#Savri Nam
variousfandoms · 2 months
Initiate Job - Chapter 1 - KnotFaries - Star Wars - All Media Types [Archive of Our Own]
This feels weird, but I've been super excited about this. It's the backstory for my favorite OC, Savri Nam. I just finished up the stretch of getting her into the Jedi Order.
The rest will be an exploration of Jedi culture starting a year before the Phantom Menace.
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variousfandoms · 11 months
New Oc's
Okay, so I have new Oc’s for my fanfic. These are Savri’s friends, and between the ages of 17 to 20 they are basically a three team heist crew. 
Tulaz Jenta is a nightsister. She’s the oldest, maybe five years older than Savri. She’s scowly, meticulous, and high strung. She has the reputation for being a loner with little connection to her family on Dathomir or friends from her life as an assassin. But she’s trying to break down some wall, be a healthier person by making friends with a less (hopefully non) fatal career in burglary. She’s often frustrated with Nedia’s and Savri’s “trust in the force and yourself” kind of planning, but she likes their company and their outlook on the force and life. 
Nedia Dagderm is a Miraluka. She generally believes in “trusting the force” in most aspects of her life, and unfortunately for Tulaz this includes her driving. She a little younger than Savri, roughly a year younger. She comes across as the most reckless, but when you can tap into the force to understand miles of surroundings, predict patterns of behavior, and get a general vibe check of your actions, and have been doing this since birth, it’s really not that bad. This in depth understanding and use of the force is why her and Savri are friends. Both struggle to articulate to people outside of their experience just how connected they are to the force, and they have a bond very similar to the Temple Guards, albeit a lot less intrusive and hivemind like. She’s sweet and calm, which contrasts how you get flung around in her speeder, and always open to new friends. 
I guess I should mention Savri is the mastermind and grifter in their crew, and has a preference for flexible outlines, but if they flex too much she becomes stressed and snappish. Together they have a stronger force bond then normal friends, with the ability to send strong impressions between all three (Savri and Nedia can even do short phrases or vague images) and when they choose to or not to use the force is completely arbitrary to how much fun they think it will be. For example, they rarely use repelling lines up because it’s more fun to yeet yourself with the force, but they always use them on the way down because it’s just more thrilling that way. During the Clone War when they learn about the Jedi Mind Trick (Name Trademarked by Obi-wan Kenobi) they still don’t use it because grifting is more fun. They absolutely trained some weird force push/pulls to do some crazy stunts with a speeder, and they found that they can pick some truly insane locks and crack the most over the top safes if they all use the force together, their force bond, and some questionably legal chemicals.
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variousfandoms · 1 year
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Some sketches of the padawan oc. Just some flat colors. A little bit of shading for face.
Her name is Savri Nam. Her natural force abilities focus on empathy and connection, to the point she created a psychic bond with the temple after a Temple Guard told her it was possible. This is also the reason she is with the Jedi Order.
At seven years old her parents abandon her at the temple, and while they were trying to enroll her in one of the specific schools/foster homes for force sensitive children, she was staying at the temple. The Temple Guard who found her mentioned that temple guards sometimes have a hard time with 'individual identity' due to their very literal connection with the temple that leads to a pseudo-hive mind (uh, force sensitives are kind of eldritch creatures, it's fine). In all the intelligence that a seven-year-old has (which is surprisingly a lot, it just never focuses in an intelligent place) she tries to bond with the temple, and then dose. The Council of Reassignment decided to just keep her after that. She'll probably grow out of it eventually.
She eventually ends up as Master Brosam Gumhutc's padawan (who's life was equally chaotic) , who is a Shadow and part of a crew of theives. This is where this all becomes a Leverage Fusion AU. She never learns the Jedi Mind Trick™ (it was Obi-wan who trademarked it on behalf of the Order) because she learned to be a grifter and a forger and sometimes people question if her Master is even force sensitive, he is, we swear, it's just been a while since he's done anything visibly force manipulate-y.
Her main form is Makashi, because she learned the basics at from Count Dooku during a con when he was trying to be a good little politican and fund public sports for younglings, except they aren't called younglings outside of the order, but there are other people who give their children metal swords instead of super hot light/plasma/somthing swords and call it a sport. So yeah, Count Dooku taught fencing for a bit, and it's a lot like Makashi. He also introduced Savri and historical fencing manuals, and Savri's lightsaber instructors after that will never forgive Dooku.
Durring the Clone Wars she is devestated to find out Dooku is part of CIS, as she belived he was genuinely trying to change the corrupt system when she had last seen him, and to find out he is siding with anti-union conglomerates in this power grab is horrible. And his own apprentice isn't getting a living wage, healthcare, or paid time off. (it takes her a stupid long time to realize Dooku is a sith lord)
She works with the Courant Guard in data analytics/gathering and code breaking. She's only been ropped into a few diplomatic missions, since she once got arrested for assaulting a senator, a police officer (the starwars equivelent), and a private citizen (he was CEO of something). She is also constantly and loudly critical of the senate, all politicans really, but she has to deal with the senate the most.
Her favorite show as a youngling was the Muppets, and once put the theme song on repeat for 40 hours to get Anakin to leave her alone.
I'd love feedback, tell me if you want to know more.
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variousfandoms · 1 year
Clone wars AU I’m writing: the Corusant gaurd works with Jedi shadows. As far as the war goes, this means collecting, analyzing and processing intelligence and data (this leads to shenanigans in itself)
Unfortunately, as a side effect of the war there are less Jedi Knights to deal with the eldritch force bs that comes with a planet with such a high concentration of force users.
This means whenever something weird and force related happens on planet the council of first knowledge grabs an available Jedi Shadow and a group of guards to fix the issue.
In this AU Papatine is arrested for embezzling military funds.
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