#Sam LaRoche
teddyqd · 4 months
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Samuel Lane/Carrion Crowe :: He/Him :: Early 30s
Story: Real People (Drama, Mystery, Supernatural)
Carrion Crowe is a prolific sci-fi author enjoying his niche notoriety and avoiding Netflix adaptations of his work like the plague. Since his rise to fame as a prodigy author at the age of 17, he's gone from strength to strength in his career, sharing the stories that have lived in his mind and protected himself for as long as he can remember.
Samuel Lane is a chronic daydreamer whose story begins in earnest when it becomes all too clear that he's shared too much of himself. The fictions he's cloaked his life in become the vicious weapon of threats both real and imagined.
When the world splits in half in front of his eyes, shadows in the shape of aliens start to lurk around him. His imaginings start to leak out of his head and put people he loves in danger. To save them, he must face up to the responsibilities he's been running from since he was a child.
Likes: astrobiology & space science as a whole, corvids, clubbing
Dislikes: people 'knowing' him, spicy food (coward), people who can't do a thought experiment
Physical: Samuel is a short, brown-skinned guy with a scruffy salt-and-pepper beard and moustache. It's very clear that he doesn't look after himself well. When he's functioning at his best, or he has someone regulating him, he can clean up pretty well and be pretty handsome, but it isn't his natural state, especially when the story starts.
He dresses for comfort over everything, but what that comfort is will fluctuate between very loose oversized clothes and things that provide compression/pressure. The exceptions to his usual comfort-first & scruffy approach are when he's dressing for clubbing, and when he's making public appearances as an author. He'll put his best foot forward when he's presenting himself to an audience, able to dissociate the person he is whilst he's out from the person he believes he is in his core. He's pretty neutral about his body, but knows that other people can find him attractive if he puts in the work, and will play to that.
Personality & Traits: A core part of Samuel's characterisation is the fact that he is a chronic daydreamer. He uses the worlds he's dreamed up as escapes from reality, opting out of a reality that bores him to one where he feels much more engaged and at home. However, as his stress levels rise, he more often falls into his imagined worlds involuntarily, and finds it significantly harder to leave them. He can differentiate the worlds he walks through, but when he starts to adopt the people around him into his imagined worlds, it becomes harder for him to understand what parts of them he's projected, and what's actually core to them. His misunderstanding of others has caused a lot of issues for him, but the understandings themselves have never been directly challenged for him to know that they're there at all.
Samuel likes to be admired, but doesn't try to make himself likeable. He's abrasive and stubborn, and consistently convinced that he's right. However, when presented with solid evidence to the contrary, he might be able to be convinced. If you catch him on a good day, or he likes you.
He's simultaneously very closed off, and desperate for connection, which he often finds through anonymous hookups and (probably undernegotiated) BDSM at his local kink club. If, for whatever reason, you make the effort to get to know him, he is fiercely loyal. Once he cares about you, that never goes away, even if you don't talk for years. If you betray his trust after that, he'll be hurt, but consider your betrayal as his own fault, rather than something intentional on your behalf, again pointing to his very self-centred way of viewing the world.
Samuel is incredibly passionate about the things he cares about, and if given a safe space to share them, he will with joy. He is quite self aware of this, though, and will tamp down on showing his excitement to anyone he doesn't trust fully. In these cases, his passion may come across more like a lecture than anything else.
He is convinced that sapient aliens exist, in such a way that it's not a belief, but a knowledge in the same way one might say they know that atoms exist. He doesn't know if humanity will ever encounter them, but he knows they're out there. He's aware this is a niche idea, and doesn't care to debate it, so often couches this knowledge in the framework of his stories.
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Relationships: In general - Samuel finds it hard to get close to people. The people he is closest to are those he's known for a long time, or that he's been paired with by circumstance. He regards anyone related to his work as an author as expendable and changeable. Editors cycle out, agents give up on him, so he does not make the effort to connect with them. All they want is his stories, and all he wants from them is their reach. Their relationship remains business.
Josiah LaRoche (Jo) (he/him)- Samuel's childhood friend, and the reason his work was ever published. Josiah sent off Samuel's first finished manuscript without him knowing, and that story rocketed Samuel to fame. They haven't spoken properly in at least a decade. When Samuel returns to his home town, Josiah is the first person he sees, and it seems like he hasn't changed a bit, except to get hotter. Samuel wants to pick up the friendship where it was left, but Josiah has changed more than he wants to acknowledge, and that puts a strain on the old dynamic. Samuel's newfound attraction to the other man is also a new element, and one he's not exactly ready to confront. Josiah's straight, after all.
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Tutu Lane (Turtle Dove) (she/her) - Samuel's younger sister. The pair grew up raising each other, more than with any adult supervision. Samuel sees himself as a stand-in parent to Turtle, but Turtle is proudly independent. She loves her brother, but was firm in needing her own space to grow. Since they grew apart, she's started doing a doctorate in astroagriculture, focusing on growing hardy, nutrient-rich food in the bizarre environs that space and other planets provide. They haven't talked in a few months. When Samuel returns home, he expects to find her in the family home. She isn't there. No one's seen her in a while.
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Geiger (she/they) & Albert Elmer (he/him) - Samuel can't face a world of new horrors alone. He meets Albert and Geiger as he attempts to track down his sister, and learns that they, too, have seen the world split in half. They have their own theories, but they might be exactly what he needs to help him. He sees them, to begin with, as assistants. As they work together to uncover the truth of the shadows they're seeing, he might well grow to see them as equals, with stories just as rich as his own.
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audrasmythe · 9 months
FMK - Sam, Pierre & Lee
"Marry Lee again, it seems like the reasonable choice. And- saying I would fuck Pierre seems inappropriate. But compared to the alternate? I'm not sure. Sam's a handsome man but he's also- hm. Kill Sam."
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@samburman @leemalkovich @pierre-laroche
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leemalkovich · 9 months
FMK: Sam, Pierre, a clone of yourself <3
"I'm a twin, so I do have a clone of myself. And that's bloody nasty." Anyway. "Marry Pierre, and fuck Sammy — I've heard through the grapevine that he's been dying to."
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@samburman @pierre-laroche
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samburman · 9 months
He'd been avoiding Pierre, it's true. Sam has been largely unsure of how to feel, resentment lingering and requiring some time to be dealt with. It's still there, simmering beneath the surface, unspoken and happily remaining unaddressed. It's not something he would bring up or entertain in conversation, no. Instead, he would sing the same praises of Pierre he always has.
Always been there for me. Saw me through the good, bad, and ugly. Nearly my whole adult life.
And now here they are, arranging flowers at some private class thing meant mostly for middle-aged women. He watches as the teacher saunters by, a polite smile and nod as a piece of baby's breath is tucked into the odd green, foam block. "Didn't realize bouquets were a sport." It's a joke. Really. He's sure it's very serious business, but none is as serious as theirs.
Sam clears his throat. Time to vaguely paint a picture.
"I recently had this direct report, we'll call them... mmm... Asa, at work start giving away company information. Little bits and pieces at a time, nothing huge but over time it added up." He gestures vaguely, bloom in hand. "The person, their friend, not as dumb as he figured. They could've exposed a lot of data, working in media." The bloom is stabbed into place. "Am I crazy, or was that a monumental fuck up?"
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anaismurad · 9 months
FMK - Ava, Sam, Pierre
"Marry Pierre, again. Sleep with Samar. And I'll start brainstorming ideas on how to kill Ava a second time."
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@pierre-laroche @samburman @avamhollis
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avamhollis · 9 months
Sam, Lee, Pierre
"Absolutely not."
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Marry Sam, fuck Lee and Pierre. Kill all of them.
@samemiistakes @leemalkovich @pierre-laroche
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afaimsarrowverse · 1 year
250(ish) Favorite Arrowverse Episodes: Part 1: 250-226
Picked from „Arrow“, „Black Lightning“, „Supergirl“, „Legends of Tomorrow“, „The Flash“, „Barwoman“ Season 1+2 and „Superman & Lois“ Season 1+2. I did consider kicking „Superman & Lois“ of this list, but since it pretended to be part of the Arrowverse for its first two seasons I left it on here.
  250. Loyal Subjekts (Superman & Lois 1x9)
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9, Written by: Andrew N. Wong. Directed by: Eric Dean Seaton
 "Everything you're doing is gonna stop."
"That's exactly what your friend Lois Lane keeps saying to me. You can't make it happen any more than she can."
 249. How does she do it? (Supergirl 1x5)
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5, Written by: Yahlin Chang, Ted Sullivan, Directed by: Thor Freudenthal
 "Fascinating theory. Unprovable, but worth exploring. I suspect that whoever is responsible for these attacks might be curious about you, Supergirl. What is she made of? How does she do it?"
 248. Swan Thong (Legends of Tomorrow 5x14)
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82, Written by: Keto Shimizu, Morgan Faust, Directed by: Kevin Mock
 "Hall of Bad Ideas".
 247. Killer Frost (The Flash 3x7)
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53, Written by: Judalina Neira, Andrew Kreisberg, Brooke Roberts, Directed by: Kevin Smith
 "Like you helped your mother? Or Wally? Or me? You keep messing with everyone's lives, wrecking everything, and we're left behind to pick up the pieces from your mistakes. Some things you break can't be put back together!"
 246. The Curse of the Earth Totem (Legends of Tomorrow 3x12)
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45, Written by: Grainne Godfree, Ubah Mohamed, Directed by: Chris Tammaro
 "Take a look around. You think these people give a damn about consequences? Take the night off. A true pirate doesn't live for tomorrow, they only live for the moment."
 245. Wet Hot American Bummer (Legends of Tomorrow 4x4)
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55, Written by: Ray Utarnachitt, Tyron B. Carter, Directed by: David A. Geddes
 "According to the timeline, before the end of summer, several kids went missing, never to be seen again."
"Well, I happen to know a swamp thing. But then again, Maine is way too far north for that muppet."
 244. The Sin-Eater (Arrow 5x14)
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106, Written by: Barbara Bloom, Jenny Lynn, Directed by: Mary Lambert
 "He eats their sins?"
"Yes. So they go on to the afterlife. He takes their sins as his own."
 243. The Eggplant, the Witch and the Wardrobe (Legends of Tomorrow 4x12)
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63, Written by: Morgan Faust, Daphne Miles, Directed by: Mairzee Almas
 "But what if I can't be the person you need?"
"Let's be honest, neither of us needs anybody. Right? But you are who I want."
 242. City of Lost Children (Supergirl 2x20)
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40, Written by: Robert Rovner, Gabriel Llanas, Anna Musky-Goldwn, Directed by: Ben Bray
 "Welcome to New Daxam."
 241. Time of Death (Arrow 2x14)
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37, Written by: Wendy Mericle, Beth Schwartz, Directed by: Nick Copus
 "I'm not trying. I am. Where are you? Are you home? Are you safe? Somewhere you think you're safe? Somewhere without windows for anyone to creep through? Underground, perhaps? You think no one can get to you? You think no one can touch you in the safety of your hidey-hole? But I can."
 240. Plastique (The Flash 1x5)
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5, Written by: Aaron and Todd Helbing, Brooke Elmeier, Directed by: Dermott Downs
 "For a guy who has experienced his fair share of mysteries, one mystery I still can't figure out is why some people come into our lives. Why some people go, and others become a part of you. Some friendships feel like they'll last forever. And others end far too soon. Not every friendship is meant to last a lifetime. What does last forever is the pain when that person is gone."
 239. Dark Waters (Arrow 4x9)
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78, Written by: Wendy Mericle, Ben Sokolowski, Directed by: John Behring
 "This isn't you, Andy. The man I knew pulled me out of dark waters. Convinced me to keep going when I didn't see the point."
 238. All’s Wells that End Wells (The Flash 7x1)
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134, Written by: Sam Chalsen, Lauren Certo, Directed by: Alexandra LaRoche
 "So you're a selfish jerk. Hmm. You think that I wasn't? That we all weren't? Hell, when I met this team, I was working for Zoom. H.R. lied. Sherloque... kept secrets. We all came here broken men. Thanks to Team Flash, eventually we learned to be better. That's why I believe in you, Nash. There's a good man in there somewhere. You just need to dig him up, let him breathe."
 23. Monster (The Flash 3x5)
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51, Written by: Zack Stentz, Directed by: C. Kim Miles
 "There’s a lot of scared people with this monster running around the city."
 236. Ship Broken (Legends of Tomorrow 5x10)
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78, Written by: James Eagan, Mark Bruner, Directed by: Andi Armaganian
 „Oh my god! You adopted Son of Sam's demon dog.“
„ At least I didn't buy from a breeder!
 235. Welcome to the Jungle (Legends of Tomorrow 3x7)
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40, Written by: Ray Utarnachitt, Tyron B. Carter, Directed by: Mairzee Almas
 "I got nothing to lose. But you do. You get to go home. But if you kill these people, you'll hear their screams forever. And one day... when you have a family, you won't be able to look them in the eye. Because this day, this act you're about to commit, will be burned in your memory forever."
 234. Nip/Stuck (Legends of Tomorrow 4x14)
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65, Written by: Ray Utarnachitt, Matthew Maala, Directed by: David Geddes
 "It's a long story, but Gary took over the Bureau. He 'nip'-notized everyone."
 233. Bratva (Arrow 5x12)
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104, Written by: Oscar Balderrama, Emilio Ortega Aldrich, Directed by: Ben Bray
 "To our imperfect union. Vashe zdorovie."
 232. Terms of Service (Legends of Tomorrow 4x15)
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66, Written by: Grainne Godfree, Ubah Mohamed, Dircted by: April Mullen
 "When Rip first recruited the Legends, he picked the people that were insignificant to history. The original losers. You don't have to be cool to be a Legend."
 231. Distant Sun (Supergirl 2x17)
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37, Written by: Gabriel Llanas, Anna Musky-Goldwyn, Directed by: Kevin Smith
 "All we want is for our family to be together!"
"That's what we want too!"
 230. The Promise (Arrow 2x15)
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38, Written by: Jake Coburn, Ben Sokowoski, Directed by: Glen Winter
 "To kill you now would be a mercy. You cannot die until you have suffered the same way that I have suffered. Till you have known complete despair. And you will. I promise."
 229. Power Outage (The Flash 1x7)
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7, Written by: Grainne Godfree, Alison Schapker, Directed by: Larry Shaw
 "Yes, it is, Gideon. Bring up my log, please, new entry. It has now been 312 days since lightning struck. In the past 24 hours, subject has taken a great leap forward, causing me to revise my initial thesis. I thought... well, I thought his attachment to people was a distraction slowing down his progress. Now I realize the opposite is true. Barry's attachment to people, the people he cares about, is actually the key to getting him up to speed. In the meantime, good news. The future remains intact."
 228. Code of Silence (Arrow 4x14)
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83, Written by: Wendy Mercile, Oscar Balderrama, Directed by: James Bamford
 "I know what building H.I.V.E. is planning on taking down: it's this one."
 227. Return of the Mack (Legends of Tomorrow 3x5)
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38, Written by: Grainne Godfree, Morgan Faust, Directed by: Alexandra LaRoche
 "Vampires, I've waited my whole life to kill one."
 226. Egg MacGuffin (Legends of Tomorrow 4x13)
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64, Written by: James Eagan, Tyron B. Carter, Directed by: Chris Tammaro
 "If you murder someone you love, your soul will be mine."
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strayonward · 7 years
A poem about social media....
What here they feed us?
Look like left over crawfish…
Look like pots not be stirred enough…
I’ve been wearing this exoskeleton so long
This ain’t kosher
Pinned up whole house
Of portraits of myself
Call dem selfies
Been trying to find myself
In these self imposed photos
Hoping someone takes notice
Of these videos
Staring hard in my reflection
Ain’t nobody been talking back
Been talking to myself
Call my psychos frantic
Say there was a hurricane
Turned tundra
Turned heat wave
Turned the house over
Took food out of the crowd
Where is Jesus and some bread when you need him
Ocean will drown us, nah
It will be the fire that consumes us now
Heard some people died,
By some I mean thousands
But it ain’t here you know I don’t care 
No one cared
No, no one cares
Somebody Save Whales, Save Africa, Free Tibet
Heard they’re putting poison in the water
But that ain’t here and thats not me
So I don’t care
Somebody Save America
Save Us
Save selfie selfish generation
Generation “No Fucks”
Generation No Books
Generation Just looks
Generation Do Nothing
Whats trending
Post that shit
Look relevant
Look concerned
Try and have something to say
We not relevant
Monotony is not relevant
Keep stimulated
Comment Post
Or thats that shit I don’t like
@ me
This is not a conversation
What the is that pound sign doing there?
We in and out of moments
We are not in the moment
Post “Live in the moment”
Ironic, no?
There is silence at the dinner table
Heads bow
Hands clasp together
Yet no one is praying
We snap chat
Snap backs
And Tattoos
Change light exposure
All my sides are my best sides
Love myself
Can’t get out of bed
Not motivated
Im depressed
Cause this aint real
Post that
Say “Can’t get out of bed today”
Check mail, check Instagram
Check Facebook, my face
Hows my face look?
In the mirror
In the mirror in the morning
My face
Looks like my breathe smells
Not great
Don't post that
Or do I?
Stay consistently relevant
Do not disappear
If they cannot see you
You are not here
Stay stimulated
Watch porn
Selfie porn
I love myself
But I love when other people like my post more than I love myself
More than I keep things to myself
More than my loneliness
More than solitude
More than casual exchanges
Talk about everything
Everything #hashtag story
Stay stimulated
Don't be alone
Don't let the quiet seep in
Don't look me in the eye when I speak to you
I swear to God you better look at me when I talk to you
Look up
Let me see your iris
Let me see your pupil enlarge
So I know you’re stimulated by my story
By my mouth
By me
Let me see your eyes
Face to face
When we speak
Lets stimulated each other like we used to
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tmsource · 3 years
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250 Favorite Arrowverse-Episodes: Part 7: 100-76
Picked from Arrow, Supergirl, Black Lighting, The Flash E1.1-8.5, Legends of Tomorrow E1.1-7.7, Batwoman S1 and Superman & Lois S1. Shows and Seasons that are not in here were either never seen by me or are not considered part of the Arrowverse but rather the DC-TV-Multiverse.
 100. Cause and XS (The Flash 5x14)
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106, Written By: Todd Helbing, Jeff Hersh, Directed By: Rachel Talalay
Nora is stuck in a time-loop with a member of Team Flash dying each time.
 99.  Cause and Effect (The Flash 3x21)
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67, Written by: Judalina Neira, Lauren Certo, Directed by: David McWhirter
 Barry looses his memories in this one.
 98.  Armageddon Part 4 (The Flash 8x4)
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155, Written by: Lauren Barnett, Directed by: Chad Lowe
 In the Future Eobard is the Flash and about to marry Iris. .. What?!
 97.  Ground Control to Sara Lance (Legends of Tomorrow 6x1)
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83, Written by: James Eagan, Mark Bruner, Directed by: Kevin Mock
 Sara is abducted by Aliens.
 96.  Emerald Archer (Arrow 7x12)
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150, Written by: Marc Guggenheim und Emilio Ortega Aldrich, Directed by: Glen Winter
 „Arrow“ meets „Cops“.
 95.  The Quest for Peace (Supergirl 4x22)
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87, Written by: Robert Rovner, Jessica Queller, Rob Wright, Derek Simon, Directed by: Jesse Warn
 Kara fights Red Daughter and Lex Luthor.
 94.  Seance and Sensibility (Legends of Tomorrow 4x11)
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62, Written by: Grainne Godfree, Jackie Canino, Directed by: Alexandra La Roche
 Jane Austen, a Hindu God and a lot of sex and romance are in this one.
 93.  Lost Souls (Arrow 4x6)
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75, Written by: Beth Schwartz, Emilio Ortega Aldrich, Directed by: Antonio Negret
 Team Arrow rescues Ray.
 92.  The Runaway Dinsoaur (The Flash 2x21)
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44, Written by: Zack Stentz, Directed by: Kevin Smith
 Barry gets Speed Force Theraphy.
 91.  Goldfaced (The Flash 5x13)
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105, Written by: Jonathan Butler, Gabriel Garza, Directed by: Alexandra LaRoche
 Barry and Ralph search for the Black Market. Oh no.
 90.  Canary Cry (Arrow 4x19)
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88, Written by:Wendy Mercile, Beth Schwartz, Directed by: Laura Belsey
 There is an imposter Canary about and Laurel is dead.
 89.  The Book of Resistance: Chapter Four: Earth Crisis (Black Lightning 3x9)
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38, Written by: Lamont Magee, Directed by: Tasha Smith
The Tie-In Episode to „Crisis on Infinite Earths“.
 88.  This is Gus (Legends of Tomorrow 6x9)
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91, Written by: Tyron B. Carter, Directed by: Eric Dean Seaton
 Behrads’s Favorite TV-Show is ruined by an Alien Baby on his birthday.
 87.  Holding the Wrench (Superman & Lois 1x8)
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8, Written by: Kristi Korzec, Directed by: Norma Bailey
 Jonathan gets into trouble, Lois flips and guilts and Rosetti turns on Superman.
 86.  O Brother, where art though (Supergirl 4x15)
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80, Written by: Derek Simon, Nicki Holcomb, Directed by: Tawina McKiernan
 Hello, Lex.
 85.  The House of L (Supergirl 4x16)
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81, Written by: Dana Horgan, Eric Carrasco, Directed by: Carl Seaton
 How Lex met Red Daughter.
 84.  Luck Be a Lady (The Flash 4x3)
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72, Written By: Sam Chalsen und Judalina Neira, Directed By: Armen V. Kervokian
 Hazard makes people unlucky.
 83.  Canaries (Arrow 3x13)
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59, Written by: Jake Coburn, Emilio Aldrich, Directed by: Michael Schultz
 Laurel gets hit by Vertigo and Thea’s new beau is not what he seems.
 82.  Prom Night!/ Prom Again (Supergirl 6x5/6x6)
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111/112, Written by: Rob Wright, Jess Kardos, Directed by: Alexandra LaRoche; Chyler Leigh
 Brainy and Nia visit Teenage Kara and Young Alex.
 81.  License to Elongate (The Flash 6x6)
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120, Written By: Thomas Pound, Jeff Hersh, Directed By: Danielle Panabaker
 His name is Dibny, Ralph Dibny.
 80.  What’s Past is Prologue (The Flash 5x8)
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100, Written By: Todd Helbing und Lauren Certo, Directed By: Tom Cavanagh
 Barry and Nora visit Barry’s Greates Hits.
 79.  Stronger Together (Supergirl 1x2)
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2, Written by: Greg Berlanti, Andrew Kreisberg, Ali Adler, Directed by: Glen Winter
 Supergirl hast o prove herself to the world and discovers a family secret.
 78.  Left Behind (Arrow 3x10)
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56, Written by: Marc Guggenheim, Eric Oleson, Directed by: Glen Winter
 Team Arrow thinks that Oliver is dead.
 77. Legion of Super Heroes (Supergirl 3x10)
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52, Written by: Derek Simon, Eric Carrasco, Directed by: Jesse Warn
 Look, it’s Brainy!
 76.  Mr. Parker’s Cul-De-Sac (Legends of Tomorrow 5x6)
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74, Written by: Keto Shimizu, James Eagan, Directed by: Ben Bray
 Damien is back and gets family theraphy.
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Warren William (born Warren William Krech; December 2, 1894 – September 24, 1948) was a Broadway and Hollywood actor, immensely popular during the early 1930s; he was later nicknamed the "King of Pre-Code". He was the first actor to play Perry Mason.
Warren William Krech's family originated in Bad Tennstedt, Thuringia, Germany. His grandfather, Ernst Wilhelm Krech (born 1819), fled Germany in 1848 during the Revolution, going first to France and later emigrating to the United States. He wed Mathilde Grow in 1851, and had six children. Freeman E. Krech, Warren's father, was born in 1856. Around the age of 25, Freeman moved to Aitkin, a small town in Minnesota, where he bought a newspaper, The Aitkin Age, in 1885. He married Frances Potter, daughter of a merchant, September 18, 1890. Their son Warren was born December 2, 1894.
Warren William's interest in acting began in 1903, when an opera house was built in Aitkin. He was also an avid and lifelong amateur inventor, a pursuit that may have contributed to his death.[2] After high school, William auditioned for, and was enrolled in, the American Academy of Dramatic Arts (AADA) in New York City in October 1915.
As his senior year at AADA was coming to an end, the United States had entered the First World War, and William enlisted in the United States Army. He was assigned from base to base, in charge of training new men at various locations, and in 1918 was assigned to Fort Dix near New York City, in New Jersey. While in New York, he met his future wife, Helen Barbara Nelson, who was 17 years older than he was. In October 1918 he left for France, to enter the war. William left the army in early 1919, after which he began working on his acting career. In 1923, he and Helen were married.
William, who appeared in his first Broadway play in 1920, soon made a name for himself in New York, and appeared in more than 20 plays on Broadway between 1920 and 1931. During this period he also appeared in two silent films, The Town That Forgot God (1922) and Plunder (1923).
He moved from New York City to Hollywood in 1931. The Village Voice called him "The King of Pre-Code". He began as a contract player at Warner Bros. and quickly became a star during what is now known as the 'Pre-Code' period. He developed a reputation for portraying ruthless, amoral businessmen (Under 18, Skyscraper Souls, The Match King, Employees' Entrance), crafty lawyers (The Mouthpiece, Perry Mason), and outright charlatans (The Mind Reader). These roles were considered controversial, yet they were highly satisfying. This was the harshest period of the Great Depression, characterized by massive business failures and oppressive unemployment. Movie audiences jeered at the businessmen, who were often portrayed as predators.
William did play some sympathetic roles, including Dave the Dude in Frank Capra's Lady for a Day, and a loving father and husband cuckolded by Ann Dvorak's character in Three on a Match (1932). He was a young songwriter's comically pompous older brother in Golddiggers of 1933. William was Julius Caesar in Cecil B. DeMille's Cleopatra (1934; starring Claudette Colbert in the title role), and with Colbert again the same year as her character's love interest in Imitation of Life (1934). He played the swashbuckling musketeer d'Artagnan in The Man in the Iron Mask (1939), directed by James Whale.
The studios capitalized on William's popularity by placing him in multiple "series" films, particularly as detectives and crime-solvers. William was the first to portray Erle Stanley Gardner's fictional defense attorney Perry Mason on the big screen and starred in four Perry Mason mysteries. He played Raffles-like reformed jewel thief The Lone Wolf in nine films, beginning with The Lone Wolf Spy Hunt (1939), and appeared as Detective Philo Vance in two of the series films,The Dragon Murder Case (1934) and the comedic The Gracie Allen Murder Case (1939). He also starred as Sam Spade (renamed Ted Shane) in Satan Met a Lady (1936), the second screen version of The Maltese Falcon.
Other roles included Mae West's manager in Go West, Young Man (1936), a jealous district attorney in another James Whale film, Wives Under Suspicion (1938), copper-magnate Jesse Lewisohn in 1940's Lillian Russell, the evil Jefferson Carteret in Arizona (also 1940), and sympathetic Dr. Lloyd in The Wolf Man (1941). In 1945, he played Brett Curtis in cult director Edgar G. Ulmer's 1945 modern-day version of Hamlet, called Strange Illusion.
In what would be his last film, he played Laroche-Mathieu in The Private Affairs of Bel Ami in 1947.
On radio, William starred in the transcribed series Strange Wills, which featured "stories behind strange wills that run the gamut of human emotion."
Although on-screen William was an actor audiences loved to hate, off-screen William was a private man, and he and his wife, Helen, kept out of the limelight. Warren and Helen remained a couple throughout his entire adult life. He was often described as having been shy in real life. Co-star Joan Blondell once said, "[He... was an old man – even when he was a young man.
Warren William died on September 24, 1948, from multiple myeloma, at age 53. His wife died a few months later. He was recognized for his contribution to motion pictures with a star on the Hollywood Walk of Fame in February 1960.
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sinceileftyoublog · 4 years
Voivod Interview: Locked Down and Loaded
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While the sudden onslaught of COVID-19 lockdowns forced many musicians on national and international tours to scramble home, others were in the middle of a creative process. Fortunately for legendary Canadian metal band Voivod, going virtual didn’t stop them. They’re no strangers to projects that have dragged out; for instance, a film about the band that started with director Sam Dunn (of Metal: A Headbanger’s Journey fame) before guitarist Denis "Piggy" D'Amour died from colon cancer in 2005, is in the process of being finished by Death By Metal director Felipe Belalcazar. This time, instead of totally switching gears, the band chose a multi-pronged approach. They continued to write their follow-up to The Wake virtually, doing demos with Logic Pro, live streamed a show, and released The End of Dormancy, an EP consisting of a reworked version of The Wake track of the same name as well as a couple live performances from last year’s Montreal International Jazz Festival. And on November 27th, Voivod drops The Lost Machine (Century Media), a full live album recorded in Québec City during last year’s tour, along with videos of performances directed by Belalcazar.
I spoke with drummer Michel “Away” Langevin (also the artist behind Voivod’s album covers) from his home in Montreal earlier this month about the band’s immediate and long-term future, and he’s excited about it all. So far, they’ve released the live album’s title track and “Iconspiracy” as singles with accompanying videos, with one more on the way. As their world tour from this year and next year has been postponed, they’re planning on doing another live streamed show early next year. Montreal’s been locked down again since October, but lead singer and lyricist Denis “Snake” Bélanger’s been working on his home studio for the band’s rehearsals and recording. (Langevin and bassist Dominic “Rocky” Laroche live downtown, Snake in the North Shore, and guitarist Daniel “Chewy” Mongrain a little bit outside the city.) Like they’ve always done as a band, whether venturing from speed metal to thrash metal to progressive metal or balancing constant changes of plans, Voivod continues to adapt.
Read my interview with Langevin below, edited for length and clarity.
Since I Left You: When had you originally decided to release a live album?
Michel Langevin: We decided actually when the lockdown started in mid-March. At this point, we were writing material [for a new record], and we didn’t have access to the rehearsal space, so we were looking into what we could release. Last year, when touring The Wake, we had recorded this show we thought was really well performed.
SILY: But you didn’t necessarily know when on tour it was gonna be a live album.
ML: We were playing two festivals in Quebec: the Montreal [International] Jazz Festival and the other was the [Festival d'été de Québec]. We asked an engineer who had worked with us to come with his recording gear. The shows were not built thinking about a live album, but we were just on a roll touring nonstop.
SILY: And there’s video of these performances, too.
ML: We documented the Montreal Jazz Fest with multi-camera and a multi-track module. We didn’t think about documenting the Quebec City show officially, but we really liked the performance there.
SILY: The setlist of the live album seems to be pretty consistent with everything from The Wake tour.
ML: Because we toured so much for it, we switched setlists. Sometimes, we had two that would alternate. With almost two years of touring, we changed the setlist a lot. When we played Montreal and Quebec City, it was the last stretch of the long part of the tour for The Wake. We had a bit of a break right after for the summer. With those shows, we were really in shape. The album is super tight.
SILY: The setlist is basically half The Wake.
ML: We played songs from the first 6 albums and songs from Post Society as well as The Wake. Sometimes, we play material from the Eric [Forrest] era from the 90′s and from the Jason Newsted era from the early 2000′s. But it’s mainly 80′s stuff, although now we play stuff from the first 7 albums. 
SILY: I did notice there wasn’t anything from Target Earth, which I love. Is it just because a record like that or some of the later 2000′s records you’ve more recently done big tours around?
ML: It’s just a matter of having too many albums, but I like when we play, let’s say, “Global Warming” from the Jason era back into the setlist. Right now, we try to cover our career as much as we can, but it’s getting more difficult every year. [laughs]
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SILY: What was your inspiration behind the album art for this album?
ML: I tried to do the art listening to the recordings, mixing, and mastering. I was just listening to the music trying to represent a lost machine with a bunch of other lost machines that started following the main guy along the road.
SILY: What else has the band been up to during lockdown? Have you been able to record?
ML: We did an online show that went super well. We were able to gather and jam even with keeping our distances. We’re thinking of doing more, only if we’re able to rehearse. Snake is right now turning his house into a rehearsal studio. Right before the lockdown, we had templates for songs we were working on. We’re writing a new album [virtually]. This summer, we released The End of Dormancy EP with some songs from the Montreal show with videos we had shot November of last year. When the lockdown started, we looked at what we had to work with and went from there. There’s also a book about Voivod in the works. We’re trying to move forward as much as we can.
SILY: Is there anything you’ve been listening to, reading, or watching during lockdown that’s caught your attention?
ML: I’ve been working so much lately that I haven’t gotten to entertain myself a lot. After the release of [The Lost Machine], I really want to take some time to watch Raised By Wolves. I’ve heard a lot about it. I really like Westworld as well, so I want to watch season 3 of that.
SILY: You’re a key part of Voivod’s sci-fi themes. Is that what you tend to absorb in other art?
ML: I really like sci fi movies and series, but I don’t really read fiction that much. I read paranormal magazines.
SILY: Have you enjoyed the process of writing the studio album remotely?
ML: It’s interesting. I don’t have a studio in my apartment, so I have to program the drums. It makes me listen to Rocky and Chewy’s playing very carefully. It makes me catch stuff I wouldn’t catch at the rehearsal space and changes my playing. I can’t wait to get together, but I can tell that the situation will have an impact on the album.
SILY: The themes, too?
ML: I don’t think think [we’re] gonna focus on the pandemic. I think [we’re] gonna focus on other ideas. But the song structures and musical approach, the fact that we’re writing music and putting together the songs in a very different way, the end result will be very different than The Wake. I think it’s exciting, and if anything, with the whole COVID thing, we’re gonna get out of it as a band more organized and structured.
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samburman · 3 years
Everyone has seen that trope in movies where the parents get clued in on some epic rager the kids are throwing in their absence, so they return from some random trip early. That's exactly what it felt like, when Pierre turned up after the disaster that was the Caravaggio. It wasn't quite the same, Samar understands that completely. This wasn't about them — it was about the pack of kids that stole from them. Just the same, it wasn't a comfort, either. For Sam, there was a deep-seated shame associated with it. For so long as he can remember, Pierre has been nothing but understanding and supportive. In the face of great loss, Pierre had allowed for Sam to do what he needed to heal, even if it meant a small loss of his own for a time. The favor had been repaid tenfold upon Sam's return, and now, his own company would back the Syndicate, offering a gateway to the thing they value most: money. "I've made a bid for the Tony's. One of their key security vendors backed out at the last minute." This is his Hail Mary, if anything. One of the last opportunities at a prestigious event this year, a chance to provide and return that favor he was afforded all those years ago. In truth, he's certain he'd always be indebted — gladly, too. "Tough competition out there, though. I'll try my best to get in there. I figure a team of three? Decent payday, there." Really, he's anxious for the holidays. People always get careless in their will to make it out unscathed. And then, a dash of pettiness: "Of course, I'm sure someone will have other plans. Wonder what they'll bomb this time."
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kevrocksicehouse · 4 years
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American Gothic with shadows: Chris Cooper turns 69 today.
Sam Deeds in Lone Star. D: John Sayles (1996).  Cooper plays the sheriff of a Texas county whose investigation of a skull and star found on a shooting range reaches into a family secret that could tarnish the legacy of his revered-lawman father (Matthew McConaughey). Sayles didn’t write and Cooper doesn’t play Deeds as a hero-worshipper to be disillusioned. He learns a lot about Deeds Sr. makes his peace with it, and moves on. Like a grownup.
Charlie LaRoche in Adaptation. D: Spike Jonze (2002). LaRoche is the horticulturist subject of “The Orchid Thief” a Susan Orleans book that Charlie Kaufman (Nicolas Cage) is hired to adapt. As Kaufman and his twin brother Donald (who went to a screenwriting seminar once) adapt the book Cooper plays several versions of LaRoche moving through several wildly different stories, some well-written, some not so much. A hilariously meta film and an acting triumph for Cooper who got a richly-deserved Oscar.
Charles Aiken in August: Osage County. D: John Wells (2013). A muted version of Tracy Letts’ sharp play about a dysfunctional Oklahoma family, Cooper’s Charlie is a beacon of common sense in his clan’s theatrical craziness. His speech defending his son to his wife cuts through the family-secret tropes to plead for a very untheatrical decency.
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outweek30 · 5 years
Last year, the U.S. government held a baby auction. They  were selling licenses to "Broder's babies" — drugs whose anti-HIV activity was discovered in the National Cancer Institute labs of Dr. Sam Broder. It was Broder who discovered the test-tube anti-HIV activity of AZT, ddC (dideoxycytidine) and ddI (dideoxyinosine). Although these drugs qualify as orphans under the u.s. Orphan Drug Act (which give the licensee tax breaks and a limited monopoly), there was no shortage of would-be sponsors. In the end, giant pharmaceuticals got the orphans: Hoffman-LaRoche got ddC and Bristol Myers (aided, no doubt, by an executive's role as a top Bush fundraiser) got ddI.
In June and July, 1989, ACT UP representatives met with the scientists from Bristol-Myers who are designing the ddI trials. It was probably the first time in history that a drug company met with people living with a disease to plan together trials of a drug to treat that disease. If the pharmaceutical industry starts to work with people with AIDS, rather than being their antagonist, the crisis may be over sooner.
— Mark Harrington, "Political Science: A ddI Directory," OutWeek Magazine No. 8, August 14, 1989, p. 30.
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The Band’s Visit
June 2018
Katrina Lenk (Dina), Sasson Gabai (Tewfig), John Cariani (Itzik), Ari'el Stachel (Haled), Ahmad Maksoud (u/s Camal),  Etai Benson (Papi), Adam Kantor (Telephone Guy), Andrew Polk (Avrum), Bill Army (Zelger), Rachel Prather (Julia), Jonathan Raviv (Sammy), Sharon Sadegh (Anna), Kristen Sieh (Iris), Alok Tewari (Simon), Ossama Farouk, Sam Dadigursky, Harvey Valdes, Garo Yelli 
Once On This Island
July 2018 *Gifting out until December 26
Courtnee Carter (u/s Ti Moune), Darlesia Cearcy, Merle Dandridge, Quentin Earl Darrington, Alex Newell, Emerson Davis, David Jennings (u/s Tonton Julian), Isaac Powell, Aurelia Williams (u/s Mamma Euralie) Excellent HD capture of 2018 Tony winner for Best Revival. Sensational show and cast, not to be missed!
Summer: The Donna Summer Musical
June 2018
Angelica Bellard, Mackenzie Bell, Kaleigh Cronin, Kimberly Dodson, Anissa Felix, Drew Wildman Foster, Kendal Hartse, Afra Hines, Jenny Laroche, Wonu Ogunfowora, Rebecca Riker, Christina Acosta Robinson, Jessica Rush,  Harris M.Turner
May 2018
Katharine  McPhee, Drew Gehling, Christopher Fitzgerald, Benny Allege, Caitlin Houlahan, NaTasha Yvette Williams, Steve Vinovich, Ben Thompson, Keri Rene Fuller, Matt DeAngelis,Tiffany Mann, Stephanie Torns, Victoria  Collett, Katie Grober, Kayla Davion, Law Terrell Dunford
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