#Sang Jingxing
distort-opia · 2 months
I'm sorry, I will go nuts about Thousand Autumns on main, because this bit from Volume 2, Chapter 46 has been living in my brain rent free:
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Yan Wushi literally just traded Shen Qiao for a sword he didn't even need, to a man who very likely would rape him and kill him, knowing Shen Qiao's only choice was to self-destruct and die. The worst possible betrayal... right after Shen Qiao had started to see Yan Wushi as a friend, to think that even if Yan Wushi was a monster to everyone else, maybe to him he could be different; maybe there was a speck of humanity hidden inside him.
And still, after all that, in excruciating agony after having shattered his own foundations and barely alive, Shen Qiao goes over every interaction they ever had and thinks that even if he could go back, and undo it... he wouldn't change it. He wouldn't take back knowing Yan Wushi, learning about the world, breaking out of his naive and secluded worldview. It makes me want to chew glass, because of course I've also seen people go "But when did Shen Qiao develop feelings for Yan Wushi?" and it's all... right there, with this being one of the most beautiful and subtle moments. Shen Qiao did fall first, and then couldn't even take it back, didn't want to take it back. And then cried about it. Someone save me from the Yanshen shaped Hell I find myself in!!
And I love MXS's writing because this isn't forgotten. Later on, in Volume 3, Chapter 79, Yan Wushi himself asks this, right before he sacrifices his own safety to lure Sang Jingxing away from Shen Qiao, in a reversal of what he did before:
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Shen Qiao says he doesn't regret it. And I swear, when I first read the novel, at this part I instantly went "OH GOD YAN WUSHI WHAT ARE YOU ABOUT TO DO YOU HORRIBLE BASTARD NOOO" but then he proceeds to save Shen Qiao. All while spewing bullshit about how it doesn't actually mean anything. There's no feelings involved, of course not!
It's just. I love the symmetry of it, which is clearly intentional. Of having Shen Qiao, after Yan Wushi's betrayal, find himself unable to regret having met him. And then the same thing, but explicitly, right before Yan Wushi's one conscious, unselfish act of kindness.
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h0frwann1ng · 3 months
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Petition for the qian qiu fandom to pay an animation studio to animate this chapter because I carnally need to have badass shen qiao have sang jingxing bite the curb in 4K
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tonyglowheart · 6 months
Yan Wushi: Sang Jingxing has a grudge against you, but the rest of the elders don't care as much and in fact fear you. Why don't you leave alone, you can escape their grasp, and lessen yourself of this burden. (Save yourself, I love you actually)
Shen Qiao: Don't be ridiculous, I thought you had an actual plan. If I was going to leave, why would I wait until now? If I go to save someone, I see it through to the end. Since I already lent you my hand, I'm going to give it my all. (I'm not leaving you. I love you too)
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feidude · 6 months
one of the most heartbreaking scenes in thousand autumns for me is yan wushi’s betrayal scene
shen qiao—happily receiving yan wushi at the white dragon monastery, regarding him as his friend, sharing his bowl of dry noodles….and yan wushi? seals sq’s acupoints and delivers him straight to the hands of sang jingxing, all for a sword he doesn’t need
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lantianlong · 1 year
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Thousand Autumns Vol 2, English edition.
“Perhaps the sheer despair had killed his heart completely or, perhaps, he simply had no interest in answering Yan Wushi’s question….Sang Jingxing watched their exchange, smiling….”
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toaster-fire-art · 1 year
sorry, my english is bad. but i want to say that you are very talented. I especially liked the sketches of the three demonic sects from Thousand Autumns. your Sang Jinxing and Yuan Xiuxiu are simply incredible! It can be seen that they are very dangerous, but very hot. thank you!!!
aaaa I'm honored thank you!! You're so kind! Don't apologize, I appriciate your message so much! I'm sorry that I'm not very good at responding because I'm not sure what to say but thank you!
It means a lot to me and I'm so glad you like my chaotic demonic sects sketches. Sang Jingxing's and Yuan Xiuxiu's design are actually one of my favoites to draw I'm so glad that "dangerous but hot", being my goal, also resonated with you! I've actually been meaning to post an update on the progress and probably will, but here! a little update for you  ♡ ♡ ♡
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cnovel-readalong · 11 months
A Thousand Autumns / Qian Qiu Spoiler-Free Character Guide
** This is being updated as I read, please DO NOT reply or reblog with spoilers- including in tags.
Main Characters
Yan Wushi - Master of the demonic Huanyue Sect, who has been in seclusion for 10 years after losing in battle to the Grandmaster of Demonic Cultivation Wei Wuxian Cui Youwang.
Shen Qiao - Qi Fengge's disciple, now leader of the Xuandu Mountain Sect. Yeeted off a cliff at the start of the novel, he is left crippled and barely alive.
Huanyue Sect
Yu Shengyan - Yan Wushi's disciple and fellow member of a demonic sect. He was Yan Wushi's disciple for only three years before the ten year seclusion began, and immediately begins following his master upon his emergence.
Bian Yanmei - Yan Wushi's eldest disciple.
Hulugu - A Göktürk warlord who lost a battle to Qi Fengge and was forced to retreat from the Central Plains for 20 years.
Kunye - Disciple of Hulugu, Wise King of the Left, and the most talented warrior of the Göktürks.
Gao Wei - The emperor of Qi. A lazy, over-indulgent man who has destroyed the strength of the empire.
Yuwen Yong - Emperor of Zhou.
Hehuan Sect
Yuan Xiuxiu - Current sect leader of Hehuan Sect.
Sang Jingxing - An underling to Yuan Xiuxiu, former disciple to Cui Youwang.
Cui Youwang - A Grandmaster of Demonic Cultivation who is definitely not Wei Wuxian. Believed to be dead.
Yan Zhiwen - Grand Master of Remonstrance in the Qi Empire, a spy for Hehuan sect.
Other Characters (I'll add categories as I figure them out)
Qi Fengge - A righteous and mighty Daoist of the Xuandu Mountain sect. He forced his greatest enemy to sign a 20 year truce rather than kill him, which is nearly expired. Qi Fengge is believed to have died 5 years ago.
Yi Pichen - A member of Chunyang Monastery, one of the top three warriors in the world. Representing Daoism.
Xueting of Zhou - A buddhist master and one of the top three warriors in the world. Representing Buddhism.
Ruyan Kehui - A member of Linchuan Academy sect, one of the top three warriors in the world. Representing Confucianism.
Kosa Sage - A member of the Tuyuhun people (or is that a sect) who is also one of the top warriors in the world.
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unforth · 1 year
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I think my favorite thing about the early parts of Thousand Autumns is how continually and thoroughly Yan Wushi underestimated Shen Qiao every time he puts Shen Qiao in a Situation. Like, if Yan Wushi didn't have his jesd so far up his ass, he should have realized from this first encounter that Shen Qiao had a will of iron and an undeterrable moral compass: if Shen Qiao with zero martial arts, no memory, and blind, would stand up to him, why did Yan Wushi ever suppose anything else he did would sway him? And yet he so thoroughly persists in believing everyone is evil that he just can't keep from pushing and pushing and pushing.
Yet even when Shen Qiao is given to Sang Jingxing he still will never become what Yan Wushi expects.
I just. I love them okay? They're such interesting characters.
(I'm interested what people who've only seen the donghua will think of the differences, like this firsr plot line is very different.)
(Note that I've read the whole book so my liveblog for Thousand Autumns will probably be sparse and will include spoilers for well past what's available right now.)
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halfeaten-mantou · 3 months
🧁 old-fashioned YanShen cupcake | Chapter 7/10 | ao3
Huanyue receives a tip-off from a competitor company that Yan Wushi is being watched by assassins hired by Tujue, with the motorcyclists from the other day amongst the waiting assailants. Shen Qiao, still embarassed from having gone too smoothly with the unexpected flow that night, is simultaneously concerned for his boss's safety, so he decides to watch them back...or at least try.
Yan Wushi doesn't want Shen Qiao to risk his life, so he invites him into his house, and in the process, finds himself suddenly faced with an opportunity to invite him, too, into his heart.
(Continue reading here or under the cut!)
It takes less than a week of home recuperation for Yan Wushi to walk again. The very morning Yan Wushi returns back to the office, he receives some unexpected news.
It's a short memo sent to his official email, from someone unexpected:
Yan Wushi, you're being targeted by someone from Tujue. Remember the motorcyclist from the other day? That was Tujue. The guy had accidentally misaimed and went in the direction of your subordinate instead, but he got lucky and ended up hitting the right goal because you decided to shield him in the end. They are still watching you, though, so consider yourself warned. No need to thank me, either. I’m telling you this because I owe you one, Mr Yan Wushi. Now we’re quits. ~ Someone from Hehuan
This is very interesting news, although he can already guess who'd sent the note—the new chairperson of the newly revamped Hehuan; the young woman who singlehandedly rebuilt the company one week after its downfall.
Bai Rong.
Yan Wushi chuckles—never thought she'd return the favour.
Years ago, Yuan Xiuxiu and Sang Jingxing, the respective chairperson and chief executive officer of the old Hehuan, had sent a spy. Specifically, they'd hoped that Yan Wushi would hire her as an intern, or even better, a full-time worker, before using her hacking skills to steal Huanyue's information. They'd simultaneously failed and succeeded, because Yan Wushi had seen through their ploys, but yet hired her any way. He'd been wise enough to corner her before she could make any move, ultimately coercing her to turn against them and spill Hehuan's tea.
She'd refused to spill everything, though she'd had no choice but to spill some. Had Wushi been in a bad mood, he'd have exposed her and confronted Hehuan, which would, in turn, have gotten her company in legal trouble for the attempted espionage. However, Wushi had decided to be magnanimous and let her go with a warning letter to Hehuan.
Seems like doing good paid off. Yan Wushi smiles, thinking that the goodie Shen Qiao might love this story. Yan Wushi also sighs, because with the current situation, he's got no choice but to lie low for a while.
Which incidentally also means that he can't resume his weekly weekend outings with his intern, even though he's already all recovered now.
He wonders if Shen Qiao is still amenable to visiting his home on Saturdays, even though he's now no longer immobile and in need of caretaking. The noodles he'd cooked the other day were really awesome; the movie they'd found on television that evening was interesting, and it was refreshing to see Shen Qiao tickled and laughing unbridledly at a romcom cartoon.
It was fun. Although he'd fallen asleep like an idiot halfway, it was fun. However, he realises he'd better not suggest that Shen Qiao visit his home—he couldn't bring himself to trust that his mind would have enough control over his heart.
Because now that he could move again, the risk is that he might accidentally make a move on him.
Speaking of Shen Qiao, he hadn't seen him all morning. He whips out his cell phone, sending him a text.
A-Qiao, come upstairs to my office. I have something to tell you.
Shen Qiao's phone beeps—it's a text message from his boss. As he reads the contents, apprehension crawls up his spine, accompanied by a sick, giddy feeling in his chest.
Fearing that a confrontation for his actions the other night is impending, he heads to the sixth floor with apprehensive, heavy footsteps. 
When he arrives at Yan Wushi's office, the older man pulls a chair for him in his usual, gentlemanly fashion. Amidst the dark whirlpool of uncertainty and dread in his gut, he can't help but feel a growing admiration for his boss—he'd never envisioned that someone could be so chivalrous even after being taken advantage of in his sleep.
"Shen Qiao, I'm being targeted."
Shen Qiao wonders if that was a highly indirect and roundabout way of phrasing the words, Shen Qiao, I know you tried to 'target' me in my sleep that day.
He doesn't know what to say to that, but he can feel his face burn with shame. He looks at the floor.
"...A-Qiao, are you alright? Are you having a fever?" Wushi stands up, attempting to touch Shen Qiao's forehead. At the sudden contact, the latter recoils in shock.
"—sorry," Wushi retracts his hand, backing off, facial expression uncharacteristically flustered. "Didn't mean to touch you."
Shen Qiao is silent, and for a few moments, Wushi mirrors the silence. 
"I'm sorry—"
"I'm sorry—"
It's the first time they'd spoken at the same time, both words and tempo in perfect harmony, and of all things they could have said, it had to be an apology.
"Please go ahead and speak first, Mr Yan," Shen Qiao offers.
"Okay," Wushi continues, hesitant. "Did anything happen the day you were at my house after I fell asleep at the table?"
Shen Qiao is silent, face growing redder by the millisecond, and shit, goes Wushi's mind, racing like a thousand panicked deers on the run. Shit, did I actually make a move on him in my sleep that night?
Was it, in fact, not a dream?!
"Shen Qiao, I'm sorry. I didn't mean to do it. I didn't mean to do anything at all. I was drunker than I'd thought."
Shen Qiao cannot believe his ears.
Yan Wushi was apologising...for what he had done?
Something is strange in this situation. A few moments later, the gears click in his head.
Turns out he hadn't been caught after all—quite the opposite, actually.
Shen Qiao sighs, feeling a thousand stones lift from his heart. He realises he doesn't have much time to feel relieved, though, because he now has a misunderstanding to absolve his boss of—a pretty huge one.
"No, Mr Yan," Shen Qiao quickly corrects Wushi before his misconception starts simmering further. "You didn't do anything at all. Please don't worry."
"I didn't do anything? Then—why did you look—"
"Sorry, I was thinking about some other things." Shen Qiao's voice is reticent, voice sounding almost under-his-breath. "Please don't worry, as they don't have anything to do with you."
That last statement was a lie, though, and Shen Qiao knows it. He's been taught, as a child, to abstain from dishonesty except for the most pressing of circumstances, which means that apparently, his heart had gone ahead and decided that hiding his slowly-growing romantic feelings for his boss is a pressing circumstance.
"Oh," Yan Wushi sighs, visibly relieved. "Good to hear that I hadn't done anything untoward. Is there anything I can help you with, regarding your troubles, then?"
"No," Shen Qiao smiles for the first time that day, heart warmed by his boss's kindness. "Please don't worry, Mr Yan."
Something in the deep of his gut starts whispering to him, cooing, saying that he'd chosen the right target to have romantic feelings for. Shen Qiao shakes himself from his reverie.
"Mr Yan, what was it you were going to say...something about being targeted?"
"Right, I was going to tell you. Silly old brain getting sidetracked again." Wushi chuckles. "Tujue's attempting to assassinate me. They'd already tried to do that the other day with the motorcycle."
"...that was Tujue?" Shen Qiao's jaw drops.
"Yeah. Received insider news from someone I know at Hehuan. Anyway, this means you will have to be on your guard as well, because now they know you as my subordinate." Wushi's voice trails off, dipping decibels softer. "And this also means we probably can't meet out on the weekends for a while from now, so the contract will be put on hold for a while."
"Oh," is all Shen Qiao says.
(In truth, he'd almost also said, I can continue to cook for you at your house and bring movies if you're not opposed.
He'd stopped himself, not knowing the consequences of his words—he couldn't bring himself to trust that his mind would have enough control over his heart.)
It's Saturday—exactly two weeks since the day of Yan Wushi's attempted assassination, and one week after he finds out the perpetrators aren't letting him off yet—and Yan Wushi finds himself stuck in his house, bored out of his mind.
He's also hungry, so he looks into the fridge—it's actually not just eggs and nothing else this time, because there still remains a few leftover ingredients from last Saturday when Shen Qiao had visited. He tosses the noodles into a pot of water, waiting for it to boil. The water's taking a longer while to boil than usual—a completely normal occurrence, given that autumn has been gradually receding from the trees, making way for winter to arrive on the tree branches. As Wushi waits, he gazes outside his window, and what he sees almost causes his jaw to reach the floor.
It's Shen Qiao. On a bench outside his house. Wearing a large hoodie and track pants. No winter gloves, beanie or coat.
This will not do—the skinny guy will freeze.
More importantly...what on earth is he doing there?!
"Silly A-Qiao," Yan Wushi pants, having rushed out from the house. "What on earth are you doing here?!"
"Mr Yan," Shen Qiao stands from the bench, visibly surprised. "What are you doing here?"
"That's my question. I asked first, so you answer first."
"I'm here to stand watch and protect you," Shen Qiao responds, not skipping a beat. "I figured the assassins may be lurking around your house, waiting for you to emerge."
Yan Wushi facepalms—on one hand, his heart is feeling warmer than a pavement on a summer day at the thought that Shen Qiao wants to protect him. On the other hand...
“…for someone with a PhD, you can be so silly sometimes, Shen Qiao. What if you become the one to get attacked?!"
"Don't worry, Mr Yan. I wore a bulletproof vest," is Shen Qiao's calm response, sounding like he'd just uttered something completely normal.
"Go back now," Yan Wushi puts on his sternest, most paternalistic voice. "Plus, you didn't bring a proper winter coat—not even a scarf! You'll freeze your skinny ass silly at this rate."
"I won’t, at least not for now. Please let me protect you, like you'd protected me the other time. Also, I don't own winter clothes—I left them back in Xuandu."
Yan Wushi sighs—seems like he's got no choice.
"…if you’re still insisting on protecting me, come protect me from the inside." Yan Wushi points towards his house behind them. "We can take turns to keep watch from the window."
When they arrive back at the house, they are greeted by an acrid smell of something freshly burnt.
"Oh," Yan Wushi realises. "The noodles."
They were boiling—now they're burnt.
Luckily for them, there are still two packs of noodles remaining in the fridge, and luckily for Yan Wushi, there's now also Shen Qiao around.
"I'll cook," Shen Qiao volunteers, sweet as usual.
"Sweet," Yan Wushi gives himself a little hi-five in his heart. "I'll get out the wine."
Accompanying their dinner of tomato-egg noodles and wine this time is a Japanese historical movie recommended by Yu Shengyan.
Twenty minutes into the movie, Yan Wushi starts shaking his head.
"What sort of weird taste does this kid have in movies?" Yan Wushi whips out his phone. "Even an old dude like me finds it boring as hell."
Wushi rapidly types an angry message on his phone.
Sent to Shengyan, 21:18 Kid. What kind of crappy-ass boring old movie did you just recommend me? -_-
He clicks send. A few moments later, his phone beeps in return.
Shengyan, 21:20 Boss, how can you not appreciate the beauty of Nomura Mansai as Seimei in Yin-Yang Master 2001?!  That one's a super-classic!  * ૮₍ ˃ ⤙ ˂ ₎ა *
Reading Shengyan's spirited response, Yan Wushi facepalms. Shen Qiao laughs softly, quietly finding the young man's taste in Heian-era classical Japanese stories equal parts amusing and impressive.
"More wine for you, A-Qiao?" Yan Wushi offers.
Shen Qiao looks down at his glass and realises it's empty—he'd drunk more than he'd known. He hadn't even intended to in the first place, but he'd found it hard to reject his boss, so he'd eventually relented, reckoning that half a glass might be okay.
This is not okay—alcohol has never been Shen Qiao's friend.
"No, thank you." Shen Qiao can feel the blood rushing to his face.
This is not okay.
Interestingly, the movie did eventually pick up momentum, so Yan Wushi decides to continue watching it. Shen Qiao, however, hasn't been watching anything for the past ten minutes.
He's falling asleep.
"A-Qiao, are you alright?" Yan Wushi touches his forehead. "Whoa, you're burning."
Shen Qiao doesn't respond—his head is spinning too hard to do so. Yan Wushi starts chuckling.
"Never knew you were this weak to booze."
"I'm not weak to booze," Shen Qiao retorts, slurring slightly. "I'm jus' tired."
(Ironically, the thing about Drunken Shen Qiao is not that he's weak—it's that he becomes uncharacteristically headstrong.)
"Tired?" Wushi smirks, amused at his subordinate being unexpectedly out-of-character when drunk. "Not sleeping well lately?"
"Yeah, not sleeping well at all."
"Why not?" Yan Wushi asks, genuinely concerned.
"I was up thinking."
"Thinking about?"
The blood is rushing; at this rate, there's no longer helping the flow to his own head, so Shen Qiao goes with the flow.
"About you."
>>>>> Continue to Chapter 8: tumblr | ao3 >>>>>>>
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rinarty · 1 year
Sang Jingxing
Spoiler for illustrations based on the novel "A Thousand Autumns" by Meng Xishi for qianqiuzine
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liberty-or-death · 2 years
Thousand Autumns - Chapter 2
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崔由妄 Chui Youwang - his name could be broken down to ‘as I wish’ (由) and ‘reckless/wild’ (妄).  (崔 Cui is just a surname as far as I know). However, I think that it could also be related to the Buddhist teaching 由真起妄,返妄归真, loosely translate as ‘from the truth to delusions, and to return to the truth.’  This means that Buddhism is like a mirror that’s defiled by dust, and when the dust settles it goes back to the truth.  
桑景行 Sang Jingxing - 桑 commonly refers to the mulberry tree.  In the older Guangyun Dictionary (it’s a dictionary compiled in the 1007-1008AD during the Song Dynasty), 桑 Sang would associated with the word 丧 Sang (Pronunciation wise, they have the same pinyin.). 丧 Sang means a funeral/corpse/death. 景行 Jingxing means virtuous, and well respected, which is the biggest joke since he’s one of the most despicable of the lot. 😂
边沿梅 Bianyan Mei - There is a mini theatre whereby Yan Wushi explains that he doesn’t make an appearance as he’s always on the outskirts of the show, hence making a pun (梅 Mei has the same pronunciation as 没 Mei/absent).  Otherwise, 边沿 Bianyan means on the outskirts, 梅 refers to the plum.  So his name literally means the “plum on the outskirts” 
Funing District 抚宁县 - This is located in the Northeastern Hubei. 
凤麟元典 Fenglin Yuandian - A 凤麟 could either refer to a combination between a Phoenix and a Qilin. Or someone that’s exceptional and talented. The Yuandian refers to a classic text that’s more special than the usual classic text. (Okay MXS I get it 😂) 
Previously Discussed
Huanyue Sect 浣月宗 
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tonyglowheart · 4 months
I love that in most other ppl's cases, having to move yourself makes you/your faction less powerful or cool bc it means that you don't have ppl to send who can deal with the thing/no one else under you was powerful enough so you had to move yourself
but in Yan Wushi's case, it's, like, extra a sign of how cool/awesome/untouchable he is lol. Bc it just shows that bro can go wherever he wants, do whatever he wants. Like. bro literally strolled into Mount Xuandu and then strolled right out, with the ex-Chief Disciple to boot. You don't, for example, see Sang Jingxing doing that and getting away with it, lol. Yan Wushi is just that much of That Bitch
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thousand autumns donghua, episode 13~
(i have been warned in advance that this one is gonna HURT. so. brace urselves, gentle tumblrinas 😩)
kid: how come i've got to fetch water?? MAKE SHIWU DO IT! D:<
shifu: *WHACK* i may not have a shillelagh but i HAVE GOT A HORSETAIL WHISK. GO, CHILD. DO CHORES!!
ohhh poor sweet shiwu ;A; he volunteers to help anyway ;A; what a good lad!! DOn'T TAKE HIM FROM ME 😭😭
shen qiao: *is unconscious in front of the temple*
the kids (in skyrim child's voice): AH!! DEAD BODY!!! DDD:
sang jingxing: how dare shen qiao hurt me. I AM HURT. I AM HURT BY SHEN QIAO TRYING TO STOP ME FROM KILLING AND EATING HIM. >:(
awwww now shiwu is looking after shen qiao ;A; he's so SWEET, he's such a kind and gentle babby ;A;
ashdodsdaisji shifu is strict!! but shiwu goes 'even if u've got a sharp tongue, i know ur a good man, shifu! :D' and now shifu can't say shit when shiwu asks him to heal shen qiao!!!! well played, u clever babby, well played indeed!!! 🤣
yan wushi: lol u better pray for urself shen qiao. like call an ambulance but not for me >:D
shen qiao: *goes thru a magical girl transformation in his sleep*
shen qiao: that was weird :)
yan wushi (in his memories): lol let's uhhhh dual cultivate >;D >;D >;D
shen qiao (waking up): *BAAAARRRRFFFFF*
'xiao daoshi' this guy definitely drives a white van in the modern au version of this story 😒
oh it's the weirdo with the fan made of knives!! lol i didn't recognise u with a child suspended in front of ur face as a hostage 😊
knife-fan guy: if u don't bring shen qiao here within two hours i will kill EVERY PRIEST HERE!! >:)
all three of them?? ok lol
……….i am bluffing pls do not kill them one is old and two are baby pls do NOT KILL THEM ;A;
shifu: well, that kid's dead. hehuan sect will kill everyone anyway, so i'll go die and u take care of my other student, k?
shen qiao: :) ??? :)
awww he froze shen qiao in place bc he knew shen qiao was gonna throw himself in front of them ;A;
knife-fan guy: wow too bad i have to kill this cute kid lol >:) i would have preferred to kill shen qiao but this is fine too >:)
shifu entering the scene like a character from a shakespeare play: 'it's dark!! who has disturbed my dream??'
and verily shifu did appear and try to make the blackguard spare his young squire the noose!! alas, the cruel knave believed him not, when shifu swore he did not know shen qiao, the one the blackguard sought; and so, in blood-soaked rage did he—AHEM ANYWAY
AHHH, XIAO SE!! that was his name. xiao se, bai rong, and yan shou!!! they are all the hehuan sect clowns, they who use children as human shields!! (except bai rong 😘)
awww poor shifu ;A; he knows his odds are bad but he's still trying to protecc shen qiao and save his boy ;A;
holy shit shifu is badass!!! GET EM SHIFU
uhhhh they're not gonna make me watch the kid die, are they?? are they???
zhu lengquan is shifu's name!!! nice to meet u sir!! im just gonna call u shifu tho. bc i have a feeling i won't be able to call u anything for very much longer ;A;
damn shifu is cool!! he's fighting so hard on chuyi's behalf ;A; he even SPITS on the murderer!! bc he's a BADASS MOTHERFUCKER!!!! U GO KING!!!
'even if i knew who he was, i wouldn't tell u bc u killed my disciple!! KILL ME FIRST'
and then they did ;A;
bai rong don't betray them. BAI RONG DON'T BETRAY THEM
my poor bby!!! he's crying so much!!!
shen qiao what are u doing wITH THAT SWORD oh he's
he's doing a swear. he make an oath. ok cool
spongebob squarepants narrator guy: a few days later~
shen qiao and shiwu stare sadly at the river and cry ;A; they're sad, i'm sad, WE'RE ALL SAD HERE ;A;
shen qiao: btw i'm adopting u :(
shiwu: ok thanks new dad ;A;
shen qiao does not respect his scabbard, he throws that shit to the ground without regard
THIS SONG SLAPS!!! i wonder if it's some sort of specific music?? the singer's voice seems different to what i’m used to hearing somehow?? it's BEAUTIFUL tho, i love it 💚💚💚
shen qiao: ok kid watch this and repeat after me *does a whole-ass ROUTINE that most adults couldn't do*
'shang he tong bei???' is that what the blade is called? woe for all??
shen qiao is filled with DETERMINATION!!! good for him!!!
i love this donghua but sometimes the pacing is a bit odd, and it's more noticeable with the bg music shifts lol. i don't mind it tho!!! i'm enjoying myself very much!! :DDD
goin for a lil swim, shen qiao?? 🌊
shen qiao: u smiled!! it would make ur shifu and chuyi happy to see that :)
aaaaa it's very sweet to see shen qiao acting with such warmth to shiwu ;A; unlike SOME PPL 😒 (glares at young zhou zishu telling babby jiuxiao and chengling not to cry ) shen qiao u will make a very good surrogate dad!! i look forward to u not at all contributing to this child’s trauma thru ur either ur reckless actions or ur choice of husband!!
[Exit, pursued by a bear.]
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arisahana · 4 months
What are your thoughts on Sang Jingxing?
Didn't properly read the novel yet, only knows him in AD and Donghua, he's creepy, but in the novel design, hot dayumn, but still creepy, bring A Qiao far away from him ;;-;;.
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hunxi-after-hours · 3 years
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《山河剑心》 / 《千秋》 donghua - text post memes 5/?, Antagonist Edition
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angelicapocalypse · 3 years
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• Sang Jingxing •
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