#Sailor Moon or Digimon talk will feature or something too lol
obessivedork · 2 years
Girl help I’m trying to contrive a reason for Quark to be the only adult responsible for Molly O’Brien for a half hour or so for the pure comedic potential of him interacting with a tiny human
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jennagrinsoverml · 3 years
20 Questions: Writer’s Edition
Thanks @kasienda for the tag!
1. How many works do you have on AO3?
2. What’s your total AO3 word count?
Although this includes two fics co-written with Karen, the other half of my main, so my personal total is lower. Of course, it also excludes quite a bit of writing I did before I created my AO3 account, so it probably evens out lol)
3. How many fandoms have you written for and what are they?
I’ve written for more fandoms than you see on AO3 since I haven’t transferred over any of my old stuff (and have no intention of doing so.)
Unless I’m forgetting any, there’s 8: Buffy the Vampire Slayer, Angel the Series, Charmed, Sailor Moon, Digimon, Avengers, Darkest Powers, Miraculous Ladybug. There’s also the Magic Mike fic I wrote as a joke for my friends back in 2004, but we don’t talk about that lmaooo
4. What are your top five fics by kudos?
Standard Deviation (Steve/Tony, Avengers)
The Closest Thing to Love (Love Square, Miraculous Ladybug)
Extrapolation ( (Steve/Tony, Avengers - the E-rated sequel to SD)
You Know Where My Heart Is  (Love Square, Miraculous Ladybug)
La Soeur de Mon Coeur  (Love Square, Miraculous Ladybug)
5. Do you respond to comments, why or why not?
I definitely try! I’ve fallen behind and haven’t answered comments in a couple of weeks, but I will be playing catch up at some point. I just like to thank people for taking the time to comment, but I especially love when readers comment on a specific aspect of the fic and give me an excuse to talk about my writing lol
6. What’s the fic you’ve written with the angstiest ending?
Love Without Weakness ends pretty angsty, although I fix it in the sequels. And although I’ve been trying to write a second chapter to all this hope you sent into the sky (by now had crashed), I haven’t managed it yet, so as it stands its ending is pure angst.
7. What’s the fic you’ve written with the happiest ending?
Most of my fics end pretty happily!  The Closest Thing to Love,  La Soeur de Mon Coeur and  On Bended Knee all end with (SPOILER ALERT) engagements, which is pretty damn happy! So until I get around to writing that wedding fic I’ve been planning, I guess I’ll have to say these.
8. Do you write crossovers? If yes, what’s the craziest thing you’ve written?
My very first fanfic was a Buffy/Charmed crossover lmaoooo. It might still be floating out there somewhere, I don’t know, I’m too afraid to check. I also have a half-written Sailor Moon/Digimon crossover fic on my hard drive that I started I think in high school? It will never be finished lol I’m not really interested in crossovers anymore though, and doubt I’ll write any in the future. Although I will be subtly stealing characters from other shows to round out the cast of my Big Bang fic since if I wanted to invent a million OCs I’d write original fic lol
9. Have you ever received hate on a fic?
Yes. I’ve been posting on the internet since 1999 and ff.net was terrible for that.
10. Do you write smut? If so what kind?
I do, but feel like I’m definitely in the minority for that in ML fandom. Most fandoms I’ve been in ALL the big fics end with smut (or start with it or feature it throughout lol). But ML seems to prefer the more innocent stuff. 
Extrapolation, mentioned above, is the E-rated sequel to mine and Karen’s Steve/Tony Avengers college AU friends to lovers fic showing that transition to the lovers part of it. It’s not intercourse
Love Without Lies and  Love Without Limits are the two sequels to Love Without Weakness that again focus on that transition to a sexual relationship. First through dirty talk/fantasy, and then the reality of it.
Sex, Interrupted has non-explicit smut with married with kids sex. I tried to show something loving and desirous, but with the comfort of having been with the same person for a very long time after that initial passion and excitement has long since faded away.
Sweet, Sweet Fantasy was basically written because I hadn’t written a love square blow job and I wanted to fix that lmaoooo It’s just smut for the fun of it.
I guess all of my smut could be characterized as loving, sex positive and consensual.
11. Have you ever had a fic stolen?
Not to my knowledge.
12. Have you ever had a fic translated?
Yes! A lovely reader translated Standard Deviation into Chinese and we got all kinds of fanart from those readers and it was a wonderful, wonderful experience. This was almost 10 years ago and it still makes me so happy every time I think of it. 
I also got a request to translate The Closest Thing to Love into Russian, which I’ve agreed to.
13. Have you ever co-written a fic?
Yes, published there’s Standard Deviation and Extrapolation, as mentioned above.
My best friend at the time and I had written more than half of a Sailor Moon Christmas fic back in undergrad, and had the rest of it plotted out. It would’ve been amazing if we had finished it. Sadly she moved on from the fandom before we could finish it, and we’re no longer friends, so it will probably live half-written on my hard drive for eternity.
And @chatonne-rousse and I have a few planned fics, but we haven’t started any of the actual writing yet, so we’ll see.
14. What’s your all time favourite ship?
This is hard to answer for me because yes, right now I’m in full love square obsessive mode, but I’ve been here before. And while I’ve never written so much for any other pairing, I don’t know if it’s my ALL TIME favourite ship. 
Like, Usagi/Mamoru is my original OTP and the fandom I return to over and over again through the years, even if I haven’t written anything for them since 2002 lol And I’ve found myself returning to Darcy/Elizabeth many times as well. By contrast, Buffy/Angel was the first ship I ever wrote for and it’s probably still the couple I’ve written the most fics for by number, but I don’t really think about them anymore.
Will Love Square be one of those ships I keep coming back to? Only time will tell.
15. What’s a WIP you want to finish but don’t think you ever will?
I still feel sad that Karen and I didn’t finish Confidence Interval, our planned third fic in the Statistically Significant universe. About half of that is written, but we kept running into issues with the plot and it wasn’t coming together and then we both lost our Avengers hyperfixation.
For ML, I’m not sure. I know objectively that I can’t possibly finish all of my WIPs. I just don’t have enough time. But I’m still hopeful that I’ll get to them all!
16. What’s your writing strengths?
17. What’s your writing weaknesses?
18. What are your thoughts on writing dialogue in other languages in fic?
I’m not a fan.
I spent a long time in anime fandoms and there was a tendency to have random Japanese phrases and words floating in the fic. I probably did it too at some point. 
But it’s kind of stupid? Like, the anime characters are speaking Japanese, the ML characters are speaking French. Regardless of what language you’re writing in, that’s the language of the characters. So when you randomly use words from that language, it’s pointless and usually just fucks up the grammar and syntax and, for me, distracts from the story.
I think it’s okay when you’re using an expression that doesn’t directly translate, or are using the French to make a pun work (because, of course, Adrien would be punning in French) or are using Chat or one of their nicknames. I think it has effect there.
But generally, I just don’t see the point. Sorry if that’s kinda salty.
19. What was the first fandom you wrote for?
My very first fic was a Buffy/Charmed crossover, and then I wrote a bunch of BtVS fics.
20. What’s your favourite fic you’ve written?
The Closest Thing to Love. I spent about 6-8 months working on that fic obsessively, to the point where I could barely even handle reading other people’s fics because I kept getting distracted with thoughts of my own. But I’m so happy and proud of how that one turned out! It’s the longest fic I’ve ever written on my own, and I’m so pleased with how it came together.
Thanks for giving me the chance to ramble on about myself, @kasidenda! lol
Tagging: @chatonne-rousse, @somethingvaguetodo, @overworkedunderwhelmed, and anyone else who wants to play!
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landofanimes · 6 years
I got tagged by @real-life-senshi​! RULES: Answer 21 questions and tag 21 blogs you’d like to get to know better.
Me? getting tagged? XD Cool! :) Ok, here we go!
Nickname: I use “Arukas“ online because that’s how you write “Sakura“ backwards XD Yes, Sakura as in CardCaptor Sakura - my childhood fave :) There was this anime magazine I used to read where one of the editors used a character's name backwards as an alias so I tried that and it spelled something readable, so here we are. I’m a girl, by the way, in case people haven’t guessed XD Currently on my 20s.
Star Sign: I’m an Aries. I feel like half of the description of Aries fits me well, half has nothing to do with me. I don’t believe in Astrology but I find it a fun concept! Go, rams! XD I love the Aries Saints in Saint Seiya by the way, I love its unique neat legacy ^^ If Ophiuchus counted, though, apparently I would be a Pisces!  
Height: 1.70m (5′7′‘)
Last film I saw: I’ve recently watched How to Train Your Dragon 3! If we’re talking live-action, I finally watched Kingsman 2. I honestly can’t remember the last anime film I saw though ^^’ I gotta get back to those. Oh, I did watch Digimon Tri 6 XD Though it’s been months ahaha
Favorite musician: Oh, that’s hard. I do like some musicians/bands (Brazilian and English-speaking) but I don’t really follow their stuff. Like, I don’t actively search for new music, but if I like what I listen somewhere (radio, a party, etc) I take those specific songs I heard XD I like pop. Some rock songs. Idk. Ballet is also cool. I do listen to a lot of soundtracks though, instrumental or not (that includes musicals, movies, tv series, anime...also lots of disney). I occasionally sing soundtracks to myself when no one’s around
Song Stuck In My Head: Recently, for some reason, Beauty School Dropout from Grease and Glad You Came - or at least Glee’s versions of that XD. 
Other Blogs: @lands-of-fantasy​. Basically where I post everything I like that is not anime?? XD About movies and tv series, I mean. And books. Mostly live action, but it also features some Disney/Dreamworks and a bit of animated/comics superhero stuff. In fact it has quite a lot of superhero stuff lol why does Marvel and DC produce so much content at once?? I’m only one person!
Do I Get Asks: Sadly, almost never! 
Blogs following: Currently 16. Yeah, I don’t follow many blogs... Partially because I don’t want to overwhelm my dash and partially because I try to avoid spoilers. Though I do occasionally check on some I don’t follow! There are 2 or 3 I actually check frequently and regularly, but don’t follow them officially cause they post A LOT, including things I’m not interested in. 
What I’m Wearing: ? Shorts and a t-shirt.
Dream job: Hell if I know! If only God would send me a sign 
Dream Trip: I would love to go to England! And Italy. And Japan! Maybe Egypt? Also several Disneylands, lol. I did go to Disney once though, which was a Dream Trip of mine, so yay!!!
Play any instruments: Nope
Languages: Portuguese and English
Favorite foods: If we’re talking about real food, I love Feijoada (it’s a black beans meal). Also Cuscuz (which is corn based). And meat in general! We eat a lot of beef in Brazil. If we’re talking those caloric wonders, I can’t resist cheeseburgers nor french fries! Also pizza, of course. Snack wise, I’m weak for chocolate cookies.
Random facts:
Fantasy is my favorite genre in media. Give me magic. Mythical creatures and races. Also far away lands. And good old sword-fighting! Medieval settings are cool. Supernatural beings are also welcome.
If I’m watching something and it doesn’t feature anything fantastical or at least some sword-fighting at all, it’s probably a romance. Maybe a musical, though not as often. Then again musicals are kinda fantastic in their own way!
Since I was tagged by a fellow Moonie and I do post/reblog a lot of Sailor Moon here:
I grew up with the 90′s anime. In 2013 I read the manga and got into the old musicals. And then I watched PGSM! Then came the new musicals and crystal. I enjoy each and every iteration, though in varying degrees of course. I pick the things I like the most in each version and take those as canon XD
I usually watch the subbed versions of foreign live action movies/series. Animation wise, however, I always aim for the dubs XD As an anime fan, however, I obviously have to resort to subtitles cause sometimes there’s simply no dub version!
Favorite songs:
I don’t even know, dude
Some sera myu faves that come to mind, in no particular order:
La Soldier / FIRE / Can’t Be Soldiers of Love Forever / Chasing After You / See Me, It’s Our Era / Brand New World / Tuxedo Mission / Tuxedo Loyal /  Amazon Kara Circus Dan ga Yatte Kita / Choubi! Uranus to Neptune
Music of The Spheres / Line Up! 5 Ladies of the White Moon / Sky of Jewels / Also the last part of Light of Destruction (Decline and Rebirth) gives me chills!!
Some animes that have amazing soundtracks:
Tsubasa Chronicles
Saint Seiya
Lost Canvas
Fullmetal Alchemist (both of them)
Also Digimon’s openings and Brave Heart. CardCaptor Sakura, Sailor Moon and Dragon Ball Z music will always hold a place in my heart too (man, it’s been eons ever since I watched any DBZ...) 
Tagging: As if I knew who to tag XD I also don’t interact much, I’m shy :P Oh wait @teresartwork​ tags me, so there you go! if you want to, of course. If not that’s cool too :)
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partnersatfazbear · 3 years
I’m not comfortable talking about a lot of the issues going on right now, but just know that I did have some good in all the bad and took advantage of the time to spend with wife, friends, and family. Everything is alright, for now, but that is why I haven’t updated in a few months. I’ve seen my Mom a lot more (and she had a scare earlier this year), I’ve seen my best friend quite a bit because she’s a teacher and this is when she has time off, and my in-laws have dropped by frequently to see how my wife is doing, help set up the guest room, and things like that... This will all slow down quite a bit after winter, when it gets too hot to do anything and my friend is stuck at school with the little goblins. Even Spring Break is something not really viable, due to traffic impeding everything, so I will return to my hyper fixated shut in self once spring comes back.
Also, to destress, I’ve been gaming again in my own time with things like Animal Crossing, SMT V, I Am Setsuna (now I’m on Lost Sphear), and watching some TV I didn’t have the luxury to the last few years. Basically, I’ve been on a very long mental health break and it really sucks because the only way I feel productive is by keeping the house clean. I’m also working on looking into writing as a full-time career through self publishing (and yes, I know it’s hard, I know it takes work. I’ve researched this for years) and now taking it very seriously where I have to carve out time to write each day. I can usually write about 2-5k in a sitting, or more if I work all day. Due to my wife’s schedule, I make dinner also... but I love to cook, so that really doesn’t feel like work until dishes come up lol
I also got a comission, so that took up all my time this week. It was for a custom animation cel, which I love painting. Sadly, I own a few cels IRL (Sailor Moon, MLP: Tales, and some film frames from Digimon: the Movie). I want to make fake cels featuring the Security Breach Fredbear and Spring Bonnie, actually! And the Bonnie cartoon meme! =:D
I sadly couldn’t complete Truth Seeker before Security Breach launches tonight (8 PM for me), and I’ll be watching Dawko, Markiplier, FusionZ, and MatPat play through the game over the next few weeks. My PS4 is still broken and I hate gaming on PC, so I won’t be playing it myself (but then, I really never played the others either... sort of) Speaking of my friends and I played that FNAF: Survive Til 6 AM and it was actually kinda fun! It’s easy once you know the rules and we’re thinking of making “house rules” to make it more challenging. We even talked about getting a second copy so we could have up to 4 players.
I will post my thoughts about Security Breach, but I’ll put them under tags so there are no spoilers for anyone.
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artkaninchenbau · 8 years
So, up until now each tri. movie had been better than the one before it, and I’ve really liked that trend. Did Loss keep it up?
I didn’t think Loss was better than Confession, I don’t even really think it was quite as good as Confession, but at the same time I don’t think it was worse either. It’s kind of hard to describe it, but overall I felt like Loss was a fairly satisfying movie that finally gave us some answers to a few questions (like, maybe to 5-10~% of the questions we had so far, which is better than nothing in my book), and it was pretty harmless too in my mind.
First and foremost
I would like to thank not only God but also Jesus for making Toei animate the Dark Masters, Piemon specifically, once again. It has been 18 years since Piemon was last animated and even if the animation in those bits wasn’t the best I’ve seen, I’m just so overwhealmingly happy to see him again I don’t even care about anything else anymore
Lemme complain about a few things
This is kind of a nitpick but it really annoyed me so I’m gonna complain about it anyways. In Daigo’s flashback, when Maki is explaining to Daigo how she wants to do the reboot to get Bakumon back, Daigo decides to be a Class A douche, dismisses her emotional pain and tells her to pay attention to himself instead.   Sorry not sorry, the “Can’t I be your partner” line is nasty, manipulative and not romantic at all. It wasn’t romantic in Sailor Moon Sailor Stars, and it’s not romantic here, the only excuse Sailor Moon gets when it came to that line was that it was a show filled to the brim with overall bad plots that were supposed to be “romantic” and that show was made in the 90′s. It’s 2017, and Daigo was being really selfish and emotionally manipulative in that flashback. It wasn’t romantic aND IT BOTHERS THE HELL OUTTA ME OKAY   I’m just glad it was a very brief moment and line so they didn’t linger on it but man, it just... It got under my skin >:/
Now, it hasn’t been quite explained yet if the Mugendramon and Metalseadramon are the two Dark Masters fully revived etc, and there is that possibility they aren’t the same Digimon (or, based on the visual cues, one could also make a guess that they’re being mindcontrolled like puppets or something), but if these are the same Digimon, I really wanna know why were they reduced to making animal noises when they can speak. IDK I was kinda hoping to see Mugen’s and MetalSea’s VAs to come back to reprise their roles, so not hearing them talk was kinda sad. (Sidenote: Mugendramon’s roar not being the same as in Adventure threw me off so much but that’s a Class A nitpick)
I’m not really fond of the idea that tri. just inserted Yggdrasil into Adventure. I’ve never been fond of Yggdrasil as a concept and I like my Adventure without it (good thing tri. didn’t actually like physically insert it into old Adventure lol)
There were a few weird scene transitions, I still don’t care for Mei, the stock footage fest was kind of ridiculous at the end, the two Ultimates sorta getting their asses kicked by Child level Digimon was outrageous but that’s kinda it. I think those are all my main complaints on Loss (also animation but I’ve been complaining about that since Reunion so whatever)
I don’t think I really have much to go out of my way to praise it for aside from Maki’s and Bakumon’s reunion scene which was excelent. Also some of the lines that were picked directly out of Adventure were great
But the big thing I do wanna discuss is indeed, the opening prolouge/flashback, featuring indeed, the previous Chosen children fighting the Dark Masters
(Note: Didn’t they say in Adventure that the previous Chosen defeated and sealed away APOCALYMON, not the Masters? It’s been a while so I don’t remember and don’t have time to double check it, but yeah, that’s an unnececary retcon (unless we get more info to explain how it’s not a retcon but until then I’ll call it a retcon))
Considdering how I felt like when I saw that bit and based on a few people’s comments, I wouldn’t be surprised if a lot of people were disappointed by the reveal that Daigo and Maki were part of the previous Chosen, Daigo being the first goggle head, and four of the partner Digimon became the Four Holy Beasts, while Maki’s Bakumon (/Megadramon) died
Like, I’m not gonna lie, I was kinda disappointed when I first saw it, thinking “are they actually gonna do this” to myself, but the more I think about it I can kind of accept that these two were indeed previous Chosen. In my mind, it’s not a bad development, but not a good one either. It’s a neutral one
But I can already see lots of people not liking this turn of events, and indeed, finding it disappointing. I was trying to figure out why people will without a doubt feel that way and I remembered something
So there’s this wonderful show from 2015 that Toei also happened to make called Go! Princess Precure. In the show our main character read a fairytale about the Princess of Flowers when she was little, dreaming she too could one day become like the princess from that book. Well, in one episode our main character gets the chance to actually meet the author of that fairytale and she asks why the author didn’t write a sequel to the story. The main character points out how many people want to know what happened to the Princess of Flowers after the ending, including herself, and the author explains that she couldn’t write more.     She knew that everyone who had read her story ended up making their own stories about what happened to the Princess after the ending. If she wrote a sequel, she’d end up disappointing all those children who loved her story because she wouldn’t be able to meet all of those expectations all at once, since every fan sequel people had made in their heads would be too different from one another. She’d end up ruining everyone’s own take on what would happen by telling what actually did happen.
And yeah. That’s basically what’s going on here.
Everyone had their own headcanons on who the previous Chosen Children were and what kind of experiences they had, and now tri. has given us a somewhat absolute answer (like there’s still three more Children that we didn’t getting see in that flashback so y’all can still hold onto that “Yamato’s dad was a Chosen”-headcanon) that goes against what we had headcanoned and hoped for. It’s no surprise if anyone feels disappointed by this turn of events.
It’s not wrong or anything to feel disappointed of course, but IDK, I can only hope that people will realize and truly understand why the feel the way they do before they go and start ripping tri. a new one for wanting to answer a question we all had been asking up until now. I mean so far I haven’t noticed any inherent flaws in that reveal or things that were truly bad or wrong so I don’t see any reason to really hate it.
Then again I hate Zero Two for mostly no reason so what do I know lol
I can’t believe I have so little to say about it
I can’t wait for Part 5 - Symbiosis, I want more answers yo, ‘cAUSE HOLY FUCK THAT ENDING
Oh and for now I’ve dropped the “Gennai is Piemon”-theory, it could still happen but I’m kinda doubting it despite all the bad touch stuff that happened
That said, yeah, since rebooting will allow Digimon that died in the real world to revive too, Vamdemon coming back sounds very possible. And VoltoBautamon is still a thing so yeah, I am still expecting to see Piemon eventually. But yeah, I’m doubting Gennai is Piemon, they did state that “he has fallen into the hands of darkness” which makes it sound like it’s more plausible that Gennai has been turned into a creepy, mindcontrolled puppet by Piemon (hello black orb from Adventure).
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