#Sandreth fucking Yendrel
blueberryspyder · 6 months
Because I love lore and worldbuilding and want to incorporate the environment and history into my writing, I’ve been doing a lot of research on Waterdeep for my fanfic including, you guessed it, Gale x my Tav.
And honestly? I’m having a lot of fun. I’m looking into the founding, the rulers/leaders, their holidays and how they celebrate them, which districts are fancier and where Gale would potentially reside (I remember seeing screenshots of his tower being located on the harbor, so he’s likely in the lower tail of the Castle Ward, since I doubt he’d be living in the Lowercity in the Dock Ward, but it’s still possible!), as well as just areas of his city. I just really like how the small details of the City of Splendors add to Gale as a character.
(Also I am having the BEST time taking the piss out of Waterdhavians—my Tav Hylas says:
I can tell based on your accent that you’re Waterdhavian—though your extensive vocabulary and verbosity made that clear long before I noticed it.
And I just freaking love Hylas so much they’re so fucking funny okay bye)
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