cr0ss0versaga · 9 months
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este dia cumplo 16 años y les dejo un dibujo que hice hace meses
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cr0ss0versaga · 1 year
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otro dibujo de Cross-Over: en busca de talento, con un nuevo estilo de dibujo
another drawing of Cross-Over: in search of talent, with a new drawing style
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cr0ss0versaga · 1 year
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a possible new art style
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cr0ss0versaga · 2 years
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ENGLISH: I don't know what the purple doll is called, but here we are in a new sequel to the Cross-Over universe in English and Spanish! that tells the story of Saufrenea, a poor girl who arrived in a magical world called Planet Earth
ESPAÑOL: no se como se llama el muñeco purpura, pero aqui estamos en una nueva secuela del universo de Cross-Over en Ingles y español! que relata la historia de una pobre niña que llego a un mundo magico llamado planeta Tierra
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cr0ss0versaga · 2 years
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Saufrenea the Stalker
Species: Alien Human (Hominid Monster)
Gender: female(?)
Age: 14
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cr0ss0versaga · 2 years
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what is written in English is below in red font
ella es saufrenea, es una anti-heroe y uno de los personajes de la secuela del universo Cross-Over, es una niña huerfana con muy mala vista, tiene poderes super extraños.
Aunque tiene mala vista, puede detectar movimientos o sonidos hasta 50 metros a su alrededor y por eso le dicen que puede "verte" a través de cualquier pared, tiene poderes psicóticos como convertir un objeto en otro, manipular el cerebro de cualquier ser vivo, etc.
saufrenea es muy difícil de matar o podría ser inmortal, se vuelve fuerte cuando entra en contacto o consume cualquier tipo de veneno o radiación
La sangre de esta chica puede quemarte si la tocas, pero lo raro es que ni siquiera deja una marca de quemadura en tu piel.
Su origen no está muy claro ya que dijo que era una extraterrestre que fue acusada de muerte por ser diferente o por algo que no hizo y que años después se reencarnó como humana para vengarse y por eso se quedó ciega o algo así.
Especie de monstruo animal: extraterrestre humano (Monstruo hominido)
Edad: 14
Genero: hembra(?)
apodos: niña loca, chucky, la acosadora, hombre, la niña del aro, la rarita, especimen No 09, la indestructible,ex-alien etc.
personalidad: energetica, loca, extrovertida, demente, abusiva, burlona, presumida, hyper inteligente, timida, distraida, se enoja facilmente, autista, inquieta, cruel (a veces)
Religión: Politeista
le gusta: matar alienigenas para luego comerselos, robar, hacer amigos, vengarse, hacer bullying, que la gente la cuide, hacer trampa, coleccionar huesos de sus victimas, conservar el medio ambiente, viejar a traez de otros planetas, corromper
No le gusta: heroes, agua bendita, extraterrestres, contaminacion, insectos(les da miedo), gente que le cae ma y.... otras cosas que no se
Miembro del equipo: El escuadron masoquista
she is saufrenea, one of the characters in the sequel to the Cross-Over universe, she is a human girl with very poor eyesight, she has super strange powers, she is very crazy, active and outgoing
Although he has poor eyesight, he can detect movements or sounds up to 50 meters around her and for this reason she is told that he can "see" you through any wall, she has psychotic powers such as turning one object into another, manipulating the brain of any living being, etc.
Saufrenea is very hard to kill or could be immortal, she becomes strong when she comes in contact with or consumes any kind of poison or radiation
This girl's blood can burn you if you touch it, but the weird thing is that she doesn't even leave a burn mark on your skin.
The origin of her is not very clear since she said that she was an alien who was accused of death for being different or for something she did not do and that years later she reincarnated as a human to take revenge and for that reason she went blind. or something like that.
Animal Monster Species: Alien Human (Hominid Monster)
Age: 14
Gender: female(?)
nicknames: crazy girl, chucky, the stalker, man, the ring girl, the weirdo, specimen No 09, the indestructible, ex-alien etc.
Personality: Energetic, crazy, outgoing, insane, abusive, teasing, conceited, hyper-intelligent, shy, absent-minded, easily angered, autistic, restless, cruel (sometimes)
Religion: Polytheistic
likes: killing aliens and then eating them, stealing, making friends, getting revenge, bullying, having people take care of her, cheating, collecting bones from her victims, conserving the environment, traveling through other planets, corrupt
Dislikes: heroes, holy water, aliens, pollution, insects (it scares her), people she doesn't like and… other things I don't know
Team Member: The Masochist Squad
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cr0ss0versaga · 2 years
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she is saufrenea, she is crazy child, she is blind and one of the cross-over universe future character, she is indestructuble (inmortal more or less) and the most powerful!!!!
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