for this?” you ask. You can’t keep the skepticism from your voice. 
Despite your trepidation, Saeran seems confident. “I think we can handle it.” 
“If you’re sure…” you sigh. It’s true that the two of you tackled vegetable stir fry like pros a few weeks ago, but this seems like a marked increase in difficulty. “Dumplings it is.”
He gives your hand a light squeeze. “It’ll be fine. Really.”
“Alright, alright, you’re probably right.” He’s not bad in the kitchen, and honestly, he picks things up pretty quick, he’s just inexperienced. But if he thinks you can handle it together… it’s worth a shot. You shake your head and look over the list of ingredients on your phone. “Do you want the left side, or the right?”
He considers the rows and rows of aisles that stretch before you. “Right,” he decides. 
“Alright. You’ve got vegetables, so that’s…”
“Carrots, onion, ginger, and cabbage,” he recites. 
“And if I’m starting from the left, I’ve got baking supplies, so… chocolate chips, brown sugar, flour…”
“We’ve got enough flour,” he says. 
“For dumplings and cookies?”
Saeran nods. “I checked before we left.”
“Alright, not flour, then,” you say. “Let’s see… pretty sure we’re good on soy sauce, but we definitely need more sesame oil.”
“That’ll be my section, won’t it?”
You nod. “Yeah. And… eggs and butter and milk will be in my section, so I’ll get those. What does that leave, are we missing anything?”
“Mmh…” he navigates to the recipes on his phone. “...I think we’ve got the ingredients covered, but didn’t we need a cookie scooper?”
“Oh, right.” You know you had one once, but you can’t find any trace of it. It may have been lost in the move. “That’s usually… in the middle of the store, I think. So whoever gets their things first will grab it.”
Saeran chuckles at that. “We’ll race for it?”
“I don’t think we have to do that,” you say, then grin. “…I'll be faster, anyway.”
“So it is a race.” Even with his mask on, you can tell he’s smiling by the way the corners of his eyes crinkle. 
You raise your hands. “If you’re that eager to lose to me, suit yourself.” 
Before he puts his phone down, he navigates away from the recipe pages, and —
“Is that another new picture of me?” you ask. 
“Hmm?” He glances down at his phone, the background of which does seem to be a photo of you that you’ve never seen before. “Oh. Yes,” he says, fondly.
He holds it up for you to see it better, and you squint at it for a moment. You think you recognize when this was taken, given what you’re wearing, but…
“God, I hadn’t even realized you took a picture of me that day,” you say. “Sneaky…”
He just laughs. At least it’s a picture you find semi-flattering this time. It isn’t always, though he says you look gorgeous no matter what.
“Okay,” you say, “we have our assignments, let’s go, go, go!”
And you hustle to the far side of the store in search of baking supplies as he hurries to the opposite end.
Separating in public still makes you nervous. You can’t help but think about what could happen if he was recognized. But… he’s not in more danger than before. So long as he takes the usual precautions and obscures his face somewhat with a hat and a mask, he should be fine. After all, while Saeran’s rat bastard of a father — blech — is still as murderous as ever, he has no new leads. 
Mint Eye’s trial is well underway and, as far as you can tell — and more importantly, as far as Saeran and Saeyoung, who are far more experienced in sussing out whether anyone’s heard whispers of their existence, can tell — Rika and V have not said a word about Saeran. And, crucially, though he’s been mentioned a few times in testimonies given by various former-disciples of Mint Eye, nobody knew his fucking name. 
So he’s assumed to be another victim that’s mysteriously and tragically disappeared. And with his hair and eye color both different from what they were at birth… well, the prime minister has no reason to pay attention to rumors of a mint-eyed, white-haired hacker. So if Rika and V never say anything about Saeran, there’s nothing to tie those rumors to his true identity.
You do sometimes wonder why they’ve said nothing. Penance, perhaps. For everything they’ve done. It’s not enough. But they owe him this, at least. The courtesy of not actively fucking him over.
Right. Chocolate chips, brown sugar, and — flour? No, wait, Saeran said you have enough. If he took the time to check, he’s probably right. You’ve got everything you need from this aisle, then. Move onto the next one.
Milk, eggs, and butter are equally easy to find. Another aisle done. You did think of everything, right? You’re pretty sure you’ve accounted for the ingredients you need for tonight, but is there anything else? What about tomorrow?
…ah, there is one thing you might still need. You pull out your phone and open up the messenger. 
‘hey, i think we’re almost out of that cereal you like,’ you send. ‘if you’re going to spend the night again, you might want to snag a box.’ 
‘You’re just trying to slow me down so you win,’ he sends back. 
‘i mean, if you don’t want the cereal… ’ you send, along with an emoji of yourself shrugging mischievously. 
His response is an emoji of himself looking exasperated. 
God, you can’t get enough of these. You love that he captured that pouty frown of his. It’s adorable. 
That feeling is only reinforced when he follows that up with ‘cheater’ and then another emoji of himself blowing a kiss to you. 
You send back the matching one of yourself. ‘love you, too. ’
…you suppose you could use more paper towels. That’s close to the center but still sort of out of the way, so if you go get that, that’ll even it out, right? Keep the not-a-race more fair?
As you make your way to the center of the store, you leave the messenger and check the latest news. What’s the big story of the day?
Something about the prime minister, it looks like. Rumors about some new unseemly business that he’s supposedly been tied to have cropped up once again. He denies it all, of course, but…
You watch the clip without sound. 
Even without hearing what he’s saying, he looks flustered. That matches what he’s looked like the last few times you’ve seen him. Stressed. Tired. Sweaty. Like the cracks are beginning to show in his careful façade. 
Before long, you’ve made it to the aisle with paper towels, and you add them to your basket. Now for the cookie scooper. If you get there first, well… you won’t rub it in.
There’s so much information that Saeyoung was able to pull from the agency as it was crumbling, and so much of it is terribly, terribly damaging to the poor prime minister’s reputation. 
To hear Saeyoung talk about it, the few secrets he and Vanderwood have let slip — carefully, carefully — over the course of the past few months aren’t even the most damning bits of evidence. No, Saeyoung is saving that for when the man’s deniability is thoroughly on its last legs, to ensure he has no more defenders left to save him.
It is… thoroughly satisfying, you must admit. 
…though it is weird that when you turn on the television or check the news online, there’s a not-so-small chance that you’ll find something at least tangentially related to you. Not just the prime minister, but Mint Eye as well. You are consoled by the knowledge that so far, the news you have seen is good.
The walk isn’t long, and you find the cookie scooper quickly enough. If he’s got his things, then you’re all set to make tonight’s dinner together. Fried rice is hard to screw up, homemade dumplings might be a flop, and chocolate chip cookies… don’t go so well with the other two, but they’re pretty forgiving, and they’ll be good to snack on at movie night with Misun and Saeyoung tomorrow. It’s gearing up to be a nice date night. 
…lately you’ve had far more date nights than non-date nights, but… you can’t really find a problem with that.  
‘got the cookie scooper,’ you send. ‘i’ll meet you at the registers.’
Before you stow your phone, you take a minute to admire your background: a picture of you and Saeran, your arms slung around each other and grins on both your faces. You think it looks better than the candid pictures he takes, but… they make him happy, and you won’t deny him that.
It doesn’t take long to find each other. 
When you approach Saeran, he hands you his basket — and his keys. “Go ahead and check out. There’s one more thing I need to get, I’ll meet you in the car.”
“It should only take a minute to get through the line,” you say, “it’s not like we got much stuff. If you wait a minute, I can go with you.”
“No, you stay,” he says. “I’ll be quick.”
You start to protest, but he shakes his head. “Please. It’s a surprise. For you.”
“Oh… alright,” you say. “But be fast! …the milk will get gross if it warms up too much.”
“I’ll miss you too,” he teases. 
So you check out and make your way to the car. 
You get a notification as you load up the groceries in the back seat, and once you’ve settled into the passenger seat, you take a look at it. 
It’s a text from Misun. 
‘The date is officially set for the grand opening of Jaehee’s café!!! It’s next Thursday at 8:00AM!!!’
‘exciting! ’ you send back. ‘we’ll be there! ’ And then, after a moment, you add, ‘have fun on your date!’
With you and Saeran out, Misun and Saeyoung have the full run of his place. She’s too polite to ask you to clear out so they can have privacy, but you’re sure she appreciates the chance to spend some one-on-one time with her fiancé, and now that you’ve finally got a place of your own again, it’s easier to make that happen. You owe her for letting you crash at her place while you were apartment searching — and besides, Saeran definitely doesn’t mind spending the night with you.
‘We will! ’ she sends. ‘We’ll see you at the same time as last week? ’
‘yeah, i think so,’ you send. ‘i’ll let you know if we have to change the time around, but we should be good to go for 6:00.’
‘Great! See you then!’
You kick your feet up on the dashboard as you wait for Saeran.
He and Saeyoung, they’re… it’s… better, between them. Not perfect, of course. They’re a long way from that. But… better. Saeran is able to be around him now, most of the time. 
It’s not always comfortable. It can be tense. Awkward. And there are occasional steps back. Saeran can be… harsh, when old memories surface. Lashes out, sometimes. But… there has been growth.
They talk.
Sort of. 
It’s always… fairly shallow when you’re around. Surface-level. A comment here and there. A question or two. You know they talk some when you’re not there but you’re not sure how in-depth those conversations get. You can guess — sometimes he’ll mention that he talked with Saeyoung again, but doesn’t want to go into details… and then, a little later, he’ll start talking to you about his mother, or, more rarely, about Rika, and you assume that that’s connected — but you don’t want to pry. Saeyoung is his brother, and Saeran is an adult, and you don’t need to micromanage their relationship, especially when they’re moving at a pace that’s working for them. 
Hell, that first movie night, Saeyoung joked that it was a double date and Saeran only grumbled a little and you’re pretty sure you caught him smiling afterwards, ever-so-slightly. 
The letter-writing has helped, you think. 
Actual therapy is out of the question for now — still too risky, too hard to be anonymous, though after some gentle urging from you, Saeran’s been mulling over the idea of audio-only sessions in combination with a ridiculously secure VPN, along with other complicated methods of virtual protection that you honestly only sort of comprehend. So for now, he’s been trying out some… self-help techniques. Thus: letter-writing. 
He doesn’t send most of them. 
He writes some to you. Some he gives. They’re very romantic. But some, he keeps. 
The ones he writes to himself are more like… journaling. Writing down everything he remembers, and having those memories in one place. A record to look back on. 
You know he’s written some to his brother. You don’t think he’s given Saeyoung any of them, but you also don’t think he got rid of them. You aren’t sure if those are journaling, too, or if he intends to let Saeyoung read them eventually. 
He burns the ones he writes to his parents, and the one — singular — letter that you know he wrote V. 
And Rika… gets several letters. Unsent, of course; she’s currently involved in a high-profile criminal case and would most certainly have her mail checked before it’s given to her. But you’re pretty sure there are some that have not been burned. You… wonder if he holds onto them in the hope that one day she’d be able to read them. 
He still struggles with how to think about her. How to sort out the kind words and the praise and getting him free of his mother, from… everything else she did. Whether she believed any of the things he told him, and if it even matters. He might not ever get clear answers to his questions. You hope he can at least get some catharsis from writing his thoughts down. He deserves that.
…he’s really taking a while, huh?
As you’re about to text Saeran and ask where he is, he reappears, setting something you can’t see in the trunk before climbing into the driver's seat.
“What’d you get?” you ask as he settles in.
“It’s still a surprise,” he says. You make a face, and he huffs out a laugh. “You’ll see soon enough.”
“Fiiiiine,” you sigh, half-feigning being put out by this — and then you perk up as you remember the news you have for him. “Hey, Misun says there’s a date set for Jaehee’s café’s grand opening. 8:00 in the morning, next Thursday. I told her we’d be there. …you’re still cool with that, right? Because if you’ve changed your mind, that’s fine, no pressure.”
Saeran shakes his head. “I’ll go,” he says. “She invited me. Us. And it’s something to celebrate.” And then he smiles a little. “…I owe her a bouquet, anyway.”
“Oh, yeah!” you say. Misun was the one to figure out that the mysterious bouquet left in his room was, in fact, sent by Jaehee. On Jumin’s behalf, technically, but still. “That’s a great idea, we should totally get her one. …and speaking of celebrations, maybe we should get something for Vanderwood, too,” you add. “As a congrats-on-having-a-job-again gift.”
Their lack of employment and the void left by Jaehee’s departure coincided nicely; Vanderwood is set to take over for her in the coming weeks. Though you hear Jaehee may have had a few warnings for them before they accepted the offer.
“I’ll put in a double order at the florist’s,” Saeran says. 
As you leave behind bustling city streets and start to drive through less populous areas, he takes his hat off, though he leaves the mask on.
His roots are coming in. Red, stark against the white. 
They’ve been coming in for a while, actually, but that’s what happens when you don’t do anything to them for a few months. He bleached it once, a week or two after… the hubbub at Mint Eye, but only that once. You’ve wondered how intentional that was, but you haven’t asked him about it directly yet, though you’ve danced around it with quick little comments. It’s… hard to ignore, now, and you don’t think he’d mind much if you did ask, so… you do.
“...hey,” you say. “You planning to touch up those roots? Should we have grabbed a box set of bleach?”
Saeran glances at himself in the mirror. “...no,” he says, after some deliberation. “I… think I’m going to let it keep growing out.”
You think about what that means. The implications. The idea that sharing another trait with his brother no longer bothers him. 
“...I bet you’ll look good as a redhead,” you say. 
“What, do I not look good now?” His tone is teasing.
“Oh, you do! And you’d look good as anything, to be honest. You’re just plain hot.” He laughs at that. “Gonna have to rework your emojis if you’re gonna go full redhead, though.”
“Yeah…” he says. “But it won’t take too much effort.”
You imagine what that would look like. Cute, no doubt. And you continue towards home.
Your home, technically. Not his. But… well. You and he haven’t technically discussed moving in together — again — but it’s… sort of a foregone conclusion. 
Even though you signed the lease, what, a month ago? A month and a half? You still haven’t fully moved yourself in. There’s boxes everywhere. Though, thank god your old landlord took enough mercy on you to throw your shit in a storage unit after all that time you spent not paying rent. It’s not like you could while you were stuck in Mint Eye, but there’s no way your landlord could’ve known that. The storage unit fees were steep, but it’s better than having no shit to box. 
With you still settling in, Saeran hasn’t exactly moved himself in, either, but… he stays over often enough. To the point where he knows the contents of your cupboards decently well. And he’s got the essentials here. Pajamas, a few changes of clothes, a toothbrush… and it would be a lie to say that he didn’t have an influence on your search for a new place. Everything you looked at gained or lost points depending on how much you thought it might suit not just you but you and Saeran, together.
And he and Saeyoung got the whole place pretty well kitted out. Not anything as dramatic as the apartment’s special security system, but it’ll do the job in a pinch. Some kind of ‘lockdown mode,’ they said. Saeran couldn’t spend much time here if they hadn’t. Or… he could, but it wouldn’t be as safe. It’s still currently safer for him to spend most of his time off the grid, but… one day.  
It doesn’t take much longer to get to your place, which is also sort of his place, and soon you are pulling the groceries from the back seat and pointedly not asking about whatever surprise Saeran leaves in the trunk in favor of splitting the bags with you. 
As soon as you step inside and close the door behind you, he pulls his mask down and kisses you. 
You lean closer to continue the kiss, but he pulls back with a slight smirk and chides you, “now, now, we’ll have plenty of time for that later, I promise.”
“Tease,” you grumble, and he laughs. 
“First I have to impress you with my dumpling-making,” he says. 
“Welllll, technically, first we have to get these cold things put away. But I’m looking forward to seeing your prowess in the kitchen. Let’s get cracking, yeah?”
So you do. 
And it goes — well!
Fried rice is a breeze, of course. No trouble there. 
The dumplings… are a lot of effort. You both get tired halfway through filling and pinching the dough closed, so some of them come out a little lumpy and uneven. But they’re edible. And delicious. 
You know you should wait until the table is set and you’re able to sit down to eat, but… you snack, both of you. In fact, you end up eating so many dumplings in the course of prepping the ingredients for cookies that there are only a few left, and you might as well get the cookies started before you eat the rest. 
Cookie-making is, as predicted, a simple task — though it is made more complicated by the all-out flour war it devolves into. There’s no clear winner, given how thoroughly coated in flour you both are by the end. You’re inordinately proud of the perfect flour handprint you managed to leave across his ass, even if it did leave you very open for retaliation. Worth it. 
When you’re cleaned up and the cookies are in the oven, Saeran excuses himself to go outside for a few minutes. He returns carrying… a small, potted rosebush, partly in bloom.
“It wilted a little in the car,” he mutters as he closes the door behind him. “Poor thing.”
“Oh, it’s beautiful,” you say. Even slightly wilted, the rosebuds are a deep shade of red. 
“For you,” he says. “Or… for us. To grow together.” He looks a little bashful, suddenly. 
You smile at that, and come closer to run your fingers along the petals. “What’s the occasion? Is there an occasion?”
“It’s for our anniversary,” he says. He sets the pot down carefully on the kitchen table.
You frown a little as you do a mental tally of the time that’s passed. You know you haven’t hit the half-year mark yet; that’s still a while away. You’ve been planning for that. “I… think you’re a little off,” you say gently. “By almost two months, to be exact.”
He laughs. “Not that anniversary. …it’s the six month anniversary of the day we met.”
“Is it really ?” He nods. 
Huh. How did you not realize that? 
…well, no, actually, that’s not surprising. That day set a lot of things in motion, many of which turned out well in the end — like you and him, and the dissolution of a cult — but it was also the start of you being kidnapped into a cult, so you don’t look back on that particular memory all that fondly.  Not enough to mark it on your calendar, anyway. 
But you know he means well. And it’s not what it was at first that he’s celebrating, but instead, what it became. What you made it into. That’s why he remembered it, down to the day. 
So you drop a kiss on his forehead and say, “that is… so incredibly sweet, I don’t even know how to respond to that. That’s — Saeran, I love you.”
“I love you, too,” he responds immediately. 
You lean into him, affection blooming warmly in your chest. 
“…I’m going to up my game,” you promise. “Every time I think I’ve matched you in thoughtful gestures, you go and do something like this.” He loops an arm around your waist and gives you a squeeze. “Just you wait, I’m going to get you… something spectacular. Truly phenomenal.” 
Those plans for your anniversary? Yeah, you might have to rethink those. Or rather, you’ll need to zhuzh ‘em up. Bring out the big guns.
“You don’t have to,” Saeran says. “I didn’t get it so you’d owe me. You being here is enough.”
“I know you didn’t,” you say, “and it’s true that I’m quite a catch. But so are you, and you got me a rosebush!” You give him a gentle nudge. “I don’t have to, but I want to. I love you. It’s a… a positive feedback loop. You do something sweet, I do something sweet, you do something sweet, I do something sweet… and each time it inspires us to do more and more. It’s the best kind of cycle.”
He hums a short, contented note and places a kiss on the top of your head. “…hey.”
“We’re doing good,” he murmurs. “Aren’t we?
“We’re doing amazing," you assure him. 
“…love you.”
“Love you, too.”
From the kitchen, the timer goes off. 
“Ah, the cookies!” You wiggle yourself free of his embrace, which he pretends to fight for a moment before he relaxes his grip and releases you. “We’ve already eaten, like, a third of dinner—”
“Or half,” he says, amused.
“Maybe more like half, yeah,” you admit. “But if we start eating the rest now, we should be finished by time the cookies cool.  And then—” You gesture to the rosebush on the table. “—we’ll find a place for this to live.”
“Sounds like a plan,” Saeran says. 
Together, you head into the kitchen. Saeran takes the oven mitts from the counter and hands them to you. You slip one of them on, then pause. 
“…if we’re both taking care of it, there’s no way we’ll kill it, right?”
Saeran snorts. “It’ll be fine. Don’t worry so much.”
And he’s been right once today already. You’ll put your trust in him. He’s earned that.
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If you are accepting requests what about first date headcanons with the RFA (if that is too many characters what about just Yoosung? 😊) hope you have a great day xx
I hope this okay anon!! I added Saeran and V into this just for my own serotonin <3 oh to think about Saeran’s first date~ Reminder that I have a giveaway open!
Yoosung Kim First Date Headcanons 
Oh, he is so nervous. He’s never been on a date before, so cutscene to him asking Zen and Seven what he should do: with Zen suggesting that he should be as suave as possible, presenting you with bouquets and chocolates and Seven telling the boy that he should only speak backwards to prove that he was cool. Definitely not trying to just make him look like an idiot.
He’s a poor student, so your first date would be somewhere relatively cheap, most likely the cinema and then go get some food afterwards! Yoosung would believe he had to be chivalrous and let you pick the movie and where you wanted to eat, and would try to pay for your ticket and food since he’s the one who asked you out.
He’ll be internally panicking the entire time in the cinema, wondering whether he was allowed to wrap his arm around you or touch your hand. He really wanted to, but he didn’t want you to think he was moving too fast. So, when you lean your head on his shoulder he swears his heart stops. He won’t move a single muscle for the rest of the movie because he doesn’t want to disturb you. 
He’ll try to work up the courage to hold your hand on the walk home and he’ll actually manage it when you’re about two minutes away from where you live. It’s the thought that counts.
Zen/Hyun Ryu First Date Headcanons
On the outside, Zen’s cool and collected. He knows how to flirt and how to look good whilst doing it. He’s had a girlfriend before but that was a while ago, so he would be ever so slightly worried that perhaps he’ll be a little rusty. He spends extra long looking himself over in the mirror making sure that he looks his absolute best before he comes to meet you.
Your date would be an evening in the bar, sharing a couple of drinks and getting to be more comfortable in one another’s presence. Zen’s usually flirty, but he’s even more so after he’s had a couple of beers. He’ll be throwing compliments and winks at you like there’s no tomorrow: but that’s okay because you’re definitely enjoying the attention. 
You’ll talk about everything under the sun, the RFA, his work, your hobbies, how much he hates Jumin, how weird funny Seven is.
Zen will make sure you’re into it before he touches you, but he’ll be quick to wrap his arm around your waist or lightly touch your hand, using his finger tips to trace around the inside of your wrist. He won’t admit it, but seeing you so happy for his affection and even reciprocating it flusters him a little because it’s so genuine and sweet. 
Zen insists on walking you home, especially because it’s late and he wants to personally make sure you get home safe. He’ll swap between holding your hand and holding you by the waist as you walk, and will kiss your cheek before you go into your house. He doesn’t want to push his luck or overstep any boundaries, he’s a gentleman afterall, but he’s very pleasantly surprise when you pull him in for another kiss on the lips.
Jaehee Kang First Date Headcanons 
Jaehee’s also rather nervous before the first date, but tries her best to keep calm. She figures that you wouldn’t have agreed to the date if you didn’t already like her, but she’ll still doubt herself in that you should be with someone more interesting and less plain.
She’ll invite you to a lunch date at her favourite coffee shop, and will enthusiastically explain all the different types of coffee beans and processes to you. Your heart flutters at the sparkle in her eye and she apologises for getting too excited, please reassure her that you love listening to what she has to say. 
When you both order and sit down, Jaehee gives you the Zen DVDs she offered to lend you, and the two of you talk about the different musicals and extra behind the scenes, and Zen, and you promise to guard these DVDs with your life. 
You listen as she slightly vents about Jumin, which is very understandable and you console her for having to catsit Elizabeth the 3rd once again. Jaehee gets a little bit flustered when you read across the table to hold her hand, but her gentle smile indicates that she’s enjoying the affection.
When it’s time for you to part, after Jaehee got another coffee to go whilst muttering that she just got another two emails from Jumin, Jaehee’s a little hesitant on the appropriate goodbye, she isn’t quite sure what to do since it was only a first date. The two of you hug, and she’’’ be so worried you’ll feel how much her heart is racing.
Jumin Han First Date Headcanons
Pulls out all the stops. You continuously assure him that he doesn’t need to and that you’re on the date to spend time with him, not his money. And whilst he understands that, he wants to treat you to a pleasant first date that you won’t forget and just believes that it should be standard to treat his partner.
He’ll have Driver Kim pick you up and bring you to Jumin’s favourite restaurant, where he’s (Jaehee) made reservations for the two of you. It’ll be an evening meal, shared over a bottle of horrifically expensive wine.
He’ll show you another one of his beautifully captured blurry images of Elizabeth the 3rd. He’ll even offer to show you the livestream he has on his phone, showing you watch Elizabeth was currently curled up asleep on the sofa.
He’s more interested in hearing about you than talking about himself. Jumin doesn’t mean to worry you with his forwardness. He’s very intent on being nothing like his father in terms of dating, and wants you to know that he doesn’t go into anything half-hearted, his lovelife included. 
You offer to pay your share, but Jumin declines. He insists that he was raised to pay for his partner’s meal, but he appreciates the sentiment that you were not depending on him to cover your bill, even though he always intended to do so anyway. 
You’ll share Driver Kim’s car on the way back, with Jumin taking your hand and kissing it as you left the car, telling you that he had a wonderful time and hoped that you did too, a small smile present on his face. 
Saeyoung Choi First Date Headcanons
Seven is very stressed. Firstly, he can’t believe that he even asked you on a date, let alone the fact that you said yes. Who would want to date someone like him? He’s a mess. But regardless, he’s getting himself all worked up and it’s only a slap in the back of the head from Vanderwood that sorts him out. 
Your first date would be to an arcade during the evening. You let Seven pick the date, and you laughed when you heard what he had chosen. It was so him: fun, childish, a bit chaotic. 
He’s very good on the claw machines, and will make a point of winning you any stuffed animal you want. He’ll also just win any particularly cursed plushies that he sees. This means that you’ll end up with an entire bag of cute stuffed animals, a minion, a bootleg Shrek, a fish with no eyes and a random sock that somehow made it’s way in. 
As a joke, you bring the bootleg Shrek up to your lips and kiss it before pressing it against Seven’s lips to also kiss the stuffed toy. His heart is racing and he sends a flustered, very speedy message of ‘ASDFGWESHARED AN INDRECT KIS WITH SHREK!!!’ to Vanderwood, and completely received an ‘I don’t care’ in reply. 
The two of you take a selfie to send to the chatroom, and Seven’s heart is fluttering so fast, you’re so close to him and oh god he can even smell your perfume and it’s so nice and- Snap. You took the picture, and laughed at how Seven wasn’t even looking at the camera in the photograph, he was glancing at at you with the softest expression on his face. He’s so embarrassed.
You get a ride home in one of his babies, and once you collect all of your stuffed toys out of the backseat, you root around in the back and give Seven the bootleg Shrek you both kissed. He wishes you a goodnight and turns to turn the radio on after you get out the car. He wasn’t looking at you, so his heart was not prepared for when you planted a kiss on his cheek before promptly running back into your home. Oh. He’s fallen, hard.
Saeran Choi First Date Headcanons
Saeran had never been on a date before, he’d never even had anyone romantically interested in him or been romantically interested in anyone before he met you. There was no way he was going to ask his idiot brother for advice, even though Seven was quite literally begging him to do so. He’d relented to the extent of briefly looking it up online, but nothing seemed quite right. 
He’d settle on a picnic and a walk around the park, since it was simple and sweet. He was a little nervous, so hoped that the flowers and sky would calm him down and he’d be able to talk to you about any flowers that the two of you found. 
He’d make the picnic food all on his own (letting his brother eat any of the scraps from the preparation) after asking what your favourite foods were. He’s so happy to see you enjoying what he made, it fills him with a warmth he still cannot quite pinpoint, but he knows he wants to feel it again and again. 
He’d take your hand in his as you walked around the park, where he could point out the different flowers and tell you their meaning, and how pretty they would look braided into your hair. When the two of you see an ice-cream van, he immediately suggests going over to buy some, and your heart clenches at the sheer childlike joy at getting to eat it. It’s so sweet and tender to watch. 
He swears he can see a poof of red hair every now and then from behind a tree, or in the reflection of a shop. Surely not. He must be imagining things. He had better just be imagining it. 
V/Jihyun Kim First Date Headcanons
V isn’t particularly picky when it comes to dates, as long as it’s doing something that you would enjoy. If you left it down to him, which you did this time since it was your first date and he was the one that asked you out, it would be spending time together at his house over a bottle of wine. He’s not as formal as Jumin, so he doesn’t mind you coming over straight away. V’s not expecting you to spend the time, so he’s already arranged for one of Jumin’s drivers to come and pick you up afterwards, as a personal favour to Jumin. 
Genuinely, V just wants to know more about you. He’ll ask you about your likes and interests, what you hate, how you love, what your world views are, how you see yourself and what art means to you. He’s not a particularly great cook, but he’ll make dinner for the two of you and pour you a glass to go with it. 
He doesn’t regard himself as an interesting enough person to warrant your attention, but he’ll answer almost any question you ask him about himself. He’s trying to be a more open and honest person, especially to you. Whilst there are some things he’s tentative to talk about, he’ll freely share his world and artistic views with you.
V will show you some of his photographs, and more intimately his paintings, in his studio and let you see his workspace. He’ll show you around his private collections and, if you’re comfortable with it, will ask to take pictures of you since there’s not enough time to paint you- although he definitely mentions wanting to do that at a later date too.
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marveloussupernerd · 4 years
Okay. So I’ve got this cold sore on my lip and it suuucks. SO that got me thinking.... what would be the RFA+v+saerans repsonse to MC getting a cold sore and denying them kisses until it’s gone because MC dosent want them to get one either....
I have a million things I should be writing but like... I think I’m getting a cold sore too! So this is super appropriate for both of us JSJJS
Mmmm I think imma do this headcannon style
RFA+V+Saeran’s Reaction to you getting a Cold Sore
You can tell you’re getting a cold sore
You can feel that stupid familiar tingling feeling
Zen got home from his run
You always like to greet him at the door with a kiss when he gets home
You wrap your arms around him and opt for a hug instead. He’s sweaty but whatever
“Uh... what’s this?” He asks
You’ll feign ignorance! “What’s what Zen?”
“You... you always kiss me when I get home.”
He’s trying not to show his disappointment
“Oh. Well, I have a cold sore. So, I can’t.”
It’s the first time you’ve had one during your relationship
He grabs your face, trying to trap you to give him a kiss
You’re pushing him away with all your might
“You can’t! Zen, you can’t! Your fans would KILL me!”
You slip out from under his grasp, running to the other side of the room to put space in between the two of you
He pours. He looks absolutely crushed
“H-how long do they usually last?”
“Uhm... like a week?”
He nearly faints
“You’re kidding.”
You’re not kidding though
He really looks like he’s about to cry
You can’t even go down on him to make him feel better, a real shame
I’m sorry it needed to be said
He takes a seat. Is he seriously feeling faint right now?
“Can you go to a doctor and get it fixed faster? I can’t... I can’t wait that long.”
Oh Zen
Why would you go to the doctor for this it’s really not that big of a deal
He buried his face in his hands
“I need a cold shower”
Zen is a wreck. He can’t kiss you. He can’t touch you because if he does he’ll want to kiss you. He has half the mind to stay in a hotel for the week so he doesn’t tempt himself. You don’t let him
It was game night
You went over to Yoosung’s every Saturday to have a game night together. It was really sweet
But this time you were spotting a large cold sore on your lip
It made you self-conscious honestly
But, whatever. He would understand!
You walk into his apartment, deck of cards in hand
“Hi!” He comes bounding over to you, grabbing the cards from your hand and setting them on the table. “I missed you.”
You give him a hug. “I missed you too Yoosung.”
It doesn’t take him long to realize the sore on your face
He doesn’t want to bring it up
You can tell by the way he keeps glancing at it, then looking away just as quickly
“I have a cold sore,” you explain awkwardly
“Does it hurt?”
You laugh a little. “I mean it gets dry sometimes and that’s not pleasant but it’s not too bad.”
“I can always kiss it better for you!”
Yoosung, Honey
“Actually, if you do that then you’d start getting them too”
“Okay. And?”
“I’m not letting you do that,” you sighed.
He looked up at you, with puppy dog eyes. “But... really?”
“I’ll probably be all better by next game night. They don’t last too too long,” you shrugged simply
He nodded, then kissed your cheek. “I guess that’ll have to do for now?” He asked
You chuckled, nodding. “Exactly. I promise I’ll make up to you next time”
Yoosung isn’t that bad about it since he can kiss you on the cheek, and you’ll be all better in a week
You could feel the cold sore forming as you worked
It’s so annoying how you can just tell they’re forming
After closing, you and Jaehee like to sit and have coffee and debrief
“Today was a very successful day I’d say!” Jaehee exclaimed cheerfully, setting down your mugs at one of the nearby table
You go to join her
She leans in to give you a sweet peck on the lips, but you step back
She looks confused
“I have a cold sore forming,” you explained
“Oh” is all she says
She takes a seat. “Is there anything I can get for you to help? Some cream or something?”
She’s the best girlfriend ever
“Actually... I do think I ran out of the stuff I put on it to numb it. You wanna go to the store with me after we finish these drinks?”
“Of course! That way you can show me exactly what it is so I’ll know for the future.”
She’s so respectful and sweet
And if you don’t want her to kiss you she won’t until you’re feeling all better
You always give Jumin a kiss before he goes out the door to work
You’re tying his tie for him, getting ready to send him out
“Just so you know, I have a cold sore, so I can’t kiss you on your way out,” you mention casually
“You get cold sores? I wasn’t aware.”
You hadn’t had one since you had gotten married
You shrug. “I’ve had them most of my life.”
“And if I kiss you I’ll get them too?”
You nod
“Okay. And?”
He says it like you’re missing out on something startlingly obvious
“And what?” You ask, confused
“You’re my wife. I don’t care if I get them. I want to kiss you goodbye.”
You straighten his tie
“I won’t let you,” you say stoically.
“Really?” His face falls. “But we’re married. We share everything. Even cold sores.”
“I am protecting you from like a disease”
“Well,” he sits down on the edge of the bed. “I won’t leave until you give me a kiss”
“Jumin, don’t be a child,” you roll your eyes
“I think I’m being very mature,” he explains, a glimmer in his eyes
You look away from him
“Stop it! I can’t.”
He gets up, walking over to you, convincing you to turn to face him
His lips are inches from your own
“I’m telling you you can”
Jumin gets cold sores now.
You’re literally already kissing
You didn’t even realize you had a cold sore
He pulls away slightly
“Is that a cold sore?”
Your fingers drift to touch your lip. It is a cold sore
“Yes... I didn’t even realize,” you confess
“Damn,” he remarks
Then goes back to kiss you?
You pull away
“What? No. I can’t kiss you. I have a cold sore.”
He looks so confused
“We already kissed”
“That was an accident.” You crossed your arms
He sighs
“I probably already got it”
“But what if you didn’t!?”
“Can’t we just kiss? We already did. It’s fine.”
“You need to go, wash your mouth or something!! I don’t know. I don’t want you to get them. They suck.” You’re pushing him towards the sink
He surprisingly complies
But over the next few days he comes up with ways to get you to accidental kiss
Man pretends to faint so you can give him mouth to mouth
Eventually you do forget
Luckily though, Seven doesn’t seem to get cold sores. God Seven must be immune
V is one of the sweetest humans in this universe
Still, you feel bad inviting him over when you have a cold sore and can’t kiss him or anything
“Hi Sweetheart,” he greets you, bouquet of flowers in his hand for you.
“Aw, Jihyun! You didn’t have to be so sweet”
He goes to kiss you but you take a step back
“I have a cold sore. I’m sorry,” you frown
“Oh. Aren’t those annoying? I get them too”
V gets them too?
News to you
“I have some medicine that helps them go away quicker actually. You should’ve told me. I would have brought it! I can run back home and grab it if you’d like” he offers
He’s too good for this world
“You can do it tomorrow! I just wanna cuddle and watch a movie tonight”
He puts your flowers in a vase for you, silently
Takes him a while to speak up
“So... if I get them too, does that mean I can kiss you?”
Well... only if he wants to risk getting a new one of his own
“I guess... but you’ll probably get one then”
“That’s worth it,” he whispers, pulling you in for a kiss
V doesn’t have to worry much about cold sores since he gets his own
Poor precious boy
He doesn’t get it when you say “I have a cold sore”
He’s cuddled up with you, looks up at you
“And? What does that have to do with anything?”
You have to explain that it’s contagious
And you don’t want to give him it :(
“How bad could it be though?” He asks
“It’s annoying. And it looks bad. And sometimes it gets dry and cracked and hurts. And then you have to worry about giving it to other people,” you explain
Nobody’s ever explained cold sores to him
He nods
“I’d be honored to get cold sores from you”
Saeran no
You shake your head firmly. “I’m not letting you”
“No buts. No kisses.”
He sighs
Rests his head on your shoulder. He seems to be faking that he’s extremely distressed
“Kay. But you’re gonna have to make it up to me later when it goes away.”
Keeps a tally of all the times you two would naturally kiss
So that you can make them up exactly
He’s a baby
He’s pretty good with accepting the fact you can’t kiss him, but he makes sure to make up for it once the cold sore goes away
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natasha-in-space · 2 years
can I request an imagine about saeyoung comforting you when you're sick? 😤
Ayyy one of my favorites tropes! :D
"What are you doing here...?"
This was somewhat of a dumb question coming from you, but your mind was just too groggy and fatigued with illness to think rationally at the moment. You had been stuck in your bed for the whole day now, getting up only to use the bathroom or drink some water in between your feverish naps. This was one of those days that you just wanted to pass by you as quickly as possible so that you could get on with your life as if nothing has even happened soon after. Nobody likes getting sick, yet it's a part of human experience that you just have to suffer through, whether you want to or not.
You could hear your partner chuckle slightly under his breath as he came into the room and closed the door behind him as quietly as possible so as to not disturb you too much with an unwanted noise.
"Oh, just checking up on my sick little alien, that's all."
Taking a seat beside your bed, Saeyoung pressed his hand to your sweaty forehead, making you lean into his cool touch out of pure instinct. You must have looked like a complete mess right now, considered the fact that you have not left your bed for the entire day. Well, it's not like you cared much about that right now, anyways. Either way, you could see concern slowly rising in his eyes as he studied you carefully, like a true doctor assessing you from just one look alone.
He would make a handsome doctor... Or a very pretty nurse at that...
Oh God, this fever is making you think of a few very bizarre things-
"Ugh, I told you to just leave me alone for the day... I don't want to get you sick as well." You groaned, shutting your eyes tightly and turning your burning face to the opposite direction from the redhead that was slowly filling your every thought like a different sort of sickness. If there's one good thing out of this fever, it's that he probably couldn't tell the difference between your feverish blush and the embarrassed one. "I'm just going to sleep all day and hope that my body does all the work for me."
"Who says you can't do exactly that, though?" You could hear him shuffling about, probably cleaning up all the used up tissues that were scattered about on your nightstand. "You can just lay there and get better, while I bring you anything you need, so that you don't have to strain yourself. And I'm sure Saeran wouldn't mind cooking you up some yummy soup that's going to do wonders to your tummy! You're acting like you're living all alone, when it's obviously not the case."
Despite your resolve, you could feel yourself starting to smile as the images of what your partner was describing slowly formed in your mind, making your chest feel warm and fuzzy at the notion of being cared for like that. Maybe it wouldn't be so bad to just... let go and let others take care of you for once. And you did miss having company around you, even if you tried to deny it. Being sick sucked, but it sucked even more if you're dealing with the struggles of it all by yourself.
"...Okay. That actually sounds... kinda nice. Thank you, Saeyoung."
You gave him a tired but warm smile, which he returned with one of his own, running a hand through your messy hair and making you sigh in satisfaction as result of his pleasant touch. "That's a good kitten.*
Soon after, you found yourself sitting up in your bed, prepped up by a few pillows and holding a plushie of your hacker boyfriend close to your chest, with the real Saeyoung carefully placing a bowl of steaming porridge on your now neatly stacked bedside.
"What's that?" You asked, rubbing at your eyes and trying to sniff out any distinguishing scents from the dish, only to fail miserably due to your clogged up nose.
God, you hated being sick.
"Saeran decided to make you a bowl of dakjuk, and since cooking is a field of science too advanced for my genius brain, I decided to go along with my little bro's suggestion. Smells amazing, so I'm sure you'll feel better in no time! I wonder if he'll cook the same for me if I get sick..." He placed a hand to his chin, as if he was lost deep in thought, making you giggle at his adorable display.
"I'm sure he would, love. It's a shame I won't be able to taste it fully, though." You replied, smiling warmly at the thought. Saeran's care showed in his actions more than anything. You were certain that he'd be more than willing to help his brother get better, albeit not nursing him back to health directly. "Will you feed me?"
Saeyoung winked at you, booping your nose with a tip of his finger. "You don't even have to ask, my cutest patient! Doctor Choi will take utmost care of you and your soup."
Can't forget about the soup.
Even despite your sickness, you could feel the overwhelming warmth and smooth texture of a porridge-like mixture filling your mouth, making you close your eyes and appreciate the cozy flavor of this dakjuk to the best of your abilities. Gulping down the first spoonful, you nodded with approval, your eyes twinkling with happiness for the first time today. "Mm! You know, even if I can't taste much, I can tell that that's a very good dakjuk. Do tell Saeran that I loved it, okay?"
"Oh, I already did before I brought it here." He shrugged, making you raise an eyebrow in a silent question. "I know Saeran's food is going to be amazing, so why wait, eh?"
"You're impossible sometimes." You snickered, playfully rolling your eyes at him. Saeran's annoyed glare was all you could picture at the back of your mind, only making you want to laugh even more.
Once you've finished your porridge, Saeyoung tucked you back into bed, although you had to shoo him away before he could place a kiss to your lips as he usually did. You did promise him to double your daily kisses once you get better in response to the put he gave you, but you definitely did not want your partner to get sick because of you, which is why a small sacrifice had to be made. You chattered between yourselves for about a hour more about this and that, jumping from one topic to another, as it often happened whenever you two started up a conversation. Listening to Saeyoung babbling away excitedly about his day or his interests always did put a smile on your face.
"I love you." You murmured, squeezing his hand in yours and slowly closing your eyes once more, drifting off into a peaceful sleep.
A content smile adorned your flushed face as you felt him place a single loving kiss to the warm skin of your forehead, before caressing the back of your hand with his thumb. "I love you too, kitten. Get better for me so that I can kiss you properly the first thing tomorrow morning, okay?"
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rfadaydreaming · 4 years
the rfa playing minecraft
oh the chaos a mysme minecraft server would bring ♡
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• does not know how to move in any direction except straight
• keeps falling into caves because he just… walks
• stands there in the dark for a few seconds to process what happened
• “the game broke, i cannot see”
• yoosung is like wtf how is it broken
• cave noises start to happen
• “h elp”
• seven has to track him down and it takes absolutely forever just because jumin does not know where he is… not even a hint... he was just walking around
• finally seven finds him and brings him up with a fishing pole, but when he finally gets him up, they both get blown up by a creeper
• “i don’t like this game very much.”
• has a house with v because there’s no way in hell he’s about to share a home with zen
• their house is actually so cute, modern on the outside but super cozy and cute on the inside
• here’s some reference pictures of what i think their house would look like !! starter home / end game home
• his room is so naked omg v comes in and adds a desk, some pictures, plants, just to make it more homey
• has so many cats to the point where it lags HEAVILY when you enter his room, it’s just a giant barrage of meows
• his playstyle is fishing, taming cats, naming cats, fishing again
• he gets lost in the boats so much though, you have to come save him because he’s stranded in the middle of the ocean
• you show up and there’s a cow stuck in the back of his boat, he’s starving to death, the phantom is killing him
• but the nice part about fishing all the time is he gets really good loot and enchantments so he’ll give them to whoever wants them since… well he doesn’t really need them
• except zen omg he gives him like. chain link boots, seaweed, paper
• zen breaks into his room and takes whatever he wants though because jumin doesn't know how to make a locked chest
• he’s honestly just here for the vibes, he’ll lay on his bed even when no one else is sleeping and listen to what everyone’s talking about in the voice chat
• you cannot even see him on his bed because it’s just a sea of cats + a drop in frame rate the second you open up his door
• he’s so bad with technology so he has to read the tutorial like three times before he plays
• takes awhile to get used to the controls so he’ll stop walking, jump over a block, pause, keep on walking
• it’s cute to watch actually
• he follows everyone else around and likes to pretend he knows what he’s doing? but really doesn’t
• beats the shit out of jumin for just existing
• gets stuck in a village well and silently flips out because he’s too embarrassed to ask for help
• jumin finds him and they just stare at each other in silence… jumin figures out how to hit him one singular time before running away
• he lives in a dirt home with the green top for so long it’s actually embarrassing
• inside is just a torch, furnace, crafting table, basic bed and chest literally just a straight mans home
• it’s so ugly
• v tries to spruce it up a little because he just does not like to look at it… every time he walks by he gets the ick
• jaehee eventually adopts him out of pity and they live together, but she has to do all the hard work
• their house looks like this
• he mooches so hard oh my god she’ll spend an entire day cycle mining only for him to take all the iron and make himself a silly little outfit
• she never complains though because he’s really appreciative about it
• will give her little flowers in exchange for outfit materials
• and of course gives you flowers just because you’re you
• leaves them in a pot in your room with a sign that has a little winky face
• is always changing his clothes, every time he wakes up he changes into something different
• jaehee works so hard to find diamonds for him so he can be the first to have some diamond armor
• seven kills him the second he steps out of his house and snatches it from his dead corpse
• zen’s playstyle is just following everyone else around and pretending to help but he doesn’t do much, being sweet to jaehee and you, annoying jumin
• he gets bored easily so he doesn’t play for very long :( also gets mad at jumin and rage quits omg
• absolutely loves minecraft and he’s been playing for years, he’s really good at it!!
• so sweet and fun to play with hehe he’s like the cheery little team leader
• helps everyone get settled and works hard to make sure the newbies have a nice amount of starter materials
• even if they die and lose them all he’s like “oh that’s okay don’t sweat it you guys!!” and runs to get them new stuff
• hums to the music while he’s playing, always updates people on what he’s doing and asks if anyone needs anything
• a man on a mission, gets to work on gathering materials with jaehee the second the game loads in, knows exactly what he’s doing
• he’ll move fast to make a quick little community house for everyone to sleep in for the night
• doesn’t like the day one dirt homes it gives him anxiety
• it’s a little small but cozy!! makes everyone a chest and puts a sign above it with their name on it
• adds a “:D” at the end of everyone’s names on the signs, but a “♡” to your name only!!
• zen goes off and makes his gross little dirt house because he doesn’t wanna sleep next to jumin
• he ends up just expanding off the community house once everyone leaves and lives solo with his little parrots
• unless you want to join him!! go ahead he’d love the company
• so nervous in caves and will only go into the shallow parts where the sun still hits, a very silent miner because he’s concentrating
• he’ll go deeper into mines when seven and saeran are with him but he almost pees his pants when the cave noises start to play
• gets startled so easily and screams whenever something happens, it's so loud that the mic automatically cuts it off– so you hear 0.2 seconds of a scream, dead silence, then suddenly “yoosung fell from a high place” it’s so funny
• 9 times out of 10 seven pushed him off too
• takes it seriously, wants to play until the end of the game but everyone else is busy running around with gremlin energy
• his playstyle is a little bit of everything, he’s not a bad builder but he doesn’t spend too much time on it. goal for him is survival and exploration
• if anyone needs anything he’ll run to get it without a second thought doesn’t get the appreciation he deserves >:(
• seven picks on him so much oh my god, once he asked him to come help mine diamonds but actually pushed him into lava and yoosung started to cry
• everyone made seven feel kind of bad for it so he apologized with a full set of diamond armor, tools, flowers and a cake… it still hurt though
• minecraft queen
• plays by herself a lot, the music, building on peaceful mode, all the alone time she gets
• loves it a lot actually, especially after a hard day at work
• but she gets so stressed out playing with everyone else
• it’s kinda bad for her health
• sighs into the mic whenever someone’s acting like an absolute fool
• tolerates no bullshit
• do not hit her. not even by accident. do not do it
• it’s so tense, she slowly turns around stares at them for what seems like forever it’s actually so scary
• only you’re allowed to hit her because for the two of you it’s not a smack, it’s a boop
• she does it back too
• “boop!” with a cute little giggle afterwards
• instantly goes to get the basics set up when the game loads in, sticks with yoosung in the beginning to get a bunch of starter materials gathered together
• is always running around doing something but no one knows exactly what because she doesn’t share. she is doing something though, a very productive crafter
• she has never died, ever. probably the highest level here out of anyone else
• the resident necessity provider, will throw you stacks of bread exactly when you need some, it’s like a 6th sense
• has basic mining chests set up for everyone to take from if they want to, so torches, food, tools, dirt, armor etc
• she really likes to decorate more than build, but she’s still really good at it!
• loves designing up floor plans
• not the best at adding the little details though
• her homes always look kinda square so v helps her out with that
• she organizes other people’s chests because she just hates how messy it looks, seven gives her so much anxiety especially
• she’s always cleaning up after him and shutting his doors since he leaves them open constantly
• her play style is a little bit of everything, not afraid of the caves whatsoever so she’ll mine if no one else wants to do it
• you can usually find her decorating though
• spends so much time making a cute little kitchen in her house especially
• a “coffee machine” is definitely a must in her house, also has a really pretty and huge bedroom
• white concrete and dark wood slabs, her house looks so lovely
• decorates zens room for him too
• she doesn’t talk much in the voice chat when jumin’s in there because she doesn’t wanna get fired
• likes to come into peoples houses and jump around a few times to say hi before running off again
• her and zen throw flowers back and forth to each other while crouching up and down like a couple of nerds ♡
• the second the game loads he is off to the races, he is gone baby!! no one knows what he’s doing but everyone knows he fears nothing so it must be exciting
• “GOD707 was slain by enderdragon”
• we’ve been in the game for an hour max how did he- nvm don’t question it
• he’ll randomly show up to the community house out of nowhere, do a few random things here and there, leave again for a few days
• comes back on a skeleton horse, enchanted diamond armor, a fleet of dogs, elytra, the wandering trader enslaved on a lead
• saeran follows him around most of the time so they’ll usually be off doing something together
• seven dies so much omg every five minutes there’s a death message in the chat
• if you manage to track him down you find that he is living absolutely lavish
• has so many bases scattered around like this, this, or this
• spends a lot of time building once everyone else goes offline, does not sleep until his base is done and he’s actually an amazing builder
• v loves to go around in his bases and just gawk
• he does not decorate whatsoever, that's for saeran to do! jaehee comes and organizes because he just throws everything into a chest and leaves
• his playstyle is chaotic horrifying, he does a bit of everything but the main goal is to get to the void and beat the ender dragon with his bare hands, he wants to become god
• never shuts his doors so there’s just big creeper explosion holes in his home that he’s too lazy to fix, claims it adds ~character~
• he loves spelunking so you can find him running around in caves most of the time, there is no fear in this man's soul whatsoever, loves battle and fighting mobs, insults them most of the time while killing them
• throws his diamond armor into lava just for the funsies, always parkouring in caves, you will get so much anxiety being around him
• sometimes mimics the cave noises just to scare yoosung
• burns down villages, starts random fires, jumps into holes, beats up any animal he sees
• sometimes he comes in to hit jumin’s cats just to hear him raise his voice a little and be like “Hey!” it’s really funny but annoys jumin
• he edges the creepers omg gets them to the point where they almost blow up but backs up before they actually do
• redstone master!! builds so many insane things out of it, has an entire theme park dedicated to himself, definitely has a torture room somewhere in his mansion
• he’s always joking around with everyone, especially with you
• “hey mc, hold this for me?”
• he slowly gets real close to you until your hands are touching and your heads are almost morphing into each other
• “bro... are we ab to kiss rn...”
• will come into your bedroom when everyone’s asleep does NOT knock first this man barges right in and stands over your bed, silent for a few seconds before suddenly tossing hundreds of diamonds down on you, throws back some ass a few times before running off once again
• hits people for absolutely no reason and yes he will hit with the intention to kill
• “no swearing in my christian minecraft server”
• gets motion sick at video games usually but he actually really likes minecraft!!
• a complete dad so he takes a little bit getting used to the controls but warms up quick
• don’t you dare hit him. that’s evil. he’s like “woah!! something just happened, i got attacked out of nowhere!! we have to be more careful you guys!”
• he’s genuinely so confused and concerned for everyone’s safety
• adores building so much, not just houses but also little structures here and there
• he’ll make greenhouses, vineyards, beach homes, treehouses, statues
• villages get completely revamped if he thinks they’re ugly which most of the time, he does
• his playstyle is completely just building and decorating, sometimes he’ll send jumin out for supplies but it ends badly most of the time
• aka jumin gets lost and/or dies
• he helps build everyone their own little structures so jumin gets a luxury cat mansion, zen gets a shrine dedicated to himself, yoosung gets a stage for his parrots to dance on, jaehee gets a coffee shop in the village, seven gets a giant ph pepper statue, saeran gets a sunflower farm all to himself, and of course you get whatever you want! omg he’d make you a heart shaped nether portal
• he’ll help when he’s needed but he doesn’t really play, he just builds
• everyone brings their spare materials to him if they don’t need them, yoosung and saeran help him farm for stuff if he needs something in particular
• really loves giving house tours when he’s done with a build and it is the cutest thing in the entire world
• he is just so insanely giddy and excited as he shows off all the little details, you can hear the smile in his voice
• everyone validates him and matches his energy too it’s so sweet :’)
• he’s always complimenting everyone on anything and everything they do
• “look at you, finding diamonds! good job!”
• “this house is so very lovely, i love the warm energy it brings.”
• he likes to wander around and find white cats for jumin to tame
• on the rare occasion he comes caving, he’s always the little cheerleader for everyone else of course
• “good luck down here everyone, please stay safe and call out if you need anything. we’re all here to help each other, alright?”
• two seconds later yoosungs drowning in lava, seven is mining bedrock, jumin is being shot by a skeleton, jaehee is fighting off a mob spawner, zen is lost, saeran is riding minecarts around
• he’s pretty quiet while he plays so no one ever knows what exactly he’s up to, he’s just shy
• picks flower fields absolutely clean, not a singular flower in sight, only if he finds a beehive somewhere then he’ll leave some for them
• has a lot of dye because of that, resident banner creator!!! he’ll make anything that you’d like
• he follows people around– especially seven, and just goes with the flow of whatever they’re up to, chaotic or not
• sometimes you think he’s afk so you just stop and stare at him but then he moves and you jump a little
• yoosung and him will just spam crouch for minutes on end together when they’re bored
• by himself a lot of the time, you can find him playing with some turtles on the beach somewhere or planting flowers
• builds a lot on his own solo server, but doesn’t really like to in the main one because he gets insecure comparing it to v’s and seven’s work.
• he does have his own little house away from seven’s mansion basement though
• if you come in and start complimenting it he gets so shy and blushy
• “thanks… it’s not that impressive i just whipped it up really quick…”
• seven knowing damn well that house took him several hours: 👁_👁
• he hits people to get their attention and then crouches all guiltily when they turn around, throws them a quick little flower before running off
• he has a ton of pink sheep collected outside his house, an army of jebs live in his basement
• his playstyle is just doing whatever he feels like. sometimes he’s getting materials for everyone, other times he’s just sliding around on ice with the polar bears for awhile
• he likes enchanting potions and that kind of stuff
• smacks seven with random potions like slowness, fire, poison
• had a pet fish in a little aquarium at his place, one day it despawned and he nearly burnt down his whole house from being so upset
• still convinced seven killed him
• he doesn’t get scared from the mines
• the nether though is is a different story, it’s terrifying to him
• especially ghasts and the sounds they make. will not go in there unless you are and you beg him to hold your hand or something
• has secret little minecraft pinterest boards full of silly statues and stuff that he likes to build around randomly
• blames herobrine for all of them which scares yoosung
mc (hey thats you!!!)
• jumin lets you name his cats, dye their collars, anything you want even if it’s silly. if you have your own cats then sometimes he brings his favorites over and they have little baby kittens together, you both spam crouch and jump around afterwards from the excitement of it all. don’t worry he pays child support !! you don’t know where he got diamonds but. you’ll take them anyways
• zen brings you random little presents that he thinks are super useful but… are not. you don’t have the heart to tell him that though. thinks spider eye is like the rarest thing in the entire game, secretly comes in to give them to you and message you something like “shh… keep it secret jagiya~ ;)” it’s the thought that counts
• yoosung is always so sweet with everything he does, he’ll bring you any sort of materials, tools. anything you need it’s yours. once he ran in front of you to take the hit from a poison spider when you know he’s absolutely terrified of them so you could get away safely. he tries his best to be brave for you <3
• jaehee invites you to her kitchen for taste testing, you’ll come in and try all the lil cakes she has sitting out while giving your feedback on all them in detail. mm yes very good, love the electric taste of the pixels in this one! finally she’ll be like wtf are we doing
• seven surprises you by making a cute little heart shape out of redstone, you press a button and it lights up red, fireworks go off, he’s jumping around throwing flowers and diamonds at you. he’ll put a sign down that says “will you… put your minecraft bed next to mine?”
• v is constantly checking in on you, he’ll say “knock knock!” before coming into your room, you’re like hey what’s up!! he replies i missed you! i just wanted to say hi :) before leaving again, comes in every day cycle with snacks to make sure you’re eating properly of course
• saeran brings you flowers all the time, he’ll shyly sneak into your room, crouch over to the bed super slowly, suddenly start throwing stacks of flowers all over you, crouch up n down a couple of times before running for the hills. forgets to shut your door and runs back real quick to shut it before leaving again
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thanks for reading! find more on my mysme masterlist ♡!
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saeran-imagines · 3 years
Did you see the birthday chats from 2019? Specifically the one where Saeran (as "Unknown") invites you to come eat ice cream and watch Netflix with him? Since Saeran's birthday is coming up again, could you write what if MC had taken him up on his offer and gone to meet him? (Jindere has a video of the chats on youtube if you haven't seen it/want a refresher!) I'm obsessed with the idea of this happening and I love your writing so I'd love to read this from you 🥰
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Heya! I remember those birthday chats omg, I just had to buy the picture that went along with them when it became available! That and the 707 version are just so pretty, I had them as my desktop background for a good while 🥰
I made this longer than I meant omg! I wanted to get it done in time for his birthday, which, HAPPY BIRTHDAY SAERAN !! (and seven too but this blog ain’t about you ❤) I have a bias for the soft Saerans so I didn’t think I’d like writing for Unknown as much as I did, but I had a lot of fun with this 😊 I hope you all like it!
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You fiddle with your phone, the broken looking chat room open to “Unknown’s” messages. That hacker… what kind of person is he? There’s no doubt he’s up to no good, but he’s never done anything that would put you in danger. Quite the opposite, actually. You have a feeling he’d rush to your rescue if you found yourself in a bad situation. “It’s my birthday today. Meet me outside the building at 8 and I’ll show you a great time.” Coming from anyone else it’d sound creepy as hell, it should sound creepy as hell, he’s a complete stranger who hacked your phone, but… the feeling of dread you imagine would come before getting axe murdered just isn’t there. And more than that, there’s something in the way he typed, in the long pauses between messages that seemed… lonely. You look at the clock- 7:50. Taking a deep breath, you force yourself up, pull on a coat, and take the elevator down to the first floor. You wouldn’t be able to stand not knowing what might have happened if you didn’t go meet this mystery person. And hey, it could very well be a great time.
You take up a position right outside the building and look around- nobody seems to be here yet. The sun has started its trek downwards, the shadow on the building long enough to reach the other side of the road. It’s a little late to be out. What does he have planned? You take another deep breath and try to relax, worrying won’t do you any good. You check your phone- 7:53. Has it really only been 3 minutes? It feels like you’ve been waiting here for hours. Footsteps followed by a figure rounding the corner next to you cause you to perk up, but another person follows shortly after and you quickly look back down again, dejected. The couple shoots you a suspicious glance, keeping enough distance from you that they end up walking on the road as they pass you on the sidewalk. You must look strange, you realize, fiddling with your thumbs and glancing back and forth in the dark shadow of a building. You sigh, this is a little ridiculous. Just as you’re considering going back inside and forgetting about this whole evening, you feel a tap on your shoulder. 
“Hey, doll,” a smooth low voice sounds from where your shoulder was tapped, and you whip around to see the source. “You actually came.” You notice his eyes first, a striking minty blue that almost glows in the dim light. Then you notice his white suit that matches perfectly with his hair, pink accents and all. Aren’t hackers supposed to be subtle? The only things about him that match your mental stereotype are the dark circles under his eyes and the mask covering the lower half of his face. Neither detract from his allure, though. He looks like you could find him on the cover of a fashion magazine. He chuckles at your stunned silence. “What, liking what you see?” 
“Ah! Uh-” you stutter out. “You just… weren’t what I was expecting.” You can’t see his mouth under the mask, but you know he’s smirking anyways.
“Oh?” he teases. “And what did you expect?” You try your best to regain your composure. This isn’t the time to be making googly eyes at strangers. God, it’s been way too long since you’ve interacted with someone. You haven’t had the chance to after temporarily moving into that apartment. 
“I don’t know, some weirdo in a ski mask?” you joke, making him chuckle again. You feel yourself starting to relax. He seems like a kind enough person, despite the teasing, and talking to him is comfortable. This night might turn out better than you expected. “So, what are we doing tonight?” 
“Well, I hope you like ice cream. My favorite parlor stays open late, I figured I deserve a birthday treat. You know, since I’ve been such a good boy recently,” he laughs. It’s a giddier laugh than you expected from him, he must have been looking forward to this for a while. He holds out his hand for you to take. “Shall we?” You pause, looking down at his gloved hand. You can feel that this is the last chance you have to change your mind, to take the elevator back up to the apartment and forget about this interaction. Taking hold of his hand would form a contract that binds you to his side for the rest of the night. After a moment of deliberating you grasp his hand, perhaps a bit too tight. You’ve already gotten this far, your curiosity won’t let the night end until you learn more about this strange man. You flash him the most convincing smile you can muster.
“Let’s go.” He weaves you through the city, taking more than a few sketchy shortcuts through alleyways and unexpected detours. He must have to be careful to avoid detection in his line of work, he’s walking as if he’s trying to confuse anyone who might be tracking him. He makes some small talk along the way, prying you for your thoughts about various RFA members and asking you about your life outside the messenger. You learn that he has a bit of a soft spot for Jumin, seeming to appreciate his cold honesty and business oriented mindset. From the short walk you’ve had with this stranger he seems to be the type to prefer fun over work, but you suppose you’ve only seen one side of him. So far, that is. 
You arrive at your destination after around 20 minutes of walking. It’s a small sweets shop painted white and baby blue. A chalkboard sign shows the flavors of the day through the window, around half crossed out due to the business day nearing its end. You feel a light squeeze around the hand that you nearly forgot was being held by the hacker. When you look up at him you can see sparkles in his eyes. When he notices your stare he looks away, is he embarrassed? “Sorry if I startled you, darling.” He apologizes for his sudden excitement, letting go of your hand “My flavor is still in stock,” he says with a smile. “Shall we go inside?” He holds the door open for you and you thank him, walking inside and losing yourself in the sweet scent. 
“Welcome!” the chipper cashier calls out. “Do you two know what you’d like?” Your partner wastes no time in calling out a practiced order, something with mint and a waffle cone that you don’t quite catch as you scan the overwhelming array of colors and flavors. Not wanting to spend too much time gawking, you throw out a fast ‘I’ll have what he’s having’ and make your way towards the counter.
“Good choice,” your partner of the evening says with a grin. You stop him as he starts reaching towards his pocket. He tilts his head at you with a questioning stare.
“It’s your birthday, right?” you state more than ask. “My treat.” You pull out and swipe your card before he has a chance to protest. He doesn’t speak for a few seconds, not expecting this act of kindness, but he quickly recovers with a laugh and a thank you as he takes his cone. “Where to?” you ask once you both successfully make it out of the shop with delicious looking chocolate dipped mint chocolate chip ice cream cones. You want to see how it tastes, but a deep rooted birthday etiquette that lives inside of you forbids you from taking the first bite. That’s reserved for the birthday boy, after all!
“Just up there,” he points to a nearby hill. “You can see the stars really well.” You smile and nod before starting the trek. It’s a cool evening, luckily, so your ice cream only barely starts to drip on the way up. Talking to the mysterious hacker seems to get easier as time goes on. Any leftover anxiety you had fades as you make light conversation and tease each other. It feels like you’ve known him for years. You attribute at least some of it to the ice cream, his speech has become a lot more bubbly and a lot less guarded after he got his hands on his cone. You never thought you’d call the person who broke into your phone cute, but you can’t help but smile at how happy he seems.
You reach the top of the hill before you know it. A blanket is already laid out at the very top, and he guides you to sit beside him on it. It’s not a huge blanket, your shoulders are nearly touching. Which is NOT something to blush about, you tell yourself. He pulls his mask down for the first time tonight, leaving you to stare at him for a bit longer than you would have liked to. He was definitely handsome, but there’s a layer of familiarity that you can’t quite put your finger on. His pretty lips turn up in a smirk. 
“What are you staring at?” You almost miss it, but his hands fidget slightly as he asks the question. Maybe he’s a bit more insecure than he lets on? You try to get past some of your shyness for his sake, if he’s worried about his looks you’d like to reassure him.
“Nothing much, I just think you look nice,” you smile, feeling just a bit of heat creep to your face. “Now-” you quickly change the subject. “You have to take the first bite of your ice cream so I can have mine. Birthday rules, and all.”
“Okay, okay, whatever you say, doll,” he chuckles. He takes a bite, trying to catch all the ice cream that threatens to drip off. “There.” You grin and have a taste, too. There’s something about small shops that make everything taste a thousand times better. It’s the sweetest, creamiest ice cream you’ve ever had. 
“Good, right?” he asks, already knowing your answer from the big smile on your face.
“Yup!” you exclaim. You finish your treats in a comfortable silence. The stars really are beautiful from the top of this hill, they appear so much bigger and brighter without the light pollution from the city. You glance to your side to see him looking back at you. 
“Enjoying yourself?” he asks. He’s closer than you remember.
“Yeah,” you breathe. “The stars are beautiful.” His eyes are shining like stars, too. The darkness has made their unnatural color stand out even more, it would be so easy to get lost looking into them. You force your gaze back to the sky, trying to ignore how fast your heart is beating. “Are you? Enjoying yourself, I mean? It’s your birthday, after all.”
“Yeah, I am,” he says without missing a beat. “It’s not often that I get to go out like this.”
“Because of your hacking job?” you ask.
“Yeah, something like that.” He sighs and leans back, looking up at the stars once again. What kind of life does he have? It’s hard to get a read on him. You can talk to him like an old friend but you don’t even know his name. You get the feeling he wouldn’t tell you even if you asked. Better not to, then. You’re satisfied with the little snippets of him that you’ve gotten today, and if he wants to reveal more you’ll let him do that at his own pace.
“Well, I’m glad I came out to meet you then.” He looks over at you again, studying your face. Almost like he’s waiting for you to take it back, or turn it into a joke. You don’t.
“Yeah, me too.”
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elvendara · 3 years
Sugar and Spice day 4
July 15th
Why is your brother such an ass? I thought you were bad but he takes the cake! And eats it too! Tell him to STOP! It’s not FUNNY!
I don’t know what to tell you. He doesn’t listen to me, you know that. He even barked at MC when she tried to talk to him. I mean, it’s like he has a vendetta against you. I know what I did, but what did you do to him?
NOTHING! I’ve been super nice every time I see him, and he’s basically just ignored me or hurled insults at me, and now, he’s getting his jollies by trolling me on LOLOL! Why did you tell him about it?
He already knew. Don’t forget he had us all under surveillance for Mint Eye. Look, maybe stop giving him such a big reaction. It’s what he wants. Just, ignore him.
That’s easy for you to say! He’s ruining my reputation!
OK, I’ll try to talk to him again, but I can’t make any promises, you might just have to deal with this yourself. Face to face, you know, man to man.
Yeah, sure. So he can beat me up? No thank you.
Don’t you think you’re being a little dramatic?
Whatever! I have to do my dailies, hopefully Saeran isn’t around! Ugh!
Saeyoung sighed and shook his head. Saeran had really turned into a bully online. At least towards Yoosung. He found it funny to mess with the blond himself, but Saeran had taken it too far. With an exhausted sigh he walked towards Saeran’s room and knocked on the door.
“What?” came Saeran’s answer. He turned the doorknob and opened the door. “Oh, it’s you.” Saeran said and returned to face his laptop on the desk.
“Yeah, ahh, can we talk?” he asked walking in and sitting on the edge of the bed.
“About what?” he didn’t even turn around to look at his brother.
“Saeran.” Saeyoung said exasperated.
Saeran’s shoulders sagged, and he finally faced his brother, rotating in his computer chair.
“You have to stop this thing with Yoosung. He’s really angry.”
“That’s what you wanted to talk about?” Saeran rolled his eyes.
“It’s gone too far, why are you doing it?”
“Isn’t it obvious?”
“Obviously not.” Saeyoung countered.
“I like him.”
Saeyoung was stunned. He blinked his eyes in disbelief. “You…like him? That’s how you show you like someone?”
“It’s all I know.” Saeran shrugged.
“Oh my god! All this time, you’ve been trying to show Yoosung that you like him?”
Saeyoung face palmed and started to laugh.
“What’s so funny?” Saeran asked irritated.
“You’re an idiot you know that? But then, so am I.” Saeyoung got a hold of himself and tried to be serious. “Look, why don’t you just try asking him out instead of trolling him on the internet?”
It was Saeran’s turn to be stunned. “Just…ask?”
“Well yeah, what’s the worst that can happen? He says no?”
“That’s pretty bad yes. I have to find out if he likes me back first before asking him out like that.”
“Well, you’re going about it all wrong.”
“Is that how you got together with MC? You just asked her out?”
“Uh, no, actually, she kind of didn’t give me a choice.”
“Hmnm, maybe I should do that instead.”
“No no, it worked for MC and me, but I don’t think it will work with Yoosung.”
“OK, well, what other advice do you have?” Saeran sat back in his chair and crossed his arms, ready to listen. It gave Saeyoung pause, he’d never seen his brother like this. He must really be into Yoosung if he was willing to listen to him.
“I think you should be honest. Tell him how you feel. How about we invite him over this weekend, and you can talk to him then.”
“I don’t know, that seems, uh, I don’t know.”
“At least you can use the time to start being nicer to him.”
“Yes, nice! Would you rather have him angry with you or happy?”
“Happy of course, but if he’s angry, at least he’s talking to me.”
“You’ll never get to the kissing phase if you keep going like that.”
“K…kissing???” Saeran turned bright red, almost the same shade as his hair.
Saeyoung stood and ruffled his brother’s hair. “Just try it.” He said and walked out.
Yoosung liked hanging out with his best friend Saeyoung and his new wife MC. He even liked Saeran, but something had changed and Saeran had turned on him. He didn’t understand. Sure he wasn’t always nice, but he attributed that to the way he had spent the first 23 years of his life. Yoosung couldn’t imagine being nice after suffering for his entire life at the hands of others. But there had been something behind those pained green eyes that pulled on Yoosung’s heart. So he suffered the barbs thrown at him, knowing they were just a defense mechanism.
However, Saeran suddenly went from defensive to attacking at every opportunity he could. He wasn’t even safe when he was away from him physically. He’d tried to tell himself this was yet another reactionary defense mechanism, but the man had crossed the line! He’d started trolling him on LOLOL and made the game unbearable. It wasn’t just that either, he’d gotten some of his own guild members to pick on him too! It was so irritating!
But here he was, trying to be civil towards Saeran when all he wanted was to smash his face in. Even that thought was irritating. This wasn’t him. He didn’t wish to do harm to people. The only reason he’d agreed to even come was because Saeyoung had begged, and he felt guilty for punishing the red head because of his brother. He really did want to see them. He kept a wary eye out for Saeran, who had yet to make an appearance, though Yoosung knew he was there, probably in his room.
“Thanks for bringing desert Yoosung, you didn’t have to, but it looks delicious.” MC stated as she unwrapped the cheesecake. Yoosung smiled, knowing full well they expected him to bring dessert. He’d spent hours making it from scratch.
“You’re welcome. Is there anything I can do to help?”
“Oh no, why don’t you go outside and hang out with Saeyoung. I know he’s missed you.”
“OK.” Yoosung headed to the backyard where he could smell the grilling already underway. Saeyoung was a pretty good griller, especially when it came to steaks, although in the kitchen he was as much of a disaster as his brother. The thought of Saeran made him growl.
Saeyoung heard and chuckled. “What’s with the scowl?” he asked as he hugged his friend.
“Sorry, just thinking of something unpleasant.”
“Let me guess, Saeran?” he snickered.
“Sure laugh it up, but I swear, I’m this close to punching him.” He held his thumb and forefinger less than an inch apart.
“Don’t worry OK? He promised he would be on his best behavior.”
“I’ll believe that when I see it.” Yoosung answered.
“Believe what?” Saeran asked as he walked out towards them.
Yoosung didn’t answer, pursing his lips and crossing his arms, turning his back to the newly red headed man.
With a sigh Saeran almost went back into the house but an encouraging look from Saeyoung held him to the spot. Well, might as well rip that band aid off.
“Uh, Yoosung, can I talk to you?”
Yoosung’s breath caught in his throat, he’d never heard that tone from Saeran. He was caught off guard and found it hard to hang onto his anger, curiosity winning. He nodded and followed Saeran as he walked onto the grass from the porch and around the swimming pool.
Finally he stopped and turned, eyes cast downwards.
“I’m sorry.” He said, barely audible.
“I said I’m sorry.” Saeran stated as he met Yoosung’s amethyst gaze.
There was a moment of silence as Yoosung took that in.
“Oh, well, OK then. But, why? Why were you so mean to me?” he asked, tears welling up in his eyes. Once the anger was gone, all that was left was hurt. What Saeran had done had hurt him.
“I…it’s…stupid…” Saeran’s shoulders sagged, and he couldn’t look at Yoosung’s crushed face anymore.
“Tell me.” Yoosung said kindly, reaching out to the man and squeezing his upper arm. The touch made Saeran shiver and lose his voice. He stared at the younger man, those empathetic eyes, and kind heart so readily able to accept his apology.
“I…really like you and I didn’t know how to tell you so in order to get you to pay attention to me, to interact with me I started being mean because any reaction is a good one if you keep doing it right? At least that’s how I thought. I mean, I don’t know how to make friends let alone let someone know I care about them. Hell, I still can’t even tell Saeyoung how I really feel about him. I didn’t know…”
“Stop!” Yoosung said, placing his hand over Saeran’s mouth. Saeran was crushed, thinking that Yoosung didn’t want to hear about his affection, but there was a smile on the blond’s face and a twinkle in his eyes. “I get it. Really I do. So, just tell me. How do you feel about me?”
“I like you.” Saeran said after Yoosung had released his lips, though he missed the soft touch. “I like being around you. When you’re near I want to reach out and hold your hand. I imagine what it would be like to hold you in my arms and kiss you. You’re so kind and sweet, to everyone. At first, I thought it was an act, you know, like…her…but you’re nothing like her. Your empathy for others is genuine. I just…want to be in your orbit. So, I’d like to ask you out on a date.”
“I’d like that.” Yoosung said.
“Really?” Saeran was surprised but something inside of him bloomed and grew. Something light and joyful. Something he’d never felt before, nor thought he would ever be able to feel. Hope.
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juminsmysticmc · 4 years
Omg, rfa + minor trio are here again. I almost droped my phone lmao... Can we have rfa + minor trio reactions when police brings their teenage child home? Thank you and take care!
RFA + Minor Duo’s teenage child being brought home by the police
As soon as I read this request I thought ,,yeah, this is just what I want write about!’’ thank you for your request! I hope I can make you happy! Please enjoy! And yes, ahaha, I am always good for a surprise! Let’s welcome the Minor Duo/ Trio again!
Vanderwood’s child being brought home by the police
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,,You really should send someone,’’ you mumbled, almost begging your husband.
The problem was that your oldest son, who was sixteen, didn’t want to become the new CEO in line. Instead, he wanted to go into show business, something Jumin didn’t want to let happen.
The amounts of arguments in the house were so many, that you lost count.
But as a mother, you were your son’s side.
,,No, I don’t care,’’ Jumin mumbled.
,,Does he really think that music will provide him with food, warm clothes, and a future forever?’’ he asked you.
,,Well, you could also lose the company, you know…’’ you mumbled, getting a cold look.
Suddenly the door rang, making your second daughter open the door.
,,Uhm, Mom,’’ the fourteen year old called you.
It was 10 pm. when two police officers stood there, your boy between them.
,,We caught him stealing,’’ one of them said.
And after Jumin thanked them and gave them so much money, that they would never ever speak up again, he was ready to scold your son if you didn’t protect him.
Jumin was speechless, and before he could act, your daughter helped you.
,,I will be the CEO in line. Have some faith in me,’’ she said.
,,Hyung is happier when he’s doing music, not working on your projects. I, on the other hand, love it a lot,’’ she said, solving almost every problem...
You and your husband were enjoying the day with your newborn when someone rang at the door.
Looking at the clock, you knew that it couldn’t have been your oldest daughter who was supposed to still be at school, however, you were wrong.
,,Mom…’’ the young lady began to sob, jumping into your arms.
,,What happened?’’ Zen asked, when he looked over to his little girl.
,,She was robbed in the middle of the street.
Thank god people were there to help, but she got a little hurt. However, she didn’t want to go to the hospital and instead demanded to be brought home,’’ the other police officer said.
,,I was so scared,’’ she sobbed as she cried into your chest, your hands slowly patting her back in a rhythm to calm her down.
Zen thanked the police officer and then closed the door, hugging his girl as she kept crying.
That night, the three of you slept together in a bed even though she was already so old…
Zen even put his pride aside and asked Jumin Han to give her a few of his bodyguards.
After all, the safety of his family was his first priority.
,,I don’t know what to do anymore,’’ Yoosung sobbed.
It has been three years ever since you died, taking two of your children with you.
It was supposed to be a happy day when suddenly he simply got a call, the call about your death.
It took him a long time to overcome this pain, especially because he still had a son he had to raise.
Everyone tried to support Yoosung, but the young boy he had to raise without a mother began to feel the cold.
He began to miss you, the motherly figure he longed for.
Yoosung’s son was just sixteen when he first got accused of a few bad things. People visited him almost weekly to make sure that the family problems would be solved soon.
However, nothing helped.
,,I don’t need you, old idiotic father!’’ Yoosung’s son yelled.
,,You?! An apology?!’’ he laughed.
,,You fucking let them kill my mother and my sisters. You didn’t do anything good in life, you studied to save some stray dogs, and let my mother die like one,’’ he laughed.
Yoosung slapped his son and panted in rage.
,,Your mother would be disappointed in you,’’ he whispered.
,,You have no right to say that!’’ and with that, Yoosung’s son disappeared into the night, leaving Yoosung alone for a while until he gathered his strength and called Seven, who immediately searched for the young boy.
However, this wasn’t needed after half an hour when the door rang.
,,Mr Kim, we will need to put your son in jail. We need to talk,’’ the police officer said.
Yoosung, however, knew that whatever happened, he wouldn’t let them take the last memento of you...
You always thought that you and Jaehee managed to have your own little, happy family, without anyone hurting you guys.
However, you were wrong.
And neither you or Jaehee knew how wrong you were until the door rang and your son entered with two police officers.
The shop was closed and you and your wife were actually planning a special for your coffee shop when your life was turned upside down.
,,Kang Jaehee and Kang Mc?’’ they asked before they received the response that they were right.
,,We brought your son home,’’ the police officer said, letting the young boy go in.
,,HUH?”’ you gasped, checking if the boy you were raising into a good man was hurt.
,,He was the criminal. I think the family of the boy he hit will drag you into court. You should be prepared,’’ he said and went away, leaving you and Jaehee alone.
It didn’t take long before your son broke down. He was pretty fragile even though he just caused a problem.
,,I’m so sorry,’’ he sobbed and went on his knees, covering his face in his hand.
,,They made fun of me because I have two moms. At first… at first I didn’t care. Even when they called our shop disgusting, I didn’t care.
But when they called you disgusting… I just...I-’’
Immediately you hugged him, kissing his cheek.
,,You were hurt… you felt attacked. It’s not nice to use violence, but you’re a victim too… we will handle it…’’
,,I can’t believe you stole something,’’ you sobbed as you watched your daughter.
She was currently in her rebellious phase.
,,Me neither. I mean, how many times did I teach you where the CCTV is? At least you could have-’’
You didn’t even let your husband finish as you hit him on his shoulder.
,,And you, young lady! I am so disappointed in you! Go up to your room, give me your phone, laptop, and iPad and write a letter of apology to the shop owner!
And then, later, I want to know how in the world you came to this stupid idea!’’ you hissed and turned around.
Your daughter was just brought home after the police caught her stealing, or trying to steal, a CD.
,,And you,’’ you hissed ,,don’t support her on these things!’’ you warned him.
After a bit you went up to your daughter and sat next to her.
The first few minutes, both of you didn’t say anything until she began to cry and went into your embrace.
,,Will you tell mommy now why you did that…?’’ you asked her.
You were still in bed sleeping when the door rang.
Since you were in your last week of pregnancy with the third child, Saeran let you stay in bed and instead opened the door.
,,What-’’ he couldn’t believe what his eyes saw.
,,Sorry, dad…’’ his young daughter mumbled, her black jacket brown by now.
,,What happened?’’ he asked the police officer.
His daughter actually told him yesterday that she would sleep at her best friend’s house, but now police officers were dragging her home?
,,Mr Choi, we found her drunk on the street. We actually first brought her to the hospital and didn’t call you to not cause a false alarm, and also because she said that her mother was pregnant and didn’t want to shock her too much.
Luckily nothing happened and a young woman called for help when she was found.
We beg you to keep an eye on her and call this number if you ever need help,’’ the kind officer said.
Saeran bowed to thank the officer and then let his daughter in.
,,I am so...angry and disappointed that you lied to us. Go and take a shower, I will wake up your mom so that we can talk about this,’’ he said and went straight to your shared bedroom, where you first began to cry while he tried to calm down. 
Memories came up, he didn’t want his daughter to end up like her, like his mother.
But then you had a good talk with her and decided to call help to support your daughter as best as possible...
,,Did you really break into the park for pictures?’’ you asked your son who nodded..
He explained that the stars and the shining lights were just too beautiful for him to ignore so he just had to go and see them.
,,And… oh dear, you know that it will be registered forever?!’’ you asked him.
Lucy was next to you.
She watched her brother as she tried to calm you.
,,Yes, but I couldn’t stop myself, mom. I’m sorry,’’ he mumbled.
,,We could have gone together while they were open,’’ Lucy commented.
,,I didn’t want any people in my pictures,’’ he commented and looked at his dad, who stayed silent the whole time.
,,Jihyun, it’s your fault for making him crazy about art! You need to tell him what’s right and what’s wrong!’’ you hissed and shook your head.
Together with Lucy you left the room, thinking on what to do next.
,,I know, how it feels,’’ Jihyun said when you were gone, making the young boy look up.
,,It’s wrong, but at the same time, it feels so right that nothing can stop you from doing it. I know it, especially with art.
I believe that this was an experience you had to learn. For the future, keep doing things like that, but instead of going in even though it’s closed, call me or Jumin. We will find a way. Always,’’ he laughed and patted his back.
,,Now, show me the pics!’’
14.03.2021// 19:48 MEST
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lunarmessenger · 4 years
Hard Regrets (Pt. 4) - 707 x MC
Hi. I don’t have an explanation; life sucks, but I’m trying to come back. I’ve missed you all, I’m sorry I disappeared. I’ll make an announcement that I’ve been thinking on once I finish all the requests that I am long overdue on. - luna xx
warnings: angst. this is the last part, and, unfortunately, will not have a happy ending. something a bit more realistic.
word count: 2k
(pt. 1) (pt. 2) (pt. 3)
His heart was racing, his footsteps pounding against the tiled floor as he ran through the hospital. His glasses were fogging as the sweat pooled at his forehead, hands shaking as his eyes scanned each number of the rooms. He finally came to the number he was told to go to, his throat suddenly dry as he gulped. It was a phone call from Jumin that had announced what had happened, his brows furrowing as he hesitated. Would she even want to see him? After what he’d done...
“I know you’re out there, Saeyoung. Get in here.” Jumin’s strong voice was enough to make him squeeze his eyes shut and throw open the door, biting his lip as he slowly opened his eyes. There was Jumin’s private security standing between Zen and Saeran, both men breathing heavily as they glared at each other. Zen’s nose was bleeding while Saeran’s face looked rather untouched, his clothes ripped with multiple holes as they huffed. Jumin was rubbing his forehead, a sigh escaping his lips as he looked up to see Saeyoung.
“Well?” He slowly walked in, and as he did she slowly came into view. She was sitting in her bed, looking down and away from him as she played with his fingers. The shock was evident, his mouth hung open as he saw the many scars and healing cuts that were all over her body. The thought of what she’d been through all because he had chased her out; the weight of it almost crushed him. His legs shook as he walked over to her, Zen grunting as he grew closer. He furrowed his brows, turning towards him as he scoffed.
“Just so you know; you don’t deserve her.”
“Shut up, pretty boy. Don’t talk about my brother that way.” Saeran sneered, the two men getting ready to go at it again until a small voice spoke up.
“Are you angry at me?” All of them turned towards her, her eyes focused on Saeyoung who was still taking it all in. Jumin flicked his fingers towards security and in minutes they understood, dragging the two men out of the room as they groaned and whined in protest. Jumin followed closely behind, stopping beside Saeyoung and gripping his shoulder. He gave a slight squeeze, Saeyoung wincing as he looked over. Intense gray eyes bore into his golden ones as he spoke, his words hanging heavy in his head as he looked between her and Saeyoung.
“Don’t mess this up again; I can’t hold back other suitors forever.” With those words he left, firmly shutting the door behind him. He turned towards her again, his tired eyes meeting her soft, gentle gaze as she waited for him to approach. His throat felt dry as he gulped, slumping over and grabbing the chair near her bed. He pulled it slightly away so that he wasn’t right beside her to give her some space.
It was a well calculated decision, her hands trembling as she turned her head towards the sunlight. The distance was for him too; he wanted to give himself a little extra time to fully grasp her entire being. It was like he was seeing her again for the first time, his eyes glancing over every inch of her body. She was so different visually, but her energy was still the same; a warm and comforting air about her drawing him in just like it did when they first met.
He looked away as she looked back towards him, patiently and anxiously waiting for his response to her question. She could tell that he was nervous too, his leg bouncing as he bit his lip. He was thinking; he always had that same furrowed brow look that he got when he was going through the motions, and she knew it all too well. The familiar look almost made her smile; almost.
“I’m not angry with you,” He finally responded, his voice making her chest tighten as her cheeks suddenly grew warm from her blush. He was finally looking at her now, his matted hair spilling over the frames of his glasses as he still thought of how to finish his sentence. He gave a sigh, shaking his head as he continued to speak.
“If anything, I’m more angry with myself. I should have never done that to you; a thousand times I’ve asked myself what I’ve done to deserve you.” His voice was quiet, almost shaking as he felt the tears well up in his eyes. He didn’t want to cry, but at the same time he didn’t want to hold it in either. After being with her for this long; he had slowly began to unlearn the horrible habits he’d bestowed upon himself as well as his mother and father ever since he was a child. There was something else he wanted to say; or more so ask, and she had an idea of what it was.
It’s not like she waltzed into the hospital and asked them to give her a place to stay; and there’s no way those cuts and bandages had made their way onto her body by themselves. He hesitated though, his leg bouncing faster because if what he was thinking was the reality, it would break him. She was thinking the same thing, her mouth opening and closing as she thought of what to say. She didn’t want to lie to him, and after everything...she still wanted to be with him. Maybe right now wasn’t the time; who knows. But she couldn’t sit there and lie to him.
“It was an accident. Um...while I was running, I was hit by a car.” His stomach lurched as his head snapped up to her, her face still but not exactly hateful. The tears couldn’t be held in anymore and they fell down his cheeks, his bottom lip trembling as he put his head in his hands.
“Oh, God. It’s my fault, it’s all my fault...” He’d gone still except for his shoulders as he sobbed, the weight of everything finally taking it’s toll. His actions, her disappearance, her injuries. Everything had happened because of him; and it couldn’t be denied. He appreciated how Saeran defended him earlier and, the efforts he’d put in to make sure that Saeyoung knew that he wasn’t being blamed for what happened. But he knew better than that.
He knew that just like Zen, Saeran blamed his brother for everything.
“Saeyoung—” She stopped herself. While part of her knows that she shouldn’t have just blindly went into the road like that; she’s aware that she wouldn’t have felt as scared as she did if Saeyoung hadn’t reacted the way he did. She had reached for him but stopped, hand trembling as she pulled it back and turned away. He’d noticed, the pain growing even more when he realized that she wasn’t going to comfort him. Not this time.
“I think that we need some time apart. More than the time we’ve already have.” The weight in his stomach grew heavier, sweat forming on his face and body as he swallowed, hard. She was right; the shock and trauma of what he had been put through by V and Rika wasn’t going away; and it showed with how he treated her the night that caused all of this. Even with that fact, he couldn’t bring himself to want what she wanted; even though that’s what would be best.
“I...MC...” He couldn’t really speak, his heart pounding at the complete realization. It didn’t matter, none of it. Her mind was made up, he could see it in the way that she looked at him, her expression painful but solid. This was the right decision, he knows that, but that didn’t make it hurt any less. Whatever he was going to say to try to sway her mind had been erased from his, his head finally nodding as he looked back up at her.
“You’re right. I...I need help. I need to help myself before we can do this.” This time she couldn’t keep her composure, tears slipping down her face as well as she leaned over towards him. He leaned closer to, closing his eyes as their hands connected. She gave a hard squeeze while his was gentle, their entire beings shaking, afraid to pull away. Once they pulled away that was it; they wouldn’t be the way they were before it all.
They were both scared; MC was the first to pull away, his heart feeling empty as she sniffed and used her blanket to wipe the tears. She was even second guessing herself, her eyes lingering over him. She took him in as if this was going to be the last time she saw him, and knowing him, that wouldn’t be an exaggeration. She took in his usual expression, now sadder than usual as he looked at his lap. His long nimble fingers that had brought her both pleasure and pain, his usual jacket that he always had with him.
Lastly his golden eyes; how from the very beginning when she’d first met him they’d captivated her entire being. His gaze was always enough to make her melt, to look into the deepest parts of her soul where she felt the most vulnerable. His eyes that she would miss waking up to every morning; so much that it hurt. She knew too that the decision she’d come up with was right, but she didn’t have to like it. While it hurt, it did make her feel a bit better seeing that he was going through the same trouble.
“This isn’t goodbye I...we’ll try again. When we’re both better.” She reached for him again, her warm hands pressing against his cold face as he leaned into her touch, closing his eyes. He gave another nod, reaching his hands up to her arm and squeezing.
“I love you.” Her breath was shaky as she pressed her cheek against his soft hair, taking a deep breath to finalize her memory of ever single part of him.
“I love you too.” Finally he pulled away, standing up and stuffing his hands in his pockets. They couldn’t bear to look at each other as he walked away, his heart screaming for him to stop and turn around, to look back. He knew that if he did he would cave, he would break down right there, and neither one of them needed that. So he kept moving, opening the door and closing it behind him; somehow he knew, that she appreciated him not looking back either.
All three of the men were waiting outside the room, Zen and Saeran having calmed down enough for Jumin to send away most of his private security. Zen was the first one to approach him, his arms at his sides as he looked between the closed door and Saeyoung. The look in his eye was enough to make Saeran finalize the idea that he’d already thought the moment his brother walked into that room. Sometime during their conversation he’d felt his heart drop, and that’s when he knew that things between his brother and MC would quite frankly, never be the same again.
“I’m going home.” He earned a grunt of confirmation from Saeyoung as he walked off, Jumin crossing his arms and sighing as he stood up from leaning against the wall. He walked up to Saeyoung once more, patting his shoulder as he spoke.
“I see you two have finally understood. At least you’ve both come to a decision.” With that he walked off, not telling Saeyoung if he’d necessarily made the right or wrong one. Zen was still confused, his brows furrowing as he approached Saeyoung. He wasn’t stupid; he could tell from the way he looked that things did not go well in the room, his stomach twisting from anticipation as he finally asked.
“Well?” Saeyoung finally lifted his head and looked at him, expression empty and heart broken as he spoke in only a whisper.
“It’s done.”
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