#Sands of Ofir
thedinalixlegacy · 2 years
1, 10, and 16 for the Chiss siblings 'cause I miss them <333 -Oliver đŸŒč
Thank you Oliver @voidendron!!❀ I missed them toooo. You chose nice questions, these were fun!
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1. How does your OC feel about their full name? All three of them grew up being proud of their names. Especially their family name of Koldo. To the Chiss it matters a lot to which family you belong, so they learned to carry that name with pride. When leaving the Ascendancy they had discussed if they should take on more “standard” names for this part of space, or if they should keep theirs. But they agreed that wherever they lived, they were still Chiss, and they shouldn’t have to hide that fact. Olittsi hadn’t wanted to change hers anyway, she felt she could finally be herself and changing her name then felt contradictory to her. Omaras didn’t really see the point in it either way – to him a name was just a name and it was simply more convenient to keep the one he has. It felt wrong to discard the family name however, since it had been something important for so long. Dofir, however, did change her name slightly. She wanted to have a barrier between the life she had had in the Ascendancy and the new life she was about to start. But the others had had a point on the pride part, and if they kept their full names then Dofir wanted to stay connected to them in that way as well. So she didn’t change her full name, Koldo’fi’reoran, but simply changed her core name. She used to be called Ofire, according to Chiss customs, but now chose Dofir instead. Dofir is also the only one who will simply give “Dofir” as name when people ask her, she is only Koldo’fi’reoran in official documents and to people who know her really well. Omaras and Olittsi both will usually first introduce themselves with their full name and then with their core name.
10. What is a weird quality that they have (ie their hands are always cold, they’re always hungry, they snort when they laugh, etc)? Olittsi does not like sitting down for a long time. She can if it is necessary, but she feels more useful if she’s doing something active. She can be writing the most important report in the entire galaxy but she will feel like she has done nothing if that takes her half of the day. Doing small practical things like gardening or taking a walk is much better for her mood. An exception to this is hanging out with friends; Olittsi is totally fine with sitting in someone’s room an entire evening if it means talking and making jokes with people she loves. Omaras is the total opposite of this, he is very good at sitting still. He much more prefers to keep his brain busy than to be physically active. A weird thing of him is that he can be quite indifferent in regards to food. 90% of the things he tries are just “okay” to him. He’s quite neutral about everything. Which is useful during his work, but sometimes he wishes he really liked things a bit more often. One of Dofir’s more strange qualities is that she can fall asleep everywhere at sometimes inconvenient times. If she is not actively hunting a bounty she is able to maintain a good sleeping schedule. This helps her a lot to stay energized during the days. But of course time runs differently on various planets and sometimes it happens that, due to her otherwise strict schedule, her brain says it’s time for sleep in the middle of a day. It is not weird to see her taking an involuntary nap leaning against a tree, or with her face in the sand. She is always super embarrassed when that happens.
16. How has their childhood affected the way they view an aspect of their life (people, education, society, themselves, etc)? Growing up in the Ascendancy has shaped all of them a lot. It gave them a baseline for things like society and education that got turned around pretty drastically when moving to Lesser Space. This is partly the reason why they took a year to travel around and try to figure out how things worked in this part of the galaxy. What surprised them the most was how detached everyone is from each other. Societies function on a planetary level, rarely at system level, and definitely not galaxy-wide. Even within the republic and empire the planets are clearly separate systems with their own ideas and rules. And that while there are so many different species walking around everywhere. In the Chaos it was a lot different in that sense; one species may occupy multiple planets but in the end they were one society. Seeing other species on those planets is possible, for tourism or travel for example, but hardly ever more than a few actually lived there. In the Ascendancy too, all the planets are governed by the same people, and even though there are different families, they share the same planets and the same societal rules. It was interesting though, to them, to see all of these kinds of differences. Omaras and Olittsi both struggled with it a bit at the beginning, and Olittsi even now sometimes. For them it was also more important to know about all this, so they could fit in in their respective jobs. Dofir had some more time to learn about everything as she went through the galaxy as a freelancer. All of them still have things they thought was better at the Ascendancy, as well as things they prefer out here in Lesser Space.
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plethoraworldatlas · 6 months
Israeli Prime Minister Benjamin Netanyahu pledged Monday to "immediately" move to ban Al Jazeera from broadcasting from Israel after the Knesset approved legislation that gives the country's government the power to shut down the operations of foreign media outlets deemed a threat to national security.
In a social media post, Netanyahu called the Qatari-owned network a "terrorist channel" and said he would use the new law to halt its activities in Israel.
"I welcome the law promoted by Communications Minister Shlomo Karai with the support of coalition members led by coalition chairman Ofir Katz," wrote Netanyahu.
Under the new law, the Israeli communications minister can ban foreign outlets with the prime minister's permission. The measure, which also gives Israeli authorities the power to confiscate a foreign media outlet's equipment, passed the Knesset in an overwhelming 71 to 10 vote.
The law's passage comes days after Al Jazeera broadcast video footage of Israeli soldiers gunning down two unarmed Palestinians in northern Gaza, one of whom was waving a piece of white fabric in a gesture of surrender. The footage showed Israeli bulldozers subsequently burying the two bodies under the sand of the beach where the killings took place
The outlet's correspondents have been among the dozens of journalists killed, wounded, or detained by Israeli forces in Gaza since October 7.
Wael Dahdouh, Al Jazeera's Gaza bureau chief, was wounded by an Israeli missile attack in December. Israeli forces have killed five members of Dahdouh's family—including his son, Hamza, who was also an Al Jazeera journalist.
"After murdering multiple Al Jazeera journalists, Israel is now moving to expel the news organization entirely," Canadians for Justice and Peace in the Middle East wrote in response to the new law's passage. "Israel continues to act as a rogue, authoritarian state with total impunity."
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nicepoethere · 1 year
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Today's POET'S Day and a perfect time to melt into the broiling weekend with a beautiful song and an ardent poem. May you enjoy both and stay cool and unbaked the whole weekend long!
A beautiful song: https://lnkd.in/gn5zSd5v
An ardent poem:
I once fell in love, and she became my dearest friend,
Here so long ago, by the dissolute, windy sea.
And her hair was redolent and soft, and touched by the wind,
Here so long ago, where she came and fell in love with me.
And there we would stroll each day until the morning's end,
Till the evening showed and caused the sand to rise and hiss;
And draw us indoors and to the warmth where we would pretend
Our lips were parched--but not because we could no longer kiss!
Nor because our hearts were earnest, and life is so frail.
Nor because forever is impossible to find.
But because love is a dream that even life can't unveil,
For it's not what death kills that hurts but what it leaves behind.
And so it is when forever dies and will not tell
All the times that were, and all the times that could have been:
How the winds blew and for a while allowed our hearts to swell
Until time would sweep away what could never live again.
So now it is I stroll the windy mornings alone,
And curse the dark evenings that harbor hope and despair.
But since love is like a dream that lives in places unknown,
I forever search for you in the wind that touched your hair.
-- Patrick the Poet
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queenofir · 1 year
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Today's POET'S Day and a perfect time to melt into the broiling weekend with a beautiful song and an ardent poem. May you enjoy both and stay cool and unbaked the whole weekend long!
A beautiful song: https://lnkd.in/gn5zSd5v
An ardent poem:
I once fell in love, and she became my dearest friend,
Here so long ago, by the dissolute, windy sea.
And her hair was redolent and soft, and touched by the wind,
Here so long ago, where she came and fell in love with me.
And there we would stroll each day until the morning's end,
Till the evening showed and caused the sand to rise and hiss;
And draw us indoors and to the warmth where we would pretend
Our lips were parched--but not because we could no longer kiss!
Nor because our hearts were earnest, and life is so frail.
Nor because forever is impossible to find.
But because love is a dream that even life can't unveil,
For it's not what death kills that hurts but what it leaves behind.
And so it is when forever dies and will not tell
All the times that were, and all the times that could have been:
How the winds blew and for a while allowed our hearts to swell
Until time would sweep away what could never live again.
So now it is I stroll the windy mornings alone,
And curse the dark evenings that harbor hope and despair.
But since love is like a dream that lives in places unknown,
I forever search for you in the wind that touched your hair.
-- Patrick the Poet
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bryd-one-brere · 7 years
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Witcher Scorpio School Gear by Alexandra Tokaryuk
It's a part of her The Sands of Ofir DLC project
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franchufeuillassier · 5 years
Barca, Israel NT, Tottenham and uhhhh nycfc
I had to google all of them
Best nut: I suppose... Cou??? they are all disgusting
Worst nut: Suarat ofc but they are all disgusting
Ill never admit: I had a greasy phase when i was like 16 and he wasnt a jerk and had good hair so i suppose him (but i hate him now and someone please fix his hair)
Israel NT
Best nut: Ariel Harush 
Worst nut: Ofir Marciano but just because his surname means Martian and i cant
Ill never admit: Tomer Hemed
I have no clue who they are i just looked at wikipedia. And i think some of them are not regular members but idc 
Best nut: can i still count fernando llorente? If not... Jan
Worst nut: Harry Kane. 
Ill never admit: Jan, he cute
Best nut: Raul when he played there
Worst nut: all of them wth they are all ugly
Ill never admit: ???? I even forgot they existed James Sands because he looks like a kid and nope
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beyondalicerp · 5 years
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Congratulations, Ofir, You’ve been accepted for the Rose Rogue! Please look over our Acceptance Guide and submit your character blog within the next 24 hours.
Name: Ofir Age: 22 Pronouns: They/them Timezone: PST Additional Info: N/A
Desired Skeleton: The Rose Rogue Full Name: Musetta Mist Age: 19 Date of Birth: February 4 Gender: (Cis) Woman Sexuality: Unknown/Questioning Residence: N/A Occupation: Thief Species: Mermaid Affiliation: None Faceclaim: Annalise Basso
Musetta’s life seemed to be defined by dysfunction. Unfortunate, then, it was for her to be born in the tightly ordered Sea of Song. Such tight order made such a disorderly girl feel isolated. Perhaps it was this ostracism that allowed her to see the cracks within the rule of the Elders, and for sure it was this ostracism that made her develop such an independent personality that she no longer saw a place for herself in the Sea of Song. As a result, she had developed carefully calculated plans to leave this place, and almost no plans as to what she would do once she got out.
The first crack she found was in her parents. From birth, she was raised to think that the Elders set up perfect matches, and many thought her parents held up that ideal. Musetta knew better. Her mother, Aoede, was only fifteen when she was set up with a dimwitted, arrogant man who abided by the Elders’ ideals just enough to curry favor. A year later, Aoede was with child. One would think to ask the Elders their logic when deciding that Aoede should be wedded and bedded at such a young age, but it seemed the mer held no such thought. Nor did they think to ask if Aoede would be a fit mother at such a young age. Instead, Aoede seemed to have a perpetual identity crisis, appearing as a compliant mermaid in public and breaking down from overwhelming responsibility in private, the latter causing her to be rebuffed by her older husband.
Best mating pair? Musetta saw early on that that wasn’t the case. Her parents, Aoede and Nereus, did not think to question their match out loud. Instead, they took their anger on their daughter, harshly forcing her into compliance. When her parents’ methods failed, they would volunteer her to other authorities within the Song of Sea. Such authorities would “break” her, to her parents satisfaction.
This worked. For a little while.
The second crack was in her song. It wasn’t hard for the mer to come up with beautiful songs to lure in prey. Some sang of paradises that awaited the poor folk who wandered close to their shores, others sang of riches meant to tantalize greedy man. As for Musetta? She sang of sad things, grim tales to render her prey in a state of catatonic despair. It was one thing for her to viciously lure in those who left their footprints in the wet sand and tear them apart with her teeth – any mer would approve of that. It was quite another, her peers decided, for her to sing any song that revealed her own sorrows and anger. Well, anger toward the sea. Had she sung of hatred for those on land, they would have a little less a problem.
The third was in the idea of strength. Strength, the Elders said, lay in their commitment to their ideals and to their people. Strength lay in nothing but unwavering hatred of anyone on the outside. Strength lay in being vicious, merciless, and pitiless. It also lay in being physically strong, the mer said. Musetta thought she could muster up the last one, having withstood even the harshest punishments, both physical and psychological. She withstood the temporary draining of her magic, the sort that made her siren song ineffectual, her transformative abilities gone, her magical energy weakened. She was sure that every part of her had been broken at some point. Strength, she thought, was managing to do without, and coping with isolation that would have broken any other mer, on account of how familiar she was with loneliness.
For her whole life, she was taught that the mer were stronger, superior, that all others were unfit to be anything but the merfolk’s prey. However, one encounter near land proved her wrong.
One day, Musetta had snuck away from a tedious ceremony. Sneaking around wasn’t all that hard for Musetta. It was just a matter of finding out which guardians had the poorest attention span, which areas were the least protected, which paths the mer were least expected to take. Musetta combined her knowledge of those things with her ability to take advantage of the merfolk’s overconfidence to slip away, as she did often. She went to a part of the shore that the merfolk didn’t often frequent, and she dwelled in those waters, singing her siren song.
At first, she sung something sad and angry, thinking that the mer were too distracted to hear her now. Something about drowning, or about watching someone disappear and not feeling even a hint of loss. It was around sunset when she found a girl wandering around the beach, and she thought she would lure this girl into the sea, easy. But, the girl
. just kept wandering.
“How?” Musetta had asked. She was frustrated, at first, that this girl had not succumbed to her song like the other fools did, but then, she was curious. Curious and impressed. She had to know this girl’s secret.
Doing so meant going, sneaking onto land. Even with all of the rebellious things she had done, leaving the water without the permission of the elders was not something she had done before. So, going on land meant two things: breaking a bigger rule than she ever had, and learning to adjust to a new center of gravity. So, for the first time, Musetta went on land and let her legs dry. Musetta wasn’t sure what to expect when she tried her land legs on for the first time. She certainly didn’t expect to be humbled. She had attempted to push herself up, only to trip on her own feet and scrape her knees against wet rock. Then, she would push herself up again and take a few steps. She would fall again, and again, and again, until she was reduced to a pathetic crawl. She remained where she fell, dejected, until the girl turned around on her own accord and saw Musetta apparently struggling to use her own two feet.
In a sudden moment of empathy, and perhaps surprise, the girl ran to help Musetta up. Yet another shock to the mermaid, who had not expected help from the girl she tried (and failed) to lure to her death. When the girl hoisted Musetta up and sat her down on a warm, nearby rock, Musetta noticed an odd accessory on the girl’s ear, and did not understand what it was for until the girl turned on a switch and asked, in an odd accent, “What happened?”
Oh, Musetta had realized a little ways into their conversation. The girl is deaf!
The realization had Musetta cackling. Who would have thought that such a thing – a trait that Musetta’s sea-bound peers would have considered a weakness – would have resulted in the girl inadvertently saving her own life? The oddness of the situation had Musetta so baffled and impressed that she did not take advantage of the girl’s trust when she turned her hearing aid on. Instead, she let the girl talk and talk and talk. Apparently, the girl was from a world beyond this place, and it was a world in which no magic existed. Instead, the place had complex technology, from electricity to life-saving surgeries to odd, flat devices that allowed you to contact people remotely and find the answer to any question you had. The girl apparently didn’t know much about the merfolk, or the siren songs, or about how dangerous this beach was. Nah. It was just by pure chance that the girl forgotten to turn on her hearing and when she had walked into a land of luring siren songs, and only thought to flip the switch later, when she needed to talk to the stumbling girl on the beach.
After a bit of chit-chat, Musetta thought to ask the girl why she didn’t keep her aid on all the time, or better yet, ask for a spell to restore hearing entirely.
“Because,” the girl said, “this is nothing to be ashamed of. This doesn’t make me less than. Just different.”
The conversation couldn’t last much longer than that. Not when both Musetta and the human girl saw heads poking out of the water. Musetta told her to turn off her hearing device just before she heard the siren songs, and Musetta made a mad dash for the water before the mer could detect her on land.
She never saw that girl again.
The thought that you did not have to conceptualize a difference as something missing gave Musetta a different sort of strength. It certainly gave Musetta a new way to think about the numerous punishments she had been given throughout the course of her life. That time she temporary lost the use of one of her hands? She now knew how to do complex tasks with just one. The time parts of her tail had been clipped? She had to learn how to deal with other means of locomotion. With this thought in mind, she learned to think of that brief moment on land not as a moment of humiliation, but as one in she would have to learn, yet again, how to cope with a disadvantage.
It gave her strength again when the Elders decided to punish her harshly for leaving the important ceremony. It was those mermaids – the ones that found her on the beach – who had managed to track Musetta down and bring her back. Those girls had reported to the Elders what they saw. You saw a human on land, they had said, and you didn’t kill her like you should. Angered by what looked to them was yet another moment of Musetta’s weakness, they had imprisoned her and temporarily drained her of all her magical abilities, feeding her only when they deigned to show her mercy. It was during her imprisonment when Musetta fantasized about leaving this world behind. After her release, she started to formulate a plan of escape. She knew it couldn’t be immediate. She would have to plan long term, find more cracks in the Elders’ rule, and befriend the right people on the other side.
It wasn’t long before she found more cracks. She knew that Aoede and Nereus weren’t in a happy marriage. What surprised her, though, was the sight of Nereus with another mermaid. A flagrant example of disobedience toward the order of the Elders. Musetta had thought to tell her mother, if only because she thought it would encourage her to petition the match. Instead, her own mother rebuked her.
Just how and why was Aoede willing to put up with Nereus’ infidelity? Perhaps Aoede blamed herself, or perhaps she was just brainwashed. Whatever the case, Musetta hoped she wouldn’t become that. Hell, she secretly wished she’d be considered too rebellious to be suitable for anyone at all.
But life had a way of throwing a wretch to her wishes.
She had known of a particular mer named Chanson Welles. Known of. She did not know him personally, nor had she any desire to. All she knew was that, somehow, she had a gut feeling that the Order would pair her up with him. Logically, though, she couldn’t be sure why. He was fierce and loyal to the rule of the elders, merciless and pitiless in his treatment of outsiders, and certainly disapproving of her past displays of rebelliousness. Worse still, was that this match followed the same pattern as her parents. Musetta, a young mermaid who had barely lived. Chanson, several years her senior, ridiculously obedient to the Elders. The thought of losing herself to this mer filled Musetta with dread, and it gave her plans of escape a sense of immediacy.
Time to play both sides.
In public, she had carefully constructed an image of a girl expressing remorse and showing slow and steady improvement. Too hasty of a change, and someone would grow suspicious. Too slow, and she would incur more punishment. She slowly regained the trust of her parents. An easy thing to do, since they were focused on wedding preparations. Those who knew her, even the mermaids that had reported her for going on land, were none the wiser.
Privately, she had made contact with a few sprites from the other side, message-in-a-bottle style. Their messaging system had to be secretive. She had to find their messages carved in code among a pile of seashells she had gathered as decorative jewelry for her wedding ceremony. She had to pass a message along to a bunch of salmon that planned to swim upstream to lay eggs. She had to have faith that her messages got to a few sprite contacts whom she had barely known. Then, on the night before the ceremony, she had to make a mad dash toward the gates and let the two sprites help her slip away.
The escape went on without a hitch. The two sprites, Moselle and Destan had guided her up the Restless River, where she remained temporarily. Moselle and Destan didn’t really become her friends, though. In Moselle’s and Destan’s minds, helping her escape and not revealing her location to anyone was all they owed her. The rest of her escape – learning about how Wonderland worked, and, ya know, walking on land – was up to Musetta. So, she tried her best, learning to catch food without the help of her siren song, and practicing her land-walking whenever she could. She needed to learn the latter very quickly. Musetta had no plans to stay in the Restless River for long, and she heard from some passers-by that Chanson, the very mer she was betrothed to, had been given permission to follow her and hunt her down.
Musetta stuck it out in the southernmost part of Harmony Grove, putting her skill of sneaking and weakness-detection to good use. Turns out, everyone’s basic psychology was the same. There were times of inattentiveness, or overconfidence, or underestimation of Musetta’s abilities. The first thing Musetta had picked up was theft, stealing dresses off clotheslines and loose change from hanging pockets. She used her knack for sneaking to sneak into a room at a different inn each night. Sporadically, she returned to the river to recover her strength. She found that, if she needed to successfully hide from Chanson, she would have to return to the Restless River less and less. Her only comforts at night were the advantages she had over Chanson: her having become quite adept at using her land legs, and her being accustomed to working without magic in a world that punishes its use.
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chalten26 · 6 years
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CASA DE OFIR JosĂ© Fernando Gonçalves – JFCG as Architects
The house’s situation plan results not only from the location imposed by the sketch of the plot-division, but also from the topography, based on a secondary dune behind the seashore. With the objective of maintaining the morphological characteristics of the surroundings, that reveal a strict relation with the beach, the house is composed by two levels that separate progressively the diurnal and the nocturnal zones. At the exterior, a stony path laid down on the sand and over the construction follows the original relief of the place revealing the presence of water. The slope at the East side is turned into an embankment by the supporting wall which withholds the sand. This wall hides the bedroom level, burying it. On the top, an oblique plane opens towards the sea (east-west), highlighting the character of a construction emerging from the sand – where living room and kitchen are established. While bedrooms are small and punctually illuminated, forcing its relation with the exterior through thick walls, on the upper level the space is strongly illuminated by large glass surfaces, reinforcing the relationship with the surroundings by a broad visibility. Night and day or intimacy and sociability result in the theme that formally characterizes the design of the different spaces – density and lightness.
The construction options derive not only from these ideas but also from the seasonal character proposed for the usage of this house: a dense and enclosed construction at the ground floor suggested the usage of schist for the supporting wall. Once the surroundings are entirely made of sand, pavements, walls and ceilings form a uniform concrete box that uses its texture, colour and finishing details towards its benefit. As a contact element with the human body, the wood of pavements, cupboards and wall panels tries to give a sense of comfort and adequate scale for the different usages – serving as a unifier element. In the same sense, the framework is carried out in wood in the mobile sections and in steel in the fixed sections – between the visibility of the usage and the invisibility of the inactive support.
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casariveladocampo · 2 years
Das Meer wartet
Im Norden Portugals gibt es StrĂ€nde wie Sand am Meer. Dazu gehören, um nur einige zu nennen, ApĂșlia, Esposende, Fao, Ofir
 und viele mehr. Ob zum Surfen, Spazieren oder einfach nur zum Entspannen... jeder dieser StrĂ€nde bietet vielfache Möglichkeiten. Du willst mehr wissen, dann schau gerne auf unserer Webseite vorbei!
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undertheinfluencerd · 3 years
https://ift.tt/3kYT6up #
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Modder ExtremeDotneting recently unleashed First-Person Camera Reworked for The Witcher 3: Wild Hunt, a new PC mod that fixes errors from previous first-person builds. Over six years after its initial release and The Witcher 3’s modding community remains as vibrant as ever.
There is no shortage of available mods either, with talented fans often adding new items, cosmetics, and other supplementary content. Of course, members of the modding community have worked tirelessly to improve the core experience, too, by introducing improved animations, enhanced lighting, and upscaled textures for animals and environments. Other drastic fan-made changes have even played an instrumental role in truly transforming the look of the six-year-old role-playing game, evidenced in build configurations that see the title running in 8K with ray-traced visuals on an RTX 3090. First-person mods have grown in popularity as well, though they sometimes fall short of expectations. The latest first-person mod endeavors to alleviate these troubles.
Related: Witcher 3: Sands Of Ofir Fan Expansion Set In a Desert Resurfaces
ExtremeDotneting uploaded their First-Person Camera Reworked mod for The Witcher 3 on Nexus Mods (via Wccftech) this past weekend. In building this particular mod, ExtremeDotneting aimed to address the errors plaguing mods such as mods First Person Improved and modFirstPerson. Notably, FPCR “makes control more convenient” and fixes issues other mods had with displaying crossbows and swords. The modder also claimed users can expect previous problems related to Witcher Sense and camera shifting during actions like attacking and sprinting to be resolved.
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At present, jury’s out on whether the stated improvements actually work as intended, yet it sounds as though the mod is at least worth checking out for curious Witcher 3 fans on PC. And, as noted above, The Witcher 3’s modding scene has given birth to a score of other interesting mods over the years.
The wait for The Witcher 3’s and Cyberpunk 2077’s upgrades on PC, PS5, and Xbox Series X|S persist. While CD Projekt Red hopes to deliver the much-coveted updates by the end of this year, the developer told shareholders in a recent earnings meeting that such a launch window is not currently guaranteed. Thus, when exactly the enhanced versions will arrive still remains a question that not even CDPR seems able to fully answer as of writing.
Next: Everything The Witcher 3 PS5 Upgrade Includes
The Witcher 3: Wild Hunt is available on Nintendo Switch, PC, PlayStation, Xbox platforms.
Source: Nexus Mods via Wccftech
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taimoorzaheer · 3 years
The Witcher 3 Fan DLC Concept Set In Ofir Reappears On Reddit
The Witcher 3 Fan DLC Concept Set In Ofir Reappears On Reddit
Spoiler warning: this article contains spoilers for The Witcher 3: Wild Hunt expansions. Fans of The Witcher are going wild once again for a fan concept DLC pack that will never see the light of day. As spotted by ScreenRant, the Sands of Ofir project has again surfaced on Reddit. It’s a Russian student project by Alexandra Tokaryuk that pitches a new expansion for The Witcher 3: Wild

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daisyofgalaxy11 · 7 years
Oh my... In case you (like me) haven’t seen it yet.
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art-now-israel · 4 years
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Muchachas y Flamboyan, Ofir Hirsh
Series: Dominicano (2008) Oil on canvas, first layer acrylic mixed with sand. Inspired by the 'Flamboyan time' in the Dominican Republic, around May-June when the Flamboyan tree blossoms. I painted 4 girls; 'las muchachas; a girl, a teenage, a young lady and an older lady...representing the female generations in the Dominican culture...it all takes place near the beach of Las-Terrenas, Samana (near my house).
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kingbio · 5 years
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To be honest... I kind of miss this feeleing of hearing the power of the ocean, sand everywhere, salty hair and freedom. 🌊 #love and #enjoy #life (hier: Praia de Ofir) https://www.instagram.com/p/B6L2Zr5HtK3/?igshid=cgli1kvu9yuk
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catguimaraes · 7 years
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Lovely day #sunny #sea #sand #ofir
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ofir-hirsh-artist · 7 years
The Wakona Dream
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Imaginary beach party on my island. Oil on canvas, 99 H x 99 W cm / 39 H x 39 W in. Created by Ofir Hirsh, under the Wakona identity in 2011.
In my dream, I woke up on a remote tropical island, all by myself. It was an amazing creation of God; Turquoise water, white sand beaches,  and coconut trees all around. I immersed myself in the harmonious nature, and surrendered myself to the sun, the

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