#Sariel BDAY 2021
jokertrap-ran · 3 years
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(光与夜之恋 Light and Night) Event! 轻云寻隐录: Sariel’s BDAY 2021 Event! Qingyun’s Hidden Records (Chapter 1)
“The reason why I don't celebrate my birthday is because there is no need to.”
*Light and Night Master-list | Sariel’s Personal Master-list *Spoiler free: Translations will remain under cut *Join my Light & Night Discord (^▽^)~ ♪ *Event story tag will be #For Light and Memories
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The train started moving without a sound after we got on board. Qingyun Station soon disappeared from the peripheral windows, engulfed within a smog of white fog.
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I followed Sariel into a separate cabin. The interior was furnished just like how the exterior of the train had been; it was done in complete retro-style.
All the furnishings were crafted from Phoebe wood with intricately carved designs, the wooden window frames were inlaid with stained glass for windows, and there was also a retro acoustic phonograph… It was admittedly a little overwhelming to take it all at once.
MC: It's as if we've entered a time tunnel.
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Sariel: The journey's an hour. Don't get too excited about it.
Sariel seated himself on the sofa, starting to flip through an old book.
He didn't seem like he was going to tell me what this trip was for at all, hence, I did what I had to: open my mouth and ask.
MC: Can you tell me just who we're going to look for at Qingyun Swamp now?
Sariel: My lizard.
MC: Your lizard? No wonder I didn't see him when I went to your place. But what's he doing all the way at Qingyun Swamp?
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MC: Oh! Unless… that lizard's also part of the Spirit Tribe just like you?
Sariel opened and closed his mouth for a while before simply nodding.
MC: Then… Can he speak too?
Sariel retained his silence, only nodding again in response.
I was nothing short of surprised. I thought back to the times that I'd interacted with the little lizard.
Nope. Still can't imagine it ACTUALLY talking…
MC: That lizard has also been alive for a long time now, right?
Sariel: ...Yes. But why are you so concerned about a lizard, hm?
MC: Because that's way too mystifying…
Sariel: My turn.
Sariel: Why were you so insistent on tagging along?
MC: That's because…
Sariel: Don't waste your brain juices trying to make up an excuse that even a 3-year old wouldn't believe.
MC: Fine. It's actually because…
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Sariel looked a tad surprised by the time I finished telling him why I was here.
Sariel: My birthday? I seem to recall that being a thing, yes.
MC: You don't even remember your own birthday?
Sariel's brows slightly furrowed at my inquiry. Seeing the way the expression on his face did a whole 360, I immediately regretted it and scrambled to rectify myself.
MC: Ahem, I mean- Let me be the first to wish you a Happy Birthday!
MC: I've already prepared you a birthday present in advance, so I'm definitely the first of ten!
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Sariel: Are you insinuating that I'm not popular?
MC: Of course not! I'm sure everyone has prepared presents for you. The company's even preparing a birthday party for everyone who's born in September.
Sariel: Presents? No thanks.
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Sariel took the book and leaned into the chair, leisurely narrowing his eyes, like a fox lazing about on a soft, plush, chair.
The faint lights from outside shone in through the stained glass windows, flickering as it cast a halo of iridescent light upon his hair and lashes alike.
Sariel: The reason why I don't celebrate my birthday is because there is no need to.
Sariel: Going through the same motions again and again only makes it monotonous.
Sariel: Plus, there’s nothing worth celebrating on this day.
MC: But this is your first birthday after I've met you. It's special.
Sariel paused midway through flipping the page, there was a very faint hint of amusement in his voice.
Sariel: It's special, sure. No one has ever pestered me this much with their chattering on this day before.
MC: Just you wait till next year! I'll get everyone to throw you a celebration!
Sariel: No thanks. Aren't you all already plenty noisy in the day?
I didn't interrupt him and his reading again. Bored out of my mind, I started fiddling with the phonograph that was on the lower table by the side. Fiddle as I might, but I was all to no avail.
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MC: Is this phonograph real…?
Sariel: Keeping you quiet is a seemingly impossible task.
Sariel grumbled as he closed his book. His long slender fingers slid past me as he reached out towards it. I don't know what magical fingers he had, but the vinyl record had slowly started to play.
A melodious little tune gradually started playing, filling the cabin with a pleasant noise. It felt as if even time had slowed.
I raised my head and coincidentally met his gaze. Under the wavering light of the day, those beautiful golden eyes of his held a gentle smile, looking extraordinarily bright; something that was rarely seen.
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Sariel: Satisfied now?
❖☆————— ⊹ For Light & Memories⊹ —————★❖
Previous Part: (Prologue) | Next Part: (Chapter 2)
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hakuoyuki · 3 years
Hiiii this might have been asked before but how many routes have already been released for IkePri JP?
I did mentioned the reading order before but I've yet to share the details of release dates and such so I might as well share it here ^^
By August 19, 2022.... 11 routes are available on IkePri JP
Route Release Dates
Act 1 Routes
#1-3:Leon, Chevalier, Yves - July 1, 2020 (IkePri JP Release)
#4:Nokto - August 17, 2020 (47 days after app release)
#5:Licht - November 11, 2020 (133 days after app release)
#6:Jin - February 22, 2021 (236 days after app release)
#7:Luke - May 17, 2021 (320 days after app release)
#8:Clavis - September 22, 2021 (448 days after app release)
Act 2 Routes
#9:Sariel - December 20, 2021 (537 days after app release)
#10:Rio - April 8, 2022 (646 days after app release)
#11:Silvio - August 19, 2022 (779 days after app release)
Not Yet Released - [Gilbert, Keith]
Note: Updated as of July 19, 2022
You can also refer to the reading order for IkePri in this other post (here)
Since this isn't exactly unrelated, I would like to point out that some characters got stories as lovers for their 1st Birthday since their routes were released before their 1st Bday came around in JP
1st Birthday Stories as Lovers: Leon, Yves, Nokto, Chevalier, Jin, Luke
1st Birthday Stories Not as Lovers: Licht, Sariel, Rio, Clavis, Gilbert, Keith, Silvio
I would like to also use this opportunity to say that although I’m still accepting asks and such as normal, answering all the other characters/route/spoiler/Cyril related asks/requests for IkePri will be put on hold until after I finish Clavis' route due to the fact that Clavis’ route will officially mark the end of IkePri Act 1 so I expect A LOT could very possibly be reveal. Which is why I want to deliver an answer while aware of the full facts, lore, and reference materials to refer back to.
Other asks/requests that end up in a long post will most likely also take me a while to get to it too so please bear with me 😂
Old asks are still on backlog while asks are currently closed due to IRL duties.
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jokertrap-ran · 3 years
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(光与夜之恋 Light and Night) Event! 轻云寻隐录: Sariel’s BDAY 2021 Event! Qingyun’s Hidden Records (Prelude)
“Just go sit at the counter. I have no wish to see my kitchen get blown up.”
*Light and Night Master-list | Sariel’s Personal Master-list *Spoiler free: Translations will remain under cut *Join my Light & Night Discord (^▽^)~ ♪ *Event story tag will be #For Light and Memories
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I stood in front of the entrance of Sariel's place, breathing a deep sigh before raising a hand…
And as to why I'm here… That story goes back to a week ago.
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Zheng Lin: (Y/n), I have some things here that I require you to handle.
Just as I was haplessly being drowned amid a monotonous stack of documents and materials alike, the unique document that was placed before me perked me right up.
MC: September's Staff Birthday Party…
Sariel Qi's Birthday: 9/1!
My eyes widened in shock, reading the document through again. Yup, my eyes weren't fooling me.
I never thought that this was how I’d learn of his birthday… Although Sariel wasn’t the one who told me about his birthday, how about I celebrate it with him now that I do know it?
I keyed in a reminder on my phone and began seriously thinking about just how I should throw him a special birthday celebration.
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MC: I need to check what flavour of cake he likes before I can even prepare him one…
MC: I’ll have to be careful not to expose the fact that I’m there to acquire information and keep up the act of having “just passed by”.
Putting on a lost look, desperate for help, I pressed the doorbell.
The wind on the side of the mountain was by no means gentle. It was a little cold as it blew against my face, but it helped calm my nervous heart, providing me with an additional boost of courage and anticipation.
The doorbell had only just rung before the door instantly swung open along with an icy greeting from none other than Sariel himself.
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Sariel: Still dare to come back?
He took a second take upon seeing me at the door. He massaged his temples in sight annoyance before his initial expression of sternness loosened up.
Sariel: You…
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MC: Yes, me.
Why do things seem a little different here? Is he waiting for someone?
MC: Err, Director Qi. I just happened to pass by here, but I can't find the road back down the mountain…
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Sariel: Pass by? Halfway up a mountain?
MC: I'm actually… mountaineering.
Sariel: I don't seem to recall you ever having a hobby of mountaineering.
MC: Well, we're all office people, right? We need more exercise.
Sariel: So, you just so happened to climb this mountain, coincidentally failed to find the path, yet chanced upon my house?
He slowly blinked, a hint of a smirk playing at the corners of his lips. However, he didn’t look the slightest bit angry at all.
MC: Same goes for you when you happened to pass by my place while on the way home from the vet.
Sariel: …...
Sariel's smile immediately vanished without a trace. He slightly turned away.
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Sariel: That WAS a coincidence.
MC: Yes, yes, alright. It was a coincidence.
MC: So, could I bother you to take me in for a while, Director Qi? I didn't bring food with me so not only am I starving, but I'm also feeling a little light-headed.
Sariel: ...Come in.
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Sariel: Wait. Wash your hands at the entrance.
In the few days I didn't see him, Sariel's clean freakiness seemed to have increased again.
MC: Right, who did you think I was earlier?
Sariel: No one.
Sariel instantly denied it, but then realized that he’d probably refuted it a little too hastily, thus deciding to explain himself.
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Sariel: I thought it was my takeaway delivery.
MC: You do takeaway!?
Sariel: ...Occasionally.
MC: What takeaway do you usually eat? Other than salads, I mean.
MC: Do you avoid any kind of food? For example… Are you allergic to tropical fruits? Do you perhaps like chocolate?
MC: What’s the level of sweetness you can take when it comes to sweet food? Do you like slightly bitter things like matcha, for example?
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I followed closely behind Sariel, rapidly firing questions at him without noticing the fact that he’d halted. My face had already crashed into his back before I could even react.
MC: Ow… Why did you stop all of a sudden?
Sariel: I'm thinking if I've just been duped.
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Sariel: You look nothing like a frail and fragile person who's about to faint. In fact, you're bursting full of life.
MC: ……
Despite saying that, he still opened the fridge and took out a few boxes of vegetables and a box of spare ribs.
By the time he’d put on his apron, I already found myself standing up his sides with my sleeves rolled up and ready to assist.
Sariel: Just go sit at the counter.
Sariel: I have no wish to see my kitchen get blown up.
MC: ...Oh.
After about half an hour of waiting, a set of two dishes and a bowl of soup was served on the counter before me.
I took a tentative bite out of it, mentally noting that Sariel liked his ribs a little on the sweet side.
And he liked tea too… So why don’t I just make him a matcha cake? Mildly sweet, yet slightly bitter.
Sariel: I'll send you down the mountain once you're done eating. I'm leaving on a trip.
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MC: A trip!?
Remembering the birthday plan, I panicked. Sariel shot me a suspicious look.
MC: Where are you going? When will you be back?
Sariel: To look for someone. I don't know when I will be returning.
What if 1st September passes while he’s gone? Wouldn’t my plan go down the drain!?
Sariel: Judging by the look on your face right now… Just what are you planning again?
MC: Can I go with you, Sariel?
MC: I mean- It’s been a long time since I went out, so I want to admire the scenery!
Sariel: ……
Sariel: I’m going to Qingyun Swamp. It’s not a place for one like you.
Qingyun Swamp? I racked my brains for that semi-unknown name. Then, I finally recalled it after catching sight of an ancient book that was lying open on the table.
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Qingyun Swamp was a place of the past, located in the southern suburbs of Guangqi City. It was a large forest born from the waters.
It's a shame that now most of the trees there had been cut down in this modern times, and all the water there had also dried up for no rhyme or reason. Right now, only one remnant remains of the place: The abandoned Qingyun Station.
There’s also an ancient legend about Qingyun Swamp. According to it, there is a mysterious secluded island there similar to paradise itself.
I subconsciously glanced at the ancient book atop the table again. There was an old map of Guangqi inscribed on its old yellowing pages.
Is he really going to Qingyun Swamp, a mysterious place that had long since disappeared? Just who is he trying to find all the way down there?
Although I was filled with doubts, I still enthusiastically raised my hand to tag along.
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MC: Then that’s precisely why you HAVE to bring me along! I might be able to help you if you’re looking for someone! More hands to go around, right?
Sariel: Are you hiding something from me?
MC: You saw through me, huh… Actually, I’ve always wanted to go to Qingyun Swamp, and it’s second nature for me to want to help others...
MC: And this is my once in a lifetime chance and-.
Sariel held out a hand to stop me, seemingly having a brewing headache just from my chattering alone.
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Sariel: Very well.
Sariel: But I'll say this first: No regretting it when you get there.
❖☆————— ⊹ For Light & Memories⊹ —————★❖
Next Part: (Prologue)
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jokertrap-ran · 3 years
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(光与夜之恋 Light and Night) Event! 轻云寻隐录: Sariel’s BDAY 2021 Event! Qingyun’s Hidden Records (Chapter 5) [FINAL]
“I will remember this day.”
*Light and Night Master-list | Sariel’s Personal Master-list *Spoiler free: Translations will remain under cut *Image used with permission from 蓝咕咕 ☆ *Join my Light & Night Discord (^▽^)~ ♪ *Event story tag will be #For Light and Memories
The sky had already turned completely dark by the time we reached the actual Lin Isle.
“Lin Isle” was most certainly located up a mountain. The antique-style pavilions and pagodas were built on the mountainous terrain, its lights were akin to a long dragon, coiled around the lake that stood in the middle of it all.
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Sariel: It'd be better if you don't wander off on your own.
Sariel: There are many Spirits here that do not like outsiders. They'll spare no chance to attack you on sight.
Hearing this, I unconsciously gripped onto his sleeve, sticking closer to him.
MC: Are we going to go look for the little lizard now?
Sariel surveyed the area and shook his head.
Sariel: Rest for tonight. We'll go fetch him tomorrow.
MC: Rest where?
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Sariel took me to a cold, lone, old mansion. We were seemingly the only ones in it.
Sariel: Rest here. Don't leave unless it's for something of absolute importance.
Having said so, he turned to leave. I darted a hand out to catch his sleeve.
MC: What about you?
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Sariel: Scared now?
Faced with my puppy eyes, he gave a helpless sigh.
Sariel: I'll be right next door.
Sariel: Yell for me if anything happens and I'll hear you.
I felt relieved knowing that he was only a wall away.
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I entered the room and was just about to lie down after washing my face and rinsing my mouth when I suddenly realized that I hadn’t given him the birthday present that was in my bag.
MC: I almost forgot!
I rolled back upright, retrieved the present, opened the door, and stepped out into the courtyard.
It was deathly quiet in the courtyard, with only the cold moonlight shining upon the gravel paths. Both the door and the windows of the room Sariel was staying at next door were shut tight with no lights on.
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MC: Wonder if he's already asleep…
??: What are you snooping about for?
The sudden voice that came from behind made me jolt up with a violent start, causing the bag in my hand to nearly tumble to the ground.
I warily turned back to see Sariel standing under the shade of the bamboo, the bright moon giving his silvery-white hair an obscure glow.
MC: You scared me half to death…
Sariel: What are you planning on doing, sneaking around in the dead of the night instead of sleeping?
MC: I just remembered that I haven't given you your birthday present yet.
Sariel: Tomorrow will do.
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MC: No way! It'll be too late once midnight passes.
I procured a mysterious-looking paper box from my bag, gently opening it before Sariel to reveal its contents.
MC: Ta-da!
However, Sariel wasn’t as surprised as I thought he would be. At first, he froze
What's it to him?
I quickly looked down at the box…
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MC: The words are upside down!
In the box was a row of cupcakes that I’d specially piped the epiphyllums on, each with a single word iced alongside it.
They had originally been lined up to form the words “Happy Birthday Sariel, please smile more”, but has now become a jumble that didn’t make sense at all. The long journey with them in tow, in the bag I carried along, must have jumbled their arrangement...
MC: No, this doesn't count. I'll do it again. Let me rearrange it before showing it to you…
However, Sariel softly held my hand down.
Sariel: No need. I can read just fine.
Sariel picked up a cupcake with the word "smile" written on it and took a bite of it, his eyes considerably softening.
MC: How does it taste?
Sariel: Better than the sugar painting.
MC: Can't you just give me a straightforward word of praise?
MC: I tried one after making them. It was especially delicious.
Sariel: So I'm not the first one to be eating this cake?
MC: ……
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Sariel: So, she swore up and down to celebrate my birthday and to be the first one to wish me a Happy Birthday.
Sariel: Yet ends up being the one to take the first bite out of my birthday cake?
MC: C’mon! You’ve already advanced a year! No more mulling about old things and let bygones be bygones!
Sariel: You said everything, not me.
MC: Isn't it fine so long as you like it?
Sariel: ……
MC: No saying anything disheartening on birthdays, no complaints about how boring it is, how naggy, or how noisy I am… Not a single word!
Sariel: ……
MC: Right, I have a small gift for you.
I withdrew a formal top hat from the bag, something that I’d spent days working on. Atop the brim of the black satin hat was an epiphyllum, embroidered by layers upon layers of silver threading.
MC: I made it myself. Look, isn't it way better than before?
Sariel took the black formal top hat from me, gently running his fingers along the embroidered epiphyllum as his eyes softened.
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Sariel: A little.
MC: Just "a little"?
Sariel: Want me to pick it apart now?
MC: No thanks… How could I ever make you lift a work-related finger on a nice, pleasant, day off?
A quick glance at my watch told me that it was nearly midnight. I quickly cleared my throat and straightened up.
MC: Happy Birthday, Sariel! Midnight’s not over yet, so it’s still your birthday!
Sariel: Don’t get too attached to this date.
Sariel: It means nothing to me.
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MC: But the 1st of September is a very special day to me.
Sariel: What's so special about it?
MC: You. That’s why it’s special.
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Sariel looked away a little awkwardly. In the darkness, a faint tinge of red seemingly rose up to his cheeks.
MC: What? Do you have something to say about it?
Sariel: ……
However, he never answered; merely staring stubbornly ahead, into the distance. Following his line of sight, I found that there were several blooming epiphyllums planted at a corner of the courtyard.
They appeared to have sensed something, their pristine white petals slowly stretching outwards until the flower had fully bloomed. It was almost like they'd wanted to use every ounce of strength they had to dedicate this beautiful life to the moon tonight.
I turned to look at Sariel, only to find that his eyes had already long since been trained back onto me.
There, too, seemed to be slivers of gentle moonlight wavering in his orbs.
Sariel: (Y/n).
Sariel: I will remember this day.
❖☆————— ⊹ For Light & Memories⊹ —————★❖
Previous: (Chapter 4)
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jokertrap-ran · 3 years
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(光与夜之恋 Light and Night) Event! 轻云寻隐录: Sariel’s BDAY 2021 Event! Qingyun’s Hidden Records (Chapter 2)
“You're a stupid bird, so you can't be considered the same as the other humans.”
*Light and Night Master-list | Sariel’s Personal Master-list *Spoiler free: Translations will remain under cut *Image used with permission from 蓝咕咕 ☆ *Join my Light & Night Discord (^▽^)~ ♪ *Event story tag will be #For Light and Memories
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Time passed in a flash, accompanied by the leisurely tune that resonated through the cabin. The train stopped at a station named “Shaqing Town”.
Exiting the station, we were greeted by the bustling sounds of people all around. It was almost as if we’d just returned to the Human World.
This blue-tiled white-walled old town was surrounded all around by waters and mountains alike. The cobblestone steps led straight into the heart of the ancient forest while the rows upon rows of small shops set up alongside the road made the place look very lively.
MC: This is Qingyun Swamp? It looks no different from an old town.
Sariel: It is an ordinary town.
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Sariel looked at the old town before him, a faint flicker of nostalgia wavering within the depths of his eyes.
Sariel: Just one that happens to be in the middle of Qingyun Swamp and the Human World.
Sariel: In the World of Spirits, some choose to befriend humans; but at the same time, there are also countless of them who chose not to, as well as some who outright hate humans.
Sariel: The people of the Spirit Tribe who live here in Shaqing are those who are close and co-exist with humans. And further in would be Lin Isle, where everyone is part of the Spirit Tribe.
MC: Which means… you're in the "human-friendly" faction, right?
Sariel shot me a look but didn’t say anything about my assumption.
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MC: You don’t exactly have the best temperament, often overwhelmingly harsh and give me a cold shoulder or two every once in a while, but…
I ticked the points off my fingers one-by-one as I counted, and Sariel’s face grew increasingly darker as I went on.
MC: But you’ve always helped me work on my designs and are ever the good teacher.
MC: I don’t think I’d have such wholesome progression in my life if I hadn’t met you.
MC: So, I don’t think you’d be going so far as to help me if you truly hated humans.
Sariel had unwittingly curled his lips into a faint arc, chuckling lightly.
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Sariel: Only because you're a stupid bird.
Sariel: So you can't be considered the same as the other humans.
MC: ……
My glum look seemingly perked him right up; so much that there was even amusement dancing in his orbs.
Sariel: Come on. We're still far from our destination.
Walking through the bustling crowd of tourists, I was completely unable to tell spirits from humans just based on outlooks alone.
I then recalled Sariel’s small snow-white fox ears, unable to stop myself from trying to imagine just what the rest of the spirits could look like.
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MC: If only the rest of the Spirit Tribe could show their ears and tail too…
I gave a light sigh, but that was still enough to catch Sariel's attention, nevertheless.
Sariel: Not possible.
MC: Why?
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Sariel: ...There's no "why" about this.
Sariel seemed reluctant to elaborate more on the matter, so I dropped the topic with a smidge of regret.
MC: Oh… I guess it’s not worth hoping for anything then… If only you could show me those fox ears of yours again...
I was speaking nothing but nonsense as my gaze travelled to a shop selling sugar painting by the street. The owner skillfully manoeuvred a spoon, deftly creating an image of a fox in a few strokes.
Sariel: Never knew you were a fan of pillars.
Suddenly, a big hand came before my forehead, making me stumble a couple of steps backwards.
I turned my attention back to the front, only to see a stone pillar standing less than 20cm away from me.
Sariel: Eyes front when you walk.
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MC: I do! Normally! And I have you here now.
Sariel: Hmm?
MC: You'll pull me back whenever it's dangerous, right?
Sariel: ……
Sariel: I really should have let you run face-first into it. Suffer a little, leave a lasting impression.
MC: Alright, I get it.
MC: I just saw something really cool earlier… Right! Wait for me!
I’d already made quick work of the distance, darting to the sugar painting shop without waiting for his reply.
MC: ……
Owner: Hello, young miss. I'll draw another one right up for ya.
MC: Sure!
MC: Oh! Could you make the fox’s ears a little bigger? And make its fur look flowier! The majestic and grand kind!
Owner: Well… That’s a little hard for me to do, miss. Why don’t you do it yourself and I’ll just charge you for the maltose?
He waved for me to go stand beside him, scooping a spoonful of the ambrosial syrup and motioning for me to take it.
I was a little nervous but eager to try my hand at it. I mimicked the way he’d held the spoon earlier, carefully crafting the outline of the fox I had in mind.
MC: First, the body… then the tail, big and fluffy…
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MC: How do I draw fur!? Yikes! Too much maltose!
I was faced with a pool of syrup that quickly hardened and took shape, I found myself at a loss at the odd misshapen blob it had become, inwardly lamenting,
Instantly, I felt my spoon-wielding hand gently encased by warmth. Puffs of warm breaths crawled up my neck from behind, and I could even feel light wisps of hair brushing against my ears in a ticklish manner.
I turned around to see Sariel’s side profile.
He was so close; so very close that I could almost make out the sound of his heartbeat.
Ba-thump, ba-thump.
Yet at the same time, it too sounded like my own. It threw my mind into disarray and my once steady breathing into nothing short of a mess.
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Sariel: Why's your hand shaking?
MC: Err, what did you come over…?
Sariel: You are my student. I'm here to supervise you so that you don't embarrass me.
Sariel: Focus.
It was as if he could work magic, for the rebellious spoon became swift and elegant under his guiding hand as he fixed up my prior mess.
Soon, an impressive fox formed before my eyes.
MC: You really salvaged it!
I couldn't hide my surprise, turning around and showing it to him. The amber-coloured fox appeared translucent under the sun's rays, breathing life into the work of art.
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MC: Look, this should be the King of Foxes, don't you think?
Sariel: So? Only kids would like something like this.
MC: You drew it too!
MC: Say, don't you think this fox looks a little like…
Sariel: No. Hurry up.
Seeing Sariel rear back up, ready to leave, I quickly caught hold of his sleeve.
MC: Are you not going to have a taste of it, at least? I'll finish it myself then.
However, he instantly changed his mind, snatching up the piece of sugary art just as quickly.
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Sariel: Wishful thinking. I drew half of it.
MC: But you don't even eat things like this!
Sariel: Says who?
To prove his point, he bit off one of the ears, chewed twice, and took his own sweet time licking off the crumbs of sugar stuck to the sides of his mouth with an absolutely straight face.
Not wanting to lose, I dashed up to chomp off the other ear, crunching it hard as I chewed.
And this was how we ended up looking at each other while chewing. The image of us sharing the same sugary treat suddenly appeared before my eyes, making me acutely aware of the missing portions of the sugary artwork.
There were still remnants of unmelted maltose at the back of my throat; all so very sweet.
❖☆————— ⊹ For Light & Memories⊹ —————★❖
Previous Part: (Chapter 1) | Next Part: (Chapter 3)
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jokertrap-ran · 3 years
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(光与夜之恋 Light and Night) Event! 轻云寻隐录: Sariel’s BDAY 2021 Event! Qingyun’s Hidden Records (Chapter 4)
“The Spirit Tribe has an easier method of getting up to Lin Isle. You, however, would not be able to utilize that.”
*Light and Night Master-list | Sariel’s Personal Master-list *Spoiler free: Translations will remain under cut *Image used with permission from 蓝咕咕 ☆ *Join my Light & Night Discord (^▽^)~ ♪ *Event story tag will be #For Light and Memories *T/N: See this tweet here. That’s precisely what’s going on in a nutshell.
I slept super soundly. It wasn't till someone gently shook me that I roused from dreamland.
Sariel: Wake up. We're arriving.
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I blearily opened my eyes to see Sariel terrifyingly close at hand. He looked down at me, a faint flicker of amusement flashing past his eyes.
Sariel: Wipe the drool off your face.
I quickly raised a hand to wipe it off, only to find the side of my mouth dry.
MC: There's no drool at all!
Rearranging my hair, I then caught sight of the slight wrinkles on his shoulder that had been made by me sleeping on it.
MC: I blame my excitement for this trip for the lack of sleep.
Sariel: Sounds like you, alright. But it's just a trip to settle some business; what's there to be excited about?
MC: We're going to a place that has disappeared!
MC: Is Lin Isle up ahead?
There was an emerald green Isle in the middle of the lake, standing not too far away. It was so serene, that it seemed to be one with the shadow of its reflection in the waters.
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The boat passed a gallery bridge before stopping at the shore. Upon stepping foot onto the Isle, I realized that there were barely any traces of there being inhabitants here.
Sariel: I didn't say that it was.
Sariel: The real "Lin Isle" is located up the mountains.
I blinked in confusion before casting a cautionary glance at the towering mountain located at the top region of the Isle and looking back at Sariel, who was standing beside me, again.
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Sariel: No use looking at me. The steps are over there.
Sariel: We’ll have to brave the elements out here if we don’t get to the top of the mountain before it gets dark.
It was only then that I found the bluestone steps, hidden by the dense woods all around. It led straight up, like a stairway to heaven, with no end in sight.
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MC: Can we really get there before it gets dark?
Sariel: You can always just wait for me here.
MC: No way! I came here with you; there’s no way I’m giving up halfway through!
And most importantly, I still have to celebrate your birthday this evening!
In this quiet and dense forest, only one or two Spirits appeared once in a while, cautiously looking at us from a distance before leaving as quietly as they came.
Lifting my slightly sore right leg, I panted as I climbed up another step.
MC: Just how many steps are on this thing?
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Sariel: No idea. No one has ever counted.
Compared to my dishevelled and suffering self, Sariel looked completely at ease doing this, not even breaking a sweat. Or rather, he seemed to be doing much better than usual ever since stepping foot onto this Isle.
MC: Don't tell me you have to suffer this climb every time you come up to the Isle. This is way too exhausting…
Sariel: The Spirit Tribe has an easier method of getting up to Lin Isle. You, however, would not be able to utilize that.
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MC: I'm the one dragging you down… Sorry.
Sariel: It's too late for apologies. Who told me to have already brought you here.
Sariel: Which I wouldn't have done if you weren't harping about this being your "once-in-a-lifetime request" over and over like a broken recorder.
Recalling how I’d pestered him to no end about it, I felt my face grow hot.
Sariel: Can you continue?
MC: ...Yeah!
Gritting my teeth, I decided to give myself a speed boost. Until Sariel extended his hand before me.
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Sariel: Hand.
His unyielding grip tightened around my wrist, holding onto me as we continued proceeding our upward climb.
He was clearly the one pulling me onwards, but I felt as if I’d just received a boost of strength, my footsteps growing lighter and swifter.
The twilight light shone through the gaps between the leaves, falling upon the back of the figure before me, gracing his form with an outlining halo.
I felt my heart skip a beat. It felt as if this was a sight that I’d witnessed countless times before...
❖☆————— ⊹ For Light & Memories⊹ —————★❖
Previous: (Chapter 3) | Next Part: (Chapter 5)
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jokertrap-ran · 3 years
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(光与夜之恋 Light and Night) Event! 轻云寻隐录: Sariel’s BDAY 2021 Event! Qingyun’s Hidden Records (Chapter 3)
“Sleep. I'll wake you when we're there.”
*Light and Night Master-list | Sariel’s Personal Master-list *Spoiler free: Translations will remain under cut *Image used with permission from 蓝咕咕 ☆ *Join my Light & Night Discord (^▽^)~ ♪ *Event story tag will be #For Light and Memories *T/N: References here are: 1. 桃花源記 (The Peach Blossom Spring, Year 421CE) by the Six Dynasties poet 陶淵明 (Tao Yuanming) 2. 南柯一梦 (A Dream Under the Southern Bough) A Kun Opera play by the revered Chinese Ming Dynasty playwright 汤显祖 (Tang Xian Zu) in the 16th century.
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Passing through Shaqing Town, we found ourselves at a deserted dock.
The narrow river was surrounded by mountains on both sides, shrouded by thick white fog up ahead, making visibility a menace for all.
MC: We're crossing the river to get to the isle? Don't we need a boat for this?
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Sariel: The boat is here.
I doubtfully looked in the same direction as him. There was a wooden post at the dock where a skiff was casually tied to it. It drifted side-to-side, seemingly on the verge of capsizing anytime alongside the waves.
MC: You mean… this small boat here?
Sariel: Yes.
MC: But…
Sariel got onto the boat while I stood hesitantly on land. No matter how I thought about it, this boat was way too dangerous to be riding on.
Sariel: Want to be a river-looking stone?
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MC: Don't you think we need an experienced boatman, a lifejacket, and a lifebuoy, or something?
Sariel breathed a light sigh and extended a hand towards me.
Sariel: Have you already forgotten that this isn't the human world that you're used to?
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Sariel: Get on. This boat won't flip even with 10 of you.
Some odd strike of fate made me place my hand onto his outstretched palm, letting him pull me into the boat. Alas, the boat didn't give so much as a rock.
After I settled in next to Sariel, the small boat started moving automatically, as if driven by the river's current. We left the shore, heading deeper towards the heart of the river.
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The narrow river before me gradually started to grow wider as the mist covering the water surface slowly disappeared, revealing the green hills that surrounded us in all their entirety. It was like a behemoth,  slumbering deep in the middle of the river. Grand and imposing; a place, unlike the Human World.
MC: Being in this place feels like I've just stepped into The Peach Blossom Spring*… "Traveling along the creek's edge,  forgetting the distance of the route"...
MC: Will it be like what happened in A Dream Under the Southern Bough*, where 10 years have already passed in a blink of an eye by the time we get back to Guangqi City?
I turned my head, sighing. Sariel contemplated the thought for a while but didn’t deny or say otherwise.
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Sariel: There hasn't been anyone here in ages. Perhaps it is just as you say.
Sariel: Ordinary people ought to pay a price if they want to enter Qingyun Swamp.
He lowered his gaze, and the deadpan of his voice made me panic a little.
MC: … Can I still make it in time if I  head back now?
Sariel: Too late.
Looking at how panicked I was, Sariel suddenly let out a snort of laughter.
Sariel: Only you'd believe such absurdity.
Sariel: I'm merely joking.
MC: …….
Sariel: Why so quiet? Angry?
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MC: Never mind. I'll forgive you on account of you being the birthday star today.
Sariel: This is the benefit of being the birthday star today?
Sariel: Do I get any other benefits than this?
MC: Nope! But you can keep your eyes peeled for what's to come!
After re-entering a state of calm, the sound of the boat threading through the waters was almost dream-inducing. Having woken up in the wee hours of the morning today, I couldn’t stop myself from slowly nodding off.
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Sariel: Going to an unfamiliar place, one where the Spirits live, yet still in the mood to doze off? You don’t seem the slightest bit afraid at all.
I tried my hardest to make out what he was trying to say, but I was too sleepy, and my consciousness gradually faded away.
MC: I am a little scared, but I have you, so I'm not too worried about it
Sariel pursed his lips, staring far beyond the water. His demeanour looked a tad solemn.
I had a faint inkling about what www going on here. Opening my mouth, I softly asked him.
MC: Are you worried about me?
MC: Don’t worry. Even if it’s really an illusionary dream, it wouldn’t be all that bad to spend 10 years with you in one fell swoop.
Sariel: What's with that sort of twisted thinking?
MC: It's not… Isn't this valid though?
A very soft sigh sounded in my ear. Half-awake, I could feel a hand gently supporting my head, as he shifted to let it rest on his shoulder.
Sariel: Sleep. I'll wake you when we're there.
As soon as I relaxed, I found myself drifting into a deep sleep.
Within my dreams, was the ever-present yet faint fragrance of flowers.
❖☆————— ⊹ For Light & Memories⊹ —————★❖
Previous: (Chapter 2) | Next Part: (Chapter 4)
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jokertrap-ran · 3 years
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(光与夜之恋 Light and Night) Event! 轻云寻隐录: Sariel’s BDAY 2021 Event! Qingyun’s Hidden Records (Prologue)
“Just who was he going to look for down at Qingyun Swamp?”
*Light and Night Master-list | Sariel’s Personal Master-list *Spoiler free: Translations will remain under cut *Join my Light & Night Discord (^▽^)~ ♪ *Event story tag will be #For Light and Memories
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The 1st of September came in the blink of an eye. It was in the wee hours of the morning that I rushed to the location that I'd agreed to meet up with Sariel at.
Although the station that greeted me was by means small, it was a shell of its former glory. The shaky and crumbling sign read: Qingyun Station.
MC: Just how long has it been since someone was last here?
Curious, I surveyed the area. The matter of ticketing officers and passengers, or the lack thereof, aside, the railroad tracks of this station had completely rusted over. And there were even weeds growing!
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MC: Didn't Sariel say that we needed to take the train to Qingyun Swamp? ...It doesn't even look like trains are running here.
As soon as the words left my lips, I saw a familiar figure across the road. I quickly jumped up, waving my hands at it.
MC: Sariel! Over here!
Sariel paused in his footsteps, sighed, and quickly walked up to me. He was just about to say something when his gaze stopped on my bulging backpack.
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Sariel: If I didn't know any better, I'd think you were going for an autumn outing.
MC: Course not! All the stuff in here is my secret things. Don't go opening it when I'm not looking!
Sariel: Don't overthink it. I'm not interested in your secrets.
MC: Why do you only have a small bag with you?
Sariel: There are daily necessities and a change of clothes there.
Sariel: If it weren't for a certain someone who insisted on tagging along, I doubt I'd even need to be packing a small bag.
I sneaked over and peeked at the contents of the bag. All I caught was a glimpse of a packet of shrimp crackers before Sariel changed hands.
Sariel never, ever, ate snacks… which means… Did he pack those for me?
MC: Thank you, Sariel.
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Sariel: I don't know what you're talking about.
I could hear the faint sound of a whistle headed this way. I froze, standing on tip-toes and squinted, attempting to look into the distance.
Sariel: I'm just going there to settle some business. Why do you seem so happy?
MC: I didn't think that there'd still be trains running for a station this run-down!
Just then, a gust of wind blew into the empty station, filling it with white mist.
I could make out the vague shadow of a train amid the fog as it silently slid into the station.
Sariel: Our ride is here.
He handed me a hard ticket, the destination printed on it had long since faded into a blur, seemingly obscured by time itself.
The retro train silently stopped before the platform where only the two of us stood. Its raven green exterior exuded a mysterious vibe.
Suddenly, an excerpt of what I'd previously read in that ancient book popped into my mind…
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"Qingyun Lake is isolated from the world; there are no usual trodden paths leading up to it. There, dwells thousands of ancient woodland spirits, all in human form, happy and content."
Sariel stepped on the steps leading up into the cabin. Looking at his back, I suddenly felt my heart clench.
Could it be that those woodland spirits that the ancient book spoke of… are all part of the Spirit Tribe, just like Sariel? But if so, then just who was he going to look for down at Qingyun Swamp?
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Sariel: What are you standing around for?
MC: I have a question about this Qingyun Swamp place. Is this where the Spirit Tribe lives?
Sariel: Yes. Why? Regret it now?
MC: Nope!
I had a peculiar feeling the moment I stepped onto the train that this trip in search of someone would be one that far surpassed the realms of "normal".
❖☆————— ⊹ For Light & Memories⊹ —————★❖
Previous Part: (Prelude) | Next Part: (Chapter 1)
17 notes · View notes
jokertrap-ran · 3 years
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(光与夜之恋 Light and Night) Sariel’s 6✩ Inspiration: Waning Reminiscence [旧梦阑珊] Date Translation (Prologue)
“What else would you like me to say? That you're like a celestial being descended from the heavens?”
*Light and Night Master-list | Sariel’s Personal Masterlist *Please note that Masterlists only work properly on Desktop Mode/PC!! *Spoiler free: Translations will remain under cut *Join the Light & Night Discord (^▽^)~ ♪ *This 6✩ Inspiration has 7 Endings!! *This Date comes after this Event (His 2021 BDAY)! Please read it first~ *Requested by Anon! Reblogs and likes appreciated~ *Sariel’s tag will be #For Night, For Causation *T/N: A Gua Shan (褂衫) is basically a male shirt version of a qipao/cheongsam which is traditional Chinese attire.
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I was woken up by the pleasant birdsongs.
Dazed, I saw the sunlight shining through the window frames, teacups that had been set out on the table, and the partially drawn gauze curtain that hung on the canopy of the bed.
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MC: Oh, right… I'm on Lin Isle.
The birdsong outside only grew ever clearer and crisper, sounding in tandem with the rustling of leaves. I got out of bed, put myself together, and exited the room.
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The fresh air in the courtyard was cool and refreshing. 
Amidst the densely packed bamboo forest extends a long, narrow, cobblestone path, reaching out from its depths; and lying at the end of said path was a stone table along with a couple of stone chairs.
Sariel was currently seated within this undisturbed, ever-reaching, greenery. He was dressed in an unlined, dark-coloured, Chinese-style, upper garment with a couple of white cranes in mid-flight embroidered onto it; the cuffs of his sleeves were decorated with a multitude of green lotus leaf patterns. 
Caught in a trance, the sight before me looked everything like a picturesque scene right out of an artwork dating hundreds of years ago.
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Sariel: Awake at long last?
MC: Mmhm. Sariel? What's with the way you're dressed an-
I sat down across from him. But, a crimson cheongsam was pushed forward before I could even finish my sentence.
MC: A cheongsam? For me?
Sariel: Do you see anyone else here?
MC: But I have my own clothes to wear… Actually, why are you wearing a Gua Shan?*
Sariel: The Spirit Tribe on Lin Isle has been cut off from the world for almost a hundred years. Hence, their impression of the Human World has been stuck where they left off.
Sariel: If you do not wish to be the focus of the entire Isle, so as to speak, then go get changed.
MC: I see.
I nodded, picking up the cheongsam set out on the table. There were a couple of red plums embroidered onto the red brocade. The cuffs were rimmed gold and the curves were done smoothly and elegantly. It wasn't even the slightest bit old-fashioned or outdated in design.
MC: Did you make this?
Sariel: Yes.
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MC: You seemed to really know your way around this place when you brought me here last night. And now you've procured me an outfit of your own making...
MC: Sariel? Is this your home in Lin Isle?
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Sariel: It's only a place to stop at.
MC: Doesn't that make it home?
I had some doubts about it all, but Sariel didn't say anything, merely pointing at the cheongsam he'd set out.
Sariel: Why are you asking so many questions? Hurry and go get changed.
MC: Ah…
I returned to the room to get changed before returning to where Sariel sat.
MC: I'm done changing! What do you think?
I rushed up to him, but Sariel only spared me a glance and nothing more.
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Sariel: Passable.
MC: You always say that. "Passable", "not bad", "barely making the cut"...
Sariel: What else would you like me to say? That you're like a celestial being descended from the heavens?
MC: There's no need to exaggerate that badly. I just thought that maybe you could, you know, praise me a little once in a while?
I muttered under my breath, but I’d already gotten used to the way he brushed me off a long time ago. 
Actually, if Sariel were to say that I was akin to a celestial being that descended from the heavens, then there’d be a bigger problem and even more things to worry about.
I lowered my head to fix the hem of my outfit, only to find Sariel staring right at me when I looked back up.
MC: What?
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Sariel: Crimson isn't too shabby on you.
Sariel: It suits you much more than I thought.
Saying so, he looked away. His lips were pressed into a thin line, but I could see a faint red creeping up the tips of his ears.
Astonished, I then realized that he’d complied with my prior request and delivered the praise I’d asked for after some serious consideration on his part.
MC: Thank you…
Sariel gave a light hum of approval. It was a long while before he spoke again.
Sariel: If you're done putting yourself together then let's go.
I followed closely behind him. His shirt fluttered in the wind, making the cranes embroidered onto it appear as if they were dancing.
The landscape and architecture in Lin Isle looked much more quaint and natural compared to Shaqing Town. And, adding on to that was the fact that there weren’t many pedestrians out.
I watched everything around me with rapt curiosity. Everything here was new to me.
MC: Sariel, this wooden signboard doesn’t look all that old. Does it really date back to a hundred years?
MC: The curtains of that house look so beautiful! But the dyeing method’s a little odd. I don’t think I’ve ever seen it done that way before.
MC: Wow! Look at that tree…
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Sariel: Shall I hold onto a small flag and explain everything here before finally taking photos of you for you as a souvenir?
I awkwardly withdrew my fingers that had been tugging at him every this way and that, shaking my head with utter seriousness.
MC: I'm not going to let my gaze wander anymore. I'm all for listening to the tour guide!
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Sariel: And just WHO is your tour guide?
MC: You were the one to bring up the tour guide flags.
MC: We're going to go fetch the lizard now, right? Do you know where he is?
Sariel adjusted his sleeves, unfazed, looking like he couldn’t be bothered to pursue the matter anyway. He simply nodded.
Sariel: Of course.
MC: This place is so far from Guangqi City. I wonder what made such a small little lizard scamper all the way here...
Sariel: He comes here every month. I assure you that he's very used to it.
MC: He comes here every month? Then, why are we especially going to pick him up this time?
I was a little puzzled, but something suddenly clicked into my mind, making my eyes widen in realization.
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MC: I remember now! You previously said that he'd gotten heart disease! Was he so sick that he collapsed!?
Sariel: Your ability for nonsensical thought seems to be growing stronger by the day.
Sariel: Heart disease? You've been watching too much TV.
MC: But that was what you said back then… Unless my memory is failing me…?
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Sariel was taken aback, freezing for a while before a slight frown formed on his features. Yet… the expression on his face was anything but natural.
Sariel: Your memory is failing you.
Sariel: There's nothing wrong with him; in fact, he's more than fine-
Having reached that point, he suddenly stopped short, casting his gaze down onto the ground and appearing slightly worried.
Did I hit the bullseye? Although he’s not always a reliable owner, he does seem to be very worried about his little lizard.
I breathed a light sigh, tugging at his sleeve in a gesture of comfort.
MC: Don't worry. If he's sick, then all we have to do is to cure him of it, that's all. Plus, vets are really awesome these days.
MC: But… Should you guys be taking human medication? Like how you did back then...
Now that I mentioned it, I couldn’t help but think back to how frail he’d looked back when he was ill. That, and the two fluffy ears that had popped out.
The next second saw him flicking me lightly on the head.
Sariel: Please do refrain from making baseless and unnecessary associations.
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MC: I-I'm not!
He didn’t bother to fuss with my guilty conscience about it, simply turning and walking away with a light hum of acknowledgement. I quickly followed after him.
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After passing several wooden houses and a stone bridge, we finally arrived at a tea house.
It stood three stories tall and sported gold cornices. It had lanterns hanging from its edges on all four sides, but there was no plaque on the door, so its name remained unknown.
Just as I was cautiously eyeing the mysterious tea house, an old lady dressed in a cheongsam and sporting a head full of silver hair opened the door, walking out.
She didn’t seem surprised to see us at all, making a beeline straight for Sariel.
Old Granny: So you did come back after all.
Sariel didn't speak, only choosing to nod in response.
Old Granny: And who's this young lady with you….?
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MC: Hello, I'm (Y/n).
Old Granny: Yes, I'm aware.
She knew? Did Sariel mention me while talking to get in the past?
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I shot Sariel a suspicious look, but he didn’t seem like he had any intention of introducing me to her, only peering inside the tea house.
Sariel: Where is he, Grandma Huai?
Grandma Huai: Inside.
Sariel: How's he?
Grandma Huai: Let's talk inside.
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Grandma Huai led us into the tea house. There were many tables and chairs spread out in the high-ceilinged area. There was only a sporadic amount of customers and waiters, all spread out around the area. And in the centre of it all was a stage that stood half a person high.
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We walked to the back of the stage where a red cloth hung from the ceiling, secured with a bell, and partially obscuring the wooden door that stood behind it.
The wood grains of this wooden door was exceptionally peculiar. It was so very odd that I couldn’t stop myself from reaching out to touch it. Suddenly, a strong wave of emotions surged through me, seizing my heart in its intensity.
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MC: !?
I abruptly withdrew my hand, staring at the wooden door in slight apprehension.
MC: Um, is the little lizard really inside?
Grandma Huai: Little lizard? You're referring to.… Hahaha.
Grandma Huai: I can guess who you're referring to. He's inside, that's for sure.
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MC: I sense that he's… fuming.
She was slightly astonished, but Sariel only frowned, calmly drawing me back behind him.
Grandma Huai: Wait. What do you mean by "sense"?
MC: I can’t explain it very well, but sometimes I can feel the emotions of others just like this...
MC: And for a moment there, I felt nothing but fury.
Grandma Huai gave a slight nod. Then, seemingly having made up her mind, she turned to ace Sariel with a serious expression.
Grandma Huai: The young lady’s a sharp one.
Grandma Huai: He has already degenerated so far that the pressure in his room is unable to be fully contained. I was only barely able to control him after much effort.
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Sariel: What about the medicine?
Grandma Huai: I’ve already sent someone to the Kui Tower for medicine, but I’m sure it’ll be much easier to procure if you went there in person.
Sariel took one glance at the wooden door before lapsing into thought.
Quietly observing his expression, I decided to…
Should I bring my suggestion up to him?
⊹ ˚✩ ━━━━━━━━━━━ ∘◦ ✥ ◦∘ ━━━━━━━━━━━ ✩˚ ⊹
✥ Choose your Ending:
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END 1 | Choice: Do Nothing [都不做]
END 2 + 3 + 4 | Choice: Call Out [呼唤] ⊹Speak⊹
END 5 | Choice: Listen [倾听] ❖ASMR
END 6 + 7 | Choice: Heart-throb [心动] ✩Light & Night★
❖☆————— ⊹ For Night, For Causation⊹ —————★❖
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jokertrap-ran · 3 years
(光与夜之恋 Light and Night) Sariel’s 6✩ Inspiration: Waning Reminiscence [旧梦阑珊] Date Translation (END 5: Listen)
“...I just did an example using the first thing that came to my mind. Your name's just nice to write.”
*Light and Night Master-list | Sariel’s Personal Masterlist *Spoiler free: Translations will remain under cut *Join the Light & Night Discord (^▽^)~ ♪ *This 6✩ Inspiration has 7 Endings!! *This Date comes after this Event (His 2021 BDAY)! Please read it first~ Requested by Anon! Reblogs and likes appreciated~ *Sariel’s tag will be #For Night, For Causation
✥ Choice: Listen [倾听] ❖ASMR
Quietly observing his expression, I decided to…
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⊹  Maintain my silence ⊹
Although I was worried sick about how the little lizard was faring, this was still my first time here on Lin Isle.
There were many things I didn’t know, so it would be better if I didn’t throw my suggestions up onto the table.
I waited silently. Soon, Sariel came to a decision.
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Sariel: I'll go in and check up on Qi She first.
Qi She? Is that the little lizard's name? But it sounds like the name of one of the mythical beasts in The Classic of Mountains and Seas...
Sariel: Wait here for me.
MC: Okay… Don't worry. I won't run off on my own!
Sariel: How rare of you to know yourself so well.
I gave an awkward cough, urging him to leave quickly so that he could come back earlier.
The red curtain lifted and Sariel disappeared behind it with Grandma Huai in tow.
I observed my surroundings again, only to find a whole new world behind the screen that stood in a corner. There was a table and a curio shelf hidden behind it. And on the wall beside the shelf hung a painting of Jiangnan’s Misty Rain.
I couldn’t help but approach it to get a closer look. There was even a poem written on top of it.
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MC: Spring late, still empty is the swallow nest; The apricot blooms wear a misty veil...
As I recited the words, my eyes flickered down to the stamped seal of the author. I froze, my eyes fixated on it.
It was a character I was familiar with: “Qi”, in Traditional Chinese.
I was just about to get a closer look at it when I heard activity come from behind the screen. I walked to the edge of the wall and found that Sariel had already come back out.
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MC: That quick? How's the little lizard?
Sariel: I told you. He’s doing perfectly fine. He's sleeping now.
Sariel: We'll leave once the person Grandma Huai sent out comes back with the medicine.
I breathed a sigh of relief and nodded. My eyes fell back onto the ink brush painting hanging from the wall. I unwittingly looked back at Sariel.
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Sariel: Just what are you looking at? Why are you being so sneaky about it?
MC: As if! I just wanted to ask you if you were the one who drew this.
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He looked up at the wall. He paused for a while, his orbs filled with nostalgia.
He didn’t deny it, but he looked very serious. I knew that I already had the answer in my heart.
MC: So it really is yours.
Sariel: How did you know?
MC: This seal. I saw it on your house nameplate the first time I went there.
I took another glance at the ink brush painting and couldn’t help but sigh.
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MC: Actually, I did learn a bit of calligraphy when I was a kid, but my teacher said that I had no talent.
MC: But I think my skills are still salvageable if I tried…
I scratched my cheek in embarrassment, thinking that he’d laugh at me. But, I never expected that he’d simply hum in response.
Sariel: He simply didn't know how to teach.
He walked to the front of the table and took out a new sheet of rice paper. Then, he lifted his hand to grind the inkstick on the inkstone.
MC: You're going to teach me calligraphy!?
Sariel: While I‘ve yet to regret it, yes.
Sariel: How are you going to learn if you stand that far?
Sariel: Come here.
Sariel: What do you wish to learn?
Sariel: You don't know? I shouldn't have held any expectations of you, to begin with.
Sariel: ...Cursive isn't done just anyhow. Don't always think of taking the shortcut.
Sariel: Nevermind. We'll start with regular writing.
Sariel: Horizontal and straight. First, write your characters properly.
Sariel: What are you looking at me for? Look down at the words.
Sariel: ...I just did an example using the first thing that came to my mind. Your name's just nice to write.
Sariel: Here. Try it yourself.
Sariel: Your posture's wrong.
Sariel: Don't grip so tightly. Relax a bit.
Sariel: Position it like this… Then, use more strength.
Sariel: Not like this.
Sariel: Now, here… Be careful with the pressure applied…
Sariel: Understand?
Sariel: Yes, much better now.
Sariel: You wrote…
Sariel: Don't go into it blind if you don't know how to write traditional characters. There's an extra dot here.
Sariel: "Qi" is written like this.
Sariel: Now, try again.
Sariel: It's all crooked.
Sariel: But at least it's correct this time.
Dark clouds hung low in the sky when night fell. Soon, it started to rain.
Sariel had left for the tea house once more not long after his return to the courtyard. Looks like Grandma Huai had asked him to go there again at a later hour.
I leant against the window sill lost in thought, watching the curtain of rain that blanketed the world from beneath the eaves.
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MC: He didn’t take an umbrella with him, did he?
After thinking about it, I took an umbrella and a lantern with me as I set back out.
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Lin Isle was not equipped with electricity, and the moon had been obscured by the dark clouds. Surrounded by the black shadows of trees all around, the only light source was the faint light of my lantern.
The rain made the roads slippery and hard to manoeuvre, but I hurried on as fast as I could. I wanted to reach the tea house as soon as I could.
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The familiar golden bridge soon entered my vision. The tea house was surrounded by lantern lights, making it look exceptionally cosy.
I kept the umbrella away and was just about to knock on the door when it opened with a creak.
Sariel stood beneath the door frame, his pale locks made all warm-looking from the orange lights cast by the lanterns. He didn’t look too surprised to see me here, only gently raising an eyebrow.
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Sariel: Why are you here?
MC: It’s raining and you didn’t bring an umbrella with you, so I’m here to pick you up.
Sariel: …Who’d want to get picked up by you?
Sariel: I’ll have to be the one going to look for you if you get lost.
MC: Why would I get lost when it’s so close by? Besides, what happens if you brave the rain and get sick right after?
I softly retorted as I watched him close the door behind him. I curiously gave a fleeting glance at the crack in the door.
MC: You’re done talking to Grandma Huai? Can we go now?
Sariel: Yes. Give me the umbrella.
He took the umbrella, made of waxed paper and a bamboo frame, from me. I raised the lantern, walking into the rainy night together with him.
The candlelight wavered along with the night breeze as the twin shadows on the ground wavered in response.
I looked at the light cast on the ground, quietly listening to the pitter-patter of the rain and the rustling of leaves. I couldn’t stop the words that escaped my lips.
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MC: This feels a little unreal.
Sariel: What?
MC: I never thought that the day would come where I’d be walking in the mountains toting a lantern and an umbrella-like this.
MC: The markings of moss all around, quaint buildings and architecture, or should I say, the entirety of what makes Qingyun Swamp what it was…
MC: Everything in the past two days has left me feeling as if everything’s just a dream.
Sariel: Aren’t you just enacting what it is to be “amazed at the unknown”?
Taking advantage of the dim lights I whipped around and shot him an indignant glare.
Light and shadow danced upon his being, like a ripple in a lake, without a definite shape.
By the time I snapped back to my senses, I’d already raised my hand, tugging at his sleeve.
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Sariel: Hm?
MC: N-Nothing… What was I talking about again?
Sariel: You were saying that you found everything remarkable because you’ve never seen it before.
MC: As if!
MC: I remember now. I was talking about the Qingce Swamp.
MC: Truth to be told… I was a little afraid when I found out that we were going to be coming here.
MC: I mean, this place was one of legends; it’s a journey that I could never expect, even in my wildest dreams.
The cobblestone path beneath our feet was wet and slippery. I carefully proceeded onwards step by step while also being consciously aware of Sariel who stepped in tandem with me. I couldn’t stop the side of my lips from curling upwards.
MC: But the fear disappeared once I reached Shaqing Town. Everyone was friendly, and… you’re with me.
The trees rustled, and the wind seemed to howl stronger and stronger. Suddenly, my vision went dark.
The candlelight flickering within the lantern went out with a muted “poof”.
MC: !
The world was encased in neverending darkness. I subconsciously grabbed tightly onto Sariel’s hand.
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Sariel: Didn’t you say that you weren’t scared?
His voice held mirth that couldn’t be masked, but his tone was very warm.
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MC: I’m afraid of the dark! Don’t mix it up…
The night breeze blew on, blowing away some of the dark clouds. Several rays of moonlight managed to flicker through.
The fear that had seized me upon the sudden darkness that fell slightly dissipated with the influx of light. I was considering whether or not I should release my hold on him when I suddenly felt a warmth on the back of my hand.
Sariel: Hold on tighter if you’re scared.
Sariel’s hand was always very warm, a stark contrast to the usual indifference in his eyes and the gloomy weather all around us. Just like a warm, dry, harbour; a warmth that people can’t help but want to snuggle up to.
I increased the strength behind my fingers, tightening my grip on his hand with a slightly red face.
Suddenly, I noticed that there was a rope around his wrist, and hanging from it was a rectangular packet holding something wrapped in waxed paper.
I gave a light cough and took the chance to change the topic.
MC: And what’s this?
Sariel: Shatang* Crisps for you from Grandma Huai.
That was a snack that I’d eaten at the tea house during the day. I heard that it was something unique to Lin Isle.
She probably gave me some because of how much I loved it.
MC: So you went back to the tea house just to take these crisps? I thought you had some other business there?
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Sariel: …I did have some business to tend to.
He responded lowly, thinking back to what happened back in the tea house earlier.
Grandma Huai: You specially brought her down to the tea house so that I could get a look at her, didn’t you?
Sariel: Sorry for bothering you.
Grandma Huai: Meeting someone isn’t anything much to kick up a fuss about, but I do know what you’re thinking.
Grandma Huai: The world is ever-reaching, and the journey long; I wouldn’t necessarily be able to protect her even if I tried my best.
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Sariel: …I know. I’m just being prepared just in case.
Grandma Huai: You don’t have to worry so much. That young lady isn’t as weak and fragile as you think.
Sariel nodded. Of course, he of all people knew that “weak and fragile” were words that could never be associated with one like you. But he still couldn’t help thinking about the far future, about everything she may encounter on the road ahead, and about how he wanted to extend some help to her where he could.
The pitter-patter of rain sounded from outside the windows. Looks like it was raining. A leaf fluttered in, falling into Grandma Huai’s outstretched palm.
It moved like a small paper man, whispering something into her ears. Grandma Huai laughed.
Grandma Huai: Looks like someone’s here to pick you up.
Sariel looked out the window. He saw a faint blurry figure holding an umbrella in the distance, slowly getting closer.
The howling of wind got louder as the overhanging dark clouds were blown away. The moonlight shone brightly between the falling raindrops.
MC: Look, Sariel. The moon’s out.
MC: Speaking of the moon, I just thought of something. You’re one of the Spirit Tribe, and you’ve lived for such a long time now, which means the birthdays you celebrate should be based on the lunar calendar, right?
The girl raised her head. The light fell upon her eyes, like one of the many faraway stars.
He recalled the happenings of yesterday, back in the courtyard. She had also been as bright-eyed as she was now, looking up at the moon as she wished him a happy birthday.
MC: Doesn’t that mean that your birthday falls on different days every year? This year’s 1st of September's…
She stuck out her fingers, calculating it in all her seriousness. After doing it for a while, she realized that this wasn’t something that could actually be calculated with a definitive answer. Slightly miffed by that, she looked back up at him.
MC: So which birthday did we celebrate yesterday?
His heart suddenly swelled.
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Sariel: Yesterday…
MC: Hm?
He looked at his silhouette, reflected in her eyes. He hesitated.
Sariel: My birthday wasn’t actually yesterday.
MC: It wasn’t? Do you mean the lunar calendar one, or the-
Sariel: Neither.
Sariel: My birthday was originally the 15th of August.
The girl was mortified.
She repeated the date under her breath over and over again, slightly dumbfounded at the revelation; but soon, she smiled.
MC: It’s a great day worthy of reunions and celebrations! Er, much better than the 1st of September, anyway!
Someone had also told him the same thing in the past, but it was untrue.
He still recalled that day from a long time ago. A banquet that had been forcibly halted, endless flames… and a bloodstained dress of fine, thin, silk.
To him, the full moon was no longer a symbol of reunion; it was a malediction etched into his very heart.
The sound of raindrops hitting the umbrella snapped him back to reality. Looking at the excitement written all over the girl’s face, he could pretty much guess what was on her mind.
How strange. Some things, she’d always want to get to the bottom off, and some things, she’d gently rouse back to the surface with a mere fleeting touch.
He set his mind before opening his mouth to speak once more.
Sariel: You’re thinking about how to bother me on the 15th of August now, aren’t you?
MC: What do you mean “bother”!? I’m trying to help you celebrate it!
Sariel: No need. I haven’t celebrated that day in a long time now.
Sariel: Plus, I think that the 1st of September is much better.
The girl looked a little hesitant, but she nodded anyway.
MC: Since that’s how it is, then it’ll be best if I left the unique surprises I just thought up for you till the 1st of September next year.
MC: I was actually planning not to ask you about this, but… Why did you-
Seeing how she looked like someone trapped on the hot seat, he finally felt a sense of familiarity. She didn’t have to speak, for he already knew her question.
Sariel: Someone asked me to fill in my information in the past, so I chose the 1st of September on a whim.
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MC: You can’t go doing that on a whim!
The girl widened her eyes in a huff. The moonlight fell onto her hair, casting an ethereal glow that made her attempt at being menacing fall into the negatives. Instead, she looked very soft.
Sariel suddenly recalled everything that had transpired last night.
The courtyard was originally filled with life, but now, the presence of two only made it much livelier than before.
This was the best birthday he had ever since that fateful day.
This made him inevitably grow willful. Perhaps, it could be his new beginning from now on; his new leaf.
⊹ ˚✩ ━━━━━━━━━━━ ∘◦ ✥ ◦∘ ━━━━━━━━━━━ ✩˚ ⊹
✥ Choose your Ending:
END 1 | Choice: Do Nothing [都不做]
END 2 + 3 + 4 | Choice: Call Out [呼唤] ⊹Speak⊹
END 5 | Choice: Listen [倾听] ❖ASMR
END 6 + 7 | Choice: Heart-throb [心动] ✩Light & Night★
❖☆————— ⊹ For Night, For Causation⊹ —————★❖
Previous Part: (Prologue)
16 notes · View notes
jokertrap-ran · 3 years
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(光与夜之恋 Light and Night) Sariel’s 6✩ Inspiration: Waning Reminiscence [旧梦阑珊] Date Translation (END 1: Do Nothing)
“To him, the full moon was no longer a symbol of reunion; it was a malediction etched into his very heart.”
*Light and Night Master-list | Sariel’s Personal Masterlist *Spoiler free: Translations will remain under cut *Join the Light & Night Discord (^▽^)~ ♪ *This 6✩ Inspiration has 7 Endings!! *This Date comes after this Event (His 2021 BDAY)! Please read it first~ Requested by Anon! Reblogs and likes appreciated~ *Sariel’s tag will be #For Night, For Causation *T/N: Shatang (沙棠) is a plant with fruit that is used for traditional Chinese medicinal purposes. The fruit is seedless and similar to a cross between a pear and a red date. Usually sold in Chinese medicinal herb stores~ 
✥ Choice: Do Nothing [都不做]  
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Although I was worried sick about how the little lizard was faring, this was still my first time here on Lin Isle. 
There were many things I didn’t know, so it would be better if I didn’t throw my suggestions up onto the table.
I waited quietly. After a while, Sariel’s brows creased into a frown again as he turned to me.
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Sariel: Wait for me outside.
Sariel: I'll go in first, then we'll go to Kui Tower.
MC: Oh… Okay.
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A waiter led me back out to the outer hall and graciously served me some refreshments. The singer on the stage sang on as I sat in the hall. I lost track of how much time had passed.
It was near evening when Sariel reappeared. The little lizard was curled up sound asleep on his shoulder.
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We returned to Sariel’s courtyard. Dusk rapidly fell, elongating the shadows of the buildings on both sides of us.
Dark clouds hung low in the sky when night fell. Soon, it started to rain.
Sariel had left for the tea house once more not long after his return to the courtyard. Looks like Grandma Huai had asked him to go there again at a later hour.
I leant against the window sill lost in thought, watching the curtain of rain that blanketed the world from beneath the eaves.
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MC: He didn't take an umbrella with him, did he?
After thinking about it, I took an umbrella and a lantern with me as I set back out.
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Lin Isle was not equipped with electricity, and the moon had been obscured by the dark clouds. Surrounded by the black shadows of trees all around, the only light source was the faint light of my lantern.
The rain made the roads slippery and hard to manoeuvre, but I hurried on as fast as I could. I wanted to reach the tea house as soon as I could.
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The familiar golden bridge soon entered my vision. The tea house was surrounded by lantern lights, making it look exceptionally cosy.
I kept the umbrella away and was just about to knock on the door when it opened with a creak.
Sariel stood beneath the door frame, his pale locks made all warm-looking from the orange lights cast by the lanterns. He didn't look too surprised to see me here, only gently raising an eyebrow.
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Sariel: Why are you here?
MC: It's raining and you didn't bring an umbrella with you, so I'm here to pick you up.
Sariel: ...Who'd want to get picked up by you?
Sariel: I'll have to be the one going to look for you if you get lost.
MC: Why would I get lost when it's so close by? Besides, what happens if you brave the rain and get sick right after?
I softly retorted as I watched him close the door behind him. I curiously gave a fleeting glance at the crack in the door.
MC: You're done talking to Grandma Huai? Can we go now?
Sariel: Yes. Give me the umbrella.
He took the umbrella, made of waxed paper and a bamboo frame, from me. I raised the lantern, walking into the rainy night together with him.
The candlelight wavered along with the night breeze as the twin shadows on the ground wavered in response.
I looked at the light cast on the ground, quietly listening to the pitter-patter of the rain and the rustling of leaves. I couldn't stop the words that escaped my lips.
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MC: This feels a little unreal.
Sariel: What?
MC: I never thought that the day would come where I'd be walking in the mountains toting a lantern and an umbrella-like this.
MC: The markings of moss all around, quaint buildings and architecture, or should I say, the entirety of what makes Qingyun Swamp what it was...
MC: Everything in the past two days has left me feeling as if everything's just a dream.
Sariel: Aren't you just enacting what it is to be "amazed at the unknown"?
Taking advantage of the dim lights I whipped around and shot him an indignant glare.
Light and shadow danced upon his being, like a ripple in a lake, without a definite shape.
By the time I snapped back to my senses, I’d already raised my hand, tugging at his sleeve.
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Sariel: Hm?
MC: N-Nothing… What was I talking about again?
Sariel: You were saying that you found everything remarkable because you've never seen it before.
MC: As if!
MC: I remember now. I was talking about the Qingce Swamp.
MC: Truth to be told… I was a little afraid when I found out that we were going to be coming here.
MC: I mean, this place was one of legends; it’s a journey that I could never expect, even in my wildest dreams.
The cobblestone path beneath our feet was wet and slippery. I carefully proceeded onwards step by step while also being consciously aware of Sariel who stepped in tandem with me. I couldn’t stop the side of my lips from curling upwards.
MC: But the fear disappeared once I reached Shaqing Town. Everyone was friendly, and… you’re with me.
The trees rustled, and the wind seemed to howl stronger and stronger. Suddenly, my vision went dark.
The candlelight flickering within the lantern went out with a muted “poof”.
MC: !
The world was encased in neverending darkness. I subconsciously grabbed tightly onto Sariel’s hand.
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Sariel: Didn't you say that you weren't scared?
His voice held mirth that couldn’t be masked, but his tone was very warm.
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MC: I’m afraid of the dark! Don’t mix it up…
The night breeze blew on, blowing away some of the dark clouds. Several rays of moonlight managed to flicker through.
The fear that had seized me upon the sudden darkness that fell slightly dissipated with the influx of light. I was considering whether or not I should release my hold on him when I suddenly felt a warmth on the back of my hand.
Sariel: Hold on tighter if you're scared.
Sariel’s hand was always very warm, a stark contrast to the usual indifference in his eyes and the gloomy weather all around us. Just like a warm, dry, harbour; a warmth that people can’t help but want to snuggle up to.
I increased the strength behind my fingers, tightening my grip on his hand with a slightly red face.
Suddenly, I noticed that there was a rope around his wrist, and hanging from it was a rectangular packet holding something wrapped in waxed paper.
I gave a light cough and took the chance to change the topic.
MC: And what's this?
Sariel: Shatang* Crisps for you from Grandma Huai.
That was a snack that I’d eaten at the tea house during the day. I heard that it was something unique to Lin Isle.
She probably gave me some because of how much I loved it.
MC: So you went back to the tea house just to take these crisps? I thought you had some other business there?
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Sariel: ...I did have some business to tend to.
He responded lowly, thinking back to what happened back in the tea house earlier.
Grandma Huai: You specially brought her down to the tea house so that I could get a look at her, didn't you?
Sariel: Sorry for bothering you.
Grandma Huai: Meeting someone isn’t anything much to kick up a fuss about, but I do know what you’re thinking.
Grandma Huai: The world is ever-reaching, and the journey long; I wouldn’t necessarily be able to protect her even if I tried my best.
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Sariel: ...I know. I’m just being prepared just in case.
Grandma Huai: You don’t have to worry so much. That young lady isn’t as weak and fragile as you think.
Sariel nodded. Of course, he of all people knew that “weak and fragile” were words that could never be associated with one like you. But he still couldn’t help thinking about the far future, about everything she may encounter on the road ahead, and about how he wanted to extend some help to her where he could.
The pitter-patter of rain sounded from outside the windows. Looks like it was raining. A leaf fluttered in, falling into Grandma Huai’s outstretched palm.
It moved like a small paper man, whispering something into her ears. Grandma Huai laughed.
Grandma Huai: Looks like someone's here to pick you up.
Sariel looked out the window. He saw a faint blurry figure holding an umbrella in the distance, slowly getting closer.
The howling of wind got louder as the overhanging dark clouds were blown away. The moonlight shone brightly between the falling raindrops.
MC: Look, Sariel. The moon's out.
MC: Speaking of the moon, I just thought of something. You're one of the Spirit Tribe, and you've lived for such a long time now, which means the birthdays you celebrate should be based on the lunar calendar, right?
The girl raised her head. The light fell upon her eyes, like one of the many faraway stars.
He recalled the happenings of yesterday, back in the courtyard. She had also been as bright-eyed as she was now, looking up at the moon as she wished him a happy birthday.
MC: Doesn't that mean that your birthday falls on different days every year? This year's 1st of September's…
She stuck out her fingers, calculating it in all her seriousness. After doing it for a while, she realized that this wasn't something that could actually be calculated with a definitive answer. Slightly miffed by that, she looked back up at him.
MC: So which birthday did we celebrate yesterday?
His heart suddenly swelled.
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Sariel: Yesterday…
MC: Hm?
He looked at his silhouette, reflected in her eyes. He hesitated.
Sariel: My birthday wasn't actually yesterday.
MC: It wasn't? Do you mean the lunar calendar one, or the-
Sariel: Neither.
Sariel: My birthday was originally the 15th of August.
The girl was mortified.
She repeated the date under her breath over and over again, slightly dumbfounded at the revelation; but soon, she smiled.
MC: It’s a great day worthy of reunions and celebrations! Er, much better than the 1st of September, anyway!
Someone had also told him the same thing in the past, but it was untrue.
He still recalled that day from a long time ago. A banquet that had been forcibly halted, endless flames… and a bloodstained dress of fine, thin, silk.
To him, the full moon was no longer a symbol of reunion; it was a malediction etched into his very heart.
The sound of raindrops hitting the umbrella snapped him back to reality. Looking at the excitement written all over the girl’s face, he could pretty much guess what was on her mind.
How strange. Some things, she’d always want to get to the bottom off, and some things, she’d gently rouse back to the surface with a mere fleeting touch.
He set his mind before opening his mouth to speak once more.
Sariel: You’re thinking about how to bother me on the 15th of August now, aren’t you?
MC: What do you mean “bother”!? I’m trying to help you celebrate it!
Sariel: No need. I haven't celebrated that day in a long time now.
Sariel: Plus, I think that the 1st of September is much better.
The girl looked a little hesitant, but she nodded anyway.
MC: Since that’s how it is, then it’ll be best if I left the unique surprises I just thought up for you till the 1st of September next year.
MC: I was actually planning not to ask you about this, but… Why did you-
Seeing how she looked like someone trapped on the hot seat, he finally felt a sense of familiarity. She didn’t have to speak, for he already knew her question.
Sariel: Someone asked me to fill in my information in the past, so I chose the 1st of September on a whim.
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MC: You can't go doing that on a whim!
The girl widened her eyes in a huff. The moonlight fell onto her hair, casting an ethereal glow that made her attempt at being menacing fall into the negatives. Instead, she looked very soft.
Sariel suddenly recalled everything that had transpired last night.
The courtyard was originally filled with life, but now, the presence of two only made it much livelier than before.
This was the best birthday he had ever since that fateful day.
This made him inevitably grow willful. Perhaps, it could be his new beginning from now on; his new leaf.
⊹ ˚✩ ━━━━━━━━━━━ ∘◦ ✥ ◦∘ ━━━━━━━━━━━ ✩˚ ⊹
✥ Choose your Ending:
END 1 | Choice: Do Nothing [都不做]
END 2 + 3 + 4 | Choice: Call Out [呼唤] ⊹Speak⊹
END 5 | Choice: Listen [倾听] ❖ASMR
END 6 + 7 | Choice: Heart-throb [心动] ✩Light & Night★
❖☆————— ⊹ For Night, For Causation⊹ —————★❖
Previous Part: (Prologue)
15 notes · View notes
jokertrap-ran · 3 years
Hello~ it’s the anon who request Osborn’s black vs black (and exclusive model). Thank you so much for the translations😭 <3Hope you’re doing ok and taking care of yourself ^^
Hello and thank you for requesting~
I'm uh... coping... well HAHAHAA I hope they replace Evan's VA soon but the guy kinda... Vanished from the internet when everyone wants answers 💀
I hope you're doing well too anon! 🌹✨
Next on the request list is Sariel's 2021 Bday, then I'll get to your next request of Osborn's Exclusive Model!
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