#Saltburn playlist
manicpixiefelix · 6 months
hey btw what if... playlists for our four favourite saltburn kids??
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Saltburn Playlists:
Felix x Oliver:
Lady Elspeth Catton:
Venetia Catton:
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bessmertnys · 9 months
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saltburn vibes: a playlist for the manor "i wanted to have a look at the moon. it's nearly full. do you know what that means? […] we're all about to lose our minds." —saltburn (2023) (listen here)
(playlist is continually added to)
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garryberryfabubatch · 8 months
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I love not existing on here for months, years at a time and then randomly dropping a playlist I made because I think it's really good 👍
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someidioticdream · 9 months
saltburn playlist for the girls so we can manifest a very saltburn 2024
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aquickstart · 9 months
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"Well, you called him a liar And you called him a piece of dirt, ah And never can you take it back and Never can you make it right But in the final seconds I think he knew everything you are A plague on the horizon..."
a piece of collaborative art for your listening pleasure based on the theory of Five Olivers™️ with gradual progression in tone, theme, mood, fear of God, obsession, blood and lust.
listen here
by me and @kivlaro
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youngeditor1999 · 10 months
Besties, I finished that nine hour playlist I mentioned in a previous post. :D
It may seem a bit basic, but I promise that every single song on here was intentionally chosen!!
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tessonaut · 9 months
currently making a Saltburn playlist on Spotify and would love some song recs 👀
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wrexkinghxvoc · 9 months
i did. i did the thing again.
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darknessanddistance · 5 months
saltburn inspired playlists are wild. what do you mean you put the most heartbreaking love song right after a violent club remix of britney spears?
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quick-catton · 8 months
thinking about if oliver was actually telling the truth about his dad being dead and his family being a mess and being honest with felix from the start and they pull into the run down parking lot of a crumbling housing tower and felix has to sit in guilty silence as he realizes how badly he fucked up during the most uncomfortable lunch of his life and it's one of his first moments of self awareness about his saviour complex as he realizes maybe he did this more for himself than oliver.
and on the way home they drive in silence at first with oliver shaken up and pissed off and emotional, not responding to felix's quiet apology when they get back in the car. felix turns on the radio a bit into the drive and drops of jupiter is playing and felix almost wants to laugh because of course it couldn't be an upbeat song to lighten the mood. but by the end of the song they're both singing their hearts out and oliver is still mad and felix still feels awful but he knows right now oliver just needs stability and time to process and he can ignore the gnawing urge to ask for forgiveness until oliver is ready to do so.
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upwardsdescensum · 9 months
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ok working class hero
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wormswurld · 7 months
if y’all are in need of a banging “party at saltburn-esque” playlist look no further!!!! i have just the playlist for u 🤗 enjoy!
(it is named DJ blowjob because that’s what my dj name would be and it’s funny asf…)
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A dump of the playlists I've had based various films/TV Shows
Asteroid City
Mikey & Nicky
Poor Things
The Talented Mr. Ripley
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ofthecaravel · 9 months
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Gold Satin Dreamer
Summary: Danny follows a trail of little white lies right to the door of the object of his affections, Harvard hotshot Sam Kiszka, who invites him in with open arms and an incessant need to blur boundaries.
Tags: Danny being very/a little creepily obsessed with Sam (but like in a hot way), unrequited (??) feelings, NSFW!!! (masturbation, dirty talk, cum), homoerotically toeing the line of friendship
Words: 5.7k
A/N: This is inspired by Saltburn (which I recommend you watch, btw) but not as intense as it gets in the movie. Mostly references and borrowed themes of obsession and devotion. So, you know, this might not be for everyone! You've been warned >:)
also thank you @holdingup-fallingsky for the inspo during A Scene, you da best
Danny had gotten everything he’d wanted. Everything he worked so hard towards had been handed right to him, but now that he was sitting pretty in the middle of the glamour he’d been so hungry for, he couldn’t help but find it all particularly excruciating. 
First, there were the meals. Breakfast and lunch could slide by without any troubles for Danny, but the formal wear reserved for the quiet, fanciful dinners tended to dig against his skin and pique his anxiety. And the only thing worse than dinner was the time after dinner, when he’d be left alone in his room that was way too big with very little to do but read or wander the halls if he was feeling brave. During the days, Danny would kindly ward off the endless parade of questions from Sam’s deceptively sweet mom about his life back at home. The days also held a myriad of startling encounters with Sam’s older brothers, Josh and Jake, glittering and grinning twins who couldn’t be more different and more invested in the most personal details of Danny’s life. Danny had met Jake back on Harvard’s campus after he’d gotten under Sam’s thumb enough to be introduced to his brooding, supposed genius of a brother, but Danny was met with nothing more than a lukewarm reception. Jake tacked on jabs and quips to the ends of Josh’s elaborate attempts at conversation and never seemed satisfied with Danny’s answers, no matter how cool or lighthearted or perfectly catered they were. Even after a few weeks staying with them, Danny couldn’t figure out if either of them liked him at all.
Yet the real issue at the heart of it all wasn’t his social anxiety or boredom or even the upkeep of his slew of little white lies. 
It was Sam. 
Always Sam.
Stiff collars and warm blazers didn’t seem to matter when the heaviest presence was Sam’s flitting feline stares from across the table. His face would be lit up golden in the candlelight as he came to Danny’s rescue in conversation when his words faltered even for a moment. Danny’s room never felt as wide and as empty when he pressed his ear to the door of the bathroom separating their rooms and heard Sam and his brothers laughter through the walls and across the tile. Or, on the worst occasions, he’d hear Sam’s obscenely uncensored sighs over the slosh of water in the bathtub. Danny would sit there with his ear rubbed red on the wood until the water stilled and Sam’s whimpers turned to light humming, signaling it was time for Danny to quickly take care of himself before rushing to brush his teeth at the same time as Sam. 
It was obvious from the start that Danny was The Guest in the Saltburn estate that Sam called home for winter and summer break. Sam had been so eager to invite poor, lonely Danny to spend the summer with him. Danny, whose poor loneliness had been decisively orchestrated, was more than happy to humbly accept that invitation into his world. He’d gotten his first ticket during a “chance meeting” when Danny had lended Sam a helping hand during a “freak accident” bike tire blowout, and since then he’d strategized his growing proximity to Sam through offhand sob stories and persistent company when Sam’s other lackeys grew tired of his boisterous personality. Well placed whispers of a home life that was far from the reality of Danny’s adoring close knit community and occasional sad little sighs were the nail in the coffin. Danny remembered often and fondly how Sam had spirited him away one blue evening to sit and shoot the breeze on a secluded bridge walkway to celebrate finishing their finals. He remembered the hysterical flurry of butterflies in his stomach when Sam had paused conversation and watched his long legs swinging over the water before he turned his smile on Danny and asked. Except he hadn’t asked, had he?
“Come home with me,” Sam had demanded, really. “Come to Saltburn.”
And Danny had. How could he not? A summer alone with Sam had seemed too good to be true. And now he knew it was. The reality was all the time he got alone with Sam was far more overwhelming than he could’ve imagined. 
Danny had a horrible feeling from the time he’d met Sam that Sam was going to pick up on Danny’s shy, yes man behavior in his presence and put two and two together. Lately, Sam seemed to not only know that, but play into it every chance that he could. At school, Sam was happy to have Danny around, but was also completely comfortable in waving him away for days at a time in favor of his fellow medical student buddies and the girls that flew to him like moths. This Saltburn invitation apparently carried more weight than Danny had realized. And it was driving Danny up the wall.
 Sam would chase off his brothers and beg Danny to spend all day at the pool with him, only to avoid the water all together and lay out on a lounge chair to work his way through an entire box of popsicles and stare at clouds. Danny swore Sam would sneak glances at him when the sugar would melt and roll down his chin with his cheeks hollowed to catch what he could and making no further effort to clean up what he couldn’t. Danny would stare up at the sun and blink the image of Sam’s bare, sun warmed, sticky sweet skin into white blurs that hurt his eyes, but the memory of it would linger in his head throughout the day and render him flushed and embarrassed. 
Sam had also steadily picked up a habit of touching Danny at all times. Sam had been touchy since Danny had befriended him at the start of the semester and often patted his knee or dragged him into quick, one armed side hugs that made them both stumble. However, since coming to Saltburn, he had graduated to grazing Danny’s leg with his shoe under the dinner table after his brothers would say something snarky, as well as perching on his lap to show him books and photos that Danny cared about far less than the sensation of Sam sitting on him.   
But Sam’s worst development was that he couldn’t seem to stay out of Danny’s bed. Danny had gotten a look at the tall ceiling and resplendent treasures that Sam had somehow turned to clutter and wondered how Sam ever found the strength to venture outside of the comfort of it. And yet, with each night that passed, Danny found himself waiting for Sam’s inevitable knock on the bathroom door leading into Danny’s much less extravagant guest room. He’d smile with faux sheepishness, clutching a pillow and blanket as if Danny’s bed wasn’t regularly replenished with more pillows than could accommodate the number of bodies that could fit in the bed.
“What’s the point of having you stay the whole summer if we’re not gonna hang out the whole time?” Sam had questioned with a wicked grin the third time he’d been let into Danny’s room. He landed hard on Danny’s bed with a bounce and a sigh, falling backwards and covering the expanse of the quilt with his wingspan and long splay of hair. Danny watched and cringed when the dainty roll of his wrist landed squarely on the spot where he had shamefully finished earlier after enduring the glorious torture of Sam spending the evening curled into his side on the living room couch. 
“And what’s the point of having a bed all to myself if you’re going to take up two thirds of it every night?” Danny countered, sitting on the plush mattress and laughing when Sam scoffed.
“You just go ahead and tell me when you’re sick of me and I’ll be sure to write it down and not give a shit,” Sam smiled, rolling his head to look Danny straight in the eye. “I mean, this is the point in the summer when I really can’t stand Jake or Josh. I need you to keep me sane.”
“Summer’s not even halfway over yet,” Danny pointed out with an enamored little laugh. “And didn’t you all live here together for, I don’t know, the first 18 years of your life?”
“Nope,” Sam said with a subtle pop on the p. “It was boarding school for the lot of us. A private, no girls allowed sort of affair from, I don’t know, 6th grade to senior year. How do you think me and Jake managed to swing Harvard? All that rigorous private school education.”
“Jake and I,” Danny corrected teasingly. “Must not have been that rigorous.”
“Come on, I would’ve totally let that slide if it were you,” Sam complained. “And not just because you’re a scholarship student.”
“Ooh, harsh,” Danny whispered with the cadence of a fake blow to his ego. Danny had also been a private school kid, matter of fact, but as long as Sam believed he had gotten into Harvard with nothing but a golf scholarship, he figured they’d both be happier. 
“I’m only joking,” Sam immediately relented, sitting up and curling his legs under him. “You’re a boy genius or whatever.”
“I’m also terrifically humble,” Danny hummed, faking a little stretch and letting his knee knock against Sam’s. “What were you saying about boarding school?”
“Ugh, nothing really,” Sam said with a dramatic curl of his lip. “Just that my brothers drove me crazy there and they drive me crazy here just the same. They’ve spent their whole stupid lives forcing me to do whatever they want to do. You’ve seen that they’re still convinced they can dress me up like they did when I was 4. And I always end up having to run for stupid tennis balls when they wanna play on the courts. But I’m 21 now, like, maybe I want to call the shots this year.”
“You’re doing a pretty good job at bossing me around,” Danny shrugged casually, trying to play himself off by scooting backwards and leaning back against the pillows he had propped up while waiting for Sam to knock. “If that helps at all.”
Sam looked at him for a long couple of seconds with a completely unreadable expression. It settled into an amused smile with his dark eyebrows arched in surprise, abandoning his seated position to lie on his front and look up at Danny.
“You are so odd,” Sam noted with an air of awe, laughing as he said it. “It does help a little, actually. I mean, fuck you, but, yeah. Maybe you’re right.”
“Were you under the impression that you were entirely passive?” Danny asked, half sincere and half joking. “Were you unaware you’ve got at least 20 people at your disposal at all times when we’re at school?”
Sam laughed a little uncomfortably, caught in a lie that Danny knew he was entirely unaware of. Sam was never quite the damsel and never quite the hero, but he was always pretending he was either one or the other as if it were proven truth. When they’d met, Sam had been a knight in shining armor ready with confidence to shake the world, but after a few months of friendship, he began to intermittently present as a poor, pathetic thing that Danny needed to build back up. It was ridiculous and Danny lapped it up every time. He dreamed about the days when Sam had cornered him at parties only to release him into a throng of his other friends, parading him around to show them all the boy he’d managed to save from poverty and irrelevance. 
“Yeah, well,” Sam started, stuttering slightly as he flushed under Danny’s honesty. “Those ‘20 people’ don’t get to come home with me like you do.”
“Was I hand selected for your little summer camp because I’m so easily bossed around?” Danny questioned, another insecure laugh coloring the end of his query.
“No!” Sam blurted defensively. Danny laughed, his nose scrunching with a fit of giggles as Sam stammered and tried to save face. 
“I’m just saying I like you better than the people at school,” Sam professed genuinely, reaching up and across to clamp a hand on Danny’s thigh. “I didn’t bring you here to boss you around, sheesh. I brought you with me because, like I said, you bad listener, you keep me sane. And I trust you not to tattle about the whole Jake and Josh outfits thing.”
“I like their fashion shows,” Danny smiled, violently aware of Sam’s hand still on his thigh, heavy and unmoving. “And the stuff they so evilly force you to put on isn’t bad at all.”
“Liar,” Sam grumbled, childishly muffling the bottom half of his face in his palm as he huffed. Danny watched his silent tantrum with affection.
For once, Danny wasn’t really lying. The outfits they trapped Sam into trying on were actually very easy on the eyes for Danny. Twice then the twins had sat Danny down in Josh’s white and tidy room to walk him through the entire inventory of his closet, forcing him to sit and wait patiently when Jake would mad dash to his room next door to pull out identical or similar pieces for them to lecture about and compare. They insisted it was a much needed education for Danny, who frequented polos and straight leg pants instead of the silken dress shirts and embroidered slacks that were apparently much more suited to him. Sam’s recommendations always fell more on the more “daring” side of the fashion spectrum, usually involving glimmering thread, dainty jewelry and, on more than one occasion, a skirt. Josh and Sam would loudly fight over Sam’s consistent refusal of Josh’s “fashion counsel” while Jake stared at Danny like a hawk over his Saint Laurent sunglasses, somehow hearing the dirty thoughts in Danny’s head at the sight of Sam pacing in a sparkling red skirt and trying to expel them with his mind. 
“I mean, you wouldn’t tell,” Sam piped up again, suddenly genuinely shy. “About all that. It’s not a big deal here but, I don’t know, people at school might not be as cool about the whole necklaces and…and skirts and shit. It’s whatever but-”
“I promise I won’t,” Danny assured Sam. “I would never.”
“Are you even gonna tell anyone that you came here?”
A split second decision. It changed things.
“I haven’t come at all since I’ve been here, actually, so you have nothing to worry about there,” Danny joked, his cheeks lighting up with warmth at his lie and the crudity of his words. Sam’s face went similarly pink as he let out a single shocked laugh, his hand finally retreating from Danny’s thigh like a slap to the face.
“I see what you did there,” Sam stammered through another nervous laugh. “Very clever. You’re an asshole.”
“You’re an asshole,” Danny echoed meekly, turning his eyes down to a piece of dry skin on his nailbed that he picked at as a horrible minute of quiet passed between them. 
He’d gone too far, he was sure of it. Sam would give him another tinny giggle reserved for his friends he didn’t even like, scoop up his blanket and bid Danny a polite goodnight so they could restart in the morning. He was sure of it. Danny wanted to crawl inside of himself and turn off the lights.
“Have you really not?” Sam asked, his voice barely audible and muffled slightly by his lips barely moving. He didn’t even look at Danny when he asked it. 
“Feels wrong,” Danny answered simply, giving an unassuming little shrug as he finally looked up from his fingers and studied Sam’s face. Sam’s brow was crinkled in thought as he picked at the loose yarn on the top quilt of Danny’s bed, his eyes hidden by his thick fan of lashes. 
“So, what, you’re just not gonna do it the whole time you’re here?” Sam teased, still treading very lightly. “You leave in August. That’s a long time.”
“It’s too nice here,” Danny argued, not even pausing to think about what the hell kind of conversation this was. “I’d feel totally weird doing it in this bed. It’s probably a million years old and has a rich history that I’d be disrespecting.”
He hadn’t felt weird about it, actually. In his eyes, he had no choice but to exorcise whatever little demons Sam afflicted him with. In the bed, on the floor by the door, in the bath. On occasion, wiped clean with a handkerchief that Sam had given him as a birthday gift.
“Obviously you don’t have to,” Sam said coolly, his legs now kicked up and absentmindedly moving as he talked. “I don’t want you to freak out on me is all. But, like, I don’t really care either way. Just saying.”
“It kinda sounds like you care,” Danny challenged, his eyes still dragging over Sam and his easy body language. He enjoyed watching the moment it changed. A muscle tensed in his jaw and his shoulders that only Danny ever cared to notice and he watched with quiet thrill as Sam’s expressions shuffled.  
“I care about you being comfortable,” Sam replied in a strange, soft tone. 
“I’ll just get it out of the way tonight, then,” Danny said calmly, fighting the nervous tremor in his voice. “You can come back for a sleepover tomorrow night. Okay?”
Sam sighed for a long moment and stretched his arms out in front of him on the bed, dramatically face planting and muffling his groan. His legs were still kicking petulantly as Danny stared him down and tried to think of what he was going to do. He rarely did anything Danny suggested he did, and Danny usually had a pretty good grasp on how Sam would act in situations after months of studying his every little move. But this exchange was foreign from the very beginning and Danny felt an anxious, blind itch in his throat as time ticked on between them.
“But I’m so comfortable,” Sam complained into the blanket. “You’re really gonna make me move? In my own home?”
“I’ll do it tomorrow then,” Danny laughed nervously. It seemed like the only thing he remembered how to do now that he was riding entirely on his reflexes. 
“Well, I’m gonna wanna sleepover tomorrow, too,” Sam murmured, his head turning so he was facing Danny’s pajamaed leg. “I said I wanna hang out.”
“Sam,” Danny rasped, the last ghost of his laugh settling into a rattling exhale that sent them into another silent spell. His heart was buzzing like a hummingbird inside his chest, which felt porcelain thin and ready to crumble.
“It’s only weird if you make it weird,” Sam whispered, his lips starting to spread into a muted, impish smile as he finally looked up at Danny. “I’m just, I don’t know, curious now that I’m thinking about it.”
“How do you know this won’t be the thing I tell people when we go back to school?” Danny challenged. 
He wanted to bite his tongue in half after he’d said it. This was exactly what he wanted, wasn’t it? From the moment he’d spotted Sam through the car window on freshman year move in day, Danny had wanted little else but to bend to his every whim. Now here he was, perfectly in the palm of Sam’s hand, and he was aching to stop it for some reason beyond his understanding.
He’d figure it out later on. Deep down, Danny knew that once he had Sam like this, he would never really be able to stop whatever kind of obsession he’d been diving in over the duration of the school year. He would drop like a stone and touch the bottom and never feel the warmth of moderation and sanity ever again.
“You like me, Danny. You know I know that.”
Goodbye to the world up above. Hello to the refreshing darkness of nothing but Sam, Sam, Sam. 
Danny froze, then remembered to breathe, and then he was hard. Sam’s words slammed into him while Sam lay there like nothing had been revealed but the smile on his face.
“I’m not dumb,” Sam flirted. “And you’re not dumb. I haven’t been easy on you since you’ve been here but, come on, not just anyone gets an invitation to Saltburn with me. You have to know at this point that maybe, I also, I don’t know…you know what I’m trying to say.”
“We don’t have to talk about anything,” Sam interjected quickly. “And you’re not going to tell anyone, I know that much. Just…I wanna see you. And it’ll give you a little taste of my boarding school experience, actually. Circle jerks were totally a bonding thing. It’ll make us closer. I wanna be closer.”
“You’re a little desperate, aren’t you?” Danny asked quietly and very hypocritically. “You’re not even pent up enough to be nagging me like this.”
“And how would you know that?”
“You took a bath last night. You’re not exactly quiet. Honestly, dude, after this conversation, I’m starting to think that you want me to hear you.”
Sam’s mouth snapped shut and a flush bloomed high on his cheeks as he and Danny stared each other down. The thick tension in the air stretched and groaned. Danny was visibly straining in his thin summertime pajama pants as he adjusted slightly and waited for Sam to say something. Anything. 
“Yeah, you’re right,” Sam admitted casually, sniffing and shrugging awkwardly while balanced on his elbows. “Only ‘cause I know you’ll be listening.”
“Fuck,” Danny breathed with his voice cracking, his hand unconsciously going to grasp at his clothed dick for any kind of relief from the weight of Sam’s words. Sam watched it happen and blinked patiently, lazily resting his chin in the palm of his hand like he was settling in to watch a movie. His dark eyes flicked up to Danny expectantly, a silent “Well? Go on.” that Danny received loud and clear.
If the rest of the world was already putting on a performance for Sam, Danny decided that he might as well be his favorite actor.
“I really do like you,” Danny admitted nervously, forcing the words out as he awkwardly shimmied his pants down and freed his dick into his palm. Sam’s eyes widened ever so slightly as they wandered over Danny’s lower stomach and the dark trail of hair that led to his cock, which Danny had begun to very slowly stroke with his hand shaking slightly.
“Jesus,” Sam muttered, exhaling a silent laugh through his nose. “Didn’t expect you to be so well endowed.”
“Did you hear what I said?”
“Yeah. I already told you I know.”
“I thought you might have more to say.”
“Man, can’t we just leave that alone for a second?” Sam asked snippily, his hips rolling against the mattress as he let out a frustrated breath. “Fuck’s sake. Just keep going.”
Danny complied with a slight sting to his feelings, his pace increasing and his lips pressing together obediently to keep himself from prying further. A few minutes of silent touching and hip rocking passed before a barely contained noise escaped Sam’s lips and he let out yet another annoyed sigh.
“Talk to me,” Sam whined, reaching out again and digging his fingers into Danny’s thigh where it was still covered by fabric. Danny’s hips bucked slightly in response and he desperately tried to unclog his thoughts from the steady, blurry stream of Sam memories he’d gotten lost in like he usually did. Then he realized that might be exactly what Sam wanted to hear about. 
“Sorry,” Danny apologized. “I, I was thinking about you.”
“What about me?” Sam asked with a thin, reedy voice as a hand disappeared under his groin, soon followed by the sight of his pants being pushed down around his ankles. Curiously enough, he didn’t remove his briefs.
“Everything,” Danny replied truthfully, his eyes rolling slightly as he slowed his pace and enjoyed the infuriating simmer of pleasure rolling on his skin. “I like everything about you. How you cut your hair, how you look in the sun…I, uh, I like your body.”
Danny felt a palpable strain from the muscles in his stomach as he fought the urge to tell Sam the actual extent of what “everything” was. 
Danny did like Sam’s hair; he liked it so much that he’d slowly begun to use his shampoo so he could smell its sweetness on his pillow and pretend it was left there by Sam himself. 
Danny did like Sam in the sun; he specifically liked the sweat that rolled down his skin so he could picture licking it up with a dutiful curl of his tongue.
 Danny did like Sam’s body; he liked the tension and repose of it through his first story dorm window, which was perfectly placed and never curtained so Danny could kneel and observe without obstruction.
“More,” Sam begged, his hand still holding fast to Danny as they both began to pant and shudder.
“You’re a brat,” Danny complained right back. Sam shivered appropriately at the title, muffling his mouth with his hand and his head falling forward right after. His hair fell in a chestnut curtain and hid his expression from Danny, which he immediately missed. His hips continued to grind into the mattress and his rhythm was growing erratic and sore. Danny grinned wide at his response, allowing himself the luxury of quickening his pace on himself now that he’d given Sam something. He’d known it would land. He knew what kind of porn Sam watched.
It’s why Danny felt confident in reaching out and running his fingers along the silky crown of Sam’s hair before lightly tugging to yank Sam’s head back up, where he was met with the satisfying sight of Sam gawking at him with round eyes and his (what appeared to be freshly bitten) lips ajar. 
“Thought you wanted to watch?” Danny taunted weakly, struggling to evoke any semblance of dominance while he felt his orgasm begin to creep up on him after struggling to stave it off for as long as possible. When it came to Sam, he was used to finishing fast.
“Fuck off,” Sam whimpered, his brow crinkling in concentration as he let himself be held up by Danny’s gentle grip on him. His rutting into the mattress quickened before suddenly petering out as Sam’s chin tipped upwards and his nose gently brushed against Danny’s inner forearm. His eyes fluttered close and splayed his dark lashes as he drew in a shivering breath and then let out a choked little laugh. 
“You’re wearing my cologne,” Sam rasped tonelessly. 
A small thread of panic wound around Danny, but his body alchemized it into lustful adrenaline and he took Sam’s revelation with a groan. He was seconds away now, and he knew where he wanted it to end. 
“You love it,” Danny growled, his arm burning with overexertion as he welcomed the familiar, buzzing warmth that was taking over his senses. He fuzzily pondered the etiquette of this situation when it came to telling Sam he was close, but his impulses quickly won over verbal communication. Danny felt himself gripping Sam’s hair a little tighter and pulling him slightly forward, losing himself in the white hot ecstasy of his high as he spilled over onto his hand and, as he’d find when he finally opened his eyes, Sam’s cheek and chin. Sam gasped at the contact and Danny let go of him, his own head falling backwards against the oak headboard as he attempted to catch his breath. He stared up at the ornate ceiling as his cheeks burned with uncomfortable heat. 
Moments like these were the rare ones where Sam faded to the edges of Danny’s thoughts along with everything else, and Sam took the silence from Danny as an opportunity to jostle the bed for a few more thrusts before giving a simpering, keening whine that signaled his own end. Danny’s ears perked at the familiar noise and snapped his head back down to look at Sam, who was looking right back at him wearing a mask of bleary afterglow. He was panting ever so slightly with watery eyes that stuck his lashes together and turned them cartoonishly starry. Danny quickly noted the glossy cum painting the lower half of Sam’s face and felt the air get punched out of his lungs, drawing in a choked breath as his hand drifted up on instinct. His thumb made keen contact with Sam’s lower lip and brushed it gently, pressing into the smooth pink flesh and collecting his release as his thumb swiped across. As he did so, Sam’s mouth slowly fell agape while his brows knit slightly, allowing access for Danny to wipe his thumb against Sam's tongue. Sam let out a small, barely audible gag before closing his mouth and continuing a stubborn eye contact with Danny as he swallowed, his adam's apple bobbing while Danny let a fulfilled smile tint his face.
Allowing himself to indulge in this spell of arrogance, Danny’s hand balled the collar of Sam’s sleep shirt and tugged so that Sam stumbled forward and crawled reflexively over Danny. When they were face to face, Danny eagerly leaned in and dragged his tongue up Sam’s chin and cheek, trying not to groan at the combined sensation of Sam’s skin pressing against his tongue and the taste of it mixing with the cum. One of Sam’s hands came up and clenched Danny’s shoulder for stability as he shuddered in Danny’s grip, letting out a hurried exhale as Danny’s lips remained on him. His tongue retreated and instead he pressed a kiss to Sam’s sweaty, now spit slick cheek. His eyes closed contemplatively while the both of them did nothing but breathe erratically and cling to each other.
Sam soon turned his head so that his mouth came to rest against Danny’s lips, hesitating slightly before fully driving them into a proper kiss. It was slick and clumsy despite Sam’s professions of frequent sexual conquests, but Danny was convinced that he’d never felt a sensation more euphoric and deliciously numbing. Danny cupped Sam’s face in his hands as they fumbled their way through a couple of inept yet long lasting kisses. 
It was Sam who pulled away first, leaning back on Danny’s thighs and wiping his mouth and face with the back of his hand while Danny blearily watched him. He could see the wet patch on Sam’s otherwise clean white briefs and focused his energy on remembering it for later when he’d reflect on this exchange with his dick in his hand again. Sam blinked dumbly as the aftershock settled over them before he finally cleared his throat and looked everywhere but Danny’s eyes. 
“Well,” Sam exhaled with a short, hoarse laugh. “Wow.”
“Yeah,” Danny replied, his voice still airy with awe at his luck. “Fuck.”
“I…um, I’ll let you go for the night,” Sam announced, lingering a second longer before moving off of Danny and sheepishly collecting his pants and pillow. He stood with slightly shaky legs and smiled down at Danny, who stared back with a questioning look. 
“No sleepover?” Danny asked pathetically, pulling his pants back up and pulling his knees to his chest to try and hide the second wind of his erection at the realization that Sam was clearly about to forget his blanket.
“Nah,” Sam said, staring at his socks before offering another unstable smile. “This was fun, though. Seriously. Didn’t peg you as such a kinky motherfucker.”
“That’s me,” Danny joked weakly. “Hey, uh, are we cool?”
“Very cool,” Sam promised, winking at Danny before flouncing off towards the bathroom door. “Night!”
“Night,” Danny called after him. The door shut with a click of the lock behind Sam, and Danny didn’t hesitate to instantly melt back into his seat of pillows with his hands over his face. His dick was already aching for attention again already as he tried to steady his breathing and process the last hour. 
Danny’s mind immediately began to wage war against him.
He had him. He had Sam. Finally.
Sam had been here with him in a way he had only ever fantasized about, but at the same time, he had just merrily walked away from the huge thing they’d wound up that would have to be untangled by the both of them, preferably as soon as possible.
Why didn’t Sam want to stay the night with him anymore? 
Now that they had gotten the experimenting out of the way, would that be the last time anything like that ever happened?
Did Sam even like it?
Did Sam even like him?
Danny slid down the pillows and pulled Sam’s blanket over his head, gripping it tightly and breathing in the spiced scent of him to try and clear his head while also attempting to hide himself from Sam, the room, and, if he was lucky, the world. Things suddenly felt very lonely at the bottom of his mind. 
Then, there came a sound to the right of Danny. It pushed through the wall, familiar and relieving. Pressurized water rushing out of the faucet and spilling loudly, warbling and muffling itself as the minutes passed and the porcelain tub began to fill. After a memorized amount of time, the faucet fell silent and Danny lay there trying to quell the sound of his own breathing so his ears could properly strain to hear what he knew was coming next.
There came an unexpected second sound that didn’t require any strain at all to hear. 
The sound of a lock unclicking. 
Danny removed the blanket from his eyes and sat up to see that the bathroom door was now scarcely ajar, allowing for a golden slice of light to cut across the dark hardwood flooring and the maroon persian rug. 
Danny felt the smile return to his face as he saw the light bob in and out of shadow with movement from within the bathroom, tossing the blanket off him and swinging his legs over the side of the bed so he could quietly pad towards the light. Danny now properly understood the value of Sam’s invitations, and he felt no hesitation walking right in with a newfound air of confidence.
Especially now that he had so much to prove.
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oneflydude · 8 months
does anyone want my very short saltburn playlist...
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