#Saw a mutual rb from one of the problem people I used to be friends with and my mood ended up dropping for some reason
white-nolse · 4 months
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homosociallyyours · 4 years
Hey, Megan, can I offer a slightly different perspective on the rb/like situation? So, not a day goes by where I'm not creating: edits, manips, fic, whatever. But I just don't post it much anymore. Because when you get no response it feels like what you're creating is bad and no one likes it. So I share what I do with my best friend and that's fine with me, I'm okay with my audience of 1. But I think the problem is when people complain abt lack of content yet show no support when they get it.
Hey friend!
I feel you on this for sure. As a writer it is hard when something I've worked hard on gets little attention. And it absolutely contributed to my lack of motivation to write in my previous fandom.
I think for me the thing is the guilt tripping that happens sometimes that feels manipulative and shitty. And to single out people who liked something but didn't necessarily share it feels like misdirected anger? Someone saw something you made and maybe it made them smile. They hit the heart button and it floated up. It's unlikely that they were acting maliciously.
I think maybe I want something that's just more honest, like sending content to other creators and asking them to boost it or tagging "please rb I could really use the support" or even just going to friends/a gc/a blog you like and sharing the post there. Because so much contributes to a post not getting attention-- time zones, fandom happenings (i.e. posting content 10 minutes before a surprise announcement), a flood of other content that just happens to strike a nerve differently, and so many individual factors --that putting it all down as a failing of the audience seems unfair.
And in many ways posts about not reblogging aren't directed to me. I reblog what I feel like and frequently comment on fic and message fan artists to tell them I appreciate their work. When I see that a friend/beloved mutual has made content themselves, I almost always reblog it bc I want to support them/am proud of them.
Also we all have different lines about this stuff too, like what's the point where the notes are enough? It varies from person to person, and sometimes I wonder when I like an art post with 200 notes but don't rb it for whatever reason if that's a post they look at and go "yayy 200 notes!!" or the kind of post that makes them want to shutter up their blog and not create again. (At the end of the day I had to stop being concerned about it, bc I tend to take on other people's feelings when I don't actually need to. I realize that's my own issue 🙃)
Anywayyy I wish you felt like sharing your work here more, and if you ever decide to please send it to me so I can hype it up for you!! I've appreciated every edit I've ever seen from you (that I remember) and I hate that you didn't get the praise that you deserve.
But I still feel like interacting with other people's content comes down to the individual and should never feel like work or something anyone does out of only obligation. I want a medium place.
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