#Safari Zone
swainathan · 30 days
My first shiny from Safari Week 2024, Sarah the Sandshrew from Soul Silver!
(This is so late but it's okkkkkk))
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Time-lapse under the cut
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petiteechorizon · 2 years
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Octillerink 2022 Day 14: Zona Safari/Safari Zone
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devilrose · 8 months
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mypokemonscreencaps · 2 months
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omamervt · 10 months
The real tragedy of the loss of Safari Zones in Pokemon games is that now that we have the Legends Arceus control scheme, they could easily reintroduce them using the same system of "throw shit at wild Pokemon until they kill you or you catch them," take out the combat mode, and it'd be perfect!
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samu-art-kingdom · 2 years
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Inktober day 14: Safari Zone
I loved the adventurous atmosphere here, I missed Fuchsia City’s Safari Zone so much in GSC :’)
Leave a heart if you too wasted hours of your life fishing to get a Dratini!
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theamazingian · 1 year
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@absoltastic has spoken!! You know what that means… Safari Week is soon upon us!!
Safari Week is a shiny hunting event where you hunt in a Safari Zone! Finding a shiny is fun enough, now with the added thrill of the Pokémon potentially running away!!
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Note: The Friend Safari in X and Y is not technically a Safari Zone, so while you can hunt there if you want, it’s not quite in the spirit of the event.
Here’s some Safari Week compilations from TheSupremeRk9s, absolblogspokemon, sonikks, and gen3hunter!
If this seems interesting to you, hope to see you out in the Safari June 2nd-11th!
Bonus tips: Get a White Flute and a Pokemon that knows Illuminate at the front of your party (Chinchou, Lantern) and your encounters will be doubled! In the Hoenn Safari Zone, you can bunny hop on the Acro bike to avoid being kicked! In the Great Marsh, have a Pokemon who knows Sweet Scent to make encounters faster!
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krazy-for-klara · 5 months
I guess we're like, gonna liveblog what we're doing, because the rangers said the flash from cameras can scare the pokemon or whatever.
Guess you'll just have to take our word for i! Teehee~♥♥♥
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naturally-elegant · 5 months
Arc, there's... Quite a lot of Pokemon here. Mm, none them are particularly elegant howev-
Eloise? Where are you-
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anapplinaday · 10 months
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☁️ Safari Vest 🦘 // #115 Kangaskhan
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roxiepro · 3 months
I've decided to advertise my final safari week stream~ Feel free to come on down! We still haven't found a shiny yet but maybe we can break the curse? Maybe? Idk???
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swainathan · 11 days
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The third shiny from Safari Week, aka the one that got away. Girafarig in the Ruby Safari Zone after 5346 REs!
I shall reclaim them one day 🫡
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rubalotl · 1 year
Shiny Cacnea after 20054 encounters!
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Post-safari week shiny just to finish my last phase, which was a very painful phase. Besides this long phase, I was quite lucky! All other phases were under odds and I caught all the shinies I found, all six of them! My HG found three and my SS found three.
This was my first time ever participating in Safari week after many years of just spectating, I've always wanted to fully commit to Safari week at least one time and I've done that now.
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devilrose · 2 months
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This is the very special thing I mentioned earlier! Doesn't it sound fun, with the clear cover and the background?
[ Preorder here! ]
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mypokemonscreencaps · 2 months
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the1entirecircus · 24 days
The Tale of Twin Cubones
In the World of Pokémon, anything can happen. From 10-year-olds jouneying out to explore the region to the ressurection of the dead, nothing seems impossible. And its because of that this amazing world can be filled to the brim with dreadful things. This is Pokéhorror, a series of short stories regarding the terrifying events that can occur in the Pokémon world.
Today, I will guide you through the tragedy that every newborn Cubone must face. Or, in this particular case, Cubones.
TW: Pokémon Cannibalism, Gore
When Cubone had first been discovered, many scientists questioned the origin of it's skull helmet. The first theories suggested that Cubone was once a Kangaskhan's baby, however that would be soon disproven as Cubone is a type of Archosaur (belonging into the same family that birds, dinosaurs, and crocodiles exist in) and not a mammal. It was then suggested that Cubone was an abandoned Charmander who's flame went out, but again that was disproven due to how lethal that would be for a Charmander. It would then be suggested if a Marowak was the mother that all Cubones mourn for. Many wanted to dismiss this idea, remarking how Marowak had evolved with the skull of its mother over its head. Breaking that skull helmet to get to the interior skull would be more than difficult.
So, a Kantonian Research Team led by a young Professor Oak went to the Safari Zone to study the life cycle of a Cubone. However, as they stalked a female Marowak head to her nest, the team discovered something astounding to them.
"Within the Marowak's nest of twigs and dead grass were two eggs with light brown shells. Female pokemon can only lay eggs of their own kind, so there is zero doubt that this nest contains the future baby cubone." -Professor Oak in his notes.
After two nights of camping near the nest, the eggs began to hatch. The first Cubone called out for its mother, who immediately ran over to the nest, excited for the hatching of its babies. The second Cubone broke through its shell more quietly, but its mother did not neglect its second child. For the researchers, this was certainly a sight to behold, No one had ever seen a Cubone without a skull covering its face. Their bodies were the same color as their egg shell, albeit more detailed with their scales and scutes covering their bodies. Their eyes were huge, full of wonder and excitement. All the researchers nearly forgot why they were here to begin with.
The mother Marowak started out strong during her first week in motherhood, bringing its children along with it to look for berries and hunt down prey. An aggressive battle between the mother and a Scyther had ensued after the mantis Pokémon left a scratch on the quiet Cubone's eye. Flying type Pokémon seemed to be the greatest threat to the baby Cubones as with little experience in fighting, their attacks hardly scratched an enemy. Thankfully, their mother was strong enough to handle any foe.
By the start of the second week, it was very noticeable that the mother was getting weaker. The baby Cubone were started to get more plump with energy from their food. The twins often play fought with each other near the nest as their mother rested to restore her strength. Yet, it seemed like the sleep wasn't helping her. Every time she woke, she seemed more tired than before.
"I believe that due to their isolatory behavior, female Marowak choose to not pair with another pokemon in its egg group. I am not sure if this is truly the best idea as with a partner, the Marowak will completely exhaust herself." -Prof. Oak.
During the middle of the third week, the female Marowak left its nest with its Cubone. Some other female Marowak could be spotted in the distance walking towards the same destination. Oak sent some of his team to stalk these Marowak, and they all reported about how tired they all seemed. They limped and stumbled with their baby Cubones energetically following along. When asked how many cubones followed these mother Marowaks, the researchers reported that they only had one Cubone. The mother that Oak had been documenting throughout these few weeks was an exception among these.
Suddenly, the mother Marowak fell to the ground in exhaustion. Her babies nudge and bark at her, but she does not move. After an hour, the mother still hadn't awakened and the babies were now roaring. They clawed at her sides, pushing and shoving until the louder child suddenly took a bite at his mother.
Through his binoculars, Professor Oak could see the surprise in the Cubone's eyes. Its pupils dialated to be smaller as it pulled its mouth away. Its sharp baby teeth were able to puncture through the skin of its mother, leaving a bite mark of red on her body. Its sibling continued to nudge against its mother until it saw the blood in its brother's mouth. The following events that would occur were not anticipated by the research team.
The louder cubone lunged at its sibling, maw wide, ready to bite. Its quieter sibling was unable to avoid this sudden attack. This was not a regular battle between two Pokémon. At this stage in a cubone's life, it should know attacks like mud-slap and leer, maybe tail whip if it were stronger. At no point should Cubone be ever able to learn attacks like bite, but as seen by the research time, the louder cubone was biting its brother at the neck.
There was suddenly a loud crack and the quieter cubone fell limp. Its eyes were still wavering and blinking, but it couldn't move or make a sound. The louder cubone hissed at its twin before crawling back to its mother. It chewed against its mother's scaley underbelly, tearing through and feasting on her innards and flesh. For the next five days, it slowly became fat with the stuff. The mother marowak's helmet cracked.
By day six, small scavengers such as Rattata and Spearow started to take nibles from the bodies, but the louder cubone would only defend its mother's body. The mother marowak's helmet cracked more.
By day eight, bones and more eternal organs had become exposed. A broken femure from the leg of the mother became the orphan's signature bone club weapon. It would use this tool to defend itself and dig into the corpse of its dead mother. The mother marowak's helmet cracked even more.
By day 16, the corpse of the mother marowak was now a skeleton covered in rot. The baby cubone had severed the crumbling skull from the rest of its mother's body. It's deceased brother and the researchers watched as the the cubone hacked away at the skull's broken parts. Then it finally broke skull helmet completely. A mist of rot spewed from the inside of the cranium, but it did not stop the cubone. From the rot, it pulled out a skull resembling that of a cubone's usual helm.
It placed on the skull after cleaning it out with mud-slaps and a thorough licking of the interior. It then sat there. Professor Oak would focus his binoculars to see the eyes of the pokemon. It's pupils were small and wavering, like how it's sibling's was when the louder Cubone had killed it. This cubone began to sniffle and whimper, until finally it burst out with wailing and tears.
This cubone, despite how much carnage it caused in the past few weeks, was mourning for the loss of its family. It's tears were joined by the cries of many more cubone days later.
"I have heard of this event from Safari Zone officers. The Great Mourning they called it. An event where a mass of cubones all cry at the same time creating this sad chorus of orphaned Pokémon. Except, with this newly found research, I now see that cubone have more than their loss of family to cry over. They seemed to go through a stasis of total instinct, a mode where they cannot stop from ennacting on their most savage desires. They hunger for their mother's meat and when the bones are picked away and they break off their mother's skull to wear as their own, reality sets in. The world of Pokémon is beautiful but also cruel and unforgivable. Cubones are victims of their terrible adaptations to their world."
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