#Duan Wenyang
thousand autumns donghua, episode 8~
OHHH he's the junior preceptor?? what an interesting title!! i have no idea what it means!! is that like 'guoshi' from tian guan ci fu, perhaps?? a similar title, maybe?? WAIT THE OLD MAN IS BULLYING BIRBS??? UNACCEPTABLE. I WILL PECK OUT HIS EYES >:V oh so they're competing for Number One Temple now?? have they already decided on the top ten brothels and five-star inns of the jianghu?? are the temples the only thing left to be ranked?? lol yan wushi curled up on the other side of the table before he stands up looks so fecking funny, i wish i could take a screenshot, he's like a lil purple daruma 🤣 SHEN QIAO IS OUTRAGED!! yws: why do u care what those losers do?? btw u lost this game so u have to do my chores >:) shen qiao: i mean….i guess i'll do it :/ ilu announcer man whose job is to shout the guests' names jfc shen qiao u couldn't even be bothered to dress up?? put on a different jacket or something?? ok then i actually find the random 'normal looking' side character and bg characters to be a bit more pleasing to look at than the super-pretty main dudes lol. might just be personal taste tho 😅 UH-OH HE LOOKS FOREIGN. WE ALL KNOW WHAT THAT MEANS ngl he's kind of hot tho Duan Wenyang is STYLISH AF. vaguely menacing, but TOGGED TO THE BRICKS, as they say!! (idk anyone who actually says this) dwy: OH CHIEF DISCIPLE?? u can be our witness!! sq: im blind :/ WHY DO FIGHTS ALWAYS BREAK OUT WHEN PPL ARE EATING owo who dis??? he's even MORE stylish!!! wow ;A; the old man splayed out over his divan like a TART, robes hanging open like a TART, his hair LOOSE and FREE like a TART honestly i have the most fun with the fight scenes and watching yan wushi menace random ppl for his own amusement OH SHIT ITS JGY'S BIG BRO i don't TRUST HIM, he wears a HAT and MISTREATS MUSICAL INSTRUMENTS >:( yws: wow, ur such a creep. #cancelled BIG JGY U STOP HURTING THAT POOR INSTRUMENT!! is that a qin?? it makes such a pretty sound ;A; i want oneeeeee ;A; OOOOH PHOENIX POWERS!! YWS IS SUCH A BADASS OH MY GOOOODDDDD!!! HOLY SHIT!! GET EM OLD MAN, SHOW EM WHAT'S WHAT!!! WELL DONE!!! :DDD yeessssss MORE FIGHT SCENES!!! duan wenyang has got a whip and the li qingyu has got a really pretty sword!!! dwy: see y'all another time! :D poor shen qiao has to keep telling ppl that he's not the chief anymore, that can't be easy on him ;A; OH LOOK DWY IS BACK. i guess when he said 'another time' he meant 'in ten minutes' lol GET EM SHEN QIAO!! li qingyu thought shen qiao was a bad dude??? wtf??? WHO HAVE U BEEN LISTENING TO. WHO COULD CALL MY SWEET SHEN QIAO A BAD DUDE. HE'S LITERALLY SO INOFFENSIVE??? god the music SLAPS OH CRAP HE BROKE THE BAMBOO STICK----OOH NICE CATCH!!! lmao shen qiao immediately showing the other guy up after praising him for his good martial arts 🤣 HE'S SO POLITE. I LOVE SHEN QIAO lmaooo li qingyu seems quite nice as well, 'u can stay with us instead of the old man, if u like, we don't mind! :D' ASDFGHGFDS THIS KID WANTS TO PAINT SHEN QIAO 'bro ur like. SO HOT. LIKE A CELESTIAL BEING. WAY HOTTER THAN ANYONE ELSE. LET ME PAINT U PLS ;A;' i roast him, but as an artist i understand his pain 😔 sometimes u see someone so beautiful, u really can't help urself 😔 OH I SEE. duan wenyang and kehan dude and big jgy are all IN LEAGUE with each other!! innnnch restinggggg 👀👀 DON'T TRUST THE JGY SHAPED MAN, FELLAS. DON'T U SEE HIS HAT. DIDN'T U SEE WHAT HE DID TO THAT INSTRUMENT. IT'S A BAD IDEA ALL ROUND u know yan wushi barely evil laughed AT ALL during this episode. how disappointing 😔
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redporkpadthai · 5 months
Li Qingyu after insulting Shen Qiao only for Shen Qiao to run off Duan Wenyang who he couldn't defeat
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tangrehns · 3 years
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Thousand Autumns Donghua Cast 🍂
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hunxi-after-hours · 3 years
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《山河剑心》 / 《千秋》 donghua - text post memes 5/?, Antagonist Edition
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angieloveshua · 3 years
Duan Wenyang, as if sensing what was on his mind, unexpectedly consoled him: “To know someone is to not know their heart, Shen-daozhang doesn’t need to be too sad, actually on the day Yu Ai got xiangjianhuan from my shidi to poison you, Tan Yuanchun also fanned the flames, I dare not say that it was on account of him that Yu Ai decided to act against you, but when too many provocative words are said, it will have some effect eventually.”
Betrayal, betrayal, and more betrayal.
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spockandawe · 3 years
Duan Wenyang’s old whip had been destroyed in the fight with Li Qingyu and Shen Qiao. The whip he was holding right now was a newly made one named ‘Ten Miles of Red.’
the red--
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bookofjin · 4 years
Biography of Duan Jiuliujuan
[From WS103. There is a parallell text of sorts in JS063, the Biography of Duan Pidi. These two texts seem to at least patially derive from different sources. They use different characters for some of the names and also contradict each other on some narrative details. The Jinshu explicitly labels the Duan as part of the Eastern Xianbei, a label the Weishu appear to mostly restricts to the Tuoba]
Duan Jiuliujuan of the Tuhe originally sprung from Liaoxi. His senior grand-uncle Rilujuan because of the chaos was sold to be a family slave of Tai Kuruguan of the Yuyang Wuhuan. The various Great Men assembled and met in You province, all held spitting jars. Only Kuruguan alone had none. He therefore spit inside the mouth Rilujuan. Rilujuan followed with swallowing it, turned westward and did obeisance to Heaven, saying:
[I] wish it be expedient for the ruler and lord's wisdom, intelligence and blessed features to fully move to enter inside my stomach.
After that there was a great famine in Yuyang. Kuruguan considered Rilujuan to be particularly skilled, and made commands to him to go to Liaoxi and chase after food. He recruited and enticed the absconded and rebellious, and thereupon became very powerful and flourishing.
Rilujuan died. His younger brother Qizhen was installed in replacement. Qizhen died, his son Wumuchen was installed in replacement. He was precisely Jiuliujuan's father. He occupied and had the lands of Liaoxi, but was a subject to Jin. More than 30 000 families were controlled by him, the bowmen riders were 40 or 50 000 cavalry. In the time of Emperor Mu of Jin, the Inspector of You province, Wang Jun, used the several of Duan clan in the employment of himself, and deeply favoured them. He therefore petitioned to ennoble Wumuchen as Duke of Liaoxi, with false stamps and ribbons of the Shanyu. Jun sent Wumuchen, leading more than 10 000 cavalry to attack Shi Le below Fenglong Mountain in Changshan, and greatly routed him.
[Emperor Mu must refer to Tuoba Yilu, “Emperor Mu of Wei”. Beishi writes 穆帝. Weishu writes 晉穆帝. 晉 must have been added by mistake when WS103 was reconstructed from BS98.]
Wumuchen died, Jiuliujuan was installed. Jiuliujuan, his younger brother Pidi, his cousin Mobo, and others led more than 50 000 cavalry to besiege Shi Le at Xiangguo. Le climbed the walls and looked at them, he saw that the generals and soldiers all had cast aside their weapons, were resting an lying down, and had no thoughts of alerts and preparations. Le, because of their idleness and neglect, selected and recruited the brave and strong, pierced the walls, and suddenly set out. He straight-away swept away Bobo, and captured him alive. He set him up on a seat, drank and feasted with him, and was thoroughly friendly. They made a covenant to be father and son. They pledged an oath, and then he dispatched him.
When Mobo had managed to escape, Jiuliujuan and others thereupon administered the army and turned back. They did not then report to Jun, but returned home to Liaoxi. From this and afterwards, Mobo did not dare to turn south when urinating. People asked about his reasons. Mobo said:
My father is to the south.
His feelings for Le not harming him were like these.
Jiuliujuan died, his sons were young and immature. Pidi and Liu Kun's Heir Qun ran to mourn. Pidi covertly rolled up the armour and left, he wished to kill his junior uncles Yulin and Mobo, and grab their state. Mobo and others understood it, and dispatched the army to confront and strike [them]. Pidi and Liu Qun were seized by Mobo. Pidi fled and turned back to Ji. He feared Kun would capture him, and requested Kun that they meet and feast. Following that he apprehended and murdered him.
When Pidi had killed Liu Kun, he and Yulin and Mobo themselves attacked and struck each other, the section multitudes turned aside and departed. He wished to hold fast his multitudes to move to protect Shanggu, and block the defile of Jundu, so as to resist Mobo and others. Emperor Pingwen heard about it. He secreted formidable and finest cavalry, wanting to strike them. Pidi was fearful and afraid. He ran south to Leling. Later Shi Le dispatched Shi Hu to strike Duan Wenyang at Leling, routed him, and captured Wenyang alive. Pidi thereupon led his subordinates and various ramparts and fortifications to surrender to Shi Le.
Mobo declared himself Inspector of You province, and stationed at Liaoxi. Mobo died. The people of the state installed Rilujuan's younger brother Huliao as ruler. In the time of Emperor Lie [329 – 335], made use of Huliao [as] be Great General of Agile Cavalry, Inspector of You province, Great Shanyu and Duke of Beiping. His younger brother Yulan was General who Consoles the Army, Inspector of Ji province, and Duke of Bohai.
1st Year of Jianguo [338 AD], Shi Hu campaigned against Huliao in Liaoxi. Huliao ran to Pinggang Mountain, and thereupon threw in with Murong Huang. Huang killed him. Yulan ran to Shi Hu. He used 5 000 migrant Xianbei to pair with him, and sent him to station at Lingzhi.
Yulan died. His son Kan replaced him. Reaching the chaos of Ran Min, Kan led the multitudes to move south, and thereupon occupied the lands of Qi. Murong Jun sent his younger brother Xuangong to lead the multitudes and attack Kan at Guanggu. He apprehended Kan and sent him off to Ji. Jun poisoned his eyes and then killed him. And buried his followers, more than 3 000 people.
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thousand autumns donghua, episode 11~
I READ THE TITLE Y'ALL!!! I ACTUALLY READ THE HANZI!! I AM WAY TOO PROUD OF MYSELF HAHAHA!!! ahem ANYWAY~ one of my fav things about donghua and cdrama is when there's lots of ppl in a scene and the background is full of them all going '走 走 走!' and '来 来 来!' like it's just….very comforting bg noise?? like ppl singing in the pub or ur parents chatting with each other when ur falling asleep as a kid. I MUST ROMANTICISE HUMANITY, IT IS MY FATE ;A; ooh gambling!! lmaooo everyone is betting on ruyuan kehui and yan wushi's fight!! that's hilarious omg 🤣 OH HI BAI RONG!! i was only teasing u before, i rly do like u girl!! just go easy on poor shen qiao ok??? he's been thru so much ;A; these dramatic motherfuckers i swear THERE'S EVEN A FUCKING HAWK SCREECHING BY, WTF IS HAPPENING annoying beard guy from before: FIGHT WITH ME, OLD MAN!!! >:( yan wushi: lol i don't fight with peasants OOOOHHHH they throw off their robes so dramatically!! do u undress that way for bed as well?? i pity whoever does their laundry tho 😔 WHOOOAAAA HOLY SHIT THIS FIGHT SCENE IS INCREDIBLE IT'S SO EPIC WHY ARE THEY EVEN TALKING??? JUST KEEP FIGHTING THIS IS AMAZING!!! WOOOOOOOOO!!!! DAMN!!! HE STOPPED THE SWORD WITH HIS FINGIES!!! RUYUAN KEHUI DID SHADOW CLONE NO JUTSU??? AND THEN THE OLD MAN DID THE PHOENIX DESCENDING THING??? AND HE THREW THE SWORD BACK TO RUYUAN KEHUI AND THEY'RE LIKE ZIPPING AND AROUND AND WHOOOOOSH AND KRSHSH AND BAM AND RRRRRRR AND WHOAAA 🤩😵👀 bai rong: tee hee, i wanna seduce u~ shen qiao: no :( i won't hang with u if u continue this :( i tease, but good for him, setting boundaries for himself!! it's important and healthy!! never feel bad for setting boundaries with others! :D awwww shen qiaaaooo he's such a good guy ;A; WHOA WHAT YAN WUSHI WAS STANDING ON A……..VINE??? WTF?? THE OTHER DUDE WAS STANDING ON A SWORD??? oh crap the old man's heart is about to give out!! he's getting too decrepit and ancient for this!!! SOMEBODY HELP GRANDPA TO HIS CHAIR!! 😱 wait his…..his 'evil spirit' is broken??? forcibly use qi?? what does this mean??? wAIT DID HE DID HE TAKE A HIT FOR SHEN QIAO??? oh noooo ;A; lmao they've apparently been fighting for more than two hours, just enough time for a single lotr film 😂
WAIT RUYUAN KEHUI STOLE EVERYONE'S SWORDS lmao that's fucking hilarious!!! 🤣 oooooohhhhh yan wushi doing his phoenix descending ;A; he's SO fucking badass, like literally, he is SO FUCKING COOL. incredible!! i don't blame shen qiao, i'd sleep with him too! he's just awesome 😳😳😳 BEAK VS SWORD, WHO WILL WIN????? i'm glad they're fighting out here away from town, otherwise they would have destroyed all the buildings and killed everyone 👀 LMAO the guys in the audience all cheering and complimenting them, they're so cute ;A; bai rong: i can't believe it was a TIE, right, shen-langjun?? ……..shen-langjun??? shen qiao: *already left without saying anything* yan wushi has decided to put himself in cryostasis to avoid his problems!! 😔 (if only i could do the same….. 😒) duan wenyang: i will now kill u while u can't fight back, like a brave person would!! >:) shen qiao: GET SHILLELAGH'D!! 🍀 *irish folk music in the bg* awwww he's trying to help the old man with his poison ;A; he's so sweet ;A; bai rong: hey what if i kill ur friend for my own benefit?? >:3 shen qiao: ……no >:( OH NOES now THEY are fighting as well!! my mans bashing clones like my cats go after bugs lmao 😹 awww even tho he's hurt he's still trying to protect yan wushi with his life ;A; oh my godddd ;A; lol even bai rong can't believe he'd do this for the old man!! that's adorable ;A; yan wushi: trying to help me?? UNACCEPTABLE!! ILLEGAL!! I WILL THROW U OFF A CLIFF TO TEACH U A LESSON!!! aaaand shen qiao is being strangled for the……fourth time so far?? lol OH SHIT HE HE COUGHED BLOOD ON YAN WUSHI'S FACE!!! AND THAT WOKE HIM FROM HIS QI DEVIATION THING!! 😱😭 DFGHAJDSHGDS SHEN QIAO IS CARRYING HIM ON HIS BACK LMFAO like it's really sweet but IT'S ALSO HILARIOUS I'M SORRY 🤣🤣🤣 shen qiao: well i'll be heading out then :) try not to die :) yan wushi: yeah whatever bye 😒 yan wushi, thinking: i can't believe he's just going to leave me like that, after bleeding on my face i thought things would be different, he even carried me on his back??? 🥺 doesn't that mean anything to him?? 🥺 is it something i said??? 🥺 does a-qiao already have someone?? 🥺 i should kill them--- old man pls
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thousand autumns donghua, episode 16~
HERE WE GO FRIENDS IT'S THE LAST EPISODE OF SEASON 1 i am both excited and sad ;A; so let's DO THIS 💪😤 we are at the border!!! idk which one, but we are at A border, and shen qiao is here to kick ass and go :) RIGHT SO in the previous episode, shen qiao killed a man called kunye and it was really hot. this kunye also warned shen qiao that yan wushi is in MORTAL PERIL!! so he's come to the rescue, even tho yan wushi BETRAYED him lol BAI RONG IS HERE!!! HI SWEETIE!!! she's so sweet, warning shen qiao that he doesn't need to help the man who treated him like rubbish but he insists!! he is polite but FIRM!! and he says that bai rong is better than her sect peeps, which is TRUE hulan gu?? somethinggggg valley??? idk lol ok we're here at hulan gu. idk where it is but it looks pretty cool!! sweet masonry bro. looks great!! AH DUAN WENYANG IS HERE TOO he searches for the scary monk--who STILL has yet to say emítuó fó‎, and i'm super sad about it ._. nice outfit mr monk, ur looking good!! OH NOES THE BEIMU WARRIORS SHALL MARCH SOUTH!!! toward the central plains and-- YOINK THE OLD MAN APPEARS!! HE STEALS THE SPECIAL RING and angers the monk lol monk: yws i am a nice man but u are pushing me past my limits OH SHIT NOW THEY ARE ALL FIGHTING TWO AGAINST ONE AND YAN WUSHI IS DESTROYING THEM god these fight scenes are incredible, i love them so much ;A; COME ON LAO YAN DON'T SCREW IT UP oh my goddddd they're so cool OH NOES YAN WUSHI IS WOUNDED THE OLD MAN TOOK A SWORD TO THE TIT NOOOOOOO NOT HIS TIDDIES oh look shen qiao is here 😊 yan wushi: damn!! that idiot almost took off my nipple!!! OH BIG JGY'S BACK!!! i wish he would treat his instruments more carefully ;A; do u know how much work went into crafting that. do u even care. big jgy get ur priorities straight OH MY GOD HE SCRAPED THE STRINGS SIDEWAYS WHAT AN AWFUL SOUND!! 😫 OUCH OH IT'S it's yu ai??? i forgot what he looked like lmao, he's the one who almost de-nippled the old man ok this is hardly sportsmanlike this is like four dudes against one, it's not fair at all OH NOOO DOnN'T YOINK OUT THE SWORD!! IT WAS KEEPING UR BLOOD IN!!! YAN WUSHI U DUMBASS oh shit he MAD. BIIIIG MAD damn wow ok he's a fucking badass motherfucker 💪😤 never seen anything like it!! GET EM KING lol they all are running after him like it's a game of rugby aww poor old man hobbling away…..oh hey weird beard man is back as well!!! and he shoved yan wushi down the stairs. is this big jgy's revenge??? lmao beard man celebrated a bit too early did he??? DON'T LOOK AWAY FROM UR QUARRY U IDIOT wait why am i helping him, i don't care for him at all LMAO YWS POKED HIM IN THE FOREHEAD 🤣 OWO WHAT THIS??? WHO ARRIVES LIKE A GENTLE BREEZE IN THE NIGHT??? WHO IS SO DAINTY AND DELICATE AND BEAUTIFUL LIKE HAITANG BLOSSOMS ON THE WIND???? IT IS HE!!! IT IS SHEN QIAO!!!!!!!! he's so cool omg ;A; ok yu ai u NEED to stop calling ur shixiong 'a-qiao' that is. SO disrespectful. u lil bitch >:V 'a-qiao a-qiao' go fuck urself yu ai >:( OH SHIT SHEN QIAO JUST RENOUNCED THEIR RELATIONSHIP AND SAID THAT YU AI DOESN'T DESERVE TO BE THEIR SHIZUN'S DISCIPLE!!!!! OHHHH SHIIIIIITTTTTT OH MY GOOOODDDDD SHEN QIAO U ARE. THE MOST AMAZING PERSON LOOK AT HIMMM HE'S BARELY EVEN FUCKING TRYING YU AI CAN'T EVEN BEGIN TO COMPARE SORRY I'M YELLING SO MUCH BUT THIS IS HONESTLY SO AWESOME :DDD HAAAAA!!!! SHEN QIAO BROKE YU AI'S SWORD BROKE HIS FUCKING SWORD IN HALFFFFF HAAAA GOT EMMMMMM SHEN QIAO MARRY ME SHEN QIAO PLS MARRY ME AT ONCE he knows who he IS. he knows what he can DO. i am. SO IMPRESSED. SO PROUD. I LOVE HIM. SO MUCH ;A; yan wushi: lol why didn't u kill that dumbass?? shen qiao: ….shut up :) oh uh yu ai and beard man left, big jgy and dwy and the monk are still here tho duan wenyang: 'yan wushi give me the golden flower fingering!!' << actual subtitle in this donghua. AMAZING. HAAA SHEN QIAO WHACKED HIM AND DUAN WENYANG MADE THE FUNNIEST SOUND like 'AAAAAAAAAAA' omg i've replayed it like four times already it's so fucking funny
shen qiao: u run ahead, i'll follow in a bit :) yan wushi: ……am i having an emotion lol stupid monk thinks he beat shen qiao?? ok sure giant glowy hand vs giant glowy sword, who will win???!!! oh crap big jgy's helping the monk!!! …..bUT NOW YAN WUSHI IS TRYING TO HELP SHEN QIAO??!?!?! NO WAIT DON'T USE ALL OF UR EVIL SPIRIT!!! OLD MAN WHAT ARE U DOING omg are they just gonna die together??? that's so romantic ;A; 💔💔💔 PFFT he hit the ground real hard, it was a bit funny, sorry 🤣 yan wushi: *doing his best impression of a corpse shen qiao: …fuck :( i'm sad now :( AWWWWW HE'S TAKING THE OLD MAN AWAY WITH HIM IS HE LITERALLY FUCKING DEAD??!?!?! he walks very competently for a dead man awww flashbacks of their memories~ their uhhhh happy???? times together??? like shen qiao dying and yan wushi yelling at the forest!! i assume they didn't feel the need to show the wild passionate sex they had in the inn bc we already know about it lol WHY IS IT TRYING TO MAKE ME SAD 😭 I KNOW HE'S PROBABLY FINE BC THE BOOK IS LONGER THAN THIS SO. SO I'M NOT SCARED OR WORRIED. AT ALL. IT'S FINE. I'M FINE ;A; god the theme music is gorgeous btw i don't think i've mentioned how much i love it, it's so poignant and sweet ;A; and as we all know, birb LOVES a poignant tune, yes i do yes i do 😌👌 OH now they're by the river!! it's a good place to die :D AND it's where that other dude died last time!! :D OOH HIS FINGIE!!! IT TWITCHED I SAW IT duan wenyang is so sad!!! his shidi kunye is like super dead ;A; oh boy shifu's mad at him lmao. AAAAA AND THAT'S IT THAT'S IIIIIIITTTTT UNTIL THEY MAKE THE NEXT SEASONNNN AAAAAAAAAA ;A;
my thoughts overall???
EXCELLENT DONGHUA. really lovely animation!!! sometimes the models themselves were a bit odd or stiff, but the actual MOTIONS were smooth and pleasing to the eye!!! the music was GREAT, really well done!! and i love shen qiao and yan wushi and bai rong and shiwu!!! i LOVED IT!!!! 💚💚💚 9/10, WOULD DEFINITELY RECOMMEND!!! they lost one point for not having a SINGLE emítuó fó‎ however smh 😔 thanks for joining me on this lil journey~ hope u've had fun as well!! 😊
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thousand autumns donghua, episode 15~
SO here's another guy!! is he the one from before? wait. WAIT. WHO THE HELL IS THIS GUY??? is it the ke han guy?? no wait he had a different hat, i think :P uh-ohhh the subtitles are,,,,,WAY OFF like…..i have absolutely NO IDEA what is happening rn. this is. this is very funny actually 🤣 i wonder why this guy refers to zhao chiying as 'shimei' when she's the sect leader?? doesn't the higher title supercede the lower one?? HOLY SHIT SHEN QIAO IS INCREDIBLE he will forgive u for hurting his feels but if u come back and shove it in his face HE WILL WRECK U HOLY SHIT lol they bring the kid with them to watch shen qiao fight oh shit are these THESE ARE THE SUBTITLES FROM AN EARLIER EPISODE YEAH FROM THE ONE WHERE SHEN QIAO WAS STILL FORTUNE TELLING AND AN OLD LADY SAID HE WAS TOO SKINNY LMAO oh shit A STORM????!!!! SHEN QIAO U ARE INCREDIBLE. SHEN QIAO WILL U MARRY ME. SHEN QIAO ILU BBY. SHEN QIAO HA GOT HIMMMM look at him floating like wuxia jesus!!! he doesn't even need the shillelagh anymore, he's got a sword and a bunch of shadow clones he won't even bother KILLING this loser, it's fucking BENEATH HIM!!! ummm uhhhh they're talking about…..fearing death??? the guy said to kill him….and then he brought up yan wushi?? which SURPRISES shen qiao. who is delicately daintily walking toward him. WHO HAS NOW MENTIONED YU AI AS WELL. SHEN QIAO IS SHOOKETH the guy tried to KILL SHEN QIAO in an UNSPORTSMANLIKE MANNER D:< but shen qiao smacked the attacks back to him and now he's…….DEAD???? wow ok that was. unceremonious but whatever OH NOES SHEN QIAO ARE U OK BB?!??!! aawwww shiwu calls him 'shifu' now, how cute 💚💚💚 yan wushi is chasing down a guy…i think we've seen him but i can't remember lol 😅 is it….duan wenyang?? maybe??? idk ;A; OH NO HE'S HAVING HEART PROBLEMS TOO good god these ppl can't go five seconds without a health problem. they've now just been SHARING their health with each other, splitting it between em. super gay. also inefficient AWWW SHEN QIAO IS DREAMING ABOUT YAN WUSHI BEING ILL AND PASSING OUT HIS DREAM SELF RAN TO YAN WUSHI AAAAAAWWWWWW he still likes that stupid old man, despite everything ;A; that's so cute ;A; are u pining away, shen qiao?? is ur heart far from u at this very moment??? i wish i knew what was happening. i literally. do not know. i'm trying to guess via context clues but i'm. not good at that lmao 🤣 shen qiao is talking. it sounds nice but i don't know what it means. probably something angsty. the child speaks!!! i know not what he says either. but the sword is bigger than he is, which is hilarious 🤣 LOL BABY NO. U CAN'T GO FIGHT TOO. UR TOO SMOL. TOO LITTLETINY. awwww shen qiao knocked him out so he wouldn't have to deal with tears!! it's not like this will further traumatise the child who probably has abandonment issues already lol :'D zhao chiying: well i guess i'll babysit for u. here take this bag. bye now! bixia disciples: bye now!!! :D shen qiao: thanks :) this should turn out fine :) NOW THEY ARE BOTH WALKING both shen qiao and yan wushi are WALKING PARALLELS CINEMATIC PARALLELS. AMAZING. i'm sorry if this one isn't particularly funny lol it's……a bit harder without any solid understanding of what's happening to work with 🤣
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hunxi-after-hours · 2 years
Hi, it's the anon who asked about which QQ character pissed you off the most. I'm pleasantly surprised by your answer, because I agree. At least the other despicable characters wear their scumminess on their sleeve, and when it comes to the more slippery types like Chen Gong, at least you can see what's motivating their actions even though they're still crossing the line. With TYC, it's as if he got passed over for a position he doesn't even want and he decides to destroy his sect out out spite.
you see, Meng Xishi does such a phenomenal job of crafting nuanced antagonists with complex motives in 《千秋》 that when Tan Yuanchun shows up with his shizun/daddy issues it's just like. my dude you're so out of your league here when Yu Ai, Bai Rong, and Duan Wenyang are all in the same hundred square feet
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hunxi-after-hours · 3 years
Hi! This is the same anon who asked about the "gang" translation. Thanks for your response, it's really enlightening to know that. Though something in your response got me curious about something else. You already talked about Yu Ai in detail before, but you never talked much about the other four masters who attacked Yan Wushi. Sure it's pretty easy to sum them up, but still, what's personal opinion of them? ʕ⊙ᴥ⊙ʔ
sldkfjsdlkjf 《千秋》 anons, know that I love and cherish you all for chasing down literally every single thought I have ever had (and many that I've never had) about this text and its characters
(you can find my Yu Ai nonsense here, along with Chen Gong)
all right all right let's speedrun this, who do we have:
Xueting Fashi - criminally underused character who deserves his own spin-off novella. Yan Wushi has an established enough rivalry with him that Yan Wushi has an insulting nickname for him (老秃驴 / 'old bald mule'). Friendly reminder that no other rival gets that treatment, so like, I have questions. Was apparently exiled and/or departed himself from Tiantai Zong (??!), then became one of the Big Ten (!!!??), and I want to know more about THAT spicy backstory. Or I'm simply weak for characters who are reasonable and competent but willing to kill a man, and Xueting fits that bill exactly
Dou Yanshan - RIP m'dude the donghua turned you into a bit (a lot) of a loser. he... exists? lacks classiness and screentime and well-developed motives that other characters receive, unfortunately. I do think one of the funniest things about him is, immediately post five-way ambush, he goes two-on-one with Guang Lingsan against Shen Qiao, and when the going gets tough, simply nopes out of there like "nah I'm good that's enough dueling for one day" and leaves Guang Lingsan out to dry. Love that for him
Guang Lingsan - what a delightful chaos agent and another character who also deserves a spin-off novella. I am continually perplexed and fascinated that we never meet anyone else in Fajing Zong, and occasionally amuse myself by imagining that he's a sect of one (1) person and just powerful enough that no one can really do anything about him. I have so many questions about his cultivation (battle guqin battle guqin BATTLE GUQIN--) and think it's awesome that his relatively alternative cultivation is developed enough to 1) kick many asses, 2) take down Yan Wushi (with help), and 3) land him on the Big Ten list. Also like, is the only character to call Yan Wushi just 'Wushi' onscreen (on-page?) so like. even more questions, I have them
Duan Wenyang - another deeply underrated character who--yeah I'll keep saying it--could carry his own spin-off novella. I think there's a lot to unpack about race and ethnicity in 《千秋》 (which I am most definitely not qualified to do), and I'm still quite salty about how the donghua plot changes flattened that nuance into (sigh) pretty straightforward Central Asian stereotyping and xenophobia. We get all sorts of tantalizing hints about Duan Wenyang's character and backstory (he's biracial, better--cultivationally--than Kun Ye, politically clever and ambitious) and he's one of those characters whose story clearly continues on after the end of the book. One of my favorite moments of him is in the first fanwai chapter where he and Yu Shengyan race to the foot of Half-Step Peak and run into Shen Qiao coming down with Yan Wushi, and all of their past conflicts and enmity are put aside in favor of jianghu priorities and relationships, Duan Wenyang's concern for his shizun, and it's like. yeah that's the jianghu spirit all right and it gets you right in the hidden feels
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hunxi-after-hours · 3 years
Hi! I'm going through your survival guide and your fansubs and there's a detail in episode 11 that made me wonder: why (in the donghua at least) does Ruyan Kehui want Yan Wushi to die? I know that in the novel it's because of political reasons (North vs South, Xianbei vs Han and all that shebang), but the donghua seemed to change his motive to purely personal spite, what with what he was thinking at the end of their duel and all, though I could be reading it wrong; hence I seek enlightenment.
hmmm I think Ruyan Kehui's original motives are still applicable here? the novel makes it much clearer that the reason why everyone wants Yan Wushi dead is 1) because he's annoying as hell, and 2) he's supporting the emperor of Beizhou/Beifeng, and therefore stands in the way of Chen Chao/Dongkang (Ruyan Kehui), Tujue/Beimu (Duan Wenyang & co), and Beiqi/Nanye (Hehuan). all the donghua did was reduce the number of political players to keep track of by throwing everyone onto the Beimu bus. yes, this somewhat assassinates Ruyan Kehui's character, but it's okay because he never actually shows up again sldkfjsdlkfj
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hunxi-after-hours · 3 years
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relinking this post from a while ago because it’s relevant, plus the repeated instances of Shen Qiao using the 春水指法 in combat go further to illustrate the ways that the donghua is emphasizing the compatibility/similarities between Yan Wushi and Shen Qiao in a way that is starkly distinct from how fundamentally incompatible they are in the book
in episode 16, Yan Wushi self-destructs in the final battle to defend Shen Qiao, which is !!! for many character arc reasons, but particularly significant in worldbuilding reasons because it’s phrased as 自爆魔心 -- literally, to detonate one’s demonic heart/core
we also hear Duan Wenyang describe it as 同归于尽 to perish together, which was previously associated with Shen Qiao’s self-detonation of his Daoist heart/core in an attempt to take Sang Jingxing down with him back in episode 12, so it’s pretty clear that these narrative changes are pushing the parallels between their two characters
that, paired with the fact that the energy sparking between Yan Wushi’s fingers in the post-credits stinger is red, not purple, is a significant indicator of where they’re going next in the story since red, notably, is a color associated with the effects of the Zhuyang Ce (though Shen Qiao’s energy color remains a fairly constant pale blue, there are moments in episode 13 when he is also surrounded by red energy). in the book, Yan Wushi never loses his demonic origins, but has to seek out the remaining volumes of the Zhuyang Ce in order to repair his 魔心破绽 the flaw in his demonic cultivation
this change suggests that, instead of the two of them continuing down their separate cultivation paths but growing to respect each other despite their differences, that Yan Wushi will also join Shen Qiao on the path of specifically cultivating the Zhuyang Ce--what that means practically, I have no idea, but what that means on a character-level is that it’s adding another layer of similarity and connection between these two on the literal level of their cultivation (and fighting styles)
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hunxi-after-hours · 3 years
Hi! I got into the QQ donghua and it's partly thanks to your posts! Now I want to recommend it to some friends because frankly, the donghua (and the novel and audio drama) is still really underrated. But I don't know how to explain why it's a must-watch. Surely you must know how to express it better and explain the aspects that make it good. I saw your post on how it differs from the novel and why it's not necessarily a bad thing, but this time I wanted to ask: how would YOU sell it to others?
aw SHUCKS, every new person who gets into 《千秋》 brings me so much joy because it feels like proof that I’m not losing my mind over nothing
hmmmm I mean when it comes to pitching shows/books/media at people, I always feel like it depends on who I’m trying to seduce into consuming said text. will pretty boys in period costume be enough for them, or do they need a strong plot hook? are they here for messy, complicated sibling dynamics, or do they want some complex political intrigue and plots within plots within plots? do they like reading about soulmates who were destined for each other, oh my god, or do they not really care for romance at all?
(linking my inside cover flap-summary here because this is the best introduction to the premise I’ve written)
part of the reason why I enjoyed 《千秋》so much is precisely because it’s such a well-crafted narrative in many of these respects. It’s got compelling and intertwined central ideological themes (deconstructing “good” and “evil,” the nature of trust and forgiveness, optimism vs. pessimism and how that manifests in your actions and conduct) that play out through a cast of fascinating characters (Shen Qiao and Yan Wushi, of course, but also Bai Rong, Yu Ai, Guang Lingsan, Duan Wenyang, Chen Gong); it also has delightfully rich and complex worldbuilding that weaves jianghu politics masterfully with imperial governance and inter-kingdom rivalries. Meng Xishi’s ability to balance the scope of the narrative playing out at large (the rise and fall of dynasties, jianghu sects, political alliances) with the individual journeys of each character is honestly quite rare--in a lot of stories, one of these narratives will eclipse the other, but 《千秋》 makes political advancement crucial to Shen Qiao’s personal journey, and I find that both refreshing and compelling.
THAT’S ALL VERY ABSTRACT THOUGH and some people come to 《千秋》 because they love the dynamic between “exhausted main character who is a Good Person looking for some peace and quiet” and his “shameless love interest who’s Looking for Chaos, And If He Cannot Find It, He Will Create It.” I’d be surprised if most people didn’t come out of this book with a love-hate relationship with Yan Wushi (we love him for his sick burns and his sense of style, we hate him for... being an asshole 95% of the time). The main relationship between Shen Qiao and Yan Wushi is an actively challenging part of the text--while wading through the first 50 chapters, I had to fall back a lot on my faith that the author would do this relationship justice, because... yeah, early Yan Wushi - Shen Qiao interactions are a lot, and not necessarily in a good or fun way. It takes a lot of trust in the author to keep going forwards, and I think that is both a draw and a drawback to 《千秋》. It’s not your training wheels wuxia danmei novel, if you will.
so in a sense, the lack of storybook neatness to the narrative (we don’t get a nice, bow-tied ending on nearly any plot thread; almost all of it concludes on an open-ended “the adventure continues!”) is part of what makes the text feel... well, ‘realistic’ isn’t the right word, but ‘measured,’ perhaps. ‘Earned.’ Because the characters fight for every single accomplishment they make--nothing is given to them on a silver platter, nothing bestowed upon them by the hand of narrative fate, and nothing is ever, truly resolved because, well, they’re not dead yet, and life continues.
THIS IS ALL STILL VERY ABSTRACT let me do bullet-points now:
why I love the novel:
the level of detail in the book is insane--some books work really well for screen adaptations because the dialogue is the strongest part of the text, but 《千秋》’s narration and descriptions are hardly slacking. the fight scenes ALONE--
the author has done a lot of research into the historical time period she’s chosen to set her novel in, and it’s super cool to see her notes!
the book has more time/space in its narrative for moments of emotional recovery (especially post-betrayal) and just like, slice-of-life moments that I really love
the book is much stronger thematically and I respect Meng Xishi so much for sticking to her guns--again, Yan Wushi is an actively challenging character, and she refuses to soften him (or Shen Qiao) just to short-cut  her way to a conclusion
why I love the audiodrama:
this is like, the most perfect adaptation of a danmei novel I have ever consumed I stg
the pacing is exceedingly well-done and the music!!! the music <3
the fight scenes work?? even though it’s not visual?? shout-out to post-production sound design
the actors are phenomenal and the director gets it--the entire cast and crew put a lot of thought and work into this project and it shows!!!
the behind-the-scenes material is both hilarious and insightful, and I regularly re-listen to the bloopers and interviews because they never fail to bring me joy
I would trust Ke Muqing with my LIFE
why I love the donghua:
I know the donghua gets a lot of flak for being 3D but it is really good for its style, you just gotta get used to a different set of aesthetics
the fight scenes aaaaaaa
look I love a good live-action fight scene but when the abilities of your characters skate on the border of the supernatural, animation just does that better than live action, sorry
the donghua team is also killing it with the microexpression game
and lighting and textures??? truly, how dare they
the voice acting team is almost the same as the audiodrama!! which is a small detail but makes a huge difference for me--voices can throw me off a lot when it comes to characters, and once again, I would trust Ke Muqing with my life
I’ve been listening to the soundtrack of this show on repeat for the past week, and one of their composers is 潮汐-tide, who you might know from the best song on the CQL companion album
episode 6 is SO good what the heck. what the heckin heck
ahahaha I have NO IDEA if that was helpful at all to you anon, but there you have it, my very messy feelings on why I like this text in all its various incarnations
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hunxi-after-hours · 3 years
an ongoing list of the cast overlap between the 《千秋》 and 《天涯客》 audiodramas, because this is apparently the hill upon which I will lose my mind:
夏磊 Xia Lei: Shen Qiao // Zhou Zishu
柯暮卿 Ke Muqing: Yu Shengyan, Chen Gong (donghua) // Jing Beiyuan, Liang Jiuxiao
风袖 Feng Xiu: Shi Wu // Zhang Chengling
孙晔 Sun Ye: Guang Lingsan (audiodrama) // Ye Baiyi
谢添天 Xie Tiantian: Sang Jingxing (audiodrama), Yu Ai (donghua) // Wen Kexing
海帆 Hai Fan: Yi Pichen // Yu Qiufeng, title card reader
吕书君 Lv Shujun: Li Qingyu // Cao Weining
苏鑫 Su Xin:  Ruyan Kehui // Zhao Jing
不一 Bu Yi: Duan Wenyang (donghua) // Deng Kuan
吴磊 Wu Lei: Yan Wushi // Shen Qingqiu (SVSSS donghua)
沈达威 Shen Dawei: Chen Gong (audiodrama), Guang Lingsan (donghua) // Xiezi (TYK audiodrama) // Luo Binghe (SVSSS donghua), Ron Weasley (in the Chinese dub of the Harry Potter movies, if anyone’s curious)
魏超 Wei Chao: Qi Fengge // Xiao Jingrui (LYB), Luo Ji  (《三体》...literally what)
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