#Salvage operation challenges
defensenow · 4 months
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alwaysbewoke · 6 months
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misshoneyimhome · 6 months
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A Little Bit of Luck I Nico Hischier 🌺
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🍀 Summary; When Erin's life takes an unexpected turn and she finds herself in need of a little bit of luck, Nico Hischier unexpectedly enters her life. However, fate operates in mysterious ways, and nothing unfolds as straightforwardly as one might hope.
🍀 Tropes & warnings; some language; strangers to friends, complicated frienship; friends to lovers; just a lot of fluff 🌺
🍀 Other notes; Alright babes, here's my submission for @callsign-denmark's Luck of the Puck fic exchange, where I've had the privilege to write for @laurenairay 🤍 It's been an absolute joy to take part in this, and I do hope it's not overly lengthy 🙈 Just a heads up; I cross my fingers everything makes sense, as I've relied on Google for some research on New Jersey & New York (sincerely, a European who knows nothing about the US) 😂 Nevertheless, I hope you all find it enjoyable 🥂
🍀 Word count; 7.9K
・✶ 。゚
On a brisk Thursday evening in January, Nico Hischier found himself seated alone in the inviting atmosphere of the Grasshopper, a local Irish pub radiating warmth and familiarity. The subdued lighting cast a gentle, amber glow throughout the room, highlighting the rustic appeal of the establishment, with vintage Guinness posters and framed photographs of Irish landscapes adorning the walls, enhancing its quaint, vintage allure.
Perched on a stool at the bar, Nico waited patiently, the soft creaking of the wooden floor beneath his feet echoing the bar's rich history and the myriad of tales it held. The crackling of a nearby fireplace added to the comforting ambiance, its flickering flames casting playful shadows around the room.
With a drink in hand, the 25-year-old hockey player surveyed the bar, observing groups of friends engaged in lively conversation, their laughter mingling with the gentle strains of Irish music playing in the background. Although unfamiliar with this particular bar, Nico had accepted his friend's invitation for a casual double date, thinking it would be a pleasant experience.
However, as time passed and the crowd gradually dwindled, Nico's friend failed to make an appearance. Despite the cosy atmosphere of the bar, Nico began to feel a growing sense of annoyance, his watch indicating that he had been waiting for over thirty minutes.
Increasingly frustrated by his friend's absence and the lack of communication, Nico finally expressed his irritation when he managed to reach him over the phone.
"Hey, where are you? I've been waiting here for almost 40 minutes..." his voice tinged with irritation, his Swiss accent adding a touch of assertiveness to his words. "What? Why didn't you let me know? Seriously, I'm sitting here alone, feeling like a fool." Frustration evident, he sighed heavily before ending the call with a resigned tone. "Alright… well, catch you later."
It was a disappointing revelation for Nico, realising his friend had failed to inform him about cancelling their double date for the night. Despite the setback, he determined to salvage the evening, knowing he had a day off tomorrow. Choosing to linger a while longer at the bar, he decided to order another drink, surrendering himself to the comforting atmosphere.
Spotting the blonde bartender behind the counter, Nico called out to get her attention.
"Hey, can I have another one?" he requested, his tone still holding traces of annoyance from the earlier situation.
Turning towards the hockey player, the bartender offered a gentle smile before responding. "Please..." she challenged him, taking a step closer. "Can I have another one, please?" Her sweet smile accompanied the motion of pouring another drink.
Perplexed by her response, Nico furrowed his brow. "What did you just say?" he questioned, slightly surprised by her playful comeback.
"It's polite, you know," she chuckled lightly as she placed the drink on the counter.
Still surprised, Nico let out a soft sigh. "Well, thanks," he muttered quietly.
"Erin," she indirectly introduced herself. "Thank you, Erin."
Momentarily taken aback by her casual yet outgoing manner, Nico wondered if she was trying to flirt with him. However, as Erin turned to attend to other tasks, he pushed aside the thought, though he couldn't deny being charmed by her sweet smile.
"Nico," he suddenly found himself replying. Feeling a pang of guilt for his earlier behaviour, Nico decided to offer his name in return, casually striking up a conversation, as he noted that it wasn't too busy and another bartender was handling the rest of the bar. "And I'm sorry," he blurted out, trying not to seem too forward. "I'm usually not like this... I just had a bit of a situation or something..."
Erin turned towards Nico once more, her expression softening into a gentle smile as she leaned casually against the counter, her hands busy polishing a glass.
"I had a feeling," she teased lightly, her tone playful yet empathetic. "Trouble in paradise with the girlfriend?"
"No," Nico shook his head, feeling a blush rise to his cheeks at the assumption.
"Boyfriend, then?" Erin quipped, her words delivered with a hint of curiosity and a touch of humour.
"N-no, nothing like that," Nico replied quickly, his embarrassment evident in the slight stammer of his voice. "Just supposed to meet up with a friend... and, um, some girls."
He couldn't help but feel a pang of apprehension as he admitted to the failed date plans, despite the casual setting; confessing felt oddly nerve-wracking. Briefly, he glanced down at his drink, the amber liquid swirling in the glass, providing a temporary distraction from the intensity of the moment.
"Ah, so you’ve been stood up by a date?" Erin's question caught him off guard, her tone devoid of judgment, instead tinged with genuine concern.
Nico simply nodded in confirmation, his gaze meeting hers with a mixture of vulnerability and relief. "Yeah, I guess so."
Erin chuckled lightly, the sound echoing softly in the intimate space of the bar. Setting aside the glass and towel, she took a step closer to Nico, bridging the gap between them with ease. "Well, then consider this one on the house."
Meeting her kind smile, Nico couldn't help but feel a sense of gratitude wash over him. Despite the unexpected turn of events, her generosity offered a glimmer of warmth in an otherwise disappointing evening. Surprisingly nervous, he chuckled, his fingers unconsciously ruffling through his hair as he struggled to find the right words.
"You really don't have to do that," he protested weakly, knowing his finances weren't a pressing concern for him.
“Oh, I know, but it's just good service, you know? The bar showing concern for its guests," Erin offered Nico a friendly smile and a playful wink. "Can't have a handsome lad like you just sitting here feeling down."
Nico found himself slightly taken aback by Erin's amiable nature, sensing an inexplicable pull towards her. It wasn't necessarily romantic or sexual, but he couldn’t deny that there was an undeniable magnetism. She was remarkably friendly, especially towards a stranger alone in a bar after being stood up, going above and beyond her duty.
"Well, maybe I should make this a regular thing then—pretend to be stood up to get more free drinks," Nico tried to casually joke, a chuckle escaping him as he took another sip of his drink.
“Well, in that case, I'll have to keep a good eye on you," Erin bantered back, her tone light-hearted.
"Hmm, I guess you do,” Nico added with a playful grin. “Or I can try with a disguise….”
"Oh yeah, that could be an idea," Erin laughed along, her smile infectious. "And who knows, maybe with a bit of luck, next time you won't have to drink alone."
Nico couldn't help but continue laughing. Erin's smile was becoming more and more enchanting, and he had to admit a small part of him wished she was flirting. Yet, he couldn't be certain.
"Maybe..." he replied simply, allowing a moment of silence to linger between them.
Erin's blue eyes met Nico's honey brown gaze, a subtle connection forming as the room buzzed with chatter and the strains of Celtic music filled the air.
And as the evening progressed, their conversation flowed effortlessly, touching on a variety of topics ranging from their favourite European travel destinations to their shared love for music. Her relaxed and calm demeanour, paired with her inviting smile and open attitude, had Nico feeling at ease; their encounter felt natural and comfortable.
Erin shared stories from her travels, recounting adventures in far-flung destinations that sparked Nico's curiosity and admiration. In turn, Nico shared tales from his experiences growing up in Switzerland, painting vivid pictures of the picturesque landscapes and charming traditions of his homeland, unintentionally avoiding mentioning his career as a hockey player. For some reason, it just didn’t seem to matter.
And as they chatted away, Nico found himself drawn in by her genuine warmth and enthusiasm. Her zest for life was contagious, and he discovered himself sharing more than he had anticipated, revealing personal anecdotes and aspirations with a newfound sense of comfort.
However, their rapport was interrupted when Erin was called over by her colleague, signalling the end of her shift. With a tinge of disappointment, Nico watched as she prepared to bid her farewells, slipping on her coat to depart for the night.
"Well, I suppose I might see you around again,” she remarked, her tone tinged with uncertainty as she glanced back at him.
"Yeah, maybe..." Nico replied, feeling somewhat unsure about how to proceed. Despite enjoying their interaction, he couldn't shake the insecurity of expressing his desire to meet her again. Yet, he reasoned that as a bartender, Erin was likely accustomed to engaging with strangers, and he was probably just another customer to her.
"It was nice to meet you, Nico," Erin smiled warmly before turning to leave the bar. As she vanished into the night, Nico couldn't help but feel a pang of regret for not being more upfront about his intentions.
Erin Carroll, a 24-year-old from Cardiff, navigated life's unexpected challenges with resilience and determination.
Following a recent breakup of her engagement, Erin sought solace by visiting her father in New York, who despite not always being present in her life while she was growing up, had always been her go-to person during difficult times.
Erin's parents had divorced when she was just 10 years old, her mother remarrying multiple times since then, and though Erin didn't fully understand the reasons behind her parents' divorce, she had continued to live with her mother until she was old enough to strike out on her own. Where soon after, she met Tom—a man many saw as a perfect match, with his stable life and mature demeanour. However, real life proved to be far from a fairy tale, and their four-year relationship ended with their engagement ending abruptly, prompting Erin to seek refuge elsewhere.
Reconnecting with her father was a welcome reprieve, and after spending a week immersed in father-daughter bonding, Erin made the decision to remain in the United States to pursue her passion for working in marketing. Yet, her transition was not without its challenges. Job hunting proved to be a rollercoaster of highs and lows and finding affordable housing in the bustling city proved to be equally daunting. So eventually, Erin settled in Newark, New Jersey, taking on a temporary job as a bartender and sharing an apartment with a roommate, Bonny.
Fortunately, Bonny's warm and outgoing nature proved to be a source of comfort for Erin, helping her to adjust to her new surroundings and regain her footing amidst life's uncertainties.
Every day seemed to bring nothing but positive developments for the young woman, and within just a few months, she found herself sharing a deeper connection with her new roommate than she had ever imagined possible with a stranger in such a short amount of time.
About a week after her first encounter with Nico at the bar, Erin still found herself occasionally thinking about him. His presence had left a lasting impression, and she couldn't entirely shake off the feeling of connection they had shared, even if it was brief. Feeling a bit of regret of not having tried harder to get his phone number. 
On this particular morning, she decided to go for a jog, hoping to clear her mind and get some exercise in, especially after Bonny had entertained a guest overnight. Unfortunately, their nocturnal activities hadn't been discreet, and Erin had woken up to overhear everything through the thin walls.
And deciding to avoid the awkward situation, she slipped on her running shoes. The brisk Sunday air refreshed her as she jogged, each step helping to quiet the thoughts swirling in her mind. And along the way, she reflected on the unexpected turns her life had taken since moving to New Jersey.
Returning home, sweat beading on her brow, Erin anticipated finding the apartment quiet and empty. However, upon entering the kitchen, she was met with a surprising sight—a naked man standing by the counter, casually munching on a bowl of cereal.
Erin froze in shock, her mind racing to comprehend the situation. Then, as the man turned to face her, she realised with a jolt of recognition that it was Nico—the same friendly stranger from the bar.
"Oh, um, hi there," Erin stammered, feeling her cheeks flush with embarrassment as she struggled to avert her gaze from Nico's nakedness.
Nico's eyes widened in surprise as he hastily attempted to cover himself with one hand while clutching his cereal bowl with the other. "Erin, hey," he said, his voice tinged with a mixture of embarrassment and amusement. "I, uh, didn't expect to see you... or anyone here."
Erin couldn't help but chuckle nervously at the absurdity of the situation. "Yeah, I can see that," she replied, trying to regain her composure. "I, uh, didn't expect to find you... like this either."
Nico's cheeks flushed pink as he stood uncomfortably in the middle of the kitchen. "Yeah, about that... Bonny said her roommate was out, so I thought I'd grab a quick bite to eat," he explained sheepishly.
Erin nodded, understanding dawning on her. "Right, of course."
And as the initial shock slowly wore off, she couldn't help but feel a twinge of curiosity. "So, uh, you and Bonny... are you...?" she trailed off, unsure how to phrase her question.
Nico shook his head lightly, a small smile playing at the corners of his lips. "No, uhm… I mean yes,” he replied. “I mean, we're just friends, sort of. She, uh…”
“…Was one of the girls you were supposed to meet last week?” Erin gently finished his sentence.
“Yeah… We just met a few days later instead… and then again last night…” Nico explained. “I’m sorry… I wouldn’t be naked like this if I knew you were coming back so soon.”
Erin chuckled again, feeling a slight sense of awkwardness at Nico's presence but also finding the situation somewhat amusing. "Well, I'm back now," she said, mustering up a smile. "But, uh, feel free to finish your breakfast. I'll just, um, go take a shower."
And with that, Erin quickly made her way through the room, trying not to stare too much at Nico’s rather good-looking naked body, leaving him to finish his cereal in peace. As she stepped into the bathroom, she couldn't help but feel a sense of disappointment. Though she knew she had only met Nico once and hadn’t shown any overt interest, she couldn’t shake the slight tinge of hurt knowing he was now involved with her roommate and good friend.
Meeting Nico again was completely different from what Erin had anticipated, especially in such an unexpected manner. His sudden appearance, whether naked or not, caught her completely off guard. However, what ensued afterward added real depth to their reunion.
Bonny, despite her forgetfulness and spontaneity, was incredibly kind. With her outgoing nature, she always made sure to include Erin in her social activities, one of which was regularly attending hockey games at the Prudential Center.
Although Erin wasn't a die-hard hockey enthusiast, the vibrant atmosphere of the arena and the enthusiastic cheers from the crowd quickly drew her in. It was an unparalleled experience, made even better by being with Bonny.
Moreover, the game against the Montreal Canadiens was undeniably thrilling.
With the Canadiens scoring the first goal and taking an early lead, the game quickly became a high-scoring back-and-forth affair. Both teams battled fiercely, trading goals in a relentless display of skill and determination. Even Nico managed to score during the second and third periods. Not just once or twice, but with an impressive hat trick. And in the end, the Devils emerged victorious with a hard-fought 6-4 win over the Canadiens.
The Prudential Center was alive with excitement as the crowd slowly filed toward the exits. However, much to Erin's surprise, Bonny instead pulled her toward the stairs leading down to the players' locker rooms.
Thanks to her newfound connection with the team's captain, Bonny had gained access behind the scenes and led Erin straight into Nico's arms when he greeted them in the hallway.
Although Nico and Bonny hadn't yet explicitly planned to progress beyond occasional hook-ups, it became inevitable as their interactions evolved over time. Days turned into weeks, and they gradually developed a connection - primarily sexual in nature, but a connection, nonetheless. Without any formal labels, they shared genuine laughter, inside jokes, and what appeared to be more than satisfying sex. Fortunately for Erin, they spent more time at Nico's place rather than staying over, where she could hear every loud noise during their passionate moments.
And as the hallway buzzed with cheers and conversation as players gathered with their families and friends, Bonny's phone suddenly rang amidst the jubilation.
"Could you two keep each other company for a moment while I take this call from my sister?" she asked, not really waiting for a response as she hurried away to answer the call, leaving Erin and Nico alone.
They shared a brief moment of uncertain laughter before Nico turned to Erin with excitement evident in his handsome features. "So, how did you find the game?"
"Oh, it was fantastic," she exclaimed, her smile stretching across her lips. "And congratulations on the hat trick! Bonny mentioned that the Devils hadn’t been doing too well lately..." she added, her tone tinged with concern, careful not to dampen the cheerful mood.
"Yeah, we've had a bit of a bad phase," Nico admitted with a wry smile.
"Well, it looks like things are turning around now," Erin replied, trying to convey her newfound support for the team.
"I think so too," Nico chuckled in return. "And maybe you should come around more often since you seem to be my lucky charm."
"What?" Erin inquired nervously.
"Well, I just mean that whenever you're around, good things seem to happen to me – first, you rescued me from a disappointing evening, and now you've broken the bad streak at tonight's match."
Erin felt a slight flutter in her heart at Nico's kind words, a small surge of excitement leaving her wondering if there was still a lingering connection between her and the handsome Swiss captain after all these weeks.
Yet, feeling a twinge of insecurity, she tucked a stray strand of hair behind her ear and briefly glanced down before meeting Nico's dark gaze again.
"I'm hardly a lucky charm..." she chuckled lightly, trying to brush it off as a casual joke. "Or maybe I'm just rubbing off on you, and then there's nothing left for me."
The words were meant to be light-hearted banter, but as they left her lips, Erin couldn't shake off the faint sting of sadness that lingered. And it seemed that Nico felt it too, as his eyes suddenly took on a more concerned expression.
"Sorry, I didn't mean to sound so dramatic..." Erin attempted to laugh it off, but Nico's gentle expression remained.
"Hey... don't worry. With a bit of luck, things might turn around for you too," Nico spoke with a gentle tone. Their eyes met once more, and for a fleeting moment, it felt as if time had stood still, with only the sound of their heartbeats echoing in the air.
However, the brief enchanting moment was abruptly interrupted as Bonny returned, re-joining the conversation.
"Hey, ready to head out?" she asked Nico with a broad smile.
"Yeah, sure," he muttered softly, avoiding eye contact with Erin, who suddenly felt like she was just tagging along beside them.
"Okay then," Bonny chuckled. "You're sorted, right?" She then turned to Erin. "You know the way back to the apartment?"
"Yeah, no problem," Erin simply chuckled.
"Awesome, well, catch you later then."
And with that, Bonny and Nico departed the hallway together, leaving Erin to her own thoughts.
As January transitioned into the following month, Erin found herself edging closer to her dream job. Finally securing a couple of call-backs for interviews, she eagerly awaited a final response. Though they weren't monumental opportunities, any one of them would undoubtedly be a step up from her bartending gig, potentially opening doors to further prospects. Starting as an assistant in a prominent company was always a promising foothold.
The wait for responses was agonising for her, however, thanks to Bonny's frequent invitations to hockey games and outings with her new circle of friends, Erin found her mind preoccupied as she relished the lively company. 
Though she sometimes felt a little out of place at Devil gatherings with Bonny, with Nico present, she somehow felt more at ease. Amidst larger groups of friends, he made a concerted effort to engage Erin in conversation and ensure she felt included. 
Initially, she attributed it to his responsibility as team captain or perhaps his natural inclination to foster a welcoming atmosphere. Yet as they spent more time together during events and hockey nights, Nico's presence around Erin became almost constant.
It was as if the connection they had shared on their first night together was resurfacing in its organic form, instantly deepening their bond. Their friendship became comfortable, filled with laughter and playful banter. And as Erin expressed her growing affection for the sport that was Nico's life passion, he eagerly took on the role of mentor, eager to impart his knowledge.
Nico even suggested to Bonny that Erin should join them when they went out for ice skating. However, not wanting to feel like a burden or third wheel for the entire day, Erin initially declined the invitation. It was only when Bonny suggested bringing along one of Nico's friends, Mike, that Erin eventually agreed to join them.
The day turned out to be quite enjoyable. Despite the girls' numerous falls and near ankle twists every time they got back up, the atmosphere was filled with laughter and joy. And after the cheerful activity, the four of them went to savour some hot chocolate.
As they settled in at a cosy spot to enjoy their warm drinks, laughter continued to resonate, yet, despite the merriment, Erin couldn't help but notice the interaction between Bonny and Nico. The way they constantly touched each other, stroking each other's arms, and leaned in while laughing captivated her attention. And she found herself unintentionally fixating on it. Without even realising it, she was suddenly observing their behaviour when Nico pointed out that Bonny had whipped cream on her upper lip.
With a playful grin on her lips, Bonny leaned in to share a deep kiss with Nico, transferring the cream from her lip to his.
"Now we both have whipped cream on our upper lips," she chuckled, and they all continued to enjoy their drinks.
"It's not easy, huh," Mike suddenly spoke softly, ensuring that Erin was the only one to hear it.
"Huh?" she inquired, snapping out of her reverie.
"I said it's not easy - seeing someone you like with somebody else," he elaborated with a sweet smile.
But Erin found herself slightly bewildered. "I'm not quite sure what you're on about," she attempted to flash a gentle smile, though hints of confusion were reflected in her eyes.
"Oh, come on," Mike chuckled lightly. "I can see the way you two look at each other... the way you talk and share genuine laughter."
"He acts the same with Bonny?” Erin tried to casually deflect the insinuation. But he wasn't easily dissuaded.
"Yeah, sure, but it's different when he's with you," Mike explained. "He's just... different when you're around. Not in a negative way. He seems more composed and relaxed..."
Erin felt a warmth slowly spreading across her cheeks, a flutter of joy in her stomach as he described Nico's behaviour when she was present. However, she knew she had to shake off those feelings. There was nothing more than a pure friendship between them. Nico was with Bonny, and Erin was simply there as a friend for support.
"You're overthinking it," she chuckled lightly, shaking her head in disbelief. "Nico and I are just friends – nothing more."
"Maybe," he conceded, leaning back in his chair as he finished his drink. "But I still believe you mean something to him. And she's not the right one for him. But hey, maybe he just needs a bit of luck to realise it," he finished with a grin.
"What did you just say? A bit of luck?"
But before he could respond, the couple decided to call it a night, prompting the four of them to part ways. Well, most of them. Bonny naturally went home with Nico, leaving Erin to make her way back to their shared flat alone.
And as she stepped into the comfort of her home, she couldn't help but dwell on what Mike had said.
Throughout these weeks, Erin hadn't felt any jealousy or similar emotions when observing Nico and Bonny together. Most of the time, she genuinely felt happy for them. However, as she reminisced about the somewhat heartfelt conversations she'd shared with Nico, she couldn't deny the growing sense of connection between them. Perhaps something that transcended mere friendly banter.
"Shit," she muttered to herself, feeling her emotions laid bare and vulnerable. And in the quiet solitude of the flat, she took a long, warm shower, attempting to wash away the unwanted feelings she was developing for her roommate's romantic interest.
Days turned into weeks, and Erin found herself unable to shake off the lingering feelings she harboured for Nico. Despite her best efforts to bury them beneath layers of denial, they continued to resurface, leaving her feeling conflicted and unsettled.
It seemed that every time she saw Nico and Bonny together, a small pang of jealousy gnawed at her heart, no matter how hard she wished for it to dissipate. Their easy rapport and affectionate gestures served as constant reminders of what might have been, leaving Erin feeling like an outsider in her own home.
"Just my luck…" she muttered to herself now and then.
Despite trying to distract herself with work and social outings, her thoughts invariably drifted back to Nico—his warm smile, his gentle touch, the way his eyes lit up when they spoke. It was a magnetic pull she couldn't seem to resist, no matter how hard she tried.
However, amidst the chaos of her swirling emotions, a glimmer of hope emerged in the form of a job offer. After weeks of anxious waiting, Erin finally received the news she had been longing for—an opportunity to work as an assistant at a prestigious marketing firm in downtown Manhattan.
On the evening of this long-awaited good news, Erin immediately called her father to share the joyous update. Since Bonny would be out for the night with some girlfriends, she decided to celebrate solo with some of her favourite Italian takeout and snacks, indulging in her favourite movie while wearing her comfiest pyjamas.
But just as Erin hung up the call with her father, a sudden knock sounded on the front door. Given that she had already received her takeout, she wondered who could be at the door. Perhaps it was just Bonny, who had forgotten her keys.
Yet it wasn't Bonny. It was Nico.
With a baffled expression, Erin seemed to freeze in her position, confused as to why he'd show up when his date wasn't even home. "Nico, what are you doing here?" she inquired with a friendly smile.
"Um, I'm here to meet with Bonny?" he explained with a soft chuckle, which only left Erin more puzzled.
"What? Bonny isn't here... she's out with some girlfriends..." she gently clarified, noticing the confusion spreading in Nico's eyes as she shared the information.
"Oh... fuck, she must have forgotten to cancel on me then... again," he muttered, running his fingers through his dark hair as he let out a sigh.
"Yeah, sorry Nico... she can be a little..." Erin tried to flash a concerned, reassuring smile. 
"I know... it's just... it's like the third time this happens... and with my schedule, you know the way it is... it's just not easy..." Nico's frustration was palpable in his voice, his expression betraying nothing but defeat.
"I get it... but..." Erin paused for a moment, reconsidering what she was about to say.
"What?" Nico's curiosity was piqued.
"Oh, nothing..." she attempted to brush it off, but she knew it was futile.
"Come on, Erin, what did you want to say?" he offered a soft smile, trying to meet her eyes.
"I just... um... well, if you're feeling down, I've got enough Italian takeout for like five people... and, it's just me, so if you're hungry..." Erin struggled to speak, finding it unusually difficult to talk to Nico. It was a feeling that had developed within her ever since she realised she might have a slight crush on him.
"I'd love to," Nico simply chuckled, prompting Erin to step aside, and let him in to join her.
"Oh, okay," she smiled.
"So, it's just you?" Nico inquired, shedding his coat and shoes before making his way into the living room.
"Yup, just me, myself, and I," Erin chuckled. "I'm just having a little celebration all by myself."
"Well, that explains the outfit then," Nico laughed, settling onto the sofa.
"Huh?" Erin reacted with surprise, only now realising she was dressed in a slightly oversized t-shirt with some cheeky wording printed on it, without a bra, and a pair of rather short shorts. "Oh yeah... I can go change if..."
"No, no, you don't have to change," Nico chuckled. "At least not for my sake."
Feeling a small sense of relief, Erin joined Nico on the sofa to indulge in her delicious takeout dinner.
"Well, dig in," she flashed a smile at the man beside her, already feeling much more at ease. No intrusive thoughts lingered in her mind as she sensed her friendship with Nico comfortably settling in the air between them.
Maybe her crush didn't really matter after all, she thought. Perhaps it was just the idea of being with someone again that had caused her feelings for Nico to grow. It didn't have to be about him, right? 
Breaking her train of thought, Nico spoke with his sweet voice. "So, what are you celebrating?"
"Oh, just that I finally got a job in marketing," Erin flashed him a wide smile.
"What? Erin, that's amazing – where and when?" Nico's excitement for his friend was evident.
"Well, it's just as an assistant in a major firm downtown Manhattan, and yeah, I can start in two weeks," she explained.
"Oh, congratulations!" Nico exclaimed, setting down his cutlery and pulling her into a tight hug. "Why didn't you tell me?"
"I just found out this morning so... I mean, Bonny doesn't even know yet," Erin replied, tucking a strand of hair behind her ear.
"Well, I'm really happy for you," he flashed her a sweet smile, his eyes locking with hers for a tender moment.
"Thanks, Nico," Erin almost whispered, her eyes flickering as she admired his honey-brown hues.
Once again, it felt as if time stood still. Warmth hung in the air as the two friends shared a moment of soft intimacy. And as minutes passed without either of them speaking, Erin suddenly felt her cheeks flush slightly, the feelings for Nico once again stirring within her.
Quickly breaking the eye contact, she shook off the emotions and attempted to steer the conversation in another direction.
"So, do you want to watch a movie or something while we eat?" Erin asked, trying to sound casual.
"Sure, whatever you like," Nico replied simply, flashing his signature sweet smile.
As Erin scrolled through the options on the streaming service, she couldn't help but feel a flutter of nervousness in her chest. Having Nico here, alone with her, felt both thrilling and daunting, and she wanted nothing more than to enjoy his company without letting her growing feelings interfere.
Finally settling on a light-hearted comedy, she pressed play and settled back on the sofa beside Nico. And as the movie began and they finished their meals, both finding themselves laughing at the witty dialogue and slapstick humour, Nico suddenly leaned his arm back, resting on the back of the sofa behind Erin.
She wasn't entirely sure if he was doing it intentionally or simply for comfort, but she tried her best not to overthink it. Leaning only slightly into his embrace, she simply relaxed and enjoyed the film.
Nico felt a bit surprised at how relaxed Erin acted around him, yet he couldn't deny that he enjoyed how effortless it felt with her. Simply lounging on the sofa with a silly movie and some delicious takeout felt nothing short of amazing.
Despite the disappointment of being stood up by Bonny, he couldn't help but feel good. There was just something about Erin that he couldn't quite describe. Her calm and easy-going attitude was soothing to him, unintentionally drawing him in as if he wanted to be around her all the time.
But Nico also understood that he'd missed his chance when he hadn't acted at the bar during their first meeting, instead opting to pursue her roommate, leaving him with only the option of being a close friend. 
Which he didn't mind at all. In fact, he loved having her around. He always made an effort to be near her and ensure she felt at ease at every gathering, something Bonny wasn't always good at. She often left Erin to herself. And despite being an independent woman, he still felt a need to make sure she was alright at all times.
As the movie continued playing, Nico couldn't help but steal glances at the beautiful girl in his embrace. Though they weren't entirely cuddled up, he still felt her warmth against him. And as the minutes passed, he couldn't deny the pleasurable sensation Erin stirred within him, something he hadn't quite experienced with Bonny.
Catching Nico's gaze, Erin offered him a confused expression. "What?"
Caught off guard from his train of thought, he shook his head lightly. "Oh, sorry," he said with a small smile. "Just... thanks for saving my night. Again. I just... I can't help but think that maybe you really are a lucky charm."
Erin mirrored his light chuckle, feeling slightly nervous at his compliment.
"I, um... I'm just glad I can be of help," she spoke, her voice barely above a whisper.
The air hung heavy between them, silence prevailing amidst the faint jingle echoing through the small living room as Nico's eyes remained locked onto Erin's, the connection deep as they stayed still in their positions.
Erin felt a warm sensation coursing through her body, unable to tear her gaze away from the Swiss captain. It was the same pleasurable feeling he had stirred within her on the very first night they met, and she couldn't resist studying his face, taking in every small detail and feature—the brown stubble along his jawline, his bushy eyebrows, his pink lips. Even a fleeting thought of feeling those lips crossed her mind.
However, realising suddenly how close they were sitting, she shook her head and sat up straighter.
She shifted slightly in her seat, trying to find a comfortable position without getting too close to Nico, as she couldn't shake the feeling that their proximity was dangerous—a slippery slope that could lead to heartbreak and complications. Yet despite her best efforts to maintain a safe distance, she found herself drawn to Nico like a moth to a flame. His presence was magnetic, his easy charm and genuine warmth impossible to resist.
And Nico felt it too. He wanted to say something, yet he was afraid he'd say something stupid or maybe reveal something he shouldn't. Though he tried not to act on the simmering feeling, he couldn't tear his eyes away from her. Studying her composed features, his gaze drifted to her thigh, where a creative mark caught his attention, piquing his curiosity.
"You've got a tattoo?" He suddenly asked, trying to divert from the tension.
"Oh, yeah," Erin flashed him a bright smile, shifting a little to show him her slightly large thigh tattoo.
"Wow, it's... uh," Nico chuckled lightly.
"Big?" Erin laughed.
"Yeah, but really cool. What's it for?" He then asked, looking back up to catch her eyes once more.
"Oh..." slightly taken aback by Nico's sudden interest in her tattoo, Erin briefly struggled to find the words. "Well, um, it's a sun and a moon... I got it a few months back, when things, uh, didn't go so well," she explained, half-smiling as she recalled the demise of her previous relationship, looking down at the ink on her skin. "It's a symbol that there always has to be a balance, that we can't have light without darkness, and vice versa," she continued, then looking back up at Nico. "That sometimes when we feel hurt, we need to be reminded that it won't last and eventually we'll feel good again."
At first, he didn't say anything, but then a smile formed on his lips. "Wow, that's really cool."
Nico's genuine interest in her tattoo warmed Erin's heart, easing some of the tension that had been building between them. His smile felt like a balm to her soul, a reassuring sign that despite the uncertainty of their situation, there was still a connection between them.
"Really? I mean, thanks," she replied, returning his smile with a shy one of her own. "It means a lot to me."
Nico nodded, his eyes lingering on the tattoo for a moment longer before meeting Erin's gaze once more. "I can see why. It's beautiful."
Though his words were directed at the creative work on her skin, a part of him couldn’t deny that he spoke just as much about her. Her beautiful face with its sparkling eyes and full lips. The way she formed small dimples when she smiled, her rosy cheeks giving her a sweet and almost innocent look. Yet her personality shone just as brightly—a perfect blend of kindness, care, intelligence, and strength.
The air between them seemed to shift, the tension easing as they shared this small moment. Once again, they were locked in their own little world, the outside fading away. However, breaking the spell, they both suddenly heard the sound of keys turning in the doorway.
"Hey!" Bonny greeted with a smile as she entered the condo, prompting Erin and Nico to swiftly look away from each other and adjust their positions slightly. "Nico... What are you doing here?" she questioned, slightly confused by his presence.
Clearing his throat, Nico slowly rose from his seat. "Um, I just... I thought we had a date tonight," he spoke gently, taking a step away from the coffee table.
"Oh, shit! Did I forget to cancel again?" Bonny apologised, trying her best to flash him a sweet and innocent look.
"It's alright," Nico reassured, coming closer to her where she wrapped her hands around his neck, pulling him in for a hug and a kiss.
"Well, I am really sorry," she spoke seductively. "Perhaps, I'll show you just how sorry I am..."
Erin felt herself third wheeling on the sofa again, and to her dismay, she suddenly felt a pang of jealousy. Like a stab to the heart, she felt hurt witnessing Bonny seducing Nico right there next to her. But to her relief, he turned her down.
"Actually, I think I better go home," he flashed Bonny a soft smile. "Maybe some other time."
"Alright, baby, I'll make it up to you another time..."
With a nod, Nico then turned to leave, but he didn’t forget about the amazing girl who had once again saved his night. "Hey Erin... thank you for the dinner."
"Any time," Erin merely replied, watching as he made his way to the hallway.
And as Nico left, Erin couldn't help but feel a mix of emotions swirling inside her. Relief washed over her that he had chosen to leave rather than stay with Bonny. Disappointment lingered, that their moment had been interrupted before it could fully blossom into something more. And confusion gnawed at her, leaving her wondering about the true nature of their connection.
But as Bonny turned her attention back to Erin, all she could do was plaster on a smile and nod along to her roommate's chatter about her night out. Inside, however, her mind was still reeling from the unexpected turn of events.
Later that night, as she lay in bed trying to sleep, her thoughts kept drifting back to Nico and their shared moment earlier. She couldn't shake off the feeling that there was something between them, something that went beyond mere friendship. But with Bonny in the picture, she wasn't sure if it was worth pursuing.
Torn between her feelings and the fear of causing any rift between her and Bonny, Erin drifted off to sleep, her mind still searching for answers in the darkness of the night.
As the seasons shifted into brighter, more cheerful times, Erin's luck seemed to follow suit. Surprisingly swiftly, days turned into weeks, and soon she found herself starting her new job. Everything fell seamlessly into place; her work was satisfying, surrounded by inspiring and kind colleagues, and she even managed to secure a place of her own, closer to her workplace.
Luckily, Bonny appeared to take it all in her stride, showing no signs of dwelling on the budding connection between Nico and Erin. So, after a few weeks of settling into her new routine, Erin found herself among new colleagues and friends, away from the familiar surroundings of the hockey arena.
The change brought a sense of renewal and excitement to her life, as she threw herself into her work with passion and dedication, relishing the challenges and opportunities that came her way. Each day brought new experiences and achievements, and Erin felt a sense of fulfilment she hadn't experienced in a long time.
Her new friends welcomed her with open arms, and she found herself enjoying their company more and more. They shared laughs over lunch breaks, collaborated on projects together, and occasionally met up for drinks after work. And Erin was beyond grateful for their camaraderie, thankful for the sense of belonging they provided in her new environment.
With each passing day, thoughts of Nico became less frequent, fading into the background as she immersed herself in her new life. She no longer felt the pang of jealousy or longing when she thought of him, content with the path she was carving out for herself.
But fate had other plans.
One night, while out with her friends, Erin suddenly found herself back at the familiar bar, the Grasshopper, this time as a guest instead of a bartender. The dimly lit space was alive with music and laughter, casting a warm glow over the faces of the patrons.
Yet as she laughed and chatted with her friends, she couldn't shake off the feeling of déjà vu that washed over her. It was as if she had been transported back in time, to the night when she and Nico had first connected. But trying to shake it off, Erin went to the bar to get a few more drinks, where while waiting she absent-mindedly scanned the room.
And then, as if by magic, a familiar face appeared. Across the not-so-crowded room, Nico stood, his eyes locking onto hers with a mixture of surprise and delight. For a moment, time seemed to stand still as they gazed at each other, the din of the bar fading into the background.
Erin felt her heart skip a beat as a rush of emotions flooded over her. Despite the passage of time and the distance she had put between them, the connection between them remained palpable.
With a few long strides, Nico made his way towards her, standing almost in the middle of the room. No words were exchanged, only the soft melodies of Celtic tunes playing in the background, blending with the murmur of the guests.
“Hey,” Nico gently initiated the conversation.
“Hey…” Erin replied softly, her heart fluttering at the sight of him. Despite the surprise of encountering him again, she couldn't deny the warmth that enveloped her in his presence.
Nico smiled, a familiar sparkle in his eyes. "So, I suppose you still come to this place?" he remarked, his tone carrying a hint of amusement.
Erin chuckled nervously, feeling a whirlwind of emotions swirling inside her. "Yeah, I suppose I do," she replied, offering him a tentative smile.
Another moment of silence settled between them, yet it felt comfortable and familiar. "I have a confession…” Nico suddenly spoke.
“I hoped… I hoped to see you here…” Erin's heart skipped another beat at Nico's confession, her cheeks flushing with warmth. She struggled to maintain her composure, her mind buzzing with a flurry of thoughts and emotions.
"You did?" she asked, her voice barely audible.
Nico nodded; his gaze steady as he looked into her eyes. "Yeah. I've been thinking about you a lot lately," he admitted, his tone soft yet sincere.
Erin's breath caught in her throat, her heart racing at his words, as she’d never considered that Nico might share her feelings, that he had been thinking of her.
"I've been thinking about you too," she confessed, her voice barely audible over the music.
And slowly Nico's smile widened; a glimmer of hope evident in his eyes. "Really?" he asked, his voice tinged with disbelief.
Erin nodded, her heart pounding in her chest. "Yeah. Seems like you’re not so easy to forget about,” she added, her voice trembling with emotion.
Nico reached out, gently tucking a strand of hair behind her ear. "I've missed you, Erin," he admitted, his touch sending shivers down her spine.
Tears welled up in Erin's eyes, her heart overflowing with emotion. "I've missed you too, Nico," she whispered, leaning into his touch.
In that moment, surrounded by the soft glow of the bar lights, Erin felt a profound sense of belonging. And after all this time, Nico gently pulled her into a tender kiss, filling her with a deep sense of peace.
Pulling back slightly, Erin looked up at Nico.
“Bonny?” she asked, but Nico simply shook his head.
“I accidentally called her by your name,” he confessed with a light chuckle. “But it made me realise that I couldn't forget about you… And it was the push I needed to try and find you. But I didn't have your number or anything, so I hoped for a bit of luck and came here…”
Erin felt a rush of relief wash over her at Nico's words, a weightlifting from her shoulders.
"Thank you for finding me," she whispered, her voice barely audible.
“Guess it was you all along.”
And in another heartfelt moment, they leaned in again. Their lips meeting in a tender yet passionate kiss, and Erin felt a surge of emotions overwhelming her. It was as if all the uncertainty and longing she had experienced over the past months dissolved in that moment, leaving only the warmth of Nico's embrace and the sweetness of his kiss.
Nico held her close, his arms wrapped around her as if he never wanted to let her go. After all this time, Erin had been right. All he needed was a bit of luck, and this time, he wouldn’t be alone. 
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gatorseverywhere · 2 months
I will send you Transformers thoughts.
- Tarn wants Megatron, but what he needs is a dommy mommy. Or a cat.
- Overlord is a sub.
- Cold constructed mechs would have really fucked up ideas about sex and intimacy. The differences are incredibly pronounced between the survivors of the first batches versus the last ones under the "3 step class"
- Prowl's longest lasting relationship is a monstrosity of a coffee machine that he salvaged from his old station's trash because it, in his opinion, was still operational and gave him the best brew for breakthroughs. Said machine produces a sludge that unfit for most mechanisms consumption and can be classified as a food war crime. Not to Prowl though. He knocks it back with a straight face.
- Megatron most definitely fucked the cassettes.
- Nautilator has a sheet for mechs to fill out their kinks and icks because of the Voice. He also memorized a variety of Megatron's speeches and speaking mannerisms so he could nail the imitation and do things on the fly.
- Riptide has two dicks.
- There should be more cultural misunderstandings between the Lost Colonies and Cybertron. Or have a language barrier.
- Solus Prime was a buff femme with shoulders to bench Megatronus.
- Liege Maximo is a short king with heels.
- Starscream could be trans. All his frame works and trades versus his True Form.
There is a mention of nsfw, proceed with caution
I love all of these-
Tarn definitely wants megatron, he's so down bad for him, Megatron is the only mech who could ever truly put tarn in his place, but the angst possibility is also phenomenal, especially with Meg's defection.
Im not quite sure what you mean by the cold construct bit, but i agree about the fucked up part.
I can not say i agree with overlord being a sub, but maybe when it comes to certain mechs. He's dominant until someone who isnt scared of him actually steps up to his authority. At first, he definitely considers killing the mech, but he decides it could be a fun challenge to let the mech try to dom, then he finds out he definitely does not mind it-
Prowl can stomach the most VILE coffee ever. As long as it keeps him wide awake, he'll drink it. He's tried the alternative, calming things to help him sleep better, like tea (decaf), but it never helps, so to cope with his inability to sleep, he just forces himself to stay awake. Also, yeah he can't hold normal relationships to save his life. Most mechs can't handle his lifestyle.
Meg's and the cassets would be a sight to see bro, he rewards them for doing so well, especially on infiltration missions where they're small enough to sneak into autobot base.
I'm sorry i dont no nautilator very well unfortunately 😔
Two spiked riptide, i love it, he looks like a shark so ofc he gets the double dicks.
Culture difference, i love it, especially when practices are so different, and it's just a culter shock.
Buff femmes is my kryptonite, i need solus to bench press me
Leige maximo is so fine for no reason
We all know starscreams original name was Pretty Poison, so now that means he used to be a femme with that name and changed his name to Starscream. We love a trans king.
Thank you for the asks, i adore all of these ❤️❤️❤️
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pannaginip · 2 months
ABS-CBN: 790 liters of oil-water mixture collected from MV Mirola-1
Mirola-1 is the third vessel to cause an oil leak in Bataan this month.
The [Philippine Coast Guard or] PCG is also responding to the oil spill from MTKR Terranova with 1.4 million liters of industrial fuel oil and MTKR Jason Bradley with 5,500 liters of diesel.
According to PCG, “very thin oil sheens” are still observed at ground zero, as of Monday, but control measures are in place, including oil spill booms laid, skimmers on site, and oil dispersants being employed, while fabrication of metal capping is still ongoing.
Meanwhile, the coast guard and contracted salvor FES Challenger Salvour and Builders are continuing salvage operations on MTKR Jason Bradley.
2024 Aug. 5
It is projected that almost 46,000 fisherfolk will be affected by the oil spill if left uncontrolled, particularly in the National Capital Region (NCR), Central Luzon, and Region 4-A. Currently, Pambansang Lakas ng Mamamalakaya (PAMALAKAYA) reported that 29,000 fisherfolk from Cavite alone, were at risk, while 9,000 fisherfolk in Bataan.
In an earlier report of Bulatlat, those situated in the coastal areas were victims of severe flooding during the onslaught of Carina, particularly in Navotas, where the Navotas Bay Reclamation Project is being built. The project affected 1,000 families, while the New Manila International Airport (NMIA) has displaced around 700 families in Bulacan, according to Laderas.
The Philippine Coast Guard (PCG) confirmed that SL Harbor Bulk Terminal Corporation, a subsidiary of San Miguel Shipping and Lighterage Corporation, chartered the said vessel to transport the industrial fuel oil. SMC is also the company behind the NMIA reclamation and the Mindoro oil spill last year.
2024 Aug. 5
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Bulatlat on Twitter @bulatlat:
‘Hold San Miguel and PH government accountable:’ Environmentalists, fisherfolk, and scientists hold a press conference today to expose the impacts of compounding problems of recent oil spills, reclamation projects, and inadequate disaster response in the onslaught of Carina.
2024 Aug. 5
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seat-safety-switch · 1 year
The European Union won't let me come into the country, because my lead foot violates their RoHS directives. And that's okay. Europe has lots of fantastic automobiles: the 1988 Fiat Panda 4x4, the 1993 Renault Twingo, and pretend I mentioned something German here. All of them have delightful, teeny-tiny engines, and are a joy to drive in a crowded city. None of them are easy to import.
Japanese folks are all too willing to dump a Skyline or a Crown on a cargo ship for you. We've got too many amazing high-performance automobiles, just like fields full of them, and Big Otochan Government says that we have to keep them in pristine condition, or no registration. So why don't you have a couple of them? Clear out the back forty behind my mechanic's shop. Europeans, though, make it very difficult to import their cars. It isn't a full-service auction-to-driveway curbstoning operation.
All this is to say: I can't enter European countries. I can't ask them to send me a car (I barely speak The Queen's English,) and also they will probably expect payment of some kind. Getting a beautiful, 80s-wedge-humping-a-space-shuttle Citroen BX in my driveway is going to be a challenge.
Luckily for me, there are a lot of cargo ships that have failed to deliver their cargo in time. Hurricanes. Typhoons. Really ugly storms. Captain farts on the GPS and breaks it. The bottom of the ocean is full of little tiny Italian shitboxes, and all I have to do is commission a submarine research project to go pick them up. Billionaires love a submarine research project, and standards for the industry have slipped in recent months such that you're no longer expected that they survive the mission. Best part is? Maritime salvage law means those suckers are free.
Now, I know what you're saying: doesn't salt water violently corrode every part of the car, rendering it nearly unusable after mere days immersed? And you'd be right, but I also live in a province that salts the roads in winter. The only difference between the car I'm actively driving and a chunk of rusty Frenchmobile that I pulled off the ocean floor using a robot is that the latter one is more predictable. See you next spring, in something with twelve-inch that will be half Bondo, but with an air of the exotic about it.
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lonestarflight · 11 months
The complete Shuttle Fleet AU
This is just my thoughts about how things might align for Enterprise to be refitted into an operational shuttle. This comes after reading a lot of the behind the scenes decisions and abandoned plans NASA had over the last 40 years. I only listed major events.
It wasn't meant to be this long but I hyperfocused too much on it one morning. Anyways, I hope you enjoy it.
• 1972: NASA started the Space Shuttle Program.
• OV-101 Enterprise: same rollout and testing as our timeline in 1976-77
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•STA-099: delivered to Lockheed for structural load tests to simulate the launch and re-entry of an operational orbiter in February 1978.
• Point of divergent: The decision to use STA-099 instead of OV-101 as the second operational orbiter came too late as the frame was already tested to 90% stress load. At this point, it would be too costly to repair and bring it back inline. It was decided to continue testing to destruction (as was originally planned in our timeline), although some parts are removed to be refurbished for OV-103.
• OV-102 Columbia completed and rolled out in March 1980. (NASA doesn't relocate Columbia to KSC in March 1979 in an attempt to speed up her tile installation, which only delayed her completion).
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•STS-1 is launched in December 1980 (instead of April 1981)
• NASA gives the go ahead to add Enterprise to the fleet and have her rebuilt after Congress increases their budget, but the work would start once OV-104 is completed.
• 1981: long led items for Enterprise's rebuild are started. This includes a new crew pressure vessel and a new aft-fuselage.
• OV-103, starts earlier and it's production is accelerated with parts salvaged from STA-099 (such as the forward fuselage upper section, elevons and vertical stabilizer). Construction completed in 1982 and christened Challenger.
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• 1983: STS-7 is Challenger's maiden mission. Onboard is Sally Ride.
• 1983: OV-104 is competed and christened Discovery.
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• STS-12 is Discovery's first mission.
Note: NASA never uses the STS-41-D format. Where the first digit indicating the federal fiscal year, second digit indicating the launch site (1 was Kennedy Space Center and 2 was Space Launch Complex 6 at Vandenberg Air Force Base), and the letter indicating scheduling sequence. This was due NASA Administrator James M. Beggs's triskaidekaphobia (fear of the number 13). In this timeline, the assistant admins were able to talk him out of it and simply skip STS-13.
• 1983: Enterprise is returned to Palmdale for her disassembled and rebuild. As a weight saving measure her mid-fuselage is returned to Convair for a complete rebuild to bring it inline with OV-103 and OV-104.
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• 1985: at long last, Enterprise is rolled out and joins the fleet. She weighs about the same as Columbia despite weight saving implemented during her rebuild.
• 1985: Columbia is returned to Palmdale for refurbishment and to remove testing equipment (most notable is the ejection seats). This sees her thermal protection system revised and her 32,000 tiles reduced to 24,300. Most are replaced by Advanced Flexible Reusable Surface Insulation blankets which was used on the other three orbiters.
• September 1985: STS-21 is Enterprise's first mission
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• STS-25 (STS-51-L in our timeline) launches at a later date due to NASA management listening to the Engineers about icy conditions on January 26, 1986. NASA quietly orders the complete redesign of the Solid Rocket Boosters.
• May 1986: tragedy strikes OV-103 Challenger during STS-27, when the attempted launch of the Centaur carrying the Ulysses probe explodes killing all those onboard. (A real fear in our timeline.)
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• The Shuttle fleet is grounded for a year, during the investigation. Ultimately the Investigation board concluds NASA was trying to do too much with too limited a system/funding and is used by the administration to demand a bigger budget. (It has less of an impact on the American psyche since it wasn't televised).
• The USAF cancels all Shuttle missions from Vandeberg Air Force Base. (Same as our timeline)
• With an increased budget, NASA agrees to Rockwell's offer to build two new orbiters for the price of one offer.
• 1986: Columbia is returned to NASA after her refurbishment. However, he is placed into storage with the rest of the fleet.
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• 1987: return to flight with STS-28 with Discovery. Also first launch with the redesigned SRBs.
• 1988: NASA launches the Shuttle-C program (or Cargo Transportation System), an expendable unmanned cargo pod, using the existing shuttle hardware. The goal is to increase the number of launches by augmenting the Orbiters and reduce the risks to human lives.
•1988: STS-29 Atlantis suffers a foam strike during launch. Post flight analysis determines the foam came from the bipod connected the ET near the top to the front underside of the orbiter. The orbiter was nearly lost during re-entry if it weren't for the fact the strike happened to a tile that was over less critical areas and the missing tile was over a steel patch for an antenna, which gave extra protection to the spacecraft structure. NASA removes the foam from the bipod connection on all missions going forward.
• OV-105 is built from spares from Challenger and Discovery. Completed in 1990 and christened Atlantis. Her design is the first to include a glass cockpit and other improvements.
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• 1991: STS-45 is Atlantis's first mission
• OV-106 is a complete to an slightly improved design, making her lighter and stronger than her sisters. Externally she looks the same. Completed in 1992 and is christened Endeavour.
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- Structural spares are built to replace the ones used in Atlantis's construction and are designated OV-107.
• 1992: first launch of the Shuttle-C (CTS-1). Mission was a success, carrying a DoD payload.
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Shuttle-C render by Nathan Koga for Space Flight Insider: link, link
• CTS-3: launches the Ulysses II probe
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NASA image: link
• 1993: STS-59 is Endeavour's first mission
• Rockwell International merges with Lockheed to become Lockheed-Rockwell.
• December 1993: OV-101 Enterprise is retired due to being the oldest in the fleet. Endeavour takes her place in the fleet. Enterprise is given to the Smithsonian with the option of being recalled by NASA if needed.
• 1994: NASA launches the X-33 program to compliment the shuttle as an unmanned reusable launch vehicle (RLV) and replace the Shuttle-C.
• 1996: CTS-5 carries the first component of the International Space Station.
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Artwork by okan170: link
•1996: the Shuttle-C program is cancelled to divert funds to the X-33 program.
• 1998: Lockheed-Rockwell design is selected over proposals from McDonnell-Douglas and Northrop-Grumman/Boeing
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SDASM Archives: 08_00991
• 1998: NASA begins the X-38 CRV (Crew Return Vehicle) program. The CRV is designed to be a lifeboat for the ISS.
• 2001: X-33 RLV program is shelved due to technical challenges and budget cuts.
• 2003: STS-118, Columbia conducts her first (and only) mission to the International Space Station. While docked, it was discovered an ice strike damaged her reinforced carbon–carbon leading wing edge panel. The crew stays in the ISS a week while waiting for rescue from STS-119 Atlantis. NASA jerry-riggs an autopilot system to have Columbia re-enter the atmosphere unmanned after her leading edge was temporarily repaired. It was expected for her to burn up in the atmosphere and what remained to land in the Pacific Ocean near Hawaii. However, against all odds Columbia survives and lands at Edwards Air Force Base. Although her port land gear collapsed during breaking after tough down and caused additional damage to the batter shuttle.
• The crew of STS-118 ride back on STS-119 Atlantis and land in Kennedy Space Center.
• Unfortunately, the damage to Columbia is too extensive and she is retired. She is placed in storage at Palmdale, California.
• In the wake, NASA begins Project Constellation, with the goal being to complete the original space transportation system (STS) mission. Which was a reusable system to carry astronauts to the moon and beyond. NASA and the US calls on the international community to fund and build the components.
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NASA ID: MSFC-70-PD-4085 B
• The ET is modified with a half shell to remove the risks of form/ice strikes and the Shuttle TPS is upgraded with the materials from the shelved X-33 program.
• OV-101 Enterprise is recalled by NASA to be the prototype of an unmanned shuttle and is given a thorough rebuild with newer and lighter wings and other components but entirely unmanned. Some joking refer to her as Enterprise-A, as a reference to Star Trek.
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• NASA funds Lockheed-Rockwell to build OV-107, another uncrewed version, to augment Enterprise.
• The ISS construction continues but becomes a research/launching platform for missions to the moon and ultimately beyond
• 2004: the X-38 is launched on a liftover Shuttle-C, modified for lifting body, to the ISS (CTS-10).
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Artwork by SpacePozzolo: link
• 2005: return to flight with STS-121 Discovery.
• 2008: first flight of Enterprise-A (CTS-11).
• 2008: the ISS is completed
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Artwork by NanoRacks: link
• 2009: OV-107 construction is completed and christened Constitution. Her first flight happens later that year (CTS-16).
• 2009: NASA announces the rocket that will carry the components of the Constellation programs beyond Earth orbit will be called the SLS (Space Launch System). Boeing was selected to build the core stage. The SLS will used SSME at the end of their life's and newly constructed expendable versions. A third launch, pad 39C, will be constructed for the SLS.
• 2009: Lunar Transfer Vehicle (LTV, later renamed Orion) is used to transfer crews from LEO to Lunar orbit. Two components make up the vehicle. The crew section is to be built by NASA/CSA and the fuel/propulsion section built by the ESA. The SLS will be used to launch the fuel/propulsion section of the LTV.
- OV-101 and OV-107 are used to launch the crew section of the LTV. Which will rendezvous with the ISS.
- SLS Block II, an upgraded version, is use to launch the Gateway components. Gateway components will be built in the ESA and Japan.
- A Lunar space station, Gateway, launched and constructed in lunar orbit for Orion to rendezvous and house the Altair lunar lander. Three Orions are kept in orbit, one at each station in case of an emergency and a third in use.
• The first is find locations with abundant raw materials for fuel the future moonbase.
• 2010: NASA announces the X-50 SSTO Program and the Commercial Crew Program, with the goal of replacing the Shuttle (including the Enterprise and Constitution). The X-50 is the successor to the X-33.
• 2012: Lockheed-Rockwell is selected to build the X-50
• 2014: SpaceX Dragon and Sierra Space Dreamchaser are selected as part of the Commercial Crew Program.
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• 2017: OV-104, OV-105 & OV-106 are retired when th Dreamchaser and SpaceX Dragon are brought online. List of each shuttle's last mission:
- STS-203 Discovery
- STS-204 Endeavour
- STS-205 Atlantis
• 2018: the maiden flight (CTS-70) of the X-50 Starlight (OV-201 Constellation)
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• 2019: OV-101 is retired for the final time when the X-50 Starlight shuttles are brought online. OV-107 is kept in standby but eventually is turned over to a museum. List of their missions:
- CTS-74 Enterprise
- CTS-75 Constitution
• NASA has three operational Starlights. Spares are construction, OV-204.
-OV-201 Constellation
-OV-202 Columbia II
-OV-203 Adventure
• 2019: the first launch of the SLS was a success
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Artwork by okan170: link
• 2020: the Space Shuttles are displayed in the following cities:
- OV-101 Enterprise: Space Center Houston
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- OV-102 Columbia: California Science Center in Los Angeles, California (volunteers at Lockheed-Rockwell repair her enough to be put on display)
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- OV-104 Discovery: Steven F. Udvar-Hazy Center, Smithsonian, in Washington DC
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- OV-105 Atlantis: Kennedy Space Center, Florida
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- OV-106 Endeavour: Intrepid Sea, Air & Space Museum in New York City, New York
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- OV-107 Constitution: National Museum of the US Air Force in Riverside, Ohio
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• 2022: the first Orion (LTV-101: Pathfinder) is launched into orbital aboard SLS-2. It conducts tests over several orbits and docks with the ISS.
• 2023: OV-202 Columbia II launches and fuels up the Pathfinder. Four crewmen board the spacecraft and depart from the moon...
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Artwork by Seth Pritchard: link
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beguines · 2 years
The twist that makes tradlife a phenomenon of our times is that it also includes earnest criticisms of life under capitalism. Many tradlifers are young women who hate work and celebrate arrangements where men rescue their wives from the professional realm: "When my friend's mom first started dating her husband," one viral tweet reads, "he said 'Stay with me, marry me, and you’ll never have to work again.'" Only tradition can salvage love from modern indignities and the early-morning commute. Like a trapdoor, the idea swings open to reveal a baby-pink fantasy too fragile and nostalgic to be taken in the open air. Regular people preoccupied with bills, healthcare premiums, and rising rents will find much of the tradlife lifestyle to be out of reach. That paradox is what makes it such potent social media fare: tradlife is, at bottom, perpetuated by "influencers" who know how to make others feel desirous and frustrated in equal measure. It is a menacing advertisement jingle, for a product people may not want or be certain exists.
By describing the misery of work, tradlife ennobles itself. But as an ethos it also maintains a willful stupidity about modern capitalism's historic dependence on the family, a constitutive structure of capitalism, through which property, debt, and economic interest are all consolidated (it was Milton Friedman, after all, who wrote that "the ultimate operative unit in our society is the family"). As a concept, "the family" has worked even harder than "the individual" to overshadow our ethical obligations to other people. But few have use for notions of society anymore, defined as it is by unpredictability and fear of rising crime. We want only securitized intimacy—the happy assurance of a shared mortgage.
[. . .]
On a macro and micro level, then, tradlife proffers a purportedly risk-averse solution to the political challenges that patriarchy and sexism present. It guards women from most men and from public life. Meanwhile, the ideology itself shies away from present-day discontent, further withdrawing from the world it purports to wish to change. The family has long been an exclusive realm, where people hoard both interpersonal and economic resources. Yet tradlife overlooks this contradiction of its own supposed anti-capitalism, supplanting it with the sharp and flawless grid of a pixelated image. Regardless of its nostalgic Americana, tradlife's vision owes less to Norman Rockwell than Thomas Kinkade: the glitter is cold, and the insistence on perfection almost hysterical. Rockwell, even at his most idealized, still populated his work with people and their hijinks; he was interested in the capacity of individuals to surprise each other. Meanwhile, in its videos and photos of well-lit, private spaces, tradlife makes property rather than humans its central object. As in Kinkade's paintings, the house appears as a refuge from others.
Perhaps all contemporary relationships are attended by hierarchy, and tradlife is just more honest about the power differentials of intimacy. But feminism, at its best, has always pointed to the possibility that love could one day be different. It has maintained that we do not currently know the full range of its possibilities, because love between men and women has so far only happened within a narrow patch of unjust conditions. Tradlife seeks the certainty of formulaic relationships, but it hides from its purveyors the prospect that a different kind of society may have better, different formulas, or no formulas at all. What might marriage look like without the imperative of property? How might love be lived without the dramas of jealousy, pain, and insecurity that crowd a world in which public space and dignity are never fully shared?
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karahalloway · 8 months
The Highwayman: Part I - Look For Me By The Moonlight
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Fandom: TRR (Historical AU)
Pairing: Drake Walker x F!OC (Harper Gale)
Series Summary: On a dark, moonlit night, a highwayman's luck runs out...
Masterlist: The Highwayman
Chapter Summary: Harper and Drake make a plan...
Word Count: 3,600
Rating/Warnings: M (swearing, references to smut, references to illegal activities)
Chapter theme song:
A/N1: So... This installment took a bit of a turn. Harper and Drake sprung a massive change on me because apparently, the original story was not heartbreaking enough... You have been warned.
A/N2: Astute readers will probably notice that Drake and Harper 'sound' different in this fic. This is deliberate, because this fic is historical fiction (set in the 18th century), rather than contemporary fiction, so I adjusted their vernacular accordingly (that said, I didn't go full Shakespeare because I'm not that extra 😆).
A/N3: As promised, this is my first submission for @choicesprompts January 2024 Song Rewrite Challenge. The song I chose to rewrite is below. I hope to do Parts 2 and 3 shortly as well, but I can't promise both of them for January. But I might surprise myself!
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Part I - Look For Me By The Moonlight
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The wind lashes the black expanse of the moor, flattening the browned-out clumps of grass against the frozen ground.
I reach a gloved hand up to wedge my cocked hat more securely onto my head, in a bid to stop it from blowing away.
The surefooted Merèns I am sat on picks his way through the brush of gorse and heather, seemingly oblivious to my plight.
"Bloody weather..." I grumble under my breath as a particularly vicious gust cuts through the buttonholes of my knee-length justacorps, instantly snatching away any vestige of warmth I may have managed to salvage.
The horse flicks his ears at the sound of my voice, as if questioning my assessment.
"Your opinion doesn't count," I tell him through gritted teeth, trying to work some warmth back into toes that have become chilled to the bone.
Drogon throws me a flippant raspberry as we skirt ‘round a flat-topped cairn.
Just then, the wind blasts through the cracks in the rocks, causing a ghostly tune to whistles out into the cold of the night.
The coal-coated stallion flattens his ears against his head, tossing his head in displeasure at the unearthly sound.
"Not so cocky now, eh, mon gross?" I grin, reaching out to give him a reassuring pat on his neck.
The horse responds with a sour-faced snort, stepping quickly past the moss-covered waypost — a brazen reminder of this land's heathen roots.
Because despite the House of Rys' conversion to Christianity almost a millennia ago, in the far-flung reaches of the kingdom — where the roads ran out, and the name of the King is just that... a name — the tenet of the old ways is more than just a memory.
It is a living, breathing ethos. Suffused into the very heart of this harsh, rugged, yet beautiful land. Where portents, spells, and otherworldly creatures exist in the same breath as Christ, the Eucharist, and Judgement Day, and the very air crackles with mysticism and superstition.
Which is partly what drew me here — to the edge of the proverbial map, where the laws of Cordonia fray into irrelevance in the face of the jagged peaks of the snow-capped mountains, and your fortune is what you craft it to be.
Not that I can afford to be flippant with my conduct...
As even this far from the capital, the King's Greencoats still man outposts and send forth patrols in a bid to maintain order. But their presence is cursory at best. Because if you know the moor — like I do — it becomes simple to lose yourself in the mist.
Plus, the superstitious inclinations of the border folk have aided in cloaking my less than savoury operations in the guise of fireside tales — spreading news of my exploits while keeping my identity masked behind successive, and ever more fantastical embellishments.
The Black Cavalier. The Raven Rider. The Headless Huntsman. Midnight Jack.
These are all names I've carried over the years.
But — more often than not — I am referred to simply as The Highwayman.
For that is what I am. A bandit. An outlaw. A common rogue living on the wrong side of propriety with no hope of redemption. For I've committed far too many sins in this life.
I've lied, cheated, stolen, and fleeced. Not to mention evaded the Greencoats one too many times for their liking. So, I wouldn't be surprised if the promotion-hungry Captain Belvedere Beaumont — who has been after my head for years — keeps a noose specifically for me in his saddlebag.
Because, worst of all, I've killed.
I've taken men's lives at both gunpoint and sword-point. Sometimes they've even begged. But I've cut them down regardless.
The ultimate sin.
But, there has never been honour amongst thieves. And if an unfortunate bastard chooses to pull a weapon on me, then I'm going to make damn sure that that becomes his last mistake, not mine.
I like living too much.
Especially as — after nigh on one-and-half score years on this Earth— I have finally found something to live for.
From out of the darkness, a lone spec of golden light hoves into view, nestled between the lee of a pair of windswept hills.
And, in spite of the hellish nature of the night, I feel the corner of my mouth lift.
As gold and jewels — while pretty and useful — pass through your hands just as fast as you acquire them, and sure as hell don't keep you warm at night. That is... unless you have someone to share your treasure with.
"Hue!" I urge, nudging Drogon into a trot.
But the opinionated stallion clearly has other ideas. As after a mere two steps, he launches into a full-fledged canter.
Not that I can necessarily blame him. We've been on the road... or lack thereof, for hours, and the sight of the twinkling promise of reprieve from the cold is enough to warrant anyone — man, or beast — to pick up their feet.
But, instead of riding up to the front of the gable-arched establishment, I direct my steed 'round to the back.
Slipping out of the saddle in the shadow of the stable block, I pull my sabre carefully from its scabbard as I reach for the metal of the door handle.
Creaking the heavy wooden door open, I sneak a glance inside. A man of my profession — and reputation — cannot afford to be lenient. So, an over-abundance of caution is a must. As is a well-sharpened blade.
Four horses occupy the darkened space, their heads coming to poke out into the gangway to assess my arrival. And, apart from the barn cat dozing on a bale of hay in the corner, there is nary a soul in sight.
Pushing the door wider, I lead Drogon into the relative warmth of the structure. Espying an empty stall to my left, I direct the horse towards the manger affixed to the wall, when I suddenly hear the scrape of boots on the hard-packed earth behind me.
Whipping around, the cold metal of my sword flashes through the air, like the talons of a kite, seeking its target.
A loud gasp of surprise rises into the air as the point of the blade meets the soft flesh of the intruder's gullet.
"Please, sir!" cries Emile, the stable hand, in fright. "I only came to—"
"Drop that lantern, and there'll be almighty hell t' pay..." I warn, seeing the lantern that the youth is holding shake dangerously in his hand.
The last thing I need tonight is the barn catching fire.
The lad swallows nervously, but nods, tightening his grip on the brass handle.
"Anyone else about?" I ask, scanning the dark.
Emile jerks his head. "Jus' me an' Lupin..."
Glancing past him, I spot the bedraggled hound ambling towards its master on bowed legs.
Sheathing the weapon, I move back towards Drogon to unclasp the saddlebags. "Feed and water the horse, but leave him saddled. My business will be brief."
"Of course, sir," bobs the lad, having recovered control of his faculties somewhat.
Hefting the bags onto my shoulder, I reach into the hidden pocket of my coat. Pulling out a ha' piece of silver, I flip it to the boy.
He catches it with wide eyes.
"For the trouble," I tell him as I stride past. Glancing back from the doorway, I add, "And if anyone asks, you never saw me."
"Thank ye, sir!" he affirms, quickly pocketing the coin. "An’ welcome back t’ The Crown & The Flame!"
Slipping back out into the night, I make my way quickly along the side of the barn. Locating the weather-worn ladder that leads up to the hayloft, I quickly scale the somewhat slick rungs. Grabbing onto the extruding stone lintel above the hayloft door, I use the imperfections in the crumbling mortar to pull myself up onto the peat-lined roof.
Scrambling across the ridge of the gambrel, I draw upon my destination — a lone, casement window suspended on the side of the inn, the light of a single candle flickering within.
Crouching down, I cup my hands to my face. Taking a breath, I imitate the call of a cuckoo, hoping that it will carry over the sound of the wind rattling the shutters.
I wait a second... then two...
The window creaks open.
"I was beginning to think you'd forgotten about me..."
She is leaning against the side jamb, head cocked to the side as she regards me with a wry look, her long, flaxen hair lying half-pleated over one breast.
I scoff back at her as I pull the saddlebags from my shoulder. "Not a chance in hell, lass."
She rolls her eyes at me, but pushes the stile wider, nevertheless.
Securing my stance, I assess the distance. Raising my hand, I test the weight, and with a determined movement, send the pack sailing through the air.
Reaching her arms out, she catches it with practiced ease.
"It's heavy," she remarks, slotting the bags down.
"That a complaint I hear?" I ask dryly, straightening back up.
"'Tis merely an observation," she replies with a shrug, the soft cotton of her shift sliding seductively off her shoulder in the process.
I shake my head as I retreat back across the stable roof somewhat. This lass is going to be the death of me...
Turning back 'round, I take a couple of long-legged strides across the hardened peat, before throwing myself across the divide.
My gut drops like a leaden ball at the momentary sense of weightlessness — my actions at diametric odds with my God-given sense of self-preservation — as the passage of time seems to slow...
...but then my boot hits the metal sill of the window and the heavy hand of Chronos comes crashing back down on me like a hard wave against the shore.
Grasping the coolness of the central mullion, I pull myself into the haven of her room.
"God," she says with a shudder, throwing her arms 'round my neck. "You send a piece of my soul to the grave each time you do that..."
"You'd rather I take the stairs?" I drawl, the honey and wood-fire scent of her hair washing over me, warming me like the heat of the summer sun.
"And risk being caught?" she tuts. "In truth, I am not certain what would be the worse fate."
"Getting whipped by your father, for sure," I reply solemnly. "I don't think my pride could survive it."
She pulls back from me with an aghast look. "So, you would risk a broken leg... or worse, over my Da's ire?"
"Until the day I can make an honest woman of you, aye," I confirm, lifting her face to mine with a gloved finger. "I will not risk your reputation."
She laughs up at me. "You shredded my reputation when you tumbled me in the hay, good sir!"
"Aye," I concede with a smirk. "But no one knows that."
"Well, they might soon..." she admits, dropping a hand to the front of her shift.
The breath tangles in my throat. "You... You are not..."
Her hazel eyes sparkle with feeling. "With child... Yes."
Her words hit me like grapeshot out of the blue. "Nom de Dieu..."
Her smile falters in the face of my no-doubt ashen expression. "You... You are not pleased?"
I bark out a laugh. "Pleased? Mon coeur, I am over the damn moon!" Lifting her into the air, I spin her 'round in a joyous arc. "I believed myself to be blessed already for the fact that a golden-haired siren such as yourself even deigned to look at a wretch like me, much less offer me her heart."
"I offered nothing," she counters breathlessly as I set her back down. "You stole my heart the very moment you looked upon me."
"Lucky for me that I have some skill in that area," I smirk, bending towards her.
She lays into me with a playful smack. "Incorrigible rogue! Your silver tongue could disarm the devil!"
"I should hope so..." I murmur, tangling a hand in her silken hair. "It managed to disarm you..."
Our lips meet, and she melts against me with a sigh.
"Christ, I love you, Harper..." I groan, tightening the heartfelt hold I have on her, albeit mindful of the new life budding inside her.
"I love you too, Drake," she whispers, gazing up at me with complete adoration as she runs her fingers down my face. "With all that I am."
My heart constricts in my chest.
A child... Our child...
In truth, I never dared dream of it. It is not something that I believed to be in the cards for me, living as I do, in the shadow of the night... and the law. Where one simple miscalculation could end with a bullet to the gut... or a noose around the neck.
But I never thought to trade it. The thrill... The freedom... It was too addictive.
That is... until I chanced upon the bright-eyed lass currently cradled in my arms.
I hadn't meant to succumb to her. I hadn't meant to do anything quite as foolish as fall in love. But she managed to slay me with a single smile. And I've been a fool for her ever since.
Fool enough to get her child, it seems, before I even secured her father's blessing, much less married her!
I really am an incorrigible rogue...
"Drake?" The softness of her voice cuts through my senses. "My love? Are you—?"
"I am fine," I assure her, turning my head to drop a kiss into her palm. "I was just thinking..."
"Always dangerous..." she quips with a smirk.
"Hey," I counter, clasping her hands in mine. "It was a lack of thought that landed the two of us in this quandary, so—"
Her mouth parts in shock. "You dare call your own child a quandary?"
I meet her eye with a level look. "He will be called a damn sight worse if he arrives into this world out of wedlock. Not to mention the fate that awaits his mother..."
Her shoulders slump in dejection. "My father would disown me for sure..."
"And cast you out onto the moor, newborn babe in tow," I add grimly.
She heaves a morose breath. "I do despise it when you talk sense..."
"It is the thankless burden I was born to bear..."
She smacks me again.
"But in all seriousness," I continue, catching her hand in mine once more. "We must be prudent, mon coeur. The child will be here before we know it, and it is our precious duty to do best by him."
"How do you know it will be a he?" she asks softly as I lift her hands to my lips.
"Have I ever given you cause to doubt me, lass?" I ask her, feathering a kiss over her knuckles.
"Cocksure rake..." she admonishes. But her fingers tighten 'round mine nevertheless.
"So," I conclude, straightening back up, "I am thinking that it's high time we eloped."
Her eyes widen. "Elope!"
"There is a small church, about a half-day's ride from here—"
"But my father...!"
"The contents of that saddle bag should more than compensate him for the loss of his serving wench," I tell her. "As well as cover your dowry."
Her mouth opens — no doubt in planned protest — but she suddenly thinks better of it. "Alright," she agrees, raising her face to mine with a beaming smile. "Let's find that priest!"
"Whoa, whoa!" I chuckle, pulling her back into my arms as she tries to spin away. "Hold your horses, woman!"
"I thought you wanted to be quick about this," she counters.
"I do," I affirm. "But it's the middle of the night and I don't have a horse for you, much less a ring..."
She glances towards the window. "I am sure there's something in those bags we can misappropriate for our purposes. And I can saddle up Devlin. He is a cart-horse, but I am sure—"
I shake my head. "Nay. I want to start our new life together as a reformed man. No more thieving... No more profiting off ill-gotten gains."
"But how will we—?"
"Don't you worry your pretty head about that, my sweet," I assure her. "I have enough booty stashed away to buy you a palfrey, as well as a ring that is worthy of your otherworldly beauty—"
She blushes at my compliment. "Don't exaggerate, sir..."
"'Tis no exaggeration," I assure her with a wink. "And perchance even enough to let us acquire a flat in town, or a small holding in the interior... Or if none of that takes your fancy, I'll build us a cottage in the woods, or a cot by the sea, and—"
"I've never set eyes upon the sea..." she breathes in wonder.
"The point is," I conclude. "We have sufficient coin to afford ourselves the freedom of choice, mon coeur."
She arches a skeptical brow. "And when we run out?"
I let out a low exhale. "And when we run out, I suppose I'll have to pick up an honest trade."
She scoffs. "You? Honest? Those two words don't abide each other, Drake. You've been a scoundrel your whole life!"
"And yet... somehow,"I roll my eyes at her ruefully. "You are about to make an honest man out of me, Harper. So, I am loath to admit that the concept may not be as outlandish as it may appear at first blush."
"I suppose," she concedes with an equally wry quirk to her mouth. "Just don't lose your zest for life. It is the very thing I fell in love with."
"I thought it was my roguish charm," I counter.
"The two go hand in hand," she assures me, lifting her face to mine again.
Our lips fuse — with greater ardency this time — and I am loath to part from her.
But, I know that I must. The night is wearing on, and if I am to abide by my promise to her, I must get back on the road.
"Unpack the bags and hide the gold where your father is sure to find it," I tell her, pulling myself away with great difficulty.
She nods silently, cheeks flushed from our heated exchange.
Slipping out of my arms, she retrieves the saddlebags from their place by the wall and carries it to the other side of the room. Locating the loose floorboard at the foot of the bed, she dumps the contents in and replaces the covering.
"When will you return?" she asks, handing the bags back to me.
"As hastily as I can," I assure her. "But if the Greencoats are out in force, I may need to trek via the marshes, which will take longer and be more arduous."
"Please take care," she pleads, grasping my hand in hers. "The marshes are treacherous, especially in the winter."
"I always do," I soothe, reaching up to cup her face with my free hand. "But should I do not return by noon, then look for me by the moonlight."
"I will," she affirms, eyes shining with fervour. "I love you."
"I love you, too, mon coeur," I rasp, drawing her in for one final kiss.
She presses herself to me, as aggrieved by our forced parting as I, and I kiss her hungrily back. But I know in my heart that the brief absence will be worth the bitterness of the sorrow.
Because this time tomorrow, I hope to call her my wife.
Breaking off the kiss, I swing the empty bags back onto my shoulder and turn towards to the still-open window.
Turning around, I spot her pulling the dark red ribbon from the unfinished pleat in her hair.
"What's this?" I ask as she holds it out for me.
"A good-luck charm," she replies. "To speed you back to me."
I lift the silken strip from her fingers, and press it to my lips. "I'll always return to you, mon coeur. Even if hell should bar the way."
"I know," she says simply. "But a small trinket cannot hurt your efforts. Now, fly! Fly like a witch on the wind! And give Drogon a kiss from me."
"I'd rather steal another kiss from you," I admit, tucking the ribbon against my heart.
"I'd rather save some for the wedding night..." she counters with a sly look.
I throw her a sidelong glance as I climb back onto the window sill. "Lass, you can rest assured that we'll be doing a damn sight more than kissing on our wedding night..."
The waves of her now loosened hair brush my shoulder as she leans in to whisper, "I didn't say which part of you I'm saving the kisses for."
A deep-throated groan tumbles from my lips as she drops a teasing kiss on my neck. "You're going to be the death of me, woman..."
"A little suspense never killed anyone," she counters cheekily.
"Somehow I doubt that," I scoff as I drop back into the night.
The story continues in Part II - On The Stroke Of Midnight
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A/N: Translations for the French below:
Mon gross - lit. 'my fat' but as a slang term, it is the equivalent of 'my buddy' or 'my bro'.
Hue - apparently this is a somewhat archaic equestrian command that was used to tell the horse to go (equiv. to giddy-up). Not 100% sure if the e is supposed to have an accent, so if anyone knows, tell me!
Mon coeur - lit. 'my heart' but connotatively the same as 'my love'
Nom de Dieu - lit. ‘name of God’, but connotatively the same as ‘Oh, my God’ or ‘Good God’
@twinkleallnight @lovingchoices14 @kingliam2019 @petiteboheme @angelasscribbles @aussiegurl1234 @nestledonthaveone @queen-arabella-of-cordonia @tessa-liam @alyshak92 @secretaryunpaid @princessleac1 @walkerdrakewalker @tinkie1973 @twinkle-320 @knaussal @nikkis1983 @lunaseasblog @ficloverevie @indiana-jr @differenttyphoonwerewolf @kristinamae093 @eversoaringqueen12 @peonierose @3pawandme @alexabeta @veebug8 @fanfiction-she-wrote @queenmiarys @lancelotsimp @coco-lina-s @lolablackwrites @ivyflowers13 @persephone13 @hollygirl1269 @adri-ja-96 @harleybeaumont @katedrakeohd @uneravine @alj4890
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June 4, 2024
JUN 05, 2024
The Gettysburg Address it wasn’t.
Seventy-seven years ago, on June 5, 1947, Secretary of State George C. Marshall, who had been a five-star general in World War II, gave a commencement speech at Harvard University. 
Rather than stirring, the speech was bland. Its long sentences were hard to follow. It was vague. And yet, in just under eleven minutes on a sunny afternoon, Marshall laid out a plan that would shape the modern world.
“The truth of the matter is that Europe's requirements for the next three or four years of foreign food and other essential products—principally from America—are so much greater than her present ability to pay that she must have substantial additional help or face economic, social, and political deterioration of a very grave character,” he said. “It is logical that the United States should do whatever it is able to do to assist in the return of normal economic health in the world, without which there can be no political stability and no assured peace. Our policy is directed not against any country or doctrine but against hunger, poverty, desperation and chaos. Its purpose should be the revival of a working economy in the world so as to permit the emergence of political and social conditions in which free institutions can exist.”
In his short speech, Marshall outlined the principles of what came to be known as the Marshall Plan to rebuild Europe in the wake of the devastation of World War II. The speech challenged European governments to work together to make a plan for recovery and suggested that the U.S. would provide the money. European countries did so, forming the Organization for European Economic Co-operation (OEEC) in 1948. From 1948 to 1952, the U.S. would donate about $17 billion to European countries to rebuild, promote economic cooperation, and modernize economies. By the end of the four-year program, economic output in each of the countries participating in the Marshall Plan had increased by at least 35%.
This investment helped to avoid another depression like the one that had hit the world in the 1930s, enabling Europe to afford goods from the U.S. and keeping low the tariff walls that had helped to choke trade in the crisis years of that decade. Marshall later recalled that his primary motivation was economic recovery, that he had been shocked by the devastation he saw in Europe and felt that “[i]f Europe was to be salvaged, economic aid was essential.”
But there was more to the Marshall Plan than money. 
The economic rubble after the war had sparked political chaos that fed the communist movement. No one wanted to go back to the prewar years of the depression, and in the wake of fascism, communism looked attractive to many Europeans. 
“Marshall was acutely aware that this was a plan to stabilize Western Europe politically because the administration was worried about the impact of communism, especially on labor unions,” historian Charles Maier told Colleen Walsh of the Harvard Gazette in 2017. “In effect, it was a plan designed to keep Western Europe safely in the liberal Western camp.” It worked. American investment in Europe helped to turn European nations away from communism as well as the nationalism that had fed World War II, creating a cooperative and stable Europe. 
The Marshall Plan also helped Europe and the U.S. to articulate a powerful set of shared values. The U.S. invited not just Europe but also the Soviet Union to participate in the plan, but Soviet leaders refused, recognizing that accepting such aid would weaken the idea that communism was a superior form of government and give the U.S. influence. They blocked satellite countries from participating, as well. Forcing the USSR either to join Europe or to divide the allies of World War II put Soviet leaders in a difficult position and at a psychological disadvantage. 
With a clear ideological line dividing the USSR and Europe, Europeans, Americans, and their allies coalesced around a concept of government based on equality before the law, secularism, civil rights, economic and political freedom, and a market economy: the tenets of liberal democracy. As Otto Zausmer, who had worked for the U.S. Office of War Information to swing Americans behind the war, put it in 1955: “America’s gift to the world is not money, but the Democratic idea, democracy.” 
In the years after the Marshall Plan, European countries expanded their cooperative organizations. The OEEC became the Organization for Economic Co-operation and Development (OECD) in 1961 and still operates with 37 member countries that account for three fifths of world trade. And the U.S. abandoned its prewar isolationism to engage with the rest of the world. The Marshall Plan helped to create a liberal international order, based on the rule of law, that lasted for decades. 
In his commencement speech on June 5, 1947, Marshall apologized that “I’ve been forced by the necessities of the case to enter into rather technical discussions.” But on the ten-year anniversary of the speech, the Norwegian foreign minister had a longer perspective, saying: “[T]his initiative taken by Marshall and by the American Government marked the beginning of a new epoch in western Europe, an epoch of wider, and above all more binding, cooperation between the countries than ever before.” 
Not bad for an eleven-minute speech.
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vecnuthy · 8 months
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All pieces are sfw unless marked with **
I'll see you when the wrath comes || Steddie western au || currently rated G
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One shots
Steddie first kiss scenario || prompt: accident, mistaken identity || also on AO3 as dancing to alarm bells
Latest release || Eddie, no pairing
singed, glorious || Steve watching Eddie smoke || wc: 803 || pre-steddie || AO3
Untitled || "C'mon," Eddie said as he twisted the doorknob.... || rainy afternoon
Untitled || It's summer, and their cat Dio needs a fur trim
dine on old encounters || childhood friends, pre-steddie || 5,570 wc
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Microfic/Drabble Challenges
Sparked || July 2023 Steddie micro fic: pool || 442 wc
Slingin' 🍦⚓️ ||July 2023 Steddie micro fic: pool || 442 wc
wood || August 2023 Steddie micro fic: cake || 311 wc
What's your flavor? || August 2023 Steddie micro fic: cake || 311 wc
the sprinkle || August 2023 Steddie micro fic: cake || 311 wc
second chances || September 2023 Steddie micro fic: charm || 548 wc
obnoxious || October 2023 micro fic: suck || 480 wc
to taming demons || Eddie Month October 2023 day 4, Rejection | Arsonist's Lullaby - Hozier | Lost
snoozy || Eddie Month October 2023, day 7: Wayne | The Seeker - The Who | Warm
**awake || October 2023 micro fic: suck || 480 wc continuation of snoozy
Operation: Salvage || November 2023 microfic: rest || 387 wc
winner winner || Steddie Holiday Drabbles day 6: cooking together || 999 wc
new || Steddie Holiday Drabbles prompt day 31: New Year's Eve || 508 wc
**gagged || January microfic: hole || 404 wc
Day 3 of Steddie love month: Love is wanting to do everything with someone, even if it's nothing special || 722 wc ||
Day 8 of Steddie love month: Love is the heartbeat I can feel when I hug him || 832 wc ||
decode || June microfic: stuff || 483 wc
carpe momentum || July microfic: one || wc: 111 || Stobin hurt/comfort, Steddie fluff
capture || July microfic: one || wc: 111 ||
Steddie week day 6: drunken confessions || 111 wc || continuation of dancing to alarm bells
Untitled blurb || Eddie in the pit at a metal concert, meet ugly/meet cute
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Song shuffle AU prompts
Trying to Sleep by Wolfie's Just Fine, still thinking about making this a Whole Thing™️
The Mermaid by Kate Rusby, Joyce Byers/Jim Hopper
When the Night Is Over by Lord Huron
Nancy from Now On by Father John Misty
Sail on By by Blanco White
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defensenow · 4 months
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eastwindmlk · 8 months
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Chapters: 1/2 Fandom: Harry Potter - J. K. Rowling Rating: Mature Warnings: No Archive Warnings Apply Relationships: Hermione Granger/Draco Malfoy Characters: Hermione Granger, Draco Malfoy Additional Tags: POV Hermione Granger, Curse Breaker Hermione Granger, Curse Breaker Draco Malfoy, Co-workers, Banter, Flirting
Hermione Granger is one of the most successful researchers in The Department of Enchanted Object Salvage and Magical Extraction. She and her partner boast one of the highest success rates they've ever seen. Which she attributes to her impeccable planning and meticulousness. From her office, she guides her partner through all the challenges he faces in the field. All the while maintaining a steady stream of banter. Something that is easier said then done when your partner is Draco Malfoy.
Looking at the brief in front of me, the parchment already littered with notes that I meticulously colour-coded over the past forty-eight hours. The mission is straightforward, navigate through the cave, grab the artefact and get out. A regular Tuesday for the most successful team that The Department of Enchanted Object Salvage and Magical Extraction has seen in a decade.
The job required a certain level of elegance that only comes from painstaking research and near seamless teamwork between me as the Artifact Retrieval and Intelligence Analyst, ARIA for short, and my Paranormal Artifact Recovery Agent. The only problem? My PARA is a haughty blonde with a pension of going off on his own.
Just then, the earpiece buzzed to live in my ear, meaning that boots were on the ground. Draining the last of my water when the voice on the other end pulls me into work mode.
“Alright Granger, sing to me?”
For a moment, I wondered idly why he always sounded bored. Especially when making his silly little inside joke. He’d been excited about this when we got the briefing. In his own way. I could see it in the way his eyes lit up and the corners of his lips turned up into that signature smirk.
There were little artefacts that predated Merlin. This piece was not only historically significant, though. But it was also shielded from all usual scans, and probing had given little to no information. It was almost a complete mystery. The sheer potential of what this could be was exciting to the both of us.
At the time, it had seemed like Draco had been like a kid on Christmas. So, why was he suddenly back to indifference? I inhale sharply, close my eyes and push his mood from my mind. Focus on the task at hand.
“The cave should be clearly marked. J- ”
“Yes, yes, it is a tourist trap. I am aware.”
His sharp tone cut my sentence short with a dismissive remark. I click my tongue, not caring that the earpiece will pick up on the sound. It isn’t like he isn’t aware of what I think of his attitude. What comes as a surprise though is the chuckle that follows and the amused tutting.
“Are we there already? Sweet Salazar, Granger we barely got started.”
I know he needs to keep his voice down, a ‘notice me not’ charm was only going to do so much. His running his mouth could risk this entire operation. But the hushed tone tickles the back of my neck distractingly.
“Malfoy, because it is a ‘tourist trap’ as you so eloquently pointed out, we need to get in during operating hours. Since you refuse to dress like a normal person -”
My jaw tightens when his voice cuts in for the second time in a handful of minutes. Like he cannot help himself but correct anything and everything I am saying. Especially when I am trying to tell him something.
“Like a muggle, you mean?”
“Yes, and no. A normal person. You’re the only person I know who insists on wearing dragon hide.”
Read on here
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garuda4321 · 5 months
Alright. So Endless Ocean Luminous has been out for… a day. Or so. Location dependent (midnight releases). Now, I’ve played some of it and I have some thoughts I’ll share here. And I’ll also include some other opinions the Endless Ocean fan base has as they are worth considering.
Yes this means spoilers ahead. And no spoiling for me as I haven’t gotten too too far in the story
So. First and foremost, the game does have a menu! However upon the first opening that is not what happens. It just dumps you into the story mission 1-1 to acquaint you with swimming (left joystick), camera movement (right joystick), and scanning (left bumper). Now, previous installments (EO1/2) we had someone guiding us. Those people being Katherine Sunday (1) and Oceanne Louvier (2, Rouvier if you weren’t NA). In Luminous we have Sera. Sera is an AI and the name is an acronym (off the top of my head I think it’s “Sea Exploration Research Assistant”). Not as witty, not as much personality. We scan a humphead wrasse and “light” jumps off it. We’ll get back to that later (4 missions later).
Before I forget, we are a new and very prospective member of the Aegis Research Team/Group/whatever they are.
1-2 is where we meet Yggdrasil- I mean the World Coral. Vibrant ecosystem of coral and fish in a small canyon cave. Looks like a tree. Apparently it’s dying from necrosis and your organization is trying to help Ygdr- the World Coral not die. We’re asked if we’re ready to help (our choices are “Yeah!” and “Uh… Sure”). We leave the cave and the screen shakes. A lot. This massive (golden) blue coelacanth passes by and we are told to leave because it’s mad for some reason which means it’s too dangerous.
1-3 a quick side note, brief Blue World notice. There was a character named GG (Gaston Grey). GG was a treasure hunter, only in it for the treasure that the Okeanides (mysterious people that were really connected to the sea) left behind. Bit of a scaredy cat (see Cortica River segment). What does this have to do with Luminous though? A lot actually. We meet Daniel, a senior diver with the foundation. He’s a treasure hunter and only in it for the treasure the Oannes (mysterious people that were really connected to the sea) left behind. He challenges you to salvage more/better stuff than him. You smoke him and then you find a “cutting board”. Sorry, a “chess board”. That has squares 11 across 9 deep. Sorry, it’s a “Mystery Board”. Each square represents one mystery of the sea we operate in. Sera says this is preposterous and unlikely. Aegis decides to investigate it more.
1-4 We’re back with Daniel! He’s still a little hurt at our success considering what we found. An actual Oannes artifact (mystery board). Apparently the squares glow when we solve a mystery! Sera says this is preposterous (note that the mystery tablet is glowing as she says this). Nothing else memorable happens.
1-5 We’re back! And someone is joining us! Oh, just Daniel (he swears he was just nearby and passing through the area). We do a bit of swimming and scan a giant sunfish. Gold Blue coelacanth shows up again and things start shaking. Daniel runs swims away like a chicken (yes he admits it himself!) and we decide to scan this gold blue coelacanth. Soon as we scan it all the “light” jumps off of it and it’s revealed to be a golden coelacanth. Apparently it’s a UML (Unidentified Marine Life) that is quickly dubbed something (Raja something…). HQ is on top of naming things at least! That light though. It’s not light per se. It’s a bacteria specific to the sea we work in that covers essentially everything and pacifies them. When we scan them with our scanner, we scare them off and they jump into our pockets. (I’m not kidding…). Also according to HQ this is helping the Ygdr- sorry, World Coral heal so we just need more light! Yay! Easy solution!
Gonna break from story for a bit to mention something. That’s the ENTIRETY of Chapter 1. Now it wasn’t “do chapter 1 now do chapter 2”. It was “do chapter 1-1, 1-2, 1-3, do a solo dive, do 1-4, solo dive, 1-5, dive, 2-1 repeat”. So now I’ll talk about solo dives. (Yes shared dives are a thing but I didn’t activate my free week yet, that’s happening later).
Solo doves. This is essentially the core of Endless Ocean. Diving, discovering locations and creatures and learning about them. Now, Luminous has an interesting way of doing this. In Endless Ocean the map was A-M, 1-8 (really C8-M1) with some sub areas (Ship’s Rest, Moia Atoll, Abyss). Endless Ocean Blue World had zones, some large, some small, some had small sub zones (Gamma Atoll had Deep Hole and the Private Reef, Cicero’s Strait had Valka Castle, Zahhab Region had Abyss and Cavern of the Gods, and such). Luminous now, will randomly generate a 16 digit Dive Site ID that is a 10x10. (0-9, A-J). You can continue diving in the same site until you choose to get a new one. Let’s say this now. 10x10 is huge. 2 hours of swimming (admittedly in circles a bit) and I discovered half a map and half the creatures on the map. So the maps are MASSIVE. And you get a lot of light from scanning everything (every single school gives light PER creature in the school, not just one, and some larger creatures give multiple light).
Next thing, zoom spots. Endless Ocean did this well. Your diving zone of choice had certain fish that lived there (fish that lived in Rock Bluff weren’t necessarily near Coral Forest). And there were tiny fish that lived in zoom spots (not static, they always moved and you had to find them). Some zooms would have one critter (looking at you Moorish Idol), others would have several (slugs, Moorish Idol, Stark’s Demoiselle and other combinations). Endless Ocean 2 had static zooms and they weren’t as hard to find if you dove with Oceanne, but again you’d find the smaller fish (slugs, moorish idol, Stark’s demoiselle, and other combinations). Luminous doesn’t HAVE zoom spots. These tiny creatures are just out there with the large creatures (example being the Whale Shark I saw swimming over the Red Spotted Blenny).
Onto Legendaries. Endless Ocean only had two that were named. Those two being Maga Tapa, a ferocious looking Great White with a ton of scars, and the Ancient Mother (a type of Albino Blue Whale with slightly different DNA meaning it’s a different species). The Ancient Mother was unlocked by finishing the story. Maga Tapa though, was more difficult. You had to find a shark tooth necklace through the salvage system (I’ll get into it more in the next section), unlock 80% of the map (or however much was required to get an email about a ghost ship), find the ghost ship to enter Ship’s Rest at NIGHT to unlock him. Now, you notice I said two that were named. The Beluga Whale and Orca also were difficult to unlock but weren’t named. Beluga required finding another salvage item and going to Moia Atoll and finding it in a room. The Orca required finding 100% of the map (or however much it took to get an email about the Jewels of Life), finding them in Moia Atoll through the salvage system, and then entire ring Ship’s Rest during the DAY.
Legendaries for Blue Workd worked differently. They were quest related usually. (The dog found a small island turns out to be a turtle, large shadow in Cicero’s Strait is a plesiosaur, healing a large penguin, finding a log is actually a formerly extinct crocodile, etc.) but some are just there (black humpback whale is a moon cycle thing, large sperm whale is in Zahhab, off the cliff side). There’s a LOT here, but one main one is Thanatos, a large ferocious Great White with scars and an attitude problem and is the embodiment of evil basically. (Yes he’s Maga Tapa but actually capable of harming the player because BW had an aggression system).
Luminous Legendaries. A lot of these legendaries from Blue World (which does include the Orca and most likely the Ancient Mother) appear to have made it into Luminous! This is fabulous if you never met them originally. I’ve met Apollo (sunfish), Phantom (Ray), and Emperor (coelacanth). You might be wondering about that UML, I’ll get there don’t worry. However, I’ve also found Thanatos. There’s no aggression system so he’s just chilling. They’re rather easy to find this time. They have “yellow light” which is used to indicate a rare/large/small/legendary creature. There’s a lot of rare creatures (example, red bicolor parrotfish). Now, this is nice though I do find it a little concerning that every square seems to have a rare creature. A minor complaint in the grand scheme really.
You’ve seen me talk salvage, so how’s the time to do that. EO’s salvage system was abysmal. You had to either search specific quadrants/squares to find the piece you were looking for (fixed salvage), or open every zoom spot on every surface (walls, floor, ceiling, etc.) for a CHANCE of finding salvage (rotating) and hope it’s not a duplicate. Blue World improved this a bit. Some salvage (coins… just a hundred coins) we’re in zoom spots and they were all fixed. Now, other salvage, had to be found with a tool (sensor) and then appraised so you knew what you had found. Tedious but better as you could guess what you had grabbed (wood, metal, stone, dense, none/all/some of those). Luminous… doesn’t have zoom spots or a sensor. So how does it work? There’s a dot in the top left that might flash yellow. If it’s yellow, treasure is near. Pick it up and it’s added to collections. Nice but duplicates do happen. Now, there are also treasure chests (that contain a variety of things) and tablets. Both contribute to the mystery board. There’s also some large stone circles on the ground that require a creature companion to do a thing but I haven’t figured them out/had the capacity to do it (Apollo requires 150 capacity but I have 70 capacity now at rank 26).
UMLS, our Unidentified Marine Lifeforms! They don’t just appear. You need to find anomalous fish/creatures to lure it out. (Seems to be 7). Your cursor (middle of the screen will pulse red if it’s near and pulse rapidly if you’re on the creature in question). Then the UML is lured out. These UMLS are quite something. They’re like a new legendary with an annoying salvage system (finding the last one can be a pain as the area gets smaller every time)
Personal opinion from my experience so far then? I’m loving it. I think it’s great and while it could do with a LITTLE polishing, it’s still great and what I was expecting from trailers and such.
The community is not all as thrilled as I am. Some say that it’s too fast with discovering creatures (half the encyclopedia in 2ish hours). That we should have a “home base”. That the Aquarium should exist. That Daniel is just discount GG and that Sera is too bland. Others see this as more of a test run to see if people will play a franchise that’s 15 years old and that if another one releases it will be considerably more polished and have more features.
Lengthy post. I am well aware of it but if you’re here, you reached the end! I still think it’s a fabulous game and am going to play it a LOT.
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demospectator · 5 months
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“No. 1015. A Chinese Chef driven from Kitchen to Curb by the San Francisco Earthquake disaster, April 18, 1906.” Photographer unknown (from the collection of Wong Yuen-Ming).
Wok-ing Outside: Chinese Quake Cooks of 1906
The settlement of the American West was marked by labor shortages in practically all fields of endeavor. In California, men far outnumbered women during the Gold Rush era, and domestic services were in short supply, and Chinese entered the field in which competition with white labor was less intense, as was the case in the industrial and agricultural sectors. “He was seen in homes, on the ranchs [sic] and farms,” historian Thomas W. Chinn wrote, “tending stock, cooking, cooking, doing indoor and outdoor work such as washing and ironing, cutting firewood and working in the garden.”
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Officer’s home on Funston Avenue, c. 1880. Photographer unknown (from a private collection). Two Chinese servants flank the members of an Army officer’s family in the Presidio of San Francisco.
Chinese domestic workers often endeared themselves to Californians, and family memoirs often recounted the presence of Chinese houseboys and cooks in employers’ homes, often serving families for two or three generations. Domestic work provided the workers of the 19th and early 20th centuries the opportunity to work outside the confines of Chinatown and often for prosperous white employers.
In the chaos of the April 1906 earthquake and fire in San Francisco, Chinese domestic servants found themselves thrust into a harrowing ordeal. Many were forced to flee alongside their employers, abandoning their homes and livelihoods in the face of impending disaster. As they navigated the rubble-strewn streets and sought refuge from the encroaching flames, these workers faced challenges and uncertainty. Some managed to find temporary shelter in makeshift camps with friends or family members. Others remained with their employers.
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A lone Chinese man, having fled from the 1906 earthquake and fire, sits next to a white woman amongst a collection of household goods with other refugees probably in the Potrero Hill area of San Francisco, c. April 1906. No other Chinese appears present. Photographer unknown (from a private collection).
In the aftermath of the 1906 disaster, it was hardly surprising that many Chinese domestic workers -- already adept in the culinary arts -- rose to the occasion. San Francisco lay in ruins, buildings and streets having crumbled or fractured. Amidst such desolation and chaos, the need for sustenance became paramount. Chinese cooks utilized their skills to provide food to their employer’s households and the displaced populace in improvised street kitchens, which had sprung up all over the city. Photographers captured images of makeshift kitchens operating outdoors in the face of adversity.
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A lone Chinese cook stands outside a small shack, inspecting his improvised stove and oven probably assembled from salvaged bricks, a pile of which appears at left, c. April 1906. Photographer unknown (from the collection of the California Historical Society).
Chinese domestic servants were among the many who demonstrated remarkable adaptability in the wake of the disaster. With traditional households destroyed, they took to the streets, employing whatever resources were available to them. Improvised stoves and salvaged utensils allowed them to ply their culinary craft despite the challenges posed by the destruction.
The images of cooks with their employers reflect a kind of community and solidarity amongst the Chinese domestic servants and their patrons. Amidst the uncertainty and upheaval, the street kitchen became not only a place to procure nourishment but perhaps provided a higher degree of interaction through sharing of meals, amidst the ruins of homes and buildings in the aftermath of the disaster.
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Chinese cook in a makeshift kitchen shack stands by while a man, possibly his employer, reads the day’s news, April 1906. Photographer unknown (from the collection of the California Historical Society).
The appearance of the street kitchens represent a snapshot in time of the perseverance and adaptability of Chinese domestic workers amidst community devastation and adverse conditions. The small stories recognize and honor the resilience that shaped the collective history of Chinese San Francisco and America.
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The Chinese cook, grinning from the doorway, Chinatown, San Francisco" c. 1896-1906. Photograph by Arnold Genthe (from the Library of Congress Prints and Photographs Division)
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exitrowiron · 2 years
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Day 39: Bradford, PA to Corning, NY
102 miles, 4,499ft ascent, 6:05
The brisk fall weather continued with a 43 degree start that necessitated the addition of a jacket to yesterday’s cold weather attire. At mile 25 we left Pennsylvania and entered our 12th state, New York!
With so much time to think on the saddle each day, it’s just natural to compare one state to another. For example, Michigan simply doesn’t bother to pick up roadkill. The section of Ohio that we rode had accountants name the roads; we rode on Nine Mile Road, Eleven Mile Road and Nineteen Mile Road (I’m not making that up). In NY we rode through numerous Glens and Hollows. In contrast to the last 20 miles of Pennsylvania, the first 20 miles of NY were marked with ramshackle, poorly maintained homes hosting permanent yard sales and auto salvage operations in their front yard.
The NY roads however were among the best we’ve ridden, with new asphalt (not the dreaded chip seal) and generous shoulders. As the slovenly homes gave way to tidy farms, it became clear that the generous road shoulders were intended for a horse and buggy, not a biker. The shoulders were 10ft wide and worn in the middle from horse hooves. At one point I passed two young men walking behind a team of large draft horses moving from one farm to the next. I gave them a very wide berth, not wanting to spook the horses.
By lunchtime, the clouds were beginning to break and I shed all my cold weather gear, leaving only my bibs and short sleeve jersey. This was a great decision as the temperature continued to rise, providing a truly spectacular day of fall riding in rural NY. This is another beautiful part of the country which I’ve never seen before. There is a special joy that comes from the feeling of wonder and discovery as you ride along unfamiliar rural roads with the wind at your back and the sun over your shoulder.
I was the first to arrive at the hotel in downtown Corning (a lovely small town hosting the Wineglass marathon next week). As I gathered my bags I learned that the Corning Glass Museum is less than a mile away and was closing in 2.5 hours. I took a quick shower, downed my protein recovery drink and ran to the museum. Truth be told, I’m not much of a museum person, but I really enjoyed this one. There’s something about the physical challenge of creating art with glass that I find intriguing. Obviously my time was limited, but I highly recommend the museum (I was even able to see a live demonstration).
Tomorrow’s forecast is for cold rain most of the day; we’ve only had one other day like that on the trip and the riders aren’t looking forward to a repeat. Even with the forecasted rain however spirits are high as we know we only have 6 riding days left!
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