#Honestly at this point I just want to scream the names of those who stole stuff from me and friends
white-nolse · 7 months
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solecize · 5 months
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  ㅤㅤㅤㅤㅤㅤㅤㅤ  𝐓𝐇𝐄 𝐅𝐀𝐑𝐌𝐇𝐎𝐔𝐒𝐄 | 𝐣𝐮𝐧𝐠𝐤𝐨𝐨𝐤 𝐱 𝐫𝐞𝐚𝐝𝐞𝐫
𝐒𝐔𝐌𝐌𝐀𝐑𝐘. every summer on your grandpa's farm was real-life magic to your younger self, who left a piece of her heart in amber valley when the years went on and the town became nothing but a faint childhood memory. soon enough, you become rocked by his death and realize the dead end in your bustling city world. this leads to you making an abrupt decision. despite knowing nothing but designer purses and the corporate ladder, you uproot your entire life to take over your grandfather's old farm in the town you were desperately trying to remember - alongside a familiar face from your youth that permanently finds his way into your heart. 𝐏𝐀𝐈𝐑𝐈𝐍𝐆: jungkook/reader 𝐓𝐀𝐆𝐒. inspired heavily by stardew valley, friends to lovers, childhood friends, cowboy jungkook, small town alternate universe, slice of life, grief, growing up, mutual pining, jungkook as a parental figure 𝐖𝐎𝐑𝐃 𝐂𝐎𝐔𝐍𝐓. 9k 𝐍𝐎𝐓𝐄𝐒. i don't even know what to say. i normally don't talk a lot and i'm mostly very unserious, but this is the last chapter of the farmouse and honestly, i'm super emotional about it. i'm really grateful for those of you who took the time to read and support this fic, every kind word has meant everything to me. i wrote this fic during a tough time when i needed warmth and joy, so i hope that this fic was able to bring even just a little bit of that for you while reading. (the writing of this chapter was quite literally delayed because my three year relationship ended midway through lol) this was also my first piece of writing in years and it's safe to say that i was able to fall in love with writing again because of this fic, so it'll always hold a special place in my heart. thank you times a hundred again <3 
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part ten: the midsummer festivalㅤㅤㅤㅤㅤㅤㅤㅤ   ㅤㅤㅤㅤㅤㅤㅤㅤ   ㅤㅤㅤㅤㅤㅤㅤㅤㅤㅤㅤㅤㅤㅤ  ㅤㅤㅤㅤㅤㅤ ㅤ   previous. epilogue. masterlist
  xxiv. the midsummer festival
squeezing through bodies in the stands, it took all of your focus to not drop the popcorn and drinks wedged in your arms. you should have asked someone to come with you, but you were in such a rush, not wanting to miss a thing. finally, you made it to your seat, plopping yourself in between jiwon and yoongi, and your eyes remained fixed on the lawn the entire time.
  amber valley had the most beautiful days you’d ever laid eyes on and today was no exception. you weren’t sure if it was because of the natural charm in the sleepy town or a biased sense of nostalgia towards the countryside that you carried. the midsummer festival was held at the peak of the season, where humidity was as thick as honey and not a single cloud escaped being casted away from the cerulean of the sky. you had no choice but to throw on a tank top and shorts because anything else would feel like suffocation.
  “i didn’t miss anything, did i?” you didn’t mean to scream, but there was no other way for your voice to beat the crowd amongst yourselves.
  jiwon shook her head, her hair splaying from underneath the baseball hat that she so obviously stole from her brother. “no!”
  the show-jumping competition was one of the newest additions to the fair and it proved to be one of the most popular. not only did the majority of the town come out to observe, but the fair also drew in an impressive number of visitors from elsewhere - some of which attended the fair specifically to watch the show-jumping. 
  “LETS GO KOOKIE!” screamed hoseok at the top of his lungs, holding up a customized poster board with a printed picture of jungkook and leo, depicting the words ‘go jungkook!’
  yoongi groaned, “can you sit down? they haven’t even finished setting up for the jump-off yet.”
  at this point in the competition, it was down to jungkook and another competitor, a man a few years younger named yesung. up until now, they both achieved the same score after the round performance and both cleared nearly perfect showings. the jump-off was a shortened course with tighter turns and higher jumps, intended to break the tie and determine the winner.
  the crowd began cheering when jungkook and yesung reappeared, standing and waiting for instructions. you found jungkook adorable in his outfit, a dark green show jacket and breeches that emphasized his leg muscles. you had to catch yourself from staring too hard at his thighs because it seemed like yoongi caught you, waving a hand in front of your face with a snicker. you only glared at him.
  it was mayor kim with the microphone, explaining the rules to the crowd. “and, to decide the order for performance, we have conducted a random draw. as a result, we will see. . .choi yesung go first!” he proclaimed, eliciting another round of cheers from the crowd.
  from where you stood, you noticed jungkook naturally relax his shoulders. for that, you also breathed out a sigh of relief. he stepped away to where leo was, making way for yesung to complete his round.
  when it was time to begin, everyone rose to their feet. from what you saw and heard of yesung, he was also a well-seasoned equestrian. he wasn’t as decorated as jungkook, but he had the advantage of winning the last show-jumping competition in the spring. you didn’t realize jungkook was out for vengeance, but he was indeed looking to reclaim his name.
  every fraction of a second mattered in the jump-off round and so, your eyes were glued. the pressure was on and you watched yesung charge ahead. he decided to take some risky turns, likely to shave off time. the first one was executed perfectly and you nearly jumped at the second, challenging turn. it was not calculated well, as it resulted in a rail down at the penultimate fence.
  “oh shit!” one of the boys yelped, watching the unfortunate accident. 
  yeung finished the course at a respectable, but flawed time. it was shame, since his speed and ability could have easily secured a victory. he knew it, too, judging by the disappointment in his eyes. you almost felt bad for him, if it wasn’t jungkook off to the side and gearing up for his turn.
  now, it was jiwon screaming as loud as she could. “YOU CAN DO IT!” she screeched, cheering for her brother and you joined in. 
  already mounted on leo, jungkook looked up, right at your section. he gave a small wave and you all went wild - even mrs. oh, who brought her own sign to cheer him on. you guys weren’t the only ones, though, as it seemed that jungkook was a favourite amongst fans.
  “jeon jungkook, jeon jungkook, jeon jungkook,” chanted the boys and you weren’t sure who started it, but you also began chanting, too.
  he readied himself and at the sound of the horn, blasted off. the tensions were thicker, with the stakes at hand and the pressure on a seasoned competitor looking to re-establish himself. you couldn’t imagine the weight of the crowd under the beating of the july sun, considering the heat made you already down your water bottle by the first hour of the competition and were in half the clothing jungkook was in. between you and jiwon was a shared usb handheld fan, as the two of you silently took turns holding it - eyes too glued to the show and shouting jungkook’s name.
  he was fast and sharp, yet every movement of his was so well thought out. at full force was a risky approach, but was so far bearing perfect results. you felt your heartbeat getting louder and louder, making your head pound with adrenaline. the last few seconds, the world became quiet and all you could focus on was jungkook. then, the eruption snapped you back into reality.
  if someone was somehow not on their feet watching the final round of the show, they certainly were now, as jungkook zoomed to the end with no flaws and an incredible time. even you had to blink a few times, trying to see the time recorded clearly and realize your eyes were not deceiving you.
  “there’s no way that’s not a record!” you heard jimin exclaim and you didn’t doubt him.
  there was a hushed murmur over the crowd, as mayor kim stepped to the podium once more. tapping the microphone a few times, you and the rest of the crowd winced at the feedback that came with it. then, mayor kim spoke.
  “ladies and gentlemen. . .” he begun, loud and clear.
  jungkook was still catching his breath to the side, having yet to even take off his helmet. all eyes were peeled on mayor kim, as he took an extra pause for dramatics. if you weren’t also about to jump right out from your skin, you’d roll your eyes.
  “. . we have a winner AND a record setting time. jeon jungkook, young man, please join me on this stage.”
  no longer holding your breath, you roared along with your friends and the earth practically rumbled. jungkook’s smile was as bright as the day, as he whooped in response and raised his fist in the air. you were filled with nothing but joy. 
  before he stepped up onto the stage, jungkook displayed his integrity by walking towards yesung and enthusiastically shake the other man’s hand. yesung didn’t look too upset, more bewildered at the quality of performance that his opponent put on. they exchanged words, smiles reaching their eyes.
  “that’s my brother!” screamed jiwon, as if no one knew the obvious.
  jungkook then took mayor kim’s hand in one and attempted to balance his new, golden trophy with the other arm. in a split second, your friends, jiwon, and the oh family began filing out of the stands and you could hear hoseok yelling for you to follow. you widened your eyes, shuffling out of your seat as quickly as possible.
  of course, jiwon was the fastest and made it to the lawn first. she squealed, as jungkook embraced her in a hug and spun her around. the cheers didn’t falter and only grew when namjoon and taehyung momentarily put jungkook on their shoulders.
  you trailed behind everyone, nearly stumbling on your way down. you couldn’t see much, tiptoeing as far as you could. the chatter was still loud, but then the small crowd parted as you heard jungkook call out. it was your name. he was calling for you to come to the front.
  “oooooh,” someone said, but you ignored it.
  there was no doubt in your mind that your cheeks were a cherry red, but you refused to look anyone in the eye - even jungkook. you and your friends gathered around the podium with jungkook, as the event photographer asked you to move closer for a picture. everyone made way for you, as jungkook gestured for you to be the one on his right side, while jiwon and mrs. oh were on his left. 
  “congratulations,” you finally said, straining for your voice to be heard over the cheers. you still did not meet his eyes, finding yourself in a kind of shyness that was unknown to your normally headstrong personality.
  that was something that came natural to jungkook, having an innate ability to bring out parts of you that you didn’t even know existed. before moving back to amber valley, you walked around with your chin up, thinking that you knew everything you needed to know. 
  now, at 25 years old, you knew harvesting soybeans and playing cards at the local pub with your new friends. you knew the smell of the ocean in the sweltering summer and you knew riding horses in sunflower fields at sundown. looking at jungkook, you knew what it was like to be slowly, but surely, swept off your feet. the realization creeped up on you, a sneaky little thing.
  namjoon was the one holding onto leo, as your group huddled together for the picture. you instinctively hugged into jungkook’s touch, holding them in front of the camera.
  jungkook spoke, right into your ear. “i’m so glad i was able to have this moment with you.”
  that made you finally look up at his eyes and in that moment, a flash went off. this is when you also snapped out of your daze and despite his stare unwavering, you turned back to the photographer.
  “oh, maybe we should take another -” you started, knowing that neither you or jungkook were looking in the camera, but he waved you off.
  “no, no! this picture came out perfect,” the photographer winked at you and asked for everyone to disperse, before you could argue. something told you that you were going to see a picture of you and jungkook gazing into each other’s eyes on the front cover of the local newspaper.
  he proceeded to take a few more solo pictures of jungkook with leo, followed by some shots with the mayor. jungkook was supposed to be kept busy, but he continued sneaking glances your way.
  it was mrs. oh who gently tapped your shoulder. “now’s the time, honey. come to the store quick before he notices.”
  beside her, sangwoo rolled his eyes. “he’s going to notice, he hasn’t taken his eyes off of her.”
  regardless, you scrambled to follow behind mrs. oh. you weaved through the crowd, who all wanted to take a look at their champion in disbelief of the amazing time jungkook scored. the show began relatively early in the day, too, so the streets were only now becoming more and more full with the midsummer festival in full swing.
  the roads were blocked off for pedestrian access only, as the fair was one of the busiest times of the year for amber valley. today was a day that drew crowds from outside of town, as the festival was an adored regional celebration and served as a tourist destination. you wouldn’t be surprised if you were told that the midsummer festival attracted the highest visitors of any other day in the year for the town.
  carnival games, market booths and amusement rides were already set up since the morning and it was already getting tiresome to navigate through the festival goers. but, of course, you were trailing behind the force that was mrs. oh, who made way with ease with her commanding voice. 
  “time to get to work,” she sighed, pulling out a key from her pocket upon reaching the general store.
  you said, “it’s a shame you can’t enjoy the festivities, mrs. oh.”
  “oh, i don’t mind. i’ve lived in this town all my life, i’ve been here, there and everywhere when it comes to the fair,” she mused, unlocking the front door for the two of you. “business is business, the traffic the store will get is more important.”
  a cool blanket enveloped your skin once you stepped in and you were never more grateful for the invention of air conditioning in your life. she was right, though, as you noticed some people nearby the store and already eyeing it.
  “most businesses are closed today, but not us!” mrs. oh smiled, as she turned the sign by the window from ‘closed’ to ‘open.’
  this is how you knew how much jungkook truly meant to mrs. oh. “jungkook is real lucky for you to open late just to watch him,” you said, examining the front counter and spotting a pair of jungkook’s work gloves.
  “the store opens late every time he has a competition. sangwoo adores him and that young man and jiwon are family to us,” mrs. oh mused, seemingly lost in thought, before blinking back into the moment. “ah, don’t mind me. i almost forgot why you’re here, sweetie - the flowers are in the back room!”
  you thanked mrs. oh, following the direction that she pointed towards. jimin called you corny for getting jungkook flowers for your first official date, but you thought it was fitting, given the competition. it was even better with the results of the show and you could only hope that jungkook liked the ones you picked out. you figured that men deserve to get a nice bouquet of flowers at least once, too. 
  the bundle of fresh sunflowers were actually your favourites, but that wasn’t important. you grabbed them from the backroom fridge, wrapped in cellophane and yellow paper. this was when you felt your phone vibrate in your pocket and your eyes widened, hoping it wasn’t jungkook just yet.
  unfortunately, your hopes disappeared, but the text still put a smile on your face - just because it was him at the end of the day.
  are you at the store? i saw you and mrs. oh lol i can be there in a few minutes. 
  you replied yes and came out to wait. the store already had its first customers within a few minutes of opening and mrs. oh was ringing them out. she met your eyes and winked, mouthing some encouraging words to you. 
  with the same smile on your lips, you mouthed a ‘thank you’ to her. 
  although you would have loved to loiter inside the store for the air conditioning, you were already bashful enough from everyone watching you and jungkook at the show and you would have rather met jungkook away from mrs. oh’s nosiness. she was lovely, but she appeared to be one of your and jungkook’s biggest fans and you didn’t want to act awkward, knowing that you were being watched.
  the bouquet was hidden behind your back, as you patiently waited outdoors. you didn’t know what to expect out of your day, but the longer you waited for jungkook, you grew more and more nervous. it was odd, knowing that the anxiety pooling at the bottom of your stomach was because of your childhood best friend. 
  the thoughts were promptly swept away when you caught sight of jungkook approaching you. he changed clothes from his riding gear, sans his favourite dirty boots that remained on his feet, and was now wearing a plain white t-shirt and denim jeans. you always had to take a moment to admire the definition of his muscles and his sharp gaze that left you breathless, but you were distracted this time by the bundle of golden flowers in his grasp.
  jungkook looked a little bit concerned at your expression, as you were stifling a laugh. you almost felt bad, but the sight was too funny for you to ignore.
  “hey - uh, what?” he furrowed his eyebrows at you.
  you revealed the identical bouquet from behind your laugh and he, too, looked dumbfounded. the wrapping and greenery differed from one another, but it was clear that the two of you picked your flowers from the same field by your houses. it was the same field the two of you rode on the past summer and played in as kids.
  “congratulations again for first place,” was all you could manage to say, offering your flowers towards him.
  jungkook finally broke out into a chuckle, shaking his head. “thank you. congratulations, for uh. . “
  “for what? being jeon jungkook’s date to the fair?” you chided, as you took his flowers in your hands.
  “shut up. am i not original or something?” jungkook asked. “like, come on, we got each other the same thing. i’m already failing at this date thing, aren’t i?” he joked.
  you rolled your eyes and flicked his arms. “it’s been, like, five seconds.”
  “we’re not just on a date today, jungkook. we’re on a mission to win some prizes,” you declared. 
  jungkook tilted his head slightly with a smile growing. “oh, are we?” he paused. “then, am i allowed to hold your hand during this mission?”
  the idea startled you, but you didn’t shy away. nodding without a word, this was the signal for jungkook to pick up your free hand and interlock his fingers with yours. somehow, it wasn’t a moment that sent ringing sensations in your ears nor was it one in slow motion. it was familiar, almost, and felt. . . right. it felt natural, like it was coming home after a long day.
  you leaned in to whisper in his ear, “and thank you for the flowers. you remembered my favourite.” you weren’t even sure how he knew, but you knew that jungkook would only give you a gift with a well-thought out meaning behind them. 
  this time, it was jungkook’s cheeks who reddened slightly. he didn’t say anything else, only squeezing your hand and leading the way.
  jungkook was tired. you were tired of telling him to suck it up. you had gone two summers in a row without winning a single prize and you were determined to walk away from the fair with at least one thing. albeit, at this point, you ran out of tickets to play games and you knew jungkook had extra, since he received some from his parents, but your grandfather also gave him some. he was your last hope, as you begged him to use the last of his tickets to get you something.
  “hoseok hyung told me these games are rigged. can’t we just go do bumper cars, bunny?” jungkook groaned, as the two of you walked away empty handed from balloon darts.
  you pouted. “no. i just want one of those big charmander stuffies, i know you can win them!”
  “why don’t you play the games?”
  “because i’m bad at them, how do you think i lost all of my tickets so quickly?” you responded, crossing your arms over your chest.
  jungkook grumbled more complaints under his breath, while you forcibly dragged him towards the ring toss booth.
  “hey kids! giving the ‘ol ring toss a try?” beamed the booth attendant, who was the same every year.
  you weren’t entirely sure what his name was, but you and jungkook collectively agreed on calling him “carnival man” and he recognized the two of you each time the festival was in town. though you were about four feet of fury at the time, you had quiet rage against carnival man. you were convinced he cheated you out of getting the xl sized penguin prize last year and you wanted revenge. 
  “kookie will do it!” you exclaimed, smugly pushing your best friend forward.
  “yeah, whatever, kookie will do it,” jungkook rolled his eyes and handed over a single ticket to carnival man.
  carnival man happily took the ticket from jungkook. “it’s nice to see you kids again. you’re always together, huh?”
  “unfortunately,” the two of you said in unison, only for you two to shoot each other identical daggers.
  at this, carnival man guffawed in amusement and gave jungkook his sets of rings. 
  here, jungkook did not win. in fact, he didn’t win you a single thing that summer and you didn’t speak to him for the following day because of it. only a day, though, since carnival man was right - the two of you were always together. you eventually gave in after the first day of silent treatment and showed up to jungkook’s house with your horse, marshmallow, and convinced him to join you by the sunflower fields. he had scoffed, called you stupid, and then without missing a beat, came outside to accompany you.
  “kookie! and. . .bunny? is that you?”
  carnival man was a lot older than you remembered, but you weren’t sure if it was just the tricks of time playing a game on you. it seemed like everything was so much more youthful and bright in your childhood memories. however, the brightness in carnival man’s smile didn’t falter and it only widened upon laying eyes on you and jungkook. then, his eyes trailed over to your clasped hands together and it widened even more.
  “you remember me?” you gaped, as carnival man took your hand and shook it vigorously. 
  “of course i do! well, i remember the two of you, specifically,” he exclaimed. “i see jungkook here, but i’ll always remember how you two kids came around together every summer! you’re all grown up now!”
  although lines of age creased his smile and streaks of grey contrasted against his black hair, seeing carnival man again made you feel like you were ten years old all over again. the fair seemed so much more larger than life and this moment was one of those moments that reminded you of why you loved summer so much.
  jungkook smiled, “it’s nice to see you, mr. lee.” he appeared to be a bit shy, as the older man was fixated on the sight of you two holding hands.
  it occurred to you that carnival man was never his real name and meeting him as mr. lee felt like a call to the reality in which you were now a grown up. you realized that jungkook continued to see mr. lee at the fair over the years without you and didn’t feel the same rush of nostalgia.
  the only reason why jungkook couldn’t also shake mr. lee’s hand was the abundance of prizes nestled into his arms. the two of you left your sunflower bouquets at the general store - luckily, it was now busy with tourists wanting water bottles or sunscreen and the two of you avoided any gushing or questioning from mrs. oh - and thank god you did because you did not expect to be carrying around so many things. a mini teddy bear, a sheet of temporary tattoos, a t-shirt, some gift cards, and a larger kuromi plush toy that was double the size of your head.
  thankfully, jungkook held onto everything without complaint and remarked that you had no business carrying anything so long as he was there. the funny part was that you two had barely visited all of the games and the only reason why you’d won so many prizes was because you two were competing at each one.
  “and you know i refuse to lose,” jungkook said at the first game, which was a basketball shootout. 
  with the same competitive spirit, the two of you both did very well at each game and walked away with a prize from almost every one. it also probably helped that you were now adults with disposable income and could pay to participate in as many games as you wanted. jungkook had announced that he was ready to make up for his past failrures, never forgetting the summer that resulted in your silent treatment because of his inability to win you a prize. you didn't think that meant struggling to carry around your prizes within the first hour.
  now, mr. lee began setting up the ring toss for the two of you. “so, you moved back to amber valley, young lady?”
  “yes, sir. i’m running the family farm now,” you replied.
  “congratulations, bunny. that’s some hard, honest work, my best wishes to you!” mr. lee said. “you know, i always thought you two had quite a special bond, even at a young age.”
  jungkook avoided eye contact. “mr. lee, you’re kind,” he chuckled, nervously. 
  “i mean it! it fills my heart with joy to see you two here after all these years.” there was twinkle in mr. lee’s eyes as he spoke. “for some people, their universes are stitched together with unseen threads that will always lead them back to where they belong.”
  it was your turn to squeeze jungkook’s hand and neither of you said anything more, only exchanging a look.
  jungkook wouldn’t stop pouting and you weren’t sure what to do about it. it really wasn’t your fault, you couldn’t help the fact that, like most young girls, you got your growth spurt earlier than your male friend. you were a few inches taller than jungkook at this point and he was deflated to learn that you were tall enough for the rollercoaster, while he had yet to measure up.
  “sorry kid. maybe next year,” the ride attendant gave jungkook a small smile.
  you were disappointed, as well, as you and jungkook had waited nearly thirty minutes in line. all for jungkook to not be able to ride the coaster. you turned to him, who sighed.
  he said, “it’s okay, bunny. you can go on without me.”
  a part of you did want to get on the ride, especially after waiting for quite some time, but you didn’t hesitate to shake your head. 
  “no. i won’t go on without you,” you stressed, to which jungkook looked at you in shock. 
  he shook his head. “no, it’s okay. just go, we waited for so long.”
  “i said i’m not going,” you said, standing your ground.
  instead, you walked off from the front of the line, ignoring jungkook calling your name until he ran up to catch up to you. 
  “hey! what are you doing?”
  “i said i’d go with you. if you’re not there, there’s no point,” you shrugged, as if it was no big deal. “we’ll go next time. hey, wanna go see carnival man and do ring toss?”
  you didn’t wait for an answer, as you made a beeline for the ring toss booth. jungkook jogged up to you and you noticed that he was trying to hide the smile on his face.
  “jungkook. . .this is the kid’s roller coaster.”
  everyone else in the line was about half jungkook’s size, unless they were one of the parents giving the two of you a dirty look for getting on the kid’s coaster. there was no explicit rule that adults couldn’t ride the rollercoaster, but it was a very popular ride and jungkook had the privilege of cutting the line, as the two of you were given a free “fast lane” pass by mayor kim for being local small business owners.  the fast lane pass was costly and the majority of fairgoers opted to wait in the long lines.
  jungkook didn’t seem to care too much, though. “yeah, so what? you picked the giant swing and said the next ride was my choice.”
  “you’re pissing off the kids,” you whispered in a lower voice, as the attendant let out the last party from the rollercoaster. you guys were up next. “i thought you would want to do the drop tower or something.”
  “you promised me that we could go on the ride the last time we were here. remember, when i was too short?” he casually whistled. 
  “jungkook, that was, like, seventeen years ago.”
  he continued, “and i wrote it for our summer bucket list! you may have never seen it, but i was dying to go on this ride.”
  and that was how you found yourself crammed into a kid-sized rollercoaster at the very front with jungkook. with impeccable timing, it looked as though some of the boys were passing by. seokjin caught your eye first and tapped taehyung’s shoulder beside him, who then got namjoon’s attention.
  “oh my god,” you groaned, watching the three of them wave wildly at you and jungkook. 
  on the other hand, jungkook found this hilarious. he waved back and you covered your blushing face with your hands. you were already embarrassed from the cut eye given to you by the parents in line, now this.
  “have fun, lovebirds!” called namjoon, as seokjin and taehyung proceeded to take several pictures of you and jungkook from afar.
  “my tooth hurts!” you whined, shoving your cotton candy into jungkook’s hands.
  at seven years old, it was on the later side for you to lose your first tooth. you’d been wiggling it for weeks, but cried when jimin offered to rip it out of your mouth for you. this happened just a few moments ago, before jungkook yelled at him to go back to his mommy. 
  jungkook didn’t seem bothered and was actually pleased to double fist two sticks of cotton candy. “thanks bunny!” he ignored your complaints and happily continued snacking away.
  this was the first year that you and jungkook were permitted to roam around without adult supervision - kind of. as long as you were in vicinity of ten year old hoseok, who was sitting on a bench and playing on his gameboy advance, the two of you were free to play together.
  “this isn’t fair, i’m not allowed to eat anything,” you huffed. your grandfather warned you that any sort of sweet will just hurt and you were better off enjoying other parts of the festival.
  “don’t tell my parents, they said i could only have one cotton candy,” jungkook said, as he observed your sad appearance. “why do you look like that?”
  “like what?”
  “you look sad. it’s ugly on you,” jungkook mindlessly commented and you flicked his arm. “ow!”
  you glared at him. “don’t call me ugly!”
  “i said looking sad is ugly on you. so, don’t be sad,” jungkook replied, as if it was the most obvious thing in the world.
  when your expression didn’t change, jungkook sighed and looked over to where hoseok was sitting. the older boy’s eyes were glued to his screen and was now joined by jimin, who was cheering him on in whatever game he was playing. then, jungkook turned back to you.
  “what?” you asked.
  “wanna go watch the magician show?” he asked, grinning. “so you can stop being sad.”
  your eyes widened, as you took your turn to look over your shoulder at hoseok. “your mom said to stay nearby! what if we get in trouble?”
  “i dare you to come with me to the magician show,” jungkook countered, knowing that was the secret word that made you do just about anything. you hated the idea of losing dares to jungkook and had yet to do so.
  you knew you were going to get an earful if you left hoseok’s sight, who was supposed to be watching over you. then, you remembered that, earlier that day, hoseok refused to let you play a level of mega man on his gameboy and decided you didn’t care if you got him in trouble.
  “okay! let’s go!” your features suddenly brightened and you let jungkook take you by the wrist - not the hand because, ew, it was jungkook - towards the other end of the fairgrounds. 
  the cotton candy had already been consumed and jungkook tossed the paper sticks into the nearest trash can, as the two of you quietly giggled about your mischievous sneak-away. 
  unlike jungkook, jiwon had no trouble tracking down her sibling at any given moment, even with the large crowds gathered for the festival. she also didn’t seem to care that her brother was in the middle of a date, as you were the one to first notice that she was dragging sangwoo by the wrist in your direction. 
  “is something wrong, jiwon?” jungkook asked and there was a tinge of annoyance in his voice at the appearance of the younger girl. the two of you were engaged in somewhat of a flirtatious conversation and jiwon’s premise immediately killed jungook’s mood.
  “hi y/n!” she greeted and then she turned to jungkook wearing a sickly sweet smile. “oppa, may i have ten bucks?”
  “i gave you twenty bucks this morning,” he raised an eyebrow at her. 
  meanwhile, sangwoo was in awe of the amount of prizes in jungkook’s arms. “woah! you guys won all of those?” at this point, there was an addition of a frisbee and a stuffed octopus. 
  “i won most of them,” both you and jungkook said at the same time, resulting in a shared glare. 
  jiwon cleared her throat. “so. can i have ten bucks, please? we wanna get cotton candy!”
  “what did you do with the first twenty bucks?”
  “we went on the teacup ride! oh, and we got rice cakes and funnel cake and actual cake,” jiwon explained and went a little too fast, so you didn’t doubt that the kids did, in fact, consume all that sugar.
  it seemed like jungkook also didn’t doubt it and while you knew he wanted to scold her, you were taken aback to find him letting go of your hand to reach for his wallet in his back pocket. he sighed and, as he was still carrying all of your prizes, merely held it out for jiwon to fish a twenty out of. 
  “only because today is the festival,” he warned and muttered a second part under his breath, “and only so you can leave us alone.”
  you also had the same feeling that jiwon and sangwoo were not going anywhere without their ultimate goal, especially since the former seemed to have the same persistence that her brother had.
  “thank you, i love you!” jiwon declared, handing the wallet back to her brother and planting an exaggerated kiss on his cheek. “thank you, thank you! we’ll leave you alone now!”
  the pair scurried off together, as sangwoo also yelled out his thanks. they ran through the crowd together, giggling amongst themselves. when jungkook took your hand again, you were still lost in thought, watching the two purchase cotton candy from far away. sangwoo handed the first stick to jiwon and the two talked with one another, cheerily enjoying their treat.
  “don’t get me wrong, making sure jiwon is eating healthy is important to me, but today’s the fair. it’s special for her and sangwoo like it was for us, might as well let her off the hook for today.” he noticed you watching them and followed your stare. “they’re cute, aren’t they?”
  “they are. how long have they been that close?”
  “since they were born, basically. they’re always with each other,” jungkook shook his head.
  “do you think jiwon has a little crush?” you wondered aloud, as jiwon shoved sangwoo playfully for whatever joke he might have had made. 
  jungkook asked, “did you?”
  he was referring to the two of you as kids, as it was clear that your shared wistful stares at jiwon and sangwoo were a product of looking back at your own childhoods. two best friends that stood by each other’s sides at all times and grew up together. you had to admit, you saw your and jungkook’s reflections when you looked at jiwon and sangwoo. 
  upon hearing the question, you rolled your eyes. “you wish, jeon jungkook.”
  but, you weren’t entirely sure. adults joked that you and jungkook would grow up to marry each other, just from watching you two play chess or ride horses together. there was a magnetic force that naturally stuck the two of you together, from day one. you cared deeply for jungkook before you could have a comprehensive understanding of what it was like to have love for someone beyond your family.
  “pretty sure i had a crush on you. that’s probably why i was devastated when you stopped coming to the valley,” he casually mentioned, but you turned to him in surprise.
  “were you really?”
  “yeah. you were my closest friend.”
  “i’m sorry,” you said. “you were mine, too. i just thought you would forget about me, i guess. then, i don’t know - “
  jungkook cut in, “- we grew up. that’s what happened, it’s okay.”
  that was the reality of life. it was sad to look back on, but it was overshadowed by the incredible forces that brought you and jungkook back together. never, in a million years, would you have ever imagined standing in the middle of the amber valley midsummer festival with jeon jungkook ever again. 
  “ever since i came back, you became my closest friend again. even with all the weird stuff going on between us,” you admitted the last part with the roll of your eyes.
  although you were just teasing, jungkook’s expression turned serious. “hey, i am sorry about that. but, honestly. . . “ he sighed. “like you said, we became close friends again. and so fast, too.”
  “it got confusing, didn’t it?” you asked, looking at your feet. “when things seemed like it could be more, i kept trying to convince myself that, you know, this is just how we are. we’re friends, this is how we act and nothing more.”
  “you read my mind. you really did,” jungkook said, looking at you with a surprised expression. “i think i always knew, though. from the moment i saw you again.”
  you thought back to the first time you met jungkook again. you remembered how soft his hands were and how he managed to make you smile on one of the worst days of your life. that was just jungkook, though, and his way of bringing sunlight into your life, even when it was raining. 
  “i. . .i think i knew, too. but, i thought you just saw me as the little girl who used to play with you in your backyard.”
  he shook his head. “i thought you had so much on your plate. and, well, i’ll admit, i’ve had trouble even considering a love life since becoming jiwon’s guardian. she’s always come first in my life before anything else.”
  “i don’t blame you, i can’t imagine what the past few years have been like for you,” you said. “but, you were a tad bit stupid. let’s be real.”
  jungkook snorted. “yeah, i know i was stupid. believe me, the last thing i wanted to do was fully push you away. my childhood best friend came back into my life and i had to confront that she was now a strong, beautiful and incredibly intelligent woman that i had feelings for.”
  this was the first time that things were finally being said aloud and it was as if a thousand pounds was being lifted off of your shoulders. you were light, you were flying. 
  “but,” he continued. “i also had to confront that you were still my closest friend, the person who i can turn to when things go wrong. you were my friend who i laughed with and shared things with and i couldn’t lose that. i have the guys, but no one compares to how in sync we are.”
  “i know what you mean. we complement each other in this crazy way. . .” you trailed off. 
  mr. lee spoke about destinies stitched together and things meant to be. holding jungkook’s hand felt meant to be in a way that it was just natural. so did laughing with him and making him dinner and letting him do things for you, simply because he didn’t want you to do it by yourself.
  jungkook said, “do you see why i was afraid of this?” he gestured to the two of you holding hands. “if i fuck this up with you, i’ll lose both my girlfriend and my best friend. if i fuck this up with you, i’ll have let you down during a time where you just moved to a whole new town for a job with all these expectations that everyone has for you.”
  “you don’t have to be afraid of those things,” you murmured, gently placing your free hand on his arm.
  “i’m not. not anymore, when the what ifs and the idea of missing out on something good with you is even scarier.”
  suddenly, you took a look around your surroundings. it obviously wasn’t planned, but the two of you were having quite the intimate conversation just across from the face painting booth and the craft stalls. you tugged jungkook into a random corner, where there was a lone chair in between walls.
  “can you put the prizes down for a second?” you asked.
  jungkook was confused. “huh?”
  “can you put the prizes down so i can kiss you?” you commanded, giving him a pointed look. 
  then, he chuckled and without hesitation, placed your various trinkets down on the chair. you rolled your eyes with a smile and jungkook hooked a thumb on one of the belt loops of your jean shorts, using it to pull you closer. he leaned in, placing his other hand at the small of your back.
  jungkook, too, smiled into the kiss and like everything else, it felt natural. it felt like home. you melted into his arms as you always do, softly kissing back. 
  although you could have stood there forever with him, lost in his touch, you had to pull away. “you scared of that?” you raised an eyebrow.
  “shut up man,” jungkook said, but stole a quick peck from you before he let you go from his embrace.
  you thought you would never stand in the middle of the amber valley midsummer festival with jeon jungkook ever again. the world worked in mysterious ways and you were proven wrong. more so, you weren’t just standing with jungkook. you were a woman standing in the middle of the town that built your hopes and dreams. you were standing in middle of the fair that never shook off its magic, even years later. you were standing with the man who made you realize that home wasn’t just a place.
  it was safe to say that you freaked out when jungkook showed you what he stole from his dad’s tool box. you were so scared that jungkook had to beg you to not snitch on him and even threatened that he would tell your grandfather that you’d been making him help you complete your chores in the chicken coop. 
  “it’s just a pocket knife, bunny.”
  “it’s sharp! you could hurt yourself!” you hissed, stepping a few feet away from him like he had mad cow disease.
  jungkook sighed and ignored you, walking over to where your sitting spot was. this year, the midsummer festival fell on what was easily the hottest day of the summer. the heat wave was unlike any other you’d experienced so far and you were surprised that the fair was still going on. the two of you had completed just under ten minutes at the bouncy castle before you insisted you needed a break.
  the two of you had found a random tree to sit under, as you split an ice cream float to beat the heat. this is when jungkook said he had “something cool” to show you.
  you had no choice but to leave your grumbles under your breath, finding your place beside jungkook since the ice cream float was in his hand. “you’re hogging it all,” you complained and he handed it over to you.
  “are you done freaking out?” he asked.
  “what are you even gonna do with that?”
  it was as if jungkook was waiting for you to ask the question. “this.” he clicked it open and turned behind him, to the lower part of the tree of which you were leaning on. 
  your eyes were wide, as jungkook began scratching away at the wood. the first letter you could make out was “J” and you nervously looked around your surroundings. it didn’t seem like anyone was paying attention to the two of you, occupied with the festivities or trying to not pass out from the sun. 
  jungkook completed a “K” and moved on to slowly carving out your initials. “so we remember today!”
  “it’s gonna be there forever,” you sputtered. “my grandpa says that trees last forever if no one cuts them down. . .so, since our names are there, we’ll be best friends forever!”
  a toothy grin stretched across jungkook’s face. “yeah! we are. we’re going to be best friends forever.”
  considering jungkook’s victory earlier in the day, several people stopped to congratulate him throughout the afternoon. he was hard to miss and he was also just a generally well-known person around town.
  that was precisely why you were scared shitless that someone was going to recognize either of you committing vandalism. 
  “you’re covering me, right?”
  “i am, but can you hurry up?” you demanded through gritted teeth, trying to look over your shoulder to see if anyone was looking your way without looking suspicious.
  from the unassuming eye, it looked like you and jungkook were merely engaged in conversation. . .but facing the tree. you were sat cross-legged, turned to the tree as if it was another person talking amongst yourselves. instead, you were trying to cover jungkook carving into the wood.
  you shook your head. “i can’t believe our names are still on this.”
  “we did say it would be forever,” jungkook reminded you and if he wasn’t holding a pocket knife in his hands, you would’ve shoved him over.
  you always remembered that your and jungkook’s names lived on the bark of a random tree in town. there was no way you could forget the scolding the two of you received for defacing town property. 
  “what if they notice? we’re adults now, we could get charged for this,” you said.
  “then we say it was always like this,” jungkook concluded and caught your eye. “what? what are they gonna do, tell my mom and your grandpa?” 
  at that, you did let out a laugh. “i can’t imagine what they’re thinking, watching us from up there.”
  then, jungkook clicked his pocket knife close and scooted over on the grass, as he’d been blocking his work from your view the entire time. he made the initials deeper into the wood, ensuring that it wasn’t going anywhere, and added a heart around the letters. once depicting you and jungkook as friends “4ever,” it was now framed by the heart and shifted its meaning altogether. 
  “they likely made a bet about us getting together and the winner is probably rejoicing,” you suspected and jungkook nodded in agreement, snickering under his breath. 
  your hands grazed over the carved design and you thought back to the moment where the two of you first sat under the same tree. 
  jungkook said, “pretty good first date, huh? scammed some booths out of their prizes, pissed off the entirety of amber valley elementary and we vandalized town property.” he looked pleased with himself leaning against the tree and wrapped an arm around your shoulders.
  with your legs stretched out and the crime completed, you were able to relax underneath the protection of the leafy branches. “mhm, definitely a first date that i’ll never forget,” you laughed, placing your head on jungkook’s chest. 
  the two of you bought an ice cream float for old times sake and jungkook brought it closer to you, so that you wouldn’t have to move. it seemed to be a constant - jungkook doing things for you just because. just because he didn’t want you to do it yourself. just because he wanted to do something for you.
  “i have arms, you know,” you joked, but took a sip regardless. 
  he responded, unfazed, “i know.” 
  the smile the two of you shared confirmed your thoughts. whether you were kids and jungkook walked you home every time just because or you were adults and jungkook wanted to spend his whole day fixing your windows just because. that was just how he was always going to be for you.
  “well, do you know that a first date implies that there’s going to be a second date?” you decided to be bold for once, as all your anxieties evaporated when you accepted that jungkook was both your best friend and a person you held feelings for - a coexistence that you realized was possible and even exciting.
  jungkook scoffed. “second date? did you not see the tree, you’re stuck with me forever.” his joke resulted in you playfully hitting his chest. 
  “did you just curse me with some witchcraft on this tree or something?”
  “rock hard, huh?” he asked, ignoring your accusation and was referring to you hitting his chest. “trust me, i know.” jungkook flexed his arm muscles and although he was kidding around, it was quite impressive and distracting.
  “i’m totally objectifying you right now, by the way. i can admit that now, right?” you smirked. “‘cause i’ve been checking you out for months.”
  at that, jungkook genuinely appeared to be a bit sheepish, his ears first turning pink like they always do. “drink your float, man,” he insisted, using it as a tool to shut you up. you nearly choked from holding in your laugh as you took another sip, which made him laugh, too.
  you sat up slightly, but still mostly laying your body weight on your jungkook, only to crane your neck to see the letters carved onto the tree. the carving waited for you two for years to return. a part of you couldn’t believe that it was jungkook you were stealing kisses and blushing from. 
  “but, for real,” jungkook spoke, now also looking at his handy work. “a second date is nothing when the tree says you’re stuck with me. that means you’re my girl.”
  he held your chin with his free hand so that you could look into his eyes as he declared the last part. jungkook’s gaze was warm and you now understood what it was like to feel butterflies in your stomach. it was always one of those things that you read about in books and couldn’t comprehend. you understood the moon and stars and you understood economics and science. this moment with jungkook was a pair of fresh eyes that opened your heart to a feeling of completeness that felt like it had always been there. 
  “wow, you’re not even going to ask me? this is the worst confession ever,” you managed to tease, your smile failing to fight the happiness spreading throughout your body. 
  jungkook retorted, “i saw it in your eyes, you were about to ask me first. i had to beat you to the punch, you know i hate letting you win things.”
  “i think i won either way here,” you beamed, placing your head back onto jungkook’s chest. you could feel his heart beating loudly, but he didn’t seem to mind and planted a kiss on your forehead. jungkook wanted you to know how much this moment meant to him, too. 
  your first summer back in amber valley was nothing you expected. your grandfather’s last wishes for you were for you to discover nature and what it meant to make real connections with people. it was a head first journey that you embarked on, all by yourself. yet, months later, you found yourself surrounded by a family you found yourself and the beauty of a town that you thought was forever going to only live in your memories and dreams. you found belonging. 
  jungkook taught you that home wasn’t a place. home was the sunday market with friends. home was doing things you would have never imagined yourself doing, like salsa dancing and paddle boarding. home lived in watching your hard work bloom into something greater than yourself, with each harvest and each morning you spent feeding your animals. home was even a person - a horse-riding man who was unselfish at his core and loved breakfast for dinner. 
  you dreaded the end of the night, as it seemed like the midsummer festival was a blissful magic that you never wanted to end. you could have lived in this moment forever. 
  “goodnight, bunny. i’ll see you tomorrow,” jungkook said, as the two of you stood at the doorstep of the farmhouse. he leaned down and met you in a soft kiss, where he murmured a thank you against your lips for the perfect day you shared.
  there, you realized that the magic didn’t have to end. there was always a tomorrow to look forward to when everyday was a new day to fall more and more in love with your best friend. the magic in the air didn’t even have to end when the last of the summer heat turned into the first chill of autumn, amidst the shifting hues of the leaves. the magic kept you warm throughout the winter and blossomed in the springtime. 
  for the first time in your life, you no longer had to walk away from jungkook come the rain of september. when you were younger, it seemed like the magic of amber valley only existed in the warmer months. summer was a special place in your heart and the memories of your youth, but home was something that stood by you through the changing seasons.
𝐓𝐀𝐆 𝐋𝐈𝐒𝐓. @shellyyy177 @myseokjinji @teddybeartaetae @jalexad @sstrongstyle @wobblewobble822 @seokout @taiwan0618 @firelcrds @xwniazx
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strangefellows · 2 years
Okay this is gonna be a long post but I figured why the hell not throw my absolute fucking lunatic conspiracy board Limbus Company theory out there, because I’ve had four people tell me it makes sense when I’ve brought it up to them, so! Here we go. Theory: I believe that Dante is Ayin (a main character of the first ProjMoon game, Lobotomy Corp, for those who don’t know). There’s a metric asston of evidence in just the first few chapters alone that keeps making me lie on the floor and scream, so let me document it! 
We’re going under a cut for length, let’s get started! Heavy spoilers for Lobotomy Corporation and Ruina under here, be warned.
The Song: First of all, just looking at the lyrics to In Hell We Live, Lament has me absolutely losing my fucking mind. We’re looking at insane lines like “I walked down a path / Leading to the past / Stole from the tree's hands / A regretter's friend / The forbidden fruit” and “If you wanted me to speak / If you wanted me to think / If you wanted me to carry on our dreams / Each loop we live through / The standards inside me / Thе line I drew for me / Lowers to the earth” and “Why'd you make my voice stutter? / Why do truths never matter? / Why'd you curse me with "you're a natural born genius"?” and “Replayed thoughts / Forget me not / I'm inside the empathic light / I bite off your skin / Exposing the angels on your ribs” and just...the repeated mention of loops. The song basically reads literally like Ayin himself singing it to Carmen. (The ending song also feels suspicious lyrically as well, but I can’t pin that down as easily.)
The Prologue: Not as much here, but I find it extremely suspicious that they didn’t show us a damn thing of Dante until after he loses his head and his memories. And honestly, Faust and Vergilius going ‘your name is Dante’ feels very blatantly like a goddamn lie. An amnesiac is gonna accept whatever you tell him is his name, man. Not to mention that he’s explicitly someone very important (Vergilius says so in ch3), and clearly knows something the bad guys desperately want. Which ties to my next point.
The Bad Guys: First of all, they want the Golden Boughs, which as apparently ‘pieces of L Corp’s Singularity’, are a very nice way to say they’re probably literally pieces of Carmen somehow. Branches sure look like the central nervous system, huh. Second, one of the trio in the intro refers to their boss as a ‘her’, says she wants to do something that’s ‘not illegal, but has never been done before’, and IIRC, calls her the Serpent. Now, looking at that serpent reference alongside Carmen’s existing parallels to WhiteNight, as well as Adam and his constant talk of the forbidden fruit...you see what I’m getting at here? Who tempted Adam in the first place?
The Inferno: Now, you see, even if the big bad is somehow Carmen in some way -- similarly to how the Voice led Argalia in Ruina, perhaps? -- that doesn’t necessarily mean Ayin is Dante. HOWEVER! Look back at the Inferno itself, the poem we’re working off extremely heavily. What is the purpose for Dante’s trip to hell? Beatrice. Dante’s dead girlfriend who’s become a divine being. Literally, Beatrice sent Virgil to guide Dante through hell and limbo and shit to bring him to her, roughly speaking. So, uh, looks at the whole dead now divine gf thing. Hm. Yeah. And where is our own trip to hell taking us? Through the ruins of Lobcorp, grabbing what are more or less pieces of Carmen, and I can’t remember if it’s said outright or not but there is a heavy ass chance this trip is ending at the main facility. Which, coming full circle...
The Clock: I will politely resist making a Hokma joke. But you have to admit it’s funny. In all seriousness, though, the fact that Dante’s power is resetting -- something that the entire gameplay of Lobotomy Corp and a major aspect of the plot was built around, resetting and looping and bringing the dead back to life -- is a major sus factor. In fact, I’m just waiting for someone to say ‘death is meaningless’ if I’m not just blanking on dialogue and someone’s said it already. Not to mention, the aspect of Dante feeling the pain of the injuries/deaths he’s rewinding gives me a lot to say about the (fairly canon) interpretation of Ayin martyring himself using the loops to punish himself for what he did. Suffering how the people he’s tied to suffered, so to speak. In fact -- I wouldn’t be surprised if the clock is/was Ayin’s EGO like the Library is Angela’s. How else would it be immediately to hand to slap on his neck, and what else could possibly have been able to legitimately replace his goddamn head on such short notice?
Manager: LOOK, THIS ONE IS TENUOUS BUT WHEN ADDED TO THE PILE-- the simple fact that Dante is deliberately given the title of manager feels important, when looked at through the lens of the rest of the evidence. There’s a line at the beginning of Chapter 1 when the children Sinners start fighting where Dante goes “Should I step in? Is this the part where I exercise my authority as the manager with dignity and grace? A faint memory urges me to do something." and it feels significant.
Random additional note: The Mirror Dungeons Wellcheers event has Dante say it ‘feels familiar’ -- does it? Does it now, Dante? 
While I’m still going through the game myself - middle of ch2 - I’ve had the whole story told to me, so I know what’s up, and though there’s probably more small bits I’m missing, the major beats here are definitely enough to support my theory for sure. It feels very right and fitting.
I’m just sitting here with several tinfoil hats and my ConspiracyBoard.gif going GUYS I SWEAR, THIS MAKES SENSE and losing it silently. I hope I’m right. I mean if I’m not right I’m making an AU fic anyway, but I hope I’m right. What do y’all think?
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pettyrevenge-base · 1 year
My bf's neighbor was an asshole, so I fucked with him as much as possible using only his address.
BACKSTORY: My bf (30s M) has interacted with his neighbor (30s M) exactly once in the three years he lived in his apartment complex. For some godforsaken reason, literally on the night I was helping him pack up to move the next morning, this neighbor knocks on the door and asks why we "always slam the door". To preface, I actually totally sympathize - if you let this door close by just letting go of the handle, without pushing it at all, the door does shut pretty heavily; so, I can see how that would be irritating if the door isn't carefully closed every time, even though nobody is "slamming" it. My bf said sorry, it just shuts like that, we're packing and didn't have a hand to close it, but I'm moving out in the morning so you won't have to worry about it anymore unless you want to take it up with the complex management to see if they can change how it closes. This was not a sufficient answer for the asshole neighbor. We're still not sure what his deal was, we think he was drunk, but he kept demanding an answer even after we reiterrated that it was an accident, and that we were leaving in the morning for forever so there wasn't anything else we could do at that point. Eventually we had to just shut the door on him as he escalated to screaming insults at us, calling my bf a "pussy" for not wanting to fight him. He proceeded to try and beat down the door (not an exaggeration, he was hitting it and kicking it so hard I thought he would succeed), occasionally going inside his apartment to bang and kick on the walls there too. He also tried knocking on the door and covering the peephole to trick us into opening the door lol. I was honestly scared to leave at that point. After over an hour of this we called building security (it's a huge complex), who apparently found him sitting in front of my bf's door when they finally got there. He kept at it after they left for a while. When he finally gave up after over two hours, he stole my partner's doormat on his way back inside. Why this man never once in three years spoke one word to my bf or his roommate about the door noise if it was bothering him I have no idea, but after his psychotic behavior I had no sympathy left for him. TL;DR, he was an asshole.
PETTY REVENGE: Armed with only one piece of information about this guy - his address - I managed to track down his name. I signed him up for every free snail mail subscription I could find, including as many adult content magazines as possible. I sent him hundreds of free government pamphlets about alcohol abuse, STDs, and forest fires. I sent him a load of recovery program brochures. I requested a visit from the Jehova's Witnesses on his behalf. I anonymously sent him a trophy shaped like a giant dick inscribed with "#1 Dickhead". I refrained from sending a glitter bomb only because I want him to keep opening his mail, just in case I can think of anything else to do. This absolute troglodyte of a person doesn't even know our names, let alone where my bf moved or where I live, so even if he suspects my bf there's nothing he can do. Finally, to put the cherry on the petty Sunday... I stole his doormat on our last visit to the apartment. I only wish I could be a fly on the wall when he starts putting it together.
ETA - For those asking how I find snail mail to sign him up for, unfortunately there isn't a good collective resource, I honestly just googled a whole bunch and signed him up for anything that didn't require a phone number. I did create a throwaway gmail account as many sign up forms require it in order to receive the snail mail. I'm living for all your suggestions, don't be shy lol.
Source: reddit.com/r/pettyrevenge
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bladesalvation · 6 months
tagged by lbr. I stole this from the lovely @bloodyarn
Tumblr media
Full name: Nicholai Elenwyn Faalgard, known as Nihil Rot Gender: Nonbinary masc presenting Sexuality: Pansexual + demiromantic Pronouns: He/They
꒰ 𝐎𝐓𝐇𝐄𝐑 ꒱ 
Birthplace: Auburn Trail, Baldur's Gate outskirts Job: Unholy Assassin Cult Leader Priest of Kelemvor and Medical Examiner Phobias: redcaps. His stress goes up 200% around redcaps and he gets real twitchy.  Guilty pleasures: Pumpkin seed and cranberry bread, preferrably with butter on it and a coffee or tea on the side. He's a sucker for it and probably the most chill you will ever see him
Alignment: Chaotic Neutral (Neutral by end of redemption.)
Vengeful: Unsurprisingly, the guy attracted to vengeful types has a vengeance boner himself-- and he is liable to not take any half-assed punishments as a fair trade unless you can really appeal to his humanity. Implusive: Nihil is a wildcard-- he has a method to his madness, but it is usually short-sighted and prone to last minute change. Indecisive: Honestly goes hand-in-hand with his impulses in the worst way. Nihil will go from ride or die on your plans of ascension to wrestling you to the ground and screaming at you about how stupid you are for going for it.
Loyal: Nihil is a ride or die no matter what bad decision you've made-- your best bet to break his loyalty is to turn on him or someone else within the Circle of people he trusts. Protective: He will defend those close to him with his life. Man is a guard dog in an elf body.
Introvert / Extrovert
Organized/ Disorganized
Close-minded / Open-minded
Calm / Anxious / Restless
Disagreeable / Agreeable / In between
Cautious / Reckless / In between
Patient / Impatient / In between
Outspoken / Reserved / In between
Leader / Follower / Flexible
Empathetic / Unempathetic / In between
Optimist / Pessimist / Realist
Traditional / Modern / In between
Hard-working / Lazy
All of these are specific to Nihil only based on his story, not RP-- RP is always open ended because I would LOVE to have other insights, this is just the ideas I got
Astarion : I'm sorry, they share a single braincell. They really do. I could write out Nihil's approvals and it would line up to Astarion's 95% of the time. They get along disturbingly well and Nihil would do just about anything for Astarion. They were both thrust in a life or death choice by a manipulative person and made the decision to survive only to pay for it by becoming chained to that person forever. Both use sex to manipulate and are numbed to killing, even having fun in doing it. Both are also just kinda here for the vibes in the worst way possible. Gortash: Ok ok I have been vocal abt the idea that Nihil and Gortash had a strictly sexual relationship with repressed feelings for each other for a bit, but what definitely gets me is both were hated and considered some kind of burden without truly knowing why and were picked up by their gods for their potential (and seemingly at their lowest point). Nihil was freshly widowed and his s/o someone who was one of the only people who didn't think he was a monster. So Gortash, this brilliant, well-spoken and frankly dashing man not only seemingly trusts him and values their partnership genuinely but re-iterates he isn't a monster? It's over boys.
Acceptable Ships:
Shadowheart : Shadowheart was my original plan for Nihil honestly-- also a lot in common, worshipping "misunderstood" gods (though one could argue that at least Kelemvor is just distant, he isn't out here making people commit mass murders for him that I have seen. Bhaal? Got me there), they're fairly secretive people and like people who can respect their boundaries and let them come out of their shell, they want to be kind even if its not supposed to be in their nature... Honestly she should be in the OTP category but its not hard for him to be set up with any of the companions. Lae'zel : Gith have Nihil's whole heart. Really, her biggest drawback that made her not an OTP for him is just that she is snippy towards him asking questions which is really just a no go. But loves her loyalty and decisiveness and does what he can to understand why she is how she is and give her proper space and respect. Also he just loves siccing her on people. It's fun. Wyll: Honestlyyy I kinda accidentally fell in love with them dancing, I was expecting to find them so cute. But Wyll, like Karlach and Gale, deserve far better than a nightmare void of a man. I mean everyone deserves better but mostly Wyll, Karlach and Gale.
OT3: I wanted Nihil/Astarion/Shadowheart so bad y'all don't even know. YOU DO NOT UNDERSTAND. I want Astarion to get his mean goth gf and slutty goth bf
Gale: I feel like not much needs to be said, he's a squishy wizard and kind of a pain in Nihil's eyes but he likes the guy and his stories, they're real fun!
Notp: Fuck Wulbren Bongle, I don't give a fuck abt this motherfucka's problems--
𝐏𝐀𝐒𝐓 (tw pregnancy loss, cannibalism ment) - bullet points to go faster
Born to Kelehan Faalgard and Dannikah Hjol-- the son of an esteemed fabric merchant and a third generation Seldarine Drow immigrant respectively. Born in a small village outside of Baldur's Gate called Auburn Trail.
Danikkah struggled to keep a pregnancy throughout the first few years of marriage and exhausted every avenue to try and have a child with her husband. Her final loss in her second trimester drove her to seek out a hag living in the forest hugging the south of the village with the reluctant blessing of her husband.
Struck a deal with the hag, Mother Radley; a child with the power to beat the odds in exchange for what the couple cared for the most. Danikkah agreed, believing what she cared for the most was her family's long-standing farmstead. She was given an infused piece of 'a divine's flesh' to eat and successfully fell pregnant.
The family was shunned during the pregnancy when word got out how Danikkah got pregnant and Kelehan's tailor shop took a hit but despite the stress, the pregnancy progressed.
A drow girl appeared in their sheep's meadow a few weeks before Danikkah was due to give birth--With a surprising clarity the girl called Danikkah her mother, as 'Lady Silverhair told her to'. Believing the girl to be a late-answered prayer from Eilistraae herself, Danikkah was overjoyed to take her in and name her Dirzarra-- her soon-to-be son's older sister.
Nicholai was born and when Mother Radley came to retrieve her end of the bargain, she revealed that their daughter was the prized possession she wanted. The family refused and in turn were offered an ultimatum: Dirzarra came with her, or Nicholai would be undone. She gave the couple until their son turned 8, imbuing him with a magic illness that could not be cured until either a decision was made or the boy died.
Nicholai's parents would seek out clerics and priests to help, knowing the sickness could not be cured but willing to try. They were even more outcasts and it spread to the kids as time went on.
Nicholai spent most of his days ill at home, unable to play and help with chores and it only worsened as his time ran out. Days before his 8th birthday, he and Dirzarra were jumped in the meadow by one of the hag's servants. In a desperate attempt to save his sister, Nicholai unleashed his fury and frustration on the redcap and savaged it until it died.
When his time came, Nicholai was rushed to Baldur's Gate and the Stormshore Tabernacle for help, every other temple refusing the family's begging. When it was clear he was beyond saving, a priest of Kelemvor approached to read his last rites as a kindness to the family.
As he was about to pass, Nicholai was intervened by Bhaal, naming himself a savior to the boy and able to rid him of his disease if he vowed his soul and talents to him. Nicholai agreed and was saved, allowing those around him to believe it was Kelemvor that took pity on him and spared him this death.
As he grew, more murders around the village would spring up. The residents were panicked but unable to solve the killings, even when the Flaming Fists and various adventurers were called in. Nicholai proved himself a perfect assassin and worshipped Bhaal fervently. When he was 15, he would have a vision bidding him to kill the hag, Mother Radley. When he did, he would find the contract between the hag and his mother for his birth, as well as letters detailing his illness.
Outraged, his rancid blood bid him to turn on his parents and sister, failing the attempt before running away to Baldur's Gate under the false pretense of wanting a higher education and to eventually join a small group of Kelemvorite priests. There he would seek the attention of the Bhaalist cult, eventually being summoned to meet Sarevok and was christened as an initiate, changing his name to 'Nihil the Rotten'
Nihil would train under the previous leader of the Bhaalist temple as an initiate from the age of 16, alongside his kin, Orin the Red. He would assume a false position as a medical student and Kelemvor cleric, specializing in the last rites of murder victims whose families could not afford services.
He would attempt to leave the cult at 21, with the help of his lover, a Lathanderan vengeance paladin named Flynn Bardr. However, he succumbed to his Urges shortly after a quick union and kill his new husband. Destroyed at the outcome, Nihil returned to the temple to face his kin and his mentor.
When he returned, the high priest attacked with the intent to kill the traitor, only for Nihil to kill him instead and claim his betrayal a test of his faith and take the high priest role for himself. He would proceed to grieve for his lover and beg Bhaal's forgiveness in private.
a few years later he would meet arms dealer and Banite Enver Gortash and they would agree to a tentative alliance at the behest of their gods. Over time they would both eventually be appointed as Chosen and enact Gortash's Accelerated Grand Design (not canon to RP, they would start a sexual relationship shortly after the theft of the Crown of Karsus.)
Orin and Nihil's relationship, already strained by his betrayal as she did not believe it a test of his faith, worsened as he took what she believed was her rightful place and began to brush her off, deeming her 'beneath him now'. This would lead to her betrayal in the Illithid colony.
Overwhelming loss of memory, the only proof of who he is a scrap of paper of prayers and last rites read by clerics of Kelemvor and a dagger made of surgical steel, Nihil set out to seek aid where he could not provide it to himself. And yet, despite everything pointing to his divine position, he cannot hear his god like any other cleric...yet he still wields the arcane power of a priest.
Who is this power really coming from?
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M****************** Minion Marketplace: Fucked up robot things one of my exes made
(So I wrote up an OC thing, slime CEO fucker I’ve drawn before. Honestly I could have them be talking about anything and they’d still be fun to write. May make this minion marketplace thing a series, may also make this a comic. However currently I’m working on drawing up a big comic, it’s my first one ever and it seems to be going well.)
“So you’re thinking of becoming a super villain? Yeah you’re not fooling anybody “for the good of mankind” folks if you’re on my site you know what you’re getting into. My name is Delmonico, that’s right, Isabella Larcroft, don’t ware it out. Just kidding by the way, neither of those are my name, I’m not that stupid.
So anyway I’m known for being the biggest, (in every imaginable way) businessperson in the abyss, and recently I’ve opened up a new market! Evil minions! See I don’t have my own I just put a little me in a corpse and badabing badaboom it’s under my control and I have the one ally I can trust as a minion, me. But some of you are fancy bitches. Also some of you aren’t Abyssfolk. So I figured you’d want minions!
Now, you. Yes you. You’re dumb soft and fucking stupid, and you are feeling overwhelmed with CHOICES! Wonderful choices! So I’m creating this video series to go over the pros and cons of every minion to help YOU match with the evil minion you’ve always been dreaming of!
The first minion on my agenda, if you read the title, is the fucked up robot thing. I call em Skinwalkers, they aren’t, and that’s not what they’re official name is, but listen, I stole them from my ex after he fucked off and died, I get to pick what I name the bloody things.
Ok, so what are they? Skinwalkers are small, lightweight robots, with advanced AIs that mimic real people to a degree but with the ability to mute them if they get too fucking annoying and scream and cry everywhere. Those tears are oil, they stain.
Skinwalkers come in two varieties, big dick energy attack droids, and pathetic and useless service bots. I currently produce both.
BDEADs are PERFECT for your lone assassin, or even mass swarming foot soldiers. They never complain and if they do you can shut them up, they obey any order, they learn, they blend in as human, and they are ARMED. The cons of these is if you ask for them to bring you a nice cup of tea they will make the WORST cup you’ve ever fucking had oh my god like are you fucking stupid? Yeah they are GREAT at fighting and adapting to challenges but getting shit done? Pffft. Get a roomba to clean your house not one of these fucks.
Now, variety too, the roomba in question, aka the useless service bot/USB, Hah acronym is something that exists funny haha. Anyway. USBs are USELESS in a fight, give them a gun and they will somehow manage to shoot themselves. However for personal use as servants, god they’re… good? I dunno they cry a lot when you yell at them and I prefer my help having a spine. Good at the actual job though.
Both these droids are good, one for your wars, the other for your wardrobe, though I can see most of you would be leaning towards the latter, some of you appreciate the finer points of villainy. A villain should be sheik, attractive, sexy, me, not living in a gutter, ugly, bland, everyone else. Be me. Not you. Have a whole staff of minions to do boring shit for you.
Now, finer details. Will they rise up and betray you. For once I’m not lying when I say fuck no. These things HAVE to obey your every command! It’s almost funny. In fact, it is! It’s hilarious! My ex used to quality test each one he made. But that’s expensive and stupid so I just mass produce them and ship them right to your doorstep.
Skinwalkers are covered in a layer of synthetic… skin. Ok who am I fucking kidding here it’s fucking real. They also contain human souls in gem form as a purifier, the humans don’t do shit by the way they’re dead. No hauntings. I may have been crazy to hook up with my ex but not that crazy. Anyway they blend in with humans so good spies.
I could make some that blend in with other species. But you’d have to special order AND supply the cadaver.
Now insurance. You get none and you don’t complain.
Price? All your limbs, not an arm and a leg, all of them. If you had 10 of each.
Do I accept returns? No, also don’t be a pussy.
Can you beat them up? Sure. Go wild.
Do they have a remote to make them explode like a nuke? Yes. Will you be receiving it in your box? Add another 15k to the receipt and sure, otherwise I’m keeping it.
They’re too small. Small but deadly my good sir or madam or better.
Mx Salesperson this seems sketchy. No.
Ok. Buy my shit. Goodbye.”
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draftingteacups · 3 years
If there was a non-canon The Rise of Darkrai situation involving Giratina and Palkia, all I have to say is, alongside a proper "Croagunk can deflect an actual GOD'S attack" scenario possibly happening, well, if the people at NRC know of Darkrai, if Darkrai risks their own life to keep them safe, to the point they at least TEMPORAILY died, well, I have the feeling NO ONE would stand for ANYONE trying to say their evil just because of something they can't control. Since they saw that they're the exact opposite.
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Note: As this is a non canon ask, this does not comply with the canon of the story and thus is treated differently. I just assume that this is after the main story? IDK how it'd work, but just imagine that in this scenario.
Refers to this ask and this ask for Darkrai and stuff; I can't find the OG Palkia and Giratina asks because it's been buried under a lot of other ask asldkfljasj; I don't think I tagged it properly either ☠️
This is written for fun! Please enjoy! This is a long ask (technically two), so prepare yourself. If I keep getting asks like this, the longer it'll take to update the next chapter ☠️
Minor spoilers for what happens in the fic as well as some spoilers for world-building in general.
As someone who absolutely loved The Rise of Darkrai and Giratina & the Sky Warrior as a child, I honestly agree with those statements.
As such, I came up with a fun, non canon thing below from the asks in the past. Can you imagine the way that this happens though?
It started as an ordinary day at Night Raven College.
As ordinary as it could ever get in a magic-based world that was slowly becoming aware of the wonderful (and often dangerous) creatures known as Pokemon. Soni was going through the usual routine that she'd built up for herself through the time she'd spent here.
Wake up to the sound of screaming between Swanna and Sebek, eat breakfast with Grim devouring everything in sight, walk together with Ace, Deuce, and Happiny to their classes, do her assistant job during classes while doing notes to ensure that her grades were decent enough, eat lunch with everyone- the list goes on and on.
Compared to what she dealt with back home, that was a walk in the park.
Aside from the random chore that Crowley tried- and failed- to give her on account of refusing to give her a higher pay unless she ranted at him for hours on end, it wasn't that bad. Less crime syndicates rising from the ashes and getting stomped on before they could ever become anything more, less paperwork dealing with nobles having centuries-long disputes on money that they had plenty of, just less of everything that her life had been consumed in recent years.
Thinking about that only made her sigh, the twinge of pain from sitting still for so long made her want to go flying outside. Granted, even if she wasn't doing anything on a major scale as she lived through in her world, Soni still had plenty of things to deal with as a half-student in Night Raven College.
"You freaking brat cat!" Ace screamed, waving his pen at her feline monster companion. "You stole my sandwich again!"
"It was just sitting on the desk! You didn't have your name on it!" The shit-eating grin on Grim's face only made Ace angrier.
Deuce was looking at the two of them with furrowed eyebrows as Happiny latched onto his pants leg, his voice exasperated. "You guys..."
"You two better stop acting stupid, or else I'm going to never make either of you lunches ever again." That got their attention. What is it with these two and food? "Grim, you get no canned tuna for two days. Ace, you're paying for my lunch for today with dessert."
"Don't you get a free lunch for being the staff?! Why am I being punished?"
"As a part of the staff, you're fighting right in front of me." Soni shrugged her shoulders at Ace. "And that doesn't mean I can't enjoy some extra food at your expense."
"Honestly, you're the worst-"
The bright shining sky turned dark, the hum of energy warping the world around them. As the others looked out the window in shock, Soni could sense an otherworldly presence right beside them.
"Mmm..." The low-toned warning resonated in her ears in a language that only she understood. Why...
She managed to pull back in time. The black orb that surged past her crackled menacingly as a promise to hurt them all. From the shadows emerged a figure that made her bring Dior immediately.
"Darkrai..." Soni said the name, her voice calm as it could be in this situation. "What do you want from us?"
"Wha-?!" Deuce held Happiny in his arms, doing his best to shield the little one from the hostile Pokemon.
"Mmm..... MMMMM!" The bright blue eyes of the Mythical Pokemon stared right at her, raising a shadowy hand at her and her alone. So you know me... You must... LEAVE!
"Dior, Teleport us out of here!" Soni yanked everyone close.
All their shouts faded to white noise as they reappeared at the entrance of Ramshackle Dorm. As Soni blinked her eyes, she stared at the sky that was completely and utterly dark with no sun to be seen.
"Teacher's pet, what the hell was that thing?" Ace rubbed the back of his head.
"Miss Monet! What in the Sevens is going on outside?!" The Headmaster arrived at the worst time as always, his feathers ruffled. "If it's one of your monsters pulling one of their tricks again-"
"Don't blame me for this! I just ran away from Darkrai five seconds ago after it tried to put me into an everlasting nightmare sleep." Soni stopped the adult in his tracks, even when her friends were alarmed by the information that she was telling them. "I don't know anything that's going on right now, Headmaster Supposed To Pay Me My Paycheck A Few Days Ago."
"Ah," Crowley coughed into his hand at that, his golden eyes shifting to the side. "Well, it turns out that something has encapsulated the school in a forcefield that is beyond our understanding of magic, which is rather unbelievable. From what we can tell, I've tried to contact the outside world to no avail. Given our lack of knowledge, I assumed that you knew what was going on."
Soni's eye twitched at the implication. "So you thought I was the one causing all this."
"Well, no." Again, he did not look at her as he said these things. "We just need more context to the situation at hand."
"How about we go someplace where we won't get attacked by a Pokemon that can send us into a literal nightmare realm?" Ace cut into the conversation, bringing back the very apparent change in the world. "We're not the only ones who want answers."
Seeing the Dorm Heads and Vice Dorm Heads appearing as well as their group of friends scattered about in the entirety of Night Raven College, Soni suddenly had that familiar dreadful feeling that things were about to get very close to home in the worst way possible.
"... And that's about it." Soni finished her speech to the crowd that gathered in the relative safety of Ramshackle Dorm.
"This Pokemon came from the shadows as soon as the world changed and attacked you?" Riddle crossed his arms at that. "Did this Pokemon have a reason why?"
Soni tugged on the edges of her gloves. "All I did was say its name and what it wanted. That's when it tried to attack us, although this doesn't make much sense to what I know about the Pokemon..."
"Mind explaining that to all of us?" Leona yawned, feeling tired from the whole situation. The lion Beastman sat on the couch, looking as casual as one could be in this situation.
"Darkrai's known as the Pitch-Black Pokemon," Her Rotophone flashed the words on the empty space that she reserved her Pokemon Lessons to show everyone. "It is known to put people to sleep and cause nightmares with its mere presence."
"So this Darkrai is known in your world to cause nightmares..." Lilia closes his eyes. "Come to think of it, there's an old deity that reminds me of this Pokemon. Long, cloaked in shadow with only a red, gaping maw, and piercing blue eyes that gave people nightmares..."
"Basically, teacher's pet on a bad day?" Ace mumbled to himself. "OW! I was kidding!"
"Anyways," Soni huffed, switching on a picture of Darkrai in question. "That's what Darkrai looks like. I'm assuming that the God of Nightmares and Darkrai are one and the same in this, but that doesn't really explain this barrier situation."
"Well," Azul spoke up from where he was, pushing his glasses up, "Your world is still learning about Pokemon themselves. Perhaps, it's an unknown ability that was overlooked."
"The thing is, this doesn't feel like something Darkrai would be capable of doing." Soni flashes through the multiple instances where the Mythical Pokemon in question was in the few documents that she had of it. "Most Pokemon don't have the ability to distort the world this badly. There's some that can walk between worlds, but those are specific instances."
"I feel like this is one of those instances to talk about what's going on," Jamil crossed his arms, looking at her with a raised eyebrow. "Well?"
"...Hoopa is one of them, but it can only make portals and not entire enclosures like the one we're dealing with." Soni rubbed her forearm that grew warmer with every word. "Besides Hoopa, the others... are considered major deities where they come from and are so important that to say their names is to invoke their attention. Granted, that's mostly superstition, but who knows at this point."
The silence that fell onto them at the moment drowned out everything else.
"So we're most likely dealing with giant deity boss fights?" Idia's voice over the tablet broke the tension that settled over all of them.
"If you want to oversimplify the deities of time and space, then sure." Soni ignored their reactions to continue. "It's highly likely that there's one of them here."
"Time and space?!" Crowley put his head in his hands. "What have I done to deserve this at my prestigious school?!"
"It's not what you've done, it's what you haven't," Soni mumbled to herself before continuing her speech. "Well, there's technically a third one who could do this, but no one really wants to talk about that one. It's almost taboo to do so."
"Oh, is this one so feared in your world, Child of Man?" Malleus asked her. "Are there tales of them ripping apart the world in their rage?"
"More like one was put away for their rage and anger by the creator of the universe in a separate dimension where they were the only living beings to exist in there until recent times, but that's mostly..." Soni hesitated to say well-known when everyone else looked like this was new to them. "...acknowledged by everyone back home."
"So, we have Legendary Pokemon that are known as deities that are warping the world as we know it and a nightmare-inducing Mythical Pokemon that tried to put us to sleep to feast on our dreams or something," Ace summarized everything. "Just what I wanted to deal with before lunch."
"I think if we can talk to these Pokemon and clear up the misunderstanding. Everything will be okay!" Kalim's cheerfulness was blinding in this situation.
"We do have the one person in this place who can fully understand them," the Headmaster said out loud, putting his hand on his chin. "Miss Monet! On the honor of Night Raven College, I ask you to-!"
"Pass." The response was immediate. "Do you not understand the level of danger we're in right now? I'm not going out there to face this kind of crap without proper compensation when I'm literally risking my life to do so as well as my Pokemon's lives. I've told you once and I'll tell you again. Get ready to pay up, you bastard crow-"
Deuce covers Happiny's ears as Soni's begins her tirade against the Headmaster, wincing at the numbers. "I do wonder what exactly Darkrai was doing attacking us though."
"Happiny?" The little bun looked at her Daddy with a tilted head. He doesn't seem too scary though. He sounded scared?
As more time passed, the sky above had no changed as there was no such thing as time in this place nor were there laws to be obeyed. When Soni finally suited up with her team in tow, she knelt down and patted Happiny on the head.
"Make sure to protect your Daddy and your dumb Uncle from getting smashed to bits-" That gained the indignation of her friends, but Soni continued, "-but don't risk your own life in the process. If you need to run, then run away."
A happy chirp from the Pokemon made Soni smile. "Hap!" Okay!
Taking the first step outside, Soni was flipped to the side as the ground underneath her shifted and turned. Night Raven College was broken into pieces, each place that was once easily reached was separated by floating boulders and pieces of land that were beginning to fade away at the edges in a hiss of pink light. The gaping abyss underneath Soni's feet promised the end of everything should she fall there.
"...Well, we're working with Poketoon logic apparently. Alright, this is going to be a challenge. Charlie, we need you buddy!"
The large draconic Pokemon let out a resounding roar in the silence, his tail swishing side-by-side as Soni petted his head. "Grrrr...." I heavily dislike this plan...
"I know, but hey, it's better than the last time we had to deal with a Legendary." Soni could see the look of annoyance, the huff of hot breath hitting her in the face as to scold her.
"Grrr..." The unhappy growl that escaped him made her sigh. We did not know about that one...
"No use in thinking about the past." Soni patted him one last time. "Let's go, shall we?"
Flying through the disordered world around them, Soni knew that it was more and more likely that there were at least one of the biggest deities in the world here at Night Raven College. The school building was in one piece as it was in the center of the land and surprisingly none of it had fallen apart just yet.
It was more of a mystery as to why the Legendaries were here in the first place. Unless there was something going on with their domains-
The lightbulb went off in Soni's mind.
Darkrai had mentioned something earlier about her needing to leave as well as being surprised by her knowing its name. From what Soni knew, Pokemon came from her world. How many times did this situation happen where Pokemon went missing and wound up in a different place than they've ever known? Who's to say that the deities of time, space, or even antimatter, weren't pissed by the violation of worlds colliding? Was Soni, a Blessed, the final straw to this whole situation?
Her forearm burned.
The pink slash tore through the air right near where Ramshackle was, pink molecules ascending into the air.
"...Well, shit." Soni breathed out, bracing herself for the ride back to her dorm. "Charlie, full speed ahead!"
Johto had always taken the historical stories and legends of Pokemon as fact, something Soni's mother had taken the time and energy to explain why it was important to do so.
"Who knows if they are watching you should you say their name," Her mother told her in whispers, holding her as though to shield her from their sight.
That piece of advice shook her as she watched the deities of space and antimatter roar onto the group of people that were stuck under the pressure of the Legendaries who ruled the world and all beyond. The resounding screeches of the massive beasts from above pierced the ever-eerie silence of the world. Everyone stood outside, their eyes focused on the large, draconic figures that Soni had long to respect as deities.
"Happiny!" A small dot of pink stood in front of them, bowing as much as her tiny body would allow. Hello, who are you!
Oh Arceus, give me strength. Soni thought as she watched Deuce trying to pull the little one back to safety, although the little one refused, focused on the two who hovered above her.
"GRAWAR!" Palkia's roar shook the world around them in its fury. I AM THE ONE TO RULE OVER SPACE! TINY ONE, WHO IS THE ONE TO TAKE THE BLESSED!
"Hap Happiny! Happiny Hap! Happiny!" The cheerful response was so drastically different from the atmosphere that Soni wanted to laugh. It's the birdman! Mama says that he's supposed to bring her home, but he hasn't done it, even though he promised! He doesn't pay her a lot of money that she has to fight him on it!
The two Legendaries focused on Crowley who broke out into a cold sweat.
"GRRAWWW!" Palkia's claws lit up a soft, glowing pink. SO IT IS YOU THAT DARES TO MEDDLE IN OUR AFFAIRS, BIRDMAN!
"SCRRRRRRR!" Giratina's six appendages were cloaked in shadow as though painted in darkness itself. WE SHALL NOT BE MERCIFUL WITH YOUR PATHETIC LIFE AND SPARE THE LIVES OF THOSE BEHIND THE TINY ONE!
"What's going on?!" Crowley's cries as the two began their descent on him. "I have not done anything wrong!"
"Happiny," Deuce pulled the little one into his arms, trying not to crack under the pressure, "what did you say to them to get them so mad at the Headmaster?"
"Hap Hap?" I only said what Mama said before a bunch of times?
"Did Happiny just convince literal Pokemon gods to not go after us?" Ace voiced out what everyone was thinking at this moment. "...Honestly, I shouldn't be that surprised at this point, but somehow I am."
"That's your biggest concern?" Riddle's voice peaked at that.
It was at that moment that a dark void was launched towards the two Legendaries.
"Mmmmm...." Shadows blended together to bring forth the form of Darkrai. Stay away... it was a mistake...
As much as Soni wanted the show to go on, she was brought here by accident as far as she knew. Not to mention she wouldn't get paid if the Headmaster combusted into space matter particles or got dragged to the Distortion World. All her work for the week would just evaporate if Crowley poofed out of existence.
"I'm back." Even so, that didn't mean she couldn't have a little fun with this while she could. Soni entered the scene with Charlie, ignoring the way that the Legendaries immediately focused their attention on her. "I saw something exploding. Did something happen?"
"Happiny!" The little pink Pokemon held out her arms. Mama, you're home!
"Mmmm." Darkrai asked her. Although I may have attacked you... I did not do so with the intention of harming you. I wanted... to warn you for what was to come...
"Don't worry, Darkrai, I already know that you don't mean any harm," Soni told the Dark type who looked surprised. "It's not really because you want to do it, but an unconscious thing right?"
"Mm." Yes.
"The thing is, I came here on accident. I wasn't really kidnapped? I got summoned here by a carriage." She decided that it was time to stop the misunderstanding, seeing as Crowley's soul was slowly departing him. Gotta keep him alive for him to pay her after all. "Sure, he told me that he was working on a way to send me home, pays me way less than I should be getting and made me go through several hours worth of arguing to get what I deserve, and has endangered my life enough times in the time that I've been here-"
"Is that the right thing to say at this moment..." Jack couldn't help but say that, feeling a cold sweat at the argument. "I'm surprised that she remembers everything like this..."
"One should never piss her off in any degree. She will remember every slight against her." Azul had a blank stare as he remembered what happened to him. "I learned that the hard way..."
Jade patted him on the back.
"Well, she's not wrong." Epel couldn't help but point that out. "She's been dealt a tough time with trying to renovate Ramshackle on her own, getting money for repairs, and the Overblots..."
The pressure around them all got worse.
"True, teacher's pet somehow managed to get the place livable in the span of a few days." Ace joined in. "That, and someone tried to burn it down not long after because he got pissed. Even after all of that, the place is still standing."
Riddle looked unamused by the jab but did not refute it.
"But," Soni finally finished her tirade with Crowley crying tears, "I don't think he's the one responsible for this. I think."
"Did you have to tack that last part on, Miss Monet?" Crowley's pleas were drowned out by Giratina's roar. "EIII-!"
In that instant, small meteors surrounded the area.
"Wait what- no!" Soni hadn't heard that one before. "Everyone, get down!"
Little Happiny was held in Deuce's arms as the blue-haired teen began to run. One stray meteor was about to hit them both.
"Ah, shi-!" Deuce pulled out his pen-
A blue blur appeared in front of him, its arm outstretched in the familiar jabbing action that had everyone falling over from the pain. "Croa..." Do not... harm the child...
"Happiny! Happiny!" Happiny flailed her arms. Big Brother Croagunk, you're here! You're really here!
"Croa..." The huff that left the toxic frog was enough to convey the words it wanted to say. Why wouldn't I be? Someone's making a mess.
"Thank you, Croagunk." Deuce said his respects, knowing that he wouldn't have been able to deflect that attack on his own.
"Holy shi-" Ace backpedaled. "How did it stop that meteor with its Poison Jab?! Isn't that thing a deity or god or something?!"
"Ufufu, for that one to be powerful enough to confront a deity like this, no wonder it could withstand an attack on my own spells." Malleus' pen elongated into his staff, "I do think that it's right to defend this place as our own, given that we are all at risk if we don't."
And thus the battle began.
Deuce summoned cauldrons to protect oncoming Draco Meteors that fell from the sky, knocking them off course to hit the disappearing ground. Ace assisted him by launching his own barrages of wind to redirect them to where Croagunk was demolishing them with Poison Jabs. Happiny threw boulders at the Draco Meteors, ensuring that none got to her family in the process. Jack and Epel worked together to get people out of the way, using Jack's Unique Magic to move quickly as Epel rode on his back while slinging magic at the deities.
Riddle and Azul combined forces to launch their magic together, their Vice Heads alongside them in the fight.
"Never thought that this sort of thing would happen here at our school, but there are many surprises when it comes to our local Pokemon Trainer," Azul waved his staff, hurtling a Water Shot towards the flaming ball of energy that threatened to crush them all.
"Indeed," Riddle was far more focused on staying alive than idle chitchat.
Leona used his Unique Magic to destroy the oncoming attacks with a grunt. "Dammit, this is not what I was expecting to do today."
"Shishishi, I don't think anyone was expecting something like this." Ruggie dodged out of the way of an oncoming Draco Meteor, letting out a shaky breath. "Still, this is pretty shitty work."
"Kalim, watch yourself!" Jamil aimed his magic towards the remaining Draco Meteors, flying on the back of the magic carpet as Kalim steered. "We need to minimize the damage down below us. Focus!"
"Leave it to me, Jamil!" Kalim couldn't help but feel like this was a grand adventure. "I wonder if this is something that Soni deals with all the time back home!"
"I pity her if that's the case."
Vil and Rook were in the back, trying to do some long-range damage towards the Legendaries.
"Ah, how marvelous that these gods defend the honor of our local Pokemon Trainer." Rook shot off a Null Shot at the incoming Meteor with ease. "Their passion for justice is quite beautiful."
"I wish that they could've done this on any other day," Vil kept an eye out for the ground that was crumbling right underneath them.
Idia was doing the damage calculations from the safety of his room, trying to figure out how to send these Pokemon back to where they belonged. "Ugh, they're completely aggro right now. We're just a bunch of puny Level 1 Rookies with crappy armor in front of the final boss, but Soni seems to have some OP Protagonist power going on with how she's dodging the attacks."
Meanwhile, Malleus smiled at the fact that he was fighting against a creature that was far more powerful than he. Ever since the world of Pokemon had been revealed to him, there were always new surprises to discover.
Now, he was meeting his match against a creature that equated to a deity in his friend's world. Although Malleus was strong, he was not strong enough to fight a Legendary on his own. It was a humbling experience, he will admit. Having people talk about his power and how overwhelming he was with his crown and name was something that he'd grown used to but in the face of these Pokemon, that meant nothing. He was a challenger to them.
What was that phrase that his Child of Man told him?
When people meet each other's eyes, does that means they were supposed to battle?
Then, who was Malleus to deny what they wanted?
Darkrai flew about, trying its best to deflect the oncoming attacks from the two Legendaries that were enraged by a Blessed being mistreated. Having lived for eons, the way the world had looked upon Blessed had changed. What was seen as a way to connect one another was used as a way to promote war. What was seen as a beacon of peace was seen as being a freak. What was seen as a blessing to the Legends was seen as a curse by the people who surrounded them.
Although Palkia and Giratina waged war with this place, they hadn't noticed these things sooner because Pokemon being taken through different planes was not a new phenomenon. However, Blessed being taken from their homeworld was an entirely different story. They were rare in and of themselves. Few Legendaries would ever come into contact with humans, fewer would ever claim a Blessed who would usher in a wave of peace and stability for a world so broken and divided.
To them, to try and harm the start of peace in the form of a Blessed was to invite war once more and cause devastation. That could not be allowed.
However, if they could see how the Blessed was desperately trying to keep those who had harmed her safe from their rage, they would be lenient. To oppose their will was madness, yet Darkrai couldn't help but agree with the Blessed. If the Blessed thought bygones were bygones, why not let it be so?
"Flamethrower!" The rush of flames blasted against the Spacial Rend that threatened to cut through the world in an instant. "Shit, this is getting worse!"
Soni was in the air, holding onto her beloved Charizard for dear life as they did their best to keep the battle where they could keep the least amount of damage. Granted, it was difficult to pull that off on her own, but she did what she could.
"Graaaaa!" Charlie roared as he soared between the attacks, directing them towards the sky in order to minimize the damage done to their friends below. What do you wish to do now!
"Do what I've always been good at, fighting!" Soni gave her orders. "Keep up the pressure, everyone! Charlie, Flamethrower on Giratina! Quickly!"
"Sure, a good chunk of these guys have extremely twisted morals, but that doesn't mean you can kill them! That's just wrong!" Soni ducked out of the way, her hair hitting her face as they swooped down to avoid a Dragon Claw. "I've already gotten over that crap if they've paid me back for all that they did to me! Sure, I won't really forget it 'cause like hell I will, but this whole situation is overkill!"
"Charlie, pull up!" The collision of their attacks exploded the largest portion of the remaining ground that there was near Ramshackle. "Dammit, they really are too pissed off!"
"Grrr..." We just need one final push and we could finish them off.
A shadowy black blur rose into the air, launching itself towards them. "Mmm." Allow me to assist you, Blessed.
"Darkrai, thank you for the help!" Soni raised her hand. "I'm assuming you know what to do?"
"Mmm." Of course, it is what I have been told all my existence.
"If you don't like where you used to be, why don't you stick around Ramshackle?" The offer seemed to frighten the Pokemon. "There are hardly any people living there, besides me, Grim, and the ghosts. I'm not sure if ghosts sleep though."
"...Mm." ...Perhaps.
And off they went.
Charizard zipped through the sky, his claws ripping through the attacks like they were nothing. From below, they could see nothing but an orange blur with the occasional flash of fire erupting from it. Soni's hair whipped in the wind, feeling no fear as she focused on bringing them all to victory.
"Downward! Spiral Left!" Her voice echoed into the air, the command almost being lost to the roars of the Legendaries. "Flamethrower to your left!"
Dark smoke emerged from the collisions, looming over the battlefield.
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Darkrai burst from the blackened clouds, launching the Dark Void attack and encasing the two Legendaries in it. However, that didn't last long as they needed to find a way to calm down the Legendaries. Soni brings up Oracion as a solution, not fully remembering the song name because it'd been something she'd learnt about on her travels and was a rather obscure name overall. The others could only watch in awe as this Pokemon of nightmare protected them.
Granted, there was no other way to go around it but to find songs that could work. Idia and Ortho get to work as soon as possible. As they set up speakers to blast the song through, Darkrai weakens from trying to hold back the legendaries.
"Mmmm!" Blessed, I have reached my limit!
Darkrai did its best to weave through the power of the Legendaries, but it was too much to bear. The collision of the Shadow Force knocked back Darkrai before Spacial Rend finished Darkrai in a spray of pink particles.
"Mm...." Blue eyes closed. I'm sorry... for being weak...
Darkrai was gone. The crew returned the favor by going all-out.
When Oracion began to play, the two Legendaries began to calm down and realized that their own anger towards being captured years ago had resurfaced. Nothing would ever remove that.
A Blessed was to be treated with dignity and care, yet the Bird Man had done little of that. They knew little of this world and cared little for it regardless. What they did know was that punishment was to be put in place.
"Grawww!" Palkia raised its claw, glowing bright pink. I will grant the one who went against us the mercy that the Blessed had given us. Restore to that of shadow!
"Reee!" Giratina's draconic aura pressed down on everyone there. As one under my command, I order you to rise up once more! You are to guard this place that which the Blessed dwells until she will be free of her chains.
Emerging from the shade of the tree, Darkrai was asleep, eyes closed. The Legendaries looked down upon Night Raven College and turned away from it.
Should anything happen, they will return.
That was an unspoken rule that everyone knew at that moment.
When Darkrai awakened, it was greeted with a smile to a home, one that looked in need of repair, but full of life that was endless and overflowing. Never did the Pokemon ever think of living with others until that moment.
"Welcome to Night Raven College, your new home, Darkrai." But who was Darkrai to refuse an order such as this when greeted so warmly.
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yandere-sins · 3 years
i just binged-read all of your BNHA works and omg... 🥲 you don’t understand the rollercoaster of emotions i just went through! can i please request a story of Kirishima noticing that Bakugou has a crush on his darling. then when Kirishima confronts Bakugou about it, things get heated/physical? keep up the good work, i love your writings! 🥰💗
Thank you so much for reading through them, I am so glad you enjoyed them! :D And thanks for requesting ♥
»»———————— ♡ ————————««     
“I don’t fucking know either!”
Loud. Terribly loud were the two voices shouting at each other in your room, the little bit of safe haven you owned, entirely disrupted by the two men arguing. It was only made worse by the fact that they were arguing about you rather than anything else, their attention involuntarily always coming back to you after every sentence.
You had long ducked away, slipped into the area between the wall and your bed, the only place you had claimed as yours ever since you were forced to live here. It was barely spacious enough for you to breathe in, but it was too small to force you out of as well, which you always appreciated. On most days, Kirishima would treat you kindly and with a strange understanding despite the situation and relationship you two had.
But just as quickly did his mood change, his tendencies to demand more than you were willing to give being a constant point of stress between you two. Hiding yourself back here was the closest to some privacy you had, and now than ever, you just wanted to disappear from this pitiful existence. You didn’t even want to hear about what they were talking, let alone witness how the conversation would go.
“Fuck,” Bakugou groaned loudly, rubbing his hands over his face. “Of all the people...”
“Yes. Of all the people, it just had to be my partner you fell in love with,” Kirishima hissed back, equally angered. You couldn’t even pinpoint for how long the two had been discussing this topic, but it left a bad taste in everyone’s mouth, as it seemed. Sighing quietly as to not draw more attention to you, you buried your head in your knees.
For the longest time, you had believed those two were good people. Sure, Bakugou was a hot-headed bastard sometimes, but together with Kirishima, who shone with his kindness, you three always had a lot of fun. When Kiri confessed to you, you had been so happy! What you thought was love probably was more like a deep friendship, but you didn’t say ‘no’ and went out with him.
But then the craziness started. It was subtle at first, and you confided in Bakugou, who told you, you were just imagining things. No one seemed to notice how Kirishima started to polarize your time constantly, how, when he wanted cuddles, he simply pulled you into an embrace even if you didn’t want to. How every problem was solved with ‘Just don’t go there anymore, you can stay here! I’ll take care of everything!’
You very quickly found out you had been wrong both with him being a good person and you being in love with him. But then, of all people, he still allowed Bakugou to come over! Where he kept you locked in his apartment all day while he played hero outside, he still allowed your friend to visit whenever. Seeing that Bakugou was not going to help you, no matter how much you pleaded with him to save you, broke your heart. It completely shattered you.
Honestly, you wanted to believe that you three had been friends once, but whatever happened to make the two into what they were now, it scared you. It frightened you so much that you barely slept at night, rarely managed to eat more than two spoons of your food, and rendered you unable to focus on anything if not ensuring you were safe when things got too much to bear. And now, your body shaking more than ever, you had to witness how even Bakugou seemed to have changed sides, and that scared you even more.
You thought he was just loyal to his friend by refusing to help you, but by god, he was the same as that maniac Kirishima.
“Look, I didn’t choose that either! But you knew I liked them way before you confessed!”
At that, Kirishima only clicked his tongue, unable to say anything in return to counter this claim. So it was right, Bakugou had liked you all along. All these things about Kirishima’s and your love life must have been so painful for him to listen to in this case. However, right then, as you overheard their conversation unwillingly, you didn’t feel bad for him even a second.
“I wish it was anyone else, but it’s them!”
“Well, are you sure?” Kirishima grumbled, and you kind of understood Bakugou’s frustration as his friend didn’t seem to want to hear the truth. “Yes, I am damn sure!”
“If that’s the case...” Kirishima sighed before you heard steps drawing closer. “[Name]? Can you come out? You know it’s rude not to show your cute face to our guest.”
Even if he spoke his words in a sugary voice, nothing about Kirishima could calm you. Slowly looking up at him again, you saw him reach his hand out to you, knowing fully well that he couldn’t get you out of that gap even if he probably wanted. The mood in the room was tense and full of heated tempers. Their back and forth had only made everything more awkward and uncomfortable as it already was for you.
Inwardly, you wanted nothing more than to stay in your hideout, hoping it would all quickly pass, but crossing Bakugou’s gaze briefly, you saw his brows only furrow more, and you wagered if taking Kirishima’s offer was better as long as he still asked nicely before either of them would lose their patience with you, too.
Slipping out of the space without taking his help, it wasn’t long before Kirishima picked you up anyway. The man had as much understanding about boundaries as you had about what even was wrong with him. He sat you down in his lap on the couch, waving Bakugou over, who reluctantly took a seat on the furthest armrest from you.
“Tell him, [Name]. You love me, right? You want to be with me, right?”
Opening your mouth, you wanted to protest, but Bakugou stole the words from you before you could talk.
“Bullshit! They’ve always been complaining because you suck at being a boyfriend! They could do so much better and be with me, right [Name]? Tell that idiot!”
You felt like a dog, with both owners screaming at their furbaby to chose them and go to the one it likes more.
Their back-and-forth continued, Kirishima swearing his love to you up and down while Bakugou praised his abilities to be better in... every way. Kirishima liked to remind you how much ‘fun’ you two had together and how much he did and would do for you in the future. Bakugou liked to argue with his friend, using insults and belittling comments about his plans. Neither made a very good impression, and their voices rose to a volume again, making you wish you had earplugs to drown out at least a little bit of their shouting.
Instead, you lifted your hands to your ears, cupping them as to drown out the sounds, hoping it was over soon. Why couldn’t they both leave you alone? Why did you have to end up in this situation, not once, but twice? Why did the two best friends you had turned out to be this crazy? Crazy about you?
There still were so many questions to be answered, and you curled into yourself as you spiraled down into overthinking everything that happened. From regrets you had, to disbelieve you still harbored, to the despair you felt as you couldn’t pinpoint when this nightmare would end.
You were so inside your own head, you didn’t notice how their voices slowly calmed down, their hearts breaking as they saw you so overwhelmed by the situation. Kirishima and Bakugou exchanged a few glances, and even in Bakugou’s serious and furious expression, there were hints of worries to find that only his friends could discern.
“How about you move in with us... and maybe they can make a decision then. Not that I’d just give them to you, but I can’t watch them being sad about us fighting. You always meant a lot to us.”
Huffing, Bakugou turned his head away, hiding the flustered red spreading on his cheeks. “I won’t share with you, you Dumbass! They’re mine. They love me much more than you freak!”
“Doubt it,” Kirishima chuckled as he brought his hand to your head, brushing over it comfortingly. He had never been afraid to say his opinion openly, a trait you had always found remarkable and remarkable stupid at the same time. “Whatever,” Bakugou grunted, standing up before storming out of the door without another word of goodbye, Kirishima sighing before he pulled you close.
“I hope this makes you happy,” he mumbled, not even knowing you weren’t listening anymore. “I’d do anything if it makes you happy.”
By the evening, a new roommate was sharing the apartment with you and Kirishima. They didn’t talk, neither at dinner nor before or after that. You didn’t mind the silence, but you did mind having to hold one hand of each as they decided to watch a movie, ever so often squeezing to gain your attention and giving you grins when you looked at them. As if that equaled making a decision which you liked better, just because they had a few seconds of your attention.
But even worse were the changes. The first thing Bakugou did was move the bed. Your hideout was no longer as he decided you didn’t need it. And where you had struggled to keep Kiri from you, you now were too scared to shove away Bakugou. Perhaps, you really had it nice with Kirishima. You pondered about it all night as you were squeezed between them, their arguing going deep into the early hours before they fell asleep, snoring away into your ears.
Would it have been easier if you had just chosen one of them?
Or would it be fatal to ever choose between them?
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astaroth1357 · 4 years
I asked my sister for a prompt to get my creativity going. She played this song. Nuff said.
It's been two months since the MC went back to the human world, and the demon boys are getting desperate to see their human… How desperate are we talking? Desperate enough to try their hands at some questionable sanctioned magic to get themselves to the human world... Good news is, they'll get there!
Just probably not in the way they expected. 🤷‍♀️🤭
He is going to KILL Mammon the next time he gets a hold of him…
He had no intention of taking an impromptu trip to the human world. He actually has clearance to go there when he needs to, thank you, so he didn't need to use any underhanded tricks to go between realms...
But he had made the mistake of walking too carelessly into Mammon's room while looking for a book he stole and stepped on a sigil half-obscured by an old pizza box…
...which is how he ended up falling from the Devildom to the human world at an unimaginable speed. It was like someone was yanking him to the Earth by the goddamn foot!
The unsuspecting MC was just out window shopping when suddenly an empty parked car across the street was utterly decimated by his falling body…
Of course, HE was fine, but that poor car never stood a chance… 😣 They had to help Lucifer pry himself out from the caved-in metal…
While he watched the MC fuss and try to brush all the broken glass off of him, Lucifer had only three things in mind:
(1) They look so cute when they're worried about him for practically no reason...
(2) Since he's already here, he may as well keep them company for… oh, a couple days at least?; and
(3) He was going to punish Mammon slightly less brutally than usual this time… May just fling him into a car too and leave it at that. 😌
Okay, Mammon isn't stupid. He can do magic, he swears!!
He's just… rusty. Yeah. That. 🙄
That's the only reason the sigil that he haphazardly drew in his bedroom flung him to the human world like a catapult instead of neatly teleporting him like it was supposed to...
When the MC woke up that morning, they heard something familiar… Sad, pitiful little cries for help from outside their bedroom window….
Really only one person sprang right to their mind.
When they ran out to check, they indeed found Mammon tangled up in a tree like a wooden spider's web... He wasn't even facing upright!
It took them a half hour to detangle their poor demon from the tree… They almost gave up halfway through and had to call the fire department to pull him out like a trapped kitten... 🤦‍♀️
To say that Mammon was pretty clingy after they got him down hardly covers it. They were now his savior! (Yet again)
They had better not have any plans for the next day or two because he's going to want to spend every second he can with them… 
Or at least until Lucifer finds him and drags him back home by the back of the neck… 😰 (Hope they don't mind housing this figurative fugitive for a while…)
So in his defense, he didn't actually think the "Return to Lover" spell he saw on TSL would work, but he got so desperate to see MC again that he half-jokingly tried it one night...
Unfortunately for him, he also forgot that Simeon tends to use a lot of real-world influences in his writing, so… 😥
He hadn't wanted to be dragged to the human world quite so violently, and let's say he is NOT a graceful faller (arm flailing, girly screaming, spinning all over the place, etc.). 
Only when the smell of beach sand and sea salt hit his nose did he begin to calm down a little and get a good look at the surroundings he was hurtling towards… The ocean!
Video game logic dictates that if you land in water, you should be fine, right?? (Well, that's not how it works in real life, but when you're in a super sturdy demon body, there can be expectations 🤷‍♀️)
The MC was not expecting someone to splash down into the water next to them like they fell out of Heaven, nor for them to enter the water with the poise of an Olympic high diver…
They REALLY weren't expecting to see Levi surface beside them, demon form in the all it's sea serpent-y glory, totally stoked that the stupid thought he had actually brought him to them!
… Of course, he also has no idea how to get back, but who actually cares about that?? Lucifer will figure out he's not in his room eventually. For now, there wasn't anything in the ocean or beyond that could separate the MC from their adorkable otaku… 🤭
Okay. Teleportation magic is hard. Very, very hard. It basically requires bypassing several different physical laws by breaking down one's essence into a transmigrational-uh...
Whatever, the point is it's difficult, and mistakes happen even to the best of us.
Satan genuinely thought he triple-checked the symbols on his sigil… He must have made a crooked stroke or forgot a step in completing the seal properly… Either way, the spell he intended to bring him right to MC might have made a… slight miscalculation.
Rather than effortlessly stepping out beside them, he found himself hurtling towards the human world like a falling comet… If he hadn't known a few spells that could slow down his fall, he'd have had a pretty nasty meet with the ground... 😣
The MC was visiting a local park when pretty much everyone in their vicinity heard the sound of trees rapidly snapping nearby. At first, they were concerned it was a large animal… and then Satan stumbled out covered in twigs and leaves!
They, of course, ran over to see if he was alright, and the cheeky bastard just denied that anything had gone wrong. "Apparently," this was all according to plan… 
(Truthfully, he'd rather call Mammon some unsung genius than admit that he got the spell wrong, even if it was complex… 🙄)
Truthfully, Satan wasn't going to try making a return sigil for a while, so at least he and MC could be together for a time! Do they know if there were any cat cafes nearby??
Asmo was PISSED at Solomon, furious even because he wouldn't help him sneak away to go see his beloved human! Didn't he know how hard the distance was on him?? The nerve!!! 😤
So, to him, it only seemed fair to steal some of the sorcerer's tomes and equipment… If he wouldn't help him in person, he could at least (unknowingly) do so in spirit!
… He just wasn't expecting the spells to be that difficult. Asmo is decent enough at magic, but some of those explanations were honestly beyond him… They bordered well into Satan or even Lucifer territory...
He tried his best, he really did, but the gentle teleportation that he was after actually flung him to the human world like he had been shot out of a cannon…! And while it was raining in the human world too!! 😫
The MC was walking home in the rain, umbrella and everything, when they heard screaming from the sky...
Thankfully, Asmo remembered just enough magic to cushion his fall… But that didn't save him from landing right into a massive puddle right next to the MC, effectively soaking them both.
On any other day, he'd have been angry that his expensive clothes were covered in rainwater, but that day? The second he saw the MC was there (and also tastefully soaked in water 😏), he just flung himself at them with a squeal of delight!
The MC had to convince him to let them get inside before they got too cold, but every step of the way was full of laughter and cuddles between the two of them...
Asmo would have to call Solomon to fess up to his theft, but hey, he got to see MC out of it! The bruised tailbone and ruined clothes were more than worth a treat like that.
Beel genuinely wasn't intending to go to the human world; he really wasn't. He hated the distance like everyone else, but he knew better than to mess with magic that dangerous…
What happened was that he was walking by Satan's room one day and he smelt something inside… apples. A lot of them. He just couldn't help himself…
He didn't know that Satan was using those apples as test subjects for his teleportation magic… Unfortunately, the first fruit that he grabbed actually put him right smack dab in the middle of an incomplete sigil…
Beel kind of blacked out for whatever happened during the next part, it happened really fast, but it was the smell of more apples that woke him back up… and pears, peaches, pineapples, plums-
It's a farmer's market. Beel fell into the apple stand of a farmer's market….
The MC was out shopping there when they heard two things: the screams of shock and horror from the end of the market and a familiar voice shouting, "I'M HUNGRY!!!"
Of course they ran towards the screaming, defying all survival instincts (because who else are we talking about here?) and found Beel, mid-rampage, eating every scrap of food he could get his hands on…
But he actually stopped when he heard them shout his name. That's right, he stopped eating right then and there to turn and see them in the crowd... Oh, the smile that popped up on his face could have reignited a sun!
Beel had no idea how he got there and even less idea of getting back, so the MC had to eventually call Lucifer. They did get to spend the day with their gentle giant, though! (Just don't mention the massive bill for all the fruit he ate… 😣)
So here's the story. Belphie was sleeping in the library, as he sometimes does, and the next thing he knew, he was free-falling through the sky.
No, he didn't know what happened either. Maybe he rolled onto a stray sigil Satan left behind. Perhaps he was accidentally summoned to the human world. Mayhaps he even dreamed about MC so hard that it broke a rift in space-time to try and bring the two together... 
Who the hell knows? His more pressing concern was less how he got up there and more where he would end up.
Unfortunately for him, all he could see below him was a human residential area, and even worse yet, it looked like he was hurtling towards someone's roof… The MC's roof, to be exact!
MC was incredibly lucky to have already been up and starting their morning routine when the seventh-born came crashing onto their bed. Who knows how much damage he could have done if he had landed on them...??
That didn't change their shock to see Belphie, covered in plaster and wood fragments, sitting himself up while looking more annoyed to have been woken up than that he… you know... crashed through their roof...
He was grateful to have popped up close to them because it would have been pretty awkward to land in some random human's room. The MC was… less enthused that they now had some significant repairs to do.
Smooth-talker he is, Belphie not only managed to convince them that Lucifer would take care of the payment (which he would) but also not to call him just yet. Not until he could get himself cleaned off and maybe have a nap or two… Say, they weren't going anywhere today, right? Good. 😏
Check out my Masterlist for more wacky ideas.
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secondhand-trash · 3 years
Lost in Blues
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A/N: this is a rewrite of the Oikawa drabble I posted last year. To me, it was one of the things I written that I had a lot of ideas for but ruined because I was rushing it so I really want to give the idea another chance. This does not have nearly the same vibe as the old one and I think I am glad that I decided to rewrite it. I’m still debating whether I would private the old one or not but I’m definitely way happier with how this turns out than the last time round.
Pairing: Oikawa Tooru x reader
Description: You gave him the most reckless, carefree days of your life and you did not expect to meet him again at a wedding of all occasions after those days were long over.
Word count: 2140
(more lines I like from things I like as prompts for people I like)
“Is it ‘running through the airport’ kind of love?”
“The only person I’d run through an airport for is you.”
Season 2, ep6, Fleabag
There was nothing you could think of that was possibly worse than sitting next to your ex at a wedding.
The nicely-tailored jacket on your shoulders felt more restrictive than it had been before you looked up when you heard someone asking if it was alright to sit next to you and it was him. Your eyes widened (just slightly, very slightly and you hoped he didn’t catch it) when you saw him, giving a curt nod before shifting farther away from the empty seat so that there would be a bit of distance between the two of you after he sat down.
You were dressed to the nines, putting in way more effort than you normally would into your appearance which turned out to be a brilliant decision on your part. He looked great, as he used to be and probably always would be, with his dress shirt and polished leather shoes. You would hate to admit that you stole a quick glance at the person you knew so well when the string quartet started playing, losing to your curiosity to know how much he had changed and how much was the same. His hair got shorted, the bangs he had cared for so meticulously before now gone and pushed to the side in a way that finally stopped screaming ‘teen idol’. His jaw grew stronger, the boyish roundness of his cheeks gone without a trace. But he was still loud, even as he sat there in silence and listened to the band. The first two buttons of his shirt were undone, which was already too flamboyant as a wedding guest for your taste. The golden buckle of his belt shined far too bright with each shift of his body and you could not ignore the ring of a matching tone on his thumb as you turned your focus away when you realised you probably shouldn’t be staring at your ex’s belt of all places.
You knew you probably wouldn’t look better or even as good as he was, but you sure was glad that you were at least looking like you had a good life after exiting out of his.
You hoped he would pretend that he does not know you for the rest of the ceremony, but you had a feeling that he wouldn’t.
“It’s been a while,” you had to bite back the sigh that nearly slipped from your lips when you heard him, “how have you been?”
See, spot on.
You tried to not make your exasperation too obvious as you turned to his side slightly, putting on a smile that was friendly enough to be polite but also enough distant for him to know that you were not particularly thrilled for this conversation.
It wasn’t that you two ended on bad terms, but the way you slowly drifted apart was nowhere near satisfactory either.
“Good,” you said, “you?”
His throat tightened at your clear disinterested. The more logical thing he should have done when he walked through the door and saw you at the end of the row all by yourself was to sit at the other end of the room, one that made sure you two would not be in each other’s view until the whole ceremony was over. But it had been so long, and his legs were moving before his mind could stop him until he was standing right next to you.
“Doing good too,” he replied, trying his best to keep the conversation going, “are you here with anyone?”
“No,” you swallowed the lump at the back of your throat and kept your smile on, “I’m on my own.”
“Oh?” his voice slightly sharpened, tilting his head in both interest and in shock, 
You shrugged, “My boyfriend doesn’t work here so he couldn’t make it.”
There was a brief pause.
“Oh,” he said, feeling a slight bitterness well up at the back of his throat at how ironically similar it sounded like.
He gulped, debating in his head whether it was worth risking it to say what he wanted to say.
The side that wanted to know how it was different this time won.
“Did you run through an airport for him too?” he said, trying to put on the most charming, non-offensive smile he could manage.
He was relieved that the gambling paid off when you actually let out a snort.
“No,” your shoulder pulled back slightly as you shook your head, your eyes dropping when you felt a hint of fondness welling up at the recall of the piece of memory that had been tugged at the back of your head, “I don’t run through airports anymore.”
You ran through an airport for the man who was now sitting next to you and even though it was an utterly stupid decision on your part, the reminiscence of your naïve romance brought a bitter-sweet sore to your chest. It was 8 years ago but almost felt longer, when he was about to leave the country to go to the other end of the globe. He did not tell you, that asshole who always decided everything for himself and just ran straight ahead for it. You wouldn’t even know he was leaving if you did not get your phone bombed by frantic calls from his best friend who yelled at you when you finally picked up.
“That shithead is leaving for Argentine in a few hours,” Iwaizumi sucked in a breath, sounding out of breath as he spitted words out of his mouth before you could ask him why he was telling you that, “and I know both of you are too fucking proud to say anything but if you come now, you can still make it in time before he needs to board his flight.”
“So just come, just-” you barely heard the last of his call and the sound of boys hollering from behind him when you threw your phone down onto your bag and grab the nearest shirt you could reach, “come.”
You barely made it in time to the airport and almost got lost because, hell, why was Sendai Airport so god damn big for no good reason at all. You had to run just to get there when he was about to walk past the glass walls of the departure hall, his friends holding him back by the arms when his mouth hung open in shock when he heard you call out his name from the far end of the hall.
You almost knocked him down when you crashed into him, his arms waving around aimlessly before he realised he should be holding you back instead.
"Why are you-”
“You’re an asshole and I hate that I’m doing this,” you muttered, fighting back the tears that were welling up at the corner of your eyes.
“What is that supposed to mean?” he let out a soft gasped, but allowing the burst of warmth in his chest to take over when you let out a laugh through the sob that broke through.
It was reckless, it was embarrassing and people were probably staring but you honestly didn’t care less. You were so in love with him and for reasons you could not believe, he was so in love with you.
And at that moment when he ignored how ugly you probably looked with tear and snot running down your chin and kissed you like he had been waiting for this, it seemed like every piece of the puzzle had clicked into the right place at last.
But the fairytale ended right after the climax, when the story had to continue past the point when the prince finally kissed the princess and everyone rejoiced.
At first, the distance didn’t bother you at all. You were okay with calling him every evening to say “good morning” to him, and he gladly did the same when he was walking home to his empty one-room apartment after another rough day at practice. He told you he was tired but he felt energised again when he got to hear your voice and you made fun of him for being cheesy on the tongue while smiling ear to ear. You believed that your love could win against time and distance, he believed that you two could definitely find a way. 
The question of what would happen if this lasted and who should make sacrifices for who hung over the air, but you didn’t care. You were still so young, you had time.
Until waiting for the call to come only to get nothing but a text many hours later saying that practice held him up started to make you feel frustrated and you were tired of being expected to be the considerate one because he was the one with big dreams you should support. The insecurities he thought he could push down turned ugly when you started to have more and more friends that he wouldn’t be notified of until they appear in your pictures, some standing far too close to you that his bitterness seeped through when he couldn’t stop himself from talking about how happy you seemed to be when he finally had time to sit down and take your call.
“And what is wrong with that?” you gritted, and felt even more aggravated when you remembered seeing his teammate tagged him in a picture where they were out clubbing only moments after he finally texted you saying he was too tired and needed to rest instead of having your weekly video call, “Why am I not allowed to be happy with people who are around me?”
And you also had your insecurities, and he was young and in a place where everything was new to him, and you knew he could be having a much more reckless time if he didn’t have to think about whether it would upset you when you found out, and he knew he could not give you a good enough reason to not feel unsafe, and he already made a choice on where way he wanted to head towards when he boarded that plane.
A way that you felt would be better for the both of you if you turn back while you could still think back on the times you did love him with a fond smile.
Running through the airport was so much easier than the rest that came after.
You were still smiling but quiet until you slowly parted your lips and looked up.
“The only person I’d run through an airport for is you.”
He shared the most reckless, the most carefree days of your life but you grew up now, and now you wanted someone who you did not need to run after.
He seemed like he wanted to say something, but the stop of the strings also put a stop to the moment.
“Dearly beloved…”
“It’s starting.”
You did not talk again for the rest of the ceremony.
“Are you free?”
You paused your hand that was shoving your phone back into your bag after pulling it out to check what time it was when Oikawa turned to your side. The ceremony ended and it was almost 6, not too early and not too late. The sun was sinking outside and the golden rays shined through the stained glass windows of the ceremony hall. 
You blinked, “After this, you mean?”
“Yeah,” he toyed with the thick gold band on his thumb, “do you have time?”
He regretted it the moment he asked. It had been seven years since you last talked and if he had never once wanted to contact you again then he sure shouldn’t have done it now. You also had someone else, to add to it, someone who you could do long-distance with and not looked distressed when you bring it up, what type of person would he looked like now after he asked his ex if they were free after a wedding?
To his relief, you did not seem too taken aback. You only looked down, pulled your phone out again to unlock your screen and look at the time before locking your eyebrows together, putting it away when you finished calculating. 
“Nah,” you shook your head with a tiny smile, “I have a call with someone later.”
You said ‘someone’ but he caught the hint from the way the corner of your lips lifted up just a little higher. 
Oikawa Tooru laughed, something he did not expect himself to do. 
You were doing well, like him, even though in separate places and with separate people.
That was good.
So he said it, smiling without knowing that he was, “That’s good.”
He meant it.
“Yeah,” you nodded and smiled back, this time at him and with ease, “it is.”
And so did you.
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bbangsoonie · 4 years
just u
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member: sunwoo genre: fluff word count: 1,903 synopsis: sunwoo thinks you’re a flirty drunk but doesn’t notice you only flirt with him.
a/n: oc’s facial flush after drinking alcohol is mentioned once in the fic
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Eric: giant sleepover at hyunjae’s tonight
Hyunjae: this is news to me ??
Eric: be prepared to pull an all-nighter because we are doing everything from watching movies to playing games to ✨drinking✨
Sangyeon: his house is also my house ???
Eric: y/n, can you pick up some snacks and drinks with sunwoo?
You: sure
Sunwoo: this is news to me as well ?
Eric: see you all at 6! i know no one has classes today and tomorrow’s saturday so i expect full attendance :)
Juyeon: again, our house is not just solely hyunjae’s ???? younghoon and i live here as well ;-;
Eric’s impromptu gathering was in no way organized but he knew everyone would go along with it. Your group of friends consisted of the most spontaneous people you’ve ever met. They were always down for anything, anytime.
That was how you ended up going grocery shopping with Sunwoo and Haknyeon after you stopped by campus for your professor’s office hours. You ran into Haknyeon there who wanted to tag along to make sure you bought his favorite snacks.
“Any requests for chasers?” you called out to the boys who were an aisle away. You scanned the shelves of sodas in front of you, trying to recall who liked what drinks.
“Chasers are for babies,” Haknyeon scoffed as he made his way over to you.
“I’m baby,” you proudly pointed at yourself.
“Are you referring to the Kirby meme right now?” he blinked. When you nodded, he pretended to gag, making you slap his back.
“Do you guys think this is enough alcohol?” Sunwoo arrived with a cart full of bottles. You almost laughed at the amount of cases. Anyone passing by would think you were shopping wholesale. Which honestly didn’t sound like a bad idea for a group of 12.
“Should be,” Haknyeon shrugged, taking over the cart. “Now time for the good stuff!”
You and Sunwoo watched as he threw in bags of chips and jelly into the cart. You only picked out one or two for yourself since Haknyeon was essentially just getting everything. There was a wide variety for you to choose from anyway. Sunwoo had to physically stop him from adding more stuff, insisting that there’d be dinner as well.
With Hyunjae in charge of ordering food, it was no surprise that you walked into his house smelling like chicken. Eric greeted you from the kitchen and you hollered out a “hey” before joining Changmin and Chanhee in the living room. They were in the middle of an intense round of Super Smash Bros and by the looks of it, Changmin was winning. When the game finally ended, Changmin shrieked with laughter while Chanhee dejectedly collapsed onto the sofa.
Jacob and Kevin walked in not long after, exchanging greetings with everyone else. Sangyeon, Juyeon, and Younghoon emerged from the staircase after finishing their assignments upstairs in their own respective rooms. With the whole group together, Eric gathered you all in front of the TV to have a Super Smash Bros tournament.
“Only people who suck at playing games pick Kirby,” he yelled as you picked up a controller.
“I do admit I suck at games and love Kirby,” you stuck your tongue out as you chose your character, making Chanhee groan.
“All you do is spam down b!” Kevin whined.
“Well no one wants to teach me other moves or how to play other characters,” you shrugged.
“I tried,” Hyunjae sighed. “You’re an impossible student.”
“That’s because everyone kills me off while I try to learn!” you huffed.
To your amusement, you won the game by avoiding everyone in the air while they battled amongst themselves. Then you constantly attacked Younghoon with the same move until he eventually died. He screamed in frustration when your victory flashed across the screen.
Unfortunately for you, everyone decided to target you in the beginning for the next round. After easily finishing you off, they enjoyed what they called a “true fight” that Eric ultimately won.
The long night officially began with the mountain of boxes of chicken in the kitchen. It was easily demolished before Changmin won rock, paper, scissors to put a horror movie on. Before the film was even chosen, Sunwoo was complaining about how he hated jump scares.
“Bro just say you’re afraid and move on,” Eric snickered.
“I’m not scared! I just don’t like being surprised,” Sunwoo insisted.
“Pft, if you’re a true man you can watch it,” Chanhee teased, unaware of his embarrassment to come.
The next couple of hours was chaotic. Chanhee screamed at every noise, making everyone else scream as well. Haknyeon and Sunwoo ended up watching the movie with their ears closed and Jacob gave up entirely by trying to nap instead. You had the unfortunate seat next to Younghoon and became his ragdoll that he clung onto and shook every time he got frightened. You didn’t even get to react to the movie because he kept screaming and grabbing onto you.
Eric and his mischievous instincts spent the whole time trying to startle Juyeon who ended up chasing him around until he promised to stop. Changmin, Sangyeon, Hyunjae, and Kevin were the only ones who truly enjoyed the movie.
When the lights came back on, Chanhee and Sunwoo pretended that it wasn’t scary at all. Hyunjae laughed, reminding them of their reactions to which they feigned oblivion to.
“I need a drink,” you groaned. “Younghoon stressed me out more than the ghost did.”
“Everyone go slow and steady,” Eric warned. “I want to be playing until the sun comes up.”
“My body is too old for this,” Sangyeon mumbled as he began taking the alcohol out of the fridge.
“Hey, Y/n, can you pass me a bottle?” Sunwoo asked. You felt your heart skip a beat when his fingers brushed past yours to take the drink from your hands. The exchange made you blush and you quickly took a shot to mask your tinted cheeks with the flush of the liquor.
Spending the night with your friends meant that you would be spending it trying hard to not fall in love with your budding crush. You tried your best to keep a safe distance from him, relying on Chanhee to be your trusty barrier.
After a series of drinking games (that mostly resulted in your loss), you were beginning to feel the effects. With Chanhee and Haknyeon by your side, you were slightly swinging in your seat. You were all sitting on the floor in the spacious living room to start whatever game Hyunjae had suggested. His words had gone in and out of your ears while you were finishing your last punishment drink.
“So basically one person will ask another person a question and that person will say their answer out loud. The answer has to be the name of someone in this room. Those who are curious about the question will drink to hear it,” Hyunjae explained.
“Can I go first?” Kevin excitedly asked. With the majority agreeing, he happily went up to Jacob to whisper in his ear.
After hearing his question, Jacob thought for a second before saying your name. The boys teasingly “ooh”ed, making you roll your eyes. Sunwoo, Eric, and Changmin were the only ones curious enough to drink for the answer.
“Aw, Y/n, you don’t wanna know why he picked you?” Kevin pouted.
“By the look on your face, I think I get the gist,” you chuckled. “Any questions involving girls only leaves me as an option. And to be brutally honest, I don’t really care what he thinks of me.”
Jacob, faking pain, clutched his heart.
“Ouch,” he joked.
Jacob asked his question to Younghoon, who answered with your name again. This time, you were slightly intrigued.
“Me again for the second time in a row? Now I’m kinda curious,” you pretended to think hard.
Eric drank again and eagerly asked for Jacob’s question. Trying to elicit a response from you, he acted shocked and grabbed Younghoon by the collar. Laughing, you gave in and drank to hear the question.
“He thinks you’re gonna be the first to get cuffed,” Jacob whispered to you.
“Ah, unfortunately no,” you shook your head at Younghoon, sitting back down.
This time, Younghoon asked you a question. He asked who you would date if you had to choose from the friend group.
“Sunwoo,” you said almost immediately. His jaw dropped at how fast you made your decision and he gave you a smug look.
Again, Eric couldn’t hide his curiosity. His reaction made the rest of them interested and everyone ended up drinking to find out what Younghoon had asked you. Hyunjae hooted but the alcohol in your system left you unphased by all their teasing.
After their excitement died down, the game continued until each person had a turn. It ended with Eric drunk crying thanks to Juyeon picking him as his most cherished friend. Seeing him cry made Sunwoo cry as well and Changmin was having a blast laughing at them both.
Not wanting Sunwoo to also turn into a crying drunk, Sangyeon took his cup away from him. He reminded him to keep his pace, prompting him to sulk. As soon as Sangyeon looked away, however, Sunwoo stole it back and downed the rest of his drink.
“Sunwoo, no,” Sangyeon groaned.
“Sunwoo yes!” Sunwoo exclaimed with glee.
The group then split off into subgroups to take a break from drinking. You, Younghoon, Juyeon, Changmin, Sunwoo, and Eric propped a phone up to make TikToks together. Meanwhile, the rest of the boys were just chilling on the couch, laughing as they watched you embarrass yourselves.
Subconsciously, you ended up with your arm wrapped around Sunwoo’s neck for most of the stupid 15 second video. You honestly weren’t sure what you were filming or why you were so close to your crush but you were having too much fun to care.
Chanhee, on the other hand, definitely noticed. He smirked as you rested your head on Sunwoo’s lap and Sunwoo’s face reddened. He nudged Jacob to point it out and made fun of how oblivious you two were.
Before reconvening, you stepped outside to get some fresh air. When you didn’t return after 10 minutes, Sunwoo was sent to retrieve you. You lit up seeing him join you on the veranda and beckoned for him to sit down next to you.
“It’s cold out here,” he said. “Let’s go back in.”
“So then you should hold my hand to keep me warm,” you giggled, holding out your hand.
“You’re drunk,” he commented as he raised an eyebrow.
“Drunk on you,” you winked, making him shyly look away. He cleared his throat to rid himself of the awkward tension between you.
“You know, you’re a flirty drunk,” he mused.
“Only to you,” you shrugged. “Haven’t you ever heard of drunk actions reflecting sober thoughts?”
Taken aback, he stared at you in silence. You pouted at his lack of response and got up to go back inside. Before you could open the door, he finally spoke up.
“I’ll think about it if your sober actions reflect your drunk thoughts,” he said.
“Really?” you beamed.
“As long as your drunk self is only flirty with me,” he teased.
“Oh please, have you ever seen me like this with the other guys?” you laughed. “I only like you. Just you.”
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writingsbychlo · 3 years
💭hi chloe, congrats! could u do a dating ff!tommy head canon (like the ones you have for stiles and mitch) i miss him 🥺
under the cut! i will also link this to my masterlist, because I know how much y'all like these!
Tommy is kiiiiinda in a middle ground about PDA
He doesn’t feel the need to go over the top, but he isn’t shy about it either
He’ll kiss his girl when he wants, and he isn’t shy of affection either
Little nudges and pokes and a lot of random hugs
On a call together, he keeps it professional, of course
But in your own time? He’s a free man, and he’ll love his girl if he wants to
At the house, he can be extra with PDA, just to annoy everyone
If he gives you a little kiss, or does something which anybody teases him for, he goes into overdrive, just to annoy them
A lot of ‘my love’, ‘angel’, ‘light of my life’, ‘love of my life’, ‘hey pretty girl’
A lot of flirting too
“Oh, damn, good thing we’re firemen because you are smokin’.” and such
He will one hundred percent grab your ass and run away
You’ve actually become pretty used to it, actually
Little slaps, or pinches, or grabs, and then he just runs away laughing
Thinkin’ he’s doing something
But he still blushes when you flirt back, in literally any situation
Using a fire-related pick-up line
“Well, damn, lieutenant, you’d better come over here and handle me then.”
And his jaw would drop and he’d get cute pink cheeks
Which definitely leads to some PDA because he’ll grab your face and kiss you
The PDA gets more after a hard call but nobody says anything then
Hand holding and cuddling and playing with hair
Soft kisses and whispered reassurances while holding each other’s faces
Honestly, he’s not big on making an exhibition, but he will give out a lot of love
Hanging out happens a lot
For starters, there’s all day at work, especially on slow days when you might not even get a case
At the beginning of the relationship, that would be awesome, because ‘honeymoon phase’ and all
But once you’ve moved past that and into a more serious relationship, that can be an issue
Like if there’s been a dispute at home or one of you is on edge
So hanging out is pretty much never alone at work
And you try to break it up into chunks too
Making sure you have a girls night with Brenda at least once a week
And once a week he has a guys night, and you plan them on separate days
You actually have too much hang out time on your hands, and it can be a strain
Once you’ve got it down, though, it’s easy
Having TV shows that you binge together, and will never watch without the other
Cleaning and doing household chores together always becoming fun
Especially when you build a playlist for these jobs, and end up dancing and singing together
Also, cooking together
Which is actually usually just one of you cooking, and the other sitting on the counter just to chat
Grocery shopping alone, and making appointments alone
Just so that you always have time apart, to keep things distanced
Date nights are hard to plan when you live together and have such busy jobs
You rarely ever actually feel the need to go out and about to have a date
Really, you just want to get in your comfies and relax together
At first, you both kind of force yourselves to go out
Making bookings and dressing up and going out for dinner
You feel like you owe it to yourselves at the beginning
Even though you don’t need to do the small talk and whatnot
After that, drive through dates in the middle of the night, or going on walks in the park count as dates
And after that, you honestly stop counting dates
You’re just together
Long before you move in together, you’re already basically living together
You drive home from work together, and choose who’s place to crash at
So dates as a concept are pretty irrelevant after a pretty short amount of time
Oh, don’t even get me started on this
He’s always horny after regular cases
Watching you go into ‘action mode’, he loves it
And you feel the same about him
Definitely having hooked up in the showers a few times at work while you were still in that phase
His hand over your mouth and trying not to let the sounds be too obvious
Trying to keep quiet and failing at it
You’re pretty sure everyone knows, but nobody said anything
Also fucking in one of the firetrucks and the ambulance
When you get a little more self-control, morning sex is usually the way forwards
Because you’re both always so tired after shifts
So morning sex is usually the way to go
If it is morning sex, it’s always sloppy and clingy and passionate
Slow thrusts and wandering hands and deep kisses
Shower sex is also a regular visitor in the morning sex regime
“It’s hot, and easy clean-up, and it’s hot. I see no downsides.”
He loves shower sex
However, if you’ve been out with the team, you’re probably both a little tipsy
Team nights lead to drinking, lead to Thomas openly saying how much he loves how hot his girlfriend is and getting wandering hands
Also kinda sloppy and clingy sex
But a lot hotter
Because you have more energy than mornings, and you’ve got a little liquor behind it
So it’s the times when you both get a little wilder
Day off sex is different, though
Day off sex is much more like making love than just fucking
Because it’s a lazy day, so you’re both in pyjamas
And he’s just turned on because he loves you so much
It’s quite literally just ‘seriously, you’re so cute and I love you so much’ sex
Wearing his oversized shirts and sweatpants and odd socks
And he’s wearing plaid pants or sweats and old shirts
Literally nothing sexy about it but damn you just have so much love
So those are the days where he takes you apart piece by piece
Slow and deep, so much love and kisses
Dirty talk is more just loving confessions
It’s not “I’m gonna have you screaming my name” like drunk sex or morning sex
But it more like “I’m gonna love you forever, I swear it”
Yeah, he’s always clingy, though
Big on aftercare. Big big big.
He’s always affectionate but he’s extra affectionate after sex
Brushing your hair back out of your face
If he got messy, he gets a cloth and cleans you up
Plus a lot of cuddling
“You want anything? Some water, I want some water. You want a snack?”
Sometimes you do, sometimes you don’t
If you do, he helps you out on some loose clothes and makes something simple like poptarts
If you don’t he gets you water when he gets his own and brings it to bed
Always helps you get back into some kind of pyjamas afterwards
Even if it’s just throwing them to you if you’re not completely fucked out
Cuddling under the covers afterwards
And it doesn’t get awkward, either
two seconds later, once you’re all cuddled up, he’ll jump right in with “so, guess what my mom texted before-”
And he just skips into the gossip and chatter without any awkwardness
Ohhh a lot
You wear a lot of his hoodies and shirts and coats
He likes things to be comfortably big on himself, so they’re quite large on you
He steals your slippers and fluffy for a while
Your place has hardwood floors but his has carpets, so when he comes over, his feet get cold
He stretches out your socks and slippers
So you start buying them bigger so they’re comfortable for him
He doesn’t realise until he sees you trip over the extra-long toe length one day
So he buys you your own
You now have like 15 pairs that are alternated around
Honestly, each other’s phones
What do you have to hide from him? You work together, you live together, you have the same friends
So, you use one another’s phones
To get in the groupchat and just reply, or to call someone or send a text
It’s really just about whoever’s phone is closest
He steals your netflix account before moving in
And you steal his spotify premium
His car
It’s cooler and has a smoother drive and you like it
So you like to drive his car around a lot
He always subtly complains about it
“That car is my baby.”
“I thought I was your baby.”
“You’re my angel.”
But he always hands over the keys willingly
And he complains about adjusting the seat after you’ve used it
But he buys the air fresheners you like
A lot of straight-up firemen puns
“Get rid of your smoke detector, sleep with a fireman.”
“The fire might be out, but you’re smokin’ hot.”
I’m a fireman. I’m an expert in what’s hot.”
But he’s also soft and cheesy and in love with his paramedic girlfriend so
“I’m glad you know CPR, because you just took my breath away.”
“Do you have a band-aid? Because I scraped my knees falling for you.”
“If you’re here, who’d running heaven?”
“Your hand looks heavy, want me to hold it for you?”
“I just stole a kiss. Want it back? Come get it.”
He's a professional little baby
He won’t let his love for you get in the way, because he knows you’ll yell at him for it
He has a job to do, and he learned the hard way that he has to prioritise that
A lot of arguments and tearful confessions and deep chats made the understanding
But that doesn’t mean you don’t have a few traditions
If it’s just a regular case with him going into a building and you staying outside, it’s the usual
Whispered reassurances as a plan is formed
Before you lock your pinkies, and pull each other close, and kiss your thumbs
It started because you kept bumping your head on his helmet when you tried to give him quick kisses
And then getting in trouble for kissing on the scene when one of the local papers reported on workplace romances
And you aren’t technically doing anything wrong but it made you both mad
So it became a pinky lock, and kissing the edges of your own hand
Because that’s the best you could get
However, if you have to go into a building, he checks your kit himself
You gave up fighting him on it
The only way he was gonna feel reassured was if he’d checked it all himself
Just allowing him to do so at this point
Bumping your helmets together softly before you go inside
When you go inside, you always walk behind him
He never directly demanded that when you were working out boundaries after an argument
But you know it makes him feel better
Always sticking close to his side, and remembering the flashlight technique he’d taught you if you wander off
After cases, when you get back to the firehouse, you always have reassuring little kisses
And that’s his time to support you
Always letting you check him over, even when he’s not hurt
Because he knows that it makes you feel better
And if you have to take a detour to the hospital with patients, he makes sure he has a mug of tea and a snack ready for you when you get back
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gummy-friend · 3 years
Hi! First and foremost, I really like your writing! Second, maybe 4 with G! Techno and H! Tommy? Thanks :D
Hello!!! Thank you so much!!!! :DD
And terribly sorry for the very long delay— I lost my original thought and was being petty to myself. But thank you for the prompt! I appreciate it! :D
"I would never hurt you"
Giant Techno and Human Tommy
Content warning: Language, mentions of blood, mentions of killing.
They say giants are vicious, they say giants are evil.
Well, to those people, Tommy will give them a middle finger. Because he met one. A giant.
His name is Techno, he's not evil nor vicious— In fact, Tommy will say that Techno is kind of a pussy. Techno absolutely refuses to go to the human villages, because "That'll be incredibly awkward", according to Techno. So he would just hunt for foods in the forest.
Tommy met Techno for quite a while now— after being exiled from his original village, he stumbled upon Techno's cabin, and got caught by Techno there.
It was not a fun time for Tommy, it took a while for Techno to let him go from a jar— he still don't know the reason why did Techno fucking lock him in a jar—before eventually releasing him to go off on his own. Techno made Tommy promise to not tell anyone about him, though, which Tommy agreed, and quickly ran away from the place.
But before long, Tommy came back to Techno. Tommy remembers, it was honestly an impulse decision of him.
It was nighttime when Techno let Tommy go. And it was nighttime when Tommy saw a mob of people from his village, holding pitchforks and torches, ready to go to where he was coming from. Techno's house.
Tommy smiled at the memory. Sure, he was exhausted trying to sprint as fast as he can, going towards Techno's cabin, trying to find Techno. It was a scary time for Tommy in the jar, sure, but not once did Techno tried to hurt Tommy, no matter how annoying Tommy was trying to be.
"HEEY!" Tommy shouted to the giant, who is in the middle of cooking food.
With a "Huh?", Techno turned around to meet a human he just released an hour ago, confused about his return.
"GIAN— TECHNO!" Tommy shouted again, panting between words "HUMANS!" He shouted, pointing towards the giant's door, trying to get his point across "HUMANS ARE HUNTING YOU—!"
Of course, Techno didn't believe the human. But still, he took precautions and peeked at the window, seeing torchlight and hearing hushed chatters and footsteps. A quick look at that, and Tommy saw Techno tremble— not because of fear, Tommy didn't sense any fear coming from the giant— while holding his head, pulling his long, pink hair. An unseen expression reflected in Techno's face before he once again trapped Tommy in a jar and ran away to their current location.
It has been two months since that incident, Tommy thinks. He still hasn't known much about Techno or his intention— like why did Techno brought Tommy with him when he ran away— but Tommy is currently living with Techno in a cave.
They say giants are evil, they say giants are vicious.
But Tommy hasn't felt like that ever since he moved in with Techno. It was a move with a lot of arguments, but after a quick explanation about how Tommy is afraid of villages after being exiled, Techno gave in and let Tommy stay with him.
"Techno!" Tommy called out to Techno, returning from his trip from the river— a basket full of fish on his back. "I'm home!"
Techno spared Tommy a glance from where he's standing— still focusing on cooking his food. "M-hm, give me the fish, I'll cook it" Techno nodded to himself, knowing Tommy is heading towards his direction.
With a "bitch, next time take the fish yourself" grumbled beneath his breath, Tommy gave the basket of fish to Techno— Who only gave a small scoff at the comment— and sat down not too near the fire.
"So." Tommy started, taking the plate of cooked fish from Techno. "Did you remember two months ago?" he continued, not yet eating his fish, instead staring at Techno.
The first week after moving in with Techno, Tommy asked Techno about his intention so many times— why did Techno take him with him, why did Techno avoid humans so much, especially since Tommy knew Techno is so skilled at fighting— and Techno always avoided the question. Without fail.
"Tommy." Techno sighed. Putting down his half-eaten plate of deer meat. "I told you not to talk about that"
"Why not?!— you fucking trapped me that one time, and you still haven't told me why" Tommy retaliated, But Techno ignored Tommy's protest, instead went back to avoiding the question by going to the cave entrance. Tommy took a bite out of his food before continuing "You're so fumkign skilled at fighting— I know! I saw you that one time when you were sword practicing—"
"Wait. Tommy." Techno's voice rang in a hushed tone— but Tommy was too focused in letting out his thoughts to realize it.
"— and then you have these times when you're so fucking creepy— chanting or some shit—"
"— and why the fuck do you live alone anyway? There's no way each giants live alon—"
"Tommy— shut up!—" Techno half-shouted, his voice being held back. Tommy only stared at Techno, the usually-calm giant raised his voice at him, and suddenly Tommy remembered the whispers about giants.
Giants are vicious, giants are evil
Those words reverberated in Tommy's head, and when he came to himself, he was trapped inside Techno's palm. Giant fingers wrapped around him a little too tight as he felt the vibrations of the ground shaking far below him and the sound of Techno panting. It reminded him on that night two months ago, when Techno trapped him in a jar, and those words reverberated inside Tommy's head
Giants are vicious, giants are evil
Are they really?
Minutes felt like hours to Tommy, and Techno finally stopped.
"Let- let me fucking go!" Tommy shouted from Techno's palm— much like when he shouted to be let go from a jar 2 months ago.
"Shh." Techno said. Voice low and halted. He's not even looking anywhere near Tommy's direction.
"No, fuck you— Let me fucking go—"
"Shut. up."
Giants are vicious. Giants are evil
No, no, no. Fuck no, Why does that thought has to come up now?
Tommy looked at Techno. Long, pink hair obscuring his face, a dark and heavy atmosphere covered both of them as the only voice Tommy can focus on is Techno's panting. His body now feels numb.
Just after Tommy felt like he's about to lose consciousness, he felt a sharp turn in his surroundings. The world turns into a blur as Tommy finds himself nauseous—
Before he felt a sharp pain on his head, knocking his consciousness out of him.
It's loud.
The voices inside his head all screamed the same thing. All screamed the thick, red substance the flows throughout living beings body. The voices inside his head screamed for blood
But Techno doesn't want that. He's changed. He's changed and he have tried to prove that. Not hurting the human child that came over to his cabin two months ago, not killing the hoard of tiny humans hunting him right now, trying so hard not to just take one of the tiny being flailing a pitchfork around and just... squishing them for a tiny trickle of the glorious blood—
For blood he already gave Chat animal blood. No human blood. He's changed. He's changed. He's no more the giant who drove his friend away, no longer the giant from the legend— having no mercy to humans. No.
But if he's changed then...
Why did he not protect the human he's sheltering...?
Tommy is a human that came across Techno two months ago. A human he trapped in fear of letting a hoard of human knowing where he lived. A human he used as a tool to remind hinself he's changed.
But overtime, the human had grown on him. Tommy is a... decent guy when you get to know him. Sure, he's loud, he's annoying, but he's... endearing. In some times Tommy talks to Techno about things he did at his previous village— how he saw a rabbit eating one of the villagers carrots, how he stole one of the villagers things, ....how he was exiled from his village...
It didn't broke Techno's heart, no. It was just.. sad. The kid had been exiled from his village and he ended up inside a jar in a giants house.
It was a day after that Techno let Tommy out of the jar— with a promise that the human won't tell anybody about his whereabouts, of course— while hoping the human will get somewhere to live.
To say Techno was surprised to see the human back in his house again, with a warning that a mob of humans going out for him was an understatement.
It was an impulse action from Techno to grab Tommy in a jar, really. But Techno saw the face of a horrified man and it reminded him of the faces of humans he'd killed— maybe, he can still save faces like these.
Maybe it's going to stay as a mere maybe afterall.
It's currently sunrise, Techno had found a cave hiding behind a waterfall— a secure place for him to hide— but Tommy have not yet to wake up. A small droplet of red stained his finger, but Chat seemed to not at all focusing on that — maybe a small part of Chat, really— but the majority of them are asking if Tommy is okay, if he's badly hurt or not. And with the constant ring inside his head, Techno can't help but feel very anxious about it.
The anxiousness was quickly dissipated, though. As Tommy let out a small groan and a small tremor in his figure, struggling to wake up.
"Tommy?" Techno whispered, finally relaxing his shoulder he didn't know were tense the whole time.
Tommy stood up— or at least tried to stand up— slowly, his arm trembling when a force is applied on it. But eventually, when Tommy managed to stand properly, he let out a shrilling screech at the sight of Techno.
"AAAH WHAT THE FUCK—" Tommy screeched, no longer standing up as he fell down into a sitting position. Trying to scoot away as far as possible from Techno— as far as the rock he's on lets him, at least.
A strange uneasiness tugged at Techno's heart. "T-Tommy...?" Techno repeated, slowly trying to reach out his hand to the small human— which the human respoded with an absolutely terrified look and a small shake. Techno stopped reaching out after that.
"H-How did you know my name?!" Tommy shouted out. The uneasiness tugs harder. "Where am I?!" He shouted again. and... "Who are you?!"
Techno felt like his heart is shattering. Tommy forgot about him. Each word feels like is hurting him.
"I..." Techno started, watching intently to Tommy's face full of fear and anticipation. "I'm Techno," He continued, very slowly in picking his words "and You're in a cave I found yesterday— after we escaped from a group of humans"
"Wait— why're humans hunting... us?" Tommy cuts off, "Did you— did you fucking kidnapped me?"
"No!" Techno said, refuting Tommy's accusation too quickly. But a small pause after his word made him realize that... he did initially kidnap Tommy. "...yes" Techno nodded, watching Tommy's expression pale. No— "The humans didn't hunt us because of that, though—"
"You... you kidnapped me." Tommy whispered, barely enough to be audible to Techno.
"Tommy— no—"
"YOU FUCKING KIDNAPPED ME, GIANT!" He shouted out, the pure emotion seething from him made him stand up. Techno's heart feels like it has been stabbed. "I— You—" Tommy took a step back, not registering how he's at the edge of the surface. Tommy let out a shriek as gravity pulled him down the fortunately not high surface.
Techno was about to reach out and help Tommy, but then he heard a quiet sob and saw the curled up form of Tommy.
"You... you kidnapped me.." Tommy said through his sobs. "What are you going to do to me now...?"
"Tommy." Techno called, a finger held out for helping Tommy to get up. "I would never hurt you"
° ° °
"Tommy." the giant called, a massive finger held out for helping him to get up. "I would never hurt you"
Tommy stood up with help from the giant— What was his name? Was it Tech...?— while looking up towards the giant figure.
A long flowy pink hair, two long pointed ears, two tusks poking from his mouth... Tommy remembered it was scary from when he first saw the giant, but for some reason, the assurance from him reverberated inside Tommy's heart. The nagging feeling of familiarity and "home" radiating from the giant to Tommy doesn't help either.
Tommy stared at the giant. He's kneeling, making his form a lot smaller than it should be. Tommy's glad for that. The giant already looks so much bigger kneeling, Tommy doesn't want to imagine his full height. At least, not right now. "are you sure..?"
The giant nods, repeating his words. "Yeah. I would never hurt you, Tommy."
Tommy stared at the giant. Looking at the concerned expression of the giant. Tommy felt reassurance bubbling more inside his heart. Tommy knows the giant is telling the truth.
Eventually, Tommy stepped out from his thoughts, realizing that he's still on the ground— he should go back to the top of the rock.
With very much difficulty, Tommy tried climbing the rock. The first attempt was very much a fail— as soon as he tried climbing, his arm gave up. Tommy guesses it's the numbness. The second attempt, though, Tommy got help from the giant. The giant gave him his palm as a platform.
"Thank you" Tommy mumbled, still feeling awkward— he guesses the giant also felt awkward— judging by the thick tension in the air. "Can- do you- If you said you didn't- didn't kidnap me," Tommy started, trying to break the tension, "then... can you tell me what really happened?"
The giant stopped for a moment, only watching Tommy. His eyes looked like it widened a little. But eventually, he let out a small huff and start telling Tommy a story. How they first met— the giant really did kidnap Tommy— but after a bit of explanation, Tommy understood the situation. The giant then continued telling about how Tommy warned the giant about oncoming group of humans
He then explained about them running away from the humans together— with the giant trapping Tommy again— and when Tommy asked why, the giant hesitated to answer,
"You.. you reminded me of my friend" the giant answered before continuing again. At the back of his mind, Tommy relaxed. Like it was something he needed to know.
The giant continued to tell the story. telling how Tommy asked to live with him. When Tommy asked why, the Giant said "You said you're scared of villages" and Tommy nodded after that. That kind of make sense— an eerie feeling rose at the thought of a distant, but familiar scenery of a village.
At the end of the story, the giant told the story of last night— about how they were chased by humans. The giant said they were bickering when the giant saw a hoard of humans marching towards them, so the giant quickly grabbed Tommy— forgetting to tell him about the current situation— and the giant apologized after that.
"so that's what happened" Tommy mumbled out, looking towards the giant— who looks slightly exhausted from all the storytelling. "Thank you, T- Tech- Tech- Techie..?"
Tommy can only watch as the giant's face changes into an expression similar to shock. "....what" a low— but not menacing— voice said.
"I- fumk- I forgot your name" Tommy meekly said— he's sure that the giant's not angry, but a giant is still making him nervous.
"Techno. Technoblade" The giant — Techno— huffed out.
"That's a fumkign dumb name" Tommy blurted out, but quickly slapped his hand to cover his mouth.
"It's okay. You said that the first time you knew my name too" Techno deadpanned. Tommy let out a very loud laugh at that.
"So uh— Nice.. Nice to meet you?" Tommy said after a moment of waiting his laugh to stop.
"Nice to meet you too, Tommy." Techno smiled
Giants are vicious, giants are evil.
A distant telling of a village rang inside Tommy's head.
Well, to those people, Tommy will give them a middle finger. Because he met one. A giant.
His name is Technoblade, and Tommy knows he's not evil nor vicious.
Thank you so much for the prompt!! I appreciate it!! :DD
The prompt is from here (I don't think I'll be taking more prompts though)
And.. Masterlist ! If you're interested in my other writings! :D
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violetnotez · 4 years
Omg hi!! I rewatched bnha and the scene with todoroki and Bakugo with the kids?? You know what I’m talking about with them, camie and the wind dude? Could I maybe ask for todoroki and Bakugo with an s/o who was also there for that and they’re just naturally good with kids and even got the devil children to calm down ? Haha I thought it would be cute anyways have an amazing day!! Ilyyy❤️❤️❤️❤️
OMG this is the cutest thing everrrrrrrrrrr I legit squealed getting this cause I just love kiddos 🥺and imagining the boys with kids UGH MA HEARTTTT
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Music Genre: Pop | BNHA
Characters: Bakugo, Shoto
Warnings: cussing (when do I write without cussing lmao 😂💀)
Music Collection | Tip Jar | Requests!
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Honestly, Shoto is good with kids and doesn’t even realize it
Cause He has ungodly patience
He may bore them at times, since hes so serious and straight forward, but kids generally like him 
(Especially the little girls lmaoooo)
But anyways, we all know these kids were damn gremlins at first
But you somehow were able to relate with the kids on a level the others couldnt
You could actually talk with them and get their attention
Like “Wow is that a Star Wars shirt? Cool!” or “I love how you painted your nails- did you do it yourself?”
General stuff like that
Shoto was just kinda- impressed
Like whoa Im getting pummeled by kids that call me “wee wee”, while your over there able to talk about Legos  with those same kids
He just takes mental notes of how you start a conversation with them
He finds it super endearing though
Especially when your kneeling down at one kid, just talking about comic books
And the kids face just lights up when this grown up is able to talk about characters he loves so much
The kids just see you as like this mama bear now-
But when Shoto makes the slide they all instantly reallllyyyyyy like him
All the kids wanna go on (like WHO WOULDNT) but of course there’s a few that are a little scared even though they wanna go on
Youre standing next to him and kinda nudge him, trying to be nonchalant but point out the kids who were hesitant
when you two walk up to these little girls and guys, they tell you their scared that they’ll get hurt
“Dont worry guys! Shoto built this- he’s super strong, and he would never let you guys get hurt,”
*cue Shoto turning beet red
He just nods along to what youre saying, offering some words of encouragement here and there, but he’s just stuck on how cute you are with these school kids, and then you call him strong-
You two spend the rest of the training session helping those little kids feel comfortable, and he actually makes friends with a few of them and UGH its just too cuteeeee
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Dipshit is annoyed your good with the kids
Like- how is screaming and forcing kids to fighting matches not making them like him???
this poor boy😔
He’s just crossing his arms and huffing around cause- why do they like you?!
Youre the one that kinda forces him to be nice........
Aaaaaaaaaaaand starts doing damage control
Cause Of course, Bakugo makes the fricking kids cry, its Bakugo
So this dumbie starts hollering at a little girl who stole his gauntlet and she bursts in a ball of tears
you run over to her and scoop her up in your lap-
shes like wailing in your lap, and You started asking her question like “Are you okay?” and “Whats your name?”
You comment on how adorable the clips in her hair is, and that seems to help her out- you start talking about favorite hairstyles, animals, colors, and shes actually giggling a little and looking alot calmer
Thats when you ask her why she was crying and she just gives Bakugo the most DIRTIEST look as she points at him
You try to hold back a laugh cause she is petty AF that Bakugo made her cry
“Oh my friend Bakugo scared you? Dont worry, hes not all that mean,”
the liesssssss
You pick up the little girl and bring her over to Bakugo, whose talking with the others about what they should try next to make the kids like them
You tap him on the shoulder and he just snarls out “The hell you want baka?”, and the girl kinda gets scared again and cuddles up next to you
“Hey Bakugo,” you reply back as calmy as you can, “I think you should meet my new friend!”
“Why the hell would I-”
Thats when you give him a “Dont- fuck- this- up-more- than- you- already- have” face, and he kinda gets the message
You turn to the girl, whose still cuddled to you, and say to her very nicely “Tell him your name, it’s okay,”
And she does!!!! 😁
Surprisingly he actually tells her his name....and then for some random ass reason he just holds out his hand for this 6 year to shake
He did look really uncomfy-but his hand,,,,👀
Like that’s what he thinks is what your supposed to do when you make a 6 year old cry 💀👀
pray for Bakugo’s future children
The little girl is super hesitant, but she takes it and kinda looks a little better knowing this big meanie of a grown up isnt that bad
Theres a pause, and she just blurts out -”Why are your hands so sweaty?”
you just fucking loose it
Bakugo is like making unearthly guttural noises cause he wants to start scremaing at this twerp, but he knows if he did youd be pissed, and this little girl is just laughing along with you
But- hes does gotta admit you did look really cute with that kid....
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peanutpinet · 3 years
Lucas x Reader (mafia)
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A/N: I dunno if this is a bad thing or not but I immediately got an idea from this writing prompt I found on Pinterest where character A found out character B got into a "fight" and got hurt then character A swipe their thumb across character B's bloodied lip and asked "Who did this to you", kay I'm weak
Alright, I'm a bit emotional because I had just submitted my final assignment and sorta used Lucas' name in my assignment but immediately jumping straight here XD
Theme: abuse (just a bit but I still put it out here), scary Lucas and some fluff!!
Kay, for this scenario, I, once again, imagine that Lucas is the head of the WayV unit of the NCT mafia. Also, to clarify, the NCT mafia that I imagine doesn't really do anything bad. Instead, they are more so a group that the government decided to build to serve the world but doesn't necessarily follow the rules; something like a secret agency but wilder.
Anyways, everyone in the business world practically knows who NCT is, who the members are and that NCT are always watching. No matter what business they are, wherever they are, NCT has eyes everywhere. Which is why no one dared to question them and would never try to challenge them in any shape or form.
With that being said it didn't mean that NCT was never harmed or was never targeted by other mafias that were trying to run illegal businesses all over the world. It's just that they were always unsuccessful when it came to challenging NCT because NCT would always be one step ahead of them.
Which was why when someone harmed you, Lucas' girlfriend, it nearly shook the entire NCT. Okay, let's rewind how it all happened and actually put some context to how you guys met and how your relationship became what it is.
So, just as the previous Lucas fic I did, you were just a college student while Lucas, is the head of the WayV unit, a sub-unit of NCT that mainly takes care of business in China/Hongkong/Taiwan/Southeast Asian countries. You were in your 2nd year of college when you met Lucas. It was an accident, really.
You were walking back to your dorm after hanging out with your friends who weren't living at the dorm. You told them that the dorm was nearby and you would be fine on your own; adding that you have been taking some self-defence class. But unfortunately, tonight was just not your night, or was it?
You were almost by your dorm's gate when a gang of motorcycles rushed past you, one of them grabbing your bag while you tried to hold onto it. Unfortunately, you were overpowered and ended up falling on your butt while the gang of motorcycles were cheering until another gang of motorcycles and cars blocked their path.
And of course, one of them was Lucas. Lucas came out of the car and confronted the low gang motorcycles, telling them off unless they wanted to take it further which by the look of the gang, they were not expecting the NCT to come and deal with them since normally, it would be the police.
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"I'm only going to tell you off just once. Stand down and stay where you are unless you want this problem to escalate further" Lucas growled at the motorcycle gang who just stood their stance
"Round them up. Now, which one of you, ahh, there you are" Lucas mentioned, grabbing your bag which the gang stole
Honestly, you were just stunned. You weren't expecting two different gangs to be doing this late at night and on a school night at that. You just sat on the ground watching the whole scene unveil until Lucas went up to you, extending his hand out which you nervously grabbed.
"You alright? This must be yours" Lucas stated, handing you your bag while your hand was still in his
"Huh? Oh, yea, thank you. Ar-are you like with the police or like is this a gang fight because if it is then I better go back to my dorm..." you stuttered, earning a chuckle from Lucas
"No. We're not really with the police but we're also not really fighting that gang. You can definitely say we're a gang but our gang doesn't really do those bad things. We're more so, cleaning up the trash" Lucas chuckled
"Oh, okay then. Um, thanks again for this" you uttered, shyly looking away
"Anytime. Take care. May our paths cross again someday" Lucas commented, letting go of your hand and heading back to his group
And cross paths you both did. Truth was that Lucas secretly spied on you because you left that much of an impression on him. It didn't take long for Lucas to finally came and told you how he felt because that night he saw you walking back to your dorm, alone, again. Worried that something similar would happen again, he didn't hesitate to come up to you and walked you back.
From walking you back to your dorm, to exchanging contacts and 'i love you' to now, almost a full year of dating. Throughout the whole year, Lucas slowly introduced you to all of NCT. Starting from WayV to the Dreamies who were closer to your age along with some new members (Sungchan and Shotaro) before NCT 127. At this point, everyone in NCT knows that you and Lucas were a thing and was even happy for y'alls relationship, supporting you every step of the way(V); especially the WayV members.
From the beginning of your relationship, Lucas would already tell you what he does and that he promise you that he would never let anyone harm you; and even if they did, they would pay for it. Lucas also told you that he would never exclude you from your life just because you were dating him and you would have every right to do whatever you wanted to do (just with some additional protections).
Lucas and the other NCT members also allowed for you to come to visit them at their headquarters or even at their own apartments whenever you wanted to (remember the visit to Lucas' apartment, yea). And today was one of those days.
After the incident on campus, Lucas made sure that he would be the one to pick you up and drop you off to campus since you practically moved in with him after the incident. If he couldn't make it, he would have someone from NCT do so. They would even accompany you wherever you wanted to go because to them, it was an excuse to get out from the boring meetings that occurred too regularly.
Today, Xiaojun and Hendery were the ones to pick you up because they were passing by your campus. You texted the two boys that you were just going to have a consultation with your lecturer for your final paper and told them to wait for 15 minutes.
But while Lucas did his best to make sure you were unharmed by anyone involved in NCT, there were just some things out of his control. Because as it turns out, your "consultation" turned to be a trap. There was a rumour going around your college about the literature lecturer abusing female students but there was never any proof so no one really believed the rumour, yourself included.
When you went into the lecturer's room, you were quick to notice something was off. How your lecturer purposely brushed his hand over yours, leaning his head a bit too forward to your liking and finding excuses to get closer to you. Just when you were saved by a phone call from Xiaojun, your lecturer was also quick to notice your behaviour. He grabbed your phone and throwing it off your hand before pinning you to the door, locking it.
You tried your best to fight off with the self-defence lessons you took and learnt from some members of NCT but once again, when you're faced with the actual situation, sometimes, it doesn't turn out how you expected. While you managed to kick your lecturer and got free of his grip, you failed your escape as your lecturer yanked your hair back, making you hit your head on his desk before being welcomed with a hard slap that cut your lip.
Over at Xiaojun and Hendery's side, the second you didn't answer their 5th call, they knew something was wrong. Pulling out the GPS for the tracker they put in your phone, they followed it and arrived in front of the literature's office. Hearing grunts and screams, both Xiaojun and Hendery didn't waste any time on breaking the door.
Entering the room, Xiaojun was quick to pull the lecturer off and gave him a hard punch whilst Hendery went to see your weak figure by the desk, ripped shirt, cut lip and bruises covering most of your body. Hendery immediately took his jacket off and putting it around you, calling out to Xiaojun to get out of there.
Kay, you can continue reading from here!!
"Oi!! Xiaojun!! We should go now!!" Hendery called out
"Shouldn't we grab the douche as well? Lucas would want to have a word with him" Xiaojun complained, grabbing the passed out lecturer by the collar
"We can always track him again. The problem is getting (Y/N) to safety. C'mon!!" Hendery protested, holding your figure firmly
"Fine. He's dead sooner than later" Xiaojun sighed, throwing the lecturer on the ground, helping Hendery bring you back to headquarters
Upon arriving, the three of you were greeted by some of the dreamies and WayV members, mainly Renjun, Jeno, Ten and Winwin. The four of them were informed by Hendery that you were going to need some treatment as soon as possible before Lucas finds out about the situation. Renjun and Jeno were quick to take you from Hendery and Xiaojun, helping you to the treatment room where Ten and Winwin were.
"No one informed the others or Taeyong or even Lucas about this, right?" Xiaojun asked
"Lucas and Taeyong are out with the 'Make A Wish' unit to finish with the business contract. Depending on how that go, Lucas can either be very pissed when he finds out or..." Renjun mentioned
"Or he could be ready to kill you both" Ten blurted, helping to treat the bruises on your arm and legs while Winwin have a look on your face
"Guys!! They're back!!" Jeno stated, making everyone in the room tense while you were somewhat asleep
"Quick!! We have to move her to a different room, they're for sure going to come here first" Hendery mentioned
"Who do you have to move and why?" everyone heard Jaehyun mentioned
"Jae...hyun-hyung...and Lucas-hyung, hey!!!" Renjun stuttered as the others were trying to cover you from their sight
"Why are there 6 of you here? Xiaojun and Hendery too? Is (Y/N) resting somewhere? In the kitchen?" Lucas questioned as everyone nervously sweats
"Ummm, yea, she's resting. She said she was extremely tired. Her classes finished a bit late. We had to wait for a good hour when we arrived" Hendery nervously answered
"Weird. I would normally get a text from her. Maybe she's napping" Lucas sighed, looking at his phone
"Lu...cas..." you mumbled as the boys tried to cover it up
"Huahhh, Lucas-hyung. Jaehyun-hyung. You must be tired. How did the meeting go?" Jeno tried to divert the conversation
"Wait, that, sounded like (Y/N). Is she napping here?" Lucas asked, trying to look around as the others blocked his view
"What? No!!! She's in your resting room" Renjun argued
"Lucas? Jaehyun? Taeyong wants us to have a quick meeting right now" everyone heard Doyoung mentioned
"Doyoung-hyung!! How did the mission go?" Xiaojun asked as Doyoung went into the room
"Not that good. Which is why Taeyong wants a meeting on our plans for the next step. C'mon, we have to go" Doyoung ranted, pulling both Lucas and Jaehyun out of the room
"Tell (Y/N) to see me in my office later!!" Lucas stated before being dragged out of the room with Jaehyun
"You got it!!" everyone muttered
"Ten-hyung, Winwin-hyung, please be quick!! Hang in there (Y/N)" Jeno mumbled as the two older men treated you
Time skip for an hour or so
"We did everything we could. She has to see him either way" Ten argued
"He's going to kill us" Hendery reasoned
"Well, you might as well tell him now before he finds out on his own. And maybe have the douche's location ready so he wouldn't lash out at you. Plus, if the both of you were there with her, he wouldn't kill you. He would never do it in front of her" Winwin stated
"They're right Hendery. We gotta tell him. At least we won't die that quickly if we tell him when (Y/N)'s with him" Xiaojun mentioned
"Alright, (Y/N), wakey wakey, let's see your boyfriend" Hendery groaned as he was about to wake you up but saw an empty bed
"UHHH!! Xiaojun?! Ten-hyung?! Winwin-hyung?! WHERE IS (Y/N)?!" Hendery panicked
"Where's Jeno and Renjun?!" Xiaojun questioned, looking back at the two older ones who shook their head
"Crap!! Hendery we gotta go, now!! Thank you for treating her!!" Xiaojun exclaimed, dragging Hendery out of the room to Lucas' office
At Lucas' office
"Hyung? Can we come in? (Y/N) is here" Renjun stated as Lucas perked from his chair
"Come on in!!!" Lucas exclaimed, ready to welcome you with a big hug especially since he already freshened up
However, Lucas was not expecting to see you still wearing the same clothing you did in the morning when he dropped you off to campus with Hendery's jacket around you. Not only that, the more he walked closer to you, the more evident the bruises on your body were. At this point, Lucas was more than ready to kill both Hendery and Xiaojun but he had to calm his nerves and take care of you first.
"(Y/N)...sweetheart, what happened? Who did this to you?" Lucas questioned, running his right thumb across your dry bloodied lip while his left hand was placed softly behind your head
"Please...please don't kill them" you managed to state, looking down from Lucas' gaze at the same time he heard loud footsteps coming to his office
"We can explain!!!" Hendery exclaimed as he and Xiaojun were panting when arriving by Lucas' doorframe
"In, both of you. Jeno, Renjun, you both can leave" Lucas stated as he brought your figure behind his desk, straddling you on his lap as Renjun and Jeno left
"Before you get mad at us. We have a good explanation" Hendery muttered
"It better be" Lucas growled but calmed down when you nuzzled your head on his neck, wrapping your arms around his broad shoulders
After some explanation, Lucas was more than furious at what happened. Was the warning towards the bastard couple not enough to inform the campus that you were off-limits? What's more was that your so-called lecturer was a regular at one of NCT's bar and even part of the businessmen that didn't fully agree to the agreement they were dealing with.
"Wow. Talk about killing two birds with one stone" Lucas chuckled, wrapping his arm firmly around your waist, making sure you wouldn't fall since you were asleep
"You're not going to kill us, right?" Hendery asked
"If you both manage to get that bastard in the bar within half an hour, I'll reconsider it. And the both of you better come as well. Now get on it and explain everything to Taeyong-hyung as well. Go." Lucas instructed and the two immediately left the office
"Love. Do you want to sleep here or back home?" Lucas softly asked, bringing your face to meet his
"Hmm? Anywhere, as long as you're there" you yawned
"Do you mind staying at the base just for tonight? I have to deal with something" Lucas mumbled, brushing your hair off your face, placing a gentle kiss on your forehead
"Don't hurt Xiaojun and Hendery, okay? They helped me. It wasn't their fault for what happened. It was also not your fault, so don't blame yourself too" you muttered, nuzzling back into Lucas' neck, inhaling his signature scent
"If that's what you want. I won't hurt them. But I can't promise for your lecturer" Lucas sighed, patting your head
"He, he hurt others as well. He deserved to be hurt too" you sighed
"Is that so? Anything for you sweetheart. Now, I'll leave you with the dreamies and under 127's supervision, is that alright?" Lucas questioned tho it was more so a statement
"Hmm. Be careful, alright? Everyone has to come back safely" you mentioned, feeling a smirk forming on Lucas' face
"Will do sweetheart. Get some rest" Lucas mumbled, kissing the side temple of your face before carrying you to the dreamies' dorm, entrusting you with Jeno and Renjun
At the bar
"She alright?" Taeyong questioned, walking into the bar with Lucas and the 'Make a Wish' unit
"Yea. Left her with the rest of the dreamies. Sorry that we had to work this late" Lucas sighed
"It's alright hyung. We won't let anyone harm our sister and gets away with it" Jaemin mentioned
"You guys actually called her sister?" Lucas chuckled
"Of course!! She's the same age as most of us, dreamies. Plus, she's so much fun to be around with" Shotaro added
"They'll pay for what they did. Just look at them" Jaehyun chuckled, opening the door to their office in the bar, revealing Xiaojun and Hendery holding the lecturer and the other businessman down
"Wow, it really is killing two birds with one stone" Lucas smirked
"You, you can't kill us. The government wouldn't allow it!!" the leader spoke
"Oh? Who said anything about killing when you're already dead" Taeyong scoffed, sitting on the chair behind the desk
"Wh, what do you mean, dead?" the lecturer stuttered
"Heh, he's all yours Lucas" Taeyong stated
"You see. The second you lay on that student today, you're already in our death note. No one. And I mean no one. Touches my queen without my permission. Especially a bastard that harms other people's queens. Oh, the things I'm going to do to you. It'll make you wish that you were actually dead" Lucas snickered, stepping on the lecturer's throat, just enough to make him suffocate to Lucas' liking
A/N: Well, that ended a bit dark
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Archie//happily ever after
Request: Archie Andrews imagine where the reader is pregnant and dodger targets the pregnant reader and you can add whatever else you want but a fluffy ending and then skip to the birth
hey! first, trigger warning: threats/stalking (ikr, what a way to spend valentines day) other than that, i hope you like this!! i really wasn’t sure what to do with it but i think i figured it out! enjoy!
“Archie, really I’m fine.” The last step creaks beneath your feet, the sound alerting your mom to your presence. She looks up from the book she’s reading and sends you a small wave and half a smile before going straight back into reading it. 
It’s one of those that you always find donated somewhere, with the really weird cover of a poorly drawn woman clinging onto a half naked man. This time she’s branched out and is reading about a werwolf falling in love with a human, but it’s still got the same amount of R-rated smut in that makes you shiver every time you think of her reading it.  
You’ve told her that if she wants to read about stuff like that, she’s better off going on the internet, but computers are a gateway to viruses and hacking so she doesn’t touch the computer thats years older than you, sat in the spare room. 
Your dad is stood over the stove, stirring something in a pot that makes you feel sick and hungry at the same time and you’re not sure if you want to throw up or eat all of it. 
You peer over his shoulder, and he looks back at you with a smile before lifting the spoon out and offering it to you. Your eyes light up as you taste it and give him a silent thumbs up while Archie rambles about nothing on the other side of the phone. 
“Seriously I’m okay.” You say again, but he’s not listening and if it weren’t for the bump attached to your stomach that makes it more and more difficult to walk, you’d be over there in five minutes to kick his ass. “You don’t have to come over.” You roll your eyes at him. 
Ever since you got pregnant and he lost his dad, he’s been obsessively worrying about your safety. And it was sweet at first, he was looking out for you and his baby, but now, you’re worried that if he keeps up with this level of anxiety, he’s going to break. 
“Okay, okay. I’ll see you tomorrow.” You interrupt him and for a change he actually shuts up. “Byeee. We love you.” You add and hang up quickly. 
“Was that Archie?” Your dad asks and you let out a small huff. “I see it’s still all rainbows and hearts with you two.” He teases and you narrow your eyes at him. 
“He’s just worried about us.” You reply and point down to your rounded stomach, currently being hidden by the oversized t-shirt you stole from Archie. “Too worried if you ask me.” You mumble and shuffle over to the fridge. 
“Hey!” Your dad smacks your hand with the towel resting over his shoulder. “No snacking, dinner is almost finished!” 
“I’m eating for two dad. I could eat the entire contents of the fridge and dinner and still be hungry.” You reply and he grumbles quietly to himself while plating the food up. 
“You know, I was just like Archie when your mom was pregnant with you.” He says and you place the jar of pickles back in the fridge. “Maybe a little less, but then again me and your mother did live togeth-” 
“Sorry. All I’m saying is that it’s natural for him to be anxious. I mean, it’s your first kid and a lot has happened to the two of you. He’s bound to be a little more nervous than most. But it’s not a bad thing.” 
“It’s an annoying thing.” You reply and he rolls his eyes.
“What’s an annoying thing, dear?” Your mom asks as she shuffles past you and opens the fridge. 
“Do you people not see the food that is literally on plates waiting to be eating?” Your dad throws his hands up and you and your mom share a look.
“We do dear.” Your mom cups his cheek and smiles up at him sweetly. “It’s just we don’t want to eat it.” She adds making you laugh loudly. 
“Archie is an annoying thing.” You giggle while your dad glares at the two of you. 
“All men are dear.” She replies and pats your shoulder sympathetically. “Here you go.” She hands you an envelope and you look at her confused. It’s blank, apart from your name in bold black letters and a small x near the bottom. “It was pushed through the front door just before I came in here to see what abomination your father had created today.” 
“The only abomination I created was her, and you helped.” He says and grabs her waist, pulling her into his chest and the two of them giggle. 
“Hey! And ew.” You pull a face and rip the letter open. Your eyes scan the same clunky writing and suddenly you feel your blood run cold. You drop the letter and rush towards the window, frantically pulling the blinds up. 
“What is it?” Your mom joins you, her eyebrows knitted in confusion as she watches you move frantically. 
‘roses are red, violets are blue, you can’t see me but i can see you’ 
Your dad reads aloud, his voice trailing off near the end and slowly he looks back at you. 
The kitchen suddenly seems a lot darker than it was a minute earlier. The light flickers and bushes rustle outside, making you shuffle further towards your mom and suddenly you wish Archie had come over. 
“What?” Your mom laughs. “Who would send something like that?” She shifts uncomfortably and wraps her arms around her. “Y/n, is this one of your friends playing a prank?” 
“No.” You shake your head. “I don’t know who it is.” 
“Well they know you.” She replies. 
“Audrey.” Your dad says lowly and she shuts up. 
The front bell ringing makes the three of you jump, and before either of your parents have a chance to do anything, you’re already stomping your way towards the door. They follow you quickly, both of them shouting for you to leave it but you’ve never listened to them before so why should you now. 
You close your eyes and take a deep breath before swinging the front door open. 
The only thing that greets you is the flowers and ornaments that line the porch and you let out a shaky breath, but then you see it and it feels like you can’t breath again. 
“Oh. Isn’t that nice?” You say sarcastically. Your mom and dad look at each other and then at you, confusion turning into fear when they notice the picture pinned to the front door. 
Your smiling face stares back at the three of you, with scratched out eyes and red paint splattered over it. 
“Y/n, Audrey, go inside.” Your dad ushers the two of you back in before snatching the paper and slamming the door shut. 
You watch your dad storm into the kitchen to grab the not so secret lighter from your mom’s not so secret smoking stash. Your mom follows and the two of them stand in front of the sink as your defaced picture burns. 
You sigh and pull your phone out, already knowing that this is not going to end well. 
“Hey Archie.” You start slowly and you can already hear his heart rate rising with each second that passes. “You might want to come over.” 
A rattle at your bedroom window has you awake and sat upright within seconds. You watch the shadow of a figure contort and move across your bedroom walls and you know you should run and scream and cry, but you can’t. Your frozen still in your bed with nothing but a lamp and a duvet cover to protect you. 
A silent sob escapes your lips and you slowly push the blanket off of you, your legs shaking as your feet touch the soft rug by your bed. The wood rattles and you feel the breath leave your lungs and a scream forces its way out of your throat. 
Whoever had sent you that letter, whoever had been watching and following and mailing you pictures of you and your parents doing mundane things like mow the lawn and water plants, they’ve finally decided that tonight is the night. 
Tonight the Y/l/n’s become the newest family to be added on to the growing list of Riverdale’s murder victims. 
Honestly you thought you’d have a little more time, you seem to have escaped death before when investigating the going’s on in town. So you assumed this would just be another thing that gets solved. 
But after four days of Archie and your friends working tirelessly to try and figure out who wants you dead...nothing. And so as you make eye contact with the person or thing that has come to murder you...hopefully in a fast manner, you know this is the end. 
But then the window opens and you see a flash of ginger hair sticking out of a black hoodie and you drop back down onto your bed, ragged breaths leaving your lips. 
“It’s okay.” Archie shushes and rushes towards you. “It’s fine. It’s just me.” He reassures you and pulls you into a tight hug. 
“You idiot.” You smack his chest and he coughs at the force. “I thought you were it! I thought you were going to murder me, you’re a fucking idiot.” You smack his arm with each word. “Idiot.” You finish and he waits a minute before deciding to speak. 
“Sorry.” He mumbles. “It’s just it’s late and I didn’t think anybody would answer the door.” 
“So you decide to climb through the window?” You ask and he shrugs, kicking his shoes off and throwing his jacket over your desk chair. 
“Hey, I used to do it all the time.” He replies and climbs into your bed. 
“Yeah, I remember.” You reply and shuffle in next to him. He props his head on his arm and shifts onto his side so he can look at you properly. “What happened to you?” You ask and stroke his cheek gently. “Why do you look like you’ve just come from a fight.” You add and follow the bruises and dried blood covering his face. 
“Because.” He mumbles and looks down. 
“Because I have.” He replies and your jaw drops. 
“Archie, you’re gonna be a dad. You can’t go around fighting people because they’ve stolen from Pop’s or threatened your friends.” 
“I know.” He nods and drops onto his back. “I did it because of you.” 
“I know who sent you that note. It was Dodger.” 
Of course it was Dodger. He’d been nothing but a pain in Archie’s ass since he turned up and started involving kids in drugs. Of course, Archie being Archie tried his best to get the kids out of it and Dodger away from Riverdale. However this place being the way it is, nothing is ever that easy, and now you’ve landed yourself a stalker. 
“Him?” You ask surprised. “What the hell did I do to him?” 
“Date me.” He shrugs and you glance at him. 
“And he wants to do that?” You ask and wiggle your eyebrows making him laugh. “Now I understand the whole creepy poetry theme.” You say and glance at the small pile of threats sitting on your desk. 
You’ve had one every single day for the past four days, meaning you’re under 24 hour surveillance by your mom, dad and Archie. 
“No, he wants to kill me, so I guess he thought he’d go after you.” He replies and you huff loudly. 
“Well that’s just plain rude. It’s you he’s got the problem with, not me.” 
“I know.” He shakes his head. “Anyway, I tracked him down and told him to leave you alone.”
“And did that work?” You ask and he sends you a look. 
“Does it look like it worked?” He points to his bruised eye and you shrug. 
Silence fills your small room and you stare up at the ceiling, hoping that it’ll tell you the right thing to say. 
“Archie?” You ask and he hums in reply. “You know I love you right? Like more than anything ever?” He nods and you take a deep breath. “You know that me and this baby are going to be fine. Nothing bad is going to happen. I know you’re under a lot of stress and I know you’re really worried, but beating people up isn’t going to fix everything, no matter how much they deserve it. Maybe you should talk to your mom or something.” You whisper and he sighs. 
You feel his hand against your skin, his touch light and soft as his fingers run up your arm, until he rests them against your stomach. You rest your own hand on top of his and let out a shaky breath. 
“It will be okay.” You say, although right now you’re not sure who you’re trying to convince. Because having a baby is terrifying anyway, but it’s even scarier at 18 in a town that’s most famous for murder. It feels like every year there’s something new that you, Archie and your friends barely get out of alive. 
It’s hard keeping yourself safe when the baby is safe inside you, but what happens when they’re born and it become more difficult to keep them safe. 
“Y/n. Listen to me.” He starts, picking up on your panicked breathing. 
“I promised you I would keep you safe. And I plan on keeping that promise. Nobody is ever going to hurt you or our baby.” 
It’s been a long and stressful journey, and there were parts of it that thought you wouldn’t make it. 
But finally you’re here. 
The hospital smells like machines and hand sanitiser, and the four blue walls feel like they’ve paled in the time you’ve been stuck between them. 
Archie thought he’d never be able to step foot in a hospital ever again, not after everything that has happened, and not without his father. But then your waters broke in the middle of Pop’s and all of his fears were forgotten. 
Everything after arriving at the hospital seemed to pass him in a blur. He was sure five minutes ago he was helping you through the front doors of Riverdale General Hospital, rambling incoherently about you and the baby and how you need help, and the next he’s stood beside you, letting you break his hand and watching nurses and midwives rush around you. 
Your scream forces him out of the daydream he’s in, and then it’s not you’re scream he can here anymore. High pitched wails are heard throughout the whole room and he lets out a breath he didn’t even know he was holding. 
“Well done babe.” He whispers and presses a kiss to your knuckles. Your let out a tired chuckle and drop your head back onto the pillow. 
“I did it!” You whisper, and a few stray tears roll down your cheeks. Archie grabs a tissue to wipe them off, before pressing a gentle kiss to your nose. 
“I’m so proud of you.” He smiles and kisses you again. Your eyes flutter closed, but a loud cry makes you sit up a little straighter, despite the pain you feel. 
“Y/n. Archie. Meet your son.” A grey haired woman grins as she hands you your son. His small fists kick away the blanket wrapped around him and you both let out a small giggle as you watch his face scrunch up into a yawn. 
“Our son?” Archie asks and runs a hand over his cheek. “Do you think he’ll be ginger?” He asks and you look up at him. He’s already staring back at you, and there’s a look in his eyes that is reserved only for you. It’s so full of love and awe and it makes you feel more loved that you ever have before. 
“I really, really hope so.” You smile and kiss him slowly. A small noise forces you to pull away and the two of you stare down at your newborn son. “Have you got any ideas for names?” 
“Archie Junior!” Archie replies and you send him a look. 
“I have not spent the last 9 hours in labor for you to call our baby Archie Junior.” You say making him huff and mumble a small ‘fine’. “What about Freddie?” You ask and he looks at you quickly. 
“Really?” He asks, his eyes watery and you smile sadly. 
“Of course.” You nod. “Freddie Archibald Andrews. Named after the kindest, sweetest and bravest men I have ever had the privilege of knowing.”
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