#Sally Champlin
filmjunky-99 · 6 months
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i n t h e l i g h t o f t h e m o o n (aka. ed gein), 2000 🎬 dir. chuck parello
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46ten · 2 years
Flirtatious Hamilton...
Friday dined at the British Minister’s - Mrs Champlin the Only Lady. Last week Mrs Church dined at Listons & Binghams from the same house, yet the Rhode Island beauty was not invited. You [Sally, Otis’s daughter for whom he was recording these journal entries] may be assured you experience more attention here, than any other lady has met with since Congress sat in this city. Kit took occasion to tell me that Hamilton (who cast some liquorish looks at his cara sposa, the day we were at Breck’s) appears to him very trifling in his conversation with ladies and that his wife said she did not like him at all. He was evidently satisfied with this intimation. Went with Mrs Liston to the drawing room in the evening and led her in. Both rooms were crowded and I missed none of my acquaintance with Mrs Bingham, who burst the gown she had prepared for the occasion Saturday. p143 The Life and Letters of Harrison Gray Otis
Friday is the 27th of December, 1799. Mrs. Champlin is the wife of Christopher (Kit) G. Champlin, then U.S. Representative from Rhode Island. The full name of Mrs. Champlin, the Rhode Island beauty, who told her husband to his pleasure that she did not like Hamilton at all(!) was Martha Redwood Ellery. 
I included that last sentence because it’s pretty amusing about Anne Willing Bingham
And although this letter to EH is dated to the prior year, it definitely includes some great Angelica phrases: 
You will hear with pleasure my dear Eliza that our Kitty is much better.  She is going to a Ball this Evening, her dancing been too much praised that I fear she will give more disappointment than pleasure.... Tomorrow we dine with Mrs. Bingham and Viscount Importance; Madame de Tilly is quite a la franchise, rouge and short petticoats—poor young creature she has been the victim to a negligence education.
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essexcttour · 3 years
The area of Essex called Essex Village was originally named Potapoug Point, or Big Point, by the Nahantic tribe. It was laid out as a part of the original Saybrook colony in 1648. It bordered the Connecticut River with two large coves on either side. There were three original families: the Pratts, the Hides, and the Lays. The Lays took the northern parts, the Pratts the middle acres, and the Hides the southern acres. In 1722 the settlers were given the right to form a Congregation Church, which was located in Center-Brooke, the original “social center” of what is now the Town of Essex. Main Street on the "point" was not laid out until 1748, and up to that time only a few people resided here.
By the middle of the 18th century, however, the focus was already moving to Potapoug Point, or Essex Village as we now know it, where shipbuilding was beginning to offer an alternate occupation to farming. The building of the ship “Oliver Cromwell” in 1775/76 by Captain Uriah Hayden could be considered the pivotal change in the local economy. The Oliver Cromwell was the first ship commissioned and financed by the Colony of Connecticut and the largest one launched in the river valley up to that time. The Town of Essex itself was split from Old Saybrook, and was incorporated in 1854, and in 1859, the villages of Centerbrook and Ivoryton were added. Shipbuilding remained a main economic force until the 1870s.
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1. The Essex Town Green was originally the site of three homes. The Town Green borders Middle Cove and looks out onto Thatchbed Island.
2. The Gamaliel Conklin House, a center chimney, colonial style home with a steeply pitched roof, was built in 1800. Conklin, along with Jesse Murray, was a supplier of masts, blocks, and gear for the shipbuilding industry. 20 Main Street.
3. Next door is the Jesse Murray house, built in 1805, is in the Federal Style. 22 Main Street.
4. Uriah Hayden House. 24 Main Street. Uriah was the man most responsible for establishing a formal shipbuilding industry in Essex. Meigs Lane was once a pentway. This house was modeled after the new Baptist church, built by Jeremiah Gladding, in the “Egyptian style.” Additions have been added since.
5. 26 Main Street. Cape house on water. 1803.
6. The Noah Pratt house, 28 Main Street. Built in 1805 on land original known as Cornfield point. The house was sold to Uriah Hayden in 1817 and remained in the Hayden family until 1977. It now houses Commercial offices.
7. 30 Main Street, at the corner of Parker Lane, was erected in 1840 for Judge William Phelps. It was later owned by Dr. Charles H. Hubbard (1836-1908), who practiced in Essex for nearly forty-eight years. He also held various town offices and was the executor for the estate of Capt. Isaiah Pratt (1814-1879), who had left money for a new high school. Dr. Hubbard successfully challenged a stipulation in the will that would have limited enrollment to the children of parents who were members of the First Congregational Church. He continued as a trustee and leader of the new school for many years. Hubbard Field in Essex is named for him. The barn in back is newly constructed. Considered Greek Revival.
8. 32 Main Street. 1799. Grover L’Hommedieu (1741-1841) was one of the patriot militiamen who became refugees from Long Island to Connecticut after the Battle of Long Island in 1776 during the Revolutionary War. He settled in Norwich and in 1797 leased land from Samuel Lay in Essex. There he erected the town’s first ropewalk. Around that time he also erected the house at 32 Main Street in Essex. It was later occupied by his son Ezra L’Hommedieu (1772-1860), a ship-carver who invented the double-podded center screw auger, which he patented in 1809. Grover’s daughter Sarah (Sally) married Ebenezer Hayden II, the town’s leading merchant. In 1802, Grover L’Hommedieu sold the ropewalk to his partner, Ebenezer’s son, Jared. In 1815, the L’Hommedieu House was purchased by another member of the Hayden family, John G. Hayden.
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9. The L’ Hommedieu Ropewalk. Essex had two ropewalks, in different locations, at different times. L'Hommideau had "lately erected" a frame that was 15' wide by 60 rods (1000') long that ran on the north side of Main Street. This meant it ran from the west side of the current "Glass Basket" building to where Essex Square is today. There was a 20' wide "store" at the west end of this ropewalk, and the land rent was 4 pounds per year. Main Street followed a different path at that time, being located roughly halfway between current Main and Pratt Streets, and there was no Essex Square or North Main Street then. Grover was allowed to have a "copper"(large tar kettle) and a capstan for winding rope on the north side of this structure, although these were on Lay property. This "frame" was said to be "open," indicating it probably had a roof, but no sidewalls. Consequently, it was probably operated on a seasonal basis. It was torn down in 1814.
10. The Griswold Inn, oldest continuously operating Inn in America is at at 36 Main Street. The Griswold Inn is the most famous landmark building in Essex. A sign at the Inn states that the Griswold House was built by Sala Griswold in 1776. It originally stood near the shipyard and was moved to its current location on Main Street to become part of the house constructed by Richard Hayden in 1801. Hayden’s house was the first three-story building in the lower Connecticut River Valley. Around the same time, Richard’s two brothers, John G. and Amasa Hayden, built houses on either side (they are now part of the Griswold Inn complex, the Amasa Hayden House being the Inn’s annex). Hayden sold his house to Ethan Bushnell in 1806, moving to a new brick house nearby. Ethan Bushnell turned his home into a tavern. A former schoolhouse on the property, built in 1738, was attached to the house, possibly to serve as a kitchen (it is now the taproom). After the Burning of the ships in 1812, it notoriously served and housed British soldiers. The Tavern was inherited by Bushnell’s children in 1849 and passed through a variety of owners over the years, probably acquiring the name Griswold House during the period it was owned by Emory Morse of Wallingford in the 1870s and 1880.
The Griswold Inn starred in Halmark’s “Christmas at Pemberley Manor” movie. And had a role in the 70’s Dark Shadows series as the Collinsport Inn. Owned by only six families. Currently owned by Geoff Paul, who lives in Champlin Square.
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12. Richard Hayden house/ Hayden rectory. 1806. Richard Hayden, an Essex shipbuilder and merchant, built the first brick house in town in 1806. He had earlier lived in the house which is now the Griswold Inn. Hayden was head of the Hayden Shipyard and he built a ship’s chandlery in 1813, which was later moved across Main Street. During the War of 1812, he built a privateer schooner, the Black Prince, which he advertised in New York. This was one of the causes of the British Raid on Essex in 1814, which led to serious financial losses for Hayden, who died two years later. His widow and children remained in the Federal-style house until 1833, when Richard Hayden’s cousin, Samuel Hayden, bought the house. In 1894, Samuel’s daughter, Mary Tucker, left the house and furniture to St. John’s Episcopal Parish and was the church’s rectory until 2013.
13. Noah Tooker house. 1728. At corner of Novelty Lane. May have faced the river, then turned when the rectory was built. Several other houses in Essex were built to face the river and remain so sited today.
14. The Ebenezer Hayden II (the first Ebenezer Hayden was a brother who was born earlier but had died) probably built his Georgian and Federal style house, located on Main Street in Essex, in stages in the late 1790s. The doorway, featuring a semi-circular fanlight window, may have been added around 1800. The Hayden House was the first home in the lower Connecticut River Valley to have a hipped roof, which may have been constructed by the noted builder Thomas Hayden of Windsor and shipped down the river in sections to be placed on the building. The Ebenezer Hayden House is the third home up from the river and one of many homes built by members of the Hayden family in the vicinity of the Hayden Shipyard. Ebenezer II married Sarah, the daughter of Grover L’Hommideau, who had created the town’s first ropewalk.
15. Foot of Main, the Hayden-Starkey Store, at 48 Main Street in Essex, was only the second brick building in town when it was built in 1809. A warehouse and ships store, or chandlery, it was constructed by Samuel and Ebenezer Hayden, sons of Capt. Uriah Hayden, and was situated between their two residences. Their cousin, Richard Hayden, had recently built his house, Essex’s first brick building, nearby. Timothy Starkey, Jr., the Hayden brothers’ brother-in-law, became their partner in 1810. It is said that the British destroyed ropewalk and took merchandise from this store during their raid on Essex in 1814. Remaining in the Hayden family for many years, the building became a residence in 1856.
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16. Uriah and Ann’s Inn. Now the Dauntless Boat Club. Built in 1776, this important structure was the homestead and tavern of shipbuilder Uriah and Ann Hayden. The Oliver Cromwell ship was built in his shipyard to the south of the house in 1776. The front yard has been filled in. To the southeast on Middle cove shore, where the Essex Corinthian Yacht club, Essex Yacht club, and Novelty Lane now stand, was the location of the Old Shoddy Mill, a wood turning factory which burned down in 1900. It was once owned by Thomas Dickinson, who went on to found the Witch Hazel factory.
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17. Dickinson Boathouse, built by E.E. Dickinson of Witch hazel factory fame in the 1920’s. It replaced a West Indies warehouse that was built in 1753 and torn down in 1918. The building is now in privately owned.
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18. Burning of the ships. The embargo that President Thomas Jefferson passed, followed by the British blockade of the Connecticut River during the War of 1812, impacted the shipbuilding industry of the town. The leading boat builders were converting their merchant ships into privateers in the hope of bringing home some of the spoils of war, but this act backfired. On the morning of April 8, 1814, 137 British marines and sailors, under the command of Captain Richard Coote, raided Potapoug Point and destroyed 28 ships with a value of $200,000. Of which, $60,000 was lost by the Haydens. The disaster, one of the few invasions and occupation of US. soil by a foreign power, is celebrated almost every year in Essex with a parade. It was, after all, the greatest financial loss suffered by the American side during the War of 1812.  Why was there no real resistance by the Potapaug Militia, either during the initial attack, or during the British retreat?  The head of this force lived in a home on the lefthand side of Main Street, close to the shore. There is strong suspicion that he agreed not to oppose the raiding force, in return for their promise not to harm homes or residents. Recently uncovered minutes of the local Masonic Lodge add greatly to this speculation for George Jewett, the Militia commander, was also Master of the Lodge.  Captain Richard Coote, the person in command of the British, who had apparently spared the ships of one Judea Pratt of New City Street, due to Masonic influence, could undoubtedly have "cut a similar deal" with fellow Freemason Jewett.
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One immediate result of the raid was the demise of the old 1797 ropewalk, and a new larger one built 200 feet to the north. This change set for current street layout and appearance of Essex. Up until then, most commercial activity in Essex Village had centered in Champlin Square, with the Pratt Smithy and Ebenezar Hayden Store.
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sabryna88rsi · 4 years
Ed Gein - Il macellaio di Plainfield (2000)
Ed Gein – Il macellaio di Plainfield (2000)
Cliccare QUA per il film su AKvideo
Cliccare QUA per il film su WStream
In the Light of the Moon USA, 2000 Genere: Horror Regia di Chuck Parello Con Steve Railsback, Carrie Snodgress, Carol Mansell, Sally Champlin TRAMA DEL FILM: La vera storia di Edward Gein, agricoltore resosi responsabile di crimini orrendi. Cresciuto con un’educazione ferrea imposta da una madre prepotente, Gein verrà…
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2018 Emmy Wishlist
I think this is my third time doing this? Anyway if you’re a new follower I watch too much tv so this is where I can compose all my thoughts. Nominations are tomorrow and I’ll do predictions too. Highlighted in bold is my winner.
Best Comedy Series:
Atlanta (FX)
Barry (HBO)
The Good Place (NBC)
GLOW (Netflix)
Insecure (HBO)
The Marvelous Mrs. Maisel (Amazon)
Unbreakable Kimmy Schmidt (Netflix)
Outstanding Lead Actor - Comedy:
Ted Danson as Michael on The Good Place (NBC)
Larry David as Himself on Curb Your Enthusiasm (HBO)
Zach Galifianakis as Chip & Dale Baskets on Baskets (FX)
Donald Glover as Earnest “Earn” Marks on Atlanta (FX)
Bill Hader as Barry Berkman on Barry (HBO)
Timothy Olyphant as Joel Hammond on Santa Clarita Diet (Netflix)
Outstanding Lead Actress - Comedy:
Rachel Bloom as Rebecca Bunch on Crazy Ex-Girlfriend (The CW)
Alison Brie as Ruth Wilder on GLOW (Netflix)
Rachel Brosnahan as Midge Maisel on The Marvelous Mrs. Maisel (Amazon)
Ellie Kemper as Kimmy Schmidt on Unbreakable Kimmy Schmidt (Netflix)
Justina Machado as Penelope Alvarez on One Day at a Time (Netflix)
Issa Rae as Issa Dee on Insecure (HBO)
Outstanding Supporting Actor - Comedy:
Louie Anderson as Christine Baskets on Baskets (FX)
Tituss Burgess as Titus Andromedon on Unbreakable Kimmy Schmidt (Netflix)
Brian Tyree Henry as Alfred “Paper Boi” Miles on Atlanta (FX)
Dan Levy as David Rose on Schitt’s Creek (Pop)
Marc Maron as Sam Sylvia on GLOW (Netflix)
Henry Winkler as Gene Cousineau on Barry (HBO)
Outstanding Supporting Actress - Comedy:
Alex Borstein as Susie Myerson on The Marvelous Mrs. Maisel (Amazon)
D’Arcy Carden as Janet on The Good Place (NBC)
Donna Lynne Champlin as Paula Proctor on Crazy Ex-Girlfriend (The CW)
Betty Gilpin as Debbie Eagan on GLOW (Netflix)
Sarah Goldberg as Sally Reed on Barry (HBO)
Rita Moreno as Lydia Riera on One Day at a Time (Netflix)
Outstanding Guest Actor - Comedy:
Bryan Cranston as Dr. Templeton on Curb Your Enthusiasm (HBO)
Donald Glover as Host on Saturday Night Live (NBC)
Jon Hamm as Reverend Richard Wayne Gary Wayne on Unbreakable Kimmy Schmidt (Netflix)
Derek Klena as DJ Fingablast on Unbreakable Kimmy Schmidt (Netflix)
Lin-Manuel Miranda as Himself on Curb Your Enthusiasm (HBO)
Katt Williams as Willy on Atlanta (FX)
Outstanding Guest Actress - Comedy:
Gail Bean as Nadine on Atlanta (FX)
Tovah Feldshuh as Naomi Bunch on Crazy Ex-Girlfriend (The CW)
Tiffany Haddish as Host on Saturday Night Live (NBC)
Jane Lynch as Sophie Lennon on The Marvelous Mrs. Maisel (Amazon)
Busy Philipps as Sheba Goodman on Unbreakable Kimmy Schmidt (Netflix)
Maya Rudolph as Judge Jen on The Good Place (NBC)
Outstanding Drama Series:
The Crown (Netflix)
The Deuce (HBO)
The Handmaid’s Tale (Hulu)
Mr. Robot (USA)
Stranger Things (Netflix)
This Is Us (NBC)
Westworld (HBO)
Outstanding Lead Actor - Drama:
Jason Bateman as Marty Byrde on Ozark (Netflix)
Sterling K. Brown as Randall Pearson on This Is US (NBC)
Ed Harris as William on Westworld (HBO)
Rami Malek as Elliot Alderson on Mr. Robot (USA)
Milo Ventimiglia as Jack Pearson on This Is Us (NBC)
Jeffrey Wright as Bernard Lowe on Westworld (HBO)
Outstanding Lead Actress - Drama:
Claire Foy as Queen Elizabeth II on The Crown (Netflix)
Maggie Gyllenhaal as Candy on The Deuce (HBO)
Laura Linney as Wendy Byrde on Ozark (Netflix)
Mandy Moore as Rebecca Pearson on This Is Us (NBC)
Elisabeth Moss as June Osborne on The Handmaid’s Tale (Hulu)
Evan Rachel Wood as Dolores Abernathy on Westworld (HBO)
Outstanding Supporting Actor - Drama:
Joseph Fiennes as Fred Waterford on The Handmaid’s Tale (Hulu)
David Harbour as Jim Hopper on Stranger Things (Netflix)
Justin Hartley as Kevin Pearson on This Is Us (NBC)
Zahn McClarnon as Akecheta on Westworld (HBO)
Noah Schnapp as Will Byers on Stranger Things (Netflix)
Matt Smith as Prince Philip on The Crown (Netflix)
Outstanding Supporting Actress - Drama:
Portia Doubleday as Angela Moss on Mr. Robot (USA)
Ann Dowd as Aunt Lydia on The Handmaid’s Tale (Hulu)
Lena Headey as Cersei Lannister on Game of Thrones (HBO)
Vanessa Kirby as Princess Margaret on The Crown (Netflix)
Thandie Newton as Maeve Millay on Westworld (HBO)
Yvonne Strahovski as Serena Joy Waterford on The Handmaid’s Tale (Hulu)
Outstanding Guest Actor - Drama:
Joey Bada$$ as Leon on Mr. Robot (USA)
Ben Barnes as Logan Delos on Westworld (HBO)
Matthew Goode as Tony Armstrong-Jones on The Crown (Netflix)
Gerald McRaney as Dr. K on This Is Us (NBC)
Peter Mullan as James Delos on Westworld (HBO)
Jimmi Simpson as William on Westworld (HBO)
Outstanding Guest Actress - Drama:
Jodi Balfour as Jackie Kennedy on The Crown (Netflix)
Joy Brunson as Shauna Andrews on This Is Us (NBC)
Rinko Kikuchi as Akane on Westworld (HBO)
Diana Rigg as Lady Olenna Tyrell on Game of Thrones (HBO)
Marisa Tomei as Mrs. O’Conner on The Handmaid’s Tale (Hulu)
Samira Wiley as Moira on The Handmaid’s Tale (Hulu)
Outstanding TV Movie:
Black Mirror: USS Callister (Netflix)
Electric Dreams: The Commuter (Amazon)
Paterno (HBO)
The Tale (HBO)
Tour de Pharmacy (HBO)
Outstanding Limited Series:
Alias Grace (Netflix)
American Vandal (Netflix)
The Assassination of Gianni Versace: American Crime Story (FX)
Patrick Melrose (Showtime)
The Sinner (USA)
Outstanding Lead Actor - Limited Series/TV Movie:
Darren Criss as Andrew Cunanan on The Assassination of Gianni Versace: American Crime Story (FX)
Benedict Cumberbatch as Patrick Melrose on Patrick Melrose (Showtime)
Al Pacino as Joe Paterno on Paterno (HBO)
Evan Peters as Kai Anderson on American Horror Story: Cult (FX)
Jesse Plemons as Robert Daly on Black Mirror: USS Callister (Netflix)
Jimmy Tatro as Dylan Maxwell on American Vandal (Netflix)
Outstanding Lead Actress - Limited Series/TV Movie
Jessica Biel as Cora Tennetti on The Sinner (USA)
Laura Dern as Jennifer Fox on The Tale (HBO)
Rosemarie DeWitt as Maria Sambrell on Black Mirror: USS Callister (Netflix)
Sarah Gadon as Grace Marks on Alias Grace (Netflix)
Cristin Milioti as Nanette Cole on Black Mirror: USS Callister (Netflix)
Sarah Paulson as Ally Mayfair-Richards on American Horror Story: Cult (FX)
Outstanding Supporting Actor - Limited Series/TV Movie
Jeff Daniels as Frank Griffin on Godless (Netflix)
Brandon Victor Dixon as Judas on Jesus Chris Superstar: Live (NBC)
Cody Fern as David Mason on The Assassination of Gianni Versace: American Crime Story (FX)
Tahar Rahim as Ali Soufan on The Looming Tower (Hulu)
Jason Ritter as Bill on The Tale (HBO)
Jimmi Simpson as James Walton on Black Mirror: USS Callister (Netflix)
Outstanding Supporting Actress - Limited Series/TV Movie
Penélope Cruz as Donatella Versace on The Assassination of Gianni Versace: American Crime Story (FX)
Jennifer Jason Leigh as Eleanor Melrose on Patrick Melrose (Showtime)
Judith Light as Marilyn Miglin on The Assassination of Gianni Versace: American Crime Story (FX)
Isabelle Nélisse as Jenny Fox on The Tale (HBO)
Merritt Wever as Mary Agnes McNue on Godless (Netflix)
Letita Wright as Nish on Black Mirror: Black Museum (Netflix)
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hoomler · 7 years
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Had a great time on The Creative Muse Hour with Toni Koch, Carl Percival and special guest Sally Champlin! Sundays @ 2PM | LAtalkradio.com - Channel 2
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qtdaoa-blog · 13 years
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