#Saltee Pepper
ghoststudios · 2 years
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some doodles from the last two months I'm still proud of. If it wasn't obs I switched my art programs!
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omarcd · 4 years
Healthy Cook / Cocinero Saludable
School Lunches to Put You at the Head of the Class / 
Almuerzos escolares para ponerlo a la cabeza de la clase
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CONFESSION TIME: My favorite school lunches were peanut butter and jelly sandwiches and potato chips. And I would trade my apple for a Twinkie in a heartbeat. It’s still a favorite of mine, although the Twinkie has been replaced by a chocolate truffle. / 
HORA DE CONFESIÓN: Mis almuerzos escolares favoritos eran sándwiches de mantequilla de maní y mermelada y papas fritas. Y cambiaría mi manzana por un Twinkie en un abrir y cerrar de ojos. Sigue siendo uno de mis favoritos, aunque el Twinkie ha sido reemplazado por una trufa de chocolate.
Ever more aware of the importance of nutrition, today’s parents tend to look for healthy alternatives for their children’s lunches — be they at school or at home. Today’s families know that healthy school lunches should include fruits, vegetables, whole grains and low-fat milk and should avoid processed foods that are high in fat, sugar, and salt./ 
Cada vez más conscientes de la importancia de la nutrición, los padres de hoy tienden a buscar alternativas saludables para los almuerzos de sus hijos, ya sea en la escuela o en casa. Las familias de hoy saben que los almuerzos escolares saludables deben incluir frutas, verduras, cereales integrales y leche baja en grasa y deben evitar los alimentos procesados ​​con alto contenido de grasa, azúcar y sal.
Foods to consider might include hard cooked eggs, egg or tuna salad, little squares of meat or cheese, string cheese, fresh fruit, sliced raw carrots and bell peppers, grilled zucchini, cucumber rounds, mini bagels, muffins, pita bread, hummus. Or leftovers that can be safely kept cold or hot, as appropriate./ 
Los alimentos a considerar pueden incluir huevos duros, ensalada de huevo o atún, cuadraditos de carne o queso, queso en tiras, fruta fresca, zanahorias y pimientos crudos en rodajas, calabacín a la parrilla, rodajas de pepino, mini bagels, muffins, pan de pita, hummus. O sobras que se pueden mantener frías o calientes de forma segura, según corresponda.
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Preparing healthy lunches for school children in 2020, bearing in mind our special challenges today, might require some creativity. Some children will have their classes on line and will eat lunch at home, while others will go back to the classroom and may take a lunch. / 
Preparar almuerzos saludables para escolares en 2020, teniendo en cuenta nuestros desafíos especiales de hoy, puede requerir algo de creatividad. Algunos niños tendrán sus clases en línea y almorzarán en casa, mientras que otros regresarán al salón y podrán almorzar.
One country that knows how to offer super school lunches in the cafeteria is France. A lunch that lasts two hours will have five courses, including vegetables, salad, a warm main dish like sliced roast beef and baked potato, veal with mushrooms and broccoli, breaded fish with cauliflower, bread and butter, a cheese course, and a sweet dessert like fruit or tart, according to tasteofhome.com. Cromwell-intl.com notes offerings like duck shepherd’s pie, lamb tagine with apricots, ravioli with basil. / 
Un país que sabe cómo ofrecer súper almuerzos escolares en la cafetería es Francia. Un almuerzo de dos horas tendrá cinco platos, que incluirán verduras, ensalada, un plato principal caliente como rosbif en rodajas y papa al horno, ternera con champiñones y brócoli, pescado empanizado con coliflor, pan y mantequilla, un plato de queso y un dulce. postre como fruta o tarta, según tasteofhome.com . Cromwell-intl.com señala ofertas como pastel de pato, tajín de cordero con albaricoques, ravioles con albahaca.
While American schools won’t likely be offering French-style school lunches, families that prepare lunches at home can choose to be imaginative. So how about a start with a French-style school lunch option?/
Si bien es probable que las escuelas estadounidenses no ofrezcan almuerzos escolares al estilo francés, las familias que preparan almuerzos en casa pueden optar por ser imaginativas. Entonces, ¿qué tal comenzar con una opción de almuerzo escolar al estilo francés?
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(Adapted from ricardocuisine.com)
Duck, about 5 pounds
Red wine, about 2 cups
Duck stock or chicken broth, 1 cup
Onion, 2, 1 coarsely chopped, 1 finely chopped
Garlic, 4 cloves peeled and quartered
Thyme, bay leaf, chives, salt and pepper to taste
Butter, 1 tablespoon
Breadcrumbs, 1 tablespoon
Parmigiano-Reggiano cheese, 1 tablespoon fresh, grated
Mashed potatoes 6 cups, enhanced as desired
On middle oven rack with oven preheated to 350F, place duck in large pot, cover with water, bring to boil, then reduce heat and simmer for 30 minutes. Drain. Place duck back in pot and add wine, duck stock, 1 onion, garlic, thyme, bay leaf, salt and pepper to taste. Bake for 2-1/2 hours until meat thermometer reads 180F.
Remove duck from pan and strain juices through sieve, discarding solids. Allow fat to come to surface and skim off. Debone duck and cut meat into small pieces, set aside.
Mashed potatoes should be prepared half an hour before duck is ready. Keep warm.
Take a saucepan, sauté remaining onion in butter, add duck and pan juices, pour duck mixture in 9x13 baking dish, cover with mashed potatoes, sprinkle with breadcrumbs and Parmesan cheese, bake for another 15 minutes, then brown under broiler. Sprinkle with chopped chives. It can also be made in six 5-inch ramekins.
This would make a healthy lunch for home and could be taken hot or cold to school in safe container./
(Adaptado de ricardocuisine.com )
Pato, alrededor de 5 libras
Vino tinto, aproximadamente 2 tazas
Caldo de pato o caldo de pollo, 1 taza
Cebolla, 2, 1 picada gruesa, 1 finamente picada
Ajo, 4 dientes pelados y en cuartos
Tomillo, laurel, cebollino, sal y pimienta al gusto
Mantequilla, 1 cucharada
Pan rallado, 1 cucharada
Queso parmigiano-Reggiano, 1 cucharada fresco, rallado
Puré de papas 6 tazas, realzado al gusto
En la rejilla del medio del horno con el horno precalentado a 350F, coloque el pato en una olla grande, cubra con agua, deje hervir, luego reduzca el fuego y cocine a fuego lento durante 30 minutos. Desagüe. Vuelva a colocar el pato en la olla y agregue vino, caldo de pato, 1 cebolla, ajo, tomillo, laurel, sal y pimienta al gusto. Hornee por 2-1 / 2 horas hasta que el termómetro para carne marque 180F.
Retire el pato de la sartén y cuele los jugos por un colador, desechando los sólidos. Deje que la grasa salga a la superficie y se elimine. Deshuesar el pato y cortar la carne en trozos pequeños, reservar.
El puré de papas debe prepararse media hora antes de que el pato esté listo. Manténgase caliente.
Tome una cacerola, saltee la cebolla restante en mantequilla, agregue el pato y el jugo de la sartén, vierta la mezcla de pato en una fuente para hornear de 9x13, cubra con puré de papas, espolvoree con pan rallado y queso parmesano, hornee por otros 15 minutos, luego dore en el asador. Espolvorea con cebollino picado. También se puede hacer en seis moldes de 5 pulgadas.
Esto sería un almuerzo saludable para el hogar y podría llevarse frío o caliente a la escuela en un recipiente seguro.
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(Adapted from bonappetit.com)
Eggs, 6 large
Leftover roasted vegetables, 1-1/2 cups cut into small pieces
Leftover cooked grains, 1/2 cup
Cheese, 1 oz coarsely grated or crumbled
Herbs such as thyme, basil, chives 1 tablespoon chopped
Salt and pepper to taste
Olive oil, 2 tablespoons divided
Whisk 6 eggs vigorously until no streaks remain. Mix in remaining ingredients except olive oil. Heat half the oil in nonstick skillet over medium heat and add egg mixture. Cook until edges are set. Using spatula, carefully stir eggs, bringing edges to center of pan. Allow to cook until set again. Reduce heat to low, continue to cook, lifting edges of frittata with spatula to allow uncooked egg to flow to the bottom. Once frittata is cooked with top still wet, loosen frittata, place large plate over skillet, carefully invert frittata onto plate. Add remaining oil to pan, slip frittata back in and cook until set. Let rest 3 minutes then slip onto cutting board. Cut pizza-style, or as desired. May make one day ahead of time, keep in refrigerator, and bring to room temperature before serving.
Can be offered as lunch at home, or sent to school in appropriate container./
(Adaptado de bonappetit.com)
Huevos, 6 grandes
Verduras asadas sobrantes, 1-1 / 2 taza cortadas en trozos pequeños
Granos cocidos sobrantes, 1/2 taza
Queso, 1 onza rallado o desmenuzado
Hierbas como tomillo, albahaca, cebollino 1 cucharada picado
Sal y pimienta para probar
Aceite de oliva, dividido 2 cucharadas
Batir 6 huevos vigorosamente hasta que no queden rayas. Mezcle los ingredientes restantes excepto el aceite de oliva. Caliente la mitad del aceite en una sartén antiadherente a fuego medio y agregue la mezcla de huevo. Cocine hasta que los bordes estén firmes. Con una espátula, revuelva con cuidado los huevos, llevando los bordes al centro del molde. Deje cocinar hasta que cuaje nuevamente. Reduzca el fuego a bajo, continúe cocinando, levantando los bordes de la frittata con una espátula para permitir que el huevo crudo fluya hacia el fondo. Una vez que la frittata esté cocida con la parte superior aún húmeda, afloje la frittata, coloque un plato grande sobre la sartén e invierta cuidadosamente la frittata en el plato. Agregue el aceite restante a la sartén, deslice la frittata nuevamente y cocine hasta que esté listo. Deje reposar 3 minutos y luego deslice sobre la tabla de cortar. Corta al estilo pizza o al gusto. Puede preparar con un día de anticipación, conservar en el refrigerador y llevar a temperatura ambiente antes de servir.
Puede ofrecerse como almuerzo en casa o enviarse a la escuela en un recipiente apropiado.
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(Adapted from tasteofhome.com)
Pears, 2 diced
Celery, 1/2 cup thinly sliced
Seedless red grapes, 1/2 cup halved
Walnuts, 2 tablespoons finely chopped
Lemon yogurt, 2 tablespoons
Mayonnaise, 2 tablespoons
Pita pocket halves, 20 miniature
Lettuce leaves
Combine first 4 ingredients in a large bowl. In second bowl, mix mayonnaise and yogurt. Refrigerate overnight.
Before school, line pita halves with lettuce, fill each with 2 tablespoons of the pear mixture. Place in container that will keep foods cold./
(Adaptado de tasteofhome.com)
Peras, 2 en cubitos
Apio, 1/2 taza en rodajas finas
Uvas rojas sin semillas, 1/2 taza a la mitad
Nueces, 2 cucharadas, finamente picadas
Yogur de limón, 2 cucharadas
Mayonesa, 2 cucharadas
Mitades de bolsillo de pita, 20 miniaturas
Hojas de lechuga
Combine los primeros 4 ingredientes en un tazón grande. En el segundo tazón, mezcle la mayonesa y el yogur. Refrigere toda la noche.
Antes de la escuela, cubra las mitades de pita con lechuga, rellene cada una con 2 cucharadas de la mezcla de peras. Coloque en un recipiente que mantenga los alimentos fríos.
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thecornichon · 5 years
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Mondat night dinner was packed with umami! . Pan fried chicken with garlic, anchovies, capers and lemon juice. Butterfly 3 chicken breasts, season with salt and pepper and saltee til both sides are golden. Remove from the pan and place on a 400 F oven to finish cooking, about 10 min. In the same frying pan add 3 chopped anchovy fillets, 5 sliced cloves of garlic and a couple tablespoons of capers. Add the juice of a lemon scrapping all the brown bits making a sauce, add chicken to sauce and serve. #mondaydinner . . . . . #ketodinner #ketocomfort #lchf #chickendinner #ketomeal #onmyplate #onmytable #organic #freerange #umami #sterlingblog #ketoblogger #loudouncounty #eatinglight #ketocommunity #nocarbs #lowcarbliving #yummyketo #deliciousfood #ketotribe https://www.instagram.com/p/BykkSZ6gjJW/?igshid=vxakove6tzn8
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simsxlife · 7 years
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It was now Monday and Ezekiel was ready to tell everyone what he saw the day before. With Hero’s help, everyone gathered in the meeting room.
“Supernaturals. We have gathered today because our colleague Ezekiel has something he’d like to share with us all.”
Ezekiel took in a deep breath and explained everything. Sol was the first to make a comment. “Wasn’t she that Kaitlin girl’s best friend? She passed away at the night of the dance... I was talking to Chip, and he told me what happened.”
“That makes no sense! How could she have gotten those pills, if she lives in the upperclassmen dormitory?” What Matthew said made sense.
Saltee was quick to reject his theory. “They’re BEST FRIENDS. Best friends always share everything, even if they live in two different houses! What doesn’t make sense is how she got there if the cafe was closed!”
Bishop was growing tired of these people dying. “I just hope that none of us meet the end of or lives as quick as they did...”
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simsxlife · 7 years
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The underclassmen were now all in class and ready for their first day.
“Hello, everyone! I’m going to be your teacher for a couple of days. My name is Miss Flores. This class is going to help with accepting who we are, as supernaturals. For our first activity, I would like for you to talk to the person across from you and tell them how you feel about your gifts, whether you enjoy them or hate them. If you have any questions feel free to ask!”
Sol was talking to Matthew about how much she enjoyed her gifts, but he didn’t seem too fond of his. “I don’t really care. I mean, sometimes being a vampire helps me with my writing because I don’t get tired that fast... It’s whatever.”
Bishop told Saltee all about his past and all she said to him was, “It’s so awesome! I love being a fairy.”
Reggie was partnered up with Ezekiel, another witch. They both were waiting for their true powers to be given to them, something they had in common. “I don’t like waiting.”
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simsxlife · 7 years
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The underclassmen night students were not involved with the lock down at all, but yet they still found out about it. All except Hero were gossiping about the event in their meeting area.
Sol was first to speak. “I heard that they didn’t tell us because we’re too weak.”
Matthew then said, “That’s not true. We all have special gifts.”
Saltee was next to speak. “Well, I heard they didn’t tell us because Hero would have involved the senate.”
Just as Saltee said that, Hero made her way into the meeting area.
“Hello, everyone. I am well aware of last night’s events. Like I mentioned before, I know everything about all the supernaturals. I knew they were there last night, I could sense their presence at the academy. But don’t worry, I will not involve the senate. You see, the senate is just like the police here. They always have excuses. There’s no point. You’re all safe, do not fear.”
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simsxlife · 7 years
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When Sol got to the room, she saw hat her dorm buddy Saltee was already laying in bed.
“Hi there! You’re so cute! I love the dress.. Why do you have on those sun gasses? It’s not even sunny... it’s 9pm....”
Sol started climbing up the ladders so she too could get to bed.
“Ah hello! I am a Shine berry! I control the sun! That means, I can’t look at things directly without my sunglasses when I am indoors, away from the sun. It’s like the opposite!”
Saltee had a hard time understanding what Sol meant, but she eventually got it.
“Oooohh.. That’s cool! So could you make the sun come out right now?”
“There’s no point! Everyone’s going to sleep now. I mostly bring out the sun when it’s raining hard or if it’s too cold out... Not when it’s dark, people need their sleep! Speaking of... goodnight!”
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simsxlife · 7 years
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Saltee and Ezekiel both arrived at the dorms right around the same time. Both of their eyes were exploring the dorm, and then their eyes met with each other.
“Hey, isn’t this place great?” Saltee asked.
“Beats my place back were I’m from.”
“Oh, where are you from?”
Ezekiel let out a saddened sigh and said, “It... It doesn’t matter anymore. I can’t go back anyway...”
Just as Saltee was about to keep interrogating him, Reggie made his way inside.
“Oh, uh. Hello.Am I.. Am I late..? I uh-”
Ezekiel ended his painful speech and answered his question. “Nope, you’re just on time. I’m going to go ahead and get settles in my room, nice meeting you Saltee, Reggie.”
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simsxlife · 7 years
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Saltee Pepper - Night Student
Saltee is a part of a very small, exclusive Fairy Family. Her wings may be small, but they can take on just about anything. Despite the way she looks, she is entering as an underclassmen. She dreams that this Academy will help her become the most powerful and smartest in her family. Some of her powers include being able to fix just about anything, whether it’s broken in half or into a million tiny pieces. This may seem inconvenient, but it also includes saving lives. However, she has not reached top knowledge in that field, but with enough time spent studying she will be able to use her family’s powers for the better, or worse, and be able to save, or take, lives in an instant.
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