#Saiwa's Therapy Game
satureja13 · 1 month
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'A-one, two One, two, three
On the fourth of July 1806 We set sail from the sweet Cove of Cork We were sailing away with a cargo of bricks For the Grand City Hall in New York
'Twas a wonderful craft, she was rigged fore and aft And oh, how the wild wind drove her She stood several blasts, she had 27 masts And they called her the Irish Rover'
The Irish Rover - The Pogues feat. The Dubliners (One of my favourite songs of all time)
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Helm Satureja steered the 'Sea Urchin' through the jagged rocks of the coast at early dawn: "Land Ahoy!"
Saiwa: "Oh Little Goat! We're on a pirate ship! Now that's awesome!" (Yes, this is Saiwa's Therapy Game! Jack and Ji Ho finally persuaded him to try ^^')
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TMI: Satureja and Kili are two of my oldest Sims 4 Sims. I created them with the 'Create a Sim' tool thing they released before the game started in September 2014. They also were part of our 'Bacalao Bay' Adventures.
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First Mate Guidry: "The Vicegerent will be pleased, Captain. We obtained abundant booty for him." Captain? Tiny Can made him the Captain of this ship? Again the leader?
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Responsible for a crew and their actions - again? And - as it seems - again the bumper. Here ingame between the Vicegerent and his Crew and in the real world between the Resistance and the Boys... Oh no.
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Soon the sun rose and they reached Bacalao Bay.
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Seems the Crew is eager to leave the ship after weeks at sea. Some of the market stands are already open.
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First Mate Guidry: "You have a meeting with the Vicegerent later. I'm going to have the list of the booty ready by then." Captain Duath: "Ah, I'll do that. You can leave with the others." First Mate Guidry: "Thanks Captain. Come on Captain Whittaker! Let's find us some treats!" TMI: Saiwa's last name is 'Duath'. And Captain Whittaker is a ghost dog I found in my household manager. I didn't change his name. (That's funny because later in the 'Irish Rover' there is 'the Captain's old dog' mentioned who drowned and maybe this is his ghost ;)
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Captain Saiwa went down in the hold of the ship where all the treasures are stowed. Even though they had to hand them over to the Vicegerent, who probably pays them, it was a stunning sight.
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He just hopes they didn't do anything 'bad' to obtain them ö.Ö' Saiwa went over to his cabin to be alone for a while and to ponder about what Tiny Can might have planned for his therapy.
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Being Captain of a pirate ship is the dream of every boy. But not for Saiwa. He's having a hard time being a leader and struggles a lot with making decisions that affect others. He has more than enough to do with himself. So what is he supposed to do? Go for whatever Tiny Can has planned? Or follow his own path? Here, he does have a choice and he can do whatever he wants to do. And after his breakdown he feels not stable enough to jump back in and take care of another crew waiting for his decisions. It was tempting, though. Is that Tiny Can's plan to bring him back to duty? Or did Tiny Can make a mistake again, like with Jack's first ingame session? Decisions, decisions...
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The Therapy Game Master Post with the sessions and places so far is -> here
From the Beginning  ~  Underwater Love ~  Latest Current Chapter: 🕹️ 'The One' from the beginning ▶️ here 📚 Previous Chapters: Chapters: 1-6 ~ 7-12 ~ 13-16 ~ 17-22 ~ 23-28
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satureja13 · 10 days
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Outtakes from Flamingo Island 🦀🏝
Sai was so happy all alone on his island <3
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And Jack called. Which is sweet because Sai called him in his therapy game too. Aouww 💞
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When Captain Duath was exploring the island, he saw Ji Ho's dead mother! ö.Ö' She had this exclamation mark over her head, which I've never seen before. Mouseover said, she's a master crafter or sth like that. I forgot ^^' I googled, she's the premade Tina Tinker from evergreen harbor, and master crafter is her NPC role\trait with which she can inspire craft reicipes in your sim. ok.... Weird that she hasn't had that when we met her before.
TMI: We turned her stepdaughter, Olive, into a toddler and she played Ji Ho's brother and toddler Jack.
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The weird options Sai had for her... 'Confront about wrongdoings'(!) and 'Ask nicely to leave'. I don't think they've ever met. Strange. (Ofc she isn't really dead. She's still in the same safe since we have a few episodes from the past with her from time to time and she's the only other mermaid beside Ji Ho and his grandfather in my game, so we need her sometimes for some stunts, like drowning Ji Ho when he tried to pull Vlad out of hell. And sometimes we meet her out of the blue. Like in Mount Komorebi here and here. I always take it as a bad omen o.o)
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The Therapy Game Master Post with the sessions and places so far is -> here
From the Beginning  ~  Underwater Love ~  Latest Current Chapter: 🕹️ 'The One' from the beginning ▶️ here 📚 Previous Chapters: Chapters: 1-6 ~ 7-12 ~ 13-16 ~ 17-22 ~ 23-28
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satureja13 · 23 days
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Saiwa's Therapy Game - Part 3 It starts -> here
'It′s of a brave and a gallant ship With a fair an' a fav′ring breeze, And a goodly crew and a captain too, For to carry me over the seas. For to carry me over the seas, my boys, To my true love far away; I'm taking a trip on a Government ship Ten thousand miles away!'
10.000 Miles Away
Captain Duath sailed 10.000 miles (more or less ^^') until he found a decent remote island.
'And sing blow the winds high-o, a-roving I will go. I'll stay no more on England′s shore or to hear the music play, For I'm off on the morning train and I won′t be back again. For I'm taking a trip on a Government ship Ten thousand miles away.'
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An island all for himself! THAT was his dream! Living all by himself and caring only for himself! This is a place where he can fully concentrate on his healing.
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Captain Duath moored his dinghy thing and unloaded his few belongings before he explored the small island. Until he found a mailbox - and a flamingo. The label on the mailbox read: Flamingo Island... He always loved flamingos...
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(TMI: I created Saiwa in November 2014 as Giga Byte for a career special where she lived as a hacker above the 'Flamin to Go' takeaway.) There also was a flamingo poster in the trailer of the StrangeTrailer Park in Strangerville which later hung in Sai and Jack's apartment at Belgraves Institute.
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But a flamingo also is a bird and will remind him of their unfinished business with his damn fake relationship with Kiyoshi. Saiwa is sure that this is no coincidence. Tiny Can won't let him off the hook this easily as it seems. No matter how far he runs away from his problems.
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He'll think about that later. Here ingame, he has any time in the world. First he needs a shelter and the buildmode in the Therapy Game was a joy! (Did the flamingo turn towards Sai? He seems to watch him ö.Ö')
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Soon he built a little shack out of some thriftwood and stuff he found in the ocean (which was also good for the environment ^^).
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To show Tiny Can that he's not just lazing around and to show his goodwill to change, he went with the Flamingo Island theme and built a flamingo patterned armchair. He even found a flamingo towel and shorts...
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Saiwa was very dirty after cleaning up the ocean and he urgently needed to take a shower. He thought it's ok that he put the shower outside. The shack is already too small and no one will see him out here anyway.
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'No one' was really surprised by the unexpected sight ^^'
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Saiwa was hungry after all the work and so he went to catch some fresh fish. He couldn't be happier. He can eat when he wants and what he wants (as long as it's fish ^^') and no one is disturbing him here! (But maybe this island is abandoned because of the fuming vulcano that might 'disturb' him sooner or later ö.Ö')
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And while he was grilling his fish, butterflies surrounded him. Just like paradise! (Can you spot all four butterflies? Minus the flying fish ^^')
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Saiwa's 'bathroom' :3
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While he ate and looked over the calm ocean, he thought about all the things that are stirring him up inside and keeping him from his calm and that he needs to tackle in his therapy. The leadership of the Boys, his relationship with Jeb and his friendship with Kiyoshi. A lot of 'ships'. Maybe therefore Tiny Can made him a captain ^^' And maybe the flamingo bird means he should work on his friendship with Kiyoshi and Jeb first. So they can finally go back home and try to have a halfway normal life together again.
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Before he leaves the game, he laid in the sun for a while and let his thoughts flow. Will it be possible to stay the leader or will he have to give it up for his relationship with Jeb? Or will he have to give up Jeb for the Boys?There will always be situations where he will have to put the Boys over Jeb. Is it fair to keep Jeb by his side if he can't be his top priority? He hates to hurt Jeb, but it will happen again. Will there be a way to deal with it? Or would it be better if they kept their distance and Jeb found someone other than him? Who would love him like he deserves it? Jeb is too stubborn and loves Saiwa too much to break up. Even if he were unhappy.
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And how are they even supposed to go back to normal? Kiyoshi, Jeb and him. After all that had happened? He had that damn fake relationship with Kiyoshi to get him out of that tree because they thought Saiwa was Kiyoshi's fated mate and now Jeb and Kiyoshi live together. And there are still all the other problems he has as their leader. That they have to stay together or armageddon, Ji Ho's lost feelings, Jack's pain because he left Kiyoshi, his real fated mate. The Council. And the sword of damokles over their heads that Ji Ho's grandfather did something that let put Ji Ho a spell on Vlad to seduce him to obtain his powers for the Council... OMG! They might be safe in the Otherworld from their enemies for now but their problems are following them whereever they go. Is it even possible to go back to the real world? (Yep, that flamingo is definitely moving! ö.ö)
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'Oh, my true love she was beautiful, My true love she was young; Her eyes were like the diamonds bright And silvery was her tongue. And silvery was her tongue, my boys, As the big ship left the bay She said, will you remember me Ten thousand miles away?'
Outtakes This is so annoying that there are abandoned boats on the ocean -.-You can't put them in your inventory so I let Saiwa move it behind a rock when we started this session and now it's back again!
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The Therapy Game Master Post with the sessions and places so far is -> here
From the Beginning  ~  Underwater Love ~  Latest Current Chapter: 🕹️ 'The One' from the beginning ▶️ here 📚 Previous Chapters: Chapters: 1-6 ~ 7-12 ~ 13-16 ~ 17-22 ~ 23-28
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satureja13 · 24 days
Outtakes from Bacalao Bay
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I've built this lot 5 years ago and it's a shame we don't visit more often. It's so cool. We only had the Bacalao Bay short adventures here and it was so much fun :3
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Saiwa and Little Goat. Too cutely annoyed to be ditched ^^'
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Aleki to Peregin (the cat): "What have you done again?" (Maybe he stored his leftover mice in their shoes? o.o)
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I guess the Vicegerent was a bit biased when it came to chose the new Captain ^^'
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Outtakes from the 'Salty Mermaid' before Saiwa and NPC Jeb met for the first time. Saiwa is stunned in the first pic hahaha. I know I could achieve a lot more by using poses but I'd miss all their silly antics then. Following their adventures like this feels more 'real' and 'whole' for me. And it's so much more fun! Plus I never plan much ahead and let them tell their story instead. So it's even for me surprising and exciting. In ~ two months we'll have our two year anniversary, can you belive it? And I still haven't enough of them - even though I see them every day ^^'
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After Jeb kissed Saiwa on his cheek, Saiwa autonomously kissed Jeb's neck! He misses Jeb so much.
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When we logged in, Noxeema was already waiting for us. Maybe she has some last advice for Saiwa before he starts his Therapy Game? (Noxee had already been Saiwa's guide in the Otherworld when he was searching for Tyalindo.)
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And this is how NPC Jeb looked when we logged in...
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The Therapy Game Master Post with the sessions and places so far is -> here
From the Beginning  ~  Underwater Love ~  Latest Current Chapter: 🕹️ 'The One' from the beginning ▶️ here ���� Previous Chapters: Chapters: 1-6 ~ 7-12 ~ 13-16 ~ 17-22 ~ 23-28
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satureja13 · 26 days
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Saiwa's Therapy Game - Part 2 It starts -> here
Saiwa is still torn. Shall he stay as the Captain of the Sea Urchin or leave and follow his own path? Staying would mean he'd have to deal with all the stuff he ran away from and he has the feeling he's not strong enough for this right now. He sighed and delayed his decision and started the inventory list for the Vicegerent. It's still quite tempting to stay as the Pirate Captain. But what he wants and what he needs are two different pairs of pirate boots.
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Saiwa finished the list by noon and stepped out in the bright afternoon, where the Vicegerent already waited for him. Saiwa guesses the Vicegerent will have the final say if he can leave or not. He might need some time to find a new Captain for the Sea Urchin.
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Oh, it's NPC Wesley! (TMI: Wesley is Vlad's first love and partner of Vlad's arch enemy Leander ^^' but the other Boys like them.) Vicegerent Wesley: "That was your best tour so far. Amazing Job! I'll get your wage ready and we meet in the 'Salty Mermaid' later! If you keep it up like that you'll soon be more wealthy than I am haha!" (I have no idea why there is a carrot lying on that bollard ^^')
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Captain Duath (=Saiwa): "Erm, about keeping it up. I'd like to take a break to - uhm - sort a few things out..." Vicegerent Kareem (=Wesley): "Sure, my friend. Take all the time you need. Captain Whittaker was pestering me for months now to get his own ship. He is raring to take over, don't worry." Captain Whittaker? The ghost dog from 'The Irish Rover'? Captain Duath: "Ah - thank you. I guess..." Does Helm Satureja look worried or relieved? Saiwa was relieved. He didn't think it would be that easy. But easily being replaced by a dog was a bit...
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Captain Duath took a walk around Bacalao Bay before he entered the 'Salty Mermaid'. The others all already there.
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Oh no! The piano player is NPC Jeb! Saiwa wasn't prepared for this. He tries to remind himself that this is just a game and that this Jeb is just a NPC Tiny Can created for his therapy. Probably an idea from the Little Goats... And after the experiences of the others, NPC Jeb shouldn't even know him. But he really isn't ready to face any version of Jeb. He should have waited with his Therapy Game. No matter what the others said and how well their therapy went... How the crew's expectantly eying him hahaha
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Best he avoids Jeb and leaves after he said goodbye to his crew. But Saiwa made the calculation without the permanent flirty First Mate Guidry. (TMI: Claude René Duplantier Guidry has a quite interesting -> background story) First Mate Guidry: "Hey Captain! Isn't the new piano man amazing? You should meet him. I'll call him over. You will like him, he's hot and handsome! Look at his muscles. Ah, he's a sight to see!" Captain Duath: "Uhm, that's not necessary. Let him play. I just came in to say goodbye and leave before dawn."
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First Mate Guidry: "Hey Jeb, come over and meet our Captain! He's hot and handsome!" Oh no, what to do? What to do???
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Ok new plan, just say ahoy and then leave. NPC Jeb seems to be just as nervous as Saiwa. And for a few (too many and too long) seconds, none of them said a word. Until NPC Jeb blurted out: "You're utterly beautiful." (Hahaha the crews faces!)
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First Mate Guidry: "Ayayay Jeb! That's not how you greet our fierce and ruthless Captain..." Jeb: "I'm so sorry." Guidry and Kili started to teach Jeb how to make a better first impression and Saiwa took the cue to take his leave. Captain Duath: "I'm leaving guys. See you again next time around!"
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But Jeb followed him. Saiwa will have a word or two with Tiny Can when he's back! Jeb: "When will I see you again?" Saiwa: "Eh, I have to sort a few things out - for a while." Jeb: "Where are you going?" Saiwa: "Far, far away."
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Ach. Saiwa's heart became heavy and to make matters worse, it started to rain.
Saiwa didn't know what to say to him. He can't stay here with Jeb. He needs time for himself. Even if it's only here in the game. No responsibilities, no sorrows. Only caring for himself and find out what he could be without his burdens.
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But Jeb didn't want to let Saiwa go and asked again where he's going to. That was when a song came to Saiwa's mind and he told Jeb he could find him where the Blarney Roses grow. He couldn't look him in the eyes, though. (I don't know if you're familiar with the word 'blarney' (I wasn't ^^') it means: deceptive or misleading talk. There is a quite interesting story about the Blarney Stone at Blarney Castle -> here. I first thought it was a hoax but it seems to exist haha) Jeb gathered all his courage: "I will find you there. I promise. Let's seal it with a kiss." Saiwa is utterly sure that Jeb will never find him so he gave in. Jeb kissed Saiwa chastely on his cheek. Aouwww. Saiwa is melting away and Jeb's kiss almost made him change his mind. But after all these years as the Boys' leader it's part of his flesh and blood to put his mission over his emotions. (Like he did when he started that damn fake relationship with Kiyoshi that teared them all apart - and brought him here...)
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The Dead Man and his chest are watching them :3 It's a while ago he saw something so annoyingly sweet here at Bacalao Bay ^^'
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And then Captain Duath left. And he took Jeb's heart with him.
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Saiwa bought this little dinghy thing from his share. Let's hope it takes him far enough from everything so he can heal ö.Ö'
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'There's roses in Killarney and there's some in County Clare But upon my word, the roses, lads, I can't find anywhere She blarneyed me for by the power, she left me broke, you know Did the damsel that belonged to where the Blarney Roses grow
Can anybody tell me where the Blarney Roses grow? It might be down in Limerick town, it might be in Mayo It's somewhere in the Emerald Isle and this I want to know Can anybody tell me where the Blarney Roses grow?'
Blarney Roses by The Willoughby Brothers (TMI: I only knew this live version from Fiddlers Green but I just found this one on youtube and it's so amazingly sung by these 6 brothers(!). Both videos have not many likes but this song is so beautiful. One of my favourite irish songs for sure.) Link to spotify below is yet another version from Fiddlers Green from their 25 years anniversary album (from 2015 omg ö.ö) ^^'
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The Therapy Game Master Post with the sessions and places so far is -> here
From the Beginning  ~  Underwater Love ~  Latest Current Chapter: 🕹️ 'The One' from the beginning ▶️ here 📚 Previous Chapters: Chapters: 1-6 ~ 7-12 ~ 13-16 ~ 17-22 ~ 23-28
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satureja13 · 2 months
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If you ever had doubts that Kiyoshi is a diety now ^^'
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Vlad tried too but he failed ^^'
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Ji Ho told him so hahaha
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Plus: he can use his phone underwater.
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There is adult Ji Ho! I already spotted him in this post from last year. (He's dancing in the middle building in the last pic with the firework ^^') Weird that he's still here (or again?) ö.Ö'
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These screenshots are part of our Beltane Festivities 2024 and the trip to Tartosa.
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From the Beginning  ~  Underwater Love ~  Latest 🕹️ 'Therapy Game' from the beginning ▶️ here 📚 Previous Chapters: Chapters: 1-6 ~ 7-12 ~ 13-16 ~ 17-22 ~ 23-28
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satureja13 · 2 months
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Beltane - Part 4 It all starts -> here (incl prequel)
The Boys spend a wonderful day together and it was so good to see Noxee again (and even Greg ;) They'd been on their own in the Otherworld (only with Arturo from time to time) for months now. Time for the fireworks and 'traditional' (says Greg) Beltane Canons before Ji Ho's spell fades!
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Noxee looks so beautiful. (The way Greg looks at her <3)
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And then the 'traditional' Beltane Fire broke out! (We also had a fire at Beltane last year...) The whole Beltane 2023 episodes are -> here
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Greg to Jack: "Is this your fault?" Jack: "What? No!" (of course it is -.-)
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The spell faded slowly and it's time to part. Greg, Jeb, Kiyoshi and Vlad will stay here, at Hotel Elvis, and Noxee, Jack and Saiwa will spend the night at the Campeggio (campsite), where the Boys had spent their last summer holidays. Before they left, Vlad went over to them to charge the Bond. He felt that Ji Ho will need more than the usual today because he is so exhausted from the ride and the spell. But he wasn't with the others.
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Vlad: "Where is he?"
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Saiwa: "We brought him to your room. He's too tired to make it all the way up to the campeggio. You will care for him. Properly." Vlad: "What? I told you I wont go any further with him! The spell is still affecting me. If I have to be near him, alone with him - I am not that strong. When he tries to kiss me again..." Saiwa: "He's your bonded and you already did anything imaginable with him! Ji Ho did everything so we can spend this day together! You know he's the most sensible of us and how much he suffers because we are apart from each other! We are going to do our best to be together again with the help from Tiny Can and the Therapy Game and until then, Ji Ho's well-being is your concern!"
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Saiwa: "Have a good night!" Vlad to Jack: "Stay with us!" Jack chuckles: "Vlad. I love you - but I won't do that. He needs you." Saiwa: "Let's go, Jack!"
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Vlad sighed and went upstairs to their room. He refuses to get physical with Ji Ho as long as he is not able to love him. But Vlad also knows how much Ji Ho longs for physical intimacy with him. When Vlad entered the room, he found Ji Ho collapsed on the floor. He was so exhausted, he must have been trying to take a shower to hydrate but it wasn't enough. They need to charge the bond. Thoroughly.
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Ji Ho knows that Vlad is only reluctantly charging the Bond and refuses any interaction that involves anything romantic until he's able to love him.
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Vlad approached Ji Ho to embrace him to charge the Bond. Ji Ho: "Vlad. This won't be enough - I tried everything to avoid it but I..." Vlad: "Don't worry. Come."
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Ji Ho: "Forgive me." Vlad: "Shh."
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It's the same room where Jeb and Sai spent their second date!
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Ji Ho: "I will be yours, I promise." Vlad: "I know. Don't worry. Do whatever is necessary for you to heal. I will be fine." Ji Ho: "Wait for me." Vlad: "Always." (They are speaking of Ji Ho's ingame wedding with Caleb.)
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'How many beautiful baths together and alter in the night Close, close I shiver a bit Don't try to deny that tonight, if I insist I will have you So small and fragile you seem to me and I'm making a mistake
So small next to me. And fragile, or not. But you're more strong than I am'
'Quanti bagni mozzafiato insieme e poi di sera vicino vicino a me tremi un pò Non cercare di negare che stasera magari se insisto io ti avrò.
Così piccola e fragile mi sembri tu e sto sbagliando di più. Così piccola accanto a me e fragile o no ma in fondo sei molto più forte di me!'
Piccola e Fragile - Drupi
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Here they laughed together <3
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Until Ji Ho got a message from Leander ^^'
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No festival without chaos...
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Them :3
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From the Beginning  ~  Underwater Love ~  Latest Current Chapter: 🕹️ 'The One' from the beginning ▶️ here 📚 Previous Chapters: Chapters: 1-6 ~ 7-12 ~ 13-16 ~ 17-22 ~ 23-28
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satureja13 · 3 months
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'Guess who just got back today? Them wild-eyed boys that had been away Haven't changed, had much to say But man, I still think them cats are crazy They were askin' if you were around How you was, where you could be found I told 'em you were livin' downtown Drivin' all the old men crazy'
The Boys are back in Town - Thin Lizzy
We are back! From a new computer! (EA App stopped working on my old Windows 7 PC -.-) Arturo invited them to celebrate the opening of a brand new Temple in Morensong (and for a belated Ostara/Spring Equinox Festival since we couldn't celebrate together last week. Day and Night were equal on March 21st and warmer days are coming. Hopefully for the Boys too).
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They aren't really ready to meet again. Neither Saiwa and Jeb (after Sai's breakdown) nor Jack and Kiyoshi (after Jack's breakdown). But Ji Ho has a plan.
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Arturo welcomed them and showed them around. This Temple is much bigger than Kiyoshi's/ the Tree's in Koh Sahpa. Had Kiyoshi gained so much more popularity since he's back from the tree?
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Arturo: "Haha no ^^' Kiyoshi's followers wanted this Temple for Kiri, Little Goat and Kumo who hadn't left Kiyoshi's side and cared for him while he was one with the Tree for all those decades. And Little Goat played a big part in bringing him back eventually." Oh... ok Ö.ö So we have a Stable Temple now... For horses, goats and sheep. We've seen stranger things, haven't we? There are 12 easter eggs hidden in the following pics and posts. I write the amount of eggs in the respective pic below in brackets. For example in the pic below you can find 1 easter egg, so I write (1). (The same egg can appear in different pics and angles, but it still counts as 1 egg.)
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Kiyoshi is embarrassed. He knows that the others are keeping his distance to him since they know the whole truth about him and Jack and that he became a demon, he's back and and a diety now and they are forced to stay together to avoid a catastrophe in their possible future and he destroyed Jeb and Saiwa's relationship with this damn 'Bird' misunderstanding... He just wanted to live quietly among them and somehow make it up to them and serve them and not to cause a ruckus and being treated as something special and upset them even more. (1)
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The Temple is big enough for all the horses and goats and Kumo so they finally have a place to stay in Tomarang! (1)
The Boys' horses are Otherworlds horses and they are free to roam whereever they want to and the Boys can call them via the goats. Not sure if they stay here all together all the time since they have their own problems and misunderstandings and quarrels among them... (see our spin off -> The Stables)
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Arturo: "What do you think? It's awesome, right?" Saiwa: "It absolutley is. They will live in a palace!" Arturo: "Come over to the meadow. I prepared games and food." (3) (But only two new eggs, the third egg is already shown 3 pics above. That makes a total of 5 different eggs in this post. Have you found them all? The other ones can be found in the following episodes and I will reveal where they are hidden in an extra post after the festival.)
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From the Beginning  ~  Underwater Love ~  Latest 🕹️ 'Therapy Game' from the beginning ▶️ here 📚 Previous Chapters: Chapters: 1-6 ~ 7-12 ~ 13-16 ~ 17-22 ~ 23-28
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satureja13 · 3 months
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Last night shift before the first play test of the Therapy Game.
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They are so excited ^^' I'm glad Saiwa is his old self again. It's so hard for me to see him suffer. They are so cute! ^^'
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Jack noticed that Ji Ho is sad and exhausted: "Let's take a break, hm?"
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And as soon as he said it, Ji Ho ran out. It still hurts that Vlad rejected him. Saiwa: "What happened?"
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And so Jack explained that the idea was to get physical with Vlad so Ji Ho can gain access to his buried feelings. And that Vlad rejected him... Saiwa: "Vlad!" Vlad: "But - how was I supposed to know? I didn't attend your therapy session and no one told me. He tried to kiss me out of the blue and you know I can't resist him and then we'd go to far and ..."
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"I just can't treat Ji Ho like this. He only should do such things with someone he loves. Not to cast bond magic and not to find his feelings. There is no need to do this anyway. Because there is another way - and we are just working on it -> this game."
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Saiwa sighed: "Uhm right... I should probably go and look after him then... By the way: Is it ok for you to stay here for so long? How are Jeb and Kiyoshi doing? If you need to check on them, just leave." Vlad: "Uhm - no, it's actually fine. I can stay and finish the game with you." Saiwa sensed there is something foul: "What?" Vlad: "Ehm... actually they now live together at Jeb's apartment and care for each other..." Oh oh. (Jeb and Kiyoshi knew each other long before we met them. And Saiwa and Jack had always been jealous. Jeb had even joined Kiyoshi in the tree to take a part of the burden off of him while no one else of them knew where he was...) Jack regained his composure before Saiwa: "It's all my fault! I go and run!" Saiwa: "How is this your ... ohhh"
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(That's Saiwa and Jack's way to deal with things ^^' Jack doesn't care to be Saiwa's scapegoat to hunt down. He knows it's the only way for Saiwa to let his frustration out and he's glad to help haha And Jack too needs a good run right now after this revelation...) Saiwa: "Ok. You look after Ji Ho then, Vlad."
Vlad: "Ehm, ok..."
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And then they ran.
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Vlad instead went to look after Ji Ho... How embarrassing - again. Will it never end? Vlad doesn't even know if it's a good idea to dig out Ji Ho's feelings. It kept him sane for all these years burying them deep deep down. Do the others even consider that it's not possible to just dig out the feelings of love? Ji Ho would have to open Pandora's Box and all his surpressed feelings would hit him - all at once.
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Vlad: "Forgive me."
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Did you notice that it rained again? And did you know that mermaids can change the weather? And that it only rained when Ji Ho was sad? And when the sun came out the other day, it was when Ji Ho was happy that Vlad was there and Vlad was happy to see Ji Ho happy?
'If I kiss you like this And if you whisper like that It was lost long ago, but it's all coming back to me If you want me like this And if you need me like that It was dead long ago, but it's all coming back to me It's so hard to resist, and it's all coming back to me I can barely recall, but it's all coming back to me now But it's all coming back'
Pandora's Box - It's all coming Back to me now (You might know this song from Celine Dion, but this is the original, written by Jim Steinman (who also wrote songs for Meatloaf)
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From the Beginning  ~  Underwater Love ~  Latest 🕹️ 'Therapy Game' from the beginning ▶️ here 📚 Previous Chapters: Chapters: 1-6 ~ 7-12 ~ 13-16 ~ 17-22 ~ 23-28
Vlad being overly theatrical ^^'
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And maybe they kissed because Vlad is unable to resist Ji Ho :3
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satureja13 · 3 months
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Seems we only get a part of a rainbow today ^^' After Jack collapsed and they'd put him to bed, Saiwa had a second breakdown because it's all his fault (in his opinion...) and it seems Ji Ho is next in line. Vlad tried to reach him over the Bond to calm him down but Ji Ho' thoughts are too blurry to get through since he (Vlad) is too upset too. But they gotta do something. Damn, the therapy was their last hope. Vlad: "Look after Jack, I'm going to talk to Sai." (Better distract Ji Ho for the time being before he freaks out too...) Ji Ho: "Hm? Oh, ok."
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That was the second time Ji Ho had to witness Jack almost die because he couldn't breathe from fear after being locked up. It breaks him to see his friend like this. Usually Jack is the one to drag them out of their misery with his puppy strategy and silly antics.
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Vlad: "Sai, it wasn't your fault. A lot of games start where you have to break out of a prison, hm? It was just a coincidence and we are going to add some filters to avoid things that trigger us. This is the game we created together, let's not give up yet."
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Ji Ho sat beside Jack's bed: "Jack, please wake up. You won't have to go through this again. You are safe now. Please."
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But Jack doesn't budge. Ji Ho: "Sai will destroy the AI and we'll... Jack: "What? No! It wasn't Tiny Can's fault! This is how exposure therapy works. Say, you are afraid of spiders. You meet them in a save environment and you see how cute they really are and loose your fears. Tiny Can just wanted to help me. The game is such a save environment. I just went a bit overboard because I was caught off guard. But now I'm prepared and ready to try again, really." Ji Ho: "I don't know..."
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Jack: "Ji Ho, if I don't get over this it will kill me one day for real, so it's better I overcome my fears in the Therapy Game, don't you think? And don't you forget: I'm the Supersoldier - after all!" Ji Ho: "..."
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Vlad: "Look Sai, I have to go back to Kiyoshi and Jeb. I neglected them for too long now. How about I take Tiny Can with me and Kiyoshi, Jeb and I test the AI after you made a few safety adjustments. They'll be happy for a little distraction and you are going to recover here, hm? We make a few tests and I come back to charge the Bond and bring you the results and you can modify the game." Sai hates it - but he also knows that they need Tiny Can and the therapy... At least Jack is out of the line of fire... And Jeb, Kiyoshi and Vlad are a bit more stable than Sai, Jack and Ji Ho.
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Eventually they convinced Jack to let Tiny Can go with Vlad and they pondered about if it really was a coincidence that Jack's therapy started by being locked up. But if not, how did Tiny Can know? They never mentioned this to Arturo (who gave them the board with the AI) or talked about it since Tiny Can was with them so he could have overheard it. Ji Ho: "Do you think the AI has access to our memories? ö.Ö" Sai: "I went through the code thoroughly and did not find anything that would be able to do this..."
They went to the Therapy Room but Tiny Can wasn't there. Eventually they found him in the garden chatting with the goats! So the Goats told Tiny Can anything about them! They even stole Vlad's notebooks where he writes down everything about the Boys! These little rascals! At least Ji Ho's Little Goat looks a bit ashamed...
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And then it's time for Vlad and Tiny Can to leave. Jeb and Kiyoshi had been alone with their gloomy thoughts for too long now. Vlad: "Let's go, Tiny Can." Tiny Can beeps excitedly.
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They quickly charge the Bond. Vlad: "I will be careful." But Ji Ho just hugs him a bit tighter.
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Little Goat: 'They could at least kiss!' Yang Mal: 'Ikr! They both want it, why holding back?' Little Goat in the front who read all of Vlad's notebooks - twice: 'Their time will come.'
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'And the only thing that I could see Was a pair of brown eyes that was looking at me But when we got back, labeled parts one to three There was no pair of brown eyes waiting for me
And a rovin, a rovin, a rovin I'll go For a pair of brown eyes
I looked at him he looked at me All I could do was hate him'
A Pair of Brown Eyes - The Pogues Link above leads to the MV on youtube. (TMI: The pogues are my favourite Irish Band ☘️)
TMI: Oh, and this is post #3.500! (in over ten years, though ^^')
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And post # 1.403 of our current story! (in 20 months ö.ö) And if had I posted a bit more a bit earlier it would have even matched the date ^^' At least here where I live. We put the day before the month. So today is the 16.03.2024 here.)
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And when I scrolled out to take the rainbow photos, I cought Kiyoshi and Jeb in Koh Sahpa near the Beach House! Even though they live in the other household over in Morensong. (And why is Kiyoshi wearing nothing but his swimming trunks? ö.Ö)
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Look how sad they are! I hope Tiny Can can fix this...
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From the Beginning  ~  Underwater Love ~  Latest 🕹️ 'Therapy Game' from the beginning ▶️ here 📚 Previous Chapters: Chapters: 1-6 ~ 7-12 ~ 13-16 ~ 17-22 ~ 23-28
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satureja13 · 3 months
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Jack is disenchanted and disappointed. As exciting as it was to talk to Tiny Can, he'd expected more of the AI Therapist.
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Sai went back to sleep again, he's exhaused from crying and reliving his worst memories. And Ji Ho and Jack decided to play a bit. But the only 'game' available is a boring puzzle... Jack: "Oh my, I don't know what's more boring. This puzzle or our therapy... Have they never heard about gamification? Or fun? Or to make it a bit more interesting?" Ji Ho agreed. Though the insight about Vlad and his own locked away feelings was interesting. Maybe he should follow and explore these thoughts a bit deeper.
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Suddenly Saiwa was wide awake: "What did you just say, Jack?"
Jack: "Uh - probably something wrong? You finish the puzzle, Ji Ho, I go and run."
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Saiwa: "No! That's actually brilliant!
Gamification! The Game!!!
We combine the AI with our game and make it a Therapy Game!" Jack and Ji Ho: "..." (Haha you can see how Jack and Ji Ho's brains are working ^^') Saiwa: "And not just for us - for other creatures too! This would have been so helpful when we'd been so scared and alone! And who knows? This could be a sucess and we'd make money to pay Rubyn and the others back!" We barely get to see Saiwa this excited ^^' But here some of his main interests meet, his love for games and computers - and being there for others and help them.
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Vlad went back home to grab Saiwa, Jack and Ji Ho's content they'd already had created for their game over the last months and then they started their epic gathering to develop the:
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For the computer game they'd planned, Jack already made the concept art and design, Vlad wrote and Ji Ho composed the music and soundscapes. They are going to feed all this to Tiny Can and see what kind of 'gamification therapy' he'll create. How exciting! (For me it really is! Imagine this: a game that also is a therapy - supported by an AI! How amazing would that be if you could see the things that make you suffer from a distance and you'd find solutions for them by doing insightful AND funny AND interesting quests! You'd gain helpful new habits and get rid of unhealthy ones by playing a game! Where I live it's so hard to find a therapy place. We have to wait up to a year -.- I do have high hopes in AI. You could go by your own pace. And you wouldn't even have to leave the house!)
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After a very long gathering, Ji Ho and Jack relaxed in the hot tub. Jack's pain is thanking him. They sat silent for quite a while, lost in their thoughts. Very unusual for Jack, but his brain is running on hyper speed now. He's so excited :3 And Ji Ho was pondering about his locked down feelings. The Bond made it easy for him to love Luci. They had a whole different approach to each other. While his relationship with Vlad was doomed from the beginning (their story in (kind of ^^') short -> here).
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The only ocassions where Ji Ho was really comfortable with Vlad was, when they touched and made love. And this is also a benefit of the Bond and Luci because Ji Ho hated being touched in the beginning. After all he'd seen at the House of the rising Sun in the slums of Sulani. But Luci had approached him slowly and tenderly. Ji Ho shared his thoughts with Jack: "Do you think this might be a way to become more comfortable with Vlad and finally be able to love him? And to find my buried down feelings?" Jack: "I think that's brilliant! At least one of us learned something in that therapy. When you charge the Bond later, just try a bit more and we'll see how it goes."
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A little later Vlad came down: "Uhm, I'm leaving now. The Bond..."
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Ji Ho left the hot tub and went over to Vlad to charge the Bond - and try his new theory... They embraced each other as usual and then Ji Ho tried to kiss Vlad.
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But Vlad moved his head aside and whispered: "I want nothing more than you - but not like this." Vlad's breath ghosted over Ji Ho's still wet skin and made him shiver.
Vlad still has his principles - not to forget his foolish pride. No way he's going to have a plain physical relationship with Ji Ho - without love. There is no 'two out of three ain't bad' or 'it's better than nothing' in Vlad's world ^^' Only 'it's all or nothing'. He would do anything for Ji Ho, but he won't - and can't do that. It would break him apart. That does not mean it was easy for him to not give in and leave. Vlad really is the master of self control ö.ö
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And then Vlad left. Ji Ho seems a bit piqued after Vlad's rejection ^^'
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'I can't stop this feeling Deep inside of me Girl, you just don't realize What you do to me
When you hold me In your arms so tight You let me know Everything's all right
I'm hooked on a feeling I'm high on believing That you're in love with me'
Hooked on a Feeling - Blue Swede from the OST of Guardians of the Galaxy I
He will be mine, oh yes, he will be mine.
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Yang Mal: "Can we grill our corncobs now?" 🌽 Saiwa: "Uhm - sure ö.Ö'"
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Ji Ho checking the mail... 📬 Who might have sent that letter when Ji Ho looks like that?
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Tyalindo watching the sun set 🌅
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From the Beginning  ~  Underwater Love ~  Latest 🕹️ 'Therapy Game' from the beginning ▶️ here 📚 Previous Chapters: Chapters: 1-6 ~ 7-12 ~ 13-16 ~ 17-22 ~ 23-28
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satureja13 · 4 months
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The Boys rode through the pouring rain across the Bridge over to Koh Sahpa. And the horses stopped by a stilt house. Jack: "Are we going to stay here? Woah! When I showed Ji Ho the beach after he arrived we saw a stilt house and we talked about how awesome they are and we asked Arturo if we can buy a lot here to build one..." Vlad: "Arturo told us. Kiyoshi, Jeb and I built it to make it up to you. It's not finished yet. You were only supposed to see it later. " (So that was their secret project!) So Kiyoshi built this house. For Jack. (Even Lunatic is stunned ^w^)
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So Jeb built this house. For Saiwa. Sai had put all his hopes in that circuit board because he has no idea how he is supposed to look Jeb in the eyes again after they 'agreed' that Sai should give in to a fake relationship with Kiyoshi to bring him back from the tree. Because they thought Kiyoshi is Saiwa's fated mate. But he wasn't. Saiwa stared into nowhere... Before Sai could follow these thoughts further he got distracted by the noise of the singing birds. Why are they so loud? Bird... (They really are so loud here ö.Ö') He has no idea how to go on.
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Vlad: "Look after them and try to finish the rest." (Yeah I know. Who would trust crazy Jack with looking after anyone? Usually he is the one they need to look after and care for. But Vlad trusts him. Because he knows the Jack behind his disorders and antics (and the ones who know adult Jack from our other stories know it too :3) And he knows that he can rely on him when it comes to it.) Jack: "You're leaving? What about the Bond?" Vlad: "Jeb and Kiyoshi need me. They are broken too. I will feel it when it's due to charge the Bond."
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Jack: "When you feel it Ji Ho already suffers. He has the deeper connection to the Bond. Don't let him beg for it. The intervals are always the same when you don't use it's magic. Just come here in time and do it." Vlad: "Uhm. Ok." Vlad and his foolish pride and reluctance. Luci had been bolder... And Ji Ho often said that he doesn't mind physical intimacy with Vlad.
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Then it was time for Vlad to leave - to look after Jeb and Kiyoshi... He is hesitating.
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And Jack took Saiwa inside to give them time to get their stuff together. Oh my, after all they already did with each other they still behave like this...
Vlad: "The Bond. I will be back before..." Ji Ho: "Ok."
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They held on to each other a bit longer than usual. Maybe the Bond hates it to see them apart or maybe they will miss each other. Who knows?
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Vlad left and Ji Ho went inside. Ji Ho: "Oh. He's already sleeping. I hope he changes his mind about Tiny Can. I could really need some help from a therapist. Even if it's only an AI." Jack: "An AI is even better! He knows everything and is always up to date with the latest research and discoveries! He must have scanned countless articles, diagnoses, therapy approaches, research papers... I'm so ready to try it and get stuff fixed in my furry brain."
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They sighed and turned around to take in the view. And just across the river there was the stilt house they had admired a few weeks ago. Just the one Kiyoshi, Vlad and Jeb built is so much more beautiful. Because they built it with love 💞
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'There's a message in the wild And I'm sending you this signal tonight You don't know how desperate I've become And it looks like I'm losing this fight
In your world I have no meaning Though I'm trying hard to understand And it's my heart that's breaking Down this long distance line tonight
But I ain't missing you at all Since you've been gone away I ain't missing you No matter what I might say'
Missing You - John Waite Link above leads to the MV on youtube
From the Beginning  ~  Underwater Love ~  Latest 🕹️ 'Therapy Game' from the beginning ▶️ here 📚 Previous Chapters: Chapters: 1-6 ~ 7-12 ~ 13-16 ~ 17-22 ~ 23-28
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satureja13 · 21 hours
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Tiny Can gathered the Boys for the first meeting to solve the case of Jack's death. They need to figure out who's going to log in first to not destroy valuable evidence and loose crucial hints. Possible starting points:
Investigating the crime scene. To do this, Jeb needs to log in for the first time since his NPC version seems to be Lou's friend and lives nearby (Saiwa and Ji Ho are too far away/have no access to the location where Jack got killed and Jack gets kicked out because he's dead.)
Ji Ho has to find out what Greg's crossroads wish has to do with Jack's murder as long as he's still in Saarburg with the Queen
They discussed this back and forth. Time only passes when one of them is logged in, but it will pass for all of them. So if Ji Ho logs in too late and his NPC version already left Saarburg, they'll maybe never find out what happened at the crossroads. And if they leave the crime scene unguarded, someone might find Jack's corpse and destroys possible evidence. A dilemma - and a race against time. Since Ji Ho is only a few steps away from the crossroads and Jeb is going to need some time to find his way around in the unknown game/world - and Jack's corpse - they came to the decision that Ji Ho will quickly log in and search for evidence in Saarburg.
Jack already stuffed his beloved whiteboard with all kind of (useless) information about what effects his death has on them.
Evidence 1: A clueless person Evidence 2: The good looking and beloved victim (and 'a friend') Evidence 3: How angry we are about his murder Evidence 4: How determined we are to find the murderer Evidence 5: How shocked we are about his murder Evidence 6: How confused we are about what had happened...
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Saiwa: "Ehm - first, I don't know if I'm still 'a friend' of yours - and what kind of evidence is this supposed to be?" Jack: "What evidence this is supposed to be? The murderer is in one of these photos! It's Greg - obviously! The Queen and him are not together ingame. She surely does not want him after she'd seen me fighting and being all strong, handsome and cool. So he wanted me out of the way. I can think of no one else. Then he made a deal with a crossroads demon to get me out of the way. Case closed. Let's throw him into the dungeons of the Castle so he never sees the light of the fullmoon again." Saiwa: "Just because you hate Greg and you're jealous he's with Noxee and not you doesn't mean he's your murderer. I bet there are a lot more people who want you dead ;) " Jack: "Tch."
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The 'detectives' ended the meeting for today. They'd already been down here for hours. Saiwa and Tiny Can went to the new room for the Therapy Game devices to set everything up for the next sessions and to make a few improvements. The corner store was just an interim solution.
Ji Ho and Kiyoshi planned the next sessions. They tried to remember every police series they'd ever watched (not many) to not make any mistakes. They still have no internet here in the Otherworld. Maybe Noxee can send them some books or an USB stick about proper police work, crime investigations and securing a crime scene and evidence...
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And while the others are busy, Vlad and Jack sneaked out to prepare another surprise.
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Poor Jeb needs some comfort food ^^' It's stressing him a lot that Jack got killed ingame. And imagining that it could have happened to Saiwa is killing Jeb. At least he has his appetite back since Saiwa is back home again.
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Half an hour later, they called Saiwa and urged him upstairs to his room. Saiwa is always wary when Jack is involved: "What have you two been up to again?" Jack: "Just you wait and see, 'my friend' ;) "
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Oh! They made him a balcony beach! Saiwa is speechless. Jack not: "Since you can't log in for a while to heal on your island, we thought we'd build you one here ^^' "
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Saiwa was glad his tears are hidden behind the dark sunglasses: "I love you, 'my friend'. And you too, Vlad." Jack: "We know." Haha such expressions of affection embarass Vlad ^^' He's the tsundere kind of guy.
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Jack: "We are going to solve the case in no time and you can go back to Flamingo Island and heal. You'll see. And until then you can heal here. We won't disturb you, promised."
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And then they left Saiwa on his island. He really hopes they will solve this soon and that they can go back ingame - safely. Poor Jack and Ji Ho need their therapy the most. Jack had been so close being painless...
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Saiwa is happy that they are back together again, even it had such a severe cause. Who knows how long they would have been hiding at the beach house. Delaying their return because they'd been afraid of the confrontation. They will solve this together and find back together again.
'One love (hear my plea) One heart (whoa) Let's join together and I'll feel alright One love (oh, Lord, have mercy) One heart I tell you, let's just salsabrate (let's join together) And I will feel alright (and I'll feel alright) Let's join together and I'll feel alright'
One Love - Bob Marley (TMI: After I posted 'Killing me softly' from the Fugees in one of the last posts, I researched a bit, as always, and did you know that Lauryn Hill, their singer, was together with Rohan Marley, Bob Marley's son? They have 5 children together.)
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The Therapy Game Master Post with the sessions and places so far is -> here
From the Beginning  ~  Underwater Love ~  Latest Current Chapter: 'Who killed Jack?' from the beginning ▶️ here Last Chapter: 🕹️ 'The One' from the beginning ▶️ here 📚 Previous Chapters: Chapters: 1-6 ~ 7-12 ~ 13-16 ~ 17-22 ~ 23-28
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satureja13 · 3 days
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It will be hard to get used to living together and being around each other again after all that had happened between Saiwa, Kiyoshi and Jeb and Jack and Kiyoshi, and who knows when they will be able to sort out their relationships - but they are happy that they are all back home again after all these months. It's finally going forward again. Jack's ingame death lead them to a new beginning. Ji Ho was happily lying in his pool - he has no access to the beach here. But the Beach House is just a short ride away. And here he has all his music stuff. And his friends. Ji Ho is the most sensitive of them and he suffered the most from living apart.
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They all went after their own business to not overstrain the (kind of) new situation. Vlad is caring for the animals and Little Goat in the front looks like he's already planning new plots and twists hahaha
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They decided it would be better to just come together for the meals to get used to each other slowly. And for the investigations of course. They need to work all together since they are not supposed to make any mistakes here. One false step or one of them logs in at the false time and they will loose cruicial hints since ingame time only runs when someone is logged in. So dead ingame Jack should still lie there at the crime scene... in his pool of blood ö.ö
Jack decided their first meal together will be pizza! It's only in the morning but Jack missed it so much. He loves pizza and he hadn't had a pizza oven at the beach house for all these months. So it's pizza for breakfast (again 1 and again 2 ^^')
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He called them all together at the round table in the garden. It was a bit awkward at first, and it made Jack sad to see Kiyoshi so broken still. But when they sat all together and ate, he was positive that they'd sort it out somehow. That was the first moment after all those months he felt this way. He might have died ingame but the therapy seems to do it's work. And time also healed a lot of his wounds. He was able to look at their relationship from a different angle and he's constantly gaining new insights after they came back home and he's around Kiyoshi again. So it had it's good too that he died ingame. He will rise from the dead as a better version of himself :3 /(That's his plan at least ^^'). Jack is grimly determined to find his murderer so they can release the Therapy Game as planned and help other creatures out there too.
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Vlad and Ji Ho are supposed to keep the conversation going. And they are keeping it light because they are going to meet later for the first time to discuss Jack's ingame death and how they are planning to proceed. Poor Kiyoshi is still in shock, he doesn't comprehend all the Therapy Game stuff anyway and overhearing that his fated mate had died threw him a few steps back again since he hadn't really fully recovered from the decades he spent in the tree and the breakup from Jack. And Jeb can't even look at Saiwa is his cropped shirt. He looks way too hot for Jeb to handle... And Vlad still fusses over them hahaha He urges Jeb to grab another piece of pizza since he lost weight after Saiwa left.
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And then it was time to dress up! (Some of you might remember that Sai, Jack, Vlad and Ji Ho wear their Sabotage outfits ;) And for this investigation, they'd put Kiyoshi and Jeb in police detective/investigator outfits too ;)
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Jack lead them over to the Garage. He and Vlad have a surprise for them.
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Jack lead them down the ladder into the pit of the garage - where a door lead to: an underground police station! (The TUPD - Tomarang Underground Police Department) They'd been working all night on this. Tiny Can already awaits them ^^
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Awesome! The others were amazed. Here they'd collect all the evidence and testimonies. And here all the threads will come together in the end and they'll eventually find out who killed Jack! They also can have their meetings here and even eat and brew coffee!
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to be continued...
'I can't stand it, I know you planned it I'ma set it straight, this Watergate I can't stand rockin' when I'm in here 'Cause your crystal ball ain't so crystal clear So while you sit back and wonder why I got this fuckin' thorn in my side Oh my god, it's a mirage I'm tellin' y'all, it's sabotage'
Sabotage - Beastie Boys
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The Therapy Game Master Post with the sessions and places so far is -> here
From the Beginning  ~  Underwater Love ~  Latest Current Chapter: 'Who killed Jack?' from the beginning ▶️ here Last Chapter: 🕹️ 'The One' from the beginning ▶️ here 📚 Previous Chapters: Chapters: 1-6 ~ 7-12 ~ 13-16 ~ 17-22 ~ 23-28
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satureja13 · 5 days
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New Chapter! Ji Ho rode ahead to inform Vlad, Jeb and Kiyoshi that Saiwa, Jack and him would finally return back home to solve the murder of ingame Jack. Vlad felt through the Bond that Ji Ho is near, so he went outside to wait for him. And Ji Ho told him what happened.
First they went over to Jeb's shop to figure out how to tell Kiyoshi that Jack will be home again soon. Even after all those months, Kiyoshi doesn't talk much and they still fear he's going to go back into the tree again because he can't bear with what the others went through because of him. He messed up his relationship with Jack because he was too busy fulfilling his duties to notice that Jack was drifting deeper down into his madness and he felt responsible for Jeb and Saiwa's 'breakup' due to the fake relationship he had with Saiwa to bring him back.
Ji Ho: "Hey Jeb! Oh, a lot has changed here since I last visited! You are making jewelry now?" Jeb: "Yes, Vlad kept us busy ^^'" (Jeb and Kiyoshi were having a hard time since Saiwa and Jack left to live at the beach house.)
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Ji Ho told Jeb that Saiwa will be back home soon and that they need his help because Jack had died. They didn't think of the new opening Jeb had installed here too, to have and eye on Kiyoshi and to chat with him while they are working... Until they heard a muffled squeal.
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And a loud thump. Ji Ho: "Was that Kiyoshi? He heard it - I'm so sorry!"
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They quickly ran over to look after him. Jeb: "Oh my, Kiyoshi, wake up! Jack just died ingame - not for real! He's fine!" Vlad is so done with them ^^' He's so glad that the others will all be back soon. He had to care for Jeb and Kiyoshi, who were drowning in the swamp of their guilt and heartache, and he had to playtest and visit the others at the beach house to monitor the first therapy sessions and charge the bond. Life will be so much easier for him now. More so that Ji Ho is back again too. Finally they can start to resolve their problems and live all together again.
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Kiyoshi stood up. He was still shaking. Jeb and Kiyoshi looked at each other. They had no plans of what to do if Saiwa and Jack would be back eventually and just focussed on surviving somehow and now they don't know what to do and how to react. They just met ocassionally at the festivals of the wheel of the year but Ji Ho had put his Siren's Spells on them then to make it easier to spend time together. Ji Ho and Vlad look happy and relieved instead. They'd got cought in between this mess and now they can finally move on. Ji Ho missed their home and his room so much (me too!). He had also been busy to keep the spirits up at the beach house.
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Jack and Saiwa arrived two hours later. Time enough to calm down a bit. They agreed to just act as normal as possible to not put any pressure on Jack and Saiwa. It's not the time anyway to talk about their relationships now that they have to solve the case of Jack's murder and the aftermaths for the Therapy Game. They met all together at a round table they set up in the garden in front of Jack and Jeb's greenhouse. (The full ' The Happy Home' lot tour is -> here)
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Saiwa, as their leader, started the 'meeting': "Uhm, first of all I want to apologize we came back here all out off sudden. That wasn't planned. I guess we all will need time to get accustomed to the new situation. But we also came to the conclusion it's time to work it out together. I just don't know how - since I'm also aware of that we all still need time to heal. And since we can't get back to our therapies until we know what happened to Jack ingame, it will be a bit tough for all of us. Yeah. So I have no clue what to do now." They all feel awkward. There is no spell today to calm them. Jack was looking at Kiyoshi for the first time in months and it made him sad. Yes, he had to endure a lot during their relationship and it did drive him in utter madness. But he can't put all the blame on Kiyoshi. He'd been damaged before and it had been the first relationship for both of them. And there had been no way for Kiyoshi to neglect his duties for the temple and the Resistance. They just had been too young and too unexperienced and too broken, both of them. And as Greg had stated, Jack hadn't stood up for himself and his needs, he endured anything just to be together with Kiyoshi. He was so flattered a man like Kiyoshi liked him, a mangled, damaged wolf. But seeing this broken version of Kiyoshi now made his heart ache...
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Jeb broke the silence after Saiwa's opening: "I think it's the best we go slow and focus first on Jack's case and how to get the game safe again so you can go back to your therapies and heal. The rest will come as we go, hm? We shouldn't worry too much about the rest. Kiyoshi and I are fine with anything. Jack told me that Lou has NPC me as a friend and that time ingame doesn't pass until one of us is logged in. So we have all the time in the world to plan our next steps. Let's just get accustomed of living together again and get a room ready for the investigations and Tiny Can's devices. The store won't do anymore, I fear ^^' " Saiwa could just kiss Jeb (and he so wishes he could! And he so hopes they'll get there again). He was so riled up and nervous and Jeb just managed to solve their all tangled up situation with his calming and reassuring words.
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'I heard he sang a good song, I heard he had a style And so I came to see him, and listen for a while And there he was, this young boy, stranger to my eyes
Strumming my pain with his fingers (one time, one time) Singing my life with his words (two times, two times) Killing me softly with his song Killing me softly with his song Telling my whole life with his words Killing me softly with his song
I felt all flushed with fever, embarrassed by the crowd I felt he'd found my letters and read each one out loud I prayed that he would finish, but he just kept right on'
Killing me softly - Fugees
That sounds like a plan. Instead of overtalking and overthinking it to death, they could just jump in and see how it goes. There is no real solution for their situation anyway, since nothing had been anyone's fault. Things were just happening to them and they had to do what was best at that point in time - and with the informations they had at hand then. It doesn't change what happened in the past that they know better now. Best they can do now is to learn from it and avoid these mistakes in their future.
Ah, and the Little Goats were so happy to be all together again, too! Adriano looks a bit stressed though. As much as he enjoys the Little Goats' company, he usually cherishes his alone time ^^'
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But when Little Goat filled the others in about the story, he was all ears again hahaha. Tiny Can also joined them. He's proud of himself that he did so well with the Therapy Game :3 And he listens to the Little Goats' ideas for future episodes 🐐
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The Therapy Game Master Post with the sessions and places so far is -> here
From the Beginning  ~  Underwater Love ~  Latest Current Chapter: 'Who killed Jack?' from the beginning ▶️ here Last Chapter: 🕹️ 'The One' from the beginning ▶️ here 📚 Previous Chapters: Chapters: 1-6 ~ 7-12 ~ 13-16 ~ 17-22 ~ 23-28
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satureja13 · 6 days
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Jack's Therapy Game (From the beginning -> here)
While Ji Ho was logged in in his Therapy game, Jack was preparing dinner and has an eye on Ji Ho through the new opening. And Sai is sitting at the counter, programming the interface for the Therapy Game so they can throw out an early beta version to help other creatures, as planned. He could do this in the therapy room, but it's more important to watch Jack rather than Ji Ho. (lol) Jack: "He's back! Can Ji Ho continue cooking so I can have a quick session? I've already come so far! Two of my spots are already gone and maybe today the third and I'd be pain free after all these months! Please, Sai. Hm, hm, HM?" Saiwa sighed: "Sure."
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Jack is so excited to go back ingame and back to Lou ^^' Jack: "Lou and I will have a great day again. Maybe plan another fight at the Arena and then I will meet the Queen again and I will ask her out! Oh, I love this therapy!" Sai is a bit stressed about the release of their game but he's so happy for Jack. He had this painful rash for over 6 months now, after he left his fated mate and Alpha, Kiyoshi. Ji Ho and Jack changed gear and Jack was ready to go.
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He's dead. Lying there in a pool of his own blood. It's still bright red.
'His eyes, they closed and his last breath spoke He had seen all to be seen A life once full, now an empty vase Wilt the blossoms on his early grave
Walk away me boy, walk away me boy And by morning we'll be free Wipe that golden tear from your mother, dear And raise what's left of the flag for me'
What's left of the Flag - Flogging Molly (One of the best songs ever! As if it was written for this scene.)
Oh no.
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Meanwhile Ji Ho had put dinner in the oven and started to work on his Siren's Songs. He's still worried that his evil grandfather has his flippers in this and somehow managed that Ji Ho put a spell on Vlad when they first met so he can get a grip on his powers, like Morgan had claimed. They should somehow solve this and make sure they are safe before Ji Ho can start to have a real relationship with Vlad. And he's still afraid that the Council/his grandfather could try to influence his friends through his Siren's Songs. He should use them only sparsely and they should be very careful on the rare ocassions he sings them to calm his friends when they meet on the festivals in the wheel of the year so they can spend a carefree time together. If only for a few hours. But they also should be safe from the Council as long as they are here in the Otherworld.
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And while he was lost in his thoughts, Jack showed up again. Ji Ho: "Why are you back this early, you just left?" Time passes faster ingame. Here, in the real world, only a few minutes, so Jack must have stood stunned for quite a while next to his dead body before the game logged him out. Poor Jack. Jack: "Uhm - I'm dead." Ji Ho: "No." Oh no. It just went so well for all of them! Jack getting rid of his pain, Ji Ho finding his King (and his buried down feelings) and Saiwa living happily on his Flamingo Island.
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Sai heard them and came over and they had to tell him. Saiwa: "No." Well, getting killed in a therapy game is a big no-no. All the work and months of playtesting for nothing. What was Tiny Can thinking?
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They sat in their 'office' where already the first meeting for the Therapy Game had taken place. Saiwa: "This is game over for the Therapy Game. I told you, one little weirdness and it's over." Jack is more shocked than anyone else about his ingame death, but he can't let go. Not being able to see Lou again, and the Queen, and finally getting rid of his pain... Jack: "But Sai, we've come so far. Don't you want to go back to your Island and heal? And what about poor Ji Ho? He could finally get his buried down feelings back and get rid of his trauma. And Vlad and him could finally be together - for real."
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But Saiwa didn't budge. And Jack won't let go either. Saiwa: "There is a murder on the loose in the game. We don't know what happened to you and who it was. We can't go back. No way." Jack: "But what if this is part of my therapy? What if Tiny Can wants me to learn something from it and prosper? Maybe the death of the old me is just the beginning of a new, better Jack?" No one craves a new, better Jack more than Saiwa but: "Jack, what if Ji Ho gets killed? That would only deepen his trauma. You did not experience your death, didn't feel the pain and fear and cruelty that came with it. Maybe Ji Ho or me would."
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Ji Ho: "But we can exit the game anytime if something happens. Maybe Jack is right. And we could try to solve the murder of Jack. This must have a meaning. Otherwise Tiny Can wouldn't have implemented it. Time only passes by ingame when one of us is logged in, we could plan our log ins to not loose precious time, find clues and look for witnesses and solve the murder of Jack." Jack: "Oh! That would be awesome! A Criminal Therapy Game!" Ji Ho is already two steps ahead, on the case ^^' : "In which area did you die?" Jack: "Uh, I was a bit out. But it looked like the clearing where Lou and I sparred, in the woods near Goldshire. And now that I recall it - it looked like my heart had been ripped out." Saiwa: "WHAT?" His heart? Ji Ho already has a hunch. He told the others about the incident in Saarburg and that he wants to research what has happened when Greg made the wish at the crossroads. That 'their hearts would change'... Maybe someone took it too literally? But who? Jack: "Detective Duath, we have a case!" Saiwa threw up his hands in surrender: "Fine!" Ji Ho: "But none of us is near Goldshire to look after Jack's dead body. You are still on the Island and I want to stay in Saarburg to investigate and I don't know if I'm free to leave whereever I want when we're back at the castle since I'm supposed to look for my King." It was quiet for a while. Until Jack remembered: "Lou mentioned his friend, the owner of Valerian. He's living in the village nearby. That must be NPC Jeb. Maybe we could send Jeb ingame to investigate the crime scene and look for evidence?" Saiwa took a deep breath in. Jeb. They haven't spoken since Saiwa, Ji Ho and Jack left for the beach house after Saiwa broke down. But this was months ago. And they'll have to go home eventually and solve this case too and have a talk with the others so they can live together again. Maybe this was Tiny Can's plan? Bringing them back together before they drift further apart and the happenings of the message from future Jeb take place? Now that he thinks about it again: They also found Tiny Can at that temple in Selvadorada where future Jeb had left them the message... Saiwa sighed: "Ok. Let's go home. Are you ready for this, Jack?" Jack: "I'm ready when you're ready, my friend."
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The Therapy Game Master Post with the sessions and places so far is -> here
From the Beginning  ~  Underwater Love ~  Latest Current Chapter: 🕹️ 'The One' from the beginning ▶️ here 📚 Previous Chapters: Chapters: 1-6 ~ 7-12 ~ 13-16 ~ 17-22 ~ 23-28
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