#Sasha Blaus was so real actually
angelfruittree · 9 months
Ever since I made those potato’s I’ve been making potato’s improving every day we really don’t think about the inherent horniness of potato’s and I think we could do better I just think I could do better so everyday I’m making roast potatoes
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This is a Zeke X Levi fanfic.
(This kinda turns into Hanji X Levi but I was planning it as I was writing sooo)
(I changed how the story actually goes a little, just a little heads up)
My blade’s handle was ice. Or, maybe, it was my body going numb.
“Levi, listen,” His words filled my ears with warmth. “Run. He’ll kill you. Rei-” Crimson choked from his mouth. His eyes were sad, fearful until I looked into them with a mirrored expression.
“He’s not here! Not yet!” I screamed.
He shifted and the blade protruding from his stomach went farther trough. He gasped from the pain.
“Please Levi.” Clear liquid covered his face. “Sweat,” I thought. “No, tears.” I reached up and felt my own face, covered as well.
“I can’t fight for humanity anymore…” I let my voice crack. I let the emotions that had bottled up be shown, just once for the man I adored. “Let me fight for you.” I lowered my head so only he could hear and whispered,
“Zeke… I love you.”
I awoke with a start.
“Levi! Levi!” Hanji stood over me, shaking me awake.
“What is it fou- three eyes?”
She sighed and placed her hand over her heart. “I thought you had died, Levi!” She let out a laugh and continued. “Good job killing the beast titan. Another titan took the armored, though.” She placed a hand on her chin.
“I must’ve passed out.” I reply, groggily.
Another laugh. “Yeah! Ya did!” A hand around my arm, “We’d better go grab the runts, huh?”
The cold, hard grass cracked at my feet.
“That’s it!” Springer yells.
I look up from the ground to see a wide expanse of blue. I’d tried to remember what I was thinking about, but the ocean pulled it away with the tide.
Before i could stop myself, I was on my knees. Tears streamed off of my face as I clenched my teeth. I gripped the dead grass tight, uprooting fistfuls. I’d been here before.
“You can’t, you can’t!” His voice growled as he yelled. “I’m the enemy, remember? Yeah, all of your friends? I killed them!”
He continued to ramble on, but I had heard enough.
“Shut up!” Anger consumed the sadness. I pushed my blade deeper into him. He shrieked in pain, apologizing, screaming and sobbing, knowing what I was going to do next. Pulling out my other sword, I shoved it into his head… and regretted it. He had let his guard down. And I had let him down. Why a “thank you” formed on his lips before they had gone pale I can’t explain.
“N-No! Zeke! Please! No!” I yelled, hoping it would make him come back. “Why? What the h*ll is wrong with you?!” I shook his unmoving body, until black filled the corners of my eyes. The heavy wind was nearly a breeze. “No. What’s wrong with me?”
“You go on ahead, I don’t think I can stand.”
“Humanity’s strongest soldier can’t stand?” Whatever she said next was was a blur, because my mind had shot back to what I had said mere hours before.
“Whaddaya think?” Hanji looked at me expectantly.
“Huh? Oh… yeah.”
“Whaaa?!” Her eyes grew wide. “Levi! Snap outta it! Reiner is a bad guy! He doesn’t deserve forgiveness!” She stuck up her chin and folded her arms. Shooting me a glance, she spun to face the door and left.
“Corporal! Are you alright?” Armin had climbed out of the water and was at my side, worry eating at his face. He can’t bare the real facts. He’s not a snitch, but just a kid. His grip on my arm shook.
“Yeah, yes,” I stood and wiped my grass stained knees. Clearing my throat I added, “Are we going to… cross?”
The tension grew with the silence.
“Ackerman? Heard about you. Never thought you were real,” I had gone outside of the walls on a scouting thingy. “What are you doing? Outside of the walls?” This mysterious man continued.
“Isn’t it obvious?” I motioned towards my clothes, and my gear.
He scowled like my answer wasn’t good enough for him. Before any words exited his mouth, horse hooves hitting the ground echoed from behind us.
“Good luck.” He said before running off back into the forest.
“Levi!” Erwin jumped from his horse and ran to me. “What are you doing? Titans have been spotted!”
“I saw a citizen wandering outside of the walls.”
“I was just in the heat of the moment,” I rest my head lightly on the pillow, seeing if the pain was still there, or if it was bearable enough to relax. “I’m not swooning for the bad guy. And I’m going to fight for humanity till my last breath,” My thoughts grew quiet as my heart beat filled my ears. “I’m not in love.”
The candle set on the window made of bars flashed orange onto the note on the floor. “Not with him.”
“Only you, Levi.” Hanji’s eyes burnt into the back of my head.
“Me? Three eyes, are you feeling fine?” I whipped my head around to face her, expecting a cold, dead expression. Instead, a smile danced across her lips.
“No Levi! We don’t have a plan yet!” She burst into laughter, which usually infuriated me, but my mind was somewhere else. Zeke had jumped into my mind. What would he be doing, if he wasn’t… if I hadn’t…
“Sorry.” I say. Erwin raises an eyebrow, but doesn’t say anything. I grab my horse and ignore his looks.
“Levi?” He begins.
“Don’t we have somewhere to be? Titans are attacking.” I interrupt.
“Isn’t there a citizen outside of the walls? We should-“
“One person or the entire scout regiment?”
Jumping on his horse, he motions for me to follow him. Shooting me occasional glances, we ride back to the center of formation. Who was he?
I wasn’t dozing off, not yet. I haven’t read this note, the note everyone thinks is the reason why the colossal and armored attacked, and who made them. But I knew what it was. The confession of how he felt towards me. It was about the plans we made to see each other when he left, or when the war died down.
“Why’d I do it?” I wiped the tears that had fell down my face. No more stalling. I grab the note off of the floor and tore it open.
“Levi. Don’t be mad. Please, it’s all I ask. Read through and kill me if you need to, but I want you to know how I feel.”
“Tsk,” I wiped him from my mind. “Well, let’s go back.” I turned to face the way we came.
“Levi! You haven’t even touched the water yet!” Hanji tried to grab my arm but I pulled out of her grasp.
“It’s probably poisonous.” I snap at her.
She scowls and grips my shoulders, spinning me to face her. Her eye was cold as her words shot into my body, freezing me. “It’s because of him isn’t it?”
I feel my face go pale. “I don’t know what you’re talking about, Hanj.” I stare at her chest, not daring to meet her gaze.
“Haven’t seen you in a while.” swords drawn, I circle the beast titan, now back to human.
“Am I a refreshing sight?” He smirks and follows me with his eyes.
“I can’t believe that ugly of a titan was human,” I stand still. “Didn’t expect that.” I point the tip of my blade to his torso, which was rather muscular.
His smirk was wiped by confusion, covering his face with red.
“Tsk,” Embarrassment filled every inch of me. “Stop staring like that.” I yell.
“Yeah,” He looks away as I drop my defensive posture. “You gonna leave it at that, eh?”
“Shut up.” My face burnt hot, causing me to look to my feet. My hands began to shake as I hear his footsteps slowly recede. “D*mmit! You could’ve killed him!” I squeeze through my teeth. “Would you have?”
“I didn’t want to think of you as anything more than an enemy, but I don’t think of any of you that way. Please, a few more years and I’ll tell everyone the truth. That’s not what this letter is about though. It’s about how I don’t think of you as a devil, but as a lover. You don’t know anything that happens across the ocean, but we hate you. I can’t tell you much more but I can tell you that I love you and I always have. You do have a bit of charm behind that menacing front. Signed, Zeke Jaeger,”
Tears filled my eyes. He loved me? I thought it was one sided, I thought that he wouldn’t care about love, I thought that the true reason he said I can’t love him is because he didn’t feel the same back. It would be easier if that were true.
“Because of Zeke,” I flick her forehead. Moving her hand to rub the bruise I left, I pull out of her arms. “The beast titan? No, Hanj.”
My body was violently shaking the way it had when he was around. “That’s crazy.”
“What’s crazy is that you thought you could hide it for this long,” a tear slipped down her cheek, and an urge to wipe it away swept over me. “I thought we… I thought you…” furrowing her eyebrows, she wiped the tears away herself. “I saw the way you looked at him Levi. When Erwin told you his plan to kill him, you were shocked. Why? Why, Levi? You held back. You could’ve killed him but you held back. And when you were describing him, yeah? Remember? When you met him first. What was that look? Huh? Why’d you look sad? Why’d you pull away from me? I just,” She shook her head. “I thought I loved you.”
“Haven't seen you in a while? What did that mean?” Hanji rubbed her chin. “What else ya got Levi?”
“That’s it.” I cross my arms.
“May I ask a question? Why didn’t you attack?” She looked at me expectantly. The feeling that washed over me when I pointed at his edged frame hit me again. “I ran out of blades.”
She looked hurt. “So are ya sure you’ve never seen him before, I mean, ever?”
“Tsk. When we fought his titan form.”
“Alright, I guess I’ll go…”
“Wait! Hanj, I…” I sighed. “I have seen him once before.” What was the point of lying? What did I have to hide?
Years had passed. Since we had reached the ocean. Since Hanji smiled her dopey smile when she caught me staring. Since she cared about me.
But I didn’t need her to. I had somebody else.
“You look the same as always, Levi.” Zeke says.
“Yeah? Well I can’t say you aged well.” My eyes met his for a brief moment before I looked away.
“I’ve missed you. A lot.”
Most people on the airship glances over, shocked looks on their faces from overhearing, but quickly looked away. Eren didn’t seem to even notice we were talking.
“Sasha’s dead!” Connie bursts through the door, sobbing and shaking.
“Blaus?” I think. Grief fills my face and body for a second, shock sinking to the bottom of my stomach.
I quickly fix myself and let Springer and Kirschtein react for me. That was the eighth death on this mission. I could’ve saved them, if I had been faster. I could’ve saved her.
Everything around me was blurry and dizzying but I stayed calm and collected. And I hoped Hanji had seen. I had changed, for her.
“Hanji. I don’t… I don’t love him. I promise, promise.” I say, placing a hand on her shoulder.
“I hate you, Levi! I’ve never liked you! I just put up with you because I had to! I had to, you hear me?! I hate you!” She screamed, hitting a low I’d thought she’d never feel, she was such a happy person. Her tears had reddened her bright eye.
“No! Shut up!” She balled her hands into fists. “For once! Show me something!” Her fist hit my cheek and sent me to the ground. Pain surged like a heartbeat through my face. But what hurt more were her words. I looked at the kids, who stood wading in the water. Blood fell from my mouth like the tears fell from my eyes.
“On top of a roof?” Hanji has her notes out and was scribbling every word I said down.
“Yeah, Four Eyes, how many times do I have to say it?”
“Oh, Levi! We don’t want any discrepancies in our data!”
“Tsk,” I smiled, but turned away so she couldn’t see. “Nerd.”
“Yeah…. I am a nerd,” She set down her book and placed her hand on mine. “At least a cute one, right?”
“A nerd with dirty glasses, when did you last wash those things? How do you see?” She pulled her hand away. I turned back to her to see a frown.
“It seems that I put ‘forest’ instead of ‘roof’.”
We buried Sasha and the others who had passed. Hanji wasn’t there. As the commander, everyone thought she was busy. Four years later and she’s still angry. No, not angry.
“Sad.” Jean said.
“Don’t you think it’s a little more than sad, Jean?” Connie was tearing up. “Just a little more?”
I knocked on the door to her office.
“Come in!” She yelled.
The door clicked and her eyes met mine. “Hanj,”
“Levi. Go. Please… leave me alone.” Her eyes twitched like the tears falling down to her desk burnt.
“Don’t hate me forever. I need…” I squeezed my eyes close. “You.” I whispered.
“W-what?” She whispered lightly, just loud enough for me to hear.
“I need you, Hanji! I always have! I’ve thought about you everyday! Hate me, Hanji! That’s okay! But please, be by me again! If you could bare me for all of those years before just bare me for the few years I’ve got left!” I cried. “Please! I love you! So much...”
“I guess that counts as you showing me something, huh?” She’s stood up from her desk and walked over to me.
We stare at each other for a moment, until the want gets too hard to bare. I put my hand behind her head and pull her in, squeezing her lips onto mine. I close my eyes and let her place her hands on my back.
Zeke and I sat alone in the back of the carriage.
“So, you didn’t die, big guy?” I glanced at him, arms crossed.
“I couldn’t, not without ever doing this,” He stood, unmoving even though the carriage had hit rocks dotting the road. “I love you, Levi,”
Before he could grab my hand and sit by me, “You can’t,” Pain. I looked to his face and all that was there was pain. Had I really said it? I wondered if that’s how I looked when those words had hit me. Had I meant it?
“She special to you?” I had zoned out while Zeke was talking to me.
“Hmm? Who?”
“That Hanji girl.”
“Oh, uh, yeah,” I feel my cheeks blush up. “Was I really talking about her?”
I wiggle my toes into the sand. “It’s gorgeous…”
“What? The ocean? When you come home with me we can watch the waves every night.”
I stared out into the sunset. I sigh. “I should probably get going…”
“I could help you get back it’d be faster.”
“I don’t want to risk you getting caught. And what would my horse do?”
He chuckled. “Don’t get eaten.” He elbowed me in the ribs and stood. He reached a hand to help me up and soon I was back on my horse, riding back to the walls.
“I need to stop doing this.”
When I reached the walls Hanji was waiting for me.
“Levi! What were you thinking?!” She gripped my arm. “What if there were titans?! We go as a group for a reason, Levi!”
“I’m strong enough, Four Eyes.” I pulled out of her grip.
“There’s too much blood!”
“Levi! God, please! Wake up!”
“Hey. Levi,”. I turned to see Erwin. “So, did you find what was in that basement?” He shot me a warm smile.
“Bandages! Hurry! We can’t lose him!”
“Yeah. There are people outside of the walls.” I returned his smile with one of my own.
“Captain Levi!” That voice. Petra. “We missed you so much!” She hugged me tight.
“Hey, Captain. I got along as a leader pretty well while you were gone.” Eld says, his fists placed firmly on his sides.
“Oh, shut up! You know you cried for Captain Levi when you had to take charge!” Petra punched him playfully in the ribs.
I smile at them, nodding to Oluo and Gunther, who were never as emotional as Petra and Eld.
“Wrap it around the wound!”
When I was about to talk again, a hand placed firmly on my shoulder. Erwin, again, but not only him, I recognize the former members of the scout regiment. Tears well up in my eyes.
“Erwin? How?”
“The wounds too big! It won’t work!”
Another warm smile, but no words. He reaches out his hand and I take it.
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